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Essay Childhood
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Essay Childhood" presents a multifaceted challenge, akin to
navigating the intricate labyrinth of memories and emotions that define one's early years. The
difficulty lies not merely in the act of putting words on paper, but in capturing the essence of an
experience so inherently personal and universally shared. Childhood, with its kaleidoscope of
innocence, joy, and poignant moments, demands a delicate balance between introspection and
The complexity emerges from the task of weaving a narrative that resonates with readers on an
emotional level while avoiding clichГ©s and sentimental pitfalls. The writer must navigate the
terrain of nostalgia, exploring the intricate nuances of their own childhood without succumbing
to the trap of over-romanticization. Striking this delicate balance requires a nuanced
understanding of one's own memories, the ability to distill universal truths from personal
anecdotes, and a keen sense of empathy to connect with a diverse audience.
Moreover, the challenge extends beyond the emotional landscape. Crafting a coherent structure
that seamlessly transitions between different facets of childhood – be it the carefree days of
play, the lessons learned, or the growth experienced – demands meticulous planning and
organizational skills. The essay must unfold in a way that engages the reader, inviting them to
journey through the writer's reflections while prompting introspection on their own experiences.
The struggle also lies in avoiding the trap of verbosity. With a topic as rich and evocative as
childhood, the temptation to indulge in excessive details is ever-present. However, the art lies in
distilling the essence, capturing the magic of youth without overwhelming the reader with
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Childhood" is a formidable task that
requires a delicate dance between introspection, relatability, and structural finesse. It demands
not only the skill to articulate personal experiences but also the wisdom to distill these into
universal truths. It is an endeavor that calls for both vulnerability and restraint, a challenge that
can be as rewarding as it is demanding.
For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate journey or exploring diverse perspectives
on similar themes, a plethora of resources and professional help is available. Websites like
HelpWriting.net offer a range of essays and writing services, providing valuable insights and
support for those looking to delve into the world of childhood narratives and beyond.
Essay Childhood Essay Childhood
The Novel Dracula And The Where Are You Going,...
The novel Dracula by Bram Stoker and the poem Where Are You Going, Where
Have You Been ? by Joyce Carol Oates both possess extremely monstrous
characters. We are going to attempt to compare the main villains in both works :
Count Dracula and Arnold Friend in order to show that a human can be more of a
monstrous character than a stereotypical goul. In order to do this we will base our
comparison on the description of the physic of both protagonists as well as their
limitations and strengths.
To start off, the manner Arnold Friend and Draculas facial and physiological traits
are described allow us to compare how monstrous they really are. The Count is
said to be a tall thin old man with a shaved face, except for his heavy mustache. His
face is a strong aquiline with a high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched
nostrils. Stoker notes that his ears are pale and pointed, his chin is broad and strong
and his cheeks firm and thin. There is an insistence on Dracula s mouth that is fixed
and cruel looking with sharp white teeth that protruded over his vital looking lips.
His eyebrows are massive, almost meeting over his nose and he has bushy hair that
grows around his temples and his lofty domed forehead. Another element that is
focused on in Stoker s novel is the vampire s extreme pallor. This description is not
particularly frightening since we immediately know the character is a monster : he
does not look human at all and is not hiding it. There is no place for
My Antonia Symbolism Analysis
During My Antonia there are many symbols which are used to provide messages to
the reader about not only the story but about life. One of the biggest symbols used
during the course of the story is the Nebraska prairie. Cather uses the prairie to show
the reader both how good and tough life can be. For example, during the summer, the
prairieis full of wonderful things like prairie dogs playing and it can provide the
food needed to survive as a pioneer in the west. In the story, Jim says that July came
on with that breathless, brilliant heat which makes the plains of Kansas and Nebraska
the best corn country in the world. It seemed as if we could hear the corn growing in
the night . However, during the winterit is cold and harsh and make... Show more
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They were big and warm and full of light, like the sun shining on brown pools in the
wood . This shows that Cather wanted you to think of Antonia of someone who you
could admire and who you would want to be friends with right away.
In addition to be nice, she was a hard worker, willing to do whatever was necessary
for her and her family to survive following her father s death. She was willing to
stop going to school to work on the farm, she said I can work like mans now. My
mother can t say no more how Ambrosch do all and nobody to help him. I can work
as much as him. School is all right for little boys. I help make this land one good
farm. Antonia was never afraid to go to work to make her life better which is what a
lot of immigrants did when they came to America. Antonia shows throughout the
story that hard work was needed to live and have a good life. I think Cather admired
how hard people like Antonia worked and wanted that to show in the story.
Another way that Cather he admired her was that she never shows Antonia
complaining about her hard life, she just accepts it and does what she need to be a
great mother. Jim says as I confronted her, the changes grew less apparent to me, her
identity stronger. She was there, in the full vigor of her personality, battered but not
diminished . This shows that no matter how tough life was to her, she got through it
and became a very
Quaker Guns Research Paper
Quaker guns is a deception tactic that was Commonly used during the 18th and
19th Centuries. The english were the first to use In war . It s a big long painted
log of wood That looked Like a war cannon to prevent Quaker gun was to prevent
violence in War it used as As a sign of nonviolence. It was thought of a religious
Group called the Quakers who believe in nonviolence ways and had strongly
believed Enemies from coming. Any closer to the Enemies opponents. The point of
the that fighting was never the answer. Quakerism began in England in the mid 1600
s as a new christian that rejected
Justice In Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Someone once said The best revenge is always to just happily move on and let
karma do the rest. ,Mrs.Wright wasn t thinking this when she killed her husband.
Throughout the play, Trifles , solidarity and revenge major concepts. Mrs. Hale, the
neighboring farmer, and Mrs. Peters, the sheriff s wife, find themselves hiding and
lying about evidence to protect their friend, Mrs. Wright, who s being accused of
murdering her husband. In Trifles , Susan Glaspellshows that, solidarity and revenge
were some of the only ways women could get justice and protect themselves in 1800 s
Solidarity and empathy go hand in hand. In the text, the women continually showed
empathy toward Mrs. Wright. For example, Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Hale shared stories
The Princess Bride Film Analysis
It is remarkably difficult to narrow down a favorite movie because I have a few,
however the one film that I have already watched numerous times and still plan on
watching many more would have to be The Princess Bride. It is a story based on
the book by S. Morgenstern s classic tale of true love and high adventure abridged
with the good parts version by William Goldman who later translated it to
screenplay. The book was actually written as a nonexistent political satire, however
this story is also infused with excerpts from Goldman s fictional life. The film
preserves this unique structure to tell a story within a story by using the actors Peter
Faulk and Fred Savage as grandfather and sick grandson, respectively. The Princess
Bride uses a variety of techniques from acting technique, cinematography, narrative
structure, the potential for societal impact, style, genre, and sound to reveal a satire
of the common fairy tale, while simultaneously becoming one of the most cherished
movies for over thirty years.
The illusion of movement is introduced fairly early in the film as the story opens
with Buttercup riding her horse across the field in order to torment the farm boy,
Westley, working on her farm. We also witness the illusion of movement after
Princess Buttercup has been kidnapped and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The epilogue plot point happens when Westley stops Buttercup from committing
suicide after the rushed so called marriage between her and Humperdinck so that the
two will finally be together at last. The showdown between Humperdinck and
Westley takes place right after this point as well as the final resolution between
Indigo Montoya and his lifelong search for the six fingered man, Count Rugen. The
story ends, as many fairy tales do, with the characters riding off on four white
A Symbol Of Imperfection In The Birth-Mark By
In the short story The Birth Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the birth mark is
explicitly a symbol of imperfection and represents different kinds of imperfection.
First, in the beginning part of the story, the main character, Aylmer, remarks of the
birth mark as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection (291). His wife,
Georgiana, is described as being very beautiful and almost perfect, if not for the birth
mark. It represents human imperfection and mortality, according to Aylmer it was
the fatal flaw of humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps
ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary and
finite, or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain . . . the symbol of
his wife s liability to sin, sorrow, decay, and death (292). Second,... Show more
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However, this pride and obsession causes Aylmer to idolize the idea of her being
perfect (and him successfully triumphing over nature), which nullifies Georgiana s
humanity and puts her at risk if it fails. Third, the imperfection of humanity
suggests that failure is inevitable in some way, most notably at the end of the story
Georgiana s birthmark faded, but the parting breath of the now perfect woman
passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband,
took its heavenward flight (301). It s implied in the story that true perfection is
only found in the spiritual or heavenly realms and once Georgiana becomes perfect,
she is no longer able to be in the natural world. Earlier in the story, Georgiana finds
a large folio of his experiments, which has failures, and before that Aylmer has a
dream in which he tried to remove the birthmark with a knife, but the birthmark sank
deeper into her until at length its tiny grasp appeared to have caught hold of
Georgiana s heart
Computer Science Department And The Lecturers
We certify that we have read this graduation project report as examination committee,
examined the student in its contest and that in our opinion it is adequate as project
document for B.Sc. in computer science.
Supervisor: Examiner 1: Examiner 2:
Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date
Special thanks to our families whose courage and support for us to follow the
computer science department and the lecturers in computer science department.
Thanks to our supervisor Dr. Nazar saaid for his support through the graduation
The Learning Management System was developed to help the education system in this
university to hold the large amount of students, lecturers and staff to manage and
organize the teaching system. Simply by one electronic platform that can be accessed
at any time from different places. LMS is a software application for the
administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of all university
learning resources.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................1
1.1Learning Management system In General .........................................2
1.2Justification ...........................................................................2
Space Exploration Is The Future Of Humanity
Space exploration is the future of humanity. As technology improves, new solutions
arise to answer the question of sustaining life outside Earth. Many types of life
support systems are developed and used on regular missions. However, determining
the most suitable life support system for missions on Mars presents a challenge that
this paper will solve. This article compares different life support systems using the
Equivalent System Mass (ESM), which measures the relative cost of hardware
based on its mass, volume, power, and cooling requirements. Bioregenerative
systems are more practicable and secure for longer missions as they avoid the cost of
constant food supply. However, the ESM shows that the higher initial cost of
bioregenerative systems makes it way more expensive than the Physical/Chemical
systems for long duration missions. For short duration missions, the least expensive
life support uses direct provision of water, oxygen and food from Earth. As Mars
missions aren t brief, the physical/chemical life support system is the most suitable.
The ESM breakeven analysis confirms these well known and widely accepted results.
The conclusion makes the substantial past efforts to develop bioregenerative life
support appear impractical.
This report describes the cost of life support systems that will help determine which
type of life support should be employed for missions to Mars.
Bioregenerative life support systems need a big initial mass for
Complexity Is Defined By The American Heritage
Complexity is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as the state or condition
of being intricate or complex. Something that is complex is further defined as a
configuration consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts that are complicated.
Complicated is then defined as that which is difficult to understand or analyze. And
finally by definition, to understand means to know through experience and
comprehend the nature, significance or intended meaning within a causal framework.
It is important to note from the above definitions that complexitydoes not merely
mean not simple . It is also critical to realize that the complexity of the systemmust be
related to a perspective of understanding as it related to a logical causal... Show more
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So these emergent rules of complexity are not strictly physical laws in the Newtonian
sense but rather arise from the logical constructs, functioning and control of the
overall system directive which is in turn dependent on the governance of physical
Note the role of the observer in this definition and the reliance upon its ability to
process and interpret information. Because of this dependence on a capacity of
comprehension by the observer, a complex system can be considered organized or
disorganized. Most people would agree that complex systems usually have many
parts. However, the way those parts interrelate might be difficult to discern. In fact,
there is somewhat of a disconnection between complexity and organization that
centers around the observers understanding of the logical causal framework of the
system. Warren Weaver posited that disorganized or disordered complexity exists
when there are a large number of parts within the system that appeared to interact
randomly. Like a mixed solution of chemicals in a glass beaker or gas molecules
within a closed container. The emergent properties of such a system (color,
temperature, viscosity, etc.) can be understood by solely using probability and
statistical methods to describe the interactions of the individual components. By
contrast organized or ordered complexity
Girl With A Pearl Earring By Gring Griet Analysis
An important part in every person s life is the search for personal identity and self
knowledge. This struggle involves working out a concept of oneself as a unique
individual and embracing an ideology or system of values that provide a sense of
direction, as stated in Weiten s Psychology: Themes and Variations. Similarly, in Girl
With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, Griet grapples with her identityas a maid,
and entertains the idea that she can choose a path not set out for her. Her journey
of self discovery leads to a deeper understanding of her role in Vermeer s paintings,
and what it means for her own life. The Vermeer s influence on Griet affects her
transition from adolescence into adulthood, thus affecting the choices she makes.
These choices define Griet as a person even when she feels she no longer has any
trace of her old self left. Although Griet does not completely sever her ties to her
old life, Griet does fit the archetype of a hero on a hero s quest because of the
challenges crucial to her journey and through the redemption of her personal values.
As Griet begins work as a maid in the Vermeer household, she has extensive
responsibilities thrust upon her both from the Vermeers and her family. While there,
Griet encounters many obstacles; the first being her relationship with her new
mistress Catharina. Catharina remained on the threshold. I did not dare enter before
her. After an awkward moment she ordered, Open the shutters, then. Not the
window on the left. Just the middle and far windows. And only the lower part of
the middle window (Chevalier, 32). Catharina s instruction from Johannes creates a
lot of tension between Griet and herself; beginning Catharina s resentment of Griet.
Catharina does not like the fact that Johannes allows a maid in his studio, but not
her. As Griet s time in the Vermeer household continues, Vermeer eventually
chooses to paint Griet, even though she does not wish to be painted because of her
class and position. For Griet, that means giving up the only thing she has left her
identity for the sake of Vermeer s painting. He seemed to be waiting for something.
My face began to strain with the fear that I was not giving him what he wanted. Griet
, he added
Batman s Iteral Questions Response To The Reader
iteral questions have responses that are directly stated in the text. The reader is able
to simply locate the information and copy, paraphrase or summarize. (summarize,
count, name, list, copy, record, retell). Ex. questions: Who are the characters in the
story? What is the name of the villian? Who is the main character? Where did they go
on their vacation? What does Batman say to the Joker in Chapter 1? What happens in
this chapter? Inferential questions have responses that are indirectly stated, implied,
or require other information. The reader needs be able use the clues and make
connections to make meaning of the text (identify, classify, categorize, explain,
predict, analyze). Ex. questions: Why does Batman run from the scene? What does
Myths, And Confusion Revolving Around The Newly
This paper attempts to dispel rumors, myths, and confusion revolving around the
newly released chip cards. These modern cards with microchips imbedded in them
have been around since the early 1990 s in France. Only until recently, October 1,
2015, have they become a standard in the United States. Due to the numerous large
scale financial card breaches affecting consumers and retailers in since the year 2000,
Target, Home Depot, TJX, and Heartland to name a few, the financial institutions
decided it was time to enhance security at point of sale (POS) terminals. This self
imposed security enhancement would come at a great cost to merchants who would
have to upgrade their POS terminals and to the financial card companies who ... Show
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Since this coalition has expanded more recently to include many American based
companies, American Express, JCB, Discover, and UnionPay the coalition has
changed its name to EMVCo (EMVCo 2016).
Fraud and theft doesn t just occur in Europe, so the big question is why didn t the
United States institute chip cards around the same time that Europe had in the 1990
s? Philip Andreae believes that the U.S., the government prefers be more laissez faire
in the way the economy evolves. The government has a certain role to play, but they
don t believe that they are in the position, necessarily, to dictate how an industry, the
card industry, is to move forward... (Kitten, 2011). However, with recent events in the
news and technological advancements there is a new push towards changes in the
United States.
Push for the EMV standard in the United States Large companies have been in the
news in the past years due to data breaches. Companies such as Target, Home Depot,
and TJX brands have brought credit card fraud under scrutiny. How safe are
consumers shopping during this day and age? The Economist (2014) has found
that since the year 2003, the United States is responsible for 25% of the global
market of financial card payments. At the same time the U.S. is also responsible for
50% of the world s loss due to fraud. Between 2004 and 2010, signature based cards
accounted for 91% of
The Impact Of Economics On The Environment
During this course I learned how to evaluate the importance the factor of economics
has in our environment. When evaluating the economics in the environmental science
we have to look at a lot of things of importance when finalizing our decision to value
the environment and at the same time supporting the economic spectrum. I have
learned that we can sustain the environmental resource output and at the same time
increased the output of using natural resources to maintain a good economic in any
country. My understanding of the environmental economicsis that we have to be able
to use our natural resources to benefit from it, and at the same time maintain a good
usage practice sustaining that natural resources for future generations. A good
government has to implement a good environmental policy to deal with
environmental economics. These policies have to look at both sides, the environment
and the economy of the country using these resources.
Environmental economics also covers the importance of the geographical location
and the value that natural resource has for the culture and population. To make sure
we involve everyone in the management of the environment and the output of the
use, public notice have to be in place to include everyone s participation and voice
for to make this issue as ethical as possible. For example, if we want to use an area to
produce oil and gas, we have to be able to analyze the impact this practice will have
in the area, population, and the
Window Treatments Essay
The window treatment business is a multi million dollar industry that dates back to
the 17th century around the time of the Industrial Revolution. Even during economic
down times consumers frequently replaced window treatments rather than redoing an
entire room. There are over 3500 establishments that sell window coverings. Window
treatments can be very important purchase considering all the benefits they have to
offer. A homeowner will have to consider what their needs are for window treatments
and if ready made or custom made treatments will meet their needs. A homeowner
will have the option to purchase either ready made or custom made treatments and
each situation will differ but the homeowner will find benefits and one will be... Show
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Ready made window treatments are mass produced, prefabricated treatments that
can be easily found at most major retailers, discount stores, and a large number of
catalog and online stores. This makes them easily accessible and convenient
allowing them to be brought home and hung the same day for instant gratification.
Custom made treatments are a little more involved than driving to a store and
taking the window treatments home. The homeowner will have to decide if they
are going to hire a professional designer or recruit the help from an associate at a
retail store that specialize in custom made treatments. The whole process can take
months with more decisions to be made and time to make them. Another thing a
homeowner will have to consider is the size and shape of a window. Ready made
draperies will be available in a limited number of lengths the most common being
eighty four and ninety six inches long which would mean that these would not
work well for taller windows where the draperies would not be long enough to
touch the floor. Most ready made panels are offered in only one width which is
usually only sufficient to close over a thirty six inch wide window or smaller or
would be fine if they were meant to be stationary. If a wider width is desired, multiple
panels that are not sewn together would have to be purchased. When pursing the
custom avenue one would find out that custom window
Microeconomy Homework
Microeconomics Homework 1 due 28th January Choose the one alternative that
best completes the statement or answers the question Tick off your answer in the
table on page 7 do not forget to write your name Economic concepts and reasoning
1) When the government chooses to increase public spending on domestic
security, its choice ________. A) involves a tradeoff with other public services
such as education, to allow more domestic security B) illustrates that scarcity does
not always exist C) involves no tradeoff because domestic security is necessary D)
primarily affects who gets the goods and services produced 2) Laura is a manager
for HP. When Laura must decide whether to produce a few additional printers, she is
choosing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Based on the table above, for country B, the opportunity cost of producing an
additional unit of X is A) 4 units of Y per unit of X B) 2 units of Y per unit of X C) 3
/2 units of Y per unit of X D) 1 unit of Y per unit of X 14) In the table above, country
B is producing 4 units of X and 6 units of Y. For country B, the opportunity cost of
producing an additional unit of Y is A) 1/2 unit of X per unit of Y B) 2/3 unit of X
per unit of Y C) 2 units of X per unit of Y D) 3 units of X per unit of Y 15) Country A
is producing 4 units of X and 8 units of Y; country B is producing 4 units of X and 6
units of Y. Based on the table above, the opportunity cost of producing more of A)
good X is lower in country A B) good Y is lower in country A C) good X is the same
for both countries D) good Y is the same for both countries Production Possibilities
Frontier Questions 16 to 18
Otolaryngology Career Paper
The medical profession is often times lumped into the thought that a doctor is a
doctor . Many people fail to explore more into the specialized fields of medicine.
There are 25 plus specialized fields and within those fields there are many
subspecialties ( Specialties and Subspecialties ). All of these positions make up what
is far too often generalized as the medical field . This paper is going to focus in on
one specialtyin particular; otolaryngology, often referred to as ear, nose, and throat
or ENT for short. Throughout this paper it ll explore what being an ENT is and what
the job entails, what it takes to become an ENT, and the different subspecialties that
fall into the otolaryngology category. Being the oldest medical specialty... Show more
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ENT s are ready to begin practicing their profession after up to 15 years of college
and postgraduate training ( Education and training: Department of Otolaryngology
). This consists of four years of undergraduate, four years of medical school, and at
least five years of specialty training ( ENT Careers ). The general residency
program for an ENT is at least nine months of basic surgical science training
including at least three basic specialties. Such as general surgery, thoracic surgery,
vascular surgery, plastic surgery, and surgical oncology ( American Board of
Otolaryngology ). Then at least fifty one more months of specialty education follows
that. The last year of training is when the student becomes a chief resident . The
Chief Resident is the largest leadership position made by the Department of Medicine
, and the chiefs serve as key leaders for the program. The last year is spent full time
in hospitals approved by the program they are completing ( American College of
Surgeons 2013). During this time the trainee s are treated as if they are already full
doctors in order to gain
Vernon Project Proposal Sample
MOUNT VERNON, Ky. Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) has partnered with a
group of youth from 10 different LDS congregations in the Lexington area for the
first time to serve in Rockcastle County. The youth conference consists of kids ages
14 18 doing various projects around CAP such as commodity distribution at Grateful
Bread Food Pantry, preparing disaster relief bags on Williams St., sorting/steaming
clothing donation for Grateful Threadz, and constructing ramps/benches at the
housing barn in Mount Vernon. Once a year there is a conference like this to
strengthen the kid s faith in Christ, allowing the kids to build important friendships,
and serve the larger community.
Having this youth conference with 80 100 kids exposes them to tasks they can do in
their community to help out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Witnessing the youth give their time and effort to make sure that they finish each
and every task they were assigned really showed their dedication and drive to helping
people in need.
I want to help change the lives of people in need, build relationships with my group
members, and serving brings joy to my heart because I get to bring joy and peace to
the lives of others, said Waveney Brooks, a volunteer from The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter day Saints. This isn t my first service trip, I have been on other
service trips with my church like two years ago, and I went to Guatemala to help in
their medical clinic and helped build a school.
Grace Brooks, a volunteer from Tates Creek High School, expressed her impact on
serving in Mount Vernon. I just want to help people that are in need. She helped her
group as they put together ramps in the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Grace
Brooks is the sister of Waveney Brooks, they both were a part of this service trip for
the LDS youth
Male Characters In Kate Chopin s The Awakening
In Kate Chopin s 1899, novel The Awakening, Zora Neale Hurston s 1937, novel
Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Jean Rhys 1966, novel Wide Sargasso Sea,
while the novels themselves follow the awakening of the female protagonist s
identity, they each have a male character who plays a role in their awakening.
Although each male character has a different personality and role in the story, all
three men have one thing in common; they are each a product of the conditioning
of the patriarchal society they were raised in. In the 19th century, society was very
much a male dominated arena. The men would go to work and be financially
responsible for the family, while their wife would stay at home and take care of the
home and children. The beliefs of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Janie, the female protagonist, meets her second husband, Jody aka Joe, as he is
traveling from Georgia to Eatonville. He believes once he reaches Eatonville he
will be able to become wealthy through his ambitions and political savviness. Once
Janie meets Jody, she decides to leave her first husband, marry Joe, and follow him
to Eatonville. Once they arrive in town, Joe quickly begins to take over the town
as a businessman, becoming the postmaster, mayor, storekeeper, and the owner of
the most land in Eatonville. Joe has been conditioned by society to be the man in
power who answers to no one, especially his wife. While, he presents himself as a
loving man when he first meets Janie, he soon shows his true colors when he
begins to treat Janie as an object instead of as a person. It quickly becomes evident
that Joe did not marry Janie for love, but because he sees her as an object he can
control that will benefit him in obtaining power in Eatonville. It is through his
treatment of his wife that their marriage begins to
Hooke s Law And Simple Harmonic Oscillations
College physics II Laboratory
Experiment 2
Hooke s law and simple harmonic oscillations by Mohamed Omer
Lab Partners
Youssef Farlos
Roman Martinaz
Jhon Fanque
Date performed January 18, 2015
Introduction/ Abstract:
Simple harmonic motion is the study of oscillation. An object undergoes oscillation
when it experiences a restoring force which restores this object to equilibrium
positon. The Simple harmonic oscillation occurs when the net force on an object
along the direction of motion is proportional to the object s displacement and in the
opposite direction by this equation F = kx. In addition, an object whose position
time graph makes a sine or cosine function is in simple harmonic motion. This type
of relation is called Hooke s law. The purpose of this experiment is to prove Hooke s
law and study Simple harmonic motion and to show that this equation T = 2 is valid
during Simple harmonic motion.
The relevant theoretical concepts and equations used in this experiment are:
T = 2
| E1 в€’ E2 |
E1 + E2
Percent difference =
Experimental Procedure:
The Computer and sensor calibration along with equipment such as DIN plug, force
sensor, rod, clamp, spring, sensor s hook, and hanger were all set up already in the
laboratory before we started doing the experiment.
Hooke s law
a)We used a meter stick to measure the position of the
Argumentative Research Papers
Argumentative Research Paper I am an average highschool student who has
decent grades who is generally in the 3.0 3.5 GPA range. I am not like not like
some students who really put in the effort of studying, I will write notes if its an
assignment, but I usually go based off on memory at best I ll go over and read my
notes once. If I use the strategies of flashcards, music, and rewriting I will more
likely be able to to be successful. Highly effective students create and review
flashcards. They will use it for terms and definitions. They use process of
elimination, they go through the cards and they makes three piles. Pile one are the
cards they know are correct of, Pile two are the cards they are unsure of, and Pile
three are the cards they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most that I know who use this strategy listen to music with earbuds and listen to
genres like rap. For some students this is beneficial but some it isn t, it depends
how and what type of music students listen to. Student who listen to rap usually
focus on the words not the work, this makes them more likely to forget. Studies
show classical music can be beneficial to students it help relax the mind and body
to help it focus, listening to Mozart before studying helps students memories; The
Mozart Effect. For me I usually like it quite when I am doing my work but
sometimes I am in the mood for music when doing my work. I use this strategy but
not all the time while it hasn t help improve my test scores significantly, It does
help me focus and finish my work.( Do Or Don t: Studying While Listening To
Music ) Similarly to flashcards rewriting is an efficient strategy that highly effective
students use. They will rewrite terms, formulas, etc. over and over again until they
understand and remember it. Studies show students who write their work develop a
deeper memory rather than student who dont or type on a computer. I don t
typically rewrite all the time because it tedious and time consuming but if I did start
making this a habit I know I ll be more likely to remember.( For More Effective
Studying, Take Notes With Pen and
The Rubik s Cube
How Architecture found Cubes
The Rubik s cube, invented by Erno Rubik, is famously known as the Impossible
It was during the summer of my 7th grade that I first stumbled upon the Rubik s
cube. The Rubik s cube is a cube with different colors on all sides. The goal is to be
able to return the original look of the cube, with all the edges and corners
corresponding to the center color of each face. People seem to think the cube is
made out of 27 cubes, but it is actually made of a core. The other pieces fit in with
the core to give the look of multiple cubes grouped together.
I remembered the day vividly when I held the glamorous box with the Qi Yi
BullFight (Name of the Rubik s Cube) inside. The cube felt special, it was an
experience I had never encountered. Perfect. Made with care. I momentarily observed
the cube, six sides, all with their beautifully covered ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Architecture is the design of a building, just like the bones that make up the
structure of a human being, and the way it forms as a basis for a design. The
Rubik s cube is the pencil I use for drawing. The pencil is occasionally used, and
sometimes, left alone. When I am focused, I can solve my difficulties, calm and
controlled. Nevertheless, I can draw my imagination, however hard it maybe.
However, when I am inattentive, it seems like a brick wall is stopping me from my
solution. Although this pencil may cause me to stress out, it can also encourage me
to try harder, and seek out the hidden solution even with the massive brick wall in the
way. My love of architecture connects with the cube because solving problems in
puzzles is just like thinking through and designing something. In addition, whenever I
open my vision to the many designs in the world, it brings me back to the Rubik s
cube and architecture. The many designs act like the algorithms in the cube, you
sometimes make errors, and you sometimes
Analysis Of Francois Hutteau s Great Search For Liberty
Francois Hutteau s great search for Liberty
Hello my French brothers and sisters! Dark times have befallen our precious land,
and pure chaos has ensued. I write to the people in France in hopes of establishing
a new land. A land that can be looked upon proudly with eyes of great virtue. In
order to achieve our wildest dreams we must sort through the rubbish that has
landed us here in the first place. How will we as a society react to the many things
that have been dealt to the people of France? Perhaps our great fight ends in
bloodshed, and broken promises. Or perhaps we could take heed of the laws and
policies our fellow Europeans across the Sea. I had the pleasure of visiting one of the
cities in America that the citizens take so much pride in: Boston, Massachusetts. A
port town on the North Eastern coast that was a large part of the American Revolution
. It was also home to the Notorious Boston Massacre. There are a number of things
that I enjoyed about my trip, but pointing out the differences between Boston and
France had to be the most delectable part of my trip. The way in which they practice
religion is something to behold. Their new Constitution is also no laughing matter,
and lastly the many things Americans find fun is mesmerizing, and also repulsive.
America is a tremendous place and I cannot wait to guide you through my journey
and inferences.
The first voyage I made when I got off the boat was directly towards a church. I
decided to visit the Old North Church and as I approached I noticed that the brick
work seemed to glisten in the sun, and the white interior reminded me of how pure
the world can really be. The church practiced Protestantism, and started soon after
the War.[1] I admired the way in which the citizens praised God, but I did happen to
notice that their practices were rather different from my own. After talking to some
of the Americans most had either commented on my accent or expressed their
condolences to the revolution. I also asked them about how they worship and how
they choose to worship. Many of these American citizens were free to choose what
they wanted to worship. Most did say that they would be judged for their religious
decisions, but were never forced into doing
Essay on How the Great Depression Changed the Federal...
The period before the great depression, the 1920s, was known as the Roaring
Twenties or the Jazz age. This Era was marked by artistic movement such as the
creation of Jazz music and a rich supply of American writing. During this time the
federal government had been providing some aid to the states but leaving the bulk
of the power to the states, which is known as a dual federalism. It also marked the
end of modest social traditions and wave of materialism encouraged by increased
customer spending with the open use of a new concept called credit.
As the Great Depression rolled in, a cry for the involvement of government in matters
of the economy was sent out as the United States reached an all time low. When Wall
Street crashed, millions of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Along with the New Deal came a lot of controversy about the expansion of the
government s part in American society.
Three days after taking office FDR established the Emergency Banking Act, that
closed all the banks. Once the banks were reopened they were put under close
supervision, also the treasury was authorized to issue more currency. After the
Emergency Banking act, during the rest of FDR s first 100 days in office, he
proposed, and Congress enacted, an abundance of legislative acts such as the
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), the
Civic Works Administration (CWA), the Homeowners Loan Act, and the National
Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). One of the most innovative New Deal Program
was the Tennessee Valley Authority act (TVA) which created an independent public
agency that oversaw the development of projects in the Tennessee River Valley.
While [the New Deal] did not end the Depression, [the] experimental programs
helped the American people immeasurably by taking care of their basic needs and
giving them the dignity of work and hope (Maxwell, 1952)
Grants in aids became a main mechanism of
David And Goliath
The story of David and Goliath is an iconic story from the bible, which many artists
have tried to capture in sculptures. The story goes that there was a young boy that
tended sheep, and one day he went to go see his brothers that were in the Israel
army called Israelites. The Israelites were at war with the Philistines whom had a
great warrior his name was Goliath, he stood nine feet tall and was enormous
compared to everyone else. Goliath carried giant weapons and was afraid of no
man. For Forty days Goliath would go to the battlefield and demand to give him a
man and let them fight each other but everyone was too scared. But while Davidwas
there to see his brothers he saw Goliath and was not afraid so he asked the king to let
him fight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But to compare the age I would say that Donatello s David is the youngest and
most boy like of all three. Michelangelo s and Bernini s depict David as a young
man or someone that could actually fight, they make him look muscular and more
defined than Donatello s depiction also Donatello s is the only sculpture casted in
bronze rather than the other two being made of marble. Also the hair in Donatello
s David is longer and more of a biblical looking David than the others. They are all
in different times as well the first made sculpture was Donatello s and his David
was made after the battle of him and Goliath, but Michelangelo s is seen as right
before the battle when he is looking at Goliath. And the last made was Bernini s
and in his David is in the action of throwing the stone at Goliath. In Michelangelo s
David he is just made by himself with one thing keeping him up where in the
others David s is in a action like throwing in Bernini s or is standing on something
like in Donatello s. The facial expressions in all of these are actually quite different as
well if you really look at them. In Bernini s his face is distressed and in
concentration. But in Michelangelo s his face is almost blank but with a look as if
to no shock of the giant in front of him. And finally Donatello s has a face of a grin
or smirk where he has defeated the great Goliath and he is now happy. They also have
Women s Role As A President Of The United States
Women were not role players in the national government until 1917, but over nearly
the past century, the impact women have had on Washington s politics has begun to
unfold into the current role women play in the US government today. Before 1917,
no woman had ever been elected to serve and represent their state in Washington,
D.C., although many had tried. In 1917, we saw our first congresswoman on the
national stage, and throughout the year s woman have played many roles in
government. These roles include service in the House of Representatives, the Senate,
many presidents cabinets, and other vital roles in our government. Many women
have tried and some have come close, but, no woman has ever been able to grab the
most illustrious role, the President of the United States. For that matter, no woman
has been elected Vice President of the United States. Women will continue to try until
they prevail and are chosen to serve as the President of the United States. To
understand female roles in the US government, we must first look at the first woman
to serve on the National stage. Republican Jeanette Rankin, a Montana native, fought
for female suffrage in her home state as well as the state of Washington before being
elected to the House of Representatives in 1916. Rankin s election really made a
statement on Washington, as women could not legally vote in America, but here was
one serving on Congress. Obviously, Congresswoman Rankin went to Washington
with a goal, to grant women
Affects of Gambling Essay
Affects of Gambling
In a world fraught by deadly ecological problems, the idea of discussing the future of
gambling may seem frivolous. Yet it is far from that.
As a fundamental human activity, it deserves to be studied without cultural or
religious bias for the key that it may provide to survival.
We have been fed a lot of myths about our wish for homeostasis, which is really a
state of bovine contentment. To attempt to achieve this state we consume mountains
of pills and rivers of alcohol. Somehow we seem to feel that if we can deny our
essential humanity long enough, we can solve our problems.
When we attempt to grow, we are considered mentally ill, masochistic, or naive.
Outworn Freudian or Skinnerian approaches to human ... Show more content on
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Many elderly persons are passionate gamblers, called elderly life seekers. What
they seek is what most gamblers seek, involvement in the action. This is crucial to
their sense of well being in this society, which excludes them from the action of
living and seeks to hide them away. Not only this, but while they play random games
such as bingo and slot machines, they have an equal chance with the rest of the
participants for perhaps the first time in their lives. While they play, they are wholly
absorbed in the contest.
The implications of this are that gambling can stimulate the elderly to renewed
interest in life, and that homes for the aged would do well to allow their residents to
gamble, keeping them alert and stimulated rather than dull and tranquilized.
Moving from the retired to the working class, we find the importance of the
gamble is still in the action. In this case, however, the working class individual sees
his participation as a means of surmounting impotence, of feeling that he has a hand
in his own destiny. Having little opportunity for decision making in his job, he feels
that if he wins he has in some way controlled his world; if he loses, it is simply a
tough break.
Some feel
Symbols In Still Life With Bible By Vincent Van Gogh
This is a still life painting, in which Vincent van Gogh selected some everyday
objects to express their symbolic meaning on his drawing. This portrayal describes
the setting on a table. It emphasized a opened big book which placed at the center.
The book is thick and the content looks vague, but it is believed that it is a Bible
under the pretext of the portrayal s title, Still life with Bible . There is also a
candlestick with an extinguished candle next to the Bible and the candle is burnt
and remained part of it. In the foreground, there is a pocketbook. This pocketbook
is small and closed and its cover page appears some alphabets. Besides, the table is
covered by a textile or leathery cloth.
When it comes to the principles of this artwork, ... Show more content on
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(BBC, 2014). In fact, van Gogh had suffered numerous bad and unfortunate
experiences over his lifetime. One of the noted occurrence is that van Gogh is
slightly different from other impressionists as he likes using cool colors rather than
warm colors in his paintings. This idea is weird in his period of time and it is
contrary to many popular opinions on impressionism and so he made virtually no
money from his portrayals and eventually got mentally ill and depressed, however,
van Gogh believed that beautiful impressionistic art could also be dark art, and so
the Still Life with Bible is one of the artworks to demonstrate his point of views on
impressionism. He even need to sell his paintings for money, but still not enough to
maintain his daily living and eventually spilt with his family. Although van Gogh
was born into a Christian family, he was frustrated when the church dismissed him
because of his unduly eager commitment to his strongly differing belief and faith.
What is more, van Gogh s father died at 1885 and it added hail to snow in van Gogh s
What Is The Equity Analysis Of Asian Paints
Asian Paints Equity Analysis Report | Sector: Consumer goods
CMP: INR842.65 (14 January 2015) TP: INR860 (+2%)Neutral
Asian Paints is India s largest paint company and Asia s third largest paint company,
with a turnover of Rs 127.15 billion. The group has an enviable reputation in the
corporate world for professionalism, fast track growth, and building shareholder
equity. Asian Paintsoperates in 17 countries and has 23 paint manufacturing facilities
in the world servicing consumers in over 65 countries. Besides Asian Paints, the
group operates around the world through its subsidiaries Berger International Limited,
Apco Coatings, SCIB Paints and Taubmans.
Valuation and View... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, decisive policy measures by the new business‐friendly government will
spur urban demand. Diversification into water proofing, modular kitchens and bath
fittings places the company in a sweet spot to corner higher wallet. Account for
3QFY15 miss, we estimate 30.5% EPS CAGR over FY15E 17E, with underlying
gross and EBITDA margin expansion of 420bp and 380bp, respectively. With
improving macro scenario and consumer confidence should drive volume growth,
valuations at 42.4x FY16E and 34.6x FY17E discounts the positives, in our view.
Maintain Neutral with a revised target price of INR860 (35x FY17E, three year
The Search For Extraterrestrial Life
Extraterrestrial Life Humanity has gazed at the star laden sky since the dawn of
time, and one question has been asked with great frequency, are we alone in the
universe? While humankind may never discover bipedal humanoid life forms as
portrayed on the movie screen, the chance that microorganisms, bacteria, or other
small forms of extraterrestrial lifeare greater than many think. This essay will
explore what scientists search for, how they search, present sources who favor the
possibility of life, those who deem it unlikely, and if life could exist in non Earthlike
What Humanity Searches For The search for extraterrestrial life can be quite Earth
centric, because humanity knows that because we exist here on Earth, we should
begin looking for Earth like conditions on other known worlds. However, space is
unfathomably large, and our solar system contains only one planet with Earth like
conditions, Earth itself. However, scientists have broken down the search for
extraterrestrial life into building blocks, core requirements that can help define and
limit the search into the vastness of space.
Here on Earth, energy is created from the shuffling of electrons between molecules
during chemical reactions. One such process occurs with light absorbing proteins in
plant life by way of photosynthesis (Choi, 2014). This process of photosynthesis is
one of the most important energy capturing processes on Earth, as plants directly
absorb photons of radiant light
Similarities Between Cleopatra And Cleopatra
Eckhardt 6
Caesar s guests until his murder, Cleopatra tried to get recognition for her son as
rightful heir, but to no avail. (Cinnone) Cleopatra s family ruled Egypt for more
than 100 years before she was born around 69 B.C. The stories and myths
surrounding Cleopatra s tragic life inspired a number of books, movies and plays,
including Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare. Cleopatra has become one of the
most well known ancient Egyptians. ( Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. )
In 59 Caesars, with this backing, secured his first consulship, in which he
ruthlessly overrode the opposition and disregarded the vetoes of his pro senatorial
colleague. Then, between 58 and 51, he conquered the whole of central and
northern Gaul as far as the River Rhine, which he briefly crossed. (Grant 29) After
Caesar and his army crushed Gaul, both parties became exceptionally affluent. In
49 BC, Caesar attacked Pompey and his men later deserting them. Caesar was
victorious, Pompey flees to Egypt and is later pursued by Caesar.( Republic of Rome
) The quote by Julius Caesar I came, I saw, I conquered was addressing the Roman
senate After Defeating King Pharnaces II after the Battle of Zela in 47 BC.
(Hagopian Institute)
Julius Caesar himself fought in the Punic wars. Conventional wisdom has it that the
Roman Empire consisted of what would now be known as Western Europe. The
Romans and the Carthaginians had their first of three consecutive battles in 264 BC,
which was known as the
Monica Lewinsky Research Paper
Monica Lewinsky show her entrance into midlife crises. She is in her 40 s when
she finally broke the silence of her affairs with former President Bill Clinton at the
age of 22 years old. Monica Lewinsky revealed her price of shame and wants the
whole world to be informed about the truth coming from her mouth. Monica
Lewinskymidlife crisis gradually began to feel more content to show her face of
shame. Monica Lewinsky the humiliated person is an anti bullying advocate.
Monica Lewinsky is a guest speaker for facebook and many other conferences. She
wants these major company to be more friendly with an warmth approach for the
internet. Monica Lewinsky joined forces with Bystander Revolution. This is an
organization which gives video Advice to what to do if you are a victim of
internet bullying. Monica Lewinsky have been bullied publicly and by the
internet. She have been haunted with the bad decisions that was made in 1996
1998. Lewinsky suffered brutally with harsh consequences which made her young
life a turmoil. She have lost the respect of the public people especially the American
people. Nowadays, Monica Lewinsky is a devoted advocate for people who have
been bullied. In her speech, She spoke about Tyler who was a n 18 years old gay
young man. He was having sexual intimacy with a guy in his dorm and his
roommates video tape him and send it all over the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In the UK children and adolescents are suicidal. Monica blamed technology for
causing shame, grief, and cyberbullying. Monica Lewinsky believed cyberbullying
is a behavior of a symptom of the culture we ve created . She explained racism,
homophobia, are biases today and in the past . Monica Lewinsky midlife crisis was
an emotional ride. She needed to express her voice to show the emotional identity
and self confidence that occurs in the early stages of middle age. She was vibrantly
spoke about
Career Satisfaction And Employee Retention For Novice...
We have learned that nursing theory defines nursing as a practice and is based on
conceptual frameworks. For framework to be developed into theory one must start
with a concept to provide a structure. A concept is a generalized idea that when
placed in context will develop its meaning and application in addition to advancing
the knowledge of a specific area (Meier, 2013). A concept analysis s purpose is to
examine the basic elements of a concept that are used for theory development and
define its attributes (Meier, 2013). The aim of this concept analysis will be to gain a
broader understanding about the concept mentoring and how it is linked to employee
satisfaction and employee retention to novice nursing staff. In an article from the
Oklahoma Nursejournal it is mentioned that mentor programs and mentorship allows
for continued growth for novice staff (Davis and Maisano, 2016). Dr. Benner s
theory of Novice to Expert provides support that a novice to expert relationship
occurs in a mentoring relationship; this relationship will lead to career satisfaction
and intent to stay in nursing (Mariani, 2012). This mentoring concept analysis will
follow an outline of concept definitionwith defining attributes in addition to a
literature review to examine current themes, facts, and ideas about the concept. To
provide addition clarity of mentoring, antecedents and consequences will be
described. To measure the concept has occurred, empirical referents will be explored.
To conclude,
HIV In Haiti
Haiti is one of the regions with the highest HIV infection rate, especially in
Caribbean. About 3% of adults are infected. The reason for that are poverty, sexual
partners, gender, and almost non existing health care.
The epidemic started in late 70s due to prostitution, blood transfusion and
unprotected sex. Around the same time the epidemic was discovered in the USA,
and the virus was found in Haitians immigrants. Because of that Haiti become one of
the risk factors for HIV. The stigma brought disastrous consequences to the whole
country, including the collapse of tourism.
At the beginning, the disease was associated with male homosexual behavior, but the
virus spread quickly to the heterosexual population. Now women are more likely to
get infected than man because of their lower position in society. Rape, unprotected
sex and prostitution increase their chances of HIV. Most of the pregnant women with
HIV gave it to their children. Now a lot of efforts are taken to prevent it. ... Show
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Haitian Red Cross and other organizations work hard to help and educate people
about AIDS/HIV, safe sexual practice and give access to condoms. All the efforts
bring optimistic results. Over the past decade, new HIV infection rate decreased by
Huge progress can be noted especially in urban area. Unfortunately rural areas still
required a lot of help, mostly basic education about AIDS/HIV prevention.
There is a significant drop in percentage of people with HIV in Haiti, but there s still
a lot of work ahead to change the overall situation. Especially because the country has
to struggle with other epidemics and natural disasters like the earthquake in 2010,
which only slows down the process of preventing
How To Save The Titanic Persuasive Essay
Most builders of the ship thought that if they added more lifeboats would disquite
the first class passengers and ruin their view of the ocean and didn t add them.
If the crew would have seen the iceberg 30 seconds sooner, and changed the course,
the chances of the Titanic being saved could be increased.
The Titanic is the only ever ocean liner to be sunk by an iceberg.
There was a Japanese person aboard the ship who survived the sinking and made fun
of, being called a coward, by his country for not dying with the other passengers.
Almost 12 newlyweds were on their honeymoon aboard the Titanic.
The iceberg that sank the Titanic began growing sometime around 1000 BCE.
If most people would have use the lifeboats, 53% would have survived, but
The Capture Of Fort Fisher Analysis
The Capture of Fort Fisher Primary documents such as diaries and journals have a
vast importance to historians. First hand accounts are praised in the historian
community due to the accuracy, inaccuracy, or even the hyperbole that are found in
these wonderful documents. Lamentably some primary documents are factual and
some are incorrect or different. For example, a report from a major general from the
union may be different from a major general from the confederates. The challenge of
trying to decide what actually happened over the course of a battle that took almost
10 days makes the task at hand more demanding. Conflicting reports during the battle
of Wilmington between US General Alfred Howe Terry and Confederate Army
General Braxton... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can give the advantage to the other side because it knows where the enemy
would be at and can have time to plan, set up, and attack. The Confederates
received the information from Major General Whiting that the Union Army was
preparing to march forward to New Inlet which is modern day Outer Banks.
Whiting then gave commands to General Bragg at midnight on the 12th day of the
month. (Bragg 131) While two days later the Union received the information for the
Confederates and they received telegraphic reports from Major General Whiting.
Telegraphic reports from Major General Whiting received at 1:30 p.m. on the 14th
instant, during this examination, represented the garrison of the fort in fine
condition and spirits. (Terry 433). The Confederates had plenty of time to meet with
Whiting to plan an attack. Even though this may look like a loss for the Union due
to how long it might have taken them. Every army is different with travel speed and
distance. Some may catch a train or some may be walking with heavy armor and
some may not have any armor on. However, something strange and peculiar
happened. The Union had won the battle of Wilmington and they captured Fort
Fisher. The long trip from New Inlet to walking through the swamp through the
middle of the night paid off and even though they were victorious this was not a major
Do Disney s Animated Movies Offer A Reflection Into The...
Final Research Question:
Do Disney s animated movies offer a reflection into the development and
strengthening of Human Rights throughout the 20th Century?
Provisional answer to question:
Human Rights can be defined simply as being fundamental rights which all human
beings are inherently entitled to regardless of their nation, location, language,
religion, ethnic origin or any other status. Although today basic Human Rights are
mostly internationally recognized, this was not always the case. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights was only formally adopted in 1948 by the United
Nations General Assembly after the destruction of World War 2. Disney was
founded in 1923 and since then has been active in releasing animated movies
throughout the years. Always being conscious of its younger audience, Disney
accepted less graphic versions of fairytales told in hundreds of different formats
from as early as Ancient Greece and China. An example of this is the story of
Cinderella which was first noted by Greek Historian Strabo. Beautiful Sleeping
Beauty in the first known story told in the 12th Century as a Norse Saga was not
awoken by a sweet kiss from a Prince but alas was awoken by having her arm cut
off. When this story was later adapted in 1528 through a French Romance story
called Peace forest and again retold in 1636 where poor Sleeping Beauty was
awoken by a married Prince who then raped her. In my opinion the fact that Disney
acknowledged and accepted the less vicious
Renaissance Women And Education
During the European Renaissance, a debate arose concerning whether women should
be allowed to receive an education in the universities. This literary and philosophical
debate, known as the Querelle de Femmes, eventually evolved into a wider dispute
regarding the nature of women and their place in society. Contemporaries believed
that women were inferior to men and could be dangerous if not controlled. According
to them, a womans place was in the home playing the role of wife and mother.
However, some women began to push back against these beliefs arguing that women
deserved to receive the same education and opportunities as men.
The Querelle de Femmes gave birth to early feminist ideas from women who felt
oppressed by these misogynistic views ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As women were trying to break out of the private sphere of the home and into the
realms of politics, arts and science, there was great opposition to this. Opponents,
such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss born philosopher and social theorist of the
18th century, thought that women should be passive, weak, and subordinate to man.
In his writing Emile: or On Education, Rousseau depicted the ideal woman to be
mindless, unintelligent creatures who existed only to serve man and to care for her
home and children. Therefore, a woman did not need a high level of education to
perform this function. Despite society s resistance to women s participation in the
arts and sciences, several women managed to make major contributions in these
Ultimately the significance of the Querelle des Femmes was that it was the vehicle
through which early feminist ideas evolved. The early feminist theorists of the
Querelle unknowingly set in motion the chain of events that would lead to
tremendous transformation in women s rights. These ideas would evolve and
reemerge later in the modern era to inspire the women s movements that took place
after the French Revolution, opening the doors for women worldwide and paving the
way for the progression of modern day
A Study On Type 1 Diabetes Essay
Type 1 diabetes has become a widespread issue in our country. It is a condition
when the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin for a body to use. Because
our bodies need insulin to survive, a type one diabetic needs to either inject
themselves with insulin every day, up to 7 times per day, or go on a device which is
known as the insulinpump or pod. The body needs major adjustments in your
exercise and dietary patterns to make sure that you are healthy as possible. Dr.
Prajakta Jayant Nande was interested in the Anthropometric measurements and
dietary intake of children living with type 1 diabetes so she conducted a study. The
study is called Anthropometric Measurements, Dietary Intake and Biochemical
Parameters of Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Dr. Nande wanted to study the
nutritional status of children between the ages of 10 15 years old. (Nande,2015)
Based on three days of dietary recall, anthropometric measurements, and biochemical
information, she was able to gather the information she needs to evaluate the
nutritional status of children with type 1 diabetes. (Nande,2015) The study was
conducted using a sample of 50 children, 24 girls and 26 boys between the ages of
10 15 years old. The data was collected from a questionnaire cum interview where
information was collected about the child with diabetes. This information included
age at the time of diagnosis, family history, and how they receive the insulin,
injections or pump. She also collected their
Sinners In The Hands Of Christian Charity Analysis
The 2016 Election and terrorism are just a few of the modern trials and tribulations
that backdrop today s sermons. These events widely differ from the circumstances
of earlier sermons. In the 1700s, the Great Awakening occurred. It was a time of
religious revival in colonial America, and pastors and preachers worked to persuade
the congregate to convert. Thus, the sermons utilized skillful rhetorical tactics. Two
famous sermons to arise from this period were Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
by Jonathan Edwards and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop. Compared
to Edwards s intense conviction in Sinner in the Hands of An Angry God, Winthrop
crafts the more effective sermon through his positive diction, the inclusive repetition
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Because of these tactics, along with other rhetorical devices, Winthrop constructs an
encouraging sermon. This overall hopeful and trustworthy tone of Winthrop s writing
creates a more successful impact compared to Edwards s scare tactics. For example,
right off the bat, Edwards uses the word sinners and informs that God is angry in the
title, and yet, Winthrop s title evokes kinder thoughts with the word charity. This
strong, negative emotion of anger can immediately offend the audience and cause
them to disregard what the sermon discusses. On the other hand, the initial tone set
by Winthrop s title can influence the listener to consider the sermon. Above all, an
optimistic outlook presented by Winthrop is more effective in a
Public Employment And A Percentage Of Availability...
Due to reservations, Dalits and schedules castes are provided public employment
and a percentage of availability guaranteed apart from having reserved electoral
districts. With a rapid growth in population, the idea of what a traditional caste is
has shifted from determining ones economic wealth and class status to having a
better idea of where ones stands on the political spectrum which partly benefits
those wishing to politically appeal to the Dalits. Thus, the idea of castes has slowly
shifted from a socio economic status given to one at birth to now, a political strategy
used to form strong political parties and alliances by promising Schedule Classes and
other Backward Classes, who generate much of Indias population, newfound
political change. However, it is not that simple. Although the idea of quotas and
reservations are appealing and a great step towards equalization, through Lecture 2,
it pointed out that these reservations aren t as effective in minimizing the political
disparity between castes. This is in part because when reservations and politics are
combined, it is useless as researcher Jensenius puts it, because politicians are
controlled completely by their parties and will not take action that goes against the
party s beliefs. Although reservations may not be taking effect as quickly as some
had hoped, that does not mean it isn t taking effect at all. The Schedule Classes and
other Backward Classes have been underrepresented while being underprivileged
Gender And Gender Essay
Social construction of gender is collectively held beliefs. In society we believe that
interaction through language, symbols, color, food, gestures and people, are ways we
create meaning through social interaction. Also, social construction of gender, we
must understand the difference between sex and gender. We use gender as labels for
many reasons on how to address an individual, weather the individual want to be
recognized as him or her. We use gender display to lead others to make attributions
regarding her or his gender, regardless of whether the presented gender corresponds
to the person sex or gender sex identity. It is important to understand the difference
between sex and gender, because a person that may have been born a malebut identify
themselves as a female, it may not bother them if you address them sir or ma am.
Kessler and McKenna stated, that each time we encounter a new person, we make
gender attribution. In most cases this is not difficult. We learn how read people s
genders by learning which traits culturally signify each gender and by learning rules
that enable us to classify individuals with a wide range of gender and presentation
into two and only two gender categories .
In the article What It Mean to be Gendered Me, Lucal stated that been perceived as a
male has gave him male male interactions style that most women are not aware of. He
notices that many men greet, or acknowledge, people (mostly other me) who makes
eye contact with them with a
Narcissistic Personality Disorder In Othello
The Case of Iago and His Mental Disorder
Overreacting, focusing on power, and jealousy is something everyone experiences
at least once in his or her life, and it is not a reason to suspect a mental illness.
However, when one constantly overreacts, demands attention, and is envious of
others, it may be a cause for concern, especially when he or she has been acting that
way all his or her life or just recently as becoming an adult. When reading the drama
Othello, without even realizing it, the reader s brain forms an opinion about the
characters within the tragedy based on their actions and words. Shakespeare uses the
actions of his characters to enhance the plot and emphasize tragedy surrounding the
life of his main character, Othello. All through the text, the journal Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is quoted on its description of the
known mental disorders throughout the world that helps the doctor diagnose a
patient. The DSM defines narcissistic personality disorder as a pattern of grandiosity,
a need of admiration, and having an absence of empathy. A personal disorder can
present itself as a big issue or as subtle traits that can go undiagnosed for decades and
when diagnosed correctly can explain many odd things the patient has done
throughout his life. According to the DSM, a person diagnosed with narcissistic
personality disorder (NPD) has to exhibit five or more of the symptoms presented.
Obsessing over power, ideal love, and brilliance
Organizational Culture at Lincoln Electric
Motley Fool (2013), a multimedia financial company named Lincoln Electric to be
the eight best companies in America. It is a phenomenal achievement to maintain the
company s ranking for several years. This implies that the organizational structure and
culture should play a tremendous role in the Company s continuous success and
progress. This essay assess the assess the culture and different trends followed at
Lincoln Electric
Organizational Culture:
Business dictionary defines Organizational Culture as the values and behaviors that
contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization . It
can also be seen as the values that show people what is appropriate and what is not
(Becker, 2006).
Lincoln Electric:
Founded in 1865 by John C. Lincoln, the company is known in today s world for its
high worker productivity. The secret behind this extra ordinary success lies in the
company s founding philosophies and established policies over the year. The term
Organizational Culture was not even in practice when the company established its
unique policies like reducing working hours, paid up life insurance, health benefits,
social activities, paid vacations, and the pension plans. These measures not only
motivated the employees but also helped build trust and partisanship. In Charles G.
Herbruck s words ... these were expressions of mutual respect for each person s
importance for the job to be done. It can be assumed that Lincoln Electric
Montana Fish Synthesis Essay
Alexis Bonogofsky wrote about reports of dead fish floating and collecting on the
banks of the iconic Yellowstone River began coming into Montana Fish, Wildlife and
Parks (FWP) in early August. The Yellowstone flows for 692 miles from Absaroka
mountain range in Wyoming, through Yellowstone National Park, into the prairies of
eastern Montanaand finally, the Missouri River.
FWP officials took tissue samples from the dead fish to the US Fish and Wildlife
Service Fish Health Center in nearby Bozeman, Montana. The whitefish were found
to have died from Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD), which is caused by a
microscopic parasite known to occur in Canada, the United States and Europe. PKD
kills fish by causing extreme inflammation in their kidneys and spleen. In the past 20
years, smaller and isolated outbreaks of the disease have occurred in two locations in
Montana in addition to Washington, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In other words, it takes less energy to raise the temperature of the salt water 1В°C
than pure water. And in the winter time, adding salt to the ice lowers its freezing
point, so even more energy has to be absorbed from the environment in order for it to
AltonGas claims they monitor the river for dry weather conditions in Nova Scotia. In
an article on their site they claim:
During the dry weather conditions in Nova Scotia in the summer of 2016, salinity
levels in the river naturally exceeded 28 parts per thousand (ppt). When natural river
salinity is greater than 28 ppt, brining operations at Alton are automatically stopped to
protect the river. At this time, water will continue to be circulated in the cavern and
brining activity will be temporarily suspended.
To check salinity levels in the river, there are salinity monitors upstream and
downstream of the brine release point to constantly measure the river in real time. The
monitors also control the brine release
Actus Reus Case Study
The actus reus and mens rea both must be present to convict someone of a crime. The
actus reus is the forbidden situation and the mens rea is the mental element. Both
elements must come together and both be apparent when the crime is being
It can be seen clearly that Liam has committed a crime of serious assault when he
punches John in the face breaking his nose. Assault is an attack on another person in
which you intend to cause personal injury or to put another in a position fearing for
their safety. Serious assault involves the cracking and breaking of bones, therefore
Liam is guilty in this act of serious assault. The actus reus here is the deliberate act in
which Liam punches John and the mens rea is ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
They do so by forcing entry through the back door. They steal Martha s TV and
DVD player, Carol also secretly steals a Rolex watch after John has told her not
too. Both John and Carol are guilty of theft by housebreaking. Lafferty v Wilson
supports that John and Carol are guilty of theft by housebreaking as in the case it
makes the point that there must be sufficient evidence to prove the building is
secure. It is clear that Martha s property was secure as both John and Carol had to
force their way in through the back door, reinforcing that they are guilty of theft by
housebreaking. The actus reus is forcing entry into another s property and taking
items belonging to them and the mens rea is that it is intent as both John and Carol
broke in with the intent to steal. Both John and Carol can also be art and part liable,
this means that they are both of equal blame for all crimes committed. Many cases
of art and part liability have prior agreements on committing the crime between
those involved. The common plan is frequently described as antecedent concert .
We can assume that although John did not want Carol to take the Rolex he is still
art and part liable because he had agreed to break into Martha s house and take
items from her home. This is backed up by HM Advocate v Fraser and Rollins in
which a woman had lured another into an attack, although she was not involved in
the attack herself
Content Marketing Is Not Like Painting By Numbers
Content marketing is not like painting by numbers. This step by step guide is broken
in the process phases. This article covers the planning, execution and reflection
First, this article discusses a few common problems that are faced by professional
content marketers. It then moves onto if you have failed yet, where you learn the
best way to guarantee success. The article then moves on to explain how you sell
your brand, and gives some very strong advice on the platforms you should use.
There is then a quick work on tools before final thoughts on the step by step content
marketing guidelines.
Common Content Marketing Problems For Professionals
Here are a few common content marketing problems that professional content ...
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Sometimes, content marketers feel like they spend hours crafting intricate sand
sculptures just before the tide comes in.
Content Marketing Problem Uneven Stylistic And Content Rules
So far as your consumers are concerned, your business has one voice. The problem
with a large writing and creative staff is that the content style may appear
schizophrenic. The same thing happened in the Simpsons because they have so
many writers. One week Homer is a girly loser, and the next he is a beer drinking
thug. Strong and balanced stylistic and content rules are required to help stop this
Content Marketing Problem Prohibitive Bureaucracy
This is one of the problems mentioned by Joe Lazaukas (mentioned later), and it
deserves a place on this article. Prohibitive bureaucracy is becoming a bigger and
bigger problem as the Internet is regulated and policed more efficiently. The sad
part is that to get around such bureaucracy requires a lot of extra work. For
example, Lemmino, of TopTenMemes writes his own music because he is sick of
YouTube taking down his videos whenever he plays a relevant musical score.
If you would like to know more problems that professionals have, then Joe Lazaukas
has some very real and personal insights.
Have You Failed Yet?
If you have your product already, then you
Most People In This World Have Gone Through Some Sort
Most people in this world have gone through some sort of journey or challenge to
help them grow as a human being. So, that is why in both Cathedral written by
Raymond Carver and The Island written by Caspian Tredwell Owen we see
character development and growth, because it is easy to relate to as a reader. While
there is some difference between Cathedral and The Island that are evident, the
similarities are pronounced by the journey and challenges to self discovery of the
characters and confronting the unknown. Even though the journey is different for the
narrator in Cathedral than Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta in The Island.
That journey created growth in these main characters to help them become better
versions of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sometimes led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I
looked forward to. (Carver 200).
We realize that the narrator did not think much of Robert even before he has ever
met him. After meeting him and trying to draw the cathedral, he was told by Robert
to close his eyes and continue. At the end, we can see the growth of the narrator and
his feeling towards Robert and blind men in general. When he s told to open his eyes:
Well? he said. Are you looking?
My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn t feel like I was
inside anything.
It s really something, I said. (Craver 210)
Here we see the narrator starting to feel sympathetic in a way. Trying to put
himself in Roberts shoes, which has shown that he has come a long way in self
discovery since the start of the story. In the movie, The Island the characters Lincoln
Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta develop from very simple character thinking they are
going to an island. Instead they had to start learning about how to live in the real
world and learn why they were created. When we meet both Lincoln and Jordan
they think they are living in a world during an apocalypse and that there is a lottery
that sends them to an island. This island allegedly has not been affected by the
apocalypse. Once they find out that most of what they have been told their whole
life has been a lie, Lincoln looked to get out and bring Jordan with him. Once they
were able to leave the
Calpurnia Tate Analysis
In The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate in chapter 16 the city of Fentress, Texas gets a
telephone line that connects them to the state capitol of Austin, Texas which is
approximately 45 miles away. This is a huge change for the residents of Fentress
because they are finally able to communicate to another town without having to drive
there. The telephone line is a sign that the city of Fentress is finally evolving to
become a more modern city even though they are taking more time than the larger
cities. The quote is saying that not all cities can evolve at the same time and that
some of them may take more time than others, and the cities that do not evolve or
modernize will become extinct. In chapter 16 Fentress gets a telephone line and the

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  • 8. Computer Science Department And The Lecturers We certify that we have read this graduation project report as examination committee, examined the student in its contest and that in our opinion it is adequate as project document for B.Sc. in computer science. Supervisor: Examiner 1: Examiner 2: Name:Name:Name: Signature Signature Signature Date Date Date Acknowledgment Special thanks to our families whose courage and support for us to follow the computer science department and the lecturers in computer science department. Thanks to our supervisor Dr. Nazar saaid for his support through the graduation project. Abstraction: The Learning Management System was developed to help the education system in this university to hold the large amount of students, lecturers and staff to manage and organize the teaching system. Simply by one electronic platform that can be accessed at any time from different places. LMS is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of all university learning resources. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................1 1.1Learning Management system In General .........................................2 1.2Justification ...........................................................................2 1.3The
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  • 10. Complexity Is Defined By The American Heritage Dictionary Complexity is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as the state or condition of being intricate or complex. Something that is complex is further defined as a configuration consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts that are complicated. Complicated is then defined as that which is difficult to understand or analyze. And finally by definition, to understand means to know through experience and comprehend the nature, significance or intended meaning within a causal framework. It is important to note from the above definitions that complexitydoes not merely mean not simple . It is also critical to realize that the complexity of the systemmust be related to a perspective of understanding as it related to a logical causal... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So these emergent rules of complexity are not strictly physical laws in the Newtonian sense but rather arise from the logical constructs, functioning and control of the overall system directive which is in turn dependent on the governance of physical laws. Note the role of the observer in this definition and the reliance upon its ability to process and interpret information. Because of this dependence on a capacity of comprehension by the observer, a complex system can be considered organized or disorganized. Most people would agree that complex systems usually have many parts. However, the way those parts interrelate might be difficult to discern. In fact, there is somewhat of a disconnection between complexity and organization that centers around the observers understanding of the logical causal framework of the system. Warren Weaver posited that disorganized or disordered complexity exists when there are a large number of parts within the system that appeared to interact randomly. Like a mixed solution of chemicals in a glass beaker or gas molecules within a closed container. The emergent properties of such a system (color, temperature, viscosity, etc.) can be understood by solely using probability and statistical methods to describe the interactions of the individual components. By contrast organized or ordered complexity
  • 11. Girl With A Pearl Earring By Gring Griet Analysis An important part in every person s life is the search for personal identity and self knowledge. This struggle involves working out a concept of oneself as a unique individual and embracing an ideology or system of values that provide a sense of direction, as stated in Weiten s Psychology: Themes and Variations. Similarly, in Girl With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, Griet grapples with her identityas a maid, and entertains the idea that she can choose a path not set out for her. Her journey of self discovery leads to a deeper understanding of her role in Vermeer s paintings, and what it means for her own life. The Vermeer s influence on Griet affects her transition from adolescence into adulthood, thus affecting the choices she makes. These choices define Griet as a person even when she feels she no longer has any trace of her old self left. Although Griet does not completely sever her ties to her old life, Griet does fit the archetype of a hero on a hero s quest because of the challenges crucial to her journey and through the redemption of her personal values. As Griet begins work as a maid in the Vermeer household, she has extensive responsibilities thrust upon her both from the Vermeers and her family. While there, Griet encounters many obstacles; the first being her relationship with her new mistress Catharina. Catharina remained on the threshold. I did not dare enter before her. After an awkward moment she ordered, Open the shutters, then. Not the window on the left. Just the middle and far windows. And only the lower part of the middle window (Chevalier, 32). Catharina s instruction from Johannes creates a lot of tension between Griet and herself; beginning Catharina s resentment of Griet. Catharina does not like the fact that Johannes allows a maid in his studio, but not her. As Griet s time in the Vermeer household continues, Vermeer eventually chooses to paint Griet, even though she does not wish to be painted because of her class and position. For Griet, that means giving up the only thing she has left her identity for the sake of Vermeer s painting. He seemed to be waiting for something. My face began to strain with the fear that I was not giving him what he wanted. Griet , he added
  • 12. Batman s Iteral Questions Response To The Reader iteral questions have responses that are directly stated in the text. The reader is able to simply locate the information and copy, paraphrase or summarize. (summarize, count, name, list, copy, record, retell). Ex. questions: Who are the characters in the story? What is the name of the villian? Who is the main character? Where did they go on their vacation? What does Batman say to the Joker in Chapter 1? What happens in this chapter? Inferential questions have responses that are indirectly stated, implied, or require other information. The reader needs be able use the clues and make connections to make meaning of the text (identify, classify, categorize, explain, predict, analyze). Ex. questions: Why does Batman run from the scene? What does
  • 13. Myths, And Confusion Revolving Around The Newly Released... Introduction This paper attempts to dispel rumors, myths, and confusion revolving around the newly released chip cards. These modern cards with microchips imbedded in them have been around since the early 1990 s in France. Only until recently, October 1, 2015, have they become a standard in the United States. Due to the numerous large scale financial card breaches affecting consumers and retailers in since the year 2000, Target, Home Depot, TJX, and Heartland to name a few, the financial institutions decided it was time to enhance security at point of sale (POS) terminals. This self imposed security enhancement would come at a great cost to merchants who would have to upgrade their POS terminals and to the financial card companies who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since this coalition has expanded more recently to include many American based companies, American Express, JCB, Discover, and UnionPay the coalition has changed its name to EMVCo (EMVCo 2016). Fraud and theft doesn t just occur in Europe, so the big question is why didn t the United States institute chip cards around the same time that Europe had in the 1990 s? Philip Andreae believes that the U.S., the government prefers be more laissez faire in the way the economy evolves. The government has a certain role to play, but they don t believe that they are in the position, necessarily, to dictate how an industry, the card industry, is to move forward... (Kitten, 2011). However, with recent events in the news and technological advancements there is a new push towards changes in the United States. Push for the EMV standard in the United States Large companies have been in the news in the past years due to data breaches. Companies such as Target, Home Depot, and TJX brands have brought credit card fraud under scrutiny. How safe are consumers shopping during this day and age? The Economist (2014) has found that since the year 2003, the United States is responsible for 25% of the global market of financial card payments. At the same time the U.S. is also responsible for 50% of the world s loss due to fraud. Between 2004 and 2010, signature based cards accounted for 91% of
  • 14. The Impact Of Economics On The Environment During this course I learned how to evaluate the importance the factor of economics has in our environment. When evaluating the economics in the environmental science we have to look at a lot of things of importance when finalizing our decision to value the environment and at the same time supporting the economic spectrum. I have learned that we can sustain the environmental resource output and at the same time increased the output of using natural resources to maintain a good economic in any country. My understanding of the environmental economicsis that we have to be able to use our natural resources to benefit from it, and at the same time maintain a good usage practice sustaining that natural resources for future generations. A good government has to implement a good environmental policy to deal with environmental economics. These policies have to look at both sides, the environment and the economy of the country using these resources. Environmental economics also covers the importance of the geographical location and the value that natural resource has for the culture and population. To make sure we involve everyone in the management of the environment and the output of the use, public notice have to be in place to include everyone s participation and voice for to make this issue as ethical as possible. For example, if we want to use an area to produce oil and gas, we have to be able to analyze the impact this practice will have in the area, population, and the
  • 15. Window Treatments Essay The window treatment business is a multi million dollar industry that dates back to the 17th century around the time of the Industrial Revolution. Even during economic down times consumers frequently replaced window treatments rather than redoing an entire room. There are over 3500 establishments that sell window coverings. Window treatments can be very important purchase considering all the benefits they have to offer. A homeowner will have to consider what their needs are for window treatments and if ready made or custom made treatments will meet their needs. A homeowner will have the option to purchase either ready made or custom made treatments and each situation will differ but the homeowner will find benefits and one will be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ready made window treatments are mass produced, prefabricated treatments that can be easily found at most major retailers, discount stores, and a large number of catalog and online stores. This makes them easily accessible and convenient allowing them to be brought home and hung the same day for instant gratification. Custom made treatments are a little more involved than driving to a store and taking the window treatments home. The homeowner will have to decide if they are going to hire a professional designer or recruit the help from an associate at a retail store that specialize in custom made treatments. The whole process can take months with more decisions to be made and time to make them. Another thing a homeowner will have to consider is the size and shape of a window. Ready made draperies will be available in a limited number of lengths the most common being eighty four and ninety six inches long which would mean that these would not work well for taller windows where the draperies would not be long enough to touch the floor. Most ready made panels are offered in only one width which is usually only sufficient to close over a thirty six inch wide window or smaller or would be fine if they were meant to be stationary. If a wider width is desired, multiple panels that are not sewn together would have to be purchased. When pursing the custom avenue one would find out that custom window
  • 16. Microeconomy Homework Microeconomics Homework 1 due 28th January Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question Tick off your answer in the table on page 7 do not forget to write your name Economic concepts and reasoning 1) When the government chooses to increase public spending on domestic security, its choice ________. A) involves a tradeoff with other public services such as education, to allow more domestic security B) illustrates that scarcity does not always exist C) involves no tradeoff because domestic security is necessary D) primarily affects who gets the goods and services produced 2) Laura is a manager for HP. When Laura must decide whether to produce a few additional printers, she is choosing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on the table above, for country B, the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit of X is A) 4 units of Y per unit of X B) 2 units of Y per unit of X C) 3 /2 units of Y per unit of X D) 1 unit of Y per unit of X 14) In the table above, country B is producing 4 units of X and 6 units of Y. For country B, the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit of Y is A) 1/2 unit of X per unit of Y B) 2/3 unit of X per unit of Y C) 2 units of X per unit of Y D) 3 units of X per unit of Y 15) Country A is producing 4 units of X and 8 units of Y; country B is producing 4 units of X and 6 units of Y. Based on the table above, the opportunity cost of producing more of A) good X is lower in country A B) good Y is lower in country A C) good X is the same for both countries D) good Y is the same for both countries Production Possibilities Frontier Questions 16 to 18
  • 17. Otolaryngology Career Paper The medical profession is often times lumped into the thought that a doctor is a doctor . Many people fail to explore more into the specialized fields of medicine. There are 25 plus specialized fields and within those fields there are many subspecialties ( Specialties and Subspecialties ). All of these positions make up what is far too often generalized as the medical field . This paper is going to focus in on one specialtyin particular; otolaryngology, often referred to as ear, nose, and throat or ENT for short. Throughout this paper it ll explore what being an ENT is and what the job entails, what it takes to become an ENT, and the different subspecialties that fall into the otolaryngology category. Being the oldest medical specialty... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ENT s are ready to begin practicing their profession after up to 15 years of college and postgraduate training ( Education and training: Department of Otolaryngology ). This consists of four years of undergraduate, four years of medical school, and at least five years of specialty training ( ENT Careers ). The general residency program for an ENT is at least nine months of basic surgical science training including at least three basic specialties. Such as general surgery, thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, plastic surgery, and surgical oncology ( American Board of Otolaryngology ). Then at least fifty one more months of specialty education follows that. The last year of training is when the student becomes a chief resident . The Chief Resident is the largest leadership position made by the Department of Medicine , and the chiefs serve as key leaders for the program. The last year is spent full time in hospitals approved by the program they are completing ( American College of Surgeons 2013). During this time the trainee s are treated as if they are already full doctors in order to gain
  • 18. Vernon Project Proposal Sample MOUNT VERNON, Ky. Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) has partnered with a group of youth from 10 different LDS congregations in the Lexington area for the first time to serve in Rockcastle County. The youth conference consists of kids ages 14 18 doing various projects around CAP such as commodity distribution at Grateful Bread Food Pantry, preparing disaster relief bags on Williams St., sorting/steaming clothing donation for Grateful Threadz, and constructing ramps/benches at the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Once a year there is a conference like this to strengthen the kid s faith in Christ, allowing the kids to build important friendships, and serve the larger community. Having this youth conference with 80 100 kids exposes them to tasks they can do in their community to help out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Witnessing the youth give their time and effort to make sure that they finish each and every task they were assigned really showed their dedication and drive to helping people in need. I want to help change the lives of people in need, build relationships with my group members, and serving brings joy to my heart because I get to bring joy and peace to the lives of others, said Waveney Brooks, a volunteer from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. This isn t my first service trip, I have been on other service trips with my church like two years ago, and I went to Guatemala to help in their medical clinic and helped build a school. Grace Brooks, a volunteer from Tates Creek High School, expressed her impact on serving in Mount Vernon. I just want to help people that are in need. She helped her group as they put together ramps in the housing barn in Mount Vernon. Grace Brooks is the sister of Waveney Brooks, they both were a part of this service trip for the LDS youth
  • 19. Male Characters In Kate Chopin s The Awakening In Kate Chopin s 1899, novel The Awakening, Zora Neale Hurston s 1937, novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Jean Rhys 1966, novel Wide Sargasso Sea, while the novels themselves follow the awakening of the female protagonist s identity, they each have a male character who plays a role in their awakening. Although each male character has a different personality and role in the story, all three men have one thing in common; they are each a product of the conditioning of the patriarchal society they were raised in. In the 19th century, society was very much a male dominated arena. The men would go to work and be financially responsible for the family, while their wife would stay at home and take care of the home and children. The beliefs of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Janie, the female protagonist, meets her second husband, Jody aka Joe, as he is traveling from Georgia to Eatonville. He believes once he reaches Eatonville he will be able to become wealthy through his ambitions and political savviness. Once Janie meets Jody, she decides to leave her first husband, marry Joe, and follow him to Eatonville. Once they arrive in town, Joe quickly begins to take over the town as a businessman, becoming the postmaster, mayor, storekeeper, and the owner of the most land in Eatonville. Joe has been conditioned by society to be the man in power who answers to no one, especially his wife. While, he presents himself as a loving man when he first meets Janie, he soon shows his true colors when he begins to treat Janie as an object instead of as a person. It quickly becomes evident that Joe did not marry Janie for love, but because he sees her as an object he can control that will benefit him in obtaining power in Eatonville. It is through his treatment of his wife that their marriage begins to
  • 20. Hooke s Law And Simple Harmonic Oscillations College physics II Laboratory Experiment 2 Hooke s law and simple harmonic oscillations by Mohamed Omer Lab Partners Youssef Farlos Roman Martinaz Jhon Fanque Date performed January 18, 2015 Introduction/ Abstract: Simple harmonic motion is the study of oscillation. An object undergoes oscillation when it experiences a restoring force which restores this object to equilibrium positon. The Simple harmonic oscillation occurs when the net force on an object along the direction of motion is proportional to the object s displacement and in the opposite direction by this equation F = kx. In addition, an object whose position time graph makes a sine or cosine function is in simple harmonic motion. This type of relation is called Hooke s law. The purpose of this experiment is to prove Hooke s law and study Simple harmonic motion and to show that this equation T = 2 is valid during Simple harmonic motion. Theory: The relevant theoretical concepts and equations used in this experiment are: T = 2 | E1 в€’ E2 | E1 + E2 2 K= Percent difference = Experimental Procedure: The Computer and sensor calibration along with equipment such as DIN plug, force sensor, rod, clamp, spring, sensor s hook, and hanger were all set up already in the
  • 21. laboratory before we started doing the experiment. Hooke s law a)We used a meter stick to measure the position of the
  • 22. Argumentative Research Papers Argumentative Research Paper I am an average highschool student who has decent grades who is generally in the 3.0 3.5 GPA range. I am not like not like some students who really put in the effort of studying, I will write notes if its an assignment, but I usually go based off on memory at best I ll go over and read my notes once. If I use the strategies of flashcards, music, and rewriting I will more likely be able to to be successful. Highly effective students create and review flashcards. They will use it for terms and definitions. They use process of elimination, they go through the cards and they makes three piles. Pile one are the cards they know are correct of, Pile two are the cards they are unsure of, and Pile three are the cards they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most that I know who use this strategy listen to music with earbuds and listen to genres like rap. For some students this is beneficial but some it isn t, it depends how and what type of music students listen to. Student who listen to rap usually focus on the words not the work, this makes them more likely to forget. Studies show classical music can be beneficial to students it help relax the mind and body to help it focus, listening to Mozart before studying helps students memories; The Mozart Effect. For me I usually like it quite when I am doing my work but sometimes I am in the mood for music when doing my work. I use this strategy but not all the time while it hasn t help improve my test scores significantly, It does help me focus and finish my work.( Do Or Don t: Studying While Listening To Music ) Similarly to flashcards rewriting is an efficient strategy that highly effective students use. They will rewrite terms, formulas, etc. over and over again until they understand and remember it. Studies show students who write their work develop a deeper memory rather than student who dont or type on a computer. I don t typically rewrite all the time because it tedious and time consuming but if I did start making this a habit I know I ll be more likely to remember.( For More Effective Studying, Take Notes With Pen and
  • 23. The Rubik s Cube How Architecture found Cubes The Rubik s cube, invented by Erno Rubik, is famously known as the Impossible puzzle. It was during the summer of my 7th grade that I first stumbled upon the Rubik s cube. The Rubik s cube is a cube with different colors on all sides. The goal is to be able to return the original look of the cube, with all the edges and corners corresponding to the center color of each face. People seem to think the cube is made out of 27 cubes, but it is actually made of a core. The other pieces fit in with the core to give the look of multiple cubes grouped together. I remembered the day vividly when I held the glamorous box with the Qi Yi BullFight (Name of the Rubik s Cube) inside. The cube felt special, it was an experience I had never encountered. Perfect. Made with care. I momentarily observed the cube, six sides, all with their beautifully covered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Architecture is the design of a building, just like the bones that make up the structure of a human being, and the way it forms as a basis for a design. The Rubik s cube is the pencil I use for drawing. The pencil is occasionally used, and sometimes, left alone. When I am focused, I can solve my difficulties, calm and controlled. Nevertheless, I can draw my imagination, however hard it maybe. However, when I am inattentive, it seems like a brick wall is stopping me from my solution. Although this pencil may cause me to stress out, it can also encourage me to try harder, and seek out the hidden solution even with the massive brick wall in the way. My love of architecture connects with the cube because solving problems in puzzles is just like thinking through and designing something. In addition, whenever I open my vision to the many designs in the world, it brings me back to the Rubik s cube and architecture. The many designs act like the algorithms in the cube, you sometimes make errors, and you sometimes
  • 24. Analysis Of Francois Hutteau s Great Search For Liberty Francois Hutteau s great search for Liberty Hello my French brothers and sisters! Dark times have befallen our precious land, and pure chaos has ensued. I write to the people in France in hopes of establishing a new land. A land that can be looked upon proudly with eyes of great virtue. In order to achieve our wildest dreams we must sort through the rubbish that has landed us here in the first place. How will we as a society react to the many things that have been dealt to the people of France? Perhaps our great fight ends in bloodshed, and broken promises. Or perhaps we could take heed of the laws and policies our fellow Europeans across the Sea. I had the pleasure of visiting one of the cities in America that the citizens take so much pride in: Boston, Massachusetts. A port town on the North Eastern coast that was a large part of the American Revolution . It was also home to the Notorious Boston Massacre. There are a number of things that I enjoyed about my trip, but pointing out the differences between Boston and France had to be the most delectable part of my trip. The way in which they practice religion is something to behold. Their new Constitution is also no laughing matter, and lastly the many things Americans find fun is mesmerizing, and also repulsive. America is a tremendous place and I cannot wait to guide you through my journey and inferences. The first voyage I made when I got off the boat was directly towards a church. I decided to visit the Old North Church and as I approached I noticed that the brick work seemed to glisten in the sun, and the white interior reminded me of how pure the world can really be. The church practiced Protestantism, and started soon after the War.[1] I admired the way in which the citizens praised God, but I did happen to notice that their practices were rather different from my own. After talking to some of the Americans most had either commented on my accent or expressed their condolences to the revolution. I also asked them about how they worship and how they choose to worship. Many of these American citizens were free to choose what they wanted to worship. Most did say that they would be judged for their religious decisions, but were never forced into doing
  • 25. Essay on How the Great Depression Changed the Federal... The period before the great depression, the 1920s, was known as the Roaring Twenties or the Jazz age. This Era was marked by artistic movement such as the creation of Jazz music and a rich supply of American writing. During this time the federal government had been providing some aid to the states but leaving the bulk of the power to the states, which is known as a dual federalism. It also marked the end of modest social traditions and wave of materialism encouraged by increased customer spending with the open use of a new concept called credit. As the Great Depression rolled in, a cry for the involvement of government in matters of the economy was sent out as the United States reached an all time low. When Wall Street crashed, millions of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along with the New Deal came a lot of controversy about the expansion of the government s part in American society. Three days after taking office FDR established the Emergency Banking Act, that closed all the banks. Once the banks were reopened they were put under close supervision, also the treasury was authorized to issue more currency. After the Emergency Banking act, during the rest of FDR s first 100 days in office, he proposed, and Congress enacted, an abundance of legislative acts such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), the Civic Works Administration (CWA), the Homeowners Loan Act, and the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). One of the most innovative New Deal Program was the Tennessee Valley Authority act (TVA) which created an independent public agency that oversaw the development of projects in the Tennessee River Valley. While [the New Deal] did not end the Depression, [the] experimental programs helped the American people immeasurably by taking care of their basic needs and giving them the dignity of work and hope (Maxwell, 1952) Grants in aids became a main mechanism of
  • 26. David And Goliath The story of David and Goliath is an iconic story from the bible, which many artists have tried to capture in sculptures. The story goes that there was a young boy that tended sheep, and one day he went to go see his brothers that were in the Israel army called Israelites. The Israelites were at war with the Philistines whom had a great warrior his name was Goliath, he stood nine feet tall and was enormous compared to everyone else. Goliath carried giant weapons and was afraid of no man. For Forty days Goliath would go to the battlefield and demand to give him a man and let them fight each other but everyone was too scared. But while Davidwas there to see his brothers he saw Goliath and was not afraid so he asked the king to let him fight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But to compare the age I would say that Donatello s David is the youngest and most boy like of all three. Michelangelo s and Bernini s depict David as a young man or someone that could actually fight, they make him look muscular and more defined than Donatello s depiction also Donatello s is the only sculpture casted in bronze rather than the other two being made of marble. Also the hair in Donatello s David is longer and more of a biblical looking David than the others. They are all in different times as well the first made sculpture was Donatello s and his David was made after the battle of him and Goliath, but Michelangelo s is seen as right before the battle when he is looking at Goliath. And the last made was Bernini s and in his David is in the action of throwing the stone at Goliath. In Michelangelo s David he is just made by himself with one thing keeping him up where in the others David s is in a action like throwing in Bernini s or is standing on something like in Donatello s. The facial expressions in all of these are actually quite different as well if you really look at them. In Bernini s his face is distressed and in concentration. But in Michelangelo s his face is almost blank but with a look as if to no shock of the giant in front of him. And finally Donatello s has a face of a grin or smirk where he has defeated the great Goliath and he is now happy. They also have
  • 27. Women s Role As A President Of The United States Women were not role players in the national government until 1917, but over nearly the past century, the impact women have had on Washington s politics has begun to unfold into the current role women play in the US government today. Before 1917, no woman had ever been elected to serve and represent their state in Washington, D.C., although many had tried. In 1917, we saw our first congresswoman on the national stage, and throughout the year s woman have played many roles in government. These roles include service in the House of Representatives, the Senate, many presidents cabinets, and other vital roles in our government. Many women have tried and some have come close, but, no woman has ever been able to grab the most illustrious role, the President of the United States. For that matter, no woman has been elected Vice President of the United States. Women will continue to try until they prevail and are chosen to serve as the President of the United States. To understand female roles in the US government, we must first look at the first woman to serve on the National stage. Republican Jeanette Rankin, a Montana native, fought for female suffrage in her home state as well as the state of Washington before being elected to the House of Representatives in 1916. Rankin s election really made a statement on Washington, as women could not legally vote in America, but here was one serving on Congress. Obviously, Congresswoman Rankin went to Washington with a goal, to grant women
  • 28. Affects of Gambling Essay Affects of Gambling In a world fraught by deadly ecological problems, the idea of discussing the future of gambling may seem frivolous. Yet it is far from that. As a fundamental human activity, it deserves to be studied without cultural or religious bias for the key that it may provide to survival. We have been fed a lot of myths about our wish for homeostasis, which is really a state of bovine contentment. To attempt to achieve this state we consume mountains of pills and rivers of alcohol. Somehow we seem to feel that if we can deny our essential humanity long enough, we can solve our problems. When we attempt to grow, we are considered mentally ill, masochistic, or naive. Outworn Freudian or Skinnerian approaches to human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many elderly persons are passionate gamblers, called elderly life seekers. What they seek is what most gamblers seek, involvement in the action. This is crucial to their sense of well being in this society, which excludes them from the action of living and seeks to hide them away. Not only this, but while they play random games such as bingo and slot machines, they have an equal chance with the rest of the participants for perhaps the first time in their lives. While they play, they are wholly absorbed in the contest. The implications of this are that gambling can stimulate the elderly to renewed interest in life, and that homes for the aged would do well to allow their residents to gamble, keeping them alert and stimulated rather than dull and tranquilized. Moving from the retired to the working class, we find the importance of the gamble is still in the action. In this case, however, the working class individual sees his participation as a means of surmounting impotence, of feeling that he has a hand in his own destiny. Having little opportunity for decision making in his job, he feels that if he wins he has in some way controlled his world; if he loses, it is simply a tough break. Some feel
  • 29. Symbols In Still Life With Bible By Vincent Van Gogh This is a still life painting, in which Vincent van Gogh selected some everyday objects to express their symbolic meaning on his drawing. This portrayal describes the setting on a table. It emphasized a opened big book which placed at the center. The book is thick and the content looks vague, but it is believed that it is a Bible under the pretext of the portrayal s title, Still life with Bible . There is also a candlestick with an extinguished candle next to the Bible and the candle is burnt and remained part of it. In the foreground, there is a pocketbook. This pocketbook is small and closed and its cover page appears some alphabets. Besides, the table is covered by a textile or leathery cloth. When it comes to the principles of this artwork, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (BBC, 2014). In fact, van Gogh had suffered numerous bad and unfortunate experiences over his lifetime. One of the noted occurrence is that van Gogh is slightly different from other impressionists as he likes using cool colors rather than warm colors in his paintings. This idea is weird in his period of time and it is contrary to many popular opinions on impressionism and so he made virtually no money from his portrayals and eventually got mentally ill and depressed, however, van Gogh believed that beautiful impressionistic art could also be dark art, and so the Still Life with Bible is one of the artworks to demonstrate his point of views on impressionism. He even need to sell his paintings for money, but still not enough to maintain his daily living and eventually spilt with his family. Although van Gogh was born into a Christian family, he was frustrated when the church dismissed him because of his unduly eager commitment to his strongly differing belief and faith. What is more, van Gogh s father died at 1885 and it added hail to snow in van Gogh s
  • 30. What Is The Equity Analysis Of Asian Paints Asian Paints Equity Analysis Report | Sector: Consumer goods CMP: INR842.65 (14 January 2015) TP: INR860 (+2%)Neutral Asian Paints is India s largest paint company and Asia s third largest paint company, with a turnover of Rs 127.15 billion. The group has an enviable reputation in the corporate world for professionalism, fast track growth, and building shareholder equity. Asian Paintsoperates in 17 countries and has 23 paint manufacturing facilities in the world servicing consumers in over 65 countries. Besides Asian Paints, the group operates around the world through its subsidiaries Berger International Limited, Apco Coatings, SCIB Paints and Taubmans. Valuation and View... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, decisive policy measures by the new business‐friendly government will spur urban demand. Diversification into water proofing, modular kitchens and bath fittings places the company in a sweet spot to corner higher wallet. Account for 3QFY15 miss, we estimate 30.5% EPS CAGR over FY15E 17E, with underlying gross and EBITDA margin expansion of 420bp and 380bp, respectively. With improving macro scenario and consumer confidence should drive volume growth, valuations at 42.4x FY16E and 34.6x FY17E discounts the positives, in our view. Maintain Neutral with a revised target price of INR860 (35x FY17E, three year average
  • 31. The Search For Extraterrestrial Life Extraterrestrial Life Humanity has gazed at the star laden sky since the dawn of time, and one question has been asked with great frequency, are we alone in the universe? While humankind may never discover bipedal humanoid life forms as portrayed on the movie screen, the chance that microorganisms, bacteria, or other small forms of extraterrestrial lifeare greater than many think. This essay will explore what scientists search for, how they search, present sources who favor the possibility of life, those who deem it unlikely, and if life could exist in non Earthlike conditions. What Humanity Searches For The search for extraterrestrial life can be quite Earth centric, because humanity knows that because we exist here on Earth, we should begin looking for Earth like conditions on other known worlds. However, space is unfathomably large, and our solar system contains only one planet with Earth like conditions, Earth itself. However, scientists have broken down the search for extraterrestrial life into building blocks, core requirements that can help define and limit the search into the vastness of space. Energy Here on Earth, energy is created from the shuffling of electrons between molecules during chemical reactions. One such process occurs with light absorbing proteins in plant life by way of photosynthesis (Choi, 2014). This process of photosynthesis is one of the most important energy capturing processes on Earth, as plants directly absorb photons of radiant light
  • 32. Similarities Between Cleopatra And Cleopatra Eckhardt 6 Caesar s guests until his murder, Cleopatra tried to get recognition for her son as rightful heir, but to no avail. (Cinnone) Cleopatra s family ruled Egypt for more than 100 years before she was born around 69 B.C. The stories and myths surrounding Cleopatra s tragic life inspired a number of books, movies and plays, including Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare. Cleopatra has become one of the most well known ancient Egyptians. ( Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. ) In 59 Caesars, with this backing, secured his first consulship, in which he ruthlessly overrode the opposition and disregarded the vetoes of his pro senatorial colleague. Then, between 58 and 51, he conquered the whole of central and northern Gaul as far as the River Rhine, which he briefly crossed. (Grant 29) After Caesar and his army crushed Gaul, both parties became exceptionally affluent. In 49 BC, Caesar attacked Pompey and his men later deserting them. Caesar was victorious, Pompey flees to Egypt and is later pursued by Caesar.( Republic of Rome ) The quote by Julius Caesar I came, I saw, I conquered was addressing the Roman senate After Defeating King Pharnaces II after the Battle of Zela in 47 BC. (Hagopian Institute) Julius Caesar himself fought in the Punic wars. Conventional wisdom has it that the Roman Empire consisted of what would now be known as Western Europe. The Romans and the Carthaginians had their first of three consecutive battles in 264 BC, which was known as the
  • 33. Monica Lewinsky Research Paper Monica Lewinsky show her entrance into midlife crises. She is in her 40 s when she finally broke the silence of her affairs with former President Bill Clinton at the age of 22 years old. Monica Lewinsky revealed her price of shame and wants the whole world to be informed about the truth coming from her mouth. Monica Lewinskymidlife crisis gradually began to feel more content to show her face of shame. Monica Lewinsky the humiliated person is an anti bullying advocate. Monica Lewinsky is a guest speaker for facebook and many other conferences. She wants these major company to be more friendly with an warmth approach for the internet. Monica Lewinsky joined forces with Bystander Revolution. This is an organization which gives video Advice to what to do if you are a victim of internet bullying. Monica Lewinsky have been bullied publicly and by the internet. She have been haunted with the bad decisions that was made in 1996 1998. Lewinsky suffered brutally with harsh consequences which made her young life a turmoil. She have lost the respect of the public people especially the American people. Nowadays, Monica Lewinsky is a devoted advocate for people who have been bullied. In her speech, She spoke about Tyler who was a n 18 years old gay young man. He was having sexual intimacy with a guy in his dorm and his roommates video tape him and send it all over the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the UK children and adolescents are suicidal. Monica blamed technology for causing shame, grief, and cyberbullying. Monica Lewinsky believed cyberbullying is a behavior of a symptom of the culture we ve created . She explained racism, homophobia, are biases today and in the past . Monica Lewinsky midlife crisis was an emotional ride. She needed to express her voice to show the emotional identity and self confidence that occurs in the early stages of middle age. She was vibrantly spoke about
  • 34. Career Satisfaction And Employee Retention For Novice... We have learned that nursing theory defines nursing as a practice and is based on conceptual frameworks. For framework to be developed into theory one must start with a concept to provide a structure. A concept is a generalized idea that when placed in context will develop its meaning and application in addition to advancing the knowledge of a specific area (Meier, 2013). A concept analysis s purpose is to examine the basic elements of a concept that are used for theory development and define its attributes (Meier, 2013). The aim of this concept analysis will be to gain a broader understanding about the concept mentoring and how it is linked to employee satisfaction and employee retention to novice nursing staff. In an article from the Oklahoma Nursejournal it is mentioned that mentor programs and mentorship allows for continued growth for novice staff (Davis and Maisano, 2016). Dr. Benner s theory of Novice to Expert provides support that a novice to expert relationship occurs in a mentoring relationship; this relationship will lead to career satisfaction and intent to stay in nursing (Mariani, 2012). This mentoring concept analysis will follow an outline of concept definitionwith defining attributes in addition to a literature review to examine current themes, facts, and ideas about the concept. To provide addition clarity of mentoring, antecedents and consequences will be described. To measure the concept has occurred, empirical referents will be explored. To conclude,
  • 35. HIV In Haiti Haiti is one of the regions with the highest HIV infection rate, especially in Caribbean. About 3% of adults are infected. The reason for that are poverty, sexual partners, gender, and almost non existing health care. The epidemic started in late 70s due to prostitution, blood transfusion and unprotected sex. Around the same time the epidemic was discovered in the USA, and the virus was found in Haitians immigrants. Because of that Haiti become one of the risk factors for HIV. The stigma brought disastrous consequences to the whole country, including the collapse of tourism. At the beginning, the disease was associated with male homosexual behavior, but the virus spread quickly to the heterosexual population. Now women are more likely to get infected than man because of their lower position in society. Rape, unprotected sex and prostitution increase their chances of HIV. Most of the pregnant women with HIV gave it to their children. Now a lot of efforts are taken to prevent it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Haitian Red Cross and other organizations work hard to help and educate people about AIDS/HIV, safe sexual practice and give access to condoms. All the efforts bring optimistic results. Over the past decade, new HIV infection rate decreased by 54%. Huge progress can be noted especially in urban area. Unfortunately rural areas still required a lot of help, mostly basic education about AIDS/HIV prevention. There is a significant drop in percentage of people with HIV in Haiti, but there s still a lot of work ahead to change the overall situation. Especially because the country has to struggle with other epidemics and natural disasters like the earthquake in 2010, which only slows down the process of preventing
  • 36. How To Save The Titanic Persuasive Essay Most builders of the ship thought that if they added more lifeboats would disquite the first class passengers and ruin their view of the ocean and didn t add them. If the crew would have seen the iceberg 30 seconds sooner, and changed the course, the chances of the Titanic being saved could be increased. The Titanic is the only ever ocean liner to be sunk by an iceberg. There was a Japanese person aboard the ship who survived the sinking and made fun of, being called a coward, by his country for not dying with the other passengers. Almost 12 newlyweds were on their honeymoon aboard the Titanic. The iceberg that sank the Titanic began growing sometime around 1000 BCE. If most people would have use the lifeboats, 53% would have survived, but
  • 37. The Capture Of Fort Fisher Analysis The Capture of Fort Fisher Primary documents such as diaries and journals have a vast importance to historians. First hand accounts are praised in the historian community due to the accuracy, inaccuracy, or even the hyperbole that are found in these wonderful documents. Lamentably some primary documents are factual and some are incorrect or different. For example, a report from a major general from the union may be different from a major general from the confederates. The challenge of trying to decide what actually happened over the course of a battle that took almost 10 days makes the task at hand more demanding. Conflicting reports during the battle of Wilmington between US General Alfred Howe Terry and Confederate Army General Braxton... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can give the advantage to the other side because it knows where the enemy would be at and can have time to plan, set up, and attack. The Confederates received the information from Major General Whiting that the Union Army was preparing to march forward to New Inlet which is modern day Outer Banks. Whiting then gave commands to General Bragg at midnight on the 12th day of the month. (Bragg 131) While two days later the Union received the information for the Confederates and they received telegraphic reports from Major General Whiting. Telegraphic reports from Major General Whiting received at 1:30 p.m. on the 14th instant, during this examination, represented the garrison of the fort in fine condition and spirits. (Terry 433). The Confederates had plenty of time to meet with Whiting to plan an attack. Even though this may look like a loss for the Union due to how long it might have taken them. Every army is different with travel speed and distance. Some may catch a train or some may be walking with heavy armor and some may not have any armor on. However, something strange and peculiar happened. The Union had won the battle of Wilmington and they captured Fort Fisher. The long trip from New Inlet to walking through the swamp through the middle of the night paid off and even though they were victorious this was not a major
  • 38. Do Disney s Animated Movies Offer A Reflection Into The... Final Research Question: Do Disney s animated movies offer a reflection into the development and strengthening of Human Rights throughout the 20th Century? Provisional answer to question: Human Rights can be defined simply as being fundamental rights which all human beings are inherently entitled to regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. Although today basic Human Rights are mostly internationally recognized, this was not always the case. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was only formally adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly after the destruction of World War 2. Disney was founded in 1923 and since then has been active in releasing animated movies throughout the years. Always being conscious of its younger audience, Disney accepted less graphic versions of fairytales told in hundreds of different formats from as early as Ancient Greece and China. An example of this is the story of Cinderella which was first noted by Greek Historian Strabo. Beautiful Sleeping Beauty in the first known story told in the 12th Century as a Norse Saga was not awoken by a sweet kiss from a Prince but alas was awoken by having her arm cut off. When this story was later adapted in 1528 through a French Romance story called Peace forest and again retold in 1636 where poor Sleeping Beauty was awoken by a married Prince who then raped her. In my opinion the fact that Disney acknowledged and accepted the less vicious
  • 39. Renaissance Women And Education During the European Renaissance, a debate arose concerning whether women should be allowed to receive an education in the universities. This literary and philosophical debate, known as the Querelle de Femmes, eventually evolved into a wider dispute regarding the nature of women and their place in society. Contemporaries believed that women were inferior to men and could be dangerous if not controlled. According to them, a womans place was in the home playing the role of wife and mother. However, some women began to push back against these beliefs arguing that women deserved to receive the same education and opportunities as men. The Querelle de Femmes gave birth to early feminist ideas from women who felt oppressed by these misogynistic views ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As women were trying to break out of the private sphere of the home and into the realms of politics, arts and science, there was great opposition to this. Opponents, such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss born philosopher and social theorist of the 18th century, thought that women should be passive, weak, and subordinate to man. In his writing Emile: or On Education, Rousseau depicted the ideal woman to be mindless, unintelligent creatures who existed only to serve man and to care for her home and children. Therefore, a woman did not need a high level of education to perform this function. Despite society s resistance to women s participation in the arts and sciences, several women managed to make major contributions in these fields. Ultimately the significance of the Querelle des Femmes was that it was the vehicle through which early feminist ideas evolved. The early feminist theorists of the Querelle unknowingly set in motion the chain of events that would lead to tremendous transformation in women s rights. These ideas would evolve and reemerge later in the modern era to inspire the women s movements that took place after the French Revolution, opening the doors for women worldwide and paving the way for the progression of modern day
  • 40. A Study On Type 1 Diabetes Essay Type 1 diabetes has become a widespread issue in our country. It is a condition when the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin for a body to use. Because our bodies need insulin to survive, a type one diabetic needs to either inject themselves with insulin every day, up to 7 times per day, or go on a device which is known as the insulinpump or pod. The body needs major adjustments in your exercise and dietary patterns to make sure that you are healthy as possible. Dr. Prajakta Jayant Nande was interested in the Anthropometric measurements and dietary intake of children living with type 1 diabetes so she conducted a study. The study is called Anthropometric Measurements, Dietary Intake and Biochemical Parameters of Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Dr. Nande wanted to study the nutritional status of children between the ages of 10 15 years old. (Nande,2015) Based on three days of dietary recall, anthropometric measurements, and biochemical information, she was able to gather the information she needs to evaluate the nutritional status of children with type 1 diabetes. (Nande,2015) The study was conducted using a sample of 50 children, 24 girls and 26 boys between the ages of 10 15 years old. The data was collected from a questionnaire cum interview where information was collected about the child with diabetes. This information included age at the time of diagnosis, family history, and how they receive the insulin, injections or pump. She also collected their
  • 41. Sinners In The Hands Of Christian Charity Analysis The 2016 Election and terrorism are just a few of the modern trials and tribulations that backdrop today s sermons. These events widely differ from the circumstances of earlier sermons. In the 1700s, the Great Awakening occurred. It was a time of religious revival in colonial America, and pastors and preachers worked to persuade the congregate to convert. Thus, the sermons utilized skillful rhetorical tactics. Two famous sermons to arise from this period were Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God by Jonathan Edwards and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop. Compared to Edwards s intense conviction in Sinner in the Hands of An Angry God, Winthrop crafts the more effective sermon through his positive diction, the inclusive repetition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of these tactics, along with other rhetorical devices, Winthrop constructs an encouraging sermon. This overall hopeful and trustworthy tone of Winthrop s writing creates a more successful impact compared to Edwards s scare tactics. For example, right off the bat, Edwards uses the word sinners and informs that God is angry in the title, and yet, Winthrop s title evokes kinder thoughts with the word charity. This strong, negative emotion of anger can immediately offend the audience and cause them to disregard what the sermon discusses. On the other hand, the initial tone set by Winthrop s title can influence the listener to consider the sermon. Above all, an optimistic outlook presented by Winthrop is more effective in a
  • 42. Public Employment And A Percentage Of Availability... Due to reservations, Dalits and schedules castes are provided public employment and a percentage of availability guaranteed apart from having reserved electoral districts. With a rapid growth in population, the idea of what a traditional caste is has shifted from determining ones economic wealth and class status to having a better idea of where ones stands on the political spectrum which partly benefits those wishing to politically appeal to the Dalits. Thus, the idea of castes has slowly shifted from a socio economic status given to one at birth to now, a political strategy used to form strong political parties and alliances by promising Schedule Classes and other Backward Classes, who generate much of Indias population, newfound political change. However, it is not that simple. Although the idea of quotas and reservations are appealing and a great step towards equalization, through Lecture 2, it pointed out that these reservations aren t as effective in minimizing the political disparity between castes. This is in part because when reservations and politics are combined, it is useless as researcher Jensenius puts it, because politicians are controlled completely by their parties and will not take action that goes against the party s beliefs. Although reservations may not be taking effect as quickly as some had hoped, that does not mean it isn t taking effect at all. The Schedule Classes and other Backward Classes have been underrepresented while being underprivileged
  • 43. Gender And Gender Essay Social construction of gender is collectively held beliefs. In society we believe that interaction through language, symbols, color, food, gestures and people, are ways we create meaning through social interaction. Also, social construction of gender, we must understand the difference between sex and gender. We use gender as labels for many reasons on how to address an individual, weather the individual want to be recognized as him or her. We use gender display to lead others to make attributions regarding her or his gender, regardless of whether the presented gender corresponds to the person sex or gender sex identity. It is important to understand the difference between sex and gender, because a person that may have been born a malebut identify themselves as a female, it may not bother them if you address them sir or ma am. Kessler and McKenna stated, that each time we encounter a new person, we make gender attribution. In most cases this is not difficult. We learn how read people s genders by learning which traits culturally signify each gender and by learning rules that enable us to classify individuals with a wide range of gender and presentation into two and only two gender categories . In the article What It Mean to be Gendered Me, Lucal stated that been perceived as a male has gave him male male interactions style that most women are not aware of. He notices that many men greet, or acknowledge, people (mostly other me) who makes eye contact with them with a
  • 44. Narcissistic Personality Disorder In Othello The Case of Iago and His Mental Disorder Overreacting, focusing on power, and jealousy is something everyone experiences at least once in his or her life, and it is not a reason to suspect a mental illness. However, when one constantly overreacts, demands attention, and is envious of others, it may be a cause for concern, especially when he or she has been acting that way all his or her life or just recently as becoming an adult. When reading the drama Othello, without even realizing it, the reader s brain forms an opinion about the characters within the tragedy based on their actions and words. Shakespeare uses the actions of his characters to enhance the plot and emphasize tragedy surrounding the life of his main character, Othello. All through the text, the journal Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is quoted on its description of the known mental disorders throughout the world that helps the doctor diagnose a patient. The DSM defines narcissistic personality disorder as a pattern of grandiosity, a need of admiration, and having an absence of empathy. A personal disorder can present itself as a big issue or as subtle traits that can go undiagnosed for decades and when diagnosed correctly can explain many odd things the patient has done throughout his life. According to the DSM, a person diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has to exhibit five or more of the symptoms presented. Obsessing over power, ideal love, and brilliance
  • 45. Organizational Culture at Lincoln Electric Introduction: Motley Fool (2013), a multimedia financial company named Lincoln Electric to be the eight best companies in America. It is a phenomenal achievement to maintain the company s ranking for several years. This implies that the organizational structure and culture should play a tremendous role in the Company s continuous success and progress. This essay assess the assess the culture and different trends followed at Lincoln Electric Organizational Culture: Business dictionary defines Organizational Culture as the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization . It can also be seen as the values that show people what is appropriate and what is not (Becker, 2006). Lincoln Electric: Founded in 1865 by John C. Lincoln, the company is known in today s world for its high worker productivity. The secret behind this extra ordinary success lies in the company s founding philosophies and established policies over the year. The term Organizational Culture was not even in practice when the company established its unique policies like reducing working hours, paid up life insurance, health benefits, social activities, paid vacations, and the pension plans. These measures not only motivated the employees but also helped build trust and partisanship. In Charles G. Herbruck s words ... these were expressions of mutual respect for each person s importance for the job to be done. It can be assumed that Lincoln Electric
  • 46. Montana Fish Synthesis Essay Alexis Bonogofsky wrote about reports of dead fish floating and collecting on the banks of the iconic Yellowstone River began coming into Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) in early August. The Yellowstone flows for 692 miles from Absaroka mountain range in Wyoming, through Yellowstone National Park, into the prairies of eastern Montanaand finally, the Missouri River. FWP officials took tissue samples from the dead fish to the US Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Health Center in nearby Bozeman, Montana. The whitefish were found to have died from Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD), which is caused by a microscopic parasite known to occur in Canada, the United States and Europe. PKD kills fish by causing extreme inflammation in their kidneys and spleen. In the past 20 years, smaller and isolated outbreaks of the disease have occurred in two locations in Montana in addition to Washington, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In other words, it takes less energy to raise the temperature of the salt water 1В°C than pure water. And in the winter time, adding salt to the ice lowers its freezing point, so even more energy has to be absorbed from the environment in order for it to melt. AltonGas claims they monitor the river for dry weather conditions in Nova Scotia. In an article on their site they claim: During the dry weather conditions in Nova Scotia in the summer of 2016, salinity levels in the river naturally exceeded 28 parts per thousand (ppt). When natural river salinity is greater than 28 ppt, brining operations at Alton are automatically stopped to protect the river. At this time, water will continue to be circulated in the cavern and brining activity will be temporarily suspended. To check salinity levels in the river, there are salinity monitors upstream and downstream of the brine release point to constantly measure the river in real time. The monitors also control the brine release
  • 47. Actus Reus Case Study Introduction The actus reus and mens rea both must be present to convict someone of a crime. The actus reus is the forbidden situation and the mens rea is the mental element. Both elements must come together and both be apparent when the crime is being committed. Assault It can be seen clearly that Liam has committed a crime of serious assault when he punches John in the face breaking his nose. Assault is an attack on another person in which you intend to cause personal injury or to put another in a position fearing for their safety. Serious assault involves the cracking and breaking of bones, therefore Liam is guilty in this act of serious assault. The actus reus here is the deliberate act in which Liam punches John and the mens rea is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They do so by forcing entry through the back door. They steal Martha s TV and DVD player, Carol also secretly steals a Rolex watch after John has told her not too. Both John and Carol are guilty of theft by housebreaking. Lafferty v Wilson supports that John and Carol are guilty of theft by housebreaking as in the case it makes the point that there must be sufficient evidence to prove the building is secure. It is clear that Martha s property was secure as both John and Carol had to force their way in through the back door, reinforcing that they are guilty of theft by housebreaking. The actus reus is forcing entry into another s property and taking items belonging to them and the mens rea is that it is intent as both John and Carol broke in with the intent to steal. Both John and Carol can also be art and part liable, this means that they are both of equal blame for all crimes committed. Many cases of art and part liability have prior agreements on committing the crime between those involved. The common plan is frequently described as antecedent concert . We can assume that although John did not want Carol to take the Rolex he is still art and part liable because he had agreed to break into Martha s house and take items from her home. This is backed up by HM Advocate v Fraser and Rollins in which a woman had lured another into an attack, although she was not involved in the attack herself
  • 48. Content Marketing Is Not Like Painting By Numbers Content marketing is not like painting by numbers. This step by step guide is broken in the process phases. This article covers the planning, execution and reflection phases. First, this article discusses a few common problems that are faced by professional content marketers. It then moves onto if you have failed yet, where you learn the best way to guarantee success. The article then moves on to explain how you sell your brand, and gives some very strong advice on the platforms you should use. There is then a quick work on tools before final thoughts on the step by step content marketing guidelines. Common Content Marketing Problems For Professionals Here are a few common content marketing problems that professional content ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes, content marketers feel like they spend hours crafting intricate sand sculptures just before the tide comes in. Content Marketing Problem Uneven Stylistic And Content Rules So far as your consumers are concerned, your business has one voice. The problem with a large writing and creative staff is that the content style may appear schizophrenic. The same thing happened in the Simpsons because they have so many writers. One week Homer is a girly loser, and the next he is a beer drinking thug. Strong and balanced stylistic and content rules are required to help stop this problem. Content Marketing Problem Prohibitive Bureaucracy This is one of the problems mentioned by Joe Lazaukas (mentioned later), and it deserves a place on this article. Prohibitive bureaucracy is becoming a bigger and bigger problem as the Internet is regulated and policed more efficiently. The sad part is that to get around such bureaucracy requires a lot of extra work. For example, Lemmino, of TopTenMemes writes his own music because he is sick of YouTube taking down his videos whenever he plays a relevant musical score. If you would like to know more problems that professionals have, then Joe Lazaukas has some very real and personal insights. Have You Failed Yet? If you have your product already, then you
  • 49. Most People In This World Have Gone Through Some Sort Of Most people in this world have gone through some sort of journey or challenge to help them grow as a human being. So, that is why in both Cathedral written by Raymond Carver and The Island written by Caspian Tredwell Owen we see character development and growth, because it is easy to relate to as a reader. While there is some difference between Cathedral and The Island that are evident, the similarities are pronounced by the journey and challenges to self discovery of the characters and confronting the unknown. Even though the journey is different for the narrator in Cathedral than Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta in The Island. That journey created growth in these main characters to help them become better versions of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to. (Carver 200). We realize that the narrator did not think much of Robert even before he has ever met him. After meeting him and trying to draw the cathedral, he was told by Robert to close his eyes and continue. At the end, we can see the growth of the narrator and his feeling towards Robert and blind men in general. When he s told to open his eyes: Well? he said. Are you looking? My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn t feel like I was inside anything. It s really something, I said. (Craver 210) Here we see the narrator starting to feel sympathetic in a way. Trying to put himself in Roberts shoes, which has shown that he has come a long way in self discovery since the start of the story. In the movie, The Island the characters Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta develop from very simple character thinking they are going to an island. Instead they had to start learning about how to live in the real world and learn why they were created. When we meet both Lincoln and Jordan they think they are living in a world during an apocalypse and that there is a lottery that sends them to an island. This island allegedly has not been affected by the apocalypse. Once they find out that most of what they have been told their whole life has been a lie, Lincoln looked to get out and bring Jordan with him. Once they were able to leave the
  • 50. Calpurnia Tate Analysis In The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate in chapter 16 the city of Fentress, Texas gets a telephone line that connects them to the state capitol of Austin, Texas which is approximately 45 miles away. This is a huge change for the residents of Fentress because they are finally able to communicate to another town without having to drive there. The telephone line is a sign that the city of Fentress is finally evolving to become a more modern city even though they are taking more time than the larger cities. The quote is saying that not all cities can evolve at the same time and that some of them may take more time than others, and the cities that do not evolve or modernize will become extinct. In chapter 16 Fentress gets a telephone line and the city