The document provides information on electron microscopy. It discusses the basic components and operating principles of transmission electron microscopes and scanning electron microscopes. Key points include: TEMs use electromagnetic lenses to focus electrons into an image, while SEMs scan specimen surfaces with a focused electron beam to produce topographical images. Both require specimens to be prepared through fixation, dehydration, embedding and sectioning to withstand the vacuum conditions. Contrast in electron micrographs is obtained through interactions between electrons and the specimen.
2. • Introduction
• Transmission EM
• Scanning EM
• Preparation of tissue for EM
• Diagnostic applications
3. Introduction and History
• The word microscope is derived
from the Greek mikros (small) and
skopeo (look at).
• The light microscope -developed
from the Galilean telescope during
the 17th century.
• Dutchman Antony van
Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) –
simple microscope.
• Discovered protozoa,
spermatozoa, and bacteria, and
classified red blood cells by shape.
4. • The limiting factor in Van
Leeuwenhoek’s microscope was the
single convex lens.
• Addition of another lens could
magnify the image produced by the
first lens.
• This compound microscope –
consisting of an objective lens and an
eyepiece, a mirror or a source of light
and a specimen table for holding and
positioning the specimen.
5. Resolution of the Human Eye
• In sufficient light, the unaided human eye can
distinguish two points 0.2 mm apart.
• A lens or an assembly of lenses (a microscope) can be
used to magnify this distance and enable the eye to
see points even closer together than 0.2 mm.
6. Types of microscopes
• Three basic types:
• Optical, charged particle (electron and ion), or scanning
• Electron and ion microscopes, use a beam of charged
particles, and electromagnetic or electrostatic lenses
• They can see features as small a tenth of a nanometer,
such as individual atoms.
• Scanning probe microscopes use a physical probe (a very
small, very sharp needle) which scan over the sample in
contact or near-contact with the surface.
• These instruments are capable of atomic scale resolution
7. • A modern light microscope - 1000x .
• The resolving power of the microscope limited by
the wavelength of the light used for illumination.
• Using light with a shorter wavelength--a small
• Using oil --- small improvement, but all together
only brought the resolving power of the
microscope to just under 100 nm.
8. • In the 1920- accelerated electrons behave in
vacuum much like light.
• They travel in straight lines and have wavelike
• Wavelength is about 1,00,000 times shorter
than that of visible light.
• Electric and magnetic fields are used to shape
the paths followed by electrons
9. 1931-Ernst Ruska at the University of Berlin built the
first transmission electron microscope (TEM)
1986- awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics
10. • The first electron microscope used two magnetic
lenses, and three years later he added a third lens
and demonstrated a resolution of 100 nm, twice
as good as that of the light microscope.
• Today, electron microscopes have reached
resolutions of better than 0.05 nm, more than
4000 times better than a typical light microscope
and 4,000,000 times better than the unaided eye.
12. Resolution of a microscope
• Wavelength of the illumination source ( λ )
• The numerical aperture of the lens (N.A.)
Limit of resolution = 0.61 λ/N.A.
• The maximum value of N.A. for light microscope is approx. 1.4.
therefore, that even the short blue light ( λ = 436 nm) of the
visible spectrum will yield a resolution of only 190 nm.
• The wavelength of an electron beam is about 100,000 times
less than that of visible light and hence the resolution of an
electron microscope is far superior to that of the light
14. The Electron
• An atom is made up of three kinds of particles – protons,
neutrons, and electrons.
• The electrons, which are about 1800 times lighter than
the nuclear particles, occupy distinct orbits, each of
which can accommodate a fixed maximum number of
• When electrons are liberated from the atom-they
behave like light.
15. Types of electron microscope
1. Transmission
microscopy :
2. Scanning
19. Transmission Electron Microscope
• TEM is the direct counterpart of Light
• Involves passage of high velocity electron
beam through specimen, thin enough to
transmit 50% of the electrons
• Transmitted electrons – focused by lens
systems to form a 2 dimensional magnified
20. Analogy between LM & TEM
• Arrangement & function of their components
1. Illuminating system – source & condensor
2. Imaging system – lenses to produce
magnified image – objective & projector
3. Image translating system – Final image is
25. Electron source
• The electron source consists of a
cathode and an anode.
• The cathode is a tungsten
filament which emits electrons
when being heated.
• A negative cap confines the
electrons into a loosely focused
• The beam is then accelerated
towards the specimen by the
positive anode.
26. Electromagnetic lens system
• The system allows electrons within a small
energy range to pass through, so the electrons
in the electron beam will have a well-defined
• 1. Magnetic Lens: Circular electro-
magnets capable of generating a precise
circular magnetic field. The field acts like an
optical lens to focus the electrons.
• 2. Aperture: A thin disk with a small (2-100
micrometers) circular through-hole. It is used
to restrict the electron beam and filter out
unwanted electrons before hitting the
28. The Vacuum System
• The electron beam must be generated in and traverse
through the microscope column under a high vacuum
• The presence of air molecules will result in the collision
and scattering of the electrons from their path.
• In the electron microscope the vacuum is maintained
by a series of highly efficient vacuum pumps.
• THE VACUUM FACTOR: Biological material must be
properly fixed and preserved
29. Sample holder
• The sample holder is a platform equipped with
a mechanical arm for holding the specimen
and controlling its position.
31. Imaging system
• The imaging system consists of another
electromagnetic lens system and a
• The electromagnetic lens - two lens, one
for refocusing the electrons after they
pass through the specimen, and the other
for enlarging the image and projecting it
onto the screen.
• The screen has a phosphorescent plate
which glows when being hit by electrons.
32. Image Formation in the TEM
• The basis of image formation in the TEM is the
scattering of electrons.
• The scattering results in a shadow on the viewing
screen or photographic film.
• Material with high atomic numbers will cause more
scattering and produce a deep shadow. Such material
is termed "electron dense" and has high image
• Biological material has low electron density and is
known generally as "electron transparent". Hence, an
inherent low contrast image is formed.
with heavy metal salts.
• To directly visualise the surface topography of solid
unsectioned specimens.
• Probe scans the specimen in square raster pattern.
• The first scanning electron microscope (SEM) debuted in
1938 ( Von Ardenne) with the first commercial
instruments around 1965.
• Differs from TEM in construction & operational modes
• TEM – information is obtained from transmitted
• SEM – majority is obtained from secondary,
backscattered electrons & from X-rays.
37. Thin Specimen Interactions
• Incident electrons which are transmitted through the
thin specimen without any interaction occurring
inside the specimen- Unscattered Electrons.
• The transmission of unscattered electrons is inversely
proportional to the specimen thickness.
• Areas of the specimen that are thicker will have
fewer transmitted unscattered electrons and so will
appear darker, conversely the thinner areas will have
more transmitted and thus will appear lighter.
38. Elastic Interactions
• No energy is transferred from the electron to the
sample. The electron either passes without any
interaction or is scattered by electrostatic with the
positive potential inside the electron cloud.
• These signals are mainly exploited in TEM and
electron diffraction.
39. Inelastic scattering:
Primary electrons hit electrons of
the specimen atom
Energy is transferred from the
primary electron to the specimen
Emission of electrons and radiation
42. • After the impingement of the primary
electrons on the specimens, secondary
electrons as well as other forms of
radiation are emitted.
• But only the secondary electrons will be
collected by the signal detector.
• In the detector these electrons strike a
scintillator and the light produced is
converted to electric signals by a
• The electric signal is then amplified and
displayed on the cathode ray tube (CRT).
43. • In the SEM the electron beam is rapidly
scanned back and forth in an orderly pattern
across the specimen surface.
• It is a composite of many individual image
spots similar to the image formed on the TV
• The SEM has a specimen stage that allows the
specimen to move freely so that the surface of
the specimen can be viewed from all angles.
44. The focused electron beam is moved from one pixel to another.
At every pixel, the beam stays for a defined time and generates
a signal (e.g.secondary electrons) which are detected, amplified
and displayed on a computer screen
45. Image magnification in SEM
– A smaller area is scanned with the same number of
– The scanned pixels are smaller
46. TEM vs SEM
6 lenses – C1, C2, objective, 3 3 lenses – 2 condensor, 1
projector objective
High accelerating voltage - low accelerating voltage
Not complicated Specimen Stage – complicated
X & y axis X,Y,Z-axis, tilting, rotating
47. Contrast formation in TEM
Absorption of electrons
Scattering of electrons
Diffraction and phase contrast
48. Contrast formation in TEM
• Biological specimen consist of light elements:
Absorption contrast weak
Scattering contrast weak LOW CONTRAST
Phase contrast weak
• Contrast enhancement required:
– Treatment with heavy metals (Ur, Pb, Os)!
– Heavy metals attach differently to different
50. Contrast formation in SEM (using SE
and BSE)
• Different number of electrons from different
spots of the specimen
– Based on topography of the specimen
– Based on composition of the specimen
51. Uniform layer of heavy metal on specimen surface
Primary electron beam
• This is a recent technological advance in the field of
Electron Microscopy.
• The beam of electrons scans the specimen, as it does in
scanning electron microscopy.
• However, it is the transmitted electrons that are
collected and amplified and form an image on a
cathode ray tube.
• The small spot size of the beam allows different areas
of the specimen to be discriminated and analyzed.
• A major use of STEM is in X-ray analysis which allows
the elemental composition of the specimen to be
53. Specimen preparation for electron
Steps include
Specimen procurement
Tissue processing and sectioning
Tissue preserved in glutaraldehyde.
Tissue must be representative of the disease.
Areas that show - degeneration, necrosis,
haemorrhage must be avoided.
55. Drying of the surface must be avoided.
Tissue must be properly fixed.
The suitability of the tissue can be confirmed
by a frozen section or touch preparation.
56. • Fixation : most commonly used are osmium
tetroxide, glutaraldehyde and
• Dehydration : acetone or ascending
concentration of alcohol, 5-15 min in each
• Use of dimethyoxypropane for rapid dehydration.
• Clearing agent: propylene oxide.
57. • Embedding media : methacrylate and epoxy
• These medias infiltrate well and help in thin
• Blocks are transferred to suitable capsule
containing fresh resin and these capsules are
transferred to incubator for polymerization.
59. Dehydration
50% alcohol 5-15 min
70% alcohol 5-15 min
90% alcohol 5-15 min
Absolute alcohol 5-15 min
Absolute alcohol 5-15 min
Absolute alcohol 5-15 min
Propylene oxide 15 min
Propylene oxide 15 min
Epoxy resin 45-60min
Polymerization at 60°C 24hrs
60. When formalin fixed tissue used – area that is likely
to be fixed from outer surface to be chosen.
Paraffin blocks-the corresponding light microscopic
section should be examined so that best portion of
the tissue can be mapped.
However paraffin embedded tissue is never
satisfying for an electron microscopist because of
considerable distortion.
61. Certain types specimens require special
processing unlike surgical specimens.
These include-
1. Percutaneous renal biopsies- 1-2mm pieces
from both the ends of the core are fixed to
ensure cortical glomeruli are represented in
tissue .
62. Aspirate directly expressed
into glutaraldehyde with
gentle agitation
and kept for fixation
Filtration of the fixed
specimen through 20µm
mesh screen
Cells washed with pelleted
buffer and processed as for
solid tissue
63. 3.Bone marrow aspirate
Centifugation of Gentle Layering
Disk is gently
heparinized of fixative on the
transferred and
aspirate in buffy coat and
further processed
haematocrit tube fixation
64. 4.Core biopsies of bone
Challenging as decalcification causes severe
damage to cells.
Fixation in
Soft marrow dislodged
with fine needle under
a dissecting microscope
Processed in routine
65. 5.Body fluids
Non • Centrifugation&
• Fixation in glutaraldehyde
Hemorrhagic • Erythrocytes removed
fluids with brief hemolysis.
• Rinsing in buffer and
Preparation of thick or semithin sections:
After the tissue has been embedded in plastic
The blocks are embedded into sections at a
thickness of approximately 1µm.
67. And these are stained with methylene blue or
toulidine blue and
Examined to verify that blocks selected are
representative of the disease process
68. Thin sections are used for ultrastructural
study-50nm thickness.
These very thin sections are necessary-poor
penetrating properties of electron beam.
Ultramicrotomes are used for thin sectioning
70. Diagnostic applications
As a rule the pathologist performing the EM
should come to presumptive diagnosis from
Clinical history and light microscopic findings
before performing the ultra structural studies.
71. Electron
diagnosis of Ultrastructure of
non tumour tumors
72. Non tumor biopsies Tumor diagnosis
• Epithelial tumors
• Diseases of kidney • Mesothelioma
• Metabolic storage diseases • Melanoma
• Respiratory tract biopsies • Hematopoietic and
• Skeletal muscle diseases lymphopoietic tumors
• Infectious agents • Soft-tissue tumors
• Cutaneous diseases • Central nervous system
• Peripheral nerve biopsies tumors
• Small round cell tumors
74. Renal biopsies
Aided in classification of renal disease in
particular & better understanding of the
pathogenesis of glomerular disease
75. a. Detailed study of glomerulus- epithelial cell,
endothelial cells, basement membrane &
b. Best method - to evaluate the thickness and the
structure of glomerular basement membrane.
c. Aids in identifying the exact location of immune-
complex deposits within glomerulus.
76. Renal B opsy D agnosi s U
i i sual l y
R equi r i ng El ect r on M cr oscopy
Minimal change nephropathy
Post-infectious glomerulonephritis
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Membranous nephropathy
Dense deposit disease
Diabetic nephropathy—early morphological changes (GBM thickening)
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
Focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis—early recurrence in renal allograft
77. Algorithm of Interpretation of Ultrastructural Findings:
Discrete Immune-Type Electron-Dense Deposits Present
(Usually Combined SUBEPITHELIAL,
Membranous GN Dense deposit disease MPGN IgA Lupus (WHO
nephropathy classes III and IV)
Lupus (WHO class V) GN related to Lupus (WHO class Henoch- MPGN type III
endocarditis, deep- III and IV) Schönlein
seated abscesses purpura
Postinfectious GN Cryoglobulinemic Lupus (WHO GN related to
GN (microtubular class II) endocarditis,
substructure) C1q deep-seated
nephropathy abscesses
Rare other
forms of
erative GN
78. Algorithm of Interpretation of Ultrastructural Findings:
No Discrete Immune-Type Electron-Dense Deposits Present
Fluffy Electron- Finely Granular Fibrillary/Microt
Normal GBM Diffusely Abnormal GBM Lucent Material Deposits ubular Deposits
Minimal change Diffuse thinning All forms of Monoclonal Amyloidosis,
disease, FSGS thrombotic immunoglobuli fibrillary GN,
Thin GBM disease, early microangiopathies, n deposition cryoglobulinemic
including malignantdisease GN, diabetic
hypertension glomeruloscleros
Alport syndrome is, collagen type
Diffuse thickening III
Diabetes, hypertension,
long-standing ischemia (also
Diffuse lamellation /splitting
Alport syndrome
83. Storage disorders
Deposition - lipid and glycogen can be visualized
in biopsies of skin, brain, rectum, muscle, nerve,
spleen, lymph nodes , bone marrow, heart and
Gaucher’s disease- abnormal glucocerebroside
accumulation in reticuloendothelial cell of
liver,spleen,lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
84. Gaucher disease involving the bone marrow
A, Gaucher cells with abundant lipid-laden granular cytoplasm.
B, Electron micrograph of Gaucher cells with elongated distended lysosomes.
85. Ganglion cells in Tay-Sachs disease.
A, Under the light microscope, a large neuron has obvious lipid vacuolation.
B, A portion of a neuron under the electron microscope shows prominent lysosomes with
whorled configurations
86. Niemann -Pick disease
• Accumulation of
sphingomyelin in
• Electron microscopy-
engorged secondary
lysosomes contain
membranous cytoplasmic
bodies resembling
concentric lamellated
myelin figures called
zebra bodies
87. Viral & other infections
• Body fluids, skin blister fluid, curetting from
warty skin lesions, surgically resected, PM
• Size 20-300nm
• Negative staining- 4% PTA
88. A, Adenovirus, an icosahedral nonenveloped DNA virus with fibers. B, Epstein-Barr virus, an
icosahedral enveloped DNA virus. C, Rotavirus, a nonenveloped, wheel-like, RNA virus. D,
Paramyxovirus, a spherical enveloped RNA virus. RNA is seen spilling out of the disrupted
91. Respiratory Tract Biopsies
EM helps in studying several abnormalities of
ciliary structure.
That is abnormalities in structure, number and
pattern of microtubules that compose the
axoneme of the cilium.
92. • Abnormal fine structure of cilia is seen in
ciliary dysfunction, such as immotile cilia
93. Skeletal Muscle Biopsies
Alterations that can be studied under EM are
relatively non specific.
Inclusions within myofibrils - lysosomal and non
lysosomal storage disorders.*Fabry’s,Pompe’s+
Congenital multicore disease - disaaray of myofibrils
95. Fabry’s Disease
Deficiency of alfa
galactosidase and
accumulation of
96. Ultrastructure of Tumors
• Electron microscopy is an useful adjuvant
techniques in the diagnosis and understanding
of neoplasms.
• Electron microscopy along with
immunohistochemistry is more helpful than
EM alone.
97. Indications
• Confirming the light microscopic diagnosis of a
• Differentiating primary neoplasms from
metastatic neoplasms.
• Evaluating metastatic tumors of unknown
primary origin.
• Evaluating histologically undifferentiated
malignant neoplasms.
98. • Subtyping sarcomas
• Subtyping lymphomas and leukemias
• Evaluating neoplasms with unusual features
such as crystalloid inclusions.
99. Squamous cell carcinoma
Well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
Abundant cytokeratin filaments.
Frequent desmosomes between cells.
101. Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas
Reduction in cytokeratin filaments
Reduction in desmosomes
Diminution in organelles
Loss of basal lamina
108. Mesothelioma and Adenocarcinoma
• Mesotheliomas are characterized by having long,
narrow, branching microvilli with a length to
width ratio of around 10-16:1 ,-on free surfaces
of cells.
• By contrast, adenocarcinomas have short, stubby
microvilli with core rootlets.
109. Electron microphotograph of malignant mesothelioma-long thin non intestinal type of
microvilli devoid of glycocalyx and actinic rootlets.
110. Ultrastructure of Melanoma
Helpful in diagnosing melanomas -not express
anti-S-100 or the HMB-45 monoclonal
In such cases identification of
premelanosomes or melanosomes hallmarks
the diagnosis of melanoma.
114. • Immunostaining remains the main stay.
• However EM is helpful –immunostaining is
equivocal or negative.
115. • Ultrastructural findings of leukemias and
1. Nuclear pockets
2. Absence of intercellular attachment
3. Lack of endoplasmic reticulum
4. Cytoplasm filled with free ribosomes
5. Sparse mitochondria
6. Lipid droplets in large cell lymphomas
116. 7. Immunoblastic transformation- the cisternae
of the endoplasmic reticulum become
abundant and organised.
8.Birbeck granules in Langerhans cells- are
endocytic organelles that transport antigens
from receptors on cell surface to interior to
fuse with saccules of the golgi complex
producing racket like configuration.
121. Smooth muscle cell tumours- poorly developed ER , myofibrillary filaments attached to
focal densities
123. • Diffuse sheets not classified by other
• Myofilaments of skeletal muscle in
embryonal or alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
• Lakes of glycogen in Ewing’s tumour
• Distinctive cytoplasmic processes in
126. Neuroblastoma
wrapping around
a neuroblastoma
127. Neuroendocrine tumours
• Neuro secretory vacuoles
in cytoplasm
• Spherical , ovoid
• Electron dense centre
surrounded by a clear
lucent halo enclosed in
distinct membrane.
• Carcinoids, APUD,
chemodactoma, medullary
ca thyroid
129. • Classification of various cellular conformations of
the CNS is difficult when trying to distinguish glial
and neuronal elements using only light
microscopy and immunohistochemistry.
• Electron microscopy often plays a pivotal role in
diagnosis because it can provide accurate
diagnosis when immunohistochemical studies
are equivocal or negative.
131. Filgree pattern of the curving strands of attenuated cells- extracranial
132. Disadvantages
1. EM is not economical- stable high voltage
supply, vaccum system etc
2. Findings unlikely to influence treatment, IHC n
LM together are confirmatory .
3. Tissue preparation is tough
4. Only a small proportion of neoplasm can be
5. Misinterpretation of non- neoplastic elements
belonging to the tumor
133. Conclusion
Currently the use of EM is limited for the
expense and lack of surgical pathologists to
interpret EM findings .
Still it provides unique insight into the
structure of some tumors and renal
So better to use it selectively in study and
diagnosis of human diseases and research
areas and correlating the findings with LM
findings and IHC results.
134. Recent advances
• One of the latest developments in electron
microscopy is the environmental scanning
electron microscope (ESEM), which enables
soft, moist and/or electrically insulating
materials to be viewed without pre-treatment.
135. Hammar [2002] has succinctly
summarized the current
diagnostic status for IHC and EM:
“ There are no immunohistochemical
features that are absolutely specific
100% at this time in diagnosing a
neoplasm. There are a number of ultra
structural features of neoplasm that are
100% or nearly 100% specific in
diagnosing certain neoplasms."
136. References
• Theory and practices of histopathological
techniques, John D Bancroft, 4th edition;pg 585-
• Robbins and Cotran, PATHOLOGIC BASIS OF
DISEASE, 8th edition.
• Cellular pathology technique, C.F.A. Culling, 4th
edition;pg 603-620.
• Various internet sources.
From the dawn of science there has been an interest in being able to look at smaller and smaller details of the world around us. Biologists have wanted toexamine the structure of cells, bacteria, viruses, and colloidal particles. Materials scientists have wanted to see inhomogeneities and imperfections in metals, crystals, and ceramics.In geology, the detailed study of rocks, minerals, and fossils on a microscopic scale provides insight into the origins of our planet and its valuable mineral resources.
For example, try looking at a newspaper picture, or one in a magazine, through a magnifying glass. You will see that the image,is actually made up of dots too small and too close together to be,separately resolved by your eye alone. The same phenomenon will be observed on an LCD computer display or flat screen TV when magnified to reveal the individual “pixels” that make up the image
Optical microscopes are the ones most familiar to everyone. They use visible light and transparent lenses to see objects as small as about one micrometer (one millionth of a meter), such as a red blood cell (7 μm) or a human hair (100 μm).
With visible light it was impossible to resolve points in the object that were closer together than a few hundred nanometers
similar to the way glass lenses are used to bend and focus visible light.
In the 1920s, it was discovered that accelerated electrons behave in vacuum much like light. They travel in straight lines and have wavelike properties, with a wavelength that is about 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light. Furthermore, it was found that electric and magnetic fields could be used to shape the paths followed by electrons similar to the way glass lenses are used to bend and focus visible light. Ernst Ruska at the University of Berlin combined these characteristics and built the first transmission electron microscope (TEM) in 1931. For this and subsequent work on the subject, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986. The first electron microscope used two magnetic lenses, and three years later he added a third lens and demonstrated a resolution of 100 nm, twice as good as that of the light microscope. Today, electron microscopes have reached resolutions of better than 0.05 nm, more than 4000 times better than a typical light microscope and 4,000,000 times better than the unaided eye.
The positively charged protons and neutral neutrons are held tightly together in a central nucleus. Negatively charged electrons surround the nucleus.Normally, the number of protons equals the number of electrons so that the atom as a whole is neutral. When an atom deviates from this normal configuration by losing or gaining electrons, it acquires a net positive or negative charge and is referred to as an ion.
The transmission electron microscope (TEM) was the first type of Electron Microscope to be developedPasses a beam of electrons through the specimen.The electrons detected on a fluorescent screen on which the image is displayed.Thin sections of specimen -as electrons have to pass through the specimen for the image to be produced.This is the most common form of electron microscope and has the best resolution [0.2nm] .
The electron beam from the electron gun can be focussed and defocussed by a series of electro- magnetic lenses. Similar to the light microscope, the "Condenser Lenses" concentrate the beam onto the specimen. Electrons passing through the specimen will be focussed by the "Objective" &"Intermediate" lenses to form an intermediate image.The "Projector lens" enlarges this image into a final image on the fluorescent viewing screen at the bottom of the microscope column.Each lens is basically a circular electro-magnet. A variable electric current through the lens will produce a magnetic field of variable strengths which will deflect or bend the electron beam passing through
caused by collisions between the beam electrons and the atoms of the specimen
Specimen interaction is what makes Electron Microscopy possible. The energetic electrons in the microscope strike the sample and various reactions can occur as shown below. The reactions noted on the top side of the diagram are utilized when examining thick or bulk specimens (SEM) while the reactions on the bottom side are those examined in thin or foil specimens (TEM).
The incident electron is then scattered "backward 180 degrees- backscaterred electron.Sec electron- Caused by an incident electron passing "near" an atom in the specimen, near enough to impart some of its energy to a lower energy electron (usually in the K-shell). This causes a slight energy loss and path change in the incident electron and the ionization of the electron in the specimen atom. This ionized electron then leaves the atom with a very small kinetic energy (5eV) and is then termed a "secondary electron". Each incident electron can produce several secondary electron.Auger Electrons-Caused by the de-energization of the specimen atom after a secondary electron is produced. Since a lower (usually K-shell) electron was emitted from the atom during the secondary electron process an inner (lower energy) shell now has a vacancy. A higher energy electron from the same atom can "fall" to a lower energy, filling the vacancy. This creates and energy surplus in the atom which can be corrected by emitting an outer (lower energy) electron; an Auger Electron.
Mass absorption contrastOn passing through matter, a beam of electrons is gradually attenuated. The degree of attenuation increases with the thickness of the specimen and its mass, so variations of mass and thickness across the sample give rise to contrast in the image.Diffraction contrastDiffraction of electrons from Bragg planes causes a change in their direction of travel. Hence, contrast can arise between adjacent grains or between different regions near the core of a dislocation.Phase contrastScattering mechanisms often cause a change in the phase of the scattered electrons, as well as a change in direction. Interference between electrons of different phase which are incident on the same part of the image will cause a change in intensity and give rise to contrast.
Biological material (light elements):Only few electrons escape from specimenAlmost no contrast, similar contrast everywhere on specimenBlurred image (electrons from “large” volume)Contrast enhancement important & needed:Localization of the signal to the surfaceCoating of biological specimen with thin heavy metal layer (a few nm)Reducing acceleration voltage
Electron microphotograph showing myelin figure (´ 10,000) and Zebra body-inset (´ 15,000) (Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain).
he typical ciliary axoneme consists of 2 central microtubules surrounded by 9 microtubular doublets. Each doublet has an A subunit and a B subunit attached as a semicircle. A central sheath envelops the 2 central microtubules, which attach to the outer doublets by radial spokes.The outer doublets are interconnected by nexin links, and each A subunit is attached to 2 dynein arms that contain adenosine triphosphatase; one inner arm and one outer arm. The primary function of the central sheath, radial spokes, and nexin links is to maintain the structural integrity of the cilium, whereas the dynein arms are responsible for ciliary motion.
Mitochondrial myopathy, ultrastructure. A large number of enormous mitochondria can be seen in the intermyofibrillar network of this myofiber. These mitochondria are larger than entire sarcomeres. Normal mitochondria are much smaller than sarcomeres.
The four stages of melanosome development are shown in the upper panels. Note the dense bilayered coat (arrowhead) and intraluminal vesicles (arrow) of stage I melanosomes, the proteinaceous fibrils (arrow) of stage II, and the melanin deposition (black) in stages III and IV.