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Engaging Generation Y in the
Language Classroom
An opening thought…
‘Just because this generation of students has grown up
with the technology and the accompanying tools of the
digital age doesn‘t mean that throwing technology at
them in the classroom will automatically result in
effective teaching and/or learning.’
Berk, 2010
What we hope to do now…
We will look at previous research on the key learner
characteristics of this generation of students which have
specific implications for how we should use technology in your
Our hope is that we will be able to leverage the technology
tools they are already using to match their characteristics. Thus,
we will be able to tailor your teaching strategies to fit your
We suggest a variety of technology strategies that match their
characteristics. They will enable us to connect with them and
build trust and credibility.
1) Defining Generation Y
2) A look at how they differ from us
– Attitudinally
– Physiologically
3) How research has characterized the use
of technology by this generation
4) The ten commandments of teaching
Generation Y

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Supporting Inclusive Learning Environments Through Technology
Supporting Inclusive Learning Environments Through TechnologySupporting Inclusive Learning Environments Through Technology
Supporting Inclusive Learning Environments Through Technology

The document summarizes a presentation given at the ZONE 4/5 Summer Conference on supporting inclusive learning environments through technology. The presentation provided context on initiatives to support students with diverse needs, an overview of current and emerging technologies, and resources for inclusive education and assistive technologies. It discussed using technology to advance learning for all students and addressed questions from attendees about implementing and supporting technology for inclusion.

technologyabedinclusive learning
The net-generation4347
The net-generation4347The net-generation4347
The net-generation4347

The document discusses the characteristics of the "Net Generation" or students born after 1982 who have grown up with technology. It notes that these students spend much more time using computers, video games, and the internet than reading books or in classrooms. As a result, they learn differently and educators must adapt teaching approaches to their skills with visuals, games, multitasking and finding information online rather than traditional lectures. The document advocates for teaching students 21st century skills like problem solving, collaboration and information literacy through inquiry-based learning rather than memorization.

From Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency
From Digital Literacy to Digital FluencyFrom Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency
From Digital Literacy to Digital Fluency

This document discusses the changing nature of literacy and learning in a digital world. It notes that students are now active participants online and get their news from social media rather than traditional outlets. Educators are encouraged to view their role as preparing students for a globally connected world where they can ethically interpret information and communicate ideas digitally. The document suggests moving from a focus on digital literacy alone to the more encompassing concept of digital fluency.

changeliteracydigital fluency
1) Defining Generation Y
The boundaries: (Lancaster & Stillman)
Baby boomers 1946 – 1964
Generation X 1965 – 1980
Generation Y 1981 – 1999
Generation Z 2000 - present
Attitudinal differences
At work:
‘What can this job do for me?’
‘How can this help me grow?’
‘I won’t sacrifice my life for work.’
In education:
‘The old way… where the teacher is the sage
on the stage, doesn’ty work for me.’
Physiological differences?
Are their brains wired differently?
UCLA Study (2007):
•Can older generations rewire their
•Can we replicate what Generation Y
has done?
Physiological differences?

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Ideas for Empowering and Engaging GIFTED KIDS
Ideas for Empowering and Engaging GIFTED KIDSIdeas for Empowering and Engaging GIFTED KIDS
Ideas for Empowering and Engaging GIFTED KIDS

This document provides many ideas for engaging and empowering gifted kids, including exploring educational websites, learning to code, engaging in creative pursuits like making movies and photography challenges, and playing video games. It emphasizes teaching kids to think creatively and learn, unlearn, and relearn. The goal is to move beyond just teaching literacy to cultivating creativity and an empowering worldview to prepare children for an uncertain future.

M learning bt belem
M learning bt belemM learning bt belem
M learning bt belem

I've just deleted an earlier version of this presentation and uploaded the one I presented at Braz-Tesol Belém yesterday with some new activities.

eltmobile learningenglish
The Generation Game
The Generation GameThe Generation Game
The Generation Game

This presentation is an attempt to explode the mythology that has wrapped itself around Generations Net & Google. Through the lens of the recent JISC reports, we try and separate the wheat from the chaff.

10 characteristics…
… 10
1. Generation Y is tech savvy?
• They have grown up with the technology
• They expect information to be at their fingertips
• Their experience has enabled them to master complex
tasks and make decisions rapidly
• However, they are not necessarily NET savvy
• They are exposed to loads of information, but lack an
understanding of how to find, evaluate, use, and present
that information
• We need to foster information literacy and strong
critical thinking skills
1. Generation Y is tech savvy?
‘Neveretheless, a digital divide exists among Generation Y,
based on machine vintage, connectivity, online skills,
autonomy and freedom of access, computer support, and
interest in using the technology.’
• Carlson, 2005
• Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007
• Prensky, 2006
• Lorenzo & Dziuban, 2006
• Hawkins & Oblinger, 2006
• Oblinger, 2008a
• Oblinger & Hawkins, 2006
• Rockman et al, 2004
Commandment 1
‘Thou shalt not be afraid
of technology’

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The document discusses trends in social media usage and adoption by state departments of transportation (DOTs). It notes that internet access is increasingly mobile, with many Americans accessing the internet primarily through smartphones and tablets. Most commonly used social media tools by DOTs include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Challenges for DOTs in using social media include limited staff and resources to manage multiple platforms, as well as ensuring engagement and establishing an online brand. The document advocates having a clear social media plan and goals, and emphasizes that building an online community takes time.

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This document discusses digital storytelling and its potential to increase critical thinking skills. It begins by describing the "Net Generation" of students who have grown up with widespread digital technology use. While these students are more visually literate and able to multitask, their reading skills have declined. The challenge is engaging these students through technology while still developing important 21st century skills like critical thinking. Digital storytelling and video games can help by making learning interactive and stimulating reflection. When computers are incorporated into classrooms through initiatives like 1-to-1 laptop programs, they become valuable supplemental tools for collaboration, independent learning, and developing 21st century skills.

Edtech Sucks
Edtech SucksEdtech Sucks
Edtech Sucks

In the stampede to "digitize the classroom" responsible educators need to pause and consider the negative impacts of EdTech. In this provocative session I'll examine five things "21st Century Educators" should be thinking about: Student data privacy, Corporate Influence, Equity, Professionalism & Infrastructure

edtech education privacy
2. Generation Y relies on Search
Engines for Information
• 2006: About __% of Generation Y began
searches for everything with search engines
• Ease-of-use mentality
• High comfort level has fostered a false sense
of ability - they often overestimate their skills at
finding and evaluating online information
2. Generation Y relies on Search
Engines for Information
• 2006: About 89% of Generation Y began
searches for everything with search engines
• Ease-of-use mentality
• High comfort level has fostered a false sense
of ability - they often overestimate their skills at
finding and evaluating online information
2. Generation Y relies on Search
Engines for Information
Online Computer Library Center survey (graduates from 6
__% consider search engines to be a good or perfect fit for
their lifestyle
63% consider online or physical libraries to be a fit
‘While the libraries’ resources are considered more accurate
and trustworthy than search engines, they fall far short of
students‘ expectations of speed, convenience, ease of use,
cost-effectiveness, and reliability.’
• OCLC, 2006
• Manuel, 2002
• Bodi, 2002
2. Generation Y relies on Search
Engines for Information
Online Computer Library Center survey (graduates from 6
94% consider search engines to be a good or perfect fit for
their lifestyle
63% consider online or physical libraries to be a fit
‘While the libraries’ resources are considered more accurate
and trustworthy than search engines, they fall far short of
students‘ expectations of speed, convenience, ease of use,
cost-effectiveness, and reliability.’
• OCLC, 2006
• Manuel, 2002
• Bodi, 2002

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Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09
Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09
Permission to Tell Stories: Digital storytelling, Glogs, and More Fate 09

The document discusses how digital storytelling can be used to engage students and invigorate learning. It provides examples of how teachers have used digital storytelling to teach vocabulary words and literary elements. Resources for digital storytelling like software, tutorials and example student projects are shared. The benefits of digital storytelling for students include improving writing, speaking, technical and personal skills through an authentic and collaborative process.

glogsdigital storytelling
Visual Literacy And 21st Century Skills
Visual Literacy And 21st Century SkillsVisual Literacy And 21st Century Skills
Visual Literacy And 21st Century Skills

The document discusses the importance of visual literacy and 21st century skills. It defines visual literacy as the ability to interpret and create visual messages. Developing visual literacy skills is important because visual communication is how many people process information. Additionally, 21st century skills like collaboration, digital literacy, and multimedia communication are essential for students to develop in order to be prepared for future careers and civic participation. The document provides examples of how to incorporate visual literacy instruction into the classroom through activities having students navigate, evaluate, and create visual content.

Ict ppt fauzia students uses of technology
Ict ppt fauzia students uses of technologyIct ppt fauzia students uses of technology
Ict ppt fauzia students uses of technology

The document discusses students' use of technology based on a study from Australia. It finds that most Australian children will grow up with ubiquitous access to technologies like computers, the internet, mobile phones, and social media. It describes trends in how students use these technologies, such as 90% accessing computers at school and 70% also using the internet. The document also discusses challenges and opportunities that new technologies present for educators to develop students' innovation, creativity, and learning.

Commandment 2
‘Thou shalt teach them
how to use search engines
3. Generation Y loves Multimedia
• They are used to entertainment, speed, and accessing
music, videos, games and information in their own way
• They prefer interactive media rather than passive TV
• They move seamlessly between real and virtual
• They are nomadic - they get whatever they want: It‘s
theirs for the taking
• Many will obtain their music, videos, ringtones, and
software free, illegally, online rather than buy it
3. Generation Y loves Multimedia
‘Leveraging these media in the classroom is critical to
connecting with their culture’
• Gibson, Aldrich, & Prensky, 2007
• Oblinger, 2008a
• Berk, 2003, 2008b, 2009a
• Eddy & Bracken, 2008
• Miller, 2009
• Abram & Luther, 2004
• Tarlow & Tarlow, 2002
Commandment 3
‘Thou shalt get them using
video clips’

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Implementing Change discusses bring your own device (BYOD) programs in schools. It provides arguments for and against BYOD as well as details about challenges and strategies for implementation. The document outlines Eric Willard's pyramid for successful BYOD implementation, which emphasizes leadership, funding, technology planning, infrastructure development, and curriculum support. Early reviews of BYOD programs have been positive according to teachers participating, but challenges include network capacity, safety, and access inequities.

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Gesture Interaction with Children for Education, Fitness, Games

The document discusses research on natural user interactions (NUIs) for children. It describes several touchscreen interaction studies comparing how children and adults use touchscreen devices. The studies found that children miss more touch targets than adults, especially smaller targets. Children's gestures are recognized less accurately by modern recognizers designed for adults. The research aims to better understand how children interact with touchscreens and whole-body interfaces to inform the design of more effective interaction techniques and recognition algorithms for children.

Designing the Digital Future Slides
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Designing the Digital Future Slides

During two days and with participants from across the University of Iowa and surrounding community, keynote speakers, local panelists, and the symposium organizers explored how - -to encourage more departments to participate in the informatics initiative -to assess campus resources for joint programming, courses, and research groups that engage not only science and technology, but also the arts, humanities, and social sciences -to clarify the opportunities, challenges, and obstacles faced by researchers in HCI and informatics, including funding; tenure and promotion; research and publication; curriculum, disciplinary differences, and institutional barriers

4. Generation Y Multitasks on
They can naturally do several tasks easily at the same time
Mixing play and work is common
‘Generation Y can move quickly from one activity or medium to
another, such as using texting, chatting with their friends on a
cell or smart phone or iPhone, and e-mailing all at once, while
surfing the Net and watching TV or doing homework.’
•Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007
•Prensky, 2006
•Roberts, 2005
Commandment 4
‘Thou shalt handle
multitasking with care’
Commandment 4
5. Generation Y Communicates
• They are visually literate, comfortable in an image-rich
rather than text-only environment.
• Many don‘t like to read books, especially textbooks,
although they do it when required
• They consider printed works expensive, boring, and a
waste of time
• They prefer visuals, graphics, and images of any kind,
such as icons, videos, and photos
• They communicate visually by capturing images with
mobile phones, then sharing them through Facebook,
or similar social media
• They post photos on Flickr and videos on YouTube

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1 s2.0-s074756321000004 x-main1 s2.0-s074756321000004 x-main
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This study examined how 4-7 year old children perceive their own use of computers. It explored whether children's access to computers, activities performed, skills, and attitudes varied by gender, age, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity. The study involved 167 children from two Dutch schools. One school was in a lower socioeconomic area with many immigrant families, while the other was in the city center and primarily middle class. Regardless of background, most children reported having computer access at home and school. Across settings, the primary reported activity was playing games. Older children used computers more often and with greater ability. Boys generally had more positive attitudes than girls, but few other differences were found regarding use or skills. The findings provide insight into

Digital Curation and Methods for Teaching Digital Literacy Skills
Digital Curation and Methods for Teaching Digital Literacy SkillsDigital Curation and Methods for Teaching Digital Literacy Skills
Digital Curation and Methods for Teaching Digital Literacy Skills

This presentation summarizes a recent survey of the literature covering digital curation and methods for teaching digital literacy skills.

digital curationmedia literacydigital literacy skills
No teacher left behind hd
No teacher left behind hdNo teacher left behind hd
No teacher left behind hd

Handout from Ron Berk's presentation "No Teacher Left Behind" at AACTE's 63rd Annual Meeting and Exhibits, February 24-26, 2011 in San Diego, CA, #AACTE2011

educator preparationnet gener
5. Generation Y Communicates
‘Social bookmarking permits them to share images in a peer-
to-peer world. They are able to weave together images, text,
and sound easily as well as move between the real and the
virtual instantaneously Live classroom demonstrations with
music also provide powerful, unforgettable images.’
• Berk, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008b
• Vaidhyanathan, 2008
• Gomez, 2007
• Oblinger, 2008a
• Frand, 2000
• Manuel, 2002
• Ostrow, 2007
• Polin, 2007
Commandment 5
‘Thou shalt use visuals,
visuals and more visuals’
6. Generation Y is Emotionally Open
Learners express their feelings easily
‘They are open to meeting new people, sharing personal
information, and digital storytelling online in blogs, wikis,
Facebook, or other social media’
•Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007
•Lenhart, Rainie, & Lewis, 2001
•Oblinger, 2008b;
•Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005
Commandment 6
‘Thou shalt encourage
interaction and opinion

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The document discusses characteristics of the "Net Generation" or "digital natives", who grew up with technology and the internet. It describes how they differ from older "digital immigrants" in preferring visual and collaborative learning, multitasking, and being constantly connected. Examples are given of tools and activities popular among digital natives, like social media, videos, and mobile devices. The document argues educators must adapt techniques like project-based learning to meet the needs and styles of today's digital learners.

national social science conferencenew orleans
Designing E-Learning for Generation Y
Designing E-Learning for Generation YDesigning E-Learning for Generation Y
Designing E-Learning for Generation Y

This document discusses how to design e-learning for Generation Y learners. Generation Y, born between 1980-1992, are digital natives who have shorter attention spans and prefer visual, creative, and engaging content over lectures. The document provides 12 guidelines for designing e-learning for Generation Y, such as allowing personalization, community participation, and search functions. It suggests incorporating elements from popular technologies like the iPhone, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter that Generation Y finds engaging. The goal is to match Generation Y's preferences for informal, interactive, and up-to-date learning opportunities.

Restless digital natives (Btg)
Restless digital natives (Btg)Restless digital natives (Btg)
Restless digital natives (Btg)

How do we help learners make the most of the web? What opportunities does it afford us? Where might it take us? An optimistic but cautious take on the web and learning

digital dividedigitalnativeseducation
7. Generation Y Prefers
Teamwork and Collaboration
Social tendencies + need for interpersonal interaction (both online
and face-to-face) = preference for working in teams rather than
Collaboration enables their collective intelligence to emerge
through the pooling of knowledge, research, arguments, and
insights from diverse groups of people
• Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007
• Ramaley & Zia, 2005
• Strauss & Howe, 2006
• Berk, 2002, 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009c
Commandment 7
‘Thou shalt tap into their
collective intelligence’
8. Generation Y Prefers Typing to
Taking notes in class the ‘old fashioned way’ is not Generation
Y’s way
They want to type notes, communications, essays, and essays
on their laptop, iPhone, or iPad
That is what they are used to doing
‘The advantages of Word far outweigh any alternative of
verbal print communication’
• Frand, 2000
Commandment 8
‘Thou shalt require them
to type their work’

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Cybersafety Cybersafety

Addressing Cybersafety for Primary School Children in NSW-Cyber nettiquette,Cyber-bullying and possible sollutions. Implication for the future.

9. Generation Y Creates Internet
While __% use the Internet to assist with
homework; many also contribute to its
57% design and write Websites, post blogs
with pictures and original artwork, and
make videos for YouTube daily.
• Polin, 2007
9. Generation Y Creates Internet
While 90% use the Internet to assist with
homework; many also contribute to its
57% design and write Websites, post blogs
with pictures and original artwork, and
make videos for YouTube daily.
• Polin, 2007
9. Generation Y Creates Internet
• Social bookmarking permits students to tag,
comment, evaluate, and collect published works
• It fosters direct peer-to-peer engagement to create,
share, and interact via networks (Flickr, del.icio.us,
and Digg)
• These students are major contributors to the
Internet by developing, consuming, commenting on,
and rating Web materials
Commandment 9
‘Thou shalt give them
opportunities to create
their own content’

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The document discusses how technology has changed the way students learn and how they process information. It contrasts "digital natives," who have grown up with technology and are fluent in the digital language, with "digital immigrants" who have adopted digital skills later in life. Additionally, it examines how cellphones can potentially be used as instructional tools in the classroom to support and strengthen learning if used appropriately.

educationlanguage learningteaching
Net generation
Net generationNet generation
Net generation

The following slide show is a collection of ideas I found extremely helpful when trying to gain a deeper understanding of the Net Generation. I have referenced scholarly sources to support my ideas and have organized the material into several subheadings: Who is the Net Generation?/ How are they different? How do they learn best? What are their learning expectations? What are the implications for teaching this generation?

digital nativesnet generationeducation
Digital Citizenship - First Steps
Digital Citizenship - First StepsDigital Citizenship - First Steps
Digital Citizenship - First Steps

A look at Digital Citizenship as it is connected to one of the constants in teaching, the Key Competencies. Early conversations, entry points from Takapuna Intermediate school.

10. Generation Y Craves Instant
Generation Y receives feedback from
They are considered the most child-centered
generation ever
Examples: video games and the internet
• Reilly, 2012
Commandment 10
‘Thou shalt let them know
what you think’
Image references
• http://blog.tribute.com/2009/07/the-truth-about-managing-
• http://rmoon1122.wordpress.com/2011/07/22/technology-in-the-
• http://www.businessinsider.com/google-has-taken-over-its-search-
• http://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/gen-y-not-building-the-next
• http://kathyjonesrealty.wordpress.com/tag/characteristics-of-gen-y/

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Engaging Generation Y with Technology in the Language Classroom

  • 1. Engaging Generation Y in the Language Classroom SL POWER TECH 2015
  • 2. An opening thought… ‘Just because this generation of students has grown up with the technology and the accompanying tools of the digital age doesn‘t mean that throwing technology at them in the classroom will automatically result in effective teaching and/or learning.’ Berk, 2010
  • 3. What we hope to do now… We will look at previous research on the key learner characteristics of this generation of students which have specific implications for how we should use technology in your classroom. Our hope is that we will be able to leverage the technology tools they are already using to match their characteristics. Thus, we will be able to tailor your teaching strategies to fit your students. We suggest a variety of technology strategies that match their characteristics. They will enable us to connect with them and build trust and credibility.
  • 4. Layout 1) Defining Generation Y 2) A look at how they differ from us – Attitudinally – Physiologically 3) How research has characterized the use of technology by this generation 4) The ten commandments of teaching Generation Y
  • 5. 1) Defining Generation Y The boundaries: (Lancaster & Stillman) Baby boomers 1946 – 1964 Generation X 1965 – 1980 Generation Y 1981 – 1999 Generation Z 2000 - present
  • 6. Attitudinal differences At work: ‘What can this job do for me?’ ‘How can this help me grow?’ ‘I won’t sacrifice my life for work.’ In education: ‘The old way… where the teacher is the sage on the stage, doesn’ty work for me.’
  • 7. Physiological differences? Are their brains wired differently? UCLA Study (2007): •Can older generations rewire their brains? •Can we replicate what Generation Y has done?
  • 10. 1. Generation Y is tech savvy? • They have grown up with the technology • They expect information to be at their fingertips • Their experience has enabled them to master complex tasks and make decisions rapidly • However, they are not necessarily NET savvy • They are exposed to loads of information, but lack an understanding of how to find, evaluate, use, and present that information • We need to foster information literacy and strong critical thinking skills
  • 11. 1. Generation Y is tech savvy? ‘Neveretheless, a digital divide exists among Generation Y, based on machine vintage, connectivity, online skills, autonomy and freedom of access, computer support, and interest in using the technology.’ • Carlson, 2005 • Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007 • Prensky, 2006 • Lorenzo & Dziuban, 2006 • Hawkins & Oblinger, 2006 • Oblinger, 2008a • Oblinger & Hawkins, 2006 • Rockman et al, 2004
  • 12. Commandment 1 ‘Thou shalt not be afraid of technology’
  • 13. 2. Generation Y relies on Search Engines for Information • 2006: About __% of Generation Y began searches for everything with search engines • Ease-of-use mentality • High comfort level has fostered a false sense of ability - they often overestimate their skills at finding and evaluating online information
  • 14. 2. Generation Y relies on Search Engines for Information • 2006: About 89% of Generation Y began searches for everything with search engines • Ease-of-use mentality • High comfort level has fostered a false sense of ability - they often overestimate their skills at finding and evaluating online information
  • 15. 2. Generation Y relies on Search Engines for Information Online Computer Library Center survey (graduates from 6 countries): __% consider search engines to be a good or perfect fit for their lifestyle 63% consider online or physical libraries to be a fit ‘While the libraries’ resources are considered more accurate and trustworthy than search engines, they fall far short of students‘ expectations of speed, convenience, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.’ • OCLC, 2006 • Manuel, 2002 • Bodi, 2002
  • 16. 2. Generation Y relies on Search Engines for Information Online Computer Library Center survey (graduates from 6 countries): 94% consider search engines to be a good or perfect fit for their lifestyle 63% consider online or physical libraries to be a fit ‘While the libraries’ resources are considered more accurate and trustworthy than search engines, they fall far short of students‘ expectations of speed, convenience, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.’ • OCLC, 2006 • Manuel, 2002 • Bodi, 2002
  • 17. Commandment 2 ‘Thou shalt teach them how to use search engines properly’
  • 18. 3. Generation Y loves Multimedia • They are used to entertainment, speed, and accessing music, videos, games and information in their own way • They prefer interactive media rather than passive TV • They move seamlessly between real and virtual worlds • They are nomadic - they get whatever they want: It‘s theirs for the taking • Many will obtain their music, videos, ringtones, and software free, illegally, online rather than buy it
  • 19. 3. Generation Y loves Multimedia ‘Leveraging these media in the classroom is critical to connecting with their culture’ • Gibson, Aldrich, & Prensky, 2007 • Oblinger, 2008a • Berk, 2003, 2008b, 2009a • Eddy & Bracken, 2008 • Miller, 2009 • Abram & Luther, 2004 • Tarlow & Tarlow, 2002
  • 20. Commandment 3 ‘Thou shalt get them using video clips’
  • 21. 4. Generation Y Multitasks on everything They can naturally do several tasks easily at the same time Mixing play and work is common ‘Generation Y can move quickly from one activity or medium to another, such as using texting, chatting with their friends on a cell or smart phone or iPhone, and e-mailing all at once, while surfing the Net and watching TV or doing homework.’ •Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007 •Prensky, 2006 •Roberts, 2005
  • 22. Commandment 4 ‘Thou shalt handle multitasking with care’
  • 24. 5. Generation Y Communicates Visually • They are visually literate, comfortable in an image-rich rather than text-only environment. • Many don‘t like to read books, especially textbooks, although they do it when required • They consider printed works expensive, boring, and a waste of time • They prefer visuals, graphics, and images of any kind, such as icons, videos, and photos • They communicate visually by capturing images with mobile phones, then sharing them through Facebook, or similar social media • They post photos on Flickr and videos on YouTube
  • 25. 5. Generation Y Communicates Visually ‘Social bookmarking permits them to share images in a peer- to-peer world. They are able to weave together images, text, and sound easily as well as move between the real and the virtual instantaneously Live classroom demonstrations with music also provide powerful, unforgettable images.’ • Berk, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008b • Vaidhyanathan, 2008 • Gomez, 2007 • Oblinger, 2008a • Frand, 2000 • Manuel, 2002 • Ostrow, 2007 • Polin, 2007
  • 26. Commandment 5 ‘Thou shalt use visuals, visuals and more visuals’
  • 27. 6. Generation Y is Emotionally Open Learners express their feelings easily ‘They are open to meeting new people, sharing personal information, and digital storytelling online in blogs, wikis, Facebook, or other social media’ •Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007 •Lenhart, Rainie, & Lewis, 2001 •Oblinger, 2008b; •Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005
  • 28. Commandment 6 ‘Thou shalt encourage interaction and opinion sharing’
  • 29. 7. Generation Y Prefers Teamwork and Collaboration Social tendencies + need for interpersonal interaction (both online and face-to-face) = preference for working in teams rather than alone. Collaboration enables their collective intelligence to emerge through the pooling of knowledge, research, arguments, and insights from diverse groups of people • Junco & Mastrodicasa, 2007 • Ramaley & Zia, 2005 • Strauss & Howe, 2006 • Berk, 2002, 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009c
  • 30. Commandment 7 ‘Thou shalt tap into their collective intelligence’
  • 31. 8. Generation Y Prefers Typing to Handwriting Taking notes in class the ‘old fashioned way’ is not Generation Y’s way They want to type notes, communications, essays, and essays on their laptop, iPhone, or iPad That is what they are used to doing ‘The advantages of Word far outweigh any alternative of verbal print communication’ • Frand, 2000
  • 32. Commandment 8 ‘Thou shalt require them to type their work’
  • 33. 9. Generation Y Creates Internet Content While __% use the Internet to assist with homework; many also contribute to its content. 57% design and write Websites, post blogs with pictures and original artwork, and make videos for YouTube daily. • Polin, 2007
  • 34. 9. Generation Y Creates Internet Content While 90% use the Internet to assist with homework; many also contribute to its content. 57% design and write Websites, post blogs with pictures and original artwork, and make videos for YouTube daily. • Polin, 2007
  • 35. 9. Generation Y Creates Internet Content • Social bookmarking permits students to tag, comment, evaluate, and collect published works • It fosters direct peer-to-peer engagement to create, share, and interact via networks (Flickr, del.icio.us, and Digg) • These students are major contributors to the Internet by developing, consuming, commenting on, and rating Web materials
  • 36. Commandment 9 ‘Thou shalt give them opportunities to create their own content’
  • 37. 10. Generation Y Craves Instant Feedback Generation Y receives feedback from everywhere They are considered the most child-centered generation ever Examples: video games and the internet • Reilly, 2012
  • 38. Commandment 10 ‘Thou shalt let them know what you think’
  • 39. Image references • http://blog.tribute.com/2009/07/the-truth-about-managing- generations-x-and-y.html • http://rmoon1122.wordpress.com/2011/07/22/technology-in-the- workplace-friend-or-foe/ • http://www.businessinsider.com/google-has-taken-over-its-search- results-page-with-its-own-content-and-ads-2012-6 • http://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/gen-y-not-building-the-next • http://kathyjonesrealty.wordpress.com/tag/characteristics-of-gen-y/