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Vinay Ravindran  Concept  &  Proposed “Integrated Employee  Engagement  Model”  Presentation
Why Engagement is important  Definition of Engagement  Three Types of Employees  Gallup Questionnaire  Current State of Employee Engagement  Types of Commitment  Quote  Drivers of Engagement  Employees reaction towards five core job dimen sions  Job Demand Resource Model  Behavior linked with Employees Managerial Trustworthiness Components of Transformational Leadership  Perception of Fairness Trait Engagement  Psychological Conditions of Engagement Drivers of Perceived organization support Psychological State Engagement  Cognitions reflecting work &  role Orientation  Critical Information for Empowerment  Characteristics of Engagement  Dimensions of Organization Citizenship behavior Model of Antecedents & Consequence of employee engagement  A reflection of employee engagement models and its drivers stated by different Management Gurus  . Proposed Integrated Model of Employee Engagement for my current Employer End results of Employee Engagement Presentation Flow
Why is Employee Engagement so important  Engaged Employees will be key to competetitive advantage with changing nature of work & diversity of workforce. Companies that have understood the conditions that enhance the employee  engagement has created a work culture which  competitors will find very difficult to imitate .  Continued…
In fast changing business environment it is difficult to precisely  specify  roles and responsibilities and employees had to make decisions based on ambiguous situations . Many employees are looking for environments where they can be  be engaged and feel that they are contributing in a positive  way to  something larger than themselves . Why is Employee Engagement so important
Definition of Engagement  Engagement can be characterized by energy , involvement, and efficacy. Question remains engagement is a unique concept or merely a repacking of other  constructs, different researcher has have defined engagement both attitudinally and behaviorally . Attitudinal & Behavioral Definition of Engagement
Say, Stay Strive
1  2  3
Gallup Questionnaire
Engagement  Above basic loyalty  to the employer = Beyond simple satisfaction with the  employment arrangement Engagement  = Current State of Employee Engagement
“ the type of commitment is critical ; employees who want to belong to  the organization…..are more likely to perform well than those who need to belong”  Quote
HR SYSTEM Organization Design  Job Design Staffing Rewards Training & Development Performance Management Leadership & Development Work Life Benefits JOB CHARACTERSTICS Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance  Task Autonomy Job Feedback Job Resources Job Demands ROLE   Role Clarity Role Fit COWORKERS Social Identity Support  Trust MANAGEMENT Support Clear Expectations Feedback Recognization Trustworthiness Consistency Integrity Fairness LEADERSHIP Transformational Openness Vision  PERCEPTION OF FAIRNESS Distributive Procedural Interactional TRAITS Proactive Personality  Autotelic Personality  Positive Affectivity Conscientiousness Self Efficacy Self –Esteem Locus of Control PSYCHOLOGICAL  CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT Meaningfulness Psychological Safety Psychological Availability Perceived Organization Support Psychological Contract  Fulfillment PSYCHOLOGICAL  STATE OF ENGAGEMENT Job Involvement Empowerment Affective Commitment  Positive Affectivity BEHAVIORAL ENGAGEMENT Organizational Citizenship Behavior Performance;,Profienciency; adaptivity;resiliency, innovation STRATEGIC OUTCOMES Productivity Quality Customer Satisfaction  FINANCIAL /MARKET PERFORMANCE  revenue profits Market  Value Drivers of Engagement
Drivers of Engagement
DRIVERS OF ENGAGEMENT Drivers of Engagement
The Degree to which a job requires a variety of  different activities and a  number of different skills  to carry out the work , Feedback  The degree to which the individuals  obtains direct and clear information  about the effectiveness of his or her performance EMPLOYEE REACT POSITIVELY TO FIVE CORE JOB DIMENSIONS  Skill Variety
Relationship of  resources to Demands Job Demand Resources Model
Concerns the reliability and dependability of others  Rooted in the emotional relationships between individuals. Individuals generally express concern for the welfare of each other, believe in the intrinsic virtue of such relationships and are willing to make the future emotional investments in the relationship Coworkers
When People are working together they share beliefs and  affective experiences and thus  show similar  motivational  and behavioral patterns .
Supervisors who foster a supportive work environment  Voice their concerns Develop new skills Solve work related problems Supervisors who foster a supportive work environment
Categories of behavior linked with Employees’ perceptions  of Managerial Trustworthiness
Components of Transformational Leadership Idealized Influence  *  Admired, respected and trusted; considers  followers’ needs;  consistent  conduct . Inspirational Motivation  *  Provides meaning and challenge Intellectual Stimulation  *  Stimulated followers efforts to be creative  and innovative  Individualized Consideration  *  Pays attention  to each individuals need for achievement
Perception of fairness
Trait Engagement
Psychological Conditions of Engagement
Dimensions of Psychological Availability
Drivers of perceived Organization Support
Association with Psychological Contract Fulfillment
Psychological State Engagement
Cognitions Reflecting Work Role Orientation
Psychological Empowerment  Cognitions Reflecting work Role Orientations
Critical Information for Empowerment
Commitment Types
Critical Information for Empowerment
Characteristics of Engagement
Dimensions of Organizational  Citizens Behavior
Independence Factors in Modern performance concept
Model of Antecedents & Consequence of Employee Engagement
A Reflection of Employee Engagement Models & Drivers  studied by Different Management Gurus .
Irmer & Jorgensen
Boston Consulting
Zinger Model – Engagement for Results
http://www.ecademy.com/node.php?id=88401 Employees  Managers What are  employees want What  the  organization wants  What  employees get What  the organization  believe employees get EMPLOYEE  FRUSTRATION ORGANISATION  STRAIN VALUE  CONFLICT DELIVERY  CONFLICT I M P O R T A N C E A GREEMENM T
Towers Perrin
Source : www. willislangford.com Employee Engagement Grid
source : www. humantelligence.com
3 Components of Employee Engagement
Engagement Model
Four Dimensions of Employee Engagement
source : www.aspiretalentmanagement.com Engagement Model
Source: www.bpanz.com Engagement Model
Source: www.abhishekmittal.com Connection between Engagement and Well -being
source: www.hrpeople.monster.com Engagement Model
Source: www.scotland.gov.uk Engagement Model
Source: Robinson et al (2004) Engagement Model
Model of  Hierarchy of engagement by Penna
The CIPD  model  of Employee Engagement 
Source :  http://www.thecareercafe.co.uk/images/BWmodelofengagement.png BW Model – Five Levels of Engagement
BW Model – Five Levels of Engagement
Connected  =  Engaged
Source: www.mjmallows.amplify.com Engagement Drivers
Source:www.wayshrconsulting.com The Components of Engagement
Score out of 10 Employee Engagemt APGAR : Are you a Perfect 10 ? What is your Engagement  APGAR Score ? Activity, Pulse , Grimace, Appearance, Respiration Source : David Zinger , 2010 APGAR Sign  2 1 0 Activity  (Getting Results ) I accomplish a lot every day  Okay mix of activity and rest  Counting days to retirement Pulse (caring for your work ) I am full of heartfelt caring  I am still breathing  I repulse work  Grimace (Happiness at Work) Work is grin I am happy I am mostly happy working Work is grim , I am not happy Appearance  (Fully Engaged at work) I am fully at work-focused and present I am mostly at work when I am there  I put in an occasional appearance Respiration (Inspiration) Work is inspiring I am still breathing Work is suffocating
Engagement & Depression , Anxiety
source : www. rob-berman.com Engagement Pyramid
S ource:www.psycheconsulting.or g
AAA Model of Engagement
http://www.blessingwhite.com/EEE__report.asp IME  Model of Employee Engagement Individuals: Ownership, clarity and action .  Individuals need to know what they want — and what the organization needs — and then take action to achieve both. Managers: Coaching, relationships and dialogue .  Managers must understand each individual’s talents, interests and needs and then match those with the organization’s objectives — while at the same time creating personal, trusting relationships. Furthermore, they need to discuss engagement  often . Executives: Trust, communication and culture.  Executives have to demonstrate consistency in words and actions, communicate a lot (and with a lot of depth), and align all business practices and behaviors throughout the organization to drive results  and engagement .
Source:www.scarlettsurveys.com Engagement Model
Source:www.employesurveys.co.uk House of Engagement
Research Analysis
Employee Alignment towards Brand  Communication & Feedback  Managerial Leadership Display Job Design  Infrastructure  Display of Genuine Concern  Proposed Integrated Model of Employee Engagement  By Vinay Ravindran  Continued-  Explanation in next Slide
Proposed Model for Current Employer  Employee  Perception of  Brand Alignment  / Pride  Employee Alignment towards brand Clear understanding of Vision , Mission and Departmental Strategy . Managerial / Leadership Behavioral Display - Consistency in Behavior (Behaving the same way in all times and contexts -Integrity of Behavior (Consistency between words and deeds & explanations of managerial actions.) Visible behavior regarding discouraging sycophants.  (encouraging zero level office politics) Employees  perception of Fairness in  PMS, Training Nomination,  sharing  information regarding employees concern. - Concern in rewarding employees fairly on achieving Targets/ outstanding work. Job Design  -Task Significance , Task Feedback, Job Resource,  Workload Assessment -Clear Reporting Structure Understanding  &  Workload Assessment Compensation fairness  Infrastructure  - Organization infrasturce with all basis amenities. -HR / Admin Support in basic maters -Platform for socializing the employees.  Communication/ Feedback  - Consistent communication related to employees work and role. - Micro level Communication related to happenings in the department and macro level communication of  organization  Genuine Concern - Genuine concern & care for employee well being . Genuine concern for employee development * Need to work on devising and strengthening each drivers through HR Interventions
End Results  of Employee Engagement
Vinay Ravindran mail  :  [email_address] cell   :9866254387  LinkedIn Profile :  http://in.linkedin.com/in/vinayravindran Will appreciate your comments and feedback

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Employee engagement by vinay ravindran (www.vinayravindran.com)

  • 1. Vinay Ravindran Concept & Proposed “Integrated Employee Engagement Model” Presentation
  • 2. Why Engagement is important Definition of Engagement Three Types of Employees Gallup Questionnaire Current State of Employee Engagement Types of Commitment Quote Drivers of Engagement Employees reaction towards five core job dimen sions Job Demand Resource Model Behavior linked with Employees Managerial Trustworthiness Components of Transformational Leadership Perception of Fairness Trait Engagement Psychological Conditions of Engagement Drivers of Perceived organization support Psychological State Engagement Cognitions reflecting work & role Orientation Critical Information for Empowerment Characteristics of Engagement Dimensions of Organization Citizenship behavior Model of Antecedents & Consequence of employee engagement A reflection of employee engagement models and its drivers stated by different Management Gurus . Proposed Integrated Model of Employee Engagement for my current Employer End results of Employee Engagement Presentation Flow
  • 3. Why is Employee Engagement so important Engaged Employees will be key to competetitive advantage with changing nature of work & diversity of workforce. Companies that have understood the conditions that enhance the employee engagement has created a work culture which competitors will find very difficult to imitate . Continued…
  • 4. In fast changing business environment it is difficult to precisely specify roles and responsibilities and employees had to make decisions based on ambiguous situations . Many employees are looking for environments where they can be be engaged and feel that they are contributing in a positive way to something larger than themselves . Why is Employee Engagement so important
  • 5. Definition of Engagement Engagement can be characterized by energy , involvement, and efficacy. Question remains engagement is a unique concept or merely a repacking of other constructs, different researcher has have defined engagement both attitudinally and behaviorally . Attitudinal & Behavioral Definition of Engagement
  • 6.  
  • 8. 1 2 3
  • 10. Engagement Above basic loyalty to the employer = Beyond simple satisfaction with the employment arrangement Engagement = Current State of Employee Engagement
  • 12. “ the type of commitment is critical ; employees who want to belong to the organization…..are more likely to perform well than those who need to belong” Quote
  • 13. HR SYSTEM Organization Design Job Design Staffing Rewards Training & Development Performance Management Leadership & Development Work Life Benefits JOB CHARACTERSTICS Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Task Autonomy Job Feedback Job Resources Job Demands ROLE Role Clarity Role Fit COWORKERS Social Identity Support Trust MANAGEMENT Support Clear Expectations Feedback Recognization Trustworthiness Consistency Integrity Fairness LEADERSHIP Transformational Openness Vision PERCEPTION OF FAIRNESS Distributive Procedural Interactional TRAITS Proactive Personality Autotelic Personality Positive Affectivity Conscientiousness Self Efficacy Self –Esteem Locus of Control PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT Meaningfulness Psychological Safety Psychological Availability Perceived Organization Support Psychological Contract Fulfillment PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE OF ENGAGEMENT Job Involvement Empowerment Affective Commitment Positive Affectivity BEHAVIORAL ENGAGEMENT Organizational Citizenship Behavior Performance;,Profienciency; adaptivity;resiliency, innovation STRATEGIC OUTCOMES Productivity Quality Customer Satisfaction FINANCIAL /MARKET PERFORMANCE revenue profits Market Value Drivers of Engagement
  • 15. DRIVERS OF ENGAGEMENT Drivers of Engagement
  • 16. The Degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities and a number of different skills to carry out the work , Feedback The degree to which the individuals obtains direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance EMPLOYEE REACT POSITIVELY TO FIVE CORE JOB DIMENSIONS Skill Variety
  • 17. Relationship of resources to Demands Job Demand Resources Model
  • 18. Concerns the reliability and dependability of others Rooted in the emotional relationships between individuals. Individuals generally express concern for the welfare of each other, believe in the intrinsic virtue of such relationships and are willing to make the future emotional investments in the relationship Coworkers
  • 19. When People are working together they share beliefs and affective experiences and thus show similar motivational and behavioral patterns .
  • 21. Supervisors who foster a supportive work environment Voice their concerns Develop new skills Solve work related problems Supervisors who foster a supportive work environment
  • 22. Categories of behavior linked with Employees’ perceptions of Managerial Trustworthiness
  • 23. Components of Transformational Leadership Idealized Influence * Admired, respected and trusted; considers followers’ needs; consistent conduct . Inspirational Motivation * Provides meaning and challenge Intellectual Stimulation * Stimulated followers efforts to be creative and innovative Individualized Consideration * Pays attention to each individuals need for achievement
  • 28. Drivers of perceived Organization Support
  • 29. Association with Psychological Contract Fulfillment
  • 31.  
  • 32. Cognitions Reflecting Work Role Orientation
  • 33. Psychological Empowerment Cognitions Reflecting work Role Orientations
  • 38. Dimensions of Organizational Citizens Behavior
  • 39. Independence Factors in Modern performance concept
  • 40. Model of Antecedents & Consequence of Employee Engagement
  • 41. A Reflection of Employee Engagement Models & Drivers studied by Different Management Gurus .
  • 44. Zinger Model – Engagement for Results
  • 45. http://www.ecademy.com/node.php?id=88401 Employees Managers What are employees want What the organization wants What employees get What the organization believe employees get EMPLOYEE FRUSTRATION ORGANISATION STRAIN VALUE CONFLICT DELIVERY CONFLICT I M P O R T A N C E A GREEMENM T
  • 46.  
  • 48. Source : www. willislangford.com Employee Engagement Grid
  • 49. source : www. humantelligence.com
  • 50. 3 Components of Employee Engagement
  • 52. Four Dimensions of Employee Engagement
  • 55. Source: www.abhishekmittal.com Connection between Engagement and Well -being
  • 58. Source: Robinson et al (2004) Engagement Model
  • 59. Model of Hierarchy of engagement by Penna
  • 60. The CIPD model of Employee Engagement 
  • 61. Source : http://www.thecareercafe.co.uk/images/BWmodelofengagement.png BW Model – Five Levels of Engagement
  • 62. BW Model – Five Levels of Engagement
  • 63. Connected = Engaged
  • 66. Score out of 10 Employee Engagemt APGAR : Are you a Perfect 10 ? What is your Engagement APGAR Score ? Activity, Pulse , Grimace, Appearance, Respiration Source : David Zinger , 2010 APGAR Sign 2 1 0 Activity (Getting Results ) I accomplish a lot every day Okay mix of activity and rest Counting days to retirement Pulse (caring for your work ) I am full of heartfelt caring I am still breathing I repulse work Grimace (Happiness at Work) Work is grin I am happy I am mostly happy working Work is grim , I am not happy Appearance (Fully Engaged at work) I am fully at work-focused and present I am mostly at work when I am there I put in an occasional appearance Respiration (Inspiration) Work is inspiring I am still breathing Work is suffocating
  • 67.  
  • 70. source : www. rob-berman.com Engagement Pyramid
  • 72. AAA Model of Engagement
  • 73. http://www.blessingwhite.com/EEE__report.asp IME Model of Employee Engagement Individuals: Ownership, clarity and action .  Individuals need to know what they want — and what the organization needs — and then take action to achieve both. Managers: Coaching, relationships and dialogue .  Managers must understand each individual’s talents, interests and needs and then match those with the organization’s objectives — while at the same time creating personal, trusting relationships. Furthermore, they need to discuss engagement  often . Executives: Trust, communication and culture.  Executives have to demonstrate consistency in words and actions, communicate a lot (and with a lot of depth), and align all business practices and behaviors throughout the organization to drive results  and engagement .
  • 76.  
  • 78. Employee Alignment towards Brand Communication & Feedback Managerial Leadership Display Job Design Infrastructure Display of Genuine Concern Proposed Integrated Model of Employee Engagement By Vinay Ravindran Continued- Explanation in next Slide
  • 79. Proposed Model for Current Employer Employee Perception of Brand Alignment / Pride Employee Alignment towards brand Clear understanding of Vision , Mission and Departmental Strategy . Managerial / Leadership Behavioral Display - Consistency in Behavior (Behaving the same way in all times and contexts -Integrity of Behavior (Consistency between words and deeds & explanations of managerial actions.) Visible behavior regarding discouraging sycophants. (encouraging zero level office politics) Employees perception of Fairness in PMS, Training Nomination, sharing information regarding employees concern. - Concern in rewarding employees fairly on achieving Targets/ outstanding work. Job Design -Task Significance , Task Feedback, Job Resource, Workload Assessment -Clear Reporting Structure Understanding & Workload Assessment Compensation fairness Infrastructure - Organization infrasturce with all basis amenities. -HR / Admin Support in basic maters -Platform for socializing the employees. Communication/ Feedback - Consistent communication related to employees work and role. - Micro level Communication related to happenings in the department and macro level communication of organization Genuine Concern - Genuine concern & care for employee well being . Genuine concern for employee development * Need to work on devising and strengthening each drivers through HR Interventions
  • 80. End Results of Employee Engagement
  • 81. Humor
  • 82. Vinay Ravindran mail : [email_address] cell :9866254387 LinkedIn Profile : http://in.linkedin.com/in/vinayravindran Will appreciate your comments and feedback