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Social Learning 2.0 Ed-Media 2007 Terry Anderson  with lots of help from Jon Dron Slides available at  slideshare.com
Presentation Overview Traditional Opening Joke Setting the Context Affordances of the Web Emerging Pedagogies Granularity of Social Learning 2.0 Social Learning 2.0 across: Personal Learning Environments Formal education delivery Institutional learning Design principles for educational social software Adoption context and ways forward
Why is E-Learning  Better Than Sex? If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and  pick up where you left off. You can finish early or take the time your need without feeling guilty.  You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a $50  program from McAfee With a little coffee you can do it all night. You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse  interrupts you in the middle of it. And If you're not sure what you are doing, you can  always ask your tutor.
Values We can (and must) continuously improve the quality, effectiveness, appeal, cost and time efficiency of the learning experience. Student control and freedom is integral to 21 st  Century life-long education and learning. Education for elites is not sufficient for planetary survival
The Net Changes Everything! Affordances of the Net, Net 2.0, e-learning 2.0, Semantic web and related other acronyms: Content Communication & Agents  (Anderson and Whitelaw, 2004) New pedagogies
Affordance 1. - Massive Amounts of Content Any information, any format, anytime, anywhere Customizable content Interactive content User created content Wiki-everything Open access content
A Tale of 3 books Open Access 84,000 downloads plus  indiv. chapters 350 hardcopies sold @  $50.00 Free at cde.athabascau.ca/online_book Commercial publisher 934 copies sold at $52.00 Buy at Amazon $$$ E-Learning for the 21 st  Century Commercial Pub. 1200 sold @ $135.00 2,000 copies in Arabic Translation @ $8.
Open Access Press New Distance Education and Educ. Technology series  www.aupress.ca
Content - conclusion Cheap or free Need to learn to develop business models, technologies and culture allowing us to share and re-use content and learning designs Don’t build your value on your content Content is necessary, but not sufficient, to create a quality educational experience
Affordance #2 High Quality, Low Cost Communication Multi mode Synchronous, asynch Text, audio, video multi-media A2A (avatar to avatar) Stored, indexed and retrievable Reflective, emotive and cognitive Mobile Embedded & Pervasive Learner, teacher, community and commercially created
Chaz Maloney  www.slideshare.net/ccosmato/conferencing-on-the-cheap-with-web-2
Challenge: Creating Incentives to Sustain Meaningful Contribution The New Yorker  September 12, 2005
What’s so great about  Face-to-Face? “ I learned more about Clive by reading his introduction tonight online than I did in our entire course together last summer ”  (Kerlin, R-A, 1997)  http://kerlins.net/bobbi/research/diss/
Affordance 3 Agents Google Alerts MeetingWizard RSS Athabasca Freudbot  AIML E-Advisor Are you ready for AU ?   Agents
Affordances of the Educational Semantic Web  (Anderson & Whitelaw, 2004) Content Communication   Agents WIKI  Blogs FaceBook Del.icio.us Flicker Filtering SecondLife Calendaring Geotracking Learning Email, Skype, IM Learning Objects Open Access Press Google Alert RSS
Emerging Pedagogies Connectivism – “Knowledge exists in the network”  (Siemens, 2005) Community of Inquiry  – Garrison and Anderson, 2003 Integrating online learning –  pedagogy of nearness  Mejias, 2005   Participatory Culture  – Jenkins 2006 New Learning Environments  John Seely Brown, 2006 Our educational discourse is largely stuck in a time warp, framed by issues and standards set decades before the widespread use of the personal computer, the Internet, and free trade agreements.”   Stewart and Kagan (2005)
Interaction Models of Learning Effective interaction between and among learners, content and teachers makes authentic learning happen.
Learner Teacher Content Educational Interactions   Learner  / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem
Learner Teacher Content Educational Interactions   Learner  / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group  as educational actor Jon Dron, 2007
Learner Teacher Content Learner  / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group  as educational actor Stephen Downes, 2006 network Stephen Downes, 2006
Learner Teacher Content Learner  / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group  as educational actor Anderson & Dron, 2007 collective Dron & Anderson
Models of the Many  “ Collective representations exist outside of individual consciences, it is because they derive not from individuals taken one by one, but from their interaction, which is very different”   Émile Durkheim  Sociologie et Philosophie  (1924  -1963, translation  Masse
Collective Conscious “ Being placed outside of and above individual and local contingencies, it sees things only in their permanent and essential aspects, which it crystallizes into communicable ideas.  …  it alone can furnish the minds with the moulds which are applicable to the totality of things and which make it possible to think of them "  ( Durkheim 1954 (1912), p.444 ” ).   ...The state of  anomie  is impossible whenever interdependent organs are sufficiently in contact and sufficiently extensive. (Durkheim  1972, p. 184  The Division of Labor in Society)
Evolutionary Model Of Collective Conscious Creation  (from Durkheim) Mechanistic Organic Emergent Primitive, similarity, dependence Family, tribe and religion orientated Modern Specialization Division of Labour Mass media, State institutions Post modern, Net Based,  networked, ubiquitous,  weak and strong links, Syndication & Aggregation ,  Individuated media, Collective Consciousness
Taxonomy of the ‘Many’ Dron and Anderson, 2007 Group Conscious membership Leadership and organization Cohorts and paced Rules and guidelines Access and privacy controls Focused and often time limited May be blended F2F Metaphor :  Virtual classroom
Group Network Shared interest/practice Fluid membership Friends of friends Reputation and altruism driven Emergent norms, structures Activity ebbs and flows Rarely F2F Metaphor: Virtual Community of Practice
Metaphor:  Wisdom of Crowds Group Network Collective ‘ Aggregated other’ Unconscious ‘wisdom of crowds’ Stigmatic aggregation No membership or rules Augmentation and annotation through use Data Mining Never F2F
Social Learning  2.0 Dron and Anderson, 2007 Collective Group Network
Social Learning 2.0 Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and the Collective. Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three sources of social learning. Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all three levels of granularity. Certain network tools are optimized for each level of granularity -  Can they be appropriated for effective use?
Choosing the right tool? http://www.go2web20.net  1313 logos as of June 22, 2007
Social Learning 2.0 Applications in Educational Contexts Organizational Learning Formal Education Personal Learning Environments Collectives Networks Groups
Formal Education and   Groups: Comfortable, classes and cohorts Increases: completion rates,  achievement satisfaction  ( Jung, Choi, Lim, and Leem (2002) Same logistic challenges as for institutional, campus -based learning Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow freedom for expression and development Refuge for scholarship
Formal Learning and Groups Longest history of research and study Need to optimize: Social presence Cognitive presence Teaching presence (Communitiesofinquiry.com) Established sets of tools –  LMS  Synchronous (video & net conferencing) Email
Problems with Groups Confining in time, space pace, & relationship Often overly confined by teacher expectation and institutional curriculum control Foster learner dependencies Isolated from the world of practice Paulsen 1993 Relationships
Challenges of using informal social software tools for formal group tasks Control Support Privacy Assessment Ownership and perseverance
Example: How are Blogs used in Groups? “ You are required to post at least two messages to your blog and respond to the postings of at least two other enrolled students.  Please use your postings to address the issue discussed on pages 34-38 of your text. Your post and responses will be assessed for 10% of your final grade To protect your privacy, your blog is not accessible outside of the LMS and postings will be destroyed at the end of the course.” Paraphrased from major UK university graduate school requirements
Assessing Reflective writing If we don’t assess the blog, will students use them?? “ It is important to distinguish from the start journals that are essentially available for public or semi-public inspection and those which are designed to prompt reflection. It is misleading to treat all forms of journal writing as equivalent to each other.”  Boud , 2001 Only learners should be able to decide on the audience - no-one; everyone (including Google); teacher; class; parents; etc.)  Elgg  has this capacity.
2. Formal Learning with Networks Each of us may belong to many networks Networks use and create artifacts, that are searchable Networks connect self-paced and independent learners Network leadership arises in multiple formats Supported by multiple, mostly free communications  Allows connectivism to flourish (Siemens 2006)  “It is not what you know, but who you know to ask.”
Formal Education and   Networks (cont.) Provides resource from which students’ extract information In school one should learn to build, contribute to and manage one’s networks Through exposure, provides application and validation of information and skills developed in formal learning Basis for ongoing support and advise from alumni and professional communities
Network Tools Most web 2.0 apps including: Profiles: Finding significant others Blogging - outside the garden wall Recommendation systems (Slashdot, Diigo, Diig, Cite-u-like) Scheduling meet-ups for study, debate, collaboration Connecting people and resources - syndicating
Network Learning Applications Examples: Extract and comment on a themes from last month’s IT Forum – blog results Create an analysis of affordances of Second Life for educational purposes – blog results Search and summarize from Technorati the roll-out of OLPC $100 laptop program?  Using quotes from Hansard and Members Blogs, define the Conservatives’ position on global warming, and blog preliminary results for group and network feedback
3. Formal Education and  Collectives Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning tasks Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and learning objects Requires high skill and literacy skills to effectively extract Requores contribution to the collective (tagging, sharing whenever possible, leaving traces)  (only 16% of users are taggers (Pew, 2005) Allows discovery and validation of academic norms, values and paradigms
Collective Application - Amazon
Example 2 Wisdom of Crowds “ The concept is simple but brilliant; Ask enough people simple yes or no questions with knowledge of the demographic data of those you ask and you create an extremely useful resource.  Offer those same people access to the data they've helped build Let those same people define the questions they're asked and you've created a self-propelling phenomenon that taps the wisdom of diverse communities.”  http://www.downloadsquad.com
Unplanned, unanticipated encounters are central to democracy itself. Such encounters often involve topics and points of view that people have not sought out and perhaps find quite irritating. They are important partly to ensure against fragmentation and extremism, which are predictable outcomes of any situation in which like-minded people speak only with themselves  (Sunstein, 2001, P.8)
How do you design effective activities for Groups, Networks and the Collective ??
Design principles for  Social Learning 2.0 Emergence, Evolution and Complexity: Principle of Adaptability ;  Principle of Evolvability;  Principle of Stigmergy (from  FLYTREE )  (Dron, 2007)
Design principles for  Social Learning 2.0 Architecture and Design; Principle of Constraint,  Principle of Parcellation;  Principle of Scale . (Dron, 2007)
Design principles for  Social Learning 2.0 Social Psychology & community,  Principle of Sociability Embedded opportunity for building relationships ;  Principle of Trust –  personal control Photo by Eye Press.   (Dron, 2007)
Design principles for  Social Learning 2.0 (Dron, 2007) Networking Theory Principle of Connectivity  all components linked (syndicated)  to each other OpenID  Windley   (Dron, 2007)
Steven Warburton, 2007
Are Social Networking and Collective activities Disruptive Technologies? Start out as not being good enough for the established market Have scalability, mass production advantages Appeal to non traditional consumers Not understood by mainstream organizations Clayton M. Christensen   Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave ,  his  1997  book  The Innovator's Dilemma .
Should you establish a formal institution presence in FaceBook? Is it ‘their space’ or ‘our space’ or  ‘everyone’s space’?? Where will Facebook be in 12 months?
Don’t Expect help from your  IT department “ in the bowling alley (pre tornado, rapid adoption phase) you are asking a company to adopt a new paradigm in advance of the rest of the market. This is not in the interest of the IT department. It means extra work for them, and it exposes their mission-critical systems to additional risk.  Far better for them is to stay with their current paradigm a while longer, experimenting with the new one off line, but not embracing it. Instead you must turn to the end-user community." p. 46-47 Moore’s 1995 Inside the Tornado
Strategies for Early Adopter Leaders Use the tools you want others to explore Develop learning activities in new Network and Collective spaces Develop an action or design-based research program to validate and learn from your interventions Communicate the results through your networks
Importance of this issue Educational challenges are not met through evangelism, threats or technologies alone. Change happens when teachers, administrators and learners make it happen Perceived benefits – Personal Readiness - Organizational Pressure – Inter-organizational Chwelos; Benbasat; Dexter, 2001) Each of us is an  agent of change
Conclusion: Benefits of Using Social Learning 2.0 tools and concepts Lifelong learning skill Enhances involvement with and awareness of learning processes –unfreezes old patterns Creates legacy and real world artifacts Supports collaborative and reflective learning Increases integration with institution, teacher, other students across the taxonomy of the Many
“ "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." -  Chinese Proverb   Terry Anderson  [email_address] Blog:  terrya.edubogs.org Your comments and questions most welcomed!

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Educational Social Software Edmedia 2007

  • 1. Social Learning 2.0 Ed-Media 2007 Terry Anderson with lots of help from Jon Dron Slides available at slideshare.com
  • 2. Presentation Overview Traditional Opening Joke Setting the Context Affordances of the Web Emerging Pedagogies Granularity of Social Learning 2.0 Social Learning 2.0 across: Personal Learning Environments Formal education delivery Institutional learning Design principles for educational social software Adoption context and ways forward
  • 3. Why is E-Learning Better Than Sex? If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off. You can finish early or take the time your need without feeling guilty. You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a $50 program from McAfee With a little coffee you can do it all night. You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse interrupts you in the middle of it. And If you're not sure what you are doing, you can always ask your tutor.
  • 4. Values We can (and must) continuously improve the quality, effectiveness, appeal, cost and time efficiency of the learning experience. Student control and freedom is integral to 21 st Century life-long education and learning. Education for elites is not sufficient for planetary survival
  • 5. The Net Changes Everything! Affordances of the Net, Net 2.0, e-learning 2.0, Semantic web and related other acronyms: Content Communication & Agents (Anderson and Whitelaw, 2004) New pedagogies
  • 6. Affordance 1. - Massive Amounts of Content Any information, any format, anytime, anywhere Customizable content Interactive content User created content Wiki-everything Open access content
  • 7. A Tale of 3 books Open Access 84,000 downloads plus indiv. chapters 350 hardcopies sold @ $50.00 Free at cde.athabascau.ca/online_book Commercial publisher 934 copies sold at $52.00 Buy at Amazon $$$ E-Learning for the 21 st Century Commercial Pub. 1200 sold @ $135.00 2,000 copies in Arabic Translation @ $8.
  • 8. Open Access Press New Distance Education and Educ. Technology series www.aupress.ca
  • 9. Content - conclusion Cheap or free Need to learn to develop business models, technologies and culture allowing us to share and re-use content and learning designs Don’t build your value on your content Content is necessary, but not sufficient, to create a quality educational experience
  • 10. Affordance #2 High Quality, Low Cost Communication Multi mode Synchronous, asynch Text, audio, video multi-media A2A (avatar to avatar) Stored, indexed and retrievable Reflective, emotive and cognitive Mobile Embedded & Pervasive Learner, teacher, community and commercially created
  • 11. Chaz Maloney www.slideshare.net/ccosmato/conferencing-on-the-cheap-with-web-2
  • 12. Challenge: Creating Incentives to Sustain Meaningful Contribution The New Yorker September 12, 2005
  • 13. What’s so great about Face-to-Face? “ I learned more about Clive by reading his introduction tonight online than I did in our entire course together last summer ” (Kerlin, R-A, 1997) http://kerlins.net/bobbi/research/diss/
  • 14. Affordance 3 Agents Google Alerts MeetingWizard RSS Athabasca Freudbot AIML E-Advisor Are you ready for AU ? Agents
  • 15. Affordances of the Educational Semantic Web (Anderson & Whitelaw, 2004) Content Communication Agents WIKI Blogs FaceBook Del.icio.us Flicker Filtering SecondLife Calendaring Geotracking Learning Email, Skype, IM Learning Objects Open Access Press Google Alert RSS
  • 16. Emerging Pedagogies Connectivism – “Knowledge exists in the network” (Siemens, 2005) Community of Inquiry – Garrison and Anderson, 2003 Integrating online learning – pedagogy of nearness Mejias, 2005 Participatory Culture – Jenkins 2006 New Learning Environments John Seely Brown, 2006 Our educational discourse is largely stuck in a time warp, framed by issues and standards set decades before the widespread use of the personal computer, the Internet, and free trade agreements.” Stewart and Kagan (2005)
  • 17. Interaction Models of Learning Effective interaction between and among learners, content and teachers makes authentic learning happen.
  • 18. Learner Teacher Content Educational Interactions Learner / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem
  • 19. Learner Teacher Content Educational Interactions Learner / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group as educational actor Jon Dron, 2007
  • 20. Learner Teacher Content Learner / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group as educational actor Stephen Downes, 2006 network Stephen Downes, 2006
  • 21. Learner Teacher Content Learner / teacher Teacher / content. Teacher / teacher Content / content Learner / learner Learner / content Anderson (2002) Equivalency Theorem Group as educational actor Anderson & Dron, 2007 collective Dron & Anderson
  • 22. Models of the Many “ Collective representations exist outside of individual consciences, it is because they derive not from individuals taken one by one, but from their interaction, which is very different” Émile Durkheim Sociologie et Philosophie (1924 -1963, translation Masse
  • 23. Collective Conscious “ Being placed outside of and above individual and local contingencies, it sees things only in their permanent and essential aspects, which it crystallizes into communicable ideas.  … it alone can furnish the minds with the moulds which are applicable to the totality of things and which make it possible to think of them " ( Durkheim 1954 (1912), p.444 ” ). ...The state of anomie is impossible whenever interdependent organs are sufficiently in contact and sufficiently extensive. (Durkheim 1972, p. 184 The Division of Labor in Society)
  • 24. Evolutionary Model Of Collective Conscious Creation (from Durkheim) Mechanistic Organic Emergent Primitive, similarity, dependence Family, tribe and religion orientated Modern Specialization Division of Labour Mass media, State institutions Post modern, Net Based, networked, ubiquitous, weak and strong links, Syndication & Aggregation , Individuated media, Collective Consciousness
  • 25. Taxonomy of the ‘Many’ Dron and Anderson, 2007 Group Conscious membership Leadership and organization Cohorts and paced Rules and guidelines Access and privacy controls Focused and often time limited May be blended F2F Metaphor : Virtual classroom
  • 26. Group Network Shared interest/practice Fluid membership Friends of friends Reputation and altruism driven Emergent norms, structures Activity ebbs and flows Rarely F2F Metaphor: Virtual Community of Practice
  • 27. Metaphor: Wisdom of Crowds Group Network Collective ‘ Aggregated other’ Unconscious ‘wisdom of crowds’ Stigmatic aggregation No membership or rules Augmentation and annotation through use Data Mining Never F2F
  • 28. Social Learning 2.0 Dron and Anderson, 2007 Collective Group Network
  • 29. Social Learning 2.0 Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and the Collective. Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three sources of social learning. Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all three levels of granularity. Certain network tools are optimized for each level of granularity - Can they be appropriated for effective use?
  • 30. Choosing the right tool? http://www.go2web20.net 1313 logos as of June 22, 2007
  • 31. Social Learning 2.0 Applications in Educational Contexts Organizational Learning Formal Education Personal Learning Environments Collectives Networks Groups
  • 32. Formal Education and Groups: Comfortable, classes and cohorts Increases: completion rates, achievement satisfaction ( Jung, Choi, Lim, and Leem (2002) Same logistic challenges as for institutional, campus -based learning Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow freedom for expression and development Refuge for scholarship
  • 33. Formal Learning and Groups Longest history of research and study Need to optimize: Social presence Cognitive presence Teaching presence (Communitiesofinquiry.com) Established sets of tools – LMS Synchronous (video & net conferencing) Email
  • 34. Problems with Groups Confining in time, space pace, & relationship Often overly confined by teacher expectation and institutional curriculum control Foster learner dependencies Isolated from the world of practice Paulsen 1993 Relationships
  • 35. Challenges of using informal social software tools for formal group tasks Control Support Privacy Assessment Ownership and perseverance
  • 36. Example: How are Blogs used in Groups? “ You are required to post at least two messages to your blog and respond to the postings of at least two other enrolled students. Please use your postings to address the issue discussed on pages 34-38 of your text. Your post and responses will be assessed for 10% of your final grade To protect your privacy, your blog is not accessible outside of the LMS and postings will be destroyed at the end of the course.” Paraphrased from major UK university graduate school requirements
  • 37. Assessing Reflective writing If we don’t assess the blog, will students use them?? “ It is important to distinguish from the start journals that are essentially available for public or semi-public inspection and those which are designed to prompt reflection. It is misleading to treat all forms of journal writing as equivalent to each other.” Boud , 2001 Only learners should be able to decide on the audience - no-one; everyone (including Google); teacher; class; parents; etc.) Elgg has this capacity.
  • 38. 2. Formal Learning with Networks Each of us may belong to many networks Networks use and create artifacts, that are searchable Networks connect self-paced and independent learners Network leadership arises in multiple formats Supported by multiple, mostly free communications Allows connectivism to flourish (Siemens 2006) “It is not what you know, but who you know to ask.”
  • 39. Formal Education and Networks (cont.) Provides resource from which students’ extract information In school one should learn to build, contribute to and manage one’s networks Through exposure, provides application and validation of information and skills developed in formal learning Basis for ongoing support and advise from alumni and professional communities
  • 40. Network Tools Most web 2.0 apps including: Profiles: Finding significant others Blogging - outside the garden wall Recommendation systems (Slashdot, Diigo, Diig, Cite-u-like) Scheduling meet-ups for study, debate, collaboration Connecting people and resources - syndicating
  • 41. Network Learning Applications Examples: Extract and comment on a themes from last month’s IT Forum – blog results Create an analysis of affordances of Second Life for educational purposes – blog results Search and summarize from Technorati the roll-out of OLPC $100 laptop program? Using quotes from Hansard and Members Blogs, define the Conservatives’ position on global warming, and blog preliminary results for group and network feedback
  • 42. 3. Formal Education and Collectives Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning tasks Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and learning objects Requires high skill and literacy skills to effectively extract Requores contribution to the collective (tagging, sharing whenever possible, leaving traces) (only 16% of users are taggers (Pew, 2005) Allows discovery and validation of academic norms, values and paradigms
  • 44. Example 2 Wisdom of Crowds “ The concept is simple but brilliant; Ask enough people simple yes or no questions with knowledge of the demographic data of those you ask and you create an extremely useful resource. Offer those same people access to the data they've helped build Let those same people define the questions they're asked and you've created a self-propelling phenomenon that taps the wisdom of diverse communities.” http://www.downloadsquad.com
  • 45. Unplanned, unanticipated encounters are central to democracy itself. Such encounters often involve topics and points of view that people have not sought out and perhaps find quite irritating. They are important partly to ensure against fragmentation and extremism, which are predictable outcomes of any situation in which like-minded people speak only with themselves (Sunstein, 2001, P.8)
  • 46. How do you design effective activities for Groups, Networks and the Collective ??
  • 47. Design principles for Social Learning 2.0 Emergence, Evolution and Complexity: Principle of Adaptability ; Principle of Evolvability; Principle of Stigmergy (from FLYTREE ) (Dron, 2007)
  • 48. Design principles for Social Learning 2.0 Architecture and Design; Principle of Constraint, Principle of Parcellation; Principle of Scale . (Dron, 2007)
  • 49. Design principles for Social Learning 2.0 Social Psychology & community, Principle of Sociability Embedded opportunity for building relationships ; Principle of Trust – personal control Photo by Eye Press. (Dron, 2007)
  • 50. Design principles for Social Learning 2.0 (Dron, 2007) Networking Theory Principle of Connectivity all components linked (syndicated) to each other OpenID Windley (Dron, 2007)
  • 52. Are Social Networking and Collective activities Disruptive Technologies? Start out as not being good enough for the established market Have scalability, mass production advantages Appeal to non traditional consumers Not understood by mainstream organizations Clayton M. Christensen Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave , his 1997 book The Innovator's Dilemma .
  • 53. Should you establish a formal institution presence in FaceBook? Is it ‘their space’ or ‘our space’ or ‘everyone’s space’?? Where will Facebook be in 12 months?
  • 54. Don’t Expect help from your IT department “ in the bowling alley (pre tornado, rapid adoption phase) you are asking a company to adopt a new paradigm in advance of the rest of the market. This is not in the interest of the IT department. It means extra work for them, and it exposes their mission-critical systems to additional risk. Far better for them is to stay with their current paradigm a while longer, experimenting with the new one off line, but not embracing it. Instead you must turn to the end-user community." p. 46-47 Moore’s 1995 Inside the Tornado
  • 55. Strategies for Early Adopter Leaders Use the tools you want others to explore Develop learning activities in new Network and Collective spaces Develop an action or design-based research program to validate and learn from your interventions Communicate the results through your networks
  • 56. Importance of this issue Educational challenges are not met through evangelism, threats or technologies alone. Change happens when teachers, administrators and learners make it happen Perceived benefits – Personal Readiness - Organizational Pressure – Inter-organizational Chwelos; Benbasat; Dexter, 2001) Each of us is an agent of change
  • 57. Conclusion: Benefits of Using Social Learning 2.0 tools and concepts Lifelong learning skill Enhances involvement with and awareness of learning processes –unfreezes old patterns Creates legacy and real world artifacts Supports collaborative and reflective learning Increases integration with institution, teacher, other students across the taxonomy of the Many
  • 58. “ "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." -  Chinese Proverb Terry Anderson [email_address] Blog: terrya.edubogs.org Your comments and questions most welcomed!