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Embryology and
Embryology                     Zygote formation


                                                              4 cells
• Zygote
  – When male gamete fertilizes female gamete                Morula
  – Gametes fuse, making one new cell with
    chromosomes from both parents                           Blastocyst
  – Zygote will divide into 2 new cells…each of
    those into 4 and so on…
  – Cleavage  division of embryonic cells to
    form two new cells
     • Genetic material is copied before each cleavage
• Blastula
  – Hollow ball of cells
• Gastrula
  – When blastula implants itself on the uterine
    wall (to get nourishment from mother)
  – Ball of cells composed of three layers “GERM
    LAYERS” (undifferentiated)
Stages of Embryo
1.        Development
     Male gamete fertilizes female
2. Formation of Zygote
     – Zygote cells divide into…
3. Morula
     – Dense ball of 64 cells
4. Blastula/blastocyst
     – Hollow ball made up of a single
       layer of cells
     – Implants in the uterus
5. Gastrula
     – When 3 germ layers begin to
Stages of Early
1.     Development
     –   When blastocyst secretes
         enzymes that digest the
         soft tissue of the uterus
         and implants on the
         uterine wall of the
     –   After
         implantation, DIFFERENTIAT
         ION can occur
2. Gastrulation
     –   When the 3 germ layers
         form in the embryo
     –   Cells in blastocyst begin
         to differentiate into 3
         germ layers
     –   Blastocyst now becomes
         a GASTRULA
3. Neuralation
Embryology and reproduction
• Germ layers
  – Differentiation
    the process by
    which a cell
    develops in
    different ways to
    perform different
    with the forming of
    three germ layers
  – Ectoderm
    • Outer layer
    • Forms skin, nerves
      and sense organs
  – Mesoderm
    • Middle layer
    • Forms bones, muscles
      and connective tissue
  – Endoderm
Embryo becomes a
     Fetus when…
• When the structures of the
  developing embryo have
  become distinguished
• Cells have differentiated into
  their permanent role in that
• This occurs during first
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Stages of Fetal
  1st   trimester 0-3 months Development Trimester 6-9 months
                              2 trimester 3-6 months 3            rd

•Implantation on uterus wall    •Fetus is very active (feel   •Lungs become fully
•Gastrula forms                 movement)                     developed
•Organogenesis occurs           •Fetus increases in size      •Central Nervous System
•Body structures become         •Heart beat can be heard      Develops
distinguishable                 •Fully developed eyes         •Brain is actively growing the
•Embryo is now called a FETUS   •Lungs begin to develop       most
                                                              •Fetus can begin to regulate
                                                              body temperature (maintain
                                                              •Layer of hair forms on head
Important Glands that
Regulate The Release of
      Male                        Female
  • Pituitary gland         • Pituitary gland
    and the testes            and the ovary
    regulate the              regulate the
    release of                release of
    hormones that             hormones that
    stimulate the             stimulates the
     The hormones that regulate both male and
    production of             production of
            female gamete formation are:
     1. LH- luteinizing
     2. FSH- follicle stimulating hormone
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Things to know about the
 Reproductive Systems
Male              Female
• Function and      • Function and
  location of:
                      location of:
   – Testes
                       – Ovaries
   – Seminal
     Vesicle           – Oviduct
   – Prostate          – Uterus
     gland             – Cervix
   – Vas Defernes
   – Urethra
   – Epididymis
      •Organs that produce and store millions of male
      gametes(spermatocytes) after puberty, when
      testosterone is produced
      •Contain hundreds of tiny coiled tubes called
      SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES ( production of gametes)
      •Structure that sits on top of testes
      •Spermatocytes produced in SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES
      leave and travel here to MATURE
•Vas Defernes
      •Mature spermatocytes leave EPIDIDYMIS and move into
      these tubes that extend upward from the scrotum to the
      •These tubes eventually merge with the URETHRA
•Seminal Vesicle and Prostate Glands
      •GLANDS that line the reproductive tract
      •Glands that produce liquid (seminal fluid) that carries
      male gametes out of the body
            •seminal fluid-nutrient rich fluid that nourishes
            and protects male gametes from the acidity of the
            female reproductive tract                            Seminal Fluid + Sperm = Semen
      •Seminal Vesicles are attached to the Vas Deferns, the
      tube that the spermatocytes travel through
      •Tube that carries MATURE gametes out of the body
      through the penis (always responsible for carrying urine
      out of the body)
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Path of Male Gametes
           • Testes contain
             seminiferous tubules
             (gametes produced)

           • Epididymis
             (gametes Mature)

           • Vas deferens
             (gametes travel)

           • Urethra (gametes

           • Out of the
    Ovaries (produce, store and release
    EGGS)       System ova
     • Female gonads that produce
     (oocytes)and estrogen
   • Contains about 400,000 primary
     oocytes, contained in protective
     cluster of cells called FOLLICLES
   • Only 400 eggs will be released
   • Every 28 days one follicle moves to
     edge of ovary, follicle breaks open
     and egg is released into oviduct (FT)
• Oviduct/Fallopian Tube (FT)
   • Where fertilization occurs if male
     gamete is here
   • Cilia move egg along
   • Development of embryo (morula
     and blastula occur)
   • Dumps egg into cavity called UTERUS
• Uterus
   • Lining of uterus received fertilized
     egg (implantation)
   • Provided nourishment to embryo
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction
Embryology and reproduction

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Embryology and reproduction

  • 2. Embryology Zygote formation Cleavage 4 cells • Zygote – When male gamete fertilizes female gamete Morula – Gametes fuse, making one new cell with chromosomes from both parents Blastocyst – Zygote will divide into 2 new cells…each of those into 4 and so on… – Cleavage  division of embryonic cells to form two new cells • Genetic material is copied before each cleavage • Blastula – Hollow ball of cells • Gastrula – When blastula implants itself on the uterine wall (to get nourishment from mother) – Ball of cells composed of three layers “GERM LAYERS” (undifferentiated)
  • 3. Stages of Embryo 1. Development Male gamete fertilizes female gamete 2. Formation of Zygote – Zygote cells divide into… 3. Morula – Dense ball of 64 cells 4. Blastula/blastocyst – Hollow ball made up of a single layer of cells – Implants in the uterus 5. Gastrula – When 3 germ layers begin to differentiate
  • 4. Stages of Early 1. Development Implantation – When blastocyst secretes enzymes that digest the soft tissue of the uterus and implants on the uterine wall of the mother – After implantation, DIFFERENTIAT ION can occur 2. Gastrulation – When the 3 germ layers form in the embryo – Cells in blastocyst begin to differentiate into 3 germ layers – Blastocyst now becomes a GASTRULA 3. Neuralation
  • 6. Gastrula • Germ layers – Differentiation the process by which a cell develops in different ways to perform different functions…begins with the forming of three germ layers – Ectoderm • Outer layer • Forms skin, nerves and sense organs – Mesoderm • Middle layer • Forms bones, muscles and connective tissue – Endoderm
  • 7. Embryo becomes a Fetus when… • When the structures of the developing embryo have become distinguished • Cells have differentiated into their permanent role in that organism • This occurs during first trimester
  • 11. Stages of Fetal 1st trimester 0-3 months Development Trimester 6-9 months nd 2 trimester 3-6 months 3 rd •Implantation on uterus wall •Fetus is very active (feel •Lungs become fully •Gastrula forms movement) developed •Organogenesis occurs •Fetus increases in size •Central Nervous System •Body structures become •Heart beat can be heard Develops distinguishable •Fully developed eyes •Brain is actively growing the •Embryo is now called a FETUS •Lungs begin to develop most •Fetus can begin to regulate body temperature (maintain homeostasis) •Layer of hair forms on head
  • 12. Important Glands that Regulate The Release of Gametes Male Female • Pituitary gland • Pituitary gland and the testes and the ovary regulate the regulate the release of release of hormones that hormones that stimulate the stimulates the The hormones that regulate both male and production of production of female gamete formation are: TESTOSTERONE hormone ESTROGEN 1. LH- luteinizing 2. FSH- follicle stimulating hormone
  • 15. Things to know about the Reproductive Systems Male Female • Function and • Function and location of: location of: – Testes – Ovaries – Seminal Vesicle – Oviduct – Prostate – Uterus gland – Cervix – Vas Defernes – Urethra – Epididymis
  • 16. •Testes •Organs that produce and store millions of male gametes(spermatocytes) after puberty, when testosterone is produced •Contain hundreds of tiny coiled tubes called SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES ( production of gametes) •Epididymis •Structure that sits on top of testes •Spermatocytes produced in SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES leave and travel here to MATURE •Vas Defernes •Mature spermatocytes leave EPIDIDYMIS and move into these tubes that extend upward from the scrotum to the abdomen •These tubes eventually merge with the URETHRA •Seminal Vesicle and Prostate Glands •GLANDS that line the reproductive tract •Glands that produce liquid (seminal fluid) that carries male gametes out of the body •seminal fluid-nutrient rich fluid that nourishes and protects male gametes from the acidity of the female reproductive tract Seminal Fluid + Sperm = Semen •Seminal Vesicles are attached to the Vas Deferns, the tube that the spermatocytes travel through •Urethra •Tube that carries MATURE gametes out of the body through the penis (always responsible for carrying urine out of the body)
  • 19. Path of Male Gametes • Testes contain seminiferous tubules (gametes produced) • Epididymis (gametes Mature) • Vas deferens (gametes travel) • Urethra (gametes travel) • Out of the body
  • 20. Reproductive Ovaries (produce, store and release EGGS) System ova • Female gonads that produce (oocytes)and estrogen • Contains about 400,000 primary oocytes, contained in protective cluster of cells called FOLLICLES • Only 400 eggs will be released • Every 28 days one follicle moves to edge of ovary, follicle breaks open and egg is released into oviduct (FT) • Oviduct/Fallopian Tube (FT) • Where fertilization occurs if male gamete is here • Cilia move egg along • Development of embryo (morula and blastula occur) • Dumps egg into cavity called UTERUS • Uterus • Lining of uterus received fertilized egg (implantation) • Provided nourishment to embryo