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Essay About Carbon Dioxide
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Essay About Carbon Dioxide Essay About Carbon Dioxide


The Responsibilities of Athletic Trainers
Athletic trainers have a variety of responsibilities included in their job description. They provide
clinical diagnosis, rehabilitation therapy, and emergency care (CITE). Athletic trainers are often
confused with personal trainers, because most people associate both careers with athletes.
However, athletic trainers work in the field of physical medicine unlike personal trainers. For the
most part, athletic trainers must have people skills and an overall enjoyment of helping others.
Since they treat a wide range of patients, athletic trainers must be able to relate to all types of
people. They must have an expert knowledge of the human anatomy and also be able to think in a
cause and effect manner when diagnosing injuries.
Career Opportunities
There are a lot of job opportunities available as an athletic trainer depending on the area of the
field the individual wants to work in. Many athletic trainers want to work with sports teams at the
high school, collegiate and professional level. Athletic trainers are a necessity in all sports,
making their skill set a high demand. The employment projection for athletic trainers shows an
increase in the next ten years of over 6% (CITE). There is not a strong regional difference in job
opportunities for athletic trainers. Their skills are needed in every part of the country where
athletic competition is taking place.
Salary Ranges Paragraph In the past three years, athletic training has risen in nearly every category
(Lowe 2011).
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Family Across The Sea Essay
The black experience, as seen in the existence of the Gullah Geechie community in the Georgia
Lowcountry, stands as proof of the existence and preservation of Africanism in the New World.
Cultural artifacts of that preservation include an active and surviving language, as studied by
Lorenzo Dow Turner, the private use of basket names, the making and use of fanner baskets as
objects of art and function, a continuance of the knowledge and skills required for growing and
harvesting rice, oral transmission of that knowledge, and the use of rice and greens in both African
and the Lowcountry Gullah Geechie cuisines. The documentary, Family Across the Sea (1991),
recognizes these similarities as direct links to the significant impact of 18th century slave trade on
African Americans, with emphasis on its documented connection to the Lowcountry.
The filmic explanation that ... the story of this connection begins with the land; land which is
strangely similar on the coasts of both the southeastern United States and that of Sierra Leone,
opens the logic and reason for enslaving rice growing people from the Gola Kisi region of Sierra
Leone. Farming a sustainable, cash generating crop in the salt marshes and mangrove swamps of
the American Lowcountry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For this reason, seagrass was used to weave the fanner baskets used for winnowing rice, a skill that
ties Africans in the Georgia Lowcountry to Senegal, West Africathe baskets were woven in
traditional African patterns and bore traditional African designs, a result of cultural transmission.
Over generations, the baskets continue to have the same uses, patterns, and designs a cultural
retention, passed down through generations, understood to be the preservation of the ethnicity,
identity, and the characteristic ethos of enslaved Africans and their
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Golden Retrievers
You feel the slobbery licks on you hands, you see the little fluff balls rolling around on the
ground. As you feel the silky softness of the little dogs beside you, and enjoy the feeling of energy
buzz around you, you re thinking about taking on home. Most dogs love to be around humans, they
are so energetic and cute. To get the dogyou want, you might need to know a little more about
them, for example, their sizes, breed, and the type of job they want, or need, to do.
All dogs have different sizes. Dogs can be big, small, tall, or fat. The size of the dog can be useful,
but but still remember that you need to take care of them. If you have a big dog he could be a bit
more rough than a small dog. A tall dog could be useful if you wanted him to be able to scare off
predators if you were camping. A small dog could be useful as a lap dog to anyone if they needed
to calm down. All dogs are useful in some way no matter their size.
Dogs come in many different types of breeds, and each breed usually determines what they do.
For example, a German Shepard is usually trained to do police work, like chasing robbers, or
sniffing out bombs. Golden Retrievers can be trained to be special service dogs, such as calming
people, or being trusted to guide blind people. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some dogs herd sheep or cattle and others might be sniffing out drugs or bombs. Whatever their
job all of them are important. Family dogs usually have many jobs. They are friends, protectors,
hunters, and parents. Family dogs are probably the friendliest animals you will ever meet. Dogs
that are protectors or guardians usually bark at anything that is unusual to them. Hunting dogs
help you to find the animals if they are dead or alive. Dogs are parents too. They sometimes have
puppies to watch over, or the dogs feel like they need to watch over the children in the family they
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Persuasive Essay On Cecil The Lion
Cecil the Lion Cecil the Lion was a well known 13 year old male lion who once resided in the
Hwange game reserve in Zimbabwe. The lion was lured away from the sanctuary with the use of
food out of the game reserve. Cecil was then killed by an illegal party of big game hunters. The
man who killed Cecil was identified by conservation groups as American, Dr. Walter Palmer, a
dentist in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (CBS 1) James Palmers, the huntingguide, and a landowner
whose property is adjacent to the Hwange game reserve, are facing poaching charges. The two
men were both granted 1,000 dollars each of bail money.(CBS 19) In 2008, Palmer had been in
trouble for poaching, and plead guilty to a license violation after killing a black bear.(Independent
1) Relevantly, it shows that Palmer is a known poacher and has no... Show more content on
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Cecil the lion was a beloved lion, as he was a major attraction at the Hwange game reserve. Cecil
was also being studied up until his death by Oxford University as part of a larger study
conducted by the university. The study had already received nearly half a million dollars in
contributions. Cecil was shot by Walter Palmer with an arrow. Then forty hours later, after the
lion s suffering and misery, Palmer finished off Cecil with a rifle. (CBS 10) After the report,
Palmer closed his office in Bloomington, Minnesota and went into hiding for the time being
after the murder of Cecil the lion. Cecil was then found by the Zimbabwe conservation Task
Force beheaded and skinned. Cecil s six lion cubs will most likely be killed by another adult lion
according to David Salmoni, Animal Planet s predator expert. (CBS 9) The aforementioned events
are why lion hunting should be outlawed and illegal. People like James Palmer, don t care about
the lives of animals like Cecil the lion, yet Cecil was a main attraction at the game
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The Youth Rebellion Of The 1960 s
The youth rebellion of the 1960 s was a time of social turmoil in North America. During this time,
the US was facing many controversial issues including Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, Nuclear
Arms, etc. This was also the time period when the US was exploring space discovery. Unhappy
with their current political and cultural standards, American youth began to express their opinion
for freedom, peace and love, they demanded these rights; and so began the rebellion. And this
happened in lots of aspect, like Music, Politics and openly expressed alternate lifestyle. Because of
hippie s sexual openness, alternative lifestyles such as homosexuality and transexuality are
generally more accepted. Young adults have become more active sexually at a younger
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Coffee Is A For Antioxidants Effect Essay
Coffee is known for antioxidants effect. The smell, the taste, the caffeine lift and the shared
experience of coffee made people around the world want to start their day with a steaming cup of
coffee. There are healthy benefits of coffee that is why it has become part of people s modern life
and culture. Green coffeebean, green tea, and grape seed extract are the top widely used products
worldwide. They are known for its antioxidant power. People use this product depending on their
own preference. It is advantage to choose green coffee bean extract than roasted coffee bean.
Ordinary coffee from roasted coffee bean has negative effects. There are proven studies that
green coffee bean extract contains stronger antioxidant compared to grape seed and green tea
extract. Chlorogenic acid (CGA), an active component found in coffee, helps neutralize free
radicals and regulates metabolism. Normally, our body can handle free radicals but if the
production of free radicals becomes excessive, damage can occur. Studies conducted by the
Biological Science Laboratories show that green coffee bean reduces blood pressure. Absorption
of oxygen free radicals by green coffee bean is more effective than green tea and grape seed
extract. There are other health benefits of green coffee bean extract. It can be an effective pain
killer for migraine. It assists the body in burning fats which is helpful for athletes and bodybuilders
with their muscle fatigue. The risk of developing liver diseases
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Comparing Two Men And Women
Two men and two women each live on a street in their own separate house. The men named
Demetrius and Lysander live on one side while the women Helena and Hermia live on the other.
Amongst the group, the men and women are too shy to talk to each other as romantic
entanglements have made things unpleasant. The only way they choose to communicate with each
other now is through the use of letters. This is where Puck comes in; Puck works for the local
courier company and has a mutual relationship with everyone on the street. When someone wants
to send a message they just give their letter to Puck and tell him the person who is intended to
receive it. But delivering letters all the time gets boring and every once in a while Puck needs to...
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Those were good times ... for me of course.
But now Lysander and Hermia are too shy talk to each other because of the crush they have for
each other, Demetrius is depressed that Hermia does not love him and Helena is angry that everyone
loves Hermia and not her.
I went to the zoo once and I saw this young boy looking through the window. All the animals were
sleeping and so he got angry and started hitting the glass till something happened. I feel like that
kid at the zoo, everyone is in hiding their house; sleeping .
Ah Demetrius I love you so much, I am sick to look not upon you. When you receive my letter all
will be changed and you ll realize I am the one who you loved all along.
YES! The perfect opportunity has arisen. Today Helena wanted to send a letter to Demetrius, and
off course I had sneak peak. Apparently Helena has been working on a love letter to try and change
Demetrius feelings towards her.
I must say it was the most beautiful love letter I ve ever seen. If Demetrius received this letter he
would instantly fall in love with her. That would mean that the love couples would be paired off
and there would be no love triangle; everything would be solved.
That s not going to happen.
So being the diabolical genius that I am, I made a second letter that made it look like it was meant
for Lysander. Now when he reads this letter, Lysander will


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Robber Barons Case Study
1. Explain whom Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller are. Should industrialists like Vanderbilt,
Carnegie, and Rockefeller be viewed as robber barons or captains of industry ? Define robber
barons and captains of industry. Analyze your perspective as fully as you can.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller were one of the first tycoons in
America. They were very much wealthy as well as happy businessmen that changed America and
the economy. Although they did play the role of monopoly, before monopoly became illegal in the
U.S. According to encyclopedia.com Robber Barons were vilified for using the capitalist system to
exploit workers, form anti competitive trusts, and place the accumulation of wealth above all else.
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They were killed in mines due to lack of equipment, etc. Cattle raising was and continues to be a
successful phase in the world raising cattle provides food to feed people and provide meat and
protein. Cattle is used not only for its meat but it is great because of the by products such as
milk, skin, meat, butter, cheese, hooves, etc. It is beneficial and can either be fed grain to fatten
it and grow it at an extremely higher rate which provides faster food. Or grass fed which was
most likely used then due to lack of new technology and hormones to stimulate growth.
Agriculture is the soul according to Professor Freeman, a woman in the process of getting her
PhD in Agriculture, stated that agriculture is soul. Agriculture is what keeps people alive.
People grow crops and labor workers pick it, then it gets distributed to food markets to be sold.
As you can see so far, these jobs are all depended on labor workers and farmers which are most
likely local. With big businesses and industries and the new technology it revolutionized
everything. Jobs were ending because machines took over peoples jobs and made consistent results
at a faster, better rate with an abundant amount of product. Mining became less dangerous because
now machines can take over and do much more of what 20 men may do, per say. Cattle raising,
they get fed hormones,
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Ph-Amylase Lab Report
The Effect of pH levels on the Rate of Activity of вЌє Amylase
Ryan Andrew
Enzymes are some of the most important chemicals in the human body. Without them, humans and
many other organisms would simply be unable to live. Our dependence on enzymes comes from
their nature as biological catalysts, substances that speed up chemical reactions without being used
up or changed (Worthington biochem.com, 2017). They allow chemical reactions in our body to
occur at a rate that is acceptable for our cells metabolism (Worthington biochem.com, 2017).
Enzymes are able to do this by binding to their substrate or substrates, the molecules they react
with, and either breaking it down or combining them to form a new molecule (Wilbraham et ...
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Amylase is the name of a group of enzymes that break starch down into smaller molecules like
maltose or glucose (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998). вЌє amylase is the amylase that is found in
many mammals, including humans, in whom it can be found in saliva or the small intestine
(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998). As this is such an important topic for the world, many studies
have been done to investigate the effects of pH on amylase. Two such experiments, one by
Supannapong et al., and one by Tizon, Serrano and Traifalgar, both found that amylase activity
peaked somewhere between a pH of 6 and 7, which fits in with most of the information available on
this enzyme (2007; 2012). The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect that different pH
levels had on the rate of activity of the enzyme вЌє amylase. It was hypothesised that pH levels
below and above 7 would result in a consistent decrease in the ability of the amylase to break
starch down into glucose, and therefore the rate of activity of amylase and the amount of glucose in
the solution, until the amylase became denatured to the point at which it no longer could react with
the starch, at which point the reaction would stop, and further changes in pH level would have no
effect. This is because вЌє amylase s natural environment, in saliva or near the pancreas, has a pH
level of approximately 7 (Worthington biochem.com, 2017). As such, any notable shift from a pH
level of 7 will result in increasing levels of
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Parental Care In Pisces
Migration and parental care in Pisces
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: chordate
Subphylum: vertebrata
Class: Pisces
Some of the well studied characteristics of Pisces are:
1.The body is covered with skin from the outer surface. Presence of scale in the body.
2.These are cold blooded animal which means that their body temperature changes according to the
temperature of the surrounding.
3.The fertilization is external and reproduces numerous eggs having soft shell.
4.Respiration takes place through gill and in some lungs is also present.
5.They have limbs for the purpose of locomotion.
6.They can be seen in fresh water, marine water or brackish water.
7.Presence of fins helps in swimming as well as provides balance to the animal ... Show more
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Example: red horse.
Amphidromous: Fishes that come under this group are born in freshwater and are drifted by the
water current into the river then it again returns back to freshwater thus developing into an adult
and start reproduction. Example: mountain mullet.
Oceanodromous: These group of fishes are born near the breeding ground, and by the current of
water they get drifted in ocean before reaching the juvenile form and then once it get matured,
returns back to spawning ground. Example include: snapper This way fishes migrate differently for
the existence and fulfillment of all the basic needs.
Parental care:
Parental care means caring for the young ones for their protection and survival. The best example
of parental care is seen in human beings where parents look after the young ones with love, care
and affection. In other groups of vertebrates as well, parental care can be seen, not to the very high
extend but they do adapt some measures in order to protect the young ones. In fishes also parental
care can be noticed, not to the very high extent but some precautions to defend the young ones can
still be
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Martin Luther King In Jail Research Paper
While Martin Luther King may have gone to jail a few times, Martin fought for the rights for
African Americans.He was in marches and riots, received many awards and gave the famous
speech I have a Dream at the Washington Memorial. Martin wasbrave and determined to get
freedom for African Americans. One way was by leading marches like the March on Washington,
Selma to Montgomery, and the Montgomery bus boycott. Although he still had taken part of other
events these were the biggest reasons that led to the free rights of African Americans. He was
brave walking through the crowds yelling how he couldn t, still he kept walking. He was
determined to one day that all men would be equal, and he achieved his right to be equal. Martin
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Theme Of Honor In Henry The IV
Some argue that honor is the central theme of Henry the IV (part 1),after reading the play and
watching it I strongly agree with that statement. Throughout the play, the two main characters
Hotspur and Prince Hal desired to feel honored.Even though they didn t truly understand its value
and how to receive it in a precise way they still wanted to feel entitled. William Shakespearenever
gave the idea of honor a definition, he created a play that reflects honor through the three main
characters Prince Hal, Harry Percy also known as Hotspur and Sir John Falstaffpersonality rather
than giving the audience the definition.
In Henry the IV, Hotspur who is a critical and very organized person felt as though honor has to
do with glory when fighting on the battlefield and defending his country s reputation in doing so
he tests the king s power by refusing to give up his prisoners and offends him by saying he acts
like a prince (1.1.80). In order to stay true to his words he also decides to lead the rebellion
against the king, which personally I believe takes a lot of courage to go against an individual
who has more authority. I believe that if an individual is able to stand up to someone with higher
power to prove themselves, their the true definition of honor. Unlike Prince Harry and Falstaff,
Hotspur spends his free time in royalty to learn his how he can become a great leader. King Henry
states that Hotspur is the theme of honor (1.1.80) which indicates that he is the perfect
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Should Child Soldiers Be Granted Amnesty Essay
Child soldiers should be granted amnesty. The reason child soldiers should be considered as
victims are because they are forced into labor, drugged, and threatened into service. Many of
these child soldiers, after being rescued and rehabilitated, are able to be adopted into loving
families and lead normal lives. However, those who are sent back to where they became child
soldiers will surely commit those crimes again.
The first reason that child soldiers should be considered as victims are that they are drugged. In
many cases, after the child is taken away from their family, the warlords and their older soldiers
will give the children drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and narcotics to make them more obedient.
In the case of a boy named Ishmael Beah, he was forced into service by government soldiers
through threats, cocaine laced with gunpowder called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Root Causes of Child Recruitment. United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the
Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016.
Beah, Ishmael. Advocate for Children Affected by War
. UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web. 12
May 2016.
Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance. Rescue and Refugee Support.
International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016.
United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and
Armed Conflict. Root Causes of Child Recruitment. United Nations Office of the Special
Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d.
Web. 12 May 2016.
Beah, Ishmael. Advocate for Children Affected by War. UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web.
12 May 2016.
Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance. Rescue and Refugee Support.
International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May
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Mayan Droughts
Upon reaching Central America in the 1500s, European conquistadores were greeted by an
unanticipated sight imposing limestone cities abandoned, left to be reclaimed by the jungle. These
metropolises once belonged to the Maya civilization, but were deserted starting in the ninth century
for reasons yet unknown. Although the abandonment of these once thriving cities marked the end
of the Maya Classic period, lasting 250 A.D. to 900 A.D., it did not mark the end of the Maya
civilizationas a whole. The Maya civilization would continue to survive up to and past European
arrival, but never again at the height reached during the Classic period. Understandably, many have
questioned what caused this collapse while the Maya were the peak of their... Show more content on
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Minerals were collected by drilling cores in Belize s famous underwater cave, known as the Blue
Hole, as well as lagoons nearby. As the Blue Hole and other lagoons are surrounded on all sides
by thick walls of coral reefs, they act like a big bucket or a sediment trap , accumulating the
excess sediment brought in by rivers and streams (Ghose). Furthermore, this excess sediment is
swept into these lagoons during storms or wetter periods. In the event that it rained, the water
would eat away at the volcanic rocks of the region, which contain titanium. As a result, this free
titanium would flow in rivers and streams, which, in turn, would flow into the lagoons. Layer
after layer would settle on top of the previous, providing an accurate record of the historical
climate of this region. Droxler, the head researcher, and his team would then analyze the samples,
looking for the ratio of titanium to aluminum as relatively low ratios of titanium to aluminum
correspond to periods with less rainfall (Ibid). His team found that during the timeframe of 800
A.D. to 1000 A.D., there were not the usual five or six tropical cyclones every two decades, but
only one or two, signifying there was less than usual rainfall. Notably, this data comes from several
spots in a region central to the Maya heartland, meaning it is more likely the climate
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Mother Tongue By Amy Tan
Mother Tongue is a story that describes how Amy Tan s mother was treated unfairly because of her
broken English . As the second generation of Chinese immigrants, Tan faces more problems than
her peers do. Her mom, who speaks limited English, needs Tan to be her translator in order to
communicate with the native English speakers. Tan has felt ashamed of her mother broken
language at first. She then contemplates her background affected her life and her study. However,
she changes her thought at the end since she realizes things behind language might be more
valuable than language itself sometimes. Through the various different literary devices and
rhetorical strategies such as the ethos, pathos, and logos appeals, as well as a... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, the audiences will probably pay more attention to the author s notion, and they are
more easily to be persuaded. Along with strong ethos appeals, Tan also effectively makes use of
logos. Tan has mentions her mom reads the Forbes report, listens to Wall Street Week, converses
daily with her stockbroker, reads all of Shirley MacLaine s books with ease all kinds of things I
can t begin to understand (Zapico, 30). It is reasonable to think someone who reads the Forbes
report is intelligent or at least knowledgeable. However, the truth is this reader of the Forbes
report is a broken English speaker. She continues Yet some of my friends tell me they understand
50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they
understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese (Zapico, 30). This use of statistics
gives her audiences an inside look into her world and provides evidence that she really knows what
she is trying to convince. The mother in the essay represents for the Asian American community as
first generation. Tan evokes an image in the American readers mind that first generation Asian
Americans are much more intelligent than what they can convey through words. For this reason,
they deserve to be treated the same as others. Although Tan doesn t focus on using much logos in
this essay, all her arguments are logical, and perhaps the audience are able to be
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Hidden Champions By Herman Simons
Hidden Champions professor Herman Simons shares his strategies and products with people
describing what makes him and his companies and products so successful. Simons Hidden
Champions strategies differ from typical ones used by others, often seen in the news or
advertised. One major difference is that many of Hidden Champions products are unheard of
other than within the industry the product has been designed for. There are currently 2700
medium sized companies generating between one to five Billion dollars revenue with an
average of 2000 employees. Hidden Champions has low leverage and therefore mostly uses its
own cash flow for funding R D and the development of new innovations. Simons is vertically
integrated with operations on a geographic scale with most of his locations situated away from
major centres. (Balinski, 2013) To be successful in globalisation and speculation, Grant Anderson
CEO of Hidden Champions states (Balinski, 2013), you must travel the world with arms and legs
in the global market in order to use gather intelligent feedback and findings of new developments
in the area and to know what is changing in the world. Following are excellent example Saturday
of Hidden Champions success in specialisation and globalisation; 1.(Balinski, 2013) States, 55% of
Hidden Champions companies are located in Germany speaking countries. Research into the export
industry told Simons there was a need for an application/system, to make it easier to perform tasks
such as
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Federalism and the Triad of Powers in America
When problems arise in our nation, we are left with a complicated crisis as to whose job it is to
do what and who exactly should be taking care of any bad situation that seems to pop up with daily
life anywhere in the world, but in this case, America. Certain governmental systems, such as
Federalism, can be considered a solution to these crises. Federalismcan be defined as the
relationship between the individual state governments of America and the national or federal
governmentof the United States; and works to balance the power of a large central government,
and the power of the smaller regional governments. Federalism is defined in our book as: the
relationship between the centralized national government and the individual state governments
(Berman and Murphy 92). Federalism is a very important government system that is frequently
discussed and argued, even today. The topic of federalism has become a topic of argument
because many people believe the federal government should have more power, and yet some other
people believe the states should have most of the power. One of the ways that federalism is in our
government is in our Congress, and indirectly through Congress to the difference in laws between
the states. We can look at all the different speed limits in all of the individual states; they are not all
the same. This is because the residents of any certain state and the representatives of that state can
choose whatever they deem fit to set as limits. Another
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Resident Assistant Motivation
What is your motivation for applying for the Resident Assistant position with Housing and Dining
Services? Coming to KSU as an incoming freshman, and starting potentially one of the biggest
steps of my life was nerve wracking. However, after being here for two months I can easily call
this place my second home. I currently live on the eighth floor of Moore Hall with some of the
greatest people on earth. In the short amount of time that we ve been together, my hall has thrived
and molded into, not just a community, but a family. A major component of having such a
successful, tight knit floor was having a motivated and passionate RA. Chantelle Simon is the
current Resident Assistantfor the eighth floor. She has personally taken the time to... Show more
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One personal quality that I excel in is communication. Throughout my life i ve always had positive
interactions with the people i ve met. Whether that be close family members, peers from school, or
complete strangers! Applying this trait to incoming residents will help generate a more social
friendly environment in my hall. Having strong communication skills as a Resident Assistant is
vital to have a successful hall during the year. Having this quality allows the residents to hone a
deeper connection with their RA. Having a door open mindset throughout year creates an open
relationship between the RA and the residents. Having this optimism will ultimately add a family
environment throughout the
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Bachelor In Paradise Research Paper
Bachelor in Paradise Season 3, Spoilers: ABC Teases Unexpected Guests and Unlikely
Relationships The shooting of Bachelor in Paradise season 3 is very much underway and now cast
members are moving to Mexico for the next round. ABC has already released an official list of ten
members and now it has hinted at some unexpected guests and unlikely relationships. According to
reports, the television network has said that the season will witness a few of the most incredible
relationships in the history of the show. And the announcement has definitely raised the curiosity
about the six week series that will have past contestants from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
Though not confirmed by ABC, the official villain from JoJo Fletcher s
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The Expectation For Duration Of The Rhyme
3. Results
3.1 Duration
The expectation for duration of the rhyme was that it would be longer in phrase final position.
This is indeed the outcome of the results. In graph 1, one can see the mean duration of the rhyme
and the standard deviations. The standard deviation is larger in the phrase final position, but at
least 75% of the data in the phrase final position is still greater than 75% of the data in phrase
medial position.
Graph 1: Mean duration of the rhyme in phrase final and phrase medial condition Additionally,
when the results are separated in different conditions (as can be seen in graph 2), the duration of
the rhyme is still longer in the phrase final position than in the phrase medial position. The effect of
the position ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It can be seen that the fundamental frequency is indeed lower in the phrase final position than in
the phrase medial position. With the independent samples t test, this gave a result of p = 0.528.
This means that if those samples are unrelated, the chance that a difference of this size would arise
is 52.8%. A significant result would be 5%, so this is not significant. Because there is also an effect
of voicing on the fundamental frequency, the Voice Onset Time(VOT) was measured for all
different consonants preceding the measured vowels(M= 23.78, SD = 40.33). The expectation was
that when the vowel was preceded by a voiceless consonant, the fundamental frequency would rise.
As the VOT is different in English than in Dutch (Mondini, Alphen, Miller, 2002), the distinction
was made between positive and negative values. In this case, the difference of the mean is
significant (independent samples t test, t(60) = 0.021, p 0.05).
Graph 4: Mean fundamental frequency for a negative and positive Voice Onset Time (VOT)
Table 2: Descriptive statistics for the fundamental frequency in relation to the Voice Onset Time
VOTNMeanStd. Deviation
Fundamental frequencyNegative33132.292434.50382 Positive27152.171930.46912
Graph 5: Fundamental frequency for a positive and negative Voice Onset Time and in both phrase
final and phrase medial position Another factor which must be noted it that
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Personal Narrative-Stilettos
Stilettos smacked against the side walk to the beat of a melody pounding against her ear drums.
Red hair flew behind her like a blow torch searing everything that came close to it, burning edges
of the people slinking down the street. Eyes lingered on her body longer than any man s fingers
ever would. My face grows hot with resentment. BEEEEEEP! The horn of a car wakes me from
my devoted, delusional day dream. I flash him a light wave saying a sarcastic thanks for making
me lose sight of her . Creeping along the road my heart raced, as cars that swerved by, shooting
looks like bullets through my windshield. Skyscrapers loomed over me for miles in all ways, just
as the devil on my shoulder. Claws dug into the fleshy skin along my neck and... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
I remember when those lifeless eyes used to gaze at me; planning their next execution and
ignoring every word that dripped like honey from my lips. I was hers in fractions. Reminiscing
on the way her digits feverously gripped into my unkempt bicep. She was now mirroring her
actions with a replica of me. I bet he doesn t know her schedule as well as you do. Or spend as
much time memorizing her. The words beat into my ear like a coach, prepping me for my final
match. Look at the way he s looking at her, like she s an animal. The devil on my shoulder sneered
his last encouraging words. The world blurred around me as I stalked towards her. I slammed my
shoulder against the man in front of her in attempt to get her attention. What the hell? she
questioned. It worked.
I could be asking you the same thing. Who is he? I used all of the power within myself not to stutter.
Who is he? Who are you? Her words shot at me like daggers. Each question made me step back.
Veronica, what do you mean? How could you have forgotten about me already? We got lunch
together a month ago, I whined, hoping that I had meant more to her than she
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How Many Americans Have Access To The Internet
Global population has reached over 7.4 billion, of those people 3.5 billion people can access the
internet. And to break that 3.5 billion internet users down further 286.9 million are from the united
states. That is 88.5% of the population.The internet has been used as a tool to make everyday life
easier. You can search information, communicate with others, browse websites all at the touch of a
button. This seems all good until you start applying the things you ve see or hear online into your
everyday life, without stopping to check; or at the very least consider, that what you might have
saw or heard could be false. Many Americans have access to the internetand most of the time it has
a negative impact on our daily life.Some things that can negatively impact American lives are false
information, illegal activity, and can cause psychological damage.
Psychological problems can start being a problem to a country with easy access to the internet.
There have been certain cases where parents valued whatever they have been doing online over
their actual child eventually the parent(s) would lose ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Addiction online has become very common in this day and age. With 88.8% of Americans
having access to a device with internet there are plenty of individuals who have started drifting
away from from their friends and family because of internet addiction. Internet addiction can
become very dangerous for youths who are beginning to develop core learning skills which
become essential later on in their adult life. It can cause students grades to take a harsh dip. This
type of addiction can even cause cause financial problems. It can cause financial problems because
of online gambling where a person would end up losing their sense of time and continuously spend
their hard earned money on a risky decision that can lead to depression and and has the potential to
strain family
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United States Copyright Law
United States copyright law recognizes that certain portions of software are protected by
copyright law. Like other items protected by copyright law, copyright protection attaches to
software as soon as it is fixed in a tangible medium for instance, when written to a disk.Copyright
law requires a work to be presented in a fixed, tangible medium. When computer software first
appeared, courts saw it as intangible and labeled it a utilitarian good that arose from the running of
source code on a machine. In 1980, Congress added computer software to the list of works
protected by copyrightunder the U.S. Copyright Act. Congress clarified the rules surrounding
software copyright in the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which prohibits... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
A patent is a twenty year exclusive monopoly on the right to make, use and sell a qualifying
invention. This legal monopoly is considered a reward for the time and effort expended in creating
the invention. In return, the invention must be described in detail to the Patent Office, which
publishes the information, thus increasing the amount of technological knowledge available to the
public. To obtain a U.S. patent, an inventor must apply to the Patent Office and demonstrate that the
invention is new (as compared to prior technology), useful, and nonobvious. An invention is
nonobvious if it is more than a trivial, obvious next step in the advance of the technology. Software
patents can be extremely powerful economic tools. They can protect features of a program that
cannot be protected under copyright or trade secret law. For example, patents can be obtained for
ideas, systems, methods, algorithms, and functions embodied in a software product: editing
functions, user interface features, compiling techniques, operating system techniques, program
algorithms, menu arrangements, display presentations or arrangements, and program language
translation methods. Since patent rights are exclusive, anyone making, using or selling the
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The Alternatives to Coronary Bypass Surgery
What are the alternatives to Coronary By Pass Surgery
In 2006, more than 690,000 open heart surgeries were performed in the United States. These
included surgeries to correct and repair defective valves as well as coronary artery bypass surgery.
As recently as 70 years ago, these surgeries would have been impossible. The heart lung machine
had yet to be invented, allowing surgeons to temporarily stop and start the heart. Prior to its
invention, the longest a heart could be stopped was 30 to 40 minutes not enough time to complete
extensive surgery (Smith, 2009). Since then, a number of minimally invasive surgical procedures
have been introduced that permit surgeons to perform a variety of surgeries, making smaller
incisions that leave smaller scars, reduce the chance of infection, are less painful to the patient
and necessitate shorter hospital stays. These include minimally invasive direct coronary artery
bypass, off pump coronary artery bypass, videoscopic surgery and robotic assisted heart surgery.
In minimally invasive heart surgery, cardiac surgeons perform heart surgery by way of small
incisions in the right side of the chest, as a substitute to open heart surgery. Surgeons operate
between the ribs and don t split the breastbone, which consequences in less pain and a faster
recovery for most people. In minimally invasive surgery, the heart surgeon has a better view of
some parts of the heart than in open heart surgery. As in open surgery,
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A Computerized Payroll System
1.0Introduction1 1
1.1Statement of the Problem 1 1
1.2Current state of the Technology 1 2 1 4
1.3Objectives 1 5
1.3.1General Problem 1 5
1.3.2Specific Problem 1 5 1 6
1.3.3General Objectives1 6
1.3.4Specific Objectives 1 6 1 7
1.3.5Scope and Limitations 1 7 1 9
2.0Theoretical Framework2 1
2.1Introduction 2 1
2.2Database Management 2 2
2.3Information System2 2
2.4Transaction Processing System2 3
2.5Computer2 3
2.5.1Hardware2 3
2.5.2Software2 4
2.5.3Microsoft Access2 4
2.5.4Microsoft Word2 4
3.0A Computerized Payroll System for Arias Garments 3 1
3.1. Introduction 3 1
3.2 System Design ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Failure to manage a payroll effectively may cause many problems for the company and its
employees. It could mean loss of money, integrity, and trust between both parties.
Oftentimes, it takes many hours of work and manpower to get the job done. In certain cases,
effective payroll management is compromised by the lack of an effective system. Most companies
may have enough manpower and resources. However, with an effective information technology,
managing a payroll will be simpler, cost effective, timely and reliable.
One of the companies that use manual payroll system is the Arias Garments. It was established last
September 18, 1994 at #88 Bargy. Latag, Lipa City, under the management of Mr. Alex Arias
together with his wife Mrs. Anita Carol Katigbak. It started with only forty machines and ten
employees. The capital of Arias Garments is Php 500,000.00. By 1996, Arias Garments became the
subcontractor of Champan Garments. Champan Garments produce and transport products like Gap,
Banana Republic, Old Navy, Tommy, and Hilfinger.
As of now, Arias Garments have 176 machines and 100 employees (40 regular and 60
contractual). 8:00AM is the time in of employees, 4:00PM is the time out, and they consider
8:15AM as late. Employees who are late or either log out earlier than 4:00PM will have a
deduction on their wages (deduction is 0.61 per minutes late or under time). First offense, for late


and employees who under time, will be given
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Why Home Schooling Should Be Encouraged
Home Schooling Should Be Encouraged Home schooling is becoming an increasingly popular
choice of education for parents in the United States of America. Homeschooling refers to the
practice of parents educating a child at home, rather than in a conventional public or private school
setting (Hess and Okun). This can take the form of individual instruction by a single teacher at
home or in a small group setting with combined resources of teachers and materials. It was
estimated in a 1999 report by the U.S. Department of Educationthat more than 850,000 students
were being educated at home. This number was increasing at rate of 7 to 15 percent annually (Hess
and Okun). The numbers are increasing because of the advantages for home school students. In
order to promote individualized learning, creativity, and self confidence, home schooling should be
considered for more students. Home schooling promotes individualized learning. Individualized
learning is a learning environment where a student and a teacher have one on one teaching
situation. The teacher is able to focus on the individual student. This method is beneficial because
the instructor is able to focus and identify the student s strengths, weaknesses, and needs
immediately. This enables the student to know if he or she is on the right track in the learning
process. The student is better able to learn faster and cover more material. Another reason
individualized learning should be promoted is the student is able to have a more in depth
understanding of the content because it is tailored to the individual s learning styles. These learners
benefit because they are also able to get feedback as soon as the instructor examines the work. This
prevents the student from learning the subject incorrectly. Individualized learning is obviously an
advantage for home schooling students. The success of individualized learning is shown in that
some preliminary researcher suggests that children who are home schooled may outperform their
counterparts in public or private schools (Hess and Okun). When children are not in a classroom
full of other students, their creativity can flourish. Gillian Bowditch states that Home educated
children are invariably described as
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Self Dehumanization
Power allows people to control outcomes with respect to both the environment and the self . This
control is considered to be a fundamental human need ; therefore, it follows that powerlessness will
disrupt an individual s sense of humanity, which coincides with the fact that many civilizations have
equated power deprivation with humbleness, lowliness, and fewer expressed human traits. We
based the current study on this notion in order to demonstrate that perceived powerlessness induces
self dehumanization.
The world is changing rapidly. From the Stone Ageto the Iron Age today we are living in an
ultramodern era where things which were not even thought of earlier have become vital
necessities in our life. For example, light in those ages was to be got only from sun for a limited
part of day. But now we have electricity for all time use. Thanks to Thomas Alva Edison who by
inventing electricity illuminated the whole world.
Now we can t think life without electricity. In big cities everything depends upon it. We find
ourselves completely paralysed whenever there is power failure in our area. Electricity provides all
comforts of life and life would be completely different in absence of it.
We will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it
is now. If there would have been no electricity, people would not have become so luxurious with
coolers, airconditioners, refrigerators, room heaters and other electric appliances. The
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Individual Analysis for Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant
Engstrom Auto Mirror plant, as a privately owned business, it manufactured mirrors for trucks and
automobiles. The managers aimed to increase productivity for sustainable development of the
company. Back in 1998, to pursue highly productivity, the plant was redesigning its production lines
to incorporate new technology, however, the transition was not smooth, some problems had
emerged, such as the staffs moral and efficiency declining and the internal contradictions being
intensified between the managers and employees. As the result of it, the previous manger resigned
in 1998. After that, the new manager, Ron Bent believed in the power of worker incentive
programs and wanted to establish one at Engstrom. Eventually, the plant adopted the... Show more
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According to my analysis, the problems are distrust between the managers and employees and
unfairness of rewards between the employees and supervisors. In order to keep productivity and
profitability of the plant, it should resolve the issues urgently before the situation deteriorated
further. I recommend the option two is better for Bent to deal with these problems for the plant.
Firstly, communication is the most important factor that affects the relationship between managers
and employees. If the managers could listen advices of the work in time from their employees, it
not only will be more easier to handle the existing problem in the company, but also will improve
the relationship between managers and employees because the staff feel the company takes, to
respect and to trust them, feel oneself is in enterprise s one, and they can have the confidence and
the sense of responsibility for the development of their company. Secondly, it is to give the
appreciation by managers to employees frequently that will improve the employee morale because
they will feel more attached to their company. As the result of this, employees will devote to their
work without any complaint. Consequently, because of the improvement of relationship and
employee morale, the efficiency and productivity of company will improve with the efforts of all
staff and give them corresponding reward. Although the first option is probably to resolve the crisis
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Should Society Make Nuclear Fission Obsoletes
Nuclear Fission
Our society is in danger of nuclear fission due to all the natural and unnatural events happening
in our economy that can cause a nuclear explosion or it can lead to nuclear terrorism or even
nuclear war. Nuclear fission is a very dangerous job and the actual energy maker costs money to
create and with reactors in high demand in large cities, it is costing the U.S. billions of dollars.
Nuclear reactors also have harmful effects on local populations when they are mining for uranium
nearby. With many negative effects our overall society should make nuclear fissionobsolete.
With many negative effects our overall society should make nuclear fission obsolete. In 2009 the
U.S. lost over 10 billion dollars (along with very long construction times)just to create a few nuclear
reactors. This shows that the actual nuclear reactors take the longest time to create and get up
running. There are many harmful effects of the mining of uranium in and near local populations .
Even though uranium is an essential part of the running nuclear reactor it is harmful when they are
mining for it near local populations. When uranium is being mined for the rocks it releases harmful
gasses that can cause cancer or other inner organs. Ultimately nuclear fission is very ... Show more
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Many countries abandoned the NPI treaty and created their own nuclear weapons that can be
used against the U.S. at their will . The NPI treaty was a treaty that was made to agree to stop the
production of nuclear weapons around the world. Many countries like China or Japan and many
others have abandoned the treaty and began the creation of nuclear weapons. Terrorist groups
have already had an arsenal of nuclear weapons . Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS have
created several nuclear weapons. A nuclear war may happen in our near future against
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Cott Corporation
1. General Economic Outlook Cott Corporation earned its revenue mainly from United States,
Canada and U.K. Its revenue from these countries accounted for 97.83% and 98.62% in 2003
and 2002 respectively. However, the company tends to increase its operation in Mexico as a
result of its acquisition inВ….. Therefore, our discussion will be based on 4 countries as
mentioned above. 1.1 Global Economic Outlook From economic in bubble stage in 2000 to the
adverse effects of the September 11, 2001 terrorists attack on the U.S and the subsequent wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq, the SARS outbreak in Canada and China in 2001 3. Over the past year, the
global recovery has become increasingly well established, with global GDP growth now... Show
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Therefore, we do not anticipate that the average consumers level of real income will decrease
much over the next 5 years. Exchange rate We present percent change year over year of period
average in exchange rate of local currency to US$. We believe this indicator is important as Cott
corporation s revenue and operation are in other countries apart from United States. The exchange
rate will affect the financial performance of the company and directly affect the consolidated
financial statement because the result has to convert to US. dollar. As shown in the figureВ…,
Both Canada and United Kingdom currencies will continually appreciate against US. dollar.
Implication for Cott Based on the general indicator it would seem as though in the short term the
economy is growing from the recession with a high level of real GDP growth of 5%. However,
with the continuously increase in oil price may hold the overall economy from going well as
expected. Moreover, the exchange rate for both UK and Canada that continuously appreciate
against US may affect consumption by consumer and the operation of the company. Overall, we
expect that the economic will grow at stable rate with relatively increase for the next 5 years.
Beverage and bottling industry For beverage and bottling industry, the cost of acquiring and
converting aluminum and PET resin constitutes the majority of bottlers packaging costs. Packaging
costs represent approximately 45% of
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The Freudian Slip Theory
Freudian slip theory was originally created by Sigmund Freud. He was an Austrian neurologist and
was better known as the founder of psychoanalysis (1856 1939). Psychoanalysis can be defined as
a set of psychological theories which includes the Freudian slip theory. He believed that everyone
possess an unconscious mind, feelings, desires and memories in their lifetime. It is to be said that
peoples will bring their unconscious content on their mind to their conscious awareness and people
will be able to experience catharsis and gain insight into their current state of mind. (Cherry, What is
Psychoanalysis?, 2016)
Freud s theory of slips of the tongue and pen Sigmund Freud theory is formed based on peoples
brings the unconscious thoughts to conscious self. Freudian slip is the Hint of the Unconscious.
(Cherry, What is a Freudian Slip?, 2015) A Freudian slip also known as a parapraxis, is an error
of speech and memory or physical action which Freud stated was a result of interference of self
own unconsciousness wish, desire, conflict or train of thought. Freud believed errors of all types
were revealing. It acted like a defense mechanisms and errors come in many varieties. Freudian ...
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The words that involve in the passage are potted and private . Both words are adjectives and they
starts with the letter p . Freud recognized this and maintained that most errors happened when
there are several causes to create the error. He named it over determination of an error. It
resembles a modern idea about how memory retrieval takes place through an intersecting
association process. When interpreting the word potted lies at the intersection of several
associations: it starts with the letter p , it has two syllables, it fits into the sentence and it has to do
with the roommate problem. So the word potted was used and applied it on my roommate
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How Do Ships Shape The New World
For over 100 years now ships have been responsible for traveling, trading goods and fishing, which
have all contributed to other countries economies and culture. Through the trading of good it has
helped countries economically, as well as it has allowed other countries to spread their culture all
around the world through their foods and manufactured goods. Ships are what shaped the New
World into what it is today. Ships have been the biggest contributors to other countries economies
and culture.
Through the Trading of goods countries all over the world benefited financially and culturally. In
ancient time ships were vital when it came to trading, back then it was the only way to get goods
across to other countries. According to Transporting Treasure a... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
It s was responsible for bringing over weapons, soldiers and colonist to the New world. When
traveling back to Europe from the New world the deliverance contained gold and silver as well as
treasure that was found in the Inca and Aztec empire. The total estimate of all the treasure is
worth $3 billions by today standards. This information goes to show that through ships it
benefited both Europe and the New world financially with the discovery of gold and silver as
well as treasure. It also shaped the New world into what it is today, by bringing in its european
culture and spreading it within the New world.In addition to trading in Ancient Greek trading
ships amphoras were found. Amphoras are large clay jar with a narrow neck and two handles they
date back as far as the Neolithic period. Amphoras were used to transport goods such
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Issues In The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room is a documentary about the truth of public hospitals. This film follows the
patients, and the staff of this ER waiting room, and how insufficient the system is for them.
While we watch the staff work as hard as they can to treat all the patients possible, we come to
the realization that there is a major shortage in the needed room space, and supplies to treat all of
these patients in a timely manner. Our healthcare system is very flawed in the way it treats the
people in need, and there is no way of knowing if there will be any major change to help these
people get the care they need.
The Waiting Room was produced in 2011, meaning that there should have been changes made to fix
this flawed health care system, but there hasn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because there is such a high number of people without insurance they usually don t get the
treatments they need, and if they do receive treatment, it usually follows a very long wait, and they
are not the best treatment. But most of these people have no other choice.
We get to witness the real struggle of multiple different patients, all with different levels of
severity for their visit. The first patient that stood out was a father who lost his job the previous
year and didn t have any health insurance for him or his kids. He had to take his very ill daughter
to the public ER , and because she was on the lower side of severity, they had to wait for hours
just to get seen by a doctor. This story stood out to me because of the time a ill child had to wait
just to get any treatment at all.
Another story that stood out was the man who had to wait in a full waiting room with a bullet in
his leg. This man had a deadly object in his body and he still had to wait for hours just to be seen
by a doctor. He had to wait because the hospital had no room to put him in. Even if you re the first
one to get to the ER, it doesn t mean that you get in first. The hospital determines who goes in first
by how severe your situation is, so they could have a patient waiting in the waiting room for many
hours, just so they can get a prescription of
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Essay on Analysis of Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney
Analysis of Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney
Once the reader can passes up the surface meaning of the poem Blackberry Picking, by Seamus
Heaney, past the emotional switch from sheer joy to utter disappointment, past the childhood
memories, the underlying meaning can be quite disturbing. Hidden deep within the happy go lucky
rifts of childhood is a disturbing tale of greed and murder. Seamus Heaney, through clever diction,
ghastly imagery, misguided metaphors and abruptly changing forms, ingeniously tells the tale that
is understood and rarely spoken aloud. Seamus Heaney refers to Bluebeard at the end of stanza
one. Bluebeard, according to the footnote, is a character in a fairy tale who murders his wives.
Why on earth would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Realizing unconsciously seems like an oxymoron, but the speaker does not consciously realize the
horrors of his actions, while deep down understands what he has done. The speaker s extreme joy
from hording all the delicious blackberries turns into horror upon witnessing their fermentation (2nd
stanza). The speaker realizes that all good things must come to an end. He knows that, out of his
greed, he has murdered these blackberries, made then ferment and caused them to loose their
succulent appeal.
At first glance this poem seems a happy tale of childhood. These are memories that make the
heart smile. Images of heavy summer storms full of rain, alternating with bright, joyous
sunshine, full bushels of blackberries waiting to be picked; these are images most can relate
with. The reader can taste the bitter sweetness of the summer s first blackberry, feel the scratch
of briars against their own skin, sense the excitement and butterflies in their own stomachs as
they race to gather all the wondrous blackberries they can, followed by the anger and the
disappointment when the blackberries rot and ferment before the readers eyes. However, if the
reader were to take the diction and imagery quite literally, a somewhat different picture is
aroused. ...a glossy purple clot... (line 3) describing the first ripened blackberry, brings to mind the
picture of a nasty blood clot in someone s veins, why would Heaney compare blackberries to blood
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Morality In Ignatius A Confederacy Of Dunces
Whereas Ignatius rather nonsensical pessimistic worldview comes from his sense of being
morally greater than his society (and, therefore, from looking at it in disgust), and from a position
of general opulence, Elie s stems from a macabre realization that all people, including himself, are
bestial and selfish, and from a position of total destitution. Ignatius believed himself to be a beacon
of moralityin an otherwise dismal society. For instance, throughout A Confederacy of Dunces, he
would write about the evils of the hedonistic, bourgeois society in which he lived, and about how
the world would be in a much better position if based on the medieval principles (such as divine
right and cruel forms of torture) in which he subscribed were
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Analyzing And Testing Low Pass Filters For Anti Aliasing
Digital Audio Technology
Filter Testing and ADC Filter Report
Analysing and Testing Low Pass Filters for Anti Aliasing
The aim of this lab is to test the response and characteristics of an undefined filter circuit. This
report will present the data collected in the lab sessions, interpret this data and discuss the filter s
suitability for use in an anti aliasing circuit in an analogue to digital converter (ADC).
analogue signals to digital signals so that they can be processed by digital systems such as a
computer. This is particularly relevant to audio recording because signals from recording
equipment, such as microphones and electronic instruments, are in an analogue format, and must
be converted to a digital format in order to be processed by a digital audio workstation (DAW) on a
computer. Analogue electrical signals are continuous , meaning that data can take an infinite
number of values between the maximum and minimum voltages. There are also an infinite number
of steps on the time scale and so data at any moment in time can take any value within the scale.
Sound travels through air via changes in air pressure and can be represented by sound pressure
level (SPL); this is a continuous scale and so the pressure can be any value at any given moment
in time. When sound is processed by a transducer, such as a microphone, these changes in SPL are
replicated by changing the
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Fairies of the Heart are All Around Us Essay
Love is always around us. In a cold world there are fairies that represent our hearts and the love we
feel. These fairies are seen by the young and the loved.
There once was a young girl, born with three just like everyone else who s blue fairy, love of
herself, which was always small. The blue fairy always followed her floating around trying to push
her towards happiness but never seemed to gain the strength to help the girl progress.
The young girl, once she grew up a bit had a second fairy born, a red one, the love of friends. This
fairy was the girls largest fairy. This fairy floated above all the other s and always shined brightest
and pushed her hardest.
Then when the young girl had become a young woman she gained a third fairy. ... Show more
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The red fairy had thrived around the person and the blue fairy had started to float. Much later the
white fairy had grown back and it finally healed. It fluttered and flourished around the person. It
survived happily with the other person s fairy. They dance when they met and didn t want to pull
away when the two needed to separate.
One day the young woman s fairy started to shrink. The blue fairy had dulled and then the white
fairy broke. The red fairy cried when the blue fairy had crumbled completely and was left alone.
The red fairy had shrunk and cried at the loss of its friends.
Soon in place of the white fairy a black fairy had appeared. The red fairy shrunk when the black
fairy showed itself. The black fairy always made sure that the red was always small.
The young woman didn t liked being near people soon. The red fairy nearly disappearing at
times. But one day the blue and white fairies had come back. The three stayed small but always
stuck together. But the black fairy was always there as well. If one grew too large it s keep it in its
Then the young woman met someone else. The white fairy stayed very small and didn t dance
with the person s fairy. The stayed close but never fluttered. So in the end the white fairy
disappeared and the white fairy the other person had, had broken.
Now the young woman stays bound to her four fairies. The black fairy stays close to the girl. Her
blue fairy often disappearing and the white
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Huntington Park Sociology
Race, income, and education have shifted the demographics of my community, Huntington Park,
in the past years from 1990 to 2010. In the 1990 s there was no particular social class dominating
my city; the median income was $62,500. In 2010 however, my city was made up of working
class individuals whose median income was about $37,651. The departure of whites contributes to
urban decay in my community just as Hunter s observations showed, where low working class
came and made up the majority of the population and lived in extreme povertyand seemingly ever
present violence (Hunter). Education also affected the class shift in my community, there was less
people graduating and pursuing higher education. The 1990 census shows that 14.48% attained...
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Back in the 1990 s white was the dominant race in Huntington Park, consisting of 52.87% white
but slowly this changed and by 2010 Huntington Park was made up of 97.2% Hispanics whereas
in 1990 there was 28% Hispanics. The changes in race have intersected with the changes class
because before when the city was mostly white, the percentage of income for those who make
less that $24,999 was about 35.52 and 7.86% made more than $100,000 yearly. Today, in
Huntington Park 6.52% make more than $100,000 and 38.74% make less than $24,999. This
reveals that as white people moved out and hispanic moved in, the income and class decreased.
Considering families in my community are non english speaking immigrants, many of their
children were tracked by being placed in ESL classes (English as Second Language).This was a
disadvantage to them because they did not get the help that those speak the language attain. The
high school in my city does not have many programs like AP or Honors courses available in
comparison to other schools. The fact that we Latinos do not get the same benefits as others, affects
us when applying and attending college because our education was ..hardly comparable to the
education received by their white and Asian American counter parts in the state (Hunter and
Ramon). My community has gone though much change that has affected any of the residents living
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Exploration Of The Cosmos Shakes
Space that s all there is that ever was and ever will be. One contemplation of the cosmos shakes:
shiver runs down the back, catches the throat, and there is a feeling weak, like a vague memory, if
you fall from a height. We recognize that touch the greatest of mysteries.
But the development of something unknown at the time held a sufficient amount of time. And this
long journey that opens the way for us to perfect contemplation of the cosmos and its component
parts, is really considered one of the truly deserving feats of humanity.
Man and the Cosmos can not exist separately. They have always been the two particles of one
whole, the unknown, unexplored, new.
Since early times, people and all mankind has sought to pave the way in the ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Exit man in space has its ideological background, leaving back centuries, and technological
background, which lasted several decades.
On what grounds man became a sentient being and thus separated from the animal world?
The man in the social and employment created around himself a habitat that did not exist naturally
in the nature of the Earth.
In fact, as early mastery of fire and clothing from animal skins were the first means by which man
began to create themselves a stable artificial microenvironment that protects it from temperature
changes and seasonal changes. The transition from hunting and gathering to animal husbandry,
farming and craft guarantee the stability of obtaining food. Modern apartments, food and light
industry, in principle, it is the same activity on the formation of the environment. Then it was the
Neolithic Revolution, which began about six thousand years ago, the essence of which just
consisted in replacing the consumption of finished goods and the nature of their conditions of
But if a person surrounds himself microenvironment, radically different from the natural macro
planet Earth, then, strictly speaking, he had already become astronauts , although it does not leave
the planet. Thus do that ever since the Neolithic man acquired the ability for autonomy in relation
to the Earth. However, this ability now has led to the fact that
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Pangaea Research Paper
We believe that earth was one and all the continents were all together together then something
happened that split them up.About 300 million years ago, Earth didn t have seven continents, but
instead one huge supercontinent called Pangaea, which was surrounded by a single ocean called
Panthalassa. Beyond that, the details get fuzzy. While the heat formed in the mantlelikely comes
from the when a radioactive substance breaks down of unstable elements, such as uranium,
scientists don t agree on whether there are mini pockets of heat flow within the mantle, or if the
whole shell is one big heat conveyor belt.
The supercontinent began to break apart about 200 million years ago.
The explanation for Pangaea s (creation and construction/ group of objects) brought in the modern
explanation of plate (the study of Earth s surface plate movement), which suggests says that the
Earth s outer shell is broken up into (more than two, but not a lot of) plates that slide over Earth s
rocky shell, the mantle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The current setup of continents is unlikely to be the last. Supercontinents have formed more than
two, but not a lot of times in Earth s history, only to be split off into new continents. Rightnow for
instance, Australia is slowly moving toward Asia, and the eastern part of/amount of Africa is
slowly peeling off from the rest of the continent. Land and rock experts have seen have heard have
become aware of that there is an almost regular cycle in which supercontinents form and break up
every 300 to 400 million years, but exactly why is a mystery, Murphy said. But most scientists
believe that the supercontinent cycle is mostly driven by circulation patterns of relationships,
movement, or sound in the mantle, according to a 2010 article in the Journal of
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Boggy Acre And A Narrow Fellow In The Grass
Patriarchy dominated in the nineteenth century and women were considered to be the property of
their husbands, without rights, land, or even the option to choose how to live their lives. The editor
of The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Paul Lauter explained that during the early
nineteenth century, white middle classed women had more leisure and education than their mothers
or grandmothers which enabled them to become a large audience; nevertheless, their opportunities
for meaningful work apart from childbearing, their ability to control their own property or even
their own persons had probably narrowed since the Revolution (Lauter 1460). White women
became more educated but remained inferior to men at this point in history. Lauter... Show more
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Jacobs bravely tells her story about escaping slavery with her children. She was the first writer to
show the grisly details of slavery and discuss sexual abuse. Jacobs criticizes herself for getting
pregnant to get out of the sexual abusive relationship of her slave owner by saying I felt as if I was
forsaken by God and man; as if all my efforts must be frustrated; and I became reckless in my
despair (Jacobs 2194). Jacobs had to hide for almost seven years in her grandmother s attic in
attempt to gain her and her children s freedom from their former slave owners (Yellin 2185). In
1852, Mrs. Willis, a family friend, bought Jacobs freedom, for which Jacobs felt I was robbed of
my victory because she considered herself a person, unable to be bought or sold (Yellin 2185).
Harriet Ann Jacobs publishes her story to open people s eyes to what slavery really was.
Harriet Ann Jacobs helped start a movement of anti slavery writing that, through literature, would
eventually help change society s view of slavery. Jacobs Incidents was written for an audience of
free white women and its purpose was to involve these women in political action against the
institution of chattel slavery and the ideology of white racism confirming herself as an anti slavery
writer using a fictional character and different voice to tell truth (Yellin
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Bloody Sunday Essay
Bloody Sunday The events that took place on Bloody Sunday, 30th January 1972 have been
discussed frequently and certain aspects of the event highly debated. The events of the particular
day were of significant influence in further procedures in N. Ireland an on other related events. The
event began after an illegal march took place in the centre of Derry, N. Ireland; the police and
government banned the march as it was thought it would provoke violence. The march was lead by
Catholic supporters who were demonstrating for Catholic rights, the Protestant biased government
and the internment of Catholics. As... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was thought by some that the IRA wanted a major gun battle, although others thought that if
similar events to those that took place in Magilligan, London would be shamed and therefore it
would seem that the British paratroopers would want to hold their fire against the Catholic
demonstrators. Another stance is that the Catholics were simply holding another peaceful protest.
About a week before Bloody Sunday, a two hour gunfight to place at Forkhill in County Armagh
between British troops and the IRA. About 1000 shots were fired. Because of all the violence of
the previous weeks, which was blamed on the IRA, the Protestant unionists felt that a tougher
approach must be made to stop further violence from occurring. After Bloody Sunday had taken
place, the question of who was to blame and more importunately for some, who had fired the first
shot. Different accounts of the day can give us an idea of what happened, although the evidence is
far from conclusive. The official statement released by the army and approved by Lieutenant
General Sir Harry Tuzo stated that, ВЎВҐThe paratroopers came under nail bomb attack and a
fusillade of fifty to eighty rounds.ВЎВ¦ Although the statement simply offers the Paratroopers
version of what happened, it simply cannot be trusted as it is undoubtedly
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Questions And Answers On Shipment Delivery Dates
7.2.1 Scheduling Issues: a. Review load lists posted in Ordnance public folders to verify
Shipment Preparation Worksheets (SPW) are completed, DD Form 1348 1As are prepared, and
materials are ready for issue. b. Review Required Delivery Dates (RDD) from load lists located in
Ordnance public folders. c. Contact customer to coordinate and schedule date, time, location and
point of contact for the issue. d. Coordinate with other local commands/units for special requests
(i.e. security escort, special equipment, etc.). e. Coordinate with Ordnance Annex departments to
ensure requested items are loaded and ready for issue on the date scheduled. Provide customer
point of contact information. (G.3.9, Bookmark 1, pg. 2, yellow highlight) iii. COG... Show more
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(1) AD C may request a QA to verify their application/non application once, kick back the
document. (2) AD C will annotate on the back of the SPW/MUF Please verify applicability of
NAR/AIN/OHF _ Initial and date. (3) QA will annotate next to the request a comment like NAR
/AIN/OHF does not apply. Initial and date. C. Is the P/W/C and signatures complete on the
reverse? D. Is No. of T/TR complete? E. For Air shipments, are length, width, and height, per
pallet, provided (if applicable)? F. Is JMIC number identified, if required? v. COG Manager
updates load list for the following: A. Quantity B. P/W/C C. Location quantity D. Packed w
/ remarks E. JMIC number identified, as required vi. Are there any changes to the SPW? NOTE:
Any changes on the SPW must identify a reason for the change and which AD C Rep authorized
the change. A. YES Make the changes (if possible) then generate the MMD and 1348 1 a if the
quantity change is not possible due to a possible physical inventory discrepancy. (G.3.3, pg. 9
10, yellow highlight) The COG Manager will inform the LS or AD C Manager and discuss a
resolution. B. NO Finalize issue documents. vii. COG Manager generates number of MMDs
indicated on the SPW, plus one for tickler. viii.COG Manager generates 1348 1a. Generate 4
copies for local issues (AD C Original/Customer Copy, Government Copy/Tickler). Plus, any
additional as required for movement. Generate 6 copies for ship ops (AD C Original/Customer
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Impact Of Mini Banking And Subprime Lending Practices
Usury Laws
Currently, there is a lot of controversy surrounding mini banking and subprime lending
practices, which include payday loans and high interest credit cards, because some feel these
financial practices are not fair. The purpose of usury laws is to place a cap on excessive interest
rates. It has become commonplace for many unsavory lenders to take advantage of current laws,
which charge on excessive fees and rates, all in the name of profit. According to Elizabeth
Warren, the government should return to usury laws, laws that go back to biblical times, and
colonial times, where strong usury laws were in place. In 1979, a new law was discretely changed
allowing financial companies to remove limits on rates. (Maher Warren, 2010) By examining the
strengths and weaknesses of usury laws, from a consequentialism and contractarianism perspective,
we can see how there needs to be a balance in how companies engage in lending practices.
The problem with the current state of micro banks and credit card companies is the amount of the
fees and interest charges they are charging, usually to consumers who are poor and low wage
earners, who desperately seek out these alternatives to take care of their financial needs. These
practices leave them in a more desperate state because the extortionate fees, making it impossible to
stay current on their payments, by driving disadvantage consumers in deeper debt. Some of these
companies charge high percentage rates, and being late on
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Morte D Arthur Gender Roles
The Arthurian legend is one of the most important parts of the national British history. The
Arthurian legend has developed into a symbol of British pride, and creates a formula for showing
readers about the truths of their nation and its history. These accounts are typically written about
male characters and their plots reveal the patriarchal division of the society during this time.
Through this paper, I will compare two author s writings. I will investigate the portrayal of the
female characters and the characteristics attached to their gender. The aim of this comparison is to
present how an author s time period, rank in society, location, personal beliefs, and political
opinions, affected his portrayal of gender, including men and women in his works. In the same
ways, these works themselves also allow readers to peer into the way the societies of that time
functioned... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Morte D Arthur is a simple and detailed account of the Arthurian legend events. It is a crucial
work in this subject because it served as a foundation for Medieval literature. Malory s work
directly influenced the stereotype of women as evil and frames women as responsible for most
bad things. However, Malory also influenced the romanticizing of courtly relationships and
allowed space for women to be adored and favored in the eyes of the reader. However, another
great influence that reveals a shift in the social and political view of gender is the differences in
time. Naturally, in a comparative piece of writing like T.H. White s The Once and Future King
which was written in 1958, the portrayal of women and their roles in the stories was changed
dramatically. In contrast, White put forth more effort to liven the female characters and put an
emphasis on their emotions and motivations. Yet although White portrays the female characters
with sympathy and understanding, he uses them mainly as a channel to develop the male
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Ryan Lochte s Gas Station Scandal
Case Analysis: Lochtegate
Ryan Lochte s gas station scandal in Brazil during Olympics
Alycia Ikegami The Olympics is a worldwide event when countries all over the world come together
and celebrate culture, sportsmanship and athleticism. It is an opportunity for people to come
together, whether at the venue or at home, it is a celebration full of excitement. During this time,
swimmer Ryan Lochte, along with three other swimmers, were involved in an incident at a local
gas station in Rio de Janeiro. It was reported on Sunday Aug 14, 2016, US Olympian Ryan Lochte
and three other swimmers claimed they were robbed at gunpoint. The swimmers had stopped at the
gas station to use the bathroom when the incident occurred. Lochte was the first of the group to
speak publicly on the incident. When the story first came out, Lochte had told NBC News Billy
Bush that a gun was pointed at his head. This was only the beginning of the public relations crisis
case. Three days later, Lochte, returned to the United States and continued to stick to his story
while being interviewed by the Today Show s Matt Lauer. In the mean time, two of the swimmers
were pulled off a plane. The passports of the other swimmers were being held while they were
being questioned, not being able to leave the country. Four days after the initial incident, Rio police
announced that Lochte had lied about what had happened at the gas station. The real story behind
this incident is that the men had
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Adoption, Domestic And International Adoption Essay
Melissa Bannon
Mrs. Munsie
College Writting
12 14 16
Many people want to have their own children, but what are other options? Adoption gets helpless
children out of the foster care system, but having their own child gives them a better connection.
Three reasons why parents should adopt is because it helps get kids out of foster care, adopted
families have all the same rights as families formed from birth, and adopting a child helps parents
start a family if they can t get pregnant. Although some people think that having their own child is
better, adoption is better because it gives children new and permanent homes, also it helps parents
start a family. Furthermore, adoption is a way for children who cannot be cared for by their birth
parents to become members of another family. There are two different types of adoption,
Domestic and International adoption. Domestic adoption is when a child is born in a country and
adopted in the same country. International adoption is when a child living in one country is
adopted by a family living in a different country. Through adoption, children s legal ties with their
birth parents are needed so they can begin a relationship approved by law with their adoptive
parents. (Adoption) Adoption helps provide children with new and permanent homes. Each year,
130,000 children are adopted, increasingly from other countries. (Adoption) As you can see many
children have benefitted from the adoption process, 130,000 children are now happy in
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Summary Of On Such A Full Sea By Chang-Rae Lee
On such a full sea is a novel written by Chang Rae Lee. The story is about a journey of a nineteen
year old girl name Fan. She works in the tanks diving and keeping it clean, nurturing the fish and
just looking after the welfare of the fish. This is one of the most important jobs for the city of B
Mor because it is one of the major ways the city can get their revenue. They sell the fish to the
Charter village. Fan s journey starts when one day Fan s boyfriend Reg disappeared from B
more due to the governmental pharmaceutical cartel she decides to leave B Mor on the search of
Reg. She explores the different social classes from the open counties, which is the low class
society and there is a high rate of crimes such as murder, robbery, and aggressive... Show more
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As well as with the animals thousands die due to the chemical, materials, and weapons they test
on them. Also, the military does not need to get a permit to make an atomic weapon or any other
illegal action. After all, the military creates their own policy that can protect them from being
sued. Since the military can argue that it is in the benefit of national security. This affected the
people who live in these third work countries where there is no regulation on not to pollute at
times people have to migrate to different places just as in the book when many people had to
leave their hometown. Furthermore, not only in the book they used all their natural resources, but
researchers in the documentary called Flow of Love of water, said in different rivers the level of
water is decreasing and that in 2020 there would not be as much as clean water due to the fact that
corporation are calming the water and putting them in bottles and selling them for profit. As the
elderly people from the book, the new generation would not be able to experience and see the ways
the environment used to be like. Also, in the American agricultural, the
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Nicholas Bloom
Uncertainty is an amorphous concept. Basically, fluctuation in uncertainty tends to reflect all the
uncertainty in the minds of the consumers, managers as well as the policymakers about the possible
futures. Therefore in this journal, the author Nicholas Bloom is able to justify how history, the
current trend of economic uncertainties and uncertaintyeffects during recession periods. Nicholas
associates these changes in behaviors that uncertainty induces ponders in the appropriate design of
a countervailing economic policy.
According to Frank Knight, who was an economic explore, he was keen to explore the concept of
risk is arguably known as the probability distribution over a set of given events. However, from
various definitions of uncertainties, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this period, the volatility of stock markets, exchange rates, GDP growth and bond markets
rise steeply. The main reason for those surge in the stock market is that volatility in the recession
is due to effect on leverage. Therefore, most firms in the period accumulate more debt which in
turn causes their stocks to be volatile. According to Schewert, he explores and calculates the
leverage effect that does occur and tries to explain the 10% rise in uncertainty during the recession
During micro uncertainty period, there is often a rise in the recession. This is due to the drop in
aggregation levels from looking at macro data to looking at microdata by individual firms and
industries. During both macro and micro uncertainties, there is usually a slow growth in the
country annual growth rates.
During the recession period, unemployment is usually on the rise. Therefore it translates to the
volatility of household incomes rising. Also, it is true that uncertainty is usually higher in the
developing countries. For instance countries such as South Africa tend to have a slower GDP
growth rate exchange rates as well as stock
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Susan B Anthony Speech Summary
MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE: forgotten feminist
Introduced by Susan B. Anthony at the International Council of Women in 1888, Matilda Josyln
Gage began her speech with a brief sketch of her early entry into the suffrage movement: I have
frequently been asked what first turned by thoughts towards woman s rights. I think I was born
with a hatred of oppression, and, too, in my father s house, I was trained in the anti slavery
ranks, for it was one of the stations on the underground railway, and a home of anti slavery
speakers. Well I remember the wonder with which, when a young girl, I looked upon Abby Kelly,
when she spoke of the wrongs of black women and black men. Then I remember, before the Round
House in my city of Syracuse was finished, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But I was entirely ignorant of all parliamentary rule, or what was necessary to be done. I
prepared my speech, and going to the convention, sat near the front, and with a palpitating heart
waited until I obtained courage to go upon the platform, probably to the interference of
arrangements, for I knew nothing about the proper course for me to take. But I was so sweetly
welcomed by the sainted Lucretia Mott, who gave me a place, and, when I had finished speaking,
referred so pleasantly to what I had said, and to her my heart turned always with truest affection.
Soon after the close of the convention, almost immediately afterwards, it was criticized from the
pulpit by the Rev. Mr. Ashley, of the Episcopal Church, and Rev. Mr. Sunderland, now of this city,
but then established at Syracuse. With the latter gentleman I carried on a long newspaper
controversy. As Miss Grew has truly said, it is not religion that has opposed woman suffrage,
because true religion believes in undoing the heavy burdens and letting the oppressed go free. But
from the church and from theology this reform has met opposition at every step.
It was Gage s outspoken opposition to the bigotry of Christian theology that would eventually cost
her dearly. The price of liberty to Matilda Joslyn Gage
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Different Kinds Of Pollution
BreeAnna Grantz
Mrs. bettag
L.A. 10
December, 1
What are the different kinds of pollution? There are so many different kinds of pollution like; air
pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution,
and light pollution, but the most common two we hear about is water pollution, and air pollution
those are the ones we have to figure out how to fix the most because they are causing the most
danger and problems for us. There are a lot of different kinds of pollution, some that most people
probably don t even know exist. Every kind of pollution has an impact on us, the environment and
the animals surrounding us, everyone individually should do what they can to reduce their
pollution habits. Air pollution is when harmful chemicals are put into the air. Most of the air
pollution in the usa is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and
gasoline. Why do we continue to burn these knowing what it does to the environment? We continue
to burn these harmful chemicals because they bring us electricity and they power our vehicles. To
reduce air pollution we can do a few different kinds of things. We can conserve energy, meaning
remember to turn off lights and other devices when not in use. Use energy efficient light bulbs and
other appliances. Limit driving by carpooling, public transportation, biking, or walking, and Choose
environmentally friendly cleaners only. Water pollutionis when harmful
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A Battle with Life in Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton Essay
A Battle with Life in Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton
The poem Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton, explores a battle with life which many people endure.
The speaker knows of the goodness of the world, yet she is unable to truly experience it because of
her suicidal tendencies. She understands her feeling as more of an obsession with death rather than a
hate for life. Though the speaker is still alive, she relapses, every so often, into the darkness of her
soul. Through her vivid use of imagery, Sexton creates and elucidates the speaker s susceptibility to
It is apparent from the first stanza the speaker finds her life lacking. The first lines of the poem
describe the speaker s ordinary days: Since you ask, most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
the grass blades you mention... furniture you have placed... ( 5 6) This person seemingly hopes,
as the reader does, for the speaker and wants for her every happiness. The next stanza invites the
reader into the speaker s mind and soul. We learn depression is more than a hate for life, it is
something one must experience to be able to relate to, as in line 7: But suicides have a special
language. This stanza also alludes to the fact that when the speaker is suicidal she refrains from
looking at the big picture; instead she focuses on the few bad experiences which drive her that
much deeper into depression.
The following stanza invites the reader to learn about the suicide attempts of the speaker: Twice
I have simply declared myself, / have possessed the enemy, eaten the enemy, / have taken on his
craft, his magic (10 12). Here the reader learns of the speaker s two suicide attempts. This stanza
also implies the speaker s anger toward her illness. She associates her depression as the enemy,
almost as if depression were the devil in flesh coming to her, haunting her, luring her to death, a
death of submission.
The fifth stanza, with its vivid images, is exceedingly descriptive in its discussion of the speaker s
means of suicide: In this way, heavy and thoughtful, / warmer than oil or water, / I have rested,
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  • 2. The Responsibilities of Athletic Trainers Athletic trainers have a variety of responsibilities included in their job description. They provide clinical diagnosis, rehabilitation therapy, and emergency care (CITE). Athletic trainers are often confused with personal trainers, because most people associate both careers with athletes. However, athletic trainers work in the field of physical medicine unlike personal trainers. For the most part, athletic trainers must have people skills and an overall enjoyment of helping others. Since they treat a wide range of patients, athletic trainers must be able to relate to all types of people. They must have an expert knowledge of the human anatomy and also be able to think in a cause and effect manner when diagnosing injuries. Career Opportunities There are a lot of job opportunities available as an athletic trainer depending on the area of the field the individual wants to work in. Many athletic trainers want to work with sports teams at the high school, collegiate and professional level. Athletic trainers are a necessity in all sports, making their skill set a high demand. The employment projection for athletic trainers shows an increase in the next ten years of over 6% (CITE). There is not a strong regional difference in job opportunities for athletic trainers. Their skills are needed in every part of the country where athletic competition is taking place. Salary Ranges Paragraph In the past three years, athletic training has risen in nearly every category (Lowe 2011). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Family Across The Sea Essay The black experience, as seen in the existence of the Gullah Geechie community in the Georgia Lowcountry, stands as proof of the existence and preservation of Africanism in the New World. Cultural artifacts of that preservation include an active and surviving language, as studied by Lorenzo Dow Turner, the private use of basket names, the making and use of fanner baskets as objects of art and function, a continuance of the knowledge and skills required for growing and harvesting rice, oral transmission of that knowledge, and the use of rice and greens in both African and the Lowcountry Gullah Geechie cuisines. The documentary, Family Across the Sea (1991), recognizes these similarities as direct links to the significant impact of 18th century slave trade on African Americans, with emphasis on its documented connection to the Lowcountry. The filmic explanation that ... the story of this connection begins with the land; land which is strangely similar on the coasts of both the southeastern United States and that of Sierra Leone, opens the logic and reason for enslaving rice growing people from the Gola Kisi region of Sierra Leone. Farming a sustainable, cash generating crop in the salt marshes and mangrove swamps of the American Lowcountry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For this reason, seagrass was used to weave the fanner baskets used for winnowing rice, a skill that ties Africans in the Georgia Lowcountry to Senegal, West Africathe baskets were woven in traditional African patterns and bore traditional African designs, a result of cultural transmission. Over generations, the baskets continue to have the same uses, patterns, and designs a cultural retention, passed down through generations, understood to be the preservation of the ethnicity, identity, and the characteristic ethos of enslaved Africans and their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Golden Retrievers You feel the slobbery licks on you hands, you see the little fluff balls rolling around on the ground. As you feel the silky softness of the little dogs beside you, and enjoy the feeling of energy buzz around you, you re thinking about taking on home. Most dogs love to be around humans, they are so energetic and cute. To get the dogyou want, you might need to know a little more about them, for example, their sizes, breed, and the type of job they want, or need, to do. All dogs have different sizes. Dogs can be big, small, tall, or fat. The size of the dog can be useful, but but still remember that you need to take care of them. If you have a big dog he could be a bit more rough than a small dog. A tall dog could be useful if you wanted him to be able to scare off predators if you were camping. A small dog could be useful as a lap dog to anyone if they needed to calm down. All dogs are useful in some way no matter their size. Dogs come in many different types of breeds, and each breed usually determines what they do. For example, a German Shepard is usually trained to do police work, like chasing robbers, or sniffing out bombs. Golden Retrievers can be trained to be special service dogs, such as calming people, or being trusted to guide blind people. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some dogs herd sheep or cattle and others might be sniffing out drugs or bombs. Whatever their job all of them are important. Family dogs usually have many jobs. They are friends, protectors, hunters, and parents. Family dogs are probably the friendliest animals you will ever meet. Dogs that are protectors or guardians usually bark at anything that is unusual to them. Hunting dogs help you to find the animals if they are dead or alive. Dogs are parents too. They sometimes have puppies to watch over, or the dogs feel like they need to watch over the children in the family they belong ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Cecil The Lion Cecil the Lion Cecil the Lion was a well known 13 year old male lion who once resided in the Hwange game reserve in Zimbabwe. The lion was lured away from the sanctuary with the use of food out of the game reserve. Cecil was then killed by an illegal party of big game hunters. The man who killed Cecil was identified by conservation groups as American, Dr. Walter Palmer, a dentist in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (CBS 1) James Palmers, the huntingguide, and a landowner whose property is adjacent to the Hwange game reserve, are facing poaching charges. The two men were both granted 1,000 dollars each of bail money.(CBS 19) In 2008, Palmer had been in trouble for poaching, and plead guilty to a license violation after killing a black bear.(Independent 1) Relevantly, it shows that Palmer is a known poacher and has no... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cecil the lion was a beloved lion, as he was a major attraction at the Hwange game reserve. Cecil was also being studied up until his death by Oxford University as part of a larger study conducted by the university. The study had already received nearly half a million dollars in contributions. Cecil was shot by Walter Palmer with an arrow. Then forty hours later, after the lion s suffering and misery, Palmer finished off Cecil with a rifle. (CBS 10) After the report, Palmer closed his office in Bloomington, Minnesota and went into hiding for the time being after the murder of Cecil the lion. Cecil was then found by the Zimbabwe conservation Task Force beheaded and skinned. Cecil s six lion cubs will most likely be killed by another adult lion according to David Salmoni, Animal Planet s predator expert. (CBS 9) The aforementioned events are why lion hunting should be outlawed and illegal. People like James Palmer, don t care about the lives of animals like Cecil the lion, yet Cecil was a main attraction at the game ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Youth Rebellion Of The 1960 s The youth rebellion of the 1960 s was a time of social turmoil in North America. During this time, the US was facing many controversial issues including Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, Nuclear Arms, etc. This was also the time period when the US was exploring space discovery. Unhappy with their current political and cultural standards, American youth began to express their opinion for freedom, peace and love, they demanded these rights; and so began the rebellion. And this happened in lots of aspect, like Music, Politics and openly expressed alternate lifestyle. Because of hippie s sexual openness, alternative lifestyles such as homosexuality and transexuality are generally more accepted. Young adults have become more active sexually at a younger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Coffee Is A For Antioxidants Effect Essay Coffee is known for antioxidants effect. The smell, the taste, the caffeine lift and the shared experience of coffee made people around the world want to start their day with a steaming cup of coffee. There are healthy benefits of coffee that is why it has become part of people s modern life and culture. Green coffeebean, green tea, and grape seed extract are the top widely used products worldwide. They are known for its antioxidant power. People use this product depending on their own preference. It is advantage to choose green coffee bean extract than roasted coffee bean. Ordinary coffee from roasted coffee bean has negative effects. There are proven studies that green coffee bean extract contains stronger antioxidant compared to grape seed and green tea extract. Chlorogenic acid (CGA), an active component found in coffee, helps neutralize free radicals and regulates metabolism. Normally, our body can handle free radicals but if the production of free radicals becomes excessive, damage can occur. Studies conducted by the Biological Science Laboratories show that green coffee bean reduces blood pressure. Absorption of oxygen free radicals by green coffee bean is more effective than green tea and grape seed extract. There are other health benefits of green coffee bean extract. It can be an effective pain killer for migraine. It assists the body in burning fats which is helpful for athletes and bodybuilders with their muscle fatigue. The risk of developing liver diseases ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Comparing Two Men And Women Two men and two women each live on a street in their own separate house. The men named Demetrius and Lysander live on one side while the women Helena and Hermia live on the other. Amongst the group, the men and women are too shy to talk to each other as romantic entanglements have made things unpleasant. The only way they choose to communicate with each other now is through the use of letters. This is where Puck comes in; Puck works for the local courier company and has a mutual relationship with everyone on the street. When someone wants to send a message they just give their letter to Puck and tell him the person who is intended to receive it. But delivering letters all the time gets boring and every once in a while Puck needs to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those were good times ... for me of course. But now Lysander and Hermia are too shy talk to each other because of the crush they have for each other, Demetrius is depressed that Hermia does not love him and Helena is angry that everyone loves Hermia and not her. I went to the zoo once and I saw this young boy looking through the window. All the animals were sleeping and so he got angry and started hitting the glass till something happened. I feel like that kid at the zoo, everyone is in hiding their house; sleeping . DAY 2 HELENAS JOURNAL THE STORY OF DAPHNE AND APOLLO 2/9/2014 Ah Demetrius I love you so much, I am sick to look not upon you. When you receive my letter all will be changed and you ll realize I am the one who you loved all along. PUCKS JOURNAL THE RATTLING 2/9/2014 YES! The perfect opportunity has arisen. Today Helena wanted to send a letter to Demetrius, and off course I had sneak peak. Apparently Helena has been working on a love letter to try and change Demetrius feelings towards her. I must say it was the most beautiful love letter I ve ever seen. If Demetrius received this letter he would instantly fall in love with her. That would mean that the love couples would be paired off and there would be no love triangle; everything would be solved. That s not going to happen. So being the diabolical genius that I am, I made a second letter that made it look like it was meant for Lysander. Now when he reads this letter, Lysander will
  • 9. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Robber Barons Case Study 1. Explain whom Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller are. Should industrialists like Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller be viewed as robber barons or captains of industry ? Define robber barons and captains of industry. Analyze your perspective as fully as you can. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller were one of the first tycoons in America. They were very much wealthy as well as happy businessmen that changed America and the economy. Although they did play the role of monopoly, before monopoly became illegal in the U.S. According to encyclopedia.com Robber Barons were vilified for using the capitalist system to exploit workers, form anti competitive trusts, and place the accumulation of wealth above all else. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were killed in mines due to lack of equipment, etc. Cattle raising was and continues to be a successful phase in the world raising cattle provides food to feed people and provide meat and protein. Cattle is used not only for its meat but it is great because of the by products such as milk, skin, meat, butter, cheese, hooves, etc. It is beneficial and can either be fed grain to fatten it and grow it at an extremely higher rate which provides faster food. Or grass fed which was most likely used then due to lack of new technology and hormones to stimulate growth. Agriculture is the soul according to Professor Freeman, a woman in the process of getting her PhD in Agriculture, stated that agriculture is soul. Agriculture is what keeps people alive. People grow crops and labor workers pick it, then it gets distributed to food markets to be sold. As you can see so far, these jobs are all depended on labor workers and farmers which are most likely local. With big businesses and industries and the new technology it revolutionized everything. Jobs were ending because machines took over peoples jobs and made consistent results at a faster, better rate with an abundant amount of product. Mining became less dangerous because now machines can take over and do much more of what 20 men may do, per say. Cattle raising, they get fed hormones, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Ph-Amylase Lab Report The Effect of pH levels on the Rate of Activity of вЌє Amylase Ryan Andrew Introduction: Enzymes are some of the most important chemicals in the human body. Without them, humans and many other organisms would simply be unable to live. Our dependence on enzymes comes from their nature as biological catalysts, substances that speed up chemical reactions without being used up or changed (Worthington biochem.com, 2017). They allow chemical reactions in our body to occur at a rate that is acceptable for our cells metabolism (Worthington biochem.com, 2017). Enzymes are able to do this by binding to their substrate or substrates, the molecules they react with, and either breaking it down or combining them to form a new molecule (Wilbraham et ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amylase is the name of a group of enzymes that break starch down into smaller molecules like maltose or glucose (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998). вЌє amylase is the amylase that is found in many mammals, including humans, in whom it can be found in saliva or the small intestine (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998). As this is such an important topic for the world, many studies have been done to investigate the effects of pH on amylase. Two such experiments, one by Supannapong et al., and one by Tizon, Serrano and Traifalgar, both found that amylase activity peaked somewhere between a pH of 6 and 7, which fits in with most of the information available on this enzyme (2007; 2012). The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect that different pH levels had on the rate of activity of the enzyme вЌє amylase. It was hypothesised that pH levels below and above 7 would result in a consistent decrease in the ability of the amylase to break starch down into glucose, and therefore the rate of activity of amylase and the amount of glucose in the solution, until the amylase became denatured to the point at which it no longer could react with the starch, at which point the reaction would stop, and further changes in pH level would have no effect. This is because вЌє amylase s natural environment, in saliva or near the pancreas, has a pH level of approximately 7 (Worthington biochem.com, 2017). As such, any notable shift from a pH level of 7 will result in increasing levels of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Parental Care In Pisces Migration and parental care in Pisces Classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: chordate Subphylum: vertebrata Class: Pisces Some of the well studied characteristics of Pisces are: 1.The body is covered with skin from the outer surface. Presence of scale in the body. 2.These are cold blooded animal which means that their body temperature changes according to the temperature of the surrounding. 3.The fertilization is external and reproduces numerous eggs having soft shell. 4.Respiration takes place through gill and in some lungs is also present. 5.They have limbs for the purpose of locomotion. 6.They can be seen in fresh water, marine water or brackish water. 7.Presence of fins helps in swimming as well as provides balance to the animal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Example: red horse. Amphidromous: Fishes that come under this group are born in freshwater and are drifted by the water current into the river then it again returns back to freshwater thus developing into an adult and start reproduction. Example: mountain mullet. Oceanodromous: These group of fishes are born near the breeding ground, and by the current of water they get drifted in ocean before reaching the juvenile form and then once it get matured, returns back to spawning ground. Example include: snapper This way fishes migrate differently for the existence and fulfillment of all the basic needs. Parental care: Parental care means caring for the young ones for their protection and survival. The best example of parental care is seen in human beings where parents look after the young ones with love, care and affection. In other groups of vertebrates as well, parental care can be seen, not to the very high extend but they do adapt some measures in order to protect the young ones. In fishes also parental care can be noticed, not to the very high extent but some precautions to defend the young ones can still be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Martin Luther King In Jail Research Paper While Martin Luther King may have gone to jail a few times, Martin fought for the rights for African Americans.He was in marches and riots, received many awards and gave the famous speech I have a Dream at the Washington Memorial. Martin wasbrave and determined to get freedom for African Americans. One way was by leading marches like the March on Washington, Selma to Montgomery, and the Montgomery bus boycott. Although he still had taken part of other events these were the biggest reasons that led to the free rights of African Americans. He was brave walking through the crowds yelling how he couldn t, still he kept walking. He was determined to one day that all men would be equal, and he achieved his right to be equal. Martin received ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Theme Of Honor In Henry The IV Some argue that honor is the central theme of Henry the IV (part 1),after reading the play and watching it I strongly agree with that statement. Throughout the play, the two main characters Hotspur and Prince Hal desired to feel honored.Even though they didn t truly understand its value and how to receive it in a precise way they still wanted to feel entitled. William Shakespearenever gave the idea of honor a definition, he created a play that reflects honor through the three main characters Prince Hal, Harry Percy also known as Hotspur and Sir John Falstaffpersonality rather than giving the audience the definition. In Henry the IV, Hotspur who is a critical and very organized person felt as though honor has to do with glory when fighting on the battlefield and defending his country s reputation in doing so he tests the king s power by refusing to give up his prisoners and offends him by saying he acts like a prince (1.1.80). In order to stay true to his words he also decides to lead the rebellion against the king, which personally I believe takes a lot of courage to go against an individual who has more authority. I believe that if an individual is able to stand up to someone with higher power to prove themselves, their the true definition of honor. Unlike Prince Harry and Falstaff, Hotspur spends his free time in royalty to learn his how he can become a great leader. King Henry states that Hotspur is the theme of honor (1.1.80) which indicates that he is the perfect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Should Child Soldiers Be Granted Amnesty Essay Child soldiers should be granted amnesty. The reason child soldiers should be considered as victims are because they are forced into labor, drugged, and threatened into service. Many of these child soldiers, after being rescued and rehabilitated, are able to be adopted into loving families and lead normal lives. However, those who are sent back to where they became child soldiers will surely commit those crimes again. The first reason that child soldiers should be considered as victims are that they are drugged. In many cases, after the child is taken away from their family, the warlords and their older soldiers will give the children drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and narcotics to make them more obedient. In the case of a boy named Ishmael Beah, he was forced into service by government soldiers through threats, cocaine laced with gunpowder called ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Root Causes of Child Recruitment. United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Beah, Ishmael. Advocate for Children Affected by War . UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web. 12 May 2016. Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance. Rescue and Refugee Support. International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Bibliography: United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. Root Causes of Child Recruitment. United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Beah, Ishmael. Advocate for Children Affected by War. UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web. 12 May 2016. Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance. Rescue and Refugee Support. International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Mayan Droughts Upon reaching Central America in the 1500s, European conquistadores were greeted by an unanticipated sight imposing limestone cities abandoned, left to be reclaimed by the jungle. These metropolises once belonged to the Maya civilization, but were deserted starting in the ninth century for reasons yet unknown. Although the abandonment of these once thriving cities marked the end of the Maya Classic period, lasting 250 A.D. to 900 A.D., it did not mark the end of the Maya civilizationas a whole. The Maya civilization would continue to survive up to and past European arrival, but never again at the height reached during the Classic period. Understandably, many have questioned what caused this collapse while the Maya were the peak of their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Minerals were collected by drilling cores in Belize s famous underwater cave, known as the Blue Hole, as well as lagoons nearby. As the Blue Hole and other lagoons are surrounded on all sides by thick walls of coral reefs, they act like a big bucket or a sediment trap , accumulating the excess sediment brought in by rivers and streams (Ghose). Furthermore, this excess sediment is swept into these lagoons during storms or wetter periods. In the event that it rained, the water would eat away at the volcanic rocks of the region, which contain titanium. As a result, this free titanium would flow in rivers and streams, which, in turn, would flow into the lagoons. Layer after layer would settle on top of the previous, providing an accurate record of the historical climate of this region. Droxler, the head researcher, and his team would then analyze the samples, looking for the ratio of titanium to aluminum as relatively low ratios of titanium to aluminum correspond to periods with less rainfall (Ibid). His team found that during the timeframe of 800 A.D. to 1000 A.D., there were not the usual five or six tropical cyclones every two decades, but only one or two, signifying there was less than usual rainfall. Notably, this data comes from several spots in a region central to the Maya heartland, meaning it is more likely the climate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Mother Tongue By Amy Tan Mother Tongue is a story that describes how Amy Tan s mother was treated unfairly because of her broken English . As the second generation of Chinese immigrants, Tan faces more problems than her peers do. Her mom, who speaks limited English, needs Tan to be her translator in order to communicate with the native English speakers. Tan has felt ashamed of her mother broken language at first. She then contemplates her background affected her life and her study. However, she changes her thought at the end since she realizes things behind language might be more valuable than language itself sometimes. Through the various different literary devices and rhetorical strategies such as the ethos, pathos, and logos appeals, as well as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, the audiences will probably pay more attention to the author s notion, and they are more easily to be persuaded. Along with strong ethos appeals, Tan also effectively makes use of logos. Tan has mentions her mom reads the Forbes report, listens to Wall Street Week, converses daily with her stockbroker, reads all of Shirley MacLaine s books with ease all kinds of things I can t begin to understand (Zapico, 30). It is reasonable to think someone who reads the Forbes report is intelligent or at least knowledgeable. However, the truth is this reader of the Forbes report is a broken English speaker. She continues Yet some of my friends tell me they understand 50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese (Zapico, 30). This use of statistics gives her audiences an inside look into her world and provides evidence that she really knows what she is trying to convince. The mother in the essay represents for the Asian American community as first generation. Tan evokes an image in the American readers mind that first generation Asian Americans are much more intelligent than what they can convey through words. For this reason, they deserve to be treated the same as others. Although Tan doesn t focus on using much logos in this essay, all her arguments are logical, and perhaps the audience are able to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Hidden Champions By Herman Simons Hidden Champions professor Herman Simons shares his strategies and products with people describing what makes him and his companies and products so successful. Simons Hidden Champions strategies differ from typical ones used by others, often seen in the news or advertised. One major difference is that many of Hidden Champions products are unheard of other than within the industry the product has been designed for. There are currently 2700 medium sized companies generating between one to five Billion dollars revenue with an average of 2000 employees. Hidden Champions has low leverage and therefore mostly uses its own cash flow for funding R D and the development of new innovations. Simons is vertically integrated with operations on a geographic scale with most of his locations situated away from major centres. (Balinski, 2013) To be successful in globalisation and speculation, Grant Anderson CEO of Hidden Champions states (Balinski, 2013), you must travel the world with arms and legs in the global market in order to use gather intelligent feedback and findings of new developments in the area and to know what is changing in the world. Following are excellent example Saturday of Hidden Champions success in specialisation and globalisation; 1.(Balinski, 2013) States, 55% of Hidden Champions companies are located in Germany speaking countries. Research into the export industry told Simons there was a need for an application/system, to make it easier to perform tasks such as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Federalism and the Triad of Powers in America When problems arise in our nation, we are left with a complicated crisis as to whose job it is to do what and who exactly should be taking care of any bad situation that seems to pop up with daily life anywhere in the world, but in this case, America. Certain governmental systems, such as Federalism, can be considered a solution to these crises. Federalismcan be defined as the relationship between the individual state governments of America and the national or federal governmentof the United States; and works to balance the power of a large central government, and the power of the smaller regional governments. Federalism is defined in our book as: the relationship between the centralized national government and the individual state governments (Berman and Murphy 92). Federalism is a very important government system that is frequently discussed and argued, even today. The topic of federalism has become a topic of argument because many people believe the federal government should have more power, and yet some other people believe the states should have most of the power. One of the ways that federalism is in our government is in our Congress, and indirectly through Congress to the difference in laws between the states. We can look at all the different speed limits in all of the individual states; they are not all the same. This is because the residents of any certain state and the representatives of that state can choose whatever they deem fit to set as limits. Another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Resident Assistant Motivation What is your motivation for applying for the Resident Assistant position with Housing and Dining Services? Coming to KSU as an incoming freshman, and starting potentially one of the biggest steps of my life was nerve wracking. However, after being here for two months I can easily call this place my second home. I currently live on the eighth floor of Moore Hall with some of the greatest people on earth. In the short amount of time that we ve been together, my hall has thrived and molded into, not just a community, but a family. A major component of having such a successful, tight knit floor was having a motivated and passionate RA. Chantelle Simon is the current Resident Assistantfor the eighth floor. She has personally taken the time to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One personal quality that I excel in is communication. Throughout my life i ve always had positive interactions with the people i ve met. Whether that be close family members, peers from school, or complete strangers! Applying this trait to incoming residents will help generate a more social friendly environment in my hall. Having strong communication skills as a Resident Assistant is vital to have a successful hall during the year. Having this quality allows the residents to hone a deeper connection with their RA. Having a door open mindset throughout year creates an open relationship between the RA and the residents. Having this optimism will ultimately add a family environment throughout the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Bachelor In Paradise Research Paper Bachelor in Paradise Season 3, Spoilers: ABC Teases Unexpected Guests and Unlikely Relationships The shooting of Bachelor in Paradise season 3 is very much underway and now cast members are moving to Mexico for the next round. ABC has already released an official list of ten members and now it has hinted at some unexpected guests and unlikely relationships. According to reports, the television network has said that the season will witness a few of the most incredible relationships in the history of the show. And the announcement has definitely raised the curiosity about the six week series that will have past contestants from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Though not confirmed by ABC, the official villain from JoJo Fletcher s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Expectation For Duration Of The Rhyme 3. Results 3.1 Duration The expectation for duration of the rhyme was that it would be longer in phrase final position. This is indeed the outcome of the results. In graph 1, one can see the mean duration of the rhyme and the standard deviations. The standard deviation is larger in the phrase final position, but at least 75% of the data in the phrase final position is still greater than 75% of the data in phrase medial position. Graph 1: Mean duration of the rhyme in phrase final and phrase medial condition Additionally, when the results are separated in different conditions (as can be seen in graph 2), the duration of the rhyme is still longer in the phrase final position than in the phrase medial position. The effect of the position ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be seen that the fundamental frequency is indeed lower in the phrase final position than in the phrase medial position. With the independent samples t test, this gave a result of p = 0.528. This means that if those samples are unrelated, the chance that a difference of this size would arise is 52.8%. A significant result would be 5%, so this is not significant. Because there is also an effect of voicing on the fundamental frequency, the Voice Onset Time(VOT) was measured for all different consonants preceding the measured vowels(M= 23.78, SD = 40.33). The expectation was that when the vowel was preceded by a voiceless consonant, the fundamental frequency would rise. As the VOT is different in English than in Dutch (Mondini, Alphen, Miller, 2002), the distinction was made between positive and negative values. In this case, the difference of the mean is significant (independent samples t test, t(60) = 0.021, p 0.05). Graph 4: Mean fundamental frequency for a negative and positive Voice Onset Time (VOT) Table 2: Descriptive statistics for the fundamental frequency in relation to the Voice Onset Time VOTNMeanStd. Deviation Fundamental frequencyNegative33132.292434.50382 Positive27152.171930.46912 Graph 5: Fundamental frequency for a positive and negative Voice Onset Time and in both phrase final and phrase medial position Another factor which must be noted it that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Personal Narrative-Stilettos Stilettos smacked against the side walk to the beat of a melody pounding against her ear drums. Red hair flew behind her like a blow torch searing everything that came close to it, burning edges of the people slinking down the street. Eyes lingered on her body longer than any man s fingers ever would. My face grows hot with resentment. BEEEEEEP! The horn of a car wakes me from my devoted, delusional day dream. I flash him a light wave saying a sarcastic thanks for making me lose sight of her . Creeping along the road my heart raced, as cars that swerved by, shooting looks like bullets through my windshield. Skyscrapers loomed over me for miles in all ways, just as the devil on my shoulder. Claws dug into the fleshy skin along my neck and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I remember when those lifeless eyes used to gaze at me; planning their next execution and ignoring every word that dripped like honey from my lips. I was hers in fractions. Reminiscing on the way her digits feverously gripped into my unkempt bicep. She was now mirroring her actions with a replica of me. I bet he doesn t know her schedule as well as you do. Or spend as much time memorizing her. The words beat into my ear like a coach, prepping me for my final match. Look at the way he s looking at her, like she s an animal. The devil on my shoulder sneered his last encouraging words. The world blurred around me as I stalked towards her. I slammed my shoulder against the man in front of her in attempt to get her attention. What the hell? she questioned. It worked. I could be asking you the same thing. Who is he? I used all of the power within myself not to stutter. Who is he? Who are you? Her words shot at me like daggers. Each question made me step back. Veronica, what do you mean? How could you have forgotten about me already? We got lunch together a month ago, I whined, hoping that I had meant more to her than she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. How Many Americans Have Access To The Internet Global population has reached over 7.4 billion, of those people 3.5 billion people can access the internet. And to break that 3.5 billion internet users down further 286.9 million are from the united states. That is 88.5% of the population.The internet has been used as a tool to make everyday life easier. You can search information, communicate with others, browse websites all at the touch of a button. This seems all good until you start applying the things you ve see or hear online into your everyday life, without stopping to check; or at the very least consider, that what you might have saw or heard could be false. Many Americans have access to the internetand most of the time it has a negative impact on our daily life.Some things that can negatively impact American lives are false information, illegal activity, and can cause psychological damage. Psychological problems can start being a problem to a country with easy access to the internet. There have been certain cases where parents valued whatever they have been doing online over their actual child eventually the parent(s) would lose ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Addiction online has become very common in this day and age. With 88.8% of Americans having access to a device with internet there are plenty of individuals who have started drifting away from from their friends and family because of internet addiction. Internet addiction can become very dangerous for youths who are beginning to develop core learning skills which become essential later on in their adult life. It can cause students grades to take a harsh dip. This type of addiction can even cause cause financial problems. It can cause financial problems because of online gambling where a person would end up losing their sense of time and continuously spend their hard earned money on a risky decision that can lead to depression and and has the potential to strain family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. United States Copyright Law United States copyright law recognizes that certain portions of software are protected by copyright law. Like other items protected by copyright law, copyright protection attaches to software as soon as it is fixed in a tangible medium for instance, when written to a disk.Copyright law requires a work to be presented in a fixed, tangible medium. When computer software first appeared, courts saw it as intangible and labeled it a utilitarian good that arose from the running of source code on a machine. In 1980, Congress added computer software to the list of works protected by copyrightunder the U.S. Copyright Act. Congress clarified the rules surrounding software copyright in the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which prohibits... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A patent is a twenty year exclusive monopoly on the right to make, use and sell a qualifying invention. This legal monopoly is considered a reward for the time and effort expended in creating the invention. In return, the invention must be described in detail to the Patent Office, which publishes the information, thus increasing the amount of technological knowledge available to the public. To obtain a U.S. patent, an inventor must apply to the Patent Office and demonstrate that the invention is new (as compared to prior technology), useful, and nonobvious. An invention is nonobvious if it is more than a trivial, obvious next step in the advance of the technology. Software patents can be extremely powerful economic tools. They can protect features of a program that cannot be protected under copyright or trade secret law. For example, patents can be obtained for ideas, systems, methods, algorithms, and functions embodied in a software product: editing functions, user interface features, compiling techniques, operating system techniques, program algorithms, menu arrangements, display presentations or arrangements, and program language translation methods. Since patent rights are exclusive, anyone making, using or selling the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Alternatives to Coronary Bypass Surgery What are the alternatives to Coronary By Pass Surgery Introduction In 2006, more than 690,000 open heart surgeries were performed in the United States. These included surgeries to correct and repair defective valves as well as coronary artery bypass surgery. As recently as 70 years ago, these surgeries would have been impossible. The heart lung machine had yet to be invented, allowing surgeons to temporarily stop and start the heart. Prior to its invention, the longest a heart could be stopped was 30 to 40 minutes not enough time to complete extensive surgery (Smith, 2009). Since then, a number of minimally invasive surgical procedures have been introduced that permit surgeons to perform a variety of surgeries, making smaller incisions that leave smaller scars, reduce the chance of infection, are less painful to the patient and necessitate shorter hospital stays. These include minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass, off pump coronary artery bypass, videoscopic surgery and robotic assisted heart surgery. In minimally invasive heart surgery, cardiac surgeons perform heart surgery by way of small incisions in the right side of the chest, as a substitute to open heart surgery. Surgeons operate between the ribs and don t split the breastbone, which consequences in less pain and a faster recovery for most people. In minimally invasive surgery, the heart surgeon has a better view of some parts of the heart than in open heart surgery. As in open surgery, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. A Computerized Payroll System Abstract 1.0Introduction1 1 1.1Statement of the Problem 1 1 1.2Current state of the Technology 1 2 1 4 1.3Objectives 1 5 1.3.1General Problem 1 5 1.3.2Specific Problem 1 5 1 6 1.3.3General Objectives1 6 1.3.4Specific Objectives 1 6 1 7 1.3.5Scope and Limitations 1 7 1 9 2.0Theoretical Framework2 1 2.1Introduction 2 1 2.2Database Management 2 2 2.3Information System2 2 2.4Transaction Processing System2 3 2.5Computer2 3 2.5.1Hardware2 3 2.5.2Software2 4 2.5.3Microsoft Access2 4 2.5.4Microsoft Word2 4 3.0A Computerized Payroll System for Arias Garments 3 1 3.1. Introduction 3 1 3.2 System Design ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Failure to manage a payroll effectively may cause many problems for the company and its employees. It could mean loss of money, integrity, and trust between both parties. Oftentimes, it takes many hours of work and manpower to get the job done. In certain cases, effective payroll management is compromised by the lack of an effective system. Most companies may have enough manpower and resources. However, with an effective information technology, managing a payroll will be simpler, cost effective, timely and reliable. One of the companies that use manual payroll system is the Arias Garments. It was established last September 18, 1994 at #88 Bargy. Latag, Lipa City, under the management of Mr. Alex Arias together with his wife Mrs. Anita Carol Katigbak. It started with only forty machines and ten employees. The capital of Arias Garments is Php 500,000.00. By 1996, Arias Garments became the subcontractor of Champan Garments. Champan Garments produce and transport products like Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Tommy, and Hilfinger. As of now, Arias Garments have 176 machines and 100 employees (40 regular and 60 contractual). 8:00AM is the time in of employees, 4:00PM is the time out, and they consider 8:15AM as late. Employees who are late or either log out earlier than 4:00PM will have a deduction on their wages (deduction is 0.61 per minutes late or under time). First offense, for late
  • 28. and employees who under time, will be given ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Why Home Schooling Should Be Encouraged Home Schooling Should Be Encouraged Home schooling is becoming an increasingly popular choice of education for parents in the United States of America. Homeschooling refers to the practice of parents educating a child at home, rather than in a conventional public or private school setting (Hess and Okun). This can take the form of individual instruction by a single teacher at home or in a small group setting with combined resources of teachers and materials. It was estimated in a 1999 report by the U.S. Department of Educationthat more than 850,000 students were being educated at home. This number was increasing at rate of 7 to 15 percent annually (Hess and Okun). The numbers are increasing because of the advantages for home school students. In order to promote individualized learning, creativity, and self confidence, home schooling should be considered for more students. Home schooling promotes individualized learning. Individualized learning is a learning environment where a student and a teacher have one on one teaching situation. The teacher is able to focus on the individual student. This method is beneficial because the instructor is able to focus and identify the student s strengths, weaknesses, and needs immediately. This enables the student to know if he or she is on the right track in the learning process. The student is better able to learn faster and cover more material. Another reason individualized learning should be promoted is the student is able to have a more in depth understanding of the content because it is tailored to the individual s learning styles. These learners benefit because they are also able to get feedback as soon as the instructor examines the work. This prevents the student from learning the subject incorrectly. Individualized learning is obviously an advantage for home schooling students. The success of individualized learning is shown in that some preliminary researcher suggests that children who are home schooled may outperform their counterparts in public or private schools (Hess and Okun). When children are not in a classroom full of other students, their creativity can flourish. Gillian Bowditch states that Home educated children are invariably described as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Self Dehumanization Power allows people to control outcomes with respect to both the environment and the self . This control is considered to be a fundamental human need ; therefore, it follows that powerlessness will disrupt an individual s sense of humanity, which coincides with the fact that many civilizations have equated power deprivation with humbleness, lowliness, and fewer expressed human traits. We based the current study on this notion in order to demonstrate that perceived powerlessness induces self dehumanization. The world is changing rapidly. From the Stone Ageto the Iron Age today we are living in an ultramodern era where things which were not even thought of earlier have become vital necessities in our life. For example, light in those ages was to be got only from sun for a limited part of day. But now we have electricity for all time use. Thanks to Thomas Alva Edison who by inventing electricity illuminated the whole world. Now we can t think life without electricity. In big cities everything depends upon it. We find ourselves completely paralysed whenever there is power failure in our area. Electricity provides all comforts of life and life would be completely different in absence of it. We will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it is now. If there would have been no electricity, people would not have become so luxurious with coolers, airconditioners, refrigerators, room heaters and other electric appliances. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Individual Analysis for Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Engstrom Auto Mirror plant, as a privately owned business, it manufactured mirrors for trucks and automobiles. The managers aimed to increase productivity for sustainable development of the company. Back in 1998, to pursue highly productivity, the plant was redesigning its production lines to incorporate new technology, however, the transition was not smooth, some problems had emerged, such as the staffs moral and efficiency declining and the internal contradictions being intensified between the managers and employees. As the result of it, the previous manger resigned in 1998. After that, the new manager, Ron Bent believed in the power of worker incentive programs and wanted to establish one at Engstrom. Eventually, the plant adopted the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to my analysis, the problems are distrust between the managers and employees and unfairness of rewards between the employees and supervisors. In order to keep productivity and profitability of the plant, it should resolve the issues urgently before the situation deteriorated further. I recommend the option two is better for Bent to deal with these problems for the plant. Firstly, communication is the most important factor that affects the relationship between managers and employees. If the managers could listen advices of the work in time from their employees, it not only will be more easier to handle the existing problem in the company, but also will improve the relationship between managers and employees because the staff feel the company takes, to respect and to trust them, feel oneself is in enterprise s one, and they can have the confidence and the sense of responsibility for the development of their company. Secondly, it is to give the appreciation by managers to employees frequently that will improve the employee morale because they will feel more attached to their company. As the result of this, employees will devote to their work without any complaint. Consequently, because of the improvement of relationship and employee morale, the efficiency and productivity of company will improve with the efforts of all staff and give them corresponding reward. Although the first option is probably to resolve the crisis ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Should Society Make Nuclear Fission Obsoletes Nuclear Fission Our society is in danger of nuclear fission due to all the natural and unnatural events happening in our economy that can cause a nuclear explosion or it can lead to nuclear terrorism or even nuclear war. Nuclear fission is a very dangerous job and the actual energy maker costs money to create and with reactors in high demand in large cities, it is costing the U.S. billions of dollars. Nuclear reactors also have harmful effects on local populations when they are mining for uranium nearby. With many negative effects our overall society should make nuclear fissionobsolete. With many negative effects our overall society should make nuclear fission obsolete. In 2009 the U.S. lost over 10 billion dollars (along with very long construction times)just to create a few nuclear reactors. This shows that the actual nuclear reactors take the longest time to create and get up running. There are many harmful effects of the mining of uranium in and near local populations . Even though uranium is an essential part of the running nuclear reactor it is harmful when they are mining for it near local populations. When uranium is being mined for the rocks it releases harmful gasses that can cause cancer or other inner organs. Ultimately nuclear fission is very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many countries abandoned the NPI treaty and created their own nuclear weapons that can be used against the U.S. at their will . The NPI treaty was a treaty that was made to agree to stop the production of nuclear weapons around the world. Many countries like China or Japan and many others have abandoned the treaty and began the creation of nuclear weapons. Terrorist groups have already had an arsenal of nuclear weapons . Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS have created several nuclear weapons. A nuclear war may happen in our near future against ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Cott Corporation 1. General Economic Outlook Cott Corporation earned its revenue mainly from United States, Canada and U.K. Its revenue from these countries accounted for 97.83% and 98.62% in 2003 and 2002 respectively. However, the company tends to increase its operation in Mexico as a result of its acquisition inВ….. Therefore, our discussion will be based on 4 countries as mentioned above. 1.1 Global Economic Outlook From economic in bubble stage in 2000 to the adverse effects of the September 11, 2001 terrorists attack on the U.S and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the SARS outbreak in Canada and China in 2001 3. Over the past year, the global recovery has become increasingly well established, with global GDP growth now... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, we do not anticipate that the average consumers level of real income will decrease much over the next 5 years. Exchange rate We present percent change year over year of period average in exchange rate of local currency to US$. We believe this indicator is important as Cott corporation s revenue and operation are in other countries apart from United States. The exchange rate will affect the financial performance of the company and directly affect the consolidated financial statement because the result has to convert to US. dollar. As shown in the figureВ…, Both Canada and United Kingdom currencies will continually appreciate against US. dollar. Implication for Cott Based on the general indicator it would seem as though in the short term the economy is growing from the recession with a high level of real GDP growth of 5%. However, with the continuously increase in oil price may hold the overall economy from going well as expected. Moreover, the exchange rate for both UK and Canada that continuously appreciate against US may affect consumption by consumer and the operation of the company. Overall, we expect that the economic will grow at stable rate with relatively increase for the next 5 years. Beverage and bottling industry For beverage and bottling industry, the cost of acquiring and converting aluminum and PET resin constitutes the majority of bottlers packaging costs. Packaging costs represent approximately 45% of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Freudian Slip Theory Introduction Freudian slip theory was originally created by Sigmund Freud. He was an Austrian neurologist and was better known as the founder of psychoanalysis (1856 1939). Psychoanalysis can be defined as a set of psychological theories which includes the Freudian slip theory. He believed that everyone possess an unconscious mind, feelings, desires and memories in their lifetime. It is to be said that peoples will bring their unconscious content on their mind to their conscious awareness and people will be able to experience catharsis and gain insight into their current state of mind. (Cherry, What is Psychoanalysis?, 2016) Freud s theory of slips of the tongue and pen Sigmund Freud theory is formed based on peoples brings the unconscious thoughts to conscious self. Freudian slip is the Hint of the Unconscious. (Cherry, What is a Freudian Slip?, 2015) A Freudian slip also known as a parapraxis, is an error of speech and memory or physical action which Freud stated was a result of interference of self own unconsciousness wish, desire, conflict or train of thought. Freud believed errors of all types were revealing. It acted like a defense mechanisms and errors come in many varieties. Freudian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The words that involve in the passage are potted and private . Both words are adjectives and they starts with the letter p . Freud recognized this and maintained that most errors happened when there are several causes to create the error. He named it over determination of an error. It resembles a modern idea about how memory retrieval takes place through an intersecting association process. When interpreting the word potted lies at the intersection of several associations: it starts with the letter p , it has two syllables, it fits into the sentence and it has to do with the roommate problem. So the word potted was used and applied it on my roommate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. How Do Ships Shape The New World For over 100 years now ships have been responsible for traveling, trading goods and fishing, which have all contributed to other countries economies and culture. Through the trading of good it has helped countries economically, as well as it has allowed other countries to spread their culture all around the world through their foods and manufactured goods. Ships are what shaped the New World into what it is today. Ships have been the biggest contributors to other countries economies and culture. Through the Trading of goods countries all over the world benefited financially and culturally. In ancient time ships were vital when it came to trading, back then it was the only way to get goods across to other countries. According to Transporting Treasure a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s was responsible for bringing over weapons, soldiers and colonist to the New world. When traveling back to Europe from the New world the deliverance contained gold and silver as well as treasure that was found in the Inca and Aztec empire. The total estimate of all the treasure is worth $3 billions by today standards. This information goes to show that through ships it benefited both Europe and the New world financially with the discovery of gold and silver as well as treasure. It also shaped the New world into what it is today, by bringing in its european culture and spreading it within the New world.In addition to trading in Ancient Greek trading ships amphoras were found. Amphoras are large clay jar with a narrow neck and two handles they date back as far as the Neolithic period. Amphoras were used to transport goods such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Issues In The Waiting Room The Waiting Room is a documentary about the truth of public hospitals. This film follows the patients, and the staff of this ER waiting room, and how insufficient the system is for them. While we watch the staff work as hard as they can to treat all the patients possible, we come to the realization that there is a major shortage in the needed room space, and supplies to treat all of these patients in a timely manner. Our healthcare system is very flawed in the way it treats the people in need, and there is no way of knowing if there will be any major change to help these people get the care they need. The Waiting Room was produced in 2011, meaning that there should have been changes made to fix this flawed health care system, but there hasn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because there is such a high number of people without insurance they usually don t get the treatments they need, and if they do receive treatment, it usually follows a very long wait, and they are not the best treatment. But most of these people have no other choice. We get to witness the real struggle of multiple different patients, all with different levels of severity for their visit. The first patient that stood out was a father who lost his job the previous year and didn t have any health insurance for him or his kids. He had to take his very ill daughter to the public ER , and because she was on the lower side of severity, they had to wait for hours just to get seen by a doctor. This story stood out to me because of the time a ill child had to wait just to get any treatment at all. Another story that stood out was the man who had to wait in a full waiting room with a bullet in his leg. This man had a deadly object in his body and he still had to wait for hours just to be seen by a doctor. He had to wait because the hospital had no room to put him in. Even if you re the first one to get to the ER, it doesn t mean that you get in first. The hospital determines who goes in first by how severe your situation is, so they could have a patient waiting in the waiting room for many hours, just so they can get a prescription of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay on Analysis of Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney Analysis of Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney Once the reader can passes up the surface meaning of the poem Blackberry Picking, by Seamus Heaney, past the emotional switch from sheer joy to utter disappointment, past the childhood memories, the underlying meaning can be quite disturbing. Hidden deep within the happy go lucky rifts of childhood is a disturbing tale of greed and murder. Seamus Heaney, through clever diction, ghastly imagery, misguided metaphors and abruptly changing forms, ingeniously tells the tale that is understood and rarely spoken aloud. Seamus Heaney refers to Bluebeard at the end of stanza one. Bluebeard, according to the footnote, is a character in a fairy tale who murders his wives. Why on earth would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Realizing unconsciously seems like an oxymoron, but the speaker does not consciously realize the horrors of his actions, while deep down understands what he has done. The speaker s extreme joy from hording all the delicious blackberries turns into horror upon witnessing their fermentation (2nd stanza). The speaker realizes that all good things must come to an end. He knows that, out of his greed, he has murdered these blackberries, made then ferment and caused them to loose their succulent appeal. At first glance this poem seems a happy tale of childhood. These are memories that make the heart smile. Images of heavy summer storms full of rain, alternating with bright, joyous sunshine, full bushels of blackberries waiting to be picked; these are images most can relate with. The reader can taste the bitter sweetness of the summer s first blackberry, feel the scratch of briars against their own skin, sense the excitement and butterflies in their own stomachs as they race to gather all the wondrous blackberries they can, followed by the anger and the disappointment when the blackberries rot and ferment before the readers eyes. However, if the reader were to take the diction and imagery quite literally, a somewhat different picture is aroused. ...a glossy purple clot... (line 3) describing the first ripened blackberry, brings to mind the picture of a nasty blood clot in someone s veins, why would Heaney compare blackberries to blood clots? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Morality In Ignatius A Confederacy Of Dunces Whereas Ignatius rather nonsensical pessimistic worldview comes from his sense of being morally greater than his society (and, therefore, from looking at it in disgust), and from a position of general opulence, Elie s stems from a macabre realization that all people, including himself, are bestial and selfish, and from a position of total destitution. Ignatius believed himself to be a beacon of moralityin an otherwise dismal society. For instance, throughout A Confederacy of Dunces, he would write about the evils of the hedonistic, bourgeois society in which he lived, and about how the world would be in a much better position if based on the medieval principles (such as divine right and cruel forms of torture) in which he subscribed were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Analyzing And Testing Low Pass Filters For Anti Aliasing Digital Audio Technology Filter Testing and ADC Filter Report Analysing and Testing Low Pass Filters for Anti Aliasing 1INTRODUCTION 1.1AIMS The aim of this lab is to test the response and characteristics of an undefined filter circuit. This report will present the data collected in the lab sessions, interpret this data and discuss the filter s suitability for use in an anti aliasing circuit in an analogue to digital converter (ADC). 1.2ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERSION AND ALIASING ADCs are used to convert analogue signals to digital signals so that they can be processed by digital systems such as a computer. This is particularly relevant to audio recording because signals from recording equipment, such as microphones and electronic instruments, are in an analogue format, and must be converted to a digital format in order to be processed by a digital audio workstation (DAW) on a computer. Analogue electrical signals are continuous , meaning that data can take an infinite number of values between the maximum and minimum voltages. There are also an infinite number of steps on the time scale and so data at any moment in time can take any value within the scale. Sound travels through air via changes in air pressure and can be represented by sound pressure level (SPL); this is a continuous scale and so the pressure can be any value at any given moment in time. When sound is processed by a transducer, such as a microphone, these changes in SPL are replicated by changing the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Fairies of the Heart are All Around Us Essay Love is always around us. In a cold world there are fairies that represent our hearts and the love we feel. These fairies are seen by the young and the loved. There once was a young girl, born with three just like everyone else who s blue fairy, love of herself, which was always small. The blue fairy always followed her floating around trying to push her towards happiness but never seemed to gain the strength to help the girl progress. The young girl, once she grew up a bit had a second fairy born, a red one, the love of friends. This fairy was the girls largest fairy. This fairy floated above all the other s and always shined brightest and pushed her hardest. Then when the young girl had become a young woman she gained a third fairy. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The red fairy had thrived around the person and the blue fairy had started to float. Much later the white fairy had grown back and it finally healed. It fluttered and flourished around the person. It survived happily with the other person s fairy. They dance when they met and didn t want to pull away when the two needed to separate. One day the young woman s fairy started to shrink. The blue fairy had dulled and then the white fairy broke. The red fairy cried when the blue fairy had crumbled completely and was left alone. The red fairy had shrunk and cried at the loss of its friends. Soon in place of the white fairy a black fairy had appeared. The red fairy shrunk when the black fairy showed itself. The black fairy always made sure that the red was always small. The young woman didn t liked being near people soon. The red fairy nearly disappearing at times. But one day the blue and white fairies had come back. The three stayed small but always stuck together. But the black fairy was always there as well. If one grew too large it s keep it in its place. Then the young woman met someone else. The white fairy stayed very small and didn t dance with the person s fairy. The stayed close but never fluttered. So in the end the white fairy disappeared and the white fairy the other person had, had broken. Now the young woman stays bound to her four fairies. The black fairy stays close to the girl. Her blue fairy often disappearing and the white ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Huntington Park Sociology Race, income, and education have shifted the demographics of my community, Huntington Park, in the past years from 1990 to 2010. In the 1990 s there was no particular social class dominating my city; the median income was $62,500. In 2010 however, my city was made up of working class individuals whose median income was about $37,651. The departure of whites contributes to urban decay in my community just as Hunter s observations showed, where low working class came and made up the majority of the population and lived in extreme povertyand seemingly ever present violence (Hunter). Education also affected the class shift in my community, there was less people graduating and pursuing higher education. The 1990 census shows that 14.48% attained... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in the 1990 s white was the dominant race in Huntington Park, consisting of 52.87% white but slowly this changed and by 2010 Huntington Park was made up of 97.2% Hispanics whereas in 1990 there was 28% Hispanics. The changes in race have intersected with the changes class because before when the city was mostly white, the percentage of income for those who make less that $24,999 was about 35.52 and 7.86% made more than $100,000 yearly. Today, in Huntington Park 6.52% make more than $100,000 and 38.74% make less than $24,999. This reveals that as white people moved out and hispanic moved in, the income and class decreased. Considering families in my community are non english speaking immigrants, many of their children were tracked by being placed in ESL classes (English as Second Language).This was a disadvantage to them because they did not get the help that those speak the language attain. The high school in my city does not have many programs like AP or Honors courses available in comparison to other schools. The fact that we Latinos do not get the same benefits as others, affects us when applying and attending college because our education was ..hardly comparable to the education received by their white and Asian American counter parts in the state (Hunter and Ramon). My community has gone though much change that has affected any of the residents living in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Exploration Of The Cosmos Shakes Space that s all there is that ever was and ever will be. One contemplation of the cosmos shakes: shiver runs down the back, catches the throat, and there is a feeling weak, like a vague memory, if you fall from a height. We recognize that touch the greatest of mysteries. But the development of something unknown at the time held a sufficient amount of time. And this long journey that opens the way for us to perfect contemplation of the cosmos and its component parts, is really considered one of the truly deserving feats of humanity. Man and the Cosmos can not exist separately. They have always been the two particles of one whole, the unknown, unexplored, new. Since early times, people and all mankind has sought to pave the way in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Exit man in space has its ideological background, leaving back centuries, and technological background, which lasted several decades. On what grounds man became a sentient being and thus separated from the animal world? The man in the social and employment created around himself a habitat that did not exist naturally in the nature of the Earth. In fact, as early mastery of fire and clothing from animal skins were the first means by which man began to create themselves a stable artificial microenvironment that protects it from temperature changes and seasonal changes. The transition from hunting and gathering to animal husbandry, farming and craft guarantee the stability of obtaining food. Modern apartments, food and light industry, in principle, it is the same activity on the formation of the environment. Then it was the Neolithic Revolution, which began about six thousand years ago, the essence of which just consisted in replacing the consumption of finished goods and the nature of their conditions of production. But if a person surrounds himself microenvironment, radically different from the natural macro planet Earth, then, strictly speaking, he had already become astronauts , although it does not leave the planet. Thus do that ever since the Neolithic man acquired the ability for autonomy in relation to the Earth. However, this ability now has led to the fact that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Pangaea Research Paper Pangaea We believe that earth was one and all the continents were all together together then something happened that split them up.About 300 million years ago, Earth didn t have seven continents, but instead one huge supercontinent called Pangaea, which was surrounded by a single ocean called Panthalassa. Beyond that, the details get fuzzy. While the heat formed in the mantlelikely comes from the when a radioactive substance breaks down of unstable elements, such as uranium, scientists don t agree on whether there are mini pockets of heat flow within the mantle, or if the whole shell is one big heat conveyor belt. The supercontinent began to break apart about 200 million years ago. The explanation for Pangaea s (creation and construction/ group of objects) brought in the modern explanation of plate (the study of Earth s surface plate movement), which suggests says that the Earth s outer shell is broken up into (more than two, but not a lot of) plates that slide over Earth s rocky shell, the mantle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The current setup of continents is unlikely to be the last. Supercontinents have formed more than two, but not a lot of times in Earth s history, only to be split off into new continents. Rightnow for instance, Australia is slowly moving toward Asia, and the eastern part of/amount of Africa is slowly peeling off from the rest of the continent. Land and rock experts have seen have heard have become aware of that there is an almost regular cycle in which supercontinents form and break up every 300 to 400 million years, but exactly why is a mystery, Murphy said. But most scientists believe that the supercontinent cycle is mostly driven by circulation patterns of relationships, movement, or sound in the mantle, according to a 2010 article in the Journal of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Boggy Acre And A Narrow Fellow In The Grass Patriarchy dominated in the nineteenth century and women were considered to be the property of their husbands, without rights, land, or even the option to choose how to live their lives. The editor of The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Paul Lauter explained that during the early nineteenth century, white middle classed women had more leisure and education than their mothers or grandmothers which enabled them to become a large audience; nevertheless, their opportunities for meaningful work apart from childbearing, their ability to control their own property or even their own persons had probably narrowed since the Revolution (Lauter 1460). White women became more educated but remained inferior to men at this point in history. Lauter... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jacobs bravely tells her story about escaping slavery with her children. She was the first writer to show the grisly details of slavery and discuss sexual abuse. Jacobs criticizes herself for getting pregnant to get out of the sexual abusive relationship of her slave owner by saying I felt as if I was forsaken by God and man; as if all my efforts must be frustrated; and I became reckless in my despair (Jacobs 2194). Jacobs had to hide for almost seven years in her grandmother s attic in attempt to gain her and her children s freedom from their former slave owners (Yellin 2185). In 1852, Mrs. Willis, a family friend, bought Jacobs freedom, for which Jacobs felt I was robbed of my victory because she considered herself a person, unable to be bought or sold (Yellin 2185). Harriet Ann Jacobs publishes her story to open people s eyes to what slavery really was. Harriet Ann Jacobs helped start a movement of anti slavery writing that, through literature, would eventually help change society s view of slavery. Jacobs Incidents was written for an audience of free white women and its purpose was to involve these women in political action against the institution of chattel slavery and the ideology of white racism confirming herself as an anti slavery writer using a fictional character and different voice to tell truth (Yellin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Bloody Sunday Essay Bloody Sunday The events that took place on Bloody Sunday, 30th January 1972 have been discussed frequently and certain aspects of the event highly debated. The events of the particular day were of significant influence in further procedures in N. Ireland an on other related events. The event began after an illegal march took place in the centre of Derry, N. Ireland; the police and government banned the march as it was thought it would provoke violence. The march was lead by Catholic supporters who were demonstrating for Catholic rights, the Protestant biased government and the internment of Catholics. As... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was thought by some that the IRA wanted a major gun battle, although others thought that if similar events to those that took place in Magilligan, London would be shamed and therefore it would seem that the British paratroopers would want to hold their fire against the Catholic demonstrators. Another stance is that the Catholics were simply holding another peaceful protest. About a week before Bloody Sunday, a two hour gunfight to place at Forkhill in County Armagh between British troops and the IRA. About 1000 shots were fired. Because of all the violence of the previous weeks, which was blamed on the IRA, the Protestant unionists felt that a tougher approach must be made to stop further violence from occurring. After Bloody Sunday had taken place, the question of who was to blame and more importunately for some, who had fired the first shot. Different accounts of the day can give us an idea of what happened, although the evidence is far from conclusive. The official statement released by the army and approved by Lieutenant General Sir Harry Tuzo stated that, ВЎВҐThe paratroopers came under nail bomb attack and a fusillade of fifty to eighty rounds.ВЎВ¦ Although the statement simply offers the Paratroopers version of what happened, it simply cannot be trusted as it is undoubtedly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Questions And Answers On Shipment Delivery Dates 7.2.1 Scheduling Issues: a. Review load lists posted in Ordnance public folders to verify Shipment Preparation Worksheets (SPW) are completed, DD Form 1348 1As are prepared, and materials are ready for issue. b. Review Required Delivery Dates (RDD) from load lists located in Ordnance public folders. c. Contact customer to coordinate and schedule date, time, location and point of contact for the issue. d. Coordinate with other local commands/units for special requests (i.e. security escort, special equipment, etc.). e. Coordinate with Ordnance Annex departments to ensure requested items are loaded and ready for issue on the date scheduled. Provide customer point of contact information. (G.3.9, Bookmark 1, pg. 2, yellow highlight) iii. COG... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (1) AD C may request a QA to verify their application/non application once, kick back the document. (2) AD C will annotate on the back of the SPW/MUF Please verify applicability of NAR/AIN/OHF _ Initial and date. (3) QA will annotate next to the request a comment like NAR /AIN/OHF does not apply. Initial and date. C. Is the P/W/C and signatures complete on the reverse? D. Is No. of T/TR complete? E. For Air shipments, are length, width, and height, per pallet, provided (if applicable)? F. Is JMIC number identified, if required? v. COG Manager updates load list for the following: A. Quantity B. P/W/C C. Location quantity D. Packed w / remarks E. JMIC number identified, as required vi. Are there any changes to the SPW? NOTE: Any changes on the SPW must identify a reason for the change and which AD C Rep authorized the change. A. YES Make the changes (if possible) then generate the MMD and 1348 1 a if the quantity change is not possible due to a possible physical inventory discrepancy. (G.3.3, pg. 9 10, yellow highlight) The COG Manager will inform the LS or AD C Manager and discuss a resolution. B. NO Finalize issue documents. vii. COG Manager generates number of MMDs indicated on the SPW, plus one for tickler. viii.COG Manager generates 1348 1a. Generate 4 copies for local issues (AD C Original/Customer Copy, Government Copy/Tickler). Plus, any additional as required for movement. Generate 6 copies for ship ops (AD C Original/Customer Copy, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Impact Of Mini Banking And Subprime Lending Practices Usury Laws Currently, there is a lot of controversy surrounding mini banking and subprime lending practices, which include payday loans and high interest credit cards, because some feel these financial practices are not fair. The purpose of usury laws is to place a cap on excessive interest rates. It has become commonplace for many unsavory lenders to take advantage of current laws, which charge on excessive fees and rates, all in the name of profit. According to Elizabeth Warren, the government should return to usury laws, laws that go back to biblical times, and colonial times, where strong usury laws were in place. In 1979, a new law was discretely changed allowing financial companies to remove limits on rates. (Maher Warren, 2010) By examining the strengths and weaknesses of usury laws, from a consequentialism and contractarianism perspective, we can see how there needs to be a balance in how companies engage in lending practices. The problem with the current state of micro banks and credit card companies is the amount of the fees and interest charges they are charging, usually to consumers who are poor and low wage earners, who desperately seek out these alternatives to take care of their financial needs. These practices leave them in a more desperate state because the extortionate fees, making it impossible to stay current on their payments, by driving disadvantage consumers in deeper debt. Some of these companies charge high percentage rates, and being late on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Morte D Arthur Gender Roles The Arthurian legend is one of the most important parts of the national British history. The Arthurian legend has developed into a symbol of British pride, and creates a formula for showing readers about the truths of their nation and its history. These accounts are typically written about male characters and their plots reveal the patriarchal division of the society during this time. Through this paper, I will compare two author s writings. I will investigate the portrayal of the female characters and the characteristics attached to their gender. The aim of this comparison is to present how an author s time period, rank in society, location, personal beliefs, and political opinions, affected his portrayal of gender, including men and women in his works. In the same ways, these works themselves also allow readers to peer into the way the societies of that time functioned... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Morte D Arthur is a simple and detailed account of the Arthurian legend events. It is a crucial work in this subject because it served as a foundation for Medieval literature. Malory s work directly influenced the stereotype of women as evil and frames women as responsible for most bad things. However, Malory also influenced the romanticizing of courtly relationships and allowed space for women to be adored and favored in the eyes of the reader. However, another great influence that reveals a shift in the social and political view of gender is the differences in time. Naturally, in a comparative piece of writing like T.H. White s The Once and Future King which was written in 1958, the portrayal of women and their roles in the stories was changed dramatically. In contrast, White put forth more effort to liven the female characters and put an emphasis on their emotions and motivations. Yet although White portrays the female characters with sympathy and understanding, he uses them mainly as a channel to develop the male ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Ryan Lochte s Gas Station Scandal Case Analysis: Lochtegate Ryan Lochte s gas station scandal in Brazil during Olympics Alycia Ikegami The Olympics is a worldwide event when countries all over the world come together and celebrate culture, sportsmanship and athleticism. It is an opportunity for people to come together, whether at the venue or at home, it is a celebration full of excitement. During this time, swimmer Ryan Lochte, along with three other swimmers, were involved in an incident at a local gas station in Rio de Janeiro. It was reported on Sunday Aug 14, 2016, US Olympian Ryan Lochte and three other swimmers claimed they were robbed at gunpoint. The swimmers had stopped at the gas station to use the bathroom when the incident occurred. Lochte was the first of the group to speak publicly on the incident. When the story first came out, Lochte had told NBC News Billy Bush that a gun was pointed at his head. This was only the beginning of the public relations crisis case. Three days later, Lochte, returned to the United States and continued to stick to his story while being interviewed by the Today Show s Matt Lauer. In the mean time, two of the swimmers were pulled off a plane. The passports of the other swimmers were being held while they were being questioned, not being able to leave the country. Four days after the initial incident, Rio police announced that Lochte had lied about what had happened at the gas station. The real story behind this incident is that the men had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Adoption, Domestic And International Adoption Essay Melissa Bannon Mrs. Munsie College Writting 12 14 16 Many people want to have their own children, but what are other options? Adoption gets helpless children out of the foster care system, but having their own child gives them a better connection. Three reasons why parents should adopt is because it helps get kids out of foster care, adopted families have all the same rights as families formed from birth, and adopting a child helps parents start a family if they can t get pregnant. Although some people think that having their own child is better, adoption is better because it gives children new and permanent homes, also it helps parents start a family. Furthermore, adoption is a way for children who cannot be cared for by their birth parents to become members of another family. There are two different types of adoption, Domestic and International adoption. Domestic adoption is when a child is born in a country and adopted in the same country. International adoption is when a child living in one country is adopted by a family living in a different country. Through adoption, children s legal ties with their birth parents are needed so they can begin a relationship approved by law with their adoptive parents. (Adoption) Adoption helps provide children with new and permanent homes. Each year, 130,000 children are adopted, increasingly from other countries. (Adoption) As you can see many children have benefitted from the adoption process, 130,000 children are now happy in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Summary Of On Such A Full Sea By Chang-Rae Lee On such a full sea is a novel written by Chang Rae Lee. The story is about a journey of a nineteen year old girl name Fan. She works in the tanks diving and keeping it clean, nurturing the fish and just looking after the welfare of the fish. This is one of the most important jobs for the city of B Mor because it is one of the major ways the city can get their revenue. They sell the fish to the Charter village. Fan s journey starts when one day Fan s boyfriend Reg disappeared from B more due to the governmental pharmaceutical cartel she decides to leave B Mor on the search of Reg. She explores the different social classes from the open counties, which is the low class society and there is a high rate of crimes such as murder, robbery, and aggressive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As well as with the animals thousands die due to the chemical, materials, and weapons they test on them. Also, the military does not need to get a permit to make an atomic weapon or any other illegal action. After all, the military creates their own policy that can protect them from being sued. Since the military can argue that it is in the benefit of national security. This affected the people who live in these third work countries where there is no regulation on not to pollute at times people have to migrate to different places just as in the book when many people had to leave their hometown. Furthermore, not only in the book they used all their natural resources, but researchers in the documentary called Flow of Love of water, said in different rivers the level of water is decreasing and that in 2020 there would not be as much as clean water due to the fact that corporation are calming the water and putting them in bottles and selling them for profit. As the elderly people from the book, the new generation would not be able to experience and see the ways the environment used to be like. Also, in the American agricultural, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Nicholas Bloom Uncertainty is an amorphous concept. Basically, fluctuation in uncertainty tends to reflect all the uncertainty in the minds of the consumers, managers as well as the policymakers about the possible futures. Therefore in this journal, the author Nicholas Bloom is able to justify how history, the current trend of economic uncertainties and uncertaintyeffects during recession periods. Nicholas associates these changes in behaviors that uncertainty induces ponders in the appropriate design of a countervailing economic policy. According to Frank Knight, who was an economic explore, he was keen to explore the concept of risk is arguably known as the probability distribution over a set of given events. However, from various definitions of uncertainties, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this period, the volatility of stock markets, exchange rates, GDP growth and bond markets rise steeply. The main reason for those surge in the stock market is that volatility in the recession is due to effect on leverage. Therefore, most firms in the period accumulate more debt which in turn causes their stocks to be volatile. According to Schewert, he explores and calculates the leverage effect that does occur and tries to explain the 10% rise in uncertainty during the recession period. During micro uncertainty period, there is often a rise in the recession. This is due to the drop in aggregation levels from looking at macro data to looking at microdata by individual firms and industries. During both macro and micro uncertainties, there is usually a slow growth in the country annual growth rates. During the recession period, unemployment is usually on the rise. Therefore it translates to the volatility of household incomes rising. Also, it is true that uncertainty is usually higher in the developing countries. For instance countries such as South Africa tend to have a slower GDP growth rate exchange rates as well as stock ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Susan B Anthony Speech Summary MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE: forgotten feminist Introduced by Susan B. Anthony at the International Council of Women in 1888, Matilda Josyln Gage began her speech with a brief sketch of her early entry into the suffrage movement: I have frequently been asked what first turned by thoughts towards woman s rights. I think I was born with a hatred of oppression, and, too, in my father s house, I was trained in the anti slavery ranks, for it was one of the stations on the underground railway, and a home of anti slavery speakers. Well I remember the wonder with which, when a young girl, I looked upon Abby Kelly, when she spoke of the wrongs of black women and black men. Then I remember, before the Round House in my city of Syracuse was finished, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But I was entirely ignorant of all parliamentary rule, or what was necessary to be done. I prepared my speech, and going to the convention, sat near the front, and with a palpitating heart waited until I obtained courage to go upon the platform, probably to the interference of arrangements, for I knew nothing about the proper course for me to take. But I was so sweetly welcomed by the sainted Lucretia Mott, who gave me a place, and, when I had finished speaking, referred so pleasantly to what I had said, and to her my heart turned always with truest affection. Soon after the close of the convention, almost immediately afterwards, it was criticized from the pulpit by the Rev. Mr. Ashley, of the Episcopal Church, and Rev. Mr. Sunderland, now of this city, but then established at Syracuse. With the latter gentleman I carried on a long newspaper controversy. As Miss Grew has truly said, it is not religion that has opposed woman suffrage, because true religion believes in undoing the heavy burdens and letting the oppressed go free. But from the church and from theology this reform has met opposition at every step. It was Gage s outspoken opposition to the bigotry of Christian theology that would eventually cost her dearly. The price of liberty to Matilda Joslyn Gage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Different Kinds Of Pollution BreeAnna Grantz Mrs. bettag L.A. 10 December, 1 What are the different kinds of pollution? There are so many different kinds of pollution like; air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution, but the most common two we hear about is water pollution, and air pollution those are the ones we have to figure out how to fix the most because they are causing the most danger and problems for us. There are a lot of different kinds of pollution, some that most people probably don t even know exist. Every kind of pollution has an impact on us, the environment and the animals surrounding us, everyone individually should do what they can to reduce their pollution habits. Air pollution is when harmful chemicals are put into the air. Most of the air pollution in the usa is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline. Why do we continue to burn these knowing what it does to the environment? We continue to burn these harmful chemicals because they bring us electricity and they power our vehicles. To reduce air pollution we can do a few different kinds of things. We can conserve energy, meaning remember to turn off lights and other devices when not in use. Use energy efficient light bulbs and other appliances. Limit driving by carpooling, public transportation, biking, or walking, and Choose environmentally friendly cleaners only. Water pollutionis when harmful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. A Battle with Life in Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton Essay A Battle with Life in Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton The poem Wanting to Die by Anne Sexton, explores a battle with life which many people endure. The speaker knows of the goodness of the world, yet she is unable to truly experience it because of her suicidal tendencies. She understands her feeling as more of an obsession with death rather than a hate for life. Though the speaker is still alive, she relapses, every so often, into the darkness of her soul. Through her vivid use of imagery, Sexton creates and elucidates the speaker s susceptibility to suicide. It is apparent from the first stanza the speaker finds her life lacking. The first lines of the poem describe the speaker s ordinary days: Since you ask, most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... the grass blades you mention... furniture you have placed... ( 5 6) This person seemingly hopes, as the reader does, for the speaker and wants for her every happiness. The next stanza invites the reader into the speaker s mind and soul. We learn depression is more than a hate for life, it is something one must experience to be able to relate to, as in line 7: But suicides have a special language. This stanza also alludes to the fact that when the speaker is suicidal she refrains from looking at the big picture; instead she focuses on the few bad experiences which drive her that much deeper into depression. The following stanza invites the reader to learn about the suicide attempts of the speaker: Twice I have simply declared myself, / have possessed the enemy, eaten the enemy, / have taken on his craft, his magic (10 12). Here the reader learns of the speaker s two suicide attempts. This stanza also implies the speaker s anger toward her illness. She associates her depression as the enemy, almost as if depression were the devil in flesh coming to her, haunting her, luring her to death, a death of submission. The fifth stanza, with its vivid images, is exceedingly descriptive in its discussion of the speaker s means of suicide: In this way, heavy and thoughtful, / warmer than oil or water, / I have rested, drooling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...