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Easy Psychology Essay Topics
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Easy Psychology Essay TopicsEasy Psychology Essay Topics
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Quiz
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Quiz Please write using complete sentence and use your own
words for each answer. Be sure to check grammar and spelling. You may write on the quiz sheet,
but it is recommended you use own paper for writing answers. 1. Why are Bruno (Asa
Butterfield) and Shmuel (Jack) drawn to each other, despite their opposing circumstances?
Bruno and Shmuel are drawn to each other simply because they are two kids of similar age that
don t have any friends where they reside. Despite their political differences, they were able to
relate to one another by playing games and just getting a sense of each other s daily lives and
activities 2. Gretel (Amber Beattie) believes Father (David Thewlis) and his peers in... Show more
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The conclusion is significant because it made even the heartless in men, being Father, sympathize
for the burning of people who committed no crime and deserved no part in a death of that
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Is the Nature of Crime in Our Society Accurately Presented...
1. Is the nature of crime in our society accurately presented by the media? Discuss.
Like every society, Australia has always had its share of criminal activity, from the founding of our
country as a penal colony in the 18th century, bushrangers in the 19th century, underworld violence
in the 20th century to recent youth violence on our city streets in the 21st century. In this essay, I
will be discussing how the media presents crime in Australian society and how this does not
necessarily reflect crime statistics. The media presents us with the idea that the majority of crime in
Australia is violent, and it is only getting worse. In contrast, statistics show that Australia s crime
rate has remained relatively steady. In fact, most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Australian Institute of Criminology, 2009, p. 6) The media s representation of a rapidly
increasing violent crime rate is not supported by statistics which reflect that while the crime rate is
rising, the rate is steady and it is believed that this number could even be fluctuated by the increase
of victims reporting these types of crime to the police. According to the Australian Survey of Social
Attitudes 2007, 74% of the respondents had quite a lot/a great deal of confidence in the police to
solve crime. (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2007 p. 16 17) Although the statistics show the
general trend of violent criminal offences is static, a significant proportion of our population still
has the perception that our crime rates are increasing (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010)
due to media influence. Another way the media misrepresents Australia s crime rate is by
selectively reporting violent crimes whilst under reporting other offences, which are more prevalent
in society.
Contrary to the perception of the majority of Australians, most reported crimes in Australia are in
fact, not violent. The rate of incidence of violent crimes is considerably lower in comparison to
property crimes and fraudulent activity. For example, personal and consumer fraud costs between
$3 billion and $3.5 billion per year in Australia which is roughly one third of all crime costs.
(Australian Institute of Criminology, 1997, p. 2) The media
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An Explication of Sharon Olds’ Poem, Feared Drowned Essay
An Explication of Sharon Olds Poem Feared Drowned.
Fear is an amazing emotion, in that it has both psychological as well as physiological effects on
the human body. In instances of extreme fear, the mind is able to function in a way that is
detached and connected to the event simultaneously. In Feared Drowned, Sharon Olds presents, in
six brief stanzas, this type of instance. Her sparse use of language, rich with metaphors, similes
and dark imagery, belies the horror experienced by the speaker. She closes the poem with a
philosophical statement about life and the after effects that these moments of horror can have on
our lives and relationships. The setting of the poem is a day at the ocean with the ... Show more
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Throughout the poem, Olds use consonance sounds, particularly s w and z sounds, to recreate the
sounds of the surf, and perhaps even the sound of gasping for air. In this respect, even the very
sound of this poem reinforces its central idea of drowning.
In the third stanza, the speaker scans the swimmers emerging from the water, realizing that none
of them is her husband. The lack of emotion in her tone suggests that the speaker is experiencing
that state of simultaneous detachment and connection that often occurs in moments of intense
panic. The sense of foreboding is reinforced in the fourth stanza: Rocks stick out near the shore
like heads / Kelp snakes in like a shed black suit... One wonders if the shed black suit is meant to
be a symbol for typical funereal attire, perhaps the black suit the speaker fears she will bury her
husband in. It is not until the fifth stanza that the speaker s body belies her fear and shock with a
natural physiological response: My stomach begins to contract as if to / vomit salt water.
As her husband emerges from the surf in the last stanza, the tone of the poem switches from one of
darkness and fear, to one that is philosophical: Once you lose someone
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Birth Order And Personality Essay
Researchers in science and psychology alike have pondered whether birth order has an impact on
personality traits. There has been evidence discovered in favor and against this theory. Francis
Galton and Alton Adler were two key men who spearheaded promotion of this theory. Through
time, the idea resonated within the science realm, and it was viewed as factual. Modern researchers
however, wanted more proof to substantiate these claims. What specific factors determine how birth
orderand personality mix? With no solid answer readily available, the question remained, is there a
link between birth order and personality? And if so, what is that link? The truth is, there is no link
between these two factors. Birth order has a small impact on our... Show more content on
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He was a notable psychologist and was invited to events only those of an elevated social status
could attend. At one of these events he took note of the audience and how accomplished the
people in attendance were. He had knowledge that many of these elite people were first born
children. He decided then that there must be some type of correlation to success and being a first
born child, which he was as well. Psychologists who agreed with and supported Alder s views
made their own observations of middle and last born children and added on to his research. While
there is likely truth to their findings, they did not consider alternate reasons why these traits might
be present, Older children had the advantage of having their parents undivided attention until
second child came along, which could lead to higher intelligence. There also may have been
limited funds for one child to attend higher education and obviously the first child to reach college
age would get this opportunity above younger children. In this case, the oldest child would no
doubt be viewed as more successful than his younger
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How Is Truman Capote Selfish
Truman Capote Truman Capote was an astonishing, well known writer. He wrote many great
novels and short stories in the fifty nine years of his life. Many of his works were made into
movies, with many great actors starring in them. Even though his life was very reckless, he still
managed to show how creative he was in his works. He was born on September 30, 1924, in New
Orleans, Louisiana. His parents, Arch and Lillie Mae Persons, greatly neglected him as a child.
Capotewas often left in the care of his mother s relatives, and spent most of his younger years in
Monroeville, Alabama with his aunt. While in Alabama, Capote befriended the young Harper Lee.
Rumors say he helped Lee to write To Kill a Mockingbird. It is also said that the main... Show more
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At this time he had a interest in non fiction. He read in the newspaper about the murder of the
Clutter family, in Holcomb, Kansas. He soon traveled to Kansas, with his good friend, Harper
Lee, and the two set out to solve the case. In January of 1960, the suspected killers, Richard
Hickock and Perry Smith, were found in Las Vegas. They were immediately brought back to
Kansas, where Capote had a chance to sit down and interview them. Soon after, Capote went back
to New York and started writing his non fiction work In Cold Blood. Later, Capote and Harper
traveled back to Kansas, where the killers murder trial was being held. Finally in 1965, Hickock
and Smith were put to
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Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus It is nearly impossible to look at the field that holds the remains of the Circus
Maximus and understand what it once held without the aid of a vivid reconstruction. The remains
of Circus Maximus lie in the Valley between the Aventine and Palentine hill. Traditionally, the
history of the Circus Maximus began with chariot races held in honor of the God Consus in a less
permanent structure in the area near Consus s altar. In later years, this lead to the construction of a
circus under the first Etruscan king, Tarquinius Priscus around 600 bc. Previous to Tarquin s
intervention, an underground stream kept the valley swamp like. Tarquin diverted the water and
drained the area and began to hold chariot races in the area. The... Show more content on
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Racers were expected to remain in their chalked lanes until passing a marked break line at which
time the charioteers were free to take any position on the track. The jargoning for the ideal
location on the track often made racing a dangerous sport. The chariot races traditionally
consisted of seven laps about the track counterclockwise. Turning posts dubbed matae consisted
of 3 gilded bronze cones set atop a hemispherical shaped block. The races lasted somewhere in
the realm between eight and nine minutes and the race length was measured to be near three
miles. More often than not, chariots were pulled by four horses. At the beginning of the races, it
is suspected that chariots were owned privately and the charioteers hired by the owners. Over
time factions, a system of professional chariot racing organizations emerged. The timing of the
initial use of factions is expected to have been sometime shortly after the Second Punic War. The
factions seem to have emerged over time out of need rather than by a specific mandate. The
amount of chariot races and popularity of the sport a public need for organization became
apparent. The efficiency offered by factions was a popular solution to the inadequacy of the
previous system. The faction owners had teams of workers and all sorts of resources for their
athletes. The horses, chariots,
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Revised Program Evaluation Plan
I am choosing to write summative projective wide evaluation plan; which looks at the short term to
long term outcomes of an intervention on the target group. This evaluations will look at
information such as community needs, activities and or services, desired results, indicators, method
of measurement, type of instrument, minimum level of success, steps, etc. The evaluation will
analyse the process and outcome of the program. The evaluation will also discuss the goals and
how they are measured.What are the measurement tools you would use? I chose to evaluate the
Peace Domestic ViolenceAgency which is located in the Portland metropolitan area working with
families affected by domestic abuse.
Peace Domestic Violence Agency is a non profit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Portland is in need of the Peace agency to help with the growing domestic violence crimes with in
its high populated city.
Is your plan integrated? That word is interesting is it what does it actually mean. Integrated means
having, including, or serving
The desired results is to reduce domestic violence, spousal and child abuse, assault and road rage
crime that have been on the rise in the Portland area for the past five years. They would like to see
that more individuals receive counseling and other resources instead of jail time and fines which
can cause more and more add stress on the family.
Process: Program organizers will document sessions with in the education and rehabilitation with in
the domestic violence classes. Outcome: The director of the program will commit to interviewing
staff on the performance and the participation with in the activities. To record the status and
progress of the program. Attendance and other factor will be recorded and put in to charts to see
what if anything needs to improve on a weekly manor.
Concluding at this time I think that the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is set up to help the
ever growing issue with domestic violence and other family and community crime. There outcome
of insuring that crime rates drop is a great program goal. With the different activities this will insure
great process to insure that the goals are met. The
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Arnold Schwarzenegger Essay
Daniel Knorr Jerry Wemple ENG 101: Foundations of Writing Tu Thur Arnold Schwarzenegger
Born July 30th , 1947 near Graz Austria Arnold Schwarzenegger began his career in Hollywood
California, this is where he developed as not only a champion bodybuilder but as a movie star as
well. After a very extensicve and lengthy career in the movie industry he turned to politics, with
it always being a passion of his. Early on Arnolds Childhood was hard for him, his father Gustav
being an Alcholic police cheif and a active member of the Nazi Party. Arnolds brother was favored
over him due to the fact that he was much smaller then him and less athletic at the time. Reportedly
beaten and intimidated through out his early childhood by his father, as well as always being
compared to his brother he and arnold naturally butted heads most of the time. It was... Show more
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Being opposed to his father and Brother a majority of his life he refused to attend his fathers
funeral inf 1972, or even the funeral of his brother in 1971 due do a car accident. Immigrating to
the United States in 1968 Arnold helped move the Bodybuilding scene to the next level. He
pushed the sport to the mainstream spotlight in the 1977 documentry done Pumping Iron. This
documentry tells the story of Arnolds bodybuilding career and the defending of his Mr Olympia
Title. The film was a story of not only his young bodybuilding days but it was also about his
passion he had for the sport and all the people he had met along with the friends he had made
along the way. Coming to America a dream of his since falling in love with the states after having
roles in Hercules. Gettting to come to America wasnt easy for him, a man named Joe Weider the
man at the time behind the federation of Body Building. An Organization that allowed Arnold to
come to america in order to
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Examples Of Surveillance In George Orwell s 1984
Surveillance in George Orwell s 1984 is extreme, but there are some very real parallels to today s
life. Telescreens and hidden microphones are just a couple of examples of 1984 s controlling
technology. The ideas depicted by author George Orwell s dystopian society are becoming more
real every day. Telescreens were literally and thematically the biggest piece of surveillance
technology in 1984. They were large screens that took in as much information as they put out.
They were massive and could look over an entire room. A telescreen could record video of a person
and also record sound, transmitting the recordings presumably to thought police to be monitored.
They could hear anything above a soft whisper and they could see anything in
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Observing Misogyny
The study examined people s reactions upon observing misogyny, as well as their expected
reactions when presented with the hypothetical scenario of observing misogyny. Participants
included 205 volunteer public college students, of which 67 were women and 138 were men.
Participants were predominantly white with a mean age of 20.53 years, and self reported as being
moderately politically conservative and moderately religious. Students were exposed to one of two
scenarios, the difference being whether a disparaging remark was made about a woman. Further,
the scenarios were presented in one of two ways: through text (in which case participants were
asked to forecast their emotional response after reading the scenario) and through direct observation
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The Laptop Trail
The Laptop Trail
The Modern PC Is a Model Of Hyper efficient Production And Geopolitical Sensitivities
When a customer in the U.S. clicks on Hewlett Packard Co. s Web site to purchase one of its
Pavilion zd8000 laptop computers, the order quickly arrives thousands of miles away at a factory in
China run by a less familiar name, Quanta Computer Inc.
Although virtually unknown to consumers, Quanta is the world s biggest maker of laptops. As part
of a sometimes difficult symbiosis, the Taiwanese company makes roughly one quarter of the
world s portable computers, which are then sold by brands such as H P and Dell Inc. Quanta
collects components from countries around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Quanta made nearly a quarter of the roughly 49 million notebooks shipped last year a share the
company expects to grow to a third this year. Including smaller rivals like Compal Electronics Inc.,
Inventec Corp. and Wistron Corp., Taiwanese concerns now produce as much as 80% of the world
s laptops.
Outsourcing to low cost, high quality Taiwanese manufacturers has helped make Dell and H P the
world s top two PC companies in terms of sales. International Business Machines Corp., which
outsourced less than half of its laptop production, according to Merrill Lynch, and operated its own
factory in China, consistently lost money on its PCs. It sold the business this year to China s
Lenovo Group Ltd., which has used Taiwanese companies to make most of its notebooks in China.
But the relationship between U.S. computer firms and their third party manufacturers can be tricky.
In the struggle to retain an element of control over their suppliers, H P, Dell and others play
contract manufacturers against each other to keep prices falling and ensure no supplier gains too
much leverage.
Roger Bahalla, director of H P s laptop supply chain strategy, says H P typically works with a
half dozen third party manufacturers at any one time. It s a way to keep the business competitive,
says Mr. Bahalla, who adds that 98% of H P s notebooks are made in China. There s an optimal
number of partners to deal with. We don t want any one
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School Life In High School
When I think about my freshman year to my junior year there are things that have been the same
and things that have been different. I have experienced a lot in the couple years I have been at
senior, and I have lots to say about the high school life.
The one thing that I would say never changed and kept the ram fam together is Nasty Nation.
Nasty Nation is what we call ourselves at games and many different activities. We have a twitter
page that is called Nasty Nation. I followed it my freshman year and it told me when the games
were, what the theme was and if I didn t go to the game they would post the score as the game is
going on. The games were always my favorite thing to go to in high school. I would dress up to my
fullest ability and cheer on the rams.
Another thing that never changed was the level of stress I had each year. Between homework,
work, school, family, friends, and a boyfriend life was not the easiest sometimes. I have been
super happy, anger, and I have cried at least accouple times in the past three years from being
here. I m not going to lie I had come to the point accouple times where I wanted to just give up
and drop out, but I knew that would not be a very smart thing to do. The amount of stress coming
into high school was there and coming out it s still going to be there.
The last thing that never truly changed was the people that go to Dubuque Senior High school. I am
graduating with the same people that I went to middle school with and some
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Essay Comparing The Devil And Tom Walker
The Devil and Tom Walker and the The Devil and Daniel Webster have many differences along
with several similarities. A few examples would be the different depiction of the Devil and the
similarities of the role of religion. Some points may be larger than others, but one can see the
relationship between both of the books in many different aspects of he was dressed in a rude,
half Indian garb, and had a red belt or sash swathed round his body, but his face was neither black
nor copper color, but swarthy and dingy and begrimed with soot, as if he had been accustomed to
toil among fires and forges. (Irving, p. 2 3)
The first difference between the short stories are their very own different depiction of the Devil.
In The Devil and Tom Walker, the devil is portrayed as a that confronts Tom about the deal that
he can go through to abolish his mediocre life. On the contrary, the Devil in The Devil in Daniel
Webster was a calm, cool, businessman that was a Soft spoken, dark dressed stranger (Benet, p.12)
came up to Jabez in a handsome buggy (Benet, p.12) and offered ... Show more content on
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In The Devil and Tom Walker the outcome of Tom selling his soul to the devil is in the him
being abandoned by Old Scratch. Old Scratch leaves Tom for dead while he continues to ride on
horse. Tom realizes that he has left his Bible at his house. His horses become skeletons, his gold
and silver become wood shavings, and his mortgages become cinders. Later his house burns to the
ground and is haunted to this day. In The Devil and Daniel Webster on the other hand was a
massively different outcome. The ending of this story ends with a court appearance of Jabez Stone
in his own house to see what sentence he will get from the jury. The jury announces that We find
for the defendant, Jabez Stone. Perhaps tis not strictly in accordance with the evidence but even the
damned may salute the eloquence of Mr. Webster. (Benet, p.
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Tale Of Two Cities Literary Analysis
In the novel A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens establishes that revenge is sinful by using the
French Revolution s rebel peasants, fire, and water. Dickens discreetly uses fire and water in
several instances to describe the relationship between revenge and anger, and the cycle the two
create. As the years passed in France, the violence the rebels exhibited grew worse and worse. In
such risings of fire and risings of sea the firm earth shaken by the rushes of an angry ocean which
had now no ebb, but was always on the flow, higher and higher, to the terror, and wonder of the
beholders on the shore three years of tempest were consumed, (Dickens 225). Sea, or water,
symbolizes revenge while fire represents vengeance, anger, and hatred.... Show more content on
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Doctor Manette is talking to a peasant boy who has been stabbed about his sister, another patient
Manette has just seen, and her recent marriage. The conversation turns into a rant from the boy
about nobles, specifically Monsieur the Marquis. I say, we were so robbed, and hunted, and
were made so poor, that our father told us it was a dreadful thing to bring a child into the world,
and that what we should most pray for was that our women might be barren and our miserable
race die out, I had never before seen the sense of being oppressed, bursting forth like a fire. I had
supposed that it must be latent in the people somewhere; but, I had never seen it break out, until I
saw it in the dying boy, (Dickens 315). Dickens again uses fire to represent contempt and anger,
this time in a more personal example of the dying peasant boy. The Marquis took everything from
this boy: his quality of life, willingness to live, and his life itself. Choosing the word barren casts an
even more negative connotation over the already pessimistic topic of infertility. Also, in most
instances, fathers want nothing more than grandchildren from their sons, but the conditions in
France are so atrocious he would rather his family die out. This demonstrates how desolate and
hopeless France had become for peasants; on the bright side,
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Essay about Evelyn Waugh s Decline and Fall
Evelyn Waugh s Decline and Fall
Evelyn Waugh was born in 1903. He is not considered to be a distinguished novelist but his
writing is notable because they satirise much that was bizarre in English society. His father was a
publisher and his first novel, Decline and fall, was published in 1928. It is a satire on the preparatory
school industry. It is in the style and humour of Charles Dickens. Evelyn Waugh achieves his
purpose through exaggeration. He paints characters that are larger than life, just like Dickens. We
also see this method used in today s television in programmes like Spitting Image where gargoyle
like images of prominent personalities behave in an outrageous way. The descriptions... Show more
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Evelyn Waugh satirises the way that the school employs teachers. They don t care about
qualifications needed to be a teacher; they just employ and rip you off. For example Paul
Pennyfeather does not teach music but he has to. Paul later ends up as a schoolmaster because he
gets expelled from the school for indecent behaviour. This school is nowhere near what any reader
would expect it to be. It s absolutely a joke.
Waugh continues this narrative conversational tone to continue PennyfeatherВґs story. He makes it
seem normal that Church and Gargoyle, again a name Dickens might have chosen to represent the
contrast between the good church and the evil looking gargoyles, can get him a job without the
necessary qualifications, even though testimonials are requested. They decide he is fit for the post
even though he does not know German. Similarly, he is told to give organ lessons to Beste
Chetwynde. Not one of the characters at Llanabba Castle, including the lead Augustus Fagan
Esquire, as he likes too be addressed, seems at all concerned with education, or qualified to
educate. Church and Gargoyle have it in the forth category, that of bad schools. Dr. Fagan
interviews for a few minutes and calls it A most exhausting interview . The
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A Confederacy of Dunces Essay
Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel. Do not crush me beneath your
spokes. Raise me on high, divinity (Toole: 42). Here, Ignatius Reilly makes one of his many pleas
to Fortuna, the goddess which he believes controls his destiny and his life by spinning him in
circles of good and bad luck. The cycles IgnatiusReillygoes through in John Kennedy Toole s A
Confederacy of Dunces play an important role in the story, as they affect not only him, but several
others in the book as well. The cycles that Ignatius is put through do, indeed, influence those around
him. These cycles that Ignatius goes through are very much like gears, connected to the cycles of
the other charactersin the novel. Although it is not... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lana Lee only paid him twenty dollars a week and threatened to call the police if Jones gave her
problems or tried to quit. Things looked bleak for Jones until Fortuna spun Ignatius downwards
and he came upon the Night of Joy, once again, because of the route for Paradise Vendors that he
had to take. Jones was able to spin Ignatius cycle downwards even further as he convinced
Ignatius to come see Darlene s performance. The fiasco that followed had the Night of Joy shut
down and the tyrannical Lana Lee arrested, thus, spinning Jones cycle upwards. As Jones led the
police to Lana Lee s pornographic material, he gained their favor over their previous contempt.
Jones explained, that Patrolman Mancusa say he appreciate showin him that cabinet. He say,
Us mothers on the force need peoples like you, help us out. He say, Peoples like you be helpin me
get ahead. I say, Whoa! Be sure and tell that to your frien at the precinc, they don star snatchin
my ass for vagran. He say, I sure will. Everybody at the precinc be appreciatin wha you done man.
Now them po lice mothers appreciate me (Toole: 362). Jones cycle took a further spin upwards
from Ignatius downfall as Mr. Levy decided to give him an award for bravery from the newly
established Leon Levy Foundation. Mr. Levy proclaimed, Here. This is brave. He
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Advantages Of A Relational Database
Advantages of a Relational Database
The relational database provides a number of advantages over previous models, such as the
Built in multilevel integrity: Data integrity is built into the model at the field level to ensure the
accuracy of the data; at the table level to ensure that records are not duplicated and to detect
missing primary key values; at the relationship level to ensure that the relationship between a pair
of tables is valid; and at the business level to ensure that the data is accurate in terms of the
business itself. (Integrity is discussed in detail as the design process unfolds.)
Logical and physical data independence from database applications: Neither changes a user makes
to the logical design of the database, nor changes a database software vendor makes to the physical
implementation of the database, will adversely affect the applications built upon it.
Guaranteed data consistency and accuracy: Data is consistent and accurate due to the various
levels of integrity you can impose within the database. (This will become quite clear as you work
through the design process.)
Easy data retrieval: At the user s command, data can be retrieved either from a particular table or
from any number of related tables within the database. This enables a ... Show more content on
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Many RDBMS programs also provide the tools you need to create end user applications that
interact with the data stored in the database. Of course, the quality of an RDBMS is a direct
function of the extent to which it supports the relational database model. Even among true
RDBMSs, support for the relational database varies among vendors, and there is yet to be a full
implementation of the relational model s potential. Despite this, all RDBMS programs continue to
evolve and become more full featured and powerful than ever
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B Zentrix s Single Box Solution
My project entitled C Zentrix aims to monitor or track the record of any agent status during the
calling time by the organisation , so it can easily be tracked, monitored, improve the quality and
training purpose, etc., manual system which is calling only is extremely laborious and quite
inadequate which makes the process more difficult and hard to handled request, complaints, etc.
C Zentrix is the flagship product of Towards Vision Technologies Private Limited (TVT Pvt Ltd)
which is started as a startup in the year 2002. TVT is amongst the leading software product
companies of the world providing contact center software and enterprise level software for voice
and data applications.
C Zentrix was developed with a vision of creating next generation, simplified call center technology
solution by offering customer engagement center to enable better communication and 360В°
experience for the end customer. C Zentrix s single box solution is unique one box customer
engagement solution in the world for over 150 concurrent agents. C Zentrix wishes to help
organizations across industries to set up and manage their personalized customer engagement center
hassle at free low cost and high efficiency.
Our products and solutions are extensively used for Predictive Dialling, Inbound/Outbound Skill
based call routing, Interactive Voice ResponseSystem (IVRS), IPBX, Voice and Screen Loggers,
CRM, Conference Bridge, Robo call, Missed Call etc. We expertise in Voice Commerce
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Essay on The Massospondylus Carinatus Fossils
The Massospondylus carinatus Fossils, lived in the early Jurassic period (Hettangian to
Pliensbachian ages, ca. 200 183 million years ago). The fossils of this dinosaur have been found all
over Africa, in Arizona and the United State.
1.1)How the first fossils was found
A collection of 56 bones were found by the government surveyor Joseph Millard Orpen in 1853
in the Free State, in Harrismith South Africa. The bones were later donated to the Hunterian
Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London . The bones that were found were vertebrae
from the neck, back, and tail; a shoulder blade; a humerus; a partial pelvis; a femur; a tibia; and
bones of the hands and feet. The first Massospondylus were described by paleontologist Sir ... Show
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Its probably one of the largest animals that have lived on earth. Massopondylus was 4meters in
length and weighed approximately 135 kilograms.
2.3) it was formed through a process of fossilization. Meaning when the massopondylus died, the
bones were naturally kept in the right conditions for the to be preserved as fossil . The heat
pressure from being buried in sediment can sometimes cause the tissues of an organism to release
hydrogen and oxygen, leaving behind a trace of carbon this helps the dead organism to print itself
on a sedimentary rock. This process is also known as carbonation or distillation
2.4) Some of the Massopondylus are said to have lived in deserts. While others lived on the plains
of the high golden fields, in what s today known as the Karoo
2.5) It is supposedly linked to today s lizards and chameleons. Due to the shape of its bodies and
that they might be a miniature size of the dinosaur and that they are also reptiles.
2.6) That the earth is really old, and theres probably still undiscovered fossils. Since all these
fossils date back millions of years ago, and it also tells us that the earth is evolving in each era it
Real Yellowwood
The Real Yellowwood tree also known as Podocarpus latifolius it is an example of a living fossil. A
living fossil is a plant or an animal, belonging to a group that most if its members are extinct. The
Real Yellowwood tree is an evergreen tree and is
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Essay On How To Tell If A Boy Like You
How to tell if a guy likes you
You have crush on a guy and you want to find out if he likes you or not?? Or you simply want to
know if a guy likes you or not? This article will definitely help you out of this problem. Of course
this is very awkward that you straightly go and ask someone if he likes you. This is going to be
embarrassing for both especially you. You have to find it on your own. So keep reading the post
and certainly you ll find your solution here.
Find out if a guy likes you
1.From his body language A guy has only a few body languages which indicate he is into a girl. Try
to read his body language to easily find out about his feelings.
He will look at you a lot. He may subconsciously ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4.His actions Some of his actions will make it obvious if he is into you or not. When you re around
He seems a little nervous.
He smiles a lot.
Treats you differently than all others.
When you re talking to him
He starts the conversation.
He asks you a lot of questions.
He doesn t let the conversation end easily.
He agrees with you most times when an argument is going on.
He gives you compliments.
He asks about things of your interest.
He asks for your number.
He regularly gives you text messages and replies hurriedly when you text back.
He tries to impress you. Some other things
He notices your changes. Like, if you have changed your hairstyle or done a makeover he will
definitely notice and give you compliments if he likes you.
He cares about you.
He is protective.
He tries to find common interests between you. A guy who is into you will definitely do this.
Even if he has never heard of a thing you re interested about, he will ask you about it, study it, and
talk about it to show that he also finds it interesting.
He hardly looks or talks to others when you are with him.
He comes up to you.
He shows up everywhere you go.
If he teases you a lot when you are chatting with him, this also indicates that he likes you.
He imitates you.
Gives you priority.
He will indirectly ask you if you are seeing someone or not.
He remembers slightest
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Fallacy Arguments
In the literary exposition, finding the good argument or why bother with logic, Rebecca Jones,
demonstrates how to invent and recognize good and bad arguments. Jones advances her
demonstration by providing the different models of rhetoric. These arguments are demonstrated as
well through ideas such as ethical behavior is necessary, fallacy of public argumentin mainstream
media, as well as the three appeals using the power of emotion to persuade us.
Fallacies in argumentation occur in many different situations. One such situation where this is
apparent is fallacy of public argument in the mainstream media. These fallacies can be unintentional
though described by this quote, While fallacious arguments, if purposeful, pose real ethical
problems, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She speaks on many different topic but her major premise is augmentation and what makes a
good or bad argument, as well as the nature of argumentation itself, She begins with discussing
the idea that argument is war, where she goes on to say further The war metaphor offers many
limiting assumptions: there are only two sides, someone must win decisively, and compromise
means losing. Jones describes how Americans see argumentation as a battle or war that can be
won or lost. Jones then goes on to talk about fallacies in the public and in media, she illustrates
this with her usage of a cartoon and a video link leading to a debate between john Stewart and a
talk show host. Jones later speaks upon classical rhetoric, rhetoricians such as Aristotle and Gorgias,
and the nature of a good citizen. She subsequently begins to introduce and elaborate upon deductive
reasoning, inductive reasoning and syllogisms, afterwards moving on to the three appeals. She then
goes on to describe Toulmin who views argument as it appears in a conversation, in a letter, or some
other context because real arguments are much more complex than the syllogisms that make up the
bulk of Aristotle s logical program, meaning that he sees arguments in
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A Brief Look at Pacific Islanders
For this assignment, I chose to write about Pacific Islanders. I am most interested in this particular
cultural group because, from the knowledge that I previously have, my cultural group seems to be
much different from that of Pacific Islanders. Living on a tropical island must have many contrasts
to a culture that consists of landlocked influence, such as mine. I dream of the day that I will be
able to travel to Hawaii or Tahiti, but until then I will only be exploring the different dimensions of
the Pacific Island cultural group in this current assignment. Furthermore, I will begin with a table
summarizing the defining criteria of my chosen cultural group.
http://erc.msh.org/mainpage.cfm?file=5.4.8c.htm module=provider language=English http:/
/www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2010/12/16/8762/fact sheet healthdisparities by
race and ethnicity/ As indicated from the Health and Nutritional Concepts section of the table, this
specific cultural group has some health issues which require educational intervention, to optimize
longevity and quality of life. If I were a healthcare professional, I would initiate effective
communication, education, and counseling for individuals from this culture on improving health
and reducing disease incidence. When communicating with the patient I would make sure to respect
their specific communication practices that pertain to their culture, such as: making good eye
contact, greeting them with a smile and handshake, being
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Elsewhere Quotes
As H. Jackson Brown Jr. said, You can not change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust
the sails . This quote and your novel I feel truly fit together like a puzzle piece. Recently
completing your book, Elsewhere, has made me notice the importance of making the most of life
and that when it seems hard, it s just part of growing up. Especially with both characters Owen and
Elizabeth, you see a true difference in their personality from beginning to end. Even though on the
outside the characters are getting younger, internally they are maturing and learning to move on. I
could really relate to these characters as they struggle through their life in Elsewhere, by
completing their goals that I can relate to in my own life on Earth. Letting... Show more content on
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Both Elizabeth and Owen throughout the book, learn to try to make life in Elsewhere worth it.
They move on and grow up from what happened on Earth and apply what they have learned in
that life to their new one. At first, Elizabeth is finding it hard to move on and always goes to the
observation decks. By the end, you can see how she learned to just make the most of it, and she
got a life. ...good start to adopt a dog (Zevin, 169). This is when in the book Owen decides to
move on from Emily back home, and start by getting a dog. This is a big step, as this is when he
meets Elizabeth. In my personal life, I always try to make every action and day worth living. I
end up making goals and try to complete them in a certain amount of time. The sweater cost
$150 (Zevin, 25). A big thing that Elizabeth did on Earth was that she spent 150 dollars of her
own money on her dad s birthday present and was determined to somehow give it to her dad. She
then does not move on from this and tries to make contact to people on Earth. She then finds to be
a bad decision, which is when this lesson comes through into the text. I can relate to this concept,
as when I say or do something that I regret, I make sure that I do not say or do anything of the sort
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Examples Of Deception In Hamlet
Deception for Desire Deception is a powerful tool, one that can be used for good or evil. In
William Shakespeare s Hamlet, the characters are surrounded by false appearances which are
deceitful and cause great tragedy. The theme of deception is a reoccurring topic that stems from the
beginning and continues throughout the play. The characters use deception in the form of false
appearances in order to create distraction, and achieve what they truly desire. Hamlet, the
protagonist, uses many forms of deception in order to create a distraction. When Hamlet vows to
his late father that he will get revenge, And thy commandment all alone shall live/ within the book
and volume of my brain (Shakespeare 1.5.102 103), he begins to plot against Claudius. Hamlet,...
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The antagonist in the play, Claudius, is an example of someone who is obsessed with obtaining
power and manipulating people by portraying someone he is not. Claudius appears to be a
caring person about his brother s death at the beginning of the play: Though yet of Hamlet our
dear brother s death/ The memory be green, and that it us befitted/ To bear our hearts in grief,
and our whole kingdom/ To be contracted in one brow of woe (Shakespeare 1.2.1 4). The caring
person that he presents himself as is only present because he desires the respect of the kingdom
to keep his power. Claudius wants to ensure that Denmark views him as a great man, so that any
suspicion on King Hamlet s death does not fall on him. When Claudius sends Hamlet to
England, Hamlet, this deed, for thine especial safety / which we do tender, as we dearly grieve
/ for that which thou hast done must send thee hense (Shakespeare 4.3.40 43), he makes it seem
as if he is doing it for Hamlet s own good, when really he is protecting himself and sending Hamlet
to his death. By placing Hamlet out of Denmark, Claudius is able to protect his high
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Muslim Minorities Security in OIC Member States
Muslim Minorities Security in OIC Member States
Division within the Muslim world did not begin until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. It
arose in the form of political uncertainty about who would be the next leader of the Muslim
community after the death of the Prophet. One group of thinkers, who came to be known as Shiites
(Shia meaning faction in Arabic), believed that authority in the Muslim world should stay within
the family of the Prophet, and so pointed to Ali and his son Husayn, Muhammad s close relatives.
Another group, known as Sunnis, believed that the person most worthy to lead should become the
caliph, no matter his bloodline (Strayer 423). Over the centuries, this Sunni/Shiite divide only
widened. Several Shiite rebellions mainly failures invested them with an ideology that their dead
leaders were simply hiding, leading them to develop the belief in the Hidden, or Twelfth, Imam
who would one day return and set right the Shiites problems with the Sunnis (Strayer 423). Other
minor differences exist in the two groups ideology, with Shiites placing weight just on the teachings
of Muhammad and his descendants, whereas the Sunnis recognize works from other influential
early Muslim leaders. Several subdivisions exist within Shia Islam; their differences exist in how
many imams throughout history they recognize as legitimate. One major offshoot of Sunni Islam
Wahhabism originated in the teachings, military state building, and reformist tendencies
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Greek Mythology Affecting Modern Day Literature
Greek mythology is a body of myths put together by the ancient greeks. These myths have been
told for many years and are still told today. Greek mythology affects lots of modern day
literature, media, and even languages. Many movies we watch now and days come from greek
mythology. For instance the blockbuster Troy which was based mainly off of the book The
Iliad by Homer. In the movie the prince of Troy, whose name is Paris, convince the queen of
Sparta to leave with him back to Troy and when the King of Sparta finds out that his queen had
left with him he asks his brother, Agamemnon, to get his wife back from Troy; so he agrees and
contracts achilles who is invincible to help him according to IMBD. For the most part everything is
the same in the book by Homer. This shows that media... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Actually the Greeks had stories about these amazing heros or adventures that were written down
but they were called epic poems. For example the book Percy Jackson and the Oolympians: the
Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is based off of multiple different myths and gods says Enotes.
This book is very similar to the epic poems that were written by Greeks that talk about a hero
who was no more anyone else but was actually very special and the hero had to go on a
dangerous adventure against all odds. Also the story A Tree Telling of Orpheus by Denise
Levertov which is originally a myth about the Ggod Oorpheus who could charm anything animate
or inanimate according to Pearson Literature. Back then myths like this were told for
entertainment besides the people who actually believed in them but till this day these myths are
being told in books, articles, poems all for the purpose to entertain peoples minds with unrealistic
stories. The epic poems and myths are still read today and passed on for the captivation of
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Essay on The Meaning of the Gettysburg Address
Essay on the Meaning of the Gettysburg Address
While the Gettysburg Address is fairly short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech
delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1963 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is
both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first
paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle
of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. Instead, he refers in the opening phrase, Four
score and seven years ago, to the founding of America through another important written document,
the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I believe Lincoln wanted the country to focus on
preserving this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I believe he is again focusing on preserving the country and uniting all Americans, North and South,
behind the nation and reminding them of our common history. President Lincoln also refers to the
dedication of the Battlefield of Gettysburg, emphasizing that this is, a final resting place for those
who here gave their lives that that nation might live. Clearly, Lincoln wants to remind all citizens
that these thousands of casualties were for a great purpose of preserving this country, not dividing it
through a Civil War.
In the third paragraph, President Lincoln stresses the important point that the words of his speech
cannot actually bless or make holy the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Rather, he indicates the bravery of
the men, both living and dead, has already made the ground of the battlefield sacred. Again, Lincoln
is honoring the actions of all the soldiers, Union and Confederate, and trying to unite the nation
instead of dividing it.
In the last paragraph of the speech, President Lincoln is telling the American people that the
proper way to honor the brave soldiers is to dedicate and devote your life to the country, one
which there will be, a new birth of freedom. Lincoln points out this government will represent all
the people, and will remain forever. President Lincoln, through this speech is trying heal the nation
that is divided by the great Civil War, and offering
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Simeon Fat
This historical research brought Simeon to the analysis and studying of fat in the human body and
the various forms it takes on. Simeons establish that the body has three types of fat. The first is
structural fat which fills in gaps between organs, and as Simeons puts it, acts as a packing material.
It helps protect our arteries, provides bedding for the kidneys and keeps the skin smooth and taut.
Structural fatalso provides the springy cushion underneath the bones in our feet. The second is
normal fat which is our normal reserves of fuel that can be drawn on by the body for energy. Fat
packs a high amount of calories in a small amount of space and is used for muscular activity and the
overall maintenance of the body including its temperature.
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Three Day Road Summary Essay
Kyle McCoolSummary #1 Section 02
Three Day Road
Joeseph Doyden
The Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden starts off in a town called Moose Factory in Canada
shortly after WW1. Auntie is waiting for the arrival of her nephew, Xavier s, friend Elijah.
However, she is shocked to find that it is her nephew who returns. She had received a letter that
said her nephew had died in the field of battle and that Elijah was wounded, and only had one leg.
When her nephew steps off the steps she thinks he is a ghost until he falls to the ground, because
he to is shocked for he had heard that she was dead. Then they start their journey down the river to
their home in the bush. On this journey they both reminisce of the ... Show more content on
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Her dad was the last of the Cree who could perform the ritual of killing and ridding of the windigo
disease which the Cree believed strikes a man when he eats the flesh of another human. She tells
one story of when she was a young girl and having to watch her father perform the ritual. Then
she tells the story of when she had to perform it and Xavier watch as she choked a young man to
death to rid him and his tribe of the windigo disease. One day Xavier came to her and said that he
wanted a friend, although she did not like the idea she agreed that he could go to Moose Factory
to find a friend. That is when he met Elijah. Xavier taught Elijah how to hunt and the ways of the
bush during his summer breaks from the school at Moose Factory. This is when they learned
how to shoot so well, because Elijah had stole a gun from one of the nuns. Then Xavier starts to
remember how Elijah died.. Shockingly Xavier is the one who kills him in the field. They both
had gone mad from the war. Xavier was then blown away by a bomb and as the other soldiers
and medics are around him all he can do is scream out Elijah s name and he has his dog tags so
they think that he is Elijah. Then Xavier and his Auntie make one last stop along the river before
they reach their home. Xavier s pain getting worse, almost unbearable, as they lie there on the bank
Auntie says; By tomorrow we ll be
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Ocean Whaling Research Paper
Ten pilot whales were found stranded on a beach in the French. Three of them were safety but six
of them had already died and the last whale died as rescuers attempted to return it to the sea.
Unluckily, the most of those whales died during their migration season and during while their
sailing in the sea. But for this news, I am glad to see how several French rescue teams put a great
effort into rescuing and returning them into the sea. On the other side of the world, we have been
losing millions of whales. Whales are still being killed across the world s oceans, Whaling is the
hunting of whales for meat, oil, blubber, and scientific research. Various coastal communities have
long histories of subsistence whaling and harvesting beached whales.
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Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My Mother
Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy
Happiness and Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness informed by theories of
evolutionary psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine what it means to be happy and how
our brains can fool us into believing we enjoy something when we actually don t. These readings
come at a crucial pinnacle in the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While
other classes seem to be on the downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this
writing course. There is obviously a purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast
paced deadlines between articles. If the goal has to been to break a writer down, then it has
undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of the class sharpening my pen and fine
tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts. My
papers have become an alphabet soup I try to arrange to convey my thoughts and link the themes
I see. But the more I write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve desperately wanted to
learn how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the affliction I have
with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about the process of good
writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and its affects on my aspirational
career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness shows that emotions are
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Robotic Milking Is Becoming A Huge Part Of The Dairy Industry
Robotic milking is becoming a huge part of the dairy industry today. Today, lactating cows are
able to choose a time in which they want to be milked, and how often they want to be milked.
The robotic milking machine will prep, milk, and post dip the cow without humans having to do
the work manually (Figure One). Robots also give the farmers additional information about
each individual cow. Farmers are able to choose which type of system flow they want for their
animals, and what they think is best for their herd. The labor for robotic milking is less intense
than the labor in tie stall/ stanchion barn, and can reduce the amount of employees the farmer
has, which in return may help save the farmer money. Many farmers are switching to this new
way of milking their cows, because of flexibility and increase in milk quality. Robotic milking is
growing in the dairy industry and becoming more popular in the United States, and we are going
to start seeing more farmers install them. When it comes to robotic milking, the farmer has
different options on how they want their cows to flow through the milking machine. Cows who
are milked through a robot can either have free access to the robot, or can be forced trafficked (also
known as milk first system), to the robot (Munksgaard et al., 2011). When cows have free access to
the robot facility, the cows are able to access the feed and robot all hours of each and every day.
They are able to walk into the robot freely whenever the robot is
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The American Dream of Home Ownership Essay
America is seen as the land of opportunity in that there are endless possibilities for an individual.
In this land of opportunity, Americans strive to obtain the ideal known as the American dream.
The American Dream is seen as the accomplishment of an ambition achieved while challenged by
adversity.1 Americans often associate this success with the ownership of a home. The home is not
simply a place of basic protection; there is a much deeper connection to the individual. Ownership
of a home grants freedom and security that establishes a sense permanency for the individual. In
contrast, renting a living space possesses a semblance of instability and dependence.2 The desire to
improve ones position in life inspires one to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many veterans returned to young families anticipating the opportunity to buy a home. The lack of
home production during the Great Depression and war created a severe housing crisis. 5
Levitt and Sons is considered one of the most successful developers who confronted the housing
crisis after World War II. Originally, Levitt and Sons was a private developer who specialized in
higher income housing. Levitt and Sons quickly realized that there was in high demand for
inexpensive homes.6 In response, they quickly began work on developments targeting the
young GI s and their families. Levitt and Sons needed to find building solutions that would suit
the taste of their buyers, would be cost efficient thus resulting in an inexpensive price, and could
be produced rapidly and in high yield. To solve this challenge Levitt and Sons designed a single
level, four room home based on the traditional American Cape Cod style.7 This simple design
was modified to form four basic designs that were to be replicated. To produce the homes as
quickly as possible Levitt and Sons based their construction strategy on the automobile assembly
line of Henry Ford. Instead of moving the parts down an assembly line, Levitt and Sons move the
labor along the product line.8 This method, along with the incorporation of off the shelf products,
allowed for the rapid production of homes. The money and time saved on production and design
allowed homes to sell at a lower price. These small homes
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Analysis Of 5 Reasons To Vote For Trump By Nicholas Kristof
hose to work on this article, 5 Reasons to Vote for Trump by Nicholas Kristof at the New York
Times, because I found interesting the fact that it uses satire. It gives 5 reason why one should
vote for Donald Trump, but they are reasons that are not ones that one would actually want in a
president, however, it gives outrages explanations to justify them. I believe this whole article in
general is biased. The title 5 Reasons to Vote for Trump makes one believe they will get 5 legit
reason as to why Trump should be president, as you start reading one realizes that they are reasons,
but not favorable ones. In this article the reporter is making subjective comments about a
presidential candidate, thus favoring their opponent. Words that came
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Julius Caesar Takeover Essay
Before the definite takeover of Britain, Julius Caesar had come over to attempt to make the land
part of the famous Roman Empire in AD 55. It wasn t very long until Caesar fled back to Gaul
(France) because the British Celts had been tough to beat. Only a year later he came back stronger
and with an even bigger army. Caesar had made his mark, but not wanting a long war, he returned
to Rome and never came back. Although he could not invade Britain, about a hundred years later in
the year AD 43, Emperor Claudius had invaded Britain on instruction to do so by Aulus Plautius,
who was to be the first consular governor in command of Great Britain. This second attempt to take
over Britain would last about four hundred years, to around the 5th century AD.
These invasions were about more than obtaining land for the Roman Empire, but there were also
minerals and agricultural fields to gain more income. Since money and wealth were a big
motivation for them, Roman militaries often were eager to defeat new lands in order to attain the
wealth they desired and pay for their armies. During the early years of this conquest, it was the
initial and main fight for the takeover of most of Britain. The fast growing Romanization of these
lands was a result of poor defensive coordination among military heads of Great Britain. ... Show
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The Romans had brought over their methods of agriculture, construction, technology, and mining.
Also, they had implemented their successful economic and government system, bringing in new
laws and ideas. Great Britain had started to become like Rome, adapting their ways of life by using
Roman inventions, such as: aqueducts, indoor plumbing, straight and paved roads, bricks, and
cement. For hundreds of years, these ideas flourished throughout most of Britain, but with the
Romans coming and going, so did some of these inventions and
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Education And Liberal Arts Education
A study in general education (liberal arts) affects different aspects of my development both
physically and mentally. A liberal arts education has shaped the form I conceive and return over
individual circumstances. After attending class and reading all the benefits of a liberal arts
education it has shaped the direction I held regarding a Liberal Artseducation. A liberal arts
education has shifted the way I study and the process I go about completing my school work.
Furthermore, from the manner I organize my day to the way I organize my goals, a liberal arts
education really shaped the way I do my everyday schedule. The liberal arts class changed me into
a greater adapted, more efficient and effective member of society. A liberal arts education taught
me the value and efficiency of critical and independent thinker. Within the real world, an individual
who can show aforementioned qualities is higher valued than the person who cannot. With a liberal
arts education, you are more fit to acquire and exhibit these skills. A liberal arts education are
intended to broaden the general knowledge and experiences of the students, and the class
accomplished just that. The class affected my mentality about school and the way I see the real
The meaning and purpose of a liberal arts education are to achieve education further than merely
college core, but also to prepare you for future occupations. A liberal arts education introduces
profession opportunities and builds a foundation
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Funeral Of The Roman Empire
Funerals in Ancient Rome were as they are in most modern cultures, important. Those of nobles
and aristocrats were particularly lavish and attended by many. Generally, Roman funerals consisted
of the procession, cremation or burial and eulogy. Julius Caesar, dictator during the first century of
the Rome, whose actions lead to the fall of the Roman Republic and in turn, the rise of the Roman
Empire. Plutarch, a Greek historian, wrote about Caesar and noted that one of his first
inclination that the people of Rome saw him as a fit leader, was during a funeral. as nephew of
Julia the deceased wife of Marius, he pronounced a splendid encomium upon her in the forum, and
in her funeral procession ventured to display images of Marius, which were then seen for the first
time since the administration of Sulla, because Marius and his friends had been pronounced public
enemies. When, namely, some cried out against Caesar for this procedure, the people answered
them with loud shouts, received Caesar with applause, and admired him for bringing back after so
long a time, as it were from Hades, the honours of Marius into the city.
Caesar performed a eulogy for his deceased aunt during a time when women didn t receive
eulogies, only men. Funerals in ancient Rome were ostentatious and over the top, they are also
where Caesar gained followers.
Proper burial was essential to Romans to ensure malicious spirits did not rise from the underworld.
The first part of the average funeral was the
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The Connotation Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel
Nightlights, locked doors, and bedtime stories all evolved for protection against the unknown
horrors of the night. Humans have incessantly feared the darkness that follows the end of a day.
This dark, negative connotation of the word night is explored in Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night. In
this memoir, Wiesel, the protagonist and author, recounts his personal hardships as a Jewish victim
in the Holocaust. As a teenager, he was taken from his home and, through numerous concentration
camps, had a firsthand experience of genocide. Throughout the text, Wiesel uses many literary
devices in an attempt to convey his experiences. Perhaps most significant is his use of the concept
of night. In the memoir, Night, the title is used as a metaphor for the encompassing darkness that
surrounds suffering, the loss of faith, and the loss of humanity. The metaphor of night is established
through the darkness of suffering and torture of Wiesel and others around him. Throughout the
memoir, Wiesel is inhumanely starved, beaten, and tortured, while also witnessing the suffering and
death of innocent victims. The concept of night, both literally and figuratively, is consistently
attached to these moments of torment and anguish. The first use of the word night in the memoir
follows the start of Elie s encounter with the Holocaust. Following the impending deportation from
his home, Elie states that night had fallen (18). The use of night here is more than just literal; the
preceding torment of the Jews by the Germans and their forced evacuation illustrates that by stating
night has fallen, Wiesel is indicating that his suffering has begun. This is further exemplified by the
metaphorical use of night while he is forced to run from Buna to Gleiwitz. During this journey,
which is perhaps the worst of his suffering, Elie has to endure harsh conditions, starvation,
exhaustion, and the death of others. The extent of his agony is reflected in Elie s use of darkness
and night. Wiesel writes that the night was pitch black and that shots exploded out of the darkness
(85). The use of the words night and darkness conveys his suffering and misery. Furthermore, by
stating that the night was pitch black, Wiesel indicates that this
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Fecal Microbiota Transplant Research Paper
Fecal Microbiota Transplants for the Treatment
Of Clostridium Difficile
Emily Ramirez
Aurora University
Fecal transplants have been around for many years; however up until recently it had not been
widely used or accepted as a feasible course of treatment for gastrointestinal complications. Since
approval by the U.S Food and Drug administration in 2013, the method is being thoroughly
researched and tested to entice its use for Clostridium difficile infections. Clostridium difficile is
extremely prevalent in the community and more over in healthcare facilities. The current
treatments that are being used are quiet successful at treating Clostridium difficile, but the
incidence of reoccurrence is fairly high. Fecal microbiota transplants have shown to have a very
high success rate, and a very low reoccurrence rate. There are several ways of performing the
treatment as well as different options for finding donors of the feces, all of which have similar and
unwavering success rates. Fecal microbiota ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Methods include nasogastric tube, nasoduodenal tube, colonoscopy, oral fecal capsules, and self
administered enemas (Boyle et al., 2015). There are many advantages to using the colonoscopy
approach, they include the fact that you can instill the stool along the length of the entire colon as
well as visualize the colon for any abnormalities (Boyle et al., 2015). Despite the great advantage
of using the colonoscopy method, it is associated with risk for complications such at perforation,
infection, bleeding, pain, and furthermore the additional cost of anesthesia (Boyle et al., 2015). No
matter the method they all have generally high success rates. According to the Oprita et al. study,
100% of their patients had a resolution of symptoms after treatment (2016). Similar results were
shown in the Youngster et al. study where they had an overall cure rate of 90%
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Speech On Ultra Processed Foods
Title: For The Sake Of Your Health Cut Out These 10 Ultra Processed Foods
Header: The following ten ultra processed foods can be a serious health risk and should definitely
be eliminated from any healthy diet.
Despite the fact that ultra processed foods can lead to serious health issues, such as obesity, heart
disease and diabetes, they are still consumed on a daily basis. In fact, a recent study discovered that
more than half of the calories Americans consume come from ultra processed foods (http:/
/bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/3/e009892). Not only do processed foods contain excessive amounts
of sugar, but also chemicals, large amounts of salt and unhealthy fats amongst other things. While
most foods are processed these days the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately, it is actually the other way around because butter contains more saturated fat while
many brands of margarine are high in trans fats. In addition margarine does not contain any natural
ingredients and instead has numerous chemicals like caustic soda and acetone that can be hazardous.
8.Flavored Yogurts
Healthy yogurt brands do exist, but the flavored variety are typically best avoided. Not only do
many companies use artificial colors to make these yogurts looking fruitier, but they are also
loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. Since these yogurts also tend to be very low in protein there
is nothing to balance out the high concentrations of sugar and make you feel full. Rather choose
plain or Greek yogurts for more protein and less harmful ingredients.
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Different Types Of Psychology Today Essay
There are seven different types of psychology today. The first is psychodynamic which branches
off of Freud s approach to the mind. It reviews internal thoughts, the unconscious mind, and
internal conflicts as what drives and affects a person s behavior. Behavioral psychology is exactly
what it sounds like. It s the study of human behavior which is influenced by external factors
therefore excluding any thing that is related to internal thoughts. This perspective says humans
behave not because of what they think or how they feel, but how the world works around them.
The opposite of this perspective is humanistic which excludes all stimuli outside the brain and
instead focuses on people s ability to make choices and one s motivation and qualities as what
affects someone s behavior. The Cognitive perspective focuses directly on the brain and how it
functions and computes the information it receives. It wants to know if memory, perception, and
problem solving can influence someone s behavior. Genetics and inheritance are considered in the
Biological perspective. Intelligence, patience, and anger are all studied to be present in certain
genes. The evolutionary style looks at animals through the lense of adaptation and how natural
selection and time have shaped them to be how they behave today. Finally there is sociocultural
which considers how someone s culture can affect how they behave. Many countries have a
different idea on how a person should act which in turn
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Possibilities And Challenges Of Interreligious And Secular...
Possibilities and challenges of interreligious and secular dialogue in today s world. According to
Zago, globalization was imminent and interreligious contact unavoidable, leading to religious
pluralism. The tendency was increasing and creating challenge to mission, which would create not
only meetings but also clashes among various religions. He anticipates the need of attitudes and
initiatives for interreligious dialogue, but this Dialogue, however, must not eliminate proclamation
that remains at the heart of mission and is the criterion by which to judge the validity of mission
and to promote discernment in elaborating a theology of mission and dialogue. Religious pluralism
presents challenges and opportunities for Christians to understand their own being, their mission,
and relationship with other religions. Some tensions that may exist in duality are: fundamentalism
/relativism, proclamation/dialogue, identity/openness, inculturation/syncretism, local autonomy
/human rights, and freedom/reciprocity. Fundamentalism/relativism. These tensions could be
beneficial or a problem especially when fundamentalism becomes radical. For instance, the situation
that is happening in Syria, where there are people who practice three religions: Islam from different
sects as Sunni, Shi a and Kharijites, Druzism, and Christians of different denominations. The war in
because Sunnis resentment against Alawis, and some people says this war has political reasons;
while others sustain it
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alcoholic Beverages
Drinking alcoholic beverage is already a part of our routine. We may not drink every day but if
there is an occasion like birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, reunions or if you are heart
broken, alcoholic drinks are always present. Not all people are drinking beverage because they are
happy, sometimes, others are drinking because they are sad of losing a family or they are feeling
pain because of a recent break up.
Alcoholic beverages are widely used all over the world, and it plays a significant role in the social
scene of many cultures. To be more knowledgeable of what we drink, let us check first what is
alcoholic beverage and its content.
Alcoholic beverage is a drink that has a considerable amount of psychoactive drug ethanol, which ...
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Fortified wine is different from spirits because spirits is a wine that is made by distilling, while
fortified wine is purely a wine that has a spirit added to it. There are already many fortified wines
that has been developed such as commandaria, sherry, port, marsala, madeira and vermouth, which
is the aromatized wine.
Health Effects of drinking Alcoholic Beverage
Drinking of an lcoholic beverage is classified by IARC as the cause of breast cancer in female,
laryx, liver, colorectum, oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx and pancreas. Also, carbonated beverage
with alcohol can be absorbed faster than non carbonated alcohol. Drinking too much alcoholic
beverage in a single day or everyday can put your health at risk which can affect your body:
Alcohol interferes with brain s connection pathway which can affect the brain s works and looks.
These interruptions can cause in the person s change of mood and behavior. The presence of
alcohol may trigger the person from doing things that he/she doesn t normally do, and may also
alter a person s sense of equilibrium.
Drinking too much alcohol over a single specific time cause damage to the heart which includes:
1.High blood pressure
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The Culture Of Control, Crime And Social Order Essay
The Culture of Control, Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society, David Garland (2001)
is certainly one worth the read. Garland, one of the leading criminologists, begins the book with a
fantastic insight on history of the present of penological developments in the US, compares it with
Britain in late 1970 s. He picks out indicative theories by Foucault and several examples to support
his arguments. He portrays an intricate argument about the rise of crimecontrol and punitiveness.
Garland continues throughout to link new developments in both countries to identify each
countries crime control stratergy and the effect of their strategies. He ends it with further
theories and opinions on crime control and social order. Garlands purpose of writing the book is to
give a deep analysis and an absorbing read of crime control in USA and UK to his readers. The
purpose of the following review is to give the readers a brief understanding of some issues by
Garland on crime and social order in contemporary society.
From the 19th century to the 20th, crime control state agencies have become instilled with penal
welfarism and rehabilitation. However since then they ve been dominated by risk management,
incapacitation and retribution. In clarifying this change Garland; the formal organisations of crime
control have a tendency to be responsive. Garland states too often our attention focuses on the state
s institutions and neglects the informal social practices upon which state
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New York Giants Case Study
Josh Brown is a NFL kicker for the New York Giants who was recently suspended. The reasoning
behind his suspension were allegations on the grounds of domestic violence. Though the
charges were dropped due to lack of cooperation from Brown s wife and the local law
enforcement, Brown still had to sit out on the opening season game. Many fans of the Giants
were outraged by that ruling. That outrage would subside though since Brown will return for the
rest of the season. Although maybe not as a Giant for long, for another experienced kicker named
Randy Bullock will fill in for Brown. This could lead to a competitive next few games between the
two kickers. Either one could be the future kicker for the New York Giants. Only time and the
coaches twitter
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managerial issues
Managerial Issues
Ryan Shelton
August 27, 2014
Gloria De Leon
Managing Information Systems Information systems provide the infrastructure and enable
communication for every kind of business in today s global economy. The responsible managers in
charge of these vital systems face several key issues in their efforts to effectively manage corporate
information systems. Information systems, particularly hardware and software components, become
obsolete very quickly. Another important issue is data storage and availability. The need for
expanding data storage and processing capacity brings management concerns about space, facility
requirements, and energy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Training employees to perform adaptive maintenance requires constant technical training. It also
requires managers to build employee confidence in nontechnical disciplines such as team building,
online collaboration, and ways to build meaningful relationships with end users. Communicating
effectively with users will provide managers and technical staff with valuable data about the
systems they are administering and the kinds of features that their customers want to see added to
new software builds. Another aspect of training employees for adaptive maintenance is educating
them on the expense of making deep changes to an information system. The responsibility for
keeping maintenance costs reasonable should stay with the manager; however, educating
employees on the financial side of their information system will aid them in determining if a change
is worth making or if they should wait for a major change or upgrade opportunity. Adaptive
maintenance is an effective tool for information systems managers, but the costs of making changes
should always be weighed against the benefits to the organization.
New Frontiers: Managing Information Systems in a Global Economy Perhaps the greatest
challenge to managing information systems today is globalization. The lack of international
borders to business has created many new opportunities but also many new challenges for
managers. Untapped technology markets exist in many developing
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Lupus Erythematosus Case Study
Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue of the body. The
course of disease is variable and unpredictable, with episodes of remission and relapse. Only a small
percentage of patients (10%) have long lasting remissions. Lupus takes two forms. Systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem inflammatory disease that affects any body system but
primarily the musculoskeletal, cutaneous, renal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Discoid
lupus erythematosus(DLE) is a less serious form of the disease that primarily affects the skin. DLE
is characterized by skin lesions of the face, scalp, and ears. Long standing lesions can cause
scarring, hypopigmentation, and redness. Only 5% to 10% of patients with... Show more content on
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Teach the female patient the importance of planning pregnancies with medical supervision because
pregnancy is likely to cause an exacerbation of the disease. Discuss all precipitating factors that
need to be avoided, including fatigue, vaccination, infections, stress, surgery, certain drugs, and
exposure to ultraviolet light. Teach the patient how to minimize ultraviolet exposure. Teach the
patient to avoid strenuous exercise, instead striving for a balance. Stress the importance of adequate
nutrition. Small, frequent meals may be better tolerated. Any cosmetics should be approved by the
physician and should be hypoallergenic. Encourage the patient to contact the Arthritis Foundation,
the Lupus Foundation, and other appropriate support groups that are available in the
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Essay on An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry
An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry
In Of Modern Poetry, Stevens describes the purpose of modern poetry given what the audience
knows and values. Modern poetry must be different from traditional poetry, because people of his
time perceive themselves and their world differently than the people of earlier times. Stevens
suggests that war, like other changes, have affected what people believe. Poetry must reflect to its
audience what they want to hear. It must show them that the order, meaning and value they need is
real, in so much as their minds both need it and can create it.
The poem of the mind in the act of finding
What will suffice. It has not always had
To find: the scene was set; it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Stevens first points out how modern poetry differs from traditional poetry. The implication is that
people are now questioning some fundamental aspects of intellectual constructs that used to be
considered necessary and true. In particular Stevens questions tradition of reading the book of
nature, of starting with religious presumptions and assuming nature communicates these ideas to
humans. Other traditions had changed as well thoughts about the social roles of men and women
and social propriety; thoughts about religious values and scientific discovery; nature and purpose of
communication resulting from new inventions. These changes sometimes reflected, sometimes
caused the development of new values. The rest of the poem records the change that occurs after
traditional assumptions are uprooted.
The past was a souvenir because once people realized that certain traditions could be changed,
they had no reason to believe those traditions had to be the standard. Like a souvenir, the scene
and the script became only a reminder of where people had been, it has no practical use for the
present. Once people conceived of a new stage, a new script, a new way of thinking, it had to be
experimented with. They valued experimentation, because they did not have a required standard.
They valued finding
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Michael Jordan Vs James
Has anyone ever asked you, who is better Michael Jordan or LeBron James? and you do not know
what to say because, in your eyes, they are of equal talent. The statistical evidence and statements
from players around the league will show who truly the better player is. The common argument
made between the two is that Michael Jordanhas six championship rings and LeBron James only
has two. Jordan never lost in a finals and James has lost four. Jordan never had to play in a game
seven. Those are all valid reason on why Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James but let s take
a deeper look into each player s career to show the things people don t look at to prove Jordan was
the better player.
First, is the offensive side of the game. According ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jordan never was shy in making it known he wanted the ball when the game is on the line. Even
though LeBron has hit his fair share of game winners or go ahead baskets he has passed up
multiple shots at the end of the game to give a teammate that shot. Maybe he does not have the
same killer instinct or maybe he just does not have the confidence. Either way he shies away
from the ball when the game is on the line. Jordan played a more strategical game while James
was usually the bigger person in his matchups and just put his head down and went to the basket.
Jordan also has played an infamous game while being sick known as the flu game . This game
was a in the middle of the 1997 NBA Finals while the series was tied up at two games. (Zach
Harper) He went out and scored thirty five points helping his team to take a game lead on the
Jazz. (Zach Harper) James on the other hand came out of the first game of the 2014 NBA finals
with a thigh cramp. He left the game early in the fourth quarter but then returned to hit a quick
basket to put the Heat with in two points and five minutes left to play. (Royce Young) After the
basket he immediately called to the bench for help to be carried off the court. The team then
crumbled and lost the game fifteen points. (Royce Young) This game set the tone for the series and
LeBron s team, Miami Heat, then went to lose the
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New York City Transportation
Transportation New York City s water transport started to grow rapidly in the 19th century.
Steamboats gave quick, solid associations from New York Harbor to other Hudson River and
waterfront ports, and later neighborhood steam ships permitted suburbanites to live a long way
from their working environments. The finish in 1825 of the upstate Erie Canal, spreading over
the Hudson River and Lake Erie, made New York the most connected between Europe and
America. The Gowanus Canal and different works were worked to handle the growing traffic, all
existing shorelines were now fixed with docks. The Morris Canal and Delaware and Raritan Canal
were parts of the broad arrangement of new foundation serving the city with coal and different
items. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The canals were initially built the Industrial Revolution for the vehicle of coal, raw materials and
food. Despite the fact that they now convey couple of merchandise, they are prominent with private
narrowboat clients and relaxation cruisers, and a general water transport benefit works along the
Regent s Canal amid the late spring months. The river thames were the extent of the London
Bridge, and to considerable art well upstream of Greater London. Truly, the stream was one of
London s principle transport corridors. In spite of the fact that this is no more drawn out the
case, traveler administrations have seen something of a recovery since the creation in 1999 of
London River Services, an arm of Transport for London. LRS now directs and advances a little
scale system of waterway transport worker administrations and countless travels working on the
stream. Water crafts are possessed and worked by various privately owned businesses, and LRS
oversees five of focal London s 22
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The Keynesian School Of Economic Thought
1) List three key concepts from the Keynesian School of economic thought: (25 points) At least
one concept must describe the management of aggregate demand. a. The primary concept of the
Keynesian School of economic thought revolved around the management of aggregate demand.
The author of this idea, John Maynard Keynes, believed the economy was fundamentally unable
to sustain itself at full employment. One of his proposed solutions to this was for the government
to intervene to increase aggregate demand. He argued that by investing government funds, the
amplitude of the business cycle could be reduced and would stabilize continued economic growth.
Another method of managing aggregate demand involved taxation. By lowering the taxes on
certain goods and raising others, the government could influence public demand for certain
products to fluctuate based on its benefit to the economy as a whole. b. Another concept of
Keynesian thought is that of excessive savings. Mr. Keynes believed that if savings occurred in
excess of the planned investment it would increase the possibility of a recession or depression.
He believed that excessive savings were caused by discouraging business prospects, over
investment in previous years, and a decrease in consumer demand. The law of supply and demand
states simply that as savings increased interest rates would drop, until there was no longer reason to
save; this plunging interest rate would bring the economy in balance once again. Mr. Keynes
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Easy Psychology Essay Topics

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  • 6. How Is Truman Capote Selfish Truman Capote Truman Capote was an astonishing, well known writer. He wrote many great novels and short stories in the fifty nine years of his life. Many of his works were made into movies, with many great actors starring in them. Even though his life was very reckless, he still managed to show how creative he was in his works. He was born on September 30, 1924, in New Orleans, Louisiana. His parents, Arch and Lillie Mae Persons, greatly neglected him as a child. Capotewas often left in the care of his mother s relatives, and spent most of his younger years in Monroeville, Alabama with his aunt. While in Alabama, Capote befriended the young Harper Lee. Rumors say he helped Lee to write To Kill a Mockingbird. It is also said that the main... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this time he had a interest in non fiction. He read in the newspaper about the murder of the Clutter family, in Holcomb, Kansas. He soon traveled to Kansas, with his good friend, Harper Lee, and the two set out to solve the case. In January of 1960, the suspected killers, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith, were found in Las Vegas. They were immediately brought back to Kansas, where Capote had a chance to sit down and interview them. Soon after, Capote went back to New York and started writing his non fiction work In Cold Blood. Later, Capote and Harper traveled back to Kansas, where the killers murder trial was being held. Finally in 1965, Hickock and Smith were put to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Circus Maximus Circus Maximus It is nearly impossible to look at the field that holds the remains of the Circus Maximus and understand what it once held without the aid of a vivid reconstruction. The remains of Circus Maximus lie in the Valley between the Aventine and Palentine hill. Traditionally, the history of the Circus Maximus began with chariot races held in honor of the God Consus in a less permanent structure in the area near Consus s altar. In later years, this lead to the construction of a circus under the first Etruscan king, Tarquinius Priscus around 600 bc. Previous to Tarquin s intervention, an underground stream kept the valley swamp like. Tarquin diverted the water and drained the area and began to hold chariot races in the area. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Racers were expected to remain in their chalked lanes until passing a marked break line at which time the charioteers were free to take any position on the track. The jargoning for the ideal location on the track often made racing a dangerous sport. The chariot races traditionally consisted of seven laps about the track counterclockwise. Turning posts dubbed matae consisted of 3 gilded bronze cones set atop a hemispherical shaped block. The races lasted somewhere in the realm between eight and nine minutes and the race length was measured to be near three miles. More often than not, chariots were pulled by four horses. At the beginning of the races, it is suspected that chariots were owned privately and the charioteers hired by the owners. Over time factions, a system of professional chariot racing organizations emerged. The timing of the initial use of factions is expected to have been sometime shortly after the Second Punic War. The factions seem to have emerged over time out of need rather than by a specific mandate. The amount of chariot races and popularity of the sport a public need for organization became apparent. The efficiency offered by factions was a popular solution to the inadequacy of the previous system. The faction owners had teams of workers and all sorts of resources for their athletes. The horses, chariots, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Revised Program Evaluation Plan I am choosing to write summative projective wide evaluation plan; which looks at the short term to long term outcomes of an intervention on the target group. This evaluations will look at information such as community needs, activities and or services, desired results, indicators, method of measurement, type of instrument, minimum level of success, steps, etc. The evaluation will analyse the process and outcome of the program. The evaluation will also discuss the goals and how they are measured.What are the measurement tools you would use? I chose to evaluate the Peace Domestic ViolenceAgency which is located in the Portland metropolitan area working with families affected by domestic abuse. Peace Domestic Violence Agency is a non profit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Portland is in need of the Peace agency to help with the growing domestic violence crimes with in its high populated city. Is your plan integrated? That word is interesting is it what does it actually mean. Integrated means having, including, or serving The desired results is to reduce domestic violence, spousal and child abuse, assault and road rage crime that have been on the rise in the Portland area for the past five years. They would like to see that more individuals receive counseling and other resources instead of jail time and fines which can cause more and more add stress on the family. Process: Program organizers will document sessions with in the education and rehabilitation with in the domestic violence classes. Outcome: The director of the program will commit to interviewing staff on the performance and the participation with in the activities. To record the status and progress of the program. Attendance and other factor will be recorded and put in to charts to see what if anything needs to improve on a weekly manor. Concluding at this time I think that the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is set up to help the ever growing issue with domestic violence and other family and community crime. There outcome of insuring that crime rates drop is a great program goal. With the different activities this will insure great process to insure that the goals are met. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Arnold Schwarzenegger Essay Daniel Knorr Jerry Wemple ENG 101: Foundations of Writing Tu Thur Arnold Schwarzenegger Born July 30th , 1947 near Graz Austria Arnold Schwarzenegger began his career in Hollywood California, this is where he developed as not only a champion bodybuilder but as a movie star as well. After a very extensicve and lengthy career in the movie industry he turned to politics, with it always being a passion of his. Early on Arnolds Childhood was hard for him, his father Gustav being an Alcholic police cheif and a active member of the Nazi Party. Arnolds brother was favored over him due to the fact that he was much smaller then him and less athletic at the time. Reportedly beaten and intimidated through out his early childhood by his father, as well as always being compared to his brother he and arnold naturally butted heads most of the time. It was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being opposed to his father and Brother a majority of his life he refused to attend his fathers funeral inf 1972, or even the funeral of his brother in 1971 due do a car accident. Immigrating to the United States in 1968 Arnold helped move the Bodybuilding scene to the next level. He pushed the sport to the mainstream spotlight in the 1977 documentry done Pumping Iron. This documentry tells the story of Arnolds bodybuilding career and the defending of his Mr Olympia Title. The film was a story of not only his young bodybuilding days but it was also about his passion he had for the sport and all the people he had met along with the friends he had made along the way. Coming to America a dream of his since falling in love with the states after having roles in Hercules. Gettting to come to America wasnt easy for him, a man named Joe Weider the man at the time behind the federation of Body Building. An Organization that allowed Arnold to come to america in order to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Examples Of Surveillance In George Orwell s 1984 Surveillance in George Orwell s 1984 is extreme, but there are some very real parallels to today s life. Telescreens and hidden microphones are just a couple of examples of 1984 s controlling technology. The ideas depicted by author George Orwell s dystopian society are becoming more real every day. Telescreens were literally and thematically the biggest piece of surveillance technology in 1984. They were large screens that took in as much information as they put out. They were massive and could look over an entire room. A telescreen could record video of a person and also record sound, transmitting the recordings presumably to thought police to be monitored. They could hear anything above a soft whisper and they could see anything in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Observing Misogyny The study examined people s reactions upon observing misogyny, as well as their expected reactions when presented with the hypothetical scenario of observing misogyny. Participants included 205 volunteer public college students, of which 67 were women and 138 were men. Participants were predominantly white with a mean age of 20.53 years, and self reported as being moderately politically conservative and moderately religious. Students were exposed to one of two scenarios, the difference being whether a disparaging remark was made about a woman. Further, the scenarios were presented in one of two ways: through text (in which case participants were asked to forecast their emotional response after reading the scenario) and through direct observation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Laptop Trail The Laptop Trail The Modern PC Is a Model Of Hyper efficient Production And Geopolitical Sensitivities By JASON DEAN and PUI WING TAM, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, June 9, 2005 When a customer in the U.S. clicks on Hewlett Packard Co. s Web site to purchase one of its Pavilion zd8000 laptop computers, the order quickly arrives thousands of miles away at a factory in China run by a less familiar name, Quanta Computer Inc. Although virtually unknown to consumers, Quanta is the world s biggest maker of laptops. As part of a sometimes difficult symbiosis, the Taiwanese company makes roughly one quarter of the world s portable computers, which are then sold by brands such as H P and Dell Inc. Quanta collects components from countries around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Quanta made nearly a quarter of the roughly 49 million notebooks shipped last year a share the company expects to grow to a third this year. Including smaller rivals like Compal Electronics Inc., Inventec Corp. and Wistron Corp., Taiwanese concerns now produce as much as 80% of the world s laptops. 2 Outsourcing to low cost, high quality Taiwanese manufacturers has helped make Dell and H P the world s top two PC companies in terms of sales. International Business Machines Corp., which outsourced less than half of its laptop production, according to Merrill Lynch, and operated its own factory in China, consistently lost money on its PCs. It sold the business this year to China s Lenovo Group Ltd., which has used Taiwanese companies to make most of its notebooks in China. But the relationship between U.S. computer firms and their third party manufacturers can be tricky. In the struggle to retain an element of control over their suppliers, H P, Dell and others play contract manufacturers against each other to keep prices falling and ensure no supplier gains too much leverage. Roger Bahalla, director of H P s laptop supply chain strategy, says H P typically works with a half dozen third party manufacturers at any one time. It s a way to keep the business competitive, says Mr. Bahalla, who adds that 98% of H P s notebooks are made in China. There s an optimal number of partners to deal with. We don t want any one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. School Life In High School When I think about my freshman year to my junior year there are things that have been the same and things that have been different. I have experienced a lot in the couple years I have been at senior, and I have lots to say about the high school life. The one thing that I would say never changed and kept the ram fam together is Nasty Nation. Nasty Nation is what we call ourselves at games and many different activities. We have a twitter page that is called Nasty Nation. I followed it my freshman year and it told me when the games were, what the theme was and if I didn t go to the game they would post the score as the game is going on. The games were always my favorite thing to go to in high school. I would dress up to my fullest ability and cheer on the rams. Another thing that never changed was the level of stress I had each year. Between homework, work, school, family, friends, and a boyfriend life was not the easiest sometimes. I have been super happy, anger, and I have cried at least accouple times in the past three years from being here. I m not going to lie I had come to the point accouple times where I wanted to just give up and drop out, but I knew that would not be a very smart thing to do. The amount of stress coming into high school was there and coming out it s still going to be there. The last thing that never truly changed was the people that go to Dubuque Senior High school. I am graduating with the same people that I went to middle school with and some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay Comparing The Devil And Tom Walker The Devil and Tom Walker and the The Devil and Daniel Webster have many differences along with several similarities. A few examples would be the different depiction of the Devil and the similarities of the role of religion. Some points may be larger than others, but one can see the relationship between both of the books in many different aspects of he was dressed in a rude, half Indian garb, and had a red belt or sash swathed round his body, but his face was neither black nor copper color, but swarthy and dingy and begrimed with soot, as if he had been accustomed to toil among fires and forges. (Irving, p. 2 3) The first difference between the short stories are their very own different depiction of the Devil. In The Devil and Tom Walker, the devil is portrayed as a that confronts Tom about the deal that he can go through to abolish his mediocre life. On the contrary, the Devil in The Devil in Daniel Webster was a calm, cool, businessman that was a Soft spoken, dark dressed stranger (Benet, p.12) came up to Jabez in a handsome buggy (Benet, p.12) and offered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In The Devil and Tom Walker the outcome of Tom selling his soul to the devil is in the him being abandoned by Old Scratch. Old Scratch leaves Tom for dead while he continues to ride on horse. Tom realizes that he has left his Bible at his house. His horses become skeletons, his gold and silver become wood shavings, and his mortgages become cinders. Later his house burns to the ground and is haunted to this day. In The Devil and Daniel Webster on the other hand was a massively different outcome. The ending of this story ends with a court appearance of Jabez Stone in his own house to see what sentence he will get from the jury. The jury announces that We find for the defendant, Jabez Stone. Perhaps tis not strictly in accordance with the evidence but even the damned may salute the eloquence of Mr. Webster. (Benet, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Tale Of Two Cities Literary Analysis In the novel A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens establishes that revenge is sinful by using the French Revolution s rebel peasants, fire, and water. Dickens discreetly uses fire and water in several instances to describe the relationship between revenge and anger, and the cycle the two create. As the years passed in France, the violence the rebels exhibited grew worse and worse. In such risings of fire and risings of sea the firm earth shaken by the rushes of an angry ocean which had now no ebb, but was always on the flow, higher and higher, to the terror, and wonder of the beholders on the shore three years of tempest were consumed, (Dickens 225). Sea, or water, symbolizes revenge while fire represents vengeance, anger, and hatred.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Doctor Manette is talking to a peasant boy who has been stabbed about his sister, another patient Manette has just seen, and her recent marriage. The conversation turns into a rant from the boy about nobles, specifically Monsieur the Marquis. I say, we were so robbed, and hunted, and were made so poor, that our father told us it was a dreadful thing to bring a child into the world, and that what we should most pray for was that our women might be barren and our miserable race die out, I had never before seen the sense of being oppressed, bursting forth like a fire. I had supposed that it must be latent in the people somewhere; but, I had never seen it break out, until I saw it in the dying boy, (Dickens 315). Dickens again uses fire to represent contempt and anger, this time in a more personal example of the dying peasant boy. The Marquis took everything from this boy: his quality of life, willingness to live, and his life itself. Choosing the word barren casts an even more negative connotation over the already pessimistic topic of infertility. Also, in most instances, fathers want nothing more than grandchildren from their sons, but the conditions in France are so atrocious he would rather his family die out. This demonstrates how desolate and hopeless France had become for peasants; on the bright side, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay about Evelyn Waugh s Decline and Fall Evelyn Waugh s Decline and Fall Evelyn Waugh was born in 1903. He is not considered to be a distinguished novelist but his writing is notable because they satirise much that was bizarre in English society. His father was a publisher and his first novel, Decline and fall, was published in 1928. It is a satire on the preparatory school industry. It is in the style and humour of Charles Dickens. Evelyn Waugh achieves his purpose through exaggeration. He paints characters that are larger than life, just like Dickens. We also see this method used in today s television in programmes like Spitting Image where gargoyle like images of prominent personalities behave in an outrageous way. The descriptions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Evelyn Waugh satirises the way that the school employs teachers. They don t care about qualifications needed to be a teacher; they just employ and rip you off. For example Paul Pennyfeather does not teach music but he has to. Paul later ends up as a schoolmaster because he gets expelled from the school for indecent behaviour. This school is nowhere near what any reader would expect it to be. It s absolutely a joke. Waugh continues this narrative conversational tone to continue PennyfeatherВґs story. He makes it seem normal that Church and Gargoyle, again a name Dickens might have chosen to represent the contrast between the good church and the evil looking gargoyles, can get him a job without the necessary qualifications, even though testimonials are requested. They decide he is fit for the post even though he does not know German. Similarly, he is told to give organ lessons to Beste Chetwynde. Not one of the characters at Llanabba Castle, including the lead Augustus Fagan Esquire, as he likes too be addressed, seems at all concerned with education, or qualified to educate. Church and Gargoyle have it in the forth category, that of bad schools. Dr. Fagan interviews for a few minutes and calls it A most exhausting interview . The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. A Confederacy of Dunces Essay Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel. Do not crush me beneath your spokes. Raise me on high, divinity (Toole: 42). Here, Ignatius Reilly makes one of his many pleas to Fortuna, the goddess which he believes controls his destiny and his life by spinning him in circles of good and bad luck. The cycles IgnatiusReillygoes through in John Kennedy Toole s A Confederacy of Dunces play an important role in the story, as they affect not only him, but several others in the book as well. The cycles that Ignatius is put through do, indeed, influence those around him. These cycles that Ignatius goes through are very much like gears, connected to the cycles of the other charactersin the novel. Although it is not... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lana Lee only paid him twenty dollars a week and threatened to call the police if Jones gave her problems or tried to quit. Things looked bleak for Jones until Fortuna spun Ignatius downwards and he came upon the Night of Joy, once again, because of the route for Paradise Vendors that he had to take. Jones was able to spin Ignatius cycle downwards even further as he convinced Ignatius to come see Darlene s performance. The fiasco that followed had the Night of Joy shut down and the tyrannical Lana Lee arrested, thus, spinning Jones cycle upwards. As Jones led the police to Lana Lee s pornographic material, he gained their favor over their previous contempt. Jones explained, that Patrolman Mancusa say he appreciate showin him that cabinet. He say, Us mothers on the force need peoples like you, help us out. He say, Peoples like you be helpin me get ahead. I say, Whoa! Be sure and tell that to your frien at the precinc, they don star snatchin my ass for vagran. He say, I sure will. Everybody at the precinc be appreciatin wha you done man. Now them po lice mothers appreciate me (Toole: 362). Jones cycle took a further spin upwards from Ignatius downfall as Mr. Levy decided to give him an award for bravery from the newly established Leon Levy Foundation. Mr. Levy proclaimed, Here. This is brave. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Advantages Of A Relational Database Advantages of a Relational Database The relational database provides a number of advantages over previous models, such as the following. Built in multilevel integrity: Data integrity is built into the model at the field level to ensure the accuracy of the data; at the table level to ensure that records are not duplicated and to detect missing primary key values; at the relationship level to ensure that the relationship between a pair of tables is valid; and at the business level to ensure that the data is accurate in terms of the business itself. (Integrity is discussed in detail as the design process unfolds.) Logical and physical data independence from database applications: Neither changes a user makes to the logical design of the database, nor changes a database software vendor makes to the physical implementation of the database, will adversely affect the applications built upon it. Guaranteed data consistency and accuracy: Data is consistent and accurate due to the various levels of integrity you can impose within the database. (This will become quite clear as you work through the design process.) Easy data retrieval: At the user s command, data can be retrieved either from a particular table or from any number of related tables within the database. This enables a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many RDBMS programs also provide the tools you need to create end user applications that interact with the data stored in the database. Of course, the quality of an RDBMS is a direct function of the extent to which it supports the relational database model. Even among true RDBMSs, support for the relational database varies among vendors, and there is yet to be a full implementation of the relational model s potential. Despite this, all RDBMS programs continue to evolve and become more full featured and powerful than ever ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. B Zentrix s Single Box Solution INTRODUCTION My project entitled C Zentrix aims to monitor or track the record of any agent status during the calling time by the organisation , so it can easily be tracked, monitored, improve the quality and training purpose, etc., manual system which is calling only is extremely laborious and quite inadequate which makes the process more difficult and hard to handled request, complaints, etc. C Zentrix is the flagship product of Towards Vision Technologies Private Limited (TVT Pvt Ltd) which is started as a startup in the year 2002. TVT is amongst the leading software product companies of the world providing contact center software and enterprise level software for voice and data applications. C Zentrix was developed with a vision of creating next generation, simplified call center technology solution by offering customer engagement center to enable better communication and 360В° experience for the end customer. C Zentrix s single box solution is unique one box customer engagement solution in the world for over 150 concurrent agents. C Zentrix wishes to help organizations across industries to set up and manage their personalized customer engagement center hassle at free low cost and high efficiency. Our products and solutions are extensively used for Predictive Dialling, Inbound/Outbound Skill based call routing, Interactive Voice ResponseSystem (IVRS), IPBX, Voice and Screen Loggers, CRM, Conference Bridge, Robo call, Missed Call etc. We expertise in Voice Commerce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on The Massospondylus Carinatus Fossils The Massospondylus carinatus Fossils, lived in the early Jurassic period (Hettangian to Pliensbachian ages, ca. 200 183 million years ago). The fossils of this dinosaur have been found all over Africa, in Arizona and the United State. 1.1)How the first fossils was found A collection of 56 bones were found by the government surveyor Joseph Millard Orpen in 1853 in the Free State, in Harrismith South Africa. The bones were later donated to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London . The bones that were found were vertebrae from the neck, back, and tail; a shoulder blade; a humerus; a partial pelvis; a femur; a tibia; and bones of the hands and feet. The first Massospondylus were described by paleontologist Sir ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its probably one of the largest animals that have lived on earth. Massopondylus was 4meters in length and weighed approximately 135 kilograms. 2.3) it was formed through a process of fossilization. Meaning when the massopondylus died, the bones were naturally kept in the right conditions for the to be preserved as fossil . The heat pressure from being buried in sediment can sometimes cause the tissues of an organism to release hydrogen and oxygen, leaving behind a trace of carbon this helps the dead organism to print itself on a sedimentary rock. This process is also known as carbonation or distillation 2.4) Some of the Massopondylus are said to have lived in deserts. While others lived on the plains of the high golden fields, in what s today known as the Karoo 2.5) It is supposedly linked to today s lizards and chameleons. Due to the shape of its bodies and that they might be a miniature size of the dinosaur and that they are also reptiles. 2.6) That the earth is really old, and theres probably still undiscovered fossils. Since all these fossils date back millions of years ago, and it also tells us that the earth is evolving in each era it enters Part3 Real Yellowwood The Real Yellowwood tree also known as Podocarpus latifolius it is an example of a living fossil. A living fossil is a plant or an animal, belonging to a group that most if its members are extinct. The Real Yellowwood tree is an evergreen tree and is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Essay On How To Tell If A Boy Like You How to tell if a guy likes you You have crush on a guy and you want to find out if he likes you or not?? Or you simply want to know if a guy likes you or not? This article will definitely help you out of this problem. Of course this is very awkward that you straightly go and ask someone if he likes you. This is going to be embarrassing for both especially you. You have to find it on your own. So keep reading the post and certainly you ll find your solution here. Find out if a guy likes you 1.From his body language A guy has only a few body languages which indicate he is into a girl. Try to read his body language to easily find out about his feelings. He will look at you a lot. He may subconsciously ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4.His actions Some of his actions will make it obvious if he is into you or not. When you re around He seems a little nervous. He smiles a lot. Treats you differently than all others. When you re talking to him He starts the conversation. He asks you a lot of questions. He doesn t let the conversation end easily. He agrees with you most times when an argument is going on. He gives you compliments. He asks about things of your interest. He asks for your number. He regularly gives you text messages and replies hurriedly when you text back. He tries to impress you. Some other things He notices your changes. Like, if you have changed your hairstyle or done a makeover he will definitely notice and give you compliments if he likes you. He cares about you. He is protective. He tries to find common interests between you. A guy who is into you will definitely do this. Even if he has never heard of a thing you re interested about, he will ask you about it, study it, and talk about it to show that he also finds it interesting. He hardly looks or talks to others when you are with him. He comes up to you. He shows up everywhere you go. If he teases you a lot when you are chatting with him, this also indicates that he likes you. He imitates you. Gives you priority. He will indirectly ask you if you are seeing someone or not. He remembers slightest
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  • 23. Fallacy Arguments In the literary exposition, finding the good argument or why bother with logic, Rebecca Jones, demonstrates how to invent and recognize good and bad arguments. Jones advances her demonstration by providing the different models of rhetoric. These arguments are demonstrated as well through ideas such as ethical behavior is necessary, fallacy of public argumentin mainstream media, as well as the three appeals using the power of emotion to persuade us. Fallacies in argumentation occur in many different situations. One such situation where this is apparent is fallacy of public argument in the mainstream media. These fallacies can be unintentional though described by this quote, While fallacious arguments, if purposeful, pose real ethical problems, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She speaks on many different topic but her major premise is augmentation and what makes a good or bad argument, as well as the nature of argumentation itself, She begins with discussing the idea that argument is war, where she goes on to say further The war metaphor offers many limiting assumptions: there are only two sides, someone must win decisively, and compromise means losing. Jones describes how Americans see argumentation as a battle or war that can be won or lost. Jones then goes on to talk about fallacies in the public and in media, she illustrates this with her usage of a cartoon and a video link leading to a debate between john Stewart and a talk show host. Jones later speaks upon classical rhetoric, rhetoricians such as Aristotle and Gorgias, and the nature of a good citizen. She subsequently begins to introduce and elaborate upon deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and syllogisms, afterwards moving on to the three appeals. She then goes on to describe Toulmin who views argument as it appears in a conversation, in a letter, or some other context because real arguments are much more complex than the syllogisms that make up the bulk of Aristotle s logical program, meaning that he sees arguments in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. A Brief Look at Pacific Islanders For this assignment, I chose to write about Pacific Islanders. I am most interested in this particular cultural group because, from the knowledge that I previously have, my cultural group seems to be much different from that of Pacific Islanders. Living on a tropical island must have many contrasts to a culture that consists of landlocked influence, such as mine. I dream of the day that I will be able to travel to Hawaii or Tahiti, but until then I will only be exploring the different dimensions of the Pacific Island cultural group in this current assignment. Furthermore, I will begin with a table summarizing the defining criteria of my chosen cultural group. http://erc.msh.org/mainpage.cfm?file=5.4.8c.htm module=provider language=English http:/ /www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2010/12/16/8762/fact sheet healthdisparities by race and ethnicity/ As indicated from the Health and Nutritional Concepts section of the table, this specific cultural group has some health issues which require educational intervention, to optimize longevity and quality of life. If I were a healthcare professional, I would initiate effective communication, education, and counseling for individuals from this culture on improving health and reducing disease incidence. When communicating with the patient I would make sure to respect their specific communication practices that pertain to their culture, such as: making good eye contact, greeting them with a smile and handshake, being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Elsewhere Quotes As H. Jackson Brown Jr. said, You can not change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails . This quote and your novel I feel truly fit together like a puzzle piece. Recently completing your book, Elsewhere, has made me notice the importance of making the most of life and that when it seems hard, it s just part of growing up. Especially with both characters Owen and Elizabeth, you see a true difference in their personality from beginning to end. Even though on the outside the characters are getting younger, internally they are maturing and learning to move on. I could really relate to these characters as they struggle through their life in Elsewhere, by completing their goals that I can relate to in my own life on Earth. Letting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both Elizabeth and Owen throughout the book, learn to try to make life in Elsewhere worth it. They move on and grow up from what happened on Earth and apply what they have learned in that life to their new one. At first, Elizabeth is finding it hard to move on and always goes to the observation decks. By the end, you can see how she learned to just make the most of it, and she got a life. ...good start to adopt a dog (Zevin, 169). This is when in the book Owen decides to move on from Emily back home, and start by getting a dog. This is a big step, as this is when he meets Elizabeth. In my personal life, I always try to make every action and day worth living. I end up making goals and try to complete them in a certain amount of time. The sweater cost $150 (Zevin, 25). A big thing that Elizabeth did on Earth was that she spent 150 dollars of her own money on her dad s birthday present and was determined to somehow give it to her dad. She then does not move on from this and tries to make contact to people on Earth. She then finds to be a bad decision, which is when this lesson comes through into the text. I can relate to this concept, as when I say or do something that I regret, I make sure that I do not say or do anything of the sort ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Examples Of Deception In Hamlet Deception for Desire Deception is a powerful tool, one that can be used for good or evil. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet, the characters are surrounded by false appearances which are deceitful and cause great tragedy. The theme of deception is a reoccurring topic that stems from the beginning and continues throughout the play. The characters use deception in the form of false appearances in order to create distraction, and achieve what they truly desire. Hamlet, the protagonist, uses many forms of deception in order to create a distraction. When Hamlet vows to his late father that he will get revenge, And thy commandment all alone shall live/ within the book and volume of my brain (Shakespeare 1.5.102 103), he begins to plot against Claudius. Hamlet,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The antagonist in the play, Claudius, is an example of someone who is obsessed with obtaining power and manipulating people by portraying someone he is not. Claudius appears to be a caring person about his brother s death at the beginning of the play: Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother s death/ The memory be green, and that it us befitted/ To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom/ To be contracted in one brow of woe (Shakespeare 1.2.1 4). The caring person that he presents himself as is only present because he desires the respect of the kingdom to keep his power. Claudius wants to ensure that Denmark views him as a great man, so that any suspicion on King Hamlet s death does not fall on him. When Claudius sends Hamlet to England, Hamlet, this deed, for thine especial safety / which we do tender, as we dearly grieve / for that which thou hast done must send thee hense (Shakespeare 4.3.40 43), he makes it seem as if he is doing it for Hamlet s own good, when really he is protecting himself and sending Hamlet to his death. By placing Hamlet out of Denmark, Claudius is able to protect his high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Muslim Minorities Security in OIC Member States Muslim Minorities Security in OIC Member States Division within the Muslim world did not begin until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. It arose in the form of political uncertainty about who would be the next leader of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet. One group of thinkers, who came to be known as Shiites (Shia meaning faction in Arabic), believed that authority in the Muslim world should stay within the family of the Prophet, and so pointed to Ali and his son Husayn, Muhammad s close relatives. Another group, known as Sunnis, believed that the person most worthy to lead should become the caliph, no matter his bloodline (Strayer 423). Over the centuries, this Sunni/Shiite divide only widened. Several Shiite rebellions mainly failures invested them with an ideology that their dead leaders were simply hiding, leading them to develop the belief in the Hidden, or Twelfth, Imam who would one day return and set right the Shiites problems with the Sunnis (Strayer 423). Other minor differences exist in the two groups ideology, with Shiites placing weight just on the teachings of Muhammad and his descendants, whereas the Sunnis recognize works from other influential early Muslim leaders. Several subdivisions exist within Shia Islam; their differences exist in how many imams throughout history they recognize as legitimate. One major offshoot of Sunni Islam Wahhabism originated in the teachings, military state building, and reformist tendencies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Greek Mythology Affecting Modern Day Literature Greek mythology is a body of myths put together by the ancient greeks. These myths have been told for many years and are still told today. Greek mythology affects lots of modern day literature, media, and even languages. Many movies we watch now and days come from greek mythology. For instance the blockbuster Troy which was based mainly off of the book The Iliad by Homer. In the movie the prince of Troy, whose name is Paris, convince the queen of Sparta to leave with him back to Troy and when the King of Sparta finds out that his queen had left with him he asks his brother, Agamemnon, to get his wife back from Troy; so he agrees and contracts achilles who is invincible to help him according to IMBD. For the most part everything is the same in the book by Homer. This shows that media... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Actually the Greeks had stories about these amazing heros or adventures that were written down but they were called epic poems. For example the book Percy Jackson and the Oolympians: the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is based off of multiple different myths and gods says Enotes. This book is very similar to the epic poems that were written by Greeks that talk about a hero who was no more anyone else but was actually very special and the hero had to go on a dangerous adventure against all odds. Also the story A Tree Telling of Orpheus by Denise Levertov which is originally a myth about the Ggod Oorpheus who could charm anything animate or inanimate according to Pearson Literature. Back then myths like this were told for entertainment besides the people who actually believed in them but till this day these myths are being told in books, articles, poems all for the purpose to entertain peoples minds with unrealistic stories. The epic poems and myths are still read today and passed on for the captivation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay on The Meaning of the Gettysburg Address Essay on the Meaning of the Gettysburg Address While the Gettysburg Address is fairly short in length at around 300 words, this famous speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1963 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is both enduring and meaningful for all Americans today, almost exactly 146 years later. The first paragraph of his speech sets the tone, in which Lincoln does not directly mention the bloody Battle of Gettysburg, in which 50,000 soldiers lost their lives. Instead, he refers in the opening phrase, Four score and seven years ago, to the founding of America through another important written document, the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I believe Lincoln wanted the country to focus on preserving this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe he is again focusing on preserving the country and uniting all Americans, North and South, behind the nation and reminding them of our common history. President Lincoln also refers to the dedication of the Battlefield of Gettysburg, emphasizing that this is, a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. Clearly, Lincoln wants to remind all citizens that these thousands of casualties were for a great purpose of preserving this country, not dividing it through a Civil War. In the third paragraph, President Lincoln stresses the important point that the words of his speech cannot actually bless or make holy the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Rather, he indicates the bravery of the men, both living and dead, has already made the ground of the battlefield sacred. Again, Lincoln is honoring the actions of all the soldiers, Union and Confederate, and trying to unite the nation instead of dividing it. In the last paragraph of the speech, President Lincoln is telling the American people that the proper way to honor the brave soldiers is to dedicate and devote your life to the country, one which there will be, a new birth of freedom. Lincoln points out this government will represent all the people, and will remain forever. President Lincoln, through this speech is trying heal the nation that is divided by the great Civil War, and offering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Simeon Fat This historical research brought Simeon to the analysis and studying of fat in the human body and the various forms it takes on. Simeons establish that the body has three types of fat. The first is structural fat which fills in gaps between organs, and as Simeons puts it, acts as a packing material. It helps protect our arteries, provides bedding for the kidneys and keeps the skin smooth and taut. Structural fatalso provides the springy cushion underneath the bones in our feet. The second is normal fat which is our normal reserves of fuel that can be drawn on by the body for energy. Fat packs a high amount of calories in a small amount of space and is used for muscular activity and the overall maintenance of the body including its temperature. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Three Day Road Summary Essay Kyle McCoolSummary #1 Section 02 Three Day Road Joeseph Doyden 2005 The Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden starts off in a town called Moose Factory in Canada shortly after WW1. Auntie is waiting for the arrival of her nephew, Xavier s, friend Elijah. However, she is shocked to find that it is her nephew who returns. She had received a letter that said her nephew had died in the field of battle and that Elijah was wounded, and only had one leg. When her nephew steps off the steps she thinks he is a ghost until he falls to the ground, because he to is shocked for he had heard that she was dead. Then they start their journey down the river to their home in the bush. On this journey they both reminisce of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her dad was the last of the Cree who could perform the ritual of killing and ridding of the windigo disease which the Cree believed strikes a man when he eats the flesh of another human. She tells one story of when she was a young girl and having to watch her father perform the ritual. Then she tells the story of when she had to perform it and Xavier watch as she choked a young man to death to rid him and his tribe of the windigo disease. One day Xavier came to her and said that he wanted a friend, although she did not like the idea she agreed that he could go to Moose Factory to find a friend. That is when he met Elijah. Xavier taught Elijah how to hunt and the ways of the bush during his summer breaks from the school at Moose Factory. This is when they learned how to shoot so well, because Elijah had stole a gun from one of the nuns. Then Xavier starts to remember how Elijah died.. Shockingly Xavier is the one who kills him in the field. They both had gone mad from the war. Xavier was then blown away by a bomb and as the other soldiers and medics are around him all he can do is scream out Elijah s name and he has his dog tags so they think that he is Elijah. Then Xavier and his Auntie make one last stop along the river before they reach their home. Xavier s pain getting worse, almost unbearable, as they lie there on the bank Auntie says; By tomorrow we ll be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Ocean Whaling Research Paper Ten pilot whales were found stranded on a beach in the French. Three of them were safety but six of them had already died and the last whale died as rescuers attempted to return it to the sea. Unluckily, the most of those whales died during their migration season and during while their sailing in the sea. But for this news, I am glad to see how several French rescue teams put a great effort into rescuing and returning them into the sea. On the other side of the world, we have been losing millions of whales. Whales are still being killed across the world s oceans, Whaling is the hunting of whales for meat, oil, blubber, and scientific research. Various coastal communities have long histories of subsistence whaling and harvesting beached whales. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My Mother Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness and Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness informed by theories of evolutionary psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine what it means to be happy and how our brains can fool us into believing we enjoy something when we actually don t. These readings come at a crucial pinnacle in the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While other classes seem to be on the downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this writing course. There is obviously a purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast paced deadlines between articles. If the goal has to been to break a writer down, then it has undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of the class sharpening my pen and fine tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts. My papers have become an alphabet soup I try to arrange to convey my thoughts and link the themes I see. But the more I write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve desperately wanted to learn how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the affliction I have with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about the process of good writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and its affects on my aspirational career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness shows that emotions are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Robotic Milking Is Becoming A Huge Part Of The Dairy Industry Robotic milking is becoming a huge part of the dairy industry today. Today, lactating cows are able to choose a time in which they want to be milked, and how often they want to be milked. The robotic milking machine will prep, milk, and post dip the cow without humans having to do the work manually (Figure One). Robots also give the farmers additional information about each individual cow. Farmers are able to choose which type of system flow they want for their animals, and what they think is best for their herd. The labor for robotic milking is less intense than the labor in tie stall/ stanchion barn, and can reduce the amount of employees the farmer has, which in return may help save the farmer money. Many farmers are switching to this new way of milking their cows, because of flexibility and increase in milk quality. Robotic milking is growing in the dairy industry and becoming more popular in the United States, and we are going to start seeing more farmers install them. When it comes to robotic milking, the farmer has different options on how they want their cows to flow through the milking machine. Cows who are milked through a robot can either have free access to the robot, or can be forced trafficked (also known as milk first system), to the robot (Munksgaard et al., 2011). When cows have free access to the robot facility, the cows are able to access the feed and robot all hours of each and every day. They are able to walk into the robot freely whenever the robot is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The American Dream of Home Ownership Essay America is seen as the land of opportunity in that there are endless possibilities for an individual. In this land of opportunity, Americans strive to obtain the ideal known as the American dream. The American Dream is seen as the accomplishment of an ambition achieved while challenged by adversity.1 Americans often associate this success with the ownership of a home. The home is not simply a place of basic protection; there is a much deeper connection to the individual. Ownership of a home grants freedom and security that establishes a sense permanency for the individual. In contrast, renting a living space possesses a semblance of instability and dependence.2 The desire to improve ones position in life inspires one to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many veterans returned to young families anticipating the opportunity to buy a home. The lack of home production during the Great Depression and war created a severe housing crisis. 5 Levitt and Sons is considered one of the most successful developers who confronted the housing crisis after World War II. Originally, Levitt and Sons was a private developer who specialized in higher income housing. Levitt and Sons quickly realized that there was in high demand for inexpensive homes.6 In response, they quickly began work on developments targeting the young GI s and their families. Levitt and Sons needed to find building solutions that would suit the taste of their buyers, would be cost efficient thus resulting in an inexpensive price, and could be produced rapidly and in high yield. To solve this challenge Levitt and Sons designed a single level, four room home based on the traditional American Cape Cod style.7 This simple design was modified to form four basic designs that were to be replicated. To produce the homes as quickly as possible Levitt and Sons based their construction strategy on the automobile assembly line of Henry Ford. Instead of moving the parts down an assembly line, Levitt and Sons move the labor along the product line.8 This method, along with the incorporation of off the shelf products, allowed for the rapid production of homes. The money and time saved on production and design allowed homes to sell at a lower price. These small homes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Analysis Of 5 Reasons To Vote For Trump By Nicholas Kristof hose to work on this article, 5 Reasons to Vote for Trump by Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times, because I found interesting the fact that it uses satire. It gives 5 reason why one should vote for Donald Trump, but they are reasons that are not ones that one would actually want in a president, however, it gives outrages explanations to justify them. I believe this whole article in general is biased. The title 5 Reasons to Vote for Trump makes one believe they will get 5 legit reason as to why Trump should be president, as you start reading one realizes that they are reasons, but not favorable ones. In this article the reporter is making subjective comments about a presidential candidate, thus favoring their opponent. Words that came ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Julius Caesar Takeover Essay Before the definite takeover of Britain, Julius Caesar had come over to attempt to make the land part of the famous Roman Empire in AD 55. It wasn t very long until Caesar fled back to Gaul (France) because the British Celts had been tough to beat. Only a year later he came back stronger and with an even bigger army. Caesar had made his mark, but not wanting a long war, he returned to Rome and never came back. Although he could not invade Britain, about a hundred years later in the year AD 43, Emperor Claudius had invaded Britain on instruction to do so by Aulus Plautius, who was to be the first consular governor in command of Great Britain. This second attempt to take over Britain would last about four hundred years, to around the 5th century AD. These invasions were about more than obtaining land for the Roman Empire, but there were also minerals and agricultural fields to gain more income. Since money and wealth were a big motivation for them, Roman militaries often were eager to defeat new lands in order to attain the wealth they desired and pay for their armies. During the early years of this conquest, it was the initial and main fight for the takeover of most of Britain. The fast growing Romanization of these lands was a result of poor defensive coordination among military heads of Great Britain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Romans had brought over their methods of agriculture, construction, technology, and mining. Also, they had implemented their successful economic and government system, bringing in new laws and ideas. Great Britain had started to become like Rome, adapting their ways of life by using Roman inventions, such as: aqueducts, indoor plumbing, straight and paved roads, bricks, and cement. For hundreds of years, these ideas flourished throughout most of Britain, but with the Romans coming and going, so did some of these inventions and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Education And Liberal Arts Education A study in general education (liberal arts) affects different aspects of my development both physically and mentally. A liberal arts education has shaped the form I conceive and return over individual circumstances. After attending class and reading all the benefits of a liberal arts education it has shaped the direction I held regarding a Liberal Artseducation. A liberal arts education has shifted the way I study and the process I go about completing my school work. Furthermore, from the manner I organize my day to the way I organize my goals, a liberal arts education really shaped the way I do my everyday schedule. The liberal arts class changed me into a greater adapted, more efficient and effective member of society. A liberal arts education taught me the value and efficiency of critical and independent thinker. Within the real world, an individual who can show aforementioned qualities is higher valued than the person who cannot. With a liberal arts education, you are more fit to acquire and exhibit these skills. A liberal arts education are intended to broaden the general knowledge and experiences of the students, and the class accomplished just that. The class affected my mentality about school and the way I see the real world. The meaning and purpose of a liberal arts education are to achieve education further than merely college core, but also to prepare you for future occupations. A liberal arts education introduces profession opportunities and builds a foundation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Funeral Of The Roman Empire Funerals in Ancient Rome were as they are in most modern cultures, important. Those of nobles and aristocrats were particularly lavish and attended by many. Generally, Roman funerals consisted of the procession, cremation or burial and eulogy. Julius Caesar, dictator during the first century of the Rome, whose actions lead to the fall of the Roman Republic and in turn, the rise of the Roman Empire. Plutarch, a Greek historian, wrote about Caesar and noted that one of his first inclination that the people of Rome saw him as a fit leader, was during a funeral. as nephew of Julia the deceased wife of Marius, he pronounced a splendid encomium upon her in the forum, and in her funeral procession ventured to display images of Marius, which were then seen for the first time since the administration of Sulla, because Marius and his friends had been pronounced public enemies. When, namely, some cried out against Caesar for this procedure, the people answered them with loud shouts, received Caesar with applause, and admired him for bringing back after so long a time, as it were from Hades, the honours of Marius into the city. Caesar performed a eulogy for his deceased aunt during a time when women didn t receive eulogies, only men. Funerals in ancient Rome were ostentatious and over the top, they are also where Caesar gained followers. Proper burial was essential to Romans to ensure malicious spirits did not rise from the underworld. The first part of the average funeral was the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Connotation Of Night In Night By Elie Wiesel Nightlights, locked doors, and bedtime stories all evolved for protection against the unknown horrors of the night. Humans have incessantly feared the darkness that follows the end of a day. This dark, negative connotation of the word night is explored in Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night. In this memoir, Wiesel, the protagonist and author, recounts his personal hardships as a Jewish victim in the Holocaust. As a teenager, he was taken from his home and, through numerous concentration camps, had a firsthand experience of genocide. Throughout the text, Wiesel uses many literary devices in an attempt to convey his experiences. Perhaps most significant is his use of the concept of night. In the memoir, Night, the title is used as a metaphor for the encompassing darkness that surrounds suffering, the loss of faith, and the loss of humanity. The metaphor of night is established through the darkness of suffering and torture of Wiesel and others around him. Throughout the memoir, Wiesel is inhumanely starved, beaten, and tortured, while also witnessing the suffering and death of innocent victims. The concept of night, both literally and figuratively, is consistently attached to these moments of torment and anguish. The first use of the word night in the memoir follows the start of Elie s encounter with the Holocaust. Following the impending deportation from his home, Elie states that night had fallen (18). The use of night here is more than just literal; the preceding torment of the Jews by the Germans and their forced evacuation illustrates that by stating night has fallen, Wiesel is indicating that his suffering has begun. This is further exemplified by the metaphorical use of night while he is forced to run from Buna to Gleiwitz. During this journey, which is perhaps the worst of his suffering, Elie has to endure harsh conditions, starvation, exhaustion, and the death of others. The extent of his agony is reflected in Elie s use of darkness and night. Wiesel writes that the night was pitch black and that shots exploded out of the darkness (85). The use of the words night and darkness conveys his suffering and misery. Furthermore, by stating that the night was pitch black, Wiesel indicates that this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Fecal Microbiota Transplant Research Paper Fecal Microbiota Transplants for the Treatment Of Clostridium Difficile Emily Ramirez Aurora University Abstract Fecal transplants have been around for many years; however up until recently it had not been widely used or accepted as a feasible course of treatment for gastrointestinal complications. Since approval by the U.S Food and Drug administration in 2013, the method is being thoroughly researched and tested to entice its use for Clostridium difficile infections. Clostridium difficile is extremely prevalent in the community and more over in healthcare facilities. The current treatments that are being used are quiet successful at treating Clostridium difficile, but the incidence of reoccurrence is fairly high. Fecal microbiota transplants have shown to have a very high success rate, and a very low reoccurrence rate. There are several ways of performing the treatment as well as different options for finding donors of the feces, all of which have similar and unwavering success rates. Fecal microbiota ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Methods include nasogastric tube, nasoduodenal tube, colonoscopy, oral fecal capsules, and self administered enemas (Boyle et al., 2015). There are many advantages to using the colonoscopy approach, they include the fact that you can instill the stool along the length of the entire colon as well as visualize the colon for any abnormalities (Boyle et al., 2015). Despite the great advantage of using the colonoscopy method, it is associated with risk for complications such at perforation, infection, bleeding, pain, and furthermore the additional cost of anesthesia (Boyle et al., 2015). No matter the method they all have generally high success rates. According to the Oprita et al. study, 100% of their patients had a resolution of symptoms after treatment (2016). Similar results were shown in the Youngster et al. study where they had an overall cure rate of 90% ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Speech On Ultra Processed Foods Title: For The Sake Of Your Health Cut Out These 10 Ultra Processed Foods Header: The following ten ultra processed foods can be a serious health risk and should definitely be eliminated from any healthy diet. Despite the fact that ultra processed foods can lead to serious health issues, such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, they are still consumed on a daily basis. In fact, a recent study discovered that more than half of the calories Americans consume come from ultra processed foods (http:/ /bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/3/e009892). Not only do processed foods contain excessive amounts of sugar, but also chemicals, large amounts of salt and unhealthy fats amongst other things. While most foods are processed these days the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, it is actually the other way around because butter contains more saturated fat while many brands of margarine are high in trans fats. In addition margarine does not contain any natural ingredients and instead has numerous chemicals like caustic soda and acetone that can be hazardous. 8.Flavored Yogurts Healthy yogurt brands do exist, but the flavored variety are typically best avoided. Not only do many companies use artificial colors to make these yogurts looking fruitier, but they are also loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. Since these yogurts also tend to be very low in protein there is nothing to balance out the high concentrations of sugar and make you feel full. Rather choose plain or Greek yogurts for more protein and less harmful ingredients. 9.Instant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Different Types Of Psychology Today Essay There are seven different types of psychology today. The first is psychodynamic which branches off of Freud s approach to the mind. It reviews internal thoughts, the unconscious mind, and internal conflicts as what drives and affects a person s behavior. Behavioral psychology is exactly what it sounds like. It s the study of human behavior which is influenced by external factors therefore excluding any thing that is related to internal thoughts. This perspective says humans behave not because of what they think or how they feel, but how the world works around them. The opposite of this perspective is humanistic which excludes all stimuli outside the brain and instead focuses on people s ability to make choices and one s motivation and qualities as what affects someone s behavior. The Cognitive perspective focuses directly on the brain and how it functions and computes the information it receives. It wants to know if memory, perception, and problem solving can influence someone s behavior. Genetics and inheritance are considered in the Biological perspective. Intelligence, patience, and anger are all studied to be present in certain genes. The evolutionary style looks at animals through the lense of adaptation and how natural selection and time have shaped them to be how they behave today. Finally there is sociocultural which considers how someone s culture can affect how they behave. Many countries have a different idea on how a person should act which in turn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Possibilities And Challenges Of Interreligious And Secular... Possibilities and challenges of interreligious and secular dialogue in today s world. According to Zago, globalization was imminent and interreligious contact unavoidable, leading to religious pluralism. The tendency was increasing and creating challenge to mission, which would create not only meetings but also clashes among various religions. He anticipates the need of attitudes and initiatives for interreligious dialogue, but this Dialogue, however, must not eliminate proclamation that remains at the heart of mission and is the criterion by which to judge the validity of mission and to promote discernment in elaborating a theology of mission and dialogue. Religious pluralism presents challenges and opportunities for Christians to understand their own being, their mission, and relationship with other religions. Some tensions that may exist in duality are: fundamentalism /relativism, proclamation/dialogue, identity/openness, inculturation/syncretism, local autonomy /human rights, and freedom/reciprocity. Fundamentalism/relativism. These tensions could be beneficial or a problem especially when fundamentalism becomes radical. For instance, the situation that is happening in Syria, where there are people who practice three religions: Islam from different sects as Sunni, Shi a and Kharijites, Druzism, and Christians of different denominations. The war in because Sunnis resentment against Alawis, and some people says this war has political reasons; while others sustain it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alcoholic Beverages Drinking alcoholic beverage is already a part of our routine. We may not drink every day but if there is an occasion like birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, reunions or if you are heart broken, alcoholic drinks are always present. Not all people are drinking beverage because they are happy, sometimes, others are drinking because they are sad of losing a family or they are feeling pain because of a recent break up. Alcoholic beverages are widely used all over the world, and it plays a significant role in the social scene of many cultures. To be more knowledgeable of what we drink, let us check first what is alcoholic beverage and its content. Alcoholic beverage is a drink that has a considerable amount of psychoactive drug ethanol, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fortified wine is different from spirits because spirits is a wine that is made by distilling, while fortified wine is purely a wine that has a spirit added to it. There are already many fortified wines that has been developed such as commandaria, sherry, port, marsala, madeira and vermouth, which is the aromatized wine. Health Effects of drinking Alcoholic Beverage Drinking of an lcoholic beverage is classified by IARC as the cause of breast cancer in female, laryx, liver, colorectum, oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx and pancreas. Also, carbonated beverage with alcohol can be absorbed faster than non carbonated alcohol. Drinking too much alcoholic beverage in a single day or everyday can put your health at risk which can affect your body: Brain Alcohol interferes with brain s connection pathway which can affect the brain s works and looks. These interruptions can cause in the person s change of mood and behavior. The presence of alcohol may trigger the person from doing things that he/she doesn t normally do, and may also alter a person s sense of equilibrium. Heart Drinking too much alcohol over a single specific time cause damage to the heart which includes: 1.High blood pressure 2. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Culture Of Control, Crime And Social Order Essay The Culture of Control, Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society, David Garland (2001) is certainly one worth the read. Garland, one of the leading criminologists, begins the book with a fantastic insight on history of the present of penological developments in the US, compares it with Britain in late 1970 s. He picks out indicative theories by Foucault and several examples to support his arguments. He portrays an intricate argument about the rise of crimecontrol and punitiveness. Garland continues throughout to link new developments in both countries to identify each countries crime control stratergy and the effect of their strategies. He ends it with further theories and opinions on crime control and social order. Garlands purpose of writing the book is to give a deep analysis and an absorbing read of crime control in USA and UK to his readers. The purpose of the following review is to give the readers a brief understanding of some issues by Garland on crime and social order in contemporary society. From the 19th century to the 20th, crime control state agencies have become instilled with penal welfarism and rehabilitation. However since then they ve been dominated by risk management, incapacitation and retribution. In clarifying this change Garland; the formal organisations of crime control have a tendency to be responsive. Garland states too often our attention focuses on the state s institutions and neglects the informal social practices upon which state ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. New York Giants Case Study Josh Brown is a NFL kicker for the New York Giants who was recently suspended. The reasoning behind his suspension were allegations on the grounds of domestic violence. Though the charges were dropped due to lack of cooperation from Brown s wife and the local law enforcement, Brown still had to sit out on the opening season game. Many fans of the Giants were outraged by that ruling. That outrage would subside though since Brown will return for the rest of the season. Although maybe not as a Giant for long, for another experienced kicker named Randy Bullock will fill in for Brown. This could lead to a competitive next few games between the two kickers. Either one could be the future kicker for the New York Giants. Only time and the coaches twitter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. managerial issues Managerial Issues Ryan Shelton CMGT/445 August 27, 2014 Gloria De Leon Managing Information Systems Information systems provide the infrastructure and enable communication for every kind of business in today s global economy. The responsible managers in charge of these vital systems face several key issues in their efforts to effectively manage corporate information systems. Information systems, particularly hardware and software components, become obsolete very quickly. Another important issue is data storage and availability. The need for expanding data storage and processing capacity brings management concerns about space, facility requirements, and energy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Training employees to perform adaptive maintenance requires constant technical training. It also requires managers to build employee confidence in nontechnical disciplines such as team building, online collaboration, and ways to build meaningful relationships with end users. Communicating effectively with users will provide managers and technical staff with valuable data about the systems they are administering and the kinds of features that their customers want to see added to new software builds. Another aspect of training employees for adaptive maintenance is educating them on the expense of making deep changes to an information system. The responsibility for keeping maintenance costs reasonable should stay with the manager; however, educating employees on the financial side of their information system will aid them in determining if a change is worth making or if they should wait for a major change or upgrade opportunity. Adaptive maintenance is an effective tool for information systems managers, but the costs of making changes should always be weighed against the benefits to the organization. New Frontiers: Managing Information Systems in a Global Economy Perhaps the greatest challenge to managing information systems today is globalization. The lack of international borders to business has created many new opportunities but also many new challenges for managers. Untapped technology markets exist in many developing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Lupus Erythematosus Case Study Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue of the body. The course of disease is variable and unpredictable, with episodes of remission and relapse. Only a small percentage of patients (10%) have long lasting remissions. Lupus takes two forms. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem inflammatory disease that affects any body system but primarily the musculoskeletal, cutaneous, renal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Discoid lupus erythematosus(DLE) is a less serious form of the disease that primarily affects the skin. DLE is characterized by skin lesions of the face, scalp, and ears. Long standing lesions can cause scarring, hypopigmentation, and redness. Only 5% to 10% of patients with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teach the female patient the importance of planning pregnancies with medical supervision because pregnancy is likely to cause an exacerbation of the disease. Discuss all precipitating factors that need to be avoided, including fatigue, vaccination, infections, stress, surgery, certain drugs, and exposure to ultraviolet light. Teach the patient how to minimize ultraviolet exposure. Teach the patient to avoid strenuous exercise, instead striving for a balance. Stress the importance of adequate nutrition. Small, frequent meals may be better tolerated. Any cosmetics should be approved by the physician and should be hypoallergenic. Encourage the patient to contact the Arthritis Foundation, the Lupus Foundation, and other appropriate support groups that are available in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Essay on An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry An Annotation of Wallace Stevens Of Modern Poetry In Of Modern Poetry, Stevens describes the purpose of modern poetry given what the audience knows and values. Modern poetry must be different from traditional poetry, because people of his time perceive themselves and their world differently than the people of earlier times. Stevens suggests that war, like other changes, have affected what people believe. Poetry must reflect to its audience what they want to hear. It must show them that the order, meaning and value they need is real, in so much as their minds both need it and can create it. OF MODERN POETRY The poem of the mind in the act of finding What will suffice. It has not always had To find: the scene was set; it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Stevens first points out how modern poetry differs from traditional poetry. The implication is that people are now questioning some fundamental aspects of intellectual constructs that used to be considered necessary and true. In particular Stevens questions tradition of reading the book of nature, of starting with religious presumptions and assuming nature communicates these ideas to humans. Other traditions had changed as well thoughts about the social roles of men and women and social propriety; thoughts about religious values and scientific discovery; nature and purpose of communication resulting from new inventions. These changes sometimes reflected, sometimes caused the development of new values. The rest of the poem records the change that occurs after traditional assumptions are uprooted. The past was a souvenir because once people realized that certain traditions could be changed, they had no reason to believe those traditions had to be the standard. Like a souvenir, the scene and the script became only a reminder of where people had been, it has no practical use for the present. Once people conceived of a new stage, a new script, a new way of thinking, it had to be experimented with. They valued experimentation, because they did not have a required standard. They valued finding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Michael Jordan Vs James Has anyone ever asked you, who is better Michael Jordan or LeBron James? and you do not know what to say because, in your eyes, they are of equal talent. The statistical evidence and statements from players around the league will show who truly the better player is. The common argument made between the two is that Michael Jordanhas six championship rings and LeBron James only has two. Jordan never lost in a finals and James has lost four. Jordan never had to play in a game seven. Those are all valid reason on why Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James but let s take a deeper look into each player s career to show the things people don t look at to prove Jordan was the better player. First, is the offensive side of the game. According ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jordan never was shy in making it known he wanted the ball when the game is on the line. Even though LeBron has hit his fair share of game winners or go ahead baskets he has passed up multiple shots at the end of the game to give a teammate that shot. Maybe he does not have the same killer instinct or maybe he just does not have the confidence. Either way he shies away from the ball when the game is on the line. Jordan played a more strategical game while James was usually the bigger person in his matchups and just put his head down and went to the basket. Jordan also has played an infamous game while being sick known as the flu game . This game was a in the middle of the 1997 NBA Finals while the series was tied up at two games. (Zach Harper) He went out and scored thirty five points helping his team to take a game lead on the Jazz. (Zach Harper) James on the other hand came out of the first game of the 2014 NBA finals with a thigh cramp. He left the game early in the fourth quarter but then returned to hit a quick basket to put the Heat with in two points and five minutes left to play. (Royce Young) After the basket he immediately called to the bench for help to be carried off the court. The team then crumbled and lost the game fifteen points. (Royce Young) This game set the tone for the series and LeBron s team, Miami Heat, then went to lose the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. New York City Transportation Transportation New York City s water transport started to grow rapidly in the 19th century. Steamboats gave quick, solid associations from New York Harbor to other Hudson River and waterfront ports, and later neighborhood steam ships permitted suburbanites to live a long way from their working environments. The finish in 1825 of the upstate Erie Canal, spreading over the Hudson River and Lake Erie, made New York the most connected between Europe and America. The Gowanus Canal and different works were worked to handle the growing traffic, all existing shorelines were now fixed with docks. The Morris Canal and Delaware and Raritan Canal were parts of the broad arrangement of new foundation serving the city with coal and different items. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The canals were initially built the Industrial Revolution for the vehicle of coal, raw materials and food. Despite the fact that they now convey couple of merchandise, they are prominent with private narrowboat clients and relaxation cruisers, and a general water transport benefit works along the Regent s Canal amid the late spring months. The river thames were the extent of the London Bridge, and to considerable art well upstream of Greater London. Truly, the stream was one of London s principle transport corridors. In spite of the fact that this is no more drawn out the case, traveler administrations have seen something of a recovery since the creation in 1999 of London River Services, an arm of Transport for London. LRS now directs and advances a little scale system of waterway transport worker administrations and countless travels working on the stream. Water crafts are possessed and worked by various privately owned businesses, and LRS oversees five of focal London s 22 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Keynesian School Of Economic Thought 1) List three key concepts from the Keynesian School of economic thought: (25 points) At least one concept must describe the management of aggregate demand. a. The primary concept of the Keynesian School of economic thought revolved around the management of aggregate demand. The author of this idea, John Maynard Keynes, believed the economy was fundamentally unable to sustain itself at full employment. One of his proposed solutions to this was for the government to intervene to increase aggregate demand. He argued that by investing government funds, the amplitude of the business cycle could be reduced and would stabilize continued economic growth. Another method of managing aggregate demand involved taxation. By lowering the taxes on certain goods and raising others, the government could influence public demand for certain products to fluctuate based on its benefit to the economy as a whole. b. Another concept of Keynesian thought is that of excessive savings. Mr. Keynes believed that if savings occurred in excess of the planned investment it would increase the possibility of a recession or depression. He believed that excessive savings were caused by discouraging business prospects, over investment in previous years, and a decrease in consumer demand. The law of supply and demand states simply that as savings increased interest rates would drop, until there was no longer reason to save; this plunging interest rate would bring the economy in balance once again. Mr. Keynes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...