This document discusses the effects of drinking alcohol on the body. It notes that alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream after drinking. Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to diseases like cirrhosis, which destroys liver cells and causes scarring of the liver, and cardiomyopathy, which causes enlargement and weakening of the heart muscle. Alcohol abuse is also linked to increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, violence and aggression. The level of intoxication from the same amount of alcohol depends on weight, as heavier people diffuse alcohol across a larger body surface area.
12. Cirrhosis
a disease in which alcohol
destroys the liver cells and
plugs the liver with fibrous scar
tissues and can lead to liver
failure and death.
15. Cardiomyopathy
is a degeneration of the
heart muscle that is
characterized by severe
enlargement of the heart
and inability of the
damaged heart to pump
blood effectively.
26. Alcohol abuse is also associated
with a high incidence of violence
and aggression. Homicides,
suicides, sexual assaults, spouse
abuse, and child abuse are the
results of aggressive behavior
caused by drinking too much
30. Thinner person will be moreThinner person will be more
intoxicated than a heavierintoxicated than a heavier
man after drinking the sameman after drinking the same
amount of alcohol. Heavieramount of alcohol. Heavier
people have large bodypeople have large body
surfaces through which tosurfaces through which to
diffuse alcohol.diffuse alcohol.
38. Make a concept map
about the effect of the
alcohol abuse to
yourself, community,
and family.
39. Assignment
Search an article about the causes and
effects of drinking beverage and
follow the instruction below:
– It must be printed
– It must not exceed with 2 pages
– Font style: ARIAL
– Font size: 12
– Cite your references.
– To be passed next meeting.