This document outlines 8 steps to become truly great at your job:
1. Reflect on how you compare to the best in your field using an objective frame of reference rather than just your colleagues.
2. Identify reasons why you may not be as good as you think, such as complacency, lack of knowledge, or external factors.
3. Get feedback from others you trust on your strengths and weaknesses.
4. Develop specific actions to address weaknesses rather than excuses, prioritizing high-impact solutions.
5. Take action on your plan rather than just discussing improvements.
6. Continuously work to improve and never become complacent in your progress.
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Eight steps to become great at what you do.
1. Being good at your
job is not enough
Milan Juza
steps to become
great at what you do
2. •Being really great at what you do is hard.
•Most people are average. Some are good, but only
very few are truly great.
•Perception of your own success and abilities
depends solely on the frame of reference you use.
•Don’t confuse pride with complacency.You need
the former, but you can’t afford the latter.
Some tough truths...
3. How do you know how good you really are?
Who do you compare yourself with? Your friends?Your
colleagues? People in your industry or your country?
Fact: It is more likely than not that you are not as great as you think.
Does it mean you suck at your job? No! It just means that
your frame of reference may not be the the right one.
Step 1: Think hard.
4. Try to answer these questions:
Do you know what great really looks like?
Who are the true global leaders in your line of business?
How do you/your team/your company compare with them?
Can you honestly say that you are still great at what you do when
you compare yourself with the very best?
Step 2: Choose frame of reference.
5. What do you think are the main reasons why you are not as
good as the very best in the business? Is it:
Your attitude?
Do you tend to look for “reasons" why things can’t be improved.Are you complacent?
Your organisation?
You do know what great looks like, but the company/team is just not geared up for it?
Your knowledge/capability/capacity?
Access to information, training, need to pair up with someone, lack of focus?
External factors?
Economy, communication, location, culture…
Anything else?
Step 3: Understand why.
Make a list of these reasons.
6. Be honest with yourself. Separate the true causes from the
substitute or the perceived ones.
Are you sure the list is complete? Are your priorities right?
Ask someone, whose opinion you trust, to give you their view.
Ask them to tell you if they see things in the same way as you
do? It may feel uncomfortable, but it is essential.
Step 4: Get feedback.
7. So you now know what stands between you and greatness.
Now, what can you do to get better? And what do you need
others (the team, the company) to do?
Start with things that will make the biggest impact on your own
and/or your team’s performance.
At this stage, don’t worry about how difficult it may be to actually
complete these actions.
Step 5: Identify solutions.
Remember:The aim is not to look for excuses.The aim is to look
for actions and solutions.
8. Assess effort/complexity of each action or solution.
Compare the impact of each action against the effort or cost
of its implementation.
Revise the priorities as necessary.
Identify quick wins and set yourself a time-based target.
Be realistic — set goals that you can meaningfully achieve in
a foreseeable future.
Step 6: Distill what you can do.
9. So far, you have only been thinking, writing and talking about
getting better.
Now you need to start doing stuff!
Don’t forget that most (self)improvement activities fail for one or
more of these reasons:
you did not take it seriously
you did not allocate enough time
you never moved from talking to doing
you were not honest with yourself
Step 7: Take action!
10. You might have implemented all the actions from your list.And it
hopefully made a big difference to the way how you or your
team/company operates. Well done to you!
See what you’ve learned in this process. Has your definition of
great changed in some way?
Now, repeat the same process again —You know what to do.
Step 8: Never stay still.
Always strive to get better. Be passionate about it. Let continuos
improvement be an key part of everything you do.
11. Quick Recap.
Think hard
Choose frame of reference
Get feedback
Identify solutions
Distill what you can do
Take action!
Never stay still
Understand why