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Year:-3rd year(5th sem)
Created By:Ghanva Krishna

Ankita Parmar
Sapan parekh
Earthquakes constitute one of the worst natural hazards
which often turn into disaster causing widespread
destruction and loss to human life.
The effects of earthquake vary upon the magnitude and
intensity. Earthquakes occur every now and then all
round the world, except in some places where
earthquakes occur rarely. The devastation of cities and
towns is one of the effects of earthquake.
What is Earthquake?
An Earthquake is the result
of a sudden release of energy
in the earth’s crust that creates
seismic waves.
The seismic activity of an
frequency,type and size of
earthquakes experienced over
a period of time
For example:
If you throw stone in a
pond of still water,series of
waves are produced on the
surface of water,these waves
spread out in all directions from
the point where the stone strikes
the water.
disurbances in the earth’s crust
may produce vibration in the
crust which travel in all direction
from point of disturbances.
Focus is the point on the fault
where rupture occurs and the
location from which seismic
waves are released.

Epicenter is the point on the
earth’s surface that is directly
above the focus ,the point where
an earthquake or underground
explosion originates.
Fault Line:
A Fault line is the surface trace of
a fault, the line of intersection
between the earth’s surface.

Fault plane:
Fault plane are the crackes or
sudden slips of the land .

Fault Scrap:
A Fault scrap is the topographic
expression of faulting attributed
to the displacement of the land
surface by movement along
The primary cause of an earthquake is faults on the
crust of the earth.
“A Fault is a break or fracture b/w two blocks of rocks in
response to stress.”
This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an
earthquake or may occur slowly, in the form of creep.
Earth scientists use the angle of the fault with respect to the
surface (known as the dip) and the direction of slip along the
fault to classify faults.
1.Thrust (reverse)fault:

Classification Of Faults
Normal fault:
a dip-slip fault in which the
block above the fault has
moved downward relative to
the block below.

Thrust (reverse)fault:
a dip-slip fault in which the
upper block, above the fault
plane, moves up and over the
lower block.
Strike-slip fault:
A left-lateral strike-slip
fault :
It is one on which the
displacement of the far block is
to the left when viewed from
either side.
A right-lateral strike-slip
It is one on which the
displacement of the far block is
to the right when viewed from
either side.
Some major causes of earthquakes on basic of its causes are:
Surface causes
Volcanic causes
Tectonic causes

Surface cause:
Great explosions, landslides, slips on steep coasts, dashing
of sea waves , avalanches , railway trains, heavy trucks, some
large engineering projects cause minor tremors. some of them are
man made, other are natural.
Volcanic cause:
Volcanic eruptions produce earthquakes. Earthquakes may
precede, accompany and frequently follow volcanic eruptions.
They are caused by sudden displacements of lava within
or beneath the earth crust.
There are two general
categories of earthquakes
that can occur at a volcano:

long period earthquakes.
Tectonic cause:
Structural disturbances resulting in the parts of the
lithosphere is the main cause of this type of earthquake.
Most of the disastrous earthquakes belong to this
category and occur in areas of great faults and fractures.
Sudden yielding to strain produced on the rocks of
accumulating stress causes displacements especially along
old fault zones known as great transform faults.

Plate Boundary Overview.flv
Seismic waves produced due to
earthquake are basically divided
into two major types:

Body waves
Surface waves
Body waves:
Body waves travels through the interior(body) of earth as they leave
the focus. Body waves are further divided into following types:
Primary (P) waves
Secondary(S) waves
Primary Waves (P-waves)

Secondary Waves(S-wave)

High frequency

High frequency

Short Wavelength

Short Wavelength

Longitudinal waves

Transverse waves

Pass trough both solids and
Move forwards and
backwards as it compressed
and decompressed
P-wave is faster

Can not move through liquids

First P-wave arrive

Move in all direction from
their source
S-wave is more slower than Pwave
After P-wave,S-wave is arrive
Surface Wave:
Surface waves travels parallel to the earth’s surface and these
waves are slowest and most damaging. Surface wave are divided
into following types:
Love waves
Rayleigh waves
Love Waves
Guided waves

Rayleigh wave
Guided waves

Displacement is parallel to the Displacement is perpendicular
free surface
to love-wave displacement
Love wave is faster

Rayleigh wave is slower

Causes horizontal shifting of
the earth surface.

Ground move in circular
The intensity and strength of an earthquake is measured on
Richter scale,the scale invented by Charles Richter California
,USA in 1935.which categories earthquake on the basis of
energy released.
“the logarithm to base ten of the maximum seismic-wave
amplitude recorded on a standard seismograph at a distance of
100 kilometers from the earthquake epicenter.”
Scientists measure the strength of earthquakes using
machines known as seismographs.
Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the
propagation of elastic waves through the Earth.
Earthquake ppt
Amount of energy released during different
Intensity Of Earthquake Energy Release (Amount Of
On Richter Scale:

170 Grams


6 Kilogram


179 Kilogram


5 Metric Tons


179 Metric Tons


5643 Metric Tons


179100 Metric Tons


1 Mega Tons


564300 Metric Tons
Seismometers are instruments
that measure motions of the
of seismic waves generated
eruptions, and otherseismic
deployed at Earth's surface, in
shallow vaults, in boreholes, or
The earthquake zoning map of India divides India into 4 seismic
zones Based on the observations of the affected area due to
Earthquake india divided into four types of zones:
 Zone - II: This is said to be the least active seismic zone.
 Zone - III: It is included in the moderate seismic zone.

 Zone - IV: This is considered to be the high seismic zone.
 Zone - V: It is the highest seismic zone.
Earthquake ppt
Earthquake prediction is usually defined as the specification of
the time , location , and magnitude of a future earthquake within
stated limits.
But some evidence of upcoming Earthquake are following:
 Unusual animal behavior
Water level in wells
Large scale of fluctuation of oil flow from oil wells
Foreshocks or minor shocks before major earthquake
Temperature change
Uplifting of earth surface
Change in seismic wave velocity
Loss of life and property
Damage to transport system i.e.

roads, railways, highways, airports, marine
Damage to infrastructure.
Chances of Floods – Develop cracks in Dams

Chances of fire short-circuit.
Communications such as telephone wires are damaged.
Water pipes, sewers are disrupted

Economic activities like agriculture, industry, trade and transport
are severely affected.


Shaking and
ground rapture

Soil liquefaction

If you are in house;

• Don’t use lift for getting down from building.
• Be prepared to move with your family.

If you are in shop ,school or office;
• Don’t run for an exit.
•Take cover under a disk/table.
•Move away from window glass.

•Do not go near electric point and cable. Keep away from weak portion of
the building and false ceiling.
If you are outside;
• Avoid high buildings , walls , power lines and other objects
that could fall and create block.
• Don’t run through streets.

• If possible , move on to an open area away from hazard
including trees.

If you are in vehicle;
• Stop in a safe open place.
• Remain inside vehicle.

• Close window , doors and vents.
Keep calm, switch on the transistor radio and obey
Keep away from beaches and low banks of river. A huge
wave may sweep in
Do not re enter badly damaged buildings and do not go
near damage structures.
Turn off the water, gas and electricity.
Do not smoke, light match or use a cigarette lighter
Do not turn on switches there may be gas leak or short
If there is any fire, try to put it out or call fire brigade.
Do not drink water from open containers without having
examined it.
If you aware of people have been buried, tell the rescue team. Do
not rush and try not to worsen the situation.
Avoid places where there are loose electric wires and do not
come in contact with any metal object.
Eat something. You will better and more capable of helping
Do not walk around the streets to see what is happening. Keep
the streets clear so rescue vehicles can access the roads easily.




Sept 2,



Large areas of Maharashtra
rocked. 10,000 people lost

May 22,



40 person killed and over
100 injured.

March 29, Nandprayag


widespread destruction in
chamoli , rudraprayag and
other areas. Massive loss of
human life.

Jan. 26,

Bhuj (gujrat)


Tremors left by India and its
neighboring countries. Over
1 lakh people killed. Huge
loss to property and

Oct. 8,

in Pakistan


Heavy damage to life and
Death toll about one lakh in
Pakistan and nearly 2000 in
Earthquake ppt
Helpless man being trapped under debris
disaster picture from Kashmir earthquake
 Date: 26th January ,2001
 Origin line: 08 hrs.46 min. 42.9 sec. IST
 Epicenter: Latitude 23.40 N Longitude 70.28 E
 Magnitude: 7.7
 Focal Depth: 25 kms.
Earthquake ppt
On the morning of January 26, 2001, the Nation’s
52nd Republic Day, a devastating earthquake occurred in
the Kutchh district of the state of Gujarat.
 The earthquake was felt as far away as Delhi in the
north, Kolkata in the east.
 Bhuj town and the village Bhachau, 60 km east of
Bhuj, were the worst affected and many other areas
of Gujarat including its state headquarters
Ahmedabad, were badly affected.
There were more than 20,000 deaths and 167,000 people injured
Four districts of Gujarat lay in ruin and altogether, 21 districts were
Around 300,000 families and at least 3 million children under 14
aged were affected.
Around 600,000 people were left homeless.
In the city of Bhuj, more than 3,000 Population of the city lost
their lives; the main hospital was crushed and close to 90% of the
buildings was destroyed.
There was significant damage to infrastructure with facilities such
as hospitals, schools, electric power and water systems, bridges and
roads damaged or destroyed.
Damage to high rise building in Bhuj
5 year old girl recovers
at a hospital in Bhuj on
Monday after Friday's
massive earthquake.
The response within India was immediate. The
national and state governments quickly provided
assistance in many forms including cash, medical
teams, shelters, food, clothing, transport and relief
There were more than 185 non-government
organizations (NGOs), mostly Indian charities, which
undertook earthquake-related activities
Search and Rescue teams soon arrived from
Switzerland, United Kingdom, Russia and Turkey to
find and rescue survivors buried under debris.
Relief teams and supplies soon followed from 38
countries as well as United Nations agencies and
many international NGOs such as the Red Cross.
The world bank and Asian development bank
sanction loans in less than three months after the
earthquake emergency reconstruction
project (GEERP) was started by GSDMA(Gujrat State
Disaster Management Authority), with financial help
from world bank, Asian development bank, govt of
India and other donor agencies.
Several state governments came forward to
participate in, the reconstruction work in different
The UN system, multilateral and bilateral
agencies, NGOs and the corporate sector participated
in the relief and reconstruction work.
Government of Gujarat provided assistance in the form
of materials and cash to about 218,000 families.
NGOs supplemented the efforts by providing shelter to
about 7000 families.
About 65 NGOs were active in kutch alone who
adopted 211 villages and constructed 32,297 houses at the
cost of Rs. 185.80 crores.
The technical support was made available to the
owners who were provided loan to reconstruct the
Earthquake ppt

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Earthquake ppt

  • 1. Department:-computer Year:-3rd year(5th sem) Created By:Ghanva Krishna Gides: Ankita Parmar Sapan parekh SCET(Surat)
  • 2. Earthquakes constitute one of the worst natural hazards which often turn into disaster causing widespread destruction and loss to human life. The effects of earthquake vary upon the magnitude and intensity. Earthquakes occur every now and then all round the world, except in some places where earthquakes occur rarely. The devastation of cities and towns is one of the effects of earthquake.
  • 3. What is Earthquake? An Earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. The seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency,type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time
  • 4. For example: If you throw stone in a pond of still water,series of waves are produced on the surface of water,these waves spread out in all directions from the point where the stone strikes the water. similarly, any sudden disurbances in the earth’s crust may produce vibration in the crust which travel in all direction from point of disturbances.
  • 5. Focus(Hypocenter): Focus is the point on the fault where rupture occurs and the location from which seismic waves are released. Epicenter: Epicenter is the point on the earth’s surface that is directly above the focus ,the point where an earthquake or underground explosion originates.
  • 6. Cont… Fault Line: A Fault line is the surface trace of a fault, the line of intersection between the earth’s surface. Fault plane: Fault plane are the crackes or sudden slips of the land . Fault Scrap: A Fault scrap is the topographic expression of faulting attributed to the displacement of the land surface by movement along faults.
  • 7. The primary cause of an earthquake is faults on the crust of the earth. “A Fault is a break or fracture b/w two blocks of rocks in response to stress.” This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake or may occur slowly, in the form of creep. Earth scientists use the angle of the fault with respect to the surface (known as the dip) and the direction of slip along the fault to classify faults.
  • 8. 1.Thrust (reverse)fault: Classification Of Faults Normal fault: a dip-slip fault in which the block above the fault has moved downward relative to the block below. Thrust (reverse)fault: a dip-slip fault in which the upper block, above the fault plane, moves up and over the lower block.
  • 9. Strike-slip fault: A left-lateral strike-slip fault : It is one on which the displacement of the far block is to the left when viewed from either side. A right-lateral strike-slip fault: It is one on which the displacement of the far block is to the right when viewed from either side.
  • 10. Some major causes of earthquakes on basic of its causes are: Surface causes Volcanic causes Tectonic causes Surface cause: Great explosions, landslides, slips on steep coasts, dashing of sea waves , avalanches , railway trains, heavy trucks, some large engineering projects cause minor tremors. some of them are man made, other are natural.
  • 11. Volcanic cause: Volcanic eruptions produce earthquakes. Earthquakes may precede, accompany and frequently follow volcanic eruptions. They are caused by sudden displacements of lava within or beneath the earth crust. There are two general categories of earthquakes that can occur at a volcano: volcano-tectonic earthquakes long period earthquakes.
  • 12. Tectonic cause: Structural disturbances resulting in the parts of the lithosphere is the main cause of this type of earthquake. Most of the disastrous earthquakes belong to this category and occur in areas of great faults and fractures. Sudden yielding to strain produced on the rocks of accumulating stress causes displacements especially along old fault zones known as great transform faults. Plate Boundary Overview.flv
  • 13. Seismic waves produced due to earthquake are basically divided into two major types: Body waves Surface waves
  • 14. Body waves: Body waves travels through the interior(body) of earth as they leave the focus. Body waves are further divided into following types: Primary (P) waves Secondary(S) waves
  • 15. Primary Waves (P-waves) Secondary Waves(S-wave) High frequency High frequency Short Wavelength Short Wavelength Longitudinal waves Transverse waves Pass trough both solids and liquids Move forwards and backwards as it compressed and decompressed P-wave is faster Can not move through liquids First P-wave arrive Move in all direction from their source S-wave is more slower than Pwave After P-wave,S-wave is arrive
  • 16. Surface Wave: Surface waves travels parallel to the earth’s surface and these waves are slowest and most damaging. Surface wave are divided into following types: Love waves Rayleigh waves
  • 17. Love Waves Guided waves Rayleigh wave Guided waves Displacement is parallel to the Displacement is perpendicular free surface to love-wave displacement Love wave is faster Rayleigh wave is slower Causes horizontal shifting of the earth surface. Ground move in circular motion.
  • 18. The intensity and strength of an earthquake is measured on Richter scale,the scale invented by Charles Richter California ,USA in 1935.which categories earthquake on the basis of energy released. Defintion: “the logarithm to base ten of the maximum seismic-wave amplitude recorded on a standard seismograph at a distance of 100 kilometers from the earthquake epicenter.” Scientists measure the strength of earthquakes using machines known as seismographs. Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth.
  • 20. Amount of energy released during different Earthquake: Intensity Of Earthquake Energy Release (Amount Of TNT): On Richter Scale: 1.0 170 Grams 2.0 6 Kilogram 3.0 179 Kilogram 4.0 5 Metric Tons 5.0 179 Metric Tons 6.0 5643 Metric Tons 7.0 179100 Metric Tons 7.5 1 Mega Tons 8.0 564300 Metric Tons
  • 21. Seismometers are instruments that measure motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and otherseismic sources. Seismometers may be deployed at Earth's surface, in shallow vaults, in boreholes, or underwater.
  • 22. The earthquake zoning map of India divides India into 4 seismic zones Based on the observations of the affected area due to Earthquake india divided into four types of zones:  Zone - II: This is said to be the least active seismic zone.  Zone - III: It is included in the moderate seismic zone.  Zone - IV: This is considered to be the high seismic zone.  Zone - V: It is the highest seismic zone.
  • 24. Earthquake prediction is usually defined as the specification of the time , location , and magnitude of a future earthquake within stated limits. But some evidence of upcoming Earthquake are following:  Unusual animal behavior Water level in wells Large scale of fluctuation of oil flow from oil wells Foreshocks or minor shocks before major earthquake Temperature change Uplifting of earth surface Change in seismic wave velocity
  • 25. Loss of life and property Damage to transport system i.e. roads, railways, highways, airports, marine Damage to infrastructure. Chances of Floods – Develop cracks in Dams Chances of fire short-circuit. Communications such as telephone wires are damaged. Water pipes, sewers are disrupted Economic activities like agriculture, industry, trade and transport are severely affected.
  • 29. If you are in house; • Don’t use lift for getting down from building. • Be prepared to move with your family. If you are in shop ,school or office; • Don’t run for an exit. •Take cover under a disk/table. •Move away from window glass. •Do not go near electric point and cable. Keep away from weak portion of the building and false ceiling.
  • 30. If you are outside; • Avoid high buildings , walls , power lines and other objects that could fall and create block. • Don’t run through streets. • If possible , move on to an open area away from hazard including trees. If you are in vehicle; • Stop in a safe open place. • Remain inside vehicle. • Close window , doors and vents.
  • 31. Keep calm, switch on the transistor radio and obey instructions. Keep away from beaches and low banks of river. A huge wave may sweep in Do not re enter badly damaged buildings and do not go near damage structures. Turn off the water, gas and electricity. Do not smoke, light match or use a cigarette lighter Do not turn on switches there may be gas leak or short circuit If there is any fire, try to put it out or call fire brigade.
  • 32. Do not drink water from open containers without having examined it. If you aware of people have been buried, tell the rescue team. Do not rush and try not to worsen the situation. Avoid places where there are loose electric wires and do not come in contact with any metal object. Eat something. You will better and more capable of helping other. Do not walk around the streets to see what is happening. Keep the streets clear so rescue vehicles can access the roads easily.
  • 33. Date Place Scale Damage Sept 2, 1993 Latur (maharashtra) 6.3 Large areas of Maharashtra rocked. 10,000 people lost lives. May 22, 1997 Jabalpur (Maharashtra) 6.0 40 person killed and over 100 injured. March 29, Nandprayag 1999 6.8 widespread destruction in chamoli , rudraprayag and other areas. Massive loss of human life. Jan. 26, 2001 Bhuj (gujrat) 7.8 Tremors left by India and its neighboring countries. Over 1 lakh people killed. Huge loss to property and infrastructure. Oct. 8, 2005 Muzzaffarabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir 7.4 Heavy damage to life and property. Death toll about one lakh in Pakistan and nearly 2000 in India.
  • 35. Helpless man being trapped under debris
  • 36. disaster picture from Kashmir earthquake 2005
  • 37.  Date: 26th January ,2001  Origin line: 08 hrs.46 min. 42.9 sec. IST  Epicenter: Latitude 23.40 N Longitude 70.28 E  Magnitude: 7.7  Focal Depth: 25 kms.
  • 39. On the morning of January 26, 2001, the Nation’s 52nd Republic Day, a devastating earthquake occurred in the Kutchh district of the state of Gujarat.  The earthquake was felt as far away as Delhi in the north, Kolkata in the east.  Bhuj town and the village Bhachau, 60 km east of Bhuj, were the worst affected and many other areas of Gujarat including its state headquarters Ahmedabad, were badly affected.
  • 40. There were more than 20,000 deaths and 167,000 people injured Four districts of Gujarat lay in ruin and altogether, 21 districts were affected. Around 300,000 families and at least 3 million children under 14 aged were affected. Around 600,000 people were left homeless. In the city of Bhuj, more than 3,000 Population of the city lost their lives; the main hospital was crushed and close to 90% of the buildings was destroyed. There was significant damage to infrastructure with facilities such as hospitals, schools, electric power and water systems, bridges and roads damaged or destroyed.
  • 41. Damage to high rise building in Bhuj
  • 42. 5 year old girl recovers at a hospital in Bhuj on Monday after Friday's massive earthquake.
  • 43. The response within India was immediate. The national and state governments quickly provided assistance in many forms including cash, medical supplies, communications teams, shelters, food, clothing, transport and relief workers. There were more than 185 non-government organizations (NGOs), mostly Indian charities, which undertook earthquake-related activities
  • 44. Search and Rescue teams soon arrived from Switzerland, United Kingdom, Russia and Turkey to find and rescue survivors buried under debris. Relief teams and supplies soon followed from 38 countries as well as United Nations agencies and many international NGOs such as the Red Cross. The world bank and Asian development bank sanction loans in less than three months after the earthquake.
  • 45. Gujarat earthquake emergency reconstruction project (GEERP) was started by GSDMA(Gujrat State Disaster Management Authority), with financial help from world bank, Asian development bank, govt of India and other donor agencies. Several state governments came forward to participate in, the reconstruction work in different villages. The UN system, multilateral and bilateral agencies, NGOs and the corporate sector participated in the relief and reconstruction work.
  • 46. Government of Gujarat provided assistance in the form of materials and cash to about 218,000 families. NGOs supplemented the efforts by providing shelter to about 7000 families. About 65 NGOs were active in kutch alone who adopted 211 villages and constructed 32,297 houses at the cost of Rs. 185.80 crores. The technical support was made available to the owners who were provided loan to reconstruct the houses.