Proficiency in using educational technology tools is becoming increasingly important for all instructors and librarians. The question is which tools to use and how to make them a meaningful part of students’ experiences in classrooms and at reference desks. Educators should also be able to make the most of educational technology when providing services to distance education students.
This presentation will show some of the major types of educational technology tools used at the university level including screen-capture software, citation management software, research tools, course management systems, podcasting, presentation software, and Second Life. The presenter will give an overview of what technology exists, how it is used, and why it is worthwhile. Students expect more multimedia instruction both online and in-person. By using these tools professors and librarians can provide instruction that is more vibrant and interactive without sacrificing content.
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Educational Technology Tools
1. Weaving Educational Technology into
Meaningful Interactions With Students
Sarah Baker
Assistant Professor,
Education Librarian
New Mexico State University
2. Educational technology tools
Presentation Software
Screen Capture Software
Podcasting/ Vodcasting
Video conferencing/ chat
Research tools
Course management software
Second life
3. Presentation Software
Voice thread
Free site to publish presentations online:
4. Media site
Recording software that allows the user to film a live
presentation, workshop, etc. along with broadcasting
the images on the presenter’s computer screen.
5. Voice thread
Free software that allows the user to create multimedia
presentations such as adding a voice-over to Power Point
presentations, etc. other features include being able to share
the presentation and allowing multiple users to add comments.
7. Screencast-o-matic
Free screencast software allowing the user to create basic
tutorials with optional audio commentary. You can export the video
as a movie file (flash, quicktime, windows media etc.) or upload it
directly to YouTube or Screencast-o-Matic to host.
10. Video sites/ Podcasting/ vodcasting
(select youtube edu education channel)
Itunes u
11. Veezyon
Free educational/ professional videos created
collaboratively with universities and organizations in
five general content areas: Health & Medicine, Science &
Technology, Art & Music, Public Affairs, and Business.
12. Video Conferencing/ chat
Skype (mac or pc)- Free video conferencing and chat
tool that is available internationally.
Ichat (mac)
13. Meebo
Free instant messaging tool that works across
platforms such as AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc.
14. Research tools
libguides (subject/ course guides)
Google Books/ WorldCat
Google scholar
Vendor databases
Federated search tools (serials solutions 360)
16. Federated Search
A tool that allows the user to search
simultaneously across multiple databases and the
library catalog.
17. Citation Management Software/
Social Bookmarking
Endnote Web
Delicious (social bookmarking)
18. Endnote Web
An online tool that allows the user to collect and
organize citations and to create bibliographies and in-
text citations
19. Delicious
Free social bookmarking tool that allows the user to
collect and share bookmarks to online resources. It
also allows you to tag/ categorize your bookmarks.
22. Second Life
A 3-D, virtual world where educators can post multi-
media presentations, create simulations, develop 3-D
learning objects, and much more.