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Edit Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Edit Essay" presents a unique set of challenges that may not
be immediately apparent. The difficulty lies in the inherent paradox of the topic – the task
involves not only producing a well-written essay but also focusing on the intricate process of
editing itself. It demands a keen eye for detail, a mastery of language, and a deep understanding
of the nuances of effective communication.
The complexity starts with the initial draft, where the writer must articulate their thoughts with
precision and clarity. Once the core ideas are laid out, the essayist is then tasked with the delicate
art of self-evaluation. The challenge intensifies as they must objectively assess their own work,
identifying grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and areas where clarity could be improved. This
self-critical process can be mentally taxing, requiring a balance between attachment to one's ideas
and detachment for the sake of improvement.
Furthermore, the editing phase extends beyond mere grammatical corrections. It involves a
critical examination of the essay's structure, coherence of arguments, and overall flow. The writer
must be adept at restructuring sentences, paragraphs, and even entire sections to enhance the
essay's logical progression. The difficulty lies in walking the fine line between preserving the
original voice and making necessary improvements.
Additionally, editing requires a thorough understanding of the intended audience. Adapting the
tone and style to suit the readership adds another layer of complexity. Striking the right balance
between formality and engagement becomes a delicate dance, and the essayist must navigate
this terrain with finesse.
Despite the challenges, the process of self-editing is an indispensable skill that sharpens not only
one's writing abilities but also critical thinking and self-reflection. It is a journey of continuous
improvement, with each iteration bringing the essay closer to its optimal form.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of "Edit Essay" demands a multidimensional
approach, combining the creativity of initial writing with the analytical rigor of self-editing. The
inherent difficulty arises from the need to be both creator and critic, a task that requires a
nuanced understanding of language, structure, and audience. Successfully navigating these
challenges results in a polished and refined piece of writing that effectively communicates the
intended message.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of essay writing and editing, there
are resources available. Similar essays and more comprehensive assistance can be sought from
platforms like HelpWriting.net, where expert guidance can aid in navigating the complexities
of crafting and refining written work.
Edit Essay Edit Essay
Natural Language Processing ( Nlp )
Natural Language Processing (NLP) deals with actual text element processing. The
text element is transformed into machine format by NLP. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
uses information provided by the NLP and applies a lot of maths to determine
whether something is positive or negative. Several methods exist to determine an
author s view on a topic from natural language textual information. Some form of
machine learning approach is employed and which has varying degree of
effectiveness. One of the types of natural language processing is opinion mining
which deals with tracking the mood of the people regarding a particular product or
topic. This software provides automatic extraction of opinions, emotions and
sentiments in text and also tracks attitudes and feelings on the web. People express
their views by writing blog posts, comments, reviews and tweets about all sorts of
different topics. Tracking products and brands and then determining whether they are
viewed positively or negatively can be done using web. The opinion mining has
slightly different tasks and many names, e.g. sentiment analysis, opinion extraction,
sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis, affect analysis, emotion analysis, review
mining, etc.
However, they all come under the umbrella of sentiment analysis or opinion mining.
Sentiment classification, feature based sentiment classification and opinion
summarization are few main fields of research predominate in sentiment analysis.
Gcse2 Research Paper
The concept of prince2 is to control environments of project. It is a venture approach
system that offers a methodology with a basic structure to run ventures adequately. It
covers the association and administration of tasks.
There are two key standards to PRINCE2:
An undertaking ought to be driven by its business case. This implies a task ought to
not be begun unless there is a sound business case. PRINCE2 is item based. It
concentrates on the items to be created by the venture, not the exercises to create
The eight PRINCE2 forms venture chiefs to work through the term of a extend and
clarify what data ought to be assembled. Every procedure breaks down into
somewhere around three and nine sub forms. Sovereign is versatile ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It ought to be remembered that PRINCE2 is an extremely complex technique and can
t be completed without exceptional preparing. Inability to see definitely how it
functions could prompt a considerable measure of issues and challenges whilst
completing the task.
PRINCE2 rules can be specifically connected to specific ventures that don t keep
going long. This makes the strategy significantly more adaptable and along these
lines all the more speaking to element associations and undertakings.
Bentley, C. (2002). PRINCE2: a practical handbook. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth
Heinemann. OGC Managing successful projects with PRINCE2. (2005). 4th ed.
London: The Stationery
Obstacles In The Antonia
Things will be easy for you. But they will be hard for us (p. 111). These words,
spoken by ГЃntonia, the protagonist of the novel My ГЃntonia , give light to the
situation immigrants found themselves in after moving to the North America s
Western frontier. This novel reveals how immigrants in the late 1800s and early
1900s had to overcome numerous obstacles on the path towards The American Dream
which those native to the area did not have to face. In the late 1800s, America became
more attractive to immigrants as they considered its growing economic opportunity.
Many families and individuals packed up their belongings and undertook the life
changing journey to the western frontierof America to pursue the American Dream.
This was the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Immigrating to the frontier with nothing but the belongings they could carry, these
families would have to start from scratch. The novel portrays how immigrants of this
time started out behind as they were forced to take loans from whomever they
could to start their lives at their new homes. Mr. Shimerda makes a point to explain
to their new neighbors that in his former home, Bohemia, they were not poor, but
they became poor moving to America (p. 61). Immigrants struggled to have
enough money to begin their farms and often had to take out loans. A Russian
immigrant in the novel had to take out several loans to get by. These loans only
grew from interest as he was unable to pay the dues (p. 44). This resulted in him
only growing more and more in debt and being buried in mortgages. As most
immigrants were in debt, they had to continue to labor vigorously on their farms
and were not able to gain the skills or education many non immigrants were able to
get. This meant they would not be able to one day obtain a higher paying knowledge
job in the city. For example, ГЃntonia desired to attend school, but when asked about
it by her neighbor, she insisted she was too busy with farm work to attend (p. 97).
While ГЃntonia was unable to attend school, her neighbor, Jim, was able to. As
adults, Jim was a lawyer in the city while ГЃntonia remained a mother in the frontier.
This is just one example that unveils the different levels of upward mobility and how
they affected the immigrants in contrast to the
Lab Report Enzyme Activity
Enzymes are an important type of protein in which proposes to speed up chemical
reactions of substrate molecules. They are specific, each enzyme can only bind one
substrate and control one reaction, an example of the following is maltase which
works on only one maltose, they can be used multiple times. Each enzymehas an
optimum temperature, below the temperature the enzyme will work slowly or
become inactive, on the other hand, above the temperature the enzyme is denatured.
In addition, each enzyme has an optimum PH, above or below this PH, the enzyme
will work slowly or become inactive. If the body does not contain enzymes, reactions
would be slow and the body will stop functioning. The enzyme activity is altered by
changes in substrate concentration,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There was an increase in reaction rate as the substrate concentrations increased, for
instance, at 2% substrate concentration the volume of oxygen obtained was 100ml in
the duration of 2 minutes, whereas 6% was at an average of 200ml of oxygen
obtained. This shows that as the different substrate concentrations were tested, the
highest one which was 6% had the fastest reaction which was 90 ml per minutes
compared to 2% which had a lower rate of reaction with 25 ml per minute. There is a
hyperbolic relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration of
substrate, as shown in the graph. At low concentration of substrate, there is a steep
increase in the rate of reaction with increasing substrate concentration, the catalytic
site of the enzyme is empty, waiting for the substrate to bind. In addition, at the point
of high substrate concentration, the enzyme activity is as high as it can be, this is
known as the maximum velocity which is evident in the graph. This is the point in
which all enzymes are bound to substrate and are turning them into products, most of
the active sites are occupied so the rate of increase subsequently slows down. The
rate of formation of product now depends on the activity of the enzyme, increasing
the substrate concentration anymore has no effect on the rate of reaction as it has
reached its maximum. As shown in the graph, it has reached its optimum at 190ml,
with a reaction rate of 90 ml per minute. This shows that it has reached its optimum
where enzyme activity does not increase any
Eudora Welty s The Robber Bridegroom
The Robber Bridegroom, by Eudora Welty, is a folktale that shares the main themes
and plots of some stories by the brothers Grimm. In this book, Eudora Welty, the
author intertwines into a parody several story plots from well known stories and
Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. This story, like most fairy tales, has a strong and
long plot and we encounter many characters who are extremely influential towards
each other.
In the story Clement Musgrove, a planter, meets Jamie Lockhart, a thief, who then
saved Clement from being murdered and robbed by Mike Fink. After having almost
been murdered Clement begins to tell Jamie about his past, his first wife Amalie,who
he met in Virginia and was now dead, and his son who was gruesomely killed by
Indians. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After Salome dies he is set free and with low hopes of re encountering his daughter
he does and the story end. Clement is wise and intelligent, but not knowledgeable
enough to see how much he is worth and how he perseveres. He is also very naive
for he cannot tell that his wife Salome is torturing his daughter and if he does he does
not take care of the situation. As for Rosamond she shares some common traits with
her father.
Rosamond is a young, beautiful, golden haired girl, who shares common traits with
many Grimm characters such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. She like any other
princess is mistreated by the stepmother, often manipulated and very naive.
Rosamond is the house slave and though they do own servants her evil stepmother
always find a way to sabotage Rosamond. She like all princesses allows herself to be
ridiculed and hurt but their forgiving instincts are larger than their common sense.
When Jamie, the thief, takes away Rosamond s virginity we see that throughout she
just forgives him and does not pay too much attention, a pattern found in Beauty and
the Beast when Belle was mistreated by the beast. In the end, Rosamond forgave and
The Rise Of The Harlem Renaissance
There were many notable events taking place in the years 1900 1940, some being
Pablo Picasso painting one of the first cubist paintings is 1907 , the sinking of the
Titanic in 1912 , the 18th Amendment being added to the Constitution (prohibiting
the use of intoxicating liquors) and then being repealed in 1933 , the 19th
Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote in 1920 , Amelia Earhart
becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic in 1928 , and the list continues.
Undoubtedly one of the most influential of events during this time was the Harlem
Renaissance. Even with its many leaders and innovators, it wouldn t have been
nearly as effective had it not been for Alain LeRoy Locke: black writer,
philosopher, and teacher who influenced black artists to look to African sources for
pride and inspiration. Without Locke s contribution, the Renaissance would not have
flourished as much as it did, and black pride would have taken longer to develop and
The Harlem Renaissance During the time of WW2, the blacks of Harlem, NY were
looked down on by the white race, seen as second class citizens. At this time, they
were referred to among the polite white company as Negroes. They were
discriminated under the Jim Crow laws, named after a 19th century black character
played by a white man, whom regarded whites as his superiors. Society was
segregated, and blacks were not even allowed the freedom to vote, despite the
constitutional amendment guaranteeing this right.
B120 Tma 1
Part a)
Dear Andy,
I am sorry to hear about the issues you are having at your branch; after careful
analysis I have decided to discuss stakeholder analysis to look at the issues and offer
recommendations on how they could be remedied.(
It is obvious that there has been a clear breakdown in the relationship between
management and staff which has underlying causes such as low pay,( lack of training
for junior staff and Night Managers.(
I believe that the pay and training issues illustrate an underlying lack of respect for
junior staff which gives them little incentive to follow rules or procedure.
Additionally the lack of formal training and status for Night Managers exacerbates
this as junior staff seems to have little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The majority of opinion saw the OU as a Culture , Machine or Brain , with no one
perceiving the OU as a Psychic Prison . My own opinion was that I saw the OU as
Organism because of the way the OU has adapted to sociological and technological
changes over the past 10 to 20 years has meant that the OU needs to adapt itself
quickly to such changes.
|Part I |Available Marks |Mark |
|Question 1 (a) Identify the problems faced by Zinn s Burgers and Pizza that relate to
the |
|study session chosen |
|Explicit identification of the study session chosen |2 |2 |
|List of problems |10 |5 |
|Why these are problems and how these affect Zinn s Burgers |18 |12 |
|and Pizza | | |
|Total marks Q1(a) |30 |19 |
|Question 1
Our City s Name Is Z.e.l.k And We Are Focused On A Solid...
Our city s name is Z.E.L.K and we are focusing on a solid waste solution. Our city
is located in United Arab Emirates in Asia. The climate of our city is hot and it is
practically always sunny with acres of rain. What generates our climates
favorability is that we have loads of recycling centers and composting bins in
helping the environment. We have numerous physical features like rain, tons of
water, plenty of trees, and plenty of flat land with rivers flowing through the city
and where people live. The geography causes this a favorable place as a result of
having plentiful physical features in our city and people will enjoy their natural
surroundings. In conclusion, we have several features in our city, but we do have
countless other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of our innovations are underground domes that we bury trash in.We also have
a galore of creative ways to transport. Two of the ways are that we provide compost
bins of trucks with natural gas that will give farmers VermiCompost. The other one is
that we also use roller coasters so that we can transport better without pollution.Those
are some of the innovations we have in our future city.
Our city has several different types of innovations. For our solid waste solution is to
provide compost and recycling bins for our citizens. The solution to reduce air
pollution is for us to have rollercoasters in our city. Also to have our cars and trucks
run on natural gas. Our plan is to reduce the amount of trash buildup, pollution in
the air, not enough recycling or compost, and reduce the use of plastic use. We will
collect our trash by providing compost bins, recycling bins, and trash bins in our
city. That will reduce the amount of trash buildup. We will use roller coasters for
less air pollution and run our cars on the trash that we burn. We will also melt
down the plastic materials to use for bricks to build our city. In the doom that we
build to burn trash we will have 1 conveyor belt that will soon go onto three different
convayorbelts that will separate metal, plastic, and trash. That will soon go onto two
machines that separate the objects into recycling and compost. The trash will fall to
the bottom and be made into vast cubes. That will be
Essay about Hellfire and Damnation
Hellfire and Damnation Looking back on my childhood, I have many memories
shrouded in fear and self loathing. I was raised in the Baptist church. My mother
and grandmother made sure that I attended church every Sunday morning. My
grandmother was from the mid west. She carried her strict Bible belt background
with her as she traveled west with my grandfather. The many lessons I learned from
my grandmother and the minister at our church played a big part in how I began to
see the world and my place in it.
It would seem, looking back now, that the whole basis for my teachings during
those early years was fear. I had the most intense fear of going to Hell. The only
thing one had to know about Hell was that it was the place where ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
We were rotten to the core. We did not deserve Gods love or anyone s love, yet God
loved us anyway. That made God a really great guy.
My interpretation of this particular sermon was that I was a horrible person not
worthy of love. I was a sinner and I was going to Hell. I would cry myself to sleep at
night because I was so sure that I would be one of those lost souls for all of eternity.
The minister talked of redemption. All I had to do to be saved and get into heaven
was confess my sins and ask for forgiveness.
I was sure, however, that I had far too many sins to be forgiven; besides, I wasn t
really sorry for most of my sins. I could not feel bad about questioning my parents
and the church s authority. Most of the time it seemed that they contradicted
themselves or just didn t make any sense at all. I had a very hard time digesting the
teachings of the church that included both a God who would demand killing and
sacrifice and the same God who would love and protect his children. Due to the
teachings I received and with so many people being in agreement, I just figured they
must be right on some level, which made me the odd man out and the one destined to
pay with my soul.
All I had to do was to take a look at the Ten Commandments to see that I was not
doing so well in the eyes of the Lord. You must not Murder, I hadn t done that. You
must not commit adultery. I didn t even know what that meant. You must not
Signing The Body Poetic Analysis
As mentioned in the book, Signing the Body Poetic Essays on American Sign
Language Literate by H Dirksen L. Bauman, Jennifer L. Nelson it specifically
mentions visual scream on chapter 10 it states that visual scream is the visible
gesture of a person, an animal, or a thing which could be a combination of images
making a loud screeching sound without the sound accompaniment. Visual scream is
a form of silent shouting it could be done when someone is fearful, anxious,
desperate, erotic or find something to be completely hilarious. Comparing deaf theatre
and silent films one common gesture is the visual screams and you use physical
demonstrations using the mouth, face, and full body. Therefore, all screams have
expression and content. Visual... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I personally love deaf people and I will always support them and help them in any
way possible. Deaf people do make natural sounds when they sign especially when
they are emphasizing a point or expressing intense emotions. There are some deaf
people who use certain sounds to communicate that are understood perfectly by
their friends and family. Aristotle is a Greek philosopher that labeled deaf
individuals as being dumb because he believed that they were not able to learn or
reason which is completely wrong. Deaf individuals go through a variety of
obstacles in their life but they do not give up. Unfortunately, there are hearing people
in the world that believe that people who can t speak are not intelligent and don t
have much going for them but it is completely wrong because deaf individual are
Essay about Two Exhibitions on View at The Museum of...
The Museum of Contemporary Art currently has two exhibitions on view; one is
called Dirge: Reflections on [Life and] Death, and the other is Sara VanDerBeek.
One work of art that stood out the most to me was Epitaph from 2011 by Pedro
Reyes. Reyes works are often meant to physically engage his viewers in order to
shift their social and emotional expectations. The Epitaph invites his viewers to
imagine a future in which they no longer exist, and then create a short message that
conveys the life that the viewer has led or hopes to lead. Reyes points out a benefit
to this type of therapy, which is that the patients who are participating in this work or
art must embrace a certain degree of mortality. In today s world we are constantly...
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This work of art is considered to be a performative installation, and it is created
with materials such as paper, two steel typesets, two hammers, and instructions.
The two typesets are placed on a carpet on the ground where you create your own
epitaph. The instructions for this work are: Take a few minutes to compose the
words for which you will be remembered and write a draft. Once you have
completed your draft choose two cards for your epitaph and place them on top of
each other. Gently pick up the letters of the metal stamps and hammer your epitaph
letter by letter. Once you have completed your lettering, you may place your
epitaph in the cemetery. Keep the second copy for yourself. When viewing this
work from left to right the first thing I noticed was the description of the work of
art I was viewing. Next to the description are the instructions, which are stacked and
labeled with the numbers 1 5. Then directly below the instructions is a table that
holds the materials to complete an epitaph; these materials consist of paper, pencils,
and clips. Next, moving past the table to the right, there are seven rows of thin
white wires, which are placed into the wall. Then clipped onto the wires are
epitaphs, which are spread out from left to right. Finally, below the epitaphs on a
black carpet you have two steel typesets and two hammers to create an epitaph. One
of the first things that caught my eye
What Makes A Beautiful Machine
A beautiful, magnificent machine I use to this year of 2015 known as the cellular
device holds every speck of my information and life in a box that fits in the palm of
my hand. If this minuscule box is broken some people will replace this box before
putting food on the table. Humans have become as one with technologyas we rely on
our electrically charged device to be no further than a hand reach out of one s sight.
As of 2015 my technological world consists of entertainment, connections, and
Now there are plenty of distractions out there in the world. Humans love to call it
entertainment. Music and films are the biggest of all, making industries billions
every year. These industries strive to achieve the greatest amount of audience. How
you ask, quite simply. People gather around making up stories for songs and films
each of which has their own genre. These people love to express their emotions
through other actors and actresses that perform the imaginary acts in the director s
mind. A film is produced and people gather in theaters to watch. Another type of
entertainment comes from songs where people express their emotions through their
vocal cords. Technology allows this expression of emotions to take a whole new
dimensional path leading to the creation of music videos and music. Humans
virtually gather to listen and watch the music and dance moves.
None of the music videos or films could be produced without cameras and video tape
recorders. These devices
Using Aodv Routing Protocol With Parametric Values
PROPOSED MODELS Fig 3. Diagram of processing work The work flow is
shown in fig 3. First simulating the MANET using AODV routing protocol with
parametric values, which are explained in the section 4.1 . FRAHP, PFGA and
PACO optimized models are explained in the subsequent sections. Next, comparing
results one with another model to find optimal routing and comparing the
performance results and using various calculations here finding the ranked routed
from FRAHP model. The assorted enhanced optimized models are described with
The following performance metrics 4.1. PERFORMANCE METRICS The five
performance metrics involved in this paper are: 1. Number of Hops (C1) : Number of
hops or edges involved in the path from source to the destination. Hop or edge is
defined as a link between two nodes. Consider a path 1 2 3 4 5 Here source node is 1
and destination node is 5 then C1 is 4. 2. Battery power (C2) : The capacity of power
of a node to do any operation in the network is known as battery power of a node in
the network at any instant of time. Initially consider the total power of a node is 1.
Battery energy of a node is calculated with the below formula C2=1 ( ( s + f + r + d ))
/t(18) Where s is send, f is forward, r is received and d is dropped packets through
the node. t is total number of packets transmitted in the network. 3. Signal strength
(C3) : The energy of a node to access their neighbor nodes to data transfer is called as
signal strength of
Turing Red Flag By Toby Walsh
Toby Walsh addresses a number of concerns that many will overlook when it
comes to technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). I am sure
there will be many who will be too fascinated by an AI inhibiting human behavior
to worry about the consequences. As some may argue, we re just not at that point
yet for many to care. However, as we get closer I do believe that the Turing Red
Flag would benefit society as whole but not for all the reasons Walsh discusses. First,
I agree that self driven vehicles should clearly be identifiable to humandrivers. It
could serve for a number of purposes, similar to how student drivers are identifiable
on the road. For instance, seeing a student driver may influence other drivers to be
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It makes sense considering how we currently do not have anything in place to
safeguard us from issues that may arise in the future. I feel like it s a step in the
right direction but it depends on how deep the law wants to go in regulating the
use of AI. The basic concept of the law seems fine, though. For example, going
back to autonomous cars and how they should be identifiable to human drivers, it
should be something subtle like what Walsh said, a distinct license plate. It
definitely should not have a flashing green light placed on top of the vehicle.
Imagine a world of self driving cars all with flashing green lights. It s not only
intrusive but it s also very distracting. If we had AI blatantly impersonating a
celebrity, such as commentating the World Cup as Messi, we wouldn t it
periodically inform us that he s a bot because as mentioned earlier, it would take
away from the experience. It might create a new social norm where humans will
themselves pretend to be AI and who knows what issues (if any) that will bring. In
addition to requiring AI to properly introduce themselves, it should also indicate that
it s collecting data. Thus, the basic concepts of the Turing Red Flag law should be
sustainable while carrying numerous benefits and minimal
Homeland Security And Homeland Terrorism
Homeland security can be seen as a loosely based term as it is still a relatively new
area of the United States strategy. Since its creation, post September 11, 2001, there
has been a plethora of additions and revisions. The homeland mission lies not only
within a specific agency, but demands collected participation from U.S. agencies and
foreign entities to remain strong, efficient and innovative. One can examine
homeland securityas having the responsibility of maintaining and protecting the
United Statesby keeping focus within the U.S. while homeland defense is responsible
for maintaining the U.S. by keeping focus outside the U.S. Homeland security and
homeland defense are different, but both can assist each other in certain aspects. The
following paragraphs will compose of accurate definitions regarding homeland
security, homeland defense and in end will discuss an in depth summary of the
critical infrastructureprogram. These mentioned areas each have a requirement to be
treated as specific in nature in order to not sacrifice their specific definition.
Homeland Security Homeland security is focused on terrorism in the United
States...Terrorists can be U.S. citizens or foreigners, acting in concert with others, on
their own, or on behalf of a hostile state. (Goss, 2006). The previous statement,
according to Thomas Goss, was intended to provide a simple and vivid description of
homeland security. The key words within the statement are focused on terrorism in the
Relative Valuing Best Buy
Relative Valuation According to Aswath Damodaran, relative valuation is the most
widely used technique in sell side research at investment banks. Relative valuation
is the concept of using multiples and comparing the value of an asset to a similar
asset in the market. Purchasing a house uses concepts of relative valuation. Houses
are priced by comparing other houses that have similar specification within the
same neighborhood. In this section I will be valuing Best Buy using a historical
relative valuation, ranking model using solver analysis, and pricing Best Buy s
equity share price by discounting the PV sum of 5 years of dividends and applying a
target P/E to my earnings per share forecast in 2020 to find the terminal value.
Historical Relative Valuation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I will be using the S P 500 as the overall market and Conns and GameStop will be
Best Buy s competitors used to determine valuation multiples of trading cheap or
Elphaba Discrimination
Question Does the selection show you what it is like to experience racism,
loneliness, and so on. In the book Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked
Witch of the West, written by Gregory Maguire, there is a main idea expressed
throughout. The idea is racism and its effects on others. Elphaba, the Wicked Witch
of the West, experiences racism with open, prejudiced views on her green skin and
her overall appearance. Another form of the idea of racism is expressed through the
Bann of Animal Rights and Mobility throughout the book. An Animal is just like a
human, but their physical anatomy is that of an animal. Since she was born, Elphaba
has had green skin, and she has had to live with it. Her tall, thin and bony body is
strange for someone... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Glinda s friends weren t very kind, although Glinda wasn t either at that time. She
disliked Elphaba, but for what reason? Elphaba had never insulted Glinda; she had
always been kind and polite to the bratty Gilikun girl, who had gone by Galinda at
the time. But why, then would she mistreat her? Without even using words, Glinda
expressed her hatred for Elphaba based on her skin, how humbly she dressed, and
her bony figure. She made fun of her behind her back, and always discussed it with
a smirk on her face to her fellow bratty friends. The worst prank was pulled on
Elphaba by one of these girls, Pfannee. I believe I have been set up to be mortified,
said Galinda, glaring at the helpless Pfannee. I am being humiliated for sport. This
is not funny, Miss Pfannee! I have a mind to to kick you! (Maguire 122) Here,
Galinda is shocked by the letter Pfannee had written to Elphaba to get her to come
up to the lake house they were at. Were you born to plague me? Galinda said
tearfully to her roomie. Did I ask for your association? (Maguire 122) Galinda
seems to feel insulted by Pfannee that she d do something so horrible. That she d
even try to invite the thing, as they see Elphaba as. Oh, dear no, I did not, said
Galinda, IN her anger, she was beginning to regain some control, even though, Boq
guessed, damage had been done for good. My darling Miss Elphaba, I wouldn t
have dreamed of exposing you to such thoughtless cruelties as these girls
perpetuate on each other and on me for sheer amusement. Besides, you have no
place in a setting like this. (Maguire 122) After Elphaba finally asked if Galinda
wrote it to her, having guessed the answer already, this was Galinda s fit about it.
She was nice about wishing to not expose Elphaba to her friend s crude jokes, but
then she said that Elphaba wasn t fit to be in such a nice place.
The Game Of Civilization-Personal Narrative
Our game of Civilization ended pretty badly, Kevin wound up betraying most of
us. He won by taking everyone s capital. Thomas was one of the first to fall. He
didn t take it well considering his crush. Sitting on my porch, I wait for Bradley to
barrel down the road in his van to take me to school. I thumb through the texts that
Craig and Thomas sent me yesterday. (From Craig) So about that tutoring thing,
nothing s difficult yet, but could you come over occasionally and we can pretend.
When he told me that, I felt morally objected to reject his offer. Craig has looks on
his side, though. (To Craig) But what do I get out of helping you? I remember
texting him that and feeling devious. (From Craig) I don t know man, what the fuck
do you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I don t... know. I want to say fucking, but I feel like that s harsh so I just oddly
hesitate. Just watch out, Tweek, he might like want you or something. Kevin
murmurs to me. Oh, I didn t think that Craig has a crush on me, besides even if he
does, who cares? I didn t think Craig Tucker was a fag... Kevin wonders out loud,
where I can hear him. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Thomas. We sit in class and analyze a
quote about mortality for about a half hour, it s really deep and I feel like I m
drowning. I have to talk, well text to Thomas. I m practically ripping my
fingernails off for the final bell to ring. You okay Tweek? Kevin can tell I m a bit
up in arms. Ring ring the day finally ends. I m ready to shove my homework in my
bag and probably crush Thomas s dreams. The rush of everyone trying to escape
school annoys me so I just chill at my locker and text Thomas. (To Thomas) Holy
fuck, Kevin insinuated that Craig had a boner for me and called him a fag, Red
alert! RED ALERT! That should get the message across. I eventually throw my
backpack across my shoulders and head out to the van. Thank fuck that s over,
Bradley turns on the ignition. Thomas just bounces his leg as we cram into the
New Criticism Of Daisy Miller
In Henry James s novella, his heroine: Daisy Miller is a young woman who dared
to challenge the old guard. Her nature, though rebellious was pure and innocent,
and her death was in itself her last rebellion. She died a martyr for a cause in which
she believed: the freedom of women. She was the first of a new generation of
independent women, women outside of the control of the Mrs. Walkers of the
world: women who were free. Alive Daisy was bound by the chains of society, in
death she was let loose from her bindings. Her death was not an example of failure, it
was the greatest gift she could have given. In life, Daisy was looked at as a womanof
ill repute by the socialites who mattered in Europe, but in death, she superseded
this role, and became something much more: a symbol of rebellion. In this way
Daisy s death challenged the social order. By loosing her life, she showed just how
powerful a woman could be. Using a lens of New Historicism, the reader is able to
recognize much more from the behavior of Daisy in contrast to using a lens
submerged in today s mentality. From an eye born and raised in the twenty first
century, one really cannot see what all the fuss was about. She just appears to be a
normal (albeit very rich) girl, who goes about her life acting... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Her resting place is shown to be that of a righteous girl, gone in her prime, not that
of a scandalous vixen. In particular the spring flowers suggest happiness and
irreproachability, while the evergreen cypress tree represents something steadfast
and unchanging. This is probably one of the best examples of Daisy s purity. The
way James describes her resting place is in itself tacit acknowledgment of her
The Night Circus Analysis
The Night Circus shows up without warning. It becomes an instant success. It proves
the impossible, possible. It treats all your senses, either with the black and white
tents, or the unique caramel scent in the air. It welcomes everyone to get lost in
clouds, experience impossible feats by illusionists and acrobats, or stumble upon a
more hidden tent with sensations in a bottle. But the most exclusive characteristic is
the fact that it only opens at night. Welcome to Le Cirque des RГЄves, but beyond
the circus, there is a competition between two different approaches to magic and
illusions. This is an exceptional story, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, follows
the path of three people. Two of which are the contestants in the competition,... Show
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During this particular show, his daughter, Celia Bowen, was backstage. She sits
there practicing magic of her own. When the show is over everyone applauds,
except for the ones who are too impressed to even move, but there is one man in a
gray suit who is not impressed. He walks backstage without any notice and meets
Celia, who is now joined by Hector. The man in the gray suit talks to Hector about
another competition, Hector willingly agrees to have his daughter play for him,
meanwhile, the man in the gray suit, Alexander, doesn t have a competitor in mind
yet. A few months later Hector Bowen dies, making Celia Bowen independent. She
spends the next few years practicing for the competition that she has no idea about.
She is not alone the ghost of her dad constantly criticizing her about everything she
does. When auditions for the circus come around, she is the only female and the
youngest auditioning. She gets the part after her audition. During her audition, a boy
with a clipboard is recording her every move. As important as those notes may be,
the most valuable piece of information he discovers is who is competitor
Anheuser Busch Inbev Persuasive Essay
Anheuser Busch InBev which owns Budweiser presently distributes more than 400
million hectoliters of beer on an annual basis. What is interesting is that Anheuser
Busch distributes roughly 90 percent of the American beer market domestically. This
shows that the general beer consumption around the United States is dominated by
this company as a whole. This should be something that this company can have pride
America s largest brewer has a number of product lines, not just the Budweiser or
Bud light that we would automatically think of. Michelob, Bare Knuckle Stout,
Honey Lager, Busch Ice, and Busch are just a few of the alternative product lines
that Anheuser Busch InBev owns and operates. All in all, there are generally some
200 brands ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is direct competition, but with Anheuser Busch InBev being the largest brewery
in America, they should expect competition and could embrace the idea of smaller
craftsmen and women to create different products. The market for craft beer is
nowhere near as large as the market that Budweiser has niched itself into.
Generally speaking, the Anheuser Busch InBev Company has a strong reputation for
being an American beer company. They use Clydesdale horses and golden retrievers
in their commercials to reiterate that they stand for being American. They have
released several ads speaking to welcome immigrants and that their own founder was
an immigrant.
Another political arena that Anheuser Busch InBev operates in is the drunk driving
landscape. They have released more than a few anti drinking and driving ads. A
very recent one shown during the super bowl (an obvious target audience for
Anheuser Busch InBev) shows a golden retriever and his owner, whom leaves the
dog at home while he goes out to drink with friends and doesn t come back until the
next day. The owner tells the dog that he didn t want to drink home drunk, so he
stayed with his friend. The Budweiser PSA s generally are accepted well within the
community and show the point that the company is trying to
Spreedsheets For Bookkeeping
Why You Should Use Bookkeeping Services NYC...
Whether you are running a small business or big organization, there are so many
issues to deal with, it could leave individuals feeling overwhelmed. Having a business
consulting company that offers assistance such as bookkeeping services NYC
companies rely on is fundamental to being able to get a handle on a potential
stressful situation.
Recording Business Transactions
There are so many advantages in having a consulting firm to record and maintain an
account of your office transactions. Some of the activities they might be responsible
for include
*Being able to use specialize computer software for bookkeeping, which will have
accounts payable and receivable entered into it. The use of spreedsheets
Private Key Infrastructure Advantages And Disadvantages
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a popular encryption and authentication approach
used by both small businesses and large enterprises for exchanging information based
on, it make securely exchange data over networks such as the Internet and verify the
identity of the other party. The foundation of a PKI is the certificate authority(CA),
which issues digital certificates that authenticate the identity of organizations and
individuals over a public system such as the Internet, and the certificates also used to
sign messages, ensures messages are not been tampered.
There are Components for the PKI or Public Key Infrastructure. Below there are the
components and the explanation of it ..
1: Digital Certificates
Digital certificates (public key certificates, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Its data conversion uses a mathematical algorithm along with a secret key, which
results in the inability to make sense out of a message. Symmetric encrpytion is a two
way algorithm because the mathematical algorithm is reversed when decrypting the
message along with using the same secret key.
Symmetric encryption is also known as private key encryption and secure key
пЂЄпЂ A symmetric Encryption is faster.
пЂЄпЂ In Symmetric Encryption, encrypted data can be transferred on the link
even if there is a possibility that the data will be intercepted. Since there is no key
transmiited with the data, the chances of data being decrypted are null.
пЂЄпЂ A symmetric Encryption uses password authentication to prove the receiver s
пЂЄA system only which possesses the secret key can decrypt a message.
пЂЄпЂ Symmetric Encryption have a problem of key transportation. The secret key
is to be transmitted to the receiving system before the actual message is to be
transmitted. Every means of electronic communication is insecure as it
Comparison Of Mizrahi Music And Ashkenazi Music
Today, Israeli Folk music is built by diverse styles of cultures, religions, political
agendas, and arraignment of instruments. In part, Mizrahi music and Ashkenazi
music are considered to be the major folk styles in the state of Israel. First, the term
Mizrahi literally translated as Eastern or as the easterner specifically pointing Israeli
Jewswho emigrate from Arab countries to Israel. The Eastern Jewish musicwas
created from parts of eastward into Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Moreover,
Mizrahi music is culturally shared and has shared elements with the Arab world
encompasses the following countries: Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran,
Yemen and as far east as India. Also, most Mizrahi songs are sung in Hebrew and
sometimes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This music originated mostly from Eastern Europe (Countries like the Balkans,
Romania, and Bulgaria) and moved westward northward throughout Europe, later
to North America. Unlike the Mizrahi music, European and Western Jews have
their own specific music mostly fix on religious ceremonies and celebrations. In
this study, I ll be focusing on Ashkenazi music, mainly its traditions, origin and the
progress transitions from old traditional folk music to present day folk or folkloric
music. Next, I will be focusing on Mizrahi music and how politically Secular
Mizrahi music could help the environment of the Middle East. Lastly, I will be
focusing about how devotional and secular music is influencing today in Israel
and its citizens. Traveling to Israel is not my first time, for I personally lived in
Israel and nostalgically I miss to go back. In my own experience living there in the
city, Tel Aviv, I always remember the music environment a time when my neighbor
next door during a holiday season at the evening would often play one of Zohar
Argov s song Badad (Lonesome) a Mizrahi song from the 90s. The music inspired
me as a kid and always wanted to find new songs in Israel; which therefore it let me
do this research to study the folk music typically the Mizrahi descends artist and
their culture. Moreover, it is also important for me to do this research about the
Israeli folk music because my goal is I to increase diplomacy with Israelis and Arabs
especially with Palestinians. In addition, I hope by doing this reach can influence
other Arabs and Israel to establish friendship through music and by sharing
understanding each one s culture and to set an agreement between them; even though
the situation between the governments are disagreeing and hate each other. By doing
so, the goal is to change people s
Frederick Banting Essay
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be
compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (www.goodreads.com 2014). Frederick Grant Banting was
born on November 14, 1891 In Alliston, Ontario. He was the youngest of five
children and his parents were William Thompson Banting and Margaret Grant. he
went to the University of Torontoto study divinity, but later transferred to the study
of medicine. In 1916 he took his M.B. degree and then joined the Canadian Army
Medical Corps. He served during the First World War in France. In 1918 he was
wounded in battle and in 1919 he was awarded the Military Cross for heroism under
fire. Frederick Banting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When he survived the doctors had enough proof that it worked and could be used on
diabetic patients all over the world. With the relief of the symptoms of his disease,
and with the increased strength and vigor resulting from the increased diet, the
pessimistic, melancholy diabetic becomes optimistic and cheerful. Insulin is not a
cure for diabetes; it is a treatment. (Sir Frederick Banting, Nobel Prize Lecture,
1923). There discovery of insulin helped change the world forever by finally
finding the treated for a disease with a previous mortality rate of 30%
(www.dww.com 2011). Frederick Banting was a man who focused on using the
knowledge he possessed to help the health and safety of others. Secondly,
Frederick Banting created the first g suit. The G suit is a close fitted garment,
covering the legs and abdomen that is worn by the crew of high speed air craft s
and can be pressurized to prevent blackout/unconsciousness during certain flight
manoeuvres (TheFreeDictionary 2014). Many pilots from the war would crash
their planes after flying in the air at a certain altitude and Frederick Banting was
determined to figure out a way to keep the pilots fully functional while flying. Later
on, Frederick Banting discovered the pilots were blacking out because they had
difficulties handling the high speed and effects taken on their bodies from the
planes. The problem that the pilots were facing was G Force. To expand, This force
pushes the
Virgin And Child As A Medieval Byzantine Icon
`Virgin and Child (Vladimir Virgin) is a medieval Byzantine icon. This icon is
dated from the late 11th century and the early 12thcentury. This work is about a
virgin and child, the Virgin being St. Mary and the child being Jesus Christ. Unlike
other icons of the Virgin and Child, this icon shows a more personalized and
compassionate image of the Virgin. Here St. Marythe virgin is shown to be tender
even in the way she is holding the child. The iconographer is unknown. However, the
iconwas painted in Constantinople by a Hellenic iconographer. The Vladimir Virgin
is the most eminent middle Byzantine icon that was produced in Russia.
The Vladimir Virgin is currently in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, it is
tempera on wood panel, with multiple layers of repainting, 2 61/2 x 1 9 . In this
icon Mary is shown to be the Virgin of Compassion. She is pressing her cheek
against her son and contemplating his future. When the icon is first viewed the
attention is on the compassionate virgin. The virgins small mouth, long and
straight nose compliment her dark almond shaped eyes. She gives of an almost
eerie and tender look. However, the child s face is shown to be wiser and mature.
He has an eternal look to him and his face radiates. Christ is looking up at his
mother with great admiration while her eyes are looking onward, almost in a way
of offering her child. You can see the love and passion the Virgin Mary holds for her
child, but you can also see the pain and fear she has
Negative Effects Of Body Image
With today s social media, the young generation sees an array of images that
portray the ideal body. Most of the pictures seen belong to young female models
advertising beauty products. They are presumed to have perfect and idyllic
appearances (Cash, 2004). Young girls often feel the pressure to attain this illusion
which is mostly unachievable. Failure to achieve this height of beauty leads to low
self esteem and low self evaluation issues. The subject of bodyimage among
adolescents has become a problem as they are always in pursuit of the high social
standards of attractiveness that are practically impossible. The teenagers in high
schools are the ones who face this problem a lot. (Pope, Corona Belgrave, 2014).
Body Image
As a young female I high school, I felt that some of my body parts were not doing
me justice. Don t get me wrong; Personally, I loved how my blonde hair fell
entirely on my shoulders and how my green eyes brought out a playful side to my
person. My height and weight felt agreeable, and I did not struggle with them as
much. However most my days in school I yearned for my skin to be more tan and my
breasts a little bit perky (Cash, 2004).
On my low days, I felt as though my ears and face were not the right shapes needed
altering. On such a day, I felt that as though my nose was sticking out and often
wished to be invisible. I struggled every morning with shaving my legs and ensuring
they looked
Monkey King Research Paper
All along, people have discussed monsters no mater they are from the East or the
West, people are always curious about which faction is more powerful. If there must
have a battle between Hulk and the Monkey King, for this epic battle, I believe the
Monkey King will beat Hulk. A monster s combat capability is divided into five parts:
strength, speed, scalability and intelligence. It is obvious that, the better fighting
ability, the greater the possibility of winning for the monster. Comparison of the
overall strength between Hulkand the monkey king, Hulk is very strong that he has
the best physical strength and resistance of Marvel University, comparing with the
monkey king, even though the Monkey King is also a strong monster but he is not as
mighty as Hulk. However, the Monkey King is recognized as the smartest monster in
the East who has an incredible speed, high Intelligence quotient of fighting and some
magic arts.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And he also got an amazing self healing ability and resistance to mind control
which means that the Monkey King cannot defeat Hulk by direct combat or try to
control his mind. The fighting strategy for the monkey king is trying to make a
quick battle to force Hulk to make a quick decision, since Hulk will getting more
powerful when he is angry, it is obviously that long time fighting is beneficial for
Hulk. Therefore, according to this analysis, the Monkey King can beat Hulk in short
battle but they might be no clear winner in the long
Hesiod s Works And Days
In Hesiod s Works and Days Elpis is a very controversial and crucial point of the
story. Elpis is meant to represent hope for humanity, and it is delivered via the
Pithos that also carried all the miseries of man. But the woman took off the great lid
of the jar with her hands, and scattered, all these and her thought caused sorrow and
mischief to men Hesiod, Works and Days, 94 95. These including, challenging work,
disease, and old age. The question being how must one regard this secret and
unexpected piece of the sacred gift from Pandora. I believe Elpis should be regarded
as a blessing for humanity, as it drives human persistence, the love for others, and the
idea that human want to better shape the world around them. When the reader
Why I Want To Be Sleeping In The Dark Essay
People can have the healthiest food, the best diet principle and the best emotional
care in the world but if we not sleep, we can t live an ordinary life and maintain
health. For this crucial time, there shouldn t be any disturb to get good sleep.
There are various kind of sleep disorder such as insomnia, Sleep apnea or
Narcolepsy, which are enemies of good night sleep. In this report, I would like to
cover the importance of good, proper sleep to overcome various sleep disorders
and why sleeping in the dark is crucial for human. In addition, the reason why I put
this sub topic, why we should sleep in the dark room, because I m the coward who
can t tolerate and sleep in the darkness. I desperately want to dig up the answer, how
dangerous it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Everyone, especially children, have experienced fear of darkness when you close
your eyes to sleep. The reason why fear the dark because not any logical reason but
endless imagination is producing fear. However, one following experiment
strongly clarify that even the tiniest bit of artificial light in the room can harm our
health when we are sleeping. One sleep researcher team from University of
Leicester in UK made an experiment with two groups of laboratory mice in the
dark. The one group was moved to under the explosion of artificial light for one
hour and the other group was still in the dark. According to the sleep researcher
team, the group of laboratory mice exposed to the light shows strange disorder of
cells in the brain. In this result, It is proved that if we angled down artificial light in
the night, cells in the brain make a change and physical function can be collapsed. In
other words, Artificial lighting shone during the night can stimulate the brain cells.
Indeed, night workers who work under artificial light reported that the risk of breast
cancer and prostate cancer is much higher according to the previous research.
Artificial light shuts down the production of making hormones called melatonin. If
the secretion of this hormone get destroyed, it may bring out insomnia or severe
mental illness. Everyone have experience of fell in sleep while studying under the
desk stand. Hours of sleep is enough to think but somehow it feels tired and
Proffessional Wrestling History
Although professional wrestling is a sport of high judgement and critisism it is still a
well respected sport with a fascintating history dating back to the seventeenth century.
Professional wrestling has a misconception that it is not currently and never was a
legitiment sport. However the history of professional wrestlingproves otherwise. After
hundreds of thousands of years professional wrestlinghas evolutionized itself into
something that is larger than life. Proffessional wrestling is a world renowned and
multi cultural sport. The sport oringinates from a form of wrestling know as catch
wrestling, a mutt form of organized grapplingthat incorporated aspects of Greco
Roman wrestling, Irish collar and elbow, Indian styles, and famously... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
These stories are what keep fans invested and entertained. There are often several
fueds on a match card. In every fued there is a storyline. Some storylines last weeks
while others last years. Bad vs evil is a storyline that takes place on only in
wrestling but on television, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment. In
wrestling, the good guy is called a baby face (usually shortened to face) and the
bad guy is called a heel. Proffesional wrestling have to know how to work a crowd.
For example, during a match the heel will beat down the babyface, this intriges an
audience, they cheer on the babyface hoping for a comeback. Wrestling is like a
movie, wrestlers have to act a roll, they have to follow scripts, they are there to tell
a story and entertain the audience. Wrestlers are given actual scripts, however, there
is a booker that tells them what they expect from a match. The booker is someoen
who books the matches and directs storylines. For example, the booker will tell two
wrestlers their storyline and who is going to win. The two combatants will then
Analysis Of Jean Dubois s The Battle We Wage
DuBois s purpose is to try to convince people to see blacks as equal to whites, and
DuBois largely uses people s patriotism to make his readers relate and associate with
his cause. These appeals to emotion, combined with his strong voice and diction,
create an effective argument for equal rights and treatment for all people.
DuBois uses patriotism to make people feel guilty and ashamed in order to align
people with his cause of equal rights for all people, white and black. DuBois feels
that equality is necessary for all people not only because the Constitution states that
all men are created equal , but because it is a human right that belongs to any
freeborn American. The battle we wage is not for ourselves alone but for all true ...
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DuBois feels that inequality will slowly eat away at America because inequality
requires people to have different morals and ethics than the ones used to build our
nation, which weakens our foundation. Separation in railways and street cars, based
simply on race and color, is un American, un democratic, and silly. Dubois is once
again attempting to create a feeling of guilt. DuBois creates guilt by calling the people
that are in favor of segregation not only un American, but just silly. DuBois s purpose
in creating these emotions in the audience is to get them to side with his cause, to
reflect on their previous actions and thoughts and realize that they aren t doing the
right thing, and that they should start listening to DuBois.
DuBois uses a chiasmus to engage his audience with a call to action in order to
persuade his audience to fix problems with segregation. Dubois wants all children to
be given the opportunity of a proper education, not just white children, because he
feels that the school systems in the South are a disgrace and in few towns and cities
are Negro schools what they ought to be. DuBois wants the national government to
step in and wipe out illiteracy in the South he then goes out and states that Either the
United States will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States. The
chiasmus DuBois uses is meant to produce an ultimatum, to give the audience
Pros And Cons Of Same Sex Marriage In Australia
There are many articles written about the debate of same sex marriage with many
varying opinions on whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Everyone has their
own opinion about same sex marriage. But they don t seem to understand how
many people it will effect in Australia if it s a majority No vote. An article called
Census: Same Sex Couples Still A Statistically Small Percent Of Australians . The
article states that 40% 50% of the population is gay. Which means of a population
of nearly 24.5 million people roughly half is gay. So why not allow gay marriageto
happen here in Australia? There is already so many countries that have already
allowed it to happen in their country in the last 20 years.
There are many examples of LGBTIQ in books, movies, TV shows and with
Celebrities. But guess what they are accepted by their fans, and their peers without
a second thought. Some examples are; in The mortal Instruments series by
Cassandra Clare she wrote not one but two characters who are apart of the
LGBTIQ community and both characters aren t in the background but are two of
the many main characters in the series. These characters are Magnus Bane who
holds a very important position through the series being the high warlock of
Brooklyn and all, and Alec Lightwood, who is very important to the series being
amazing with a bow and arrow and being a Shadowhunter. All of the fans of the
series have a favourite couple in the series and for this one it just so happens to be the
Blue Dragon Alternate Ending
After a couple minutes of struggle and mini snow flurries, the two finally got the
collar onto Pyrox. The little blue dragon flapped around for a minute trying to get it
off. Then realized that it looked quite nice on himself. Pyrox happily perched back
on Annabeth s shoulder, making her smile. Who knew that she would befriend a
dragon? For all the animals and creatures in the world, this little dragon had became
her friend.
Loud gears and machine parts started to rumble and turn. Annabeth looked down to
see the platform slowly move forward and attach to another room. There was a
large metal door on the other side, a couple beds and a sink. She saw two other
rooms that led to somewhere she couldn t see.
You get one night to sleep. Oh and please don t kill each other, it s less... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
He looked at her from his bed. His jacket was off and lying at the foot of the bed.
No. Jace laid down on his bed. You re a strange little girl. Annabeth saw him playing
with his ring.
I m the strange one, She said sarcastically. also my name is not little girl. She turned
to take her jacket off and tossed it onto of her backpack. it s Annabeth for the last
time. Jace propped himself up with his elbows.
Emotions get in the way of life. He stared at her with his golden brown eyes. Did
you really try to help a dragon? He paused. Annabeth looked at Pyrox absently.
I wandered away from Eligens and saw it lying behind a building. I felt bad so I
pulled the knife in it s chest out. Long story short it burned a man to death. Jace
tilted his head, contemplating. She laid back down on the sofa pillows. They re
really not beast you know. I mean yes, they kill, but everyone has a reason don t
they? Jace glared at her this time with fiery eyes and pulled his shirt up, just enough
to reveal a long scar, staring from his left hip bone and continued up across his chest.
Careful Annabeth Winter. * *
Fate In Plutarch s Works
Parallel to objects that gleam brilliantly, stars are nothing more than a beacon; for
man has the power to illuminate the road towards his own destiny. Fate does not
shape one s destiny, but rather one should strive to define their own fate. Plutarch, a
Greek philosopher in Rome during the 2nd century A.D personifies the notion of fate
and destinywith his tales about Julius Caesar in a historical document titled Lives
of the Nobles:Julius Caesar. Likewise, William Shakespeare, an English poet,
embodies the same overall ideal of fate and destiny, but with some minor alterations
in his play, The Tragedy of Julius as it s based upon Plutarch s work. In both pieces
of literature, though, the account of Caesar s rise to power is illustrated. Shakespeare
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Shakespeare made this change most likely to highlight Caesar s thirst for power to
the point where he would view himself as a God. Similarly, Shakespeare also
illustrates that Caesar is a sufferer of seizures and that the pressure from having to
reject the crown was too much for him, resulting in a seizure which also further
uncovers his lust for power. This arrogance is also illustrated by Caesar
disregarding the premonition from the Soothsayer. Further, other characters that
are transformed by Shakespeare include Brutus, who is actually the true main
character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. I do fear for the people. Choose Caesar
for their king. Yet I love him as well (Shakespeare scene 2, line 78 82). The Tragedy
of Julius Caesar depicts mostly his inner conflict of choosing between his loyalty
to Caesar or his own endearment towards the citizens and country of Rome. Based
on Brutus s love for the people and the troubles he is willing to endure for them
reveals that he is a noble, yet easily manipulated character. Cassius, a character also
introduced in Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, attempts to manipulate
Brutus, who is lost and muddled in his inner conflict to murder Caesar. Cassius
attempts can be evidenced as he
Energy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay
Intended Audience
Within this paper I wish to address two audiences, the first is best described as local
homeowners who are presently in the vicinity of windmills or who will be in the
future, and are somewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second
group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who
have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these
two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going
to have to be comprehensive to both.
With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines
so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understood. I also will
include a comparison of wind energy to other forms of renewable energy sources and
non renewable sources to point out important numbers and values within the
environment, the economy, and society. Locals have many important needs, wants
and values. They value their homes not only financially but in a family sense as well,
they value their health and safety. The want windmills to not have a negative effect
on their lives and at the same time have an efficient, inexpensive forms of energy that
they can have access to. When it comes to a problem having either a direct effect on
themselves or the environment, most but not all, would rather the environment take
the hit. Their interest most likely does not lie within big companies making big
profits, they value
Paulo Coelho The Alchemist Analysis
Many people have various connections with some place, person, or object. People
as living machines of knowledge at the very top of the food chain are more
advanced than any other creature on earth. Men tend to have many connections with
faith, places, objects and even ideas, though the one connection above all is with
another person who follows the same idea and the final conclusion. In the book The
Alchemist By Paulo Coelho two people are fed the words of Personal legend, and
The Soul of the World. Santiago a shepherd boy, and an Englishman whom both are
on a journey to achieve the greatest any man can achieve, understand The Soul of the
World and interpret it. Furthermore live on their own Personal Legend. Santiago is a
Mercury and Commercial Salmon
Commercial salmon is an important source of nutrition for humans in both urban
populations and aboriginal peoples. However, mercury contamination in salmonids
has been a rising concern not only for the health of humans but for the health of
wildlife and ecosystems that are affected by it. Mercury is distributed widely through
the environment through natural processes, but anthropogenic processes have been
increasing mercury concentrations in the environment to dangerous levels through
direct deposition in soil and through atmospheric deposition. In this essay, I will
review the processes in which mercury circulated through the ecosystems, how
salmonis affected by it, and how the consumption of salmon affects human health.
About Salmonids Salmonids is a group of species classified under the family
Salmonidae. Salmonidae consists of 5 genera and 14 species primarily residing in
the arctic. The family of salmonidae includes salmons, trouts, and chars. A few
species of salmonidae discussed in this essay include the sockeye salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerca), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), brown trout (Salmo
trutta), cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha), and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Farrell and Steffensen, 2005).
Overview of the Circulation of Mercury Inorganic mercury becomes deposited into
the atmosphere and soil by both natural processes and anthropogenic processes.
Natural processes include volcanic events, breakdown of
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Research Paper
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Alpha 1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein that helps the lungs and other organs work
properly. It is made by the liver. AAT deficiency is a genetic condition that happens
when the liver produces too little AAT, no AAT, or AAT that does not work properly.
AAT deficiency can cause liverdisease, lung disease, and a skin condition called
panniculitis (rare). Exposure to things like smoke and dust can make AAT deficiency
AAT deficiency is caused by a genetic defect (gene mutation). The gene mutation is
passed from parent to child (inherited). The disease typically develops only if a
person inherits the defective gene from each parent.
You may be at greater risk for AAT if you:
Have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Abdominal pain.
A yellowish discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes
Swelling of the ankles or abdomen.
Hardened skin with painful lumps (panniculitis).
Your health care provider can diagnose AAT deficiency with a blood test or a DNA
sample from your mouth. He or she may order additional tests, such as:
Imaging studies of your chest, such as an X ray or CT scan.
Lung function tests to see how well your lungs are working.
Liver function tests to see how well your liver is working.
A liver biopsy to check for damage to the liver.
There is no cure for AAT deficiency. However, treatments can relieve symptoms and
improve quality of life. Options include:
Inhaled steroids or bronchodilators. They can help with breathing problems.
Pulmonary rehabilitation. This helps improve lung function and teaches you to
breathe more efficiently.
AAT augmentation therapy. This involves weekly injections to increase your level of
Prescription vitamins, including vitamin D, E, and K. Vitamins can help maintain
normal liver function.
Medicine to relieve symptoms related to liver problems, including jaundice, fluid
retention, and severe
Ski Lift Short Story
Over and over I went going up the same ski lift just to reach one spot in the terrain
park that mattered the most to you. I sat eager in the ski lift over and over all day
long, admiring many people doing tricks off the rails, acting like it was nothing,
and just continuing on their day. Seeing this just made me more discouraged than I
already was. Nicole just sat there, staring at the mountain coaster below us acting
like she doesn t have a care in world, meanwhile, she was filled with aggravation.
Over and over we went up and down this mountain all day through the terrain
waiting for the rails, and every time we reached them our skis would slip out from
under us leaving us on the hard wet snow. When my brother Brendan came through
and did everything so easily, it made me want to go back to our... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Well some people must of had a rough day today! Mrs. Denoia exclaimed. We
explained how we were getting aggravated about the rail. Meanwhile, the parents
answers to our huge explanation was just that there is always tomorrow. This just
made us madder which made us realize that we were letting our head get the best of
us telling us we couldn t do it. The next day Nicole and I wake up early so we can
go to the park when it s fresh. We slump in our seats with the empty trails below us
staring eagerly at the terrain, dying to arrive the top. When we reach the top we ski
right off go down our normal trails leading to the terrain. We approach the
beginning of it and it is empty with music blasting. Perfect! I say in my head. The
first rail comes and Nicole goes first, she goes up and comes down with a fall.
Then I go up, and down with a fall. We move onto the next one and she goes up and
lands standing up at the bottom. Then I go up and back down with a fall. The next
one comes and I go first. I go up and skis down it and land standing. Then Nicole
goes up and comes down standing up. We look at each other filled with
Personal Goals For Research Paper
As an eager learner, I have set many personal goals for myself. Of the multitude of
goals I have set, one of the main goals I plan to achieve through participation in this
ballet course is a deeper self confidence which will allow me to break away from
being shy. Although, I am not shy when it comes to orating, I tend to be shy when
it comes to performing in front of others. I aspire to become a dentist so I believe
that through this course I will be able to build my self confidence to a higher state
that will allow me to excel exceptionally in my future career. Another personal goal I
plan to achieve through participation in this course is listening conscientiously. I
believe that balletwill allow me to be truly present to what is occurring
Contribution Of Steve Wozniak
Engineer, inventor, computer programmer are three elements that describe Steve
Wozniak. Many people know that Steve Wozniak was an engineer of Apple, but he
was so much more. As a well known engineer of Apple, Steve Wozniak, showed
Americans that technology could benefit them in their daily lives. His legacy showed
us to not give up when you fail.
The early life of Steve Wozniak s call to change started when he figured out that
people could not afford to buy a lot of technology, and decided he wanted to help.
His parents taught him to always try his best in everything he does. His dad, Francis
Jacob Wozniak, came from Michigan and was an engineer. Because of the job he
had, it caught Wozniak s interest so Wozniak wanted to learn more.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of his achievements was his inventions of technology. On Sunday, June 29,
1975, Wozniak was the first person to type a character on a keyboard and see it
show up right in front of his eyes on a screen. The computer he invented was called
the Apple computer. (Lusted, pg 25 26) CL9 was used to design and market a
universal remote control device that he invented which is known as Core.
(encyclopedia.com, Website) While achieving his inventions, he also achieved
something else.
He achieved his goals. One of the goals he achieved was finally finishing a device
that hacks into phone lines to make free long distance calls known as the blue box.
(Doeden, pg 13) Steve Wozniak quotes, I simply took a year off to earn money for
my fourth year of school. And then my career kept going up. (Seiter, Website) This
quote is showing that he achieved his goal to earn money and use that money to go to
college and learn about technology and engineering. The technology he made and the
goals that were a success were all achievements that he had finished during his

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  • 1. Edit Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Edit Essay" presents a unique set of challenges that may not be immediately apparent. The difficulty lies in the inherent paradox of the topic – the task involves not only producing a well-written essay but also focusing on the intricate process of editing itself. It demands a keen eye for detail, a mastery of language, and a deep understanding of the nuances of effective communication. The complexity starts with the initial draft, where the writer must articulate their thoughts with precision and clarity. Once the core ideas are laid out, the essayist is then tasked with the delicate art of self-evaluation. The challenge intensifies as they must objectively assess their own work, identifying grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and areas where clarity could be improved. This self-critical process can be mentally taxing, requiring a balance between attachment to one's ideas and detachment for the sake of improvement. Furthermore, the editing phase extends beyond mere grammatical corrections. It involves a critical examination of the essay's structure, coherence of arguments, and overall flow. The writer must be adept at restructuring sentences, paragraphs, and even entire sections to enhance the essay's logical progression. The difficulty lies in walking the fine line between preserving the original voice and making necessary improvements. Additionally, editing requires a thorough understanding of the intended audience. Adapting the tone and style to suit the readership adds another layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between formality and engagement becomes a delicate dance, and the essayist must navigate this terrain with finesse. Despite the challenges, the process of self-editing is an indispensable skill that sharpens not only one's writing abilities but also critical thinking and self-reflection. It is a journey of continuous improvement, with each iteration bringing the essay closer to its optimal form. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of "Edit Essay" demands a multidimensional approach, combining the creativity of initial writing with the analytical rigor of self-editing. The inherent difficulty arises from the need to be both creator and critic, a task that requires a nuanced understanding of language, structure, and audience. Successfully navigating these challenges results in a polished and refined piece of writing that effectively communicates the intended message. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of essay writing and editing, there are resources available. Similar essays and more comprehensive assistance can be sought from platforms like HelpWriting.net, where expert guidance can aid in navigating the complexities of crafting and refining written work. Edit Essay Edit Essay
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  • 7. The Rise Of The Harlem Renaissance There were many notable events taking place in the years 1900 1940, some being Pablo Picasso painting one of the first cubist paintings is 1907 , the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 , the 18th Amendment being added to the Constitution (prohibiting the use of intoxicating liquors) and then being repealed in 1933 , the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote in 1920 , Amelia Earhart becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic in 1928 , and the list continues. Undoubtedly one of the most influential of events during this time was the Harlem Renaissance. Even with its many leaders and innovators, it wouldn t have been nearly as effective had it not been for Alain LeRoy Locke: black writer, philosopher, and teacher who influenced black artists to look to African sources for pride and inspiration. Without Locke s contribution, the Renaissance would not have flourished as much as it did, and black pride would have taken longer to develop and accept. The Harlem Renaissance During the time of WW2, the blacks of Harlem, NY were looked down on by the white race, seen as second class citizens. At this time, they were referred to among the polite white company as Negroes. They were discriminated under the Jim Crow laws, named after a 19th century black character played by a white man, whom regarded whites as his superiors. Society was segregated, and blacks were not even allowed the freedom to vote, despite the constitutional amendment guaranteeing this right.
  • 8. B120 Tma 1 PART ONE Part a) Dear Andy, I am sorry to hear about the issues you are having at your branch; after careful analysis I have decided to discuss stakeholder analysis to look at the issues and offer recommendations on how they could be remedied.( It is obvious that there has been a clear breakdown in the relationship between management and staff which has underlying causes such as low pay,( lack of training for junior staff and Night Managers.( I believe that the pay and training issues illustrate an underlying lack of respect for junior staff which gives them little incentive to follow rules or procedure. Additionally the lack of formal training and status for Night Managers exacerbates this as junior staff seems to have little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The majority of opinion saw the OU as a Culture , Machine or Brain , with no one perceiving the OU as a Psychic Prison . My own opinion was that I saw the OU as Organism because of the way the OU has adapted to sociological and technological changes over the past 10 to 20 years has meant that the OU needs to adapt itself quickly to such changes. |Part I |Available Marks |Mark | |Question 1 (a) Identify the problems faced by Zinn s Burgers and Pizza that relate to the | |study session chosen | |Explicit identification of the study session chosen |2 |2 | |List of problems |10 |5 | |Why these are problems and how these affect Zinn s Burgers |18 |12 | |and Pizza | | | |Total marks Q1(a) |30 |19 | |Question 1
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  • 10. Essay about Hellfire and Damnation Hellfire and Damnation Looking back on my childhood, I have many memories shrouded in fear and self loathing. I was raised in the Baptist church. My mother and grandmother made sure that I attended church every Sunday morning. My grandmother was from the mid west. She carried her strict Bible belt background with her as she traveled west with my grandfather. The many lessons I learned from my grandmother and the minister at our church played a big part in how I began to see the world and my place in it. It would seem, looking back now, that the whole basis for my teachings during those early years was fear. I had the most intense fear of going to Hell. The only thing one had to know about Hell was that it was the place where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We were rotten to the core. We did not deserve Gods love or anyone s love, yet God loved us anyway. That made God a really great guy. My interpretation of this particular sermon was that I was a horrible person not worthy of love. I was a sinner and I was going to Hell. I would cry myself to sleep at night because I was so sure that I would be one of those lost souls for all of eternity. The minister talked of redemption. All I had to do to be saved and get into heaven was confess my sins and ask for forgiveness. I was sure, however, that I had far too many sins to be forgiven; besides, I wasn t really sorry for most of my sins. I could not feel bad about questioning my parents and the church s authority. Most of the time it seemed that they contradicted themselves or just didn t make any sense at all. I had a very hard time digesting the teachings of the church that included both a God who would demand killing and sacrifice and the same God who would love and protect his children. Due to the teachings I received and with so many people being in agreement, I just figured they must be right on some level, which made me the odd man out and the one destined to pay with my soul. All I had to do was to take a look at the Ten Commandments to see that I was not doing so well in the eyes of the Lord. You must not Murder, I hadn t done that. You must not commit adultery. I didn t even know what that meant. You must not
  • 11. Signing The Body Poetic Analysis As mentioned in the book, Signing the Body Poetic Essays on American Sign Language Literate by H Dirksen L. Bauman, Jennifer L. Nelson it specifically mentions visual scream on chapter 10 it states that visual scream is the visible gesture of a person, an animal, or a thing which could be a combination of images making a loud screeching sound without the sound accompaniment. Visual scream is a form of silent shouting it could be done when someone is fearful, anxious, desperate, erotic or find something to be completely hilarious. Comparing deaf theatre and silent films one common gesture is the visual screams and you use physical demonstrations using the mouth, face, and full body. Therefore, all screams have expression and content. Visual... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I personally love deaf people and I will always support them and help them in any way possible. Deaf people do make natural sounds when they sign especially when they are emphasizing a point or expressing intense emotions. There are some deaf people who use certain sounds to communicate that are understood perfectly by their friends and family. Aristotle is a Greek philosopher that labeled deaf individuals as being dumb because he believed that they were not able to learn or reason which is completely wrong. Deaf individuals go through a variety of obstacles in their life but they do not give up. Unfortunately, there are hearing people in the world that believe that people who can t speak are not intelligent and don t have much going for them but it is completely wrong because deaf individual are extremely
  • 12. Essay about Two Exhibitions on View at The Museum of... The Museum of Contemporary Art currently has two exhibitions on view; one is called Dirge: Reflections on [Life and] Death, and the other is Sara VanDerBeek. One work of art that stood out the most to me was Epitaph from 2011 by Pedro Reyes. Reyes works are often meant to physically engage his viewers in order to shift their social and emotional expectations. The Epitaph invites his viewers to imagine a future in which they no longer exist, and then create a short message that conveys the life that the viewer has led or hopes to lead. Reyes points out a benefit to this type of therapy, which is that the patients who are participating in this work or art must embrace a certain degree of mortality. In today s world we are constantly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This work of art is considered to be a performative installation, and it is created with materials such as paper, two steel typesets, two hammers, and instructions. The two typesets are placed on a carpet on the ground where you create your own epitaph. The instructions for this work are: Take a few minutes to compose the words for which you will be remembered and write a draft. Once you have completed your draft choose two cards for your epitaph and place them on top of each other. Gently pick up the letters of the metal stamps and hammer your epitaph letter by letter. Once you have completed your lettering, you may place your epitaph in the cemetery. Keep the second copy for yourself. When viewing this work from left to right the first thing I noticed was the description of the work of art I was viewing. Next to the description are the instructions, which are stacked and labeled with the numbers 1 5. Then directly below the instructions is a table that holds the materials to complete an epitaph; these materials consist of paper, pencils, and clips. Next, moving past the table to the right, there are seven rows of thin white wires, which are placed into the wall. Then clipped onto the wires are epitaphs, which are spread out from left to right. Finally, below the epitaphs on a black carpet you have two steel typesets and two hammers to create an epitaph. One of the first things that caught my eye
  • 13. What Makes A Beautiful Machine A beautiful, magnificent machine I use to this year of 2015 known as the cellular device holds every speck of my information and life in a box that fits in the palm of my hand. If this minuscule box is broken some people will replace this box before putting food on the table. Humans have become as one with technologyas we rely on our electrically charged device to be no further than a hand reach out of one s sight. As of 2015 my technological world consists of entertainment, connections, and utilities. Now there are plenty of distractions out there in the world. Humans love to call it entertainment. Music and films are the biggest of all, making industries billions every year. These industries strive to achieve the greatest amount of audience. How you ask, quite simply. People gather around making up stories for songs and films each of which has their own genre. These people love to express their emotions through other actors and actresses that perform the imaginary acts in the director s mind. A film is produced and people gather in theaters to watch. Another type of entertainment comes from songs where people express their emotions through their vocal cords. Technology allows this expression of emotions to take a whole new dimensional path leading to the creation of music videos and music. Humans virtually gather to listen and watch the music and dance moves. None of the music videos or films could be produced without cameras and video tape recorders. These devices
  • 14. Using Aodv Routing Protocol With Parametric Values PROPOSED MODELS Fig 3. Diagram of processing work The work flow is shown in fig 3. First simulating the MANET using AODV routing protocol with parametric values, which are explained in the section 4.1 . FRAHP, PFGA and PACO optimized models are explained in the subsequent sections. Next, comparing results one with another model to find optimal routing and comparing the performance results and using various calculations here finding the ranked routed from FRAHP model. The assorted enhanced optimized models are described with The following performance metrics 4.1. PERFORMANCE METRICS The five performance metrics involved in this paper are: 1. Number of Hops (C1) : Number of hops or edges involved in the path from source to the destination. Hop or edge is defined as a link between two nodes. Consider a path 1 2 3 4 5 Here source node is 1 and destination node is 5 then C1 is 4. 2. Battery power (C2) : The capacity of power of a node to do any operation in the network is known as battery power of a node in the network at any instant of time. Initially consider the total power of a node is 1. Battery energy of a node is calculated with the below formula C2=1 ( ( s + f + r + d )) /t(18) Where s is send, f is forward, r is received and d is dropped packets through the node. t is total number of packets transmitted in the network. 3. Signal strength (C3) : The energy of a node to access their neighbor nodes to data transfer is called as signal strength of
  • 15. Turing Red Flag By Toby Walsh Toby Walsh addresses a number of concerns that many will overlook when it comes to technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). I am sure there will be many who will be too fascinated by an AI inhibiting human behavior to worry about the consequences. As some may argue, we re just not at that point yet for many to care. However, as we get closer I do believe that the Turing Red Flag would benefit society as whole but not for all the reasons Walsh discusses. First, I agree that self driven vehicles should clearly be identifiable to humandrivers. It could serve for a number of purposes, similar to how student drivers are identifiable on the road. For instance, seeing a student driver may influence other drivers to be more... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It makes sense considering how we currently do not have anything in place to safeguard us from issues that may arise in the future. I feel like it s a step in the right direction but it depends on how deep the law wants to go in regulating the use of AI. The basic concept of the law seems fine, though. For example, going back to autonomous cars and how they should be identifiable to human drivers, it should be something subtle like what Walsh said, a distinct license plate. It definitely should not have a flashing green light placed on top of the vehicle. Imagine a world of self driving cars all with flashing green lights. It s not only intrusive but it s also very distracting. If we had AI blatantly impersonating a celebrity, such as commentating the World Cup as Messi, we wouldn t it periodically inform us that he s a bot because as mentioned earlier, it would take away from the experience. It might create a new social norm where humans will themselves pretend to be AI and who knows what issues (if any) that will bring. In addition to requiring AI to properly introduce themselves, it should also indicate that it s collecting data. Thus, the basic concepts of the Turing Red Flag law should be sustainable while carrying numerous benefits and minimal
  • 16. Homeland Security And Homeland Terrorism Homeland security can be seen as a loosely based term as it is still a relatively new area of the United States strategy. Since its creation, post September 11, 2001, there has been a plethora of additions and revisions. The homeland mission lies not only within a specific agency, but demands collected participation from U.S. agencies and foreign entities to remain strong, efficient and innovative. One can examine homeland securityas having the responsibility of maintaining and protecting the United Statesby keeping focus within the U.S. while homeland defense is responsible for maintaining the U.S. by keeping focus outside the U.S. Homeland security and homeland defense are different, but both can assist each other in certain aspects. The following paragraphs will compose of accurate definitions regarding homeland security, homeland defense and in end will discuss an in depth summary of the critical infrastructureprogram. These mentioned areas each have a requirement to be treated as specific in nature in order to not sacrifice their specific definition. Homeland Security Homeland security is focused on terrorism in the United States...Terrorists can be U.S. citizens or foreigners, acting in concert with others, on their own, or on behalf of a hostile state. (Goss, 2006). The previous statement, according to Thomas Goss, was intended to provide a simple and vivid description of homeland security. The key words within the statement are focused on terrorism in the
  • 17. Relative Valuing Best Buy Relative Valuation According to Aswath Damodaran, relative valuation is the most widely used technique in sell side research at investment banks. Relative valuation is the concept of using multiples and comparing the value of an asset to a similar asset in the market. Purchasing a house uses concepts of relative valuation. Houses are priced by comparing other houses that have similar specification within the same neighborhood. In this section I will be valuing Best Buy using a historical relative valuation, ranking model using solver analysis, and pricing Best Buy s equity share price by discounting the PV sum of 5 years of dividends and applying a target P/E to my earnings per share forecast in 2020 to find the terminal value. Historical Relative Valuation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I will be using the S P 500 as the overall market and Conns and GameStop will be Best Buy s competitors used to determine valuation multiples of trading cheap or
  • 18. Elphaba Discrimination Question Does the selection show you what it is like to experience racism, loneliness, and so on. In the book Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, written by Gregory Maguire, there is a main idea expressed throughout. The idea is racism and its effects on others. Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, experiences racism with open, prejudiced views on her green skin and her overall appearance. Another form of the idea of racism is expressed through the Bann of Animal Rights and Mobility throughout the book. An Animal is just like a human, but their physical anatomy is that of an animal. Since she was born, Elphaba has had green skin, and she has had to live with it. Her tall, thin and bony body is strange for someone... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Glinda s friends weren t very kind, although Glinda wasn t either at that time. She disliked Elphaba, but for what reason? Elphaba had never insulted Glinda; she had always been kind and polite to the bratty Gilikun girl, who had gone by Galinda at the time. But why, then would she mistreat her? Without even using words, Glinda expressed her hatred for Elphaba based on her skin, how humbly she dressed, and her bony figure. She made fun of her behind her back, and always discussed it with a smirk on her face to her fellow bratty friends. The worst prank was pulled on Elphaba by one of these girls, Pfannee. I believe I have been set up to be mortified, said Galinda, glaring at the helpless Pfannee. I am being humiliated for sport. This is not funny, Miss Pfannee! I have a mind to to kick you! (Maguire 122) Here, Galinda is shocked by the letter Pfannee had written to Elphaba to get her to come up to the lake house they were at. Were you born to plague me? Galinda said tearfully to her roomie. Did I ask for your association? (Maguire 122) Galinda seems to feel insulted by Pfannee that she d do something so horrible. That she d even try to invite the thing, as they see Elphaba as. Oh, dear no, I did not, said Galinda, IN her anger, she was beginning to regain some control, even though, Boq guessed, damage had been done for good. My darling Miss Elphaba, I wouldn t have dreamed of exposing you to such thoughtless cruelties as these girls perpetuate on each other and on me for sheer amusement. Besides, you have no place in a setting like this. (Maguire 122) After Elphaba finally asked if Galinda wrote it to her, having guessed the answer already, this was Galinda s fit about it. She was nice about wishing to not expose Elphaba to her friend s crude jokes, but then she said that Elphaba wasn t fit to be in such a nice place.
  • 19. The Game Of Civilization-Personal Narrative Our game of Civilization ended pretty badly, Kevin wound up betraying most of us. He won by taking everyone s capital. Thomas was one of the first to fall. He didn t take it well considering his crush. Sitting on my porch, I wait for Bradley to barrel down the road in his van to take me to school. I thumb through the texts that Craig and Thomas sent me yesterday. (From Craig) So about that tutoring thing, nothing s difficult yet, but could you come over occasionally and we can pretend. When he told me that, I felt morally objected to reject his offer. Craig has looks on his side, though. (To Craig) But what do I get out of helping you? I remember texting him that and feeling devious. (From Craig) I don t know man, what the fuck do you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I don t... know. I want to say fucking, but I feel like that s harsh so I just oddly hesitate. Just watch out, Tweek, he might like want you or something. Kevin murmurs to me. Oh, I didn t think that Craig has a crush on me, besides even if he does, who cares? I didn t think Craig Tucker was a fag... Kevin wonders out loud, where I can hear him. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Thomas. We sit in class and analyze a quote about mortality for about a half hour, it s really deep and I feel like I m drowning. I have to talk, well text to Thomas. I m practically ripping my fingernails off for the final bell to ring. You okay Tweek? Kevin can tell I m a bit up in arms. Ring ring the day finally ends. I m ready to shove my homework in my bag and probably crush Thomas s dreams. The rush of everyone trying to escape school annoys me so I just chill at my locker and text Thomas. (To Thomas) Holy fuck, Kevin insinuated that Craig had a boner for me and called him a fag, Red alert! RED ALERT! That should get the message across. I eventually throw my backpack across my shoulders and head out to the van. Thank fuck that s over, Bradley turns on the ignition. Thomas just bounces his leg as we cram into the
  • 20. New Criticism Of Daisy Miller In Henry James s novella, his heroine: Daisy Miller is a young woman who dared to challenge the old guard. Her nature, though rebellious was pure and innocent, and her death was in itself her last rebellion. She died a martyr for a cause in which she believed: the freedom of women. She was the first of a new generation of independent women, women outside of the control of the Mrs. Walkers of the world: women who were free. Alive Daisy was bound by the chains of society, in death she was let loose from her bindings. Her death was not an example of failure, it was the greatest gift she could have given. In life, Daisy was looked at as a womanof ill repute by the socialites who mattered in Europe, but in death, she superseded this role, and became something much more: a symbol of rebellion. In this way Daisy s death challenged the social order. By loosing her life, she showed just how powerful a woman could be. Using a lens of New Historicism, the reader is able to recognize much more from the behavior of Daisy in contrast to using a lens submerged in today s mentality. From an eye born and raised in the twenty first century, one really cannot see what all the fuss was about. She just appears to be a normal (albeit very rich) girl, who goes about her life acting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her resting place is shown to be that of a righteous girl, gone in her prime, not that of a scandalous vixen. In particular the spring flowers suggest happiness and irreproachability, while the evergreen cypress tree represents something steadfast and unchanging. This is probably one of the best examples of Daisy s purity. The way James describes her resting place is in itself tacit acknowledgment of her
  • 21. The Night Circus Analysis The Night Circus shows up without warning. It becomes an instant success. It proves the impossible, possible. It treats all your senses, either with the black and white tents, or the unique caramel scent in the air. It welcomes everyone to get lost in clouds, experience impossible feats by illusionists and acrobats, or stumble upon a more hidden tent with sensations in a bottle. But the most exclusive characteristic is the fact that it only opens at night. Welcome to Le Cirque des RГЄves, but beyond the circus, there is a competition between two different approaches to magic and illusions. This is an exceptional story, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, follows the path of three people. Two of which are the contestants in the competition,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this particular show, his daughter, Celia Bowen, was backstage. She sits there practicing magic of her own. When the show is over everyone applauds, except for the ones who are too impressed to even move, but there is one man in a gray suit who is not impressed. He walks backstage without any notice and meets Celia, who is now joined by Hector. The man in the gray suit talks to Hector about another competition, Hector willingly agrees to have his daughter play for him, meanwhile, the man in the gray suit, Alexander, doesn t have a competitor in mind yet. A few months later Hector Bowen dies, making Celia Bowen independent. She spends the next few years practicing for the competition that she has no idea about. She is not alone the ghost of her dad constantly criticizing her about everything she does. When auditions for the circus come around, she is the only female and the youngest auditioning. She gets the part after her audition. During her audition, a boy with a clipboard is recording her every move. As important as those notes may be, the most valuable piece of information he discovers is who is competitor
  • 22. Anheuser Busch Inbev Persuasive Essay Anheuser Busch InBev which owns Budweiser presently distributes more than 400 million hectoliters of beer on an annual basis. What is interesting is that Anheuser Busch distributes roughly 90 percent of the American beer market domestically. This shows that the general beer consumption around the United States is dominated by this company as a whole. This should be something that this company can have pride in. America s largest brewer has a number of product lines, not just the Budweiser or Bud light that we would automatically think of. Michelob, Bare Knuckle Stout, Honey Lager, Busch Ice, and Busch are just a few of the alternative product lines that Anheuser Busch InBev owns and operates. All in all, there are generally some 200 brands ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is direct competition, but with Anheuser Busch InBev being the largest brewery in America, they should expect competition and could embrace the idea of smaller craftsmen and women to create different products. The market for craft beer is nowhere near as large as the market that Budweiser has niched itself into. Generally speaking, the Anheuser Busch InBev Company has a strong reputation for being an American beer company. They use Clydesdale horses and golden retrievers in their commercials to reiterate that they stand for being American. They have released several ads speaking to welcome immigrants and that their own founder was an immigrant. Another political arena that Anheuser Busch InBev operates in is the drunk driving landscape. They have released more than a few anti drinking and driving ads. A very recent one shown during the super bowl (an obvious target audience for Anheuser Busch InBev) shows a golden retriever and his owner, whom leaves the dog at home while he goes out to drink with friends and doesn t come back until the next day. The owner tells the dog that he didn t want to drink home drunk, so he stayed with his friend. The Budweiser PSA s generally are accepted well within the community and show the point that the company is trying to
  • 23. Spreedsheets For Bookkeeping Why You Should Use Bookkeeping Services NYC... Whether you are running a small business or big organization, there are so many issues to deal with, it could leave individuals feeling overwhelmed. Having a business consulting company that offers assistance such as bookkeeping services NYC companies rely on is fundamental to being able to get a handle on a potential stressful situation. Recording Business Transactions There are so many advantages in having a consulting firm to record and maintain an account of your office transactions. Some of the activities they might be responsible for include *Being able to use specialize computer software for bookkeeping, which will have accounts payable and receivable entered into it. The use of spreedsheets
  • 24. Private Key Infrastructure Advantages And Disadvantages Q1: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a popular encryption and authentication approach used by both small businesses and large enterprises for exchanging information based on, it make securely exchange data over networks such as the Internet and verify the identity of the other party. The foundation of a PKI is the certificate authority(CA), which issues digital certificates that authenticate the identity of organizations and individuals over a public system such as the Internet, and the certificates also used to sign messages, ensures messages are not been tampered. There are Components for the PKI or Public Key Infrastructure. Below there are the components and the explanation of it .. 1: Digital Certificates Digital certificates (public key certificates, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its data conversion uses a mathematical algorithm along with a secret key, which results in the inability to make sense out of a message. Symmetric encrpytion is a two way algorithm because the mathematical algorithm is reversed when decrypting the message along with using the same secret key. Symmetric encryption is also known as private key encryption and secure key encryption. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SYMMETRIC encryption ADVANTAGES пЂЄпЂ A symmetric Encryption is faster. пЂЄпЂ In Symmetric Encryption, encrypted data can be transferred on the link even if there is a possibility that the data will be intercepted. Since there is no key transmiited with the data, the chances of data being decrypted are null. пЂЄпЂ A symmetric Encryption uses password authentication to prove the receiver s identity. пЂЄA system only which possesses the secret key can decrypt a message. DISADVANTAGES пЂЄпЂ Symmetric Encryption have a problem of key transportation. The secret key is to be transmitted to the receiving system before the actual message is to be transmitted. Every means of electronic communication is insecure as it
  • 25. Comparison Of Mizrahi Music And Ashkenazi Music Today, Israeli Folk music is built by diverse styles of cultures, religions, political agendas, and arraignment of instruments. In part, Mizrahi music and Ashkenazi music are considered to be the major folk styles in the state of Israel. First, the term Mizrahi literally translated as Eastern or as the easterner specifically pointing Israeli Jewswho emigrate from Arab countries to Israel. The Eastern Jewish musicwas created from parts of eastward into Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, Mizrahi music is culturally shared and has shared elements with the Arab world encompasses the following countries: Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and as far east as India. Also, most Mizrahi songs are sung in Hebrew and sometimes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This music originated mostly from Eastern Europe (Countries like the Balkans, Romania, and Bulgaria) and moved westward northward throughout Europe, later to North America. Unlike the Mizrahi music, European and Western Jews have their own specific music mostly fix on religious ceremonies and celebrations. In this study, I ll be focusing on Ashkenazi music, mainly its traditions, origin and the progress transitions from old traditional folk music to present day folk or folkloric music. Next, I will be focusing on Mizrahi music and how politically Secular Mizrahi music could help the environment of the Middle East. Lastly, I will be focusing about how devotional and secular music is influencing today in Israel and its citizens. Traveling to Israel is not my first time, for I personally lived in Israel and nostalgically I miss to go back. In my own experience living there in the city, Tel Aviv, I always remember the music environment a time when my neighbor next door during a holiday season at the evening would often play one of Zohar Argov s song Badad (Lonesome) a Mizrahi song from the 90s. The music inspired me as a kid and always wanted to find new songs in Israel; which therefore it let me do this research to study the folk music typically the Mizrahi descends artist and their culture. Moreover, it is also important for me to do this research about the Israeli folk music because my goal is I to increase diplomacy with Israelis and Arabs especially with Palestinians. In addition, I hope by doing this reach can influence other Arabs and Israel to establish friendship through music and by sharing understanding each one s culture and to set an agreement between them; even though the situation between the governments are disagreeing and hate each other. By doing so, the goal is to change people s
  • 26. Frederick Banting Essay The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. Ralph Waldo Emerson (www.goodreads.com 2014). Frederick Grant Banting was born on November 14, 1891 In Alliston, Ontario. He was the youngest of five children and his parents were William Thompson Banting and Margaret Grant. he went to the University of Torontoto study divinity, but later transferred to the study of medicine. In 1916 he took his M.B. degree and then joined the Canadian Army Medical Corps. He served during the First World War in France. In 1918 he was wounded in battle and in 1919 he was awarded the Military Cross for heroism under fire. Frederick Banting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When he survived the doctors had enough proof that it worked and could be used on diabetic patients all over the world. With the relief of the symptoms of his disease, and with the increased strength and vigor resulting from the increased diet, the pessimistic, melancholy diabetic becomes optimistic and cheerful. Insulin is not a cure for diabetes; it is a treatment. (Sir Frederick Banting, Nobel Prize Lecture, 1923). There discovery of insulin helped change the world forever by finally finding the treated for a disease with a previous mortality rate of 30% (www.dww.com 2011). Frederick Banting was a man who focused on using the knowledge he possessed to help the health and safety of others. Secondly, Frederick Banting created the first g suit. The G suit is a close fitted garment, covering the legs and abdomen that is worn by the crew of high speed air craft s and can be pressurized to prevent blackout/unconsciousness during certain flight manoeuvres (TheFreeDictionary 2014). Many pilots from the war would crash their planes after flying in the air at a certain altitude and Frederick Banting was determined to figure out a way to keep the pilots fully functional while flying. Later on, Frederick Banting discovered the pilots were blacking out because they had difficulties handling the high speed and effects taken on their bodies from the planes. The problem that the pilots were facing was G Force. To expand, This force pushes the
  • 27. Virgin And Child As A Medieval Byzantine Icon `Virgin and Child (Vladimir Virgin) is a medieval Byzantine icon. This icon is dated from the late 11th century and the early 12thcentury. This work is about a virgin and child, the Virgin being St. Mary and the child being Jesus Christ. Unlike other icons of the Virgin and Child, this icon shows a more personalized and compassionate image of the Virgin. Here St. Marythe virgin is shown to be tender even in the way she is holding the child. The iconographer is unknown. However, the iconwas painted in Constantinople by a Hellenic iconographer. The Vladimir Virgin is the most eminent middle Byzantine icon that was produced in Russia. The Vladimir Virgin is currently in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, it is tempera on wood panel, with multiple layers of repainting, 2 61/2 x 1 9 . In this icon Mary is shown to be the Virgin of Compassion. She is pressing her cheek against her son and contemplating his future. When the icon is first viewed the attention is on the compassionate virgin. The virgins small mouth, long and straight nose compliment her dark almond shaped eyes. She gives of an almost eerie and tender look. However, the child s face is shown to be wiser and mature. He has an eternal look to him and his face radiates. Christ is looking up at his mother with great admiration while her eyes are looking onward, almost in a way of offering her child. You can see the love and passion the Virgin Mary holds for her child, but you can also see the pain and fear she has
  • 28. Negative Effects Of Body Image With today s social media, the young generation sees an array of images that portray the ideal body. Most of the pictures seen belong to young female models advertising beauty products. They are presumed to have perfect and idyllic appearances (Cash, 2004). Young girls often feel the pressure to attain this illusion which is mostly unachievable. Failure to achieve this height of beauty leads to low self esteem and low self evaluation issues. The subject of bodyimage among adolescents has become a problem as they are always in pursuit of the high social standards of attractiveness that are practically impossible. The teenagers in high schools are the ones who face this problem a lot. (Pope, Corona Belgrave, 2014). Body Image As a young female I high school, I felt that some of my body parts were not doing me justice. Don t get me wrong; Personally, I loved how my blonde hair fell entirely on my shoulders and how my green eyes brought out a playful side to my person. My height and weight felt agreeable, and I did not struggle with them as much. However most my days in school I yearned for my skin to be more tan and my breasts a little bit perky (Cash, 2004). On my low days, I felt as though my ears and face were not the right shapes needed altering. On such a day, I felt that as though my nose was sticking out and often wished to be invisible. I struggled every morning with shaving my legs and ensuring they looked
  • 29. Monkey King Research Paper All along, people have discussed monsters no mater they are from the East or the West, people are always curious about which faction is more powerful. If there must have a battle between Hulk and the Monkey King, for this epic battle, I believe the Monkey King will beat Hulk. A monster s combat capability is divided into five parts: strength, speed, scalability and intelligence. It is obvious that, the better fighting ability, the greater the possibility of winning for the monster. Comparison of the overall strength between Hulkand the monkey king, Hulk is very strong that he has the best physical strength and resistance of Marvel University, comparing with the monkey king, even though the Monkey King is also a strong monster but he is not as mighty as Hulk. However, the Monkey King is recognized as the smartest monster in the East who has an incredible speed, high Intelligence quotient of fighting and some magic arts.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And he also got an amazing self healing ability and resistance to mind control which means that the Monkey King cannot defeat Hulk by direct combat or try to control his mind. The fighting strategy for the monkey king is trying to make a quick battle to force Hulk to make a quick decision, since Hulk will getting more powerful when he is angry, it is obviously that long time fighting is beneficial for Hulk. Therefore, according to this analysis, the Monkey King can beat Hulk in short battle but they might be no clear winner in the long
  • 30. Hesiod s Works And Days In Hesiod s Works and Days Elpis is a very controversial and crucial point of the story. Elpis is meant to represent hope for humanity, and it is delivered via the Pithos that also carried all the miseries of man. But the woman took off the great lid of the jar with her hands, and scattered, all these and her thought caused sorrow and mischief to men Hesiod, Works and Days, 94 95. These including, challenging work, disease, and old age. The question being how must one regard this secret and unexpected piece of the sacred gift from Pandora. I believe Elpis should be regarded as a blessing for humanity, as it drives human persistence, the love for others, and the idea that human want to better shape the world around them. When the reader
  • 31. Why I Want To Be Sleeping In The Dark Essay People can have the healthiest food, the best diet principle and the best emotional care in the world but if we not sleep, we can t live an ordinary life and maintain health. For this crucial time, there shouldn t be any disturb to get good sleep. There are various kind of sleep disorder such as insomnia, Sleep apnea or Narcolepsy, which are enemies of good night sleep. In this report, I would like to cover the importance of good, proper sleep to overcome various sleep disorders and why sleeping in the dark is crucial for human. In addition, the reason why I put this sub topic, why we should sleep in the dark room, because I m the coward who can t tolerate and sleep in the darkness. I desperately want to dig up the answer, how dangerous it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyone, especially children, have experienced fear of darkness when you close your eyes to sleep. The reason why fear the dark because not any logical reason but endless imagination is producing fear. However, one following experiment strongly clarify that even the tiniest bit of artificial light in the room can harm our health when we are sleeping. One sleep researcher team from University of Leicester in UK made an experiment with two groups of laboratory mice in the dark. The one group was moved to under the explosion of artificial light for one hour and the other group was still in the dark. According to the sleep researcher team, the group of laboratory mice exposed to the light shows strange disorder of cells in the brain. In this result, It is proved that if we angled down artificial light in the night, cells in the brain make a change and physical function can be collapsed. In other words, Artificial lighting shone during the night can stimulate the brain cells. Indeed, night workers who work under artificial light reported that the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer is much higher according to the previous research. Artificial light shuts down the production of making hormones called melatonin. If the secretion of this hormone get destroyed, it may bring out insomnia or severe mental illness. Everyone have experience of fell in sleep while studying under the desk stand. Hours of sleep is enough to think but somehow it feels tired and
  • 32. Proffessional Wrestling History Although professional wrestling is a sport of high judgement and critisism it is still a well respected sport with a fascintating history dating back to the seventeenth century. Professional wrestling has a misconception that it is not currently and never was a legitiment sport. However the history of professional wrestlingproves otherwise. After hundreds of thousands of years professional wrestlinghas evolutionized itself into something that is larger than life. Proffessional wrestling is a world renowned and multi cultural sport. The sport oringinates from a form of wrestling know as catch wrestling, a mutt form of organized grapplingthat incorporated aspects of Greco Roman wrestling, Irish collar and elbow, Indian styles, and famously... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These stories are what keep fans invested and entertained. There are often several fueds on a match card. In every fued there is a storyline. Some storylines last weeks while others last years. Bad vs evil is a storyline that takes place on only in wrestling but on television, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment. In wrestling, the good guy is called a baby face (usually shortened to face) and the bad guy is called a heel. Proffesional wrestling have to know how to work a crowd. For example, during a match the heel will beat down the babyface, this intriges an audience, they cheer on the babyface hoping for a comeback. Wrestling is like a movie, wrestlers have to act a roll, they have to follow scripts, they are there to tell a story and entertain the audience. Wrestlers are given actual scripts, however, there is a booker that tells them what they expect from a match. The booker is someoen who books the matches and directs storylines. For example, the booker will tell two wrestlers their storyline and who is going to win. The two combatants will then
  • 33. Analysis Of Jean Dubois s The Battle We Wage DuBois s purpose is to try to convince people to see blacks as equal to whites, and DuBois largely uses people s patriotism to make his readers relate and associate with his cause. These appeals to emotion, combined with his strong voice and diction, create an effective argument for equal rights and treatment for all people. DuBois uses patriotism to make people feel guilty and ashamed in order to align people with his cause of equal rights for all people, white and black. DuBois feels that equality is necessary for all people not only because the Constitution states that all men are created equal , but because it is a human right that belongs to any freeborn American. The battle we wage is not for ourselves alone but for all true ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DuBois feels that inequality will slowly eat away at America because inequality requires people to have different morals and ethics than the ones used to build our nation, which weakens our foundation. Separation in railways and street cars, based simply on race and color, is un American, un democratic, and silly. Dubois is once again attempting to create a feeling of guilt. DuBois creates guilt by calling the people that are in favor of segregation not only un American, but just silly. DuBois s purpose in creating these emotions in the audience is to get them to side with his cause, to reflect on their previous actions and thoughts and realize that they aren t doing the right thing, and that they should start listening to DuBois. DuBois uses a chiasmus to engage his audience with a call to action in order to persuade his audience to fix problems with segregation. Dubois wants all children to be given the opportunity of a proper education, not just white children, because he feels that the school systems in the South are a disgrace and in few towns and cities are Negro schools what they ought to be. DuBois wants the national government to step in and wipe out illiteracy in the South he then goes out and states that Either the United States will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States. The chiasmus DuBois uses is meant to produce an ultimatum, to give the audience
  • 34. Pros And Cons Of Same Sex Marriage In Australia There are many articles written about the debate of same sex marriage with many varying opinions on whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Everyone has their own opinion about same sex marriage. But they don t seem to understand how many people it will effect in Australia if it s a majority No vote. An article called Census: Same Sex Couples Still A Statistically Small Percent Of Australians . The article states that 40% 50% of the population is gay. Which means of a population of nearly 24.5 million people roughly half is gay. So why not allow gay marriageto happen here in Australia? There is already so many countries that have already allowed it to happen in their country in the last 20 years. There are many examples of LGBTIQ in books, movies, TV shows and with Celebrities. But guess what they are accepted by their fans, and their peers without a second thought. Some examples are; in The mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare she wrote not one but two characters who are apart of the LGBTIQ community and both characters aren t in the background but are two of the many main characters in the series. These characters are Magnus Bane who holds a very important position through the series being the high warlock of Brooklyn and all, and Alec Lightwood, who is very important to the series being amazing with a bow and arrow and being a Shadowhunter. All of the fans of the series have a favourite couple in the series and for this one it just so happens to be the
  • 35. Blue Dragon Alternate Ending After a couple minutes of struggle and mini snow flurries, the two finally got the collar onto Pyrox. The little blue dragon flapped around for a minute trying to get it off. Then realized that it looked quite nice on himself. Pyrox happily perched back on Annabeth s shoulder, making her smile. Who knew that she would befriend a dragon? For all the animals and creatures in the world, this little dragon had became her friend. Loud gears and machine parts started to rumble and turn. Annabeth looked down to see the platform slowly move forward and attach to another room. There was a large metal door on the other side, a couple beds and a sink. She saw two other rooms that led to somewhere she couldn t see. You get one night to sleep. Oh and please don t kill each other, it s less... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He looked at her from his bed. His jacket was off and lying at the foot of the bed. No. Jace laid down on his bed. You re a strange little girl. Annabeth saw him playing with his ring. I m the strange one, She said sarcastically. also my name is not little girl. She turned to take her jacket off and tossed it onto of her backpack. it s Annabeth for the last time. Jace propped himself up with his elbows. Emotions get in the way of life. He stared at her with his golden brown eyes. Did you really try to help a dragon? He paused. Annabeth looked at Pyrox absently. I wandered away from Eligens and saw it lying behind a building. I felt bad so I pulled the knife in it s chest out. Long story short it burned a man to death. Jace tilted his head, contemplating. She laid back down on the sofa pillows. They re really not beast you know. I mean yes, they kill, but everyone has a reason don t they? Jace glared at her this time with fiery eyes and pulled his shirt up, just enough to reveal a long scar, staring from his left hip bone and continued up across his chest. Careful Annabeth Winter. * *
  • 36. Fate In Plutarch s Works Parallel to objects that gleam brilliantly, stars are nothing more than a beacon; for man has the power to illuminate the road towards his own destiny. Fate does not shape one s destiny, but rather one should strive to define their own fate. Plutarch, a Greek philosopher in Rome during the 2nd century A.D personifies the notion of fate and destinywith his tales about Julius Caesar in a historical document titled Lives of the Nobles:Julius Caesar. Likewise, William Shakespeare, an English poet, embodies the same overall ideal of fate and destiny, but with some minor alterations in his play, The Tragedy of Julius as it s based upon Plutarch s work. In both pieces of literature, though, the account of Caesar s rise to power is illustrated. Shakespeare ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shakespeare made this change most likely to highlight Caesar s thirst for power to the point where he would view himself as a God. Similarly, Shakespeare also illustrates that Caesar is a sufferer of seizures and that the pressure from having to reject the crown was too much for him, resulting in a seizure which also further uncovers his lust for power. This arrogance is also illustrated by Caesar disregarding the premonition from the Soothsayer. Further, other characters that are transformed by Shakespeare include Brutus, who is actually the true main character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. I do fear for the people. Choose Caesar for their king. Yet I love him as well (Shakespeare scene 2, line 78 82). The Tragedy of Julius Caesar depicts mostly his inner conflict of choosing between his loyalty to Caesar or his own endearment towards the citizens and country of Rome. Based on Brutus s love for the people and the troubles he is willing to endure for them reveals that he is a noble, yet easily manipulated character. Cassius, a character also introduced in Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, attempts to manipulate Brutus, who is lost and muddled in his inner conflict to murder Caesar. Cassius attempts can be evidenced as he
  • 37. Energy Sources And Non Renewable Energy Source Essay Intended Audience Within this paper I wish to address two audiences, the first is best described as local homeowners who are presently in the vicinity of windmills or who will be in the future, and are somewhat skeptical of this renewable energy source. The second group that I wish to address are those who are deemed to be environmentalists, who have a very strong faith in wind energy and other forms of renewables. Since these two audiences can be quite different the way in which I address concerns are going to have to be comprehensive to both. With focusing first on locals, I wish to include the basic information on wind turbines so that all aspects of this renewable energy source can be fully understood. I also will include a comparison of wind energy to other forms of renewable energy sources and non renewable sources to point out important numbers and values within the environment, the economy, and society. Locals have many important needs, wants and values. They value their homes not only financially but in a family sense as well, they value their health and safety. The want windmills to not have a negative effect on their lives and at the same time have an efficient, inexpensive forms of energy that they can have access to. When it comes to a problem having either a direct effect on themselves or the environment, most but not all, would rather the environment take the hit. Their interest most likely does not lie within big companies making big profits, they value
  • 38. Paulo Coelho The Alchemist Analysis Many people have various connections with some place, person, or object. People as living machines of knowledge at the very top of the food chain are more advanced than any other creature on earth. Men tend to have many connections with faith, places, objects and even ideas, though the one connection above all is with another person who follows the same idea and the final conclusion. In the book The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho two people are fed the words of Personal legend, and The Soul of the World. Santiago a shepherd boy, and an Englishman whom both are on a journey to achieve the greatest any man can achieve, understand The Soul of the World and interpret it. Furthermore live on their own Personal Legend. Santiago is a normal
  • 39. Mercury and Commercial Salmon Commercial salmon is an important source of nutrition for humans in both urban populations and aboriginal peoples. However, mercury contamination in salmonids has been a rising concern not only for the health of humans but for the health of wildlife and ecosystems that are affected by it. Mercury is distributed widely through the environment through natural processes, but anthropogenic processes have been increasing mercury concentrations in the environment to dangerous levels through direct deposition in soil and through atmospheric deposition. In this essay, I will review the processes in which mercury circulated through the ecosystems, how salmonis affected by it, and how the consumption of salmon affects human health. About Salmonids Salmonids is a group of species classified under the family Salmonidae. Salmonidae consists of 5 genera and 14 species primarily residing in the arctic. The family of salmonidae includes salmons, trouts, and chars. A few species of salmonidae discussed in this essay include the sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerca), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), brown trout (Salmo trutta), cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Farrell and Steffensen, 2005). Overview of the Circulation of Mercury Inorganic mercury becomes deposited into the atmosphere and soil by both natural processes and anthropogenic processes. Natural processes include volcanic events, breakdown of
  • 40. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Research Paper Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Alpha 1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein that helps the lungs and other organs work properly. It is made by the liver. AAT deficiency is a genetic condition that happens when the liver produces too little AAT, no AAT, or AAT that does not work properly. AAT deficiency can cause liverdisease, lung disease, and a skin condition called panniculitis (rare). Exposure to things like smoke and dust can make AAT deficiency worse. CAUSES AAT deficiency is caused by a genetic defect (gene mutation). The gene mutation is passed from parent to child (inherited). The disease typically develops only if a person inherits the defective gene from each parent. RISK FACTORS You may be at greater risk for AAT if you: Have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fatigue. Abdominal pain. A yellowish discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes (jaundice). Swelling of the ankles or abdomen. Hardened skin with painful lumps (panniculitis). DIAGNOSIS Your health care provider can diagnose AAT deficiency with a blood test or a DNA sample from your mouth. He or she may order additional tests, such as: Imaging studies of your chest, such as an X ray or CT scan. Lung function tests to see how well your lungs are working. Liver function tests to see how well your liver is working. A liver biopsy to check for damage to the liver. TREATMENT
  • 41. There is no cure for AAT deficiency. However, treatments can relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Options include: Inhaled steroids or bronchodilators. They can help with breathing problems. Pulmonary rehabilitation. This helps improve lung function and teaches you to breathe more efficiently. AAT augmentation therapy. This involves weekly injections to increase your level of AAT. Prescription vitamins, including vitamin D, E, and K. Vitamins can help maintain normal liver function. Medicine to relieve symptoms related to liver problems, including jaundice, fluid retention, and severe
  • 42. Ski Lift Short Story Over and over I went going up the same ski lift just to reach one spot in the terrain park that mattered the most to you. I sat eager in the ski lift over and over all day long, admiring many people doing tricks off the rails, acting like it was nothing, and just continuing on their day. Seeing this just made me more discouraged than I already was. Nicole just sat there, staring at the mountain coaster below us acting like she doesn t have a care in world, meanwhile, she was filled with aggravation. Over and over we went up and down this mountain all day through the terrain waiting for the rails, and every time we reached them our skis would slip out from under us leaving us on the hard wet snow. When my brother Brendan came through and did everything so easily, it made me want to go back to our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well some people must of had a rough day today! Mrs. Denoia exclaimed. We explained how we were getting aggravated about the rail. Meanwhile, the parents answers to our huge explanation was just that there is always tomorrow. This just made us madder which made us realize that we were letting our head get the best of us telling us we couldn t do it. The next day Nicole and I wake up early so we can go to the park when it s fresh. We slump in our seats with the empty trails below us staring eagerly at the terrain, dying to arrive the top. When we reach the top we ski right off go down our normal trails leading to the terrain. We approach the beginning of it and it is empty with music blasting. Perfect! I say in my head. The first rail comes and Nicole goes first, she goes up and comes down with a fall. Then I go up, and down with a fall. We move onto the next one and she goes up and lands standing up at the bottom. Then I go up and back down with a fall. The next one comes and I go first. I go up and skis down it and land standing. Then Nicole goes up and comes down standing up. We look at each other filled with
  • 43. Personal Goals For Research Paper As an eager learner, I have set many personal goals for myself. Of the multitude of goals I have set, one of the main goals I plan to achieve through participation in this ballet course is a deeper self confidence which will allow me to break away from being shy. Although, I am not shy when it comes to orating, I tend to be shy when it comes to performing in front of others. I aspire to become a dentist so I believe that through this course I will be able to build my self confidence to a higher state that will allow me to excel exceptionally in my future career. Another personal goal I plan to achieve through participation in this course is listening conscientiously. I believe that balletwill allow me to be truly present to what is occurring
  • 44. Contribution Of Steve Wozniak Engineer, inventor, computer programmer are three elements that describe Steve Wozniak. Many people know that Steve Wozniak was an engineer of Apple, but he was so much more. As a well known engineer of Apple, Steve Wozniak, showed Americans that technology could benefit them in their daily lives. His legacy showed us to not give up when you fail. The early life of Steve Wozniak s call to change started when he figured out that people could not afford to buy a lot of technology, and decided he wanted to help. His parents taught him to always try his best in everything he does. His dad, Francis Jacob Wozniak, came from Michigan and was an engineer. Because of the job he had, it caught Wozniak s interest so Wozniak wanted to learn more.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of his achievements was his inventions of technology. On Sunday, June 29, 1975, Wozniak was the first person to type a character on a keyboard and see it show up right in front of his eyes on a screen. The computer he invented was called the Apple computer. (Lusted, pg 25 26) CL9 was used to design and market a universal remote control device that he invented which is known as Core. (encyclopedia.com, Website) While achieving his inventions, he also achieved something else. He achieved his goals. One of the goals he achieved was finally finishing a device that hacks into phone lines to make free long distance calls known as the blue box. (Doeden, pg 13) Steve Wozniak quotes, I simply took a year off to earn money for my fourth year of school. And then my career kept going up. (Seiter, Website) This quote is showing that he achieved his goal to earn money and use that money to go to college and learn about technology and engineering. The technology he made and the goals that were a success were all achievements that he had finished during his