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Animal Models And Clinical Trials
(WY Mak et. Al, 2014) discusses the concerns of the fact that many drugs that are successful in animal
trials are not successful in clinical trials, most specifically, drugs used in cancer treatments. Animal
models have been an important factor in the testing of a new drug before it is used in clinical trials, but
many drugs that are approved in animal models are not successful in human models. It has been
shown that 85% of early clinical trials for novel drugs are not successful and from the remaining 15%,
only half are approved for human use. The reason there is a difference in results between animal
models and clinical trials have to do with the inability of animals to identically mimic human body
functions. An example of a trial that had a difference in results is the TGN1412 trial. TGN1412 was a
drug used to treat diseases such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain cancers. Before used in
clinical trials, this drug was first tested in mice. There were no complications shown in mice that
would indicate complications in humans. Humans in clinical trials were given a dose 500 times lower
than the dose given to mice and it resulted in catastrophic organ failure. Another study involving IPI
296 in patients with advanced chondrosarcoma was ended early due to the fact that it had no effect
shown in clinical trials. When IPI 296 was used on mice, they were shown to have an increase in
survival rate. This showed that the effects of the drug on animal models was different
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Benefits Of Peer Mentoring
Juvenile mentoring programs have shown to be extremely successful for both mentor and mentee.
Mentoring programs builds connections and within those connections there is guidance, support, and
knowledge being shared on both ends. Mentoring at risk youth is essentially to improve academic
achievement, improve interpersonal skills and for personal development. Choosing between cross age
mentoring and peer mentoring has to be intentional and should be based off of what the youth needs.
Peer mentoring is defined as: two youths of different ages that reflects a greater degree of hierarchical
power imbalance than is typical of a friendship and in which the goal is for the older youth to promote
one or more aspects of the younger youth s development (The Handbook of Youth Mentoring by
David Dubois). Because of the small age difference, mentees feel comfortable and compelled to share
any thoughts, ideas, and ask more questions. Being close in age allows the mentor to be able to
understand and relate to what their mentee is expressing. From this, the mentor can present solutions
or advice.
Cross age mentoring is essentially adult to youth mentoring. A lot of the at risk youth do not have
solid adult figures in their lives; having an older mentor can fill this void. Cross age tutoring is argued
to be more effective than other techniques because adults are seen as role models since they have more
life experience. Mentoring has emerged as a promising approach for enriching
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The Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights
Abstract Identity theft is at an all time high in America. In fact, in 2012 alone victims throughout
America suffered approximately $24.7 billion in both direct and in direct losses (DiGangi, 2013). That
amount of loss nearly doubled what was accumulated in other types of theft such as burglary, property
theft, and auto theft. These cases of identity theft and data breaches have became so common today
that most do not even pay close attention when a new case is mentioned. However, the effort to
eliminate the threat before it occurs is ever important when dealing with a phantom like enemy. Thus,
the demand for an establishment and improvement of security is also at an all time high with
consumers. These same citizens bear the right and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Existing Legislation In recent times, the American legislation has failed to focus on many of the
important characteristics involved with consumer privacy protection. This is due in part to a great deal
of pressure that has been placed on the government by civil rights groups, activists, and major
industries. In fact, the United States and Turkey are two countries that have failed significantly with
the establishment of consumer data protection (CDT, n.d.).
Prior to the Consumer s Privacy Bill, consumer data protection in the United States was governed by
unproductive mixes of laws that were applicable to prudent economic sectors that provide protection
for a small division of consumer personal data in lieu of establishing a precedence of protections
through one single law (CDT, n.d.). These practices alone are inadequate for technological standards
of the most recent times, where Americans rely on the internet to conduct very personal business.
Section five of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC), which provides opposition to companies
participating in unfair and illegal trading practice even provides a limited protection without the
Consumer Privacy Bill providing stable security to consumers. However, with the establishment of the
Consumer Privacy Bill of Right that single standard is established that extends protection to all data
while providing grounds for regulations and laws reducing or even eliminating potential cyber attacks
with enhanced
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What Is A Restaurant Planning
Production Needs Milestone 2 The part of opening a new restaurant location is choosing the location
so that the plans can be drawn up. I decided that using an existing building is the best option for both
price and time. By utilizing an existing building, the permits will be cheaper since most tenant
improvements don t require permits. If the location previously was a restaurant, then the kitchen will
already have gas ran into it. With the location decided we can bring in the architect to draw up the
building plans and get them submitted for permits. This should take 1 to 6 months depending on how
busy the architect and permitting office is. Once you have the building permits the contractor can
begin construction. According to Aaron Allen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Keller, 2017)
Lean Management
In the production of a restaurant the first lean management principal of finding what creates value for
the customer (Russell Taylor, 2016), can be applied during the concept of the restaurant. By
determining what is valuable you can plan around it. If you determine that the guests come to the
restaurant for the quality of food and great service, then we can develop a menu that meets or exceeds
expectations. The sequence of activities would be the chefs in the kitchen preparing the food for the
guests to enjoy while the server tends to the guest s immediate needs such as taking their drink order
and filling it for them. The server might also be asked for suggestions of wines to pair with the meal
they just ordered. The third is the process of identifying waste in the value stream and removing it. In
the construction of the building the designer will need to look at the flow of traffic and see if there is
anything that can be done to reduce wasteful tasks (Russell Taylor, 2016). This includes considering
how many steps it takes to get something out of the fridge or how far the chef needs to go to get a
mixing bowl or tools. The cooks and servers must also pay attention to these as well to minimize
waste. The designer should also pay attention to green technology available to them in the design
phase. This is
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It s School Is Bad For Children
From anxiously fiddling with the tassel on my bright green graduation cap too sneaking glances at all
my peers to see if they were as anxious as I was our much anticipated graduation day had arrived,
High school graduation seems like it was decades ago. Thinking back, I thought that was the end and I
was the only one who wasn t set on the career that I would be pursuing for the next 40+ years. In all
reality graduation wasn t the end it was only the beginning to my future. In 2017 America owes a little
over 1.3 trillion dollars in student loans which I think is astonishing. After analyzing the writings of
Dwyer, Holt and Adams it s safe to say that the writers all had 3 wide spectrums of their thoughts on
our education system. In my eyes a good education consists of two factors: a strong base of a wide
spread knowledge and the ability to put that knowledge to use regardless of the circumstances.
Furthermore, while all three writers had excellent points to their arguments all their methods seemed
to lack any room for any additional input. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After graduation, I couldn t believe that after spending twelve years of my life in school how
unprepared I was to face adulthood from simple things such as writing checks and crafting a resume to
deciding on a major that would provide a steady income and bright future. Schools today focus more
on standardized testing and covering the material the state mandates for the course than fostering a
student s curiosity and individual
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Understanding How Hitler Became the Man He was Essay examples
What comes to mind when people hear the name Adolf Hitler? For some may not have heard of him
but others have heard much about him depicting on the fact that someone could have learned about
him in a class or even on their own. Most would think about the dictator of Germany who killed
millions of people as the image of his notorious mustache pops into one s head. But what if some were
to know that he wasn t always the man everyone saw in 1933. Adolf Hitler may have been the most
charismatic and decisive leader Germany has ever seen but also one of the most vile. How did he
come to be this way? He surely wasn t born like that was he? To understand how Hitler became the
man he was, one has to start from the beginning and even before he ... Show more content on
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He then decided to leave his mother to study in Vienna. Then in 1908 he applied for the Vienna
Academy of Fine Arts but was rejected . While there his mother was home suffering from breast
cancer and died a few months later. There is Vienna he became roommates with his friend from Linz,
August Kubizek. Kubizek described Hitler by having an unstable personality and a temper. Hitler was
prone to sudden bursts of inspiration but never finished anything he started. In Vienna he suffered
bouts of depression and sometimes experienced extreme highs. Soon at age 21 Hitler began to become
interested in politics which would help play out his soon to be career (Hitler, Adolf). In May 1913,
Hiter moved to Munich Germany which he became an advocate for the upcoming war. Hitler wasn t
worried about making a living in Munich because of his faith in the war arising, but Hitler was right.
On August 1, 1914 a huge crowd including Hitler gathered in a big public plaza in Munich to celebrate
the german proclamation for war. Hearing the news Hitler thanked heaven for him to be alive for the
Great War. Two days later, Hitler volunteered for the German Army. Hitler found the trenches of the
battlefield to be his new home. Through his recent years of being alone and uncertainty he now had a
sense of belonging and purpose. Throughout the war Hitler showed many traits of bravery such as
volunteering for dangerous
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The Struggle For Women Emancipation And Empowerment Gandhi
Contemporary Period At the time of the advent of the British rule in India, the status and position of
Indian woman were very stumpy. Customs such as of polygamy, the purdah, the denial of a woman s
right over property, child marriages, and Sati etc., during this period resulted in the development of a
very weak personality of Indian woman. The British influence had a very deep impression in the
minds of Indian leaders. The reformist movements of the 19th century brought social reformers such
as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami
Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and many others, who were in the forefront of the
struggle for women emancipation and empowerment Gandhi s efforts led to the elevation of the
women s position, involving them in the struggle for freedom, social progress and political
independence. well known among them were Sarojini Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Kamala Nehru, and
Aruna Asaf Ali who participated in the political arena. After initial hesitation, even Muslims took to
modern western education in large number and thanks goes to the efforts of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
and others. The Muslim student population in modern high schools was generally fair enough to their
numerical strength. Time of Transformation of the Status of Women The early 20th century observed
as a nascent women s movement which campaigned for furthering female education, raising the age of
marriage for woman and the abolition
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Lp In The Construction Industry
LB traditionally provides several benefits to the owners. Regarding the monetary viewpoint, for
example, the owner can save a considerable amount of money for the project budget if utilizing LB
(Shrestha 2014). In addition, it is also simple to use because it focuses on the most crucial evaluation
criterion, the bidding cost (Yu and Wang 2012). In the construction industry, especially in highway
projects, LB is supported by the legislation for the transparency in the bidding process (Tran et al.
2016). Even though LB has aided, typically, the public owners for decades, it consists of various
drawbacks (Ahmed et al. 2012, Tran et al. 2016).
As a matter of fact, LB concentrates more on the cost, not quality, accepts that minimum ... Show
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2008; Alleman et al. 2017; El Wardani et al. 2006; Gransberg and Shane 2015). According to Sullivan
and Guo (2009), it also improved the cash flow and especially the profitability of the contractor up to
8%. BV in highway projects attained promising outcomes with value added functions to the contractor
s selection in terms of project performance as stated by Abdelrahman et al. (2008). With collected data
from the MnDOT, they obtained the sufficiency of BV in evaluating and selecting the most
appropriate contractors. Supporting that conclusion, Ahmed et al. 2012 emphasized the use of BV in
the bidding process for highways. As stated in regulations, clients have to procure and deliver
construction services within regionally established regulatory parameters. Despite the fact that BV
execution associated with the growth of APDMs, which are legitimately being used in 48 out of 50
states, the use of BV in construction is limited. There are a few areas have constituted the guidelines
for BV in DBB projects; MnDOT (2012), for example, has established and achieved benefits from the
BV guidelines.
Many professional practitioners and organizations support the use of BV/QBS for procuring
construction services and are lobbying for its continued growth. In the A/E perspective, the American
Institute of Architects (AIA) stated the potential of QBS in providing efficient contractor s selection
outcomes in terms of cost saving and value engineering
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The Benefits Of Technology
Technology is ever increasing in our society. There seems to be more and more focus on innovation,
learning, and making everything as efficient as possible with the help of technology. Technology is not
only used at home, but practically everywhere. Libraries and schools, in particular, are aiding in the
learning process for many, with the use of technology. While technology holds a plethora of benefits,
there is a rather common debate about if the use of it holds more consequences than benefits for
children. There is a great importance on knowing how much technology is too much, what kind of
content is appropriate or beneficial, and how to protect children from situations that occur in online
platforms, such as cyber bullying.
Our society has made astounding advancements in the world of technology, and as a result it is
becoming increasingly integrated into the daily lives of adults and children alike. Children seem to be
spending less time outdoors and doing other activities than they are on the computer, watching
television, or playing video games. There is a legitimate concern for children who seem to use media
with excess. Adults often wonder, how much is too much. There is differing opinion among many on
the answer. There are benefits and consequences to prolonged media use, that need to be examined in
order to discover and promote a healthy balance.
There can be substantial advantages to incorporating the use of technology into a child s education.
Teachers use the
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Treatment of Religion and the Church in Pedro Paramo and...
Christianity has become, in over two millennia, the world s largest religion, spreading to almost every
corner of the world. Based on this fact, it does not come as much of a surprise that Juan Rulfo s 1955
Mexican novel, Pedro Paramo, and Robertson Davies 1970 Canadian one, Fifth Business, are both
largely affected by this pervasive religion. What is interesting, however, is that despite the vast
differences in culture and time, a comparison can be made of the authors treatment of Christianity and
the church in the books, which both come to similar conclusions.
The first major similarity in the books on this particular subject is that both Rulfo and Davies show
Christianity and the church as being flawed. Father Renteria, the local ... Show more content on
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Dempster as well as his family s and church s failure to understand his interests in saints and magic
that force him to realize one flaw of the Christian religion: its inability to capture the entire feeling of
One of the major faults that Rulfo portrays of the Church in Pedro Paramo, is that it fails in its main
responsibility of providing moral standards to the people of Comala. The novel illustrates characters
that have sinned more than any other, yet show little or no guilt. Rulfo s book contains a careful listing
of the cruelties that the Paramos inflicted on the people of Comala: Rumor has it that your brother was
murdered by [Miguel Paramo] and you believe that your niece Ana was raped by him. 6, Pedro
Paramo slaughtered so many folks after his father was murdered that he killed nearly everybody who
attended that wedding. 7 However, despite these crimes, neither Miguel nor Pedro seems to feel any
remorse for their actions. After listening to a number of women confess to having sinned for either
sleeping with Pedro Paramo, or bearing his children, Father Renteria says, I kept waiting for him to
come and confess something, but he never did. 8 Renteria also refuses to absolve Miguel at first,
saying, [he] died without forgiveness. 9
Similarly, in Fifth Business, the character
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Shaun Rhodes The Eye
This singed napkin journal was found on the corpse of Shaun Rhodes, one of 670 who died in the
Padlock Prison Explosion. The terrorist attack was organized by The Predation Society, a group
against government enforcement of any kind. The Predation Society s motives for bombing the prison
are currently being investigated.
This journal is of particular interest. Shaun and Ludovicus s descriptions of The Eye were actually
quite close to the actual thing. The Eye was a secret programmed ship deep underground to free clever
prisoners. It s origins are unclear, but is believed to have been constructed in the early days of the
Padlock Prison for an escape, no one knows who built it. The Eye has an AI that would rescue
prisoners that carried a special encoded key, like the one inside Shaun s Box. It would take them to
remote locations in Brazil. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How this works, the investigators are not sure at the moment.
Ludovicus and Shaun Rhodes s records, strange enough, have not been recovered from the explosion
or found in our databases. This is unsettling, since we thought that you would have to present the key
to the Eye in order to do that. One theory is that it watched them the entire time, and can choose who
to pardon. So does it need a key? We have no idea what Ludovicus s last name is or where exactly he
is from. Below is an excerpt from a larger interview with Xavier Goodwind, one of the few who
survived the explosion, on account of
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Sample Letter For Wayne County Economic Development...
Throughout my time interning for Wayne County Economic Development Corporation I spent many
of my opening hours in a office doing research, analyzing data, writing memos, creating the entire
system of how the corporation organizes and shares information, along with sitting in on meetings
ranging from development of parcels to legal matters. From the beginning my supervisor continuously
stated that this is a learning process and that he had hired all three interns to instill and familiarize us
to what world is like outside of school classrooms and the library. After a few weeks on getting to
individually know each intern I was selected for a special work load that only I would be sanctioned to
work on to see my potential, as I was informed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before I was a junior at Michigan State University with only one prior internship at working as a
legislative intern to working in the heart of Detroit underneath the some of the most influential people
in the state of Michigan and a job that I solely there to help Michigan flourish back to what it used to
be in the early 50 s. My internship entailed a lot of out three students two of which from MSU and the
other from Wayne State. Its was a regular eight o clock to four o clock job, driving to work itself was
an everyday objective from my established residency in Northern Oakland County roughly 40 miles
each way. The three of us maintained our own quarters on the 28th floor of the Guardian Building in
the financial district of Detroit where we could provide help to each other and work together to draft
memos for the Mayor of Detroit Mike Duggan and CEO Warren C. Evans, business proposals for
foreign counties to invest in Detroit and Wayne County, and creating a cloud based systems that each
employee can import and export data from their current assignment with ease. Individually I was
given the opportunity to set up and meet with all 43 communities within the borders of the county.
Where the Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and myself would ask questions that focused
primarily on business retention and future devolvement. Interviewing and traveling to each city on a
daily basis turned out to be the easiest part of the process. Communication was the most
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The World is flat
Kassandra Chang 8/21/14 Period 1 APHG Summer Writing assignment The World is Flat By: Thomas
L. Friedman 1. What is it about the flat world that both excites Friedman and fills him with dread?
Friedman gets excited because the flattening of the world means that we as people who inhabit Earth
are collecting all of our knowledge and putting it together into this worldwide network. By doing this
we would start to emerge ourselves in an era of prosperity, innovation, and collaboration, by company
s communities, and individuals. Friedman states that is if terrorism and politics do not get in the way.
The flattening of the world also fills him with dread both on a personal and professional level. On a
more personal level it fills him with dread ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Why should we as Americans become good at it? Why should we focus on our personal value add?
The touchy feely service stuff is the more intimate type of service and relationships you have or offer
your client on a more personal level rather than have it be professional all the time. We as Americans,
should be relatively good at this because as the book states anything that can be digitized can be
outsourced to either the smartest or the cheapest producer, or both. Meaning the more technical work
can be taken over to for instance, India, where someone will do that work for you, which gives you
more freedom to connect with your clients. We should focus on our value add because that is what you
as an individual bring to your company. 5. How are the journalism and fast food industries becoming
flat? Journalism and fast food industries are becoming more flat because they were two of the few jobs
that didn t need outsourcing help or hadn t been modified to include outsourcing, until now. With
journalism you have stuff going on like the Reuters operation. Work gets done where it can be done
most effectively and efficiently. These types of professions are slowly changing to be more likely to
start allowing outsource work, which ultimately gives the American workers more free time for
sophisticated work . These two jobs are not immune to outsourcing. You pull up to a drive through and
think the person inside is taking your order but they aren t,
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Essay about Witchcraft, Magic and Rationality
Witchcraft, Magic and Rationality Social Anthropology seeks to gauge an understanding of cultures
and practices whether they are foreign or native. This is achieved through the studying of language,
education, customs, marriage, kinship, hierarchy and of course belief and value systems. Rationality is
a key concept in this process as it affects the anthropologist s interpretation of the studied group s way
of life: what s/he deems as rational or plausible practice. Witchcraft and magic pose problems for
many anthropologists, as its supernatural nature is perhaps conflicting to the common Western notions
of rationality, mainly deemed superior. In this essay I will be exploring the relationship between
rationality and witchcraft and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Yorubas chanting to the god Shango is no different to the congregation of a church singing
hymns. Both are with good intentions, and both may ask for some divine intervention. Labelling one
form magic and one religion is just semantics.
To question whether it is rational to believe in witchcraft and magic is in fact just a question as to
whether the belief in supernatural intervention is rational. Is it irrational to believe in things that we
cannot prove in a rational manner? At this point I would say Yes . It is illogical to believe in things that
cannot be proven. Proof must be a condition for belief or we could believe almost anything to exist,
for example flying pigs. It is evidence that makes belief different from faith, which is having trust in
things that often appear to have no substantiation. However to use rationality as a determining factor
of proof, and therefore belief, means that it must be a flawless concept within itself. But is this so?
If we decide that it is irrational to believe in things that cannot be proven then we are at the same time
saying that it is only rational to believe in things that can be proven. However there are many things
that evade the boundaries of Western science, for example emotions. Can we prove love exists? It is
something invisible, intangible and there is no objective proof for this emotion; no way to
scientifically monitor
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Report on Wonga.com Essay
1 Executive summary
The overall purpose of this report is to examine whether Wonga has a promising future and to access,
and provide a recommendation as to whether it is worth investing in. This is examined in light of the
company s background, key product and operations, financial statistics, a SWOT analysis, ethics and
it s future targets.
Wonga is a british payday loan company which offers, short term high interest loans to individuals
online, and within minutes using an algorithm that analyses thousands of pieces of information in
seconds. Since its launch it has also added a service where customers can distribute the cost of items
bought online over three monthly installments in return for an upfront payment. Through ... Show
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(Shaw 2011)
2.2 Key Product
Wonga s mission is to deal with occasional and short term cash flow demands for individuals and
businesses, with equally short term solutions by using automated and real time risk technology to
process a wide number of requests. Therefore, the company can make instant decisions for lending in
seconds at anytime the customers require. The loans available by the website vary from £1 to £400
and the payback period of 1 to 38 days. Although Wonga can approve loans through paying into bank
account in a few minutes, the company are highly selective about the customers who they believe can
repay quickly. This means there are about two third of first time applicants are declined. However,
Wonga have provided millions of loans via the website and smart phones which helps the company to
achieve industry leading low arrear rates and world class customer satisfaction. Whilst there is not
much difference in terms of costs between Boodle and Wonga, we feel that Wonga is just slightly
ahead in terms of optimising their user experience, as well as communicating the product in a
professional yet easy to follow manner which makes Wonga the best payday company in South Africa.
2.3 Company operations As the company s
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Vermaport Cart-Moving Escalator Case Analysis
While it is possible that the two parts could operate independently (e.g., if the cart moving line
required maintenance, people could still take the people moving line), they were part of the same
system and indeed, it would be virtually impossible to replace one without the other because of their
shared physical proximity/connections. I am not aware of any Vermaport (or similar system
manufactured by a competitor) being installed/replaced without the people moving part being
concurrently installed/replaced with the cart moving part. How Is The Vermaport s Cart Moving Line
Similar To A People Moving Escalator? The mechanics of the cart moving escalator line was virtually
undistinguishable from the mechanics of the adjacent people moving escalator
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Service Learning Team Reflection Paper
Working with the Service Learning team has shown many of my classmates just what exactly the real
world looks like. For many of them I assume this was there first time doing a project of this nature and
seeing this sort of chaos. Luckily for many of them this project was handled mainly by a few strong
leaders of the class and the majority of them only needed to follow behind and assist with very small
mundane tasks. Although some tried to help and get involved it was very noticeable that their efforts
were halfhearted, and quickly they would back out of conversation and sit quietly waiting for a
decision to be made. Although this sounds harsh and condescending it s by no means meant to take
away from their efforts. They all showed up when told to and they each interacted with the children or
at least helped us get ready for the activities.
As my part in this group I took on ensuring the snack was provided, and that each station had what
they needed and was ready to begin their activity. I personally
Handled our budget Purchased
Briefed each group on what the snack was
Which one had what in it so as to avoid any allergies
As well as that they would have extra and should hold off giving it out as everyone wouldn t be able to
get seconds. This was the direct piece that I was given to handle. Outside of this I inputted my own
life experience into discussions to help us get to a solution during each part of the planning processes.
At any point when the
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Apparition In Macbeth
Anticipating Macbeth s arrival, the Witches get ready, gathering ingredients for what Macbeth so
desires. Wandering up to the witches Macbeth calls out to the Witches, I conjure you, by that which
you profess/ Howe re you come to know it answer me. (4.1.51 52) With this the Witches tell him if he
wants something, to tell them directly. And once he does, they conjure up three apparitions, each
saying something different to Macbeth. The first, come out as head in armour, proclaiming, Macbeth!
Macbeth! Macbeth! beware/ Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. (4.1.78 80)
Then the second one, a child covered in blood, proclaims, Be bloody, bold, and resolute: laugh to
scorn/ The power of man; for none of woman born/ Shall harm Macbeth. (4.1.87 89) Next, the third
apparition, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam/ At one fell swoop? Macduff page 196 (4.3.252 255)
He vowed to kill Macbeth for the foul act, and promised he would avenge his family. And at that,
Malcolm and Macduff set out with England s soldiers to fight Macbeth and over through his rule over
Scotland. Though Macbeth was fine with killing innocent people, his wife Lady Macbeth, had gotten a
conscience, and it was causing her to have strange behaviours. Even the Doctor cannot explain the
weird actions, and can only watch on as she sleepwalks. What is it she does now? Look, how she rubs
her/ hands. (5.1.23 24) As she washes her hands violently, she starts speaking, fretting about a spot
that must be washed out, but there is no spot on her hands, only in her mind. Guilt and paranoia are in
her heart, and it drives her to go crazy, and kill herself. Her bone chilling scream can be heard through
the castle, and Seton, Macbeth s servant informs him The queen, my lord, is dead. (5.5.18) To which
Macbeth barely grieves, and just says she would have died any
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The Importance Of The Hardest Working Students In College
The issue that I am prevailing is that college students are some of the hardest working people in
todays society, we are dedicated to achieve our goals to have a great future ahead of us. When a
student says there are busy, that most likely means that they do indeed have a good amount of school
work to do. One of the articles that helps support my argument is Researchers have worked out which
majors work the hardest in college (The Tab). The hardest working major according to this article is
architecture, working and studying 22 hours a week outside of the classroom. The second is the
engineering major, while architect work 22 hours a week this major puts in about 20 hours a week out
of class. These majors all definitely include required studying, writing, reading, doing home work or
lab work. These majors have been decided through a national survey taken by students. For this
certain issue I feel that I am considered a centrist on the political spectrum. I feel like I am centrist
because I have times that I have a lot of work one week but another I have more free time to do with
my free time. Most of my friends feel like they are in the center, between a busy schedule and then a
more free schedule. Although my family is more far right in the political spectrum because they know
we have a lot going on and do not want to feel to intervene in their studying. When I read the text
from the article I picked out from The Tab I originally felt like I was more busy at times and
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The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Public s...
The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Public s Understanding of Crime
With the rise of the mass media throughout the world, predominantly the Western world, the issue of
media influence has become a serious one. Due to media s primary obsession with crime and violence,
it definitely has a negative influence on shaping peoples understanding of crime by exaggerating it. A
branch of media which always exaggerates on some crime e.g. terrorist attacks then other crimes is TV
news this is basically an oxymoron; giving us the skin of the truth stuffed with a lie. TV news
broadcasts use dramatic, usually violent stories and images to capture and maintain an audience, under
the pretence of keeping it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is clear that crime constitutes a major realm of societal concern.
Initial focus in this essay will be on how influential media is on peoples understanding of crime
through exaggeration. The subject of Cohen s and Hall et al work on moral panic will be largely
touched upon. A basic understanding Wilkins theory would be mentioned, finally a conclusion would
be drawn up.
Maguire (2002) Mass media representations of crime, deviance, and disorder have been a returning
cause of concern. Two competing anxieties can be discerned in public debate, and both are reflected in
a large research literature. On one hand the media are often seen as fundamentally subversive, on the
other as a more or less subtle form of social control.
Those who see the media as subversive see media representation or crime themselves as a significant
cause of offending. This has been a constantly recurring theme. A different concern about media
representation of crime has worried liberals and radicals. To them the media are the cause not of crime
itself but of exaggerated public alarm about law and order, generating support for repressive solutions.
Cohen (1972) states the fundamental theme of the radical
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Essay about Cinematography and the Film Citizen Kane (1941)
The absolutely stunning film, Citizen Kane (1941), is one of the world s most famous and highly
renowned films. The film contains many remarkable scenes and cinematic techniques as well as
innovations. Within this well known film, Orson Welles (director) portrays many stylistic features and
fundamentals of cinematography. The scene of Charles Foster Kane and his wife, Susan, at Xanadu
shows the dominance that Kane bears over people in general as well as Susan specifically. Throughout
the film, Orson Welles continues to convey the message of Susan s inferiority to Mr. Kane. Also,
Welles furthers the image of how demanding Kane is of Susan and many others. Mr. Welles conveys
the message that Kane has suffered a hard life, and will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She yearned to see friends and leave Xanadu. Orson Welles was a mastermind in creating scenes using
light. Inevitably this caused the viewer to think thoroughly about what they viewed. Through staging
and proxemics we can understand more about what the director was thinking. Opening the scene at
Xanadu, Susan is seen sitting at the table working on a puzzle while Charles Kane is standing on a
quarter turn. It is shown that Mr. Kane bears dominance over Susan at this point. She is shown in a
few different cuts with a puzzle representing her boredom. At Xanadu, that is the only thing that she
could do besides conversing with her overbearing husband. The proxemics between Mr. Kane and
Susan are quite interesting because Susan is shown further away from her husband as every part of the
scene cuts to a new clip. This represents their distancing. Being at Xanadu represents the distancing
between the Kane s because it is such a large dwelling that they barely see each other. The distancing
is represented physically and emotionally throughout the film. I thought we might have a picnic
tomorrow and invite everyone to spend the night in the Everglades. (Kane). Invite everyone? Order
everyone, you mean. Who wants to sleep in tents when they have a nice room of their own. (Susan).
Orson Welles displays the tension between Susan and
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Improving Phonological Awareness
It is often understood that educators are charged with the responsibility to educate children in a
holistic way. As such, educators must have the best interest of their students at heart if their objective
is to teach well. They can prevent the students from failure when they recognize that their students are
not heading in the path to success. It is greatly recognize that reading is essential in the development
of a child as previous mentioned, Davis and Davis (2014) referered to reading as the building block of
life. The different studies analyzed on the correlation of phonological awareness and reading exposed
that phonological awareness is an important factor in learning to read or improving reading skills in
struggling reads. However, there are other skills that a child s need to master for him/her to become an
avid reader. As documented in this study, there have been many intense studies for over the past three
decade on struggling readers lacking phonological awareness. Being a struggling reader can lead to
their low academic performance in core subject areas like Math and English may lead them to develop
low self esteem to the point where they stop believing in their capabilities. This often leads to learn
helplessness which is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One major factors that researchers pointed out was that CAI should be used as a supplement of other
method to improve learning. Therefore, the present researcher will be following the Language
Curriculum guide for Primary School in the Lower Division along with CAI to improve phonological
awareness in the Primary school level, resulting in the overall improvement of national examinations
in the subsequent
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Fallacies Of The New York Times Website
It would be difficult to find any two individuals on the planet who are able to agree on everything.
Because of this, there are many different issues in which any two people are going to fail to see eye to
eye on. Differing viewpoints lead to arguments that are created by people in order to argue their
points. While some arguments that are created are based in fact, some arguments are based upon false
assumptions and trickery, with these unsound arguments being known as fallacies. A study of fallacies
reveal the true nature of false arguments, and better equips an individual to identify invalid arguments.
Argument with Fallacies The Ebola virus is in danger of spreading rapidly in the United States. A
report on the New York Times website, written by Kevin Sack, has revealed the fact that Ebola has
spread from person to person at a Texas hospital. In order to protect the citizens of the United States, a
prompt and quick lock down of the entire state of Texas in needed and necessary in order to protect
the United States. Since Ebola has officially been confirmed to have spread from one person to
another in Texas, it can be assumed that the conditions exist in Texas that allow the spread of the virus
to occur. There must be something particular to Texas that allows the virus to gain strength, and jump
from person to person. It can only be assumed that the unique environment in Texas is one where
Ebola has the ability to survive and thrive. If it is not the environment in
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Execution Of Justice And Chicago Essay
Execution of Justice and Chicago Execution of justice is the true story of assassination of the mayor
named George Moscone in this movie basically American law system criticized and the several
realistic situations are developed. Execution of Justice explores the 1978 assassinations of Harvey
Milk, it is considered as one of America s first openly gay elected officials; the story has the main
theme that basically revolves around the AIDs and gay marriages situations. On the other hand the
movie Chicago is based on the two women that kill their husbands and did a really very wrong
attempt. Velma and Roxie are the murderesses who find themselves in the situation of fighting for the
fame in their opinion the fame will keep them from the gallows. ... Show more content on
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In the movie problems related to the life of the gays are being addressed. In the other movie that is the
Chicago, there is a vigorous and creative musical made all the more notable by the current death of
cinematic musicals being produced. It is a reminder that the genre of the movie musical is not dead,
but merely sleeping. Execution of justice and the Chicago deals with trail situation. The execution of
justice is based on the true story and is considered really well in creating the great emotional impacts
on the minds, as the situation that is presented by execution of justice based on the gay marriages and
the AIDs issues that are actually the realities and the complications with these situations would always
be true. Brad Pontius is considered the prosecuting attorney and in my view he is more interesting as
he execute Mann s script with great ability and thoughtfulness and also he did the actions that are
greatly closed to
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Golden State Warrior Case Study
Kevin Durant left the Oklahoma City Thunder for the Golden State Warriors. This proves the theroy if
you fall down, get back up and take the easiest road to reach your goals. My parents taught me that no
matter what happens always maintain your integrity and work hard for what one wants in life. I will
use my scholarship money to help further my education in the Criminal Justice degree program. I will
then be capable to earn the neccesary stratigies and information such as my decision making,
communicating skills to help my community as a police officer. With the proper education and field
training I will be properly able to serve my community and constantly make an impact on the
community in a postitive way. I was given the opprtunity to
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Becoming Fit Essay
There is never a better time then now to transform the body. Taking the first steps to changing your
body is the hardest part. Changes in a lifestyle need to occur, figure out the healthy foods to eat, the
healthy amount of calories to take in, and the certain exercises that will target the fatter areas. Losing
fat and exercising are the main parts to transforming the body. The process of fat loss will help
maintain a long, healthy lifestyle. The change in a lifestyle is one of the main parts to the
transformation of the body. This happens by completely changing eating habits, exercises, and even
the way a person thinks. Becoming fit is not as easy as people on TV shows and ads make it seem. To
begin the long road to getting in shape means hard work and pushing the body till the goal is achieved.
Always ask yourself honestly about your weight. Never sugar coat things or beat around the bushes
(Aschan). Most people who start gaining weight begin to get insecure about their body and normally
go to food for the satisfaction, but the key is to try and go for exercise or an active activity for
satisfaction instead. The best ways to make this happen are to spend time with friends that like to work
out or just stay away from lazy activities. In order to live out this healthy lifestyle, keeping it regular is
a must. Most people who go to diets or training workouts usually have a stopping point for it which is
when they go back to their previous ways (Saleem). There are plenty
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Summary Of Vance s Hillbilly Elegy
Very few people at Yale law school are like me. They may look like me, but for all the Ivy League s
obsession with diversity, virtually everyone black, white, Jewish, Muslim, whatever comes from intact
families who never worry about money. (Vance 203) Throughout the end of Vance s book he discusses
his life in college at Ohio State and the ivy league school, Yale. He talks about its difficulties.
However, these difficulties weren t found in his school work. In fact, he says that Classes were hard,
and sometimes required long nights in the library, but they weren t that hard. (201) The difficulty to
Vance seemed to come from the lack of people in his school that understood or came from his
background. There are two events, the first takes place at Indiana University in 1987, where a class
was sent out to be immersed in and expand their education on cultures exactly like Vance s. The
second article talks about a student who in 1988, like Vance, escaped his hillbilly background and
became successful at Yale. Both of these events occurred before Vance s time in Yale and are examples
of people attempting to understand or do what Vance did in Hillbilly Elegy. For four months, the
students eat, sleep, teach and sink or swim in another culture. They go to inner cities, Appalachia,
Indian reservations, Hispanic areas, and overseas. (Clark 1) A class at the University of Indiana is sent
out in 1987 to different cultures as part of Cultural Immersion Projects. It is the
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Bmw Strategic Managemnt Essay
LECTURER: Mr. Roland Kiew
Huizhong bei
1. Executive Summary Overview of company
2. Early history
3. STP Strategy
4. Markets of BMW
5. Marketing mix
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendation
8. Refrences
This marketing report aims to examine and explain the marketing strategies of BMW , In this report I
will be focusing on:
MARKETING MIX ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
BMW operates three business segments namely: Automobiles, Motorcycles and Financial Services.
BMW is the parent company of the Mini and Rolls Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover
(car)/Rover. The company s slogans in English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving
Pleasure . The company produces, and markets, a varied range of a higher end sporty cars and
motorcycles. BMW has also manufactured the first passenger car running on hydrogen ready for
common use, although the production figures are limited by the lack of a respective filling station net.
In addition to cars and motorcycles, BMW operates an aircraft engine division under the brand name
of Rolls Royce.
The company has worldwide subsidiaries and manufacturing plants in Germany, Austria, the UK, the
USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and
Vietnam. BMW Group comprises of many segments within its vast portfolio, but I would be only
concentrating on Automobiles. BMW group is focused on fabricating a variety of tangible products,
and also the group has many intangible financial services. The BMW Group s automotive which I am
more interested in this easy is portioning of their portfolio consists of the three premium brands:
BMW, MINI, and Rolls Royce of which I would be more only looking at BMW and would also
demonstrate their marketing. BMW is
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Teen Suicide Essay
Teen Suicide
Suicide is a growing problem in American culture. Sadly, teens are affected the most. Teen suicide is
increasing rapidly. About 5,000 teens in the United States kill themselves each year (Peacock, 4).
Suicide among teens is a serious and devastating crisis. More teens are taking their lives today than
ever before. Teen suicide does not affect one specific type of teen; it affects any type of teen. There are
a variety of reasons teens resort to committing suicide. Many people are working for the prevention of
teen suicide. Teen suicide needs to be viewed as a serious problem, analyzed, and prevented.
Teen suicide affects many teens. The number of teen suicide has tripled since the 1950 s (Peacock, 6).
It is the third ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Violence at home has a lot of impact. Watching violent things can hurt a teens mind and make them
want to end the violence therefore they take their life. Teens may not be able to handle one more
situation, even the smallest things, ending a relationship, failing at school, or getting blamed for
something, all those things can trigger suicidal thoughts. Drugs and alcohol can affect teens too. Drugs
and alcohol increase thinking and anger (Peacock, 19). Problems with sexual identity, pregnancy, or
pressures to succeed also can play a role (Peacock, 16).Sexual Identity causes suicide. Teens that
struggle with a different sexual identity; struggle with keeping it a secret. Teens that come out may be
treated as outcasts. The frequently get named called, bullied, and other harassments. Girls that deal
with a teen pregnancy take their life because of embarrassment to family, peers, and the father of the
child. Talent kids have suicide attempts. The pressure to succeed is overwhelming and they cannot
take it anymore. In general, teens who kill themselves want to escape overpowering problems and
painful feelings (Peacock, 10). The number one thing that triggers suicidal thoughts is depression.
Depression is a serious mental illness. More than 60 percent of all people who killed themselves dealt
with depression (Peacock, 18). Depression is the number one cause of teen suicide this
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The Problem Of The Kyoto Protocol
recent years, the population of Quebec has shown increasing awareness and concerns for the
protection of the environment . Like all the industrialized nations on the planet, Quebec, and more
generally Canada, produces huge amounts of greenhouse gas, which have terrible effects on the
planet. The Kyoto protocol, ratified in 1997, is the initiative for Governments around the world to act
in favor of the reduction of GHG emission. Furthermore, the Government of Quebec has taken action
to promote a greener way lifestyle by subsidizing many environmentally friendly initiatives. Special
matter was accorded to transportation, which accounts for 42.5% of emissions of GHG in Quebec.
Transportation is thus the biggest emitter sector and should be ... Show more content on
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The electric vehicle market offering the first all electric mass produced car made its appearance in
Canada in 2011 with the Nissan Leaf . Quebec s electric vehicle market is relatively young as well and
regroups only a few leading and innovative firms of the industry. In 2014, only 2 835 Quebecers were
owners of an electric vehicle , which is less than 0.04% of the population. The purchase price of
electric vehicles is much higher than gasoline vehicles, therefore people who purchase electric
vehicles tend to have higher income and be concentrated in particular neighborhoods. In addition,
another important factor in vehicle choice these days is their repercussions on the environment. Some
consumers are concerned with environmental degradation, and are motivated to reduce carbon
emissions and its impact on the environment, therefore they purchase more fuel efficient vehicles. A
recent estimate states that the industry is booming; on average, three to four electrical cars are
estimated to be sold every day in the province of Quebec.
The demand for electrical vehicle is strongly concentrated in the Montérégie area (540 cars), on the
South Shore and in Montreal (340 cars). This demographic concentration shows that the demand is
related to the accrued presence of recharge stations (as well as income), in the Montérégie area there is
74 stations available, which is more than anywhere else. This implies that the demand is higher
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Amazing Strength Characteristics Of Stone Thrower Wales...
Astonishing Strength Characteristics of Stone Thrower Wales Defects in Graphene under Compressive
G. Rajasekaran Rajesh Kumar and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India
ABSTRACT: One atom thick sheet of carbon discovered this century is flaunted not just for its
electrical properties but also for its physical strength and flexibility. The bonds between carbon atoms
are well known as the strongest in nature, so a perfect sheet of graphene should withstand just about
anything, but to use it in real time applications, we have to understand the useful strength of graphene.
So for, researchers have looked extensively at graphene s electronic properties and tensile strength,
nobody, had taken comprehensive measurements of its ability to withstand a compressive load. We
find that, counter to standard reasoning, graphene sheets with Stone Thrower Wales (STW) defects are
able to bear high compressive stress as compared to pristine graphene. We show that this trend can be
understood by considering the critical bonds in the seven and five membered carbon rings which bears
the maximum compressive stress. Graphene with STW defects is stronger in compressive strength
point of view because they are able to better accommodate these strained rings. Our results provide
guidelines for designing graphene with STW defects to obtain maximum compressive strength, so that
we can get the benefit of this
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The Four Pillars Of The Dominican Order
1. Explore and explain the religious vision of St Dominic, on founding the Dominican order. The
Dominicans, also known as the Order of Preachers, are a Catholic religious Order founded by St
Dominic in 1216 and which still exists in over a hundred countries today. Whilst travelling through
France, Dominic encountered a group called the Albigensians, who believed that an evil God created
the world and thus all physical matter was bad. The belief system of the Albigensians conflicted with
the Dominican belief that the true God created all, and that human interactions with His creation helps
us understand God, the Creator. Dominic saw that the Albigensians were rejecting the dignity of their
own lives, and his encounter led him to discover the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Being involved in a community does not simply mean being present within it, but to also be willing to
share your life with other people. To Dominicans, community life should be a celebration of unity
despite diversity, and finding the common good. Dominicans are called to share their lives with all
people of the world, because God loves all people. By fulfilling the pillars of prayer, study, and
community, we are enabled to give service to the world. Giving service involves preaching the Word
of God, which is represented by how we serve others, as well as who we are as individuals. Therefore,
we are also called to look after ourselves. 3. Reflect on how being part of the Blackfriars community
allows you to develop your spirituality, with the Four Pillars in mind. By being part of the Blackfriars
community, we are presented with a great platform to develop our spirituality. The school gives
students an opportunity to conduct prayer and celebrate the Word of God, encourages students to study
and reach their potential, participate and flourish in the school s diverse communities, and give service
to fellow students and the disadvantaged. When students take advantage of these opportunities, they
will fulfil the four pillars and thus develop their
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Taking a Look at Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant, the eighteenth president of the United States, was a man of many
notions. Grant endured a long journey from horseman to general. This journey continued all the way
to President of the Unites States. From being born in a small white cottage, all the way to piecing
together the Union, Grant has done it all. In the sixty three years that Grant was alive, he made many
positive impacts and shaped our country for the better. Born Ulysses Hiram Grant, on April 27, 1822,
Grant was the son of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson (Ulysses S. Grant). Soon after Ulysses
turned of age, with the help of local congressman, his father enrolled him into the West Point Military
Academy (Williams, Jean Kinney). Grant had to abandon his life of tannery and horsemanship, and
move from Ohio to West Point, New York (Humanist Profile). Upon graduation from West Point in
1843, he was admitted into the U.S Army as a second lieutenant. He was sent to post in St Louis, and
he met Julia Dent, his future spouse. Under the Polk administration, Grant was sent to Texas to serve
under General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (Williams, Jean Kinney). After resigning from the
army, he returned to Julia in 1854 (Ulysses S. Grant). Grant was living a rough life after the Mexican
War, but once the Civil War began, Grant enlisted for the Union Army (Williams, Jean Kinney). Upon
Grant s return to the army, his prior experience and credentials granted him the position of
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Job Stress and Burnout
Stress and Burnout There is a lot to be said about occupational stress, burnout and work satisfaction.
However, finding the ideal career field can be a challenging task all by itself, and even more difficult
with the pressures of financial hardships. As a result, some people may not have the luxury to concern
themselves with obtaining employment that offers work satisfaction. Then again, a person may only
be interested in making a good honest living, getting the bills paid and enjoying a reasonable lifestyle.
Others may happen to enjoy going to work everyday, regardless of their pay because they feel that
what they do makes a difference and that brings them overall fulfillment. (Harper amp; Leicht, 2011).
Due to working in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin). These are some of the matters that steer the health effects caused
by stress and teacher burnout by the which, has been reported to be of epidemic proportions
throughout schools in America. (Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin). As a former YMCA employee, I
was given an opportunity to engage youth from various backgrounds to participate in healthy
competition with regard to building self esteem through organized sports and other positive activities.
I also worked as a Youth Counselor for the Baptist Student Union while in College. What I enjoyed
most about that particular job was being able to encourage youth through role playing exercises, group
meetings, prayer/devotionals and community dinners. Both Y.M.C.A and Youth Counselor jobs were
not good paying jobs, but it really did not matter because I had work satisfaction to make up for it. In
regards to the teaching profession, It has been reported that teacher stress and burnout inevitably affect
the learning environment and interfere with the achievement of educational goals insofar as they lead
to teachers detachment, alienation, cynicism, apathy, and absenteeism and ultimately the decision to
leave the field. (Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin, para 12). It has become evident that he potential
negative ramifications of these occupational hazards on
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Creppy Memorandum Analysis
The Creppy memorandum was written by Chief Immigration Judge Creppy after receiving
instructions from Attorney General John Ashcroft, after 911 attacks. The memorandum sent out emails
to all immigrations judges that anyone labeled special interest the procedures were closed for any
family member, friends, or reporters other than their Attorney. The courts prohibited any information
about the case or even its existence. Any of these detainees who were believed to have some 911 was
housed in a correctional facility. Due to the nature and serious attacks on American soil, I feel that the
Creppy memorandum was justified. After this cowardly act on American soil Chief Immigration Judge
and Attorney General John Ashcroft did what they felt was in the best interest for our country. ... Show
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (First Amendment, n.d.). Even
though there first amendment right was taken, I feel creppy memorandum was justified due to the
uncertainty of this horrible incident. There was an investigation from IG that uncovered some abuse of
detainees found deplorable conditions, physical, mental and inadequate for laws. I understand why
this was necessary due to the severity of the attacks. Judge Nancy Edmunds the United States District
Court of the Eastern District of Michigan issues an injunction against further secret immigration
proceedings under the Creppy memorandum and the Sixth Circuit agreed with Judge
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Differences Of Sundiata And The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Sundiata, West African King of Mali, spent most of his childhood years physically impaired, later
gaining powers and capabilities to serve in his given position. Gilgamesh, on the contrary is the King
of Uruk and a tyrant beast who has promiscuous characteristics. In both epics, the protagonists venture
out on journeys to pursue different goals. In terms of geographic location, Sundiata s passage occurs
in western African amongst the Mande people in the Mali Empire (Miller 354). On the other hand, the
Epic of Gilgamesh focuses on Sumerians in Mesopotamia (Modern day Iraq) (Miller 27, 30). The two
historical epics have many parallel themes such as origins, superhuman traits, and heroism; amongst
these are also many differences, for example the battles fought by both Kings and dependence on
technologies in different cultures.
Origins and Potentially Flawed History. The primary and most significant trait that both epics have in
common is the origins. Before the stories were written down, they were told orally and passed down
as oral histories. Griots serve as the primary form of verbal translation and histories; playing major
roles in passing down the Sundiata Epic (Miller 342). The Epic of Gilgamesh is later written down on
sun dried clay tablets in cuneiform. Miller describes cuneiform as a written script of wedge shaped
marks (Miller 29). Moreover, both stories carry flaws in their histories. It is likely that points are left
out of both historical tales. In western
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The Benefits Of Hiking The Appalachian Trail
The cost is one part of hiking the Appalachian trail. Every mile of the trail to hike costs you $1.50
per/mile. If you hike the whole trail, every mile put together costs $3000 for the whole trail. But, the
cost of the trail does not include the amount of gear you have and carrying with you on the trail. It
only cost $1.50 per/person. The amount of stuff you are carrying does nothing to the price that you
have to pay per/mile. So if you are planning on hiking the whole Application trail, make sure you have
$3000 dollars on you to hike the whole trail.
How was the Appalachian trail created? In October 1921 Benton MacKaye had the idea of the trail.
By March 1925, MacKaye had generated enough support for a hiking trail. Retired Connecticut Judge
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The Concepts Of Nature, Humanity, Power And Love Lay As A...
Suzan Muzafar
Professor John Wang
English 170W
October 13, 2014
The concepts of nature, humanity, power and love lay as a foundation for Shakespeare s, King Lear.
These notions are examined through the actions and realizations of King Lear, himself. Throughout
the discourse of this play we view the portrayal of humans as animals and witness King Lear s
mistreatment after he gives away his power. When doing so he makes clear his view on love and its
value, solely based on the flattery of words.Through nature, King Lear becomes grounded and
recognizes the animalistic behaviors of the rich and the struggles of the poor. This recognition brings
him to an utmost discovery that presents the reality of vicious humanity and changes the way he views
the world. Nature plays the utmost largest role in this play. We can begin with the orating of nature
through Lear relinquishing his crown and dividing his power among his daughters. It is here that Lear
states his intentions to shake all cares and business from our age, (l.l.40) in order to unburthened crawl
towards death. (l.l.42) Although, it was not in the intentions of King Lear to wreak havoc on his
kingdom, he did so by relinquishing his crown. Therefore, subsequently leading his kingdom to an
ironic flow of catastrophic events. It was impossible for Lear to stop being king due to the fact that it
was his rightful position and he acknowledges this by stating:
Hear me, recreant! On thine allegiance, hear me!
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Argumentative Essay On Witch And Warlocks
Witches and Warlocks have been around for centuries all over the world. Everyone has different ideas
about them, whether it s the way they imagine witches would look or if they believe they re real or
not. The definition of a witch, along with the belief in them, has been widely debated. From their first
discovery, to modern day there is still no true definition of a witch. As of now, witches are still
believed to exist. They have been described in many different forms among cultures and religion, so
everyone has their own kind of idea of them. Witches and Warlocks have been considered to work in
mysterious ways, creating their own spells or working for the devil. In the modern world, the idea of
witchcraft is still all around us from movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Persecution of witchcraft in Europe has been documented since the classical antiquity. In the ancient
Greco Roman world, defixiones were found beneath the ground an don walls of temples, and were
believed to be used by witches. These curse tablets, or binding spells (shown in appendix a) were not
only used to curse people, but were additionally used for love spells. During the eleventh and twelfth
centuries in England, there were accusations of witchcraft and were brought to the churchly court.
However, later on the use of ¨magic¨ became helpful to many in medicine. Kieckhefer, Richard
Cambridge University Press, stated ¨there are many who practiced several types of magic at this time
including: monks, priests, physicians, surgeons, midwives, folk healers, and diviners...Much of their
magic consisted of the usage of medicinal herbs in order to heal.¨(
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_witchcraft#Magic_and_Medicine_in_the_Middle_Ages ) So,
mainly ¨natural magic¨ was encouraged throughout most of Europe, and the classical magic acts fell
right under the umbrella of Christianity. As for catholicism, a much more severe version of the Salem
witch trials took place in Basque country. Any person accused of heretics, including witches, was
ordered by the Catholic church to be burned at stake or to be stoned to death, which was suggested in
the bible. These accusations of witchcraft lead to
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Angelas Ashes Essay
Although life presents you with many obstacles, if you continue to persevere, eventually you will
achieve success. Angela s Ashes, by Frank McCourt, is a good example of this. Frank is constantly
limited by his poverty. We watch him stick with his goals and eventually accomplish them in the end.
He also watches his mother continually try to stretch the family budget in order to get meager amounts
of food. Death is also very prevalent in this book as Frank and his family have to adjust to the death of
loved ones.
People always say, you can t judge a book by it s cover, and Frank McCourt is certainly an example of
this. Throughout the book, he is constantly denied access to opportunities that will help to ... Show
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Throughout Frank s childhood, there were very few times when feeding the family was not a
challenge. Even when Frank s father was working, he would very often drink his paycheck instead of
bringing it home to his family. Frank remembers a time when his father did bring home his paycheck,
and took notice at how proud his mother was when she was finally able to pay the man for her
groceries. She was able to hold her head up again because there s nothing worse in the world than to
owe and be beholden to anyone (23). This is where Frank learns that the ability to pay brings dignity
and self respect. He draws a connection, that when he has food, his family is prospering. Later on in
life, when Frank begins to earn his own wages, he loves the feeling of independence, and dreams of
providing for a family of his own. He works for Mr. Hannon, delivering coal, and makes many of the
other boys jealous of him. He doesn t mind when the boys harass him though, because he has the job
and Mr. Hannon tells him he s powerful (264). Frank connects having a job with being powerful. This
shows how Frank was able to overcome the struggles of hunger and actually taught him the value of
hard work.
Frank experiences his share of sadness relating to several deaths of
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Mary Whiton Calkins Essay
Mary Whiton Calkins
Mary Whiton Calkins, is best known for two things: becoming the first woman president of The
American Psychological Association and being denied her doctorate from Harvard. However, these
two aspects only make up a small portion of what she accomplished in her life. Her entire life was
dedicated to her work, especially the development of her Psychology of selves. She founded an early
psychology laboratory and invented the paired associate technique. She passionately dove into the
new field of Psychology but also was highly active in the field of Philosophy. She was not deterred by
being a woman and used her struggles to gain a voice to speak out against women s oppression. (5)
Mary Whiton Calkins ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, she faced two problems meeting this condition. The first, being that there were few
psychology departments in 1890. Secondly, getting admitted to these places that did offer the program
was highly unlikely since she was a woman. Her first consideration was to study abroad. An instructor
at Smith told her that her best chance was to try obtaining private instruction in psychology and
philosophy at any of the German universities outside of Zurich (6).
However, another instructor told her that would be a good idea if ladies had been allowed the same
privileges as men (6). Calkins formally dismissed going to Germany when she received a letter from a
woman student attending the University of Gottingen which stated, I wish I might encourage you; but
past experience has proved to me the utter uselessness of trying to enlighten the authorities, at least, in
our generation.
Once Calkins started looking at the United States, she discovered that the University of Michigan,
where she would be studying under John Dewey, and Yale, where she would be studying under G.T.
Ladd, were promising. However, she received a letter from another woman student that dissuaded her.
The letter stated, Personally, I should be immensely glad if you would come. We might be able to get
some delightful work together...By the way Prof. Ladd thinks you ought to have some lady with you at
the lectures. If there were only one or two other girls who would come to join us, we
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The MMR (Measles, Mumps And Rubella) Vaccine
Vaccines do not cause autism, it is as simple as that. Autism is a genetic disorder caused by problems
with the wiring of the brain and getting a shot of a weakened, nearly dead virus in saline is not going
to cause your brain to rewire itself. Likewise, abstaining from receiving vaccinations or worse yet, not
getting your children vaccinated, is putting not only them at risk, but the health of the entire western
world. In 1998, a British gastroenterologist named Andrew Wakefield published a research paper in
the medical journal The Lancet that showed a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
vaccine and the emergence of autism spectrum disorders. This research paper has been proven to be
fraudulent, and even the author himself has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jenner engineered the first ever vaccine, which protected against the deadly smallpox virus using the
similar cowpox virus, after noticing that milkmaids who had caught cowpox did not get smallpox later
on. In fact, the word vaccine actually comes from the Latin variolae vaccinae, which translates to
smallpox of the cow. Before Jenner created his vaccine, however, smallpox was considered to be the
most deadly virus on the planet, killing over 300 million people worldwide in the twentieth century
alone. It was especially virulent in infants and children, and when it swept through a village, from
twenty to fifty percent of those infected died as a consequence, said Kendall A. Smith in his essay,
Edward Jenner and the Small Pox Vaccine, Moreover, those who survived were often disfigured from
pockmarks, and smallpox led to blindness when it spread to the eyes (Smith 1). However, the vaccines
Jenner produced slowly grew more and more widely used and more advanced, and in 1979, the virus
was declared eradicated. Now, that does not necessarily mean that it is completely gone, as samples
have been found in ancient books and other artifacts, but no cases of a human infected with smallpox
have been reported since 1978. A similar thing happened later with poliomyelitis, better known simply
as polio. This virus was so prominent in the 1920s and 1930s that even President Roosevelt had it.
However in 1955, a vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. If all goes well,
the virus will be eradicated by the year 2018. Because of the creation of vaccines, diseases that shook
the world years and years ago are no longer even a threat to society anymore. We have lived so long
without vaccines even being a problem outside of slight controversy, and they have even gotten more
advanced and safer as society progresses, so there should be no outcry
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French and Indian War in the Colonies Essay
What was the Iroquois Confederacy, you ask? The Iroquois Confederacy was a remarkable fact in
history. It was composed of six large families, each having the dignified title of a nation. These nations
were named respectively, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas Senecas, and later the Tuscarora.
They had formed a strong alliance in which each nation pledged to protect the others. This alliance
made the Iroquois very powerful. It protected them from outside enemies but ensured them of internal
peace. The Iroquois Confederacy had a great impact in the war of the French and Indian war. The
Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the colonies) lasted from 1756 to 1763, forming
a chapter in the imperial struggle between Britain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For what we now know, the French and Indian war had impacted the relationship between the British
and the Indians by the degradation through time change of betrayal amongst them. In the beginning,
everything consist of loyalty, partnership, and alliances; turning this friendship into war, power, and
hatred. It all started with the British giving supplies to the Indians as to the natives being already
defeated by the French, looking to conquer. Later, creating a downfall in their relationship between the
Indians and the British. The rising of disloyalty begins to appear (after the French and Indian war)
through the commands of the Indians wanting to join alliances with the French to seek British
destruction. Now let us take a step back through the beginnings of the British and Indians alliance.
The initiation of this association was the thankful message from the Mohawk Indians accepting the
weapons that the British gave them, using against the French. Before the French and Indian war, the
Indians accepting the weapons that the British gave them, using it against the French, influenced the
relationship between the British and the Natives. According to the account of conferences held
between Major general Sir William Johnston and Indian nations in North America, Brother
Warraghiyage and Canaghquayefon (Mohawk
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The Righteous Mind
I always knew I wanted to study political science, but seeing a divided family because of it,
discouraged me from doing it. During the revolution, two great uncles were Contras and the other two
siblings were Sandinistas. This was an important thing when taking into consideration my family s
history. It took several sunday dinners to try and unite the siblings once again.When I was six I was
already interested in Politics, I was the only child in the family at the time, so I was more like an adult,
I heard the sunday conversations, I asked questions despite the several attempts to dismiss me for
being too young. One great uncle would take me every month to the National Assembly, and I would
see how they voted on legislations, I loved politics. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perhaps not on the controversial have sex with dead chicken questions, but with more day to day
questions such as LGTB rights. Politics has an impact on the way you see things good or bad.
I read the book while I traveled from here to D.C, in about hour and a half I had finished it. And I
needed to talk to someone about it. It was so interesting and enriching that I was asphyxiated at the
thought that it would be one more hour because I could tell my dad everything I had just
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Rudd s Apology
The media message which has been chosen is Kevin Rudd s Apology to Australia s Indigenous
Peoples speech. On Wednesday the 12th of February 2008, Australia s prime minister, at the time,
delivered an official apology to the Indigenous peoples who were taken from families and
communities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in Australia. In this speech, Kevin Rudd, the
Australian prime minister is giving a painstaking apology to the stolen generations and the aboriginals
for their sorrow, pain and loss. After many years of suffering Rudd brings up this sensitive topic and is
giving a speech with functions and effects which makes the intention of the speech reach the audience
on a passionate way with strong feelings. The Sorry Speech was ... Show more content on
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Just months after Kevin Rudd s apology in 2008, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly
apologised to native Canadians for the long time government policy of taking aboriginal children
away from their families and cultures. Just like Australia s Stolen Generation , from the 19th century
until the late mid 1970s, more than 150,000 Canadian aboriginal children were required to attend state
funded Christian schools as part of a program to strip them of their native culture and assimilate them
into Canadian society. In the apology it was said, We now recognize that it was wrong to separate
children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions, and that it created a void in many lives and
communities and we apologize, (Cbsnews.com, 2015). Then in 2013, US Senators Dan Inouye, Byron
Dorgan, Daniel Aka and Same Brownback championed a Joint Resolution in Congress the Apology to
Native Peoples of the United States. American President, Barrack Obama when he was first re elected
presidency acknowledged the importance of the Apology to Native Peoples and his support for it. He
said, These cases serve as a reminder of the importance of not glossing over the past or ignoring the
past, even as we work together to forge a brighter future. That s why, last year, I signed a resolution,
passed by both parties in Congress, finally recognizing the sad and painful chapters in our shared
history... (First Peoples Worldwide,
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Dancing Is A Language And Physical And Mental Skills
Dancing is a language, one anyone can read; however, the skill lies not in the ability to read, but in the
passion to write. When people hear the word dance, more specifically ballet, they associate it with a
stereotypical image of young girls prancing around in tutus, however, ballet goes beyond the scope
society has set for it. Most individuals don t fully comprehend that ballet is a literacy practice with
various skill sets. In Barton and Hamilton s Literary Practice they define a literacy practice as what
people do with the literacy (3). To be a ballerina you have to be well versed in an assortment of
instruction; from body, to technique, to language, to musicality, etc., ballet is a literacy practice that
recognizes the extensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The body itself is the main artifact or text that needs to be understood. The ballet is not just a manner
of linguistics, but the most classical branch of the language of dance, equivalent to the written and
spoken language of poetry. The beauty of ballet is that it can capture an audience and tell a story
simply through the movement of the body. John McConnell describes dance in his book, Ballet as
Body Language, as a series of connected, meaningful movements which externalize inner feelings (1).
They are storytellers who tell their stories through their body. Its refinement, grace and fortitude can
be used to propel powerful messages in captivating ways that both the dancer and audience can relate
to and understand. However, to be a ballerina and tell a story, you must have the ideal body to do so. A
ballet physique is by no means perfect and indisputably not natural, but fostered for a specific practice
that supports an undeniable regarded structure. Technically, balletic movement aims for
weightlessness in the lifting of individuals or limbs, in jumps or leaps, and in creating clean lines.
These specific necessities require an understanding for the body. In order to understand ones body, a
ballerina must be educated, to a degree, in kinesiology (the scientific study of human movement).
Although not all studios
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  • 9. Lp In The Construction Industry LB traditionally provides several benefits to the owners. Regarding the monetary viewpoint, for example, the owner can save a considerable amount of money for the project budget if utilizing LB (Shrestha 2014). In addition, it is also simple to use because it focuses on the most crucial evaluation criterion, the bidding cost (Yu and Wang 2012). In the construction industry, especially in highway projects, LB is supported by the legislation for the transparency in the bidding process (Tran et al. 2016). Even though LB has aided, typically, the public owners for decades, it consists of various drawbacks (Ahmed et al. 2012, Tran et al. 2016). As a matter of fact, LB concentrates more on the cost, not quality, accepts that minimum ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2008; Alleman et al. 2017; El Wardani et al. 2006; Gransberg and Shane 2015). According to Sullivan and Guo (2009), it also improved the cash flow and especially the profitability of the contractor up to 8%. BV in highway projects attained promising outcomes with value added functions to the contractor s selection in terms of project performance as stated by Abdelrahman et al. (2008). With collected data from the MnDOT, they obtained the sufficiency of BV in evaluating and selecting the most appropriate contractors. Supporting that conclusion, Ahmed et al. 2012 emphasized the use of BV in the bidding process for highways. As stated in regulations, clients have to procure and deliver construction services within regionally established regulatory parameters. Despite the fact that BV execution associated with the growth of APDMs, which are legitimately being used in 48 out of 50 states, the use of BV in construction is limited. There are a few areas have constituted the guidelines for BV in DBB projects; MnDOT (2012), for example, has established and achieved benefits from the BV guidelines. Many professional practitioners and organizations support the use of BV/QBS for procuring construction services and are lobbying for its continued growth. In the A/E perspective, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) stated the potential of QBS in providing efficient contractor s selection outcomes in terms of cost saving and value engineering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Benefits Of Technology Technology is ever increasing in our society. There seems to be more and more focus on innovation, learning, and making everything as efficient as possible with the help of technology. Technology is not only used at home, but practically everywhere. Libraries and schools, in particular, are aiding in the learning process for many, with the use of technology. While technology holds a plethora of benefits, there is a rather common debate about if the use of it holds more consequences than benefits for children. There is a great importance on knowing how much technology is too much, what kind of content is appropriate or beneficial, and how to protect children from situations that occur in online platforms, such as cyber bullying. Our society has made astounding advancements in the world of technology, and as a result it is becoming increasingly integrated into the daily lives of adults and children alike. Children seem to be spending less time outdoors and doing other activities than they are on the computer, watching television, or playing video games. There is a legitimate concern for children who seem to use media with excess. Adults often wonder, how much is too much. There is differing opinion among many on the answer. There are benefits and consequences to prolonged media use, that need to be examined in order to discover and promote a healthy balance. There can be substantial advantages to incorporating the use of technology into a child s education. Teachers use the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Treatment of Religion and the Church in Pedro Paramo and... Christianity has become, in over two millennia, the world s largest religion, spreading to almost every corner of the world. Based on this fact, it does not come as much of a surprise that Juan Rulfo s 1955 Mexican novel, Pedro Paramo, and Robertson Davies 1970 Canadian one, Fifth Business, are both largely affected by this pervasive religion. What is interesting, however, is that despite the vast differences in culture and time, a comparison can be made of the authors treatment of Christianity and the church in the books, which both come to similar conclusions. The first major similarity in the books on this particular subject is that both Rulfo and Davies show Christianity and the church as being flawed. Father Renteria, the local ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dempster as well as his family s and church s failure to understand his interests in saints and magic that force him to realize one flaw of the Christian religion: its inability to capture the entire feeling of spirituality. One of the major faults that Rulfo portrays of the Church in Pedro Paramo, is that it fails in its main responsibility of providing moral standards to the people of Comala. The novel illustrates characters that have sinned more than any other, yet show little or no guilt. Rulfo s book contains a careful listing of the cruelties that the Paramos inflicted on the people of Comala: Rumor has it that your brother was murdered by [Miguel Paramo] and you believe that your niece Ana was raped by him. 6, Pedro Paramo slaughtered so many folks after his father was murdered that he killed nearly everybody who attended that wedding. 7 However, despite these crimes, neither Miguel nor Pedro seems to feel any remorse for their actions. After listening to a number of women confess to having sinned for either sleeping with Pedro Paramo, or bearing his children, Father Renteria says, I kept waiting for him to come and confess something, but he never did. 8 Renteria also refuses to absolve Miguel at first, saying, [he] died without forgiveness. 9 Similarly, in Fifth Business, the character ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Shaun Rhodes The Eye This singed napkin journal was found on the corpse of Shaun Rhodes, one of 670 who died in the Padlock Prison Explosion. The terrorist attack was organized by The Predation Society, a group against government enforcement of any kind. The Predation Society s motives for bombing the prison are currently being investigated. This journal is of particular interest. Shaun and Ludovicus s descriptions of The Eye were actually quite close to the actual thing. The Eye was a secret programmed ship deep underground to free clever prisoners. It s origins are unclear, but is believed to have been constructed in the early days of the Padlock Prison for an escape, no one knows who built it. The Eye has an AI that would rescue prisoners that carried a special encoded key, like the one inside Shaun s Box. It would take them to remote locations in Brazil. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How this works, the investigators are not sure at the moment. Ludovicus and Shaun Rhodes s records, strange enough, have not been recovered from the explosion or found in our databases. This is unsettling, since we thought that you would have to present the key to the Eye in order to do that. One theory is that it watched them the entire time, and can choose who to pardon. So does it need a key? We have no idea what Ludovicus s last name is or where exactly he is from. Below is an excerpt from a larger interview with Xavier Goodwind, one of the few who survived the explosion, on account of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Sample Letter For Wayne County Economic Development... Throughout my time interning for Wayne County Economic Development Corporation I spent many of my opening hours in a office doing research, analyzing data, writing memos, creating the entire system of how the corporation organizes and shares information, along with sitting in on meetings ranging from development of parcels to legal matters. From the beginning my supervisor continuously stated that this is a learning process and that he had hired all three interns to instill and familiarize us to what world is like outside of school classrooms and the library. After a few weeks on getting to individually know each intern I was selected for a special work load that only I would be sanctioned to work on to see my potential, as I was informed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before I was a junior at Michigan State University with only one prior internship at working as a legislative intern to working in the heart of Detroit underneath the some of the most influential people in the state of Michigan and a job that I solely there to help Michigan flourish back to what it used to be in the early 50 s. My internship entailed a lot of out three students two of which from MSU and the other from Wayne State. Its was a regular eight o clock to four o clock job, driving to work itself was an everyday objective from my established residency in Northern Oakland County roughly 40 miles each way. The three of us maintained our own quarters on the 28th floor of the Guardian Building in the financial district of Detroit where we could provide help to each other and work together to draft memos for the Mayor of Detroit Mike Duggan and CEO Warren C. Evans, business proposals for foreign counties to invest in Detroit and Wayne County, and creating a cloud based systems that each employee can import and export data from their current assignment with ease. Individually I was given the opportunity to set up and meet with all 43 communities within the borders of the county. Where the Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and myself would ask questions that focused primarily on business retention and future devolvement. Interviewing and traveling to each city on a daily basis turned out to be the easiest part of the process. Communication was the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The World is flat Kassandra Chang 8/21/14 Period 1 APHG Summer Writing assignment The World is Flat By: Thomas L. Friedman 1. What is it about the flat world that both excites Friedman and fills him with dread? Friedman gets excited because the flattening of the world means that we as people who inhabit Earth are collecting all of our knowledge and putting it together into this worldwide network. By doing this we would start to emerge ourselves in an era of prosperity, innovation, and collaboration, by company s communities, and individuals. Friedman states that is if terrorism and politics do not get in the way. The flattening of the world also fills him with dread both on a personal and professional level. On a more personal level it fills him with dread ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why should we as Americans become good at it? Why should we focus on our personal value add? The touchy feely service stuff is the more intimate type of service and relationships you have or offer your client on a more personal level rather than have it be professional all the time. We as Americans, should be relatively good at this because as the book states anything that can be digitized can be outsourced to either the smartest or the cheapest producer, or both. Meaning the more technical work can be taken over to for instance, India, where someone will do that work for you, which gives you more freedom to connect with your clients. We should focus on our value add because that is what you as an individual bring to your company. 5. How are the journalism and fast food industries becoming flat? Journalism and fast food industries are becoming more flat because they were two of the few jobs that didn t need outsourcing help or hadn t been modified to include outsourcing, until now. With journalism you have stuff going on like the Reuters operation. Work gets done where it can be done most effectively and efficiently. These types of professions are slowly changing to be more likely to start allowing outsource work, which ultimately gives the American workers more free time for sophisticated work . These two jobs are not immune to outsourcing. You pull up to a drive through and think the person inside is taking your order but they aren t, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Essay about Witchcraft, Magic and Rationality Witchcraft, Magic and Rationality Social Anthropology seeks to gauge an understanding of cultures and practices whether they are foreign or native. This is achieved through the studying of language, education, customs, marriage, kinship, hierarchy and of course belief and value systems. Rationality is a key concept in this process as it affects the anthropologist s interpretation of the studied group s way of life: what s/he deems as rational or plausible practice. Witchcraft and magic pose problems for many anthropologists, as its supernatural nature is perhaps conflicting to the common Western notions of rationality, mainly deemed superior. In this essay I will be exploring the relationship between rationality and witchcraft and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Yorubas chanting to the god Shango is no different to the congregation of a church singing hymns. Both are with good intentions, and both may ask for some divine intervention. Labelling one form magic and one religion is just semantics. To question whether it is rational to believe in witchcraft and magic is in fact just a question as to whether the belief in supernatural intervention is rational. Is it irrational to believe in things that we cannot prove in a rational manner? At this point I would say Yes . It is illogical to believe in things that cannot be proven. Proof must be a condition for belief or we could believe almost anything to exist, for example flying pigs. It is evidence that makes belief different from faith, which is having trust in things that often appear to have no substantiation. However to use rationality as a determining factor of proof, and therefore belief, means that it must be a flawless concept within itself. But is this so? If we decide that it is irrational to believe in things that cannot be proven then we are at the same time saying that it is only rational to believe in things that can be proven. However there are many things that evade the boundaries of Western science, for example emotions. Can we prove love exists? It is something invisible, intangible and there is no objective proof for this emotion; no way to scientifically monitor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Report on Wonga.com Essay 1 Executive summary The overall purpose of this report is to examine whether Wonga has a promising future and to access, and provide a recommendation as to whether it is worth investing in. This is examined in light of the company s background, key product and operations, financial statistics, a SWOT analysis, ethics and it s future targets. Wonga is a british payday loan company which offers, short term high interest loans to individuals online, and within minutes using an algorithm that analyses thousands of pieces of information in seconds. Since its launch it has also added a service where customers can distribute the cost of items bought online over three monthly installments in return for an upfront payment. Through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Shaw 2011) 2.2 Key Product Wonga s mission is to deal with occasional and short term cash flow demands for individuals and businesses, with equally short term solutions by using automated and real time risk technology to process a wide number of requests. Therefore, the company can make instant decisions for lending in seconds at anytime the customers require. The loans available by the website vary from £1 to £400 and the payback period of 1 to 38 days. Although Wonga can approve loans through paying into bank account in a few minutes, the company are highly selective about the customers who they believe can repay quickly. This means there are about two third of first time applicants are declined. However, Wonga have provided millions of loans via the website and smart phones which helps the company to achieve industry leading low arrear rates and world class customer satisfaction. Whilst there is not much difference in terms of costs between Boodle and Wonga, we feel that Wonga is just slightly ahead in terms of optimising their user experience, as well as communicating the product in a professional yet easy to follow manner which makes Wonga the best payday company in South Africa. (payadayloans.top10reviews) 2.3 Company operations As the company s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Vermaport Cart-Moving Escalator Case Analysis While it is possible that the two parts could operate independently (e.g., if the cart moving line required maintenance, people could still take the people moving line), they were part of the same system and indeed, it would be virtually impossible to replace one without the other because of their shared physical proximity/connections. I am not aware of any Vermaport (or similar system manufactured by a competitor) being installed/replaced without the people moving part being concurrently installed/replaced with the cart moving part. How Is The Vermaport s Cart Moving Line Similar To A People Moving Escalator? The mechanics of the cart moving escalator line was virtually undistinguishable from the mechanics of the adjacent people moving escalator ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Service Learning Team Reflection Paper Working with the Service Learning team has shown many of my classmates just what exactly the real world looks like. For many of them I assume this was there first time doing a project of this nature and seeing this sort of chaos. Luckily for many of them this project was handled mainly by a few strong leaders of the class and the majority of them only needed to follow behind and assist with very small mundane tasks. Although some tried to help and get involved it was very noticeable that their efforts were halfhearted, and quickly they would back out of conversation and sit quietly waiting for a decision to be made. Although this sounds harsh and condescending it s by no means meant to take away from their efforts. They all showed up when told to and they each interacted with the children or at least helped us get ready for the activities. As my part in this group I took on ensuring the snack was provided, and that each station had what they needed and was ready to begin their activity. I personally Handled our budget Purchased Delivered Briefed each group on what the snack was Which one had what in it so as to avoid any allergies As well as that they would have extra and should hold off giving it out as everyone wouldn t be able to get seconds. This was the direct piece that I was given to handle. Outside of this I inputted my own life experience into discussions to help us get to a solution during each part of the planning processes. At any point when the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Apparition In Macbeth Anticipating Macbeth s arrival, the Witches get ready, gathering ingredients for what Macbeth so desires. Wandering up to the witches Macbeth calls out to the Witches, I conjure you, by that which you profess/ Howe re you come to know it answer me. (4.1.51 52) With this the Witches tell him if he wants something, to tell them directly. And once he does, they conjure up three apparitions, each saying something different to Macbeth. The first, come out as head in armour, proclaiming, Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! beware/ Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. (4.1.78 80) Then the second one, a child covered in blood, proclaims, Be bloody, bold, and resolute: laugh to scorn/ The power of man; for none of woman born/ Shall harm Macbeth. (4.1.87 89) Next, the third apparition, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam/ At one fell swoop? Macduff page 196 (4.3.252 255) He vowed to kill Macbeth for the foul act, and promised he would avenge his family. And at that, Malcolm and Macduff set out with England s soldiers to fight Macbeth and over through his rule over Scotland. Though Macbeth was fine with killing innocent people, his wife Lady Macbeth, had gotten a conscience, and it was causing her to have strange behaviours. Even the Doctor cannot explain the weird actions, and can only watch on as she sleepwalks. What is it she does now? Look, how she rubs her/ hands. (5.1.23 24) As she washes her hands violently, she starts speaking, fretting about a spot that must be washed out, but there is no spot on her hands, only in her mind. Guilt and paranoia are in her heart, and it drives her to go crazy, and kill herself. Her bone chilling scream can be heard through the castle, and Seton, Macbeth s servant informs him The queen, my lord, is dead. (5.5.18) To which Macbeth barely grieves, and just says she would have died any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Importance Of The Hardest Working Students In College The issue that I am prevailing is that college students are some of the hardest working people in todays society, we are dedicated to achieve our goals to have a great future ahead of us. When a student says there are busy, that most likely means that they do indeed have a good amount of school work to do. One of the articles that helps support my argument is Researchers have worked out which majors work the hardest in college (The Tab). The hardest working major according to this article is architecture, working and studying 22 hours a week outside of the classroom. The second is the engineering major, while architect work 22 hours a week this major puts in about 20 hours a week out of class. These majors all definitely include required studying, writing, reading, doing home work or lab work. These majors have been decided through a national survey taken by students. For this certain issue I feel that I am considered a centrist on the political spectrum. I feel like I am centrist because I have times that I have a lot of work one week but another I have more free time to do with my free time. Most of my friends feel like they are in the center, between a busy schedule and then a more free schedule. Although my family is more far right in the political spectrum because they know we have a lot going on and do not want to feel to intervene in their studying. When I read the text from the article I picked out from The Tab I originally felt like I was more busy at times and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Public s... The Influence of the Media in Shaping the Public s Understanding of Crime With the rise of the mass media throughout the world, predominantly the Western world, the issue of media influence has become a serious one. Due to media s primary obsession with crime and violence, it definitely has a negative influence on shaping peoples understanding of crime by exaggerating it. A branch of media which always exaggerates on some crime e.g. terrorist attacks then other crimes is TV news this is basically an oxymoron; giving us the skin of the truth stuffed with a lie. TV news broadcasts use dramatic, usually violent stories and images to capture and maintain an audience, under the pretence of keeping it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is clear that crime constitutes a major realm of societal concern. Initial focus in this essay will be on how influential media is on peoples understanding of crime through exaggeration. The subject of Cohen s and Hall et al work on moral panic will be largely touched upon. A basic understanding Wilkins theory would be mentioned, finally a conclusion would be drawn up. Maguire (2002) Mass media representations of crime, deviance, and disorder have been a returning cause of concern. Two competing anxieties can be discerned in public debate, and both are reflected in a large research literature. On one hand the media are often seen as fundamentally subversive, on the other as a more or less subtle form of social control. Those who see the media as subversive see media representation or crime themselves as a significant cause of offending. This has been a constantly recurring theme. A different concern about media representation of crime has worried liberals and radicals. To them the media are the cause not of crime itself but of exaggerated public alarm about law and order, generating support for repressive solutions. Cohen (1972) states the fundamental theme of the radical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay about Cinematography and the Film Citizen Kane (1941) The absolutely stunning film, Citizen Kane (1941), is one of the world s most famous and highly renowned films. The film contains many remarkable scenes and cinematic techniques as well as innovations. Within this well known film, Orson Welles (director) portrays many stylistic features and fundamentals of cinematography. The scene of Charles Foster Kane and his wife, Susan, at Xanadu shows the dominance that Kane bears over people in general as well as Susan specifically. Throughout the film, Orson Welles continues to convey the message of Susan s inferiority to Mr. Kane. Also, Welles furthers the image of how demanding Kane is of Susan and many others. Mr. Welles conveys the message that Kane has suffered a hard life, and will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She yearned to see friends and leave Xanadu. Orson Welles was a mastermind in creating scenes using light. Inevitably this caused the viewer to think thoroughly about what they viewed. Through staging and proxemics we can understand more about what the director was thinking. Opening the scene at Xanadu, Susan is seen sitting at the table working on a puzzle while Charles Kane is standing on a quarter turn. It is shown that Mr. Kane bears dominance over Susan at this point. She is shown in a few different cuts with a puzzle representing her boredom. At Xanadu, that is the only thing that she could do besides conversing with her overbearing husband. The proxemics between Mr. Kane and Susan are quite interesting because Susan is shown further away from her husband as every part of the scene cuts to a new clip. This represents their distancing. Being at Xanadu represents the distancing between the Kane s because it is such a large dwelling that they barely see each other. The distancing is represented physically and emotionally throughout the film. I thought we might have a picnic tomorrow and invite everyone to spend the night in the Everglades. (Kane). Invite everyone? Order everyone, you mean. Who wants to sleep in tents when they have a nice room of their own. (Susan). Orson Welles displays the tension between Susan and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Improving Phonological Awareness It is often understood that educators are charged with the responsibility to educate children in a holistic way. As such, educators must have the best interest of their students at heart if their objective is to teach well. They can prevent the students from failure when they recognize that their students are not heading in the path to success. It is greatly recognize that reading is essential in the development of a child as previous mentioned, Davis and Davis (2014) referered to reading as the building block of life. The different studies analyzed on the correlation of phonological awareness and reading exposed that phonological awareness is an important factor in learning to read or improving reading skills in struggling reads. However, there are other skills that a child s need to master for him/her to become an avid reader. As documented in this study, there have been many intense studies for over the past three decade on struggling readers lacking phonological awareness. Being a struggling reader can lead to their low academic performance in core subject areas like Math and English may lead them to develop low self esteem to the point where they stop believing in their capabilities. This often leads to learn helplessness which is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One major factors that researchers pointed out was that CAI should be used as a supplement of other method to improve learning. Therefore, the present researcher will be following the Language Curriculum guide for Primary School in the Lower Division along with CAI to improve phonological awareness in the Primary school level, resulting in the overall improvement of national examinations in the subsequent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Fallacies Of The New York Times Website It would be difficult to find any two individuals on the planet who are able to agree on everything. Because of this, there are many different issues in which any two people are going to fail to see eye to eye on. Differing viewpoints lead to arguments that are created by people in order to argue their points. While some arguments that are created are based in fact, some arguments are based upon false assumptions and trickery, with these unsound arguments being known as fallacies. A study of fallacies reveal the true nature of false arguments, and better equips an individual to identify invalid arguments. Argument with Fallacies The Ebola virus is in danger of spreading rapidly in the United States. A report on the New York Times website, written by Kevin Sack, has revealed the fact that Ebola has spread from person to person at a Texas hospital. In order to protect the citizens of the United States, a prompt and quick lock down of the entire state of Texas in needed and necessary in order to protect the United States. Since Ebola has officially been confirmed to have spread from one person to another in Texas, it can be assumed that the conditions exist in Texas that allow the spread of the virus to occur. There must be something particular to Texas that allows the virus to gain strength, and jump from person to person. It can only be assumed that the unique environment in Texas is one where Ebola has the ability to survive and thrive. If it is not the environment in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Execution Of Justice And Chicago Essay Execution of Justice and Chicago Execution of justice is the true story of assassination of the mayor named George Moscone in this movie basically American law system criticized and the several realistic situations are developed. Execution of Justice explores the 1978 assassinations of Harvey Milk, it is considered as one of America s first openly gay elected officials; the story has the main theme that basically revolves around the AIDs and gay marriages situations. On the other hand the movie Chicago is based on the two women that kill their husbands and did a really very wrong attempt. Velma and Roxie are the murderesses who find themselves in the situation of fighting for the fame in their opinion the fame will keep them from the gallows. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the movie problems related to the life of the gays are being addressed. In the other movie that is the Chicago, there is a vigorous and creative musical made all the more notable by the current death of cinematic musicals being produced. It is a reminder that the genre of the movie musical is not dead, but merely sleeping. Execution of justice and the Chicago deals with trail situation. The execution of justice is based on the true story and is considered really well in creating the great emotional impacts on the minds, as the situation that is presented by execution of justice based on the gay marriages and the AIDs issues that are actually the realities and the complications with these situations would always be true. Brad Pontius is considered the prosecuting attorney and in my view he is more interesting as he execute Mann s script with great ability and thoughtfulness and also he did the actions that are greatly closed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Golden State Warrior Case Study Kevin Durant left the Oklahoma City Thunder for the Golden State Warriors. This proves the theroy if you fall down, get back up and take the easiest road to reach your goals. My parents taught me that no matter what happens always maintain your integrity and work hard for what one wants in life. I will use my scholarship money to help further my education in the Criminal Justice degree program. I will then be capable to earn the neccesary stratigies and information such as my decision making, communicating skills to help my community as a police officer. With the proper education and field training I will be properly able to serve my community and constantly make an impact on the community in a postitive way. I was given the opprtunity to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Becoming Fit Essay There is never a better time then now to transform the body. Taking the first steps to changing your body is the hardest part. Changes in a lifestyle need to occur, figure out the healthy foods to eat, the healthy amount of calories to take in, and the certain exercises that will target the fatter areas. Losing fat and exercising are the main parts to transforming the body. The process of fat loss will help maintain a long, healthy lifestyle. The change in a lifestyle is one of the main parts to the transformation of the body. This happens by completely changing eating habits, exercises, and even the way a person thinks. Becoming fit is not as easy as people on TV shows and ads make it seem. To begin the long road to getting in shape means hard work and pushing the body till the goal is achieved. Always ask yourself honestly about your weight. Never sugar coat things or beat around the bushes (Aschan). Most people who start gaining weight begin to get insecure about their body and normally go to food for the satisfaction, but the key is to try and go for exercise or an active activity for satisfaction instead. The best ways to make this happen are to spend time with friends that like to work out or just stay away from lazy activities. In order to live out this healthy lifestyle, keeping it regular is a must. Most people who go to diets or training workouts usually have a stopping point for it which is when they go back to their previous ways (Saleem). There are plenty ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Summary Of Vance s Hillbilly Elegy Very few people at Yale law school are like me. They may look like me, but for all the Ivy League s obsession with diversity, virtually everyone black, white, Jewish, Muslim, whatever comes from intact families who never worry about money. (Vance 203) Throughout the end of Vance s book he discusses his life in college at Ohio State and the ivy league school, Yale. He talks about its difficulties. However, these difficulties weren t found in his school work. In fact, he says that Classes were hard, and sometimes required long nights in the library, but they weren t that hard. (201) The difficulty to Vance seemed to come from the lack of people in his school that understood or came from his background. There are two events, the first takes place at Indiana University in 1987, where a class was sent out to be immersed in and expand their education on cultures exactly like Vance s. The second article talks about a student who in 1988, like Vance, escaped his hillbilly background and became successful at Yale. Both of these events occurred before Vance s time in Yale and are examples of people attempting to understand or do what Vance did in Hillbilly Elegy. For four months, the students eat, sleep, teach and sink or swim in another culture. They go to inner cities, Appalachia, Indian reservations, Hispanic areas, and overseas. (Clark 1) A class at the University of Indiana is sent out in 1987 to different cultures as part of Cultural Immersion Projects. It is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Bmw Strategic Managemnt Essay [pic] UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MODULE ASSIGNMENT MARKETING MANAGEMENT LECTURER: Mr. Roland Kiew Huizhong bei CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary Overview of company 2. Early history 3. STP Strategy 4. Markets of BMW 5. Marketing mix 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendation 8. Refrences OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This marketing report aims to examine and explain the marketing strategies of BMW , In this report I will be focusing on: THE COMPANY
  • 30. ITS HISTORY PROUCTS STP STRATEGY BMW S MARKETS MARKETING MIX ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... BMW operates three business segments namely: Automobiles, Motorcycles and Financial Services. BMW is the parent company of the Mini and Rolls Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover (car)/Rover. The company s slogans in English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving Pleasure . The company produces, and markets, a varied range of a higher end sporty cars and motorcycles. BMW has also manufactured the first passenger car running on hydrogen ready for common use, although the production figures are limited by the lack of a respective filling station net. In addition to cars and motorcycles, BMW operates an aircraft engine division under the brand name of Rolls Royce. The company has worldwide subsidiaries and manufacturing plants in Germany, Austria, the UK, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. BMW Group comprises of many segments within its vast portfolio, but I would be only concentrating on Automobiles. BMW group is focused on fabricating a variety of tangible products, and also the group has many intangible financial services. The BMW Group s automotive which I am more interested in this easy is portioning of their portfolio consists of the three premium brands: BMW, MINI, and Rolls Royce of which I would be more only looking at BMW and would also demonstrate their marketing. BMW is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Teen Suicide Essay Teen Suicide Suicide is a growing problem in American culture. Sadly, teens are affected the most. Teen suicide is increasing rapidly. About 5,000 teens in the United States kill themselves each year (Peacock, 4). Suicide among teens is a serious and devastating crisis. More teens are taking their lives today than ever before. Teen suicide does not affect one specific type of teen; it affects any type of teen. There are a variety of reasons teens resort to committing suicide. Many people are working for the prevention of teen suicide. Teen suicide needs to be viewed as a serious problem, analyzed, and prevented. Teen suicide affects many teens. The number of teen suicide has tripled since the 1950 s (Peacock, 6). It is the third ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Violence at home has a lot of impact. Watching violent things can hurt a teens mind and make them want to end the violence therefore they take their life. Teens may not be able to handle one more situation, even the smallest things, ending a relationship, failing at school, or getting blamed for something, all those things can trigger suicidal thoughts. Drugs and alcohol can affect teens too. Drugs and alcohol increase thinking and anger (Peacock, 19). Problems with sexual identity, pregnancy, or pressures to succeed also can play a role (Peacock, 16).Sexual Identity causes suicide. Teens that struggle with a different sexual identity; struggle with keeping it a secret. Teens that come out may be treated as outcasts. The frequently get named called, bullied, and other harassments. Girls that deal with a teen pregnancy take their life because of embarrassment to family, peers, and the father of the child. Talent kids have suicide attempts. The pressure to succeed is overwhelming and they cannot take it anymore. In general, teens who kill themselves want to escape overpowering problems and painful feelings (Peacock, 10). The number one thing that triggers suicidal thoughts is depression. Depression is a serious mental illness. More than 60 percent of all people who killed themselves dealt with depression (Peacock, 18). Depression is the number one cause of teen suicide this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Problem Of The Kyoto Protocol recent years, the population of Quebec has shown increasing awareness and concerns for the protection of the environment . Like all the industrialized nations on the planet, Quebec, and more generally Canada, produces huge amounts of greenhouse gas, which have terrible effects on the planet. The Kyoto protocol, ratified in 1997, is the initiative for Governments around the world to act in favor of the reduction of GHG emission. Furthermore, the Government of Quebec has taken action to promote a greener way lifestyle by subsidizing many environmentally friendly initiatives. Special matter was accorded to transportation, which accounts for 42.5% of emissions of GHG in Quebec. Transportation is thus the biggest emitter sector and should be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The electric vehicle market offering the first all electric mass produced car made its appearance in Canada in 2011 with the Nissan Leaf . Quebec s electric vehicle market is relatively young as well and regroups only a few leading and innovative firms of the industry. In 2014, only 2 835 Quebecers were owners of an electric vehicle , which is less than 0.04% of the population. The purchase price of electric vehicles is much higher than gasoline vehicles, therefore people who purchase electric vehicles tend to have higher income and be concentrated in particular neighborhoods. In addition, another important factor in vehicle choice these days is their repercussions on the environment. Some consumers are concerned with environmental degradation, and are motivated to reduce carbon emissions and its impact on the environment, therefore they purchase more fuel efficient vehicles. A recent estimate states that the industry is booming; on average, three to four electrical cars are estimated to be sold every day in the province of Quebec. The demand for electrical vehicle is strongly concentrated in the Montérégie area (540 cars), on the South Shore and in Montreal (340 cars). This demographic concentration shows that the demand is related to the accrued presence of recharge stations (as well as income), in the Montérégie area there is 74 stations available, which is more than anywhere else. This implies that the demand is higher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Amazing Strength Characteristics Of Stone Thrower Wales... Astonishing Strength Characteristics of Stone Thrower Wales Defects in Graphene under Compressive Load G. Rajasekaran Rajesh Kumar and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India ABSTRACT: One atom thick sheet of carbon discovered this century is flaunted not just for its electrical properties but also for its physical strength and flexibility. The bonds between carbon atoms are well known as the strongest in nature, so a perfect sheet of graphene should withstand just about anything, but to use it in real time applications, we have to understand the useful strength of graphene. So for, researchers have looked extensively at graphene s electronic properties and tensile strength, nobody, had taken comprehensive measurements of its ability to withstand a compressive load. We find that, counter to standard reasoning, graphene sheets with Stone Thrower Wales (STW) defects are able to bear high compressive stress as compared to pristine graphene. We show that this trend can be understood by considering the critical bonds in the seven and five membered carbon rings which bears the maximum compressive stress. Graphene with STW defects is stronger in compressive strength point of view because they are able to better accommodate these strained rings. Our results provide guidelines for designing graphene with STW defects to obtain maximum compressive strength, so that we can get the benefit of this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Four Pillars Of The Dominican Order 1. Explore and explain the religious vision of St Dominic, on founding the Dominican order. The Dominicans, also known as the Order of Preachers, are a Catholic religious Order founded by St Dominic in 1216 and which still exists in over a hundred countries today. Whilst travelling through France, Dominic encountered a group called the Albigensians, who believed that an evil God created the world and thus all physical matter was bad. The belief system of the Albigensians conflicted with the Dominican belief that the true God created all, and that human interactions with His creation helps us understand God, the Creator. Dominic saw that the Albigensians were rejecting the dignity of their own lives, and his encounter led him to discover the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being involved in a community does not simply mean being present within it, but to also be willing to share your life with other people. To Dominicans, community life should be a celebration of unity despite diversity, and finding the common good. Dominicans are called to share their lives with all people of the world, because God loves all people. By fulfilling the pillars of prayer, study, and community, we are enabled to give service to the world. Giving service involves preaching the Word of God, which is represented by how we serve others, as well as who we are as individuals. Therefore, we are also called to look after ourselves. 3. Reflect on how being part of the Blackfriars community allows you to develop your spirituality, with the Four Pillars in mind. By being part of the Blackfriars community, we are presented with a great platform to develop our spirituality. The school gives students an opportunity to conduct prayer and celebrate the Word of God, encourages students to study and reach their potential, participate and flourish in the school s diverse communities, and give service to fellow students and the disadvantaged. When students take advantage of these opportunities, they will fulfil the four pillars and thus develop their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Taking a Look at Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant, the eighteenth president of the United States, was a man of many notions. Grant endured a long journey from horseman to general. This journey continued all the way to President of the Unites States. From being born in a small white cottage, all the way to piecing together the Union, Grant has done it all. In the sixty three years that Grant was alive, he made many positive impacts and shaped our country for the better. Born Ulysses Hiram Grant, on April 27, 1822, Grant was the son of Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson (Ulysses S. Grant). Soon after Ulysses turned of age, with the help of local congressman, his father enrolled him into the West Point Military Academy (Williams, Jean Kinney). Grant had to abandon his life of tannery and horsemanship, and move from Ohio to West Point, New York (Humanist Profile). Upon graduation from West Point in 1843, he was admitted into the U.S Army as a second lieutenant. He was sent to post in St Louis, and he met Julia Dent, his future spouse. Under the Polk administration, Grant was sent to Texas to serve under General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (Williams, Jean Kinney). After resigning from the army, he returned to Julia in 1854 (Ulysses S. Grant). Grant was living a rough life after the Mexican War, but once the Civil War began, Grant enlisted for the Union Army (Williams, Jean Kinney). Upon Grant s return to the army, his prior experience and credentials granted him the position of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Job Stress and Burnout Stress and Burnout There is a lot to be said about occupational stress, burnout and work satisfaction. However, finding the ideal career field can be a challenging task all by itself, and even more difficult with the pressures of financial hardships. As a result, some people may not have the luxury to concern themselves with obtaining employment that offers work satisfaction. Then again, a person may only be interested in making a good honest living, getting the bills paid and enjoying a reasonable lifestyle. Others may happen to enjoy going to work everyday, regardless of their pay because they feel that what they do makes a difference and that brings them overall fulfillment. (Harper amp; Leicht, 2011). Due to working in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin). These are some of the matters that steer the health effects caused by stress and teacher burnout by the which, has been reported to be of epidemic proportions throughout schools in America. (Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin). As a former YMCA employee, I was given an opportunity to engage youth from various backgrounds to participate in healthy competition with regard to building self esteem through organized sports and other positive activities. I also worked as a Youth Counselor for the Baptist Student Union while in College. What I enjoyed most about that particular job was being able to encourage youth through role playing exercises, group meetings, prayer/devotionals and community dinners. Both Y.M.C.A and Youth Counselor jobs were not good paying jobs, but it really did not matter because I had work satisfaction to make up for it. In regards to the teaching profession, It has been reported that teacher stress and burnout inevitably affect the learning environment and interfere with the achievement of educational goals insofar as they lead to teachers detachment, alienation, cynicism, apathy, and absenteeism and ultimately the decision to leave the field. (Guglielmi, Sergio, Tatrow, Kristin, para 12). It has become evident that he potential negative ramifications of these occupational hazards on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Creppy Memorandum Analysis The Creppy memorandum was written by Chief Immigration Judge Creppy after receiving instructions from Attorney General John Ashcroft, after 911 attacks. The memorandum sent out emails to all immigrations judges that anyone labeled special interest the procedures were closed for any family member, friends, or reporters other than their Attorney. The courts prohibited any information about the case or even its existence. Any of these detainees who were believed to have some 911 was housed in a correctional facility. Due to the nature and serious attacks on American soil, I feel that the Creppy memorandum was justified. After this cowardly act on American soil Chief Immigration Judge and Attorney General John Ashcroft did what they felt was in the best interest for our country. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (First Amendment, n.d.). Even though there first amendment right was taken, I feel creppy memorandum was justified due to the uncertainty of this horrible incident. There was an investigation from IG that uncovered some abuse of detainees found deplorable conditions, physical, mental and inadequate for laws. I understand why this was necessary due to the severity of the attacks. Judge Nancy Edmunds the United States District Court of the Eastern District of Michigan issues an injunction against further secret immigration proceedings under the Creppy memorandum and the Sixth Circuit agreed with Judge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Differences Of Sundiata And The Epic Of Gilgamesh Sundiata, West African King of Mali, spent most of his childhood years physically impaired, later gaining powers and capabilities to serve in his given position. Gilgamesh, on the contrary is the King of Uruk and a tyrant beast who has promiscuous characteristics. In both epics, the protagonists venture out on journeys to pursue different goals. In terms of geographic location, Sundiata s passage occurs in western African amongst the Mande people in the Mali Empire (Miller 354). On the other hand, the Epic of Gilgamesh focuses on Sumerians in Mesopotamia (Modern day Iraq) (Miller 27, 30). The two historical epics have many parallel themes such as origins, superhuman traits, and heroism; amongst these are also many differences, for example the battles fought by both Kings and dependence on technologies in different cultures. Origins and Potentially Flawed History. The primary and most significant trait that both epics have in common is the origins. Before the stories were written down, they were told orally and passed down as oral histories. Griots serve as the primary form of verbal translation and histories; playing major roles in passing down the Sundiata Epic (Miller 342). The Epic of Gilgamesh is later written down on sun dried clay tablets in cuneiform. Miller describes cuneiform as a written script of wedge shaped marks (Miller 29). Moreover, both stories carry flaws in their histories. It is likely that points are left out of both historical tales. In western ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Benefits Of Hiking The Appalachian Trail The cost is one part of hiking the Appalachian trail. Every mile of the trail to hike costs you $1.50 per/mile. If you hike the whole trail, every mile put together costs $3000 for the whole trail. But, the cost of the trail does not include the amount of gear you have and carrying with you on the trail. It only cost $1.50 per/person. The amount of stuff you are carrying does nothing to the price that you have to pay per/mile. So if you are planning on hiking the whole Application trail, make sure you have $3000 dollars on you to hike the whole trail. How was the Appalachian trail created? In October 1921 Benton MacKaye had the idea of the trail. By March 1925, MacKaye had generated enough support for a hiking trail. Retired Connecticut Judge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Concepts Of Nature, Humanity, Power And Love Lay As A... Suzan Muzafar Professor John Wang English 170W October 13, 2014 The concepts of nature, humanity, power and love lay as a foundation for Shakespeare s, King Lear. These notions are examined through the actions and realizations of King Lear, himself. Throughout the discourse of this play we view the portrayal of humans as animals and witness King Lear s mistreatment after he gives away his power. When doing so he makes clear his view on love and its value, solely based on the flattery of words.Through nature, King Lear becomes grounded and recognizes the animalistic behaviors of the rich and the struggles of the poor. This recognition brings him to an utmost discovery that presents the reality of vicious humanity and changes the way he views the world. Nature plays the utmost largest role in this play. We can begin with the orating of nature through Lear relinquishing his crown and dividing his power among his daughters. It is here that Lear states his intentions to shake all cares and business from our age, (l.l.40) in order to unburthened crawl towards death. (l.l.42) Although, it was not in the intentions of King Lear to wreak havoc on his kingdom, he did so by relinquishing his crown. Therefore, subsequently leading his kingdom to an ironic flow of catastrophic events. It was impossible for Lear to stop being king due to the fact that it was his rightful position and he acknowledges this by stating: Hear me, recreant! On thine allegiance, hear me! ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Argumentative Essay On Witch And Warlocks Witches and Warlocks have been around for centuries all over the world. Everyone has different ideas about them, whether it s the way they imagine witches would look or if they believe they re real or not. The definition of a witch, along with the belief in them, has been widely debated. From their first discovery, to modern day there is still no true definition of a witch. As of now, witches are still believed to exist. They have been described in many different forms among cultures and religion, so everyone has their own kind of idea of them. Witches and Warlocks have been considered to work in mysterious ways, creating their own spells or working for the devil. In the modern world, the idea of witchcraft is still all around us from movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Persecution of witchcraft in Europe has been documented since the classical antiquity. In the ancient Greco Roman world, defixiones were found beneath the ground an don walls of temples, and were believed to be used by witches. These curse tablets, or binding spells (shown in appendix a) were not only used to curse people, but were additionally used for love spells. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries in England, there were accusations of witchcraft and were brought to the churchly court. However, later on the use of ¨magic¨ became helpful to many in medicine. Kieckhefer, Richard Cambridge University Press, stated ¨there are many who practiced several types of magic at this time including: monks, priests, physicians, surgeons, midwives, folk healers, and diviners...Much of their magic consisted of the usage of medicinal herbs in order to heal.¨( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_witchcraft#Magic_and_Medicine_in_the_Middle_Ages ) So, mainly ¨natural magic¨ was encouraged throughout most of Europe, and the classical magic acts fell right under the umbrella of Christianity. As for catholicism, a much more severe version of the Salem witch trials took place in Basque country. Any person accused of heretics, including witches, was ordered by the Catholic church to be burned at stake or to be stoned to death, which was suggested in the bible. These accusations of witchcraft lead to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Angelas Ashes Essay Although life presents you with many obstacles, if you continue to persevere, eventually you will achieve success. Angela s Ashes, by Frank McCourt, is a good example of this. Frank is constantly limited by his poverty. We watch him stick with his goals and eventually accomplish them in the end. He also watches his mother continually try to stretch the family budget in order to get meager amounts of food. Death is also very prevalent in this book as Frank and his family have to adjust to the death of loved ones. People always say, you can t judge a book by it s cover, and Frank McCourt is certainly an example of this. Throughout the book, he is constantly denied access to opportunities that will help to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout Frank s childhood, there were very few times when feeding the family was not a challenge. Even when Frank s father was working, he would very often drink his paycheck instead of bringing it home to his family. Frank remembers a time when his father did bring home his paycheck, and took notice at how proud his mother was when she was finally able to pay the man for her groceries. She was able to hold her head up again because there s nothing worse in the world than to owe and be beholden to anyone (23). This is where Frank learns that the ability to pay brings dignity and self respect. He draws a connection, that when he has food, his family is prospering. Later on in life, when Frank begins to earn his own wages, he loves the feeling of independence, and dreams of providing for a family of his own. He works for Mr. Hannon, delivering coal, and makes many of the other boys jealous of him. He doesn t mind when the boys harass him though, because he has the job and Mr. Hannon tells him he s powerful (264). Frank connects having a job with being powerful. This shows how Frank was able to overcome the struggles of hunger and actually taught him the value of hard work. Frank experiences his share of sadness relating to several deaths of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Mary Whiton Calkins Essay Mary Whiton Calkins Mary Whiton Calkins, is best known for two things: becoming the first woman president of The American Psychological Association and being denied her doctorate from Harvard. However, these two aspects only make up a small portion of what she accomplished in her life. Her entire life was dedicated to her work, especially the development of her Psychology of selves. She founded an early psychology laboratory and invented the paired associate technique. She passionately dove into the new field of Psychology but also was highly active in the field of Philosophy. She was not deterred by being a woman and used her struggles to gain a voice to speak out against women s oppression. (5) EARLY LIFE Mary Whiton Calkins ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, she faced two problems meeting this condition. The first, being that there were few psychology departments in 1890. Secondly, getting admitted to these places that did offer the program was highly unlikely since she was a woman. Her first consideration was to study abroad. An instructor at Smith told her that her best chance was to try obtaining private instruction in psychology and philosophy at any of the German universities outside of Zurich (6). However, another instructor told her that would be a good idea if ladies had been allowed the same privileges as men (6). Calkins formally dismissed going to Germany when she received a letter from a woman student attending the University of Gottingen which stated, I wish I might encourage you; but past experience has proved to me the utter uselessness of trying to enlighten the authorities, at least, in our generation. Once Calkins started looking at the United States, she discovered that the University of Michigan, where she would be studying under John Dewey, and Yale, where she would be studying under G.T. Ladd, were promising. However, she received a letter from another woman student that dissuaded her. The letter stated, Personally, I should be immensely glad if you would come. We might be able to get some delightful work together...By the way Prof. Ladd thinks you ought to have some lady with you at the lectures. If there were only one or two other girls who would come to join us, we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The MMR (Measles, Mumps And Rubella) Vaccine Vaccines do not cause autism, it is as simple as that. Autism is a genetic disorder caused by problems with the wiring of the brain and getting a shot of a weakened, nearly dead virus in saline is not going to cause your brain to rewire itself. Likewise, abstaining from receiving vaccinations or worse yet, not getting your children vaccinated, is putting not only them at risk, but the health of the entire western world. In 1998, a British gastroenterologist named Andrew Wakefield published a research paper in the medical journal The Lancet that showed a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and the emergence of autism spectrum disorders. This research paper has been proven to be fraudulent, and even the author himself has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jenner engineered the first ever vaccine, which protected against the deadly smallpox virus using the similar cowpox virus, after noticing that milkmaids who had caught cowpox did not get smallpox later on. In fact, the word vaccine actually comes from the Latin variolae vaccinae, which translates to smallpox of the cow. Before Jenner created his vaccine, however, smallpox was considered to be the most deadly virus on the planet, killing over 300 million people worldwide in the twentieth century alone. It was especially virulent in infants and children, and when it swept through a village, from twenty to fifty percent of those infected died as a consequence, said Kendall A. Smith in his essay, Edward Jenner and the Small Pox Vaccine, Moreover, those who survived were often disfigured from pockmarks, and smallpox led to blindness when it spread to the eyes (Smith 1). However, the vaccines Jenner produced slowly grew more and more widely used and more advanced, and in 1979, the virus was declared eradicated. Now, that does not necessarily mean that it is completely gone, as samples have been found in ancient books and other artifacts, but no cases of a human infected with smallpox have been reported since 1978. A similar thing happened later with poliomyelitis, better known simply as polio. This virus was so prominent in the 1920s and 1930s that even President Roosevelt had it. However in 1955, a vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. If all goes well, the virus will be eradicated by the year 2018. Because of the creation of vaccines, diseases that shook the world years and years ago are no longer even a threat to society anymore. We have lived so long without vaccines even being a problem outside of slight controversy, and they have even gotten more advanced and safer as society progresses, so there should be no outcry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. French and Indian War in the Colonies Essay What was the Iroquois Confederacy, you ask? The Iroquois Confederacy was a remarkable fact in history. It was composed of six large families, each having the dignified title of a nation. These nations were named respectively, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas Senecas, and later the Tuscarora. They had formed a strong alliance in which each nation pledged to protect the others. This alliance made the Iroquois very powerful. It protected them from outside enemies but ensured them of internal peace. The Iroquois Confederacy had a great impact in the war of the French and Indian war. The Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the colonies) lasted from 1756 to 1763, forming a chapter in the imperial struggle between Britain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For what we now know, the French and Indian war had impacted the relationship between the British and the Indians by the degradation through time change of betrayal amongst them. In the beginning, everything consist of loyalty, partnership, and alliances; turning this friendship into war, power, and hatred. It all started with the British giving supplies to the Indians as to the natives being already defeated by the French, looking to conquer. Later, creating a downfall in their relationship between the Indians and the British. The rising of disloyalty begins to appear (after the French and Indian war) through the commands of the Indians wanting to join alliances with the French to seek British destruction. Now let us take a step back through the beginnings of the British and Indians alliance. The initiation of this association was the thankful message from the Mohawk Indians accepting the weapons that the British gave them, using against the French. Before the French and Indian war, the Indians accepting the weapons that the British gave them, using it against the French, influenced the relationship between the British and the Natives. According to the account of conferences held between Major general Sir William Johnston and Indian nations in North America, Brother Warraghiyage and Canaghquayefon (Mohawk ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Righteous Mind I always knew I wanted to study political science, but seeing a divided family because of it, discouraged me from doing it. During the revolution, two great uncles were Contras and the other two siblings were Sandinistas. This was an important thing when taking into consideration my family s history. It took several sunday dinners to try and unite the siblings once again.When I was six I was already interested in Politics, I was the only child in the family at the time, so I was more like an adult, I heard the sunday conversations, I asked questions despite the several attempts to dismiss me for being too young. One great uncle would take me every month to the National Assembly, and I would see how they voted on legislations, I loved politics. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perhaps not on the controversial have sex with dead chicken questions, but with more day to day questions such as LGTB rights. Politics has an impact on the way you see things good or bad. I read the book while I traveled from here to D.C, in about hour and a half I had finished it. And I needed to talk to someone about it. It was so interesting and enriching that I was asphyxiated at the thought that it would be one more hour because I could tell my dad everything I had just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Rudd s Apology The media message which has been chosen is Kevin Rudd s Apology to Australia s Indigenous Peoples speech. On Wednesday the 12th of February 2008, Australia s prime minister, at the time, delivered an official apology to the Indigenous peoples who were taken from families and communities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in Australia. In this speech, Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister is giving a painstaking apology to the stolen generations and the aboriginals for their sorrow, pain and loss. After many years of suffering Rudd brings up this sensitive topic and is giving a speech with functions and effects which makes the intention of the speech reach the audience on a passionate way with strong feelings. The Sorry Speech was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just months after Kevin Rudd s apology in 2008, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly apologised to native Canadians for the long time government policy of taking aboriginal children away from their families and cultures. Just like Australia s Stolen Generation , from the 19th century until the late mid 1970s, more than 150,000 Canadian aboriginal children were required to attend state funded Christian schools as part of a program to strip them of their native culture and assimilate them into Canadian society. In the apology it was said, We now recognize that it was wrong to separate children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions, and that it created a void in many lives and communities and we apologize, (Cbsnews.com, 2015). Then in 2013, US Senators Dan Inouye, Byron Dorgan, Daniel Aka and Same Brownback championed a Joint Resolution in Congress the Apology to Native Peoples of the United States. American President, Barrack Obama when he was first re elected presidency acknowledged the importance of the Apology to Native Peoples and his support for it. He said, These cases serve as a reminder of the importance of not glossing over the past or ignoring the past, even as we work together to forge a brighter future. That s why, last year, I signed a resolution, passed by both parties in Congress, finally recognizing the sad and painful chapters in our shared history... (First Peoples Worldwide, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Dancing Is A Language And Physical And Mental Skills Dancing is a language, one anyone can read; however, the skill lies not in the ability to read, but in the passion to write. When people hear the word dance, more specifically ballet, they associate it with a stereotypical image of young girls prancing around in tutus, however, ballet goes beyond the scope society has set for it. Most individuals don t fully comprehend that ballet is a literacy practice with various skill sets. In Barton and Hamilton s Literary Practice they define a literacy practice as what people do with the literacy (3). To be a ballerina you have to be well versed in an assortment of instruction; from body, to technique, to language, to musicality, etc., ballet is a literacy practice that recognizes the extensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The body itself is the main artifact or text that needs to be understood. The ballet is not just a manner of linguistics, but the most classical branch of the language of dance, equivalent to the written and spoken language of poetry. The beauty of ballet is that it can capture an audience and tell a story simply through the movement of the body. John McConnell describes dance in his book, Ballet as Body Language, as a series of connected, meaningful movements which externalize inner feelings (1). They are storytellers who tell their stories through their body. Its refinement, grace and fortitude can be used to propel powerful messages in captivating ways that both the dancer and audience can relate to and understand. However, to be a ballerina and tell a story, you must have the ideal body to do so. A ballet physique is by no means perfect and indisputably not natural, but fostered for a specific practice that supports an undeniable regarded structure. Technically, balletic movement aims for weightlessness in the lifting of individuals or limbs, in jumps or leaps, and in creating clean lines. These specific necessities require an understanding for the body. In order to understand ones body, a ballerina must be educated, to a degree, in kinesiology (the scientific study of human movement). Although not all studios ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...