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Ecosystem Investing:
Building Natural Capital

                                 Young Farmers Conference 2009

       Ethan C. Roland,                                Gratitude to:
 www.AppleSeedPermaculture.com             Gregory Landua, www.BooyaCacao.com
                                           Catherine Austin Fitts, www.Solari.com
                                          Ben Falk, www.WholeSystemsDesign.com
      Global Challenges,
      Personal Solutions

Farms as           Ecosystem
Securities          Investing
Global Challenges
Peak Petroleum
Peak Petroleum
 "Energy experts no longer debate about whether Hubbert's
 peak will occur, but when"
                                      - Fox News, April 28 2006

Global Peaks                                        US Prices

                          Source: Wikipedia
The Hirsch Report
•   World oil peaking is going to happen, and will likely be
    “abrupt and revolutionary”.

•   Oil peaking will adversely affect global economies,
    particularly those most dependent on oil.

•   Effective mitigation will be dependent on the
    implementation of mega-projects and mega-changes at
    the maximum possible rate.

•   Government intervention will be required, but
    economic upheaval is not inevitable.

•   Scenarios: 0, 10, 20 years before peak.
Climate Chaos

50 million climate change refugees by 2010 - UN
The Guardian (UK)


James Randerson reports the 4ºC rise warning from UK’s chief
               scientific adviser Bob Watson
Food Insecurity

“...an impending crisis of soaring food prices...” - UN/FAO ISFP
Blood Boils
        Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009

•   Climate has been a major driver of armed
    conflict in Africa

•   Future warming is likely to increase the number
    of deaths from war

•   Strife arises when the food supply is scarce in
    warm conditions

•   400,000 extra deaths in African conflicts by 2030

•   Human costs are likely to be staggering
Hardiness Zones

                   Hardiness Zone

 • Welcome to “6X”

 • Welcome to “6X”
      [From Chris Martenson,

“Here's my very direct
and simple thought: The
US dollar is toast...
"What exactly is the long-term
direction of a currency that is
backed by defective loans,
unsaleable assets, and positions in
failed companies?"

“...the stage is now set for
a major dollar collapse.”
Purchasing Power

         www.zerohedge.com &
Wall Street Journal - http://su.pr/2CDeqk
Geography of a Recession
Investing in the US Dollar
Investing in the US Dollar

Investing in the US Dollar

  Economic Warfare
Investing in the US Dollar

  Economic Warfare
      Tapeworm Economics
Investing in the US Dollar

  Economic Warfare
      Tapeworm Economics

        Infinite Growth

“The Problem
is the Solution”
        - Bill Mollison
The Permaculture Pie
                                           carbon      economic
                           natural         farming
                           capital                   relocalization   community
      landscape                                                       currencies   renewable
    re-patterning                                                                    energy

natural                                                                                   ecological
building                                                                                  agriculture

   green                                                                                 forestry
                                                                          biological “waste”
                  rainwater &
                                                                           management &
               greywater re-use
                                     ubiquitous      vibrant local         bioremediation
                                  food production       culture
the harmonious integration of landscape and people, providing their
food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs, in a
                            sustainable way
meeting human needs while
increasing ecosystem health
Integrative Design
Ecosystem Investing
Permaculture Design =
Permaculture Design =
 Regenerative Design
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care

      3. Resource Share
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care

      3. Resource Share
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care

      3. Resource Share
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care

      3. Resource Share
Permaculture Design =
           Regenerative Design

Ethics of Permaculture

      1. Earth Care

      2. People Care

      3. Resource Share
Permaculture Design =
                          Regenerative Design

    Ethics of Permaculture

                  1. Earth Care
                  2. People Care
                  3. Resource Share

Developed in 1980’s, over 1,000,000 people certified, active in 140+ Countries, more than 4,000 projects on the ground
Ecosystem Investing
Global Challenges

Investing in the US Dollar
  Economic Warfare
      Tapeworm Economics

        Infinite Growth
Personal Solutions
Personal Solutions
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking

•   Family, Friends, and Debt
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking

•   Family, Friends, and Debt

    •   Your Money or Your Life
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking

•   Family, Friends, and Debt

    •   Your Money or Your Life

    •   Partnership in Hand
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking

•   Family, Friends, and Debt

    •   Your Money or Your Life

    •   Partnership in Hand

•   Kiva.org
Personal Solutions

•   Local Banking

•   Family, Friends, and Debt

    •   Your Money or Your Life

    •   Partnership in Hand

•   Kiva.org

•   Solari Circles
      Global Challenges,
      Personal Solutions

Farms as           Ecosystem
Securities          Investing
Financial Permaculture
Financial Permaculture

     •   Ecology & Economy
Financial Permaculture

     •   Ecology & Economy
     •   Ecosystem Mimicry
Financial Permaculture

       •   Ecology & Economy
       •   Ecosystem Mimicry

Think like a forest
Financial Permaculture

       •   Ecology & Economy
       •   Ecosystem Mimicry

Think like a forest: Invest
Six Kinds of Capital
Total Economic Return
Total Economic Return
    Return to Investor
Total Economic Return
    Return to Investor
Total Economic Return
   Return to Investor
  Return to Community
Total Economic Return
   Return to Investor
  Return to Community
Total Economic Return
   Return to Investor
  Return to Community
  Return to Ecosystem
Highway 2.0
              Juicy Investment Opportunity 01

•   www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP80j_mz4Jo

Living Equity

• Hot investment tip:
Living Equity

• Hot investment tip:   stock
Living Equity

• Hot investment tip: Livestock
Living Equity

• Tangible vs. Immaterial assets
• Livestock vs. Deadstock
Living Equity

• Measure your wealth in ounces
Living Equity

• Measure your wealth in ounces,
  acres, and hooves
              Juicy Investment Opportunity 02

•   Invest in tangible & regenerative assets
Ecosystem Investing
Ecosystem Investing
Ecosystem Investing
Ecosystem Investing

• Invest IN ecosystems
Ecosystem Investing

• Invest LIKE ecosystems
Invest LIKE Ecosystems
               Principles of Ecosystem Investing


  •   Living Equity
Invest LIKE Ecosystems
               Principles of Ecosystem Investing


  •   Living Equity
  •   Diversely - for risk management
Invest LIKE Ecosystems
                Principles of Ecosystem Investing


  •   Living Equity
  •   Diversely - for risk management
  •   Intimately - with integrity
Invest LIKE Ecosystems
                Principles of Ecosystem Investing


  •   Living Equity
  •   Diversely - for risk management
  •   Intimately - with integrity
  •   Multi-locally
 Juicy Investment Opportunity 03
Ecosystem Investing
Ecosystem Investing
Multiple Yield Horizons
 Cacao & Perrennial Polyculture
 Carbon Offsets
 Conservation Grants
                      Juicy Investment Opportunity 03

•   “European Climate Exchange Foresees
    Carbon Trade Doubling”
Ecosystem Investing
Ecosystem services

•   Funding for conservation projects
    •   “protect the hotspots and the rest will follow”
Ecosystem Investing
Theobroma cacao

•   Currency of the Americas
    •   Money does grow on trees
    •   “have your chocolate and eat it too”
Ecosystem Investing
Multiple cropping
                              Cacao           Coffee
                              Vanilla         Sugar Cane

•   Resilience in diversity   26%               26%

Ecosystem Investing
Sail Transport
Sail Transport
            New York

Ecosystem Investing
      Global Challenges,
      Personal Solutions

Farms as           Ecosystem
Securities          Investing
Farms as Securities
•   What makes your farm investable?

•   Goals
•   Niche Analysis (6 Kinds of Capital)
•   Total Economic Return
•   Investors
Next Steps
Living Equity Forum
•   Solari - Catherine Austin Fitts
•   Slow Money - Woody Tasch
•   Complementary Currencies - Margrit
    Kennedy + Jean-Francois Noubel
•   Land Trusts - E.F. Schumacher Society
•   NewSeed Advisors - Janine Yorio

•   August 25 -
    September 16th.

•   The Farm,
    Summertown, TN
Ecosystem Investing
•   August 25 -
    September 16th.

•   The Farm,
    Summertown, TN

•   Next one in
    Hudson Valley?
Gaia Northeast
What will YOU do?
•   Local Banks, Kiva, Solari Circles
•   Support Local Ecosocial entreprenuers!
    •   Booyacacao - Carbon negative chocolate
    •   PermEstate - AppleSeed Permaculture
Ecosystem Investing:
Building Natural Capital

                                 Young Farmers Conference 2009

       Ethan C. Roland,                                Gratitude to:
 www.AppleSeedPermaculture.com             Gregory Landua, www.BooyaCacao.com
                                           Catherine Austin Fitts, www.Solari.com
                                          Ben Falk, www.WholeSystemsDesign.com

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Ecosystem Investing