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By  Fe Angela M. Verzosa Emerging Technologies  in the Workplace for Quality Library Service Presented at Holy Angel University’s Seminar on the theme “Basics and Beyond Librarianship: Towards a Compleat Librarian” Casa Nena, STL Building, Holy Angel University, September 9-10, 2009 WWW HTML pdf XML
Overview   Libraries are user-centered organizations focused on patron satisfaction. Libraries value access to information as fundamental to higher education/research. Up-to-date technology provides one of the best means to reach their goals. Information Technology has brought significant changes to Libraries
Today’s situation Coping with sheer  quantity of published  material   Growing number of non-print and media materials Escalating user demand for access Rising costs Accepting innovations due to IT Implementing new strategies to improve library services
Information technology   technologies are tools to make information- handling easier, more efficient, and less costly. Technologies must be looked into as means to an end --- not the end themselves. The technological concerns are: effectiveness efficiency economy
Why librarians should learn new technologies? Librarians’ role is to link information and people. There are new and better ways to do this and we need to know how. Librarians’ tasks  can be made easier using emerging technologies. Finding out what other libraries are doing is the best way to learn. Librarians have to be where their users are . Experimenting with new technologies enhances librarians’ skills. WWW
Technologies   Automation Online databases CD-ROMs Interactive Multimedia  Electronic  publishing Electronic mails  /file transfers Digitization Networked  environments
Technology:   40 years of Internet
amount of web pages at “ over one trillion ".  Google has already indexed  more than one trillion discrete web addresses.  there are more addresses than there are people on earth. The current  global population  stands at more than 6.7 billion.  That means there are about  150 web addresses per person   in the world.  Technology:   40 years of Internet
1.46 billion  people worldwide now use the internet which represents a solid 16 per cent increase from the previous year’s estimate (1.26 billion in 2007)  The  largest Internet population  belongs to China, which claims recently to have more users online – 338 million - than there were people in the US.  Technology:   40 years of Internet
Internet access is now the reality. More capital funds are being re-channelled to buy computer equipment, licenses and access fees to Internet.  Enhancing with Internet access
Internet usage increased from 23 percent in 2007 to  28 percent in 2008 , according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen and Yahoo on Filipino Internet habits study.  Internet use is  not restricted to the big cities  like Metro Manila.  E.g. Cagayan de Oro City – 35% 47%  of all internet time are spent in internet cafes.  Social networking  is a key online activity.   Technology:   Internet
Profile  of Internet users : 50% - 10 to 19 years old 41% - 20 to 29  19% - 30 to 39 12% - 40 to 49 3%  - 50 + above Reasons : - Educate Self  (96%) - Connect  with Others   (92%) - Research  (89%) - Share  (86%) - Be Entertained  (82%)
Other relevant facts: Philippines has been tagged as " The Social Networking Capital of the World” 83  percent of Filipinos surveyed are members of a social network  also regarded as the  top photo uploaders  and web video viewers, while  they are  second  when it comes to  the number of blog  readers and video  uploaders
Other relevant facts : 2.2 M out of 9M  registered Multiply users are Filipinos, outnumbering even nationalities with a bigger population base like the United States 1M photographs  are uploaded by Filipinos  to Multiply every day, which is half of their  total number worldwide 60% Filipino Multiply users are  female ,  while 70% are under 25 Friendster  - the Philippines now holds the  record of “having the most number of Friendster users worldwide” with 87% of local Internet users   55% Filipino Friendster  users are female, and between 16 to 30
What is at the heart of libraries? -  Making do with free  resources is the most  important tactic for coping  with reduced budgets. -  Using technology  is most relevant for coping  with changes. -  Doing more with less is  the information professional's new mantra. -  Helping library users become more self-sufficient is key to life-long learning.
Computer Literacy -  Focused on how to use the computer and computer tools
Visual literacy “ to understand and use  images, including the  ability to think, learn and express oneself in terms of images” [Braden & Hortin, 1982] ability to understand and  use visual images in our  daily lives
Media literacy ability to recognize the influence of television, film, radio, recorded music, newspapers, and other media   ability to use various media to access, analyze and produce  information for specific  outcomes a media literate person  can decode, evaluate,  analyze, and produce  print/electronic media
Digital Literacy… being able to access the Internet  find, manage and edit digital information join in communications and otherwise engage with an online information and communications network
Network literacy “ to understand the systems by which networked information is generated, managed, and made available”
What is Web 2.0 ?
Web 2.0 technologies Social Participatory Collaborative Easy to use Create community environments –  because they create online communities!!!
Some Web 2.0 sites Del.icio.us LibraryThing Blogger Flickr YouTube MySpace FaceBook  LinkedIn Last.fm
Web 2.0 sites
Web 2.0  changes  the balance of  power  in our libraries between librarians and users
Librarians now have the power to get out of library walls
discussionboard photos events And be in our users’ space
… do online search… academic libraries have created Facebook applications to enable their patrons to search their library catalogs
Use our Library spaces in different ways
… collaborate…
Wikis for Best Practices
… and match needs and users
… create the library…
an online service to help people catalog their books easily Also connects people with same books
… bypass librarians…
What is Library 2.0 ?
a model for library service that reflects a transition in the way services are delivered to library users concept borrows from Web 2.0 especially evident in electronic offerings such as OPAC configuration, online library services, and an increased flow of information from the user back to the library Library 2.0
Library 2.0 “ Library 2.0 simply means making your library’s space (virtual and physical) more interactive, collaborative, and driven by community needs. Examples of where to start include blogs, wikis, and collaborative photo sites. The basic drive is to get people back into the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.”  --  Sarah Houghton   Librarian in Black
Library 2.0 service What makes a  service Library 2.0?  Any service, physical or virtual, that  successfully reaches users ,  is evaluated frequently , and  makes use of customer input  is a Library 2.0 service.
Principles of Library 2.0 The library is everywhere The library has no barriers The library invites participation The library reaches out to users The library is human and recognizes  that its users are human  -- Michael Stephens
Library 2.0 concepts Create experiences for users Provide a meeting place Human – understanding users and getting closer to the user User-generated content Promote radical trust Recognize staff competence Create a community of users and staff
What Librarians must do … Teach the students not only how to seek information (teach the information-seeking skills they need), but also where to find the information teach them not only how to deal with the complexity of information retrieval, but also try to reduce that complexity create systems that eliminate the need for further instruction use their expertise to deepen students‘ understanding of the subjects or disciplines they study
How Library 2.0 improves library practice… providing intellectual and  physical access to  materials in all formats  providing instruction to  foster competence and  stimulate interest in  reading, viewing, and using information and ideas working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students
Blogging Tools Blogger –  free, with tutorials, templates Edublogs –  free, great for students/teachers WordPress –  free, over 60 themes and integrated stats system Blog It –  Facebook blogging application   LiveJournal –  free blog social network; most distinctive feature is its “friends list” Snip Snap –  Blog/wiki tool Vox –  blogging and social networking tool
Ideas for Library Blogs Online book discussion New releases – books, video, electronic resources Upcoming events Updating community – building a new library Appeal to special interest groups Reference Log School Librarian in Action
Enjoys a Google Page Rank of 6
Wikis for Event Planning
Wikis as Subject Guides
Uses of Media-sharing tools For digital collections management especially for historical collections Online exhibits As training modules Teaching as  instructional aids Marketing  and  promotion Library and museum  tours
Video-sharing for Library Tours
Photo-sharing for Historical Collections at Flickr
Benefits from  Shared Collections Enhance library resources and services Expand the breadth  and depth of collections Reduce unnecessary duplication Reduce costs and  space requirements Maximize their use
Web harvesting Archiving web  resources Indexing archived documents Identification/  selection of online  materials  thru  review sites and  websites of vendors, publishers, traditional booksellers, libraries, academic institutions, etc. Developing  Online Collections
Redesign  your library… to promote usage to increase circulation to maximize service to give users self-direction to make your library as a destination
Enhance Library Facilities Group and individual study rooms Computer classrooms A variety of reading rooms , some equipped with research and e-mail stations and the rest designated for “quiet” work
reference desk  that is immediately visible
Enhance Library Facilities Adaptive technology rooms with computers Consultation rooms  where users can meet with librarians individually and in small groups
Enhance Library Facilities Wireless access   — bringing in user’s own laptop with libraries providing ports to access the Internet Snack bar area  with vending machines and café tables Or,  Internet café lounge
Enhance Library Facilities Browsing lounge for leisure reading Attractive Book Displays
Technology Tips Start with great  ideas – think big Make something  happen for the  customer Get everyone  involved   (staff/personnel)  Move fast Take risks. Change begets change and risk-taking begets fearlessness.
Contact fe.verzosa@dlsu.edu.ph Questions?

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Emerging Technologies in the Workplace For Quality Service

  • 1. By Fe Angela M. Verzosa Emerging Technologies in the Workplace for Quality Library Service Presented at Holy Angel University’s Seminar on the theme “Basics and Beyond Librarianship: Towards a Compleat Librarian” Casa Nena, STL Building, Holy Angel University, September 9-10, 2009 WWW HTML pdf XML
  • 2. Overview Libraries are user-centered organizations focused on patron satisfaction. Libraries value access to information as fundamental to higher education/research. Up-to-date technology provides one of the best means to reach their goals. Information Technology has brought significant changes to Libraries
  • 3. Today’s situation Coping with sheer quantity of published material Growing number of non-print and media materials Escalating user demand for access Rising costs Accepting innovations due to IT Implementing new strategies to improve library services
  • 4. Information technology technologies are tools to make information- handling easier, more efficient, and less costly. Technologies must be looked into as means to an end --- not the end themselves. The technological concerns are: effectiveness efficiency economy
  • 5. Why librarians should learn new technologies? Librarians’ role is to link information and people. There are new and better ways to do this and we need to know how. Librarians’ tasks can be made easier using emerging technologies. Finding out what other libraries are doing is the best way to learn. Librarians have to be where their users are . Experimenting with new technologies enhances librarians’ skills. WWW
  • 6. Technologies Automation Online databases CD-ROMs Interactive Multimedia Electronic publishing Electronic mails /file transfers Digitization Networked environments
  • 7. Technology: 40 years of Internet
  • 8. amount of web pages at “ over one trillion ". Google has already indexed more than one trillion discrete web addresses. there are more addresses than there are people on earth. The current global population stands at more than 6.7 billion. That means there are about 150 web addresses per person in the world. Technology: 40 years of Internet
  • 9. 1.46 billion people worldwide now use the internet which represents a solid 16 per cent increase from the previous year’s estimate (1.26 billion in 2007) The largest Internet population belongs to China, which claims recently to have more users online – 338 million - than there were people in the US. Technology: 40 years of Internet
  • 10. Internet access is now the reality. More capital funds are being re-channelled to buy computer equipment, licenses and access fees to Internet. Enhancing with Internet access
  • 11. Internet usage increased from 23 percent in 2007 to 28 percent in 2008 , according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen and Yahoo on Filipino Internet habits study. Internet use is not restricted to the big cities like Metro Manila. E.g. Cagayan de Oro City – 35% 47% of all internet time are spent in internet cafes. Social networking is a key online activity. Technology: Internet
  • 12. Profile of Internet users : 50% - 10 to 19 years old 41% - 20 to 29 19% - 30 to 39 12% - 40 to 49 3% - 50 + above Reasons : - Educate Self (96%) - Connect with Others (92%) - Research (89%) - Share (86%) - Be Entertained (82%)
  • 13. Other relevant facts: Philippines has been tagged as " The Social Networking Capital of the World” 83 percent of Filipinos surveyed are members of a social network also regarded as the top photo uploaders and web video viewers, while they are second when it comes to the number of blog readers and video uploaders
  • 14. Other relevant facts : 2.2 M out of 9M registered Multiply users are Filipinos, outnumbering even nationalities with a bigger population base like the United States 1M photographs are uploaded by Filipinos to Multiply every day, which is half of their total number worldwide 60% Filipino Multiply users are female , while 70% are under 25 Friendster - the Philippines now holds the record of “having the most number of Friendster users worldwide” with 87% of local Internet users 55% Filipino Friendster users are female, and between 16 to 30
  • 15. What is at the heart of libraries? - Making do with free resources is the most important tactic for coping with reduced budgets. - Using technology is most relevant for coping with changes. - Doing more with less is the information professional's new mantra. - Helping library users become more self-sufficient is key to life-long learning.
  • 16.  
  • 17. Computer Literacy - Focused on how to use the computer and computer tools
  • 18. Visual literacy “ to understand and use images, including the ability to think, learn and express oneself in terms of images” [Braden & Hortin, 1982] ability to understand and use visual images in our daily lives
  • 19. Media literacy ability to recognize the influence of television, film, radio, recorded music, newspapers, and other media ability to use various media to access, analyze and produce information for specific outcomes a media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze, and produce print/electronic media
  • 20. Digital Literacy… being able to access the Internet find, manage and edit digital information join in communications and otherwise engage with an online information and communications network
  • 21. Network literacy “ to understand the systems by which networked information is generated, managed, and made available”
  • 22.  
  • 23. What is Web 2.0 ?
  • 24. Web 2.0 technologies Social Participatory Collaborative Easy to use Create community environments – because they create online communities!!!
  • 25. Some Web 2.0 sites Del.icio.us LibraryThing Blogger Flickr YouTube MySpace FaceBook LinkedIn Last.fm
  • 27. Web 2.0 changes the balance of power in our libraries between librarians and users
  • 28. Librarians now have the power to get out of library walls
  • 29. discussionboard photos events And be in our users’ space
  • 30. … do online search… academic libraries have created Facebook applications to enable their patrons to search their library catalogs
  • 31. Use our Library spaces in different ways
  • 32.  
  • 34. Wikis for Best Practices
  • 35. … and match needs and users
  • 36.  
  • 37. … create the library…
  • 38. an online service to help people catalog their books easily Also connects people with same books
  • 40.  
  • 42. a model for library service that reflects a transition in the way services are delivered to library users concept borrows from Web 2.0 especially evident in electronic offerings such as OPAC configuration, online library services, and an increased flow of information from the user back to the library Library 2.0
  • 43. Library 2.0 “ Library 2.0 simply means making your library’s space (virtual and physical) more interactive, collaborative, and driven by community needs. Examples of where to start include blogs, wikis, and collaborative photo sites. The basic drive is to get people back into the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.” -- Sarah Houghton Librarian in Black
  • 44. Library 2.0 service What makes a service Library 2.0? Any service, physical or virtual, that successfully reaches users , is evaluated frequently , and makes use of customer input is a Library 2.0 service.
  • 45. Principles of Library 2.0 The library is everywhere The library has no barriers The library invites participation The library reaches out to users The library is human and recognizes that its users are human -- Michael Stephens
  • 46. Library 2.0 concepts Create experiences for users Provide a meeting place Human – understanding users and getting closer to the user User-generated content Promote radical trust Recognize staff competence Create a community of users and staff
  • 47. What Librarians must do … Teach the students not only how to seek information (teach the information-seeking skills they need), but also where to find the information teach them not only how to deal with the complexity of information retrieval, but also try to reduce that complexity create systems that eliminate the need for further instruction use their expertise to deepen students‘ understanding of the subjects or disciplines they study
  • 48. How Library 2.0 improves library practice… providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students
  • 49. Blogging Tools Blogger – free, with tutorials, templates Edublogs – free, great for students/teachers WordPress – free, over 60 themes and integrated stats system Blog It – Facebook blogging application LiveJournal – free blog social network; most distinctive feature is its “friends list” Snip Snap – Blog/wiki tool Vox – blogging and social networking tool
  • 50.  
  • 51. Ideas for Library Blogs Online book discussion New releases – books, video, electronic resources Upcoming events Updating community – building a new library Appeal to special interest groups Reference Log School Librarian in Action
  • 52. Enjoys a Google Page Rank of 6
  • 53.  
  • 54. Wikis for Event Planning
  • 56.  
  • 58. Uses of Media-sharing tools For digital collections management especially for historical collections Online exhibits As training modules Teaching as instructional aids Marketing and promotion Library and museum tours
  • 60. Photo-sharing for Historical Collections at Flickr
  • 61. Benefits from Shared Collections Enhance library resources and services Expand the breadth and depth of collections Reduce unnecessary duplication Reduce costs and space requirements Maximize their use
  • 62. Web harvesting Archiving web resources Indexing archived documents Identification/ selection of online materials thru review sites and websites of vendors, publishers, traditional booksellers, libraries, academic institutions, etc. Developing Online Collections
  • 63. Redesign your library… to promote usage to increase circulation to maximize service to give users self-direction to make your library as a destination
  • 64. Enhance Library Facilities Group and individual study rooms Computer classrooms A variety of reading rooms , some equipped with research and e-mail stations and the rest designated for “quiet” work
  • 65. reference desk that is immediately visible
  • 66. Enhance Library Facilities Adaptive technology rooms with computers Consultation rooms where users can meet with librarians individually and in small groups
  • 67. Enhance Library Facilities Wireless access — bringing in user’s own laptop with libraries providing ports to access the Internet Snack bar area with vending machines and café tables Or, Internet café lounge
  • 68. Enhance Library Facilities Browsing lounge for leisure reading Attractive Book Displays
  • 69. Technology Tips Start with great ideas – think big Make something happen for the customer Get everyone involved (staff/personnel) Move fast Take risks. Change begets change and risk-taking begets fearlessness.

Editor's Notes

  1. Information literacy actually involves the integration of many literacies: library expertise, computer skills, media literacy, technology, ethics, critical thinking and communication.
  2. In the digital age, what information literacy means is that understanding technologies is not enough. What everyone must also do is learn how to utilize those incredibly diverse and powerful technologies efficiently and effectively to search for, retrieve, organize, analyze, evaluate information and then use it for specific decision-making and problem-solving ends.
  3. What is Social Software? a range of web-based software programs that allow users to interact and share data with other users This graphical presentation was taken from: Ellyssa Kroski , Social Software in Academic Libraries, a powerpoint presentation given at the ACRL/NY Symposium Nov. 30, 2007.
  4. Del.icio.us - a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmark s; was acquired by Yahoo! in December 2005 , to the tune of somewhere between US$15 million and US$30 million LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips . YouTube was created in mid- February 2005 . In Nov 2006, it was bought by Google for 1.65 billion US dollars. MySpace is a social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos internationally. Its headquarters are in Beverly Hills , California , where it shares an office building with its immediate owner, Fox Interactive Media ; which is owned by News Corporation , which has its headquarters in New York City . MySpace is currently the world's sixth most popular website, and the third most popular website in the United States . Facebook is a social networking website , launched on February 4 , 2004 . Initially the membership of Facebook was restricted to students of Harvard College . Eventually, anyone with a university (e.g .edu, .ac.uk, etc.) email address from institutions across the globe were eligible to join. It is the most popular website for uploading photos, with 14 million uploaded daily. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003 mainly used for professional networking . As of December 2007 , its site traffic was 3.2 million visitors per month. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. It can then be used to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates. Job seekers can review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them. Last.fm is a UK -based internet radio and music community website , founded in 2002. It claims over 15 million active users based in more than 200 countries. [1] On 30 May 2007 , CBS Interactive acquired Last.fm for £ 140m ( US$ 280m), making Last.fm the largest European Web 2.0 purchase to date. On 30th May 2007 it was announced that Last.fm has been bought by CBS for £140 million
  5. A host of academic libraries have created Facebook applications which enable their patrons to search their library catalogs and in some cases articles from within Facebook. Facebook applications have been such a huge hit with members that they have accounted for a 37% increase in activity between May when the feature was released and August of this year.
  6. MySpace American Library Association account
  7. And librarians are using them for best practices collections, such as on the lib success wiki, also the library instruction wiki is a collection of all the best resources for instructional librarians, etc.
  8. LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth. LibraryThing is a full-powered cataloging application, searching the Library of Congress, all five national Amazon sites, and more than 80 world libraries. You can edit your information, search and sort it, "tag" books with your own subjects, or use the Library of Congress and Dewey systems to organize your collection. How can libraries use LibraryThing? Fully integrate LibraryThing's social data into your catalog using LibraryThing for Libraries . LTFL lets you add tag-based browsing, book recommendations, ratings, reviews and more to your OPAC, by integrating with LibraryThing and its high-quality book data. can use LibraryThing as a catalog for their collection.
  9. Service for the next-generation library By Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk -- Library Journal, 9/1/2006 Libraries are changing. Funding limits and customer demands are transforming staffing levels, service models, access to resources, and services to the public. Library 2.0 is a new model for library service The heart of Library 2.0 is user-centered change. It is a model for library service that encourages constant and purposeful change, inviting user participation in the creation of both the physical and the virtual services they want, supported by consistently evaluating services. It also attempts to reach new users and better serve current ones through improved customer-driven offerings. Library 2.0 also attempts to harness the library user in the design and implementation of library services by encouraging feedback and participation. The user is participant, co-creator, builder and consultant – whether the product is virtual or physical.
  10. Organizations are using them for conference planning – an informal space to have information about speakers' and attendees schedules, dining information, tagging and twitter information. This is the ALA annual conference wiki.
  11. Ohio University Libraries has combined their marketing, general, and international business subject guides in one place to create BizWiki A searchable & easily updatable resource for patrons which anyone can edit. Using Media Wiki, they have created this information resource about business databases and resources, instructional articles on how to research companies, guides to various industries, FARQs
  12. WikiPilipinas is now the biggest collaborative writing project on the Philippines.
  13. PAARLWiki is a project I spearheaded to provide our community of library informationals with sources available locally and through the Internet, particularly on research articles, case studies, lecture presentations, technical reports, etc. on Philippine librarianship. In addition, I added more online information on library standards, profiles of various library organizations in the country, and outstanding librarians. I also uploaded many useful links on anything that is library-related, or may be useful to libraries.
  14. The librarians at Williams College created a library welcome video for new students which leads them on a mystery tour of the library. They have it hosted up on YouTube. It's an engaging way to introduce new students to the campus library as well as to its librarians.
  15. The Colorado College Tutt & Coburn Libraries displays its special collection of photographs of the college libraries dating back to the nineteenth century and makes it available to the public thru Flickr.