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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention
ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726
www.ijesi.org Volume 2 Issue 1 ǁ January. 2013 ǁ PP.21-26
www.ijesi.org 21 | P a g e
L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups
K.Sunderrajan, A.Senthilkumar, R.Muthuraj
Department of Mathematics, SRMV College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-20.
Department of Mathematics, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore-35
Department of Mathematics, H.H.The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai–01.
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we discussed some properties of L-fuzzy sub  -group of a lattice ordered group
and define a new algebraic structure of an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group and some related properties are
investigated. We establish the relation between L-fuzzy sub  -group and anti L-fuzzy sub  -group. The
purpose of this study is to implement the fuzzy set theory and group theory in L-fuzzy sub  -group and anti L-
fuzzy sub  -groups. Characterizations of level subsets of a L-fuzzy sub  -group are given. We also discussed
the relation between a given a L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups and investigate the conditions
under which a given sub  -group has a properly inclusive chain of sub  -groups. In particular, we formulate
how to structure an L-fuzzy sub  -group by a given chain of sub  -groups.
Keywords–– Fuzzy set, Fuzzy sub group, L-fuzzy sub l-group of a group, Anti L-Fuzzy Sub l-Group of a
group. AMS Subject Classification (2000): 20N25, 03E72, 03F055, 06F35, 03G25.
L. A. Zadeh [14] introduced the notion of a fuzzy subset A of a set X as a function from X into [0,
1]. Rosenfeld [8] applied this concept in group theory and semi group theory, and developed the theory of
fuzzy subgroups and fuzzy sub semi groupoids respectively. J.A. Goguen [2] replaced the valuations set [0,
1], by means of a complete lattice in an attempt to make a generalized study of fuzzy set theory by studying
L-fuzzy sets. In fact it seems in order to obtain a complete analogy of crisp mathematics in terms of
fuzzy mathematics, it is necessary to replace the valuation set by a system having more rich algebraic
structure. These concepts  -groups play a major role in mathematics and fuzzy mathematics. Satya
Saibaba[13] introduced the concept of L- fuzzy  -group and L-fuzzy  -ideal of  -group.
We wish to define a new algebraic structure of L-fuzzy sub  -group and establishes the relation with
L-fuzzy sub  - group and discussed some of its properties.
In this section we site the fundamental definitions that we will be used in the sequel. Throughout this
paper ,*)(GG  is a group, e is the identity element of G and xy we mean x*y.
2.1 Definition [13]
A lattice ordered group or a  -group is a system G = (G,  , ≤), where
i. ( G, ) is a group,
ii. ( G, ≤ ) is a lattice ,
iii. The inclusion is invariant under all translations bxax  i.e. byabxayx 
Throughout this paper G = (G,  , ≤) is a lattice ordered group or a  -group, e is the identity element of G and
xy we mean xy.
2.2 Definition [8]
Let S be any non-empty set. A fuzzy subset  of S is a function : S  [ 0 ,1 ].
2.3 Definition [8]
Let G be a group. A fuzzy subset  of G is called a fuzzy subgroup if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x).
L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups
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2.4 Definition [1]
Let G be a group. A fuzzy subset  of G is called an anti fuzzy subgroup if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x).
2.5 Definition [13]
An L the infinite meets distributive law. If L is the unit interval [0, 1] of real numbers, there are the usual fuzzy
subsets of G. A L fuzzy subset : G  Lis said to be non-empty, if it is not the constant map which assumes the
values 0 of L.
2.6 Definition [11]
A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be a L-fuzzy subgroup of G if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x).
2.7 Definition [11]
A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be an anti L-fuzzy subgroup of G if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x).
2.8 Definition[13]
A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be a L-fuzzy sub l group of G if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x),
iii. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
iv. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y).
2.9 Definition [13]
A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be an anti L-fuzzy sub l group of G if for any x , y  G,
i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y),
ii. (x-1
) = (x),
iii. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y),
iv. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y).
In this section we discuss some of the properties of L-fuzzy sub l -group of G.
3.1 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G then ,
i. (x) ≤  (e) for x  G, where e is the identity element of the G.
ii. The Subset H = { x  G / (x) = (e) } is a sub  -group of G.
i. Let x  G, then
(x) = (x)  (x) ,
(x) = (x)  (x-1
≤ (xx-1
= (e).
That is, (x) ≤ (e).
ii. Let H = { x  G / (x) = (e) }.
Clearly H is non-empty as e  H and for any x , y  G, we have,
(x) = (y) = (e).
Now, (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y-1
= (x)  (y),
= (e)  (e),
That is , (xy-1
) ≥ (e) and obviously (xy-1
) ≤ (e), by ( i ).
Hence, (xy-1
) = (e) and xy-1
 H.
Hence , H is a sub  -group of a group G.
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3.2 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G with identity e , then, for any x , y  G, (xy-1
) = (e)  (x) = (y).
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G with identity e and (xy-1
) = (e), then for for any x , y  G, we have,
(x) = (x(y-1
= ((xy-1
) y)
≥ ( xy-1
)  (y)
= (e)  (y)
= (y).
That is, (x) ≥ (y).
Now, (y) = (y-1
), then
= (ey-1
=  ((x-1
= (x-1
≥ (x-1
)  (xy-1
≥ (x)  (e)
(y) ≥ (x).
Hence, (x) = (y).
3.3 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G iff (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y) for any x , y  G.
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G, then for any x , y  G , we have
(xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
Now, (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y-1
= (x)  (y),
 (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y).
3.4 Theorem
Let  and  be any two L-fuzzy sub  -group of G, then  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Let  and  be an L-fuzzy sub l -group of G.
i. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy)
≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y))
= (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y))
= ( )(x)  ( )(y).
( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y).
ii. ( )(x-1
) = (x-1
)   (x-1
= (x)   (x)
= ( )(x).
( )(x-1
) = ( )(x)
iii. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy)
≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y))
= (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y))
= ( )(x)  ( )(y).
( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y).
iv. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy)
≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y))
= (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y))
= ( )(x)  ( )(y).
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( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y).
Hence,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Arbitrary intersection of a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G is a L- fuzzy sub  -group of G.
3.5 Theorem
 is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G iff c
is an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G and for x , y  G, we have
i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)
 1 - c
(xy) ≥ ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ c
(x)  c
ii. (x-1
) = (x) for any x , y  G.
 1 - c
) = 1- c
 c
) = c
iii. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)
 1-c
(xy) ≥ ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ c
(x)  c
iv. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)
 1-c
(xy) ≥ ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c
(x))  (1-c
 c
(xy) ≤ c
(x)  c
Hence, c
is an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
In this section, we introduce the concept of level subsets of a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G and discussed
some of its properties.
4.1 Definition
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. For any t [0,1], we define the set
U (  ; t) = { xG / (x) ≥ t } is called a upper level subset or a level subset of .
4.1 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Then for t  [0, 1] such that t ≤ (e), U (  ; t) is a sub  -
group of G.
For any x, y  U (  ; t) , we have,
(x) ≥ t ; (y) ≥ t.
Now, (xy−1
) ≥ (A)  (B)
) ≥ t  t
 (xy−1
) ≥ t.
 U (  ; t).
Hence, U (  ; t) is a sub  -group of .
4.2 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy subset of G such that U(  ; t) is a sub  -group of G. For t  [0,1] t ≤ (e),  is a
L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Let x, y  G and (x) = t1 and (y) = t2 .
Suppose t1 < t2 , then x , y  U(  ; t1).
As U (  ; t1) is a sub  -group of G, xy−1
 U(  ; t1).
Hence, (xy−1
) ≥ t1 = t1  t2
L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups
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≥ (x)  (y)
That is, (xy−1
) ≥ (x)  (y).
By Theorem 3.2,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
4.2 Definition
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. The sub  -groups U (  ; t ) for t [0,1] and t ≤ (e), are
called level sub  -groups of .
4.3 Theorem
Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. If two level sub  -groups U (  ; t1), U(  ; t2), for, t1,t2  [0,1]
and t1 , t2 ≤ (e) with t1 < t2 of  are equal then there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2.
Let U(  ; t1) = U( ; t2).
Suppose there exists x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 , then U(  ; t2)  U ( ; t1).
Then x  U(  ; t1) , but x  U(  ; t2), which contradicts the assumption that, U(  ; t1) =
U(  ; t2). Hence there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 .
Conversely, suppose that there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 ,
Then, by definition, U(  ; t2)  U ( ; t1).
Let x  U(  ; t1) and there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 .
Hence, x  U(  ; t2) and U(  ; t1)  U(  ; t2).
Hence, U(  ; t1) = U(  ; t2).
4.4 Theorem
A L-fuzzy subset  of G is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G if and only if the level subsets U(  ; t), t  Image ,
are sub  -groups of .
Proof It is clear.
4.5 Theorem
Any sub  -group H of G can be realized as a level sub  -group of some L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Let  be a L-fuzzy subset and x  G.
t if x  H, where t ( 0,1].
 (x) =
0 if x  H ,
We shall prove that  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
Let x , y  G.
i. Suppose x, y  H, then xy  H , xy-1
 H , xy  H and xy  H.
(x) = t , (y) = t, (xy-1
) = t , ( xy ) = t and ( xy ) = t.
Hence (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y)
(xy) ≥ (x)  (y),
(xy) ≥ (x)  (y).
ii. Suppose x  H and y  H, then xy  H and xy-1
 H.
(x) = t, (y) = 0 and (xy-1
) = 0.
Hence (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y).
iii. Suppose x,y  H, then xy-1
 H or xy-1
 H.
(x) = 0, (y) = 0 and (xy-1
) = t or 0.
Hence (xy-1
) ≥ (x)  (y).
Thus in all cases,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G.
For this L-fuzzy sub  -group, U(  ; t ) = H.
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As a consequence of the Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4, the level sub  -groups of a L-fuzzy sub  -
group  of G form a chain. Since (e) ≥ (x) for any x  G and therefore, U( ; t0 ) , where (e) = t0 is the
smallest and we have the chain :
{e}= U(  ; t0)  U(  ; t1 )  U( ; t2 )  …  U( ; tn ) = , where t0 > t 1 > t2 >…… >
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  • 1. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 www.ijesi.org Volume 2 Issue 1 ǁ January. 2013 ǁ PP.21-26 www.ijesi.org 21 | P a g e L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups K.Sunderrajan, A.Senthilkumar, R.Muthuraj Department of Mathematics, SRMV College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-20. Department of Mathematics, SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore-35 Department of Mathematics, H.H.The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai–01. ABSTRACT: In this paper, we discussed some properties of L-fuzzy sub  -group of a lattice ordered group and define a new algebraic structure of an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group and some related properties are investigated. We establish the relation between L-fuzzy sub  -group and anti L-fuzzy sub  -group. The purpose of this study is to implement the fuzzy set theory and group theory in L-fuzzy sub  -group and anti L- fuzzy sub  -groups. Characterizations of level subsets of a L-fuzzy sub  -group are given. We also discussed the relation between a given a L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups and investigate the conditions under which a given sub  -group has a properly inclusive chain of sub  -groups. In particular, we formulate how to structure an L-fuzzy sub  -group by a given chain of sub  -groups. Keywords–– Fuzzy set, Fuzzy sub group, L-fuzzy sub l-group of a group, Anti L-Fuzzy Sub l-Group of a group. AMS Subject Classification (2000): 20N25, 03E72, 03F055, 06F35, 03G25. I. INTRODUCTION L. A. Zadeh [14] introduced the notion of a fuzzy subset A of a set X as a function from X into [0, 1]. Rosenfeld [8] applied this concept in group theory and semi group theory, and developed the theory of fuzzy subgroups and fuzzy sub semi groupoids respectively. J.A. Goguen [2] replaced the valuations set [0, 1], by means of a complete lattice in an attempt to make a generalized study of fuzzy set theory by studying L-fuzzy sets. In fact it seems in order to obtain a complete analogy of crisp mathematics in terms of fuzzy mathematics, it is necessary to replace the valuation set by a system having more rich algebraic structure. These concepts  -groups play a major role in mathematics and fuzzy mathematics. Satya Saibaba[13] introduced the concept of L- fuzzy  -group and L-fuzzy  -ideal of  -group. We wish to define a new algebraic structure of L-fuzzy sub  -group and establishes the relation with L-fuzzy sub  - group and discussed some of its properties. II. PRELIMINARIES In this section we site the fundamental definitions that we will be used in the sequel. Throughout this paper ,*)(GG  is a group, e is the identity element of G and xy we mean x*y. 2.1 Definition [13] A lattice ordered group or a  -group is a system G = (G,  , ≤), where i. ( G, ) is a group, ii. ( G, ≤ ) is a lattice , iii. The inclusion is invariant under all translations bxax  i.e. byabxayx  Remark Throughout this paper G = (G,  , ≤) is a lattice ordered group or a  -group, e is the identity element of G and xy we mean xy. 2.2 Definition [8] Let S be any non-empty set. A fuzzy subset  of S is a function : S  [ 0 ,1 ]. 2.3 Definition [8] Let G be a group. A fuzzy subset  of G is called a fuzzy subgroup if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x).
  • 2. L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups www.ijesi.org 22 | P a g e 2.4 Definition [1] Let G be a group. A fuzzy subset  of G is called an anti fuzzy subgroup if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x). 2.5 Definition [13] An L the infinite meets distributive law. If L is the unit interval [0, 1] of real numbers, there are the usual fuzzy subsets of G. A L fuzzy subset : G  Lis said to be non-empty, if it is not the constant map which assumes the values 0 of L. 2.6 Definition [11] A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be a L-fuzzy subgroup of G if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x). 2.7 Definition [11] A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be an anti L-fuzzy subgroup of G if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x). 2.8 Definition[13] A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be a L-fuzzy sub l group of G if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x), iii. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), iv. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y). 2.9 Definition [13] A L-fuzzy subset  of G is said to be an anti L-fuzzy sub l group of G if for any x , y  G, i. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y), ii. (x-1 ) = (x), iii. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y), iv. (xy) ≤ (x)  (y). III. PROPERTIES OF L-FUZZY SUB l -GROUP OF G In this section we discuss some of the properties of L-fuzzy sub l -group of G. 3.1 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G then , i. (x) ≤  (e) for x  G, where e is the identity element of the G. ii. The Subset H = { x  G / (x) = (e) } is a sub  -group of G. Proof i. Let x  G, then (x) = (x)  (x) , (x) = (x)  (x-1 ), ≤ (xx-1 ), = (e). That is, (x) ≤ (e). ii. Let H = { x  G / (x) = (e) }. Clearly H is non-empty as e  H and for any x , y  G, we have, (x) = (y) = (e). Now, (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y-1 ), = (x)  (y), = (e)  (e), That is , (xy-1 ) ≥ (e) and obviously (xy-1 ) ≤ (e), by ( i ). Hence, (xy-1 ) = (e) and xy-1  H. Hence , H is a sub  -group of a group G.
  • 3. L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups www.ijesi.org 23 | P a g e 3.2 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G with identity e , then, for any x , y  G, (xy-1 ) = (e)  (x) = (y). Proof Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G with identity e and (xy-1 ) = (e), then for for any x , y  G, we have, (x) = (x(y-1 y)) = ((xy-1 ) y) ≥ ( xy-1 )  (y) = (e)  (y) = (y). That is, (x) ≥ (y). Now, (y) = (y-1 ), then = (ey-1 ) =  ((x-1 x)y-1 ) = (x-1 (xy-1 )) ≥ (x-1 )  (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (e) (y) ≥ (x). Hence, (x) = (y). 3.3 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G iff (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y) for any x , y  G. Proof Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G, then for any x , y  G , we have (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), Now, (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y-1 ), = (x)  (y),  (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y). 3.4 Theorem Let  and  be any two L-fuzzy sub  -group of G, then  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Proof Let  and  be an L-fuzzy sub l -group of G. i. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy) ≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y)) = (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y)) = ( )(x)  ( )(y). ( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y). ii. ( )(x-1 ) = (x-1 )   (x-1 ) = (x)   (x) = ( )(x). ( )(x-1 ) = ( )(x) iii. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy) ≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y)) = (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y)) = ( )(x)  ( )(y). ( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y). iv. ( )(xy) = (xy)   (xy) ≥ ((x)  (y))  ((x)  (y)) = (((x)  (x))  ((y)  (y)) = ( )(x)  ( )(y).
  • 4. L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups www.ijesi.org 24 | P a g e ( )(xy) ≥ ( )(x)  ( )(y). Hence,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Remark Arbitrary intersection of a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G is a L- fuzzy sub  -group of G. 3.5 Theorem  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G iff c is an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Proof Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G and for x , y  G, we have i. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)  1 - c (xy) ≥ ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ c (x)  c (y). ii. (x-1 ) = (x) for any x , y  G.  1 - c (x-1 ) = 1- c (x)  c (x-1 ) = c (x). iii. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)  1-c (xy) ≥ ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ c (x)  c (y). iv. (xy) ≥ (x)  (y)  1-c (xy) ≥ ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ 1- ( 1-c (x))  (1-c (y))  c (xy) ≤ c (x)  c (y). Hence, c is an anti L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. IV. PROPERTIES OF LEVEL SUBSETS OF A L-FUZZY SUB  -GROUP OF G In this section, we introduce the concept of level subsets of a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G and discussed some of its properties. 4.1 Definition Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. For any t [0,1], we define the set U (  ; t) = { xG / (x) ≥ t } is called a upper level subset or a level subset of . 4.1 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Then for t  [0, 1] such that t ≤ (e), U (  ; t) is a sub  - group of G. Proof For any x, y  U (  ; t) , we have, (x) ≥ t ; (y) ≥ t. Now, (xy−1 ) ≥ (A)  (B) (xy−1 ) ≥ t  t  (xy−1 ) ≥ t. xy−1  U (  ; t). Hence, U (  ; t) is a sub  -group of . 4.2 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy subset of G such that U(  ; t) is a sub  -group of G. For t  [0,1] t ≤ (e),  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Proof Let x, y  G and (x) = t1 and (y) = t2 . Suppose t1 < t2 , then x , y  U(  ; t1). As U (  ; t1) is a sub  -group of G, xy−1  U(  ; t1). Hence, (xy−1 ) ≥ t1 = t1  t2
  • 5. L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups www.ijesi.org 25 | P a g e ≥ (x)  (y) That is, (xy−1 ) ≥ (x)  (y). By Theorem 3.2,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. 4.2 Definition Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. The sub  -groups U (  ; t ) for t [0,1] and t ≤ (e), are called level sub  -groups of . 4.3 Theorem Let  be a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. If two level sub  -groups U (  ; t1), U(  ; t2), for, t1,t2  [0,1] and t1 , t2 ≤ (e) with t1 < t2 of  are equal then there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2. Proof Let U(  ; t1) = U( ; t2). Suppose there exists x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 , then U(  ; t2)  U ( ; t1). Then x  U(  ; t1) , but x  U(  ; t2), which contradicts the assumption that, U(  ; t1) = U(  ; t2). Hence there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 . Conversely, suppose that there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 , Then, by definition, U(  ; t2)  U ( ; t1). Let x  U(  ; t1) and there is no x  G such that t1 ≤ (x) < t2 . Hence, x  U(  ; t2) and U(  ; t1)  U(  ; t2). Hence, U(  ; t1) = U(  ; t2). 4.4 Theorem A L-fuzzy subset  of G is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G if and only if the level subsets U(  ; t), t  Image , are sub  -groups of . Proof It is clear. 4.5 Theorem Any sub  -group H of G can be realized as a level sub  -group of some L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Proof Let  be a L-fuzzy subset and x  G. Define, t if x  H, where t ( 0,1].  (x) = 0 if x  H , We shall prove that  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. Let x , y  G. i. Suppose x, y  H, then xy  H , xy-1  H , xy  H and xy  H. (x) = t , (y) = t, (xy-1 ) = t , ( xy ) = t and ( xy ) = t. Hence (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y) (xy) ≥ (x)  (y), (xy) ≥ (x)  (y). ii. Suppose x  H and y  H, then xy  H and xy-1  H. (x) = t, (y) = 0 and (xy-1 ) = 0. Hence (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y). iii. Suppose x,y  H, then xy-1  H or xy-1  H. (x) = 0, (y) = 0 and (xy-1 ) = t or 0. Hence (xy-1 ) ≥ (x)  (y). Thus in all cases,  is a L-fuzzy sub  -group of G. For this L-fuzzy sub  -group, U(  ; t ) = H.
  • 6. L-fuzzy sub  -group and its level sub  -groups www.ijesi.org 26 | P a g e Remark As a consequence of the Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 4.4, the level sub  -groups of a L-fuzzy sub  - group  of G form a chain. Since (e) ≥ (x) for any x  G and therefore, U( ; t0 ) , where (e) = t0 is the smallest and we have the chain : {e}= U(  ; t0)  U(  ; t1 )  U( ; t2 )  …  U( ; tn ) = , where t0 > t 1 > t2 >…… > tn. REFERENCES [1]. R. Biswas. Fuzzy Subgroups and anti fuzzy subgroups,. Fuzzy Sets and Systems,35 (1990) 120-124. [2]. J.A.Goguen , L-Fuzzy Sets ,J.Math Anal App. ,18( ),145-174(1967). [3]. Haci Aktas , On fuzzy relation and fuzzy quotientgroups, International Journal of computational cognition,Vol.2, No2, 71-79, (2004). [4]. A.K.Kataras and D.B.Liu ,Fuzzy Vector Spaces And Fuzzy Topological Vector Spaces, J.Math Anal Appl ,58,135-146(1977). [5]. N.Palaniappan , R.Muthuraj , Anti fuzzy group and Lowerlevel subgroups, Antartica J.Math., 1 (1) (2004) , 71-76. [6]. R.Muthuraj, P.M.Sithar Selvam, M.S.Muthuraman, AntiQ-fuzzy group and its lower Level subgroups, Internationaljournal of Computer Applications (0975-8887),Volume 3-no.3, June 2010, 16-20. [7]. R.Muthuraj, M.Sridharan , M.S.Muthuraman andP.M.Sitharselvam , Anti Q-fuzzy BG-idals in BG-Algebra,International journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 4, no.11, August 2010, 27-31. [8]. A.Rosenfeld, fuzzy groups, J. math. Anal.Appl. 35 (1971),512-517. [9]. A.Solairaju and R.Nagarajan “ Q- fuzzy left R- subgroups ofnear rings w.r.t T- norms”, Antarctica journal of mathematics.5, (1- 2), 2008. [10]. A.Solairaju and R.Nagarajan , A New Structure andConstruction of Q-Fuzzy Groups, Advances in fuzzymathematics, Volume 4 , Number 1 (2009) pp.23-29. [11]. K.Sunderrajan,R.Muthuraj,M.S.Muthuraman,M.Sridaran, Some Characterization of Anti Q-L-Fuzzy  -Group, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 6-No 4,September 2010,pp35-47. [12]. P.Sundararajan , N.Palaniappan , R.Muthuraj , Anti M-Fuzzysubgroup and anti M-Fuzzy sub-bigroup of an M-group,Antratica Antartica J.Math., 6(1)(2009), 33-37. [13]. G.S.V.Satya Saibaba , Fuzzy Lattice Ordered Groups,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 32, 749-766 (2008). [14]. L.A. Zadeh , Fuzzy sets, Inform and control, 8, 338-353(1965).