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Enterprise 2.0: The new face of CRM Dipock Das Senior Director, CRM, Oracle Session: S300053  James Ward Technical Evangelist, Adobe
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really. Before we start 
. A simple guide to get you through the next 60 minutes  (Apply this list to movies, rock music, word processors and mobile phones to work out how old you are. ) Douglas Adams, The Sunday Times, August 29th 1999 “ How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet ”
In this session  you will learn Why your business should care about E20 Ingredients for success Why tools are not enough What Oracle is doing and what you can do yourself Demos “ If you want to have a great future you have to start thinking about it in the present, because when the future's here you won't have the time.”   Nathan Myhrvold , former CTO of Microsoft
Why your business should care about Enterprise 2.0
The world is getting smaller And people are connecting in various ways larger   communities more   sophisticated Post videos Live streaming Video Conferencing more  collaborative more   access Worldwide Internet Usage (Source: internetworldstats.com Share of Americans online by age (Source: Pew Internet Project telephone surveys, 2000-2006)
“ the groundswell is: A social trend in which people use technologies to get things they need from each other , rather than from traditional institutions like corporations”  Charlene Li, John Bernoff, Forrester Research from “groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies” The Groundswell Business loses control of the customer Business spends millions of dollars cultivating a brand image, creating a product message and defining a value proposition. But who controls the message today?
Where Enterprise Applications Fall Short Business loses control of the user Populating and maintaining data Getting user acceptance Generating meaningful analytics Customizing CRM applications Measuring CRM project ROI Identifying sales-process problems Matching technology to process Effectively rolling out the application Evaluating CRM applications Obtaining executive support Managing CRM vendor relationship Getting adequate project funding other 52% 41% 35% 30% 28% 27% 20% 18% 10% 8% 6% 6% 4% Source:  Harvard Business Review , July-August 2006; Annual sales survey of Chief Sales Officers.
Ingredients  for success
Social Computing What makes modern consumer applications so popular? Each one of you has probably used one of these applications You most probably did not have any training. If you were “successful” with the product, you probably went back there again. You probably connected with someone in some manner.
Social Computing What makes modern consumer applications so popular? These applications served a useful purpose for you –  it was personal The application was simple and intuitive –  it was tailored for the task at hand The product was viral – in some way – very appealing –  a rich application The application made it  easy to connect, share content and give feedback
Simple, Intuitive User interfaces
George Eastman “You press the button, and we’ll do the rest” Example :  From “Subject to Change”, Adaptive Path  ISBN 10: 0-596-51683-5 | ISBN 13: 9780596516833  http://adaptivepath.com/ideas/book.php   (I recommend you buy it)
Siebel 8.0 Task Based User Interface  “You press the button, and we’ll do the rest” Step 1 Step 2
Capture Film Advance Film Develop Film Print Film Refill camera Example :  From “Subject to Change”, Adaptive Path  Photographic System
Oracle Confidential: Not for Distribution Browse Music Play Music Browse Music Play Music Rate Music Add Music Buy Music  Create Playlists Music System
Browse Contacts Call Contacts Rate Contacts Browse Contacts Rate Contacts Alter metadata Add Contacts Delete Contacts Make Call lists Create activities CRM System
Gadget Demo
CRM Gadgets Sales Focused Gadgets - Contact Gadget Your contacts Click to Talk Categories Search Social Networks Predictive Search Click’s are tracked and written to the CRM system
Rich Internet Applications
What makes an interface ‘Rich’? A chair is just a chair
but Which do you prefer? A B Logic tells you that both serve the same purpose But you chose the expensive chair on the right ..because there is something  aesthetically pleasing  about that chair
 the design has an appeal that draws you to it
  WARNING:  Aesthetics, power and technology, are not enough.  The product must be practical and give value to the user.
How we view the world Get inside the head of your users People who make software People who use software data logic user interface mostly irrelevant user interface
What makes an interface ‘Rich’? The following items all have the same essential ingredient What have Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Jimi Hendrix, the Wii got in common?  Feedback
Process centric to user centric design CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0
Social CRM  Moving Enterprise applications to the next level Oracle Confidential: Not for Distribution Sales ‘Forced’ Automation Sales 1.0   ‘ Stick’ Based Model Transactional Individual Report More Sell Less Forecasts for Managers Sales Productivity Applications Social Collaborative ‘ Carrot’ Based Model Sales 2.0 Sales for Sales Reps  Report Less Sell More
Demonstration Contact Radar revisited
Open, secure, sharing connected
History has shown that sharing benefits everyone ‘ Need to share’ is the new ‘Need to know’ The Human Genome Project Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Linux Wikipedia “ The Web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect -  to help people work together  - not as a technical toy” Sir Tim-Berners Lee, Weaving the Web
The network effect of sharing The New Generation Share to Create Value Employees are organized hierarchically
 (approx: 3500 year old design pattern) But work through social networks The more we share, the greater value we create over time
Personal Preferences Content SOCIAL CAPITAL Customers, Partners, Suppliers Employees Employees, Customers, Partners, Suppliers Communities Drive Business Innovation Contribution Accelerate Growth Community Value CRM HR SCM Tagging RSS Sharing Social Networks Enterprise
Communities Must be Flexible AND Secure Contribution Accelerate Growth Community Value
Making it Enterprise Ready Web Services Need to add 2 concepts more overtly on this slide: Security AIA & Fusion Middleware CRM HCM Financials Legacy SCM Mfg
Architecture of Social Platform 
 Remote EJB Web Services Web Services TCA Data Model Platform Services Security, Provisioning, Licensing, SaaS, Monitoring, Logging, Auditing Sales Prospector  OC4J Instance Sales Campaigns OC4J Instance Sales Library OC4J Instance Social Services OC4J Instance (Networks, Groups, Profiles, Tags, Ratings, Reviews, Relationships) Apps, Specific UI Adobe Flex / Oracle ADF UI Platform SSO  (OID/OAM) Batch Components TopLink SC SP SL Apps Common Customer Care OC4J Instance User Profiles  OC4J Instance Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink
The Products
Mashups Web 2.0 Apps Office/Mobile Device and Browser Independent Gadgets
Web 2.0 Applications for the Enterprise Oracle  Sales Library Oracle  Deal Management Oracle  Sales Campaigns Oracle  Sales Prospector
Customer Activity Radars Ageing Activities Contacts Service Requests Leads etc Creates Active Tasks Call lists Escalations etc
Oracle  – Mobile Productivity Search Lookup Call Find an Address Share leads Contacts Check Schedule Create Appointments Update Leads Approvals Check To Dos Jot Notes Connect with Teams Follow-up Business Intelligence Alerts HR On the way to meeting After the meeting Throughout the day
Oracle  – Mobile Productivity Search Lookup Call Find an Address Share leads Contacts Check Schedule Create Appointments Update Leads Approvals Check To Dos Jot Notes Connect with Teams Follow-up Business Intelligence Alerts HR On the way to meeting After the meeting Throughout the day
The “Three Cs” of Enterprise 2.0 Best of Breed applications with Business Intelligence
Embracing change
Web 2.0 Tools applied to Enterprise Trends and implementation  Social Networks Leveraging modern Social Networks to find affinities and drive sales.  Open Social API *Jeffrey Gitomer,  Best Selling Sales Author Personal Prospecting  40% of Sales Reps actual opportunities originate from a formal Lead. Personal prospecting makes up the rest* RSS | TAGS | DIGG Users subscribe and give feedback on content posted on an unprecedented scale Blogging | Wiki’s Both public and private blogs become dynamic informal channels of communication Collective Intelligence Lawyers found that watching the RSS feeds that their colleagues were watching left them better informed on the most important topics Market Research  real-time, large scale focus groups   Marketing Blogs become a form of marketing – reaching audiences who choose to subscribe ..  Wiki’s teams stay better informed through user driven (searchable) wiki’s
Real world example Kettle Chips taps into the Community to increase sales 28%** Article from : F@st Company |  Issue 113  | March 2007 | Page 55 | By: David Lidsky
Real world example Kettle Chips taps into the Community to increase sales 28%** Spring 2004 execs receive wacky letters from devoted customers. devise way to tap into that energy. Article from : F@st Company |  Issue 113  | March 2007 | Page 55 | By: David Lidsky  July 2005 spicy thai & cheddar beer released. sales rise 28.1% to $31m. potato chip market grows at1.2% as a whole ( Packaged Facts ) Summer 2004 “what flavour should we make?”– staged events in North West.  16,000 ballots received. January 2005 ‘ people’s choice’ campaign – fans select from 5 flavours. use blogs & digg. 10,000 votes received . January 2006 kettle releases 2 new people’s choice flavours. kettle tweaks flavour based on feedback posted by tasters to website January 2007 kettle launches a community site for potato-chip lovers. site used for flavour development
Wells Fargo Banking 2.0 Using blogs to give executives an informal channel for employee and customer discussions, and RSS feeds to funnel news into a CRM system Attempts to build a presence inside Second Life -- a virtual community called Stagecoach Island -- to get young people involved with the brand and learn about personal finance has not seen much traction Also is experimenting with wikis and blogs. It has customer-facing blogs about topics such as student loans
Westpac Banking 2.0 Westpac has chosen to let Facebook traffic through the corporate firewall Experimenting with the development of an internal "Facebook-like" application of its own. The application, still under development, will have the same look and feel as Facebook but will feature Westpac confidential data, will be restricted to Westpac staff and be protected by the firewall. Westpac has also set up its own island in virtual world Second Life.  Westpac has experimented with using this virtual space to conduct centralised induction meetings for new staff from branches and offices around the country The "virtual presence" element of Second Life meant that geographical and hieratical barriers could be removed. New staff from a branch in Tasmania and a branch in Brisbane could be inducted in the same session by a trainer in Sydney.  Source: Westpac turns to Web 2.0 free for all – ZDNet Australia,  21/11/07
+ This collaborative tool increased qualified leads by 200%.
+ Increased sales by 15%
Existing web businesses are  transformed
??? Web 2.0 Startup ??? + Innovative new businesses are born, changing how people think of the web
In Summary What does it take to be a next generation application?  OnDemand Personal Engaging Connected
The ROI of RIA Increased Sales Higher conversion rates, less online abandonment Increased average order size through cross-sell and up-sell visualization Increased customer loyalty drive repeat purchase More Qualified Leads Better understanding of your product and services help customers get to a decision Reduce the Cost of Sales Successful online transactions reduce direct sales interactions Accuracy of orders increases Reduce the Cost of Service Self-service reduces service rep interactions Reduce Returns Visualization of product helps customer understand what they are buying Configuration tools help customers buy the right product Revenue Expense
The sum of the whole is equal to its parts. greater  than its parts. Euclid

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Enterprise 2.0: The new face of CRM

  • 2. Enterprise 2.0: The new face of CRM Dipock Das Senior Director, CRM, Oracle Session: S300053 James Ward Technical Evangelist, Adobe
  • 3. The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
  • 4. everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really. Before we start 
. A simple guide to get you through the next 60 minutes (Apply this list to movies, rock music, word processors and mobile phones to work out how old you are. ) Douglas Adams, The Sunday Times, August 29th 1999 “ How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet ”
  • 5. In this session you will learn Why your business should care about E20 Ingredients for success Why tools are not enough What Oracle is doing and what you can do yourself Demos “ If you want to have a great future you have to start thinking about it in the present, because when the future's here you won't have the time.”   Nathan Myhrvold , former CTO of Microsoft
  • 6. Why your business should care about Enterprise 2.0
  • 7. The world is getting smaller And people are connecting in various ways larger communities more sophisticated Post videos Live streaming Video Conferencing more collaborative more access Worldwide Internet Usage (Source: internetworldstats.com Share of Americans online by age (Source: Pew Internet Project telephone surveys, 2000-2006)
  • 8. “ the groundswell is: A social trend in which people use technologies to get things they need from each other , rather than from traditional institutions like corporations” Charlene Li, John Bernoff, Forrester Research from “groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies” The Groundswell Business loses control of the customer Business spends millions of dollars cultivating a brand image, creating a product message and defining a value proposition. But who controls the message today?
  • 9. Where Enterprise Applications Fall Short Business loses control of the user Populating and maintaining data Getting user acceptance Generating meaningful analytics Customizing CRM applications Measuring CRM project ROI Identifying sales-process problems Matching technology to process Effectively rolling out the application Evaluating CRM applications Obtaining executive support Managing CRM vendor relationship Getting adequate project funding other 52% 41% 35% 30% 28% 27% 20% 18% 10% 8% 6% 6% 4% Source: Harvard Business Review , July-August 2006; Annual sales survey of Chief Sales Officers.
  • 10. Ingredients for success
  • 11. Social Computing What makes modern consumer applications so popular? Each one of you has probably used one of these applications You most probably did not have any training. If you were “successful” with the product, you probably went back there again. You probably connected with someone in some manner.
  • 12. Social Computing What makes modern consumer applications so popular? These applications served a useful purpose for you – it was personal The application was simple and intuitive – it was tailored for the task at hand The product was viral – in some way – very appealing – a rich application The application made it easy to connect, share content and give feedback
  • 14. George Eastman “You press the button, and we’ll do the rest” Example : From “Subject to Change”, Adaptive Path ISBN 10: 0-596-51683-5 | ISBN 13: 9780596516833 http://adaptivepath.com/ideas/book.php (I recommend you buy it)
  • 15. Siebel 8.0 Task Based User Interface “You press the button, and we’ll do the rest” Step 1 Step 2
  • 16. Capture Film Advance Film Develop Film Print Film Refill camera Example : From “Subject to Change”, Adaptive Path Photographic System
  • 17. Oracle Confidential: Not for Distribution Browse Music Play Music Browse Music Play Music Rate Music Add Music Buy Music Create Playlists Music System
  • 18. Browse Contacts Call Contacts Rate Contacts Browse Contacts Rate Contacts Alter metadata Add Contacts Delete Contacts Make Call lists Create activities CRM System
  • 20. CRM Gadgets Sales Focused Gadgets - Contact Gadget Your contacts Click to Talk Categories Search Social Networks Predictive Search Click’s are tracked and written to the CRM system
  • 22. What makes an interface ‘Rich’? A chair is just a chair
but Which do you prefer? A B Logic tells you that both serve the same purpose But you chose the expensive chair on the right ..because there is something aesthetically pleasing about that chair
 the design has an appeal that draws you to it
 WARNING: Aesthetics, power and technology, are not enough. The product must be practical and give value to the user.
  • 23. How we view the world Get inside the head of your users People who make software People who use software data logic user interface mostly irrelevant user interface
  • 24. What makes an interface ‘Rich’? The following items all have the same essential ingredient What have Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Jimi Hendrix, the Wii got in common? Feedback
  • 25. Process centric to user centric design CRM 1.0 CRM 2.0
  • 26. Social CRM Moving Enterprise applications to the next level Oracle Confidential: Not for Distribution Sales ‘Forced’ Automation Sales 1.0 ‘ Stick’ Based Model Transactional Individual Report More Sell Less Forecasts for Managers Sales Productivity Applications Social Collaborative ‘ Carrot’ Based Model Sales 2.0 Sales for Sales Reps Report Less Sell More
  • 29. History has shown that sharing benefits everyone ‘ Need to share’ is the new ‘Need to know’ The Human Genome Project Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Linux Wikipedia “ The Web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect - to help people work together - not as a technical toy” Sir Tim-Berners Lee, Weaving the Web
  • 30. The network effect of sharing The New Generation Share to Create Value Employees are organized hierarchically
 (approx: 3500 year old design pattern) But work through social networks The more we share, the greater value we create over time
  • 31. Personal Preferences Content SOCIAL CAPITAL Customers, Partners, Suppliers Employees Employees, Customers, Partners, Suppliers Communities Drive Business Innovation Contribution Accelerate Growth Community Value CRM HR SCM Tagging RSS Sharing Social Networks Enterprise
  • 32. Communities Must be Flexible AND Secure Contribution Accelerate Growth Community Value
  • 34. Making it Enterprise Ready Web Services Need to add 2 concepts more overtly on this slide: Security AIA & Fusion Middleware CRM HCM Financials Legacy SCM Mfg
  • 35. Architecture of Social Platform 
 Remote EJB Web Services Web Services TCA Data Model Platform Services Security, Provisioning, Licensing, SaaS, Monitoring, Logging, Auditing Sales Prospector OC4J Instance Sales Campaigns OC4J Instance Sales Library OC4J Instance Social Services OC4J Instance (Networks, Groups, Profiles, Tags, Ratings, Reviews, Relationships) Apps, Specific UI Adobe Flex / Oracle ADF UI Platform SSO (OID/OAM) Batch Components TopLink SC SP SL Apps Common Customer Care OC4J Instance User Profiles OC4J Instance Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink Platform Services TopLink
  • 37. Mashups Web 2.0 Apps Office/Mobile Device and Browser Independent Gadgets
  • 38. Web 2.0 Applications for the Enterprise Oracle Sales Library Oracle Deal Management Oracle Sales Campaigns Oracle Sales Prospector
  • 39. Customer Activity Radars Ageing Activities Contacts Service Requests Leads etc Creates Active Tasks Call lists Escalations etc
  • 40. Oracle – Mobile Productivity Search Lookup Call Find an Address Share leads Contacts Check Schedule Create Appointments Update Leads Approvals Check To Dos Jot Notes Connect with Teams Follow-up Business Intelligence Alerts HR On the way to meeting After the meeting Throughout the day
  • 41. Oracle – Mobile Productivity Search Lookup Call Find an Address Share leads Contacts Check Schedule Create Appointments Update Leads Approvals Check To Dos Jot Notes Connect with Teams Follow-up Business Intelligence Alerts HR On the way to meeting After the meeting Throughout the day
  • 42. The “Three Cs” of Enterprise 2.0 Best of Breed applications with Business Intelligence
  • 44. Web 2.0 Tools applied to Enterprise Trends and implementation Social Networks Leveraging modern Social Networks to find affinities and drive sales. Open Social API *Jeffrey Gitomer, Best Selling Sales Author Personal Prospecting 40% of Sales Reps actual opportunities originate from a formal Lead. Personal prospecting makes up the rest* RSS | TAGS | DIGG Users subscribe and give feedback on content posted on an unprecedented scale Blogging | Wiki’s Both public and private blogs become dynamic informal channels of communication Collective Intelligence Lawyers found that watching the RSS feeds that their colleagues were watching left them better informed on the most important topics Market Research real-time, large scale focus groups Marketing Blogs become a form of marketing – reaching audiences who choose to subscribe .. Wiki’s teams stay better informed through user driven (searchable) wiki’s
  • 45. Real world example Kettle Chips taps into the Community to increase sales 28%** Article from : F@st Company | Issue 113 | March 2007 | Page 55 | By: David Lidsky
  • 46. Real world example Kettle Chips taps into the Community to increase sales 28%** Spring 2004 execs receive wacky letters from devoted customers. devise way to tap into that energy. Article from : F@st Company | Issue 113 | March 2007 | Page 55 | By: David Lidsky July 2005 spicy thai & cheddar beer released. sales rise 28.1% to $31m. potato chip market grows at1.2% as a whole ( Packaged Facts ) Summer 2004 “what flavour should we make?”– staged events in North West. 16,000 ballots received. January 2005 ‘ people’s choice’ campaign – fans select from 5 flavours. use blogs & digg. 10,000 votes received . January 2006 kettle releases 2 new people’s choice flavours. kettle tweaks flavour based on feedback posted by tasters to website January 2007 kettle launches a community site for potato-chip lovers. site used for flavour development
  • 47. Wells Fargo Banking 2.0 Using blogs to give executives an informal channel for employee and customer discussions, and RSS feeds to funnel news into a CRM system Attempts to build a presence inside Second Life -- a virtual community called Stagecoach Island -- to get young people involved with the brand and learn about personal finance has not seen much traction Also is experimenting with wikis and blogs. It has customer-facing blogs about topics such as student loans
  • 48. Westpac Banking 2.0 Westpac has chosen to let Facebook traffic through the corporate firewall Experimenting with the development of an internal "Facebook-like" application of its own. The application, still under development, will have the same look and feel as Facebook but will feature Westpac confidential data, will be restricted to Westpac staff and be protected by the firewall. Westpac has also set up its own island in virtual world Second Life. Westpac has experimented with using this virtual space to conduct centralised induction meetings for new staff from branches and offices around the country The "virtual presence" element of Second Life meant that geographical and hieratical barriers could be removed. New staff from a branch in Tasmania and a branch in Brisbane could be inducted in the same session by a trainer in Sydney. Source: Westpac turns to Web 2.0 free for all – ZDNet Australia, 21/11/07
  • 49. + This collaborative tool increased qualified leads by 200%.
  • 51. Existing web businesses are transformed
  • 52. ??? Web 2.0 Startup ??? + Innovative new businesses are born, changing how people think of the web
  • 53. In Summary What does it take to be a next generation application? OnDemand Personal Engaging Connected
  • 54. The ROI of RIA Increased Sales Higher conversion rates, less online abandonment Increased average order size through cross-sell and up-sell visualization Increased customer loyalty drive repeat purchase More Qualified Leads Better understanding of your product and services help customers get to a decision Reduce the Cost of Sales Successful online transactions reduce direct sales interactions Accuracy of orders increases Reduce the Cost of Service Self-service reduces service rep interactions Reduce Returns Visualization of product helps customer understand what they are buying Configuration tools help customers buy the right product Revenue Expense
  • 55. The sum of the whole is equal to its parts. greater than its parts. Euclid
  • 56. Â