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Automation Roundup
Automation now touches more of the marketing landscape than
ever before, and business-to-business and business-to-consumer
marketers alike are taking it up to improve their businesses.
eMarketer has curated a roundup of key trends, statistics and
information relevant to marketers looking to automate anything
from lead generation to CRM and beyond.

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Marketing Automation Roundup 	


Marketing Automation Overview
Automation now touches many facets of the marketing ecosystem, and both business-to-consumer
and business-to-business marketers have taken up various forms of automation to help run their
businesses more efficiently and effectively. According to April 2013 data from Forrester Research, among
B2C marketers, automation was most commonly used in the areas of web analytics and social media
monitoring, both selected by 83% of respondents.
Level of Marketing Automation Adoption According to
US B2B Marketers, 2012-2014
For B2B marketers, web analytics and email
% of respondents
service providers were key elements of marketing
Some adoption
automation for 73% of respondents each.
Adoption of marketing automation, especially among
B2Bs, is expected to increase significantly next year
according to research from BtoB Magazine. More
than half of respondents to an April survey by the
magazine said they would have “complete adoption”
of marketing automation in place by next year, up
from 26% who expected to reach that level this year.
According to data from Holger Schulze, B2B
marketers around the world are most commonly
using automation to generate and nurture leads,
though as of June 2013, nearly four in 10 said they
still did not use marketing automation.
One reason could be money: US respondents to the
BtoB Magazine survey said this was a major
obstacle to using marketing automation more
effectively, along with poor integration with sales and
marketing initiatives.

Moderate adoption
Strong adoption
Complete adoption, with integration of marketing automation
into sales and marketing initiatives



Source: BtoB Magazine, "Marketing Automation: Best Practices in a Rapidly
Changing World," Nov 11, 2013


Ways that B2B Marketers* Worldwide Use Marketing
Automation, June 2013
% of respondents
Generate leads
Nurture leads
Actively create content to feed automated campaigns
Engage with customers
Sporadically use content for marketing automation campaigns
We don't use marketing automation
Note: *respondents belong to the B2B Technology Marketing Community
on LinkedIn
Source: Holger Schulze, "B2B Content Marketing Trends 2013," June 27,

Marketing Automation Roundup	


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	2
Usage Widening for Programmatic Techniques
Execs plan serious strides in next two years
Majorities of US marketing executives are already
using a wide variety of programmatic approaches to
their jobs, according to research from the Winterberry
Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). A
September 2013 survey found strong majorities using
audience segmentation, auction-based media buying,
insight development, and automation of back-end and
premium digital media buying processes.

Programmatic Approaches that US Executive
Marketers Currently Use vs. Plan to Use*, Sep 2013
% of respondents
Audience segmentation
Utilization of auction-based approaches to media buying (e.g.,
through a real-time bidding platform)
Insight development

But programmatic’s reach will get even farther. While 79% of
respondents currently use segmentation, more than nine in 10
plan to do so in the next two years. And similar percentages
plan to use real-time bidding or other auction-based media
buying. Content optimization techniques are also expected to
reach more than two-thirds of marketers in the next two years.
While brand safety issues are the leading barrier for advertisers
looking to expand their approaches, the benefits seem to
outweigh the costs.
More than half of advertisers said programmatic approaches
could help them more effective target consumers across all the
digital media they consume, while nearly as many valued the
efficiency in value and transactions they could achieve through
programmatic buying.

Automation of back-end processes
Automation of "premium" digital media buying processes
Content optimization
Automation of traditional media buying processes (e.g.,
purchasing print advertising)

Next 2 years

Note: *in the next 2 years
Source: Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB),
"Programmatic Everywhere? Data, Technology and the Future of Audience
Engagement," Nov 4, 2013

On the publisher side, benefits were even more striking, largely
because publishers expect to glean higher rates from inventory
that used to be difficult or even impossible to sell.


Leading Objectives that Drive Interest in
Programmatic Approaches According to US Publishers
and Advertisers, Sep 2013
% of respondents


Efficiently value and transact digital media



Improve operational efficiency



Expand yield from owned inventory



More effectively target consumers across
digital media



Deliver a better customer experience



Improve speed-to-market



Improve relevance of marketing messaging



Improve insights into consumers



Source: Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB),
"Programmatic Everywhere? Data, Technology and the Future of Audience
Engagement," Nov 4, 2013

Marketing Automation Roundup	


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	3
Automation, Integration of Inbound Marketing Still Limited
Inbound marketing primarily used to drive leads
Inbound marketing tactics, including content marketing, search engine optimization and use of social
media marketing, are all critical for businesses looking to generate leads. But these tasks are also difficult
to pull off, particularly the creation and marketing of content.
That was seen as both the most effective and most difficult inbound marketing tactic in a survey of B2B and B2C marketing
professionals worldwide, conducted in September 2013 by Ascend2 and Research Underwriters.
Marketing automation is one technique to make inbound
marketing tactics more strategic and complementary, as well
as reduce much of the guesswork of inbound marketing, but
the survey found that at this point, few were actually employing
marketing automation. Just 16% of B2Cs and 14% of B2Bs
reported using marketing automation extensively to manage
their inbound marketing. That said, over 40% from both types of
companies were employing marketing automation to a limited
extent, indicating that use could grow in the near future.
Taking a look at those who ranked their inbound marketing
tactics as very successful vs. those who saw them as
unsuccessful, 45% of successful inbound marketers
used marketing automation, vs. only 9% of unsuccessful
inbound marketers.
The study found that integration was a key factor distinguishing
the successful from the unsuccessful as well. Sixty-seven
percent of the companies that saw themselves achieving
strong inbound marketing results had integrated the inbound
marketing program, whereas only 9% of the least successful
inbound marketers did so. Only a slim 9% of successful inbound
marketers didn’t bother integrating.
Measuring performance was additionally a key factor
separating the good inbound marketers from the bad, and
giving further fuel to the idea that putting the different
tactics under one umbrella, which can manage and assess
their impact, may be worthwhile. In this case, nearly half of
successful inbound marketers measured performance, vs. 9%
of unsuccessful inbound marketers.

Marketing Automation Roundup	

Most Difficult Inbound Marketing Tactics to Execute
According to B2B vs. B2C Marketing Professionals
Worldwide, Sep 2013
% of respondents


Content creation and marketing



Lead nurturing and scoring



Use of marketing automation



Search engine optimization



Social media/social networking



Blogging or guest blogging



Outbound marketing integration



Press and public relations





Social sharing buttons
Source: Ascend2, "Inbound Marketing," Sep 25, 2013


Use of Marketing Automation to Manage Inbound
Marketing According to B2B vs. B2C Marketing
Professionals Worldwide, Sep 2013
% of respondents
Extensive use

Extensive use

Don't use

Don't use
Limited use


Limited use


Source: Ascend2, "Inbound Marketing," Sep 25, 2013


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	4
Behavioral Data Is Key to B2B Marketing Automation
Marketing handles much of the purchase cycle that formerly went to sales
The internet has become a primary source of information, recommendations and reviews when business
decision-makers contemplate potential purchases. This places significant responsibility on marketers, who
must now guide and nurture these leads via digital through the majority of the buying cycle.
Relying on automated solutions to create and deploy lead nurture programs is not new, but business-to-business (B2B)
marketers are eyeing them with a renewed focus, according to a new eMarketer report, “B2B Marketing Automation: Using
Behavioral Data to Power Lead Nurture.”
Marketing automation is a solution that makes use of
technology to perform some of the heavy lifting associated with
communicating to prospects and existing customers across
multiple channels such as email, social media and a company’s
website. Automation can also be used to score leads, segment
audiences and nurture those audiences throughout their
customer life cycle.
In 2012, one in 10 digital marketing dollars spent by US B2B
marketers went to marketing automation, according to a survey
by Wakefly, a digital marketing firm that also advises clients
on marketing automation programs. Though a greater portion
of budgets were allocated to web redesigns and pay-per-click
(PPC) advertising, marketing automation had the largest yearover-year growth of any area: 233%.
But most marketers and industry professionals tend to agree
that the basic use of marketing automation is insufficient for
persuading today’s B2B decision-makers, and relevancy is key.
Achieving relevancy can be difficult. In a February 2013
survey, BtoB Magazine found that the ability to reach the right
buyer at the right time ranked as the No. 2 challenge among
US B2B marketers looking to meet the changing needs of
B2B prospects.
Most agree that moving beyond a “batch and blast” use of
marketing automation in order to arrive at a more relevant,
effective lead nurture program requires one thing: data, and in
particular, behavioral data.

Ways that B2B Marketers* Worldwide Use Marketing
Automation, June 2013
% of respondents
Generate leads
Nurture leads
Actively create content to feed automated campaigns
Engage with customers
Sporadically use content for marketing automation campaigns
We don't use marketing automation
Note: *respondents belong to the B2B Technology Marketing Community
on LinkedIn
Source: Holger Schulze, "B2B Content Marketing Trends 2013," June 27,

Allocation of Digital Marketing Budget Among US B2B
Marketers, 2011 & 2012
% of total budget


Web redesigns



Pay-per-click advertising



Website maintenance/features



Marketing automation



Landing pages






Email marketing



Social media



Display advertising






Source: Wakefly as cited on company blog, March 28, 2012

Marketing Automation Roundup	



Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	5
Behavioral Data Is Key to B2B Marketing Automation (Continued)
“If [companies] are missing title information or firmographic
information, they’re going to have to make guesses about
what’s relevant to the individual, and a guess is introducing risk
to the experience with that individual,” said Maribeth Ross, vice
president of marketing at NetProspex, a company that provides
B2B marketing contact lists and data services.
Behavioral data, however, can minimize those risks. In tracking
a prospect’s digital footprint across websites, email, search
and even social, B2B companies can begin to understand a
potential buyer’s needs, wants and interests based on as little
information as an email address or a cookie ID.
“It all really comes down to using cross-channel marketing
automation technology that’s fueled by data to be able to
personalize the content we’re delivering to the buyer and keep
the sales team apprised of where that individual is in the buying
process,” said Joel Book, principal of marketing research and
education at ExactTarget, owner of B2B marketing automation
platform provider Pardot. “The brand that responds fastest and
demonstrates a commitment to really serve the individual by
delivering content that is personalized and aids in his or her
buying process, that’s the brand that’s going to win the deal.”

Marketing Automation Roundup	

Leading Challenges to Meeting the Changing Needs
of B2B Prospects According to US B2B Marketers,
Feb 2013
% of respondents
Lack of budget and resources to implement new strategies
Inability to reach the right target at the right time in the buying
Inconsistent support and lead follow-up from sales
Poor infrastructure to collect and analyze data within marketing
Lack of understanding of the metrics needed at each stage of
the buying decision
Lack of knowledge about strategies for emerging marketing
Note: n=243
Source: BtoB Magazine, "The Evolving B2B Purchase Process: Attribution
across the Sales Funnel" in conjunction with Bizo, April 8, 2013


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	6
Mobile and Targeting Drive Up Email Opens
Mobile conversion rates still somewhat depressed
Nearly one in three emails sent in North America during Q1 2013 were opened—the highest number in
recent history. Mobile device adoption and the use of marketing automation to send more targeted emails
are having among the biggest impacts on email performance, according to a new eMarketer report, “Email
Benchmarks: Key Metrics and Trends for 2013.”
A February 2013 survey from enterprise email service provider
BlueHornet showed that 71.8% of US email users ages 24 to
40 said they typically read their personal email throughout the
day. Mobile plays an undeniable role in enabling consumers to
check email from anywhere and at any time of day.
Data from marketing software provider Knotice showed mobile
phones and tablets accounted for a combined total of 41.1% of
US email opens in H2 2012, up from 27.4% in H2 2011.
Some marketers and email solution providers have recorded
even higher open rate shares. Pam McAtee, Epsilon’s senior
vice president of digital solutions, said mobile now accounts
for 60% or more of all opens for most clients. She expects that
percentage will continue to climb before plateauing at around
70% to 80%.

Email Marketing Performance Metrics in
North America, Q1 2011-Q1 2013

96.0% 95.7% 96.5%





23.3% 22.2% 23.8%




27.2% 27.4%

96.0% 96.4%





















Open rate


Source: Epsilon, "Q1 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks," July 2, 2013

“We’re tracking consumers opening [emails] multiple times
on multiple different types of devices,” McAtee said. “We can
see that they opened an email on a mobile device and then on
a desktop, predominantly in that order. They’re using mobile
devices to sift through their email and clean up their email, and
then they’re going back to a desktop and converting.”
Though open rate performance suggests an increased level of
initial engagement with email, additional data from Experian
Marketing Services showed measures more indicative of
conversions declining between Q1 2012 and Q1 2013. Click-toopen rate dropped 9.6% year over year, and transaction-to-click
rate fell 15.6%. However, average order size increased about
$23, suggesting fewer clicks resulted in purchases, but that
those purchases were more substantial.

Marketing Automation Roundup	



US Email Marketing Open Rate Share, by Device,
H2 2011 & H2 2012
% of total



H2 2011



H2 2012

Source: Knotice, "Mobile Email Opens Report," April 11, 2012 & Feb 19,


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	7
Mobile and Targeting Drive Up Email Opens (Continued)
Marketers like Andrew Kordek, co-founder and chief strategist
of email marketing agency Trendline Interactive, said mobile’s
lack of effect on conversion-focused measures is indicative
of consumers’ overall lack of confidence in purchasing via
mobile devices.
To drive greater engagement with email, whether on desktop
or mobile, companies are using marketing automation via
triggered messaging. Triggered emails enable marketers to use
automation to respond to a user-prompted action or behavior.
Consumers opened one out of every two triggered emails in
North America in Q1 2013, according to Epsilon.
Triggered emails are timely and often behaviorally relevant,
but relevance is only part of a larger ability to personalize
communications. October 2012 data from Experian Marketing
Services noted US marketing emails that were both triggered
and personalized saw 29.2% click rates compared to 23.3% for
triggered emails lacking personalization.

Email Marketing Campaign Metrics in North America,
Q1 2012 & Q1 2013
Q1 2012

Q1 2013

% change

Total open rate



—Unique open rate




—Click-to-open rate




Total click rate



—Unique click rate




Transaction-to-click rate




Transaction rate




Revenue per email













Average order
Bounce rate
Unsubscribe rate

Source: Experian Marketing Services, "Q1 2013 Quarterly Benchmark
Study," May 2013


Triggered Email* Marketing Performance Metrics in
North America, Q1 2011-Q1 2013

Open rate


Q1 2011




Q2 2011




Q3 2011




Q4 2011




Q1 2012




Q2 2012




Q3 2012




Q4 2012




Q1 2013




Note: *campaigns that were deployed as a result of an action (e.g.,
abandon shopping cart, confirmation, thank you and welcome)
Source: Epsilon, "Q1 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks," July 2, 2013

Marketing Automation Roundup	


Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	8
B2B Perspective: Integrating CRM and Marketing
Automation Platforms

Kevin Quiring
Managing Director of Sales and Customer
Service, North America

Kevin Quiring, managing director of sales and
customer service in North America for Accenture,
works with the business management and
technology firm’s clients on multiple initiatives
including performance management and
customer data management. Quiring spoke
with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about aligning
customer relationship management (CRM) tools
and marketing automation platforms and the
inevitable integration of the two.
eMarketer: What are some of the trends you’ve
seen in business-to-business (B2B) lead management
among clients?
Kevin Quiring: Overall, lead management is a hot topic
right now. Businesses are placing renewed emphasis on
generating new business—something that started with the
2008 recession—either through acquiring new customers
or growing existing customers.
They’re introducing new products, and they’re trying to do
acquisitions—not nearly as many as they had done prior
to the recession—and expand into new markets. To do
this, they’re taking a closer look at their lead management
programs, which in good times are fairly ignored at major
organizations. So, they’ve really started to drill down
on that.
But when you focus specifically on lead nurture, particularly
with some of the largest enterprises, the left hand doesn’t
know what the right hand is doing. There are four main
challenges for B2Bs looking to manage their leads.
The first is a chasm between marketing and sales. The two
aren’t working together.

Marketing Automation Roundup	

Second, there’s certainly a lack of technology around
automating lead management. That’s not to say there
aren’t great marketing and sales automation tools out
there, but they’re not integrated.

“When you focus specifically on lead
nurture, particularly with some of the
largest enterprises, the left hand doesn’t
know what the right hand is doing.”
Third, there is a lack of organizational accountability for
performance management around the success of lead
generation and nurture. You have separate groups being
benchmarked against lead generation and lead nurture.
Companies should be measuring the end-to-end return on
investment (ROI) of both programs.
Finally, there’s a failure to apply customer data into
analytics and insights that can enable marketers to better
qualify and distribute leads.
eMarketer: How are companies addressing the lack of
technology around automated lead management?
Quiring: We see many brands in the electronics, high-tech
and insurance industries investing heavily in creating an
end-to-end solution for lead generation, nurture and overall
lead management—and looking to measure these tactics
in various stages and holding people accountable for
those outcomes.
They’re not waiting for the perfect technology solutions to
emerge. They’re taking the CRM and marketing automation
platforms like Salesforce.com and Eloqua or Aprimo and
Oracle to create a workable solution. There’s a lot of
customization and integration that goes into doing this.
And then there’s the analytics component that is being
integrated. Companies are using analytics to start to apply
the historical data they have on sales opportunities and
conversions to look at all of the key characteristics in the
average length of buy cycle, conversion rates and deal size
so they score leads appropriately.

Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	9
B2B Perspective: Integrating CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms
They’re finding the salesperson’s intuition and the
marketer’s opinion on what lead will be good or bad
is interesting—but not predictive. When they start to
apply that data and organize it in a way where they can
statistically analyze and score leads up front, they get a
more accurate picture of actual opportunity. Web-based
scoring is the easiest, but to be able to integrate that into
your company’s CRM system and tap that historical data is
really key.
eMarketer: What type of technology or solution would be
needed for the analytics component? Would a marketing
automation platform or a CRM system be enough to do this
type of analysis?
Quiring: In most instances, companies are using a
statistical analysis tool like something from SAS. The SAS
models are built and then programmed onto the database
to provide updated scoring of new opportunities and
existing opportunities on a continuous basis. The marketing
automation system still does the lead capture and
consolidation, but the calculations are done via SAS.
eMarketer: Do you have an example of a company that
has been successful at integrating these solutions for an
improved lead management process?
Quiring: We have a B2B telecommunications client that
offers its clients everything from voice to wireless to unified
communications to IT consulting services. From a sales
standpoint, trying to close a deal when prospects have
the potential to be interested in so many diverse products
requires multiple sets of activity.

“The salesperson’s intuition and the
marketer’s opinion on what lead will
be good or bad is interesting—but
not predictive.”

But if the prospect is on the site one day reading about
machine-to-machine services and that lead comes in,
marketing needs to know enough about that company
and that individual—rather, the marketing system needs to
know enough about those details and the profitability this
potential lead could provide—to be able to score the lead.
The B2B telecommunications client is able to do that. Its
system takes into account things such as monthly billing
revenues and can even smooth that out for one-time
purchases of hardware. So rather than just looking at the
brand the inquiry came from and the channel it came from,
its using both the marketing automation platform and the
CRM tool to look at the prospect’s historical relationship
with the organization.
Once its qualified the lead, it then uses an analytics solution
to determine how to best distribute that lead. For example,
it wouldn’t just want to send that lead to the machine-tomachine division—it would also need to alert the current
sales rep and maybe the sales vice president.
Analytics can also tell how much effort it should invest
in closing the lead. The scoring system will look at all
of the past deals of every product and service [the B2B
telecommunications client] has ever sold to the company
and how much time those deals spent in the pipeline. By
looking at the time spent in the pipeline and the customer’s
historical procurement process, it can estimate the total
time to close.
Now it can weigh the amount of effort required on the part
of the sales and marketing departments to determine how
to best handle the lead. The scoring takes into account the
overall ROI on that sales process to determine whether or
not to hand the lead to a sales team or let the prospect
drive the process on its own.

Sales reps typically sell only one of those products. So if
an historical relationship with a client is on providing voice
and IP bandwidth for the company’s phone system, the
sales rep might not know that prospect is also interested in
machine-to-machine services.

Marketing Automation Roundup	

Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved.	10

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E marketer marketing_automation_roundup

  • 1. DECEMBER 2013 eMarketer Marketing Automation Roundup Automation now touches more of the marketing landscape than ever before, and business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketers alike are taking it up to improve their businesses. eMarketer has curated a roundup of key trends, statistics and information relevant to marketers looking to automate anything from lead generation to CRM and beyond. sponsored by
  • 2. Marketing Automation Roundup DECEMBER 2013 Marketing Automation Overview Automation now touches many facets of the marketing ecosystem, and both business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketers have taken up various forms of automation to help run their businesses more efficiently and effectively. According to April 2013 data from Forrester Research, among B2C marketers, automation was most commonly used in the areas of web analytics and social media monitoring, both selected by 83% of respondents. Level of Marketing Automation Adoption According to US B2B Marketers, 2012-2014 For B2B marketers, web analytics and email % of respondents service providers were key elements of marketing Some adoption automation for 73% of respondents each. 28% Adoption of marketing automation, especially among B2Bs, is expected to increase significantly next year according to research from BtoB Magazine. More than half of respondents to an April survey by the magazine said they would have “complete adoption” of marketing automation in place by next year, up from 26% who expected to reach that level this year. According to data from Holger Schulze, B2B marketers around the world are most commonly using automation to generate and nurture leads, though as of June 2013, nearly four in 10 said they still did not use marketing automation. One reason could be money: US respondents to the BtoB Magazine survey said this was a major obstacle to using marketing automation more effectively, along with poor integration with sales and marketing initiatives. 10% 2% Moderate adoption 28% 28% 17% Strong adoption 22% 36% 29% Complete adoption, with integration of marketing automation into sales and marketing initiatives 18% 26% 52% 2012 2013 2014 Source: BtoB Magazine, "Marketing Automation: Best Practices in a Rapidly Changing World," Nov 11, 2013 166017 www.eMarketer.com Ways that B2B Marketers* Worldwide Use Marketing Automation, June 2013 % of respondents Generate leads 36.7% Nurture leads 36.1% Actively create content to feed automated campaigns 28.2% Engage with customers 26.0% Sporadically use content for marketing automation campaigns 15.1% We don't use marketing automation 39.0% Note: *respondents belong to the B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn Source: Holger Schulze, "B2B Content Marketing Trends 2013," June 27, 2013 161179 Marketing Automation Roundup www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Usage Widening for Programmatic Techniques Execs plan serious strides in next two years Majorities of US marketing executives are already using a wide variety of programmatic approaches to their jobs, according to research from the Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). A September 2013 survey found strong majorities using audience segmentation, auction-based media buying, insight development, and automation of back-end and premium digital media buying processes. Programmatic Approaches that US Executive Marketers Currently Use vs. Plan to Use*, Sep 2013 % of respondents Audience segmentation 79% 91% Utilization of auction-based approaches to media buying (e.g., through a real-time bidding platform) 79% 86% Insight development 63% But programmatic’s reach will get even farther. While 79% of respondents currently use segmentation, more than nine in 10 plan to do so in the next two years. And similar percentages plan to use real-time bidding or other auction-based media buying. Content optimization techniques are also expected to reach more than two-thirds of marketers in the next two years. While brand safety issues are the leading barrier for advertisers looking to expand their approaches, the benefits seem to outweigh the costs. More than half of advertisers said programmatic approaches could help them more effective target consumers across all the digital media they consume, while nearly as many valued the efficiency in value and transactions they could achieve through programmatic buying. 88% Automation of back-end processes 59% 86% Automation of "premium" digital media buying processes 59% 79% Content optimization 47% 69% Automation of traditional media buying processes (e.g., purchasing print advertising) 22% 44% Currently Next 2 years Note: *in the next 2 years Source: Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), "Programmatic Everywhere? Data, Technology and the Future of Audience Engagement," Nov 4, 2013 165667 On the publisher side, benefits were even more striking, largely because publishers expect to glean higher rates from inventory that used to be difficult or even impossible to sell. www.eMarketer.com Leading Objectives that Drive Interest in Programmatic Approaches According to US Publishers and Advertisers, Sep 2013 % of respondents Publishers Advertisers Efficiently value and transact digital media 63% 49% Improve operational efficiency 63% 33% Expand yield from owned inventory 61% 12% More effectively target consumers across digital media 26% 55% Deliver a better customer experience 16% 30% Improve speed-to-market 12% 9% Improve relevance of marketing messaging 9% 24% Improve insights into consumers 7% 21% Source: Winterberry Group and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), "Programmatic Everywhere? Data, Technology and the Future of Audience Engagement," Nov 4, 2013 165666 Marketing Automation Roundup www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Automation, Integration of Inbound Marketing Still Limited Inbound marketing primarily used to drive leads Inbound marketing tactics, including content marketing, search engine optimization and use of social media marketing, are all critical for businesses looking to generate leads. But these tasks are also difficult to pull off, particularly the creation and marketing of content. That was seen as both the most effective and most difficult inbound marketing tactic in a survey of B2B and B2C marketing professionals worldwide, conducted in September 2013 by Ascend2 and Research Underwriters. Marketing automation is one technique to make inbound marketing tactics more strategic and complementary, as well as reduce much of the guesswork of inbound marketing, but the survey found that at this point, few were actually employing marketing automation. Just 16% of B2Cs and 14% of B2Bs reported using marketing automation extensively to manage their inbound marketing. That said, over 40% from both types of companies were employing marketing automation to a limited extent, indicating that use could grow in the near future. Taking a look at those who ranked their inbound marketing tactics as very successful vs. those who saw them as unsuccessful, 45% of successful inbound marketers used marketing automation, vs. only 9% of unsuccessful inbound marketers. The study found that integration was a key factor distinguishing the successful from the unsuccessful as well. Sixty-seven percent of the companies that saw themselves achieving strong inbound marketing results had integrated the inbound marketing program, whereas only 9% of the least successful inbound marketers did so. Only a slim 9% of successful inbound marketers didn’t bother integrating. Measuring performance was additionally a key factor separating the good inbound marketers from the bad, and giving further fuel to the idea that putting the different tactics under one umbrella, which can manage and assess their impact, may be worthwhile. In this case, nearly half of successful inbound marketers measured performance, vs. 9% of unsuccessful inbound marketers. Marketing Automation Roundup Most Difficult Inbound Marketing Tactics to Execute According to B2B vs. B2C Marketing Professionals Worldwide, Sep 2013 % of respondents B2B B2C Content creation and marketing 59% 45% Lead nurturing and scoring 38% 33% Use of marketing automation 32% 31% Search engine optimization 30% 36% Social media/social networking 27% 33% Blogging or guest blogging 25% 21% Outbound marketing integration 21% 24% Press and public relations 15% 16% 6% 3% Social sharing buttons Source: Ascend2, "Inbound Marketing," Sep 25, 2013 164315 www.eMarketer.com Use of Marketing Automation to Manage Inbound Marketing According to B2B vs. B2C Marketing Professionals Worldwide, Sep 2013 % of respondents Extensive use 14% Extensive use 16% Don't use 43% Don't use 39% Limited use 45% B2B Limited use 43% B2C Source: Ascend2, "Inbound Marketing," Sep 25, 2013 164316 www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. Behavioral Data Is Key to B2B Marketing Automation Marketing handles much of the purchase cycle that formerly went to sales The internet has become a primary source of information, recommendations and reviews when business decision-makers contemplate potential purchases. This places significant responsibility on marketers, who must now guide and nurture these leads via digital through the majority of the buying cycle. Relying on automated solutions to create and deploy lead nurture programs is not new, but business-to-business (B2B) marketers are eyeing them with a renewed focus, according to a new eMarketer report, “B2B Marketing Automation: Using Behavioral Data to Power Lead Nurture.” Marketing automation is a solution that makes use of technology to perform some of the heavy lifting associated with communicating to prospects and existing customers across multiple channels such as email, social media and a company’s website. Automation can also be used to score leads, segment audiences and nurture those audiences throughout their customer life cycle. In 2012, one in 10 digital marketing dollars spent by US B2B marketers went to marketing automation, according to a survey by Wakefly, a digital marketing firm that also advises clients on marketing automation programs. Though a greater portion of budgets were allocated to web redesigns and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, marketing automation had the largest yearover-year growth of any area: 233%. But most marketers and industry professionals tend to agree that the basic use of marketing automation is insufficient for persuading today’s B2B decision-makers, and relevancy is key. Achieving relevancy can be difficult. In a February 2013 survey, BtoB Magazine found that the ability to reach the right buyer at the right time ranked as the No. 2 challenge among US B2B marketers looking to meet the changing needs of B2B prospects. Most agree that moving beyond a “batch and blast” use of marketing automation in order to arrive at a more relevant, effective lead nurture program requires one thing: data, and in particular, behavioral data. Ways that B2B Marketers* Worldwide Use Marketing Automation, June 2013 % of respondents Generate leads 36.7% Nurture leads 36.1% Actively create content to feed automated campaigns 28.2% Engage with customers 26.0% Sporadically use content for marketing automation campaigns 15.1% We don't use marketing automation 39.0% Note: *respondents belong to the B2B Technology Marketing Community on LinkedIn Source: Holger Schulze, "B2B Content Marketing Trends 2013," June 27, 2013 161179 Allocation of Digital Marketing Budget Among US B2B Marketers, 2011 & 2012 % of total budget 2011 2012 Web redesigns 15% 24% Pay-per-click advertising 16% 21% Website maintenance/features 15% 14% Marketing automation 3% 10% Landing pages 7% 9% SEO/content 14% 7% Email marketing 12% 7% Social media 6% 5% Display advertising 3% 2% Other 9% 1% Source: Wakefly as cited on company blog, March 28, 2012 152123 Marketing Automation Roundup www.eMarketer.com www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Behavioral Data Is Key to B2B Marketing Automation (Continued) “If [companies] are missing title information or firmographic information, they’re going to have to make guesses about what’s relevant to the individual, and a guess is introducing risk to the experience with that individual,” said Maribeth Ross, vice president of marketing at NetProspex, a company that provides B2B marketing contact lists and data services. Behavioral data, however, can minimize those risks. In tracking a prospect’s digital footprint across websites, email, search and even social, B2B companies can begin to understand a potential buyer’s needs, wants and interests based on as little information as an email address or a cookie ID. “It all really comes down to using cross-channel marketing automation technology that’s fueled by data to be able to personalize the content we’re delivering to the buyer and keep the sales team apprised of where that individual is in the buying process,” said Joel Book, principal of marketing research and education at ExactTarget, owner of B2B marketing automation platform provider Pardot. “The brand that responds fastest and demonstrates a commitment to really serve the individual by delivering content that is personalized and aids in his or her buying process, that’s the brand that’s going to win the deal.” Marketing Automation Roundup Leading Challenges to Meeting the Changing Needs of B2B Prospects According to US B2B Marketers, Feb 2013 % of respondents Lack of budget and resources to implement new strategies 59% Inability to reach the right target at the right time in the buying decision 39% Inconsistent support and lead follow-up from sales 38% Poor infrastructure to collect and analyze data within marketing 34% Lack of understanding of the metrics needed at each stage of the buying decision 22% Lack of knowledge about strategies for emerging marketing channels 19% Note: n=243 Source: BtoB Magazine, "The Evolving B2B Purchase Process: Attribution across the Sales Funnel" in conjunction with Bizo, April 8, 2013 155479 www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. Mobile and Targeting Drive Up Email Opens Mobile conversion rates still somewhat depressed Nearly one in three emails sent in North America during Q1 2013 were opened—the highest number in recent history. Mobile device adoption and the use of marketing automation to send more targeted emails are having among the biggest impacts on email performance, according to a new eMarketer report, “Email Benchmarks: Key Metrics and Trends for 2013.” A February 2013 survey from enterprise email service provider BlueHornet showed that 71.8% of US email users ages 24 to 40 said they typically read their personal email throughout the day. Mobile plays an undeniable role in enabling consumers to check email from anywhere and at any time of day. Data from marketing software provider Knotice showed mobile phones and tablets accounted for a combined total of 41.1% of US email opens in H2 2012, up from 27.4% in H2 2011. Some marketers and email solution providers have recorded even higher open rate shares. Pam McAtee, Epsilon’s senior vice president of digital solutions, said mobile now accounts for 60% or more of all opens for most clients. She expects that percentage will continue to climb before plateauing at around 70% to 80%. Email Marketing Performance Metrics in North America, Q1 2011-Q1 2013 96.0% 95.7% 96.5% 96.3% 96.5% 95.9% 96.1% 23.3% 22.2% 23.8% 24.8% 26.2% 25.6% 27.2% 27.4% 96.0% 96.4% 31.1% 5.9% 5.2% 5.5% 5.2% 4.7% 4.4% 4.5% 4.5% 5.1% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 2011 Nonbounce 2012 Open rate Clickthrough Source: Epsilon, "Q1 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks," July 2, 2013 “We’re tracking consumers opening [emails] multiple times on multiple different types of devices,” McAtee said. “We can see that they opened an email on a mobile device and then on a desktop, predominantly in that order. They’re using mobile devices to sift through their email and clean up their email, and then they’re going back to a desktop and converting.” Though open rate performance suggests an increased level of initial engagement with email, additional data from Experian Marketing Services showed measures more indicative of conversions declining between Q1 2012 and Q1 2013. Click-toopen rate dropped 9.6% year over year, and transaction-to-click rate fell 15.6%. However, average order size increased about $23, suggesting fewer clicks resulted in purchases, but that those purchases were more substantial. Marketing Automation Roundup 159984 www.eMarketer.com US Email Marketing Open Rate Share, by Device, H2 2011 & H2 2012 % of total Mobile phones 20.63% Tablets 6.76% Desktop computers 72.61% H2 2011 Tablets 12.10% Mobile phones 28.98% Desktop computers 58.92% H2 2012 Source: Knotice, "Mobile Email Opens Report," April 11, 2012 & Feb 19, 2013 160739 www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. Mobile and Targeting Drive Up Email Opens (Continued) Marketers like Andrew Kordek, co-founder and chief strategist of email marketing agency Trendline Interactive, said mobile’s lack of effect on conversion-focused measures is indicative of consumers’ overall lack of confidence in purchasing via mobile devices. To drive greater engagement with email, whether on desktop or mobile, companies are using marketing automation via triggered messaging. Triggered emails enable marketers to use automation to respond to a user-prompted action or behavior. Consumers opened one out of every two triggered emails in North America in Q1 2013, according to Epsilon. Triggered emails are timely and often behaviorally relevant, but relevance is only part of a larger ability to personalize communications. October 2012 data from Experian Marketing Services noted US marketing emails that were both triggered and personalized saw 29.2% click rates compared to 23.3% for triggered emails lacking personalization. Email Marketing Campaign Metrics in North America, Q1 2012 & Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Q1 2013 % change 9.7% Total open rate 22.2% 24.4% —Unique open rate 15.5% 17.0% 9.7% —Click-to-open rate 16.3% 14.7% -9.6% 1.6% Total click rate 3.8% 3.9% —Unique click rate 2.7% 2.7% 3.0% Transaction-to-click rate 5.4% 4.5% -15.6% Transaction rate 0.11% 0.09% -13.0% Revenue per email $0.12 $0.12 -0.8% $159.93 $182.92 14.4% 3.0% 1.9% -36.7% 0.16% 0.14% -15.8% Average order Bounce rate Unsubscribe rate Source: Experian Marketing Services, "Q1 2013 Quarterly Benchmark Study," May 2013 159456 www.eMarketer.com Triggered Email* Marketing Performance Metrics in North America, Q1 2011-Q1 2013 Nonbounce Open rate Clickthrough Q1 2011 94.6% 46.8% 12.9% Q2 2011 94.7% 40.4% 9.8% Q3 2011 94.8% 46.8% 11.7% Q4 2011 94.7% 48.0% 11.5% Q1 2012 95.2% 45.9% 10.4% Q2 2012 95.2% 49.8% 9.8% Q3 2012 94.7% 47.7% 9.7% Q4 2012 95.6% 46.7% 9.0% Q1 2013 95.9% 50.0% 11.2% Note: *campaigns that were deployed as a result of an action (e.g., abandon shopping cart, confirmation, thank you and welcome) Source: Epsilon, "Q1 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks," July 2, 2013 159989 Marketing Automation Roundup www.eMarketer.com Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. B2B Perspective: Integrating CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms Kevin Quiring Managing Director of Sales and Customer Service, North America Accenture Kevin Quiring, managing director of sales and customer service in North America for Accenture, works with the business management and technology firm’s clients on multiple initiatives including performance management and customer data management. Quiring spoke with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about aligning customer relationship management (CRM) tools and marketing automation platforms and the inevitable integration of the two. eMarketer: What are some of the trends you’ve seen in business-to-business (B2B) lead management among clients? Kevin Quiring: Overall, lead management is a hot topic right now. Businesses are placing renewed emphasis on generating new business—something that started with the 2008 recession—either through acquiring new customers or growing existing customers. They’re introducing new products, and they’re trying to do acquisitions—not nearly as many as they had done prior to the recession—and expand into new markets. To do this, they’re taking a closer look at their lead management programs, which in good times are fairly ignored at major organizations. So, they’ve really started to drill down on that. But when you focus specifically on lead nurture, particularly with some of the largest enterprises, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. There are four main challenges for B2Bs looking to manage their leads. The first is a chasm between marketing and sales. The two aren’t working together. Marketing Automation Roundup Second, there’s certainly a lack of technology around automating lead management. That’s not to say there aren’t great marketing and sales automation tools out there, but they’re not integrated. “When you focus specifically on lead nurture, particularly with some of the largest enterprises, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.” Third, there is a lack of organizational accountability for performance management around the success of lead generation and nurture. You have separate groups being benchmarked against lead generation and lead nurture. Companies should be measuring the end-to-end return on investment (ROI) of both programs. Finally, there’s a failure to apply customer data into analytics and insights that can enable marketers to better qualify and distribute leads. eMarketer: How are companies addressing the lack of technology around automated lead management? Quiring: We see many brands in the electronics, high-tech and insurance industries investing heavily in creating an end-to-end solution for lead generation, nurture and overall lead management—and looking to measure these tactics in various stages and holding people accountable for those outcomes. They’re not waiting for the perfect technology solutions to emerge. They’re taking the CRM and marketing automation platforms like Salesforce.com and Eloqua or Aprimo and Oracle to create a workable solution. There’s a lot of customization and integration that goes into doing this. And then there’s the analytics component that is being integrated. Companies are using analytics to start to apply the historical data they have on sales opportunities and conversions to look at all of the key characteristics in the average length of buy cycle, conversion rates and deal size so they score leads appropriately. Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. B2B Perspective: Integrating CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms They’re finding the salesperson’s intuition and the marketer’s opinion on what lead will be good or bad is interesting—but not predictive. When they start to apply that data and organize it in a way where they can statistically analyze and score leads up front, they get a more accurate picture of actual opportunity. Web-based scoring is the easiest, but to be able to integrate that into your company’s CRM system and tap that historical data is really key. eMarketer: What type of technology or solution would be needed for the analytics component? Would a marketing automation platform or a CRM system be enough to do this type of analysis? Quiring: In most instances, companies are using a statistical analysis tool like something from SAS. The SAS models are built and then programmed onto the database to provide updated scoring of new opportunities and existing opportunities on a continuous basis. The marketing automation system still does the lead capture and consolidation, but the calculations are done via SAS. eMarketer: Do you have an example of a company that has been successful at integrating these solutions for an improved lead management process? Quiring: We have a B2B telecommunications client that offers its clients everything from voice to wireless to unified communications to IT consulting services. From a sales standpoint, trying to close a deal when prospects have the potential to be interested in so many diverse products requires multiple sets of activity. “The salesperson’s intuition and the marketer’s opinion on what lead will be good or bad is interesting—but not predictive.” But if the prospect is on the site one day reading about machine-to-machine services and that lead comes in, marketing needs to know enough about that company and that individual—rather, the marketing system needs to know enough about those details and the profitability this potential lead could provide—to be able to score the lead. The B2B telecommunications client is able to do that. Its system takes into account things such as monthly billing revenues and can even smooth that out for one-time purchases of hardware. So rather than just looking at the brand the inquiry came from and the channel it came from, its using both the marketing automation platform and the CRM tool to look at the prospect’s historical relationship with the organization. Once its qualified the lead, it then uses an analytics solution to determine how to best distribute that lead. For example, it wouldn’t just want to send that lead to the machine-tomachine division—it would also need to alert the current sales rep and maybe the sales vice president. Analytics can also tell how much effort it should invest in closing the lead. The scoring system will look at all of the past deals of every product and service [the B2B telecommunications client] has ever sold to the company and how much time those deals spent in the pipeline. By looking at the time spent in the pipeline and the customer’s historical procurement process, it can estimate the total time to close. Now it can weigh the amount of effort required on the part of the sales and marketing departments to determine how to best handle the lead. The scoring takes into account the overall ROI on that sales process to determine whether or not to hand the lead to a sales team or let the prospect drive the process on its own. Sales reps typically sell only one of those products. So if an historical relationship with a client is on providing voice and IP bandwidth for the company’s phone system, the sales rep might not know that prospect is also interested in machine-to-machine services. Marketing Automation Roundup Copyright ©2013 eMarketer, Inc. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. 1 Marketing # Automation Highest Score, 2013 Sirius View Report Best Marketing Automation Solution How Modern Marketing Works eloqua.com or call 1.866.327.8764 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.