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Enterprise Web 2.0
              Changing the UC Conversation

Roberto De La Mora
Cisco Systems Inc.
8200 NW 41st St., Suite 400
Miami, FL 33166
+1 (305) 718 2627

It’s a Brave New World
New                                                          New
Worker and Work Model                              Resource Model


New                                                           New
Business Model                                    Technology Model

             All Drive a New Network Model!
                        Cisco Confidential                       2 2
The New Network Model:
       an Integrated Approach


1990    1971
        1981   1972
               2012   2003
                      1973              2004
                                        2014      2015
                                                  1975   2016
                                                         1976   2017
                                                                2007   1978
                                                                       2018   2009
                             Cisco Confidential                                      3 3
Align the Network with the Business

React to Business Shifts                                   Ensure Business Continuity

                                           Technology                   Operational
                                           (The Network)                Excellence

Reduce Business Latency                                    Protect/Utilize Assets

                           Cisco Confidential                                           4 4
Wikis, Blogs, Mashups

                                                                           Browser, Email/IM
13482_05_2007   © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.   Cisco Confidential
                                                                  Cisco Confidential           5 5
IT Trends: A Major Inflection Point
   Tremendous Opportunity for Businesses to Move with
Unprecedented Speed and Alter the Economics of Their Market

Globalization of Businesses                             Ubiquitous Bandwidth

                                                      Unified Communications
Scale and Speed

innovation                                   Web                        SOA
Knowledge worker has
choices                                                                SaaS

         Global Trends                             Technical Innovation

                        Cisco Confidential                                      6 6
Enterprise Adoption Hasn’t Kept Pace

Technology Designed                        Users Taking
for the                                    Matters into Their
Old World                                  Own Hands

 Enterprise                                      Employee

                      Cisco Confidential                        7 7
IT Caught in the Middle
Tolerance is going

Enterprise Demands                   Proactive    Employee Demands
                        Comprehensive             “I want Facebook for the
  Disaster Recovery                                Enterprise...”
  Strategies                        Predictive    “I’m going to do it whether
  Security                                         you support it or not...”
  High Availability
                                                  “Why can’t I get access
  Quality of Service
  Backup and Recovery
                                                 Visibility is going
                                                 Visibility is going

                        Cisco Confidential                                      8 8
The Current Landscape
              Application              Delivery Model

 Consumer                                   www         Network

 Enterprise                                             Enterprise

                  Cisco Confidential                                 9 9
The Current Landscape
              Application              Innovation Cycle

                                              3 to 6       Public
 Consumer                                    www          Network

 Enterprise                                   3 to 6      Enterprise
                                              Years        Network

                  Cisco Confidential                                   10 10
The Best of Both Worlds
              Application               Delivery Model

              Ubiquity, Speed, Flexibility
              “Web 2.0” style innovation platform               Public
 Consumer                                    www               Network
              Facebook stat: 5000 “custom apps” built
              by 90K developers in 7 weeks

              The “utilities”—security, reliability, scalability,
              availability, etc.
 Enterprise                                                     Enterprise
              Intelligent services built into the network         Network
              Example: Network Access Control (NAC)

                   Cisco Confidential                                        11 11
Web 2.0 Opportunity
WEB 2.0          Social - Embedded part of our lives
ENTERPRISE 2.0   Enterprise 2.0 - “User as the employee”

                 Today, risk outweighs business benefits
                 Enterprise Web 2.0 is happening with or without IT

                  Focus needs to be on Principles/Concepts
                  Not on Tools & Technology (wikis, blogs, etc.)

                  Advanced Tech. can incorporate Web 2.0 into IT &
                  business strategy – lower risk, measurable return

                  Create new set of conversations to new audience
                  Drive Advanced Tech. for competitive differentiation

                     Cisco Confidential                                  12 12
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of the Web

Tools & Tech


                                                Web as a


                                           Social Behavior

                          SOCIAL                     SOCIAL
                                                     SOCIAL       USER
                          BOOKMARKING                NETWORKING
                                                     NETWORKING   GENERATED

                           Cisco Confidential                                 13 13
Web 2.0 Tools Adapted for Enterprise Use

Tools & Tech

 BLOG          • for authoring and storytelling

WIKI           • for authoring and linking

 RSS           • Web Feed Server and Newsreaders for signaling
 S/W           • for tagging and building folksonomy

                                                    …as defined at wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_2.0

                               Cisco Confidential                                                 14 14
Adapting Web 2.0 for the Enterprise:
 “Enterprise 2.0”

What We Know About Enterprise Web 2.0 So Far

1. It is going to happen – with or without IT (same trend as IM)

2. A state of mind vs. a product you can purchase

3. Most businesses still need to educate their workers

4. The benefits can be dramatic, & builds steadily over time

5. Doesn’t put older IT systems out of business

6. Will drive Business Transformation. Be ready

7. Involves more than just blogs and wikis

                        Cisco Confidential                         16 16
Management Fears About Enterprise Web 2.0

 Technological Barriers                                       Cultural Barriers
 1. Security                                                  6. Monitoring
 2. Access Control                                            7. Legal Dangers
 3. Information Integrity                                     8. Productivity
 4. Proper Tagging                                            9. Manage
 5. Training                                                  10. Investment
              http://www.enterpriseweb2.com/?p=10                             http://www.enterpriseweb2.com/?p=10

  “[Corporate] interest in technologies such as blogs, wikis, and mashups
 has gone down during 2007, despite explosive growth outside the firewall.”
                                                    Growing Pains: Can Web 2.0 Evolve Into An Enterprise Technology?
                                                                                                Infoweek, 10/27/2007

                             Cisco Confidential                                                                        17 17
Changing the Web 2.0 Conversation
No hard boundary – a gravitational core

                Strategic Positioning:
                •   The Web as a Platform

                Core Competencies:
                •   Services, not packaged software
                •   Architecture of participation
                •   Cost effective scalability
                •   Remixable data source and data transformation
                •   Software above the level of a single device
                •   Harnessing the collective intelligence

                           Core Competencies

                          Cisco Confidential                        18 18
Changing the Web 2.0 Conversation
     Principles and practices tie together a solar system of sites & applications

                            Strategic Positioning:
                            •   The Web as a Platform

“An attitude, not                                                                                      Rich User
                            Core Competencies:                                                         Experience
 a technology”
                            •   Services, not packaged software
                            •   Architecture of participation
                            •   Cost effective scalability                                            Small pieces
 The Long Tail              •   Remixable data source and data transformation                        loosely joined
                            •   Software above the level of a single device                       (web as components)
                            •   Harnessing the collective intelligence

  Data as the
                                                   Software that gets                               Trust your users
 “Intel inside”                                                                   Play
                      The perpetual beta               Better the
                                                   more people use it

                                                                                     Granular addressability
                                The Right to Remix:              Emergent: User            of content
        Hackability               “Some rights                     behavior not
                                    reserved”                     predetermined

                                       Cisco Confidential                                                           19 19
   Flickr, Delicious:                ebay Reputation,                  Blogs: Participation
       Tagging,                                                                                               BitTorrent:
                                   Amazon Reviews: user                  not publishing
    not Taxonomy                                                                                        Radical Decentralization
                                      as contributor

                       Gmail, Google                     Google AdSense:
                      Maps, and AJAX:                  Customer self service              Wikipedia:
Context                                                                                  Radical Trust
                    Rich User Experience               enabling the Long Tail

                               Strategic Positioning:
                               •   The Web as a Platform

“An attitude, not                                                                                               Rich User
                               Core Competencies:                                                               Experience
 a technology”
                               •   Services, not packaged software
                               •   Architecture of participation
                               •   Cost effective scalability                                                  Small pieces
 The Long Tail                 •   Remixable data source and data transformation                              loosely joined
                               •   Software above the level of a single device                             (web as components)
                               •   Harnessing the collective intelligence

  Data as the
                                                       Software that gets                                    Trust your users
 “Intel inside”                                                                       Play
                        The perpetual beta                 Better the
                                                       more people use it

                                                                                              Granular addressability
                                   The Right to Remix:               Emergent: User                 of content
        Hackability                  “Some rights                      behavior not
                                       reserved”                      predetermined

                                           Cisco Confidential                                                                20 20
Web 2.0 Key Principles & Competencies

                                                                    Rich User                             as a Service
 Small sites make up the               Design                       Experience
   bulk of the internet's
                                  applications          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

reach out to the entire web,      to integrate             Interfaces that leverage the
                                                           power of the web platform,
     to the edges and not
                               services across             making it a seamless, almost
        just the center.
                                                                                                 Hosted web-native
                                     handheld              invisible part of their
                                                                                                software apps for use
                                  devices and                                                   by customers over the
                                           PCs                                                         Internet

                                   Cisco Confidential                                                               21 21
How should IT start thinking about an
Enterprise Web 2.0 strategy?

1. Web-based information sharing--think business
   versions of Wikipedia, MySpace, and Flickr
    •   i.e. WebEx and Sharepoint
2. Voice and messaging
    •   VoIP, instant messaging, presence, videoconferencing, and UC
    •   UC is barely used at 13% of companies surveyed and
        effectively by a few at 24%

               Interest in Point #1 has been increasing
              Point #2 represents untapped opportunity

                                                Most Business Tech Pros Wary About
                                                          Web 2.0 Tools In Business
                                                               InformationWeek, 02/2007

                      Cisco Confidential                                         22 22
Harnessing The Collective Intelligence

                                Social Web 2.0
  User /         User          Social                                                    Wiki’s
               generated                          Offline/Online   Discoverability
Consumer                     Networking                                                Blogs, etc.
                content                                                of Data

                     The Network as Platform
                       The Web as a a Platform

User as the                                         Work/Life      Discoverability     Real Time
              Productivity   Collaboration
Employee                                                            of Resources     Communication

                             Enterprise Context
                             Cisco Confidential                                                      23 23
Changing Today’s Conversations

                             Today’s Conversations
Infrastructure      Active       Avaya, Alcatel,                    Director of     Technology
                                                       IP Phones                    Optimization
   -centric      opportunities      Nortel                              IT

                         The Network as a Platform

 User as the       Latent           Microsoft,                     VP Marketing,   Harnessing the
 Employee        Opportunities       Google                        Customer Svc    Collective Intell

                     Enterprise Web 2.0 Conversation
                                  Cisco Confidential                                              24 24
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence
    Cisco Unified Communications

Suppliers                                                                  Mobile Worker


Customers                                                                  Contact Center
                                Enterprise                        Wiki’s

                        Speech                             Proactive
Consultants           Self Service                          Contact           Branch


                                                                            Info Worker,
Employees                                                                    Executive
              Seamless, Unified Customer Experience
                           Cisco Confidential                                               25 25
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence?

                                                Web Chat
Suppliers                                                                   Mobile Worker


Customers                                                                   Contact Center

                       Assisted                            Proactive
Consultants           Self Service                          Contact         Resident Expert

                                            Self Service

                                                                             Info Worker,
Employees                                                                     Executive
                           Cisco Confidential                                                 26 26
Changing the UC Conversation
No hard boundary – a gravitational core

                Strategic Positioning:
                •   The NETWORK as a Platform

                Core Competencies:
                •   Architecture of participation
                •   Software above the level of a single device
                •   Cost-effective Scalability
                •   Lightweight interfaces
                •   Re-mixable communication sources
                •   Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise

                                Core Competencies

                           Cisco Confidential                              27 27
Changing the UC Conversation
   Principles and practices tie together a suite of applications to
   “Harness the Collective Intelligence of the Enterprise”

                          Strategic Positioning:
                          •   The NETWORK as a Platform

                                                                                                     Rich User
The Long Tail             Core Competencies:                                                         Experience
                          •   Architecture of participation
                          •   Software above the level of a single device
                          •   Cost-effective Scalability
Convergence               •   Lightweight interfaces                                               Loose coupling
                          •   Re-mixable communication sources
                          •   Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise

  Mobility                                        Collaboration:                                           Video
                       Software as                                    User as Employee
                        a Service                Synchronous and

                                                                                        Call Context
   Interrupt-ability                                                                 Integration via SIP
                                Resident Expert             Wisdom of Crowds
  via SIP & Presence

                                     Cisco Confidential                                                            28 28
Unified                                                     Mobile Communicator:
                                     Telepresence:                                                      IP Telephony:
   Voice Portal:                                                Software above the level
                                Media Rich Collaboration                                               Harnessing the
   Self Service                                                    of a single device
                                                                                                    collective intelligence

                        Webex:                         MeetingPlace,            IronPort SenderBase:
                Participation via SaaS            Personal Communicator:
Context                                                                       Communications Security
                   (not publishing)                Rich User Experience       enabled by the Long Tail

                            Strategic Positioning:
                            •    The NETWORK as a Platform

                                                                                                           Rich User
The Long Tail               Core Competencies:                                                             Experience
                            •    Architecture of participation
                            •    Software above the level of a single device
                            •    Cost-effective Scalability
Convergence                 •    Lightweight interfaces                                                  Loose coupling
                            •    Re-mixable communication sources
                            •    Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise

  Mobility                                            Collaboration:                                             Video
                        Software as                                        User as Employee
                         a Service                   Synchronous and

                                                                                              Call Context
   Interrupt-ability                                                                       Integration via SIP
                                   Resident Expert              Wisdom of Crowds
  via SIP & Presence
                                         Cisco Confidential                                                              29 29
Alignment Solutions &Communication Products
     Cisco UC with Unified Characteristics

Cisco Network as         S/W above the level             Software as a           The Long Tail
  the Platform             of Single Device                 Service              (The Branch)

Voice-Enabled Routers
   SIP and IP            Mobile Communicator
                            Consumer driven              Scalable
                                                        Webex                    Most employees reside
                                                                                Integrated Services
                            devices                                              in branches
                                                                                Router (ISR)
Voice-Enabled Gateways   Unified Mobility               IronPort SenderBase
                                                          Utility-based model
                            Unified Access                                       Intellectual capital at
                                                                                Mobile Communicator
QoS Enabled              Personal Communicator                                   the edge
                           Mobility                      web-enabled software   Unified Mobility
    Cross Network        Unified Presence                                        Extend core
CUCM and wireless,
    (wired, Unity          Telephony, Video              APIs, Web Services     Personal Communicator
                         Unity Unified Messaging
    FMC, 3G)                                                                    MeetingPlace
Integrated Services        Conferencing
                         MeetingPlace                    Network-based access    Peer-to-peer
Router (ISR)                                                                     collaboration
                         Telepresence                    Asynchronous
    Scale, Security,
Catalyst Switches with                                   Collaboration           Resident Expert &
                                                                                Video Conferencing
                            Rich User Experience
                         Video Conferencing
POE Simplification                                                               Home-based
                                                                                Unified Presence

                                   Cisco Confidential                                                  30 30
Network as                           Collaboration                         Harnessing the
        a Platform                             Creation                         Collective Intelligence

                                                                   Tagging            Social
Cisco Network as         S/W above the level       Software as a                    Networking
                                                                                           The Long Tail
  the Platform             of Single Device RSS Creation
                                 Blogs                 Service Enterprise                        Social Identity
                                                                                           (The Branch)
                                                        & Consumption          Tagging
                                                                                           Directory 2.0

Voice-Enabled Routers    Mobile Communicator                  Webex                      Integrated Services
                                                              IronPort Senderbase        Router (ISR)
Voice-Enabled Gateways   Unified Mobility
                                                                                         Mobile Communicator
QoS Enabled              Personal Communicator
Infrastructure                                                                            Unified Mobility
                         Unified Presence
CUCM and Unity                                                                            Personal Communicator
                         Unity Unified Messaging
Integrated Services      MeetingPlace
Router (ISR)                                                                             Telepresence
POE Switches                                                                             Video Conferencing
                         Video Conferencing
                                                                                         Unified Presence

                                   Cisco Confidential                                                          31 31
Companion Tools to Social Web 2.0

  Social Web 2.0

  Enterprise 2.0
Communication and

                    Cisco Confidential      32 32
Enterprise Web 2.0 Use Cases
           Manufacturing                             High Growth Tech Company
        Embed UC into Six Sigma                                 Reduce M&A Costs

•    Improve JIT delivery performance                •   Streamline integration process with UC
•    Unified Mobile Communicator improves            •   Webex provides real time and
     communication between field sales, HQ               asynchronous collaboration for M&A
     and manufacturing                                   teams across firewalls and time zones

      Health Care Provider                                  Financial Services
    Extend Privacy & Security Initiative                 Reduce Customer Service Costs

•    Include Web 2.0 technology (blogs, wikis        •   boost agent satisfaction by enabling
     UC, etc.)                                           work@home agents
•    IronPort DLP prevents information leaks         •   Contact Center agents’ metrics linked to
     enforces HIPAA compliance & protects                HR system for “pay for perform”
     their brand

                                Cisco Confidential                                                33 33
Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case

           “I’ll get back to you”
                                      Branch worker
                ”Hold please”

                                                                                         Mobile Worker


Customer              Knowledge Worker                      Network
                                                             as the

                                                                                           Home-based worker

                                                          M3/IQ Platform
                                                          Resident Expert   The Network as the Platform
                                                                            The Long Tail
                                                                            Discoverability of Resources

                                     Cisco Confidential                                                    34 34
Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case

                                   Branch worker

                                                                         Mobile Worker


Customer           Knowledge Worker                      Network
                                                          as the

                                                                          Home-based worker
                               Presence and Interruptability
                                              M3/IQ Platform
                               Harnessing the collective Intelligence
                                                       Resident Expert
                               Rich User Experience
                               Integrated w/ Sametime or MOC

                                  Cisco Confidential                                      35 35
Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case

                                                       Mobile Worker


Customer           Knowledge Worker

                                  Cisco Confidential                   36 36
Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case

                                       Branch worker

                                                       Home-based worker

Customer           Knowledge Worker

                                  Cisco Confidential                       37 37
Value Delivered

                                                   • Reduce hold times and abandons
                                                   • Reduce call transfers
Customer           Knowledge Worker                • Better service through collaboration
                                                   • Higher first contact resolution
                                                   • Measurable return

                                  Cisco Confidential                                        38 38
Today: Desktop

            Cisco Confidential   39 39
New Desktop for the Knowledge Worker
                    Future: “Webtop”

            Cisco Confidential         40 40
Welcome to a Network Where…

…Businesses Transform                        Network   …Integrated Networks
    Themselves                                          Make it All Possible

            Welcome to the Human Network™
                        Cisco Confidential                                41 41
Enterprise Web 2.0         Roberto De La Mora
                            Cisco Systems Inc.
                            8200 NW 41st St. Suite 400
                            Miami, FL
Changing the Conversation   rmora@cisco.com

                               RSS feed
                               OPML Reading List

                            Find me/follow me at:


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Enterprise Web 2.0

  • 1. Enterprise Web 2.0 Changing the UC Conversation Roberto De La Mora Cisco Systems Inc. 8200 NW 41st St., Suite 400 Miami, FL 33166 +1 (305) 718 2627 rmora@cisco.com 1
  • 2. It’s a Brave New World New New Worker and Work Model Resource Model Integrated Networks New New Business Model Technology Model All Drive a New Network Model! Cisco Confidential 2 2
  • 3. The New Network Model: an Integrated Approach Communicate Collaborate Compute Connect Include 2000 2010 1970 1980 1990 1971 2011 2001 1991 1981 1972 1982 1992 2002 2012 2003 2013 1993 1983 1973 2004 1974 1984 1994 2014 2015 2005 1995 1985 1975 2016 2006 1996 1986 1976 2017 1997 1987 1977 2007 1978 1998 1988 2008 2018 2009 1979 1989 1999 2019 Cisco Confidential 3 3
  • 4. Align the Network with the Business Business React to Business Shifts Ensure Business Continuity Priorities Information Technology Operational Innovation (The Network) Excellence Reduce Business Latency Protect/Utilize Assets Cisco Confidential 4 4
  • 5. Wikis, Blogs, Mashups Browser, Email/IM 13482_05_2007 © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Cisco Confidential 5 5
  • 6. IT Trends: A Major Inflection Point Tremendous Opportunity for Businesses to Move with Unprecedented Speed and Alter the Economics of Their Market Globalization of Businesses Ubiquitous Bandwidth Unified Communications Scale and Speed Mobility Community-driven innovation Web SOA 2.0 Knowledge worker has choices SaaS Global Trends Technical Innovation Cisco Confidential 6 6
  • 7. Enterprise Adoption Hasn’t Kept Pace Technology Designed Users Taking for the Matters into Their Old World Own Hands Enterprise Employee Cisco Confidential 7 7
  • 8. IT Caught in the Middle Tolerance is going DOWN Enterprise Demands Proactive Employee Demands Compliance Comprehensive “I want Facebook for the Disaster Recovery Enterprise...” Strategies Predictive “I’m going to do it whether Security you support it or not...” High Availability “Why can’t I get access Quality of Service Backup and Recovery Visibility is going to…” Visibility is going UP Cisco Confidential 8 8
  • 9. The Current Landscape Application Delivery Model Public Consumer www Network Enterprise Enterprise Network Cisco Confidential 9 9
  • 10. The Current Landscape Application Innovation Cycle 3 to 6 Public Consumer www Network Months Enterprise 3 to 6 Enterprise Years Network Cisco Confidential 10 10
  • 11. The Best of Both Worlds Application Delivery Model Ubiquity, Speed, Flexibility “Web 2.0” style innovation platform Public Consumer www Network Facebook stat: 5000 “custom apps” built by 90K developers in 7 weeks The “utilities”—security, reliability, scalability, availability, etc. Enterprise Enterprise Intelligent services built into the network Network Example: Network Access Control (NAC) Cisco Confidential 11 11
  • 12. Web 2.0 Opportunity WEB 2.0 Social - Embedded part of our lives ENTERPRISE 2.0 Enterprise 2.0 - “User as the employee” Today, risk outweighs business benefits RISK Enterprise Web 2.0 is happening with or without IT Focus needs to be on Principles/Concepts FOCUS Not on Tools & Technology (wikis, blogs, etc.) Advanced Tech. can incorporate Web 2.0 into IT & APPROACH business strategy – lower risk, measurable return Create new set of conversations to new audience OPPORTUNITY Drive Advanced Tech. for competitive differentiation Cisco Confidential 12 12
  • 14. Web 2.0 Tools Adapted for Enterprise Use Tools & Tech BLOG BLOG • for authoring and storytelling WIKI WIKI • for authoring and linking RSS RSS • Web Feed Server and Newsreaders for signaling SOCIAL SOCIAL S/W S/W • for tagging and building folksonomy …as defined at wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_2.0 Cisco Confidential 14 14
  • 15. Adapting Web 2.0 for the Enterprise: “Enterprise 2.0” 15
  • 16. What We Know About Enterprise Web 2.0 So Far 1. It is going to happen – with or without IT (same trend as IM) 2. A state of mind vs. a product you can purchase 3. Most businesses still need to educate their workers 4. The benefits can be dramatic, & builds steadily over time 5. Doesn’t put older IT systems out of business 6. Will drive Business Transformation. Be ready 7. Involves more than just blogs and wikis Cisco Confidential 16 16
  • 17. Management Fears About Enterprise Web 2.0 Technological Barriers Cultural Barriers 1. Security 6. Monitoring 2. Access Control 7. Legal Dangers 3. Information Integrity 8. Productivity 4. Proper Tagging 9. Manage 5. Training 10. Investment http://www.enterpriseweb2.com/?p=10 http://www.enterpriseweb2.com/?p=10 “[Corporate] interest in technologies such as blogs, wikis, and mashups has gone down during 2007, despite explosive growth outside the firewall.” Growing Pains: Can Web 2.0 Evolve Into An Enterprise Technology? Infoweek, 10/27/2007 Cisco Confidential 17 17
  • 18. Changing the Web 2.0 Conversation No hard boundary – a gravitational core Strategic Positioning: • The Web as a Platform Core Competencies: • Services, not packaged software • Architecture of participation • Cost effective scalability • Remixable data source and data transformation • Software above the level of a single device • Harnessing the collective intelligence Core Competencies Cisco Confidential 18 18
  • 19. Changing the Web 2.0 Conversation Principles and practices tie together a solar system of sites & applications Strategic Positioning: • The Web as a Platform “An attitude, not Rich User Core Competencies: Experience a technology” • Services, not packaged software • Architecture of participation • Cost effective scalability Small pieces The Long Tail • Remixable data source and data transformation loosely joined • Software above the level of a single device (web as components) • Harnessing the collective intelligence Data as the Software that gets Trust your users “Intel inside” Play The perpetual beta Better the more people use it Granular addressability The Right to Remix: Emergent: User of content Hackability “Some rights behavior not reserved” predetermined Cisco Confidential 19 19
  • 20. PageRank, Flickr, Delicious: ebay Reputation, Blogs: Participation Tagging, BitTorrent: Amazon Reviews: user not publishing not Taxonomy Radical Decentralization as contributor Gmail, Google Google AdSense: Maps, and AJAX: Customer self service Wikipedia: Context Radical Trust Rich User Experience enabling the Long Tail Strategic Positioning: • The Web as a Platform “An attitude, not Rich User Core Competencies: Experience a technology” • Services, not packaged software • Architecture of participation • Cost effective scalability Small pieces The Long Tail • Remixable data source and data transformation loosely joined • Software above the level of a single device (web as components) • Harnessing the collective intelligence Data as the Software that gets Trust your users “Intel inside” Play The perpetual beta Better the more people use it Granular addressability The Right to Remix: Emergent: User of content Hackability “Some rights behavior not reserved” predetermined Cisco Confidential 20 20
  • 21. Web 2.0 Key Principles & Competencies Software Rich User as a Service Small sites make up the Design Experience bulk of the internet's content… applications From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia reach out to the entire web, to integrate Interfaces that leverage the power of the web platform, to the edges and not services across making it a seamless, almost just the center. Hosted web-native handheld invisible part of their software apps for use infrastructure. devices and by customers over the PCs Internet Cisco Confidential 21 21
  • 22. How should IT start thinking about an Enterprise Web 2.0 strategy? 1. Web-based information sharing--think business versions of Wikipedia, MySpace, and Flickr • i.e. WebEx and Sharepoint 2. Voice and messaging • VoIP, instant messaging, presence, videoconferencing, and UC • UC is barely used at 13% of companies surveyed and effectively by a few at 24% Interest in Point #1 has been increasing Point #2 represents untapped opportunity Most Business Tech Pros Wary About Web 2.0 Tools In Business InformationWeek, 02/2007 Cisco Confidential 22 22
  • 23. Harnessing The Collective Intelligence Social Web 2.0 User / User Social Wiki’s generated Offline/Online Discoverability Consumer Networking Blogs, etc. content of Data The Network as Platform The Web as a a Platform User as the Work/Life Discoverability Real Time Productivity Collaboration Employee of Resources Communication Enterprise Context Cisco Confidential 23 23
  • 24. Changing Today’s Conversations Today’s Conversations Infrastructure Active Avaya, Alcatel, Director of Technology IP Phones Optimization -centric opportunities Nortel IT The Network as a Platform Workplace User as the Latent Microsoft, VP Marketing, Harnessing the Licensing Employee Opportunities Google Customer Svc Collective Intell Enterprise Web 2.0 Conversation Cisco Confidential 24 24
  • 25. Harnessing the Collective Intelligence Cisco Unified Communications Web Suppliers Mobile Worker Blogging Email Voice Customers Contact Center Voice Contact Enterprise Wiki’s Center Speech Proactive Consultants Self Service Contact Branch Asynch Collaboration Info Worker, Employees Executive Seamless, Unified Customer Experience Cisco Confidential 25 25
  • 26. Harnessing the Collective Intelligence? Web Chat Suppliers Mobile Worker Blogging Email Voice Customers Contact Center Contact Center Wiki’s Assisted Proactive Consultants Self Service Contact Resident Expert Speech Self Service Info Worker, Employees Executive Cisco Confidential 26 26
  • 27. Changing the UC Conversation No hard boundary – a gravitational core Strategic Positioning: • The NETWORK as a Platform Core Competencies: • Architecture of participation • Software above the level of a single device • Cost-effective Scalability • Lightweight interfaces • Re-mixable communication sources • Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise Core Competencies Cisco Confidential 27 27
  • 28. Changing the UC Conversation Principles and practices tie together a suite of applications to “Harness the Collective Intelligence of the Enterprise” Strategic Positioning: • The NETWORK as a Platform Rich User The Long Tail Core Competencies: Experience • Architecture of participation • Software above the level of a single device • Cost-effective Scalability Convergence • Lightweight interfaces Loose coupling • Re-mixable communication sources • Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise Mobility Collaboration: Video Software as User as Employee a Service Synchronous and Asynchronous Call Context Interrupt-ability Integration via SIP Resident Expert Wisdom of Crowds via SIP & Presence Cisco Confidential 28 28
  • 29. Unified Mobile Communicator: Telepresence: IP Telephony: Voice Portal: Software above the level Media Rich Collaboration Harnessing the Self Service of a single device collective intelligence Webex: MeetingPlace, IronPort SenderBase: Participation via SaaS Personal Communicator: Context Communications Security (not publishing) Rich User Experience enabled by the Long Tail Strategic Positioning: • The NETWORK as a Platform Rich User The Long Tail Core Competencies: Experience • Architecture of participation • Software above the level of a single device • Cost-effective Scalability Convergence • Lightweight interfaces Loose coupling • Re-mixable communication sources • Harnessing the collective intelligence of Enterprise Mobility Collaboration: Video Software as User as Employee a Service Synchronous and Asynchronous Call Context Interrupt-ability Integration via SIP Resident Expert Wisdom of Crowds via SIP & Presence Principles Cisco Confidential 29 29
  • 30. Alignment Solutions &Communication Products Cisco UC with Unified Characteristics Cisco Network as S/W above the level Software as a The Long Tail the Platform of Single Device Service (The Branch) Voice-Enabled Routers SIP and IP Mobile Communicator Consumer driven Scalable Webex Most employees reside Integrated Services devices in branches Router (ISR) SONA/SOA Voice-Enabled Gateways Unified Mobility IronPort SenderBase Utility-based model Unified Access Intellectual capital at Mobile Communicator Open QoS Enabled Personal Communicator the edge Mobility web-enabled software Unified Mobility Infrastructure Cross Network Unified Presence Extend core CUCM and wireless, (wired, Unity Telephony, Video APIs, Web Services Personal Communicator applications Unity Unified Messaging FMC, 3G) MeetingPlace Integrated Services Conferencing MeetingPlace Network-based access Peer-to-peer Management Router (ISR) collaboration Telepresence Presence Telepresence Asynchronous Scale, Security, Catalyst Switches with Collaboration Resident Expert & Video Conferencing Rich User Experience Video Conferencing POE Simplification Home-based Unified Presence Cisco Confidential 30 30
  • 31. Network as Collaboration Harnessing the a Platform Creation Collective Intelligence Enterprise Tagging Social Wiki’s Cisco Network as S/W above the level Software as a Networking The Long Tail Federated the Platform of Single Device RSS Creation Blogs Service Enterprise Social Identity (The Branch) & Consumption Tagging Directory 2.0 Voice-Enabled Routers Mobile Communicator Webex Integrated Services IronPort Senderbase Router (ISR) Voice-Enabled Gateways Unified Mobility Mobile Communicator QoS Enabled Personal Communicator Infrastructure Unified Mobility Unified Presence CUCM and Unity Personal Communicator Unity Unified Messaging MeetingPlace Integrated Services MeetingPlace Router (ISR) Telepresence Telepresence POE Switches Video Conferencing Video Conferencing Unified Presence Cisco Confidential 31 31
  • 32. Companion Tools to Social Web 2.0 Social Web 2.0 Tools Enterprise 2.0 Communication and Collaboration Tools Cisco Confidential 32 32
  • 33. Enterprise Web 2.0 Use Cases Manufacturing High Growth Tech Company Embed UC into Six Sigma Reduce M&A Costs • Improve JIT delivery performance • Streamline integration process with UC • Unified Mobile Communicator improves • Webex provides real time and communication between field sales, HQ asynchronous collaboration for M&A and manufacturing teams across firewalls and time zones Health Care Provider Financial Services Extend Privacy & Security Initiative Reduce Customer Service Costs • Include Web 2.0 technology (blogs, wikis • boost agent satisfaction by enabling UC, etc.) work@home agents • IronPort DLP prevents information leaks • Contact Center agents’ metrics linked to enforces HIPAA compliance & protects HR system for “pay for perform” their brand Cisco Confidential 33 33
  • 34. Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case “I’ll get back to you” Branch worker or ”Hold please” Mobile Worker Voice Customer Knowledge Worker Network as the Platform Home-based worker M3/IQ Platform Resident Expert The Network as the Platform The Long Tail Discoverability of Resources Cisco Confidential 34 34
  • 35. Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case Branch worker Mobile Worker Voice Customer Knowledge Worker Network as the Platform Home-based worker Presence and Interruptability M3/IQ Platform Harnessing the collective Intelligence Resident Expert Rich User Experience Integrated w/ Sametime or MOC Cisco Confidential 35 35
  • 36. Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case Mobile Worker Voice Customer Knowledge Worker Cisco Confidential 36 36
  • 37. Find Resident Expert – CUWL Use Case Branch worker Home-based worker Voice Customer Knowledge Worker Cisco Confidential 37 37
  • 38. Value Delivered Results: • Reduce hold times and abandons Voice • Reduce call transfers Customer Knowledge Worker • Better service through collaboration • Higher first contact resolution • Measurable return Cisco Confidential 38 38
  • 39. Today: Desktop Cisco Confidential 39 39
  • 40. New Desktop for the Knowledge Worker Future: “Webtop” Cisco Confidential 40 40
  • 41. Welcome to a Network Where… …Businesses Transform Network …Integrated Networks Themselves Make it All Possible Welcome to the Human Network™ Cisco Confidential 41 41
  • 42. Enterprise Web 2.0 Roberto De La Mora Cisco Systems Inc. 8200 NW 41st St. Suite 400 Miami, FL 33166 Changing the Conversation rmora@cisco.com RSS feed OPML Reading List Find me/follow me at: Facebook LinkedIn Dopplr 42