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 Welcome to our presentation on
Employee Engagement. Our purpose is
to offer alternative perspectives on the
definition of employee engagement and
how to best to increase it from our global
“Keeping employees happy seems like
common sense but the formula for
achieving engagement is still elusive.”
 What We Think Engagement Is
  What are factors in engagement?
 Culture vs. Strategy
  Is engagement just a management strategy?
 The Stakeholder
  What is the employee’s role in engagement?
 Case Stories
 Increasing Engagement? Get Involvement.
  What gets engagement results?
ScholarConsultants.com 2"
What We Think It Is
ScholarConsultants.com 3"
What are the key findings related to
engagement in 2014? Do the questions
define what engagement is?

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Employee onboarding and employee engagement in it organizations human resourc...
Employee onboarding and employee engagement in it organizations human resourc...Employee onboarding and employee engagement in it organizations human resourc...
Employee onboarding and employee engagement in it organizations human resourc...

This document discusses employee onboarding and engagement in IT organizations. It defines onboarding as the process of acquiring necessary knowledge and skills to become an effective organizational member. It provides a model for onboarding and best practices such as orientation programs and monitoring progress. It also defines employee engagement as the level of commitment and involvement an employee has, and discusses its importance. Finally, it provides examples of companies that effectively implement onboarding and engagement strategies like Microsoft, IBM, and Zensar.

human resource managementhuman resourcesit sector
Measuring & Maintaining Employee Engagement
Measuring & Maintaining Employee EngagementMeasuring & Maintaining Employee Engagement
Measuring & Maintaining Employee Engagement

This document discusses measuring and maintaining employee engagement. It begins by examining the challenges in defining and measuring engagement, noting that some see it more as a feeling than something strictly quantifiable. It then reviews different engagement surveys and their focuses, such as levels of engagement or key drivers. The document warns that surveys only provide part of the picture and notes other approaches like those from positive psychology. Finally, it discusses measuring the impact of engagement initiatives and using engagement levels over time as a metric to assess success.

employee engagement webinaremployee engagementemployee relations
15 Employee Engagement activities that you can start doing now
15 Employee Engagement activities that you can start doing now15 Employee Engagement activities that you can start doing now
15 Employee Engagement activities that you can start doing now

As a manager, keeping employees engaged is a major challenge but also opportunity. To achieve engagement, efforts must align with business strategy. The HR function is essential to define an engagement strategy aligned with organizational goals. There are many activities that can boost engagement, such as involving employees in business planning, knowledge sharing programs, learning opportunities, recognition of efforts, and encouraging career development.

by Hppy
employee engagement activities gamesemployee engagement best practicesemployee engagement games
What is Engagement
Satisfaction is
NOT the same
as Engagement.
Employee Satisfaction: A measure of an employee’s “happiness” level
at their current job, mostly around factors of job security and family
benefits. Overly satisfied employees are not necessarily productive.
Employee Engagement: A measure of an employee’s emotional
commitment to their organisation, the amount of effort an employee
is willing to expend on behalf of the organisation.
Critical Success Factors
What makes employees go the extra mile for their
organisation? According to our UAE studies:
 Feeling Valued
  Fairness, Respect, Voice is Heard
 Higher Purpose
  The job is contributing to a noble goal
 Ability to Trust and Be Trusted
  Every managerial action / decision must
build trust as a foundation for action
Culture vs. Strategy
ScholarConsultants.com 7"
Is engagement about having the right
strategy? What do the best companies in
the world do?
Strategy Out, Culture In
 Hot Prediction: The days where CEOs
cascade strategy down the organisational
hierarchy are numbered.
ScholarConsultants.com 8"
“This is our new
pricing strategy.
Roll it out.”
“He’s really out of touch if
he thinks this will work with
our B and C customers.”

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Bridging the employee engagement gap
Bridging the employee engagement gapBridging the employee engagement gap
Bridging the employee engagement gap

There's a lot of nonsense talked about employee engagement and a lot of people think you can get it be throwing a few incentives around. They're wrong. Ultimately employee engagement is simply a choice. It's a choice between how you want your organisation to thrive. So ask yourself - do you want to engage your people or eliminate your people? It's up to you.

employee engagementrewardgatewayemployee perks
Employee engagement final
Employee engagement finalEmployee engagement final
Employee engagement final

The document discusses employee engagement, defining it as the emotional commitment employees feel toward their organization and its goals. Engaged employees care about their work and company. It also discusses the need for engagement, noting research showing engaged employees perform better and are less likely to leave. The document provides suggestions for achieving engagement, such as providing variety, open communication, and celebrating successes. It also discusses measuring and improving engagement over time.

employee engagementhr
Employee Retention
Employee RetentionEmployee Retention
Employee Retention

Slide presentation on how to attract, retain and motivate your workforce. http://www.chartcourse.com

retentionemployee retentionemployee turnover
Effects of Strategy vs. Culture
 Strategy Aims for
  Imposed without
  Increase happiness
and job security
  Business goal is to
maintain retention
  Absenteeism, sick
days measured
  Problems sought and
diagnosed by a few
 Culture Aims for
  Embedded in all
through involvement
  Increase commitment
to take action
  Business goal is to
equate individual
identity to Company’s
  Focus on measuring
the impact of trust
  Positive futurising
Best Practice Examples
  Hiring based on consensus and culture fit
  Do not measure absenteeism or sick days
  Offer $2500 not to join the Company if they feel they
can’t fit or add value
 THE One (Paper I wrote available via email)
  Involvement in ‘Onederworld’ CSR program
 Dubai Land Department
  “Seehaam Day” for paraplegic employee who won a
Gold medal in Paralympics
ScholarConsultants.com 10"
The Individual
ScholarConsultants.com 11"
What’s in it for the individual employee? Is
engagement just a management
prerogative? What is the individual’s role?
What’s In It for Me?
Satisfaction Engagement
For the Satisfied Employee:
Job Security, a Steady
Income, Happiness,
Contentment, Do what’s
minimally required.
Satisfied individual employees:
  Wait till the end of the month for pay day
  Will move for 5 more Dirhams next door
  Look for promotions rather than learning
  Act mainly to avoid fear and anxiety

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Building Talent Pipelines
Building Talent PipelinesBuilding Talent Pipelines
Building Talent Pipelines

The document discusses building talent pipelines and acquiring the right talent. It notes that human capital is now critical for organizational success and the chief talent officer is as important as the CEO. Companies must find the right balance of developing internal talent while also acquiring external talent. There is no single right strategy, as factors like an organization's needs, skills availability, and competitiveness must be considered. Both developing current employees and hiring new talent from outside are important for organizational growth.


The document provides a framework for designing effective onboarding programs that meet both employer and new hire needs, suggesting a balance of efficiency and empathy using a mix of online, group, and individual activities over an extended onboarding period from pre-hire through the first few weeks on the job. It contrasts the employer's focus on quickly getting new hires up to speed and compliant with the new hire's needs for belonging, support, and understanding expectations.

Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection

The document discusses using personality profiling techniques in recruitment and selection. It outlines the objectives of the course which are to give students hands-on experience with recruitment advertisements, profiling techniques, and different interviewing methods. The syllabus includes a comparative study of recruitment advertisements, an analysis of profiling techniques like personality, aptitude and competency, and a study of different interview modes. It also discusses how personality profiling can help assess a candidate's competence, personality traits, motivation and values to see if they are a good fit for the job and company culture.

hrhuman resourceshuman
What’s In It for Me?
Satisfaction Engagement
For the Engaged Employee:
Passion, Making a Difference, Free
Will to Act, Inspiration, Pride,
Trust, Community Spirit.
Culture makes it possible for
employees to deal with anxiety.
Only through an Engagement Culture at the
workplace can individual employees:
  Face fear and take risks, ego matters less
  Love what they do, go the extra mile
  Relate their job to something higher
  Deal with anxiety through peer support
What is My Responsibility?
Satisfaction Engagement
For an individual to be truly engaged at
their workplace, they must:
  Know themselves and what they love
  Look at failure as just a result
  Initiate and demand insatiable learning
  Offer unique questions and perspectives
Many a time, organisations offer
various platforms but employees
don’t engage with them. Why?
“We’re here to get through the
day, the coffee is really good here
Start Engagement Early
Satisfaction Engagement
Hire for culture fit and values, not
just skills and experience.
“Do we want to hire an employee
who can be satisfied or one who
will be engaged?”
Engagement happens when people are in
alignment with their Company’s culture.
Build and design your Company culture
deliberately in order to attract those who
are most likely to be engaged within it, and
they will give you their best.
Case Stories
ScholarConsultants.com 16"
What are some UAE-based employee
engagement stories? How did
engagement occur for these companies?

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10 cs of employee engagement
10 cs of employee engagement10 cs of employee engagement
10 cs of employee engagement

The document outlines the 10 Cs of employee engagement according to an article by Gerard H. Seijts and Dan Crim. The 10 Cs are: connect, career, clarity, convey, congratulate, contribute, control, collaborate, credibility, and confidence. Leaders are encouraged to foster these 10 Cs to increase employee engagement by connecting with employees, providing career opportunities, communicating clearly, providing feedback, recognizing contributions, encouraging collaboration, maintaining credibility, giving employees control, and instilling confidence. Highly engaged employees are more productive and care about the company's success.

Employer branding 101 power point
Employer branding 101 power pointEmployer branding 101 power point
Employer branding 101 power point

The document provides guidance on employer branding best practices. It discusses researching a company's current brand, competitors, and target talent. Stakeholders like marketing, employees, and leadership should partner to develop a unique branding message. Content like infographics and stories about employees can then be shared on social media and a careers page. Analytics should measure branding goals and success, and candidates should receive a positive experience to spread goodwill about the brand. Overall, the key is differentiating a company's authentic culture from competitors through original stories and employees.

Onboard, Not Overboard. Accelerating New Hire Training | Webinar 03.19.15
Onboard, Not Overboard. Accelerating New Hire Training | Webinar 03.19.15Onboard, Not Overboard. Accelerating New Hire Training | Webinar 03.19.15
Onboard, Not Overboard. Accelerating New Hire Training | Webinar 03.19.15

This document discusses onboarding best practices for new employees. It defines onboarding as helping new hires acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective members. A strong onboarding program offers many benefits like improved retention, productivity, and engagement. It recommends planning onboarding by integrating company goals and culture, outlining expectations, using technology for training, and involving managers. It also provides ways to measure the impact of onboarding through metrics like time to productivity, retention, and satisfaction.

onboardingemployee training and developmentnew hire training
Case 1: Electronics MNC
  UAE office with lowest employee
satisfaction among all global offices.
  Task was to find out what quick fixes
can be done to bring up the score.
  Dutch management, Indian
employees – huge cultural divide.
  Management realized that a lack of
consideration for employee vacation
time translated into “Our Managers
don’t respect our family values”.
  Immediate shift in attitude and letting
go of controlling employee time.
  After confidential individual interviews results were reported, we facilitated a
philosophical dialogue between management and employees.
  Personal stories shared where Management realized there was a fundamental
difference between how they saw life and how their people saw it.
  Commitments to make “understanding perspective” a part of their culture.
Case 2: TV Network
  Human Resource Office was
ineffective with no authority.
  Dissatisfaction among different sub-
cultures for different reasons.
  Company growth so fast, business not
coping in terms of managing people.
  Company found that they had an
overarching cultural attribute that of
“care” and “family”.
  The common facet of care united the
sub-culture groups of Admins and
Creatives under one key value.
  Focus groups conducted throughout all levels to discuss engagement issues.
  95% of all people reported that they loved working at the company because of the
“people here care about you” factor.
  Tussle between Administrative staff and Creative employees brought to the
limelight because of their opposite work styles.
The Best Way to Engage
ScholarConsultants.com 19"
What are the latest trends in managing
change in such a way that it creates
engagement? Is the Middle East ready?
Large Group Dynamics
 Companies all over the world are embracing
large group interactive events that create
paradigm shifts and increase engagement.
  Collect data through surveys, interviews, focus
groups, 3rd party builds trust within the system.
  Create 2.5 day offsite agenda with an internal design
team where 100s get together in the same room.
  The focus is on business goals, but the process has
profound effects on sustained engagement! Why?
They are involved from A to Z and everyone matters.
Scholar-Consultants.com 20"

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New employee onboarding
New employee onboardingNew employee onboarding
New employee onboarding

The document summarizes an onboarding presentation about reducing employee confusion through effective onboarding programs. It begins with describing a typical orientation process, then discusses statistics showing the benefits of strategic onboarding over checklists or brief orientations. It provides Qualcomm's case example of developing a year-long onboarding program including pre-arrival materials, multi-day orientation, ongoing training, and mentorship to improve engagement, productivity, and retention.

orientationhuman resourcesonboarding
Group 6 employee_attrition
Group 6 employee_attrition Group 6 employee_attrition
Group 6 employee_attrition

The document discusses predicting employee attrition at a company. It begins with defining attrition and why companies should care about it due to replacement costs. The objectives are outlined as predicting drivers of attrition, potential attrition cases, and identifying weak areas to improve satisfaction and retention. Data on employees is described including demographics, job factors, and a target variable of attrition. Models are analyzed and decision trees show significant predictors as overtime, stock options, income, marital status, and work-life balance. Visualizations further illustrate relationships between these predictors and attrition rates.

nyu stern school of businessemployee attritionnyu

The document discusses onboarding best practices for new hires. It defines onboarding as the process of helping new employees transition from outsiders to insiders through acquiring job, role, group and cultural knowledge. The presentation outlines a model for onboarding with four phases: pre-selection, pre-boarding, onboarding and post-hire support. It summarizes five rules for effective onboarding: don't leave learning to chance, start onboarding pre-selection, engage leaders and teams, focus on the first few months, and view onboarding as a long-term process not a single event. Following best practices in onboarding can lead to positive individual, group and organizational outcomes.

consultingemployee engagementwork
Engagement = Involvement
“This is our new
pricing strategy.
Roll it out.” “He’s really out of touch if he
thinks this will work with our B
and C customers.”
Move from this…
To this…
“The B’s will shy away.
What do you say
“Its worth a shot if our
margins are realized and
we get to save the tigers!
Whoop whoop.”
“Hey the tea boy said he
saw a C almost going for
it to impress his own
“A Showcase
Center? What
an idea!” A-HA!
Whole-System Transformation™ in Action
Real change happens dynamically when everyone is involved in
strategic decision-making for their level. The whole system is
responsible for change together and individual engagement rises.
ScholarConsultants.com 22"
Thank You!
And last but not the least. Enjoy the film.
“We Love Our Workplace” by AppleTree

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Employee Engagement

  • 1. Purpose ScholarConsultants.com 1"  Welcome to our presentation on Employee Engagement. Our purpose is to offer alternative perspectives on the definition of employee engagement and how to best to increase it from our global experience. “Keeping employees happy seems like common sense but the formula for achieving engagement is still elusive.”
  • 2. Overview  What We Think Engagement Is   What are factors in engagement?  Culture vs. Strategy   Is engagement just a management strategy?  The Stakeholder   What is the employee’s role in engagement?  Case Stories  Increasing Engagement? Get Involvement.   What gets engagement results? ScholarConsultants.com 2"
  • 3. What We Think It Is ScholarConsultants.com 3" What are the key findings related to engagement in 2014? Do the questions define what engagement is?
  • 5. What is Engagement 5"ScholarConsultants.com Satisfaction is NOT the same as Engagement. Employee Satisfaction: A measure of an employee’s “happiness” level at their current job, mostly around factors of job security and family benefits. Overly satisfied employees are not necessarily productive. Employee Engagement: A measure of an employee’s emotional commitment to their organisation, the amount of effort an employee is willing to expend on behalf of the organisation.
  • 6. Critical Success Factors 6"ScholarConsultants.com What makes employees go the extra mile for their organisation? According to our UAE studies:  Feeling Valued   Fairness, Respect, Voice is Heard  Higher Purpose   The job is contributing to a noble goal  Ability to Trust and Be Trusted   Every managerial action / decision must build trust as a foundation for action
  • 7. Culture vs. Strategy ScholarConsultants.com 7" Is engagement about having the right strategy? What do the best companies in the world do?
  • 8. Strategy Out, Culture In  Hot Prediction: The days where CEOs cascade strategy down the organisational hierarchy are numbered. ScholarConsultants.com 8" “This is our new pricing strategy. Roll it out.” “He’s really out of touch if he thinks this will work with our B and C customers.”
  • 9. Effects of Strategy vs. Culture  Strategy Aims for Satisfaction   Imposed without consent   Increase happiness and job security   Business goal is to maintain retention   Absenteeism, sick days measured   Problems sought and diagnosed by a few  Culture Aims for Engagement   Embedded in all through involvement   Increase commitment to take action   Business goal is to equate individual identity to Company’s   Focus on measuring the impact of trust   Positive futurising 9"ScholarConsultants.com
  • 10. Best Practice Examples  Google   Hiring based on consensus and culture fit   Do not measure absenteeism or sick days  Zappos   Offer $2500 not to join the Company if they feel they can’t fit or add value  THE One (Paper I wrote available via email)   Involvement in ‘Onederworld’ CSR program  Dubai Land Department   “Seehaam Day” for paraplegic employee who won a Gold medal in Paralympics ScholarConsultants.com 10"
  • 11. The Individual ScholarConsultants.com 11" What’s in it for the individual employee? Is engagement just a management prerogative? What is the individual’s role?
  • 12. What’s In It for Me? 12"ScholarConsultants.com Satisfaction Engagement Culture For the Satisfied Employee: Job Security, a Steady Income, Happiness, Contentment, Do what’s minimally required. Satisfied individual employees:   Wait till the end of the month for pay day   Will move for 5 more Dirhams next door   Look for promotions rather than learning   Act mainly to avoid fear and anxiety
  • 13. What’s In It for Me? 13"ScholarConsultants.com Satisfaction Engagement Culture For the Engaged Employee: Passion, Making a Difference, Free Will to Act, Inspiration, Pride, Trust, Community Spirit. Culture makes it possible for employees to deal with anxiety. Only through an Engagement Culture at the workplace can individual employees:   Face fear and take risks, ego matters less   Love what they do, go the extra mile   Relate their job to something higher   Deal with anxiety through peer support
  • 14. What is My Responsibility? 14"ScholarConsultants.com Satisfaction Engagement Culture of “You” For an individual to be truly engaged at their workplace, they must:   Know themselves and what they love   Look at failure as just a result   Initiate and demand insatiable learning   Offer unique questions and perspectives Many a time, organisations offer various platforms but employees don’t engage with them. Why? “We’re here to get through the day, the coffee is really good here though!”
  • 15. Start Engagement Early 15"ScholarConsultants.com Satisfaction Engagement Culture Hire for culture fit and values, not just skills and experience. “Do we want to hire an employee who can be satisfied or one who will be engaged?” Engagement happens when people are in alignment with their Company’s culture. Build and design your Company culture deliberately in order to attract those who are most likely to be engaged within it, and they will give you their best.
  • 16. Case Stories ScholarConsultants.com 16" What are some UAE-based employee engagement stories? How did engagement occur for these companies?
  • 17. Case 1: Electronics MNC 17" CHALLENGE( RESULT(   UAE office with lowest employee satisfaction among all global offices.   Task was to find out what quick fixes can be done to bring up the score.   Dutch management, Indian employees – huge cultural divide.   Management realized that a lack of consideration for employee vacation time translated into “Our Managers don’t respect our family values”.   Immediate shift in attitude and letting go of controlling employee time. PROCESS(   After confidential individual interviews results were reported, we facilitated a philosophical dialogue between management and employees.   Personal stories shared where Management realized there was a fundamental difference between how they saw life and how their people saw it.   Commitments to make “understanding perspective” a part of their culture. ScholarConsultants.com
  • 18. Case 2: TV Network 18" CHALLENGE( RESULT(   Human Resource Office was ineffective with no authority.   Dissatisfaction among different sub- cultures for different reasons.   Company growth so fast, business not coping in terms of managing people.   Company found that they had an overarching cultural attribute that of “care” and “family”.   The common facet of care united the sub-culture groups of Admins and Creatives under one key value. PROCESS(   Focus groups conducted throughout all levels to discuss engagement issues.   95% of all people reported that they loved working at the company because of the “people here care about you” factor.   Tussle between Administrative staff and Creative employees brought to the limelight because of their opposite work styles. ScholarConsultants.com
  • 19. The Best Way to Engage ScholarConsultants.com 19" What are the latest trends in managing change in such a way that it creates engagement? Is the Middle East ready?
  • 20. Large Group Dynamics  Companies all over the world are embracing large group interactive events that create paradigm shifts and increase engagement.   Collect data through surveys, interviews, focus groups, 3rd party builds trust within the system.   Create 2.5 day offsite agenda with an internal design team where 100s get together in the same room.   The focus is on business goals, but the process has profound effects on sustained engagement! Why? They are involved from A to Z and everyone matters. Scholar-Consultants.com 20"
  • 21. Engagement = Involvement 21"ScholarConsultants.com “This is our new pricing strategy. Roll it out.” “He’s really out of touch if he thinks this will work with our B and C customers.” Move from this… To this… “The B’s will shy away. What do you say Merchandisers?” “Its worth a shot if our margins are realized and we get to save the tigers! Whoop whoop.” “Hey the tea boy said he saw a C almost going for it to impress his own customer!” “A Showcase Center? What an idea!” A-HA!
  • 22. Whole-System Transformation™ in Action Real change happens dynamically when everyone is involved in strategic decision-making for their level. The whole system is responsible for change together and individual engagement rises. ScholarConsultants.com 22"
  • 23. Thank You! 23"ScholarConsultants.com And last but not the least. Enjoy the film. “We Love Our Workplace” by AppleTree