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English Vocabulary Words For
Essay Writing - Vocab
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English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab
Compare Indonesia And Australian Economy
Transcript: Comparison of the Australian and Indonesian economy
The role of an economy is to effectively make use of a countries resources, thus increasing economic
performance. If economic performance of a country was at a maximum, then the country would have
substantial wealth and therefore purchasing power, which would be available to spend on allocated
departments including: health, infrastructure and military, to name a few. A countries wealth gives an
indication of its living standards, with an increase in wealth it is probable that the living standards will
also increase simultaneously. Although the entirety of the concept of improving living standards is not
solely determined solely by a countries wealth. There are also a number of ... Show more content on
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Indonesia had a GDP of 868.3 billion international dollars (GDP of Indonesia, 2016) and a GDP per
capita of 3,475.25 international dollars in 2013 (GDP per capita, Indonesia, 2016). The GDP is
primarily used to indicate an economies performance, it is measured by Y = C + I + E + G, where Y =
GDP, C = Consumer Spending, I = Investment made by industry, E = Excess of Exports over Imports,
G = Government Spending (Birch T, 2016). The GDP per capita is calculated by the GDP of a country,
divided by the population of a country. The GDP and GDP per capita are very vital indicators of an
economies progress. A rise in GDP shows that there an increase of value in an economy or there is a
higher income or rise in expenditure which implies that there is a rise in the standard of living of the
citizens and due to rise in income there will be a higher spending on various goods and services like
healthcare, education, etc. Therefore as Australia s GDP is higher than Indonesia s there is an
indication of higher living
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Rights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents Essay
Finding the perfect mate, getting married, having children; as a child, many fantasize about the big
events to come in their adult life. How would you feel if those events weren t something that you
could experience because of government laws? Of the fifty states in the U.S., only six allow same sex
couples to get married, even fewer allow same sex couples their full rights as parents. State laws aren t
the only laws to blame; some federal laws also inhibit same sex marriage, benefits, adoption, and
parenting rights. There are even laws prohibiting same sex couples from becoming adoptive parents
altogether. Rights should not be limited because of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or creed;
that s discrimination. Same sex couples ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Cooper and Cates, the seven main anti gay parenting arguments are:
1. Kids need a mom and dad;
2. Gay people cannot provide stable homes;
3. Gay people pose a risk of child sex abuse;
4. Being raised by gay parents will cause kids to be gay;
5. Kids of gay parents will get picked on;
6. Studies on children of gay parents are flawed; and
7. Parenting by lesbians and gay men is a social experiment. (85 91)
The voices behind these arguments all have their justified reasons why each point is true, but the truth
is that each of these arguments have been fabricated based on stereotypes, personal opinions, and even
their own insecurities. Because of these arguments and others like it, same sex parents have been
stripped of basic parental rights and benefits that heterosexual parents receive.
Parental rights are things that rarely cross the minds of most heterosexual parents in America, until
they are in jeopardy of losing them. For same sex parents, parental rights are an everyday struggle for
equality. There are dozens of limitations for same sex parents. The most prominent are:
1. Bans and severe restrictions for gay and lesbian couples to adopt across the nation;
2. Children of same sex parents are not legally tied to both parents, because of this, children can be
separated from their surviving parent and home if their biological parent dies, even if
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Miscegenation In Othello Essay
In verifying how these attitudes pervade the play itself, Newman points out that fear of miscegenation
functions on two levels. Firstly Shakespeare uses the white man s fear of the union of black man and
white women (144) to generate the plot, and secondly through the binary opposition of black and
white characteristic of the plays discourse. To substantiate she quotes from the play: Black ram tups
white ewe and O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil. The last line illustrates what
Newman terms rhetorical miscegenation. Outlining the frequency with which black and white were
used to denote polarization during the Renaissance, (145) she comments on how the emphasis in
Othello of Desdemona as the idealisation of fair female ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, by her own account, her reading is also political in that it exposes the ideological
discourses which organise the text. She comments that poststructuralist approaches highlight that even
highly formalist readings are political, inscribed in the discourses both of the period in which the work
was produced and of those in which it is consumed. Newman references Derrida s work on racism and
in addition to employing deconstructionist discourse his influence can be seen in Newman s design.
Recognizing the binary opposition denoted by the polarization of Othello s blackness and Desdemona
s whiteness , Newman develops this to assimilate the implied opposition of monstrosity or
miscegenation represented by Othello and femininity represented by Desdemona. Deconstructive
discourse incorporates the notion that difference exists both between signified and signifier, and at the
same time that the signified defers meaning to the signifier. The role of the literary critic is seen as
seeking a slippage in the text, thereby denoting duplicity and revealing how the internal linguistic and
thematic rules are inexact. Newman finds this critical slippage in both Rymers Short view of Tragedy
(1693) and again in Ridley s criticism 250yrs later, to be the lapse from blackness to femininity.
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Persuasive Essay On Skin Cancer
The cause of skin cancer is, Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin
cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma later in life. As
the natural man we all consider ourselves invincible that is, until cancer strikes. Idaho has among the
highest rates of new melanoma diagnoses and deaths in the U.S. Prompting health officials to
encourage all Idahoans to protect themselves from sun exposure to prevent the potentially deadly
disease. In 2008 more than 1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer, making it the most
common of all cancers. About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their life. About 40 people
each year die in Idaho from this cancer.
People don t perceive that Idaho has a skin cancer problem, says Patti Moran, who manages the state s
Cancer Prevention and Control program. But the death and diagnoses rates are very telling. We know
that many Idahoans spend time in the sun taking advantage of our great outdoor recreation
opportunities. We re urging people to remember to protect their skin every time they go outside to
prevent skin cancer. Another thing that us as Idahoans do often are using tanning beds, something that
I am guilty of myself. It is so cold here for majority of the year that often times people resort to other
forms of sun, such as sun tanning beds, just to shed a little light on the cold winter days. Now that I
know the potential affects of getting a little
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Reflection Paper on Heard Around the Common
Reflection Paper on Heard Around the Common
I had a variety of goals for taking Designing and Producing Media for Education. First, I wanted to
learn theories of multimedia design, specifically for educational purposes, and then have the
opportunity to immediately apply those learnings to a hands on production process. Second, I wanted
the chance to interact with other educational media designers, such as Harvard s TIE students. While
there are many designers and media theorists at MIT, I don t have as many opportunities to interact
with those interested in education. I feel that in addition to learning by doing, it is also beneficial to
learn by closely observing others production processes and creative ... Show more content on
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I feel that my goals were met in both expected and unforeseen ways. First, the readings informed my
design choices how specifically I wanted to move my audience and what tactics and strategies I
needed to use to get them there. The Chris Dede article, Vignettes about the Future of Learning
Technologies, helped me conceptualize how people would use mobile technology, and how using a
handheld device could change the way a person interacts with space and receives information. I also
used the case study, What I Learned Doing a Multimedia Project on the French Revolution, to see how
another designer thought through her project, and handled financial and time constraints. The readings
on being culturally sensitive, and including other viewpoints into one s work, helped me think about
how to incorporate diverse perspectives in my project, and encouraged me to believe in my original
goal of including multiple points of view. I also enjoyed applying the strategies that Hampe illustrates
in his documentary guide to design projects outside of the class. For example, I used his section on
interview techniques to help me with the interviews I conducted for a documentary on a group of Blue
Hill, Maine residents who had made a Super 8 film when they were in high school.
I also found that some outside readings assisted me with some of my
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Descriptive Essay About A Puppy
Running faster than the speed of light, a cute puppy came rushing toward me as we were playing in
the backyard. With no intention of stopping, the biggest puppy I ve ever seen in my life ran head first
hitting the top of my mouth¬―chipping my tooth. The puppy s name was Bruno. A big brown playful
puppy with a line of white fur running from the middle of his eyes to the top of his nose on his face. I
loved Bruno, but he was not the first pitbull puppy that I ve had.
When I was in Idyllwild on a family trip to play in the snow one day, we stopped at a convenience
store to get something to snack on and drink. When we walked inside there was a man walking around
trying to sell a pitbull puppy with faint black spots hidden behind his fuzzy white fur. It was close to
my step brother s birthday at the time, and he wanted the puppy as an early birthday present. My step
brother, Nathaniel, wasn t the only one who wanted that puppy. In truth, the rest of my family on this
trip also wanted the puppy. As we left Idyllwild that day, we left with one more puppy than we came
with. At the time, the puppy s name was Carlitos, but we decided to name him Rosco instead.
Rosco rarely wanted to play with me because he loved my step brother so much more than he did me,
or anyone else for that matter. In fact, Nathaniel was the only person who Rosco would run around
and jump on whenever he was in his presence. I wished that Rosco would play with me just as much
as he did with my step brother, but
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The Stamp Act Analysis
Hello, Your Majesty. We think highly of you and never would want to question your rules and laws,
but just to add suggestions and a different point of view from the receiver.
We, my family and friends, have written to you today to show our concerns and point of view of the
new laws and acts and to hopefully give you a broader outlook of this struggling situation.
The first act would be the Quartering Act. This act is where we, as the colonists, have to provide food,
shelter, and bed for your soldiers and if the British soldiers do not have enough houses they have to
stay in barns, buildings, and inns, which leads to the fact that almost every home is filled with
soldiers. Sometimes we can feel a little over powered and we feel that they should ... Show more
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Please do not get frustrated because we really just want to be reasonable and have a small amount of
conflict between us. The Intolerable Acts were passed when we upset You with the Boston Tea Party.
Then you were very upset and angry with us and so to punish us you passed the set of 5 laws. Some of
the laws were that the Boston Port was closed until we paid for all of the tea, the governor could ban
town meetings, and the quartering act. We realize that we have done wrong, but we are concerned
because there are people out there who want to fight and want no peace, so that we can have
independence, and if you keep passing laws such as these we don t think it will end very well. These
acts take away are freedom and we are feeling controlled by you, but we believe that you should still
have say but please give us
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Rosalie Baker
Music 120 Online #2745
November 30, 2014
On November 20, 2014, I had an opportunity to watch a concert entitled Autumn Winds at Colburn
School in Downtown Los Angeles. It was part of a monthly concert series Rush Hour Concerts at
Colburn hosted by Gibson Dunn. Gibson Dunn is a prominent law firm whose active involvement in
the community expands to all various arenas of the society through their leadership and services. Rush
Hour Concert is held monthly at Thayer Hall in Colburn School located at 200 South Grand Avenue
diagonally across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Rush Hour Concert encourages the commuters
to avoid traffic with this program to unwind after a long days of work with a wine reception at 5:30
pm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This piece evoked an uncomfortable feeling inside me, sort of giving a music background to my
emotions when I am uneasy, frantic, loosing my sense of direction. I personally would not select this
music to unwind after a long day at work. The fourth was selections from Divertissement for Oboe,
Clarinet, and Bassoon (1927) composed by Erwin Schulhoff, three movements were played. The
Charleston: Allegro began with a brigh tone, upbeat rhythm, producing dance to the beat of the music.
The second movement, Romancero: Andantino sounded playful, with the individual instruments
playing consecutively in the introduction playing the same note. The tempo is more andantino, relaxed
and mezzo forte. The last movement was the Rondo Finale: Molto Allegro con fuoco, it featured a
lively theme, faster tempo (prestissimo), many repeated tones playful notes with all instruments, and
concluded fortissimo rushing at the end. The fifth piece was Suite d aprés Corrette, by Darius
Milhaud. This had four movements included in the program, Entree et Rondeau, Tambourin, Musette
and Le Coucou. Each of the four movements had very playful melody. Darius Milhaud, One of France
s leading composer of the 20th century. He was born to a Jewish family in Aix en Provence. His
parents Jewish family line came from
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Disney Princess
One of the biggest sources for concern when it comes to Disney is its merchandize. Multiple authors
have commented on the harmfulness presented in Disney s products. a frequent target of criticism is
directed strictly at the franchise known as the Disney Princesses. This line of products themed after
eleven of the most iconic Disney heroines was first introduced to consumers by Andy Mooney in 2001
(Orenstein, 22). In her book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the
New Girlie Girl Culture, Peggy Orenstein often mentions her aversion to the overly feminine princess
themed items that constantly surround her. One particular kind of product seemed to stand out to her
more than others: the princess costumes. In the chapter, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If the user clicks on one of the princesses, not much seems to have changed since Sweeney wrote her
article. The user is still largely restricted in the choices that they can make. Most of the games either
involve helping the princess complete a task or dressing the princesses up with predesigned outfits.
The restriction of choice still encourages passiveness within the children who visit the site. Scrolling
further down each princess page, Disney s advertisement of their own products can be seen. The first
item for every princess is a dress up outfit by each of the princesses, with ten of the eleven princesses
having a costume inspired by their own gowns as the first product. Ariel is the one exception for not
having a dress up outfit based off of her own design as her first product, but it still shows up as one of
the first few items. The dress up games that appear on about half of the princesses pages along with
the strong promotion of the dress up outfits still associates being a princess with external beauty,
something that the Princess movies themselves have not done since Sleeping Beauty in
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The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittsman Sparknotes
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman begins with a note from the editor, who is a local
schoolteacher near the plantation where Jane Pittman lives. He has long been trying to hear her story,
and, beginning in the summer of 1962, she finally tells it to him. When her memory lapses, her
acquaintances help fill in the spaces. The recorded tale, with editing, then becomes The
Autobiography of Miss Jane.
Jane Pittman is born into slavery on a plantation somewhere in Louisiana. Jane is called quot;Ticey
quot; during her days as a slave and has no parents; her mother died as a result of a beating when Jane
was a child, and Jane did not know her father. Until she is around nine, Jane works in the Big House
caring for the white children. One ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Life on Mr. Bone s plantation initially is good with a colored schoolteacher and a political scene still
monitored by Republicans from the north. Then the original owner of the plantation, Colonel Dye,
buys it back (with money borrowed from Yankees). Life reverts back to almost how it was before
slavery, with segregation and violence against blacks who step out of line. The blacks start fleeing
north because of the worsening conditions. Initially the whites do not care, but soon they try to stop
the flight. Ned, who is now almost seventeen, joins a committee that helps blacks leave. Colonel Dye
warns Jane that Ned must stop, but when he will not, Ku Klux Klan members arrive at Jane s house.
Ned is not home when they come and is able to flee the plantation later that night. Jane does not want
to leave her secure life, so they separate with sadness. Ned goes to Kansas, gets an education, and
eventually joins the U.S. Army to fight in Cuba. Jane soon marries Joe Pittman (without an official
ceremony). Despite Colonel Dye s attempts to keep them, Joe and Jane soon move to a ranch near the
Texas Louisiana border where Joe has found a job breaking horses.
Joe and Jane live at the new ranch for many years, but as they age Jane becomes increasingly worried
about Joe getting hurt in his work. One of her recurring dreams depicts him being thrown from a
horse. Soon after, Jane sees a black stallion in a corral that is
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Simone De Beauvoir And Frantz Fanon
Simone de Beauvoir and Frantz Fanon were both interested in the experiences of marginalized groups,
women and black men respectively. In The Second Sex, De Beauvoir discusses the history of
domination women have experienced at the hands of the superior group, men. In Black Skin, White
Masks, Fanon explains and analyzes the experiences of black men in the wake of colonialism and up
to modern times. Both authors not only address the ways in which women and black men are
dominated by others, but also the ways in which the oppressed group participates, often unknowingly,
in the systems of their own domination. According to De Beauvoir, women participate in their own
domination by embracing the benefits given to them by men, by fulfilling expectations ... Show more
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From birth, girls are taught that they are to act a certain way, and when they become women, they
perpetuate these norms by fulfilling them. We are exhorted to be women, remain women, become
women... , De Beauvoir writes, ...it would appear, then, that every female human being is not
necessarily a woman; to be so considered she must share in that mysterious and threatened reality
known as femininity . This femininity makes a female person a woman. For example, [a woman] must
become a passive thing, a promise of submission and, conversely, if [a woman] is proud and
demanding, woman meets the male as an adversary and is decidedly not feminine. Shut up in her
flesh, her home, she sees herself as passive before these gods with human faces who set goals and
establish values , and this acceptance and participation in traditional femininity perpetuates societal
beliefs that women, or at least acceptable women, are inferior naturally. By doing this, women
participate in the continuation of their domination by men, who society believes are more naturally
suited for superiority. Furthermore, The woman that does not conform devalues herself sexually, and
hence socially, since sexual values are an integral feature of society . This quote shows that, according
to De Beauvoir, women have little
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Vygotsky And The Social Development Theory
Lev Vygotsky and the Social Development Theory Born on November 17, 1896 in Orsha, Russia, Lev
Vygotsky entered into a well educated. (Ghassemzadeh, Posner, Rothbart, 2013, p. 293). Having a
banker as a father, Vygotsky was given the privilege of private tutors while young. (Jones, 2003). He
went on to study human development at Moscow University and Shanyavsky Open University, and
later became a psychologist. (Cherry, n.d.). Vygotsky helped to create an approach to how the human
mind is developed, and its higher functions. He felt that interaction with people and one s culture
heavily influenced how a person s behavior and the mind are shaped. Vygotsky s view focused on the
socialization by parents, peers, and society through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Gallagher, 1999). Collaborative learning refers to a group of students who work together to learn and
understand a new skill. (Gallagher, 1999).
The Social Development theory consists of four basic principles:
1. Children construct their knowledge
2. Development cannot be separated from its social context
3. Learning can lead to development
4. Language plays a central role in mental development
(Gallagher, 1999).
The first principle deals with the idea that children will actually talk it out to themselves, or use what
Gallagher (1999) referred to as private speech . For example, if a problem arises that is too difficult for
the child to understand, he/she may talk to him/herself to plan out the steps that they will take to solve
the problem. (Gallagher, 1999). The second principle deals with the idea that cognitive development
depends on the child s interaction with people and their culture to stimulate growth in the child s
thought and behavior processes. (Keritsis, n.d.). The third principle centers around the idea Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD) (Gallagher, 1999).; the zone of proximal development refers to a
situation where a child has a problem that is too difficult for them to solve on by themselves; however,
the child is able to solve the problem when given guidance and encouragement by someone who
knows more about the problem the child is working on (More Knowledgeable Other
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The Things They Carried
Spring Book Review In The Things They Carried, Tim O Brien tells the tale of not about war, but
rather about war s effect on one s mentality. Ultimately, this novel is built on a foundation of the items
that the soldiers of the Vietnam War carried. Whether it was the way Jimmy Cross uses the pebble to
escape from his duties as a soldier or when Norman Bowker realizes that courage comes form within,
not from receiving a Silver Star; O Brien uses baggage as a symbol throughout the book to teach that
war does in fact change people. These possessions were not just materialistic, they made up the
soldiers attributes, made up the soldiers persona and made up the soldier. In the beginning of the story
we are introduced to Lieutenant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It makes things vivid. When you re afraid, really afraid, you see things you never saw before, you pay
attention to the world. You make close friends. You become part of a tribe and you share the same
blood you give it together, you take it together. (O Brien, 220)
An underlying of this book is the value of friendship. The bond that these men formed with each other
in the heat of battle is incomprehensible to those who have not experienced warfare for themselves. It
helped them to survive, exclude anyone who was outside their group, and help the men of Alpha
Company to cope with the war after they returned to the United States. Without the bonds of
friendship, none of the men of Alpha Company would have survived mentally or physically the strains
and trauma of the Vietnam War.
The Things They Carried takes place during the late 1960s and 1980s. The end of the play is set in
Massachusetts, while the rest of the book focuses on Vietnam. The setting is a significant part of the
story because it is during the Vietnam War and is central to the story. This aspect of the novel is what
makes it significant to American history. In The Things They Carried, it brought to the attention of
readers what the soldiers carried with them to shield off illness, stay warm, protect their comrades, to
kill the enemy s soldiers and to remember their loved ones at home. For example Kiowa always took
along his New Testament and a pair of moccasins for silence. Cross would
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Why Is Marriage Important In The Great Gatsby
When people think of marriage they think of this happily ever after story but in reality marriage isn t
always rainbows and butterflies. Marriage doesn t always end like how it does in the movies. There is
so much work that is put into a marriage as in being faithful, loyal, and honest..Communication is key
to any relationship or marriage. Marriage is not 50/20, one person can not put in all the effort into a
marriage for it to be successful. Both people have to fight in order to keep their marriage from failing.
The Great Gatsby clearly demonstrates the marriage isn t perfect through the conflicts each married
couple faces throughout the book. The Great Gatsby suggest that love isn t always as perfect as it
seems to be. In the Great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the article of Why Most Marriages fail the author states, Without proper communication, conflict
resolution becomes a difficult issue. (McNicholl) When you don t communicate with your significant
other and there is tension or any type of conflict if you hold it back and don t talk about it later on it
will be more difficult to come to a solution on how to prevent it from happening again. In fact, the
author also states, If one or both partners lack effective communication skills it becomes difficult to
Resolve arguments because the couple is not able to understand each other s point of view .
(McNicholl) By not talking about the things that bother you to your significant other it s hard for each
you to see where your coming from. If your partner understands what exactly it is that bothering you
then they know how to prevent themselves or fix it if it were to happen once again. Finally the author
concludes, If the marriage is already in trouble, both partners in the marriage must be dedicated to
working on their communication skills in order to improve or salvage their marriage. (McNicholl)
Both partners need to be willing to put in the work to improve their communication skills in order to
save there marriage if there are any conflicts in the marriage. Without communication the marriage
will continue to take it s turn for the worst. Both of you need to want to improve your communication
skills and to want to
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Residential Solar Power
Advantages and disadvantages of Residential Solar power System
Whether you are an advocate of clean power or just appreciate where your financial resources go,
considering the advantages and disadvantages of residential solar power system will certainly aid you
decide on whether to convert or otherwise.
Taking a look at the current rate of fossil fuel based power, it is fairly not practical to exchange solar
power system. Nonetheless, with the growing concern on the state of the earth, there is really a should
find various other means of power other than just what nuclear power plant are making use of right
now. Where do you place on your own?
Utilizing the power of the sun s ray to create energy to power our house is really appealing. Yet the
inquiry is, Is whatever about solar power good?
Solar energy is clean, eco friendly and also sustainable. Due to the fact that the energy produced from
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Solar panels could be set up on many roofs, eliminating the problem of discovering an ideal area for
setup. Photovoltaic panel require little or no upkeep. The original solar batteries modern technology is
utilized for the majority of satellites orbiting our planet today which are not kept at all. Numerous
solar panel producers offer 25 to 40 years service warranty on their items.
Solar energy is totally free. Did you know that the earth takes in 174 pettawatts of solar radiation?
This implies that we have more than enough resource of free power to power every home in the world.
Regrettably, the majority of our energy is still drawn from oil, gas as well as coal. However over the
last few years, there is a constant rise of demand for different as well as renewable energy like solar
energy. It is approximated that the demand for different sources of power will boost by 53% between
1999 as well as
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Trail Of Tears Term Papers
The law required the government to negotiate the removal treaties voluntarily, Peacefully, and fairly. It
did not allow the president or anyone else to force the Native nations into giving up their land.
However, President Jackson generally ignored the law and forced Native Americans to abandon lands.
In the winter of 1831, under threat of raid by the U.S. Army, the Choctaw became the first nation to be
dislodged from their land altogether. They made the long and treacherous journey to Indian territory
on foot (some marched in a consecutive line while being bound in chains, one historian writes) and the
native would go without any food, supplies or help from the government. Thousands of people died on
the journey. It was, one Choctaw leader that told an Alabama newspaper, it was a trail of tears and
death. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another leader of the Cherokees , Major Ridge, believed that they would move or die fighting the
more vigorous Americans. So, Ridge went to Washington and negotiated a treaty that would sell the
Cherokee lands for $5 million ( History. ), and compensation for lost property Trail of Tears. (
History.com. A E Television Networks.) It was signed by about 100 Cherokees known as the Treaty
Party, surrender all lands east of the Mississippi River in exchange for land in Indian Territory and the
promise of money, livestock, various provisions, tools and other benefits. ( A Brief History ) Many of
the Cherokees felt betrayed, but to the government it was already a done
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An Investigation Into Response For Disaster Using...
An Investigation into Response to Disaster Using Qualitative Methods
This study investigated the accounts of individuals involved in the London underground bombings in
2005. Throughout this investigation, thematic analysis was conducted on six eyewitness accounts,
highlighting their feelings and actions, which came about as a result of the incident. From these
accounts I obtained 4 key themes, which were consistent components of the six accounts. Evidently, I
found that the two most common themes were helping behaviour and the panic myth. This was rather
unexpected, as initially, I expected to find irrational and helpless behaviour, due to the panic and stress
of being trapped in a bombed underground. To conclude, the investigation illuminated the concept of
helping others before helping ones self. Thus, contradicting the concept of survival of the fittest, as in
this case the fittest were those who took it upon themselves to assist other passengers in need.
Therefore, highlighting the power of empathy which was risen with experiencing the disaster.
Terrorist attacks are a consistent global occurrence.The 2005 London underground bombings was an
attack which caused largest mass fatality occurrence in the UK since World War 2. As a result the
comfort and use of public transport in the UK was greatly impacted. Research into the fatalities and
physical repercussions of tragedies are amplified globally. For instance it is considered factual that the
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Sigmund Freud Research Paper
Sigmund Freud is a timeless figure in psychology. To this day, his work of psychoanalysis is still
mentioned and dream analysis and so much more are still used. Even though many people may have
argued that Freud was crazy himself, he was one of the most influential psychologist known all around
the world. However controversial, Freud sums up his works to be a sort of sexual complex such as the
Oedipus and the Electra complex. The way he was raised and the relationships he had with his family
plays a great impact on his work throughout his years. If it were not for his life experiences, Freud
would not be as iconic as he is today. Freud was the oldest of eight children from his mother and
father. However, he had two older brothers from his father s previous marriage. Young Freud became
the focus of his mother s most extravagant hopes... ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sigmund Freud was without a doubt the main focus in his mother s life compared to the other
children. When he complained that his sister s piano playing interfered with his concentration, his
mother stopped the piano lessons (Grubin, 2002). Freud s mother knew he was destined for something
great at an early age. Freud has a lot of research and theories dealing with the relationship between
him and his mother that shows their intimacy. Grubin (2002) noted that his mother gave him the
nickname Golden Siggie . With a nickname like that it showed how much trust and faith his mother
had for him regarding his success. Out of all the children that lived in the Freudian household,
Sigmund was the only one who grew up with his own room, because he needed his own space to
study. Although Freud received special treatment
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Similarities Between Democratic And Republican Parties
The Democratic and Republican parties each represent very distinct sets of ideals. Although the parties
have strong differences, both aim to make the United States of America as successful as possible. One
link between the two parties is that both believe in following the rules. This is displayed in the
Preamble to the Republican Platform when it states, any American who works hard, dreams big and
follows the rules can achieve anything he or she wants (GOP). Likewise, the Democratic Party
believes that the United States succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair
share, when everyone plays by the same rules (Democrats.org). Thus, the Republican and Democratic
parties share one main ideal. Indeed, Republicans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Democratic Party claims that the Affordable Health Care Act will eliminate all discrimination for
pre existing conditions, start the process of expanding health insurance coverage for an additional 32
million Americans, and provide the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history
(Democrats.org). According to Republicans, this act adversely affects relationships between doctors
and their patients, diminishes competition among insurance providers, and harms the value of the care
(GOP). Thus, the Affordable Health Care Act is a controversial topic among the
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Mobile Banking
Yu: Factors Affecting Individuals to Adopt Mobile Banking
Chian Son Yu Department of Information Technology and Management Shih Chien University # 70,
DaZhi Street, Taipei, Taiwan csyu@mail.usc.edu.tw
ABSTRACT Fast advances in the wireless technology and the intensive penetration of cell phones
have motivated banks to spend large budget on building mobile banking systems, but the adoption rate
of mobile banking is still underused than expected. Therefore, research to enrich current knowledge
about what affects individuals to use mobile banking is required. Consequently, this study employs the
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[2011] pointed out that main customer segments of mobile and Internet banking were not necessarily
the same, which might explain why Sadi et al. [2010] distinguished mobile commerce from other
electronic commerce.
Page 104
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 13, NO 2, 2012
Therefore, compared to huge online banking studies and relative few research available to help banks
understand the adoption of mobile banking [Suoranta Mattila 2003; Laukkanen Pasanen 2008; Puschel
et al. 2010], more studies to investigate what influences people to adopt mobile banking are necessary
and demanded. Given that the chance of success in introducing a new product or service is highly
related to the depth of understanding of what influences consumers to adopt this new product or
service, this study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with
age and gender as moderating effects to elaborately investigate what affecting individuals to adopt
mobile banking. The findings culled from this research can help banks execute intricate marketing
campaigns and customize service options to cater to specific customer segments in the context of
electronic banking. 2. Literature Review Literature reveals that abundant research on electronic
banking has focused on Internet banking (also called online banking), whereas research focusing on
mobile banking is relative little and receives underrated attention [Suorantia Mattila 2004; Laukkanen
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Becoming A Pediatric Surgeon Essay
Choosing the right career can be extremely difficult. It s important that you understand the educational
and skill requirements, along with the salary and benefits offered for each profession you re
considering. Researching careers can help determine the type of direction you want to head after high
school and throughout college.
A pediatric surgeon specializes in the care of children ages 1 18. If a child becomes ill or has a disease
that requires surgery, pediatric surgeons have the special qualifications required to perform on
children. Pediatric surgeons are trained to operate on any part of a child s body between the neck and
pelvic region. Specific duties include diagnosing diseases and providing operative care. Since
pediatric patients mainly consist of children accuracy is very important when operating, ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The minimum educational requirement is four years at a university and an additional four years of
medical school. There are many courses you can take during your four years in a university to help
prep you on your path of becoming a surgeon, such as majoring in pre med, health sciences, and
nursing. After medical school, it s required that you have at least five years of experience in general
surgery, and an additional two years of residency training. Subsequently, each and every pediatric
surgeon must obtain a certification by the American Board of Surgery.
Pediatric surgeons make roughly $407,866 a year in the state of Florida. Annual salaries generally
range from about $329,526 to $510,869 n not including benefits. Depending on your skills and the
amount of time you ve work at a hospital, you could make more than average range. Standard benefits
that may be included is insurance (medical, dental, life, malpractice), paid time off, worker s
compensation, and a retirement plan. In order to receive these benefits, you must complete your
residency at one specific
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Organismal Biology
Organismal biology is the study of structure, function, ecology, and evolution at the level of the
organism. An understanding of the biology of animals and plants allows for a better prediction of
impacts on these organisms from human activity. Having a biological understanding of these
organisms also allows for better conservation practices. Organismal biology will allow me to have in
depth knowledge of species behavior, physiology, and evolutionary history, which is essential
information when making management and conservation plans for specific species. Understanding the
genetic structure and background, and evolutionary history of species and populations allows for a
better understanding of patterns of dispersal, and allows predictions to be made about how species will
react to future environmental threats such as climate change.
Ecology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Understanding how organisms interact with each other and their ecosystems is an important aspect of
conservation. Ecology will include the ecology of a diversity of species and environments such as
wildlife ecology and freshwater ecology. An understanding of ecology allows for better management
of human impacts on the environment. Ecology also provides necessary conservation tools such as
ways to model and organize ecosystems, which is necessary for areas such as wildlife management.
Ecology will allow me to understand the dispersal, migration, and population dynamics of species;
having an understanding of ecology is essential when working to create solutions for environmental
problems that species face, for example, in stabilizing populations of endangered
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Like A Spell Analysis
An anthology of gay male fantasy erotica. For the Like a Spell anthology, we asked writers to
challenge the traditional tropes and send us something new original stories of magic users, interesting
twists on the typical sorcerers and mages. The response was overwhelming and exciting, and we
decided to publish four separate anthologies, using the theme of classical elements (earth, air, fire, and
water) as the focus for each collection. For the fire anthology, we ve focused on stories portraying the
love between men. Fire equals passion and heat, the all encompassing flames of male desire. Think of
the fire gods Ra and Vulcan, Agni and Xiuhtecuhtli, embodying strength, ferocity, and power. In
Passage, Performance, Passion, Avery Vanderlyle
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Barefoot Research Paper
Remember the carefree days you spent as a kid running barefoot in the grass? Or the feel of sand
between your toes as you built sandcastles on the beach during summer vacation? For many kids, this
carefree time was often interrupted by parental figures proclaiming the need for footwear. Mom and
dad had a point. After all footwear, for the most part, is made to protect the feet from dangerous stuff
like sharp objects and abrasive surfaces. But as it turns out, going barefoot also has a plethora of
health benefits from preventing leg and foot injuries to reducing insomnia and easing stress.
Do we even need shoes?
Here s a shocker, our feet were actually designed to function without shoes. For centuries humans
have gone barefoot. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sorry but you wouldn t get the same grounding effect by bringing sand home and playing in a
sandbox. (research this)But if you live on or near the beach this may be your top pick over the others
on this list. Take a romantic walk with that special someone, go for a run, or build sandcastles. It
doesn t matter what you do as long as those feet are bare.
o Grass Take your shoes of and let those little piggies revel in the feel of grass and earth. Plus,
barefoot grounding is a great stress reliever (link). Perfect after a hard days freelancing.
o Ceramic titles Keep in mind that ceramic titles that sit on wood or vinyl, are not good conductors.
Instead, make sure ceramic tiles sit in a concrete slap or in the ground. Also, ceramic title that have a
glazed surface can also stop conductivity.
o Non painted concrete and brick are also good grounding surfaces.
Faux Grounding Surfaces include asphalt, wood, rubber and plastic. These materials interferes with
the flow of negative electrons. Oddly enough, rubber, plastic and wood (sandals) are primary materials
in modern day shoes. No wonder there s no proper grounding when we wear shoes.
Ground yourself, even when the weather outside isn t
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Home Schooling Education
Homeschooling is the education of children at home, usually taught by a parent or tutor, rather than in
public or private school. Homeschooling is an option for families living in isolated rural locations,
living temporarily abroad, or families who travel often. This method of education is growing around
the world. Homeschools use different educational methods such as: Unit Studies, All in One Curricula,
Natural Learning, and Autonomous Learning. In the Unit Studies method multiple subjects are studied
in relation to a single topic. The All in One Curricula is another method in which the curriculum and
homework of the student are similar or identical to the curriculum at a public or private school.
Natural Learning is a method where children follow knowledge based on their interest and the parents
take part in their learning activities. In the Autonomous Learning method, the child is responsible for
their own learning environment. Parents give different reasons for choosing to homeschool their
children. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the three reasons parents chose
homeschooling were: their concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral
instruction, and unhappiness with the curriculum available at other schools (Gaither 1).
Homeschooling happened because of the changes in public school and in families. Public schools
grew larger and the schools began to add offensive courses to their curriculum. Milton Gaither states,
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Wechsler Intelligence Scale
Test Description
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC V) is an individually administered
intelligence test for children ages 6 16 that provides a measure of a child s overall cognitive ability
and patterns of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The WISC V comprises is comprised of five
fundamental indexes: Visual Spatial, Verbal Comprehension, Working Memory, Processing Speed, and
Fluid Reasoning. These are five index scores are combined in order to obtain the Full Scale
Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ). There are additionally five ancillary indexes: Auditory Working
Memory, Quantitative Reasoning, Cognitive Proficiency, General Ability, Nonverbal, and three other
complementary indexes, which include Storage and Retrieval, Symbol Translation, and Naming
The primary and secondary subtests within these indexes are on a scaled score metric with a mean of
10 and a standard deviation (SD) of 3. These subtest scores range from 1 to 19, with scores between 8
and 12 typically considered average. The standard scores on these indexes and the FSIQ have a mean
(average) of 100 and a standard deviation (variability around the mean) of 10. Scores ranging from 90
109 are considered Average; scores ranging from 80 89 are Low Average; scores ranging from 70 79
are classified as Very Low, and scores of 69 and below are considered Extremely Low. Scores ranging
from 110 119 are High Average; scores between 120 and 129 are considered Very High, and scores of
131 and above are considered Extremely High. All composite score ranges and descriptive
classifications can be found below.
Composite Score Range WISC V Descriptive Classification
130 and above Extremely High
120 129 Very High
110 119 High Average
90 109 Average
80 89 Low Average
70 79 Very Low
69 and below Extremely Low
Test Observations
Andrew was administered the WISC V on 06/11/2017. Rapport was quickly established with Andrew.
Throughout, Andrew demonstrated an energy level that is typical for his age. Andrew was confident in
his responses. He demonstrated a clear understanding of the directions for all administered subtests.
Andrew was very focused and motivated to perform well on all tasks presented to him. Generally,
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The Attack Of Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941 the world was embroiled into the attack of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan
attacked Pearl Harbor with their ally, Nazi Germany. It started with Japan being a bit suspicious and
not so thrilled with the Treaty of Versailles as it was seen as a way to keep everything in ship shape
even if there were some disagreements in the world. The attack of Pearl Harbor could have been
prevented if America had not forced them to trade, had not moved the Pacific Fleet in California, and
by not provoking them by doing terrible things to Japan. To start off, the attack could have been
prevented if America did not force them to trade. In document B it states, Japan believed in
isolationism until pressured by the United States to open ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In document C, it says President Roosevelt moves US Pacific fleet from California to Pearl Harbor .
This was on the timeline in 1940. Also on the timeline just one year later was the attack on Pearl
Harbor. This proves that by them moving the Fleet it helped them be able to attack because it was
even closer to them now, and at easy reach. In document E it reads How can we let the United States
do as she pleases, even though there is some uneasiness? This shows how Japan infact did have a
problem with America s behavior and was trying to stop it, because it was not fair for them. Overall, if
America had kept their Pacific Fleet in the same place, it would have been harder for Japan to start
war with them and actually fulfil their wishes of not having America controlling them with such things
as trade, and actually much more... Some people might say the war couldn t be stopped because Japan
already had a lot on western imperialism, however, sure they did not agree with it but they wanted to
stay pure and isolated, so they didn t really care what was happening outside of Japan. Once again,
document B states, Japan believed in isolationism until pressured by the United States to open itself up
to trade . America caused Japan to be disrupted and brought the war on themselves. To conclude, if
The U.S. didn t mess with Japan to start off, there wouldn t have been a war because Japan did not
care about the United States until then.
Lastly, if America stopped
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Community Analysis for Homeless Families Essay
Listening to the evening news, it takes little imagination to figure out many families are in trouble.
The National Coalition for the Homeless estimate that on any given night in the United States of
America, there are seven hundred thousand people on the streets and without shelter (National
Coalition for the Homeless, 2010). Within this analysis for the homeless, let us consider families,
residing in Independence,
Missouri. The problem outlined, in an article by James Evertt, in the Independence Examiner, quotes
Larry Blick, a former Independence City Manager, putting the number of homeless students in the
district at five hundred sixteen. Evertt goes on to share a comment by, Cathy Asher, shelter director of
Salvation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many cities have outlawed begging and loitering in public areas. She quoted the New York Times as
stating that the concern over tourism, sanitation, and business as the force behind criminalization of
homelessness. Having a large homeless population gives the impression that the area is unsafe and
negatively affects the quality of life (More, 2010). Independence needs to be proactive and do more to
insure that there are no homeless families within our city, not by making homelessness illegal but by
providing safe affordable homes and programs to help families regain their status as tax paying
citizens. The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers
would place homeless people in foreclosed homes. To be eligible for a home, the applicant, a family or
single person, would need to submit a homeless letter and a history of homelessness. The history
would be important as chronic homelessness may indicate counseling or evidence that a mental
evaluation may be in order. Applicants that are able to benefit from job training would receive reduced
rent and utilities during the training. The same reductions would apply for college classes. Work on
their home or on another home in the program would earn points. Training classes on home
maintenance and upkeep could earn points. Attending budgeting classes or providing childcare for
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The Prospect Theory Paper
If you were given the opportunity to make the decision of receiving $5000 with 100% certainty or the
option with a 50% chanced of receiving $7000, what would you do? According to the Prospect
Theory, people generally select the option of winning the $5000 where there is absolute certainty of a
gain, over the option that is only half as certain. The Prospect Theory was first introduced by
psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the late 1970 s and was further developed into
the early 1990 s after years of research. Essentially, this is an expressive theoretical model that is to be
applied to humans, that describes our behaviors and abilities to make decisions under certain
circumstances. And, is comprised of the uncertainty or certainty ... Show more content on
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We tend to ignore the final outcome of a decision and focus on the certainty or uncertainty of it. The
value we place on winning and losing vary, which is what the Prospect Theory suggests. The Prospect
Theory is a model that psychologists created to explain our behavior when it comes to decision
making and how we make decisions. Typically, if a decision has to do with a gain, people will lean
towards the most certain option because they may fear that if they selected the other option that would
be disappointed. On the other hand, decisions that have to do with loses are seen as the opposite by the
majority of people. This is because we feel more risky when selecting the uncertain option over the
certain option because we are trying to avoid a significant loss. The Prospect Theory provides an
explanation on how people make choices under strained conditions of gains and losses in their
applications of the real
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John Locke Unspoken Contract Essay
Winder Perez
Option #1
The Unspoken/Unwritten contract of Mankind
Is there an unwritten rule or acknowledgement between mankind in which we have agreed to a
disproportionate and unequal amount of earthly possessions? Or have we been coerced by our
ancestors through rules and laws of society that have been forgotten through time? John Locke a
rational and just man who usually battles his arguments with morals and logic speaks in his treatise
chapter V about God. John Locke opens the chapter speaking about equality and that God gave the
earth to the children of man therefore no one was granted more than the other. Locke took his stance
on the appropriation of lands and earthly possessions. Locke proposed the theory of labor. Locke s ...
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Claiming that it is acceptable to own more than one s labor can service as long as that perishable is
bartered for money (non perishable). Like this, Locke realizes the unspoken contract between
mankind. Indeed one can have a disproportionate and unequal possession of the earth by agreeing to
use gold and silver. Since everyone agrees to use currency inequality becomes fair and just due to the
fact that a man s worth is determined by his labor. Locke believed that bartering for goods with money
was presumably prejudiced, and voluntary because both sides would have something to gain. A
famous saying silence is consent has also lead me to believe that throughout time some became more
entitled to more than others. With a vast quantity of land per capita some found themselves acquiring
more just because they could. Others allowed it therefore if it was accepted.
But many questions are still unanswered. If we can accumulate as much money without causing others
poverty are those who are poor entitled to my money? According to Locke s view if we did not cause
that persons poverty we are not responsible for their suffering. A catch 22 indeed though we did not
cause the persons suffering, it is the same that we did nothing to stop it. This is a question of ethics
John Locke overlooked. It is a question of ethic though helping a person who is in need can be
debatable, is helping a person who is condemned to death by hunger
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King Galahor Get His Name Analysis
The year was 1275 of the Third Age when the dark sorcerer Mondain and his students slew Emperor
Vaserd Atridius and his entire line of heirs; leaving the northern empire of Budalia in shambles. Seven
warriors from each of the seven provinces of the old empire banded together and destroyed Mondain
and his vile legion. The seven warriors then divided his magic rod into seven parts, to be distributed
among them evenly so that no one person may ever claim them and cause disparity to the world ever
again. The descendents of these seven would be known as the kings of what were once the provinces
of Budalia, now separate nations who unite under a sacred pact forged by their forefathers. And so it is
written that the Pact of the Seven shall unite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clerics and healers from all over Sosaria and the neighboring isles have come to see him, but magic
can only do so much for what ails him. His eldest heir, whom he groomed from birth to take his place,
obviously lays dead. His second eldest who marched to fight alongside his countrymen in Nostora,
Lanner, has recently been presumed missing when his encampment was raided in the night over two
months ago. This leaves poor, mild mannered Travan, the youngest of Trytas s sons. The boy has
shown little to no interest in something his older brothers so desperately competed over, preferring to
spend his days reading about magic and dead gods, hardly the typical fair for a Belawain.
Despite this, my liege would rather that his own line takes the throne in the event of his death than his
younger brother Jorvan. Though I have met the man a number of times myself, he does not strike me
as being of the same ilk as his brother. Trytas is atypical for a king, preferring to visit with his subjects
when he can and strengthening the resolve of his people. Jorvan, on the other hand, is a foppish git
who runs a backwoods town and thinks himself to be the proper heir to an entire bloody kingdom. In
truth, these traits would make for an excellent successor to any king, but not for the likes of
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Pathological Academic Worryry
What problem(s) did the researchers study and why? In this study, researchers consider the potential
of three separate interventions intended to reduce pathological academic worry. Academic stress in
college students is linked to anxiety and depression, as well as generalized anxiety disorder. The self
administered treatments of worry exposure, expressive writing, and pulsed audio photic stimulation
studied to determine their effects on pathological academic worry.
Who participated in the study? 113 students from a large Southwestern university were recruited to
participate in this study through email or announcements. Participants came from a diverse ethnic and
academic background, with a number of them qualifying for mental disorders outside of pathological
academic worry. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Participants underwent a screening process to ensure eligibility and were then randomly assigned to a
treatment, or a control group. Those in the worry exposure group were trained to listen to one worry
image at a time for 20 30 minutes and use a 0 100 SUDS scale to measure anxiety. Students placed in
the expressive writing group were told to write about their academic worry in detail for 20 minutes per
session. Audio photic stimulation was administered through headphones for 35 minutes at a time, and
programmed for worry reduction. The participants continued this for one month before being
evaluated again for pathological academic stress.
What were the results of this study? According to the data, all three interventions reduced worry to an
extent, while those in the waitlist control group showed no significant improvement. Expressive
writing was not as effective as worry exposure and audio photic stimulation. There was a higher
amount of reliable change for the worry exposure and audio photic stimulation groups in comparison
to worry exposure and the
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A Study Of Aneurysm Pathogenesis And Progression
Over the past 30 years, the study of aneurysm pathogenesis and progression has become a
multidisciplinary e ort involving a wide range of areas spanning from molecular cell biology to solid
and fluid mechanics. The studies have been motivated by the need of providing an swers to the
following questions [12]:
1. Formation:Whatcausesarterialaneurysmstoform?Whydoonlysomepeopledevelop aneurysms and
others don t? Why do aneurysms dominantly form at specific locations in certain arteries?
2. Growth: Which factors a ect aneurysm growth, once it has formed? Can aneurysm growth rate be
3. Rupture: Is there a way to quantify the risk of rupture at any given moment during aneurysm
4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, it is standing to reason to assume, that aging plays an important role in AAA pathogenesis.
The assumption is, that
specific changes in the geometry of the vessel (length, diameter, and wall structure/sti ness) resulting
from the natural aging process combined with changes they induce in the hemo dynamics, are the
primary cause of aneurysm formation. This assumption postulates, that the mentioned coupling
induces a segment of the aortic wall to degrade and simultaneously leads to a gradually increase of its
A lot of research has been devoted to the fundmental mechanisms of aging in the arteries. Generally
spoken, the aging process leads to an increase in the arterial diameter and a sti ening as well as
thickening of the arterial wall. The median layer undergoes the bigger changes thinning out and losing
its orderly arrangement of elastin laminas and fibers. The elastin laminas and fibers become
fragmented and unorganized leading to decreasing elastic properties and increasing the sti ness [16].
From fluid mechanical viewpoint, the speed of the pulse wave in the artery increases, as sti ness goes
up with age. It was shown, that the wave speed nearly doubles for a 60 year old adult compared to a
10 year old child (from 6.5 m/s to upwards of 11 m/s) [17].
Studies found out, that the aging iliac
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Leatherback Sea Turtle Research Paper
The Leatherback Sea Turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, is one of the largest marine turtles found
throughout the ocean as a whole. They are found in parts of the East Coast of North America to the
Atlantic of Canada, through New Guinea and the Sea of Nova Scotia. They are shown to migrate to
parts of the Western and North Pacific Ocean during their nesting season where they migrate to
warmer waters. Studies have been done that results in nesting periods of in two to three year intervals
but mating multiple times a season around early spring to late summer, March July (James et al.
2005). They have unique diet such as jellyfish, squid, and tunicates. This organism is very adaptable to
different environments such as having the ability to be in water ... Show more content on
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This was showed by testing the packed cell volumes, hematologic health parameter in the blood, of
nesting leatherback sea turtles from a wildlife refuge in the Virgin Islands and then compared those
results to the newly hatchlings. The Results detected a trend after taking samples from 175 samples.
(Perrault et al 2016). This trend that showed a decline of packed volume cells during breeding season
and were higher in turtles that laid more clutches. Which also means that the species recorded foraged
less for food rather than the previous studies stated that they foraged more (Perrault et al 2016). These
compared to the other studies shows that the behaviors in these species may be differed on numerous
factors. These factors could be such as lack of food in one area where the test site was, poor
reproductive rates that season as well as error in the measurements of the collection tools of each
study. One factor most people do not think about is how healthy a species needs to be, and have that
need of a clean environment such as an oil and garbage free habitat, which in recent times may not be
in such a state. All of this factors can result in slow metabolic rates, reproductive rates as well, which
can affect a population of a certain species very rapidly. Without having a steady number of nutrients
coming into the organism it can be very
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The Igbo In Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart
The Igbo in Things Fall Apart
The Umuofia village was one of the nine villages created by Achebe and was to represent the Igbo
villages. The people are native to south eastern Nigeria and their customs and traditions seemed
strange to the Europeans when they were conquering the area. These villages were living off a farming
community, and all throughout the story that was the main source of food and money.The farms
consisted of men food, yams, and women food, cassavas in the farm. Also, the men were the most
important and most dominant sex, especially the ones with titles in the Igbo villages, They had their
own hut and space in the village, but for their multiple wives, the men built a smaller hut for them and
their children in the husband s hut vicinity. There were a number of reasons the the ... Show more
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Even though men were more in dominance, there were certain times when women got the respect too.
For example, they settled the disputes in the villages and were communicated to the gods, so they
could tell the men and women of their will. Igbo people have high traditions through storytelling and
proverbs which the people lived on. Also the natives respected their language so the speakers that
speak in public or at meetings are highly regarded and called ilo. The government of the Igbo has a
justice system and laws with a structured society anot not like the Europeans told of them. They had a
democratic way of government with no one to rule them all like a monarchy or tyranny. Each clan had
elders and had men with high rankings in the top government . The ruling for a group or a person is
decided as a whole clan but only men not women.This was actually only one of the three was to
decide one s fate. The second was the jurisdiction of the dead ancestors which was spoken thought
masked men called, egwugwu. These masked men wore costumes and spoke for the ancestors and
were important to the village. The starting phase of the men were to be
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English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab

  • 1. English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab English Vocabulary Words For Essay Writing - Vocab
  • 2. Compare Indonesia And Australian Economy Transcript: Comparison of the Australian and Indonesian economy The role of an economy is to effectively make use of a countries resources, thus increasing economic performance. If economic performance of a country was at a maximum, then the country would have substantial wealth and therefore purchasing power, which would be available to spend on allocated departments including: health, infrastructure and military, to name a few. A countries wealth gives an indication of its living standards, with an increase in wealth it is probable that the living standards will also increase simultaneously. Although the entirety of the concept of improving living standards is not solely determined solely by a countries wealth. There are also a number of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indonesia had a GDP of 868.3 billion international dollars (GDP of Indonesia, 2016) and a GDP per capita of 3,475.25 international dollars in 2013 (GDP per capita, Indonesia, 2016). The GDP is primarily used to indicate an economies performance, it is measured by Y = C + I + E + G, where Y = GDP, C = Consumer Spending, I = Investment made by industry, E = Excess of Exports over Imports, G = Government Spending (Birch T, 2016). The GDP per capita is calculated by the GDP of a country, divided by the population of a country. The GDP and GDP per capita are very vital indicators of an economies progress. A rise in GDP shows that there an increase of value in an economy or there is a higher income or rise in expenditure which implies that there is a rise in the standard of living of the citizens and due to rise in income there will be a higher spending on various goods and services like healthcare, education, etc. Therefore as Australia s GDP is higher than Indonesia s there is an indication of higher living ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Rights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents Essay Finding the perfect mate, getting married, having children; as a child, many fantasize about the big events to come in their adult life. How would you feel if those events weren t something that you could experience because of government laws? Of the fifty states in the U.S., only six allow same sex couples to get married, even fewer allow same sex couples their full rights as parents. State laws aren t the only laws to blame; some federal laws also inhibit same sex marriage, benefits, adoption, and parenting rights. There are even laws prohibiting same sex couples from becoming adoptive parents altogether. Rights should not be limited because of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or creed; that s discrimination. Same sex couples ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Cooper and Cates, the seven main anti gay parenting arguments are: 1. Kids need a mom and dad; 2. Gay people cannot provide stable homes; 3. Gay people pose a risk of child sex abuse; 4. Being raised by gay parents will cause kids to be gay; 5. Kids of gay parents will get picked on; 6. Studies on children of gay parents are flawed; and 7. Parenting by lesbians and gay men is a social experiment. (85 91) The voices behind these arguments all have their justified reasons why each point is true, but the truth is that each of these arguments have been fabricated based on stereotypes, personal opinions, and even their own insecurities. Because of these arguments and others like it, same sex parents have been stripped of basic parental rights and benefits that heterosexual parents receive. Parental rights are things that rarely cross the minds of most heterosexual parents in America, until they are in jeopardy of losing them. For same sex parents, parental rights are an everyday struggle for equality. There are dozens of limitations for same sex parents. The most prominent are: 1. Bans and severe restrictions for gay and lesbian couples to adopt across the nation; 2. Children of same sex parents are not legally tied to both parents, because of this, children can be separated from their surviving parent and home if their biological parent dies, even if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Miscegenation In Othello Essay In verifying how these attitudes pervade the play itself, Newman points out that fear of miscegenation functions on two levels. Firstly Shakespeare uses the white man s fear of the union of black man and white women (144) to generate the plot, and secondly through the binary opposition of black and white characteristic of the plays discourse. To substantiate she quotes from the play: Black ram tups white ewe and O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil. The last line illustrates what Newman terms rhetorical miscegenation. Outlining the frequency with which black and white were used to denote polarization during the Renaissance, (145) she comments on how the emphasis in Othello of Desdemona as the idealisation of fair female ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, by her own account, her reading is also political in that it exposes the ideological discourses which organise the text. She comments that poststructuralist approaches highlight that even highly formalist readings are political, inscribed in the discourses both of the period in which the work was produced and of those in which it is consumed. Newman references Derrida s work on racism and in addition to employing deconstructionist discourse his influence can be seen in Newman s design. Recognizing the binary opposition denoted by the polarization of Othello s blackness and Desdemona s whiteness , Newman develops this to assimilate the implied opposition of monstrosity or miscegenation represented by Othello and femininity represented by Desdemona. Deconstructive discourse incorporates the notion that difference exists both between signified and signifier, and at the same time that the signified defers meaning to the signifier. The role of the literary critic is seen as seeking a slippage in the text, thereby denoting duplicity and revealing how the internal linguistic and thematic rules are inexact. Newman finds this critical slippage in both Rymers Short view of Tragedy (1693) and again in Ridley s criticism 250yrs later, to be the lapse from blackness to femininity. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Skin Cancer The cause of skin cancer is, Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma later in life. As the natural man we all consider ourselves invincible that is, until cancer strikes. Idaho has among the highest rates of new melanoma diagnoses and deaths in the U.S. Prompting health officials to encourage all Idahoans to protect themselves from sun exposure to prevent the potentially deadly disease. In 2008 more than 1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer, making it the most common of all cancers. About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their life. About 40 people each year die in Idaho from this cancer. People don t perceive that Idaho has a skin cancer problem, says Patti Moran, who manages the state s Cancer Prevention and Control program. But the death and diagnoses rates are very telling. We know that many Idahoans spend time in the sun taking advantage of our great outdoor recreation opportunities. We re urging people to remember to protect their skin every time they go outside to prevent skin cancer. Another thing that us as Idahoans do often are using tanning beds, something that I am guilty of myself. It is so cold here for majority of the year that often times people resort to other forms of sun, such as sun tanning beds, just to shed a little light on the cold winter days. Now that I know the potential affects of getting a little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Reflection Paper on Heard Around the Common Reflection Paper on Heard Around the Common I had a variety of goals for taking Designing and Producing Media for Education. First, I wanted to learn theories of multimedia design, specifically for educational purposes, and then have the opportunity to immediately apply those learnings to a hands on production process. Second, I wanted the chance to interact with other educational media designers, such as Harvard s TIE students. While there are many designers and media theorists at MIT, I don t have as many opportunities to interact with those interested in education. I feel that in addition to learning by doing, it is also beneficial to learn by closely observing others production processes and creative ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I feel that my goals were met in both expected and unforeseen ways. First, the readings informed my design choices how specifically I wanted to move my audience and what tactics and strategies I needed to use to get them there. The Chris Dede article, Vignettes about the Future of Learning Technologies, helped me conceptualize how people would use mobile technology, and how using a handheld device could change the way a person interacts with space and receives information. I also used the case study, What I Learned Doing a Multimedia Project on the French Revolution, to see how another designer thought through her project, and handled financial and time constraints. The readings on being culturally sensitive, and including other viewpoints into one s work, helped me think about how to incorporate diverse perspectives in my project, and encouraged me to believe in my original goal of including multiple points of view. I also enjoyed applying the strategies that Hampe illustrates in his documentary guide to design projects outside of the class. For example, I used his section on interview techniques to help me with the interviews I conducted for a documentary on a group of Blue Hill, Maine residents who had made a Super 8 film when they were in high school. I also found that some outside readings assisted me with some of my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About A Puppy Running faster than the speed of light, a cute puppy came rushing toward me as we were playing in the backyard. With no intention of stopping, the biggest puppy I ve ever seen in my life ran head first hitting the top of my mouth¬―chipping my tooth. The puppy s name was Bruno. A big brown playful puppy with a line of white fur running from the middle of his eyes to the top of his nose on his face. I loved Bruno, but he was not the first pitbull puppy that I ve had. When I was in Idyllwild on a family trip to play in the snow one day, we stopped at a convenience store to get something to snack on and drink. When we walked inside there was a man walking around trying to sell a pitbull puppy with faint black spots hidden behind his fuzzy white fur. It was close to my step brother s birthday at the time, and he wanted the puppy as an early birthday present. My step brother, Nathaniel, wasn t the only one who wanted that puppy. In truth, the rest of my family on this trip also wanted the puppy. As we left Idyllwild that day, we left with one more puppy than we came with. At the time, the puppy s name was Carlitos, but we decided to name him Rosco instead. Rosco rarely wanted to play with me because he loved my step brother so much more than he did me, or anyone else for that matter. In fact, Nathaniel was the only person who Rosco would run around and jump on whenever he was in his presence. I wished that Rosco would play with me just as much as he did with my step brother, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Stamp Act Analysis Hello, Your Majesty. We think highly of you and never would want to question your rules and laws, but just to add suggestions and a different point of view from the receiver. We, my family and friends, have written to you today to show our concerns and point of view of the new laws and acts and to hopefully give you a broader outlook of this struggling situation. The first act would be the Quartering Act. This act is where we, as the colonists, have to provide food, shelter, and bed for your soldiers and if the British soldiers do not have enough houses they have to stay in barns, buildings, and inns, which leads to the fact that almost every home is filled with soldiers. Sometimes we can feel a little over powered and we feel that they should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Please do not get frustrated because we really just want to be reasonable and have a small amount of conflict between us. The Intolerable Acts were passed when we upset You with the Boston Tea Party. Then you were very upset and angry with us and so to punish us you passed the set of 5 laws. Some of the laws were that the Boston Port was closed until we paid for all of the tea, the governor could ban town meetings, and the quartering act. We realize that we have done wrong, but we are concerned because there are people out there who want to fight and want no peace, so that we can have independence, and if you keep passing laws such as these we don t think it will end very well. These acts take away are freedom and we are feeling controlled by you, but we believe that you should still have say but please give us ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. concert report MUSIC APPRECIATION Rosalie Baker Music 120 Online #2745 November 30, 2014 On November 20, 2014, I had an opportunity to watch a concert entitled Autumn Winds at Colburn School in Downtown Los Angeles. It was part of a monthly concert series Rush Hour Concerts at Colburn hosted by Gibson Dunn. Gibson Dunn is a prominent law firm whose active involvement in the community expands to all various arenas of the society through their leadership and services. Rush Hour Concert is held monthly at Thayer Hall in Colburn School located at 200 South Grand Avenue diagonally across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Rush Hour Concert encourages the commuters to avoid traffic with this program to unwind after a long days of work with a wine reception at 5:30 pm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This piece evoked an uncomfortable feeling inside me, sort of giving a music background to my emotions when I am uneasy, frantic, loosing my sense of direction. I personally would not select this music to unwind after a long day at work. The fourth was selections from Divertissement for Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon (1927) composed by Erwin Schulhoff, three movements were played. The Charleston: Allegro began with a brigh tone, upbeat rhythm, producing dance to the beat of the music. The second movement, Romancero: Andantino sounded playful, with the individual instruments playing consecutively in the introduction playing the same note. The tempo is more andantino, relaxed and mezzo forte. The last movement was the Rondo Finale: Molto Allegro con fuoco, it featured a lively theme, faster tempo (prestissimo), many repeated tones playful notes with all instruments, and concluded fortissimo rushing at the end. The fifth piece was Suite d aprés Corrette, by Darius Milhaud. This had four movements included in the program, Entree et Rondeau, Tambourin, Musette and Le Coucou. Each of the four movements had very playful melody. Darius Milhaud, One of France s leading composer of the 20th century. He was born to a Jewish family in Aix en Provence. His parents Jewish family line came from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Disney Princess One of the biggest sources for concern when it comes to Disney is its merchandize. Multiple authors have commented on the harmfulness presented in Disney s products. a frequent target of criticism is directed strictly at the franchise known as the Disney Princesses. This line of products themed after eleven of the most iconic Disney heroines was first introduced to consumers by Andy Mooney in 2001 (Orenstein, 22). In her book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie Girl Culture, Peggy Orenstein often mentions her aversion to the overly feminine princess themed items that constantly surround her. One particular kind of product seemed to stand out to her more than others: the princess costumes. In the chapter, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the user clicks on one of the princesses, not much seems to have changed since Sweeney wrote her article. The user is still largely restricted in the choices that they can make. Most of the games either involve helping the princess complete a task or dressing the princesses up with predesigned outfits. The restriction of choice still encourages passiveness within the children who visit the site. Scrolling further down each princess page, Disney s advertisement of their own products can be seen. The first item for every princess is a dress up outfit by each of the princesses, with ten of the eleven princesses having a costume inspired by their own gowns as the first product. Ariel is the one exception for not having a dress up outfit based off of her own design as her first product, but it still shows up as one of the first few items. The dress up games that appear on about half of the princesses pages along with the strong promotion of the dress up outfits still associates being a princess with external beauty, something that the Princess movies themselves have not done since Sleeping Beauty in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittsman Sparknotes The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman begins with a note from the editor, who is a local schoolteacher near the plantation where Jane Pittman lives. He has long been trying to hear her story, and, beginning in the summer of 1962, she finally tells it to him. When her memory lapses, her acquaintances help fill in the spaces. The recorded tale, with editing, then becomes The Autobiography of Miss Jane. Jane Pittman is born into slavery on a plantation somewhere in Louisiana. Jane is called quot;Ticey quot; during her days as a slave and has no parents; her mother died as a result of a beating when Jane was a child, and Jane did not know her father. Until she is around nine, Jane works in the Big House caring for the white children. One ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Life on Mr. Bone s plantation initially is good with a colored schoolteacher and a political scene still monitored by Republicans from the north. Then the original owner of the plantation, Colonel Dye, buys it back (with money borrowed from Yankees). Life reverts back to almost how it was before slavery, with segregation and violence against blacks who step out of line. The blacks start fleeing north because of the worsening conditions. Initially the whites do not care, but soon they try to stop the flight. Ned, who is now almost seventeen, joins a committee that helps blacks leave. Colonel Dye warns Jane that Ned must stop, but when he will not, Ku Klux Klan members arrive at Jane s house. Ned is not home when they come and is able to flee the plantation later that night. Jane does not want to leave her secure life, so they separate with sadness. Ned goes to Kansas, gets an education, and eventually joins the U.S. Army to fight in Cuba. Jane soon marries Joe Pittman (without an official ceremony). Despite Colonel Dye s attempts to keep them, Joe and Jane soon move to a ranch near the Texas Louisiana border where Joe has found a job breaking horses. Joe and Jane live at the new ranch for many years, but as they age Jane becomes increasingly worried about Joe getting hurt in his work. One of her recurring dreams depicts him being thrown from a horse. Soon after, Jane sees a black stallion in a corral that is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Simone De Beauvoir And Frantz Fanon Simone de Beauvoir and Frantz Fanon were both interested in the experiences of marginalized groups, women and black men respectively. In The Second Sex, De Beauvoir discusses the history of domination women have experienced at the hands of the superior group, men. In Black Skin, White Masks, Fanon explains and analyzes the experiences of black men in the wake of colonialism and up to modern times. Both authors not only address the ways in which women and black men are dominated by others, but also the ways in which the oppressed group participates, often unknowingly, in the systems of their own domination. According to De Beauvoir, women participate in their own domination by embracing the benefits given to them by men, by fulfilling expectations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From birth, girls are taught that they are to act a certain way, and when they become women, they perpetuate these norms by fulfilling them. We are exhorted to be women, remain women, become women... , De Beauvoir writes, ...it would appear, then, that every female human being is not necessarily a woman; to be so considered she must share in that mysterious and threatened reality known as femininity . This femininity makes a female person a woman. For example, [a woman] must become a passive thing, a promise of submission and, conversely, if [a woman] is proud and demanding, woman meets the male as an adversary and is decidedly not feminine. Shut up in her flesh, her home, she sees herself as passive before these gods with human faces who set goals and establish values , and this acceptance and participation in traditional femininity perpetuates societal beliefs that women, or at least acceptable women, are inferior naturally. By doing this, women participate in the continuation of their domination by men, who society believes are more naturally suited for superiority. Furthermore, The woman that does not conform devalues herself sexually, and hence socially, since sexual values are an integral feature of society . This quote shows that, according to De Beauvoir, women have little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Vygotsky And The Social Development Theory Lev Vygotsky and the Social Development Theory Born on November 17, 1896 in Orsha, Russia, Lev Vygotsky entered into a well educated. (Ghassemzadeh, Posner, Rothbart, 2013, p. 293). Having a banker as a father, Vygotsky was given the privilege of private tutors while young. (Jones, 2003). He went on to study human development at Moscow University and Shanyavsky Open University, and later became a psychologist. (Cherry, n.d.). Vygotsky helped to create an approach to how the human mind is developed, and its higher functions. He felt that interaction with people and one s culture heavily influenced how a person s behavior and the mind are shaped. Vygotsky s view focused on the socialization by parents, peers, and society through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Gallagher, 1999). Collaborative learning refers to a group of students who work together to learn and understand a new skill. (Gallagher, 1999). The Social Development theory consists of four basic principles: 1. Children construct their knowledge 2. Development cannot be separated from its social context 3. Learning can lead to development 4. Language plays a central role in mental development (Gallagher, 1999). The first principle deals with the idea that children will actually talk it out to themselves, or use what Gallagher (1999) referred to as private speech . For example, if a problem arises that is too difficult for the child to understand, he/she may talk to him/herself to plan out the steps that they will take to solve the problem. (Gallagher, 1999). The second principle deals with the idea that cognitive development depends on the child s interaction with people and their culture to stimulate growth in the child s thought and behavior processes. (Keritsis, n.d.). The third principle centers around the idea Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Gallagher, 1999).; the zone of proximal development refers to a situation where a child has a problem that is too difficult for them to solve on by themselves; however, the child is able to solve the problem when given guidance and encouragement by someone who knows more about the problem the child is working on (More Knowledgeable Other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Things They Carried Spring Book Review In The Things They Carried, Tim O Brien tells the tale of not about war, but rather about war s effect on one s mentality. Ultimately, this novel is built on a foundation of the items that the soldiers of the Vietnam War carried. Whether it was the way Jimmy Cross uses the pebble to escape from his duties as a soldier or when Norman Bowker realizes that courage comes form within, not from receiving a Silver Star; O Brien uses baggage as a symbol throughout the book to teach that war does in fact change people. These possessions were not just materialistic, they made up the soldiers attributes, made up the soldiers persona and made up the soldier. In the beginning of the story we are introduced to Lieutenant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It makes things vivid. When you re afraid, really afraid, you see things you never saw before, you pay attention to the world. You make close friends. You become part of a tribe and you share the same blood you give it together, you take it together. (O Brien, 220) An underlying of this book is the value of friendship. The bond that these men formed with each other in the heat of battle is incomprehensible to those who have not experienced warfare for themselves. It helped them to survive, exclude anyone who was outside their group, and help the men of Alpha Company to cope with the war after they returned to the United States. Without the bonds of friendship, none of the men of Alpha Company would have survived mentally or physically the strains and trauma of the Vietnam War. The Things They Carried takes place during the late 1960s and 1980s. The end of the play is set in Massachusetts, while the rest of the book focuses on Vietnam. The setting is a significant part of the story because it is during the Vietnam War and is central to the story. This aspect of the novel is what makes it significant to American history. In The Things They Carried, it brought to the attention of readers what the soldiers carried with them to shield off illness, stay warm, protect their comrades, to kill the enemy s soldiers and to remember their loved ones at home. For example Kiowa always took along his New Testament and a pair of moccasins for silence. Cross would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Why Is Marriage Important In The Great Gatsby When people think of marriage they think of this happily ever after story but in reality marriage isn t always rainbows and butterflies. Marriage doesn t always end like how it does in the movies. There is so much work that is put into a marriage as in being faithful, loyal, and honest..Communication is key to any relationship or marriage. Marriage is not 50/20, one person can not put in all the effort into a marriage for it to be successful. Both people have to fight in order to keep their marriage from failing. The Great Gatsby clearly demonstrates the marriage isn t perfect through the conflicts each married couple faces throughout the book. The Great Gatsby suggest that love isn t always as perfect as it seems to be. In the Great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the article of Why Most Marriages fail the author states, Without proper communication, conflict resolution becomes a difficult issue. (McNicholl) When you don t communicate with your significant other and there is tension or any type of conflict if you hold it back and don t talk about it later on it will be more difficult to come to a solution on how to prevent it from happening again. In fact, the author also states, If one or both partners lack effective communication skills it becomes difficult to Resolve arguments because the couple is not able to understand each other s point of view . (McNicholl) By not talking about the things that bother you to your significant other it s hard for each you to see where your coming from. If your partner understands what exactly it is that bothering you then they know how to prevent themselves or fix it if it were to happen once again. Finally the author concludes, If the marriage is already in trouble, both partners in the marriage must be dedicated to working on their communication skills in order to improve or salvage their marriage. (McNicholl) Both partners need to be willing to put in the work to improve their communication skills in order to save there marriage if there are any conflicts in the marriage. Without communication the marriage will continue to take it s turn for the worst. Both of you need to want to improve your communication skills and to want to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Residential Solar Power Advantages and disadvantages of Residential Solar power System Whether you are an advocate of clean power or just appreciate where your financial resources go, considering the advantages and disadvantages of residential solar power system will certainly aid you decide on whether to convert or otherwise. Taking a look at the current rate of fossil fuel based power, it is fairly not practical to exchange solar power system. Nonetheless, with the growing concern on the state of the earth, there is really a should find various other means of power other than just what nuclear power plant are making use of right now. Where do you place on your own? Utilizing the power of the sun s ray to create energy to power our house is really appealing. Yet the inquiry is, Is whatever about solar power good? Pros Solar energy is clean, eco friendly and also sustainable. Due to the fact that the energy produced from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Solar panels could be set up on many roofs, eliminating the problem of discovering an ideal area for setup. Photovoltaic panel require little or no upkeep. The original solar batteries modern technology is utilized for the majority of satellites orbiting our planet today which are not kept at all. Numerous solar panel producers offer 25 to 40 years service warranty on their items. Solar energy is totally free. Did you know that the earth takes in 174 pettawatts of solar radiation? This implies that we have more than enough resource of free power to power every home in the world. Regrettably, the majority of our energy is still drawn from oil, gas as well as coal. However over the last few years, there is a constant rise of demand for different as well as renewable energy like solar energy. It is approximated that the demand for different sources of power will boost by 53% between 1999 as well as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Trail Of Tears Term Papers History: The law required the government to negotiate the removal treaties voluntarily, Peacefully, and fairly. It did not allow the president or anyone else to force the Native nations into giving up their land. However, President Jackson generally ignored the law and forced Native Americans to abandon lands. In the winter of 1831, under threat of raid by the U.S. Army, the Choctaw became the first nation to be dislodged from their land altogether. They made the long and treacherous journey to Indian territory on foot (some marched in a consecutive line while being bound in chains, one historian writes) and the native would go without any food, supplies or help from the government. Thousands of people died on the journey. It was, one Choctaw leader that told an Alabama newspaper, it was a trail of tears and death. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another leader of the Cherokees , Major Ridge, believed that they would move or die fighting the more vigorous Americans. So, Ridge went to Washington and negotiated a treaty that would sell the Cherokee lands for $5 million ( History. ), and compensation for lost property Trail of Tears. ( History.com. A E Television Networks.) It was signed by about 100 Cherokees known as the Treaty Party, surrender all lands east of the Mississippi River in exchange for land in Indian Territory and the promise of money, livestock, various provisions, tools and other benefits. ( A Brief History ) Many of the Cherokees felt betrayed, but to the government it was already a done ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. An Investigation Into Response For Disaster Using... An Investigation into Response to Disaster Using Qualitative Methods Abstract This study investigated the accounts of individuals involved in the London underground bombings in 2005. Throughout this investigation, thematic analysis was conducted on six eyewitness accounts, highlighting their feelings and actions, which came about as a result of the incident. From these accounts I obtained 4 key themes, which were consistent components of the six accounts. Evidently, I found that the two most common themes were helping behaviour and the panic myth. This was rather unexpected, as initially, I expected to find irrational and helpless behaviour, due to the panic and stress of being trapped in a bombed underground. To conclude, the investigation illuminated the concept of helping others before helping ones self. Thus, contradicting the concept of survival of the fittest, as in this case the fittest were those who took it upon themselves to assist other passengers in need. Therefore, highlighting the power of empathy which was risen with experiencing the disaster. Introduction Terrorist attacks are a consistent global occurrence.The 2005 London underground bombings was an attack which caused largest mass fatality occurrence in the UK since World War 2. As a result the comfort and use of public transport in the UK was greatly impacted. Research into the fatalities and physical repercussions of tragedies are amplified globally. For instance it is considered factual that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Sigmund Freud Research Paper Sigmund Freud is a timeless figure in psychology. To this day, his work of psychoanalysis is still mentioned and dream analysis and so much more are still used. Even though many people may have argued that Freud was crazy himself, he was one of the most influential psychologist known all around the world. However controversial, Freud sums up his works to be a sort of sexual complex such as the Oedipus and the Electra complex. The way he was raised and the relationships he had with his family plays a great impact on his work throughout his years. If it were not for his life experiences, Freud would not be as iconic as he is today. Freud was the oldest of eight children from his mother and father. However, he had two older brothers from his father s previous marriage. Young Freud became the focus of his mother s most extravagant hopes... ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sigmund Freud was without a doubt the main focus in his mother s life compared to the other children. When he complained that his sister s piano playing interfered with his concentration, his mother stopped the piano lessons (Grubin, 2002). Freud s mother knew he was destined for something great at an early age. Freud has a lot of research and theories dealing with the relationship between him and his mother that shows their intimacy. Grubin (2002) noted that his mother gave him the nickname Golden Siggie . With a nickname like that it showed how much trust and faith his mother had for him regarding his success. Out of all the children that lived in the Freudian household, Sigmund was the only one who grew up with his own room, because he needed his own space to study. Although Freud received special treatment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Similarities Between Democratic And Republican Parties The Democratic and Republican parties each represent very distinct sets of ideals. Although the parties have strong differences, both aim to make the United States of America as successful as possible. One link between the two parties is that both believe in following the rules. This is displayed in the Preamble to the Republican Platform when it states, any American who works hard, dreams big and follows the rules can achieve anything he or she wants (GOP). Likewise, the Democratic Party believes that the United States succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules (Democrats.org). Thus, the Republican and Democratic parties share one main ideal. Indeed, Republicans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Democratic Party claims that the Affordable Health Care Act will eliminate all discrimination for pre existing conditions, start the process of expanding health insurance coverage for an additional 32 million Americans, and provide the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history (Democrats.org). According to Republicans, this act adversely affects relationships between doctors and their patients, diminishes competition among insurance providers, and harms the value of the care (GOP). Thus, the Affordable Health Care Act is a controversial topic among the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Mobile Banking Yu: Factors Affecting Individuals to Adopt Mobile Banking FACTORS AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS TO ADOPT MOBILE BANKING: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE UTAUT MODEL Chian Son Yu Department of Information Technology and Management Shih Chien University # 70, DaZhi Street, Taipei, Taiwan csyu@mail.usc.edu.tw ABSTRACT Fast advances in the wireless technology and the intensive penetration of cell phones have motivated banks to spend large budget on building mobile banking systems, but the adoption rate of mobile banking is still underused than expected. Therefore, research to enrich current knowledge about what affects individuals to use mobile banking is required. Consequently, this study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [2011] pointed out that main customer segments of mobile and Internet banking were not necessarily the same, which might explain why Sadi et al. [2010] distinguished mobile commerce from other electronic commerce. Page 104 Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 13, NO 2, 2012 Therefore, compared to huge online banking studies and relative few research available to help banks understand the adoption of mobile banking [Suoranta Mattila 2003; Laukkanen Pasanen 2008; Puschel et al. 2010], more studies to investigate what influences people to adopt mobile banking are necessary and demanded. Given that the chance of success in introducing a new product or service is highly related to the depth of understanding of what influences consumers to adopt this new product or service, this study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with age and gender as moderating effects to elaborately investigate what affecting individuals to adopt mobile banking. The findings culled from this research can help banks execute intricate marketing campaigns and customize service options to cater to specific customer segments in the context of electronic banking. 2. Literature Review Literature reveals that abundant research on electronic banking has focused on Internet banking (also called online banking), whereas research focusing on mobile banking is relative little and receives underrated attention [Suorantia Mattila 2004; Laukkanen Pasanen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Becoming A Pediatric Surgeon Essay Choosing the right career can be extremely difficult. It s important that you understand the educational and skill requirements, along with the salary and benefits offered for each profession you re considering. Researching careers can help determine the type of direction you want to head after high school and throughout college. A pediatric surgeon specializes in the care of children ages 1 18. If a child becomes ill or has a disease that requires surgery, pediatric surgeons have the special qualifications required to perform on children. Pediatric surgeons are trained to operate on any part of a child s body between the neck and pelvic region. Specific duties include diagnosing diseases and providing operative care. Since pediatric patients mainly consist of children accuracy is very important when operating, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The minimum educational requirement is four years at a university and an additional four years of medical school. There are many courses you can take during your four years in a university to help prep you on your path of becoming a surgeon, such as majoring in pre med, health sciences, and nursing. After medical school, it s required that you have at least five years of experience in general surgery, and an additional two years of residency training. Subsequently, each and every pediatric surgeon must obtain a certification by the American Board of Surgery. Pediatric surgeons make roughly $407,866 a year in the state of Florida. Annual salaries generally range from about $329,526 to $510,869 n not including benefits. Depending on your skills and the amount of time you ve work at a hospital, you could make more than average range. Standard benefits that may be included is insurance (medical, dental, life, malpractice), paid time off, worker s compensation, and a retirement plan. In order to receive these benefits, you must complete your residency at one specific ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Organismal Biology Organismal biology is the study of structure, function, ecology, and evolution at the level of the organism. An understanding of the biology of animals and plants allows for a better prediction of impacts on these organisms from human activity. Having a biological understanding of these organisms also allows for better conservation practices. Organismal biology will allow me to have in depth knowledge of species behavior, physiology, and evolutionary history, which is essential information when making management and conservation plans for specific species. Understanding the genetic structure and background, and evolutionary history of species and populations allows for a better understanding of patterns of dispersal, and allows predictions to be made about how species will react to future environmental threats such as climate change. Ecology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Understanding how organisms interact with each other and their ecosystems is an important aspect of conservation. Ecology will include the ecology of a diversity of species and environments such as wildlife ecology and freshwater ecology. An understanding of ecology allows for better management of human impacts on the environment. Ecology also provides necessary conservation tools such as ways to model and organize ecosystems, which is necessary for areas such as wildlife management. Ecology will allow me to understand the dispersal, migration, and population dynamics of species; having an understanding of ecology is essential when working to create solutions for environmental problems that species face, for example, in stabilizing populations of endangered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Like A Spell Analysis An anthology of gay male fantasy erotica. For the Like a Spell anthology, we asked writers to challenge the traditional tropes and send us something new original stories of magic users, interesting twists on the typical sorcerers and mages. The response was overwhelming and exciting, and we decided to publish four separate anthologies, using the theme of classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water) as the focus for each collection. For the fire anthology, we ve focused on stories portraying the love between men. Fire equals passion and heat, the all encompassing flames of male desire. Think of the fire gods Ra and Vulcan, Agni and Xiuhtecuhtli, embodying strength, ferocity, and power. In Passage, Performance, Passion, Avery Vanderlyle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Barefoot Research Paper Remember the carefree days you spent as a kid running barefoot in the grass? Or the feel of sand between your toes as you built sandcastles on the beach during summer vacation? For many kids, this carefree time was often interrupted by parental figures proclaiming the need for footwear. Mom and dad had a point. After all footwear, for the most part, is made to protect the feet from dangerous stuff like sharp objects and abrasive surfaces. But as it turns out, going barefoot also has a plethora of health benefits from preventing leg and foot injuries to reducing insomnia and easing stress. Do we even need shoes? Here s a shocker, our feet were actually designed to function without shoes. For centuries humans have gone barefoot. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sorry but you wouldn t get the same grounding effect by bringing sand home and playing in a sandbox. (research this)But if you live on or near the beach this may be your top pick over the others on this list. Take a romantic walk with that special someone, go for a run, or build sandcastles. It doesn t matter what you do as long as those feet are bare. o Grass Take your shoes of and let those little piggies revel in the feel of grass and earth. Plus, barefoot grounding is a great stress reliever (link). Perfect after a hard days freelancing. o Ceramic titles Keep in mind that ceramic titles that sit on wood or vinyl, are not good conductors. Instead, make sure ceramic tiles sit in a concrete slap or in the ground. Also, ceramic title that have a glazed surface can also stop conductivity. o Non painted concrete and brick are also good grounding surfaces. Faux Grounding Surfaces include asphalt, wood, rubber and plastic. These materials interferes with the flow of negative electrons. Oddly enough, rubber, plastic and wood (sandals) are primary materials in modern day shoes. No wonder there s no proper grounding when we wear shoes. Ground yourself, even when the weather outside isn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Home Schooling Education Homeschooling is the education of children at home, usually taught by a parent or tutor, rather than in public or private school. Homeschooling is an option for families living in isolated rural locations, living temporarily abroad, or families who travel often. This method of education is growing around the world. Homeschools use different educational methods such as: Unit Studies, All in One Curricula, Natural Learning, and Autonomous Learning. In the Unit Studies method multiple subjects are studied in relation to a single topic. The All in One Curricula is another method in which the curriculum and homework of the student are similar or identical to the curriculum at a public or private school. Natural Learning is a method where children follow knowledge based on their interest and the parents take part in their learning activities. In the Autonomous Learning method, the child is responsible for their own learning environment. Parents give different reasons for choosing to homeschool their children. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the three reasons parents chose homeschooling were: their concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and unhappiness with the curriculum available at other schools (Gaither 1). Homeschooling happened because of the changes in public school and in families. Public schools grew larger and the schools began to add offensive courses to their curriculum. Milton Gaither states, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Wechsler Intelligence Scale Test Description The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC V) is an individually administered intelligence test for children ages 6 16 that provides a measure of a child s overall cognitive ability and patterns of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The WISC V comprises is comprised of five fundamental indexes: Visual Spatial, Verbal Comprehension, Working Memory, Processing Speed, and Fluid Reasoning. These are five index scores are combined in order to obtain the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ). There are additionally five ancillary indexes: Auditory Working Memory, Quantitative Reasoning, Cognitive Proficiency, General Ability, Nonverbal, and three other complementary indexes, which include Storage and Retrieval, Symbol Translation, and Naming Speed. The primary and secondary subtests within these indexes are on a scaled score metric with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation (SD) of 3. These subtest scores range from 1 to 19, with scores between 8 and 12 typically considered average. The standard scores on these indexes and the FSIQ have a mean (average) of 100 and a standard deviation (variability around the mean) of 10. Scores ranging from 90 109 are considered Average; scores ranging from 80 89 are Low Average; scores ranging from 70 79 are classified as Very Low, and scores of 69 and below are considered Extremely Low. Scores ranging from 110 119 are High Average; scores between 120 and 129 are considered Very High, and scores of 131 and above are considered Extremely High. All composite score ranges and descriptive classifications can be found below. Composite Score Range WISC V Descriptive Classification 130 and above Extremely High 120 129 Very High 110 119 High Average 90 109 Average 80 89 Low Average 70 79 Very Low 69 and below Extremely Low Test Observations Andrew was administered the WISC V on 06/11/2017. Rapport was quickly established with Andrew. Throughout, Andrew demonstrated an energy level that is typical for his age. Andrew was confident in his responses. He demonstrated a clear understanding of the directions for all administered subtests. Andrew was very focused and motivated to perform well on all tasks presented to him. Generally, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Attack Of Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941 the world was embroiled into the attack of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor with their ally, Nazi Germany. It started with Japan being a bit suspicious and not so thrilled with the Treaty of Versailles as it was seen as a way to keep everything in ship shape even if there were some disagreements in the world. The attack of Pearl Harbor could have been prevented if America had not forced them to trade, had not moved the Pacific Fleet in California, and by not provoking them by doing terrible things to Japan. To start off, the attack could have been prevented if America did not force them to trade. In document B it states, Japan believed in isolationism until pressured by the United States to open ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In document C, it says President Roosevelt moves US Pacific fleet from California to Pearl Harbor . This was on the timeline in 1940. Also on the timeline just one year later was the attack on Pearl Harbor. This proves that by them moving the Fleet it helped them be able to attack because it was even closer to them now, and at easy reach. In document E it reads How can we let the United States do as she pleases, even though there is some uneasiness? This shows how Japan infact did have a problem with America s behavior and was trying to stop it, because it was not fair for them. Overall, if America had kept their Pacific Fleet in the same place, it would have been harder for Japan to start war with them and actually fulfil their wishes of not having America controlling them with such things as trade, and actually much more... Some people might say the war couldn t be stopped because Japan already had a lot on western imperialism, however, sure they did not agree with it but they wanted to stay pure and isolated, so they didn t really care what was happening outside of Japan. Once again, document B states, Japan believed in isolationism until pressured by the United States to open itself up to trade . America caused Japan to be disrupted and brought the war on themselves. To conclude, if The U.S. didn t mess with Japan to start off, there wouldn t have been a war because Japan did not care about the United States until then. Lastly, if America stopped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Community Analysis for Homeless Families Essay Listening to the evening news, it takes little imagination to figure out many families are in trouble. The National Coalition for the Homeless estimate that on any given night in the United States of America, there are seven hundred thousand people on the streets and without shelter (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2010). Within this analysis for the homeless, let us consider families, residing in Independence, Missouri. The problem outlined, in an article by James Evertt, in the Independence Examiner, quotes Larry Blick, a former Independence City Manager, putting the number of homeless students in the district at five hundred sixteen. Evertt goes on to share a comment by, Cathy Asher, shelter director of Salvation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many cities have outlawed begging and loitering in public areas. She quoted the New York Times as stating that the concern over tourism, sanitation, and business as the force behind criminalization of homelessness. Having a large homeless population gives the impression that the area is unsafe and negatively affects the quality of life (More, 2010). Independence needs to be proactive and do more to insure that there are no homeless families within our city, not by making homelessness illegal but by providing safe affordable homes and programs to help families regain their status as tax paying citizens. The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers The Mills Family Transitional Living Centers would place homeless people in foreclosed homes. To be eligible for a home, the applicant, a family or single person, would need to submit a homeless letter and a history of homelessness. The history would be important as chronic homelessness may indicate counseling or evidence that a mental evaluation may be in order. Applicants that are able to benefit from job training would receive reduced rent and utilities during the training. The same reductions would apply for college classes. Work on their home or on another home in the program would earn points. Training classes on home maintenance and upkeep could earn points. Attending budgeting classes or providing childcare for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Prospect Theory Paper If you were given the opportunity to make the decision of receiving $5000 with 100% certainty or the option with a 50% chanced of receiving $7000, what would you do? According to the Prospect Theory, people generally select the option of winning the $5000 where there is absolute certainty of a gain, over the option that is only half as certain. The Prospect Theory was first introduced by psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the late 1970 s and was further developed into the early 1990 s after years of research. Essentially, this is an expressive theoretical model that is to be applied to humans, that describes our behaviors and abilities to make decisions under certain circumstances. And, is comprised of the uncertainty or certainty ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We tend to ignore the final outcome of a decision and focus on the certainty or uncertainty of it. The value we place on winning and losing vary, which is what the Prospect Theory suggests. The Prospect Theory is a model that psychologists created to explain our behavior when it comes to decision making and how we make decisions. Typically, if a decision has to do with a gain, people will lean towards the most certain option because they may fear that if they selected the other option that would be disappointed. On the other hand, decisions that have to do with loses are seen as the opposite by the majority of people. This is because we feel more risky when selecting the uncertain option over the certain option because we are trying to avoid a significant loss. The Prospect Theory provides an explanation on how people make choices under strained conditions of gains and losses in their applications of the real ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. John Locke Unspoken Contract Essay Winder Perez Hum3306 Option #1 The Unspoken/Unwritten contract of Mankind Is there an unwritten rule or acknowledgement between mankind in which we have agreed to a disproportionate and unequal amount of earthly possessions? Or have we been coerced by our ancestors through rules and laws of society that have been forgotten through time? John Locke a rational and just man who usually battles his arguments with morals and logic speaks in his treatise chapter V about God. John Locke opens the chapter speaking about equality and that God gave the earth to the children of man therefore no one was granted more than the other. Locke took his stance on the appropriation of lands and earthly possessions. Locke proposed the theory of labor. Locke s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Claiming that it is acceptable to own more than one s labor can service as long as that perishable is bartered for money (non perishable). Like this, Locke realizes the unspoken contract between mankind. Indeed one can have a disproportionate and unequal possession of the earth by agreeing to use gold and silver. Since everyone agrees to use currency inequality becomes fair and just due to the fact that a man s worth is determined by his labor. Locke believed that bartering for goods with money was presumably prejudiced, and voluntary because both sides would have something to gain. A famous saying silence is consent has also lead me to believe that throughout time some became more entitled to more than others. With a vast quantity of land per capita some found themselves acquiring more just because they could. Others allowed it therefore if it was accepted. But many questions are still unanswered. If we can accumulate as much money without causing others poverty are those who are poor entitled to my money? According to Locke s view if we did not cause that persons poverty we are not responsible for their suffering. A catch 22 indeed though we did not cause the persons suffering, it is the same that we did nothing to stop it. This is a question of ethics John Locke overlooked. It is a question of ethic though helping a person who is in need can be debatable, is helping a person who is condemned to death by hunger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. King Galahor Get His Name Analysis The year was 1275 of the Third Age when the dark sorcerer Mondain and his students slew Emperor Vaserd Atridius and his entire line of heirs; leaving the northern empire of Budalia in shambles. Seven warriors from each of the seven provinces of the old empire banded together and destroyed Mondain and his vile legion. The seven warriors then divided his magic rod into seven parts, to be distributed among them evenly so that no one person may ever claim them and cause disparity to the world ever again. The descendents of these seven would be known as the kings of what were once the provinces of Budalia, now separate nations who unite under a sacred pact forged by their forefathers. And so it is written that the Pact of the Seven shall unite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clerics and healers from all over Sosaria and the neighboring isles have come to see him, but magic can only do so much for what ails him. His eldest heir, whom he groomed from birth to take his place, obviously lays dead. His second eldest who marched to fight alongside his countrymen in Nostora, Lanner, has recently been presumed missing when his encampment was raided in the night over two months ago. This leaves poor, mild mannered Travan, the youngest of Trytas s sons. The boy has shown little to no interest in something his older brothers so desperately competed over, preferring to spend his days reading about magic and dead gods, hardly the typical fair for a Belawain. Despite this, my liege would rather that his own line takes the throne in the event of his death than his younger brother Jorvan. Though I have met the man a number of times myself, he does not strike me as being of the same ilk as his brother. Trytas is atypical for a king, preferring to visit with his subjects when he can and strengthening the resolve of his people. Jorvan, on the other hand, is a foppish git who runs a backwoods town and thinks himself to be the proper heir to an entire bloody kingdom. In truth, these traits would make for an excellent successor to any king, but not for the likes of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Pathological Academic Worryry What problem(s) did the researchers study and why? In this study, researchers consider the potential of three separate interventions intended to reduce pathological academic worry. Academic stress in college students is linked to anxiety and depression, as well as generalized anxiety disorder. The self administered treatments of worry exposure, expressive writing, and pulsed audio photic stimulation studied to determine their effects on pathological academic worry. Who participated in the study? 113 students from a large Southwestern university were recruited to participate in this study through email or announcements. Participants came from a diverse ethnic and academic background, with a number of them qualifying for mental disorders outside of pathological academic worry. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Participants underwent a screening process to ensure eligibility and were then randomly assigned to a treatment, or a control group. Those in the worry exposure group were trained to listen to one worry image at a time for 20 30 minutes and use a 0 100 SUDS scale to measure anxiety. Students placed in the expressive writing group were told to write about their academic worry in detail for 20 minutes per session. Audio photic stimulation was administered through headphones for 35 minutes at a time, and programmed for worry reduction. The participants continued this for one month before being evaluated again for pathological academic stress. What were the results of this study? According to the data, all three interventions reduced worry to an extent, while those in the waitlist control group showed no significant improvement. Expressive writing was not as effective as worry exposure and audio photic stimulation. There was a higher amount of reliable change for the worry exposure and audio photic stimulation groups in comparison to worry exposure and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. A Study Of Aneurysm Pathogenesis And Progression Over the past 30 years, the study of aneurysm pathogenesis and progression has become a multidisciplinary e ort involving a wide range of areas spanning from molecular cell biology to solid and fluid mechanics. The studies have been motivated by the need of providing an swers to the following questions [12]: 1. Formation:Whatcausesarterialaneurysmstoform?Whydoonlysomepeopledevelop aneurysms and others don t? Why do aneurysms dominantly form at specific locations in certain arteries? 2. Growth: Which factors a ect aneurysm growth, once it has formed? Can aneurysm growth rate be predicted? 3. Rupture: Is there a way to quantify the risk of rupture at any given moment during aneurysm growth? 4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, it is standing to reason to assume, that aging plays an important role in AAA pathogenesis. The assumption is, that 18 specific changes in the geometry of the vessel (length, diameter, and wall structure/sti ness) resulting from the natural aging process combined with changes they induce in the hemo dynamics, are the primary cause of aneurysm formation. This assumption postulates, that the mentioned coupling induces a segment of the aortic wall to degrade and simultaneously leads to a gradually increase of its diameter. A lot of research has been devoted to the fundmental mechanisms of aging in the arteries. Generally spoken, the aging process leads to an increase in the arterial diameter and a sti ening as well as thickening of the arterial wall. The median layer undergoes the bigger changes thinning out and losing its orderly arrangement of elastin laminas and fibers. The elastin laminas and fibers become fragmented and unorganized leading to decreasing elastic properties and increasing the sti ness [16]. From fluid mechanical viewpoint, the speed of the pulse wave in the artery increases, as sti ness goes up with age. It was shown, that the wave speed nearly doubles for a 60 year old adult compared to a 10 year old child (from 6.5 m/s to upwards of 11 m/s) [17]. Studies found out, that the aging iliac ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Leatherback Sea Turtle Research Paper The Leatherback Sea Turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, is one of the largest marine turtles found throughout the ocean as a whole. They are found in parts of the East Coast of North America to the Atlantic of Canada, through New Guinea and the Sea of Nova Scotia. They are shown to migrate to parts of the Western and North Pacific Ocean during their nesting season where they migrate to warmer waters. Studies have been done that results in nesting periods of in two to three year intervals but mating multiple times a season around early spring to late summer, March July (James et al. 2005). They have unique diet such as jellyfish, squid, and tunicates. This organism is very adaptable to different environments such as having the ability to be in water ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was showed by testing the packed cell volumes, hematologic health parameter in the blood, of nesting leatherback sea turtles from a wildlife refuge in the Virgin Islands and then compared those results to the newly hatchlings. The Results detected a trend after taking samples from 175 samples. (Perrault et al 2016). This trend that showed a decline of packed volume cells during breeding season and were higher in turtles that laid more clutches. Which also means that the species recorded foraged less for food rather than the previous studies stated that they foraged more (Perrault et al 2016). These compared to the other studies shows that the behaviors in these species may be differed on numerous factors. These factors could be such as lack of food in one area where the test site was, poor reproductive rates that season as well as error in the measurements of the collection tools of each study. One factor most people do not think about is how healthy a species needs to be, and have that need of a clean environment such as an oil and garbage free habitat, which in recent times may not be in such a state. All of this factors can result in slow metabolic rates, reproductive rates as well, which can affect a population of a certain species very rapidly. Without having a steady number of nutrients coming into the organism it can be very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Igbo In Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart The Igbo in Things Fall Apart The Umuofia village was one of the nine villages created by Achebe and was to represent the Igbo villages. The people are native to south eastern Nigeria and their customs and traditions seemed strange to the Europeans when they were conquering the area. These villages were living off a farming community, and all throughout the story that was the main source of food and money.The farms consisted of men food, yams, and women food, cassavas in the farm. Also, the men were the most important and most dominant sex, especially the ones with titles in the Igbo villages, They had their own hut and space in the village, but for their multiple wives, the men built a smaller hut for them and their children in the husband s hut vicinity. There were a number of reasons the the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though men were more in dominance, there were certain times when women got the respect too. For example, they settled the disputes in the villages and were communicated to the gods, so they could tell the men and women of their will. Igbo people have high traditions through storytelling and proverbs which the people lived on. Also the natives respected their language so the speakers that speak in public or at meetings are highly regarded and called ilo. The government of the Igbo has a justice system and laws with a structured society anot not like the Europeans told of them. They had a democratic way of government with no one to rule them all like a monarchy or tyranny. Each clan had elders and had men with high rankings in the top government . The ruling for a group or a person is decided as a whole clan but only men not women.This was actually only one of the three was to decide one s fate. The second was the jurisdiction of the dead ancestors which was spoken thought masked men called, egwugwu. These masked men wore costumes and spoke for the ancestors and were important to the village. The starting phase of the men were to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...