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Enterprise Applications
    Overview and Recent Integration Trends
            Key Note Presentation

             Swamy Senthil
                 Swasen Inc

1                             Turning Vision into Results
Objectives and Goals
    • Objectives
       –   A brief note about Swasen Inc
       –   Need for Enterprise Applications
       –   A Typical Requirement
       –   Evolution of Enterprise Applications
       –   Functional Modules Overview
       –   Recent Trends
            • Enterprise Applications Interface
            • Service Oriented Architecture

    • Goals of the Session
       –   Requirement for Enterprise Applications
       –   Understanding of Diff
           U d    t di      f Different E t
                                      t Enterprise A li ti
                                               i Applications M d l
       –   Trends in Interfacing Applications
       –   Continued Learning Process

2                                                 Turning Vision into Results
Swasen Inc

    • Vendor Independent Enterprise Application Experts
    • For the last 7 years supports the global customers in
                     y       pp         g
      deploying PLM/EA solutions
       –   Supports Customers in deriving PLM/EA Implementation Road Map
       –   Listen, Understand, Analyze and Resolve Business Issues
       –   Help with technology Adoption
       –   Help vendors improve Sales and Marketing

3                                              Turning Vision into Results

• Schneider Electric

• Volvo Construction Equipments

• Ingersoll Rand

• Stryker Spine

• Zero Wait Systems

• Orbotech Ltd

4                                 Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise – Typical Requirement

    –   To make this Jacket for US, a garment producer orders materials from factories
        in 5 countries, delivers to India for Stitching, QA in China and delivers to US
    –   Needs EA for tracking word wide partners
                              g             p
    –   Needs to compress the time it takes to get items into stores

5                                                       Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise Applications

                                                          Distribution      Distribution   Distribution
                                                           Centers           Centers        Centers
                                                             [US]              [US]           [US]

    Product Design                                                       Quality Control &
         [US]                                                               Shipping
                                                                             [Chi ]

            Yarn Spinning
                        g   Weavingg               Stitchingg
               [Korea]      [Taiwan]                [India]

                                         Zippers +..

6                                                 Turning Vision into Results
Complex Requirement

• Aircraft Manufacturers
    –   Multifold complexity
    –   100,000 to 200000 Parts
    –   ~ 4000 – 5000 Suppliers
    –   ~ 2000 – 3000 Production lines
    –   200 to 300 Product Configurations
    –   Numerous Controlled Documents
    –   50 to 200 Systems

7                                              Turning Vision into Results
Uncertainty and Risk Factors
    •   Challenges
        –   Shorter Product Development
        –   More geographically dispersed development team
        –   Greater Reliance on Partners and Suppliers
        –   Matching Supply and Demand
    REASONS                                EXAMPLES
    •Raw material shortages                Aircraft Manufacturer inventory
    •Internal and supplier parts           write-down of $2.6 billion
    •Productivity inefficiencies
    •Sales and earnings shortfall          Sales at Medical Devices
    •Larger than anticipated inventories   Manufacturer declined 25 percent,
                                           resulting in a loss of $22 million
    •Stiff competition                     Semi conductor chip manufacturer
    •General slowdown in the PC market     reported a 38 percent decline in
                                           quarterly profit
    •Higher than expected orders for       Storage device manufacturer
    new products over existing products    missed its revenue guidance of
                                           $2.66 billion for the second quarter
                                           of 2006 by around $100 million

8                                                             Turning Vision into Results
Evolution of Enterprise Applications

9                     Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise Development and Supply Chains

10                          Turning Vision into Results
Communication Loops
                                 Distribution Logistics
                                Customer Requirements
                                 Customer Satisfaction


                                Maximize Customer Satisfaction
                                  Minimized Time to Market
                               Improved Business Performance
                                  Efficient use of Resources

           PDM/PLM                                                       ERP

     Product Design Analysis                                     Product Manufacturing
     Product Design Release                                       Resources Planning
     Product Design Changes                                      Manufacturing Routing

11                                                               Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise Applications – Functional Modules

12                             Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise Application Interface

     • Enterprise Application Interface
            p      pp
        –   Information resides in many repositories
        –   Solution that supports real-time seamless access to information
        –   Allows key business information to be shared
        –   Enables the collaboration of Information
        –   Automating the Business Information

13                                                  Turning Vision into Results
Inter-Application Spaghetti

                   –   Ad-hoc Integration
                   –   Short term gain
                   –   Inflexible
                   –   Difficult to Maintain
                   –   Difficult to Manage

14            Turning Vision into Results
Enterprise Application Interface

                •   Structured Approach
                •   Efficient Interface for
                     – Data
                     – Internal & External

                •   Business Process Integration

15                  Turning Vision into Results
Business Process Integration

     •   Isolation of business process from systems
     •   Tools for analyzing business processing information
                        y g           p         g
     •   Real time Reporting
     •   Graphical modeling of complex business processes

16                                       Turning Vision into Results
EAI Architecture

     • Message Oriented Middleware
        – Message Queues for Communication
        – Loose Coupling between the middleware and applications
        – Independent change of middleware and applications

     • Advantages
        – Asynchronous Process
        – Does not require both application online
        – Guaranteed message delivery

     • Di d
        – Complexity if the data is large
        – Asynchronous

17                                             Turning Vision into Results
MOM Architecture

     • BUS Architecture   • Hub and Spoke

18                        Turning Vision into Results
Service Oriented Architecture
         •   SOA
             –   Collection of Services
             –   Services
                   • Well Defined Self Contained
                   • Does not depend on the Context or State
                      of other Services
             –   Services Communicate with each other

         •   Web Services
             –   Expose application functionality as services
             –   Allow other systems to synchronously invoke
             –   via SOAP protocol

         •   SOAP
             –   exchange of information in a decentralized and
                 distributed environment.
             –   It is an XMLbased protocol

19                     Turning Vision into Results

20   Turning Vision into Results


21                      Turning Vision into Results

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Enterprise Applications

  • 1. Enterprise Applications Overview and Recent Integration Trends Key Note Presentation Swamy Senthil Swasen Inc 1 Turning Vision into Results
  • 2. Objectives and Goals • Objectives – A brief note about Swasen Inc – Need for Enterprise Applications – A Typical Requirement – Evolution of Enterprise Applications – Functional Modules Overview – Recent Trends • Enterprise Applications Interface • Service Oriented Architecture • Goals of the Session – Requirement for Enterprise Applications – Understanding of Diff U d t di f Different E t t Enterprise A li ti i Applications M d l Modules – Trends in Interfacing Applications – Continued Learning Process 2 Turning Vision into Results
  • 3. Swasen Inc • Vendor Independent Enterprise Application Experts • For the last 7 years supports the global customers in y pp g deploying PLM/EA solutions – Supports Customers in deriving PLM/EA Implementation Road Map – Listen, Understand, Analyze and Resolve Business Issues – Help with technology Adoption – Help vendors improve Sales and Marketing 3 Turning Vision into Results
  • 4. PLM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • Schneider Electric • Volvo Construction Equipments • Ingersoll Rand • Stryker Spine • Zero Wait Systems • Orbotech Ltd 4 Turning Vision into Results
  • 5. Enterprise – Typical Requirement – To make this Jacket for US, a garment producer orders materials from factories in 5 countries, delivers to India for Stitching, QA in China and delivers to US Stores – Needs EA for tracking word wide partners g p – Needs to compress the time it takes to get items into stores 5 Turning Vision into Results
  • 6. Enterprise Applications Distribution Distribution Distribution Centers Centers Centers [US] [US] [US] Product Design Quality Control & [US] Shipping [China] [Chi ] Yarn Spinning g Weavingg Stitchingg [Korea] [Taiwan] [India] Zippers +.. [Japan] 6 Turning Vision into Results
  • 7. Complex Requirement • Aircraft Manufacturers – Multifold complexity – 100,000 to 200000 Parts – ~ 4000 – 5000 Suppliers – ~ 2000 – 3000 Production lines – 200 to 300 Product Configurations – Numerous Controlled Documents – 50 to 200 Systems 7 Turning Vision into Results
  • 8. Uncertainty and Risk Factors • Challenges – Shorter Product Development – More geographically dispersed development team – Greater Reliance on Partners and Suppliers – Matching Supply and Demand REASONS EXAMPLES •Raw material shortages Aircraft Manufacturer inventory •Internal and supplier parts write-down of $2.6 billion shortages •Productivity inefficiencies •Sales and earnings shortfall Sales at Medical Devices •Larger than anticipated inventories Manufacturer declined 25 percent, resulting in a loss of $22 million •Stiff competition Semi conductor chip manufacturer •General slowdown in the PC market reported a 38 percent decline in quarterly profit •Higher than expected orders for Storage device manufacturer new products over existing products missed its revenue guidance of $2.66 billion for the second quarter of 2006 by around $100 million 8 Turning Vision into Results
  • 9. Evolution of Enterprise Applications 9 Turning Vision into Results
  • 10. Enterprise Development and Supply Chains 10 Turning Vision into Results
  • 11. Communication Loops Marketing Distribution Logistics Customer Requirements Customer Satisfaction SCM/CRM Maximize Customer Satisfaction Minimized Time to Market Improved Business Performance Efficient use of Resources PDM/PLM ERP Product Design Analysis Product Manufacturing Product Design Release Resources Planning Product Design Changes Manufacturing Routing 11 Turning Vision into Results
  • 12. Enterprise Applications – Functional Modules 12 Turning Vision into Results
  • 13. Enterprise Application Interface • Enterprise Application Interface p pp – Information resides in many repositories – Solution that supports real-time seamless access to information – Allows key business information to be shared y – Enables the collaboration of Information – Automating the Business Information 13 Turning Vision into Results
  • 14. Inter-Application Spaghetti – Ad-hoc Integration – Short term gain – Inflexible – Difficult to Maintain – Difficult to Manage 14 Turning Vision into Results
  • 15. Enterprise Application Interface • Structured Approach • Efficient Interface for – Data – Internal & External • Business Process Integration g 15 Turning Vision into Results
  • 16. Business Process Integration • Isolation of business process from systems • Tools for analyzing business processing information y g p g • Real time Reporting • Graphical modeling of complex business processes 16 Turning Vision into Results
  • 17. EAI Architecture • Message Oriented Middleware – Message Queues for Communication – Loose Coupling between the middleware and applications – Independent change of middleware and applications • Advantages – Asynchronous Process – Does not require both application online – Guaranteed message delivery • Di d Disadvantages t – Complexity if the data is large – Asynchronous 17 Turning Vision into Results
  • 18. MOM Architecture • BUS Architecture • Hub and Spoke p 18 Turning Vision into Results
  • 19. Service Oriented Architecture • SOA – Collection of Services – Services • Well Defined Self Contained Defined, • Does not depend on the Context or State of other Services – Services Communicate with each other • Web Services – Expose application functionality as services – Allow other systems to synchronously invoke them – via SOAP protocol • SOAP – exchange of information in a decentralized and distributed environment. – It is an XMLbased protocol 19 Turning Vision into Results
  • 20. Questions 20 Turning Vision into Results
  • 21. THANK YOU swamy.senthil@swasen.com 21 Turning Vision into Results