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Animals in danger in Andalusia


Iberian  Lynx


Iberian Lynx (Description) While the  eurasian linx  bears rather pallid markings, the Iberian lynx has distinctive, leopard-like spots with a coat that is often light grey or various shades of light brownish-yellow. Some western populations were spotless, although these have recently become extinct. The head and body length is 85–110 cm, with the short tail an additional 12–30 cm; the shoulder height is 60–70 cm. The male is larger than the female, with the average weight of males 12.9 kg and a maximum of 26.8 kg, compared to 9.4 kg for females; this about half the size of the Eurasian lynx. The Iberian Lynx has four sets of whiskers: two groups on the ears and two on the chin. It uses these to sense its prey.


Iberian Lynx (Their feeding) The Iberian lynx is the only carnivore considered as a specialist in rabbits. This species brings 80 to 90% of their diet. It will take waterfowl, ungulates, partridges, small mammals and birds. The occurrence of these prey in their diet depends on the time of year, and prey availability in the area. By weight, 93% of the Iberian lynx prey during the summer season is composed of rabbits suffering from myxomatosis in a given time. The proportion of rabbits in the diet decreases slightly in the winter months, when the number of rabbits are at a low point a year. At this time, youth hunt deer and mouflon. In the Coto de Doñana marshes, along the southwestern Spanish coast, the ducks are an important seasonal food resource from March to May during the breeding season. The energy requirements of the Iberian lynx has been estimated to amount to about one rabbit per day.


Iberian Lynx (habitat and places where they live) The Iberian lynx is found in the forest and Mediterranean scrub in very restricted areas of Spain and Portugal, well maintained, and isolated from human activity, although in Portugal seems to have gone extinct. This type of habitat provides shelter and open pasture for hunting rabbits, which accounts for 90% of their diet.  In Portugal real efforts are being made for the recovery of lynx habitat, as with the Natural Reserve of Sierra de Malcata.  Territory size is determined by the abundance of potential prey, but takes on average about 10 km ². In areas rich in food, lynx territory be somewhat lower than in poor areas. Within this territory there are often different properties vital to the lynx, as the low mountain areas for relaxation and Bonelli areas where the lynx is active, and that coincides with the maximum density of rabbits.  Examined the habitat preferences of lynx in the Doñana area, including the park and surrounding areas, show that the lynx is generally absent in farmland and plantations of exotic trees (eucalyptus and some pines), which are also scarce rabbits. At the park, radiotelemetry showed that over 90% of the points of rest of the day used by the lynx are located within the dense thicket. The lynx is found mainly between 400 and 900 m in height, but this range can be extended to 1600 m. Distribution in 2003 Distribution by 1980 for the Iberian lynx


Iberian Lynx  What can we do to save him? The two main goals of the Captive Breeding Program are to provide short-term conservation of the species' genetic material and create the medium and long term, new Iberian lynx populations through reintroduction programs. This involves the maintenance of 60 breeding in captivity, whose crosses were selected optimally to avoid inbreeding, and the preparation of animals for reintroduction from 2010. To adequately cover the space requirements of the breeding program will need to incorporate adequate facilities for breeding and maintaining copies of Iberian lynx. The breeding program is developed at present in the Breeding Center of the Acebuche (in the Doñana National Park), with capacity for 11 copies and in Zoobotánico of Jerez, with seven facilities of different sizes that can be used as quarantine for maintenance of puppies or to accommodate both puppies or young and subadult specimens. The zoo plans to build two facilities for exemplary players, according to the Bulletin of Captive Breeding Plan Lynx team that makes the protection of this endangered species


Quebrantahuesos  vultures


Quebrantahuesos vultures (Description) Tawny except remiges and rectrices, which are very dark, has the head and neck naked with little white down and feather goia at the base of the neck in adults are white and brown in the young. It has a sharp beak, however, a relatively weak legs. Large bird, about 1 m, with an unmistakable silhouette flight. His voice is usually heard only during the breeding season / notes hissing, growling ...)


Quebrantahuesos vultures (their feeding) The vulture is specially adapted to feed on carrion: its powerful light located near any corpse, and when down to eat (then forming conurbations of vultures, very fast, where no shortage of fights over the best slices) introduces its smooth head and long neck, provided only a short down in the blood and flesh not easily adhere. Given the scarcity of large ungulates in Europe such as deer, antelope and wild sheep due to hunting and the disappearance of forests, the carrion left by the shepherds are an important part of the diet of this animal.


Quebrantahuesos vultures (habitat and places where they live) The areas inhabited by mountain griffon vultures are often, but in any flat vertical or overhanging cliff of over 50 meters high and inaccessible Buitrera serves as their resting place, In mountain areas cut by deep valleys where they occur in the breeze anabatic up and due to heating of the sun facing slopes.  When the day's heat, at dawn, usually seen at the edges of cliffs and canyons oriented north-east, waiting for enough heat to do to earn high enough to exceed the ridges and peaks. During the noon often use routes supported reliefs facing south and southwest, and later supported when the sun declines in the foothills west and northwest, hours during which they begin to produce the restorative ancestries, and taking advantage of the various upper-air conditions have could go for hundreds of kilometers, and depending on the day bonanza aerological can fly over or just plain stay on mountainous terrain, being extremely knowledgeable not only upward but flight routes and winds at various altitudes appropriate to trace their routes. At dusk they return to their shelters, small ledges located preferably under a roof of rock and protected from the wind, where they spend the night, incubate the egg when it is time and draw out their young.  In the Iberian Peninsula is a sedentary species that can be seen all year, but the populations of other places sometimes migrate south for the winter and return to their places of origin to spawn.   Distribution of Quebrantahuesos vultures


Quebrantahuesos vultures What can we do to save him? Not hunt or threaten to leave him alone already played.




Chameleon (Description) Length 28 or 30 cm. Color mostly brown, green or yellow, can change rapidly and completely in coloring. Small scales, the shape of his head and body is compressed, neck, undefined and often with horns or crests.


Chameleon ( Their feeding) Insects (crickets, grasshoppers, flies), birds, lizards and small mammals


Chameleons (habitat and places where they live) Most chameleons live in Africa and Madagascar, although some species are also found in parts of southern Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Asia Minor. Different species inhabit different environments, such as mountains, jungles, savannas and sometimes deserts and steppes. It is believed that individuals living in the European Mediterranean areas derived from samples introduced by man in ancient times. Chameleons live mostly in forested environments, but are also some in bushes, and some species live in the soil beneath the leaves. Can move from one tree to another through a pincer of its tail and legs. In addition to the characteristic of changing color, chameleons also shed their skin like snakes, twice a year.


Chameleon What can we do to save him? Leave him alone and if your house is the liberal.


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  • 1. Animals in danger in Andalusia
  • 3. Iberian Lynx (Description) While the eurasian linx bears rather pallid markings, the Iberian lynx has distinctive, leopard-like spots with a coat that is often light grey or various shades of light brownish-yellow. Some western populations were spotless, although these have recently become extinct. The head and body length is 85–110 cm, with the short tail an additional 12–30 cm; the shoulder height is 60–70 cm. The male is larger than the female, with the average weight of males 12.9 kg and a maximum of 26.8 kg, compared to 9.4 kg for females; this about half the size of the Eurasian lynx. The Iberian Lynx has four sets of whiskers: two groups on the ears and two on the chin. It uses these to sense its prey.
  • 4. Iberian Lynx (Their feeding) The Iberian lynx is the only carnivore considered as a specialist in rabbits. This species brings 80 to 90% of their diet. It will take waterfowl, ungulates, partridges, small mammals and birds. The occurrence of these prey in their diet depends on the time of year, and prey availability in the area. By weight, 93% of the Iberian lynx prey during the summer season is composed of rabbits suffering from myxomatosis in a given time. The proportion of rabbits in the diet decreases slightly in the winter months, when the number of rabbits are at a low point a year. At this time, youth hunt deer and mouflon. In the Coto de Doñana marshes, along the southwestern Spanish coast, the ducks are an important seasonal food resource from March to May during the breeding season. The energy requirements of the Iberian lynx has been estimated to amount to about one rabbit per day.
  • 5. Iberian Lynx (habitat and places where they live) The Iberian lynx is found in the forest and Mediterranean scrub in very restricted areas of Spain and Portugal, well maintained, and isolated from human activity, although in Portugal seems to have gone extinct. This type of habitat provides shelter and open pasture for hunting rabbits, which accounts for 90% of their diet. In Portugal real efforts are being made for the recovery of lynx habitat, as with the Natural Reserve of Sierra de Malcata. Territory size is determined by the abundance of potential prey, but takes on average about 10 km ². In areas rich in food, lynx territory be somewhat lower than in poor areas. Within this territory there are often different properties vital to the lynx, as the low mountain areas for relaxation and Bonelli areas where the lynx is active, and that coincides with the maximum density of rabbits. Examined the habitat preferences of lynx in the Doñana area, including the park and surrounding areas, show that the lynx is generally absent in farmland and plantations of exotic trees (eucalyptus and some pines), which are also scarce rabbits. At the park, radiotelemetry showed that over 90% of the points of rest of the day used by the lynx are located within the dense thicket. The lynx is found mainly between 400 and 900 m in height, but this range can be extended to 1600 m. Distribution in 2003 Distribution by 1980 for the Iberian lynx
  • 6. Iberian Lynx What can we do to save him? The two main goals of the Captive Breeding Program are to provide short-term conservation of the species' genetic material and create the medium and long term, new Iberian lynx populations through reintroduction programs. This involves the maintenance of 60 breeding in captivity, whose crosses were selected optimally to avoid inbreeding, and the preparation of animals for reintroduction from 2010. To adequately cover the space requirements of the breeding program will need to incorporate adequate facilities for breeding and maintaining copies of Iberian lynx. The breeding program is developed at present in the Breeding Center of the Acebuche (in the Doñana National Park), with capacity for 11 copies and in Zoobotánico of Jerez, with seven facilities of different sizes that can be used as quarantine for maintenance of puppies or to accommodate both puppies or young and subadult specimens. The zoo plans to build two facilities for exemplary players, according to the Bulletin of Captive Breeding Plan Lynx team that makes the protection of this endangered species
  • 8. Quebrantahuesos vultures (Description) Tawny except remiges and rectrices, which are very dark, has the head and neck naked with little white down and feather goia at the base of the neck in adults are white and brown in the young. It has a sharp beak, however, a relatively weak legs. Large bird, about 1 m, with an unmistakable silhouette flight. His voice is usually heard only during the breeding season / notes hissing, growling ...)
  • 9. Quebrantahuesos vultures (their feeding) The vulture is specially adapted to feed on carrion: its powerful light located near any corpse, and when down to eat (then forming conurbations of vultures, very fast, where no shortage of fights over the best slices) introduces its smooth head and long neck, provided only a short down in the blood and flesh not easily adhere. Given the scarcity of large ungulates in Europe such as deer, antelope and wild sheep due to hunting and the disappearance of forests, the carrion left by the shepherds are an important part of the diet of this animal.
  • 10. Quebrantahuesos vultures (habitat and places where they live) The areas inhabited by mountain griffon vultures are often, but in any flat vertical or overhanging cliff of over 50 meters high and inaccessible Buitrera serves as their resting place, In mountain areas cut by deep valleys where they occur in the breeze anabatic up and due to heating of the sun facing slopes. When the day's heat, at dawn, usually seen at the edges of cliffs and canyons oriented north-east, waiting for enough heat to do to earn high enough to exceed the ridges and peaks. During the noon often use routes supported reliefs facing south and southwest, and later supported when the sun declines in the foothills west and northwest, hours during which they begin to produce the restorative ancestries, and taking advantage of the various upper-air conditions have could go for hundreds of kilometers, and depending on the day bonanza aerological can fly over or just plain stay on mountainous terrain, being extremely knowledgeable not only upward but flight routes and winds at various altitudes appropriate to trace their routes. At dusk they return to their shelters, small ledges located preferably under a roof of rock and protected from the wind, where they spend the night, incubate the egg when it is time and draw out their young. In the Iberian Peninsula is a sedentary species that can be seen all year, but the populations of other places sometimes migrate south for the winter and return to their places of origin to spawn. Distribution of Quebrantahuesos vultures
  • 11. Quebrantahuesos vultures What can we do to save him? Not hunt or threaten to leave him alone already played.
  • 13. Chameleon (Description) Length 28 or 30 cm. Color mostly brown, green or yellow, can change rapidly and completely in coloring. Small scales, the shape of his head and body is compressed, neck, undefined and often with horns or crests.
  • 14. Chameleon ( Their feeding) Insects (crickets, grasshoppers, flies), birds, lizards and small mammals
  • 15. Chameleons (habitat and places where they live) Most chameleons live in Africa and Madagascar, although some species are also found in parts of southern Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Asia Minor. Different species inhabit different environments, such as mountains, jungles, savannas and sometimes deserts and steppes. It is believed that individuals living in the European Mediterranean areas derived from samples introduced by man in ancient times. Chameleons live mostly in forested environments, but are also some in bushes, and some species live in the soil beneath the leaves. Can move from one tree to another through a pincer of its tail and legs. In addition to the characteristic of changing color, chameleons also shed their skin like snakes, twice a year.
  • 16. Chameleon What can we do to save him? Leave him alone and if your house is the liberal.