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SpecialTopic in Basic Microeconomics
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 Elasticity is a general concept that
can be used to quantify the
response in one variable when
another variable changes.
e l a s t i c i t y o f A w i t h r e s p e c t t o B
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 a measure of the responsiveness of quantity
to the percentage changes in what affects it
% c h a n g e i n q u a n t i t y d e m a n d e d x 1 0 0 %2
−Q Q
% c h a n g e i n p r i c e x 1 0 0 %2
−P P
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 A more accurate way of
computing elasticity than
percentage changes is the
midpoint formula:
( ) /
( ) /
2 1
1 2
2 1
1 2
1 0 0 %
x 1 0 0 %
( ) /
( ) /
. .
= = −
1 0 5
5 1 0 2
1 0 0 %
2 3
3 2 2
7 5 1 6 7
x 1 0 0 %
x 1 0 0 %
- 1
2 .5
x 1 0 0 %
6 6 .7 %
- 4 0 .0 %
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 Price Elasticity (of Demand) – the ratio
between the percentage change in quantity
demanded to a corresponding percentage
change in price.
e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2 – Q1)/ Q1 ] x 100
________ ____________________
% ∆ P/ P [(P2 - P1) / P1 ] x 100
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 Unitary (= 1): a percentage change in price is equal to
the same percentage change in quantity demanded.
The total revenue obtained remains constant despite
the price change.
 Elastic (> 1): a change in price will result in a more
than proportionate change in quantity demanded.
Higher total revenues are obtained by lowering prices.
This is usually true for non-necessary items.
 Inelastic ( < 1): a change in price will result to a less
than proportionate change in quantity demanded.
Higher total revenues are obtained by increasing
prices. This is usually true for basic products like
staple food, medicine, and other necessary items.
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 When demand does not
respond at all to a change
in price, demand is
perfectly inelastic.
 Demand is perfectly elastic
when quantity demanded
drops to zero at the slightest
increase in price.
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Here is how to interpret two different values of
 When ε = 0.2, a 10% increase in price leads to
a 2% decrease in quantity demanded.
 When ε = 2.0, a 10% increase in price leads to
a 20% decrease in quantity demanded.
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Table 1. Demand Schedule for Rice
Price (P) Quantity
(Qd )
Total Revenue
(P x Qd )
50 8 P400
40 9 360
30 10 300
20 11 220
10 12 120
• What is the price elasticity of demand for rice if you
decrease your price from P40 to P20? Should you go ahead
with the price decrease?
Jean Lee C. Patindol
e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2
– Q1
) / Q1
] x 100
_______ ________________________
% ∆ P/ P [(P2
- P1
) / P1
] x 100
= [(11- 9) / 9] x 100
[ (20 – 40) / 40 ] x 100
= 22.22 / - 50
= - 0.44
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 At -0.44 elasticity (less than 1), this means that
the price elasticity of demand for rice is inelastic.
 Lowering the price from P40 to P20 results in only
a 0.44% increase (thus, the negative sign, to
show the inversely proportional relationship
between P and Qd) in quantity demanded.
 Also, the total revenue to be obtained is
decreased from P360 to P220. Thus, it is not
advisable to decrease the price.
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Hypothetical Demand Elasticities for Four Products
(%∆QD  %∆P)
Insulin +10% 0% 0.0 Perfectly inelastic
Basic telephone service +10% -1% -0.1 Inelastic
Beef +10% -10% -1.0 Unitarily elastic
Bananas +10% -30% -3.0 Elastic
Jean Lee C. Patindol
When demand is inelastic, price and total revenues are directly
related. Price increases generate higher revenues.
When demand is elastic, price and total revenues are indirectly
related. Price increases generate lower revenues.
Type of
demand Value of Ed
Change in quantity
versus change in
Effect of an
increase in
price on total
Effect of a
decrease in price
on total revenue
Elastic Greater than
Larger percentage change
in quantity
Total revenue
Total revenue
Inelastic Less than 1.0 Smaller percentage
change in quantity
Total revenue
Total revenue
Equal to 1.0 Same percentage change
in quantity and price
Total revenue
does not change
Total revenue does
not change
T R P Q= ×
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Table 1. Demand Schedule for Rice
Price (P) Quantity
(Qd )
Total Revenue
(P x Qd )
50 8 P400
40 9 360
30 10 300
20 11 220
10 12 120
•What is the price elasticity of demand for rice if you
increase your price from P20 to P30? Should you go
ahead with your price increase?
Jean Lee C. Patindol
e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2
– Q1
) / Q1
] x 100
________ ________________________
% ∆ P/ P [(P2
- P1
) / P1
] x 100
= [(10- 11) / 11] x 100
[(30 – 20) / 20 ] x 100
= - 9.09
= -0.18
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 Availability of substitutes -- demand is more
elastic when there are more substitutes for
the product.
 Importance of the item in the budget --
demand is more elastic when the item is a
more significant portion of the consumer’s
 Time dimension -- demand becomes more
elastic over time.
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 the ratio between the percentage change in
quantity demanded to a corresponding
percentage change in income.
ey = % ∆ Q/ Q
% ∆ Y/ Y
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 the ratio of the relationship between the
percentage change in the quantity demanded
for one product and the percentage change in
price of its substitute product
e = % ∆ Qx / Qx
% ∆ Py/ Py
Jean Lee C. Patindol
 the ratio between the percentage change in
quantity supplied to a corresponding
percentage change in price; tends to increase
in the long-run than in the short-run because
ability of Supply to shift resources to
e = % ∆ Qs / Qs
% ∆ P/ P
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Table 2.
Income and Price Elasticities of Demand of Southeast Asian Travellers to
the Philippines
Country of Origin Income Elasticity of
Price Elasticity of
Indonesia 1.20 -0.21
Malaysia 1.98 -0.37
Singapore 1.75 -0.44
Thailand 0.65 -0.25
•Describe the income elasticities of demand of each country. Which
country’s people are the most likely to travel to the Philippines with
increases in their income? The least likely?
•Describe the price elasticities of demand for travel services of each
country. Do these countries’ people consider traveling to the Philippines
ncessary or not?
Jean Lee C. Patindol
Table 3. Demand Schedule for Super Cologne, P = P70
Price (P) Quantity Demanded
(Qd )
Total Revenue
(P x Qd )
70 3
60 6
50 9
40 12
30 15
•What is the price elasticity of demand for Super Cologne if you
decrease your price from P60 to P40? Should you go ahead with
your price decrease?
• ANSWER WITH (5): elasticity coefficient; type of elasticity;
interpretation in terms of 10% change in price; interpretation in
terms of effect on TR; decision on price decrease or not
Jean Lee C. Patindol

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  • 1. SpecialTopic in Basic Microeconomics Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 2.  Elasticity is a general concept that can be used to quantify the response in one variable when another variable changes. e l a s t i c i t y o f A w i t h r e s p e c t t o B A B = % % ∆ ∆ Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 3.  a measure of the responsiveness of quantity to the percentage changes in what affects it % c h a n g e i n q u a n t i t y d e m a n d e d x 1 0 0 %2 = −Q Q Q 1 1 % c h a n g e i n p r i c e x 1 0 0 %2 = −P P P 1 1 Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 4.  A more accurate way of computing elasticity than percentage changes is the midpoint formula: % % ( ) / ( ) / ∆ ∆ Q P Q Q Q Q P P P P d = − + − + 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 % 2 x x 1 0 0 % % % ( ) / ( ) / . . ∆ ∆ Q P d = − + − + = = − 1 0 5 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 % 2 3 3 2 2 5 7 5 1 6 7 x x 1 0 0 % x 1 0 0 % - 1 2 .5 x 1 0 0 % = 6 6 .7 % - 4 0 .0 % Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 5.  Price Elasticity (of Demand) – the ratio between the percentage change in quantity demanded to a corresponding percentage change in price. e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2 – Q1)/ Q1 ] x 100 ________ ____________________ % ∆ P/ P [(P2 - P1) / P1 ] x 100 Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 6.  Unitary (= 1): a percentage change in price is equal to the same percentage change in quantity demanded. The total revenue obtained remains constant despite the price change.  Elastic (> 1): a change in price will result in a more than proportionate change in quantity demanded. Higher total revenues are obtained by lowering prices. This is usually true for non-necessary items.  Inelastic ( < 1): a change in price will result to a less than proportionate change in quantity demanded. Higher total revenues are obtained by increasing prices. This is usually true for basic products like staple food, medicine, and other necessary items. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 7.  When demand does not respond at all to a change in price, demand is perfectly inelastic.  Demand is perfectly elastic when quantity demanded drops to zero at the slightest increase in price. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 8. Here is how to interpret two different values of elasticity:  When ε = 0.2, a 10% increase in price leads to a 2% decrease in quantity demanded.  When ε = 2.0, a 10% increase in price leads to a 20% decrease in quantity demanded. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 9. Table 1. Demand Schedule for Rice Price (P) Quantity Demanded (Qd ) Total Revenue (P x Qd ) 50 8 P400 40 9 360 30 10 300 20 11 220 10 12 120 • What is the price elasticity of demand for rice if you decrease your price from P40 to P20? Should you go ahead with the price decrease? Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 10. e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2 – Q1 ) / Q1 ] x 100 _______ ________________________ % ∆ P/ P [(P2 - P1 ) / P1 ] x 100 = [(11- 9) / 9] x 100 ___________________ [ (20 – 40) / 40 ] x 100 = 22.22 / - 50 = - 0.44 Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 11.  At -0.44 elasticity (less than 1), this means that the price elasticity of demand for rice is inelastic.  Lowering the price from P40 to P20 results in only a 0.44% increase (thus, the negative sign, to show the inversely proportional relationship between P and Qd) in quantity demanded.  Also, the total revenue to be obtained is decreased from P360 to P220. Thus, it is not advisable to decrease the price. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 12. Hypothetical Demand Elasticities for Four Products PRODUCT % CHANGE IN PRICE (%∆P) % CHANGE IN QUANTITY DEMANDED (%∆QD) ELASTICITY (%∆QD  %∆P) Insulin +10% 0% 0.0 Perfectly inelastic Basic telephone service +10% -1% -0.1 Inelastic Beef +10% -10% -1.0 Unitarily elastic Bananas +10% -30% -3.0 Elastic Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 13. When demand is inelastic, price and total revenues are directly related. Price increases generate higher revenues. When demand is elastic, price and total revenues are indirectly related. Price increases generate lower revenues. Type of demand Value of Ed Change in quantity versus change in price Effect of an increase in price on total revenue Effect of a decrease in price on total revenue Elastic Greater than 1.0 Larger percentage change in quantity Total revenue decreases Total revenue increases Inelastic Less than 1.0 Smaller percentage change in quantity Total revenue increases Total revenue decreases Unitary elastic Equal to 1.0 Same percentage change in quantity and price Total revenue does not change Total revenue does not change T R P Q= × Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 14. Table 1. Demand Schedule for Rice Price (P) Quantity Demanded (Qd ) Total Revenue (P x Qd ) 50 8 P400 40 9 360 30 10 300 20 11 220 10 12 120 •What is the price elasticity of demand for rice if you increase your price from P20 to P30? Should you go ahead with your price increase? Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 15. e = % ∆ Q/ Q or [(Q2 – Q1 ) / Q1 ] x 100 ________ ________________________ % ∆ P/ P [(P2 - P1 ) / P1 ] x 100 = [(10- 11) / 11] x 100 ____________________ [(30 – 20) / 20 ] x 100 = - 9.09 ______ 50 = -0.18 Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 16.  Availability of substitutes -- demand is more elastic when there are more substitutes for the product.  Importance of the item in the budget -- demand is more elastic when the item is a more significant portion of the consumer’s budget.  Time dimension -- demand becomes more elastic over time. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 17. Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 18.  the ratio between the percentage change in quantity demanded to a corresponding percentage change in income. ey = % ∆ Q/ Q __________ % ∆ Y/ Y Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 19.  the ratio of the relationship between the percentage change in the quantity demanded for one product and the percentage change in price of its substitute product e = % ∆ Qx / Qx ____________ % ∆ Py/ Py Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 20.  the ratio between the percentage change in quantity supplied to a corresponding percentage change in price; tends to increase in the long-run than in the short-run because ability of Supply to shift resources to production e = % ∆ Qs / Qs __________ % ∆ P/ P Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 21. Table 2. Income and Price Elasticities of Demand of Southeast Asian Travellers to the Philippines Country of Origin Income Elasticity of Demand Price Elasticity of Demand Indonesia 1.20 -0.21 Malaysia 1.98 -0.37 Singapore 1.75 -0.44 Thailand 0.65 -0.25 •Describe the income elasticities of demand of each country. Which country’s people are the most likely to travel to the Philippines with increases in their income? The least likely? •Describe the price elasticities of demand for travel services of each country. Do these countries’ people consider traveling to the Philippines ncessary or not? Jean Lee C. Patindol
  • 22. Table 3. Demand Schedule for Super Cologne, P = P70 Price (P) Quantity Demanded (Qd ) Total Revenue (P x Qd ) 70 3 60 6 50 9 40 12 30 15 •What is the price elasticity of demand for Super Cologne if you decrease your price from P60 to P40? Should you go ahead with your price decrease? • ANSWER WITH (5): elasticity coefficient; type of elasticity; interpretation in terms of 10% change in price; interpretation in terms of effect on TR; decision on price decrease or not Jean Lee C. Patindol