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Dowry System Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of the "Dowry System" can be both challenging and enlightening.
The difficulty arises not only from the need to present a comprehensive understanding of the
issue but also from navigating the sensitive nature of the topic. Discussing cultural practices like
dowry requires a delicate balance to ensure a fair and unbiased representation of different
To begin with, researching the historical context and cultural implications of the dowry system is
essential. This involves delving into sociological, anthropological, and historical sources to trace
the roots of this practice and understand its evolution over time. Analyzing the economic, social,
and psychological aspects associated with dowry further complicates the task, demanding a
nuanced approach.
Addressing the ethical dimensions of the dowry system is another layer of complexity. It requires
the writer to explore the impact on individuals, families, and society at large. Examining the
legal frameworks and governmental initiatives aimed at curbing this practice adds another layer
of intricacy to the essay.
Constructing a coherent narrative that weaves together the different facets of the dowry system
while maintaining a logical flow can be challenging. It's crucial to avoid bias and present a well-
rounded view that considers various cultural perspectives and contemporary debates surrounding
this issue.
Moreover, expressing empathy towards individuals affected by the dowry system without
oversimplifying the complexities involved is a delicate task. Striking the right tone is imperative
to ensure the essay is both informative and sensitive to the lived experiences of those involved.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the "Dowry System" demands thorough research, a balanced
perspective, and a nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics. It involves navigating through
historical, sociological, and ethical dimensions while maintaining a tone that reflects empathy
and sensitivity. It's a task that requires both academic rigor and a compassionate approach to
address a topic with profound social implications.
If you need assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various services are
available to provide support. Platforms like HelpWriting.net offer professional help for a range
of topics and subjects, ensuring that your academic needs are met with quality content.
Dowry System Essay Dowry System Essay
Isabella Baumfree, An African American Abolitionist And...
In 1797, Isabella Baumfree, an African American abolitionist and women s rights
activist, was born into slavery. Although her real name was Isabella Baumfree, the
rest of the world knows her as Sojourner Truth. Throughout her childhood, she was
traded and sold to several different families, in which she was separated from her
family. Her father was a slave that was captured in Ghana and her mother
descended from slaves, so it was typical for children of slaves to be sold separately
from their families. Originally, her family was owned by Colonel Hardenbergh,
but they were sold separately soon after his death. At the young age of nine, Truth
was sold for the very first time at an auction for a measly $100 to John Dumont.
She spent a total of two years with Mr. Dumont prior to being sold, in which she
was treated very poorly. Although she was treated very poorly, she learned how to
speak English during this time, which proved to be a valuable tool throughout her
life. Not only did this help her as an itinerant preacher, but it also allowed her to fight
for her rights against injustices. During her time at Mr. Dumont s, she fell in love
with another slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. Although Robert s owner
forbade the relationship, Truth became pregnant and the couple had one daughter
together. After the birth of their daughter, Robert and Sojourner Truth never saw each
other again. Out of spite, Truth s owner forced her to marry an older slave, Thomas,
in which she
The Impact Of Maternal EE-Crit s Hopelessness In Children
This is the first study to examine maternal criticism as a predictor of changes of
hopelessness in their children. Past studies have examined the impact of peer
victimization on changes in hopelessness (Hanley and Gibb, 2011) and other
cognitive vulnerabilities (Gibb, et al., 2012) as well as how physical, emotional and
sexual abuse can affect changes in hopelessness (Courtney, et al., 2008). The current
study adds to this previous research by showing the impact of maternal EE Crit on
children s hopelessness. An important question for future research is whether the
combined impact of maternal EE Crit and peer victimization may have a stronger
impact on children s hopelessness than either one alone. This study also adds to
existing literature
Bel Canto Book Comparison
If all men were supposedly created equal, shouldn t all written literature be created
equal as well? If that were true, everyone would have the hardest time trying to find
quality books to read. In fact, the varying qualities from book to book are what
influences people to choose what book they actually want to read. In the classic novel
Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontГ«, a young girl named Jane Eyre moves away from
her cruel aunt in Gateshead to go to school and start a new life. However, the book
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett portrays a setting that greatly contrasts with Jane Eyre.
The story begins with the rich and powerful technology executive of Nansei named
Mr. Hosokawa, who throws a birthday party that results in an invasion by several
terrorists holding all the party guests hostage. Although both books have their
separate key qualities, Jane Eyre should definitely be on the list for the 9th grade
honors summer reading assignment next year because of its use of language,
character, and theme. First, the language used in Jane Eyre is quite elaborate and
intricate. This is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, Jane hates injustice and thinks that If people were always kind
and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all
their own way (75). In the book Bel Canto, the character build up is not as
significant than in Jane Eyre. For example, the accompanist of famous opera singer
Roxanne Coss was significantly important to her, and He had never told her he was
a diabetic. He had chosen to stay with her rather than ask for the insulin that could
save his life the poor accompanist, their friend (82). If the accompanist was truly an
important character in the story, why did he die near the beginning of the book?
There was no buildup for the reader to bond with the character after he died.
Character is an important attribute to plot and shapes most of the story
Management and Organizational Structure
Organizational Structures
Ahmed Bassyouni
University of Phoenix
Sep 28, 2010
William Noble
Some organizational theories could explain the Enron s failure. Looking at the
organizational structure and management of Enron, The structures were flat before
the bureaucratic structure developed, then the bureaucratic structures developed in
order to increase control. There were vertical structures where there was high level of
control and according to theories the organizational circle is moving back to flat
structure. In Enron Corporation, internally it had such a highly decentralized financial
control and decision making structure that made it impossible to get a clear view on
the corporations operations and activities. Along with a ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This was a fertile environment for corruption. There should be shared reliability for
success of a business, however, in Enron because of conflict of interest there was no
shared reliability. Even the external auditor, Arthur Andersen had a conflict of interest.
Currently, most organization believes in the human relations movement. This is a
form of management that gives importance to individuals and their unique
capabilities in the organization. Each person is unique and her input should be
considered as valuable. However, in Enron, the suggestions and objections of
hundreds of accountants and finance personnel were turned down abruptly, the
employees that objected were abused and their voices suppressed. Those that were
persistent with their objections to shady financial accounting practices were even
threatened with dire consequences. Since there was no matching between the inputs
of the employees and that of the company, the situation was ready for failure.
From another perspective management in business and organization is to get people
together to achieve the desired goals and objectives. In case of Enron, the goals and
objectives would have referred to the legitimate business objectives of the firm.
However, in case of Enron the objectives and goals of the company were to hide
large debts, billions of dollars losses, and instead show large profits. Each function of
management namely, planning, organizing,
Artistic Voice Essay
Artistic Voice
Authors have a distinct identity that you recognize when you read their work of art.
The qualities and aspects of a text that give an author a distinct identity as an artist are
known as their artistic voice. Denise Levertov and Anne Sexton both use different
themes in their poetry that separate them from other poets. Denise Levertov writes
about the unknown and the unsaid in life. Anne Sexton distinguishes herself by
writing about her family, loves, and her emotional tragedies. Sandra Cisneros wrote a
novel called The House on Mango Street that contained a different setup than most
novels. It was written in fragments and the language was straightforward. Cisneros
focuses on the importance of freethinking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Meaning those problems that occur in the marriage will not just disappear when you
kiss and make up. In the second stanza she is using communion to express how a
spouse if looking for communication with their partner and is being turned away
each by each. Levertov refers to society as a leviathan in the third stanza. She also
talks about how the couple is looking for joy in their relationship, but they do not
want it to be known that things are not working out with them. In the last stanza
Levertov uses to the ark of to explain the survival of marriage. Everyone feels that
marriage is a delightful experience; choosing to ignore the reality of struggles that
relationships must deal with. Levertov took the one sided view that people hold of
marriage and exemplified the realistic problems that people tend to forget.
When Anne Sexton writes her poetry she writes to make the reader feel what she is
writing. Sexton tends to write about her own experiences and events in other women
s lives. In Anne Sexton s Unknown Girl in the Maternity Ward, she uses a language
to express a mother s pain and anger after she gave birth to her fatherless child:
And now that s that. There is nothing more that I can say or lose.
Others have traded life before and could not speak. I tighten to refuse your owling
eyes, my fragile visitor.
I touch your cheeks, like
Article 2 Draft 1 Can the Dragon be tamed by ethics? : Alibaba listing on NYSE
Alibaba also known as the behemoth of Chinese internet and for some the Chinese
Amazon has been in news these days for all good reasons. The e commerce giant
has introduced its IPO in NYSE with an offer price of $68.00 per share. The prices
increased initially by 30% on the first day of trading taking the market value of the
company to $230 billion. Based on the offering price the stocks of Alibaba sold at
about 25 times higher than the estimated 2015 underwriter projection. After the first
day s raise the company will have to put its focus on the year on year growth. To
meet the expectation of investors and analysts the company need to increase revenue
by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
CEO and Director Jack Ma hold the maximum shares of this vehicle, however it is
believed that a conflict may occur due to his dual role in the company. One of the
major challenge that can affect the prospect shareholder decision is that the
shareholders will buy the share in US but will have to coordinate with the authorities
in China. Which means taxes will apply on dividends or benefits if the company is
deemed as resident enterprise in China. Some of the other challenges like government
s strict control over Chinese Internet infrastructure, regulatory challenges on Alipay,
anti monopoly law in China and Chinese economic slowdown. These challenges can
impact the decision making of the shareholders who are willing to put their money in
Even after many challenges the company had a good opening at the IPO launch. A
huge amount of expectation now lies on the company to fulfil, keeping in mind the
challenges that might spoil the game. And if we look at the financial track records of
the company look positive. Being a seasoned player where it has in large part built
the status quo for online retailing in China and has been benefiting largely from the
market. The change that can impact the company s performance might be a sudden
technology change or change in the way Chinese customer uses online shopping.
With government support and lower tax slabs
All Material At This Website 1998-2005 By Christopher...
All material at this website 1998 2005 by Christopher Michael Langan
A Very Brief History of Time
I just had a chance encounter with a garden slug, and it got me thinking about time.
In this ostensibly inanimate, impersonal universe, a garden is a miracle. All the
more so is a garden slug, an animal that can extract sufficient energy from the
garden s vegetable matter to move from place to place under its own power. When
one is in the right mood, watching the shimmering spotted slug slide over the mulch
evokes the miracle of biology in all its splendor; the creature s pulsating aliveness is
hypnotic. But then one recovers his bearings and realizes that this is only, after all, a
garden slug, and that the ladder of biology goes much higher. The miracle of life has
culminated in one s own species, man. Unlike the slug, whose nervous system has
barely enough complexity to let it interface with the environment, a man s nervous
system, nucleated by the adaptive and inventive human brain, can abstractly model its
surroundings and project itself consciously and creatively through time.
A slug can learn. The small neural network that serves as its brain can be modified by
sensory input from its environment, and the slug s behavior modified accordingly. To
this extent, the slug remembers the input. But because its simple brain cannot form
an internal model of its changing relationship with the garden, the slug cannot
recognize its memories as
The Atomic Bombs
During the 20th century, specifically the year 1945, the United States of America
had two atomic bombs that the commander and chief, and president at the time,
Harry Truman, knew about. President Truman plan was to drop the bombs on two
of Japans cities, Hiroshima first and then Nagasaki. Truman s plans went
accordingly, which to this day leads to a very controversial topic on whether or not
dropping the atomic bombs was a good or bad thing. There is evidence and
reasoning to back up both claims, in which everyone is entitled to their own
opinion. However, in my opinion, I believe the choice of Harry Truman to drop the
two atomic bombs was the right choice because it saved lives, helped end the war
faster, and it was merely the only choice for the sake of the American soldiers.
During this time there was a lot going on. A few years before, between the time 1937
and 1941 Japan owned most of the land of East and Southeast Asia. When the attack
of the United Statesin December of 1941 at Pearl Harbor, this caused the United
States to enter the war. Japan did not have enough resources to fight against the
United States and Britain causing them to be pushed out of the land of East and
Southeast Asia (Basic Information of the Bomb). The then president at the time FDR
died in February 1945, which leads to Truman becoming the new president soon after.
The United States had two options when addressing the pacific front. They had to
either continue man to man combat or force
Analyzing The Chupacabra In Andrew J. Hoffman s
In the reading Monsters By Andrew J. Hoffman in the section by Mike Davis
called Monsters and Messiahs talk about the Urban Legend The Chupacabra. In the
section, Davis uses the word Messiahs in discussing The Chupacabra because the
monster was considered a leader of a particular group. The particular group would
have to be in Mexico The Chupacabra was first brought in Puerto Rico. But then
travel to California in the city of San Fernando. The Chupacabra has a made a big
impact on people s viewing. The chupacabra is an urban legend, it is combined with
varieties of animals put together. The chupacabra was called a Messiah because it
was a lightning rod for immigrant anxiety. Meaning whenever something tragic
would happen in the community
Theoretical Models for Understanding Behavior
Theoretical Models for Understanding Behavior In special education it is vital to
have an understanding of human behavior and how it relates to learning
disabilities. It is imperative to have a grasp of the concepts of the models and how
it relates to the educators of tomorrow. (Wheeler, John J., Richey, David Dean, 2010)
Understanding models of behavior also helps to have a more cohesive and positive
classroom. When looking at an atypical child, the biological model, is an excellent
starting point. The biological model is using medically based information to help
ascertain the typicality of a child in relation to his/her counterparts. Using medical
data and testing to find anomalies aids in diagnosing and starting treatment regimens.
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His model focuses on the interactions that occur in the environment and how they
affect the behavior. His theory also indicates that children learn by engaging in
activities that they enjoy while working with other children. For example, if a
child (A) were playing with Lego without the knowledge of how to put it together.
Another child (B) sat down and knew how to put the Lego together; child A would
learn from child B. Uri Bronfenbrenner is another known theorist for the ecological
model. He is widely known for the showing that child development circled around
the family, school, and environment. For the child to be educated it all depends on
the environment surrounding the child. There are many factors in his theory; for
example, a child is living in a non supporting home that causes a trickling affect for
the child to be unsuccessful. Bronfenbrenner emphasizes all of the elements must be
working toward the same goal, the student. Nicholas Hobbs was best known for re
education of troubled children and youth. This theory leads to the design of Re
Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children program (RE ED). This included
studying Western European countries examining support for children with a
disability. One model studied in France showed the role of a care giver in child care
setting, titled psychoeducateurs. This was not done in the United States at this time.
The psychoeducateur was essentially a child care specialist who had been
Millerite Movement in the Second Great Awakening of...
The Millerite Movement happened in the context of this nation s Second Great
Awakening: a religious revival that carried the country into reform movements. The
Second Great Awakening had its start in Connecticut in the 1790s and grew to its
height in the 1830s to 1840s.[1] During this time in the United States history,
churches experienced a more complete freedom from governmental control which
opened the doors of opportunity to a great spiritual awakening in the American
people.[2] This awakening focused on areas of both religious and social issues of
that era which were important to the religious movements and the nation as a whole.
The Second Great Awakening was driven by these issues which included an increase
in the evils... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Millerite Movement is best known for its prediction of Christ s coming to be
1843 and later revised to October 22, 1844. The very core of this movement was the
anticipation for the soon coming of Christ. They were not the only group to look
forward to this event but it became of paramount interest to the Millerites, as they
had a set date for Christ s second return.[8] As the Second Great Awakening grew
more mindful of Christ s second coming, so did the Millerite Movement. The story of
William Miller is one which climaxes in his desire to share about Christ s immediate
return and the Great Disappointment. The result is the Adventist church we have
today. The Seventh day Adventist Churchtoday still reflects the roots it had in the
Second Great Awakening. The founding principles that the Millerites discovered as
they broke away from the mainstream Christianity of their time, are still a part of
what we believe today. The Adventist faith holds that anyone who comes to Christ
is a new creation and can find salvation.[9] There is no predestination and once
saved does not assure that we are always saved. But no matter what, anyone can
come to God for His gift of salvation.[10] Just like the second coming of Christ was
an important part of the Second Great Awakening and a key foundation of the
Millerite Movement, Adventists have in their name the hope of His
The Development Of Mexican Cuisine
This project shows the development of Mexican Cuisine through the history until
present, and discuss about how this cuisine can be improved in the future.
Mexican cuisine, which had been influenced by many countries cultures and
ingredients, absorbed and became a unique cuisine that is popular around the world
today. Through this document, in the first part, we can learn about the Mexican
history, also the facts of the influences that effected Mexican cuisine, the unique
climate and geography make the dishes have differences in different states of Mexico.
We can also learn the traditional dishes, cooking methods and some innovations about
the cuisine. In the second part, shows the present dishes, techniques, and resources of
Mexican cuisine. In the last part, we try to discuss the impact of new innovations,
improvements that effected Mexican food in the future. The resources of ingredients
which might be effected by economic globalization.
Part One : History and Background
History and Background:
Mexican ancient civilization had included its mother culture which was called Olmec
civilization, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltecs and Aztecs civilization. Picture 1: The Battle
of Tenochtitlan in 1521(Campos, 2009)
A big event that influenced Mexican religion was Spanish conquest. After the Spain s
armies finished the 700 years Re conquest revolution, they gradually recovered the
territories on the Spanish lane from Islamic rule. Under
Wild Child Research Paper
Wild Child One person I have found to be most interesting to write about is my
youngest sister Mia. When Mia first enters a room, she does not walk in, she runs
as fast as her little toddler feet while allow her to. Since Mia is always running
around and constantly sweating, her head tends to smell like potatoes. Her voice
is high pitched and squeaky. When she wines or cries it is the worst, because it
sounds like she is screaming at the top of her lungs. She is two feet tall, weighing
about thirty seven pounds with messy, dark brown hair. Her crazy hair is always in a
knot on top of her head. Mia s eyebrows are thick and dark just like her big sisters.
Many people tend to say that we all look very much alike. She has the cutest, big
The Benefits Of Website
All entrepreneurs want their sites visited by the greatest amount of visitors every
day. For this, you have to customize your website as per your specific business needs
and complete a number of tasks, such as adding a logo, changing the color of the site
s background/theme, changing menu labels/links, uploading high quality images, etc.
Once you customize your website, it becomes unique and user friendly, making it
easier for the people to visit the website, read the available content, and take the
further action. WordPress offers you a number of options for website customization.
From the backend area of your website, you can do the basic customization work. For
advanced level customization (such as adding Advanced submission forms to... Show
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You can use the pro version of the plugin to use more fields, functionality, and
2. Custom Facebook Feed
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Doublethink In 1984
George Orwell in his dystopian, political and social work of fiction Nineteen
Eighty Four (ofttimes printed as 1984), published in 1949 defined the concept of
doublethink via a book in the novel titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical
Collectivism, read out aloud by the protagonist, written supposedly by Emmanuel
Goldstein, a leader of The Brotherhood ; generally acknowledged as a fictitious
creation of The Party. The definition in the book states Doublethink means the power
of holding two contradictory beliefs in one s mind simultaneously, and accepting
both of them . However, the concept itself is introduced in the very beginning of the
novel as : To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Emmanuel is in fact a fabrication of the Party and the book is written by the
Members of the Inner Party or the Members of Thought Police, then it s mere
existence shows that a consciousness exists in the upper members depicting the true,
totalitarian nature of the society. They may or may not use doublethink to cease to
believe in this reality. This is again a paradox as O Brien, a very loyal member, tells
Winston that he was a part of the committee that wrote the book to lure in thought
criminals ; if this is true how can a loyal and honest member write about the truth that
exists outside the bounds of Ingsoc. This must mean O Brien practices doublethink
himself but being a member of the Inner Party has the privilege to retain
consciousness and the choice to ignore the fallacies of the
The Effect On Climate Change
Basic functions of the UNFCCC play into its power and authority over addressing
greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining presence in the international
community. Such emissions make up a substantial portion of impact on climate
change; therefore, the UNFCCC targets areas that produce the most emissions. The
ways in which the UNFCCC minimally, but not adequately, regulates climate change
is through two agreements. The two treaties are the Kyoto Protocolthe Paris
Agreement (COP 21). In 2016, the Kyoto Protocol expires which the Paris
Agreement replaces. Under the Kyoto Protocol, some of the major producers of
greenhouse gasemissions are targeted. During the initial negotiations of the Kyoto
Protocol, many of the top producers of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once the Nation s sign, the commitment to reducing the emissions is the second step
towards change. Yet some of the lower ranked emitters pledged to cut back more than
the top producers. In fact, some developing nations (process of transitioning to a
market economy) committed to reducing more than the top producers) (United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1998) (Damassa, Friedrich, Ge
2014) ( Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol 2014). Five of the top producers
of greenhouse gas emissions are considered the most influential or powerful Nations.
These powerful nations are (ranked from highest to lowest) United States, Russia,
China, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the
United Arab Emirates (Clark 2017). All of the Countries listed were ranked according
to its economy, politics or political influence, cultural influence (including art),
education, natural resources, environmental change, exports of arms, imports of
arms, military spending, and military size. Overall, these Nations share in influence
on other smaller nations. This is key in determining the lack of effectiveness of the
UNFCCC. The convention failed to get the top producer of emissions and the third
most powerful nation to sign the Protocol in December of 1998. These Countries not
only set the stage for economic relations but also for the environment. Environmental
change is
Narrative Essay On Midnight Cowboy
I walked out of the movie s with Steel when he asked, What movie did we watch?
I had already told him three times, but he couldn t remember that well. So I told him
it was Midnight Cowboy .
Steel snapped his fingers and his pitbull came running right behind us and she
jumped on me and started to lick my face steel fell on the sidewalk laughing. Then he
got up and grabbed her and lifted her on his shoulder and then sead greecpit stop .
She looked at him then licked his face he set greecpit down then we went on our
way then a blue mustang pulled up. Three people came out and they were socs. One
of them went to my school and was in the same class as me I think his name was
bob. They looked drunk.
Bob pulled a knife out and sead to me you need a haircut Steel started to laugh when
he stopped he said your not going to touch his hair without a fight then he grabbed
his branz knuckles and put them on he was a boxer in new york back in the day till
his dad walked out on him and his mom then four weeks later killed herself by a gun.
They looked at him like as if they were confused the Bob sead to him you know that
it s stupid to bring branz knuckles to a knife fight steel said no it s not . Then he ran
at us but greecpit jumped in his way bob kicked greecpit out of the way steel lost it
he punched bob in the face and he fell to the ground bob s friends grabed steel and
bob grabbed me.
He was going to cut my hair off but then my brother s sodapop and darry ran up
Radley s Home-Personal Narrative
As soon as Sheriff Tate walked into my office I knew something was wrong. As we
pulled into my own driveway I saw Calpurnia bounding towards the house. Of
course it would be my children out of them all to spot the dumb dog, then freaking
out Calpurnia in the process. As Heck and I reached the porch Jem opened up the
screen door.
Stay inside son.
That boy always wanted to be a part of what was going on. He never could just wait
off to the side and stay out of it.
Where is he, Cal?
He oughta be here by now, she said pointing down the street.
I looked down the street to see if anything was coming, nothing. Maybe he s
wandered away and we won t have to do what I think is going to have to be done.
He might follow the curve; hope he does or he ll go straight in the Radley backyard.
Let s wait a minute. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I put my foot on a chair and out wiped my hands on the side of my thigh. Then I saw
him walking up the far end of the street.
There he is, I murmured.
He looks pretty bad. I can t tell if he s sick or just so crazy that he looks sick.
He looks more sick than anything, Scout said.
He s got it all right, Mr.Finch.
He was inching towards us slowly. I couldn t help but feel sorry for the old dog, he
probably didn t want to be like this, crazy. What if he didn t want to hurt anyone?
Maybe he was just looking for somewhere to die.
Tim Johnson reached the Radley house and stopped.
He s within range, Heck. You better get him before he goes down the street.
Heck needs to take the shot now; he won t get another.
Tate handed the rifle to me then, Take him, Mr. Finch.
It had caught me off guard, I didn t think Heck would even think to hand the gun to
me. That was my past and this is the
Summary Of Dandelion Wine
An excerpt from the book, Dandelion Wine , was written by Ray Bradbury and
published in 1957. The story takes place in the small town of Green Town where a
serial killer, The Lonely One, remains at large. The main character, Lavinia Nebbs
and her friends try to cope with the discovery of Elizabeth Ramsell s body on their
way to see a Charlie Chaplin film. Lavinia appears to be the only one not shaken up
by the horrible news, and after finding out that a conspicuous man is inquisitive
about Lavinia, the ladies appear to be on edge. Lavinia struggles to control her fear
at the very end of the story when she suspects that she is being followed by a figure,
and the story ends when she arrives home only to find that there is a man in her
house. In stressful situations, fear naturally changes the entire perspective of the
situation, and is ultimately inevitable. Dandelion Wineis best analyzed from the
psychological approach because of how fear altered the character s perspective which
enhanced the setting of the story.
The ravine that runs through Green Town is an important geographical factor of the
story since it is the place where the Lonely One hid Elizabeth Ramsell s body. Ray
Bradbury also uses the ravine to echo Lavinia s perception of it before and after her
fear of the Lonely One was revealed. On page two is states, Lavinia looked and the
ravine was a dynamo that never stopped running, night or day; there was a great
moving hum, a bumbling and murmuring of
Essay On Classification Of Avian Avulavirus Serotype-1
Classification of Avian Avulavirus serotype 1 The causative agent of ND, is now
classified as a species Avian avulavirus serotype 1 (AAV 1). Recently, the 10th
annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV, EC 48, Budapest,
Hungary, August 2016), categorized the virus as a member of the genus Avulavirus
of the paramyxoviridae family (Alexander, 1997) in the order of mononegavirales
(Knipe and Hetsley, 2001; Mayo, 2002; Murphy et al., 1995; Afonso et al., 2016).
The order mononegavirales has undergone several changes in 2017 ICTV report. It s
comprised of eight families hosting viruses with non segmented, linear, single
stranded and negative sense RNA. The designated Paramyxoviridae family is now
where the causative agent of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Several antigenic and genetic diversity are recognized (Aldous et al., 2003;
Alexander, 1997; Kim et al., 2007) using molecular based techniques for analyzing
the genome sizes (Knipe and Hetsley, 2001). The classification schemes adopted
for Avian Avulavirus 1, is based on the sequences and phylogenetic analysis of HN,
L, M and F genes and these have been advanced to group isolates (Aldous et al.,
2003; Liu et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2010; Pedersen, 2010). Depending on the
researcher s preference, nominal differences arise in the grouping of isolates.
Using genotypes or genetic lineages proposed by Aldous et al., Avian Avulavirus 1
is placed in serotype 1 with six lineages and 13 sublineages (AVV 1) (Aldous et al.,
2003), to which three other sublineages were added (Snoeck, et al 2009). Most ND
vaccines are grouped under Class II, genotype I and II while genotype III X are
velogenic that might be used as challenge viruses in vaccination experiments.
Using the genome size scheme, Avian Avulavirus 1 is placed into six lineages (1 to
6) (Alexander and Senne, 2008). Detailed analysis reveals sub lineages in lineage 3
and 4 (a to d) and in lineage 5 (a to e). On the other hand, using genomic
characterization and restriction site mapping of HN, F and L
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Book Report
The blacks are like cheetahs ready to learn, but without feet because they had the
ability to reach high standards, but didn t have access to a bus to take the children
to school that was miles away from their homes.In the book Roll of Thunder, Hear
My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, the Logan children have to go to school that is many
miles away ,even so, they still go because there education matters most to them. In
the b0ok Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Cassie states in chapter one that many kids
droped out of scoll because of the time it took to get to school and that s why the
blacks needed the bus. The Logan children daily go to school and are usually very
tired for the miles they just walked, suffering for the education they deserve. Just
image that you were to walk several miles just for one school day, about six hours
and you were to walk more miles back home, would you ever get tired or
stressed.Buses should be for everyone, not leaving anyone out, because we are human
after all and the blacks need transportation to school.... Show more content on
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For example, in Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry By Mildred D. Taylor, the protagonist
Cassie recieves a onld book that is really old and has been passed down by whites
See, Miz Crocker, see what it says? They give us these ole books when they didn t
want em no more. People don t get to choose what race they are when they are born
and in this time the whites had a large amount of money. The whites thought that
why give all this money to the blacks, so the money was given to all the white
schools. Sometimes the blacks suffered in school because they wanted to reach the
white schools level of learning. Some people were just really lucky to be white
because you felt like a king. All people are all the same and should have equal
The Ancient Olympics
Most people know that the Olympics were started in Greece and that there must be
at least one difference between the ancient Olympics and the more recent
Olympics.But contrary to common belief the olympics have significally changed
from when they first began ,not only has the meaning of the events changed but
the athletes able to participate. One story says that the games were started by
Herakles (Roman Hercules) and Alceme. There are other known records of who
began the games. The first known written record of the games is in 776 B.C. ,but
it is believed that they originated earlier.(D) During the games fighting in Greece
would cease so the games could be held. The games were ende in394 A.D. because
Christian Emperor Theodosius I declared them pagan traditions.(C) The name
Olympics is derived from Olympia the place where the games were held. Olympia
is part of the western side Peloponnese. Pelops , to whom the land is named, is also
said to be the founder of the games. Olympia is composed of shrines, sporting
facilities, and temples. Olympia was used as a political and religious meeting
center since the 10th century B.C. The center of Olympia was mainly composed of
a to Zeus (Roman Jove or Jupiter) and a temple to Hera (Roman Juno) parallel.(A)
The city was mostly covered by temples because the games acknowledged the Greek
gods. The most important temple was the one devoted to Zeus , the ruler of the
Greek gods. The written records from 776 B.C. show that the first
California Open Meeting Law
First, we have to understand what a meeting is considered, know what government
offices are covered by open meeting laws then explain why it is open to the public.
One of the California open meeting laws is the Bagley Keene Act it applies at the
state government level; it includes state boards, state commissions and any other state
offices that have to hold public meetings. Bagley Keene Act defines meetings as a
congregation of the members of a state body at the same time to hear, discuss or
deliberate. The Brown Act is the second open meetinglaw for California, this applies
to the local government level, this would include; the cities, the counties, school
districts, municipal corporations, special districts, and all the other local public...
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The employees of the government offices are paid by the government hence the
reason that I do not believe they are considered a business at the government level.
The cities receive their revenue from companies, state and federal accounts. But, a
lot is paid by the residents of the state, for example; property taxes, permits, parks and
recreation, homeowners taxes, taxes from businesses, court fees and fines, utility
companies and other outside franchises. City revenue can also take fees for some
services like, amusement taxes, and hotel occupancy.
Yes, a city can file bankruptcy. The city of Stockton in California filed bankruptcy,
the question was can they go bankrupt without having to reduce the pensions of
public workers. It is the largest city that filled and Detroit followed. When a
municipality files bankruptcy the federal government has to approve or deny it.
Municipalities file under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy code. This is not a common
occurrence. The process varies from state to state. In some states, the city goes into
state receivership rather than actually filing. The most common reason is
unaffordable union
The Sixties Scoop in Canada
Critical Social Work
School of Social Work University of Windsor 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, Ont.
Canada N9B 3P4 Email: cswedit@uwindsor.ca Website: http://www.uwindsor.ca
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information
can be found at: http://uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork
The online version of this article can be found at at: http://uwindsor.ca
/criticalsocialwork/the http://uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork/the sixties scoop
implications for social workers workers andsocial work education
Critical Social Work, 2010 Vol. 11 o. 1 11,
Online publication date: May 2010
53 Alston O Connor
The Sixties Scoop: Implications for Social Workers and Social Work Education...
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Unfamiliar with extended family child rearing practices and communal values,
government social service workers attempted to rescue children from their Aboriginal
families and communities, devastating children s lives and furthering the destitution
of many families. Culture and ethnicity were not taken into consideration as it was
assumed that the child, being pliable, would take on the heritage and culture of the
foster/adoptive parents (Armitage, 1995). The forced removal of children and youth
from their Native communities has been linked with social problems such as high
suicide rate, sexual exploitation, substance use and abuse, poverty, low educational
achievement and chronic unemployment (Lavell Harvard and Lavell, 2006, p.144).
Newly designated funds from the federal to the provincial governments were the
primary catalysts for state involvement in the well being of Aboriginal children...as
Ottawa guaranteed payment for each child apprehended (Lavell Harvard and Lavell,
2006, p.145). Exporting Aboriginal children to the United States was common
practice. Private American adoption agencies paid Canadian child welfare services
$5,000 to $10,000 per child (LavellHarvard and Lavell, 2006). These agencies rarely
went beyond confirming the applicant s ability to pay, resulting in minimal screening
and monitoring of foster or adoptive parents (Fournier and
Financial Analysis on Coles Myer Woolworths
Table of Contents
Financial Condition...........3
1. Overview............3
2. Liquidity..............3
3. Financial Leverage.......5
4. Assets Management....6
5. Profitability...........7
Coles Myer Limited (CML) and Woolworths Limited (WOW) are two major
Australian companies with extensive retail interest and listed on the Australian Stock
Exchange. They are Australian public companies which operate a number of retail
CML is Australia s second largest retailer, behind WOW. It operates a number of
chains of retail outlets which are including Coles Supermarkets, Bi Lo, Liquorland,
Pick n ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Vance, D. E. (2003) states that it is another way to think about the risk of leading
to, or investing in a company. These two companies both experienced a drop on this
ratio from 2004 to 2005, 0.35 for WOW and 0.3 for CML in 2005.
3. Financial leverage
Equity ratio debt ratio
Equity ratio and debt ratio are both designing for capital structure and they are
negatively related with each other. The cost of equity is higher than the cost of debt,
but shareholders will not require companies to repay them dividends and principals
any time. However, companies must pay the debt holders interests and principals
each year. And increasing leverage ratio will result in increasing the return to
shareholders, yet at the same time, it will increase the repayment commitments and
then raise the risk to company and shareholders.
CML s equity ratio increased to 0.4 and correspondingly debt ratio decreased to
0.15 from 2001 to 2005. Generally it is a good trend, even though there has been a
decrease in equity ratio in 2005 from 0.45 to 0.40 and an increase in debt ratio from
2004 to 2005, it may be due to the acquisition from US group KKR. However, in
2005, equity is almost three times debt, which means the capital structure is still in
good condition.
On the other hand, WOW experienced a different trend that its equity ratio has
decreased from 0.30 to 0.25, and debt ratio has significantly increased from 0.13 to
0.32 between 2001 and 2005. WOW raised funds
Analysis Of Ichabod Crane s Sleepy Hollow
It was a windy and foggy day in sleepy hollow. Clouds are gray, leaves falling like fall
and trees dancing in the wind. As Ichabod Crane walks pass the trials of sleepy
hollow he sees a black crow flying in the sky and was frightened when it appeared
behind him on the sign. The town of sleepy hollow is known for its crazy mythical
and supernatural stories of witches, ghosts and the most well known; The Headless
Horseman. Ichabod Craneis not like most typical guys. He is not as strong physically
or mentally, but more sensitive and feminine. Among everyone in the town, Ichabod
is the school teacher for the younger kids. Everyday Ichabod, he reads on his way to
his small school and after staying at his students houses. The women... Show more
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Crane, Im Katrina Van Tassel, Katrina kindly said. She smiles at him and walks
away. For the rest of the day all Ichabod could think about was Katrina. Katrina van
tassel mmm even her name is precious, Ichabod thought to himself. A few days
past and Ichabod had been invited by Katrina to a party she was throwing at her
father s house. Ichabod was so excited and couldn t wait to see Katrina. Later on
that day, while Ichabod was on his way to the party he ran into a man on a horse.
Are you Ichabod Crane? Bron Boones asked. Yes and you are? Ichabod replied.
Stay away from my woman or else, Bron Bones ordered as he rides away on his
horse. Ichabod confused continued his way to the party. When he arrived at the
party he saw Katrina he walks up to her and asked her for a dance. They danced all
night long. Who is that man staring at us? Ichabod asked. Well, he is the town s
Douchebag, Katrina replied. He never got worried about losing her, why would
she go for him. An hour later, the music stopped and Bron gathers up all the men in
one room to tell the tale that will go on and on. Today, my men , I tell you the tale
of the Headless Horseman, Bron started. When he uttered these words Ichabod
started to break out in sweat, his heart started to beat out of his chest. Bron starts
talking about the noises the horse makes when it is near and how he hides in the
shadows of the night. All of a sudden Ichabod starts to remember what had happen to
The Importance Of Realism In The Film The King Of Kong
In the film, The King of Kong, realist aesthetics are used to give the audience a
view of the real world and create the deeper meaning that if something doesn t look
like it is real than it is ultimately flawed and inaccurate. Compared to this, formalist
aesthetics that are used in the film, Wreck It Ralph, are not only utilized to present a
whole new world that is exaggerated visually, but to primarily produce a vision that
creates a deeper meaning and tone that is far from realistic.
The cinematography that is being displayed in the film, The King of Kong, is what is
known as deep focus cinematography. In the documentary, there are many instances
where there is a lot of space in front of the camera, consisting of space and people,
that is in clear focus and only partially distorted in some areas that are mainly
difficult to identify. The foreground, middle ground, and background will all be in
crisp focus. For example, when Steve Wiebe is playing Donkey Kong at Funspot,
Steve is presented clearly in the foreground as well as the many people and gaming
consoles in the middle ground and background. This type of cinematography is
used to present to the audience something that they can essentially relate to on a
personal and real level. Each part of the image is in focus to give off the notion
that everything that is being seen is like what is seen in a real world situation. On
the other hand, expressive cinematography is what is utilized in the film, Wreck It
Ralph. This type of cinematography is characterized by using fast or slow motion,
whether it be with an object or person. When a person or object in the film is sped
up it is usually in order to represent a lapse of a large amount of time. For example,
when Ralph is talking about the new games that appear over time in the arcade, the
people and gaming consoles speed up and alter with the lapse of time. Opposite of
this is when time and space are slowed down. For instance, when Felix saves
Sergeant Calhoun and himself from dying in the Nesquik Sand they in turn gaze into
each other s eyes. Slow motion is used in this instance to intensify built up romantic
emotions and of course expand time. This type of cinematography is used to give the
The Beaufy of Puerto Rico Essay
My research paper will be about Puerto Rico and its importance to the spanish
language. It is located in the Caribbean sea, southeast of Florida. It is home to many
US citizens in its beautiful tropic landscape. In this paper I will explain the important
aspects of the Puerto Rican government, the people, and the lovely food.
The capital of Puerto Rico is San Juan. Puerto Rico is a United States Territory under
commonwealth status. Some of the major differences between the 50 states of the
US and Puerto Rico is that Puerto Rico does not share the same federal tax, but does
have similar government income tax rates. Puerto Rico does have authority over its
internal affairs. Also Puerto Ricans cannot vote in Presidential or ... Show more
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The Spanish colonists provided an entire new selection of food to the Taino s. The
spanish conquistadors brought pigs, chicken,many new vegetables, wheat and
sugar cane. These new items of food from the spanish had a major impact of
modern day Puerto Rico food. Another group of people to influence the food of
Puerto Rico was the African slaves. Juan Garrido was a free African Spaniard man
who was the first African to live in Puerto Rico. Garrido was the first person that
taught the Taino s who to grow wheat properly. Africans are believed to be the ones
that brought rice into the Taino diet. A Puerto Rican breakfast mainly consists of
some sort of pastry or bread and a coffee and milk. Breakfast is not major meal in
the Puerto Rican diet. Two pastries are Mallorca and quesito. Mallorca is a light
pastry bread with sprinkled sugar on it. Quesito is a common pastry. It is a flaky,
puff pastry wrapped around sweetened cream cheese. It is extremely delicious. No
Latin American breakfast would be complete without a cafe con leche. Appetizers
play a major role in Puerto Rican food. Tostones are fried plantains. A plantain is a
long green banana. Bananas are a main Puerto Rican food. ANother popular Puerto
Rican food is Mofongo. Mofongo is a mashed mound of plantains. Seafood, meat, or
vegetables is added to this dish. It is usually made with fried green plantains that are
mashed together in a pilГѓВіn (a mashing utensil),
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Essay
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment
Introduction: Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World
War II. Food and fibre productivity rose due to new technologies, mechanization,
increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favoured
maximizing production. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labour
demands to produce the majority of the food and fibre.
Humans, like all other species, exploit their surroundings for the resources they need
to survive. Our current exploitation of the world, however, is greater than those of
most species. There are many reasons for this exploitation but we will focus on one
and that is our technology, which is used for various ... Show more content on
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It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil
that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long term crop yields
have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field
to another. This depends on the type of soil, the slope of the field, the drainage
patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also.
The areas that are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas
with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil s are
Erosion removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant
nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and nutrients in the root
zone where they are available to plants. Thus it affects the productivity of plants.
The remaining, the subsoil, tends to be less fertile, less absorbent and less able to
retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. There are over 17,000 soil
types recognized worldwide. They vary widely in structure, erodibility, fertility, and
ability to produce crops. A generalized soil profile for a humid, temperate climate is
showed. When the natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture, soils become exposed
to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The removal of the above ground natural
Character Analysis Of Gary O s Seventh Grade By Gary
Even though Victor, a 7th grader from the story of Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, is
trying to find his way socially, academically and personally, he is motivated to get
his girl but in doing this he matures and develops. On the first day of seventh grade,
Victor s personality is sheepish and shy. When he was in his math room for his
second period, he sat in the back because math was at his weakest subject. On
Victor s way to math class the narrator says After English, Victor had math, his
weakest subject. He sat in the back by the window, hoping that he would not be
called on. Victor understood most of the problems, but some of the stuff looked
like the teacher made it up as she went along. It was confusing, like the inside of a
watch. (Soto 4). This illustrates that Victor is not very good at math and does not
want to try harder in math. It is important to notice that he has not been able to
grasp the knowledge of this class and is not willing to catch up. The moment
Victor develops is when Teresa asks if he can tutor her he this sparks that he knew
he did not fail and impressed her in French class. The teacher beamed and said,
Très Bien. Parlez vous français? Victor didn t know what to say. The teacher
wets his lips and asked something else in French. The room grew silent. Victor felt
all eyes staring at him. He tried to bluff his way out by making noises that sounded
French. La me vave me con le grandma, he said uncertainly. Mr. Bueller, wrinkling
his face in
An Analysis Of The Destructors By T.
In The Destructors , T. keeps assuring that the reason they tore the house down wasn
t personal, but he clearly had motivation to tear it down. The motivation to tear the
house down comes mainly from T., not the whole gang. T. wants to tear down the
house because there was a bombing years ago, and every house crumbled into dust,
including T. s, but this was the only house that was left standing. The quote The fact
that his father, a former architect and present clerk, had come down in the world and
that his mother considered herself better than the neighbors. is an example of this.
When it says that his father had come down in the world and the fact that he was a
former architect shows that before the bombings T. s family was well off,
The Civil Rights Movement, And Star Trek
When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, it presented a future where people were
not limited by the color of their skin or their gender. Gene Roddenberry s fictional
universe showed the possibilities that existed where humans could get past the issues
that were prevalent in the 1960s. Through the allegory that Star Trek used, the
audience was able to view current and pressing issues, raceand gender, through the
medium of television. The civil rights movement and the feminist movement both
began in the 1960s, and Star Trek reflected the issues and gave a setting for people
to discuss them through the use of metaphor. The events during and after WWII had
an effect upon the civil rights movement that occurred in the 1960s. African
Americans moved from the rural areas into cities to fill jobs in the war industry
due to a labor shortage. This was important because in concentrated a large number
of African Americans into the cities where the civil rights movement would begin.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt s Four Freedoms speech listed the objectives that they
were going to fight to protect which were the freedoms of speech, worship freedom
from want and from fear. These freedoms had African Americans thinking about their
rights as citizens and how they did not enjoy the same freedoms as white people.
This opened a dialogue among black peopleabout the lack of democracy in the United
States. This led to black leaders threatening a labor protest which would be held in the
How Does Dickens Present Miss Havisham
Compare the presentation of Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham. Explore how
Shakespeare and Dickens present them as disturbed women.
Disturbed is a definition of someone who has emotional or mental problems; both
Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham are presented as disturbed characters in one way
or another. These two leading women both have characteristics that were not
stereotypical of woman at the time periods that the play and the novel were set in;
making them immediately appear strange to the audience or reader of that time.
Shakespeare and Dickens both present their leading women in very different ways;
however some aspects of their characters show similarities.
The play Macbeth was set in Elizabethan times, where there was a ... Show more
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This makes the reader feel somewhat sorry for her at first and wonder why she is
living in such a way. Although it is soon evident that Miss Havisham is not as
weak as she first appears when she speaks to Pip for the first time; Come nearer; let
me look at you. Come close. Dickens also uses imperatives in Miss Havisham s
speech come showing that although regarded by all in that era as a failure she still
has power to make others do whatever she wants.
Both Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham are both portrayed as evil characters
throughout the play and the novel. Some people may argue that Miss Havisham is
less evil as she does not murder anyone, however, she does ruin the lives of others,
using Estella to break the hearts of men the way hers was once broken. Lady
Macbeth does come across as more wicked than Miss Havisham most of the time
however she might not be as evil and sinister as we are lead to believe. We realise
this when she says stop up the access and passage to remorse . This shows the
audience that maybe she does have some conscience because she knows she will
feel guilty. However, another way to look at it is that she just wants to stop this from
happening so that she can live happily as queen without guilt pulsing through her.
This makes the reader think of her as a selfish woman who is used to getting exactly
what she
Theories Of The Beringia Theory In North And South
Most people wonder how people first arrived in the Americas. Well, many
Archeologists have looked at different sites in both North and South America. At the
different sites, the archeologists have found many different artifacts that help support
different theories. There are four main theories that have been investigated. First, the
Beringia Theory. Second, the Solutrean s Hypothesis. Next, Open Ocean. Finally,
Coastal Migration. The Most plausible out of these theories is the Solutrean s
The Beringia theory is probably the most common theory out of all of them.This
theory is that people originally came across a land bridge from Russia to modern
day Alaska. According to Ice Age, New Discoveries documentary,this theory is said
to have happened 11,500 years ago. The reason why people moved along the land
bridge was that animals were running there, and hunters went wherever the meat was.
People and animals also followed water and vegetation as they spread out amongst the
Americas. When the people were traveling over, they had to follow paths made by
some ice. According to Kids Past.com, after people started to cross the land bridge,
they spread out amongst the Americas, after many, many years. Typically, it took
many generations of people to spread. According to the Smithsonian Web Based
Encyclopedia, humans and animals crossed the land bridge 11,500. According to
New York Times Article, New World s Earliest People Tests hint Campsite is 15,000
Years Old ,
Brainwashing In How Stuffs Work
There are many individuals who view brainwashing as a disease that spreads like
wildfire. But what exactly is brainwashing and how does it work? According to
Merriam Webster Dictionary, brainwashing is defined as a forcible indoctrination to
induce someone to give up basic political, social, religious beliefs and attitudes and to
accept contrasting regimented ideas. According to journalist Julia Layton, from How
Stuff Works, In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the
target s identity to the point that it doesn t work anymore. The agent then replaces it
with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target s current
environment. But it s not like brainwashing is a brand new invention that... Show
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After watching the film, I learned that there are certain things people use to
brainwash an individual. I also learned that you should stand up and fight for what
you truly believe in. Learning how to stand up to someone gives you strength and
makes you feel like no one can mess with you. But when you live in a country like
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or even Syria, it s not that easy. There are consequences that
follow when you finally begin to see the truth behind something bad. There are
some individuals who say that it s easy to not let someone brainwash or tell you
what to do, all you have to do is say no. But see, it s not that simple. Those
individuals don t have to go through what the individuals in countries like Saudi
Arabia, Iraq, and Syria have to go through when it comes to just saying no. If
someone from one of those countries were to say no to their brainwasher, they
would get punished, tortured or even killed. So it s not really a win win. But what
s even more alarming, is that children are the ones who are also getting
brainwashed, just like in the film. And it doesn t matter if you re a child or not, if
you don t obey or fall in, there s a certainty you may get killed. It is important that
individuals know brainwashing is serious and that it s not that easy to turn away
from. It s like a quote that Caroline Kennedy once said that I believe fits well into
what I learned, It is not easy to stand up
Operation MEDUSA Research Paper
The war in Afghanistan started in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks because of a terrorist
group called Al Qaeda, and its leader, Osama bin Laden, the one who planned the
attacks. It was a very long and hard conflict that lasted approximately thirteen years.
Canadian troops got involved for more than a decade fighting to make Afghanistan a
better place for their citizens. The Canadian forces completed several key military
operations, including Medusa operation , and more with the help of their allies before
ending the conflict successfully on their own terms.
Afghanistan is a country with extreme climate, in the summer, temperatures rises at
50Вє c and there are also huge dust storms, this wasn t an easy war to fight. The
United States, Canada, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This project refurbished the 57 year old Dahla Dam and 40 kilometer irrigation
network. The purpose of this reconstruction was to provide a secure irrigation
water supply to surrounding farmlands. The cost of Canadian contributions to the
war was approximately $12 billion dollars, which were divided into the following
categories: Military combat mission (2001 2012) $8.4B, Diplomacy and
development $2.2B, Veteran Affairs 447M, Military Kabul training mission 384M.
Despite rampant violence, high levels of corruption and a strong drug trade,
officials feel Afghanistan is a much different place from what it was in 2001, with a
much stronger Afghan army, and this is thanks to Canada and all the other nations
that helped Afghanistan to be a better for its citizens to live and also in a social
manner. Canadian troops capped a deadly and dangerous 12 year mission in
Afghanistan on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, hauling down the Canadian flag at
NATO headquarters in Kabul during a ceremony that was held under heavy guard.
Canada did an amazing job in this war, helping to change this devastated
East Los Angeles College Student Analysis
Although named East Los Angeles College(ELAC), ELAC is actually located in
Monterey Park, California. Monterey Park is located 30 miles east of Downtown
Los Angeles, and has the largest concentration of Chinese Americans in the US. I
was raised and born in Monterey Park and when I graduated high school, I enrolled at
the local community college. Two years of working as a tutor at the ELAC Writing
Center taught me the importance of literature and teaching literature. As a tutor, I
learned the necessity to analyze, assess, and appeal to not only the studentbut their
learningneeds as well. Most importantly, I learned that before a teacher can impact
their students they must understand the student s environment.
While being the largest community ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout my educational career, I have been taught English from a dominant
perspective that ignored issues of class, race and gender. I have witnessed many
students, including myself, become disinterested in great works because there is no
personal connection to the texts. My hopes are to widen the paradigm so that more
students can become interested in English and see how reading, analysis, and
writing can develop not only one s understanding of their society, but also
themselves. I acknowledge that every student works and thinks differently;
therefore, it should be the teacher s responsibility to provide necessary resources
that will develop each individual s their composition skills accordingly. I often tell
myself, I am teaching for the students who do not want to be there in the classroom .
With disengaged students in mind, I want to push myself to provide a learning
experience that is pluralistic, informative and inspirational. Teachers should see their
role not as expert, but as someone engaged in reciprocal learning and dialogue with
students. To appeal to disinterested students, teachers must explain how writing and
rhetoric is necessary in all fields by explaining how English cultivates strong
communication skills, which are necessary in everyday life. A teacher s goal should
be to motivate students to begin a personal exploration toward effective, ethical
Using Counselling Skills Essay
Using Counselling Skills
Before I started I went over a contract and I told Jillian how I was using the content
of the session to write an assignment for the course that I am doing at college and
that only myself, my course tutor and maybe an outside assessor for the course would
see what was written about the session and that she could read the assignment before
I showed anyone else. I stated that almost everything that was said to me would be
confidential, although working along the B.A.C.P ethical guidelines, confidentiality
may have to be broken if it became clear that serious harm may be caused to others
or herself. We agreed that this would be a one off session that would last around 30...
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Jillian started by saying that she was undecided whether or not to end the relationship
with Tony as she felt that if anyone found out, it would end up hurting up his whole
family, children included. I reflected feeling back to Jillian. Here is an example of
what was said;
J: I m in two minds whether or not to finish it altogether, imagine how the kids would
feel if they found out, everyone would get hurt.
S: So you re feeling unsure as what to do, whether to end the relation ship or not.
(reflecting feeling)
J: Yes, I want to keep seeing him but I don t want anyone getting hurt, but I suppose
his wife will find out eventually anyway. (response)
Jillian talked about being mixed up and not being able to decide if she really wanted
a relationship or if she was just scared of being alone. I paraphrased this back to
J: I don t think I want a proper relationship, I mean I don t love him and sometimes
it feels like he s just using me for sex, but I don t want to finish it because then I
would be totally on my own.
S: Some times you think that Tony might be using you, but you don t want to end it
altogether, in fear of being on your own. (paraphrase)
J: I know its stupid really, I m living by myself
Why I Want To Be A Football Player
When I grow up I want to be a football player. My favorite football team is the
Raiders. I want to be a wide receiver. First of all I want to be a football player
because I want to be wide receiver because its offense and they can catch and run. I
want to be a wide receiver because I like to run routes, it s a way of scoring. I also
want to be a wide receiver so I can catch all over my opponents. Last I want to be a
wide receiver because I can juke my opponents out and score a touchdown. Next I
like to be a footballplayer because I like to make touchdowns. I like to make
touchdowns so we can win. I also like to make touchdowns so we can make it to the
playoffs and playsome of the top football teams. Last I like to
Pros And Cons Of Digital Footprint
Digital Footprint make you or break you
During the last decades, social media has been one of the most powerful tool to
achieve success, but it is also a risky medium since it has caused the fall of many
important reputations figures corporations. It will always depend on how someone
uses social media because once your digital footprint is online, it will remain forever.
Although digital footprint is a concern for modern society, social media is an
essential mechanism for both the actual and future workforce.
The digital footprint of a person is the data that is gathered while he or she is online.
With everything surfed online, there might be remaining digital footprints beneath. In
the article Your Digital Footprint: What is it How... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Natasha mentioned that Of 381 college admissions officers who answered a
Kaplan telephone questionnaire this year, 31 percent said they had visited an
applicant s Facebook or other personal social media page to learn more about them
a five percentage point increase from last year . In fact, 30 percent of the colleges
admission representatives claimed that they have found many data on social media
that had negatively impacted the applicants. Admissions of offices of colleges have
also rejected applicants just because of their digital
The ! Kung Research Paper
Each individual pertaining to the !Kung is considered relatively equal, however in
this egalitarian society, age becomes one of the forms of status distinction. Age
becomes an important aspect when determining the structure of the kinship system.
Thus, as a person ages, more control is granted (kinship). As a result, genderbecomes
irrelevant to the !Kung when deciding who will possess authority in relation to
kinship, granting women and men gender equality within the kinship system. In
addition to age, children of the !Kung are given the names of their paternal and
maternal grandparents. However, the paternal grandparent s names for both genders
take precedence, as seen when Lee writes, A first born son is supposed to be named
after his
Hot Dogs and the Ultimate BMW Event in 2011
In June 9,2011 Knauz BMW dealership was to held the BMW Series 5 Ultimate
Driving event, where sales personal are to meet with customers and take them out
on a test drive. For the food they were going to serve have hot dog, cookies, and
chips. As he testified many of the employees was amused by the amazement for the
lack of food being served. Also stated that Knauz BMW was the leading car
dealershipin the auto park, Becker compared Mercedes Benz dealership event food
was better. On the day of the Event, Becker took photos of salespersonal holding hot
dogs, water and Doritos and posting the pictures on his Facebook page.
Becker wrote:
I was happy to see that Knauz went All Out for the most important launch of a new
BMW in years . . . the new 5 se rise. A car that will generate tens in millions of
dollars in revenues for Knauz over the next few years. The small 8 oz bags of
chips, and the $2.00 cookie plate from Sam s Club, and the semi fresh apples and
oranges were such a nice touch ...but to top it all off...the Hot Dog Cart. Where our
clients could attain a over cooked wiener and a stale bunn.
Several days after on June 14,2011 the BWM event an accident occurred at the
adjacent Land Rover dealership across the street. A salesperson was showing a
customer a car, the client 13 year old son climbed in the driver s seat and stepped on
the gas pedal run over the customer foot and causing the vehicle and the salesperson
to be thrown into the water. Becker posted
Analysis Of The Book Christian Travels
Finally he indicates the condition of man through the journey it takes to get out of
the city. In the story, Christian travels out of the city only to find that the path is
almost as treacherous as the city itself. First he falls into the Bog named the Slough
of Despond. The Slough is not only very hard to see, but the way though the bog is
hidden from all travelers. In the Story, Help describes the slough as being desolate
because of the fears, doubts, and discouraging apprehensions that come to a sinner
who is enlightened (Bunyan 23). John Bunyanclearly illustrates a path that is hard to
follow because leaving sinis one of the hardest things to do. Bunyan confirms that
he believes that sin is hard to leave by telling us of his early hardships with
temptations. The temptations of sin became so overwhelming that Bunyan felt like
selling his soul to the devil and after trying to say no he gave into Satan (Abrams
2134 2137). Then later in the Journey to the Cross, Bunyan also uses the character
named World to describe the many other hardships that come along the trail. Thou art
like to meet with in the way which thou goest wearisomeness, painfulness, hunger,
perils, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness and in a word, death and what
not? (Bunyan 25). Clearly Bunyan wants to show that the condition of man is
terrible because of the awful problem of sin that pulls every person away from God.
Next the writer uses the allegory of Christian s burden to enhance the
The Concept Of The American Family
Ashley Guy
Professor Edwards
EN 101 2
4 December 2014
Transracial Adoption
Over the years, the concept of the American family has undergone a radical
transformation. The change in the concept of the American family is now reflecting
society s acceptance that just 50 years ago was impossible to even imagine. We are
now accepting the unification of blacks and whites and are coming to terms with
homosexuality and the unification of a more diverse family. Among all divisions of
society, there is a greater acceptance of the differences in families from single
parenting to blended families to same sex parenting of children, but there is still some
controversy in racism that can cause problems in the adoption process.
A majority of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Adoption offers new opportunities for children who have been left behind by their
biological parents to grow up with a more fitting family that will love and accept
them for who they are.
Transracial Adoption:
Much like the apples, adoption ranges greatly. There are now five types of adoptions:
Agency, Independent, Step Parent, International, and Open Agency Adoption. An
international adoption or transracial adoption is defined as, the joining of racially
different parents and children together in adoptive families (Silverman 104). Among
the five types of adoptions, international adoption is considered a controversial topic.
Good or Bad?
I personally find adoption to be a positive issue that is turned into a negative issue
due to the comments toward diversity. I also believe that in the future, people will
be more accepting towards a more diverse family whether it is towards their
sexuality, age, and/ or appearance. Slowly, but surely, we are becoming more open
to different races coming together, and with that said, we are adjusting to social
circumstances. Blacks and whites are now going to the same schools, and even
getting married. I feel as though we are more open and accepting to different things,
so why not have the same marriage, or adopt children of different races? I feel as
though families in the future are going to shy away from the more traditional family
and become a lot more diverse and unique through
My Experience At High School Classroom
Key Assessment Education 2130 Throughout my observation hours that I
completed at South Forsyth Middle School, I learned many things that I can apply
to my classroom when I become a teacher. I was cultured inside of the classroom to
many new techniques and teaching styles that will be beneficial for my career that
is to come. I experienced the classroom in a wide variety due to the different
environments I witnessed during my time observing. Taking my experiences from
the broad array of students, I now feel more prepared for what lies ahead in my
teaching career.
My time at South Forsyth Middle School gave me experience with 6th, 7th, and 8th
graders. The students ranged from on level art students to advanced year long
students. I came across a trend of endless opportunities within the classroom for the
students. If the students came across a technique or type of artwork that they wanted
to try, the school and Ms. Wood made that happen. She had high schoolteachers and
college professors present their studies and beliefs to the students in order to widen
their perspectives and outlook on the art community. For example, they had the
opportunity to watch a high school teacher come and create pieces of pottery on the
wheel. This can almost give students a sense of motivation, encouraged them to look
past art as they know it, and see the beauty of art from someone else s perspective.
I have completed my field hours in a middle school environment. I observed 6th, 7th,
Interpretive Project 2
Pamela Franklin
BIBL 110 D19 Undergraduate Program
Professor Spencer
December 13, 2015
Interpretive Project 2 Paul s letter to the Galatians describes (in part) how to maintain
Christian liberty and how to walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5: 16 18 (RSV) states:
But I say, walk by the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the
desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the
flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you
would. But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law.
The following illustrates the four steps of the Interpretive Journey for New Testament
Letters in Duvall and Hays Journey into God s Word: Your Guide... Show more
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So we have the opportunity today to choose the power and freedom in Christ as
opposed to slavery through useless and destructive solutions We have escaped self
deception. We realize that no amount of works will grant us salvation. It is only
through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior that we will receive it.
Step 3: Cross the Principilizing Bridge
We find that the theological principle that people cannot achieve God s acceptance
by keeping the law or by human effort alone (symbolized by circumcision). God s
grace is given as a gift This principle is timeless. It is not geared towards any
culture. It is directed at all of those who believe Christ to be our Lord and Savior,
is not time specific and is relevant to both the biblical reader as well as the
contemporary. God s law shows people their sins. So it shows people that they need
to trust Jesus. Only Jesus can free us from the punishment for our sins. And it is not
enough that we cease to do evil, but we must learn to do well. Our conversation will
always be answerable to the principle which guides and governs us.
Step 4: Grasp the text in our town
We do not live by the Law of Moses today, however, we very often live our lives as if
we are in control. We labor for money, property and prestige sometimes by any means
necessary and believe that we will gain favor in the eyes of God and our peers.
Double Displacement Reaction Lab Report
!!!What is a Double Displacement Reaction?
Let us imagine ourselves going to a dance and having a dance partner. Once we
arrive to the dance, we interact with other people and we end up switching dance
partners with another person. Now you end up with a new dance partner. The same
kind of thing can be compared to what occurs in a double displacement reaction in
A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement
reaction__ or __metathesis__ is a type of chemical reaction where two compounds
react, and the positive ions ( cation ) and the negative ions ( anion ) of the two
reactants switch places, forming two new compounds or products. The general form
of a double displacement reaction is illustrated ... Show more content on
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However, as we mentioned above, H2SO3 is unstable and further decomposes to
H2O and SO2. The gas formed is SO2.
!!!Lesson Summary
A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement
reaction__ or __metathesis reaction__ is a type of reaction that occurs when the
cations and anions switch between two reactants to form new products. When
predicting products in a double displacement reaction, we need to identify the
different ions first and their charges. After that, we switch the ions of the two
reactants and write down the products. The final step is to make sure that your
chemical equation is balanced.
There are three types of reactions that fall under the double displacement reaction
category: precipitation, gas formation and neutralization reactions. A __precipitation
reaction__ forms an insoluble solid compound. A __neutralization reaction__ occurs
between an acid and a base that forms a salt and water. A __gas formation__ reaction
is when two compounds react to form a gaseous
Database Security And Concerns Of A Compromised
Database Security and Concerns In today s world, there is a growing amount of
complexity when it comes to databases. With that growing complexity, an increasing
amount of security concerns arise, such as: unauthorized access and SQL injection.
SQL injection is used to attack data driven applications. SQLinjections can
manipulate or destroy databases depending on its purpose. Due to the security
breaches, measures are constantly put in place in order to prevent anymore from
happening. This paper s aim is to outline the importance of databasesecurity and the
effects of a compromised database. Information is essential when it comes to
managing businesses. And in order to interpret that information, data is organized
into a database where it can be easily understood and used. But without a database,
data would be floating around without a clear organization. In effect, it would
hinder efficiency by a tremendous amount, causing a loss of revenue and structure
to the business structure itself just as if the database was compromised. In order to
compromise the database, vulnerabilities must be discovered and exploited. To
prevent that from happening, safety measures are put in to place. Safety measures
must first be placed at the physical level and progress right through to the data level
(Burtescu, 449). Physical limitations must be put into place when securing databases
because if someone were able to access the site where all the data is stored, they
would be able to
My Memories That Changed My Mind
One of the memories that is more permeate in my mind is when my father had to
travel to China for business intentions. I remember when he leaves the country, but
not more than when he arrived home. Usually, when he came back home, he
usually bring with him some gifts for me and my mother, and he never forgets to
bring me my favorite gift which I still love when he give away to me. I like to call it
as the GodВґs dessert because of its curious shape of production, intense flavor, and
delightful meaning. Thinking in this product makes me want to have some of it. The
first impression people might have when they see this dessert is that it might be an
expensive and luxurious product because of its embellished packaging. It can be
identified by the cute design of the box due to the fact that on the left of the box there
is a sumptuous ribbon that its background color is a combination between dark
cinnamon and lightly caramel, furthermore, the ribbon has the brandВґs name
sketched all around it. The theme color of the whole box is pearly white what
makes the letters of the brand, written on the top of the box, stand out in a bright
gold. Moreover, bellow the ribbon there is a little description in French about the
glamorous product and next to it a small window made of transparent plastic where
the small pieces of the product are shown to the public. The most interesting thing
comes after its purchase. I start feeling the anxiety when it is time to open this fancy
box because as
Zara It for Fashion Case Study
Executive Summary
Zara has relied on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA s) and Point of Sales (POS)
terminal operating on Microsoft DOS which are not linked to the headquarters or
other stores for its daily transactions. Although, the system has proved to be stable
and reliable over time, it has become obsolete and cannot be supported by the
I recommend that the company invest on a new system like Windows, UNIX or
Linux operating system which will enhance connectivity and flexibility in operations
and information flow.
Investing in a cutting edge technology though may be capital intensive initially; it
will ultimately improve efficiencies across board and provide new learning
opportunities for the entire workforce. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, Managers can see the newly available garments by consulting a handled
computer that is linked each night via dial up modem to information system at La
Fulfillment: Fulfillment or shipping clothes to stores to satisfy orders involve other
group of commercials. They determine which store s would get available inventory
and which would not base on past selling record. They work with product manager to
determine future production for each SKU. They could also ship items that stores
didn t order like new garments. Ordering and fulfillment should be aligned with a
modern IS
Design and manufacturing
Stores are located in prime retail districts and layouts are changed frequently. Zara
introduces approximately 11 000 new items in a typical year while competitors
average 2000 4000. Zara vertically integrated manufacturing with CAD which gives
room for flexibility and quick turnaround. Designs and cutting of fabrics are done in
house. Garments are delivered to the stores with prices ready for the rack.
IS and Commercial Process
Zara s approach to information technology was consistent with its preference for
speed and decentralized decision making. No formal process on IS investments. Low
It spending of 0.5% of revenue compared with 2% by competitors.
As the head of IT for Inditex, the holding company atop Zara, there must be meeting
point with Bruno Ocampo Sanchez, technical lead for POS system on the
Setting up a Raspberry PI
пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi.
пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI.
пѓ ifconfig command is used to find the ip address of pi.
пѓ To make the ip address static the following commands has to be given in LX
terminal of pi.
sudocp/boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.normal sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt sudonano
/boot/cmdline.txt ip= sudocp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.direct
sudo reboot
пѓ Installation of putty software in laptop.
пѓ Enable SSH checkbox in putty window.
пѓ Enter the ip address of the pi in the putty configuration window.
пѓ LX terminal of pi will be displayed inwindows terminal.
пѓ Enter login id as pi and password as raspberry .
пѓ Now raspberry pi will be booted up and lot of files will be executed.
пѓ To execute the code,give the command as gcc lm codename.c
пѓ Once the code is executed correctly, give the required input like new sample or
пѓ Output will be displayed in laptop screen.
пѓ Keypad and lcd are interfaced with raspberry pi through ATMEGA 8
пѓ Communication between pi and microcontroller is done through serial console.
пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi.
пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI.
The Presidential Election Of 1980 Essay
On Tuesday, 4 November 1980, The United States presidential election of 1980 was
held. The competition was between incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter
and his opponent, former Californian Republican Governor, Ronald Reagan. Reagan,
assisted by a falling economy complicated by inflation and high unemployment, and
the Iran hostage crisis, Reagan would win the election in a sweep, receiving the
largest number of electoral votes ever tallied by a presidential candidate not currently
in office. Jimmy Carter, who beat out Edward M. Kennedy for the nomination for
Democratic leader, attacked Reagan as a wild right wing fundamentalist. The former
actor, Ronald Reaganpledged to elevate the cynical mood of the nation, and won a
conclusive victory. This election marked the creation of what was called the Reagan
Revolution, and indicated a conservative repositioning in national government.
Throughout the 1970s, the United States underwent a wrenching period of low
economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises. In
the spring and summer of 1979, inflation was on the rise and various parts of the
United States were experiencing energy shortages, Carter was widely blamed and
planned on delivering a major speech about energy conservation, but he thought the
American public did not care for what he had to say. In the mist of all this, Carter
went on the presidential retreat for the bilateral treaty on Camp David. For more than
a week, a
What Is Hockey The Hardest Sport
In this paper it will be proven that the sport ice hockey is absolutely the most
difficult sport known to man. I will state the differences it has to other sports like
football, soccer and basketball. I will also explain what makes hockey the toughest
sport, mentally and physically. By the end of this essay you will know more about
hockey, have more respect for the sport, and truly realize the perseverance players
must possess to participate in this amazing sport.
The Body It will be proven that hockey is the greatest and most difficult sport in
the world. Hockey is unlike any other sport, it requires the combination of multiple
skills whereas other sports require fewer skills. Before you can even begin playing
the great game of hockey you must learn to skate, and skate well. The vast majority of
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With foot ball, soccer, basketball, rugby and others an individual just simply walks
/runs and would catch/throw/kick a ball. That is entirely different then the
amazing sport hockey because just even to move on the ice someone must learn
how to skate. Skating is not easy never mind being good at skating which is
extremely difficult and takes a lot of time and practice. Even all the simple
fundamentals require a lot of skill like receiving a pass, shooting, checking, that all
requires a great hand eye coordination and body positioning. Those are only some
of the simple physical aspects of the game, there are also a lot of simple mental
skills that an individual s mind must have to just play a game of hockey. Hockey
players must not only know how to shoot, skate, pass but the player must also know
his position, know the rules and know where his teammates and opponents are on the
ice. This might sound easier than it is but when a player combines skating, trying to
hold stickhandle puck, and also keeping his head up looking for opponents and team
mates, that s a
Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
In the eighteenth century, a French writer named François Marie Arouet, with the
pseudonym Voltaire wrote a novel called Candide. Voltaire was one of the leading
writers of the Enlightenment. He was born in Paris in 1694 and died in late May of
1778. Of all his works, Voltaire is best known for Candide, a story of a young man
called Candidewho is a disciple of a philosopher named Dr. Pangloss, who was
himself a disciple of Leibniz. The story follows the adventures and travels of Candide
and his companions throughout Europe. Candide is an example of eighteenth century
writing style: with a lot of vicissitudes and crazy incidents. Moreover, in Candide,
Voltairegives a refutation of Leibniz s theory that this is the best of all possible worlds.
All throughout Candide, crazy and unfathomable incidents occur. Towards the
beginning of the book for example, Pangloss, who follows Leibniz s theory, is ...
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Greed is another example. When Candide himself, acquires a large amount of
wealth, he is exposed to the greed of the world as he is cheated many times out of
his riches. Voltaire creates scenarios within Candide in which people will go to any
measure to attain wealth, even if it means hurting others and Candide thus comes to
the conclusion that this is another imperfection in this world that cannot be
explained through Pangloss s philosophy. Personal hardships are also a huge part of
Voltaire s argument. He introduces many characters whose lives have been nothing
but hardships in order to contradict Leibniz and Pangloss. One day, for example, as
Candide and his valet Cacambo are approaching the town of Surinam, they come
across a negro laying on the ground wearing nothing but his drawers and missing
both his left leg and his right hand. Upon conversing with this poor fellow, Candide
and Cacambo learn about his terrible
Persuasive Essay On The War On Drugs
Cartel violence killed some 23,000 people in the country last year, according to a
new report. Huffington post. This is a outrageous number of died over objects that
are already killing people from from using them. These objects are illegal drugs
Ecstasy, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Bath Salts, and
Methamphetamine. Now the question is what is put into action to make these
drugs become much harder to get and use? I ve personally, have been affected by
what drugs can do to someone. I want to know why and how the person I know got
these drugs so easily? These epidemic needs to stop, get a fix on the cartel, and
control the usage of prescription drugs.
To start, I wanted to familiarize myself on the history of drugs and what has
already been done. To prevent how easy it is to get these drugs. An Editorial by the
Britannica about the war on drugs in the past 50 years in the U.S. It goes over what
has been put in place to prevent drug use and laws. It talks about all of the actions that
ronald reagan did to start the war on drugs in the U.S. The War on Drugs began in
June 1971 when U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon declared drug abuse to be the public
enemy number one and increased federal funding for drug control agencies and drug
treatment efforts. This was a huge step forward in the war against drugs, in the fact
that with the funding the government created the DEA (US Drug Enforcement
Administration). The DEA Job is to controlled substances laws and
Dowry System Essay. Essay on Dowry System  Causes amp; Impacts of Dowry System
Dowry System Essay. Essay on Dowry System  Causes amp; Impacts of Dowry System
Dowry System Essay. Essay on Dowry System  Causes amp; Impacts of Dowry System

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Dowry System Essay. Essay on Dowry System Causes amp; Impacts of Dowry System

  • 1. Dowry System Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of the "Dowry System" can be both challenging and enlightening. The difficulty arises not only from the need to present a comprehensive understanding of the issue but also from navigating the sensitive nature of the topic. Discussing cultural practices like dowry requires a delicate balance to ensure a fair and unbiased representation of different perspectives. To begin with, researching the historical context and cultural implications of the dowry system is essential. This involves delving into sociological, anthropological, and historical sources to trace the roots of this practice and understand its evolution over time. Analyzing the economic, social, and psychological aspects associated with dowry further complicates the task, demanding a nuanced approach. Addressing the ethical dimensions of the dowry system is another layer of complexity. It requires the writer to explore the impact on individuals, families, and society at large. Examining the legal frameworks and governmental initiatives aimed at curbing this practice adds another layer of intricacy to the essay. Constructing a coherent narrative that weaves together the different facets of the dowry system while maintaining a logical flow can be challenging. It's crucial to avoid bias and present a well- rounded view that considers various cultural perspectives and contemporary debates surrounding this issue. Moreover, expressing empathy towards individuals affected by the dowry system without oversimplifying the complexities involved is a delicate task. Striking the right tone is imperative to ensure the essay is both informative and sensitive to the lived experiences of those involved. In conclusion, writing an essay on the "Dowry System" demands thorough research, a balanced perspective, and a nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics. It involves navigating through historical, sociological, and ethical dimensions while maintaining a tone that reflects empathy and sensitivity. It's a task that requires both academic rigor and a compassionate approach to address a topic with profound social implications. If you need assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various services are available to provide support. Platforms like HelpWriting.net offer professional help for a range of topics and subjects, ensuring that your academic needs are met with quality content. Dowry System Essay Dowry System Essay
  • 2. Isabella Baumfree, An African American Abolitionist And... In 1797, Isabella Baumfree, an African American abolitionist and women s rights activist, was born into slavery. Although her real name was Isabella Baumfree, the rest of the world knows her as Sojourner Truth. Throughout her childhood, she was traded and sold to several different families, in which she was separated from her family. Her father was a slave that was captured in Ghana and her mother descended from slaves, so it was typical for children of slaves to be sold separately from their families. Originally, her family was owned by Colonel Hardenbergh, but they were sold separately soon after his death. At the young age of nine, Truth was sold for the very first time at an auction for a measly $100 to John Dumont. She spent a total of two years with Mr. Dumont prior to being sold, in which she was treated very poorly. Although she was treated very poorly, she learned how to speak English during this time, which proved to be a valuable tool throughout her life. Not only did this help her as an itinerant preacher, but it also allowed her to fight for her rights against injustices. During her time at Mr. Dumont s, she fell in love with another slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. Although Robert s owner forbade the relationship, Truth became pregnant and the couple had one daughter together. After the birth of their daughter, Robert and Sojourner Truth never saw each other again. Out of spite, Truth s owner forced her to marry an older slave, Thomas, in which she
  • 3. The Impact Of Maternal EE-Crit s Hopelessness In Children This is the first study to examine maternal criticism as a predictor of changes of hopelessness in their children. Past studies have examined the impact of peer victimization on changes in hopelessness (Hanley and Gibb, 2011) and other cognitive vulnerabilities (Gibb, et al., 2012) as well as how physical, emotional and sexual abuse can affect changes in hopelessness (Courtney, et al., 2008). The current study adds to this previous research by showing the impact of maternal EE Crit on children s hopelessness. An important question for future research is whether the combined impact of maternal EE Crit and peer victimization may have a stronger impact on children s hopelessness than either one alone. This study also adds to existing literature
  • 4. Bel Canto Book Comparison If all men were supposedly created equal, shouldn t all written literature be created equal as well? If that were true, everyone would have the hardest time trying to find quality books to read. In fact, the varying qualities from book to book are what influences people to choose what book they actually want to read. In the classic novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontГ«, a young girl named Jane Eyre moves away from her cruel aunt in Gateshead to go to school and start a new life. However, the book Bel Canto by Ann Patchett portrays a setting that greatly contrasts with Jane Eyre. The story begins with the rich and powerful technology executive of Nansei named Mr. Hosokawa, who throws a birthday party that results in an invasion by several terrorists holding all the party guests hostage. Although both books have their separate key qualities, Jane Eyre should definitely be on the list for the 9th grade honors summer reading assignment next year because of its use of language, character, and theme. First, the language used in Jane Eyre is quite elaborate and intricate. This is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, Jane hates injustice and thinks that If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way (75). In the book Bel Canto, the character build up is not as significant than in Jane Eyre. For example, the accompanist of famous opera singer Roxanne Coss was significantly important to her, and He had never told her he was a diabetic. He had chosen to stay with her rather than ask for the insulin that could save his life the poor accompanist, their friend (82). If the accompanist was truly an important character in the story, why did he die near the beginning of the book? There was no buildup for the reader to bond with the character after he died. Character is an important attribute to plot and shapes most of the story
  • 5. Management and Organizational Structure Organizational Structures Ahmed Bassyouni University of Phoenix Sep 28, 2010 William Noble Some organizational theories could explain the Enron s failure. Looking at the organizational structure and management of Enron, The structures were flat before the bureaucratic structure developed, then the bureaucratic structures developed in order to increase control. There were vertical structures where there was high level of control and according to theories the organizational circle is moving back to flat structure. In Enron Corporation, internally it had such a highly decentralized financial control and decision making structure that made it impossible to get a clear view on the corporations operations and activities. Along with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was a fertile environment for corruption. There should be shared reliability for success of a business, however, in Enron because of conflict of interest there was no shared reliability. Even the external auditor, Arthur Andersen had a conflict of interest. Currently, most organization believes in the human relations movement. This is a form of management that gives importance to individuals and their unique capabilities in the organization. Each person is unique and her input should be considered as valuable. However, in Enron, the suggestions and objections of hundreds of accountants and finance personnel were turned down abruptly, the employees that objected were abused and their voices suppressed. Those that were persistent with their objections to shady financial accounting practices were even threatened with dire consequences. Since there was no matching between the inputs of the employees and that of the company, the situation was ready for failure. From another perspective management in business and organization is to get people together to achieve the desired goals and objectives. In case of Enron, the goals and objectives would have referred to the legitimate business objectives of the firm. However, in case of Enron the objectives and goals of the company were to hide large debts, billions of dollars losses, and instead show large profits. Each function of management namely, planning, organizing,
  • 6. Artistic Voice Essay Artistic Voice Authors have a distinct identity that you recognize when you read their work of art. The qualities and aspects of a text that give an author a distinct identity as an artist are known as their artistic voice. Denise Levertov and Anne Sexton both use different themes in their poetry that separate them from other poets. Denise Levertov writes about the unknown and the unsaid in life. Anne Sexton distinguishes herself by writing about her family, loves, and her emotional tragedies. Sandra Cisneros wrote a novel called The House on Mango Street that contained a different setup than most novels. It was written in fragments and the language was straightforward. Cisneros focuses on the importance of freethinking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Meaning those problems that occur in the marriage will not just disappear when you kiss and make up. In the second stanza she is using communion to express how a spouse if looking for communication with their partner and is being turned away each by each. Levertov refers to society as a leviathan in the third stanza. She also talks about how the couple is looking for joy in their relationship, but they do not want it to be known that things are not working out with them. In the last stanza Levertov uses to the ark of to explain the survival of marriage. Everyone feels that marriage is a delightful experience; choosing to ignore the reality of struggles that relationships must deal with. Levertov took the one sided view that people hold of marriage and exemplified the realistic problems that people tend to forget. When Anne Sexton writes her poetry she writes to make the reader feel what she is writing. Sexton tends to write about her own experiences and events in other women s lives. In Anne Sexton s Unknown Girl in the Maternity Ward, she uses a language to express a mother s pain and anger after she gave birth to her fatherless child: And now that s that. There is nothing more that I can say or lose. Others have traded life before and could not speak. I tighten to refuse your owling eyes, my fragile visitor. I touch your cheeks, like
  • 7. Alibaba Article 2 Draft 1 Can the Dragon be tamed by ethics? : Alibaba listing on NYSE Alibaba also known as the behemoth of Chinese internet and for some the Chinese Amazon has been in news these days for all good reasons. The e commerce giant has introduced its IPO in NYSE with an offer price of $68.00 per share. The prices increased initially by 30% on the first day of trading taking the market value of the company to $230 billion. Based on the offering price the stocks of Alibaba sold at about 25 times higher than the estimated 2015 underwriter projection. After the first day s raise the company will have to put its focus on the year on year growth. To meet the expectation of investors and analysts the company need to increase revenue by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CEO and Director Jack Ma hold the maximum shares of this vehicle, however it is believed that a conflict may occur due to his dual role in the company. One of the major challenge that can affect the prospect shareholder decision is that the shareholders will buy the share in US but will have to coordinate with the authorities in China. Which means taxes will apply on dividends or benefits if the company is deemed as resident enterprise in China. Some of the other challenges like government s strict control over Chinese Internet infrastructure, regulatory challenges on Alipay, anti monopoly law in China and Chinese economic slowdown. These challenges can impact the decision making of the shareholders who are willing to put their money in Alibaba. Even after many challenges the company had a good opening at the IPO launch. A huge amount of expectation now lies on the company to fulfil, keeping in mind the challenges that might spoil the game. And if we look at the financial track records of the company look positive. Being a seasoned player where it has in large part built the status quo for online retailing in China and has been benefiting largely from the market. The change that can impact the company s performance might be a sudden technology change or change in the way Chinese customer uses online shopping. With government support and lower tax slabs
  • 8. All Material At This Website 1998-2005 By Christopher... All material at this website 1998 2005 by Christopher Michael Langan A Very Brief History of Time I just had a chance encounter with a garden slug, and it got me thinking about time. In this ostensibly inanimate, impersonal universe, a garden is a miracle. All the more so is a garden slug, an animal that can extract sufficient energy from the garden s vegetable matter to move from place to place under its own power. When one is in the right mood, watching the shimmering spotted slug slide over the mulch evokes the miracle of biology in all its splendor; the creature s pulsating aliveness is hypnotic. But then one recovers his bearings and realizes that this is only, after all, a garden slug, and that the ladder of biology goes much higher. The miracle of life has culminated in one s own species, man. Unlike the slug, whose nervous system has barely enough complexity to let it interface with the environment, a man s nervous system, nucleated by the adaptive and inventive human brain, can abstractly model its surroundings and project itself consciously and creatively through time. A slug can learn. The small neural network that serves as its brain can be modified by sensory input from its environment, and the slug s behavior modified accordingly. To this extent, the slug remembers the input. But because its simple brain cannot form an internal model of its changing relationship with the garden, the slug cannot recognize its memories as
  • 9. The Atomic Bombs During the 20th century, specifically the year 1945, the United States of America had two atomic bombs that the commander and chief, and president at the time, Harry Truman, knew about. President Truman plan was to drop the bombs on two of Japans cities, Hiroshima first and then Nagasaki. Truman s plans went accordingly, which to this day leads to a very controversial topic on whether or not dropping the atomic bombs was a good or bad thing. There is evidence and reasoning to back up both claims, in which everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, in my opinion, I believe the choice of Harry Truman to drop the two atomic bombs was the right choice because it saved lives, helped end the war faster, and it was merely the only choice for the sake of the American soldiers. During this time there was a lot going on. A few years before, between the time 1937 and 1941 Japan owned most of the land of East and Southeast Asia. When the attack of the United Statesin December of 1941 at Pearl Harbor, this caused the United States to enter the war. Japan did not have enough resources to fight against the United States and Britain causing them to be pushed out of the land of East and Southeast Asia (Basic Information of the Bomb). The then president at the time FDR died in February 1945, which leads to Truman becoming the new president soon after. The United States had two options when addressing the pacific front. They had to either continue man to man combat or force
  • 10. Analyzing The Chupacabra In Andrew J. Hoffman s Monsters In the reading Monsters By Andrew J. Hoffman in the section by Mike Davis called Monsters and Messiahs talk about the Urban Legend The Chupacabra. In the section, Davis uses the word Messiahs in discussing The Chupacabra because the monster was considered a leader of a particular group. The particular group would have to be in Mexico The Chupacabra was first brought in Puerto Rico. But then travel to California in the city of San Fernando. The Chupacabra has a made a big impact on people s viewing. The chupacabra is an urban legend, it is combined with varieties of animals put together. The chupacabra was called a Messiah because it was a lightning rod for immigrant anxiety. Meaning whenever something tragic would happen in the community
  • 11. Theoretical Models for Understanding Behavior Theoretical Models for Understanding Behavior In special education it is vital to have an understanding of human behavior and how it relates to learning disabilities. It is imperative to have a grasp of the concepts of the models and how it relates to the educators of tomorrow. (Wheeler, John J., Richey, David Dean, 2010) Understanding models of behavior also helps to have a more cohesive and positive classroom. When looking at an atypical child, the biological model, is an excellent starting point. The biological model is using medically based information to help ascertain the typicality of a child in relation to his/her counterparts. Using medical data and testing to find anomalies aids in diagnosing and starting treatment regimens. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His model focuses on the interactions that occur in the environment and how they affect the behavior. His theory also indicates that children learn by engaging in activities that they enjoy while working with other children. For example, if a child (A) were playing with Lego without the knowledge of how to put it together. Another child (B) sat down and knew how to put the Lego together; child A would learn from child B. Uri Bronfenbrenner is another known theorist for the ecological model. He is widely known for the showing that child development circled around the family, school, and environment. For the child to be educated it all depends on the environment surrounding the child. There are many factors in his theory; for example, a child is living in a non supporting home that causes a trickling affect for the child to be unsuccessful. Bronfenbrenner emphasizes all of the elements must be working toward the same goal, the student. Nicholas Hobbs was best known for re education of troubled children and youth. This theory leads to the design of Re Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children program (RE ED). This included studying Western European countries examining support for children with a disability. One model studied in France showed the role of a care giver in child care setting, titled psychoeducateurs. This was not done in the United States at this time. The psychoeducateur was essentially a child care specialist who had been
  • 12. Millerite Movement in the Second Great Awakening of... The Millerite Movement happened in the context of this nation s Second Great Awakening: a religious revival that carried the country into reform movements. The Second Great Awakening had its start in Connecticut in the 1790s and grew to its height in the 1830s to 1840s.[1] During this time in the United States history, churches experienced a more complete freedom from governmental control which opened the doors of opportunity to a great spiritual awakening in the American people.[2] This awakening focused on areas of both religious and social issues of that era which were important to the religious movements and the nation as a whole. The Second Great Awakening was driven by these issues which included an increase in the evils... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Millerite Movement is best known for its prediction of Christ s coming to be 1843 and later revised to October 22, 1844. The very core of this movement was the anticipation for the soon coming of Christ. They were not the only group to look forward to this event but it became of paramount interest to the Millerites, as they had a set date for Christ s second return.[8] As the Second Great Awakening grew more mindful of Christ s second coming, so did the Millerite Movement. The story of William Miller is one which climaxes in his desire to share about Christ s immediate return and the Great Disappointment. The result is the Adventist church we have today. The Seventh day Adventist Churchtoday still reflects the roots it had in the Second Great Awakening. The founding principles that the Millerites discovered as they broke away from the mainstream Christianity of their time, are still a part of what we believe today. The Adventist faith holds that anyone who comes to Christ is a new creation and can find salvation.[9] There is no predestination and once saved does not assure that we are always saved. But no matter what, anyone can come to God for His gift of salvation.[10] Just like the second coming of Christ was an important part of the Second Great Awakening and a key foundation of the Millerite Movement, Adventists have in their name the hope of His
  • 13. The Development Of Mexican Cuisine Introduction This project shows the development of Mexican Cuisine through the history until present, and discuss about how this cuisine can be improved in the future. Mexican cuisine, which had been influenced by many countries cultures and ingredients, absorbed and became a unique cuisine that is popular around the world today. Through this document, in the first part, we can learn about the Mexican history, also the facts of the influences that effected Mexican cuisine, the unique climate and geography make the dishes have differences in different states of Mexico. We can also learn the traditional dishes, cooking methods and some innovations about the cuisine. In the second part, shows the present dishes, techniques, and resources of Mexican cuisine. In the last part, we try to discuss the impact of new innovations, improvements that effected Mexican food in the future. The resources of ingredients which might be effected by economic globalization. Part One : History and Background History and Background: Mexican ancient civilization had included its mother culture which was called Olmec civilization, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltecs and Aztecs civilization. Picture 1: The Battle of Tenochtitlan in 1521(Campos, 2009) A big event that influenced Mexican religion was Spanish conquest. After the Spain s armies finished the 700 years Re conquest revolution, they gradually recovered the territories on the Spanish lane from Islamic rule. Under
  • 14. Wild Child Research Paper Wild Child One person I have found to be most interesting to write about is my youngest sister Mia. When Mia first enters a room, she does not walk in, she runs as fast as her little toddler feet while allow her to. Since Mia is always running around and constantly sweating, her head tends to smell like potatoes. Her voice is high pitched and squeaky. When she wines or cries it is the worst, because it sounds like she is screaming at the top of her lungs. She is two feet tall, weighing about thirty seven pounds with messy, dark brown hair. Her crazy hair is always in a knot on top of her head. Mia s eyebrows are thick and dark just like her big sisters. Many people tend to say that we all look very much alike. She has the cutest, big brown
  • 15. The Benefits Of Website All entrepreneurs want their sites visited by the greatest amount of visitors every day. For this, you have to customize your website as per your specific business needs and complete a number of tasks, such as adding a logo, changing the color of the site s background/theme, changing menu labels/links, uploading high quality images, etc. Once you customize your website, it becomes unique and user friendly, making it easier for the people to visit the website, read the available content, and take the further action. WordPress offers you a number of options for website customization. From the backend area of your website, you can do the basic customization work. For advanced level customization (such as adding Advanced submission forms to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can use the pro version of the plugin to use more fields, functionality, and flexibility. 2. Custom Facebook Feed Key details: Active installations: 200,000+ Cost: Free Overall user rating: 5/5 Facebook is an extremely popular social networking website extensively used by all entrepreneurs to reach out a large audience available on this network and create social leads easily and quickly. If you want to make your site s Facebook page more responsive and get it easily indexed by search engines, the use of this plugin is highly recommended. It comes with lots of styling and customization options, which allows you to customize the overall look of your Facebook page and feed to make it easier for search engines to add them in their indexes. It sharpens the outcome of your SMO and SEO efforts, both for improving the ranking of your website on WWW. Furthermore, the plugin makes your Facebook page completely responsive, allowing visitors to see your Facebook posts easily on different mobile devices. It allows you to show events from your Facebook feed with name, date/time, place, description, and engage more fans/followers on your site s Facebook page. You can add your own custom CSS and easily control the width, height, padding and background color of your Facebook feed. The plugin also supports localization, which enables you to give the Facebook feeds in user s preferred language without any hassle. You can use the pro
  • 16. Doublethink In 1984 George Orwell in his dystopian, political and social work of fiction Nineteen Eighty Four (ofttimes printed as 1984), published in 1949 defined the concept of doublethink via a book in the novel titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, read out aloud by the protagonist, written supposedly by Emmanuel Goldstein, a leader of The Brotherhood ; generally acknowledged as a fictitious creation of The Party. The definition in the book states Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . However, the concept itself is introduced in the very beginning of the novel as : To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Emmanuel is in fact a fabrication of the Party and the book is written by the Members of the Inner Party or the Members of Thought Police, then it s mere existence shows that a consciousness exists in the upper members depicting the true, totalitarian nature of the society. They may or may not use doublethink to cease to believe in this reality. This is again a paradox as O Brien, a very loyal member, tells Winston that he was a part of the committee that wrote the book to lure in thought criminals ; if this is true how can a loyal and honest member write about the truth that exists outside the bounds of Ingsoc. This must mean O Brien practices doublethink himself but being a member of the Inner Party has the privilege to retain consciousness and the choice to ignore the fallacies of the
  • 17. The Effect On Climate Change Basic functions of the UNFCCC play into its power and authority over addressing greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining presence in the international community. Such emissions make up a substantial portion of impact on climate change; therefore, the UNFCCC targets areas that produce the most emissions. The ways in which the UNFCCC minimally, but not adequately, regulates climate change is through two agreements. The two treaties are the Kyoto Protocolthe Paris Agreement (COP 21). In 2016, the Kyoto Protocol expires which the Paris Agreement replaces. Under the Kyoto Protocol, some of the major producers of greenhouse gasemissions are targeted. During the initial negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol, many of the top producers of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once the Nation s sign, the commitment to reducing the emissions is the second step towards change. Yet some of the lower ranked emitters pledged to cut back more than the top producers. In fact, some developing nations (process of transitioning to a market economy) committed to reducing more than the top producers) (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1998) (Damassa, Friedrich, Ge 2014) ( Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol 2014). Five of the top producers of greenhouse gas emissions are considered the most influential or powerful Nations. These powerful nations are (ranked from highest to lowest) United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (Clark 2017). All of the Countries listed were ranked according to its economy, politics or political influence, cultural influence (including art), education, natural resources, environmental change, exports of arms, imports of arms, military spending, and military size. Overall, these Nations share in influence on other smaller nations. This is key in determining the lack of effectiveness of the UNFCCC. The convention failed to get the top producer of emissions and the third most powerful nation to sign the Protocol in December of 1998. These Countries not only set the stage for economic relations but also for the environment. Environmental change is
  • 18. Narrative Essay On Midnight Cowboy I walked out of the movie s with Steel when he asked, What movie did we watch? I had already told him three times, but he couldn t remember that well. So I told him it was Midnight Cowboy . Steel snapped his fingers and his pitbull came running right behind us and she jumped on me and started to lick my face steel fell on the sidewalk laughing. Then he got up and grabbed her and lifted her on his shoulder and then sead greecpit stop . She looked at him then licked his face he set greecpit down then we went on our way then a blue mustang pulled up. Three people came out and they were socs. One of them went to my school and was in the same class as me I think his name was bob. They looked drunk. Bob pulled a knife out and sead to me you need a haircut Steel started to laugh when he stopped he said your not going to touch his hair without a fight then he grabbed his branz knuckles and put them on he was a boxer in new york back in the day till his dad walked out on him and his mom then four weeks later killed herself by a gun. They looked at him like as if they were confused the Bob sead to him you know that it s stupid to bring branz knuckles to a knife fight steel said no it s not . Then he ran at us but greecpit jumped in his way bob kicked greecpit out of the way steel lost it he punched bob in the face and he fell to the ground bob s friends grabed steel and bob grabbed me. He was going to cut my hair off but then my brother s sodapop and darry ran up
  • 19. Radley s Home-Personal Narrative As soon as Sheriff Tate walked into my office I knew something was wrong. As we pulled into my own driveway I saw Calpurnia bounding towards the house. Of course it would be my children out of them all to spot the dumb dog, then freaking out Calpurnia in the process. As Heck and I reached the porch Jem opened up the screen door. Stay inside son. That boy always wanted to be a part of what was going on. He never could just wait off to the side and stay out of it. Where is he, Cal? He oughta be here by now, she said pointing down the street. I looked down the street to see if anything was coming, nothing. Maybe he s wandered away and we won t have to do what I think is going to have to be done. He might follow the curve; hope he does or he ll go straight in the Radley backyard. Let s wait a minute. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I put my foot on a chair and out wiped my hands on the side of my thigh. Then I saw him walking up the far end of the street. There he is, I murmured. He looks pretty bad. I can t tell if he s sick or just so crazy that he looks sick. He looks more sick than anything, Scout said. He s got it all right, Mr.Finch. He was inching towards us slowly. I couldn t help but feel sorry for the old dog, he probably didn t want to be like this, crazy. What if he didn t want to hurt anyone? Maybe he was just looking for somewhere to die. Tim Johnson reached the Radley house and stopped. He s within range, Heck. You better get him before he goes down the street. Heck needs to take the shot now; he won t get another. Tate handed the rifle to me then, Take him, Mr. Finch. It had caught me off guard, I didn t think Heck would even think to hand the gun to me. That was my past and this is the
  • 20. Summary Of Dandelion Wine An excerpt from the book, Dandelion Wine , was written by Ray Bradbury and published in 1957. The story takes place in the small town of Green Town where a serial killer, The Lonely One, remains at large. The main character, Lavinia Nebbs and her friends try to cope with the discovery of Elizabeth Ramsell s body on their way to see a Charlie Chaplin film. Lavinia appears to be the only one not shaken up by the horrible news, and after finding out that a conspicuous man is inquisitive about Lavinia, the ladies appear to be on edge. Lavinia struggles to control her fear at the very end of the story when she suspects that she is being followed by a figure, and the story ends when she arrives home only to find that there is a man in her house. In stressful situations, fear naturally changes the entire perspective of the situation, and is ultimately inevitable. Dandelion Wineis best analyzed from the psychological approach because of how fear altered the character s perspective which enhanced the setting of the story. The ravine that runs through Green Town is an important geographical factor of the story since it is the place where the Lonely One hid Elizabeth Ramsell s body. Ray Bradbury also uses the ravine to echo Lavinia s perception of it before and after her fear of the Lonely One was revealed. On page two is states, Lavinia looked and the ravine was a dynamo that never stopped running, night or day; there was a great moving hum, a bumbling and murmuring of
  • 21. Essay On Classification Of Avian Avulavirus Serotype-1 Classification of Avian Avulavirus serotype 1 The causative agent of ND, is now classified as a species Avian avulavirus serotype 1 (AAV 1). Recently, the 10th annual International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV, EC 48, Budapest, Hungary, August 2016), categorized the virus as a member of the genus Avulavirus of the paramyxoviridae family (Alexander, 1997) in the order of mononegavirales (Knipe and Hetsley, 2001; Mayo, 2002; Murphy et al., 1995; Afonso et al., 2016). The order mononegavirales has undergone several changes in 2017 ICTV report. It s comprised of eight families hosting viruses with non segmented, linear, single stranded and negative sense RNA. The designated Paramyxoviridae family is now where the causative agent of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Several antigenic and genetic diversity are recognized (Aldous et al., 2003; Alexander, 1997; Kim et al., 2007) using molecular based techniques for analyzing the genome sizes (Knipe and Hetsley, 2001). The classification schemes adopted for Avian Avulavirus 1, is based on the sequences and phylogenetic analysis of HN, L, M and F genes and these have been advanced to group isolates (Aldous et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2010; Pedersen, 2010). Depending on the researcher s preference, nominal differences arise in the grouping of isolates. Using genotypes or genetic lineages proposed by Aldous et al., Avian Avulavirus 1 is placed in serotype 1 with six lineages and 13 sublineages (AVV 1) (Aldous et al., 2003), to which three other sublineages were added (Snoeck, et al 2009). Most ND vaccines are grouped under Class II, genotype I and II while genotype III X are velogenic that might be used as challenge viruses in vaccination experiments. Using the genome size scheme, Avian Avulavirus 1 is placed into six lineages (1 to 6) (Alexander and Senne, 2008). Detailed analysis reveals sub lineages in lineage 3 and 4 (a to d) and in lineage 5 (a to e). On the other hand, using genomic characterization and restriction site mapping of HN, F and L
  • 22. Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Book Report The blacks are like cheetahs ready to learn, but without feet because they had the ability to reach high standards, but didn t have access to a bus to take the children to school that was miles away from their homes.In the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, the Logan children have to go to school that is many miles away ,even so, they still go because there education matters most to them. In the b0ok Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Cassie states in chapter one that many kids droped out of scoll because of the time it took to get to school and that s why the blacks needed the bus. The Logan children daily go to school and are usually very tired for the miles they just walked, suffering for the education they deserve. Just image that you were to walk several miles just for one school day, about six hours and you were to walk more miles back home, would you ever get tired or stressed.Buses should be for everyone, not leaving anyone out, because we are human after all and the blacks need transportation to school.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, in Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry By Mildred D. Taylor, the protagonist Cassie recieves a onld book that is really old and has been passed down by whites See, Miz Crocker, see what it says? They give us these ole books when they didn t want em no more. People don t get to choose what race they are when they are born and in this time the whites had a large amount of money. The whites thought that why give all this money to the blacks, so the money was given to all the white schools. Sometimes the blacks suffered in school because they wanted to reach the white schools level of learning. Some people were just really lucky to be white because you felt like a king. All people are all the same and should have equal
  • 23. The Ancient Olympics Most people know that the Olympics were started in Greece and that there must be at least one difference between the ancient Olympics and the more recent Olympics.But contrary to common belief the olympics have significally changed from when they first began ,not only has the meaning of the events changed but the athletes able to participate. One story says that the games were started by Herakles (Roman Hercules) and Alceme. There are other known records of who began the games. The first known written record of the games is in 776 B.C. ,but it is believed that they originated earlier.(D) During the games fighting in Greece would cease so the games could be held. The games were ende in394 A.D. because Christian Emperor Theodosius I declared them pagan traditions.(C) The name Olympics is derived from Olympia the place where the games were held. Olympia is part of the western side Peloponnese. Pelops , to whom the land is named, is also said to be the founder of the games. Olympia is composed of shrines, sporting facilities, and temples. Olympia was used as a political and religious meeting center since the 10th century B.C. The center of Olympia was mainly composed of a to Zeus (Roman Jove or Jupiter) and a temple to Hera (Roman Juno) parallel.(A) The city was mostly covered by temples because the games acknowledged the Greek gods. The most important temple was the one devoted to Zeus , the ruler of the Greek gods. The written records from 776 B.C. show that the first
  • 24. California Open Meeting Law First, we have to understand what a meeting is considered, know what government offices are covered by open meeting laws then explain why it is open to the public. One of the California open meeting laws is the Bagley Keene Act it applies at the state government level; it includes state boards, state commissions and any other state offices that have to hold public meetings. Bagley Keene Act defines meetings as a congregation of the members of a state body at the same time to hear, discuss or deliberate. The Brown Act is the second open meetinglaw for California, this applies to the local government level, this would include; the cities, the counties, school districts, municipal corporations, special districts, and all the other local public... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The employees of the government offices are paid by the government hence the reason that I do not believe they are considered a business at the government level. The cities receive their revenue from companies, state and federal accounts. But, a lot is paid by the residents of the state, for example; property taxes, permits, parks and recreation, homeowners taxes, taxes from businesses, court fees and fines, utility companies and other outside franchises. City revenue can also take fees for some services like, amusement taxes, and hotel occupancy. Yes, a city can file bankruptcy. The city of Stockton in California filed bankruptcy, the question was can they go bankrupt without having to reduce the pensions of public workers. It is the largest city that filled and Detroit followed. When a municipality files bankruptcy the federal government has to approve or deny it. Municipalities file under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy code. This is not a common occurrence. The process varies from state to state. In some states, the city goes into state receivership rather than actually filing. The most common reason is unaffordable union
  • 25. The Sixties Scoop in Canada Critical Social Work School of Social Work University of Windsor 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, Ont. Canada N9B 3P4 Email: cswedit@uwindsor.ca Website: http://www.uwindsor.ca /criticalsocialwork/ Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information can be found at: http://uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork The online version of this article can be found at at: http://uwindsor.ca /criticalsocialwork/the http://uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork/the sixties scoop implications for social workers workers andsocial work education Critical Social Work, 2010 Vol. 11 o. 1 11, Online publication date: May 2010 53 Alston O Connor The Sixties Scoop: Implications for Social Workers and Social Work Education... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfamiliar with extended family child rearing practices and communal values, government social service workers attempted to rescue children from their Aboriginal families and communities, devastating children s lives and furthering the destitution of many families. Culture and ethnicity were not taken into consideration as it was assumed that the child, being pliable, would take on the heritage and culture of the foster/adoptive parents (Armitage, 1995). The forced removal of children and youth from their Native communities has been linked with social problems such as high suicide rate, sexual exploitation, substance use and abuse, poverty, low educational achievement and chronic unemployment (Lavell Harvard and Lavell, 2006, p.144). Newly designated funds from the federal to the provincial governments were the primary catalysts for state involvement in the well being of Aboriginal children...as Ottawa guaranteed payment for each child apprehended (Lavell Harvard and Lavell, 2006, p.145). Exporting Aboriginal children to the United States was common practice. Private American adoption agencies paid Canadian child welfare services $5,000 to $10,000 per child (LavellHarvard and Lavell, 2006). These agencies rarely went beyond confirming the applicant s ability to pay, resulting in minimal screening and monitoring of foster or adoptive parents (Fournier and
  • 26. Financial Analysis on Coles Myer Woolworths Table of Contents Introduction............2 Financial Condition...........3 1. Overview............3 2. Liquidity..............3 3. Financial Leverage.......5 4. Assets Management....6 5. Profitability...........7 Conclusion.......8 Recommendation......8 References.............10 Appendix................11 Introduction Coles Myer Limited (CML) and Woolworths Limited (WOW) are two major Australian companies with extensive retail interest and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. They are Australian public companies which operate a number of retail chains. CML is Australia s second largest retailer, behind WOW. It operates a number of chains of retail outlets which are including Coles Supermarkets, Bi Lo, Liquorland, Pick n ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Vance, D. E. (2003) states that it is another way to think about the risk of leading to, or investing in a company. These two companies both experienced a drop on this ratio from 2004 to 2005, 0.35 for WOW and 0.3 for CML in 2005. 3. Financial leverage Equity ratio debt ratio Equity ratio and debt ratio are both designing for capital structure and they are negatively related with each other. The cost of equity is higher than the cost of debt,
  • 27. but shareholders will not require companies to repay them dividends and principals any time. However, companies must pay the debt holders interests and principals each year. And increasing leverage ratio will result in increasing the return to shareholders, yet at the same time, it will increase the repayment commitments and then raise the risk to company and shareholders. CML s equity ratio increased to 0.4 and correspondingly debt ratio decreased to 0.15 from 2001 to 2005. Generally it is a good trend, even though there has been a decrease in equity ratio in 2005 from 0.45 to 0.40 and an increase in debt ratio from 2004 to 2005, it may be due to the acquisition from US group KKR. However, in 2005, equity is almost three times debt, which means the capital structure is still in good condition. On the other hand, WOW experienced a different trend that its equity ratio has decreased from 0.30 to 0.25, and debt ratio has significantly increased from 0.13 to 0.32 between 2001 and 2005. WOW raised funds
  • 28. Analysis Of Ichabod Crane s Sleepy Hollow It was a windy and foggy day in sleepy hollow. Clouds are gray, leaves falling like fall and trees dancing in the wind. As Ichabod Crane walks pass the trials of sleepy hollow he sees a black crow flying in the sky and was frightened when it appeared behind him on the sign. The town of sleepy hollow is known for its crazy mythical and supernatural stories of witches, ghosts and the most well known; The Headless Horseman. Ichabod Craneis not like most typical guys. He is not as strong physically or mentally, but more sensitive and feminine. Among everyone in the town, Ichabod is the school teacher for the younger kids. Everyday Ichabod, he reads on his way to his small school and after staying at his students houses. The women... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Crane, Im Katrina Van Tassel, Katrina kindly said. She smiles at him and walks away. For the rest of the day all Ichabod could think about was Katrina. Katrina van tassel mmm even her name is precious, Ichabod thought to himself. A few days past and Ichabod had been invited by Katrina to a party she was throwing at her father s house. Ichabod was so excited and couldn t wait to see Katrina. Later on that day, while Ichabod was on his way to the party he ran into a man on a horse. Are you Ichabod Crane? Bron Boones asked. Yes and you are? Ichabod replied. Stay away from my woman or else, Bron Bones ordered as he rides away on his horse. Ichabod confused continued his way to the party. When he arrived at the party he saw Katrina he walks up to her and asked her for a dance. They danced all night long. Who is that man staring at us? Ichabod asked. Well, he is the town s Douchebag, Katrina replied. He never got worried about losing her, why would she go for him. An hour later, the music stopped and Bron gathers up all the men in one room to tell the tale that will go on and on. Today, my men , I tell you the tale of the Headless Horseman, Bron started. When he uttered these words Ichabod started to break out in sweat, his heart started to beat out of his chest. Bron starts talking about the noises the horse makes when it is near and how he hides in the shadows of the night. All of a sudden Ichabod starts to remember what had happen to
  • 29. The Importance Of Realism In The Film The King Of Kong In the film, The King of Kong, realist aesthetics are used to give the audience a view of the real world and create the deeper meaning that if something doesn t look like it is real than it is ultimately flawed and inaccurate. Compared to this, formalist aesthetics that are used in the film, Wreck It Ralph, are not only utilized to present a whole new world that is exaggerated visually, but to primarily produce a vision that creates a deeper meaning and tone that is far from realistic. The cinematography that is being displayed in the film, The King of Kong, is what is known as deep focus cinematography. In the documentary, there are many instances where there is a lot of space in front of the camera, consisting of space and people, that is in clear focus and only partially distorted in some areas that are mainly difficult to identify. The foreground, middle ground, and background will all be in crisp focus. For example, when Steve Wiebe is playing Donkey Kong at Funspot, Steve is presented clearly in the foreground as well as the many people and gaming consoles in the middle ground and background. This type of cinematography is used to present to the audience something that they can essentially relate to on a personal and real level. Each part of the image is in focus to give off the notion that everything that is being seen is like what is seen in a real world situation. On the other hand, expressive cinematography is what is utilized in the film, Wreck It Ralph. This type of cinematography is characterized by using fast or slow motion, whether it be with an object or person. When a person or object in the film is sped up it is usually in order to represent a lapse of a large amount of time. For example, when Ralph is talking about the new games that appear over time in the arcade, the people and gaming consoles speed up and alter with the lapse of time. Opposite of this is when time and space are slowed down. For instance, when Felix saves Sergeant Calhoun and himself from dying in the Nesquik Sand they in turn gaze into each other s eyes. Slow motion is used in this instance to intensify built up romantic emotions and of course expand time. This type of cinematography is used to give the audience
  • 30. The Beaufy of Puerto Rico Essay My research paper will be about Puerto Rico and its importance to the spanish language. It is located in the Caribbean sea, southeast of Florida. It is home to many US citizens in its beautiful tropic landscape. In this paper I will explain the important aspects of the Puerto Rican government, the people, and the lovely food. GOVERNMENT The capital of Puerto Rico is San Juan. Puerto Rico is a United States Territory under commonwealth status. Some of the major differences between the 50 states of the US and Puerto Rico is that Puerto Rico does not share the same federal tax, but does have similar government income tax rates. Puerto Rico does have authority over its internal affairs. Also Puerto Ricans cannot vote in Presidential or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Spanish colonists provided an entire new selection of food to the Taino s. The spanish conquistadors brought pigs, chicken,many new vegetables, wheat and sugar cane. These new items of food from the spanish had a major impact of modern day Puerto Rico food. Another group of people to influence the food of Puerto Rico was the African slaves. Juan Garrido was a free African Spaniard man who was the first African to live in Puerto Rico. Garrido was the first person that taught the Taino s who to grow wheat properly. Africans are believed to be the ones that brought rice into the Taino diet. A Puerto Rican breakfast mainly consists of some sort of pastry or bread and a coffee and milk. Breakfast is not major meal in the Puerto Rican diet. Two pastries are Mallorca and quesito. Mallorca is a light pastry bread with sprinkled sugar on it. Quesito is a common pastry. It is a flaky, puff pastry wrapped around sweetened cream cheese. It is extremely delicious. No Latin American breakfast would be complete without a cafe con leche. Appetizers play a major role in Puerto Rican food. Tostones are fried plantains. A plantain is a long green banana. Bananas are a main Puerto Rican food. ANother popular Puerto Rican food is Mofongo. Mofongo is a mashed mound of plantains. Seafood, meat, or vegetables is added to this dish. It is usually made with fried green plantains that are mashed together in a pilГѓВіn (a mashing utensil),
  • 31. Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Essay Effects of Agriculture on the Environment Introduction: Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Food and fibre productivity rose due to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favoured maximizing production. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labour demands to produce the majority of the food and fibre. Humans, like all other species, exploit their surroundings for the resources they need to survive. Our current exploitation of the world, however, is greater than those of most species. There are many reasons for this exploitation but we will focus on one and that is our technology, which is used for various ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It takes up to three hundred years for one inch of agricultural topsoil to form so soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long term crop yields have not been sufficiently measured. The amount of erosion varies from one field to another. This depends on the type of soil, the slope of the field, the drainage patterns and the crop management practices. The effects of the erosion vary also. The areas that are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity are areas with deep organic loams. This is more sustainable than the areas where topsoil s are shallower. Erosion removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and nutrients in the root zone where they are available to plants. Thus it affects the productivity of plants. The remaining, the subsoil, tends to be less fertile, less absorbent and less able to retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. There are over 17,000 soil types recognized worldwide. They vary widely in structure, erodibility, fertility, and ability to produce crops. A generalized soil profile for a humid, temperate climate is showed. When the natural vegetation is cleared for agriculture, soils become exposed to erosion and loss of soil fertility. The removal of the above ground natural
  • 32. Character Analysis Of Gary O s Seventh Grade By Gary Soto Even though Victor, a 7th grader from the story of Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, is trying to find his way socially, academically and personally, he is motivated to get his girl but in doing this he matures and develops. On the first day of seventh grade, Victor s personality is sheepish and shy. When he was in his math room for his second period, he sat in the back because math was at his weakest subject. On Victor s way to math class the narrator says After English, Victor had math, his weakest subject. He sat in the back by the window, hoping that he would not be called on. Victor understood most of the problems, but some of the stuff looked like the teacher made it up as she went along. It was confusing, like the inside of a watch. (Soto 4). This illustrates that Victor is not very good at math and does not want to try harder in math. It is important to notice that he has not been able to grasp the knowledge of this class and is not willing to catch up. The moment Victor develops is when Teresa asks if he can tutor her he this sparks that he knew he did not fail and impressed her in French class. The teacher beamed and said, TrГЁs Bien. Parlez vous franГ§ais? Victor didn t know what to say. The teacher wets his lips and asked something else in French. The room grew silent. Victor felt all eyes staring at him. He tried to bluff his way out by making noises that sounded French. La me vave me con le grandma, he said uncertainly. Mr. Bueller, wrinkling his face in
  • 33. An Analysis Of The Destructors By T. In The Destructors , T. keeps assuring that the reason they tore the house down wasn t personal, but he clearly had motivation to tear it down. The motivation to tear the house down comes mainly from T., not the whole gang. T. wants to tear down the house because there was a bombing years ago, and every house crumbled into dust, including T. s, but this was the only house that was left standing. The quote The fact that his father, a former architect and present clerk, had come down in the world and that his mother considered herself better than the neighbors. is an example of this. When it says that his father had come down in the world and the fact that he was a former architect shows that before the bombings T. s family was well off,
  • 34. The Civil Rights Movement, And Star Trek When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, it presented a future where people were not limited by the color of their skin or their gender. Gene Roddenberry s fictional universe showed the possibilities that existed where humans could get past the issues that were prevalent in the 1960s. Through the allegory that Star Trek used, the audience was able to view current and pressing issues, raceand gender, through the medium of television. The civil rights movement and the feminist movement both began in the 1960s, and Star Trek reflected the issues and gave a setting for people to discuss them through the use of metaphor. The events during and after WWII had an effect upon the civil rights movement that occurred in the 1960s. African Americans moved from the rural areas into cities to fill jobs in the war industry due to a labor shortage. This was important because in concentrated a large number of African Americans into the cities where the civil rights movement would begin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt s Four Freedoms speech listed the objectives that they were going to fight to protect which were the freedoms of speech, worship freedom from want and from fear. These freedoms had African Americans thinking about their rights as citizens and how they did not enjoy the same freedoms as white people. This opened a dialogue among black peopleabout the lack of democracy in the United States. This led to black leaders threatening a labor protest which would be held in the
  • 35. How Does Dickens Present Miss Havisham Compare the presentation of Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham. Explore how Shakespeare and Dickens present them as disturbed women. Disturbed is a definition of someone who has emotional or mental problems; both Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham are presented as disturbed characters in one way or another. These two leading women both have characteristics that were not stereotypical of woman at the time periods that the play and the novel were set in; making them immediately appear strange to the audience or reader of that time. Shakespeare and Dickens both present their leading women in very different ways; however some aspects of their characters show similarities. The play Macbeth was set in Elizabethan times, where there was a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This makes the reader feel somewhat sorry for her at first and wonder why she is living in such a way. Although it is soon evident that Miss Havisham is not as weak as she first appears when she speaks to Pip for the first time; Come nearer; let me look at you. Come close. Dickens also uses imperatives in Miss Havisham s speech come showing that although regarded by all in that era as a failure she still has power to make others do whatever she wants. Both Lady Macbeth and Miss Havisham are both portrayed as evil characters throughout the play and the novel. Some people may argue that Miss Havisham is less evil as she does not murder anyone, however, she does ruin the lives of others, using Estella to break the hearts of men the way hers was once broken. Lady Macbeth does come across as more wicked than Miss Havisham most of the time however she might not be as evil and sinister as we are lead to believe. We realise this when she says stop up the access and passage to remorse . This shows the audience that maybe she does have some conscience because she knows she will feel guilty. However, another way to look at it is that she just wants to stop this from happening so that she can live happily as queen without guilt pulsing through her. This makes the reader think of her as a selfish woman who is used to getting exactly what she
  • 36. Theories Of The Beringia Theory In North And South America Most people wonder how people first arrived in the Americas. Well, many Archeologists have looked at different sites in both North and South America. At the different sites, the archeologists have found many different artifacts that help support different theories. There are four main theories that have been investigated. First, the Beringia Theory. Second, the Solutrean s Hypothesis. Next, Open Ocean. Finally, Coastal Migration. The Most plausible out of these theories is the Solutrean s Hypothesis. The Beringia theory is probably the most common theory out of all of them.This theory is that people originally came across a land bridge from Russia to modern day Alaska. According to Ice Age, New Discoveries documentary,this theory is said to have happened 11,500 years ago. The reason why people moved along the land bridge was that animals were running there, and hunters went wherever the meat was. People and animals also followed water and vegetation as they spread out amongst the Americas. When the people were traveling over, they had to follow paths made by some ice. According to Kids Past.com, after people started to cross the land bridge, they spread out amongst the Americas, after many, many years. Typically, it took many generations of people to spread. According to the Smithsonian Web Based Encyclopedia, humans and animals crossed the land bridge 11,500. According to New York Times Article, New World s Earliest People Tests hint Campsite is 15,000 Years Old ,
  • 37. Brainwashing In How Stuffs Work There are many individuals who view brainwashing as a disease that spreads like wildfire. But what exactly is brainwashing and how does it work? According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, brainwashing is defined as a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas. According to journalist Julia Layton, from How Stuff Works, In the brainwashing process, the agent systematically breaks down the target s identity to the point that it doesn t work anymore. The agent then replaces it with another set of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that work in the target s current environment. But it s not like brainwashing is a brand new invention that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After watching the film, I learned that there are certain things people use to brainwash an individual. I also learned that you should stand up and fight for what you truly believe in. Learning how to stand up to someone gives you strength and makes you feel like no one can mess with you. But when you live in a country like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or even Syria, it s not that easy. There are consequences that follow when you finally begin to see the truth behind something bad. There are some individuals who say that it s easy to not let someone brainwash or tell you what to do, all you have to do is say no. But see, it s not that simple. Those individuals don t have to go through what the individuals in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Syria have to go through when it comes to just saying no. If someone from one of those countries were to say no to their brainwasher, they would get punished, tortured or even killed. So it s not really a win win. But what s even more alarming, is that children are the ones who are also getting brainwashed, just like in the film. And it doesn t matter if you re a child or not, if you don t obey or fall in, there s a certainty you may get killed. It is important that individuals know brainwashing is serious and that it s not that easy to turn away from. It s like a quote that Caroline Kennedy once said that I believe fits well into what I learned, It is not easy to stand up
  • 38. Operation MEDUSA Research Paper The war in Afghanistan started in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks because of a terrorist group called Al Qaeda, and its leader, Osama bin Laden, the one who planned the attacks. It was a very long and hard conflict that lasted approximately thirteen years. Canadian troops got involved for more than a decade fighting to make Afghanistan a better place for their citizens. The Canadian forces completed several key military operations, including Medusa operation , and more with the help of their allies before ending the conflict successfully on their own terms. Afghanistan is a country with extreme climate, in the summer, temperatures rises at 50Вє c and there are also huge dust storms, this wasn t an easy war to fight. The United States, Canada, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This project refurbished the 57 year old Dahla Dam and 40 kilometer irrigation network. The purpose of this reconstruction was to provide a secure irrigation water supply to surrounding farmlands. The cost of Canadian contributions to the war was approximately $12 billion dollars, which were divided into the following categories: Military combat mission (2001 2012) $8.4B, Diplomacy and development $2.2B, Veteran Affairs 447M, Military Kabul training mission 384M. Despite rampant violence, high levels of corruption and a strong drug trade, officials feel Afghanistan is a much different place from what it was in 2001, with a much stronger Afghan army, and this is thanks to Canada and all the other nations that helped Afghanistan to be a better for its citizens to live and also in a social manner. Canadian troops capped a deadly and dangerous 12 year mission in Afghanistan on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, hauling down the Canadian flag at NATO headquarters in Kabul during a ceremony that was held under heavy guard. Canada did an amazing job in this war, helping to change this devastated
  • 39. East Los Angeles College Student Analysis Although named East Los Angeles College(ELAC), ELAC is actually located in Monterey Park, California. Monterey Park is located 30 miles east of Downtown Los Angeles, and has the largest concentration of Chinese Americans in the US. I was raised and born in Monterey Park and when I graduated high school, I enrolled at the local community college. Two years of working as a tutor at the ELAC Writing Center taught me the importance of literature and teaching literature. As a tutor, I learned the necessity to analyze, assess, and appeal to not only the studentbut their learningneeds as well. Most importantly, I learned that before a teacher can impact their students they must understand the student s environment. While being the largest community ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout my educational career, I have been taught English from a dominant perspective that ignored issues of class, race and gender. I have witnessed many students, including myself, become disinterested in great works because there is no personal connection to the texts. My hopes are to widen the paradigm so that more students can become interested in English and see how reading, analysis, and writing can develop not only one s understanding of their society, but also themselves. I acknowledge that every student works and thinks differently; therefore, it should be the teacher s responsibility to provide necessary resources that will develop each individual s their composition skills accordingly. I often tell myself, I am teaching for the students who do not want to be there in the classroom . With disengaged students in mind, I want to push myself to provide a learning experience that is pluralistic, informative and inspirational. Teachers should see their role not as expert, but as someone engaged in reciprocal learning and dialogue with students. To appeal to disinterested students, teachers must explain how writing and rhetoric is necessary in all fields by explaining how English cultivates strong communication skills, which are necessary in everyday life. A teacher s goal should be to motivate students to begin a personal exploration toward effective, ethical
  • 40. Using Counselling Skills Essay Using Counselling Skills Before I started I went over a contract and I told Jillian how I was using the content of the session to write an assignment for the course that I am doing at college and that only myself, my course tutor and maybe an outside assessor for the course would see what was written about the session and that she could read the assignment before I showed anyone else. I stated that almost everything that was said to me would be confidential, although working along the B.A.C.P ethical guidelines, confidentiality may have to be broken if it became clear that serious harm may be caused to others or herself. We agreed that this would be a one off session that would last around 30... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jillian started by saying that she was undecided whether or not to end the relationship with Tony as she felt that if anyone found out, it would end up hurting up his whole family, children included. I reflected feeling back to Jillian. Here is an example of what was said; J: I m in two minds whether or not to finish it altogether, imagine how the kids would feel if they found out, everyone would get hurt. S: So you re feeling unsure as what to do, whether to end the relation ship or not. (reflecting feeling) J: Yes, I want to keep seeing him but I don t want anyone getting hurt, but I suppose his wife will find out eventually anyway. (response) Jillian talked about being mixed up and not being able to decide if she really wanted a relationship or if she was just scared of being alone. I paraphrased this back to Jillian. J: I don t think I want a proper relationship, I mean I don t love him and sometimes it feels like he s just using me for sex, but I don t want to finish it because then I would be totally on my own. S: Some times you think that Tony might be using you, but you don t want to end it altogether, in fear of being on your own. (paraphrase) J: I know its stupid really, I m living by myself
  • 41. Why I Want To Be A Football Player When I grow up I want to be a football player. My favorite football team is the Raiders. I want to be a wide receiver. First of all I want to be a football player because I want to be wide receiver because its offense and they can catch and run. I want to be a wide receiver because I like to run routes, it s a way of scoring. I also want to be a wide receiver so I can catch all over my opponents. Last I want to be a wide receiver because I can juke my opponents out and score a touchdown. Next I like to be a footballplayer because I like to make touchdowns. I like to make touchdowns so we can win. I also like to make touchdowns so we can make it to the playoffs and playsome of the top football teams. Last I like to
  • 42. Pros And Cons Of Digital Footprint Digital Footprint make you or break you During the last decades, social media has been one of the most powerful tool to achieve success, but it is also a risky medium since it has caused the fall of many important reputations figures corporations. It will always depend on how someone uses social media because once your digital footprint is online, it will remain forever. Although digital footprint is a concern for modern society, social media is an essential mechanism for both the actual and future workforce. The digital footprint of a person is the data that is gathered while he or she is online. With everything surfed online, there might be remaining digital footprints beneath. In the article Your Digital Footprint: What is it How... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Natasha mentioned that Of 381 college admissions officers who answered a Kaplan telephone questionnaire this year, 31 percent said they had visited an applicant s Facebook or other personal social media page to learn more about them a five percentage point increase from last year . In fact, 30 percent of the colleges admission representatives claimed that they have found many data on social media that had negatively impacted the applicants. Admissions of offices of colleges have also rejected applicants just because of their digital
  • 43. The ! Kung Research Paper Each individual pertaining to the !Kung is considered relatively equal, however in this egalitarian society, age becomes one of the forms of status distinction. Age becomes an important aspect when determining the structure of the kinship system. Thus, as a person ages, more control is granted (kinship). As a result, genderbecomes irrelevant to the !Kung when deciding who will possess authority in relation to kinship, granting women and men gender equality within the kinship system. In addition to age, children of the !Kung are given the names of their paternal and maternal grandparents. However, the paternal grandparent s names for both genders take precedence, as seen when Lee writes, A first born son is supposed to be named after his
  • 44. Hot Dogs and the Ultimate BMW Event in 2011 In June 9,2011 Knauz BMW dealership was to held the BMW Series 5 Ultimate Driving event, where sales personal are to meet with customers and take them out on a test drive. For the food they were going to serve have hot dog, cookies, and chips. As he testified many of the employees was amused by the amazement for the lack of food being served. Also stated that Knauz BMW was the leading car dealershipin the auto park, Becker compared Mercedes Benz dealership event food was better. On the day of the Event, Becker took photos of salespersonal holding hot dogs, water and Doritos and posting the pictures on his Facebook page. Becker wrote: I was happy to see that Knauz went All Out for the most important launch of a new BMW in years . . . the new 5 se rise. A car that will generate tens in millions of dollars in revenues for Knauz over the next few years. The small 8 oz bags of chips, and the $2.00 cookie plate from Sam s Club, and the semi fresh apples and oranges were such a nice touch ...but to top it all off...the Hot Dog Cart. Where our clients could attain a over cooked wiener and a stale bunn. Several days after on June 14,2011 the BWM event an accident occurred at the adjacent Land Rover dealership across the street. A salesperson was showing a customer a car, the client 13 year old son climbed in the driver s seat and stepped on the gas pedal run over the customer foot and causing the vehicle and the salesperson to be thrown into the water. Becker posted
  • 45. Analysis Of The Book Christian Travels Finally he indicates the condition of man through the journey it takes to get out of the city. In the story, Christian travels out of the city only to find that the path is almost as treacherous as the city itself. First he falls into the Bog named the Slough of Despond. The Slough is not only very hard to see, but the way though the bog is hidden from all travelers. In the Story, Help describes the slough as being desolate because of the fears, doubts, and discouraging apprehensions that come to a sinner who is enlightened (Bunyan 23). John Bunyanclearly illustrates a path that is hard to follow because leaving sinis one of the hardest things to do. Bunyan confirms that he believes that sin is hard to leave by telling us of his early hardships with temptations. The temptations of sin became so overwhelming that Bunyan felt like selling his soul to the devil and after trying to say no he gave into Satan (Abrams 2134 2137). Then later in the Journey to the Cross, Bunyan also uses the character named World to describe the many other hardships that come along the trail. Thou art like to meet with in the way which thou goest wearisomeness, painfulness, hunger, perils, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness and in a word, death and what not? (Bunyan 25). Clearly Bunyan wants to show that the condition of man is terrible because of the awful problem of sin that pulls every person away from God. Next the writer uses the allegory of Christian s burden to enhance the
  • 46. The Concept Of The American Family Ashley Guy Professor Edwards EN 101 2 4 December 2014 Transracial Adoption Introduction: Over the years, the concept of the American family has undergone a radical transformation. The change in the concept of the American family is now reflecting society s acceptance that just 50 years ago was impossible to even imagine. We are now accepting the unification of blacks and whites and are coming to terms with homosexuality and the unification of a more diverse family. Among all divisions of society, there is a greater acceptance of the differences in families from single parenting to blended families to same sex parenting of children, but there is still some controversy in racism that can cause problems in the adoption process. A majority of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adoption offers new opportunities for children who have been left behind by their biological parents to grow up with a more fitting family that will love and accept them for who they are. Transracial Adoption: Much like the apples, adoption ranges greatly. There are now five types of adoptions: Agency, Independent, Step Parent, International, and Open Agency Adoption. An international adoption or transracial adoption is defined as, the joining of racially different parents and children together in adoptive families (Silverman 104). Among the five types of adoptions, international adoption is considered a controversial topic. Good or Bad? I personally find adoption to be a positive issue that is turned into a negative issue due to the comments toward diversity. I also believe that in the future, people will be more accepting towards a more diverse family whether it is towards their sexuality, age, and/ or appearance. Slowly, but surely, we are becoming more open to different races coming together, and with that said, we are adjusting to social circumstances. Blacks and whites are now going to the same schools, and even getting married. I feel as though we are more open and accepting to different things, so why not have the same marriage, or adopt children of different races? I feel as though families in the future are going to shy away from the more traditional family and become a lot more diverse and unique through
  • 47. My Experience At High School Classroom Key Assessment Education 2130 Throughout my observation hours that I completed at South Forsyth Middle School, I learned many things that I can apply to my classroom when I become a teacher. I was cultured inside of the classroom to many new techniques and teaching styles that will be beneficial for my career that is to come. I experienced the classroom in a wide variety due to the different environments I witnessed during my time observing. Taking my experiences from the broad array of students, I now feel more prepared for what lies ahead in my teaching career. My time at South Forsyth Middle School gave me experience with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The students ranged from on level art students to advanced year long students. I came across a trend of endless opportunities within the classroom for the students. If the students came across a technique or type of artwork that they wanted to try, the school and Ms. Wood made that happen. She had high schoolteachers and college professors present their studies and beliefs to the students in order to widen their perspectives and outlook on the art community. For example, they had the opportunity to watch a high school teacher come and create pieces of pottery on the wheel. This can almost give students a sense of motivation, encouraged them to look past art as they know it, and see the beauty of art from someone else s perspective. I have completed my field hours in a middle school environment. I observed 6th, 7th, and
  • 48. Interpretive Project 2 Pamela Franklin BIBL 110 D19 Undergraduate Program Professor Spencer December 13, 2015 Interpretive Project 2 Paul s letter to the Galatians describes (in part) how to maintain Christian liberty and how to walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5: 16 18 (RSV) states: But I say, walk by the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would. But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law. The following illustrates the four steps of the Interpretive Journey for New Testament Letters in Duvall and Hays Journey into God s Word: Your Guide... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So we have the opportunity today to choose the power and freedom in Christ as opposed to slavery through useless and destructive solutions We have escaped self deception. We realize that no amount of works will grant us salvation. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior that we will receive it. Step 3: Cross the Principilizing Bridge We find that the theological principle that people cannot achieve God s acceptance by keeping the law or by human effort alone (symbolized by circumcision). God s grace is given as a gift This principle is timeless. It is not geared towards any culture. It is directed at all of those who believe Christ to be our Lord and Savior, is not time specific and is relevant to both the biblical reader as well as the contemporary. God s law shows people their sins. So it shows people that they need to trust Jesus. Only Jesus can free us from the punishment for our sins. And it is not enough that we cease to do evil, but we must learn to do well. Our conversation will always be answerable to the principle which guides and governs us. Step 4: Grasp the text in our town We do not live by the Law of Moses today, however, we very often live our lives as if we are in control. We labor for money, property and prestige sometimes by any means necessary and believe that we will gain favor in the eyes of God and our peers.
  • 49. Double Displacement Reaction Lab Report !!!What is a Double Displacement Reaction? Let us imagine ourselves going to a dance and having a dance partner. Once we arrive to the dance, we interact with other people and we end up switching dance partners with another person. Now you end up with a new dance partner. The same kind of thing can be compared to what occurs in a double displacement reaction in chemistry. A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement reaction__ or __metathesis__ is a type of chemical reaction where two compounds react, and the positive ions ( cation ) and the negative ions ( anion ) of the two reactants switch places, forming two new compounds or products. The general form of a double displacement reaction is illustrated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, as we mentioned above, H2SO3 is unstable and further decomposes to H2O and SO2. The gas formed is SO2. !!!Lesson Summary A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement reaction__ or __metathesis reaction__ is a type of reaction that occurs when the cations and anions switch between two reactants to form new products. When predicting products in a double displacement reaction, we need to identify the different ions first and their charges. After that, we switch the ions of the two reactants and write down the products. The final step is to make sure that your chemical equation is balanced. There are three types of reactions that fall under the double displacement reaction category: precipitation, gas formation and neutralization reactions. A __precipitation reaction__ forms an insoluble solid compound. A __neutralization reaction__ occurs between an acid and a base that forms a salt and water. A __gas formation__ reaction is when two compounds react to form a gaseous
  • 50. Database Security And Concerns Of A Compromised Database Database Security and Concerns In today s world, there is a growing amount of complexity when it comes to databases. With that growing complexity, an increasing amount of security concerns arise, such as: unauthorized access and SQL injection. SQL injection is used to attack data driven applications. SQLinjections can manipulate or destroy databases depending on its purpose. Due to the security breaches, measures are constantly put in place in order to prevent anymore from happening. This paper s aim is to outline the importance of databasesecurity and the effects of a compromised database. Information is essential when it comes to managing businesses. And in order to interpret that information, data is organized into a database where it can be easily understood and used. But without a database, data would be floating around without a clear organization. In effect, it would hinder efficiency by a tremendous amount, causing a loss of revenue and structure to the business structure itself just as if the database was compromised. In order to compromise the database, vulnerabilities must be discovered and exploited. To prevent that from happening, safety measures are put in to place. Safety measures must first be placed at the physical level and progress right through to the data level (Burtescu, 449). Physical limitations must be put into place when securing databases because if someone were able to access the site where all the data is stored, they would be able to
  • 51. My Memories That Changed My Mind One of the memories that is more permeate in my mind is when my father had to travel to China for business intentions. I remember when he leaves the country, but not more than when he arrived home. Usually, when he came back home, he usually bring with him some gifts for me and my mother, and he never forgets to bring me my favorite gift which I still love when he give away to me. I like to call it as the GodВґs dessert because of its curious shape of production, intense flavor, and delightful meaning. Thinking in this product makes me want to have some of it. The first impression people might have when they see this dessert is that it might be an expensive and luxurious product because of its embellished packaging. It can be identified by the cute design of the box due to the fact that on the left of the box there is a sumptuous ribbon that its background color is a combination between dark cinnamon and lightly caramel, furthermore, the ribbon has the brandВґs name sketched all around it. The theme color of the whole box is pearly white what makes the letters of the brand, written on the top of the box, stand out in a bright gold. Moreover, bellow the ribbon there is a little description in French about the glamorous product and next to it a small window made of transparent plastic where the small pieces of the product are shown to the public. The most interesting thing comes after its purchase. I start feeling the anxiety when it is time to open this fancy box because as
  • 52. Zara It for Fashion Case Study Executive Summary Zara has relied on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA s) and Point of Sales (POS) terminal operating on Microsoft DOS which are not linked to the headquarters or other stores for its daily transactions. Although, the system has proved to be stable and reliable over time, it has become obsolete and cannot be supported by the providers. I recommend that the company invest on a new system like Windows, UNIX or Linux operating system which will enhance connectivity and flexibility in operations and information flow. Investing in a cutting edge technology though may be capital intensive initially; it will ultimately improve efficiencies across board and provide new learning opportunities for the entire workforce. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, Managers can see the newly available garments by consulting a handled computer that is linked each night via dial up modem to information system at La Coruna. Fulfillment: Fulfillment or shipping clothes to stores to satisfy orders involve other group of commercials. They determine which store s would get available inventory and which would not base on past selling record. They work with product manager to determine future production for each SKU. They could also ship items that stores didn t order like new garments. Ordering and fulfillment should be aligned with a modern IS Design and manufacturing Stores are located in prime retail districts and layouts are changed frequently. Zara introduces approximately 11 000 new items in a typical year while competitors average 2000 4000. Zara vertically integrated manufacturing with CAD which gives room for flexibility and quick turnaround. Designs and cutting of fabrics are done in house. Garments are delivered to the stores with prices ready for the rack. IS and Commercial Process Zara s approach to information technology was consistent with its preference for speed and decentralized decision making. No formal process on IS investments. Low It spending of 0.5% of revenue compared with 2% by competitors. As the head of IT for Inditex, the holding company atop Zara, there must be meeting point with Bruno Ocampo Sanchez, technical lead for POS system on the
  • 53. Setting up a Raspberry PI STEP 1: SETTING UP OF RASPBERRY PI пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi. пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI. STEP 2: CONNECTING PI WITH COMPUTER RASPBERRY PI SIDE SETTINGS : пѓ ifconfig command is used to find the ip address of pi. пѓ To make the ip address static the following commands has to be given in LX terminal of pi. sudocp/boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.normal sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt sudonano /boot/cmdline.txt ip= sudocp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.direct sudo reboot LAPTOP SIDE SETTINGS: пѓ Installation of putty software in laptop. пѓ Enable SSH checkbox in putty window. пѓ Enter the ip address of the pi in the putty configuration window. CONNECTING PI WITH COMPUTER: пѓ LX terminal of pi will be displayed inwindows terminal. пѓ Enter login id as pi and password as raspberry . пѓ Now raspberry pi will be booted up and lot of files will be executed. STEP 3: EXECUTING CODE THROUGH PUTTY пѓ To execute the code,give the command as gcc lm codename.c пѓ Once the code is executed correctly, give the required input like new sample or testing. пѓ Output will be displayed in laptop screen. STEP 4: DISPLAYING OUTPUT IN LCD пѓ Keypad and lcd are interfaced with raspberry pi through ATMEGA 8 microcontroller. пѓ Communication between pi and microcontroller is done through serial console. STEP 1: SETTING UP OF RASPBERRY PI пѓ Installation of raspbianos in raspberry pi. пѓ Enabling SSH in pi for GUI. STEP 2: CONNECTING PI WITH
  • 54. The Presidential Election Of 1980 Essay On Tuesday, 4 November 1980, The United States presidential election of 1980 was held. The competition was between incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter and his opponent, former Californian Republican Governor, Ronald Reagan. Reagan, assisted by a falling economy complicated by inflation and high unemployment, and the Iran hostage crisis, Reagan would win the election in a sweep, receiving the largest number of electoral votes ever tallied by a presidential candidate not currently in office. Jimmy Carter, who beat out Edward M. Kennedy for the nomination for Democratic leader, attacked Reagan as a wild right wing fundamentalist. The former actor, Ronald Reaganpledged to elevate the cynical mood of the nation, and won a conclusive victory. This election marked the creation of what was called the Reagan Revolution, and indicated a conservative repositioning in national government. Throughout the 1970s, the United States underwent a wrenching period of low economic growth, high inflation and interest rates, and intermittent energy crises. In the spring and summer of 1979, inflation was on the rise and various parts of the United States were experiencing energy shortages, Carter was widely blamed and planned on delivering a major speech about energy conservation, but he thought the American public did not care for what he had to say. In the mist of all this, Carter went on the presidential retreat for the bilateral treaty on Camp David. For more than a week, a
  • 55. What Is Hockey The Hardest Sport In this paper it will be proven that the sport ice hockey is absolutely the most difficult sport known to man. I will state the differences it has to other sports like football, soccer and basketball. I will also explain what makes hockey the toughest sport, mentally and physically. By the end of this essay you will know more about hockey, have more respect for the sport, and truly realize the perseverance players must possess to participate in this amazing sport. The Body It will be proven that hockey is the greatest and most difficult sport in the world. Hockey is unlike any other sport, it requires the combination of multiple skills whereas other sports require fewer skills. Before you can even begin playing the great game of hockey you must learn to skate, and skate well. The vast majority of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With foot ball, soccer, basketball, rugby and others an individual just simply walks /runs and would catch/throw/kick a ball. That is entirely different then the amazing sport hockey because just even to move on the ice someone must learn how to skate. Skating is not easy never mind being good at skating which is extremely difficult and takes a lot of time and practice. Even all the simple fundamentals require a lot of skill like receiving a pass, shooting, checking, that all requires a great hand eye coordination and body positioning. Those are only some of the simple physical aspects of the game, there are also a lot of simple mental skills that an individual s mind must have to just play a game of hockey. Hockey players must not only know how to shoot, skate, pass but the player must also know his position, know the rules and know where his teammates and opponents are on the ice. This might sound easier than it is but when a player combines skating, trying to hold stickhandle puck, and also keeping his head up looking for opponents and team mates, that s a
  • 56. Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire In the eighteenth century, a French writer named FranГ§ois Marie Arouet, with the pseudonym Voltaire wrote a novel called Candide. Voltaire was one of the leading writers of the Enlightenment. He was born in Paris in 1694 and died in late May of 1778. Of all his works, Voltaire is best known for Candide, a story of a young man called Candidewho is a disciple of a philosopher named Dr. Pangloss, who was himself a disciple of Leibniz. The story follows the adventures and travels of Candide and his companions throughout Europe. Candide is an example of eighteenth century writing style: with a lot of vicissitudes and crazy incidents. Moreover, in Candide, Voltairegives a refutation of Leibniz s theory that this is the best of all possible worlds. All throughout Candide, crazy and unfathomable incidents occur. Towards the beginning of the book for example, Pangloss, who follows Leibniz s theory, is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Greed is another example. When Candide himself, acquires a large amount of wealth, he is exposed to the greed of the world as he is cheated many times out of his riches. Voltaire creates scenarios within Candide in which people will go to any measure to attain wealth, even if it means hurting others and Candide thus comes to the conclusion that this is another imperfection in this world that cannot be explained through Pangloss s philosophy. Personal hardships are also a huge part of Voltaire s argument. He introduces many characters whose lives have been nothing but hardships in order to contradict Leibniz and Pangloss. One day, for example, as Candide and his valet Cacambo are approaching the town of Surinam, they come across a negro laying on the ground wearing nothing but his drawers and missing both his left leg and his right hand. Upon conversing with this poor fellow, Candide and Cacambo learn about his terrible
  • 57. Persuasive Essay On The War On Drugs Cartel violence killed some 23,000 people in the country last year, according to a new report. Huffington post. This is a outrageous number of died over objects that are already killing people from from using them. These objects are illegal drugs Ecstasy, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Bath Salts, and Methamphetamine. Now the question is what is put into action to make these drugs become much harder to get and use? I ve personally, have been affected by what drugs can do to someone. I want to know why and how the person I know got these drugs so easily? These epidemic needs to stop, get a fix on the cartel, and control the usage of prescription drugs. To start, I wanted to familiarize myself on the history of drugs and what has already been done. To prevent how easy it is to get these drugs. An Editorial by the Britannica about the war on drugs in the past 50 years in the U.S. It goes over what has been put in place to prevent drug use and laws. It talks about all of the actions that ronald reagan did to start the war on drugs in the U.S. The War on Drugs began in June 1971 when U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon declared drug abuse to be the public enemy number one and increased federal funding for drug control agencies and drug treatment efforts. This was a huge step forward in the war against drugs, in the fact that with the funding the government created the DEA (US Drug Enforcement Administration). The DEA Job is to controlled substances laws and