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• The study of what constitutes the pleasant life, the engaged life, and the meaningful
life. – Marty Seligman.
• The study of positive subjective experiences, positive individual traits, and positive
institutions promises to improve the quality of life.
• Obviously, the field of positive psychology is still emerging, yet its growth has been
quite rapid.
• It posits that more attention needs to be paid to the positive aspects of human life
rather than negative and pathology orientated understandings.
• One of the most important challenges related to positive psychology is the
assumption that if there is a positive psychology, then the rest of psychology must
be negative psychology.
• Positive psychology is the science of the positive aspects of human life such as
wellbeing, happiness, and life thriving.
• Positive emotions such as life
satisfaction, happiness and
joyfulness. At this level, the main
focus of such a study does not seek
to explain how people act in order
to become a good person.
• Rather, greater emphasis is placed
on the person’s positive feeling
• The focus of a study is to explain
what to do to become a good
• Thus, much study on this level
focuses on human being’s virtues
and character strengths such as
forgiveness, courage, wisdom, and
so on.
• The focus is on how civic virtues
such as altruism, tolerance, and
social responsibility can contribute
to the development of better
citizenship and communities

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1) Employee well-being involves creating an environment where employees can be happy and reach their full potential for personal benefit and the organization's benefit. 2) Key factors for well-being include a values-based work culture, work-life balance, and employee health and safety. 3) Marks & Spencer trialled fast physical therapy referrals for employees with musculoskeletal issues, finding reduced absenteeism, improved morale, and other benefits.

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This document discusses employee motivation. It begins by stating that work motivation is important for both employees and companies. The purpose section lists some benefits of motivation like increased productivity and commitment. Research questions ask about the definition of work motivation and how salary increases and team demotivation can be addressed. The objectives are to promote competence and treat employees well. Explanations cover intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation and hygiene factors is explained. The importance of motivation and some strategies like flexibility, support, incentives and training are discussed. It concludes that motivating employees allows them to perform better and benefits both parties.


This document discusses employee involvement, motivation, and empowerment. It covers Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's two-factor theory to explain motivation. Surveying employees can help determine their current level of empowerment. Managers should work to achieve a motivated workforce by understanding employees, sharing goals, and celebrating successes. Empowerment involves giving employees the ability, confidence, and commitment to improve processes and satisfy customers.

• Work
• Education
• Positive psychology can be used to increase happiness and satisfaction within the
• Over the last 15 years, Positive Psychology, pioneered by Professor Martin Seligman,
has developed an evidence-based model for the active ingredients of well-being.
• Implementing positive psychology in the workplace means creating an environment that is
relatively enjoyable and productive. This also means creating a work schedule that does not
lead to emotional and physical distress.
• Promotion of both psychological and physical well-being .
• There must be a commitment from both the individual and the organization to improve the
quality of work life. On the one hand, managers must design the organization in a way that
allows employees to do meaningful work in a healthy way; on the other hand, employees
must embrace opportunities that make the most of unstable situations.
• Applying positive psychology at workplace is termed as positive organizational behavior.
• This was coined by Luthans as “ the study and application of positive oriented human
resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured ,developed and
effectively ,managed for performance improvement in today’s workplace”.
• In order to promote wellbeing at workplace we aim to show how employment practices and
processes can make work positive and enjoyable.
• We then begin to outline our Model of Healthy Work (e.g., Barling & Zacharatos, 2000;
Pfeffer, 1998)—one that includes organizational, group, dyadic, and individual perspectives
on job-related well-being.

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This document provides an introduction to employee motivation. It begins with definitions of motivation and discusses key aspects of motivating employees, including aligning organizational and employee goals. The importance of motivation is then outlined, noting that it puts resources to work, improves efficiency, leads to achieving goals, builds relationships, and provides workforce stability. Understanding what motivates individual employees is emphasized as critical to supporting their motivation.

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The document discusses several theories of motivation and leadership, including: - Maslow's hierarchy of needs which identifies physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs. - Herzberg's two-factor theory which separates motivators like achievement and recognition from hygiene factors like salary. - McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y which see employees either as inherently lazy or motivated respectively. - Ouchi's Theory Z which focuses on Japanese-style consensus decision making and long-term employment. It also defines leadership, discusses the difference between leadership and management, and identifies qualities like focus and communication that good leaders possess.

DSE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY.pptx Positive Psychology definition, course theories etc
• This model summarizes how healthy work can contribute to a more positive
organizational experience and to positive psychology more generally.
• In this model high quality work (i.e., work that offers employees autonomy), in
conjunction with transformational leadership in a team-based context, is likely to
result in greater trust in management, organizational commitment, perceptions of
fairness, perceived control, and belongingness and to contribute to the
development of flexible employee role orientations.
• In turn, these positive psychological processes and mechanisms will result in healthy
outcomes, such as job satisfaction, higher levels of psychological well-being,
physical safety, a greater sense of mastery and role breadth self-efficacy and other
opportunities for growth.
• This state of health and well-being represents an ideal target for organizational
interventions, offers employees a context in which they can excel, and is a worthy
objective for both organizational research and practice. In our estimation, these
ideas are at the very heart of promoting healthy and positive work in the 21st
DSE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY.pptx Positive Psychology definition, course theories etc

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This document provides an introduction to a study on employee motivation. It includes definitions of motivation, the importance of motivation, what motivates employees, frameworks and types of motivation. Key points discussed include the need to align employee and organizational goals, understanding what motivates each individual employee, and that supporting motivation is an ongoing process not a single task. Intrinsic motivators like empowerment, growth and purpose are highlighted as particularly effective. The document lays out the background and context for a research study on employee motivation.

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This document provides an overview of 8 advanced topics in human resource management: job crafting, positive and emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, personality traits, organizational citizenship behavior, decision making, cynicism, and organizational religiosity. For each topic, it summarizes 1-2 research papers related to that topic in 3-4 sentences. The document discusses the purpose and key findings of the research presented in each paper.

Unit 4
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Unit 4

The document discusses different theories of motivation. It provides definitions and explanations of several motivation theories: 1. Hertzberg's Two-Factor Theory proposes there are motivator and hygiene factors that influence satisfaction and motivation. Motivator factors like achievement and recognition increase satisfaction, while hygiene factors like salary and working conditions prevent dissatisfaction if absent. 2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs suggests people must satisfy basic needs before pursuing higher level needs of esteem and self-actualization. Meeting each level of needs motivates pursuing the next. 3. The Hawthorne Effect found that simply being observed in studies improved worker productivity, not just physical changes, as workers felt more valued from attention.

• (JCM)s one of the most influential theories of work design (Hackman & Oldham, 1980;
Oldham, 1996).
• In the JCM, five characteristics:
• Skills variety: do tasks vary, and are they challenging? Or are they monotonous and too
• Task identity: do tasks have a defined beginning, middle and end? Without this, it’s hard to
achieve the satisfaction of an attained goal.
• Task significance: does the employee feel that their role has meaning?
• Task autonomy: can individuals have a say in how they carry out their work?
• Job feedback: are employees receiving feedback on their performance?
• They are identified in order to capture the general content and structure of jobs.
• The presence of these core job dimensions leads to three psychological states—
• Meaningfulness of work
• That labour has meaning to you, something that you can relate to, and does not occur just
as a set of movements to be repeated.
• This is fundamental to intrinsic motivation, i.e. that work is motivating in an of itself (as
opposed to motivating only as a means to an end).
• Responsibility
• That you have been given the opportunity to be a success or failure at your job because
sufficient freedom of action has given you. This would include the ability to make changes
and incorporate the learning you gain whilst doing the job.
• Knowledge of outcomes
• This is important for two reasons. Firstly to provide the person knowledge on how
successful their work has been, which in turn enables them to learn from mistakes.
• The second is to connect them emotionally to the customer of their outputs, thus
giving further purpose to the work (e.g. I may only work on a production line, but I
know that the food rations I produce are used to help people in disaster areas,
saving many lives).
• In turn, it is argued that employees with a need for personal growth and
development, as well as knowledge and skill, will display a range of positive
personal and work outcomes, including greater work motivation, performance,
satisfaction with work, and lower absenteeism and turnover as a result of job quality
(Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Oldham, 1996)

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Concept of motivation Features of Motivation Importance of motivation Abraham Maslow’s “Need Hierarchy Theory” Mayo’s Theory of motivation Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory Meaning of co-ordination Follett’s Four Principles of co-ordination Additional principles of co-ordination Importance of co-ordination Meaning of communication Five W's of Communication Management Types of communication Importance of communication Barriers to communication


Moral refers to an individual or group's overall attitude towards their work. It influences willingness to work and achieve objectives. Job satisfaction is the feelings of pleasure and achievement from one's job. When employees are satisfied, they are more productive and talk positively, but dissatisfied employees may exit the organization, voice complaints, remain loyal but passive, or allow conditions to worsen through neglect. To motivate performance and satisfaction, managers should make expectations and rewards clear, provide continuous feedback, and help employees understand how their work contributes to larger goals.

• Emphasizing the role of transformational leadership in promoting healthy work.
DSE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY.pptx Positive Psychology definition, course theories etc
• Firstly , we examine how organizational-level work processes, such as work redesign,
can promote positive psychological development.
• Secondly, we should complements the benefits of team working (a group-level
• Thirdly, a need for transformational leadership (a dyadic-level process).
• Fourthly, we should examine high-quality work (e.g., jobs with high levels of control
and social support to match job demands).
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This document discusses how to create a positive work environment. It defines a positive work environment and lists 10 elements that contribute to one, including strategic elements like vision/values and leadership, and operational elements like recruitment/selection and performance management. It also covers motivation theories like Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, and ways to build a positive environment such as building trust, communicating openly, expecting the best from staff, and recognizing accomplishments. Signs of positive and negative work environments are also contrasted.

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1. Employee retention is important for organizations to reduce turnover rates and costs. However, to reduce rates, organizations must understand the main reasons why employees leave, such as feeling undervalued, lack of growth opportunities, or poor management. 2. There are several motivational theories that can help organizations understand what motivates employees. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that lower level needs must be met before higher level needs. Herzberg's two-factor theory separates motivators like achievement from hygiene factors like salary. 3. To motivate employees, leaders should recognize individual needs, encourage growth, act as role models, and create a supportive environment. Understanding what employees want, like fair treatment or meaningful work, can help

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Industrial psychology is the application of psychology in the workplace. It involves improving efficiency in management of the workforce, addressing problems faced by workers, and studying workplace behaviors and interactions. Some key areas of industrial psychology include employee selection, training, performance management, ergonomics, work-life balance, and organizational development. Theories of motivation discussed include expectancy theory, goal-setting theory, equity theory, and job satisfaction. Industrial psychology is applied in various industries and settings such as prisons, schools, and human resources departments.

• People thrive when they are happier. When mood becomes brighter, we set higher
goals and persist longer towards them. We experience less stress and fatigue and
show better team cooperation and problem-solving.
• The formula for building staff engagement is to maximize the extent to which people
are using and applying their strengths.
• Most of us are often stuck in our failings, focusing on trying to “fix” parts of
ourselves, and neglecting those parts of us that are flourishing.
• Martin Seligman and other researchers have noted that when work demands our
engagement, such as using our strengths in new and innovative ways, we
experience higher levels of happiness and lower levels of depression.
• Evolution has wired us to connect with others for survival. These connections have
the power to affect how we feel. According to research on happiness, our moods are
literally contagious. This happens because of mirror neurons in our brains.
• We are wired to connect with others, and that we are neurologically affected by
watching others, it seems obvious that workplaces would be designed to foster
• In this context, meaning refers to a purposeful existence. In the work environment,
when there is a shared sense of purpose, staff are more likely to feel satisfied with
their job.

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• Accomplishment is often the result of realistic goals that are supported by specific
actions. Having accomplishments at work is critical to push ourselves to thrive and
• Coaching your staff can be as simple as taking an interest in their strengths and
exploring more ways to apply them toward agreed goals or professional
development challenges. It helps build trust between you and your employees and
promotes a collaborative culture of sharing experiences and learning.
• Considered one of the most recent approaches in psychology, positive psychology is
science of positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, well-being and
• While psychology traditionally focused on mental illness and human weaknesses,
positive psychology has shifted in emphasis from preoccupation only with repairing
the deficiencies to also building positive qualities, and from treating of disorders to
the effort of highlighting individual and collective positive experiences, strengths
and virtues.
• The main focus of the positive psychology progress is how to facilitate flourishing
lives that promote individual and organizational well-being.
• Seligman (2000) suggested there are three pillars of positive psychology: positive
emotions, positive individual characteristics, and positive institutions.
• Positive psychology has an explicit concern for building individual strengths and life
skills and improving well-being in young people, direction where schools have an
important role.
• Ensuring support for positive mental health prevention and promotion in children
and youth has been achieving through designing and implementing of educational
programs centered on positive feelings, qualities and skills so that children and
youth become happy and responsible adults as members of healthy communities.
• School can provide a supportive environment of applying the positive psychology
core concepts and principles to develop students into healthier individuals who
positively contribute to the society.

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Presented as a plenary session in iTELL 2024 in Salatiga on 4 July 2024. The plenary focuses on understanding and intepreting relevant TPACK competence for teachers to be adept in teaching multimodality in the digital age. It juxtaposes the results of research on multimodality with its contextual implementation in the teaching of English subject in the Indonesian Emancipated Curriculum.



• Positive psychology interventions in schools aim to implement undertakings of
increase life quality and well-being and promote self-development in pupils,
teachers, parents, educators.
• These interventions carry on through training programs of positive feelings,
personality traits and characteristics, skills and competencies for successful
• These positive psychology interventions (PPI’s) as programs, practices, treatment
methods or activities “aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviors, or
positive cognitions”.
topics into
using a school-
wide approach of
implementing a
framework of
guiding positive
applications in
interventions on
the traditional
• Positive Education is a viewpoint of positive psychology that is growing in
schools, colleges and universities. In essence, positive psychology is the study of
what makes life worth living, how people flourish and become successful.
• On this course we will learn practical ways to gain an understanding of
Positive Education and its application in the classroom. This will include learning
about the benefits of applying strengths, promoting well-being/positive emotions
within your educational establishment, increase resilience amongst your staff and
learners, in order to persist and succeed at goals.
• Benefits of Positive Education:
• Lots of studies have been done on positive education and its potential impacts.
Here are some summaries of research findings on the benefits of positive education.
• Promoting Human Development
• Sheila M. Clonan and colleagues (2004) found that the incorporation of positive
psychology in learning environments helped foster individual strengths.

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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

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Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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• Teaching Students How to Make Themselves Happy
• Through positive education, the students become able to gain a full understanding
of what factors helped them thrive and flourish.
• In practice, students are better equipped to improve their subjective wellbeing in
the longer-term through greater control over their positive emotional experiences
(Fredrickson, 2001; 2011).
• Decreasing Depression
• Positive psychology interventions that are used in positive education include
identifying and developing strengths, cultivating gratitude, and visualizing best
possible selves (Seligman et al., 2005; Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2006; Liau et al.,
• Facilitating Academic Performance
• Compared to unhappy students, happier students pay better attention, are more
creative, and have greater levels of community involvement (Fisher, 2015). The
emphasis on positive psychology interventions in education increases engagement,
creates more curious students and helps develop an overall love of learning (Fisher,
• Offering Easier Systems for Teachers
• Positive education benefits teachers, too. It makes it easier for teachers to engage
with students and persist in the work they need to do master their academic
material (Fisher, 2015).
• Increasing Motivation Among Students
• Positive education also offers a fresh model of pedagogy that emphasizes
personalized motivation in education to promote learning (Seligman et al., 2009).
• Boosting Resilience(ability to recover quickly from difficult situations)
• Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania developed the Penn Resiliency
Program. Results from 19 controlled studies of the Penn Resiliency Program found
that students in the program were more optimistic, resilient, and hopeful.

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  • 2. POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY • The study of what constitutes the pleasant life, the engaged life, and the meaningful life. – Marty Seligman. • The study of positive subjective experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve the quality of life. • Obviously, the field of positive psychology is still emerging, yet its growth has been quite rapid. • It posits that more attention needs to be paid to the positive aspects of human life rather than negative and pathology orientated understandings.
  • 3. • One of the most important challenges related to positive psychology is the assumption that if there is a positive psychology, then the rest of psychology must be negative psychology. • Positive psychology is the science of the positive aspects of human life such as wellbeing, happiness, and life thriving.
  • 4. THREE LEVELS OF POSITIVE ASPECT SUBJECTIVE LEVEL • Positive emotions such as life satisfaction, happiness and joyfulness. At this level, the main focus of such a study does not seek to explain how people act in order to become a good person. • Rather, greater emphasis is placed on the person’s positive feeling itself. INDIVIDUAL LEVEL • The focus of a study is to explain what to do to become a good person. • Thus, much study on this level focuses on human being’s virtues and character strengths such as forgiveness, courage, wisdom, and so on. GROUP LEVEL • The focus is on how civic virtues such as altruism, tolerance, and social responsibility can contribute to the development of better citizenship and communities
  • 6. WORK • Positive psychology can be used to increase happiness and satisfaction within the workforce. • Over the last 15 years, Positive Psychology, pioneered by Professor Martin Seligman, has developed an evidence-based model for the active ingredients of well-being.
  • 7. POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AT WORK • Implementing positive psychology in the workplace means creating an environment that is relatively enjoyable and productive. This also means creating a work schedule that does not lead to emotional and physical distress. • Promotion of both psychological and physical well-being . • There must be a commitment from both the individual and the organization to improve the quality of work life. On the one hand, managers must design the organization in a way that allows employees to do meaningful work in a healthy way; on the other hand, employees must embrace opportunities that make the most of unstable situations.
  • 8. APPLICATION OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AT WORK • Applying positive psychology at workplace is termed as positive organizational behavior. • This was coined by Luthans as “ the study and application of positive oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured ,developed and effectively ,managed for performance improvement in today’s workplace”. • In order to promote wellbeing at workplace we aim to show how employment practices and processes can make work positive and enjoyable. • We then begin to outline our Model of Healthy Work (e.g., Barling & Zacharatos, 2000; Pfeffer, 1998)—one that includes organizational, group, dyadic, and individual perspectives on job-related well-being.
  • 10. • This model summarizes how healthy work can contribute to a more positive organizational experience and to positive psychology more generally. • In this model high quality work (i.e., work that offers employees autonomy), in conjunction with transformational leadership in a team-based context, is likely to result in greater trust in management, organizational commitment, perceptions of fairness, perceived control, and belongingness and to contribute to the development of flexible employee role orientations.
  • 11. • In turn, these positive psychological processes and mechanisms will result in healthy outcomes, such as job satisfaction, higher levels of psychological well-being, physical safety, a greater sense of mastery and role breadth self-efficacy and other opportunities for growth. • This state of health and well-being represents an ideal target for organizational interventions, offers employees a context in which they can excel, and is a worthy objective for both organizational research and practice. In our estimation, these ideas are at the very heart of promoting healthy and positive work in the 21st century.
  • 13. THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL • (JCM)s one of the most influential theories of work design (Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Oldham, 1996). • In the JCM, five characteristics: • Skills variety: do tasks vary, and are they challenging? Or are they monotonous and too easy? • Task identity: do tasks have a defined beginning, middle and end? Without this, it’s hard to achieve the satisfaction of an attained goal. • Task significance: does the employee feel that their role has meaning? • Task autonomy: can individuals have a say in how they carry out their work? • Job feedback: are employees receiving feedback on their performance? • They are identified in order to capture the general content and structure of jobs.
  • 14. • The presence of these core job dimensions leads to three psychological states— • Meaningfulness of work • That labour has meaning to you, something that you can relate to, and does not occur just as a set of movements to be repeated. • This is fundamental to intrinsic motivation, i.e. that work is motivating in an of itself (as opposed to motivating only as a means to an end). • Responsibility • That you have been given the opportunity to be a success or failure at your job because sufficient freedom of action has given you. This would include the ability to make changes and incorporate the learning you gain whilst doing the job.
  • 15. • Knowledge of outcomes • This is important for two reasons. Firstly to provide the person knowledge on how successful their work has been, which in turn enables them to learn from mistakes. • The second is to connect them emotionally to the customer of their outputs, thus giving further purpose to the work (e.g. I may only work on a production line, but I know that the food rations I produce are used to help people in disaster areas, saving many lives).
  • 16. • In turn, it is argued that employees with a need for personal growth and development, as well as knowledge and skill, will display a range of positive personal and work outcomes, including greater work motivation, performance, satisfaction with work, and lower absenteeism and turnover as a result of job quality (Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Oldham, 1996)
  • 17. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP • Emphasizing the role of transformational leadership in promoting healthy work.
  • 19. • Firstly , we examine how organizational-level work processes, such as work redesign, can promote positive psychological development. • Secondly, we should complements the benefits of team working (a group-level process). • Thirdly, a need for transformational leadership (a dyadic-level process). • Fourthly, we should examine high-quality work (e.g., jobs with high levels of control and social support to match job demands).
  • 21. POSITIVE EMOTIONS • People thrive when they are happier. When mood becomes brighter, we set higher goals and persist longer towards them. We experience less stress and fatigue and show better team cooperation and problem-solving.
  • 22. ENGAGEMENT • The formula for building staff engagement is to maximize the extent to which people are using and applying their strengths. • Most of us are often stuck in our failings, focusing on trying to “fix” parts of ourselves, and neglecting those parts of us that are flourishing. • Martin Seligman and other researchers have noted that when work demands our engagement, such as using our strengths in new and innovative ways, we experience higher levels of happiness and lower levels of depression.
  • 23. POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS • Evolution has wired us to connect with others for survival. These connections have the power to affect how we feel. According to research on happiness, our moods are literally contagious. This happens because of mirror neurons in our brains. • We are wired to connect with others, and that we are neurologically affected by watching others, it seems obvious that workplaces would be designed to foster connection.
  • 24. MEANING • In this context, meaning refers to a purposeful existence. In the work environment, when there is a shared sense of purpose, staff are more likely to feel satisfied with their job.
  • 25. ACCOMPLISHMENT • Accomplishment is often the result of realistic goals that are supported by specific actions. Having accomplishments at work is critical to push ourselves to thrive and flourish. • Coaching your staff can be as simple as taking an interest in their strengths and exploring more ways to apply them toward agreed goals or professional development challenges. It helps build trust between you and your employees and promotes a collaborative culture of sharing experiences and learning.
  • 26. EDUCATION • Considered one of the most recent approaches in psychology, positive psychology is science of positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, well-being and flourishing. • While psychology traditionally focused on mental illness and human weaknesses, positive psychology has shifted in emphasis from preoccupation only with repairing the deficiencies to also building positive qualities, and from treating of disorders to the effort of highlighting individual and collective positive experiences, strengths and virtues.
  • 27. • The main focus of the positive psychology progress is how to facilitate flourishing lives that promote individual and organizational well-being. • Seligman (2000) suggested there are three pillars of positive psychology: positive emotions, positive individual characteristics, and positive institutions. • Positive psychology has an explicit concern for building individual strengths and life skills and improving well-being in young people, direction where schools have an important role.
  • 28. • Ensuring support for positive mental health prevention and promotion in children and youth has been achieving through designing and implementing of educational programs centered on positive feelings, qualities and skills so that children and youth become happy and responsible adults as members of healthy communities. • School can provide a supportive environment of applying the positive psychology core concepts and principles to develop students into healthier individuals who positively contribute to the society.
  • 29. • Positive psychology interventions in schools aim to implement undertakings of increase life quality and well-being and promote self-development in pupils, teachers, parents, educators. • These interventions carry on through training programs of positive feelings, personality traits and characteristics, skills and competencies for successful adaptation. • These positive psychology interventions (PPI’s) as programs, practices, treatment methods or activities “aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviors, or positive cognitions”.
  • 30. WATERS (2011) POINTS OUT THAT THE APPLICATION OF THE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY IN SCHOOL AIMS THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS: including positive psychology topics into traditional academic disciplines; using a school- wide approach of positive education; implementing a strategic framework of guiding positive psychology applications in schools; interventions on the traditional educational systems
  • 31. WHAT IS POSITIVE EDUCATION? • Positive Education is a viewpoint of positive psychology that is growing in schools, colleges and universities. In essence, positive psychology is the study of what makes life worth living, how people flourish and become successful. • On this course we will learn practical ways to gain an understanding of Positive Education and its application in the classroom. This will include learning about the benefits of applying strengths, promoting well-being/positive emotions within your educational establishment, increase resilience amongst your staff and learners, in order to persist and succeed at goals.
  • 32. • Benefits of Positive Education: • Lots of studies have been done on positive education and its potential impacts. Here are some summaries of research findings on the benefits of positive education. • Promoting Human Development • Sheila M. Clonan and colleagues (2004) found that the incorporation of positive psychology in learning environments helped foster individual strengths.
  • 33. • Teaching Students How to Make Themselves Happy • Through positive education, the students become able to gain a full understanding of what factors helped them thrive and flourish. • In practice, students are better equipped to improve their subjective wellbeing in the longer-term through greater control over their positive emotional experiences (Fredrickson, 2001; 2011). • Decreasing Depression • Positive psychology interventions that are used in positive education include identifying and developing strengths, cultivating gratitude, and visualizing best possible selves (Seligman et al., 2005; Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2006; Liau et al., 2016).
  • 34. • Facilitating Academic Performance • Compared to unhappy students, happier students pay better attention, are more creative, and have greater levels of community involvement (Fisher, 2015). The emphasis on positive psychology interventions in education increases engagement, creates more curious students and helps develop an overall love of learning (Fisher, 2015). • Offering Easier Systems for Teachers • Positive education benefits teachers, too. It makes it easier for teachers to engage with students and persist in the work they need to do master their academic material (Fisher, 2015).
  • 35. • Increasing Motivation Among Students • Positive education also offers a fresh model of pedagogy that emphasizes personalized motivation in education to promote learning (Seligman et al., 2009). • Boosting Resilience(ability to recover quickly from difficult situations) • Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania developed the Penn Resiliency Program. Results from 19 controlled studies of the Penn Resiliency Program found that students in the program were more optimistic, resilient, and hopeful.