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Pascal Robert


The Menu
•   What's new in ERRest        •   Debugging

•   Security                    •   Caching (Sunday!)

•   Versioning                  •   Optimistic locking (Sunday!)

•   HTML routing                •   Using the correct HTTP verbs
                                    and codes (Sunday!)


What's New in ERRest


Anymous updates

•   No need to send the ids of nested objects anymore

•   Call ERXKeyFilter.setAnonymousUpdateEnabled(true)

•   If 1:N relationship, will replace existing values for all nested


Anonymous update
      protected ERXKeyFilter filter() {
       ERXKeyFilter filter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes();
       ERXKeyFilter personFilter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes();


      filter.include(BlogEntry.PERSON, personFilter);
      return filter;

curl -X PUT -d "{ title: 'New Post', person: {firstName: 'Test'} }"


Sort ordering on 1:N

•   You can now sort a 1:N relationship

•   Call ERXKeyFilter.setSortOrderings()


Sort ordering
ERXKeyFilter filter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes();

ERXKeyFilter categoryFilter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes();

filter.include(BlogEntry.CATEGORIES, categoryFilter);


Ignoring unknow keys

•   By default, returns status 500 if unknow attribute is found in

•   To ignore those errors, call:



 That method have been split in 5 methods to make it easier to
 override on the method.



•   Hold a userInfo dict + the editing context

•   Can pass a different date format per controller

•   Override createRestContext to do that


   public class BlogEntryController extends BaseRestController {
  protected ERXRestContext createRestContext() {
    ERXRestContext restContext = new ERXRestContext(editingContext());
    restContext.setUserInfoForKey("yyyy-MM-dd", "er.rest.dateFormat");
    restContext.setUserInfoForKey("yyyy-MM-dd", "er.rest.timestampFormat");
    return restContext;


Other new stuff

•   More strict HTTP status code in responses

•   Support for @QueryParam, @CookieParam and
    @HeaderParam for JSR-311 annotations

•   Indexed bean properties are supported in bean class descriptions

•   updateObjectWithFilter will update subobjects




What other REST services uses?

•   Twitter and Google: OAuth

•   Amazon S3: signature

•   Campaign Monitor: Basic Authentication

•   MailChimp: API Key



•   Basic Authentification

•   Sessions

•   Tokens




Basic Auth


Basic Auth
•   Pros:

    •   99.9% of HTTP clients can work with it

    •   Easy to implement

•   Cons:

    •   It's just a Base64 representation of your credentials!

    •   No logout option (must close the browser)

    •   No styling of the user/pass box


Implementing Basic Auth
    protected void initAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException {
    String authValue = request().headerForKey( "authorization" );
    if( authValue != null ) {
      try {
        byte[] authBytes = new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer( authValue.replace( "Basic ", "" ) );
        String[] parts = new String( authBytes ).split( ":", 2 );
        String username = parts[0];
        String password = parts[1];
        setAuthenticatedUser(Member.validateLogin(editingContext(), username, password));
      } catch ( IOException e ) {
        log.error( "Could not decode basic auth data: " + e.getMessage() );
    } else {
      throw new NotAuthorizedException();

public class NotAuthorizedException extends Exception {
  public NotAuthorizedException() {


Implementing Basic Auth
public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions)   {
  // This is if you don't want to use Basic Auth for HTML apps
  if (!(ERXRestFormat.html().name().equals(this.format().name()))) {
    try {
    } catch (UserLoginException ex) {
      WOResponse response = (WOResponse)errorResponse(401);
      response.setHeader("Basic realm="ERBlog"", "WWW-Authenticate");
      return response;
    } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) {
      WOResponse response = (WOResponse)errorResponse(401);
      response.setHeader("Basic realm="ERBlog"", "WWW-Authenticate");
      return response;
  return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions);


•   Pros:

    •   Can store other data on the server-side (but REST is suppose to be

    •   Easy to implement

•   Cons:

    •   Timeouts...

    •   Sessions are bind to a specific instance of the app

    •   State on the server

    •   Non-browser clients have to store the session ID


Login with a session
     curl -X GET

	    public Session() {

    public WOActionResults loginAction() throws Throwable {
      try {
        String username = request().stringFormValueForKey("username");
        String password = request().stringFormValueForKey("password");
        Member member = Member.validateLogin(session().defaultEditingContext(), username, password);
        return response(member, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithNone());
      } catch (MemberException ex) {
        return errorResponse(401);

(This only works on a version of ERRest after June 9 2011)


Login with a session
protected void initAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException {
  if (context().hasSession()) {
    Session session = (Session)context()._session();
    if (session.member() == null) {
      throw new NotAuthorizedException();
  } else {
    throw new NotAuthorizedException();

public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions)   {
  try {
  } catch (MemberException ex) {
    return pageWithName(Login.class);
  } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) {
    return pageWithName(Login.class);
  return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions);


•   Pros:

    •   No timeout based on inactivity (unless you want to)

•   Cons:

    •   More work involved

    •   Client must request a token

•   Can store the token in a cookie, Authorization header or as a
    query argument


Login with a token
 curl -X GET

public static final ERXBlowfishCrypter crypter = new ERXBlowfishCrypter();

public WOActionResults loginAction() throws Throwable {
  try {
    String username = request().stringFormValueForKey("username");
    String password = request().stringFormValueForKey("password");
    Member member = Member.validateLogin(editingContext(), username, password);
    String hash = crypter.encrypt(member.username());
    if (hash != null) {
      return response(hash, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAll());
  } catch (MemberException ex) {
    return errorResponse(401);


Login with a token
   public static final ERXBlowfishCrypter crypter = new ERXBlowfishCrypter();

protected void initTokenAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException {
  String tokenValue = this.request().cookieValueForKey("someCookieKeyForToken");
  if (tokenValue != null) {
    String username = crypter.decrypt(tokenValue);
    Member member = Member.fetchMember(editingContext(), Member.USERNAME.eq(username));
    if (member == null) {
      throw new NotAuthorizedException();
  } else {
    throw new NotAuthorizedException();

public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions)   {
  try {
  } catch (MemberException ex) {
    return pageWithName(Login.class);
  } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) {
    return pageWithName(Login.class);
  return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions);


Browser vs System-to-System

  It near impossible to have a REST backend with security that
  works well with both browsers-based and "system-to-system"
• For browser apps: use cookies
• For system-to-system: use the Authorization header


Handling HTML and routes auth
protected WOActionResults performHtmlActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception {
  try {
  } catch (MemberException ex) {
    return pageWithName(LoginPage.class);
  } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) {
    return pageWithName(LoginPage.class);
  return super.performHtmlActionNamed(actionName);

protected WOActionResults performRouteActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception {
  try {
  } catch (MemberException ex) {
    return errorResponse(401);
  } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) {
    return errorResponse(401);
  return super.performRouteActionNamed(actionName);


Other options

•   OAuth

•   Custom HTTP Authentication scheme

•   Digest Authentification

•   OpenID

•   API Key (similar to token)





•   Try hard to not having to version your REST services...

•   ... but life is never as planified

•   Use mod_rewrite and ERXApplication._rewriteURL to make it

    •   Use mod_rewrite even if you are not versionning! It makes
        shorter and nicer URLs


In Apache config:

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^/your-service/v1/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v1.woa/ra$1 [PT,L]
  RewriteRule ^/your-service/v2/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v2.woa/ra$1 [PT,L]

In Application.java:

  public String _rewriteURL(String url) {
    String processedURL = url;
    if (url != null && _replaceApplicationPathPattern != null && _replaceApplicationPathReplace != null) {
      processedURL = processedURL.replaceFirst(_replaceApplicationPathPattern, _replaceApplicationPathReplace);
    return processedURL;

In the Properties of YourApp-v1.woa:


In the Properties of YourApp-v2.woa:



Versioning: the gotcha

Watch out for schema changes or other changes that can break
old versions if all versions use the same database schema!


HTML routing


HTML routing?

•   Power of ERRest + WO/EOF + clean URLs!

•   Like DirectActions, but with a lot of work done for you

•   Useful for small public apps that can be cacheable (or accessible


Automatic routing: damn easy
•   Create a REST controller for your entity and set
    isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() to true

•   Create a <EntityName><Action>Page (eg, MemberIndexPage.wo)

•   Register your controller

•   Your component must implements IERXRouteComponent

•   Run your app

•   Profits!


Passing data to the component

Use the ERXRouteParameter annotation to tag methods to
receive data:

 public void setMember(Member member) {
   this.member = member;


Automatic HTML routing

If the <EntityName><Action>Page component is not found, it will default
back to the controller and try to execute the requested method.


HTML routing gotchas

•   When submitting forms, you're back to the stateful request

•   ERXRouteUrlUtils doesn't create rewritten URLs


Manual HTML routing

That's easy: same as a DirectAction:
 public WOActionResults indexAction() throws Throwable {

     return pageWithName(Main.class);


100% REST
public Application() {
    ERXRouteRequestHandler restRequestHandler = new ERXRouteRequestHandler();
    requestHandler.insertRoute(new ERXRoute("Main","", MainController.class, "index"));

public class MainController extends BaseController {

  public MainController(WORequest request) {

  protected boolean isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() {
    return true;

  public WOActionResults indexAction() throws Throwable {
    return pageWithName(Main.class);

  protected ERXRestFormat defaultFormat() {
    return ERXRestFormat.html();


HTML routing: demo


Cool trick: Application Cache
•   Let you specify that some URLs of your app can be available

•   URLs in the CACHE section will be available offline until you
    change the manifest and remove the URLs from the CACHE

•   Use a DirectAction or a static file to create the manifest

•   One cool reason to use the HTML routing stuff


Cache Manifest
   In your DirectAction class:

  public WOActionResults manifestAction() {
    EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext();
    WOResponse response = new WOResponse();
    response.appendContentString("CACHE MANIFESTn");
    response.appendContentString(ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntityType(this.context(), Entity.ENTITY_NAME, "index",
ERXRestFormat.HTML_KEY, null, false, false) + "n");
    response.setHeader("text/cache-manifest", "Content-Type");
    return response;

In your component:

  <wo:WOGenericContainer elementName="html" manifest=$urlToManifest" lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

  public String urlForManifest() {
    return this.context().directActionURLForActionNamed("manifest", null);




Debugging REST problems
•   curl -v : will display all headers and content, for both request and

•   Firebug and WebKit Inspector : useful to see the
    XMLHttpRequest calls

•   tcpflow : see all trafic on a network interface, can do filters

•   Apache DUMPIO (mod_dumpio) : dump ALL requests and
    responses data to Apache's error log


Debugging Demo




More Related Content


  • 1. MONTREAL 1/3 JULY 2011 ERRest Pascal Robert Conatus/MacTI
  • 2. The Menu • What's new in ERRest • Debugging • Security • Caching (Sunday!) • Versioning • Optimistic locking (Sunday!) • HTML routing • Using the correct HTTP verbs and codes (Sunday!)
  • 3. What's New in ERRest
  • 4. Anymous updates • No need to send the ids of nested objects anymore • Call ERXKeyFilter.setAnonymousUpdateEnabled(true) • If 1:N relationship, will replace existing values for all nested objects
  • 5. Anonymous update protected ERXKeyFilter filter() { ERXKeyFilter filter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes(); ERXKeyFilter personFilter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes(); personFilter.include(Person.FIRST_NAME); personFilter.setAnonymousUpdateEnabled(true); filter.include(BlogEntry.PERSON, personFilter); return filter; } curl -X PUT -d "{ title: 'New Post', person: {firstName: 'Test'} }" SimpleBlog.woa/ra/posts/23.json
  • 6. Sort ordering on 1:N • You can now sort a 1:N relationship • Call ERXKeyFilter.setSortOrderings()
  • 7. Sort ordering ERXKeyFilter filter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes(); ERXKeyFilter categoryFilter = ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes(); categoryFilter.setSortOrderings(BlogCategory.SHORT_NAME.ascs()); filter.include(BlogEntry.CATEGORIES, categoryFilter);
  • 8. Ignoring unknow keys • By default, returns status 500 if unknow attribute is found in request • To ignore those errors, call: yourErxKeyFilter.setUnknownKeyIgnored(true)
  • 9. ERXRouteController.performActi onName That method have been split in 5 methods to make it easier to override on the method.
  • 10. ERXRestContext • Hold a userInfo dict + the editing context • Can pass a different date format per controller • Override createRestContext to do that
  • 11. ERXRestContext public class BlogEntryController extends BaseRestController { ... @Override protected ERXRestContext createRestContext() { ERXRestContext restContext = new ERXRestContext(editingContext()); restContext.setUserInfoForKey("yyyy-MM-dd", "er.rest.dateFormat"); restContext.setUserInfoForKey("yyyy-MM-dd", "er.rest.timestampFormat"); return restContext; } }
  • 12. Other new stuff • More strict HTTP status code in responses • Support for @QueryParam, @CookieParam and @HeaderParam for JSR-311 annotations • Indexed bean properties are supported in bean class descriptions • updateObjectWithFilter will update subobjects
  • 14. What other REST services uses? • Twitter and Google: OAuth • Amazon S3: signature • Campaign Monitor: Basic Authentication • MailChimp: API Key
  • 15. Security • Basic Authentification • Sessions • Tokens
  • 18. Basic Auth • Pros: • 99.9% of HTTP clients can work with it • Easy to implement • Cons: • It's just a Base64 representation of your credentials! • No logout option (must close the browser) • No styling of the user/pass box
  • 19. Implementing Basic Auth protected void initAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException { String authValue = request().headerForKey( "authorization" ); if( authValue != null ) { try { byte[] authBytes = new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer( authValue.replace( "Basic ", "" ) ); String[] parts = new String( authBytes ).split( ":", 2 ); String username = parts[0]; String password = parts[1]; setAuthenticatedUser(Member.validateLogin(editingContext(), username, password)); } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "Could not decode basic auth data: " + e.getMessage() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } } public class NotAuthorizedException extends Exception { public NotAuthorizedException() { super(); } }
  • 20. Implementing Basic Auth @Override public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions) { // This is if you don't want to use Basic Auth for HTML apps if (!(ERXRestFormat.html().name().equals(this.format().name()))) { try { initAuthentication(); } catch (UserLoginException ex) { WOResponse response = (WOResponse)errorResponse(401); response.setHeader("Basic realm="ERBlog"", "WWW-Authenticate"); return response; } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) { WOResponse response = (WOResponse)errorResponse(401); response.setHeader("Basic realm="ERBlog"", "WWW-Authenticate"); return response; } } return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions); }
  • 21. Sessions • Pros: • Can store other data on the server-side (but REST is suppose to be stateless) • Easy to implement • Cons: • Timeouts... • Sessions are bind to a specific instance of the app • State on the server • Non-browser clients have to store the session ID
  • 22. Login with a session curl -X GET public Session() { setStoresIDsInCookies(true); } public WOActionResults loginAction() throws Throwable { try { String username = request().stringFormValueForKey("username"); String password = request().stringFormValueForKey("password"); Member member = Member.validateLogin(session().defaultEditingContext(), username, password); return response(member, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithNone()); } catch (MemberException ex) { return errorResponse(401); } } (This only works on a version of ERRest after June 9 2011)
  • 23. Login with a session protected void initAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException { if (context().hasSession()) { Session session = (Session)context()._session(); if (session.member() == null) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } } else { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } } @Override public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions) { try { initAuthentication(); } catch (MemberException ex) { return pageWithName(Login.class); } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) { return pageWithName(Login.class); } return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions); }
  • 24. Tokens • Pros: • No timeout based on inactivity (unless you want to) • Cons: • More work involved • Client must request a token • Can store the token in a cookie, Authorization header or as a query argument
  • 25. Login with a token curl -X GET public static final ERXBlowfishCrypter crypter = new ERXBlowfishCrypter(); public WOActionResults loginAction() throws Throwable { try { String username = request().stringFormValueForKey("username"); String password = request().stringFormValueForKey("password"); Member member = Member.validateLogin(editingContext(), username, password); String hash = crypter.encrypt(member.username()); if (hash != null) { return response(hash, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAll()); } } catch (MemberException ex) { return errorResponse(401); } }
  • 26. Login with a token public static final ERXBlowfishCrypter crypter = new ERXBlowfishCrypter(); protected void initTokenAuthentication() throws MemberException, NotAuthorizedException { String tokenValue = this.request().cookieValueForKey("someCookieKeyForToken"); if (tokenValue != null) { String username = crypter.decrypt(tokenValue); Member member = Member.fetchMember(editingContext(), Member.USERNAME.eq(username)); if (member == null) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } } else { throw new NotAuthorizedException(); } } @Override public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions) { try { initTokenAuthentication(); } catch (MemberException ex) { return pageWithName(Login.class); } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) { return pageWithName(Login.class); } return super.performActionNamed(actionName, throwExceptions); }
  • 27. Browser vs System-to-System It near impossible to have a REST backend with security that works well with both browsers-based and "system-to-system" applications. • For browser apps: use cookies • For system-to-system: use the Authorization header
  • 28. Handling HTML and routes auth @Override protected WOActionResults performHtmlActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception { try { initCookieAuthentication(); } catch (MemberException ex) { return pageWithName(LoginPage.class); } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) { return pageWithName(LoginPage.class); } return super.performHtmlActionNamed(actionName); } @Override protected WOActionResults performRouteActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception { try { initTokenAuthentication(); } catch (MemberException ex) { return errorResponse(401); } catch (NotAuthorizedException ex) { return errorResponse(401); } return super.performRouteActionNamed(actionName); }
  • 29. Other options • OAuth • Custom HTTP Authentication scheme • Digest Authentification • OpenID • API Key (similar to token)
  • 31. Versioning • Try hard to not having to version your REST services... • ... but life is never as planified • Use mod_rewrite and ERXApplication._rewriteURL to make it easier • Use mod_rewrite even if you are not versionning! It makes shorter and nicer URLs
  • 32. Versioning In Apache config: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/your-service/v1/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v1.woa/ra$1 [PT,L] RewriteRule ^/your-service/v2/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v2.woa/ra$1 [PT,L] In Application.java: public String _rewriteURL(String url) { String processedURL = url; if (url != null && _replaceApplicationPathPattern != null && _replaceApplicationPathReplace != null) { processedURL = processedURL.replaceFirst(_replaceApplicationPathPattern, _replaceApplicationPathReplace); } return processedURL; } In the Properties of YourApp-v1.woa: er.extensions.ERXApplication.replaceApplicationPath.pattern=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v1.woa/ra er.extensions.ERXApplication.replaceApplicationPath.replace=/your-service/v1/ In the Properties of YourApp-v2.woa: er.extensions.ERXApplication.replaceApplicationPath.pattern=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/YourApp-v2.woa/ra er.extensions.ERXApplication.replaceApplicationPath.replace=/your-service/v2/
  • 33. Versioning: the gotcha Watch out for schema changes or other changes that can break old versions if all versions use the same database schema!
  • 35. HTML routing? • Power of ERRest + WO/EOF + clean URLs! • Like DirectActions, but with a lot of work done for you • Useful for small public apps that can be cacheable (or accessible offline)
  • 36. Automatic routing: damn easy • Create a REST controller for your entity and set isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() to true • Create a <EntityName><Action>Page (eg, MemberIndexPage.wo) component • Register your controller • Your component must implements IERXRouteComponent • Run your app • Profits!
  • 37. Passing data to the component Use the ERXRouteParameter annotation to tag methods to receive data: @ERXRouteParameter public void setMember(Member member) { this.member = member; }
  • 38. Automatic HTML routing If the <EntityName><Action>Page component is not found, it will default back to the controller and try to execute the requested method.
  • 39. HTML routing gotchas • When submitting forms, you're back to the stateful request handler • ERXRouteUrlUtils doesn't create rewritten URLs
  • 40. Manual HTML routing That's easy: same as a DirectAction: public WOActionResults indexAction() throws Throwable { return pageWithName(Main.class); }
  • 41. 100% REST public Application() { ERXRouteRequestHandler restRequestHandler = new ERXRouteRequestHandler(); requestHandler.insertRoute(new ERXRoute("Main","", MainController.class, "index")); ... setDefaultRequestHandler(requestHandler); } public class MainController extends BaseController { public MainController(WORequest request) { super(request); } @Override protected boolean isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() { return true; } @Override public WOActionResults indexAction() throws Throwable { return pageWithName(Main.class); } @Override protected ERXRestFormat defaultFormat() { return ERXRestFormat.html(); } ...
  • 43. Cool trick: Application Cache Manifest • Let you specify that some URLs of your app can be available offline • URLs in the CACHE section will be available offline until you change the manifest and remove the URLs from the CACHE section • Use a DirectAction or a static file to create the manifest • One cool reason to use the HTML routing stuff
  • 44. Cache Manifest In your DirectAction class: public WOActionResults manifestAction() { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); WOResponse response = new WOResponse(); response.appendContentString("CACHE MANIFESTn"); response.appendContentString("CACHE:n"); response.appendContentString(ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntityType(this.context(), Entity.ENTITY_NAME, "index", ERXRestFormat.HTML_KEY, null, false, false) + "n"); response.appendContentString("NETWORK:n"); response.setHeader("text/cache-manifest", "Content-Type"); return response; } In your component: <wo:WOGenericContainer elementName="html" manifest=$urlToManifest" lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> public String urlForManifest() { return this.context().directActionURLForActionNamed("manifest", null); }
  • 46. Debugging REST problems • curl -v : will display all headers and content, for both request and response • Firebug and WebKit Inspector : useful to see the XMLHttpRequest calls • tcpflow : see all trafic on a network interface, can do filters • Apache DUMPIO (mod_dumpio) : dump ALL requests and responses data to Apache's error log
  • 48. MONTREAL 1/3 JULY 2011 Q&A