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Education and Business
Vilnius 2014


Youth unemployment
• Lithuania 2014 Q1 unemployment rate - 8,6 %
• Lithuania 2014 Q1 youth unemployment rate -
21,2 %
*The age range designated by The United Nations addresses the period when mandatory
schooling ends until the age of 24
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• The Lithuanian government has allocated budget of 300 million LTL for initiative
‘’Youth Guarantee’ LTL. The main goal of program - youth after searching for a job
for 4 months will get a job, practice or study offer.
• LT governmental and municipalities’ initiative of wage subsidies and reductions in
pay-roll taxes in order to encourage recruitment of the young workers.
• LT governmental and municipalities’ initiatives related to free counseling, training
and assistance in order to find the new markets for the new companies.
• Initiatives of improving of education system in order to bridge the gap between
education and labor market needs.
• Initiatives to encourage small and medium businesses, which generate nearly 70 %
jobs in Europe.
© 2013-2016 MATRE 4


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in action
• Connection of work-based training with school-based education.
• Participation of business representatives as social partners in education process
(presenting the lectures, participation in the final thesis, practices, seminars,
discussions, events and etc.).
• School-to-work transition striving to improve (job search assistance programs and
career guidance ).
• Integration of the new technologies into education program and commercialization
of the new ideas.
• Researches, studies and experiments ordered by businesses.
• Youth entrepreneurship training.
• Integration to Startup ecosystem.
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Thanks for your kind attention!
Acknowledgement: This work is part of the MATRE Tempus Project (Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in
Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria). This project is funded by the European Commission under the TEMPUS IV – Sixth call
for Proposals (Project Number is: 544001-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES,).
Contact: Arūnas Vizickas
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management
Social partner, Entrepreneur
Email: arunas.vizickas@gmail.com


Thanks for your kind attention!
Acknowledgement: This work is part of the MATRE Tempus Project (Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in
Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria). This project is funded by the European Commission under the TEMPUS IV – Sixth call
for Proposals (Project Number is: 544001-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES,).
Contact: Arūnas Vizickas
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management
Social partner, Entrepreneur
Email: arunas.vizickas@gmail.com

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Education and Business

  • 2. Youth unemployment • Lithuania 2014 Q1 unemployment rate - 8,6 % • Lithuania 2014 Q1 youth unemployment rate - 21,2 % *The age range designated by The United Nations addresses the period when mandatory schooling ends until the age of 24 © 2013-2016 MATRE 2
  • 4. Solutions • The Lithuanian government has allocated budget of 300 million LTL for initiative ‘’Youth Guarantee’ LTL. The main goal of program - youth after searching for a job for 4 months will get a job, practice or study offer. • LT governmental and municipalities’ initiative of wage subsidies and reductions in pay-roll taxes in order to encourage recruitment of the young workers. • LT governmental and municipalities’ initiatives related to free counseling, training and assistance in order to find the new markets for the new companies. • Initiatives of improving of education system in order to bridge the gap between education and labor market needs. • Initiatives to encourage small and medium businesses, which generate nearly 70 % jobs in Europe. © 2013-2016 MATRE 4
  • 5. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in action • Connection of work-based training with school-based education. • Participation of business representatives as social partners in education process (presenting the lectures, participation in the final thesis, practices, seminars, discussions, events and etc.). • School-to-work transition striving to improve (job search assistance programs and career guidance ). • Integration of the new technologies into education program and commercialization of the new ideas. • Researches, studies and experiments ordered by businesses. • Youth entrepreneurship training. • Integration to Startup ecosystem. © 2013-2016 MATRE 5
  • 9. Thanks for your kind attention! Acknowledgement: This work is part of the MATRE Tempus Project (Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria). This project is funded by the European Commission under the TEMPUS IV – Sixth call for Proposals (Project Number is: 544001-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES,). Contact: Arūnas Vizickas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management Social partner, Entrepreneur Email: arunas.vizickas@gmail.com
  • 10. Thanks for your kind attention! Acknowledgement: This work is part of the MATRE Tempus Project (Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria). This project is funded by the European Commission under the TEMPUS IV – Sixth call for Proposals (Project Number is: 544001-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES,). Contact: Arūnas Vizickas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management Social partner, Entrepreneur Email: arunas.vizickas@gmail.com