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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714
www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 5 Issue 8||August. 2016 || PP.61-67
www.ijhssi.org 61 | Page
Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh
*Suman Kumari and ** Dr. Shahnawaz Alam
Research Scholar at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur 303007 Rajasthan, (India)
**Assistant professor at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur 303007 Rajasthan, (India)
ABSTRACT: The Uttar Pradesh is India’s most populous state, majority of population live in rural areas.
This situation comprises of widespread unemployment, low standard of living, inadequate productive skill and
malnutrition. Rural development always has been an important issue in all discussions pertaining to economic
development, especially of developing countries. The rural development programme is a key device for progress
of rural area in Uttar Pradesh. This paper makes an attempt to measure actual performance and Government’s
initiatives to accelerate the process of rural development through rural development programme in Uttar
Keywords: Malnutrition, unemployment, Poverty, standard of living, self-reliant
The Uttar Pradesh is most populous state in India; majority of population lives in the rural areas. This
pattern comprises of wide spread unemployment, low income, low standards of living, lack of ownership of
productive assets, inadequate productive skill and lower life expectancy and illiteracy etc. Rural development
has always been an important issue in all discussions pertaining to economic development, especially of
developing countries. (Kumari S, and Alam S, 2016). The rural development reducing poverty line by ensuring
more and more employment opportunities among the rural people. This gave rise to the formation of various
development schemes, which have made the biggest contribution in improving the lives of the rural masses.
This has registered some improvement as far as general economic activity and increasing of the level of income
are concerned, but structural problems of rural economy could not be solved to the desired extent despite
planned efforts for rural development over four decades. As a consequence the strategies of rural development
changing over the years (Gour K, 1992). This is to be acknowledged that rural development in India begins with
community development process which was the initiator of many changes in the field of social, economic and
political life of rural community development programme and was launched in October 1952 with the main
goals of bring about an overall improvement of the rural areas. But this programme has failed as it followed a
sectoral approach. It became almost a one-dimensional programme as it concentrated only on agricultural sector.
Other major programme of rural development launched are: Panchayati raj, applied nutrition programme,
Extension Education and training schemes, small farmer development agency/marginal farmers and agriculture
labour scheme, drought prone area programmes, tribal development agency, pilot intensive rural employment
project and hill area development programme. The benefits of these Programmes were to great extent accrued
by the village middlemen or richer sections in the villages. During the sixth five year plan (1980-85) period,
integrated rural development Programme (IRDP) was introduce on uniform basis in the whole country. The
main trust of IRDP was to transfer productive assets and thus broaden the resource base to the poorest rural
families. In this programmes in the field of rural development were thought to be closed integrated and that
steps should be taken to ensure that the benefits flow to the target groups consisting of small and marginal
farmers, agricultural labourers and rural artisans. Development of rural areas has been core of planning process
in Uttar Pradesh. Rural Development is a broad, inclusive term which takes in its consideration socioeconomic
and political development of the rural areas. It includes measures to strengthen the democratic structure of
society through the Panchayati Raj Institutions as well as measure to improve the rural infrastructure, improve
income of rural households and delivery systems pertaining to education, health and safety mechanisms. Poverty
alleviation is a key component of rural development (Mishra et al., 2011).Rural development is an integral part
of country’s socio economic development has been recognized as a sine qua non. The goal of rural development
Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh
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is to enrich the quality of human life in rural areas accompanied by bridging the rural-urban gap through
provision of all amenities. The national policy and programs for a successful rural development task should aim
at diversification of economic activities, minimizing the dependence of rural households on agriculture and
bringing about a significant increase in the share in both output and employment of allied activities, rural
industries, business and service components of the rural economy. If this is not pursued, rural development
merely remains as agricultural development and neither solves the problem of rural employment and poverty nor
of equitable distribution of resources and income-generating assets.
 To identify the problems of rural areas of Uttar Pradesh.
 To analyze the relevance of rural development programmes implemented in Uttar Pradesh.
The present study is based on the secondary data. Data have been collected from various rural
development institutions. In order to formulate the study meaningful and empirical tables were used. The
appropriate methodology employed is based on the objectives of the study. Various Rural Development
Programmes are used for appraising real performance of rural development in Uttar Pradesh.
Education: Uttar Pradesh is a most populous state in India probably most of the young people are also seeking
for a better education system in the state education system is not taking improvement in the quality of
education it is easy to become graduate without ability.
Poverty: People in the state are less skilled and educated which is affecting their life they are less productive
so they are being paid minimum wage which is hunting the purchasing power of the common people.
Health Sector: It is a basic requirement for everyone if you are not fit you can't do anything we should be able
to maintain the health which will help us to do rest of the work.
Public Security: Law and order in this state is in very bad condition since the police and other government
agencies are not loyal and accountable to the people of the state.
Infrastructure Development: Poor roads and transportation system in the Uttar Pradesh is the main issue it
takes years to rebuild the roads which is affecting the big and small businesses.
Political Environment: The kind of role Uttar Pradesh play in the central government is a big advantage for
the state but still most of the people around 59 million people are living in poverty. Because the political
parties are totally based on the religion, cast, gender, language it is pushing the state behind.
Skills: In the state people are less skilled due to poor education system most of the people are involved in small
day’s works which is less profitable.
Agriculture: Agriculture in the state is the main source of income for more than half of the population but due
to bad implementation of government policies and guidelines. They are not benefited the initiatives taken by
the government.
New Cities: The kind of population is in the state to give the employment state government should help to
build new cities where people can migrate rather than going in other states.
High Population Density: Government is not really concerned about the growth of the population which is
increasing high poverty level and low literacy rate.
Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh
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Low Literacy Rate: Literacy rate in the state is in bad shape which is the main reason for the poor condition of
the state literacy rate is insignificant government education facilities.
Rural Areas in Uttar Pradesh
Figure1: Development officer with rural people
Figure 2: condition of rural area in Uttar Pradesh
Implications of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh:
The implications of rural development programmes that will be exhausted in the States on these
programs will ensure a quantum leap in expenditures in these areas. The states have been recommended to
exploit their enhanced resources effectively in these areas. There are giving implications of rural development
programmes in Uttar Pradesh.
National Skill Mission: India is one of the youngest nations in the world because more than 54% of total
population is under the age of 25 years. Principally majority of young people have to be both educated and
employable for the jobs in the 21st Century. The Prime Minister has explained how Skill India needs to be
closely coordinated with Make in India. Yet today less than 5% of our potential workforce gets formal skill
training to be employable and stay employable. It was declared that, National Skill Mission is going to be
launched in the near future through the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Ministry. The Mission will
consolidate skill initiatives spread across several Ministries and enable to standardize procedures and outcomes
across 31 Sector Skill Councils.
Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh
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Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana: With the rural population still forming close to 70% of
India’s population, enhancing the employability of rural youth is the key to unlocking India’s demographic
dividend. With this in mind, the government had launched the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana.
1,500 Cr has been set apart for this scheme. The expenditure will be through a digital voucher directly into
qualified student’s bank account.
Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram: With the view to enable all poor and middle class students to
pursue higher education of their choice without any constraint of funds, It was proposed to set up a fully IT
based Student Financial Aid Authority to administer and monitor Scholarship as well Educational Loan
Schemes, through the Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram. With this, no student misses out on higher
education due to lack of funds.
Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana: Since 1 April 1999, the “Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana”
(SGSY) started for the self-employment of the rural people. It has been under implementation after restructuring
and merging the erstwhile IRDP and its allied programs. This programme aims is to bringing the assisted BPL
families above the Poverty Line through organizing rural poor into Self Help Groups establishing micro
enterprises in rural areas based on the ability of the poor and potential of each area.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development was established on 12 July 1982, headquartered at Mumbai. It has traversing the most dynamic
and challenging phase of rural development in Uttar Pradesh. One of the biggest challenges experienced by the
Indian economy is enhancing viability of agriculture. In this context, capital formation for agriculture is of
critical importance. Because of the sustainability of agricultural growth, and accordingly, National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development flagged capital formation in rural economy as the thrust area for the year.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development refinance disbursement under investment credit touched
31,427 Crore during (2014-15) marking a growth of 46.3 per cent over the previous year, facilitating
acceleration of capital formation in the rural economy. A new product was introduced during the year to provide
medium term refinance for 18 months to 3 years. These initiatives of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development have been instrumental in enabling banks to record a 47.5 per cent growth in agriculture term loan
disbursement during the year, reversing a declining trend in the growth rate.
Swatch Bharat Mission: The Swachh Bharat Mission launched in October 2014, consists of two sub-missions
the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) which will be implemented in rural areas, and the Swachh Bharat Mission
(Urban), which will be implemented in urban areas. Swachh Bharat Missions (Gramin) at the national, state, and
district levels will each have monitoring units. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) seeks to eliminate open
defecation in rural areas by 2019 through improving access to sanitation. It also seeks to generate awareness to
motivate communities to adopt sustainable sanitation practices, and encourage the use of appropriate
technologies for sanitation. its Five Year Annual Plan Under “Swachh Bharat Mission” undertakes CSR
activities at an estimated budget of ` 25.91 Crore (allocates 50% of its total CSR budget) and planning to
construct toilets in Government schools / Community toilets in the slum areas & rural arena and also by
conducting awareness programmes on usage of toilets to eliminate open defecation.
Uttar Pradesh Lohia Gramin Awas Yojana: Under this scheme of Indira Awas yojana every year government
select a fixed number of beneficiary for providing Home. Indira Awas is providing through the BPL list for Poor
Families of SC, ST, OBC and general category candidates. Under the scheme of Lohiya Awas yojana
government provide home for all categories of the people like SC, ST, OBC and un-reserved who are Poor and
hold all the eligibility criteria specified in the official NGO and Shashnadesh. The Basic difference between
Indira Awas yojana and Lohiya Awas yojana is Indira Awas yojana is sponsored by central government and
Lohiya Awas is funded by State government of Uttar Pradesh. Indira Awas yojana is provided only for those
candidates’ people who are listed In BPL list of 2002. But Lohiya Awas yojana also cover all Non BPL
candidates of rural areas of all categories. Uttar Pradesh government allocates Rs. 1779 Crore for Lohia Gramin
Awas Yojana in 2016-17 to fulfill the best housing requirement of the beneficiaries.
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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana: Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was launched on 25th
2000 as a fully funded Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide all weather road connectivity in rural areas of
Uttar Pradesh. The programme envisages connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above
in the plain areas and 250 persons and above in hill States, the tribal and the desert areas. As regards financial
progress, out of total value of projects amounting to Rs.10,663 Crore sanctioned, an amount of Rs.9,739 Crore
has been released and an amount of Rs.9,491 Crore has been utilized by the State till August, 2012. According
to latest figures made available by the State Governments under a survey to identify Core Network as part of the
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana programme, about 1.67 lakh Unconnected Habitations are eligible for
coverage under the programme. This involves construction of about 3.71 Lakh km. of roads for New
Connectivity and 3.68 lakh km. under up gradation.
Table-1: Rural Development Programmes In Uttar Pradesh:
List of Sanction order for the Scheme during 2007-2008 to 2014-15 sanction order (Amount Rs. In
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
SGSY 13149.96 39020.76 41339.84 43439.84 23470.07 16635.58 NA NA
PMGSY 51757.15 42892.06 158450.02 130883 20876.59 500 51193 NA
NAREGA 164831.1 396730.4 531888.1 527654.4 424087.2 129202.6 289639 251341.4
R.H 98953.56 9953.36 14369.77 115779.9 639.111 883221.6 150149.2 161431.1
DRDA 115.875 3551.055 4014.3 6064.38 6146.9 4033.39 4929.13 3127.84
328817.7 581147.9 750062.3 823821.5 475219.8 1033593 495910.3 415900.3
Source- rural.nic.in/natural/rural/sites/programmes-schemes.aspx
The Rural Development Department is implementing a number of programmes in the rural areas of
Uttar Pradesh. The scores of development schemes, largely is being implemented through the Ministry of Rural
Development. It is aim to alleviating rural poverty, generating employment and removing hunger and
malnourishment accompanied to improvement of the quality of human life. While the government has been
giving top priority to rural development and spending thousands of crores through various schemes, the concern
is that not all the money allocated in the rural development schemes reaches the beneficiary. As a result, the
pace of progress has remained stunted and the poor continue to suffer. Uttar Pradesh government has made a
provision of Rs 13,778 Crore for Rural Development in its Budget for 2016-17, presented by Chief Minister in
this state Assembly march 2016. A provision of Rs 630 Crore has been made to construct rural link roads and
small bridges for agriculture marketing facilities under the Samagra Gram Vikas Yojana, whereas another
provision of Rs 1,413 Crore for construction of other works related to link roads has been made. In the Budget,
Rs 2,300 Crore has been earmarked for rural drinking water and a provision of Rs 1,779 Crore is made for Lohia
Gramin Awas Yojana. An allocation of Rs 3,162 Crore has been made for Indira Awas Yojana and Rs 2,031
Crore for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh
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Table-2: Rural Development programme after Independence
1951 First Five Year Plan launched
1952 Community Development program launched.
1958 Three-tier structure of local self-governing bodies (Panchayati Raj) introduced.
1969 Rural Electrification Corporation set up.
1971 Garibi Hatao” initiated
1972 Pilot Intensive Rural Employment Project (PIREP)
1973 Accelerated Rural Water Supply Program (ARWSP)
1973 Drought Prone Areas Programs (DPAP)
1977 Food for Work Program
1977 Desert Development Program (DDP)
1978 Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)
1979 Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM)
1980 National Rural Employment Program (NREP)
1982 Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
1985 Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) started.
1986 “National Drinking Water Mission” (NDWM) [rechristened as “Rajiv Gandhi National
Drinking Water Mission” (RGNDWM) in 1991]
1988 “Bekari Hatao” initiated
1988 Million Wells Scheme (MWS)
1989 Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)
1992 Constitutional 73rd Amendment Act to grant constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj
1993 Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS)
1955 National Social Assistance Program (NSAP)
1999 -Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY)
- Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
2000 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY)/Annapurna Scheme
2001 Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)
2004 National Food for Work Program
2005 Bharat Nirman/Common Minimum Program/Varsha Bima Scheme
2006 National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (NREGA)
Source- Ministry of Rural Development: rural.nic.in
Uttar Pradesh has aspire to achieving enhanced production and productivity in rural areas, to bring
about a greater socio-economic equity, to bring about a special balance in social and economic development,
improvement in the ecological environment so that it may be conductive to growth and happiness. Subsequently
Uttar Pradesh government has been after started many formulating policies, programs, projects and schemes and
investing significant financial resources through every Five Year Plan to accelerate the rural development.
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Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh

  • 1. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 5 Issue 8||August. 2016 || PP.61-67 www.ijhssi.org 61 | Page Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh *Suman Kumari and ** Dr. Shahnawaz Alam * Research Scholar at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur 303007 Rajasthan, (India) **Assistant professor at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur 303007 Rajasthan, (India) ABSTRACT: The Uttar Pradesh is India’s most populous state, majority of population live in rural areas. This situation comprises of widespread unemployment, low standard of living, inadequate productive skill and malnutrition. Rural development always has been an important issue in all discussions pertaining to economic development, especially of developing countries. The rural development programme is a key device for progress of rural area in Uttar Pradesh. This paper makes an attempt to measure actual performance and Government’s initiatives to accelerate the process of rural development through rural development programme in Uttar Pradesh. Keywords: Malnutrition, unemployment, Poverty, standard of living, self-reliant I. INTRODUCTION The Uttar Pradesh is most populous state in India; majority of population lives in the rural areas. This pattern comprises of wide spread unemployment, low income, low standards of living, lack of ownership of productive assets, inadequate productive skill and lower life expectancy and illiteracy etc. Rural development has always been an important issue in all discussions pertaining to economic development, especially of developing countries. (Kumari S, and Alam S, 2016). The rural development reducing poverty line by ensuring more and more employment opportunities among the rural people. This gave rise to the formation of various development schemes, which have made the biggest contribution in improving the lives of the rural masses. This has registered some improvement as far as general economic activity and increasing of the level of income are concerned, but structural problems of rural economy could not be solved to the desired extent despite planned efforts for rural development over four decades. As a consequence the strategies of rural development changing over the years (Gour K, 1992). This is to be acknowledged that rural development in India begins with community development process which was the initiator of many changes in the field of social, economic and political life of rural community development programme and was launched in October 1952 with the main goals of bring about an overall improvement of the rural areas. But this programme has failed as it followed a sectoral approach. It became almost a one-dimensional programme as it concentrated only on agricultural sector. Other major programme of rural development launched are: Panchayati raj, applied nutrition programme, Extension Education and training schemes, small farmer development agency/marginal farmers and agriculture labour scheme, drought prone area programmes, tribal development agency, pilot intensive rural employment project and hill area development programme. The benefits of these Programmes were to great extent accrued by the village middlemen or richer sections in the villages. During the sixth five year plan (1980-85) period, integrated rural development Programme (IRDP) was introduce on uniform basis in the whole country. The main trust of IRDP was to transfer productive assets and thus broaden the resource base to the poorest rural families. In this programmes in the field of rural development were thought to be closed integrated and that steps should be taken to ensure that the benefits flow to the target groups consisting of small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers and rural artisans. Development of rural areas has been core of planning process in Uttar Pradesh. Rural Development is a broad, inclusive term which takes in its consideration socioeconomic and political development of the rural areas. It includes measures to strengthen the democratic structure of society through the Panchayati Raj Institutions as well as measure to improve the rural infrastructure, improve income of rural households and delivery systems pertaining to education, health and safety mechanisms. Poverty alleviation is a key component of rural development (Mishra et al., 2011).Rural development is an integral part of country’s socio economic development has been recognized as a sine qua non. The goal of rural development
  • 2. Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh www.ijhssi.org 62 | Page is to enrich the quality of human life in rural areas accompanied by bridging the rural-urban gap through provision of all amenities. The national policy and programs for a successful rural development task should aim at diversification of economic activities, minimizing the dependence of rural households on agriculture and bringing about a significant increase in the share in both output and employment of allied activities, rural industries, business and service components of the rural economy. If this is not pursued, rural development merely remains as agricultural development and neither solves the problem of rural employment and poverty nor of equitable distribution of resources and income-generating assets. II. OBJECTIVES  To identify the problems of rural areas of Uttar Pradesh.  To analyze the relevance of rural development programmes implemented in Uttar Pradesh. III. METHODOLOGY The present study is based on the secondary data. Data have been collected from various rural development institutions. In order to formulate the study meaningful and empirical tables were used. The appropriate methodology employed is based on the objectives of the study. Various Rural Development Programmes are used for appraising real performance of rural development in Uttar Pradesh. IV. PROBLEMS IN UTTAR PRADESH Education: Uttar Pradesh is a most populous state in India probably most of the young people are also seeking for a better education system in the state education system is not taking improvement in the quality of education it is easy to become graduate without ability. Poverty: People in the state are less skilled and educated which is affecting their life they are less productive so they are being paid minimum wage which is hunting the purchasing power of the common people. Health Sector: It is a basic requirement for everyone if you are not fit you can't do anything we should be able to maintain the health which will help us to do rest of the work. Public Security: Law and order in this state is in very bad condition since the police and other government agencies are not loyal and accountable to the people of the state. Infrastructure Development: Poor roads and transportation system in the Uttar Pradesh is the main issue it takes years to rebuild the roads which is affecting the big and small businesses. Political Environment: The kind of role Uttar Pradesh play in the central government is a big advantage for the state but still most of the people around 59 million people are living in poverty. Because the political parties are totally based on the religion, cast, gender, language it is pushing the state behind. Skills: In the state people are less skilled due to poor education system most of the people are involved in small day’s works which is less profitable. Agriculture: Agriculture in the state is the main source of income for more than half of the population but due to bad implementation of government policies and guidelines. They are not benefited the initiatives taken by the government. New Cities: The kind of population is in the state to give the employment state government should help to build new cities where people can migrate rather than going in other states. High Population Density: Government is not really concerned about the growth of the population which is increasing high poverty level and low literacy rate.
  • 3. Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh www.ijhssi.org 63 | Page Low Literacy Rate: Literacy rate in the state is in bad shape which is the main reason for the poor condition of the state literacy rate is insignificant government education facilities. Rural Areas in Uttar Pradesh Figure1: Development officer with rural people Figure 2: condition of rural area in Uttar Pradesh Implications of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh: The implications of rural development programmes that will be exhausted in the States on these programs will ensure a quantum leap in expenditures in these areas. The states have been recommended to exploit their enhanced resources effectively in these areas. There are giving implications of rural development programmes in Uttar Pradesh. National Skill Mission: India is one of the youngest nations in the world because more than 54% of total population is under the age of 25 years. Principally majority of young people have to be both educated and employable for the jobs in the 21st Century. The Prime Minister has explained how Skill India needs to be closely coordinated with Make in India. Yet today less than 5% of our potential workforce gets formal skill training to be employable and stay employable. It was declared that, National Skill Mission is going to be launched in the near future through the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Ministry. The Mission will consolidate skill initiatives spread across several Ministries and enable to standardize procedures and outcomes across 31 Sector Skill Councils.
  • 4. Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh www.ijhssi.org 64 | Page Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana: With the rural population still forming close to 70% of India’s population, enhancing the employability of rural youth is the key to unlocking India’s demographic dividend. With this in mind, the government had launched the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana. 1,500 Cr has been set apart for this scheme. The expenditure will be through a digital voucher directly into qualified student’s bank account. Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram: With the view to enable all poor and middle class students to pursue higher education of their choice without any constraint of funds, It was proposed to set up a fully IT based Student Financial Aid Authority to administer and monitor Scholarship as well Educational Loan Schemes, through the Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram. With this, no student misses out on higher education due to lack of funds. Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana: Since 1 April 1999, the “Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana” (SGSY) started for the self-employment of the rural people. It has been under implementation after restructuring and merging the erstwhile IRDP and its allied programs. This programme aims is to bringing the assisted BPL families above the Poverty Line through organizing rural poor into Self Help Groups establishing micro enterprises in rural areas based on the ability of the poor and potential of each area. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development was established on 12 July 1982, headquartered at Mumbai. It has traversing the most dynamic and challenging phase of rural development in Uttar Pradesh. One of the biggest challenges experienced by the Indian economy is enhancing viability of agriculture. In this context, capital formation for agriculture is of critical importance. Because of the sustainability of agricultural growth, and accordingly, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development flagged capital formation in rural economy as the thrust area for the year. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development refinance disbursement under investment credit touched 31,427 Crore during (2014-15) marking a growth of 46.3 per cent over the previous year, facilitating acceleration of capital formation in the rural economy. A new product was introduced during the year to provide medium term refinance for 18 months to 3 years. These initiatives of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development have been instrumental in enabling banks to record a 47.5 per cent growth in agriculture term loan disbursement during the year, reversing a declining trend in the growth rate. Swatch Bharat Mission: The Swachh Bharat Mission launched in October 2014, consists of two sub-missions the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) which will be implemented in rural areas, and the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), which will be implemented in urban areas. Swachh Bharat Missions (Gramin) at the national, state, and district levels will each have monitoring units. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) seeks to eliminate open defecation in rural areas by 2019 through improving access to sanitation. It also seeks to generate awareness to motivate communities to adopt sustainable sanitation practices, and encourage the use of appropriate technologies for sanitation. its Five Year Annual Plan Under “Swachh Bharat Mission” undertakes CSR activities at an estimated budget of ` 25.91 Crore (allocates 50% of its total CSR budget) and planning to construct toilets in Government schools / Community toilets in the slum areas & rural arena and also by conducting awareness programmes on usage of toilets to eliminate open defecation. Uttar Pradesh Lohia Gramin Awas Yojana: Under this scheme of Indira Awas yojana every year government select a fixed number of beneficiary for providing Home. Indira Awas is providing through the BPL list for Poor Families of SC, ST, OBC and general category candidates. Under the scheme of Lohiya Awas yojana government provide home for all categories of the people like SC, ST, OBC and un-reserved who are Poor and hold all the eligibility criteria specified in the official NGO and Shashnadesh. The Basic difference between Indira Awas yojana and Lohiya Awas yojana is Indira Awas yojana is sponsored by central government and Lohiya Awas is funded by State government of Uttar Pradesh. Indira Awas yojana is provided only for those candidates’ people who are listed In BPL list of 2002. But Lohiya Awas yojana also cover all Non BPL candidates of rural areas of all categories. Uttar Pradesh government allocates Rs. 1779 Crore for Lohia Gramin Awas Yojana in 2016-17 to fulfill the best housing requirement of the beneficiaries.
  • 5. Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh www.ijhssi.org 65 | Page Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana: Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was launched on 25th December 2000 as a fully funded Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide all weather road connectivity in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. The programme envisages connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above in the plain areas and 250 persons and above in hill States, the tribal and the desert areas. As regards financial progress, out of total value of projects amounting to Rs.10,663 Crore sanctioned, an amount of Rs.9,739 Crore has been released and an amount of Rs.9,491 Crore has been utilized by the State till August, 2012. According to latest figures made available by the State Governments under a survey to identify Core Network as part of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana programme, about 1.67 lakh Unconnected Habitations are eligible for coverage under the programme. This involves construction of about 3.71 Lakh km. of roads for New Connectivity and 3.68 lakh km. under up gradation. Table-1: Rural Development Programmes In Uttar Pradesh: Scheme Name List of Sanction order for the Scheme during 2007-2008 to 2014-15 sanction order (Amount Rs. In Lakh) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 SGSY 13149.96 39020.76 41339.84 43439.84 23470.07 16635.58 NA NA PMGSY 51757.15 42892.06 158450.02 130883 20876.59 500 51193 NA NAREGA 164831.1 396730.4 531888.1 527654.4 424087.2 129202.6 289639 251341.4 R.H 98953.56 9953.36 14369.77 115779.9 639.111 883221.6 150149.2 161431.1 DRDA 115.875 3551.055 4014.3 6064.38 6146.9 4033.39 4929.13 3127.84 TOTAL AMOUNT 328817.7 581147.9 750062.3 823821.5 475219.8 1033593 495910.3 415900.3 Source- rural.nic.in/natural/rural/sites/programmes-schemes.aspx V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The Rural Development Department is implementing a number of programmes in the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. The scores of development schemes, largely is being implemented through the Ministry of Rural Development. It is aim to alleviating rural poverty, generating employment and removing hunger and malnourishment accompanied to improvement of the quality of human life. While the government has been giving top priority to rural development and spending thousands of crores through various schemes, the concern is that not all the money allocated in the rural development schemes reaches the beneficiary. As a result, the pace of progress has remained stunted and the poor continue to suffer. Uttar Pradesh government has made a provision of Rs 13,778 Crore for Rural Development in its Budget for 2016-17, presented by Chief Minister in this state Assembly march 2016. A provision of Rs 630 Crore has been made to construct rural link roads and small bridges for agriculture marketing facilities under the Samagra Gram Vikas Yojana, whereas another provision of Rs 1,413 Crore for construction of other works related to link roads has been made. In the Budget, Rs 2,300 Crore has been earmarked for rural drinking water and a provision of Rs 1,779 Crore is made for Lohia Gramin Awas Yojana. An allocation of Rs 3,162 Crore has been made for Indira Awas Yojana and Rs 2,031 Crore for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
  • 6. Dynamics of Rural Development Programmes in Uttar Pradesh www.ijhssi.org 66 | Page Table-2: Rural Development programme after Independence 1951 First Five Year Plan launched 1952 Community Development program launched. 1958 Three-tier structure of local self-governing bodies (Panchayati Raj) introduced. 1969 Rural Electrification Corporation set up. 1971 Garibi Hatao” initiated 1972 Pilot Intensive Rural Employment Project (PIREP) 1973 Accelerated Rural Water Supply Program (ARWSP) 1973 Drought Prone Areas Programs (DPAP) 1977 Food for Work Program 1977 Desert Development Program (DDP) 1978 Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) 1979 Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) 1980 National Rural Employment Program (NREP) 1982 Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) 1985 Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) started. 1986 “National Drinking Water Mission” (NDWM) [rechristened as “Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission” (RGNDWM) in 1991] 1988 “Bekari Hatao” initiated 1988 Million Wells Scheme (MWS) 1989 Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) 1992 Constitutional 73rd Amendment Act to grant constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institutions. 1993 Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) 1955 National Social Assistance Program (NSAP) 1999 -Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY) - Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) 2000 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY)/Annapurna Scheme 2001 Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) 2004 National Food for Work Program 2005 Bharat Nirman/Common Minimum Program/Varsha Bima Scheme 2006 National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (NREGA) Source- Ministry of Rural Development: rural.nic.in VI. CONCLUSION Uttar Pradesh has aspire to achieving enhanced production and productivity in rural areas, to bring about a greater socio-economic equity, to bring about a special balance in social and economic development, improvement in the ecological environment so that it may be conductive to growth and happiness. Subsequently Uttar Pradesh government has been after started many formulating policies, programs, projects and schemes and investing significant financial resources through every Five Year Plan to accelerate the rural development. REFERENCE [1]. Dharm, N. (1974). Change in income distribution and poverty in India. A review of literature the book by Meeta Krishna, pp- 4. [2]. Dutta, I. (2011). Poverty to Empowerment. Allied publishers Pvt. Ltd, New, Delhi. [3]. Galab, S. (1993). Rural Employment Programme: Case for involving Voluntary Organisation. Economic and Political Weekly, (Vol.28), pp-4. [4]. Gour, K. (1992). Dynamic of rural development in India, Mittal publication New Delhi, pp-24. [5]. Government of India. (1978). Report of the Committee on Panchayat Raj Institutions, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, New Delhi. [6]. Krishna, M. (2003). Poverty Alleviation and Rural poor, Mittal Publications, New Delhi. pp-22. [7]. Kumari, S. and Alam, S. (2016). Role of gram panchayat system in rural development. Int. J. Sci. & Technol. Res., (Vol.5), pp- 69- 72. [8]. Mehta, A. (1978). Committee on Panchayati Raj Institutions, Government of India Department of Rural Development ministry of Agriculture New Delhi, pp-22. [9]. Millo, S. (2016). Rural development with active role of Panchayati Raj in tribal village of Arunachal Pradesh (Vol.2), Int. J. Humanities & Social Sci. Stud., pp-220. [10]. Minhas, B.S. (1970). Rural Poverty, land distribution and development strategy: facts and Policy Indian economic review, April. [11]. Ministry of Rural Development. (2008). Government of India, Report of the Bharat Nirman through Rural Development. [12]. Mishra, A., Akhtar, N and Tarika, S. (2011). Role of the Panchayat Raj Institution in Rural Development, SMS, (Vol.I), pp2-10. [13]. Mishra, S.N. (2002). Decentralized Governance, Delhi: Shipra publication, pp- 63. [14]. Moonis, R. (1998). Regional Development, New Delhi, Heritage publishing, pp-32.
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