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Essay About My Friend Spm
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Essay About My Friend Spm Essay About My Friend Spm
Pro-Life Essay examples
Pro Life
English I
Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People
may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important
that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965 1996 over 515 million
babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions
(www.rockforlife.org). This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know
where it came from.
The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of
rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape,
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One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D amp;X); it can kill babies up to thirty two weeks old.
The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all of the baby from the mother except for the
head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to
suck out the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies skull and pull the rest of the
babies body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is injected and the bay dies of convulsions
due to salt poisoning (www.rockforlife.org). If they can say this is not murder, then what is?
Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety seven percent of women have reported
feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe, or very severe. Abortion is also not without
side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or
inflammation of the reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and
make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some medical facts pamphlet.) Also if
you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by
fifty percent. Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end
it will always cause physical and emotional pain.
What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
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Social Learning Theory Paper
Albert Bandura is one of the most well known figures of Psychology. Bandura provided theories that
gave insight on the fundamentals of human behavior and the mental process (Ortiz, 2015). He has
had and continues to have a large impact on personality theory and therapy. Bandura is recognized
for his unique behaviorist like style that appeals to many individuals and practitioners. Other
theorists respect Bandura for his action orientated and problem solving characteristics that led him
to his contributes of social cognitive theory and the bobo doll experiment. Albert Banduracontinues
to be identified to be a part of the most influential psychologists of all time and is responsible to the
education of many practitioners today.
Albert Bandura was born December 4, 1925 in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Social learning theory has already been begun to find its place in criminology. Various models
and tactics are being tested among criminals or individuals with deviant behavior. Within the
field of criminal justice there is always a task to try to understand the behaviors or intent of an
individuals and this is often achieved by understanding social learning factors. Social learning
theory is growing a place when it comes to government policies or agencies. This is because
many times before an agency, government funded program, or policy be implemented in regards
to learning or education social learning and purpose are vital. Educational programs and agencies
before receiving government funds need to provide explanation how models such as social
learning will be used and the results expected in addition to why there is a need. Klasen Crombag
(2013) explain that examples are more evident with low income populations with high crime rates
where social learning interventions are needed to change
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How Did Desmond Doss Never Change
War, war never changes. From the trenches of WWI to drones used currently, nothing truly
changed. Men fight. Men die. However, for 75+ men fighting at Hacksaw Ridge that wasn t the
case. Desmond Doss single handedly saved 75 men during one of the bloody campaigns in WWII.
According to the website dedicated to preserving the memory of what he accomplished, Doss was
born in a small town in Virginia to a Christian household. Because of this, he vowed to never take
life and to never hold grudges.
On the website, www.desmond doss.com, Doss adopted his Christian beliefs when he was
growing up because he nearly ended the life of his own brother, Harold Doss. Afterwards, he
would make his vow to never kill.Desmond Doss learned what happen to Abel s ... Show more
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During the first attempt at Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond was acting normally, saving the freshly
wounded and remembering the freshly killed. He gave plasma and blood and might have even
given morphine to Japanese soldiers (In the movie adaptation of Desmond Doss story, he gave
some wounded Japanese soldiers Morphine, saying that it was good ). During and after the
retreat, Desmond still helped and save his fellow soldiers. As Hacksaw Ridge is about a 350 foot
fall, according to the Wisconsin Public Radio, he would have to lower his friends and those who
thought he would die in minutes.Even though the Japanese would never surrender, the Americans
would not, either. During the second and more successful attempt at Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond
Doss saved even more, which gave him one of 431 WWII Medals of Honor.In accordance with
the Seventh Day Adventists Church s article about Desmond Doss, during the second raid on
Hacksaw Ridge, one of the people, Desmond Doss commanding officer, Jack Glover, was shot and
injured. Desmond saw him lying on the ground, bleeding to death. Even though earlier when Jack
Glover tried to get him off the squad, Desmond did not hold a grudge against him, and saved
him along with many others. In the movie adaptation of this battle, the soldiers, after realising
what Desmond Doss did, they showed him more respect for what he did on his Sabbath. After
the entire squadron waited until Desmond Doss finished praying for their safety. He finished and
they pushed the Japanese into a position of surrendering; However, one the officers pulled a
grenade on most of the American soldiers. Desmond, being a savior more than a killer, blocked
the grenade, and took most of the grenade, nearly killing him. Desmond soon recovered, and even
though he had a bad leg, he would not stop saving
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Dehoney And Wellein
The case study by Sarah Dehoney and Marlea Wellein focuses on rhabdomyolysis caused by
Hydroxycut, a weight loss supplement. According to the case study Rhabdomyolysis Associated
with the Nutritional Supplement Hydroxycut, in 2004 it was reported that one fifth of Americans
used dietary supplements, and spent approximately thirty billion dollars a year on weight loss
supplements. These supplements contain ephedra, creatine, and large amounts of caffeine. These
ingredients have been linked to cause rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis is rare. The muscle tissue
breaks down and releases myoglobin in the blood. This can damage the kidneys. Some symptoms
include dark urine, muscle aches, and weakness. Fewer than two hundred thousand cases
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Comparing Marcus Aurelius And Benjamin Franklin
Marcus Aurelius and Benjamin Franklin are two men who during their time were dedicated to
improving themselves. Though these two men lived in different time periods it can be seen that
both men endeavored to cultivate virtues within themselves. The pair share many virtues, while
still having personal reasons for desiring to alter their habits and different methods for executing
these virtues. Overall, both Aurelius and Franklin knew that they were not perfect and could never
achieve perfection. However, they both offer a set of virtues that they lived by to try and better
themselves in order to live happier lives and what sets them apart is the way they implemented
their virtues. Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 and is commonly... Show
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As emperor Aurelius was constantly surrounded by dissatisfied and corrupt people as well as,
death. In his personal life, he lost both his parents and several children, given that, it is no
surprise that he would go on to create a journal of virtues. This self critical journal now called
meditations had the purpose of aiding him to become his most virtuous self. He made a habit to
focus on his actions and how his ideology could make him a better person. While being heavily
influenced by stoic philosophers, Aurelius believed this philosophy would bring him to harmony
with nature. Furthermore, he held himself to a standard he could never reach which made him
constantly frustrated. A few of his main concerns were: universal purpose, destiny, and deciding
what kind of person one would become. In book one he lists qualities he admires from people in
his life, this is his way of reminding himself that there are still good people in the world and it
shows his gratitude towards them. Aurelius then goes on to describe nature, destiny and living life
with goals and righteous actions. It is his belief that one s actions should be universally beneficial,
he states Think of the whole, of existence, of which you are the tiniest
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The Plant Of A Pipeline
Pigging is a critical activity in the commissioning and operation of a pipeline; oil, gas, water or
otherwise. For flow assurance the pipeline needs to be cleared of debris and checked for defects,
tasks pigs were designed for. The pig needs a method of entering and exiting the pipeline, so a
mobile or fixed launcher and receiver are utilised depending on the exact requirements.
Pig Launching and Receiving Basics
A pig launcher and receiver, also known as a pig trap, are equipment designed to pump in the pig
through the pipeline system and to retrieve the pig at the end of the operation. They can be mobile
(pigging of construction section) or fixed in the pipeline system. The location of the launcher is
located at the upstream end of the pipeline system, near the pump or compressor, while the receiver
is at the end of the system.
The launcher can be installed in a horizontal, vertical or inclined position. Most are installed
horizontally to ease the operation and it is therefore the most preferable. However, due to space
limits, vertical or incline pig traps are often considered. The launcher, receiver and all related
equipment are designed, manufactured and tested according to the pipeline and vessel code
standards e.g.; NACE, ASME VIII, BS 5500, ANSI, ASME B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, etc.
A pig trap is essential to get a potential result of product saving. It means that there is no
requirement for adding an extensive line flushing as the pig cleaned out the
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The Object Oriented ( Oo ) Environment And The Strategies...
Executive Summary:
This research report discusses about the object oriented (OO) environment and the strategies that
are used for testing an object oriented environment. The report also lists the tactics and metrics for
testing in an object oriented environment. The object oriented approach closely relates the
programs to the real world with the help of objects. The popularity of OO approach has increased
due to ease of reuse and modular architecture that leads to quality software. Software testing is
important to ensure delivery of error free software. Testing an OO program is challenging because
of the complexity due to interconnection among the components. Various testing strategies and
methods can be followed to test OO software. Apart from the strategies and methods certain metrics
need to be considered and used to measure the quality of the projects. Software metrics are proven
measures for measuring the development of the software process.
OO programs are based on hierarchy of classes and objects. The four pillars, encapsulation,
inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction can be used to achieve reusability of code. As
compared to the conventional software programming, the faults are not found in code, instead are
in the interaction of the chunks of codes. Testing of an OO program begins with reviewing the
object oriented analysis (OOA) and object oriented design (OOD) models. Variety of Testing
strategies such as unit testing, thread based, use based and cluster
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Tokugawa Shoganate Research Paper
Essay #3: Write an essay on the Tokugawa shoganate There were other nations besides European
ones that were also experiencing economic gains, cultural influence, and societal growth. This
nation was Japan, and from 1603 to 1867, this nation was specifically called Tokugawa Japan.
Before Tokugawa Japan, there was civil disorder within the lives of the people living there. For
example, daimyos, who were feudal state rulers who had owned a vast amount of land and had a
major influence on the economy and state affairs of Japan, had to hire private armies to defend
their entities (Tignor et al, 505). These private trained armies were known as samurais, and were a
distinctive aspect of Tokugawa Japan. This wasn t the only set of problems that Japan
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Advantages Of Arranged Marriage
General Topic: Arranged Marriage
Specific Topic: The advantages of arranged marriage
Thesis: The eastern cultural practice of arranged marriage is a very successful method and practice
of mate selection
1.Why are you interested in this topic area? Why do you want to learn more about this topic area?
Explain, giving examples for support.
I am very interested in this topic area because I grew up in Srilanka, which is part of the Eastern
world, where arranged marriages are very common. Since it is part of my tradition, I was brought
up to believe that arranged marriage is the right type of marriage choice as my parents and
grandparents also choose this type of marriage style. I am also interested in analyzing about the
background information on arranged marriage since I do not know where they have been originated
from. Also, it is a very interesting subject since it has so many benefits that people do not know
about, which is very interesting in the sense ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, arranged marriage could be the solution to the increasing divorce rates in the western world
and as more people choose the arrange marriage method, the divorce rates will decrease in
numbers. The research on it be of academic or social benefit to cultural anthropologists in
particular, since they would be very interested in analyzing the benefits of arranged marriage and
whether it would successful in the long run clearing all the misconceptions, misperceptions,
common sense observations, opinions and so forth about arranged marriage. Therefore, the society
members can be of sure when choosing the arranged marriage practice due to the immense amount
of benefits which are blinded by the enemies of social
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Mrs Grier Character Analysis
Perception does not change either. Octavia perceives Mrs. Grier as a protector. This is evident
first, explicitly: Mrs. Grier is one classy lady. She is tall and big, not fat, but big like she
deserves the biggest room or the best plate of food.... But more than just being classy, Mrs. Grier
is right.... But I say she is right because she can know the truth from a lie just as soon as she hear
it (164). Octavia perceives Mrs. Grier as a protector because of her classiness, which indicates
integrity, her stature, and her discernibility of fact from fiction. In a community rife with
pandemonium, missing children, and dead children, the ability to discern what is true and what
is false is vital. Octavia is cognizant of this, which explains why she frequents Mrs. Grier s
classroom, even though she is a former student. This action, implicitly shows why she perceives
Mrs. Grier as a protector. First, Octavia visits her after her friend, Rodney, goes missing. Then,
Octavia consults with her after learning that her mother wants her to leave Atlanta. When Octavia
feels the most helpless, she runs to Mrs. Grier the woman who can help her the most. Perhaps, the
role and perception of black female leaders do not change from the private to the public sphere
because of fictive kinship. Unlike black male leadership, which depends on blood ties, black
female leadership depends on the function more than the fact. Moreover, Mrs. Grier s behavior,
which is consistent with that of a matriarch, is just as impactful and rewarding to Octavia, even
though she is not the female leader of her household. In fact, black women are commonly
absorbed into other households: There was a black lady on Channel Two whom Mama liked to
call by her first name and critique on her appearance like she was somebody they actually knew
(24). Accordingly, the conflation of black women and motherhood, within the black community,
creates an inelasticity among the roles and perceptions they hold in any sphere, domestic or public.
Why do Jones and Bambara establish these gendered dynamics? Truthfully, it is more accurate to
view these gendered dynamics as reproductions. Jones and Bambara merely reproduce the gendered
dynamics that were present in Atlanta from
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Alzheimer s Disease Abstract
Alzheimer s Disease Zaven A. Ohanian San Joaquin Valley College Abstract This research report
will provide a general overview of Alzheimer s disease. This overview will include background
and history of the disease dating back to its discovery by Alois Alzheimer in Germany. It will
provide in depth information on the anatomy and pathophysiology of the disease, specifically on
the roles of beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles and on how they progress; what
happens as they progress through the brain. Other topics that will be briefly covered include
etiology, epidemiology, treatment, and prognosis. Alzheimer s Disease Background and History
Alzheimer s disease is an acquired form of dementia that impairs the cognitive and behavioral
functions of the patient. Impairment of these functions severely impacts the individual s capacity to
function in social and occupational settings. There is no cure for Alzheimer s disease and its
progression is long and steady. Alzheimer s disease was first observed by a German psychiatrist
named Alois Alzheimer in 1901. Having been intrigued by the behavior of a patient at the Frankfurt
Asylum, 51 year old female Auguste Deter, Alois Alzheimer began monitoring her condition. Dr.
Alzheimer observed a number of symptoms including reduced comprehension and memory,
aphasia, disorientation, unpredictable behavior, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, and pronounced
psychosocial impairment (Maurer, Gerbaldo Volk, 1997). When
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Accident Attorneys
Accident attorneys should be the first thing on your mind if you are facing the consequences of
an accident. Accidents happen every day in our streets and especially when the traffic is high, that
is when all of us need to go to work fast. This is the time that you have also probably noticed that
so many car accidentshappen in the drivers near you. There are many times that we think that we
were so close ourselves to get involved in an accident. Car accidents happen regardless of being a
good and experienced driver or a new one. They can occur even if you have been drivingfor your
whole life and you believe you are now off this risk. Especially if you are driving a motorcycle, you
should be extra careful. Many drivers don t pay attention... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Accident attorneys are professionals that have spent all their lives studying the law on accidents
and preparing to help people that are in need. This means that they are very well trained and that
they are here to help you. The idea that people have that attorneys want money is wrong. They
are your best friend and want to assist you in these situations. If you are involved in an accident,
you should know that there are a lot of bills you will have to pay. These costs are certainly not
easy to handle and chances are you weren t expecting them.
Accident attorneys are your way out here. They can provide you with all the information you
need to make the best choices for your claims. You can also get estimation on the amount you
can claim according to the accident. Moreover, if you are going to hire an accident attorney you
should know that you will not have to pay him until the case is over. This way, you will not add
any costs in your budget and the payment will come according to your earnings. Feel free to visit a
site that can give you further information. You should also know that many times the amount
people win in these trials is bigger than expected. So make your call to an accident
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Aegis Amber Robertson Summary
Robertson, Amber. Women s Agency as Represented in Various Works of Medieval Literature.
Aegis: Otterbein Humanities Journal, vol. 10, 2005.
Robertson discusses the representation of women in the Lais of de France and how they were
constructed around the feudal society and were meant to represent the female agency. Robertson
goes on to explain the feudal society and how it is a social ladder where everyone gets their
opinions from who is on the very top this being the Church and the aristocracy (Robertson 68).
Robertson makes the point that these are two facets that are least acquainted with women.
Robertson notes that medieval people also elevated the status of women at the same time as
decimating it. Women ladies were compared to the Virgin Mary, who represents all things a woman
should be: chaste, delicate, beautiful, modest, and so on. Marie de France wrote her lais so they
could be enjoyed by both men and women, but she did explore the gender inequalities that existed
in her time and still exist today!
This source compares to another one I have mentioned. Both Amber Robertson and Elizabeth
Robertson reference Greek philosophy and the view that women were considered inferior because
of the bodies they exist in. The male form was the finer one, women s bodies ... Show more content
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McLoone asserts that supernatural worlds in medieval literature are meant to represent certain
facets of real life and how it is a literary device that can be used to criticize aspects of the real
world. McLoone also points out the different ending for Guinevere in the two versions of Lanval.
In de France s version, Guinevere is humiliated in front of the court but not punished. We hear
nothing of her after that. In Thomas Chestre s version, Guinevere is blinded by the end. In this
text, the fairy lady has the status of a king and she can grant gifts where King Arthur failed to do so
when he forgot about
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Case Study Of Kellogg
The companies in the industry of cereal are make ready to serve cereal and packaged cereal such
as farinas and oatmeal that is must cooked before eaten , The companies provided the products
that is ready to eat , just put milk or water with this cereal and eaten , its include corn flakes that
is the most popular breakfast , mixed grains , wheat and oats ,It s also include hot cereal , rolled
oats and infant cereal . Major companies in this industry include such as Kellogg s company
Kellogg is the world leading producer of cereal and convenience foods , its including toaster
pastries , crackers , cookies , fruit flavored snacks , frozen waffles , cereal bars and veggie foods .
Kellogg manufacturing their products in 18 countries and marketed ... Show more content on
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there are also problems in many different aspects of their operations like : the location of the
Kellogg , that Kellogg must be near to customers and distributions channels so products can reach
shelves quickly , also there is problems in size and scale of factories that must be large with
adequate equipment , they also need to accommodate the frequent delivery of incoming materials
and outgoing finished goods , Kellogg can improve their environmental performance by reducing :
use of water during production , levels of packaging to consumers , impact of transportation ,
energy use during productions and waste to landfill .
So Kellogg is a large company that produce the product of cereal to provide to their customers the
ready to eat foods such as corn flakes , wheat and oats . Kellogg use operation of supply chain
management to produce their products effectively and to deliver it by the retailer like supermarket
to deliver it to the final customers , Kellogg have several problems the can be solve it by increasing
their performance effectively
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The Pros And Cons Of Tragedy Donation
Introduction A charitable donation refers to a gift made by an organization or an individual to a
private foundation, charity or non profit organization. The U.S has allowed deduction on income
tax to individual and corporate donors for their charitable donations since 1917 (Colinvaux Dale,
2015). Often, these donations represent the main source of funding for most of the nonprofit and
charitable organizations. In most countries, a charitable donation made to any of the qualifying
organization entitles one to an income taxdeduction. Organizations that do not qualify as charitable
are considered for profit and are taxed accordingly to that effect. The Charitable Contributions
Deduction entitles taxpayers to a tax deduction for the financial year in which they made their
donations. The aim of this essay is to compare between the taxationof donations made to a
charitable organizationby a corporation and that made by an individual.
Comparison of charitable contributions by a corporation versus and individual Individual
shareholders in a private company should compare whether they will realize higher tax benefits by
personally donating to charitable organizations or by donating through their corporation. A
corporation qualifies for similar charitable deductions that apply to individuals (Bank, 2017). The
general rule for allowance of deduction for individual and corporate charitable donations is that any
charitable donation (as defined in U.S Code (U.S.C) section 170
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Hot Summer Love Amidst The Flame
Johnson 1
DeShawn Johnson
English 101
Little Scarlet
March 29, 2016
Hot Summer Love amidst the Flame
Little Scarlet a Walter Mosley adventure brought to us through the eye s Ezekiel aka Easy
Rawlins, takes us to the time during the Watts riot of 1965. Easy Rawlins is a private investigator
who is sought out by LAPD Detective Melvin Suggs to solve the murder of an African American
women Nola Payne. Easy is hesitant at first to act upon the request. Detective Suggs explains with
the current dynamic of the city it would be almost impossible to get any leads, and worst they didn
t need another riot to break out. During the investigation Easy introduce us to many characters who
would assist in him in his new expedition to catch a killer.
Raymond Alexander better known as Mouse is a street killer who is feared by many in South
Central Los Angeles. Mouse is one of Easy Rawlins friends who migrated from Texas and is
married to Etta Mae Harris. The heartless gangster loved women as much as he loved money. He
would soon have to make a decision about one of his love interest. Mouse is short, with dark
caramel complex and light gray eyes. Easy describes Mouse as a born gangster who has killing
in his blood [cited 54]. Mouse and Easy are from different backgrounds, Easy being an ex war
veteran and Mouse a street hustler who makes his money anyway he can. Easy knows he can call
on Mouse anytime because they are more like brothers than friends. Easy hits the street of Watts to
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Homeless Shelters, A Lack Of Resources Essay
Thirty two percent of families facing homelessness were rejected by homeless shelters because of
a lack of resources (Gerges 19). If city officials don t formulate concise response plans, homeless
shelters won t be able to accommodate the influx of people without access to other shelters. Some
of these people are forced to stay in the cold or other harsh weather conditions. As a result,
numerous homeless people suffer from conditions like frostbite and hypothermia during the winter
due to the lack of precautions and treatment in addition to the lack of shelter. Most homeless people
are dependent on their resident city s shelter system to protect themselves from severe weather
conditions. Reducing homeless deaths caused by harsh though primarily cold weather conditions
can be solved by moving the homeless out of the street into either temporary shelter programs using
spare storage units and trailers for emergency circumstances or a permanent housing initiative. In
2014, nearly 600,000 578,424В to be exact homeless people live in the United States; about a third
of this population doesn t have access to shelter. This third of the populace suffer the most when
areas across the nation even the warmer areas in California and Florida experience wind chills and
temperature drops. According to Rebecca Sturgis and Neil Denovan of the National Coalition for
the Homeless, 700 people at risk or are experiencing homelessnessare killed by hypothermia in the
United States,
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The Organization On The Industrial Landscape Of India
The advent of JK organization on the industrial landscape of India almost synchronizes with the
beginning of an era of industrial awareness an endeavor for self reliance and the setting up of a
dynamic Indian industry. This was way back in the middle of the 19th century, and the rest that
followed is history. Excellence comes not from mere words or procedures. It comes from an urge
to strive and deliver the best. A mindset that says, when it is good enough, improve it. It is a way
of thinking that comes only from a power within.
Jk tyre is an Automotive Tyre, Tubes and Flaps manufacturing company based in Delhi, India. The
name JK is derived from the initials of Kamlapatji (1884 1937) and his father Seth Juggilal (1857
It is the Radial tire Leader in India and is the only tyre manufacturer offering the entire range of 4
wheeler radials for Trucks, Buses and Cars.
JK Tyre has a worldwide customer base in over 80 countries across all 6 continents. It is a part of J.
K. Organisation group of Companies. JK Tyre acquired Mexican tyre major Tornel in 2008.
1.1 Core Values:
JK organization has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of India. It always
aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of countrymen and to provide high quality
products. It has striven to
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Literature and Language
Chapter 9 Language and Literature There is a very close relationship between language and
literature. The part of linguistics that studies the language of literature is termed LITERARY
STYLISTICS. It focuses on the study of linguistic features related to literary style. 9.1 Theoretical
background Our pursuit of style, the most elusive and fascinating phenomenon, has been enhanced
by the constant studies of generations of scholars, Style , the phenomenon, has been recognized
since the days of ancient rhetoric; stylistic , the adjective, has been with us since 1860; stylistics ,
the field, is perhaps the creation of bibliographers. (Dolores Burton, 1990) Helmut Hatzfeld was the
first biographer of stylistics and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this section, we shall briefly discuss the grammatical and semantic aspects. 9.2.1
Foregrounding and grammatical form Consider the following examples, both of which describe
inner city decay in the U.S. The first is from the Observer (29 November 1995) : ex.9 1 The
1960 dream of high rise living soon turned into a nightmare. In this sentence, there is nothing
grammatically unusual or deviant in the way the words of the sentence are put together.
However, in the following verse from a poem, the grammatical structure seems to be much more
challenging, and makes more demands on our interpretative processing of these lines: ex.9 2
Four storeys have no windows left to smash But in the fifth a chipped sill buttresses Mother and
daughter the last mistresses Of that black block condemmed to stand, not crash. The sentence in
line 2 of this verse that starts with But in the fifth is unusual in that the predicate of the sentence
is made up of a sequence of embedded elements, as we can see if we write them out in a full
form: A chipped sill buttresses mother and daughter who are the last mistresses of that black block
which is condemned to stand, not crash. Furthermore, the main verb in this sentence is buttress.
This word can be either a noun or a verb, but we would argue that it is more likely to occur as a
noun in less literary contexes. In literary texts,
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Short Story Of A True American
It is a great thing to be an American. You can do things you never thought were possible. Matt
was a true American. Long grew up in Vietnam, Matt grew up in America. He was a brave,
excited, and accepting child. When he was eight, he left behind his life. Only one day after the
crash of the C 5A, Long was interviewed about going to America. He answered with anticipation
especially the last question when he replied, I am so happy to see you...At the airport! Hours
later, he bravely clambered into a new life. After, some time waiting, lift off occured and the huge
747 jet hurtled hundreds of children into a new life. Long soon got bored, and he stared at his
precious picture of his new American family. True to his word, Matt was glad to see
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How Did Ww1 Affect Australian Society
World War 1 was the first war that involved the majority of the world including Australia. It ran
from 1914 to 1918 and was held in various places spread across Europe. Over 60,000 Australians
lost their lives which was over 1 percent of the population at this time. As you can imagine, this had
a tremendous impact on the home front. The war did contributed a variety of positive and negative
influences to the civilian population of Australia. The main aspects that received dramatic changes
due to World War 1 were the roles of women, political issues and the Australian economy. The War,
did not only effect men fighting, but also the roles of women on the home front. As most men on
farms and factories were taken by the Australian Imperial Force,... Show more content on
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Conscription is the idea of compulsory enlistment for a state service, typically into the armed
forces. The controversy between pro and anti conscription divided the Australian population
during the course of the war. Conscription was mainly supported by those who had never stepped
foot near a battlefield. Propaganda played a large role in pressuring men into enlisting. An
example of where propaganda pressured men into volunteering for the Australian Imperial Force, is
Appendix 1. The motive of this poster is successful as it implies that fathers would be shameful to
ignore the plight of women as well as, promoting a sense of guilt. Anti conscription propaganda also
depicted or appealed to women. For instance, anti conscriptionists would call a vote for
conscription, a blood vote, reminding women they were possibly sending men to their deaths. This
strategy of manipulating people s emotions proved to work as in Dec 1917, the 2nd referendum on
conscription rejected it. This debate influenced the entirety of Australian society as citizens were
bombarded with propaganda and the opinions of others. At the beginning of the war the Federal
Government gained great jurisdiction through the War Precautions Act. This was was introduced as
commonwealth would need to increase its authority to prosecute war effectively. Along with this,
the Constitution was also
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Pros And Cons Of Being A Mechanic
If you re a mechanic, I m sure I don t need to tell you that you are in one of the most high pressure
areas of the trades industry. I mean, tradespeople generally have pretty stressful jobs, but few
have more responsibility to their customers than a mechanic. When somebody leaves their car
with you, they are not just trusting you with their automobile. They re trusting you with their
ability to get to work and their freedom to see the world. Without their car, they may lose their
livelihood, miss their kid s soccer games, and be forced to rely on often late, always grimey public
transportation. Because your customers depend so much on their cars to lead a successful life, you
owe it to them to use only the finest tools while on the job. You... Show more content on
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Most will offer 20 heads or so, which is fine for a hobbyist, but simply doesn t grant the
versatility needed to make a living off your craft. With the Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling and
Driving Kit, you can be sure that you will be able to complete every job that comes through your
door. Features A balanced selection of power bits and insert bits A selection of flat, torx, and
Phillips driving bits Folding case with built in storage compartment Pros I think the most
obvious pro of purchasing this Craftsman product or, indeed, any Craftsman product is that you
receive a set of tools manufactured by the best in the business. You can purchase this 100 piece
drilling and driving kit safe in the knowledge that it will last you for years. Generally selling for
less than $20, the Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling and Driving Kit is a great option for young
mechanics who need to accumulate tools but don t have a large budget. The drill bits featured in
this kit are suitable for use on metal, wood, and plastic. Cons The Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling
and Driving Kit does not, in fact, contain 100 unique tools. A significant portion of the promised
100 pieces is made up of duplicates and slight variations.
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Kiowa Warrior Evolution
Evolution of the Kiowa Warrior The U.S. Army has always recognized the need for an aerial
scout helicopter, however following the Vietnam War, the Army slowly realized a need to also
arm its aerial scouts. The following development lasted over 30 years and encompassed the A to
F models. The OH 58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter began development in 1962 under the Army s
Light Observation Helicopter program. Originally designed as the D250 by Bell Helicopter, it
was selected by the Army and subsequently designated the YHO 4A. Bell later produced five
prototype aircraft for testing and evaluation by the U.S. Army. Although, the YHO 4A did not win
the original competition, it was redesigned by Bell for the civilian market and designated the
Model 206A... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Kiowa s limitations had a definitive effect on its development and subsequent attempts to
replace the airframe, however, while well known, the practical expertise of the aircrews allowed it
to operate in harshest helicopter environments the Army has experienced. This expertise and
adaptability of not only the aircrew, but the airframe as well, allowed for the OH 58D to not only
maintain but also increase its effectiveness from the jungles of Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, the
deserts of Iraq, and the mountainous regions of
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Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its...
Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its Place in Modern Society
Traditional African medicines, and the spiritual healers that administer these medicines are an
important part of African society. For many centuries and even millenniums these healers with
there spiritual and naturalistic remedies have been responsible for taking care of the African
world as we know it. Traditional African medicines have been a greater help to all of society and
modern science, but still lie at the root of much controversy over its ability to be a valid healing
tool. Some doctor s and scientist believe that a possible placebo effect may be the root of what
makes these remedies and rituals work; but there is also evidence that... Show more content on
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Becoming a traditional healer requires an intense amount of SBA, an ancient Kemetic word
meaning teaching, learning, wisdom, and study, or overall deep thought(1). In fact, the process
of learning to become a healer consist of a very high level of learning; it is necessary that every
healer be taught properly, in order for him or her to be able to share his knowledge properly with
the forthcoming generation. For the aspiring healer, one must first become a good learner and
listener before one can become a good teacher; the two concepts of teaching and learning are
intertwined, one hand washes the other. Once this level of SBA is reached as a healer, the
whole world is seen in a different light so says Asa G. Hilliard. III. Sounds are heard that no one
can hear, visions that no one else can see are seen by the healer. After his training the healer
walks through the same world every person walks through. But he sees signs others just don t
see. He hears sounds others don t hear. The same tree that just stands there dumbly to everyone,
to the healer its leaves have something to say. The healer learns the meaning of the river s
sound, of the sounds of the forest animals. And when he needs the curing spirit from a plant , if his
eyes are well prepared , he may see from a great distance some small sign of a leaf that is ready
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Nonviolent Resistance Cesar Chavez Summary
Due to the importance of his life and death, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a symbol of justice and
peace. In Cesar Chavez s article published on the tenth anniversary of Dr. King s death, he alludes
to the achievements of King s life of nonviolent actions to argue against violence. Chavez s
comparisons of ideas and words strengthen his argument about nonviolent resistance.
Chavez compares his argument with his opposition s argument of violent resistance. This contrast
makes one argument seem better. The author promotes nonviolent resistance as our means of
achieving justice for our people, which may seem like a lofty task, but not when the other option
brings no honor to any class or community. Blatantly minimizing violence reveals its ... Show more
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This repeated strategy allows the reader to draw the connotation from the words into the arguments.
Chavez promotes this by describing nonviolence with the words such as power, support and justice.
These words have a strong, positive connotation, which is then applied to nonviolence. Giving his
argument the aforementioned strong, positive connotation appeals to the pathos of his readers and
further validates his argument. Chavez proceeds to critique violent resistance in the same way he
validated nonviolence. By including words with negative connotations, such as shortcut,
demoralization, and exploit, violence resistance receives the strong negative connotation these
words have. With the article published in the magazine of a religious organization, Chavez s
audience consisted of religious people devoted to helping those in need. Even when Chavez is
looking to the religious component of nonviolent resistance, he includes comparisons to strengthen
his argument. After Chavez describes human life [a]s a very special possession given by God he
emphasizes that no one has the right to take it for any reason. These opposing positions create a
clear choice for the religious readers to support, which is also Chavez s position. When the text is
examined beyond its surface appearance, the contrasting connotations support the growth of
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Nurse Malpractice
The nursing profession is very challenging and demanding. As a nurse, you must be dedicated,
reliable and trustworthy. When a nurse enters into a critical care unit there is more responsibility
placed on him or her. It is the job of the nurse to uphold professional competence. Failure to do so
may result in malpractice. According to Finkelman and Kenner (2016) malpractice is an act or
continuing conduct of a professional that does not meet the standard of professional competence
and results in provable damages to the patient (p. 185). In order to have a successful lawsuit filed,
there are four criteria that must be met. First, there must have been a nursepatient relationship,
where the nurse provided care. Second, the nurse... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jonathon Lehman on August 19th, 2011. This drip was to be monitor and continued from the
nurses. However, on August 21st when Dr. Lehman examined the patient, the IV drip had been
turned off and was connected to the peripheral catheter. As a result, Mr. Castillo did not receive the
tPa therapy. The MD attempted to implement the tPa therapy again, without success. He was then
discharged from the hospital. On November 1st, 2011, doctors informed the patient he would need
his right leg amputated from the knee down (Garcia, 2014). Mr. Castillo is claiming that due to
the acts and omissions in turning off the catheter and connecting his tPa drip to his peripheral IV
were below the standard of care and were a direct and proximate cause of injury (Garcia, 2014). At
this time, there has not been any comment from the hospital due to pending
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Sherman s Maggots Research Paper
Wound care clinics around the country are giving maggots a try on some of their sickest patients
after high tech treatments fail. It s a therapy quietly championed since the early 1990s by a
California physician who s earned the nickname Dr. Maggot. But Dr. Ronald Sherman s maggots
are getting more attention since, in January, they became the first live animals to win Food and
Drug Administration approval, as a medical device to clean out wounds. A medical device? They
remove the dead tissue that impedes healing mechanically, FDA determined. It s called chewing.
But maggots do more than that, says Sherman, who raises the tiny, worm like fly larvae in a
laboratory at the University of California, Irvine. His research shows that in the mere two to three
days they live in a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In June, FDA also gave its seal of approval to leeches, those bloodsuckers that help plastic
surgeons save severed body parts by removing pooled blood and restoring circulation. And in the
spring, University of Iowa researchers reported early evidence that drinking whipworm eggs, which
causes a temporary, harmless infection, might soothe inflammatory bowel disease by diverting the
overactive immune reaction that causes it. There s a little more yuck factor with maggots. Most
people know of them from TV crime dramas, where infestations of bodies help determine time of
death. Actually, maggots medicinal qualities have long been known. Civil War surgeons noted that
soldiers whose wounds harbored maggots seemed to fare better. In the 1930s, a Johns Hopkins
University surgeon s research sparked routine maggot therapy, until antibiotics came along a decade
later. Today, despite precise surgical techniques to cut out dying tissue, artificial skin and other high
tech treatments, hard to heal wounds remain a huge problem. Diabetic foot ulcers alone strike
about 600,000 people annually and lead to thousands of
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Case Analysis Cisco Essay
BU635 Global Operations and Logistics
Cisco Systems Inc.: The Viking Challenge
Submitted to:
Mr. Dave Swanston
Submitted by:
Vishal Gupta
ID: 125821880
20th March 2013
Executive Summary
Cisco Systems Inc. is a $100 B technology company which provides internet networking solution to
telecommunication and broadband service provider corporations. Cisco is leader in developing the
networking equipment for the industry.
Cisco wants to develop a new generation router Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9000 to satisfy
the growing demands of market for faster and cheaper networking equipment. Cisco realized that to
protect its leadership position in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cisco management added one more layer of complexity to an already very challenging problem by
deciding that manufacturing of ASR9000 router will take place offshore from the inception. This is
first time such a complex product will be developed outside the USA.
This multilayered challenge will not only assess competencies of the Cisco s established NPI
process but also test its capabilities to manage its supply chain and global operations.
2. Analysis
Cisco is undoubtedly a front runner in the very competitive world of networking equipment. To
maintain its leadership position, Cisco needs to develop innovative products and technologies all
the time. By 2007, its two core product categories, routers and switches are responsible for
approximately 65% of the revenue generation for Cisco. Complex networking product like core
router CRS 1 and branding campaign The human network effect helps Cisco to become one of the
biggest companies in the world.
2.1 Why rush?
Cisco anticipates that its new generation product ASR900 will be critical to satisfy the fast
growing needs of global internet market and eventually increase its revenue. This router could be
customized and improved to meet the internet service provider s demands. Hopefully, once fully
developed this router will provide an edge router platform for the next 10 15 years and allow
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Marketing Project of Reckitt Benckiser
Contents 1 History 2 Present Environments and Culture 3 Visions and Mission 4 Employment
Hierarchies 5 Commitments 6 Develop Strategy Marketing Sales Finance Operational
INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY Reckitt Benckiser is a British global consumer goods
company, making and marketing home, health and personal care products. Headquartered in
Slough, near London, UK, it has operations in over 60 countries, including 42 manufacturing
facilities, and sales in nearly 200countries. RB is ranked 6th in the 2008 European Business Week
50, the magazine s annual ranking of the best performing companies within the S amp;P European
350.The company s strategy is to have a highly focused portfolio concentrating on its 17 most
profitable brands, which were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1964 Benckiser develops and launches Calgonit Automatic Dishwashing Detergent and Quanto
Fabric Softener in 1966. 1965 Gaviscon accidentally discovered during scientific research. 1972
Launch of Vanish Stain Removal Bar. 1982 Benckiser continues its expansion into consumer
goods via acquisitions and divestitures and in 1985 acquires St. Marc S.A, France. 1983
Nurofen is the first OTC (over the counter) product to use ibuprofen the first new OTC analgesic
since 1950s. 1985 Reckitt amp; Colman buys Airwick products. 1988 Benckiser purchases Mira
Lanza Spa and Panigal Spa, Italy. 1989 Benckiser acquires S.A. Camp Group, Spain. 1990
Reckitt amp; Colman acquire Boyle Midway, the American household products group with brands
Woolite, Easy Off, Sani Flush, Wizard and Old English. Benckiser acquires worldwide branded
business of Beecham Household Products in US and Canada. 1991 Benckiser begins expansion
into Eastern Europe. 1994 Reckitt amp; Colman acquires Lehn amp; Fink Products, including
Lysol, the famous household disinfectant brand in the USA. 1995 Reckitt amp; Colman sells the
Colman s food business. 1996 Benckiser continues its expansion into the Baltic countries,
Belorussia, China and Israel. 1999 Reckitt amp; Colman and Benckiser merge to become Reckitt
Benckiser The world No.1 in household cleaning. 2000 2000 In November, Reckitt Benckiser
acquires Tiga Roda an Indonesian pest control business. In March, Reckitt Benckiser
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Major General Benedict Arnold Is Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Major General Benedict Arnold is without a shadow of a doubt the most intriguing and infamous
general in American History, perhaps remembered by most as the infamous American traitor. His
bravery, superior tactical skills, greed, need for self preservation, lust, and jealousy all
contributed to him being considered by various sources to be the most heroic and villainous
character in all of American History. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741 in Norwich,
Connecticut. His family fortunes were good for a while, but luck would soon run out and that
fortune was lost. His father wasn t much of an influence in Arnold s life after financial problems
revealed themselves. Despite his family s financial problems, Arnold made it has a very... Show
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The expedition was, however not as successful as his capture of Ticonderoga, and some
historians even believed that it was doomed from the beginning as the trail to Quebec was long
and deadly. Even when Arnold reached Quebec the cold wet weather lead to disease and
discontent within his regiment. Things soon turned for the worse as an intercepted British letter
told of more redcoat reinforcements were on the way. Arnold elected to postpone the attack until
his backup, Colonel Montgomery, showed up. But the trail up to Quebec had not been very nice
to Colonel Montgomery forces who showed up with very low morale and most importantly lower
than expected numbers. Despite this fact, Arnold decided to move ahead with the attack anyways
and on December the 31st, 1775 the battle ensued. The expedition eventually led to a bitter
American defeat. Although the expedition failed, the Americans did manage to sustain as crippling
blocked on Quebec which momentarily secured the colonies northern border. Also Much to Arnold
s delight the news of his bravery followed him home and he was branded an American
Revolutionary hero for his heroic actions in the battle. The leg wound he suffered during the battle
further proved to his comrades and superiors that he is a true believer in the American cause.
Building off his success, Washington, promoted Arnold to major general in May of 1777. Even
with this bitter sweet promotion Arnold felt a little
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The Journey of an Orphan to a Young Woman
The Journey of an Orphan to a Young Woman: Imagination is a companion that will always be
there to ease up moments of despair in life. It gives hope that one day the possessions that the
heart desires will be there not too far from reach, or to believe the cruel circumstances life brings
upon us are instead moments of joy. L.M Montgomery demonstrates this skilfully in her work; Anne
of Green Gables. The novel is about a lonely orphaned girlwhose only friend is her imagination.
Due to her imagination and the support of her new loving family, she grows into a bright and
intelligent young womanwho realizes the potential that life has for her and her tremendously
creative mind. The experiences and expectations that are placed on the... Show more content on
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However these traits were what helped Anne stand out against all the other young behaved girls,
she was different from them and this made her unique. She learned to accept her imperfections and
turn them into talents instead. Identity is what every orphan yearns to have, since not belonging to
anyone steals it away from them. Anne Shirley knew who her parents were, however not being
raised by them she had no identity to be sure of. It was a taint on her that never left her alone. Due
to these circumstances, the journey of Anne Shirley s growth from a loud and obnoxious child to
an elegant and sophisticated young women had many bumps in the road. A situation that portrays
her obnoxious side would be not apologising to Mrs. Lynde and locking herself in the room.
I shall have to stay here forever then, said Anne mournfully, because I can t tell Mrs. Lynde I m
sorry I said those things to her. How can I? I m NOT sorry. I m sorry I ve vexed you; but I m
GLAD I told her just what I did. It was a great satisfaction. I can t say I m sorry when I m not, can
I? I can t even IMAGINE I m sorry. (Montgomery 85)
Although it was her mistake to have such an outburst she still believes what she did was not
wrong, and well deserved on Mrs. Lynde s side. However, on the other hand the way she handles
the accusation of stealing Marilla s amethyst brooch is completely opposite. Although she has not
stolen the brooch, she
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US Supreme Court V. Paramount Pictures
The Paramount decision that occurred in the spring of 1948 was a landmark United States Supreme
Court Decision (National Constitution Center May 3,1948) in which led to the downfall of the
studio system. The case known as the U.S Supreme Court v. Paramount Pictures (Paramount was
just the first studio named in the suit according to Lewis American Films the others named were
RKO, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Loew s MGM, Columbia, Universal and United Artist.)
After ten years of avoiding a showdown with the Justice Department, the studios faced their day in
court. The decision decided on May 3, 1948 ruled against the studios interest. According to Lewis
American Films Justice William O. Douglas who wrote the majority opinion in the Paramount...
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Of those nineteen ten refused to testify which then caused them to be referred to as the
Hollywood Ten . These ten were indicted for contempt of congress and sentenced to brief
imprisonment according to www.britannica.com. The Hollywood ten motion picture producers,
directors and screenwriters, were Alvah Bessie, Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Edward Dmytryk,
Ring Lander Jr., John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Adrian Scott and Dalton
Trumbo. They were subsequently found in contempt of Congress and were given sentences of six
months to one year. The blacklist was an underlying fear of Communism and the influence it had
on society. Furthermore it revealed the distrust of Hollywood and the Jews who the committee
believed owned and operated the movie business. The Blacklist prevented them from ever having
employment in Hollywood, but some chose to write under pseudonyms. As Robert Rich Dalton
Trumbo won an Academy Award for best screenplay for the 1956 movie the Brave One. Over
three hundred writers, directors, producers, and actors were blacklisted from 1947 to 1957. The film
industry utilized the blacklist to break contracts and refusal to pay fees for scripts which led to a
rift between the actors and Hollywood that still rings true
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Applying John Stuart Mill s Utilitarianism Theory
In July 2011, activists shut down a San Francisco subway station as a way of protesting the death
of a man shot by a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police officer. This case was totally against the
utilitarianism s ethical. The principal of utilitarianism state that a person should perform an action
that will produce the most benefit to each person or the most happiness to the greatest number of
people. Happiness in this term is defined as something that is fun but not to be a moral action.
Quinton (1973), for instance, assume an individual who supports utilitarianismas those who agree
that the goodness of an action or behavior is determined by the outcome of the action. Moreover,
utilitarianism is also a basic theory of John Stuart Mill (1806 1873) which describes the concept of
utilitarianism as a principle of utility or happiness. Most to emphasize that something is right or
good conduct in proportion or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Deontological ethics or deontology is the normative ethical position that judges the morality of
an action based on the action s adherence to a rule or rules. It is sometimes described as duty or
obligation or rule based ethics, because rules bind you to your duty (Wikipedia). This theory is
depending only on the action not included the outcome of the action. The reason for me not to
support this theory because as by applying this theory to the protesters, we can see that this
theory just evaluates the action of the protesters, not the effect of having protest by the protesters.
By this theory, the actions of the protesters are considered to be a good and a morality action as
the activist only goal was to uphold the justice. But, what I disagree about this Kant theory is
although the protestors had a good goal, but if the outcome of this case is worse, how can it be a
good and a morality action? Thus, I think this theory not working when applying it to the
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Deborah Blau
Deborah Blau is an intelligent and artistic 16 year old, who also happens to be a troubled
schizophrenic. She is lonely and suffering through illness until she finds solace in an asylum. This
book talks about Deborah s long and challenging journey. The book also tells us about all the
obstacles that her and her family must overcome in order to be happy.
Deborah is notably intelligent and strives to learn all that she can. Growing up, Deborah s school
was not a place of happiness. Both the students and teachers bullied her incessantly. This caused her
to associate education and school with upsetting memories. She eventually gave up on trying to
learn and focused on mainly just making it through school. This all changes when is she is taken
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Analysis Of Who s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf
Analysis Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Edward Albee is a well known American was born in
Virginia, he moved to New York to start his passion of writing plays and he wrote his first play
which is The Zoo story, Albee then started to spend most of his time in the American University
Theater. Albee became famous and received numerous amount of awards. He won awards for
his plays that include Seascape, Three Tall women, and A Delicate Balance, and his play Who s
Afraid Virginia Woolf? was chosen in for 1963 Pulitzer Prize but didn t receive an award at all.
Albee is well known for his dramatic plays, and in Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a story
about a couple, Martha and George, and their dysfunctional relationship.They attended a party
where Martha invites Nick and Honey, and have drinks together at their house at late night. The
couples get drunk and play games but not ordinary games but games that take a whole new turn in
the story. Albee portrays the characteristics of the fundamental aspects of symbolism evident in
the play Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? This is portrayed in the act Fun and Games, where
Martha and George played games with guest Nick whom represents ideal person and the
representation of the guests Nick and Honey represent an ideal person and Martha and George love
/ hate relationship and the representation of their son. In the act Fun
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Thirteen Colonies Benefits
Upon the discovery of new lands by the explorer Christopher Columbus nations raced in order to
claim lands for their countries . Settlements began to pop up all over the newly discovered land,
now known as the United States of America,with settlements belonging to France, Spain, and
England. While Spain and France had settlements they were outside of what is now America.
England on the other hand started the thirteen coloniesthat were the beginning of the United States
of America. The thirteen colonies did not have it easy however, each colony had its own growing
pains to go through in order to establish themselves in the New World.
The first colony was established by Sir Walter Raleigh on Roanoke Island and decided to name the
area Virginia after the Virgin Queen (1). In this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The expeditions original purposes were essentially that of missionaries but upon realization of the
potential of the New World the company quickly focused their attention on profits. In 1607 three
ships sailed down the James River and eventually came to their final destination, the colony of
Jamestown.The Virginia Company of London helped with the expansion of the thirteen colonies
through the Virginia Headright system, a system that lured potential settlers to the colonies through
the promise of land. The colonists suffered through starvation, illness and hostile Indians and over
half of the colonists did not make it through the first few years. Those that did survive , survived
due to the leadership of John Smith.The area of Virginia would become home to the first
government in the colonies,The Virginia House of Burgesses ,as well as to many important
historical moments such as Bacon s Rebellion in 1676. Overall despite the colonies rough start
Jamestown was the first successful permanent british colony in the New
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The Impactages And Disadvantages Of E-Books
A new generation of book which has arrived in this modern era is called electronic book or e
books. An electronic book is a printed book published in digital form that can be viewed by
means of computers, specific gadgets called e reader, and electronic devices such as tablets and
smart phones. We can download e books through the internet for free so it is easy for people to
access e books. E books usually take the form of PDF (Portable Document Format) because PDF
is like a printed document only that it is in an electronic file. In this way, people can read on
screens easily or print it out if they want. Educationalways relates to books, so e books will have a
big impact on education. The rising of this technology gives a new opportunity... Show more
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E books have some problems since they are electronic data, to open it we must have electronic
devices that are able to open e books and it requires a lot of money. Because of that, many
students cannot open e books because they do not have electronic devices to open e books, only
those students who are able to buy it can. Electronic devices need power sources too, so if they
run out of power we cannot open the e books, while text books do not need power sources so we
can open it without worrying about power sources. In other words, unlimited power sources. E
books are also bad for eyes, because we read the e books on a screen; we know it is not good to
look at the screen too long; it will make our eyes tired and damage the eyes, so students should
not read e books for hours. Printed books do not always available in electronic format; then
students cannot just have e books. Printed books are still needed for students. E books have
weird price; a lot of e books price is exactly the same as the printed books. This does not make
sense; publishers do not print it, it costs almost nothing to transport it to schools or stores, and it
can be sent immediately after it is published even when we are far away from the publishers, they
just upload it in the
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Pit And The Pendulum
The Pit and the Pendulum is a short story narrative told by a condemned prisoner during the
period of the Spanish Inquisitions. The story takes place in Toledo, Spain and begins with the
prisoner describing a delirious state in which he sees robed judges presiding over his sentencing.
Prior to the pronounced judgment, he is overtaken by fear and faints. The story continues in vivid
detail, as the prisoner describes over a period of days, through lingering periods of consciousness,
his torturous entrapment.
As the narrative moves forward, the prisoner assumes he s been sentenced to death. He awakens
alone, in absolute blackness, for which he questions whether he is dead or alive. His thoughts
pirouette between abject terror and self imagined ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While examining the tight quarters of his cold and damp surroundings, he feels piercing eyes
fixed upon him. Horror fills his body as he gazes upon large rats entering and exiting the pit of
death. He realizes he is in the same dungeon, but it is much smaller than he had envisioned. As
his eyes slowly adjust to the brightness of the lights, he becomes aware of a noise above him.
Almost immediately, his eyes catch glimpse of the movement of a pendulum. Entranced and
enthralled by its animated rhythm, he watches in both terror and delight as it swings backwards
and forwards. This fascination soon turns to fear as the prisoner realizes a scimitar is attached to
the bottom of the pendulum. A maniacal terror slowly creeps into his thoughts as he imagines
the sounds of the blade first slicing into his robe and then tearing apart his flesh. Time drags by.
He and the rats feast on pungently seasoned meat. The scimitar swings closer and closer, his
death certain, when an idea occurs to him. With only seconds to spare before the sharp blade
devours him, he quickly rubs the meat on the bandages binding his hands and feet. The smell
attracts the rats who rush in and chew the bandages lose. He slides off the wood plank only
seconds before his skin is perforated. Euphoria fills him at his victory over the pendulum of
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Introduction Of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22 May 1772 in Radhanagar, Bengal presidency. Ram Mohan
Roy founded Brahmo Sabha on 1828 which led to Brahmo Samaj an socio religious reform
movement. He was influential in politics, public administration, education and religion.
He was called father of Modern India because of his efforts to abolish sati the hindu tradition where
women were forced to burn herself in the funeral pyre of her husband.
Ram Mohan Roy started his initial education in his village school where he learnt languages like
Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian.
During his early years he was sent to Benares to acquire in depth knowledge in Sanskrit and Hindu
scripture which included Vedas and Upanishads. He was initially sent to Patna when he was nine
He published journals in various languages like English, Hindi ,Persian and Bengali
He published a journal named sambad Kaumudi which was very famous covering various topics
like freedom of press, introducing Indians in high rank of service and separation of executive and
When there was a big clash between press and English company, Ram Mohan built memorials
against this war in 1829 and 1830.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born at Radhanagore in Bengal in 1772 and died in Bristol on
September 27th 1833. Ram Mohan Roy is still remembered for his services and good deed towards
the humanity. Annual Commemoration of Raja Ram Mohan Roy is celebrated by Indian
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Ancient Greek Column Designs
Have the Greeks used imitation in their column design, if so what could the Greeks have imitated to
create the columns? If imitation has effected the design of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
columns, how is this change seen? What relationships can be seen between the human body and the
Ancient Greek columns?
This essay will initially look at the period prior to 620 BC to see if there is any evidence to suggest
that the ancient Greeks may have imitated another civilizations designs to create the three
architectural orders that Vitruvius wrote about in his Ten Books of Architecture. The next part of
this essay will look at each of the three columns to discuss their virtues in relation to proportionality,
structure and visual imitation.
The oldest of the ancient Greek classical orders is the Doric order. The creation of the Doric order
has been traced back to the ancient Greek Dorian tribe. It has been written by Anderson that after
the Dorian tribe took control of the Peloponnesos area of Greece in 1100 BC they then expanded
into every part of Greece kingdom including Crete. This would have given the Dorian s access to
the ruins of the Knossos Palace from the Minoan civilization.
One of the most notable contributions of Minoans was their unique column design. This column
was different to the Greek columns as it was wider at the bottom than the top. It was suggested by
Adams that the columns of Knossos were installed in this direction to ensure the trees didn t take
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The Rights Of Animal Rights
Animal Rights
Animals Rights is a big discussion that has been around for while. Many argue since animals aren
t human, it doesn t matter how they are treated or taken care of. There are others that do care how
our animals are treated and taken care of. Animal rights are rights believed to belong to animals to
live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans. This topic has been
around for a while but has become more absolute (Environmental Encyclopedia, Opposing
Viewpoint). Animal rightsinvolves personal, social, legal, religious, cultural values, belief, and
decisions. This alone causes the viewpoint to vary based on many factors. Add in the many
benefits animals have for humans and the lines are blurred further. Animals should be treated
humanely as they are living breathing beings and are aware of their lives. Animals have similar
levels of biological complexity, they make conscious choices, and they are conscious and aware
they exist.
Animals should have rights because many of them provide companionship for humans. Therapy
dogs are canines that might be trained to provide affection and comfort to people in
hospitals,nursing homes, schools, disaster areas, and people with autism (General SHCS Info).
Farm animals provide services for humans such as producing milk, eggs, and wool. Animals like
horses can be used to pull a plow, wagon, carriage, and can be ridden to go to places. 62% of all
U.S. households more than 72.9 million
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Racism in Native American Mascots
When we are young, we are taught to treat everyone equally. Naturally, as children you learn and
apply and hope that another person does the same. Rights, they are basic and unalienable to all
humans upon entering a foreign or country of citizenship. Fighting for equal treatment to the
prominent race has created history that is left for future activist to involve themselves with past
history, and revive movements. Equal treatment amongst the different cultures is necessary for the
social and political success for this country. As citizens of a country, we expect that the melting pot
of cultures to be civil with one another and the representation of cultures be positive. But what
happens when a native from the North American country is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Having a tumultuous background, the Native American history in itself should be respected, but
there seems to be a nuisance doing so. In the 1830 s, after removal policy failed to prevail, not only
did individual Indians remain, but native communities also struggled over the next century and a
half to carve out a place for themselves in the South (Perdue 3). Native American s were challenged
to find a place in the idealistic society, but their ritualistic culture was not fit for the United States.
Further on, they dealt with poverty, discrimination, and violence against their community. 
history of discrimination against the Native American community has been very controversial. For
over 129 years, discrimination has been widely noticed specifically in the sport community. From
the racial slur of redskins or the identification of the Native American like in the Cleveland Indians
baseball team, Chief Wahoo; the wide range of the identifications towards Native American causes
an uproar in the educated community. In Multicultural Training Intervention To Address American
Indian Stereotypes, Matthew and Jesse Steinfeldt, conducted psychological and qualitative research
to illustrate the damage profiling causes in the Native American community by using other race
examples to put manners in perspective. Redskin is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary
as an offensive slang [word that is used as] a disparaging term for a Native American (Redskin, n.d.)
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Compare and Contrast of the Classical School of Management...
Compare and contrast of the classical school of management and the human relations school of
The classical or traditional approach to management was generally concerned with the structure and
the activities of formal organization. The utmost importance in the achievement of an effective
organization were seen to be the issues such as the establishment of a hierarchy of authority, the
division of work, and the span of control.
The classical management focuses on the efficiency and includes scientific, bureaucratic and
administrative management.
The scientific approach required several major principles in its application to management: 1st
develops a science for each operation to replace opinion and rule of thumb. 2nd ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Offices are highly specialized. Appointments to these offices are made according to specialized
qualifications rather than ascribed criteria. All of these ideal characteristics have one goal, to
promote the efficient attainment of the organization s goals.
Some have seriously misinterpreted Weber and have claimed that he liked bureaucracy, that he
believed that bureaucracy was an ideal organization. Others have pronounced Weber wrong
because bureaucracies do not live up to his list of ideals . Others have even claimed that Weber
invented bureaucratic organization. But Weber described bureaucracy as an ideal type in order to
more accurately describes their growth in power and scope in the modern world. His studies of
bureaucracy still form the core of organizational sociology.
Weber s discussion of authority relations also provides insight into what is happening in the modern
world. Weber distinguished three main types of authority: Traditional authority, Rational legal
authority and Charismatic authority.
Administrative management is a style of management that focuses on principles to be used by
managers to co ordinate the internal activities of the total organization. This theory was developed
by Henri Fayol (1841 1925) to be taught to individuals with administrative responsibilities, which
lead to the five major functions of managerial activities, planning, organizing, commanding,
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Regulatory Bodies of the Education Sector
Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exists to monitor the
legislative framework.
In this essay I plan to define what a regulatory body is, giving examples of the most prominent ones.
I will then highlight the regulatory bodies which are relevant to the education sector which exist to
monitor the legislative framework, with discussion of the role of each and how they affect the
A regulatory agency (also regulatory authority, regulatory body or regulator) is a public authority
or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human
activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity. An independent regulatory agency is a regulatory
agency that is independent from other branches or arms of the government. (Wikipedia)
Regulatory bodies are set up because there are laws and they ensure legislation is implemented.
Some of the most prominent regulatory bodies would be OFSTED, Office for Fair Trading, Food
Standards Agency, Advertising Standards, Financial Conduct Authority, Civil Aviation Authority,
and General Medical Council.
Regulatory bodies relevant to the education section include; Ofsted (Office for Standards in
Education)/ETI (Education and Training Inspectorate in Northern Ireland), Food Standards Agency,
Health and Safety Executive, Department of Education Northern Ireland/Dept for Education,
NICIE (Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education) and
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Themes Of The Princess Bride And Diablo 3 And Billy Budd
In literature, there are many written works which have themes that intermix with one another.
While literature contains many themes, this does not mean that other works do not contain the
same ideas as presented in written works. In the three stories of The Princess Bride , Diablo 3
and Billy Budd Violence and Quests can be seen largely throughout each tale. Violence, while still
having the tradition sense of the word, does not always mean fighting someone or physical attacks.
Violence thematically is the display of aggressive actions verbally, physically, or even aggression
leading to a goal. The other overarching theme in these stories is that of a Quest. Any self realizing
adventure where the protagonist realizes is considered a quest thematically as well as a large set
goal for as seen within the story. The main themes of The Princess Bride, Diablo 3 and Billy Budd
are Quests as well as Violence which show a deep connection on a thematic level.
In The Princess Bride by William Goldman the story starts both as an explanation of the story s
origin as well as where the story should go. Even in this prolog to the story a quest is outlined.
And I realized that I had let control of it go. . . They could change anything they wanted. So I did
something of which I am genuinely proud. I bought the book back from the studio, with my own
money (Goldman xxxv). Even before the story begins a quest was set before the reader. The quest
of a man to have the book he loved
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  • 8. The Object Oriented ( Oo ) Environment And The Strategies... Executive Summary: This research report discusses about the object oriented (OO) environment and the strategies that are used for testing an object oriented environment. The report also lists the tactics and metrics for testing in an object oriented environment. The object oriented approach closely relates the programs to the real world with the help of objects. The popularity of OO approach has increased due to ease of reuse and modular architecture that leads to quality software. Software testing is important to ensure delivery of error free software. Testing an OO program is challenging because of the complexity due to interconnection among the components. Various testing strategies and methods can be followed to test OO software. Apart from the strategies and methods certain metrics need to be considered and used to measure the quality of the projects. Software metrics are proven measures for measuring the development of the software process. OO programs are based on hierarchy of classes and objects. The four pillars, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction can be used to achieve reusability of code. As compared to the conventional software programming, the faults are not found in code, instead are in the interaction of the chunks of codes. Testing of an OO program begins with reviewing the object oriented analysis (OOA) and object oriented design (OOD) models. Variety of Testing strategies such as unit testing, thread based, use based and cluster ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Tokugawa Shoganate Research Paper Essay #3: Write an essay on the Tokugawa shoganate There were other nations besides European ones that were also experiencing economic gains, cultural influence, and societal growth. This nation was Japan, and from 1603 to 1867, this nation was specifically called Tokugawa Japan. Before Tokugawa Japan, there was civil disorder within the lives of the people living there. For example, daimyos, who were feudal state rulers who had owned a vast amount of land and had a major influence on the economy and state affairs of Japan, had to hire private armies to defend their entities (Tignor et al, 505). These private trained armies were known as samurais, and were a distinctive aspect of Tokugawa Japan. This wasn t the only set of problems that Japan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Advantages Of Arranged Marriage General Topic: Arranged Marriage Specific Topic: The advantages of arranged marriage Thesis: The eastern cultural practice of arranged marriage is a very successful method and practice of mate selection Rationale: 1.Why are you interested in this topic area? Why do you want to learn more about this topic area? Explain, giving examples for support. I am very interested in this topic area because I grew up in Srilanka, which is part of the Eastern world, where arranged marriages are very common. Since it is part of my tradition, I was brought up to believe that arranged marriage is the right type of marriage choice as my parents and grandparents also choose this type of marriage style. I am also interested in analyzing about the background information on arranged marriage since I do not know where they have been originated from. Also, it is a very interesting subject since it has so many benefits that people do not know about, which is very interesting in the sense ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, arranged marriage could be the solution to the increasing divorce rates in the western world and as more people choose the arrange marriage method, the divorce rates will decrease in numbers. The research on it be of academic or social benefit to cultural anthropologists in particular, since they would be very interested in analyzing the benefits of arranged marriage and whether it would successful in the long run clearing all the misconceptions, misperceptions, common sense observations, opinions and so forth about arranged marriage. Therefore, the society members can be of sure when choosing the arranged marriage practice due to the immense amount of benefits which are blinded by the enemies of social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Mrs Grier Character Analysis Perception does not change either. Octavia perceives Mrs. Grier as a protector. This is evident first, explicitly: Mrs. Grier is one classy lady. She is tall and big, not fat, but big like she deserves the biggest room or the best plate of food.... But more than just being classy, Mrs. Grier is right.... But I say she is right because she can know the truth from a lie just as soon as she hear it (164). Octavia perceives Mrs. Grier as a protector because of her classiness, which indicates integrity, her stature, and her discernibility of fact from fiction. In a community rife with pandemonium, missing children, and dead children, the ability to discern what is true and what is false is vital. Octavia is cognizant of this, which explains why she frequents Mrs. Grier s classroom, even though she is a former student. This action, implicitly shows why she perceives Mrs. Grier as a protector. First, Octavia visits her after her friend, Rodney, goes missing. Then, Octavia consults with her after learning that her mother wants her to leave Atlanta. When Octavia feels the most helpless, she runs to Mrs. Grier the woman who can help her the most. Perhaps, the role and perception of black female leaders do not change from the private to the public sphere because of fictive kinship. Unlike black male leadership, which depends on blood ties, black female leadership depends on the function more than the fact. Moreover, Mrs. Grier s behavior, which is consistent with that of a matriarch, is just as impactful and rewarding to Octavia, even though she is not the female leader of her household. In fact, black women are commonly absorbed into other households: There was a black lady on Channel Two whom Mama liked to call by her first name and critique on her appearance like she was somebody they actually knew (24). Accordingly, the conflation of black women and motherhood, within the black community, creates an inelasticity among the roles and perceptions they hold in any sphere, domestic or public. Why do Jones and Bambara establish these gendered dynamics? Truthfully, it is more accurate to view these gendered dynamics as reproductions. Jones and Bambara merely reproduce the gendered dynamics that were present in Atlanta from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Alzheimer s Disease Abstract Alzheimer s Disease Zaven A. Ohanian San Joaquin Valley College Abstract This research report will provide a general overview of Alzheimer s disease. This overview will include background and history of the disease dating back to its discovery by Alois Alzheimer in Germany. It will provide in depth information on the anatomy and pathophysiology of the disease, specifically on the roles of beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles and on how they progress; what happens as they progress through the brain. Other topics that will be briefly covered include etiology, epidemiology, treatment, and prognosis. Alzheimer s Disease Background and History Alzheimer s disease is an acquired form of dementia that impairs the cognitive and behavioral functions of the patient. Impairment of these functions severely impacts the individual s capacity to function in social and occupational settings. There is no cure for Alzheimer s disease and its progression is long and steady. Alzheimer s disease was first observed by a German psychiatrist named Alois Alzheimer in 1901. Having been intrigued by the behavior of a patient at the Frankfurt Asylum, 51 year old female Auguste Deter, Alois Alzheimer began monitoring her condition. Dr. Alzheimer observed a number of symptoms including reduced comprehension and memory, aphasia, disorientation, unpredictable behavior, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, and pronounced psychosocial impairment (Maurer, Gerbaldo Volk, 1997). When ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Accident Attorneys Accident attorneys should be the first thing on your mind if you are facing the consequences of an accident. Accidents happen every day in our streets and especially when the traffic is high, that is when all of us need to go to work fast. This is the time that you have also probably noticed that so many car accidentshappen in the drivers near you. There are many times that we think that we were so close ourselves to get involved in an accident. Car accidents happen regardless of being a good and experienced driver or a new one. They can occur even if you have been drivingfor your whole life and you believe you are now off this risk. Especially if you are driving a motorcycle, you should be extra careful. Many drivers don t pay attention... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Accident attorneys are professionals that have spent all their lives studying the law on accidents and preparing to help people that are in need. This means that they are very well trained and that they are here to help you. The idea that people have that attorneys want money is wrong. They are your best friend and want to assist you in these situations. If you are involved in an accident, you should know that there are a lot of bills you will have to pay. These costs are certainly not easy to handle and chances are you weren t expecting them. Accident attorneys are your way out here. They can provide you with all the information you need to make the best choices for your claims. You can also get estimation on the amount you can claim according to the accident. Moreover, if you are going to hire an accident attorney you should know that you will not have to pay him until the case is over. This way, you will not add any costs in your budget and the payment will come according to your earnings. Feel free to visit a site that can give you further information. You should also know that many times the amount people win in these trials is bigger than expected. So make your call to an accident ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Aegis Amber Robertson Summary Robertson, Amber. Women s Agency as Represented in Various Works of Medieval Literature. Aegis: Otterbein Humanities Journal, vol. 10, 2005. Robertson discusses the representation of women in the Lais of de France and how they were constructed around the feudal society and were meant to represent the female agency. Robertson goes on to explain the feudal society and how it is a social ladder where everyone gets their opinions from who is on the very top this being the Church and the aristocracy (Robertson 68). Robertson makes the point that these are two facets that are least acquainted with women. Robertson notes that medieval people also elevated the status of women at the same time as decimating it. Women ladies were compared to the Virgin Mary, who represents all things a woman should be: chaste, delicate, beautiful, modest, and so on. Marie de France wrote her lais so they could be enjoyed by both men and women, but she did explore the gender inequalities that existed in her time and still exist today! This source compares to another one I have mentioned. Both Amber Robertson and Elizabeth Robertson reference Greek philosophy and the view that women were considered inferior because of the bodies they exist in. The male form was the finer one, women s bodies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McLoone asserts that supernatural worlds in medieval literature are meant to represent certain facets of real life and how it is a literary device that can be used to criticize aspects of the real world. McLoone also points out the different ending for Guinevere in the two versions of Lanval. In de France s version, Guinevere is humiliated in front of the court but not punished. We hear nothing of her after that. In Thomas Chestre s version, Guinevere is blinded by the end. In this text, the fairy lady has the status of a king and she can grant gifts where King Arthur failed to do so when he forgot about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Case Study Of Kellogg The companies in the industry of cereal are make ready to serve cereal and packaged cereal such as farinas and oatmeal that is must cooked before eaten , The companies provided the products that is ready to eat , just put milk or water with this cereal and eaten , its include corn flakes that is the most popular breakfast , mixed grains , wheat and oats ,It s also include hot cereal , rolled oats and infant cereal . Major companies in this industry include such as Kellogg s company Kellogg is the world leading producer of cereal and convenience foods , its including toaster pastries , crackers , cookies , fruit flavored snacks , frozen waffles , cereal bars and veggie foods . Kellogg manufacturing their products in 18 countries and marketed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... there are also problems in many different aspects of their operations like : the location of the Kellogg , that Kellogg must be near to customers and distributions channels so products can reach shelves quickly , also there is problems in size and scale of factories that must be large with adequate equipment , they also need to accommodate the frequent delivery of incoming materials and outgoing finished goods , Kellogg can improve their environmental performance by reducing : use of water during production , levels of packaging to consumers , impact of transportation , energy use during productions and waste to landfill . So Kellogg is a large company that produce the product of cereal to provide to their customers the ready to eat foods such as corn flakes , wheat and oats . Kellogg use operation of supply chain management to produce their products effectively and to deliver it by the retailer like supermarket to deliver it to the final customers , Kellogg have several problems the can be solve it by increasing their performance effectively ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Pros And Cons Of Tragedy Donation Introduction A charitable donation refers to a gift made by an organization or an individual to a private foundation, charity or non profit organization. The U.S has allowed deduction on income tax to individual and corporate donors for their charitable donations since 1917 (Colinvaux Dale, 2015). Often, these donations represent the main source of funding for most of the nonprofit and charitable organizations. In most countries, a charitable donation made to any of the qualifying organization entitles one to an income taxdeduction. Organizations that do not qualify as charitable are considered for profit and are taxed accordingly to that effect. The Charitable Contributions Deduction entitles taxpayers to a tax deduction for the financial year in which they made their donations. The aim of this essay is to compare between the taxationof donations made to a charitable organizationby a corporation and that made by an individual. Comparison of charitable contributions by a corporation versus and individual Individual shareholders in a private company should compare whether they will realize higher tax benefits by personally donating to charitable organizations or by donating through their corporation. A corporation qualifies for similar charitable deductions that apply to individuals (Bank, 2017). The general rule for allowance of deduction for individual and corporate charitable donations is that any charitable donation (as defined in U.S Code (U.S.C) section 170 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Hot Summer Love Amidst The Flame Johnson 1 DeShawn Johnson English 101 Little Scarlet March 29, 2016 Hot Summer Love amidst the Flame Little Scarlet a Walter Mosley adventure brought to us through the eye s Ezekiel aka Easy Rawlins, takes us to the time during the Watts riot of 1965. Easy Rawlins is a private investigator who is sought out by LAPD Detective Melvin Suggs to solve the murder of an African American women Nola Payne. Easy is hesitant at first to act upon the request. Detective Suggs explains with the current dynamic of the city it would be almost impossible to get any leads, and worst they didn t need another riot to break out. During the investigation Easy introduce us to many characters who would assist in him in his new expedition to catch a killer. Raymond Alexander better known as Mouse is a street killer who is feared by many in South Central Los Angeles. Mouse is one of Easy Rawlins friends who migrated from Texas and is married to Etta Mae Harris. The heartless gangster loved women as much as he loved money. He would soon have to make a decision about one of his love interest. Mouse is short, with dark caramel complex and light gray eyes. Easy describes Mouse as a born gangster who has killing in his blood [cited 54]. Mouse and Easy are from different backgrounds, Easy being an ex war veteran and Mouse a street hustler who makes his money anyway he can. Easy knows he can call on Mouse anytime because they are more like brothers than friends. Easy hits the street of Watts to find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Homeless Shelters, A Lack Of Resources Essay Thirty two percent of families facing homelessness were rejected by homeless shelters because of a lack of resources (Gerges 19). If city officials don t formulate concise response plans, homeless shelters won t be able to accommodate the influx of people without access to other shelters. Some of these people are forced to stay in the cold or other harsh weather conditions. As a result, numerous homeless people suffer from conditions like frostbite and hypothermia during the winter due to the lack of precautions and treatment in addition to the lack of shelter. Most homeless people are dependent on their resident city s shelter system to protect themselves from severe weather conditions. Reducing homeless deaths caused by harsh though primarily cold weather conditions can be solved by moving the homeless out of the street into either temporary shelter programs using spare storage units and trailers for emergency circumstances or a permanent housing initiative. In 2014, nearly 600,000 578,424В to be exact homeless people live in the United States; about a third of this population doesn t have access to shelter. This third of the populace suffer the most when areas across the nation even the warmer areas in California and Florida experience wind chills and temperature drops. According to Rebecca Sturgis and Neil Denovan of the National Coalition for the Homeless, 700 people at risk or are experiencing homelessnessare killed by hypothermia in the United States, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Organization On The Industrial Landscape Of India CHAPTER 1 : ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION 1. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The advent of JK organization on the industrial landscape of India almost synchronizes with the beginning of an era of industrial awareness an endeavor for self reliance and the setting up of a dynamic Indian industry. This was way back in the middle of the 19th century, and the rest that followed is history. Excellence comes not from mere words or procedures. It comes from an urge to strive and deliver the best. A mindset that says, when it is good enough, improve it. It is a way of thinking that comes only from a power within. Jk tyre is an Automotive Tyre, Tubes and Flaps manufacturing company based in Delhi, India. The name JK is derived from the initials of Kamlapatji (1884 1937) and his father Seth Juggilal (1857 1922). It is the Radial tire Leader in India and is the only tyre manufacturer offering the entire range of 4 wheeler radials for Trucks, Buses and Cars. JK Tyre has a worldwide customer base in over 80 countries across all 6 continents. It is a part of J. K. Organisation group of Companies. JK Tyre acquired Mexican tyre major Tornel in 2008. 1.1 Core Values: JK organization has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of India. It always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of countrymen and to provide high quality products. It has striven to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Literature and Language Chapter 9 Language and Literature There is a very close relationship between language and literature. The part of linguistics that studies the language of literature is termed LITERARY STYLISTICS. It focuses on the study of linguistic features related to literary style. 9.1 Theoretical background Our pursuit of style, the most elusive and fascinating phenomenon, has been enhanced by the constant studies of generations of scholars, Style , the phenomenon, has been recognized since the days of ancient rhetoric; stylistic , the adjective, has been with us since 1860; stylistics , the field, is perhaps the creation of bibliographers. (Dolores Burton, 1990) Helmut Hatzfeld was the first biographer of stylistics and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this section, we shall briefly discuss the grammatical and semantic aspects. 9.2.1 Foregrounding and grammatical form Consider the following examples, both of which describe inner city decay in the U.S. The first is from the Observer (29 November 1995) : ex.9 1 The 1960 dream of high rise living soon turned into a nightmare. In this sentence, there is nothing grammatically unusual or deviant in the way the words of the sentence are put together. However, in the following verse from a poem, the grammatical structure seems to be much more challenging, and makes more demands on our interpretative processing of these lines: ex.9 2 Four storeys have no windows left to smash But in the fifth a chipped sill buttresses Mother and daughter the last mistresses Of that black block condemmed to stand, not crash. The sentence in line 2 of this verse that starts with But in the fifth is unusual in that the predicate of the sentence is made up of a sequence of embedded elements, as we can see if we write them out in a full form: A chipped sill buttresses mother and daughter who are the last mistresses of that black block which is condemned to stand, not crash. Furthermore, the main verb in this sentence is buttress. This word can be either a noun or a verb, but we would argue that it is more likely to occur as a noun in less literary contexes. In literary texts, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Short Story Of A True American It is a great thing to be an American. You can do things you never thought were possible. Matt was a true American. Long grew up in Vietnam, Matt grew up in America. He was a brave, excited, and accepting child. When he was eight, he left behind his life. Only one day after the crash of the C 5A, Long was interviewed about going to America. He answered with anticipation especially the last question when he replied, I am so happy to see you...At the airport! Hours later, he bravely clambered into a new life. After, some time waiting, lift off occured and the huge 747 jet hurtled hundreds of children into a new life. Long soon got bored, and he stared at his precious picture of his new American family. True to his word, Matt was glad to see ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How Did Ww1 Affect Australian Society World War 1 was the first war that involved the majority of the world including Australia. It ran from 1914 to 1918 and was held in various places spread across Europe. Over 60,000 Australians lost their lives which was over 1 percent of the population at this time. As you can imagine, this had a tremendous impact on the home front. The war did contributed a variety of positive and negative influences to the civilian population of Australia. The main aspects that received dramatic changes due to World War 1 were the roles of women, political issues and the Australian economy. The War, did not only effect men fighting, but also the roles of women on the home front. As most men on farms and factories were taken by the Australian Imperial Force,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conscription is the idea of compulsory enlistment for a state service, typically into the armed forces. The controversy between pro and anti conscription divided the Australian population during the course of the war. Conscription was mainly supported by those who had never stepped foot near a battlefield. Propaganda played a large role in pressuring men into enlisting. An example of where propaganda pressured men into volunteering for the Australian Imperial Force, is Appendix 1. The motive of this poster is successful as it implies that fathers would be shameful to ignore the plight of women as well as, promoting a sense of guilt. Anti conscription propaganda also depicted or appealed to women. For instance, anti conscriptionists would call a vote for conscription, a blood vote, reminding women they were possibly sending men to their deaths. This strategy of manipulating people s emotions proved to work as in Dec 1917, the 2nd referendum on conscription rejected it. This debate influenced the entirety of Australian society as citizens were bombarded with propaganda and the opinions of others. At the beginning of the war the Federal Government gained great jurisdiction through the War Precautions Act. This was was introduced as commonwealth would need to increase its authority to prosecute war effectively. Along with this, the Constitution was also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Pros And Cons Of Being A Mechanic If you re a mechanic, I m sure I don t need to tell you that you are in one of the most high pressure areas of the trades industry. I mean, tradespeople generally have pretty stressful jobs, but few have more responsibility to their customers than a mechanic. When somebody leaves their car with you, they are not just trusting you with their automobile. They re trusting you with their ability to get to work and their freedom to see the world. Without their car, they may lose their livelihood, miss their kid s soccer games, and be forced to rely on often late, always grimey public transportation. Because your customers depend so much on their cars to lead a successful life, you owe it to them to use only the finest tools while on the job. You... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most will offer 20 heads or so, which is fine for a hobbyist, but simply doesn t grant the versatility needed to make a living off your craft. With the Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling and Driving Kit, you can be sure that you will be able to complete every job that comes through your door. Features A balanced selection of power bits and insert bits A selection of flat, torx, and Phillips driving bits Folding case with built in storage compartment Pros I think the most obvious pro of purchasing this Craftsman product or, indeed, any Craftsman product is that you receive a set of tools manufactured by the best in the business. You can purchase this 100 piece drilling and driving kit safe in the knowledge that it will last you for years. Generally selling for less than $20, the Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling and Driving Kit is a great option for young mechanics who need to accumulate tools but don t have a large budget. The drill bits featured in this kit are suitable for use on metal, wood, and plastic. Cons The Craftsman 100 Piece Drilling and Driving Kit does not, in fact, contain 100 unique tools. A significant portion of the promised 100 pieces is made up of duplicates and slight variations. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Kiowa Warrior Evolution Evolution of the Kiowa Warrior The U.S. Army has always recognized the need for an aerial scout helicopter, however following the Vietnam War, the Army slowly realized a need to also arm its aerial scouts. The following development lasted over 30 years and encompassed the A to F models. The OH 58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter began development in 1962 under the Army s Light Observation Helicopter program. Originally designed as the D250 by Bell Helicopter, it was selected by the Army and subsequently designated the YHO 4A. Bell later produced five prototype aircraft for testing and evaluation by the U.S. Army. Although, the YHO 4A did not win the original competition, it was redesigned by Bell for the civilian market and designated the Model 206A... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Kiowa s limitations had a definitive effect on its development and subsequent attempts to replace the airframe, however, while well known, the practical expertise of the aircrews allowed it to operate in harshest helicopter environments the Army has experienced. This expertise and adaptability of not only the aircrew, but the airframe as well, allowed for the OH 58D to not only maintain but also increase its effectiveness from the jungles of Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, the deserts of Iraq, and the mountainous regions of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its... Methods and Myths of Traditional African Medicines and its Place in Modern Society Traditional African medicines, and the spiritual healers that administer these medicines are an important part of African society. For many centuries and even millenniums these healers with there spiritual and naturalistic remedies have been responsible for taking care of the African world as we know it. Traditional African medicines have been a greater help to all of society and modern science, but still lie at the root of much controversy over its ability to be a valid healing tool. Some doctor s and scientist believe that a possible placebo effect may be the root of what makes these remedies and rituals work; but there is also evidence that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Becoming a traditional healer requires an intense amount of SBA, an ancient Kemetic word meaning teaching, learning, wisdom, and study, or overall deep thought(1). In fact, the process of learning to become a healer consist of a very high level of learning; it is necessary that every healer be taught properly, in order for him or her to be able to share his knowledge properly with the forthcoming generation. For the aspiring healer, one must first become a good learner and listener before one can become a good teacher; the two concepts of teaching and learning are intertwined, one hand washes the other. Once this level of SBA is reached as a healer, the whole world is seen in a different light so says Asa G. Hilliard. III. Sounds are heard that no one can hear, visions that no one else can see are seen by the healer. After his training the healer walks through the same world every person walks through. But he sees signs others just don t see. He hears sounds others don t hear. The same tree that just stands there dumbly to everyone, to the healer its leaves have something to say. The healer learns the meaning of the river s sound, of the sounds of the forest animals. And when he needs the curing spirit from a plant , if his eyes are well prepared , he may see from a great distance some small sign of a leaf that is ready ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Nonviolent Resistance Cesar Chavez Summary Due to the importance of his life and death, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a symbol of justice and peace. In Cesar Chavez s article published on the tenth anniversary of Dr. King s death, he alludes to the achievements of King s life of nonviolent actions to argue against violence. Chavez s comparisons of ideas and words strengthen his argument about nonviolent resistance. Chavez compares his argument with his opposition s argument of violent resistance. This contrast makes one argument seem better. The author promotes nonviolent resistance as our means of achieving justice for our people, which may seem like a lofty task, but not when the other option brings no honor to any class or community. Blatantly minimizing violence reveals its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This repeated strategy allows the reader to draw the connotation from the words into the arguments. Chavez promotes this by describing nonviolence with the words such as power, support and justice. These words have a strong, positive connotation, which is then applied to nonviolence. Giving his argument the aforementioned strong, positive connotation appeals to the pathos of his readers and further validates his argument. Chavez proceeds to critique violent resistance in the same way he validated nonviolence. By including words with negative connotations, such as shortcut, demoralization, and exploit, violence resistance receives the strong negative connotation these words have. With the article published in the magazine of a religious organization, Chavez s audience consisted of religious people devoted to helping those in need. Even when Chavez is looking to the religious component of nonviolent resistance, he includes comparisons to strengthen his argument. After Chavez describes human life [a]s a very special possession given by God he emphasizes that no one has the right to take it for any reason. These opposing positions create a clear choice for the religious readers to support, which is also Chavez s position. When the text is examined beyond its surface appearance, the contrasting connotations support the growth of nonviolent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Nurse Malpractice The nursing profession is very challenging and demanding. As a nurse, you must be dedicated, reliable and trustworthy. When a nurse enters into a critical care unit there is more responsibility placed on him or her. It is the job of the nurse to uphold professional competence. Failure to do so may result in malpractice. According to Finkelman and Kenner (2016) malpractice is an act or continuing conduct of a professional that does not meet the standard of professional competence and results in provable damages to the patient (p. 185). In order to have a successful lawsuit filed, there are four criteria that must be met. First, there must have been a nursepatient relationship, where the nurse provided care. Second, the nurse... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jonathon Lehman on August 19th, 2011. This drip was to be monitor and continued from the nurses. However, on August 21st when Dr. Lehman examined the patient, the IV drip had been turned off and was connected to the peripheral catheter. As a result, Mr. Castillo did not receive the tPa therapy. The MD attempted to implement the tPa therapy again, without success. He was then discharged from the hospital. On November 1st, 2011, doctors informed the patient he would need his right leg amputated from the knee down (Garcia, 2014). Mr. Castillo is claiming that due to the acts and omissions in turning off the catheter and connecting his tPa drip to his peripheral IV were below the standard of care and were a direct and proximate cause of injury (Garcia, 2014). At this time, there has not been any comment from the hospital due to pending ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Sherman s Maggots Research Paper Wound care clinics around the country are giving maggots a try on some of their sickest patients after high tech treatments fail. It s a therapy quietly championed since the early 1990s by a California physician who s earned the nickname Dr. Maggot. But Dr. Ronald Sherman s maggots are getting more attention since, in January, they became the first live animals to win Food and Drug Administration approval, as a medical device to clean out wounds. A medical device? They remove the dead tissue that impedes healing mechanically, FDA determined. It s called chewing. But maggots do more than that, says Sherman, who raises the tiny, worm like fly larvae in a laboratory at the University of California, Irvine. His research shows that in the mere two to three days they live in a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In June, FDA also gave its seal of approval to leeches, those bloodsuckers that help plastic surgeons save severed body parts by removing pooled blood and restoring circulation. And in the spring, University of Iowa researchers reported early evidence that drinking whipworm eggs, which causes a temporary, harmless infection, might soothe inflammatory bowel disease by diverting the overactive immune reaction that causes it. There s a little more yuck factor with maggots. Most people know of them from TV crime dramas, where infestations of bodies help determine time of death. Actually, maggots medicinal qualities have long been known. Civil War surgeons noted that soldiers whose wounds harbored maggots seemed to fare better. In the 1930s, a Johns Hopkins University surgeon s research sparked routine maggot therapy, until antibiotics came along a decade later. Today, despite precise surgical techniques to cut out dying tissue, artificial skin and other high tech treatments, hard to heal wounds remain a huge problem. Diabetic foot ulcers alone strike about 600,000 people annually and lead to thousands of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Case Analysis Cisco Essay [pic] BU635 Global Operations and Logistics INDIVIDUAL CASE REPORT Cisco Systems Inc.: The Viking Challenge Submitted to: Mr. Dave Swanston Submitted by: Vishal Gupta ID: 125821880 20th March 2013 Executive Summary Cisco Systems Inc. is a $100 B technology company which provides internet networking solution to telecommunication and broadband service provider corporations. Cisco is leader in developing the networking equipment for the industry. Cisco wants to develop a new generation router Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9000 to satisfy the growing demands of market for faster and cheaper networking equipment. Cisco realized that to protect its leadership position in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cisco management added one more layer of complexity to an already very challenging problem by deciding that manufacturing of ASR9000 router will take place offshore from the inception. This is first time such a complex product will be developed outside the USA. This multilayered challenge will not only assess competencies of the Cisco s established NPI process but also test its capabilities to manage its supply chain and global operations. 2. Analysis Cisco is undoubtedly a front runner in the very competitive world of networking equipment. To maintain its leadership position, Cisco needs to develop innovative products and technologies all the time. By 2007, its two core product categories, routers and switches are responsible for
  • 30. approximately 65% of the revenue generation for Cisco. Complex networking product like core router CRS 1 and branding campaign The human network effect helps Cisco to become one of the biggest companies in the world. 2.1 Why rush? Cisco anticipates that its new generation product ASR900 will be critical to satisfy the fast growing needs of global internet market and eventually increase its revenue. This router could be customized and improved to meet the internet service provider s demands. Hopefully, once fully developed this router will provide an edge router platform for the next 10 15 years and allow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Marketing Project of Reckitt Benckiser Contents 1 History 2 Present Environments and Culture 3 Visions and Mission 4 Employment Hierarchies 5 Commitments 6 Develop Strategy Marketing Sales Finance Operational INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY Reckitt Benckiser is a British global consumer goods company, making and marketing home, health and personal care products. Headquartered in Slough, near London, UK, it has operations in over 60 countries, including 42 manufacturing facilities, and sales in nearly 200countries. RB is ranked 6th in the 2008 European Business Week 50, the magazine s annual ranking of the best performing companies within the S amp;P European 350.The company s strategy is to have a highly focused portfolio concentrating on its 17 most profitable brands, which were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1964 Benckiser develops and launches Calgonit Automatic Dishwashing Detergent and Quanto Fabric Softener in 1966. 1965 Gaviscon accidentally discovered during scientific research. 1972 Launch of Vanish Stain Removal Bar. 1982 Benckiser continues its expansion into consumer goods via acquisitions and divestitures and in 1985 acquires St. Marc S.A, France. 1983 Nurofen is the first OTC (over the counter) product to use ibuprofen the first new OTC analgesic since 1950s. 1985 Reckitt amp; Colman buys Airwick products. 1988 Benckiser purchases Mira Lanza Spa and Panigal Spa, Italy. 1989 Benckiser acquires S.A. Camp Group, Spain. 1990 Reckitt amp; Colman acquire Boyle Midway, the American household products group with brands Woolite, Easy Off, Sani Flush, Wizard and Old English. Benckiser acquires worldwide branded business of Beecham Household Products in US and Canada. 1991 Benckiser begins expansion into Eastern Europe. 1994 Reckitt amp; Colman acquires Lehn amp; Fink Products, including Lysol, the famous household disinfectant brand in the USA. 1995 Reckitt amp; Colman sells the Colman s food business. 1996 Benckiser continues its expansion into the Baltic countries, Belorussia, China and Israel. 1999 Reckitt amp; Colman and Benckiser merge to become Reckitt Benckiser The world No.1 in household cleaning. 2000 2000 In November, Reckitt Benckiser acquires Tiga Roda an Indonesian pest control business. In March, Reckitt Benckiser ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Major General Benedict Arnold Is Without A Shadow Of A Doubt Major General Benedict Arnold is without a shadow of a doubt the most intriguing and infamous general in American History, perhaps remembered by most as the infamous American traitor. His bravery, superior tactical skills, greed, need for self preservation, lust, and jealousy all contributed to him being considered by various sources to be the most heroic and villainous character in all of American History. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741 in Norwich, Connecticut. His family fortunes were good for a while, but luck would soon run out and that fortune was lost. His father wasn t much of an influence in Arnold s life after financial problems revealed themselves. Despite his family s financial problems, Arnold made it has a very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The expedition was, however not as successful as his capture of Ticonderoga, and some historians even believed that it was doomed from the beginning as the trail to Quebec was long and deadly. Even when Arnold reached Quebec the cold wet weather lead to disease and discontent within his regiment. Things soon turned for the worse as an intercepted British letter told of more redcoat reinforcements were on the way. Arnold elected to postpone the attack until his backup, Colonel Montgomery, showed up. But the trail up to Quebec had not been very nice to Colonel Montgomery forces who showed up with very low morale and most importantly lower than expected numbers. Despite this fact, Arnold decided to move ahead with the attack anyways and on December the 31st, 1775 the battle ensued. The expedition eventually led to a bitter American defeat. Although the expedition failed, the Americans did manage to sustain as crippling blocked on Quebec which momentarily secured the colonies northern border. Also Much to Arnold s delight the news of his bravery followed him home and he was branded an American Revolutionary hero for his heroic actions in the battle. The leg wound he suffered during the battle further proved to his comrades and superiors that he is a true believer in the American cause. Building off his success, Washington, promoted Arnold to major general in May of 1777. Even with this bitter sweet promotion Arnold felt a little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Journey of an Orphan to a Young Woman The Journey of an Orphan to a Young Woman: Imagination is a companion that will always be there to ease up moments of despair in life. It gives hope that one day the possessions that the heart desires will be there not too far from reach, or to believe the cruel circumstances life brings upon us are instead moments of joy. L.M Montgomery demonstrates this skilfully in her work; Anne of Green Gables. The novel is about a lonely orphaned girlwhose only friend is her imagination. Due to her imagination and the support of her new loving family, she grows into a bright and intelligent young womanwho realizes the potential that life has for her and her tremendously creative mind. The experiences and expectations that are placed on the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However these traits were what helped Anne stand out against all the other young behaved girls, she was different from them and this made her unique. She learned to accept her imperfections and turn them into talents instead. Identity is what every orphan yearns to have, since not belonging to anyone steals it away from them. Anne Shirley knew who her parents were, however not being raised by them she had no identity to be sure of. It was a taint on her that never left her alone. Due to these circumstances, the journey of Anne Shirley s growth from a loud and obnoxious child to an elegant and sophisticated young women had many bumps in the road. A situation that portrays her obnoxious side would be not apologising to Mrs. Lynde and locking herself in the room. I shall have to stay here forever then, said Anne mournfully, because I can t tell Mrs. Lynde I m sorry I said those things to her. How can I? I m NOT sorry. I m sorry I ve vexed you; but I m GLAD I told her just what I did. It was a great satisfaction. I can t say I m sorry when I m not, can I? I can t even IMAGINE I m sorry. (Montgomery 85) Although it was her mistake to have such an outburst she still believes what she did was not wrong, and well deserved on Mrs. Lynde s side. However, on the other hand the way she handles the accusation of stealing Marilla s amethyst brooch is completely opposite. Although she has not stolen the brooch, she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. US Supreme Court V. Paramount Pictures The Paramount decision that occurred in the spring of 1948 was a landmark United States Supreme Court Decision (National Constitution Center May 3,1948) in which led to the downfall of the studio system. The case known as the U.S Supreme Court v. Paramount Pictures (Paramount was just the first studio named in the suit according to Lewis American Films the others named were RKO, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Loew s MGM, Columbia, Universal and United Artist.) After ten years of avoiding a showdown with the Justice Department, the studios faced their day in court. The decision decided on May 3, 1948 ruled against the studios interest. According to Lewis American Films Justice William O. Douglas who wrote the majority opinion in the Paramount... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Of those nineteen ten refused to testify which then caused them to be referred to as the Hollywood Ten . These ten were indicted for contempt of congress and sentenced to brief imprisonment according to www.britannica.com. The Hollywood ten motion picture producers, directors and screenwriters, were Alvah Bessie, Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Edward Dmytryk, Ring Lander Jr., John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Adrian Scott and Dalton Trumbo. They were subsequently found in contempt of Congress and were given sentences of six months to one year. The blacklist was an underlying fear of Communism and the influence it had on society. Furthermore it revealed the distrust of Hollywood and the Jews who the committee believed owned and operated the movie business. The Blacklist prevented them from ever having employment in Hollywood, but some chose to write under pseudonyms. As Robert Rich Dalton Trumbo won an Academy Award for best screenplay for the 1956 movie the Brave One. Over three hundred writers, directors, producers, and actors were blacklisted from 1947 to 1957. The film industry utilized the blacklist to break contracts and refusal to pay fees for scripts which led to a rift between the actors and Hollywood that still rings true ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Applying John Stuart Mill s Utilitarianism Theory In July 2011, activists shut down a San Francisco subway station as a way of protesting the death of a man shot by a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police officer. This case was totally against the utilitarianism s ethical. The principal of utilitarianism state that a person should perform an action that will produce the most benefit to each person or the most happiness to the greatest number of people. Happiness in this term is defined as something that is fun but not to be a moral action. Quinton (1973), for instance, assume an individual who supports utilitarianismas those who agree that the goodness of an action or behavior is determined by the outcome of the action. Moreover, utilitarianism is also a basic theory of John Stuart Mill (1806 1873) which describes the concept of utilitarianism as a principle of utility or happiness. Most to emphasize that something is right or good conduct in proportion or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Deontological ethics or deontology is the normative ethical position that judges the morality of an action based on the action s adherence to a rule or rules. It is sometimes described as duty or obligation or rule based ethics, because rules bind you to your duty (Wikipedia). This theory is depending only on the action not included the outcome of the action. The reason for me not to support this theory because as by applying this theory to the protesters, we can see that this theory just evaluates the action of the protesters, not the effect of having protest by the protesters. By this theory, the actions of the protesters are considered to be a good and a morality action as the activist only goal was to uphold the justice. But, what I disagree about this Kant theory is although the protestors had a good goal, but if the outcome of this case is worse, how can it be a good and a morality action? Thus, I think this theory not working when applying it to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Deborah Blau Deborah Blau is an intelligent and artistic 16 year old, who also happens to be a troubled schizophrenic. She is lonely and suffering through illness until she finds solace in an asylum. This book talks about Deborah s long and challenging journey. The book also tells us about all the obstacles that her and her family must overcome in order to be happy. Deborah is notably intelligent and strives to learn all that she can. Growing up, Deborah s school was not a place of happiness. Both the students and teachers bullied her incessantly. This caused her to associate education and school with upsetting memories. She eventually gave up on trying to learn and focused on mainly just making it through school. This all changes when is she is taken ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Analysis Of Who s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf Analysis Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Edward Albee is a well known American was born in Virginia, he moved to New York to start his passion of writing plays and he wrote his first play which is The Zoo story, Albee then started to spend most of his time in the American University Theater. Albee became famous and received numerous amount of awards. He won awards for his plays that include Seascape, Three Tall women, and A Delicate Balance, and his play Who s Afraid Virginia Woolf? was chosen in for 1963 Pulitzer Prize but didn t receive an award at all. Albee is well known for his dramatic plays, and in Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a story about a couple, Martha and George, and their dysfunctional relationship.They attended a party where Martha invites Nick and Honey, and have drinks together at their house at late night. The couples get drunk and play games but not ordinary games but games that take a whole new turn in the story. Albee portrays the characteristics of the fundamental aspects of symbolism evident in the play Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? This is portrayed in the act Fun and Games, where Martha and George played games with guest Nick whom represents ideal person and the representation of the guests Nick and Honey represent an ideal person and Martha and George love / hate relationship and the representation of their son. In the act Fun ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Thirteen Colonies Benefits Upon the discovery of new lands by the explorer Christopher Columbus nations raced in order to claim lands for their countries . Settlements began to pop up all over the newly discovered land, now known as the United States of America,with settlements belonging to France, Spain, and England. While Spain and France had settlements they were outside of what is now America. England on the other hand started the thirteen coloniesthat were the beginning of the United States of America. The thirteen colonies did not have it easy however, each colony had its own growing pains to go through in order to establish themselves in the New World. The first colony was established by Sir Walter Raleigh on Roanoke Island and decided to name the area Virginia after the Virgin Queen (1). In this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The expeditions original purposes were essentially that of missionaries but upon realization of the potential of the New World the company quickly focused their attention on profits. In 1607 three ships sailed down the James River and eventually came to their final destination, the colony of Jamestown.The Virginia Company of London helped with the expansion of the thirteen colonies through the Virginia Headright system, a system that lured potential settlers to the colonies through the promise of land. The colonists suffered through starvation, illness and hostile Indians and over half of the colonists did not make it through the first few years. Those that did survive , survived due to the leadership of John Smith.The area of Virginia would become home to the first government in the colonies,The Virginia House of Burgesses ,as well as to many important historical moments such as Bacon s Rebellion in 1676. Overall despite the colonies rough start Jamestown was the first successful permanent british colony in the New ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Impactages And Disadvantages Of E-Books A new generation of book which has arrived in this modern era is called electronic book or e books. An electronic book is a printed book published in digital form that can be viewed by means of computers, specific gadgets called e reader, and electronic devices such as tablets and smart phones. We can download e books through the internet for free so it is easy for people to access e books. E books usually take the form of PDF (Portable Document Format) because PDF is like a printed document only that it is in an electronic file. In this way, people can read on screens easily or print it out if they want. Educationalways relates to books, so e books will have a big impact on education. The rising of this technology gives a new opportunity... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... E books have some problems since they are electronic data, to open it we must have electronic devices that are able to open e books and it requires a lot of money. Because of that, many students cannot open e books because they do not have electronic devices to open e books, only those students who are able to buy it can. Electronic devices need power sources too, so if they run out of power we cannot open the e books, while text books do not need power sources so we can open it without worrying about power sources. In other words, unlimited power sources. E books are also bad for eyes, because we read the e books on a screen; we know it is not good to look at the screen too long; it will make our eyes tired and damage the eyes, so students should not read e books for hours. Printed books do not always available in electronic format; then students cannot just have e books. Printed books are still needed for students. E books have weird price; a lot of e books price is exactly the same as the printed books. This does not make sense; publishers do not print it, it costs almost nothing to transport it to schools or stores, and it can be sent immediately after it is published even when we are far away from the publishers, they just upload it in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Pit And The Pendulum The Pit and the Pendulum is a short story narrative told by a condemned prisoner during the period of the Spanish Inquisitions. The story takes place in Toledo, Spain and begins with the prisoner describing a delirious state in which he sees robed judges presiding over his sentencing. Prior to the pronounced judgment, he is overtaken by fear and faints. The story continues in vivid detail, as the prisoner describes over a period of days, through lingering periods of consciousness, his torturous entrapment. As the narrative moves forward, the prisoner assumes he s been sentenced to death. He awakens alone, in absolute blackness, for which he questions whether he is dead or alive. His thoughts pirouette between abject terror and self imagined ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While examining the tight quarters of his cold and damp surroundings, he feels piercing eyes fixed upon him. Horror fills his body as he gazes upon large rats entering and exiting the pit of death. He realizes he is in the same dungeon, but it is much smaller than he had envisioned. As his eyes slowly adjust to the brightness of the lights, he becomes aware of a noise above him. Almost immediately, his eyes catch glimpse of the movement of a pendulum. Entranced and enthralled by its animated rhythm, he watches in both terror and delight as it swings backwards and forwards. This fascination soon turns to fear as the prisoner realizes a scimitar is attached to the bottom of the pendulum. A maniacal terror slowly creeps into his thoughts as he imagines the sounds of the blade first slicing into his robe and then tearing apart his flesh. Time drags by. He and the rats feast on pungently seasoned meat. The scimitar swings closer and closer, his death certain, when an idea occurs to him. With only seconds to spare before the sharp blade devours him, he quickly rubs the meat on the bandages binding his hands and feet. The smell attracts the rats who rush in and chew the bandages lose. He slides off the wood plank only seconds before his skin is perforated. Euphoria fills him at his victory over the pendulum of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Introduction Of Raja Ram Mohan Roy INTRODUCTION Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on 22 May 1772 in Radhanagar, Bengal presidency. Ram Mohan Roy founded Brahmo Sabha on 1828 which led to Brahmo Samaj an socio religious reform movement. He was influential in politics, public administration, education and religion. He was called father of Modern India because of his efforts to abolish sati the hindu tradition where women were forced to burn herself in the funeral pyre of her husband. EDUCATION Ram Mohan Roy started his initial education in his village school where he learnt languages like Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian. During his early years he was sent to Benares to acquire in depth knowledge in Sanskrit and Hindu scripture which included Vedas and Upanishads. He was initially sent to Patna when he was nine years old. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS He published journals in various languages like English, Hindi ,Persian and Bengali He published a journal named sambad Kaumudi which was very famous covering various topics like freedom of press, introducing Indians in high rank of service and separation of executive and judiciary. When there was a big clash between press and English company, Ram Mohan built memorials against this war in 1829 and 1830. DEATH Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born at Radhanagore in Bengal in 1772 and died in Bristol on September 27th 1833. Ram Mohan Roy is still remembered for his services and good deed towards the humanity. Annual Commemoration of Raja Ram Mohan Roy is celebrated by Indian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Ancient Greek Column Designs Have the Greeks used imitation in their column design, if so what could the Greeks have imitated to create the columns? If imitation has effected the design of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns, how is this change seen? What relationships can be seen between the human body and the Ancient Greek columns? This essay will initially look at the period prior to 620 BC to see if there is any evidence to suggest that the ancient Greeks may have imitated another civilizations designs to create the three architectural orders that Vitruvius wrote about in his Ten Books of Architecture. The next part of this essay will look at each of the three columns to discuss their virtues in relation to proportionality, structure and visual imitation. The oldest of the ancient Greek classical orders is the Doric order. The creation of the Doric order has been traced back to the ancient Greek Dorian tribe. It has been written by Anderson that after the Dorian tribe took control of the Peloponnesos area of Greece in 1100 BC they then expanded into every part of Greece kingdom including Crete. This would have given the Dorian s access to the ruins of the Knossos Palace from the Minoan civilization. One of the most notable contributions of Minoans was their unique column design. This column was different to the Greek columns as it was wider at the bottom than the top. It was suggested by Adams that the columns of Knossos were installed in this direction to ensure the trees didn t take root. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Rights Of Animal Rights Animal Rights Animals Rights is a big discussion that has been around for while. Many argue since animals aren t human, it doesn t matter how they are treated or taken care of. There are others that do care how our animals are treated and taken care of. Animal rights are rights believed to belong to animals to live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans. This topic has been around for a while but has become more absolute (Environmental Encyclopedia, Opposing Viewpoint). Animal rightsinvolves personal, social, legal, religious, cultural values, belief, and decisions. This alone causes the viewpoint to vary based on many factors. Add in the many benefits animals have for humans and the lines are blurred further. Animals should be treated humanely as they are living breathing beings and are aware of their lives. Animals have similar levels of biological complexity, they make conscious choices, and they are conscious and aware they exist. Animals should have rights because many of them provide companionship for humans. Therapy dogs are canines that might be trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals,nursing homes, schools, disaster areas, and people with autism (General SHCS Info). Farm animals provide services for humans such as producing milk, eggs, and wool. Animals like horses can be used to pull a plow, wagon, carriage, and can be ridden to go to places. 62% of all U.S. households more than 72.9 million ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Racism in Native American Mascots When we are young, we are taught to treat everyone equally. Naturally, as children you learn and apply and hope that another person does the same. Rights, they are basic and unalienable to all humans upon entering a foreign or country of citizenship. Fighting for equal treatment to the prominent race has created history that is left for future activist to involve themselves with past history, and revive movements. Equal treatment amongst the different cultures is necessary for the social and political success for this country. As citizens of a country, we expect that the melting pot of cultures to be civil with one another and the representation of cultures be positive. But what happens when a native from the North American country is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Having a tumultuous background, the Native American history in itself should be respected, but there seems to be a nuisance doing so. In the 1830 s, after removal policy failed to prevail, not only did individual Indians remain, but native communities also struggled over the next century and a half to carve out a place for themselves in the South (Perdue 3). Native American s were challenged to find a place in the idealistic society, but their ritualistic culture was not fit for the United States. Further on, they dealt with poverty, discrimination, and violence against their community. 
The history of discrimination against the Native American community has been very controversial. For over 129 years, discrimination has been widely noticed specifically in the sport community. From the racial slur of redskins or the identification of the Native American like in the Cleveland Indians baseball team, Chief Wahoo; the wide range of the identifications towards Native American causes an uproar in the educated community. In Multicultural Training Intervention To Address American Indian Stereotypes, Matthew and Jesse Steinfeldt, conducted psychological and qualitative research to illustrate the damage profiling causes in the Native American community by using other race examples to put manners in perspective. Redskin is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as an offensive slang [word that is used as] a disparaging term for a Native American (Redskin, n.d.) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Compare and Contrast of the Classical School of Management... Compare and contrast of the classical school of management and the human relations school of management The classical or traditional approach to management was generally concerned with the structure and the activities of formal organization. The utmost importance in the achievement of an effective organization were seen to be the issues such as the establishment of a hierarchy of authority, the division of work, and the span of control. The classical management focuses on the efficiency and includes scientific, bureaucratic and administrative management. The scientific approach required several major principles in its application to management: 1st develops a science for each operation to replace opinion and rule of thumb. 2nd ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Offices are highly specialized. Appointments to these offices are made according to specialized qualifications rather than ascribed criteria. All of these ideal characteristics have one goal, to promote the efficient attainment of the organization s goals. Some have seriously misinterpreted Weber and have claimed that he liked bureaucracy, that he believed that bureaucracy was an ideal organization. Others have pronounced Weber wrong because bureaucracies do not live up to his list of ideals . Others have even claimed that Weber invented bureaucratic organization. But Weber described bureaucracy as an ideal type in order to more accurately describes their growth in power and scope in the modern world. His studies of bureaucracy still form the core of organizational sociology. Weber s discussion of authority relations also provides insight into what is happening in the modern world. Weber distinguished three main types of authority: Traditional authority, Rational legal authority and Charismatic authority. Administrative management is a style of management that focuses on principles to be used by managers to co ordinate the internal activities of the total organization. This theory was developed by Henri Fayol (1841 1925) to be taught to individuals with administrative responsibilities, which lead to the five major functions of managerial activities, planning, organizing, commanding, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Regulatory Bodies of the Education Sector Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exists to monitor the legislative framework. In this essay I plan to define what a regulatory body is, giving examples of the most prominent ones. I will then highlight the regulatory bodies which are relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor the legislative framework, with discussion of the role of each and how they affect the school. WHAT IS A REGULATORY BODY A regulatory agency (also regulatory authority, regulatory body or regulator) is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity. An independent regulatory agency is a regulatory agency that is independent from other branches or arms of the government. (Wikipedia) Regulatory bodies are set up because there are laws and they ensure legislation is implemented. Some of the most prominent regulatory bodies would be OFSTED, Office for Fair Trading, Food Standards Agency, Advertising Standards, Financial Conduct Authority, Civil Aviation Authority, and General Medical Council. Regulatory bodies relevant to the education section include; Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)/ETI (Education and Training Inspectorate in Northern Ireland), Food Standards Agency, Health and Safety Executive, Department of Education Northern Ireland/Dept for Education, NICIE (Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education) and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Themes Of The Princess Bride And Diablo 3 And Billy Budd In literature, there are many written works which have themes that intermix with one another. While literature contains many themes, this does not mean that other works do not contain the same ideas as presented in written works. In the three stories of The Princess Bride , Diablo 3 and Billy Budd Violence and Quests can be seen largely throughout each tale. Violence, while still having the tradition sense of the word, does not always mean fighting someone or physical attacks. Violence thematically is the display of aggressive actions verbally, physically, or even aggression leading to a goal. The other overarching theme in these stories is that of a Quest. Any self realizing adventure where the protagonist realizes is considered a quest thematically as well as a large set goal for as seen within the story. The main themes of The Princess Bride, Diablo 3 and Billy Budd are Quests as well as Violence which show a deep connection on a thematic level. In The Princess Bride by William Goldman the story starts both as an explanation of the story s origin as well as where the story should go. Even in this prolog to the story a quest is outlined. And I realized that I had let control of it go. . . They could change anything they wanted. So I did something of which I am genuinely proud. I bought the book back from the studio, with my own money (Goldman xxxv). Even before the story begins a quest was set before the reader. The quest of a man to have the book he loved ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...