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Environmental Chemistry - Water
Question Four
4 (e) Define a conjugate pair according to the Bronsted Lowry Theory.

4 (f) Calculate the pH of a 0.025 M solution of nitric acid.

4 (g) When water that contains temporary hardness is boiled in a kettle, scale is formed on the heating element.
Identify the chemical that is the main component of this scale.

Question Seven
7 (a) According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) publication ‘The Provision and Quality of
Drinking Water in Ireland (2006 – 2007)’ : Drinking water must be clean and wholesome. That means it must meet
the relevant water quality standards and must not contain any other substance or microorganism in concentration or
numbers that constitute a potential danger to human health.
Describe how suspended solids are removed in water treatment.

(ii) What treatment is carried out to ensure low levels of microorganisms in drinking water?


What problems would arise if the pH of a public water supply were outside the range 6 – 8?
(iv) EU standards specify that the concentration of lead (in the form of Pb2+) in drinking water must be below 10
μg/l (micrograms per litre). Why must the Pb2+ concentration be kept so low? How are heavy metal ions like Pb2+
removed from large quantities of water?

(b) Quoting from the EPA website: The main threat to surface water quality is eutrophication, which is the over –
abundant growth of plants and algae arising from excess nutrients in the water.
(i)What are the nutrients referred to above? At what stage of sewage treatment are their levels lowered so that
eutrophication does not occur downstream from sewage works?


A sample of brewery effluent was diluted from 50cm3 to 5.0 litres with well-aerated pure water. The
dissolved oxygen concentration of half the sample was measured immediately: the other half was stored
under suitable conditions and its dissolved oxygen concentration was measured later. Concentrations
of dissolved oxygen of 9.8 ppm and 4.7 ppm, respectively, were recorded.
What are the suitable conditions for, and the duration of, storage of the second sample?

Calculate the BOD of the brewery effluent.
Question Four
4 (e)

Write the formula of (i) a substance which causes temporary hardness in water, (ii) a
substance which causes permanent hardness in water.

4 (i)

What is the purpose of tertiary treatment of sewage?

Question Eight
8 (a)(i) Write an expression for the self-ionisation of water.

(ii) Define Kw, the ionic product of water.

The value of Kw at 25 ºC is 1.0 × 10-14. Show that the pH of pure water is 7.0 at 25 ºC.

(iii) Calculate the pH of a 0.5 M solution of a strong monobasic (monoprotic) acid.

Calculate the pH of a 0.5 M solution of a weak monobasic acid with a Ka value of 1.8 × 10-5.
(b) (i) Explain clearly how suspended solids are removed in the treatment of water for drinking.

(ii) Identify two chemicals added at the final stages of the treatment of water for drinking.
State the purpose of adding each chemical you have identified.

Question Ten
10(a) A student is given a bucket of seawater.


Describe how the student could determine by filtration the total suspended solids (expressed as ppm) in the

How could the student determine the total dissolved solids (expressed as ppm) in a sample of the
filtered seawater?
Question Seven
Calculate the pH of 0.1 M nitrous acid (HNO2); the value of the acid dissociation constant (Ka) for nitrous
acid is 5.0 × 10-4.

What is the pH of a nitric acid (HNO3) solution of the same concentration?


Eutrophication in water may result from the addition of large quantities of nitrate fertilizers to it.
Describe the processes occurring in the water leading to eutrophication.


Explain how heavy metal ions are removed from large quantities of water.

Question Three
A number of tests were carried out on a sample of swimming pool water to test its quality.

A colorimetric experiment was used to estimate the concentration of free chlorine in the sample.
What is the general principle of all colorimetric experiments?


Identify a suitable reagent to test for free chlorine in swimming pool water and state the colour which
develops when this reagent reacts with free chlorine.


Describe briefly how you would estimate the concentration of free chlorine in a sample using
either a comparator or a colorimeter.



Give the name or formula of a free chlorine species in the swimming pool water.

Give a reason why the concentration of free chlorine in treated drinking water is usually between 0.2 - 0.5
p.p.m. whereas in swimming pool water it should be between 1 - 5 p.p.m.

When 1200 cm3 of swimming pool water was filtered, the mass of the filter paper, upon drying, had
increased by 0.78 g. When 250 cm3 of the filtered water was evaporated to dryness the mass of the residue
obtained was 0.32 g. Calculate the concentration in p.p.m.

of suspended solids,

(ii) of dissolved solids.


Question Four
The concentration of an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is 0.2 g per litre.
Calculate its pH.

Question Eight
8. (a) (i) What is hard water?

(ii) A supply of hard water is treated for domestic use by ion-exchange. You may assume that all the
hardness is due to Ca(HCO3)2. Explain in words or using a balanced equation how a cation exchange
resin, represented by RNa, softens this water supply.
(iii In the treatment of water for drinking, what is meant by the term flocculation?

Name a flocculating agent.

(iv)What substance is added to water to adjust the pH if the water is too acidic? Why is it undesirable
to have the pH of drinking water below 6?


(i) Explain how an acid-base indicator, which is itself a weak acid, and may be represented by HX,

(ii) Draw a clearly labelled diagram of the titration curve you would expect to obtain when 50 cm3 of a
0.1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is added slowly to 25 cm3 of a 0.1 M ethanoic acid
CH3COOH) solution.

(iii) Explain with reference to your diagram why phenolphthalein is a suitable indicator for a titration of
sodium hydroxide with ethanoic acid.
Question One
In an experiment to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a river water sample, a bottle of
water was filled from the river and it was analysed immediately. The experiment was carried out as
A few cm3 each of concentrated manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) solution and alkaline potassium iodide
(KOH/KI) solution were added to the water in the bottle. The stopper was carefully replaced on the
bottle and the bottle was shaken to ensure mixing of the reagents with the water. A brownish
precipitate was produced. The stopper was removed from the bottle and a few cm3 of concentrated
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were added carefully down the inside of the neck of the bottle using a dropper.
The precipitate dissolved and a golden-brown solution was produced. The concentration of iodine (I2)
in this solution was found by titrating it in 50 cm3 portions against a standard (0.01 M) sodium
thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) solution.
(a) Why was it necessary to analyse the sample of river water immediately?

(b) In making the additions to the sample, why should the solutions used be concentrated?

( c) Describe how the additions of the concentrated solution of manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) and alkaline
potassium iodide (KOH/KI) to the bottle of river water should be carried out. What essential
precaution should be taken when replacing the stopper of the bottle after these additions are made?

(d) Describe clearly the procedure for using a pipette to measure exactly 50 cm3 portions of the iodine (I2)
solution into the titration flask.
(e) What indicator is used in this titration? State when the indicator should be added to the titration flask
and describe the colour change observed at the end point.

(f) The titration reaction is described by the following equation.
2S2O32-+ I2 → 2I¯ + S4O62Calculate the concentration of the iodine solution in moles per litre given that 6.0 cm3 of the 0.01 M
sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) solution were required in the titration for complete reaction with 50 cm3
portions of the iodine solution.

(g) For every 1 mole of oxygen gas (O2) in the water sample 2 moles of iodine (I2) are liberated in this
experiment. Hence calculate the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water sample in p.p.m.

Question Eight

(c) Calculate the pH of a 0.002 M solution of methanoic acid (HCOOH).
The value of Ka for methanoic acid is 1.8 × 10-4.

(d) What is meant by the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of a water sample?
(e) Describe clearly the processes involved in the primary and secondary stages of urban sewage treatment.
What substances are removed by tertiary treatment of sewage?
Question One
In an experiment to determine the total hardness of a water sample containing both calcium and
magnesium ions, a solution of the reagent edta (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) in the form of its
disodium salt (represented by Na2H2Y) was titrated against a sample of the water using a suitable
indicator. The reaction between the ions (represented by M2+) in the hard water and the edta reagent
may be represented as
M2+ + H2Y2−
(a) Name a suitable indicator for this titration.

MY2− + 2H+

What colour change is observed at the end point of the titration using this indicator?

(b) Describe the correct procedure for rinsing the burette and filling it with edta reagent.

(c) The addition of a small quantity of another solution to the water in the conical flask is essential before
commencing the titration. What solution must be added and what is its purpose?

(d) In the experiment it was found that 100 cm3 portions of the water required an average titre of 8.10 cm3
of 0.010 M edta solution. Calculate the total hardness in

moles per litre,


grams per litre expressed in terms of CaCO3 and

p.p.m. expressed in terms of CaCO3.

(e) A whitish deposit is often found on the insides of kettles in hard water districts. If some of this deposit is
scraped into a test tube and dilute hydrochloric acid is added a reaction is observed. Write a balanced
equation for this reaction.

Question Four
4. (f) How are heavy metals, e.g. mercury, removed from industrial waste before it is discharged into rivers,
lakes or the sea?

Question Eleven
11 (b) Define pH.

(i) What are the limitations of the pH scale?


(ii) Calculate the approximate pH of a vinegar solution that contains 4.5 g of ethanoic acid per 100 cm3.
The value of Ka for ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10-5.
Question Four
(e) What happens during secondary sewage treatment?

Question Eight

(b) Define pH.


A bottle of vinegar is labelled 6% (w/v) acetic acid (ethanoic acid). The dissociation constant, Ka, for
ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10– 5. Calculate the approximate pH of the vinegar solution.


(c) The free chlorine present in swimming-pool water can be measured using a colorimeter or comparator.
(i) What is the principle on which the technique that uses each of these methods is based?

(ii) What is meant by free chlorine?

Question Ten

(b) Use the data below to sketch (on graph paper) the pH curve for a titration between 20 cm 3 of ethanoic
acid and a sodium hydroxide solution added from a burette.
Volume of NaOH
added (cm3)

















11.2 11.6 12.1 12.4 12.5 12.6

What indicator would you use for this titration? Use the graph to explain your choice.


Question Four
(d) The value of the dissociation constant for ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10−5 l mol−1.
Calculate the pH of a 0.01 M solution of ethanoic acid.

Question Nine

(a) What property of water makes it very useful in the human body as a medium in which chemical
reactions occur, and also allows it to become polluted or contaminated very easily in other situations?

The treatment of a water supply for domestic use may involve several stages.
(i) These stages may include sedimentation, flocculation and filtration.
Describe what happens at each of these three stages.

(ii) Various chemicals are often added in other stages of water treatment.
Identify one other stage in water treatment which involves the addition of a chemical to the water.

Name one chemical added during this stage and state why this chemical is added.

(i) Distinguish between the primary and secondary stages of sewage treatment.

(ii) What is the purpose of tertiary treatment?

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  • 7. (e) When 1200 cm3 of swimming pool water was filtered, the mass of the filter paper, upon drying, had increased by 0.78 g. When 250 cm3 of the filtered water was evaporated to dryness the mass of the residue obtained was 0.32 g. Calculate the concentration in p.p.m. (i) of suspended solids, (ii) of dissolved solids. (15) Question Four 4(h) The concentration of an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is 0.2 g per litre. Calculate its pH. Question Eight 8. (a) (i) What is hard water? (ii) A supply of hard water is treated for domestic use by ion-exchange. You may assume that all the hardness is due to Ca(HCO3)2. Explain in words or using a balanced equation how a cation exchange resin, represented by RNa, softens this water supply.
  • 8. (iii In the treatment of water for drinking, what is meant by the term flocculation? Name a flocculating agent. (iv)What substance is added to water to adjust the pH if the water is too acidic? Why is it undesirable to have the pH of drinking water below 6? (b) (i) Explain how an acid-base indicator, which is itself a weak acid, and may be represented by HX, functions. (ii) Draw a clearly labelled diagram of the titration curve you would expect to obtain when 50 cm3 of a 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is added slowly to 25 cm3 of a 0.1 M ethanoic acid CH3COOH) solution. (iii) Explain with reference to your diagram why phenolphthalein is a suitable indicator for a titration of sodium hydroxide with ethanoic acid.
  • 9. 2005 Question One 1. In an experiment to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a river water sample, a bottle of water was filled from the river and it was analysed immediately. The experiment was carried out as follows: A few cm3 each of concentrated manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) solution and alkaline potassium iodide (KOH/KI) solution were added to the water in the bottle. The stopper was carefully replaced on the bottle and the bottle was shaken to ensure mixing of the reagents with the water. A brownish precipitate was produced. The stopper was removed from the bottle and a few cm3 of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were added carefully down the inside of the neck of the bottle using a dropper. The precipitate dissolved and a golden-brown solution was produced. The concentration of iodine (I2) in this solution was found by titrating it in 50 cm3 portions against a standard (0.01 M) sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) solution. (a) Why was it necessary to analyse the sample of river water immediately? (b) In making the additions to the sample, why should the solutions used be concentrated? ( c) Describe how the additions of the concentrated solution of manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) and alkaline potassium iodide (KOH/KI) to the bottle of river water should be carried out. What essential precaution should be taken when replacing the stopper of the bottle after these additions are made? (d) Describe clearly the procedure for using a pipette to measure exactly 50 cm3 portions of the iodine (I2) solution into the titration flask.
  • 10. (e) What indicator is used in this titration? State when the indicator should be added to the titration flask and describe the colour change observed at the end point. (f) The titration reaction is described by the following equation. 2S2O32-+ I2 → 2I¯ + S4O62Calculate the concentration of the iodine solution in moles per litre given that 6.0 cm3 of the 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) solution were required in the titration for complete reaction with 50 cm3 portions of the iodine solution. (g) For every 1 mole of oxygen gas (O2) in the water sample 2 moles of iodine (I2) are liberated in this experiment. Hence calculate the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water sample in p.p.m. Question Eight 8. (c) Calculate the pH of a 0.002 M solution of methanoic acid (HCOOH). The value of Ka for methanoic acid is 1.8 × 10-4. (d) What is meant by the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of a water sample?
  • 11. (e) Describe clearly the processes involved in the primary and secondary stages of urban sewage treatment. What substances are removed by tertiary treatment of sewage?
  • 12. 2004 Question One 1. In an experiment to determine the total hardness of a water sample containing both calcium and magnesium ions, a solution of the reagent edta (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) in the form of its disodium salt (represented by Na2H2Y) was titrated against a sample of the water using a suitable indicator. The reaction between the ions (represented by M2+) in the hard water and the edta reagent may be represented as M2+ + H2Y2− (a) Name a suitable indicator for this titration. MY2− + 2H+ What colour change is observed at the end point of the titration using this indicator? (b) Describe the correct procedure for rinsing the burette and filling it with edta reagent. (c) The addition of a small quantity of another solution to the water in the conical flask is essential before commencing the titration. What solution must be added and what is its purpose? (d) In the experiment it was found that 100 cm3 portions of the water required an average titre of 8.10 cm3 of 0.010 M edta solution. Calculate the total hardness in (i) moles per litre, (ii) grams per litre expressed in terms of CaCO3 and
  • 13. (iii) p.p.m. expressed in terms of CaCO3. (e) A whitish deposit is often found on the insides of kettles in hard water districts. If some of this deposit is scraped into a test tube and dilute hydrochloric acid is added a reaction is observed. Write a balanced equation for this reaction. Question Four 4. (f) How are heavy metals, e.g. mercury, removed from industrial waste before it is discharged into rivers, lakes or the sea? Question Eleven 11 (b) Define pH. (i) What are the limitations of the pH scale? (6) (ii) Calculate the approximate pH of a vinegar solution that contains 4.5 g of ethanoic acid per 100 cm3. The value of Ka for ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10-5. (12)
  • 14. 2003 Question Four 4. (e) What happens during secondary sewage treatment? Question Eight 8. (b) Define pH. (6) A bottle of vinegar is labelled 6% (w/v) acetic acid (ethanoic acid). The dissociation constant, Ka, for ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10– 5. Calculate the approximate pH of the vinegar solution. (12) (c) The free chlorine present in swimming-pool water can be measured using a colorimeter or comparator. (i) What is the principle on which the technique that uses each of these methods is based? (ii) What is meant by free chlorine? (6)
  • 15. Question Ten 10 (b) Use the data below to sketch (on graph paper) the pH curve for a titration between 20 cm 3 of ethanoic acid and a sodium hydroxide solution added from a burette. Volume of NaOH added (cm3) pH 0 5 10 15 17 19 21 23 25 30 3.1 4.2 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.4 12.5 12.6 What indicator would you use for this titration? Use the graph to explain your choice. 35 40
  • 16. 2002 Question Four 4. (d) The value of the dissociation constant for ethanoic acid is 1.8 × 10−5 l mol−1. Calculate the pH of a 0.01 M solution of ethanoic acid. Question Nine 9. (a) What property of water makes it very useful in the human body as a medium in which chemical reactions occur, and also allows it to become polluted or contaminated very easily in other situations? The treatment of a water supply for domestic use may involve several stages. (i) These stages may include sedimentation, flocculation and filtration. Describe what happens at each of these three stages. (ii) Various chemicals are often added in other stages of water treatment. Identify one other stage in water treatment which involves the addition of a chemical to the water. Name one chemical added during this stage and state why this chemical is added.
  • 17. (b) (i) Distinguish between the primary and secondary stages of sewage treatment. (ii) What is the purpose of tertiary treatment?