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My Favorite Teacher
This essay is dedicated to a special person who I truly admire. His name is Carter Milhous; my 7th
and 8th–grade teacher for the SLV Nature Academy (as well as Melissa Stockton). He is an old
but strong person. He is still my favorite teacher because he is artistic, strong, and friendly. He
was the type of teacher that likes to joke with his students, as well as strict enough to make us do
our work. In this essay, I will be telling you about how he has changed my life. I will never forget
what he has done for me because he is the reason why I succeeded in school, why I graduated from
middle school, why I am a better person today. First of all, I need to tell you that what I thought
about entering 7th grade, was to be the class clown; and for everyone to like me. Of course, none
of my teachers liked that about me, but they knew that I was a funny, caring and social student.
But Milhous, he gave me chances. He understood what it was like to be like me. I felt like I had a
connection with him for many reasons. He molded me into the human being I am now. I feel older,
not just physically, but mentally also. I loved the way he taught the class. In 7th grade, we got to
dissect sheep brains, because we were learning about the human brain. In other words, be put aside
things that he liked to do, and create projects for the whole class to enjoy. I really thought that was
thoughtful of him to do that, so I thought of him in a different way ever since that day. I always heard
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Favorite Teacher
Choosing a favorite teacher is fairly difficult when one puts into account all the types of teachers
they have known, all of them are important. Teachers are the second most important people in our
lives, right after our parents. Teachers are persuasive and have the power to build a child up from an
immature student to become a responsible adult; or they can completely and utterly crush a students
hopes and dreams. As an identical twin my mother has always pulled a few strings to have my sister
and me in the same classes throughout elementary school. We were absolutely inseparable.
Transitioning from elementary to middle school was a milestone for me. Every class I was placed in
was different from my sister's. I was friendless, and at...show more content...
However, although our conversations may be few and far between, they always make for memorable
As I continue to get older, I cannot help looking back and reminiscing about my days as an
elementary student. I feel lucky for having such an unforgettable childhood and thankful for the
people that were apart of it. Ms. Reagan has always been more than an educator to me, and I am so
blessed to have her as a part of my
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My Favorite Teacher
In most schools nowadays, teachers are there for other reasons besides to teach students. Yes, they
show up every day and "teach" because that is their job, but most of the time this is not what is most
important to them. I think this is part of the reason students are not retaining the information they
are being taught each day in class. Most teachers are not passionate about what they teach. For
example, they apply for a job at a school to be a sports coach. They get the job and all of a sudden,
they become a world geography teacher. This teacher is a coach forced to teach, so he does not
really care whether or not the student learns the material. He just needs students to pass his class, so
he can keep his coaching job. Teachers who...show more content...
Needless to say, this was just one example of a teacher that was only concerned about whether or
not we passed his class. These teachers did not care enough about academics to actually teach us.
Once again, their main priority was the success of their sports team.
On the other hand, some of my teachers were excellent. They cared about their students actually
understanding the information. They had other interests besides whether or not the students had
the grades to simply move onto the next level course like the teachers previously mentioned.
These were the teachers that were passionate about what they were teaching. They might give us
loads of work to do like the other teachers, but the difference is that they would take the time to
give thorough explanations so that we would really learn the subject. They would allow us to ask
questions and explained the topic until we understood it. If we asked a question they did not
know the answer to, they would look it up and get back to us. For example, this past year I took
an AP Biology II course. My teacher absolutely loved her job and was passionate about the
material she was teaching us. She came to class everyday with Power Point presentations prepared,
and she had charts and diagrams labeled for us to better understand the chapter focus. She also did
labs and experiments with us so that we could get a hands–on look at what we were learning. She
usually had an answer for every question we asked, but if she did not, she
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My Favourite Teacher
He studies Chemistry, English, Maths, Physics, Technology and Physical Education. He plans on
doing these subjects again next year if the timetable works. Outside of class he plays hockey. He
never considered International Baccalaureate (IB) because NCEA is perfectly adequate and for
what he wants to do he does not think that IB would prepare him any better
His favourite subject is physics as it is easy to understand as there is a lot of formulas and it is
applicable to what he wants to do after school. He wants to become a piolet which he would
complete his private licence first then complete his commercial licence. His least favourite subject is
Chemistry as it takes a lot of time outside of class which he does not have. He also struggles
because it requires a lot of memorisation and he doesn't see a lot of point in that.
For him a great teacher is someone who can interact with the class and give real life examples.
They would spend a bit of time with each student getting to know them and figuring out where the
class is up to and whether the pace of the class needs to be slowed down. He also thinks that giving
some questions for homework which recaps the days learning is important. This needs to be
followed up the next lesson and if the class isn't grasping the concept then they will take that period
to reteach the concept to ensure that all students have had enough time to learn it.
For him a terrible teacher is someone who talks too much about their topic but also
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My Favorite Teacher
Student Short Answers Complete each of the following statements in 50–100 words
#1 How would your favorite teacher describe you? Why?*
My favorite teacher would describe me as a quiet, reserved, and independent student–leader who
stays focused and gets her work done faster then most of the kids in her class. He would also say
she likes to stay involved in different activities, often contributes positively to the conversations we
have in class, and is an active participant.
#2 What goals would you like to achieve in high school?*
One of my goals for high school would be to play a team sports such as Lacrosse, volleyball, and
/or track. In elementary school, I tried out for the volleyball team each year but was never picked.
Joining a team sport is one of the things I'm most excited about. I'd also like to learn how to become
a photographer so that I can begin working toward being a photojournalist.
#3 Is it important to you to have a mentor? Why/Why not?*
While I tend to be an independent thinker and I don't often like to share my personal thoughts and
feelings with others, I know that there will be times when I will need guidance from someone who
can help guide me in the right direction and help give me the support and tools I need to make good
choices when I am confronted with difficult decisions.
Student Essays: Answer each essay prompt using 200–300 words:
#1Why are you interested in becoming a LINK Unlimited scholar?*
I am interested in becoming a LINK Unlimited scholar because I feel that this scholarship can help
me get into a really good high school which will help me get into a really good college and help
make sure that I am able to pursue my dream of becoming a famous photographer.
#2: LINK Unlimited scholars are expected to demonstrate our 6 core values (intellectual curiosity,
drive, resilience, accountability, integrity and selflessness). Give at least one example of how you
have demonstrated each of the core values.*
Intellectually, I learned how to ask for and find help while I was in the after school program in 7th
grade. During that time I was having a bit of trouble with math. I didn't really know how to ask for
help but my math teacher would stay after school everyday just to
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Essay About My Favourite Teacher

  • 1. My Favorite Teacher This essay is dedicated to a special person who I truly admire. His name is Carter Milhous; my 7th and 8th–grade teacher for the SLV Nature Academy (as well as Melissa Stockton). He is an old but strong person. He is still my favorite teacher because he is artistic, strong, and friendly. He was the type of teacher that likes to joke with his students, as well as strict enough to make us do our work. In this essay, I will be telling you about how he has changed my life. I will never forget what he has done for me because he is the reason why I succeeded in school, why I graduated from middle school, why I am a better person today. First of all, I need to tell you that what I thought about entering 7th grade, was to be the class clown; and for everyone to like me. Of course, none of my teachers liked that about me, but they knew that I was a funny, caring and social student. But Milhous, he gave me chances. He understood what it was like to be like me. I felt like I had a connection with him for many reasons. He molded me into the human being I am now. I feel older, not just physically, but mentally also. I loved the way he taught the class. In 7th grade, we got to dissect sheep brains, because we were learning about the human brain. In other words, be put aside things that he liked to do, and create projects for the whole class to enjoy. I really thought that was thoughtful of him to do that, so I thought of him in a different way ever since that day. I always heard Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Favorite Teacher Choosing a favorite teacher is fairly difficult when one puts into account all the types of teachers they have known, all of them are important. Teachers are the second most important people in our lives, right after our parents. Teachers are persuasive and have the power to build a child up from an immature student to become a responsible adult; or they can completely and utterly crush a students hopes and dreams. As an identical twin my mother has always pulled a few strings to have my sister and me in the same classes throughout elementary school. We were absolutely inseparable. Transitioning from elementary to middle school was a milestone for me. Every class I was placed in was different from my sister's. I was friendless, and at...show more content... However, although our conversations may be few and far between, they always make for memorable moments. As I continue to get older, I cannot help looking back and reminiscing about my days as an elementary student. I feel lucky for having such an unforgettable childhood and thankful for the people that were apart of it. Ms. Reagan has always been more than an educator to me, and I am so blessed to have her as a part of my Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. My Favorite Teacher In most schools nowadays, teachers are there for other reasons besides to teach students. Yes, they show up every day and "teach" because that is their job, but most of the time this is not what is most important to them. I think this is part of the reason students are not retaining the information they are being taught each day in class. Most teachers are not passionate about what they teach. For example, they apply for a job at a school to be a sports coach. They get the job and all of a sudden, they become a world geography teacher. This teacher is a coach forced to teach, so he does not really care whether or not the student learns the material. He just needs students to pass his class, so he can keep his coaching job. Teachers who...show more content... Needless to say, this was just one example of a teacher that was only concerned about whether or not we passed his class. These teachers did not care enough about academics to actually teach us. Once again, their main priority was the success of their sports team. On the other hand, some of my teachers were excellent. They cared about their students actually understanding the information. They had other interests besides whether or not the students had the grades to simply move onto the next level course like the teachers previously mentioned. These were the teachers that were passionate about what they were teaching. They might give us loads of work to do like the other teachers, but the difference is that they would take the time to give thorough explanations so that we would really learn the subject. They would allow us to ask questions and explained the topic until we understood it. If we asked a question they did not know the answer to, they would look it up and get back to us. For example, this past year I took an AP Biology II course. My teacher absolutely loved her job and was passionate about the material she was teaching us. She came to class everyday with Power Point presentations prepared, and she had charts and diagrams labeled for us to better understand the chapter focus. She also did labs and experiments with us so that we could get a hands–on look at what we were learning. She usually had an answer for every question we asked, but if she did not, she Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. My Favourite Teacher He studies Chemistry, English, Maths, Physics, Technology and Physical Education. He plans on doing these subjects again next year if the timetable works. Outside of class he plays hockey. He never considered International Baccalaureate (IB) because NCEA is perfectly adequate and for what he wants to do he does not think that IB would prepare him any better His favourite subject is physics as it is easy to understand as there is a lot of formulas and it is applicable to what he wants to do after school. He wants to become a piolet which he would complete his private licence first then complete his commercial licence. His least favourite subject is Chemistry as it takes a lot of time outside of class which he does not have. He also struggles because it requires a lot of memorisation and he doesn't see a lot of point in that. For him a great teacher is someone who can interact with the class and give real life examples. They would spend a bit of time with each student getting to know them and figuring out where the class is up to and whether the pace of the class needs to be slowed down. He also thinks that giving some questions for homework which recaps the days learning is important. This needs to be followed up the next lesson and if the class isn't grasping the concept then they will take that period to reteach the concept to ensure that all students have had enough time to learn it. For him a terrible teacher is someone who talks too much about their topic but also Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. My Favorite Teacher Student Short Answers Complete each of the following statements in 50–100 words #1 How would your favorite teacher describe you? Why?* My favorite teacher would describe me as a quiet, reserved, and independent student–leader who stays focused and gets her work done faster then most of the kids in her class. He would also say she likes to stay involved in different activities, often contributes positively to the conversations we have in class, and is an active participant. #2 What goals would you like to achieve in high school?* One of my goals for high school would be to play a team sports such as Lacrosse, volleyball, and /or track. In elementary school, I tried out for the volleyball team each year but was never picked. Joining a team sport is one of the things I'm most excited about. I'd also like to learn how to become a photographer so that I can begin working toward being a photojournalist. #3 Is it important to you to have a mentor? Why/Why not?* While I tend to be an independent thinker and I don't often like to share my personal thoughts and feelings with others, I know that there will be times when I will need guidance from someone who can help guide me in the right direction and help give me the support and tools I need to make good choices when I am confronted with difficult decisions. Student Essays: Answer each essay prompt using 200–300 words: #1Why are you interested in becoming a LINK Unlimited scholar?* I am interested in becoming a LINK Unlimited scholar because I feel that this scholarship can help me get into a really good high school which will help me get into a really good college and help make sure that I am able to pursue my dream of becoming a famous photographer. #2: LINK Unlimited scholars are expected to demonstrate our 6 core values (intellectual curiosity, drive, resilience, accountability, integrity and selflessness). Give at least one example of how you have demonstrated each of the core values.* Intellectually, I learned how to ask for and find help while I was in the after school program in 7th grade. During that time I was having a bit of trouble with math. I didn't really know how to ask for help but my math teacher would stay after school everyday just to Get more content on HelpWriting.net