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NAME:__________________________________ SECTION:__________________DATE:______________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE write the letterof the correct answer.
1.Describedasstreamof movingelectrons
a)voltage b)current
c)resistance d)impluses
2.What kindof conductor isthat whenelectricpotential isabsent,itcontainsfree flowingelectronsbutno
d)none of the above
3.The graphof alternatingcurrentversustime is;
a)straight b)slant
c)sinosoid d)decreasing
4.What are materialsthatofferverylittle resistancewhere electronscanmove easily?
a. conductors
b. insulators
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
5.What are materialsthatpresenthighresistance andrestrictthe flow of electrons?
a. conductors
b. insulators
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
6.The followingare examplesof aconductorexcept:
a. paper
b. glass
c. plastic
d. all of the above
7. The lesserthe amountof charge the _____physical separation
a. Greater
b. Lesser
c. Same
d. Dependsonthe situation.
8. Which of the followingdoesnotrepresentvoltage.
a. V
b. E
c. Emf
d. None of the above
9. He discovered contactof electricityresultingfromcontactof metals
a. Andre Marie ampere
b. AlessandroVolta
c. Georg Ohm
10. 1 voltisequivalentto
a. 1coulombpersecond
b. 1 joule percoulomb
c. 1 joule persecond
d. 1 coulombperjoule
1.AustralianphysicistGeorgOhmdeterminedthatthere isa directproportionalitybetweenthe voltage
appliedandthe electriccurrent. FALSE
2.All materialsresistcurrentflowtosome degree. TRUE
3.Resistance canbe usedbeneficially. FALSE?
4.If the resistance inacircuit increases,the currentalsoincreases. FALSE
5.Resistance andcurrenthas an inverselyproportional relationship. TRUE
6.Alternatingcurrentiswhenthe flow of electriccharge constantlyreversesdirection TRUE?
7.Andre marie ampere isa Frenchpsychiatristandmathematician FALSE
8.0.0001 current inamps can be felt. FALSE
9.With 0.015 amps,the affectonpersonisdisfunctionof muscle. FALSE?
10.Current isequal tovoltage timesresistance FALSE
11. Currentgetsdistributed overcomponentsconnectedinparallel. TRUE
12.Volatagesare the same throughall componentsconnectedinparallel. TRUE
13.Voltage,alsocalledelectromotive force,isthe potentialdifference incharge betweentwopointsinan
electrical field.Inotherwords,voltage isthe "joule perunitcharge”. TRUE?
14. Directcurrent circuitiscommonlyusedinbattery-poweredportableequipment. TRUE
15.DC voltage ismore commonthanAC current. FALSE
1.It opposesthe pushfromthe voltage source. RESIS/TANCE
2.The symbol forresistance. R
3.The unitforresistance. Ohms(Ω)
4.The formulaforresistance. R= V/I
5.The mostcommonlyusedmethodof electrictransmissiontoday. ALTERNATINGCURRENT
6.The relationshipbetweenresistance andcurrent. INVERSELYPROPORTIONAL
7.The unitof ampere isequal tohow manycoulombpersecond? 1 coulomb
8.The letterErepresentsvoltage whatdoesthe Emeans? Voltage?
9. It providedbyan energysource suchas a battery,iswhat causescurrentto flow. VOLTAGE
10. Directionof voltage inbatteries. Travelsina straight line,and in one directiononly
1.Findthe current I througha resistorof resistance R= 8Ω if the voltage acrossthe resistoris34 V.
2.An electricheaterdraws5.3 A froma 120 V source.The resistance of the heatingelementisapproximately?
3. If 550 µA is flowingthrough8kohms
of resistance,whatisthe voltage dropacrossthe resistor?

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  • 1. NAME:__________________________________ SECTION:__________________DATE:______________ I. MULTIPLE CHOICE write the letterof the correct answer. 1.Describedasstreamof movingelectrons a)voltage b)current c)resistance d)impluses 2.What kindof conductor isthat whenelectricpotential isabsent,itcontainsfree flowingelectronsbutno electriccurrent. a)exposedconductor b)isolatedconductor c)intermittentconductor d)none of the above 3.The graphof alternatingcurrentversustime is; a)straight b)slant c)sinosoid d)decreasing 4.What are materialsthatofferverylittle resistancewhere electronscanmove easily? a. conductors b. insulators c. both a and b d. none of the above 5.What are materialsthatpresenthighresistance andrestrictthe flow of electrons? a. conductors b. insulators c. both a and b d. none of the above 6.The followingare examplesof aconductorexcept: a. paper b. glass c. plastic d. all of the above 7. The lesserthe amountof charge the _____physical separation a. Greater b. Lesser c. Same d. Dependsonthe situation. 8. Which of the followingdoesnotrepresentvoltage. a. V b. E c. Emf d. None of the above 9. He discovered contactof electricityresultingfromcontactof metals a. Andre Marie ampere b. AlessandroVolta c. Georg Ohm 10. 1 voltisequivalentto a. 1coulombpersecond b. 1 joule percoulomb c. 1 joule persecond d. 1 coulombperjoule II.TRUE OR FALSE 1.AustralianphysicistGeorgOhmdeterminedthatthere isa directproportionalitybetweenthe voltage appliedandthe electriccurrent. FALSE 2.All materialsresistcurrentflowtosome degree. TRUE 3.Resistance canbe usedbeneficially. FALSE? 4.If the resistance inacircuit increases,the currentalsoincreases. FALSE
  • 2. 5.Resistance andcurrenthas an inverselyproportional relationship. TRUE 6.Alternatingcurrentiswhenthe flow of electriccharge constantlyreversesdirection TRUE? 7.Andre marie ampere isa Frenchpsychiatristandmathematician FALSE 8.0.0001 current inamps can be felt. FALSE 9.With 0.015 amps,the affectonpersonisdisfunctionof muscle. FALSE? 10.Current isequal tovoltage timesresistance FALSE 11. Currentgetsdistributed overcomponentsconnectedinparallel. TRUE 12.Volatagesare the same throughall componentsconnectedinparallel. TRUE 13.Voltage,alsocalledelectromotive force,isthe potentialdifference incharge betweentwopointsinan electrical field.Inotherwords,voltage isthe "joule perunitcharge”. TRUE? 14. Directcurrent circuitiscommonlyusedinbattery-poweredportableequipment. TRUE 15.DC voltage ismore commonthanAC current. FALSE Identification 1.It opposesthe pushfromthe voltage source. RESIS/TANCE 2.The symbol forresistance. R 3.The unitforresistance. Ohms(Ω) 4.The formulaforresistance. R= V/I 5.The mostcommonlyusedmethodof electrictransmissiontoday. ALTERNATINGCURRENT 6.The relationshipbetweenresistance andcurrent. INVERSELYPROPORTIONAL 7.The unitof ampere isequal tohow manycoulombpersecond? 1 coulomb 8.The letterErepresentsvoltage whatdoesthe Emeans? Voltage? 9. It providedbyan energysource suchas a battery,iswhat causescurrentto flow. VOLTAGE 10. Directionof voltage inbatteries. Travelsina straight line,and in one directiononly PROBLEM SOLVING.(5pts. Each) 1.Findthe current I througha resistorof resistance R= 8Ω if the voltage acrossthe resistoris34 V. 2.An electricheaterdraws5.3 A froma 120 V source.The resistance of the heatingelementisapproximately? 3. If 550 µA is flowingthrough8kohms of resistance,whatisthe voltage dropacrossthe resistor?