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The Lean Startup
            Eric Ries (@ericries)
Thank You!
• Scholarship Donors   Board
  – KISSmetrics        – Hiten Shah
  – Bill Braasch       – Jared Goralnick
    (@billmelater)     – Siqi Chen
  – Bob Aniello        – Andrew Meyer
    (@CornOnTheBob)    – Simon Newstead
                       – Jeffrey Barman
                       – Sean Heywood

• Customer Advisory
Most Startups Fail
• But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can do
  better. This talk is about how.
The Lean Startup and You
• Thinking of starting a new company, but
  haven’t taken the first step
• In a startup now and want to iterate faster
• Want to create the conditions for lean
  innovation inside a big company
A Tale of Two Startups
Startup #1
A good plan?
• Start a company with a compelling long-term
• Raise plenty of capital.
• Hire the absolute best and the brightest.
• Hire an experienced management team with tons
  of startup experience.
• Focus on quality.
• Build a world-class technology platform.
• Build buzz in the press and blogosphere.
Achieving Failure
• Company failed utterly, $40MM and five years
  of pain.
• Crippled by “shadow beliefs” that destroyed
  the effort of all those smart people.
Shadow Belief #1
• We know what customers want.
Shadow Belief #2
• We can accurately predict the future.
Shadow Belief #3
• Advancing the plan is progress.
A good plan?
• Start a company with a compelling long-term
• Raise plenty of capital.
• Hire the absolute best and the brightest.
• Hire an experienced management team with tons
  of startup experience.
• Focus on quality.
• Build a world-class technology platform.
• Build buzz in the press and blogosphere.
Startup #2
New plan
• Shipped in six months – a horribly buggy beta
• Charged from day one
• Shipped multiple times a day (by 2008, on
  average 50 times a day)
• No PR, no launch
• Results: 2007 revenues of $10MM
Lean Startups Go Faster
• Commodity technology stack, highly leveraged
  (free/open source, user-generated
  content, SEM).
• Customer development – find out what
  customers want before you build it.
• Agile software development – but tuned to
  the startup condition.
Commodity technology stack
• Leverage = for each ounce of effort you invest
  in your product, you take advantage of the
  efforts of thousands or millions of others.
• It’s easy to see how high-leverage technology
  is driving costs down.
• More important is its impact on speed.
• Time to bring a new product to market is
  falling rapidly.
Customer Development
                          Continuous cycle of customer
                              Rapid hypothesis

                              testing about
                              market, pricing, custom
                              ers, …
                              Extreme low cost, low

                              burn, tight focus
                              Measurable gates for
A tale of two startups, revisited
• Mirrors the changes in development
  methodologies over the past few years.
• Let’s look at those changes schematically.

• These examples are drawn from software
  startups, but increasingly:
  – All products require software
  – All companies are operating in a startup-like
Traditional Product Development
                 Unit of progress: Advance to Next Stage



Problem: known                                         Solution: known


             Unit of progress: a line of working code

“Product Owner” or
in-house customer

    Problem:Known                     Solution:Unknown
Product Development at Lean Startup
Unit of progress: validated learning about customers ($$$)

     Problem:Unknown               Solution:Unknown
Minimize TOTAL time through the loop


 LEARN                           BUILD

         DATA             CODE

How to build a Lean Startup
• Let’s talk about some specifics. These are not
  everything you need, but they will get you

• Continuous deployment
• Split-test (A/B) experimentation
• Five why’s
Continuous Deployment


Learn Faster                                                          Code Faster
                 LEARN                                        BUILD
Five Whys Root                                                         Continuous
Cause Analysis                                                        Deployment

                              DATA                     CODE

                         Measure Faster
                         Rapid Split Tests
Continuous Deployment
• Deploy new software quickly
   •   At IMVU time from check-in to production = 20 minutes

• Tell a good change from a bad change (quickly)

• Revert a bad change quickly

• Work in small batches
   •   At IMVU, a large batch = 3 days worth of work

• Break large projects down into small batches
Cluster Immune System
What it looks like to ship one piece of code to production:

 • Run tests locally (SimpleTest, Selenium)
         Everyone has a complete sandbox

 • Continuous Integration Server (BuildBot)
    o All tests must pass or “shut down the line”
         Automatic feedback if the team is going too fast

 • Incremental deploy
         Monitor cluster and business metrics in real-time
         Reject changes that move metrics out-of-bounds

 • Alerting & Predictive monitoring (Nagios)
         Monitor all metrics that stakeholders care about
         If any metric goes out-of-bounds, wake somebody up
         Use historical trends to predict acceptable bounds

 When customers see a failure:
         Fix the problem for customers
         Improve your defenses at each level
Rapid Split Tests


Learn Faster                                                           Code Faster
                 LEARN                                         BUILD
Five Whys Root                                                          Continuous
Cause Analysis                                                         Deployment

                              DATA                      CODE

                         Measure Faster
                         Rapid Split Tests
Split-testing all the time
• A/B testing is key to validating your
• Has to be simple enough for everyone to use
  and understand it
• Make creating a split-test no more than one
  line of code:
         if( setup_experiment(...) == quot;controlquot; ) {
            // do it the old way
         } else {
           // do it the new way
The AAA’s of Metrics
• Actionable
• Accessible
• Auditable
Measure the Macro
• Always look at cohort-based metrics over time
• Split-test the small, measure the large
                      Control Group (A)   Experiment (B)
   # Registered       1025                1099
   Downloads          755 (73%)           733 (67%)
   Active days 0-1    600 (58%)           650 (59%)
   Activedays 1-3     500 (48%)           545 (49%)
   Active days 3-10   300 (29%)           330 (30%)
   Activedays 10-30   250 (24%)           290 (26%)
   Total Revenue      $3210.50            $3450.10
   RPU                $3.13               $3.14
Five Whys


Learn Faster                                                            Code Faster
                 LEARN                                          BUILD
Five Whys Root                                                           Continuous
Cause Analysis                                                          Deployment

                              DATA                       CODE

                         Measure Faster
                         Rapid Split Tests
Five Whys Root Cause Analysis
• A technique for continuous improvement of
  company process.
• Ask “why” five times when something
  unexpected happens.
• Make proportional investments in prevention
  at all five levels of the hierarchy.
• Behind every supposed technical problem is
  usually a human problem. Fix the cause, not
  just the symptom.
There’s much more…


Learn Faster                                                                                       Code Faster
                      LEARN                                                      BUILD
Split Tests                                                                                          Unit Tests
Customer Interviews                                                                              Usability Tests
Customer Development                                                                   Continuous Integration
Five Whys Root Cause Analysis                                                        Incremental Deployment
Customer Advisory Board                                                      Free & Open-Source Components
Falsifiable Hypotheses                                                                        Cloud Computing
Product Owner Accountability                                                          Cluster Immune System
                                    DATA                                CODE
Customer Archetypes                                                                     Just-in-time Scalability
Cross-functional Teams                                                                             Refactoring
Semi-autonomous Teams                                                                      Developer Sandbox
Smoke Tests

                                Measure Faster
                                Split Tests                          Funnel Analysis
                                Clear Product Owner                  Cohort Analysis
                                Continuous Deployment            Net Promoter Score
                                Usability Tests             Search Engine Marketing
                                Real-time Monitoring              Real-Time Alerting
                                Customer Liaison               Predictive Monitoring
The Lean Startup
• You are ready to do this, whether you are:
  – Thinking of starting a new company, but haven’t
    taken the first step
  – Are in a startup now that could iterate faster
  – Want to create the conditions for lean innovation
    inside a big company
• Get started, now, today.

• Startup Lessons Learned Blog
  – http://startuplessonslearned.blogspot.com/

• Webcast: “How to Build a Lean Startup, step-by-step”
  – May 1, 2009 at 10am PST
  – http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/e/1294

• The Lean Startup Workshop
  – An all-day event for a select audience
  – May 29, 2009 in San Francisco
  – Sign up at: http://bit.ly/a5uw8

More Related Content

Eric Ries Lean Startup Presentation For Web 2.0 Expo April 1 2009 A Disciplined Approach To Imagining, Designing, And Building New Products

  • 1. The Lean Startup #leanstartup Eric Ries (@ericries) http://startuplessonslearned.blogspot.com
  • 2. Thank You! • Scholarship Donors Board – KISSmetrics – Hiten Shah – Bill Braasch – Jared Goralnick (@billmelater) – Siqi Chen – Bob Aniello – Andrew Meyer (@CornOnTheBob) – Simon Newstead – Jeffrey Barman – Sean Heywood • Customer Advisory
  • 3. Most Startups Fail • But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can do better. This talk is about how.
  • 4. The Lean Startup and You • Thinking of starting a new company, but haven’t taken the first step • In a startup now and want to iterate faster • Want to create the conditions for lean innovation inside a big company
  • 5. A Tale of Two Startups
  • 7. A good plan? • Start a company with a compelling long-term vision. • Raise plenty of capital. • Hire the absolute best and the brightest. • Hire an experienced management team with tons of startup experience. • Focus on quality. • Build a world-class technology platform. • Build buzz in the press and blogosphere.
  • 8. Achieving Failure • Company failed utterly, $40MM and five years of pain. • Crippled by “shadow beliefs” that destroyed the effort of all those smart people.
  • 9. Shadow Belief #1 • We know what customers want.
  • 10. Shadow Belief #2 • We can accurately predict the future.
  • 11. Shadow Belief #3 • Advancing the plan is progress.
  • 12. A good plan? • Start a company with a compelling long-term vision. • Raise plenty of capital. • Hire the absolute best and the brightest. • Hire an experienced management team with tons of startup experience. • Focus on quality. • Build a world-class technology platform. • Build buzz in the press and blogosphere.
  • 14. IMVU
  • 15. New plan • Shipped in six months – a horribly buggy beta product • Charged from day one • Shipped multiple times a day (by 2008, on average 50 times a day) • No PR, no launch • Results: 2007 revenues of $10MM
  • 16. Lean Startups Go Faster • Commodity technology stack, highly leveraged (free/open source, user-generated content, SEM). • Customer development – find out what customers want before you build it. • Agile software development – but tuned to the startup condition.
  • 17. Commodity technology stack • Leverage = for each ounce of effort you invest in your product, you take advantage of the efforts of thousands or millions of others. • It’s easy to see how high-leverage technology is driving costs down. • More important is its impact on speed. • Time to bring a new product to market is falling rapidly.
  • 18. Customer Development Continuous cycle of customer  interaction Rapid hypothesis  testing about market, pricing, custom ers, … Extreme low cost, low  burn, tight focus Measurable gates for  http://bit.ly/tpTtE investors
  • 19. A tale of two startups, revisited • Mirrors the changes in development methodologies over the past few years. • Let’s look at those changes schematically. • These examples are drawn from software startups, but increasingly: – All products require software – All companies are operating in a startup-like environment
  • 20. Traditional Product Development Unit of progress: Advance to Next Stage Waterfall Requirements Design Problem: known Solution: known Implementation Verification Maintenance
  • 21. Agile Unit of progress: a line of working code “Product Owner” or in-house customer Problem:Known Solution:Unknown
  • 22. Product Development at Lean Startup Unit of progress: validated learning about customers ($$$) Problem:Unknown Solution:Unknown
  • 23. Minimize TOTAL time through the loop IDEAS LEARN BUILD DATA CODE MEASURE
  • 24. How to build a Lean Startup • Let’s talk about some specifics. These are not everything you need, but they will get you started • Continuous deployment • Split-test (A/B) experimentation • Five why’s
  • 25. Continuous Deployment IDEAS Learn Faster Code Faster LEARN BUILD Five Whys Root Continuous Cause Analysis Deployment DATA CODE Measure Faster MEASURE Rapid Split Tests
  • 26. Continuous Deployment • Deploy new software quickly • At IMVU time from check-in to production = 20 minutes • Tell a good change from a bad change (quickly) • Revert a bad change quickly • Work in small batches • At IMVU, a large batch = 3 days worth of work • Break large projects down into small batches
  • 27. Cluster Immune System What it looks like to ship one piece of code to production: • Run tests locally (SimpleTest, Selenium) Everyone has a complete sandbox o • Continuous Integration Server (BuildBot) o All tests must pass or “shut down the line” Automatic feedback if the team is going too fast o • Incremental deploy Monitor cluster and business metrics in real-time o Reject changes that move metrics out-of-bounds o • Alerting & Predictive monitoring (Nagios) Monitor all metrics that stakeholders care about o If any metric goes out-of-bounds, wake somebody up o Use historical trends to predict acceptable bounds o When customers see a failure: Fix the problem for customers o Improve your defenses at each level o
  • 28. Rapid Split Tests IDEAS Learn Faster Code Faster LEARN BUILD Five Whys Root Continuous Cause Analysis Deployment DATA CODE Measure Faster MEASURE Rapid Split Tests
  • 29. Split-testing all the time • A/B testing is key to validating your hypotheses • Has to be simple enough for everyone to use and understand it • Make creating a split-test no more than one line of code: if( setup_experiment(...) == quot;controlquot; ) { // do it the old way } else { // do it the new way }
  • 30. The AAA’s of Metrics • Actionable • Accessible • Auditable
  • 31. Measure the Macro • Always look at cohort-based metrics over time • Split-test the small, measure the large Control Group (A) Experiment (B) # Registered 1025 1099 Downloads 755 (73%) 733 (67%) Active days 0-1 600 (58%) 650 (59%) Activedays 1-3 500 (48%) 545 (49%) Active days 3-10 300 (29%) 330 (30%) Activedays 10-30 250 (24%) 290 (26%) Total Revenue $3210.50 $3450.10 RPU $3.13 $3.14
  • 32. Five Whys IDEAS Learn Faster Code Faster LEARN BUILD Five Whys Root Continuous Cause Analysis Deployment DATA CODE Measure Faster MEASURE Rapid Split Tests
  • 33. Five Whys Root Cause Analysis • A technique for continuous improvement of company process. • Ask “why” five times when something unexpected happens. • Make proportional investments in prevention at all five levels of the hierarchy. • Behind every supposed technical problem is usually a human problem. Fix the cause, not just the symptom.
  • 34. There’s much more… IDEAS Learn Faster Code Faster LEARN BUILD Split Tests Unit Tests Customer Interviews Usability Tests Customer Development Continuous Integration Five Whys Root Cause Analysis Incremental Deployment Customer Advisory Board Free & Open-Source Components Falsifiable Hypotheses Cloud Computing Product Owner Accountability Cluster Immune System DATA CODE Customer Archetypes Just-in-time Scalability Cross-functional Teams Refactoring Semi-autonomous Teams Developer Sandbox Smoke Tests Measure Faster MEASURE Split Tests Funnel Analysis Clear Product Owner Cohort Analysis Continuous Deployment Net Promoter Score Usability Tests Search Engine Marketing Real-time Monitoring Real-Time Alerting Customer Liaison Predictive Monitoring
  • 35. The Lean Startup • You are ready to do this, whether you are: – Thinking of starting a new company, but haven’t taken the first step – Are in a startup now that could iterate faster – Want to create the conditions for lean innovation inside a big company • Get started, now, today.
  • 36. Thanks! • Startup Lessons Learned Blog – http://startuplessonslearned.blogspot.com/ • Webcast: “How to Build a Lean Startup, step-by-step” – May 1, 2009 at 10am PST – http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/e/1294 • The Lean Startup Workshop – An all-day event for a select audience – May 29, 2009 in San Francisco – Sign up at: http://bit.ly/a5uw8