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Essay City
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay City" can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty arises
from the abstract nature of the subject, as it requires delving into the intricacies of the concept
itself. "Essay City" suggests a multifaceted exploration, demanding a blend of creativity, critical
thinking, and a profound understanding of the various aspects associated with the theme.
One challenge lies in defining the boundaries of an "Essay City" – is it a city of ideas, a city
of words, or a metaphorical city constructed within the confines of language? This ambiguity
requires careful consideration and a well-thought-out approach to ensure the essay doesn't lose
focus or become too broad.
Moreover, crafting an essay on such a topic necessitates the ability to navigate the fine line
between abstraction and clarity. The writer must skillfully employ language to articulate complex
concepts while ensuring that the essay remains accessible to a diverse audience. Balancing
creativity with coherence is pivotal to capturing the essence of an "Essay City."
Research becomes another key challenge. Unlike more concrete topics, "Essay City" demands a
deep exploration of literary theories, philosophical perspectives, and perhaps even a historical
analysis of how the essay has evolved over time. This intricate research process can be time-
consuming, requiring a meticulous approach to source selection and integration.
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of conveying personal thoughts and
experiences within the context of an abstract city. This requires a nuanced understanding of one's
own perspective while maintaining a broader awareness of the topic's complexity.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "
Essay City Essay City
Personality Description Of The Myers Briggs Test
For the Myers Briggs Test, there are limited of words for describing personality. I
believe there should be more words for personality description because people are
different. Anyways, some of the descriptions are accurate to my self description
personality paper. However, some are less like my personality. The personality that
most accurate with my self description is introvert. There is no surprise that introvert
has the highest percentage in this personality test. In the first assignment, I described
myself as shy, secretive, and quiet, which all of them fit into the introvert category.
In addition, I prefer to be by myself rather than at a place where there are many
people and noises. As mention in my previous assignments that I tend... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
I picked tolerance as one of my personality traits because I believe that because of
my high tolerance level lead me to harmony, but I could be wrong. I expect the
percentage for Feeling would be higher because it represents me more than
Judging. I was quite shock when I saw the percentage on Judging because I
expected that Feeling would have a higher percentage than Judging. In addition,
the definition for Judging does not fit my self description compare to Perceiving.
When I look for the definitions for each characteristic, I find that Judging is less
like my self description because people who are judging maintain strict work
schedules. This is nothing like me at all. I am flexible on my work schedules.
However, I do agree that I am less flexible when I work because I am committing to
that one job and it is hard for me to move to different job.
4.Review Articles Before reading David J. Pittenger s article, I feel that the Myers
Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) test is limited for describing personality. As Pittenger
had stated in the article that the ...MBTI attempts to force the complexities of human
personality into an artificial and limiting classification scheme (Pittenger 1993). In
fact, I agree with Pittenger that the MBTI tries to categorize people with different
personality in a tight space, with only 16 types of personalities. From what I know,
my friend and I have a different personality,
Abolitionist Movement
After America was founded in 1776 many people decided to colonize and live in
this unfamiliar land. The land already had their own natives, but most of the travelers
that colonized there did not respect or care about them or their land. The people
wanted to make this land their property and country. To have a strong country people
needed power and one thing that made that power more accessible was enslaving the
natives and making them their property. Enslaving natives later become part of their
culture and it later spread to enslaving African Americans. African Americans were
seen as people that were stronger and more hard working than the Native Americans.
This led to African Americans getting captured and being sent to America to work....
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These sources consisted of documents and information. All the information found
seemed credible and reliable since all of them had the same idea. Some sources like
ushistory.org and accessible archives.com both had information about William
Lloyd Gairrson but accessible archives talked about his past and helped readers
know what type of person William really was. Ushitory.org however had the most
information about the anti slavery societies and it gave backround information about
it, too. Many of the sources used were the same information, but with little pieces of
supplementary information. The fact that people fought to abolish slavery was a
courageous movement, but there were some negative aspects. Many people did not
like the fact that people thought slavery was a horrible concept and it caused huge
conflict. When the number of slaves started to decrease many new problems emerged
such as plantation owners not having enough help to grow crops. As slavery
diminished even more all those problems were gone. This massive accomplishment
helped make America The Land of the
The Pros And Cons Of Dismissal With Prejudice
dismissed with prejudice during that last hearing, without any extra trial or fees, if
Charter agrees. Charter s lawyer said to submit to Charter a request for dismissal
with prejudice. Charter said they will only dismiss with prejudice if Plaintiff signs
the agreement. Plaintiff refused to sign, because signing would give up his rights
and say Charter did no harm, which is false. SEE EXHIBITS 21, 22, 23, 24. 82.
Charter has intentionally inflicted emotional distress on Plaintiff by making co
workers associated with Plaintiff sign settlements in order to prohibit them from
speaking on Plaintiff s behalf. SEE EXHIBITS 52 53. XIV. NINTH CAUSE OF
Defendants... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Plaintiff s family was urged by the police to get security cameras and a fence to
fence off their property. Plaintiff s home is far from the street. Whoever is doing
the vandalisms are trespassing, and purposefully trying to inflict harm on the
driver of the vehicles. This has placed even more financial burden on Plaintiff s
parents to protect their property, and their family. SEE EXHIBITS 47, 67, 70. 86.
Charter has caused Plaintiff anguish and he has lost faith in doing the right thing
and reporting harassment. 87. Charter permitted Plaintiff to have to work under a
hostile work environment, and did nothing about the car vandalisms on Charter
property, which has caused Plaintiff to take a longer time to finish school, by
having to drop classes due to the stress experienced at work, and having the burden
to repair his car every time it is vandalized. SEE EXHIBITS 58 59. PRAYER FOR
RELIEF (As to All Causes of Action) SEE EXHIBIT 71 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff
prays for judgment against Defendants, and each of them, as follows: 1.For general
damages, including emotional distress damages, according to proof on each cause
of action for which such damages are available. 2. Nominal damages. 3. For special
damages, according to proof on each cause of action for which such damages are
available. Also, including, without limitation, lost salary, both front and back pay,
bonuses, and any other benefits to which
The Tenant Of Tenants And Landlords
As it often happens, there may come a time when a manager of an apartment building
(landlord) and a tenant argument rises up. These arguments can pop up over many
different issues including lease agreement rights, responsibility for repairs to the
property, rent, evictions, and more. It is unfortunate that not all tenants and landlords
arguments can be settled by a simple conversation between both parties to the lease.
While many people in the U.S. are homeowners a great many other people live as
tenants in different types of rental residences. Even though tenants don t actually own
their rental residences they do receive certain rights almost the same in some ways to
ownership rights. Tenants of rental residences and their landlords also have
responsibilities to each other, including residence repairs. Depending on the situation
/event, a tenant or a landlord may be responsible for making repairs to the tenant s
rental residence.
Knowledge of state law is extremely important to both tenants and landlords.
Managers of apartment buildings want to run a money making business and protect
their investment. Tenants want to be happy in their rental homes and protect their
rights. At the end of the day, managers of apartment buildings and people who
occupy those rooms want to avoid legal hassles when it comes to rent, deposits,
repairs, and other key issues. Let s take a look at Larry s and Roger s situation and
figure out the best course of actions from both points of view.
Porters National Diamond Essay
The national environment has an impact on the firm s international competitiveness
and the key factors are the resources available in a country and their use (which
represent their comparative advantage) and the factors that influence the development
of resources and capabilities, as described in Porter s National Diamond model.
Moreover, the main elements of Porter s Diamond are factor conditions, related and
supporting industries, demand conditions and strategy, structure and rivalry (Porter,
1990 OBU, 2017) (Figure 12). A more detailed analysis includes the following
Factor conditions the incremental investments in R D allowed Samsung to develop
specialised resources and competitive advantage. The development of internal R D in
electronics, sales, service, and its technical and capital resources was pivotal to the
success of the firm in the early stage as well as in the more recent years. In addition,
the home grown resources, such as inexpensive manufacturing allowed Samsung to
excel in the international environment. Additionally, the large investments on post
war education helped the country to develop an asset of highly skilled workers that
allowed exploiting several industries overtime speeding up the industrialisation
process (Datta Secrets behind Korea s economic success, 2017).
Related and supporting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Girod (2005) describes how Tesco struggled when moving into the Asian market, as
its brand was not recognised. In addition, adaptation was required to be successful
abroad and this was possible thanks to a very robust and cash wealthy home base. In
order to gain credibility, Tesco joined local trade associations and partnered with
Samsung, which sustained its trustworthiness so that Tesco could operate within this
foreign market. Arguably, this partnership provided those FSAs that Tesco lacked
during market
The Phantom Limb
The phantom limb pain the woman is experiencing is described as a painful condition
of the amputated limb after the stump has completely healed. It is a chronic pain that
occurs in more than 80% of amputees especially those who suffered pain in the limb
before the amputation. Theories suggest that phantom limb painresults from
redevelopment or hyperactivity of cut peripheral nerves, scar tissue or neuroma
formation in the cut peripheral nerves, spinal cord deafferentation, and alterations in
the thalamus and cortex. More so, the CNS integration, which involves reorganization
and plastic modifications of the somatosensory cortex, effects the receptors in
perceiving the pain of the amputated limb despite of the limb itself being absent. In
addition,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The three categories include, A delta (AОґ) fibers, C fibers, and A beta (AОІ) fibers.
The A delta fibers are medium lightly myelinated fibers that are stimulated by
mechanonociceptors a severe mechanical deformation, or mechanothermal
nociceptors which is extremes of temperature. The A delta fibers causes reflex
withdrawals before pain stimulus is induced in the body. The C fibers are small
unmyelinated and are stimulated by mechanical, thermal, and chemical nociceptors.
They convey the dull, aching, or burning feeling that are poorly localized and the
feeling stay longer. The A beta fiber are large myelinated fibers that transmit touch
and vibration feelings but not the pain feeling. However, they play part in pain
modulation (McCance Huether, 2014).
Both the A delta fibers and C fibers are responsible for causing the woman phantom
limb pain. She has suffered a severe mechanical deformation of amputation below the
knee and the C fiber transmission of the dull, aching sensation to her amputated
stump. For some patients, phantom limb pain gets better as time goes by. However,
some patient may require treatments to manage the pain (McCance Huether,
Sonic Drive In-Personal Narrative Analysis
When I turned sixteen I got my first job as a car hop at the local Sonic Drive In.
For the next year and a half I spent my afternoons and weekends serving food to
customers. I worked through heat, snow, and rain. Several managers came and
went during my time there. Ice cream machines leaked, hot oil burned my skin,
and angry customers yelled at me through the drive through window. All of my
coworkers hated being at Sonic, but I didn t mind it. In fact, I loved everything
about my job. I loved my coworkers and customers. I loved skating through the car
stalls in the parking lot. I especially loved preparing food in the kitchen. I started to
look forward to my shifts afterschool, sometimes staying late to help the closing shift
clean their stations. I found cleaning the floors and counters to be therapeutic and
stress relieving, and I was always willing to cover my coworkers shifts.... Show more
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Some of the hardest working managers began to get fired and were replaced with
unqualified amateurs. Food was not delivered on time, and we started to run out of
necessities like cups and hamburger buns. Machines were breaking because no one
was cleaning them. Managers were instructing us to pour our used oil down the drain.
Requests for days off were ignored, and we were constantly under threat of
termination. Most of the other employees stopped caring about their responsibilities.
My friends started to quit, and we were always severely understaffed. I found myself
single handedly running the drive through, kitchen, and car stalls on more than one
occasion. Everyone was upset about the recent changes, but nothing was being done
Italian Music
With more than four and half million Italian immigrants arriving to American
between the years of 1876 1924, traditions, food, literature and an immense amount
of Italian culture was slowly spread nationwide. With that, Italian music was also
brought across seas. Music in New York City began developing rapidly during the
nineteenth century as the number of immigrants and residents steadily increased.
Italian music has become popular genre with many subdivisions. Italian music has
also become an influential genre of music on other types of popular music. The
musical performance aspect of my paper was not an issue to complete. If you go to
Little Italy, New York on any given weekend, especially around the holiday season or
the San Gennaro... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Everything comes from somewhere, said Luger. He finds that his passion for jazz
music and Italian American music can be easily interconnected since all music
influences one another. One thing I found interesting about Luger s music is that
when I asked him to tell me more about the Italian music that he plays, he corrected
me, and stated that the music he plays should be referred to as Italian American
because Italian music has a broad range of styles. He said as much as he loves to
play instruments and sing, he is aware that he does not have an opera voice, which
would allow him to sing authentic Italian music. Classical Italian music is
considered to be Opera. Opera was born in Italy in 1600 during the Italian
Renaissance and by the late 16th century. Now, when thinking about Classical
Italian music, I think of one of the most famous Italian opera composers, Giuseppe
Verdi (1813 1901). Verdi s works are most noted for their emotional intensity, tuneful
melodies, and dramatic characterizations. Verdi transformed the Italian opera into a
unified musical and dramatic entity. Verdi composed over twenty eight operas.
Macbeth, a performance by Verdi based off the work of William Shakespeare, was a
popular show performed in New York Cityin the late 1800s. Verdi s works, along
with the works of
What is Organizational Theory
Organizational Theories
Organizational theory deals with the study of the interaction of an organization with
its environment. Emphasis on organizational theories has over time changed from the
stiff and hierarchical structures, widespread during the industrial era to more broader
and flexible structures prevalent in the modern, technological era. In this regard,
organizational theories have attracted serious attention. This post focuses on three
organizational theories of the 20th century and if or not they are applicable in the
21st century integrating organizational culture, structures, leadership and enabling
technologies. These are classical organizational theory, human relation theory, and
contingency theory.
Classical Organizational Theory
Classical organizational theory originated in the first half of the 20th century. This
theory concentrated on formal organizations and ideas to increase efficiency in their
management. This theory merged together the scientific, bureaucratic and
administrative theories. Relative to structure, this theory was constructed on a
hierarchical structure dividing workers based on functionality with various reporting
paths on every working unit. That is, workers report to their respective manager(s)
for their tasks as well as disciplinary matters. This theory puts the manager/owner of
the organization in total control over the workers. Furthermore, this theory employed
enabling technologies to increase efficiency. The classical
Essay on Misfortune and Comedy in Shakespeare s Play, A...
A Winter s Tale by William Shakespeare is a chilling play full of misfortune and
comedy. Throughout the play, the themes of death and suffering are present, but yet
the way in which they are presented is both comical and strange. The way in which
the dialogue takes place or the way in which actions occur seem to be ambiguous.
One of the most pivotal points of the story takes place over a very short time span,
climaxing over three pages, and declining almost immediately thereafter. In this case,
the deathof Hermione and Mamillius occurs and is resolved, with their burial
following quickly after. The wording throughout the text can be interpreted in several
ways, especially in the way which death is represented throughout the play. Death...
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However, strangely none of the deaths occur on stage, rather both deaths are
announced to the king through someone else. Paulina being the most important of
the messengers, for she was the one caring for both Hermione and Mamillius. The
way in which she announces Hermione s death is peculiar, I say she s dead; I ll
swear it. If word nor oath prevail not, go and see: if you can bring tincture or luster
in her lip, her eye, heat outwardly or [breathe] within (50). She confirms that
Hermione is in fact dead, but still want Leontes to go forth and see for himself.
Strange considering that before this point Paulina had changed her views towards
the tyrant king. Paulina no longer respected her king as before, for he had gone
blind with rage. Leontes up and till this point had discredited his queen, already he
had forgotten how to bring out the luster or breath in her. All he saw was an
adulterous, somebody guilty of high treason. Death changed Leontes, for he no
longer sought revenge nor did he want to dispel his wrath. Instead he now saw his
mistakes, and would like to mend them, but sadly cannot. The events that have
occurred are done, and there is no way of going back to change them. Leontes himself
sees this, and now the play may move on from the wretchedness that was the new
ruler. Now the focus can shift to the daughter that he had banished before, that was
believed unimportant till learning
Amanda Holoan Essay
Analytical Essay UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan
Do fantasy, horror and science fiction stories share genre elements?
The novel UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan has many elements of science fiction
but it also contains some elements of action. Dystopia dominates the novel that is
categorised in the science fiction genre consisting of a futuristic setting and myths
with supernatural powers. The novel is riveting and enthralling because the usage of
different elements such as foreshadowing and plot twists.
Throughout the novel it was evident the setting was futuristic which created an
oppressive and rebellious environment. In the novel UNWANTED there was a
strict division of citizens, which lead to curiosity and conflict between classes of
citizens. The novel is built around a nation where your categorised in being either a
Dread, a stork, inked or an unwanted which is justified by A high fence separated
the dump from the rest of the city and a single road led through the gate Followed
by that a guard by the gatehouse said This place isn t safe for a law abiding citizen .
The novel categorises the dump as section of area where unwanted citizens live
within the tunnels of rubbish and rock. Whilst unwanted lived in the dump, storks,
inked and Dread where classified as the general public. If you were to commit a
crime or sin against the government you were taken to the dump. The novel is based
upon a insurgent main character that rebels against the government when she realises
she is an Unwanted. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The text consists of both first and third person speech including: What is that? Bea
said again? A jagged black line appeared in the sky . It is apparent the transition of
first person to third person is very distinctive. Third person speech is an element of
story telling that belongs to the action
Genie Alternate Ending
The Feast of Giving has always been time of warmth and happiness for Genie. The
red and golden leaves, the first nip of chill in the breeze, the eternal smell of
cinnamon, she loved it all. But most of all, she loved the time she spent with her
father. As far as she was concerned, those days could last forever. Nevertheless, Genie
would soon find that this holiday was particularly memorable.
What do you mean he has Stonelock? Only old Gargoyles get that! Genie blurt out
at the news. She could hardly believe her ears at first. Sure her father had been
limping, and his movements had been more stiff, but he was still in his prime. He
couldn t be sick! She refused to believe it.
Now, Genie, Her mother soothed in her usual stone cold voice. ... Show more content
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Sure enough... You are doing it all wrong.
How s that?
You have to start all over.
Anger surged through Genie s heart at her mother s monotone words. She swore she
turned a dark purple at the very thought. Faster than she could contain herself the
words bubbled to the surface and spilled out of her mouth. I am following the
instructions! So I do not need your help. She spun around, waving the whisk. Only
too late did she realize she had gotten some of the orange pulp on her mother s face.
The women looked startled well as far as Genie could tell, which was hard for even
her. Slowly, she moved her claw to her cheek and removed the gunk. And to Genie s
surprise, it got flung right back at her.
Before either of them knew it, they were scooping up large handfuls of pie filling to
toss at each other. When they ran out of the filling, they moved onto the cranberry
sauce, the stuffing, even the gravy! The whole kitchen became a battle scene of
flying edible projectiles. All Genie s hard work came undone.
What is going on here? Her father s shocked voice stopped both in
Levi s Strauss And Co Essay
Levi s Strauss Co
Two years after his father s passing, Levi Strauss immigrated from Buttenheim,
Bavaria to New York with his sisters in 1848. His two older brothers owned a dry
goods business called J. Strauss Brother Co located in New York City. After
becoming more familiar with the trade and how the business worked, he traveled to
California after word got out about the gold rush in 1853. Levi wanted to keep up
with the demand, so where there were people looking for their fortune through gold,
he was there making pants for them and the people who worked in tougher conditions.
Levi received a letter around 1872 from a loyal customer of his. Jacob Davis was a
tailor from Reno, Nevada loved his design of pants and continued to buy from Levi
because of the pant s quality. He had a proposition for Levi. In this letter it
proposed on collaborating on a new design for pants were using metal rivets on the
sections that go through the most strain, would make the pants last much longer.
Jacob came to Levi because Levi was already established as a businessman and was
familiar with the trade. Also he needed someone that was familiar with the trade to
put this idea into action. Levi agreed to patent the idea. On May 20, 1873, the patent
was given to Jacob Davis and the Levi Strauss Company and the blue jean was born.
The iconic blue jeans were originally called XX. In 1886, Levi had a two horse logo
branded onto a leather patch which represented the strength
Moral And Ethical Issues In The Giver
In The Giver by Lois Lowry the main character Jonas is chosen to be The Receiver
of Memory but he soon realises that the community he is a part of is not as perfect
as it seems. Throughout The Giver Lowry stresses that people must not blindly obey
the rules that have been placed for them to follow. In doing this Lowry also addresses
many moral and ethical issues such as: Lying, whether euthanasia is acceptable and
whether sameness is more important than having a choice. Through Jonas, Lowry
questions these moral and ethical issues to warn us not to blindly obey, but to think
and have an opinion.
Throughout The Giver lying is a big issue for Jonas. Jonas has been told his whole life
that there are no secrets within the community and that it
Rogue Trader Character Analysis
Jennifer L Cranford
Professor Ken Dalton
ACC 409
10 October 2017
Black Yellow: Profits and Warning Signs
Based on the true story of Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader is a movie about a man that
went from London to Jakarta to Singapore, to become the head of the derivatives
trading in the up and coming Singapore stock market. Leeson had proven to be an
effective and efficient worker when he was tasked to get bear bonds sorted on his
first solo tasking with Barings Bank in Jakarta. That successful completion got him
put in the Singapore position because they needed someone there, and he seemed to
have the potential to make Barings a considerable profit.
Control Environment
The internal control environment in Rogue Trader lacked ... Show more content on
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The bank s risk appetite was enormous, and they seemed to have their eyes on the
potential for profit.
While Leeson did not personally exhibit any of the red flags typical of someone
committing fraud, such as financial difficulties, living beyond his means, or family
problems, the work environment threw up red flags. With management based in
London, Leeson had little direct oversight. Barings was okay with this because of the
profit that Leeson was generating for the bank.
Control Activities
The Accounting Information Systems book recommends seven types of control
activities that can prevent fraud. These include: Proper authorization of transactions
and activities, segregation of duties, project development and acquisition controls,
change management controls, design and use of documents and records,
safeguarding assets, records, and data, and finally independent checks on
performance. These control activities should have been in place to prevent the fraud
from occurring.
Many of those control activities were ineffectively operating in Leeson s office. Use
of proper authorization of transactions was supposed to happen, but there was no
validation of who authorized a deal. Barings gave Leeson much responsibility, and
there was no segregation of duties, which gave him the ability to commit and conceal
his fraud. Verification that documents were
Essay On Why Are You Interested In Advertising
Why are you interested in COOP? (250 words) I have a passion for advertising and
I am curious about the digital world. Majoring in Business Communications and
minoring in Psychology at Baruch College I was taught all of the theory necessary
to succeed in advertising but I wasn t taught the hard skills necessary to go into a
field as digital as media. At the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester it dawned on
me that I may not have the skills employers are looking for. When I found out about
CO OP through a CO OP alumni, I could not believe there was a program with such
benefits. I had found exactly what I was looking for along with the strong community
to help me through it. I was immediately enthused by the benefits of what I d be
learning... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the various phases of this semester long assignment, I learned quickly
that Naomi was a genuine, personable and inspirational leader who was able to
motivate each of her teammates according to their unique personalities, including
a gentleman twice her age, who later praised Naomi s effectiveness to the entire
class. Although I believe I handled this challenge quite well there is always room
for improvement in all that we do as individuals on this planet. What helped my
team succede was that as a leader I was able to tend to all of their different
personalities and personal situations. But in doing so I put a lot of pressure on
myself and it felt like I might have been too passive with due dates and what was
expected. If this wasn t the case we could have produced quality work earlier in the
semester and spared me the stress. I know this now, and in group projects in my
following semester I practiced being more firm with what was expected. Anything
else you want to tell us? I am an ambitious I have always been told I bring an energy
to everything I tackle. That I am genuine, personable and have the best attitude. That
I am always ready to roll up my sleeves and get the job done, with a smile no matter
how difficult the task. That my charismatic personality allows me to create personal
connections when working in teams, ensuring
Social Responsibility in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley
An Inspector Calls We don t live alone. We are all members of one body. We are
responsible for each other. What is Priestley s main aim in `An inspector calls`?
How successfully does he achieve it. In `An inspector calls` by J.B Priestley, the
writers aim is reflected into this quote, We don t live alone. We are all members of
one body. We are responsible for each other. Meaning that we are not isolated, we
all live in one community and we are all collectively responsible for each other, our
actions affects the people around us. We can be independent in the society we live
in, but only to a certain extent. Priestley s main aim was perhaps to make an
audience aware that no one person can live in a society without being... Show more
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He believes that world wars are a waste of money and there?s nothing to gain from
them. Only the lower classes could agree to them. Arthur Birling`s treatment of
Eva Smith, reflects in his role, in society as a hard headed business man. ?They
wanted the rates raised so they could average about twenty five shillings a week. I
refused of course?. Eva smith was a hard worker in his company, but Birling fired
her as she demanded for a pay rise and was one of the main ring leaders. Birling
didn?t take notice on what would happen to Eva smith after she left his works, and
what happened to her after that, and what would lead her to suicide. A chain of
events which he had started. Which reflects on Priestleys main aim, our actions
affect people around us. Arthur Birling cannot accept his responsibility for his
treatment of Eva Smith. ?I cant accept my responsibility. If we were all
responsible for everything that happened to everyone, we?d had anything to do
with, it would be very awkward, wouldn?t it?? Birling is a character who doesn?t
believe in community, he believes that everyone has to take their own responsibility
and look after themselves, Priestly shows how unsuccessful a community is if a
person believes that they have no responsibly for others in that society. Priestly
possibly wanted to show an audience this, so they could reflect on themselves on
how they view responsibly and, also on Priestleys main aim. Sybil Birling is her
husbands social
Canonical Books
Canonical books are books that are relating to or ordered by canon law. It has to
appear in biblical canon. For a book to be considered canonical it has to meet seven
principles. In no specific order the principles are the book must be dynamic,
written by an authoritative writer and be authoritative itself. It has to be authentic,
prophetic, and received. Lastly, people who knew of the events have to have been
able to falsify them. The reason a canon of scripture became necessary, was because
the prophets and apostles were no longer here. They were the living voice of this
information. Canon was a way to preserve biblical writings from any corruption. A
canon of the biblebridges the old and new Testaments. This was gradual. The
formation of the New Testament canon is how the sacredness was preserved.
Knowing what canon is and the history of it, helps a person comprehend the
importance scripture. God s authoritative revelation has books rooted in His
inspiration. To know the particulars the history is necessary. According to What is
said on Bible. Org The word canon is used to describe those books recognized as
inspired of God. The word comes from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The number of books included differ based on whether the person is Christian,
Mormon, or Muslim. Matt Slick describes it in detail by stating In Judaism, the canon
consists of the books of the Old Testament only. In Protestant Christianity, the canon
is the body of scripture comprised in the Bible consisting of the 39 books in the
Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. In Roman Catholicism, additional
books were added in 1546. These books are known as the apocryphal books: Tobit,
Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, The Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), and
Baruch. In Mormonism, four additional books have been added to the Canon: The
book of Mormon, the Book of Abraham, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of
Great Price. (Matt Slick,
Target Chain Of Target Supply Chain
Target s Supply Chain
This papers purpose is to give an example of the benefits and how the supply chain
works by taking a look at the Target Corporation s supply chain. Target is one of the
largest retail chains in the US; they first opened in 1962 in the state of Minnesota. It
started out as a family run (The Dayton Family) department store. After company
growth the family started looking for ways to expand. Today Target total sales ad
diluted earnings per share reached new highs of $72.0 billion and $4.52, respectively.
They invested $3.3 billion of capital in our U.S. and Canadian businesses, and they
returned over $2.7 billion tour shareholders through share repurchase and dividend
payments. Their full year results were right on ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
As one of the current leading retailers in the US, the Target Corporationhas made a
path to easily get back to the majority of their customers demands by straight
forwardly streamlining the business logistics of the supply chain, forcefully putting
into distribution centers to support new chain growth, handle growth volumes from
smaller frequent shipments and improving levels of service for all stores even
during peak periods of volume. The company has maintained it s effectiveness by
making shipment and transportation costs better in order to gain an upper hand on
operations, allowing them to have more value to its transport networks. These are
some of the active outcomes that Target has managed to grow and continue to watch
over as well as evaluate. Target holds and sees every opportunity to bring and add
value to their business value chain, the company is not only able to effectively
manage but they empower their supply chain by honing the logistics function. Target
is continuously looking for new programs including adding new processes, the
investment into physical capacity and technology, has also strengthened its
connections with its vendors. Aspects of Target s supply chain that will be watched
include product and service; order a long with
David Tenier Research Paper
Flemish artist, David Teniers David Teniers II or David Teniers the younger was
one of the most famous and prominent artist of peasant life in the 17th century. He
was born in Antwerp and his works were influenced by his father, David Teniers
the Elder, and his father in law, Jan Brueghel. In 1632, Teniers became a master of
a guild in St. Luke. He was later chosen to preside over the same guild in St. Luke in
1644 ( David Teniers the Younger
). Teniers achieved noble status in 1663 and also
successfully lobbied for the establishment of an art school in his city (Van Vlieghe).
Teniers is believed to have over 2,000 paintings. One of those paintings is called
Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig circa 1650. The medium is oil on canvas, with
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Teniers flourished during the Dutch Golden Age, which was a period that roughly
spanned the 17th century. This particular piece of art by David Teniers as well as
most of his other artworks can be described as a genre painting. Genre paintings are
artworks that depict ordinary life ( Genre Painting ). Genre art depict everyday
scenes, such as that of Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig. It shows the
motions of everyday life: market settings, domestic settings, party scenes, streets,
inns, etc.; all that is associated with the peasant life. In this particular painting, it
tells the story of a winter day in a peasant village where a ritual of life and death is
occurring. There s also another interesting aspect to the painting. The row of
houses as well as the people are painted in warm earthy colors, which juxtaposes the
cool silvery tones of the rest of the painting ( Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig
). By doing this, the viewer s eyes immediately look at the row of houses, then to the
family, slaughtering the pig, which is the story of the painting, the main focus. Also,
eating pig for Christmas dinner was customary in medieval
Summer Is Hot On The Heels Of Spring
Summer is hot on the heels of Spring in spite of the roller coaster weather pattern
some of us seem to be in right now. Trust me, before we know it we ll be
complaining about the scorching heat and oppressive humidity and wishing we could
have just a day or two of those milder temperatures once in a while. Anyway, with
summertime comes the decidedly American tradition of cookingout. Cooking out is
one of my favorite Summer activities. What a great way to kill three birds with one
stone. First and most obvious we all need to eat, even though some of us (myself
included) could stand to eat a little less. So why not cook out? I don t know about
you, but for me there s something almost magical about eating foodthat s been
cooked on a charcoal grill. It just seems to taste better. Maybe it s an association
thing like turkey at Thanksgiving and Christmas, ham at Easter, cake on your
birthday, liquor on New Years Eve OK, maybe we shouldn t go there. For my wife
there s magic in the idea of her not having to cook. She s always up for letting me do
the cooking! Let s move on, shall we? Second, cooking out can help reduce energy
consumption. Think about it. If you re cooking outside you re not heating up the
house with the range and/or oven going while simultaneously running the air
conditioner to cool the house down. That should make Al Gore and the Inconvenient
Truth crowd happy. On the other hand, they probably wouldn t appreciate the idea of
burning charcoal
Car Marketing And Driving Towards Sex
She is Used: Car Marketing and Driving Towards Sex
Sex? No, thank you; we are civilized, decent and socially appropriate for all ages.
This is an applicable response for any advertising medium until the end of the 1990 s
perhaps. Fast forward to the twenty first century and this notion can be blatantly
disregarded. There is no doubt that advertising plays is a proportional factor
automobile sales and even if there this was not so, car manufacturers believe that
marketing helps. During the year 2012 alone, BMW spent approximately 288 million
dollars on advertising in the United States alone, according to www.statista.com. It s
safe to say that to brands like Bayerische Motoren Werke, this is definitely a big deal.
Society has gradually and gracefully molded the minds of men to believe that
something used is unwanted and of an unfavorably lesser value. In a culture that has
for so long been male dominated, this philosophy has been adapted indiscriminately,
even to apply to women. For example, in tradition Italian cultures, a woman may be
banished from her family and shunned by her new husband if he suspects that she
was not a virgin when they consummated their marriage. Albeit, there are some that
would rejoice to find that their sheets were not stained but this still does not raise
conformity. Italians are renowned for a bold compensation, the Ferrari brand, and
scores of men would desire owning one regardless of what the odometer reads. The
automobile industry has played a
The Account Of Bhp Billiton And Telstra
Question 1
I decided to use the accounts of BHP Billiton and Telstra. Based on their annual
reports in 2015, the approach they used to value their intangible and depreciating
assets was the straight line method. For the straight line depreciation method, the
value of an asset is depreciated evenly each year over the estimated useful life of the
For BHP Billiton, its buildings are estimated to have a useful life of 25 to 50 years
while its plant and equipment are generally has useful life of 3 to 30 years. In
addition, amounts paid for the acquisition of identifiable intangible assets such as
software and licences are capitalised at the fair value of consideration paid and are
recorded at cost less the accumulated amortisation and impairment charges.
Identifiable intangible assets with a finite life are amortised on a straight line basis
over their expected useful life, which is typically no more than eight years. BHP
Billiton has no identifiable intangible assets for which the expected useful life is
On the other hand, Telstra s property, plant and equipment, including buildings and
leasehold property but excluding freehold land, are depreciated on a straight line
basis to the income statement over their estimated service lives. Assets start
depreciating when they are installed and ready for use. For Telstra, its building is
estimated to have useful life of 31 to 52 years, data core network has useful life of 4
to 10 years while IT equipment has useful
The Role of Sight, Scent, and Sound by the White-tailed
Use and relative role of sight, scent, and sound by white tailed deer (Odocoileus
virginianus) to locate and select between different types of foods
The foraging habits of white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; hereafter deer) have
been extensively researched. Studies have evaluated seasonal influence as well as
other environmental influences on forage selection by deer (Moen 1981, Rogers et al.
1981, McCullough 1985, and others). However, no such research has ever tested to
determine what senses deer use to locate and select between different food types or
the relative importance of each sense involved in that process. We are missing much
of the basic knowledge of physiology and anatomy related to the sensory
capabilities of deer (D Angelo et al. 2006). Information from this type of research
is becoming increasingly important to wildlife biologists, as they can use it to
improve other forage selection studies aimed at reducing crop depredation or other
wildlife damage. So little is known about the role of sight, smell, and sound in deer
ability to locate and select between forage types, therefore quantitative information in
this area of research needs further attention (Sayre et al. 1992). By understanding the
importance of each sense in the location and selection of different food types by deer,
new studies can be set up that focus on the most important sense, while also
considering what effects the other senses have on their behavior. As
Claude Lorraine And Nicolas Poussin
By the beginning of the 17th century Britain became a worldwide trading nation.
Enormous personal fortunes were created and the aristocracy turned their attention to
the improvement and embellishment of their estates. Many were educated and well
versed in the arts and classics. It was the age of the grand tour, a journey of artistic
refinement through France and Italy. They came back enthralled with Palladian
architecture and seeing visions of Claude s ideal landscapes in their own domains,
where they proceeded to create an Elysium, their interpretation of the age old ideal of
the paradise garden.
The idyllic images of the Roman campagna depicted by landscapes painters Claude
Lorraine and Nicolas Poussin and travel books showing winding
Square s Fraud Paper
Square, Inc. is a financial services company based in San Francisco, California and
they market software and hardware payment products. Square was founded in 2009
and launched their services in 2010. The Square Reader was the first product they
ever released and it s a convenient way for businesses to accept customer payments
using a variety of different methods.
The beauty of Square s business model is that you can use one service for your entire
business. This eliminates the need for multiple services with different fee structures
and different processing methods. With Square, everything is all in one place from
payments, to invoices, gift cards, POS systems, employee management, payroll,
scheduling appointments, funding, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
has an A+ Better Business Bureau rating, there are plenty of complaints to be found.
In fact, they have had 1098 complaints within the past three years. Their complaints
consist of poor customer support, suspended account issues, fund holding and
account deactivation with no notification or explanation.
Customer Service Square states they will respond to email s within 24 hours;
however, it seems they are taking between two and three days. Although the simple
issues are being resolved more quickly. And they have since added a phone customer
support line to ease the burden.
Fund Holding And Inaccessible Funds Due to Square s fraud prevention measures,
many transactions set off fraud alerts, which in turn keep businesses from access their
funds. What happens is when a business completes a transaction, they then receive an
email with a request to verify or provide additional information. Unfortunately, even if
the business owners comply, their accounts were still sometimes suspended and they
were not able to access to their funds for 90 days. Furthermore, due to security
reasons, the merchants were not told what condition of their agreement they violated
that resulted in their account being suspended. It seems many of Square s account
and fund holding issues stem from improper
Obi Wan And Ammon s Relationship Essay
All classic stories need a companion to the hero. Without this partner, the story
would lack someone to drive the story forward and to motivate the hero. The
classic saga Star Wars and movie Clash of the Titans share this common theme. This
can be seen in the romantic duos Han and Leia along side Perseus and Andromeda,
the mentor relationship between Luke and Obi wan along with Perseus and Ammon,
and the owner relationship with Luke with R2D2 and Perseus with Pegasus. Firstly,
the romantic relationships of Han and Leia and Perseus and Andromeda are
remembered in culture and in history. Han and Leia are an iconic couple from the
Star Wars saga, and lovers Perseus and Andromeda are memorialized in the stars.
Leia and Andromeda are both princesses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Obi wan and Ammon serve as mentors to the main heroes, both stumbling upon
them during conflict and providing advice and care. Luke and Perseus both start
out fairly naive, but with the teachings of Obi wan and Ammon they grow as
heroes. Obi wan teaches Luke the ways of the jedi, and Ammon teaches Perseus
the ways of the hero. Both mentors save the heroes, Obi wan finding Luke after
being attacked by sand people and saving him. Ammon finds Perseus after being
dropped in an unknown place by Zeus. Both these mentors direct the heroes
towards their goal, Obi wan directing Luke towards Yoda and his end goal of
defeating Darth Vader, and Ammon advising Perseus on how to defeat the Kraken.
They both essentially drive the plot forward, giving the main heroes direction. These
mentors also act as parental figures in the absence of the heroes, Luke having no
parents ( to his knowledge, in the first half of the saga) and losing his aunt and uncle,
and Perseus never having met his father and separated from his mother. These two
relationships between Luka and Obi wan and Perseus and Ammon are the main
reasons the heroes have development and go on their
Brand Cannibalization
With increasing commoditization of brands, differentiation is hard to come in every
industry. Consumers are now flooded with options, single company having several
brands in same product category. Positioning, targeting, segmenting can serve as
strategies no more. Rather it is the basic hygiene which any company needs to follow
if it needs to sustain in the race for market share.
So, what should a marketer adopt as a strategy? There are unconventional approaches
followed by Multinationals to address the goal of increasing their market share. With
consumer demand for innovation increasing, brand loyalty being a privilege of few
companies and E commerce providing an instant comparison amongst ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
While there are two school of thoughts that argue about the same, I choose to
adhere to diplomacy. As it is true for every strategy, in implementation of it lies the
crux. There are examples of brands which faltered in the implementation and ended
up cannibalizing for no gain or for a loss of revenue and then there are these who
have learnt to effectively deploy it as a successful tool. If carefully planned, we even
may talk about new opportunities that can lead to increased sales and market share
(Proactive Cannibalization). And if a company does not have a strategic plan for
digital transformation someone else will (Passive Cannibalization).
To exemplify my stand on why the only answer is Effective cannibalization we
have a look at some previous decisions. Taking the example of The New York
Times, which saw newspaper sales plunge when they began posting free online
versions of their stories on the internet, it would not be wrong in calling it as
inefficient Cannibalization. But in this case, every other newspaper faced the same
situation since if they did not provide such services, the market share of New York
Times would increase, which was then undesirable. So they rushed and joined the
league since Cannibalism hurts if you eat your own toes, but it s better than starving .
On the contrary, a brand that uses their existing brand reputation to leverage a
successful cannibalization campaign is Gillette,
My Experience At Bethel African Methodist Church
t a really tough time in my life, I set out to search for a connection with God. I
visited many churches and denominations. I wasn t sure what I was searching for
and if I d recognize it when I found it. While looking for a Bible, I called and
subsequently visited the bookstore of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
in Baltimore, Maryland. While in the bookstore I felt welcomed and cared for.
That visit prompted me to attend the upcoming worship service. Upon arrival, I
felt a connection to the environment and people. Behind the pulpit there is a large
multi colored mural with scenes from various functions of life. The artist depicted
the people with multi ethnic physical features. This certainly was not a Michael
Angelo rendition. I felt a sense of belonging. The pastor used Psalm 51 for his text.
Although the topic of sin was a part of his sermon, the message that I heard was
one of mercy, love, acceptance, deliverance and restoration. My experience at
Bethel felt like a great burden was lifted; I felt free. I was no longer alone; I found a
community of people who were also on a spiritual journey. Although I had been in
therapy for a number of years prior to my profession of faith, it was my new found
relationship with God that empowered me to make some personal changes. I describe
my conversion experience with three terms: liberation, empowerment and community.
My connection with the African Methodist Episcopal Church(AME Church) came as a
What Is The Relationship Of Relationships And...
In a world characterized by loneliness, alienation, and isolation, admirable
relationships have become increasingly rare. Today we have social media, but the
noticeable part is Facebook posts tweets and blogs just seem to provide more
opportunities to display how dysfunction we really are?
Networking might be increasing the number of those with whom we are connected
but those connected are more superficial. Our physical presence has been replaced
by texts, voice messages, snapchats and video calls. We don t feel the needto spend
time together anymore. We have too much of each other already. There s nothing left
to talk about. These days insecurity in our relationships and anxious about intimacy
we look to technology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If people start considering relationships as relationships and not something to pass
time or to have fun, ninety percent of the problems which are responsible for
breakups will seize to happen. Therefore I request people to start considering
relationships as responsibilities and not a mere thing to experience and enjoy. If
you are in a relationship you should be ready to face the biggest hurdles in life as
well as to enjoy the best moments of your
Facing The Loss Of A Loved One And The Grieving Process
Facing the Loss of a Loved One and the Grieving Process
From the moment we come in this world grief becomes an inevitable part of our
lives. We grief for various reasons, the loss of loved ones, diagnosis of a terminal
illness, loss of a job, relationships, property among other things we deem important to
Medicinenet.com defines grief as the normal reaction to a loss. Emotional reactions
of grief can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and despair, while physical
reactions can include sleeping problems, changes in appetite, physical problems, and
or illness.
While grieving is a natural emotional reaction to loss, grief can be functional or
dysfunctional. During the grieving process the intense pain of the loss gradually
fades and allows the person to begin to heal and return to his or her regular life. This
process may take a few months, this however, is normal and is considered
uncomplicated or functional grief. Complicated grief or dysfunctional happens when
the individual experiences the pain and intense sadness for a prolong period of time,
this usually results in the individual s inability to function. This may also manifest
itself in actual physical symptoms.
Case Study
Debbie Davis, a healthy six year, who loves riding her bike, playing soccer and
climbing trees, came home from school one day and told her parents she just wanted
to sleep. Though this was unusual for the normally rambunctious child, her parents
accredited it to being winter
The Theory Of Ethical Leader
Literature Review
The following ten researched based literature reviews, would be utilized to support
and validate the hypotheses. In the research paper by Bello (2012), the concept of
ethical leader, including the characteristic of an ethical leader, the role it played in
improving employee job performance and the development of such leaders (p.229).
Through his research Bello (2012) found that employees are more willing to put
an extra effort work more effectively when they are led by ethical leaders, which
results in higher satisfaction. Employees related the level of trust in the
organization with the level of ethic within the organization. Employees who
perceived their leaders as unethical, were less likely to follow them and more likely
to take advantage (Bello, 2012, p. 232). The level of an employee s commitment to
the organization showed to also be impacted by the ethical or unethical practices of
their leaders. When employees felt they were not treated fairly, their level of
commitment drops, as did their job performance (Bello, 2012, p.233). O Toole
(2009), connects the impact of leadership, ethics and corporate culture on employees
and other stakeholders, such as shareholders and the community. Ethical treatment of
employees was compared through the practices of Wal Mart and Costco. Wal Mart is
a non unionized, low wage, no benefit company who does not put much importance
in training and development of their employees (O Toole, 2009). Costco is unionized,
The Debate On Human Genetic Engineering
Long Stance Paper on Human Genetic Engineering The debate on whether human
genetic engineering should be researched and used as the main alternative solution
to disease have been going on since the creation of the human genetic engineering
phenomenon. The ethical question is clear: should money be invested in human
genetic engineering and should we research it at all, even if it is formally
criticized by all monotheistic religions? The ethical principles in conflict are
beneficence (people with fatal diseases could be cured) and non maleficence
(undermines the will of God, according to religious groups and in addition, there is
no guarantee of successful results). My stance on this debated topic is that human
genetic engineering should not be funded or researched, as there is no 100%
guarantee that it will be successful, and in addition, I am a very religious person,
and in my opinion, the body that a person has is a gift of God, and it should not be
changed in any ways. However, there are still thousands of people with fatal
diseases who have no hope for surviving, and human genetic engineering could
serve as the only hope for them. There are many sides that can be affected either
positively or negatively if human genetic engineering is funded and researched,
however, the major stakeholders are primarily the government of US and private
companies who fund all the experiments, people with fatal diseases who hope for
any type of cure., and the science in general, because if
Coronary Heart Disease
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Coronary heart
disease is a cardiovascular disease caused by a cholesterol substance termed plaque,
accumulating within the coronary arteries, which is where oxygen rich blood is
delivered to the heart. Progressively, the flow of oxygen to the heartwill suffer if
hardened plaque begins to narrow the coronary arteries. Furthermore, bloodclots
could occur upon the surface of plaque if it ruptures. Large blood clots will
incapacitate blood flow through the coronary arteries. As a result, angina or a heart
attack may follow plaque blocked oxygen rich blood flow. The NHLBI refers to CHD
as a progressive disease where a destabilised heart can lead to conditions such as heart
failure... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The social gradient of health is a collective phenomenon, a term portraying those
who are wealthy and finely educated as the healthiest in society. Presumably,
people with a higher income appreciate the importance of healthy life choices and
behaviours. Additionally, they have the ability to attain all of their basic needs
and pursuits in life plus the best healthcare and nutrition. The social gradient of
health is evident through analysis of physical inactivity between both low and
high socio economic groups. The AIHW s data coincides, people who live in areas
of most socio economic disadvantage are less likely to be physically active. In 2007
08, 66% of people living in areas of most disadvantage did not undertake healthy
levels of physical activity compared with 54% of people living in the least
disadvantaged areas . Habitual smoking further exhibits the social gradient of health
; the AIHW s statistics confirm this. In the lowest socio economic areas in Australia,
daily tobacco smoking rates among people aged 14 and over were around 25% in
2010, twice the rate among people living in the highest socioeconomic
State Of The Union Address Rhetorical Analysis
On January 28, 1996, the NASA shuttle orbiter mission STS 51 L and the tenth
flight of Space Shuttle Orbiter broke apart 23 seconds after its launch, making it one
of the most important events in the history of spaceflight in terms of its aftermath on
the audience who witnessed the explosion. The spacecraft disintegrated over the
Atlantic Ocean, claiming the lives of seven crew members. It was later found that
two rubber O rings had failed because of the cold temperatures on the morning of the
liftoff. Family, friends, and millions of T.V viewers witnessed the explosion, which
led president Ronald Reaganto address the accident. Reagan planned to give his State
of the Union Address, but after learning of the Space Shuttledisaster he postponed it
for a week and addressed the nation at the Oval Office late afternoon. By using
rhetorical appeals in his address to the nation, Reagan effectively addresses the nation
and crews families about the explosion while comforting, inspiring, and honoring the
views through the use of rhetoric. President Ronald Reagan starts the speech in a
powerful way capturing the audience emotionally as he sets the overall motive for
the entire speech. He starts the speech by recognizing and empathizing with the
agony that the audience was experiencing after the disaster. He mentions Nancy and
I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. When we know we
share the pain with all the people of our country. This is truly a
Band Section Leader
A marching band is composed of people, playing musical instruments, usually
during the halftime portion of a football game, to perform songs arranged by
various artists. The band is divided into sections. A section is determined by the
instrument one plays. Each section must have a leader. A section leader is one or
more people who give rules for other members of the section to follow. While
trying to become the best section leader ever, one must develop social skills, a
positive attitude, and determination. The first step in being a great section leader is
to have prodigious social skills. Being social means that a person is able to
communicate effectively with people without conflict. In my opinion, a section
leader needs to be social in order to give instructions and receive positive feedback
from other section members. If the leader of a certain section is not able to
communicate well, things will not run as effectively as the band director desires.
Being social also means on enjoys the companionship that comes along with being a
leader. I feel that if a leader is not able to make a personal connection with the person
in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When everyone else has that I don t care, or I don t want attitude, it is the section
leaders job to reassure or encourage the individual to do the right thing and follow
directions as her or she was told. Often times, the section members need that extra
little push to keep striving to be the best the best marcher they can be, and because
of the section leaders optimistic yet constructive attitude, it is easy for section
members to respond positively. In my first year in band, I looked up to my section
leaders because I knew that if I needed help with anything on the marching field, they
would not mind helping me. Sometimes, because of their jolly attitudes, section
leaders were known as the happiest members of the entire
Definition Of Leadership And Leadership
Definition of leadership
Leadership is defined as the art of getting people to do what they may not want to
do on their own. It may involve getting people do things that seem to be against their
own self interest and a leader uses various tools to achieve their goals. Yet another
definition of leadership is from the US Army, for over two hundred years the US
Army has produced leaders who have led its organization and later gone on to
become President of the United States. They continue to produce leaders for the
nation and define leadership as influencing people by providing purpose, direction,
and motivation, while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the
organization. (US Army) A more refined definition of leadership is offered by B.
Wintson and K. Patterson, The leader throughout each leader follower audience
interaction demonstrates his/her commitment to the values of (a) humility, (b)
concern for others, (c) controlled discipline, (d) seeking what is right and good for
the organization, (e) showing mercy in beliefs and actions with all people, (f)
focusing on the purpose of the organization and on the well being of the followers,
and (g) creating and sustaining peace in the organization not a lack of conflict but a
place where peace grows. (Winston and Patterson, 2006) For our uses in this paper
we will use a combination of definition of leadership is the art of influencing people
by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while accomplishing
Analysis Of Slavery In Narrative Of The Life Of A Slave...
Inhumanity of Slaveholders
Death is better than slavery. Slavery has affected both male and female, in many
different ways. Douglas and Jacobs were not very different male and female yes, but
how they were treated were quite similar. Slavery can also affect children and infants.
Slavery has many different themes to prove what slavery is all about. It seems
obvious to everyone that slavery was so very awful it s proven in these two stories,
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick
Douglass and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs. Inhumanity of
slaveholders to slaves is one of the worst crimes committed.
In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass had a
American Airpower s Dependence On Technology And Its...
American airpower s dependence on technology and its influence on future
employment are best described with the words of General H. H. Arnold shortly after
the Second World War: The first essential of air power necessary for peace and
security is the preeminence in research . . . . We must count on scientific advances
requiring us to replace about one fifth of existing Air Forces equipment each year and
we must be sure that these additions are the most advanced in the whole world.
Furthermore, General N. F. Twining believed Air Force not to be bound to any fixed
doctrine or concept, but its doctrine grows out of scientific achievement. Therefore,
influence of technology on American airpower is evident since its beginnings and
especially after the 1947 and the establishment of the independent United States Air
Force (USAF) service. Technology continued to have the impact on American
airpower after the 1947 through numerous technological achievements and
inventions, but some of the major ones had substantial influence in American aerial
warfare. Jet engine improvements and missiletechnology changed viewpoint on
strategic bomber, and precision targeting technology and Electronic Counter Measure
(ECM) system enabled accurate weapon delivery. Moreover, the invention of the
stealth technology brought invisibility to the radar technology. Technological
improvements of the jet engine and innovations of the missile technology started to
change a viewpoint on airpower
Female Sexuality in Shakespeare
Question Compare and contrast the representation of female sexuality in
Cymbeline, the Sonnets, and one of the plays: A Midsummer Night s Dream,
Richard II, Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra, Measure for Measure or King Lear.
Both Cymbeline and A Midsummer Night s Dream (AMND) are both set in a
patriarchal environment where both genders grapple for control. Valerie Traub
defines the distinction between gender sex and gender behavior as Sex refers to the
. . . biological distinctions between male and female bodies. Gender refers to those
meanings derived from the division of male and female . . . the attributes considered
appropriate to each: masculine and feminine. (Valerie Traub, Gender and Sexuality in
Shakespeare p129)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Peter Holland understanding of the play s imagery of the moon as signifying Diana
s change from the goddess of the cold fruitless moon . . . into the goddess of married
chastity, (Peter Holland, Introduction to A Midsummer Night s Dream, P33.) a
transformation is carried out through the dissolution of the reaction to of Cupid s
flower by Dian s bud, which in turn, reflects Hermia and Helena s path toward chaste
marriage and motherhood. However, Titania s enraged moon metaphorically enacts
Theseus previous fear of an uncontainable femininity, a understanding highlighted in
the production by Peter Brook (1970) who cast the same actors in the roles of
Theseus/Oberon and Hippolyta/Titania to express repressed emotional turbulence
(Penny Rixon, A Midsummer Night s Dream, in Shakespeare: Texts and
Contexts,P38)in the Athenian relationship. Critics contend that the part of male
lover establishes a feminized position insofar as it separates men from . . . military
pursuits, (Valerie Traub, Gender and Sexuality in Shakespeare p137) and undeniably
Helena views their conduct as deficient masculinity, stating that, If you were men, as
men you are in show, / You would not use a gentle lady so (AMSND 3.2.152 3). In
contrast, other critics claim that the consequence of the drug overstates the normal
male practice .

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  • 1. Essay City Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay City" can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty arises from the abstract nature of the subject, as it requires delving into the intricacies of the concept itself. "Essay City" suggests a multifaceted exploration, demanding a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of the various aspects associated with the theme. One challenge lies in defining the boundaries of an "Essay City" – is it a city of ideas, a city of words, or a metaphorical city constructed within the confines of language? This ambiguity requires careful consideration and a well-thought-out approach to ensure the essay doesn't lose focus or become too broad. Moreover, crafting an essay on such a topic necessitates the ability to navigate the fine line between abstraction and clarity. The writer must skillfully employ language to articulate complex concepts while ensuring that the essay remains accessible to a diverse audience. Balancing creativity with coherence is pivotal to capturing the essence of an "Essay City." Research becomes another key challenge. Unlike more concrete topics, "Essay City" demands a deep exploration of literary theories, philosophical perspectives, and perhaps even a historical analysis of how the essay has evolved over time. This intricate research process can be time- consuming, requiring a meticulous approach to source selection and integration. Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of conveying personal thoughts and experiences within the context of an abstract city. This requires a nuanced understanding of one's own perspective while maintaining a broader awareness of the topic's complexity. In conclusion, composing an essay on " Essay City Essay City
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  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Dismissal With Prejudice dismissed with prejudice during that last hearing, without any extra trial or fees, if Charter agrees. Charter s lawyer said to submit to Charter a request for dismissal with prejudice. Charter said they will only dismiss with prejudice if Plaintiff signs the agreement. Plaintiff refused to sign, because signing would give up his rights and say Charter did no harm, which is false. SEE EXHIBITS 21, 22, 23, 24. 82. Charter has intentionally inflicted emotional distress on Plaintiff by making co workers associated with Plaintiff sign settlements in order to prohibit them from speaking on Plaintiff s behalf. SEE EXHIBITS 52 53. XIV. NINTH CAUSE OF ACTION NEGLIGENT INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (Against All Defendants... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Plaintiff s family was urged by the police to get security cameras and a fence to fence off their property. Plaintiff s home is far from the street. Whoever is doing the vandalisms are trespassing, and purposefully trying to inflict harm on the driver of the vehicles. This has placed even more financial burden on Plaintiff s parents to protect their property, and their family. SEE EXHIBITS 47, 67, 70. 86. Charter has caused Plaintiff anguish and he has lost faith in doing the right thing and reporting harassment. 87. Charter permitted Plaintiff to have to work under a hostile work environment, and did nothing about the car vandalisms on Charter property, which has caused Plaintiff to take a longer time to finish school, by having to drop classes due to the stress experienced at work, and having the burden to repair his car every time it is vandalized. SEE EXHIBITS 58 59. PRAYER FOR RELIEF (As to All Causes of Action) SEE EXHIBIT 71 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants, and each of them, as follows: 1.For general damages, including emotional distress damages, according to proof on each cause of action for which such damages are available. 2. Nominal damages. 3. For special damages, according to proof on each cause of action for which such damages are available. Also, including, without limitation, lost salary, both front and back pay, bonuses, and any other benefits to which
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  • 9. Italian Music With more than four and half million Italian immigrants arriving to American between the years of 1876 1924, traditions, food, literature and an immense amount of Italian culture was slowly spread nationwide. With that, Italian music was also brought across seas. Music in New York City began developing rapidly during the nineteenth century as the number of immigrants and residents steadily increased. Italian music has become popular genre with many subdivisions. Italian music has also become an influential genre of music on other types of popular music. The musical performance aspect of my paper was not an issue to complete. If you go to Little Italy, New York on any given weekend, especially around the holiday season or the San Gennaro... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everything comes from somewhere, said Luger. He finds that his passion for jazz music and Italian American music can be easily interconnected since all music influences one another. One thing I found interesting about Luger s music is that when I asked him to tell me more about the Italian music that he plays, he corrected me, and stated that the music he plays should be referred to as Italian American because Italian music has a broad range of styles. He said as much as he loves to play instruments and sing, he is aware that he does not have an opera voice, which would allow him to sing authentic Italian music. Classical Italian music is considered to be Opera. Opera was born in Italy in 1600 during the Italian Renaissance and by the late 16th century. Now, when thinking about Classical Italian music, I think of one of the most famous Italian opera composers, Giuseppe Verdi (1813 1901). Verdi s works are most noted for their emotional intensity, tuneful melodies, and dramatic characterizations. Verdi transformed the Italian opera into a unified musical and dramatic entity. Verdi composed over twenty eight operas. Macbeth, a performance by Verdi based off the work of William Shakespeare, was a popular show performed in New York Cityin the late 1800s. Verdi s works, along with the works of
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  • 11. Essay on Misfortune and Comedy in Shakespeare s Play, A... A Winter s Tale by William Shakespeare is a chilling play full of misfortune and comedy. Throughout the play, the themes of death and suffering are present, but yet the way in which they are presented is both comical and strange. The way in which the dialogue takes place or the way in which actions occur seem to be ambiguous. One of the most pivotal points of the story takes place over a very short time span, climaxing over three pages, and declining almost immediately thereafter. In this case, the deathof Hermione and Mamillius occurs and is resolved, with their burial following quickly after. The wording throughout the text can be interpreted in several ways, especially in the way which death is represented throughout the play. Death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, strangely none of the deaths occur on stage, rather both deaths are announced to the king through someone else. Paulina being the most important of the messengers, for she was the one caring for both Hermione and Mamillius. The way in which she announces Hermione s death is peculiar, I say she s dead; I ll swear it. If word nor oath prevail not, go and see: if you can bring tincture or luster in her lip, her eye, heat outwardly or [breathe] within (50). She confirms that Hermione is in fact dead, but still want Leontes to go forth and see for himself. Strange considering that before this point Paulina had changed her views towards the tyrant king. Paulina no longer respected her king as before, for he had gone blind with rage. Leontes up and till this point had discredited his queen, already he had forgotten how to bring out the luster or breath in her. All he saw was an adulterous, somebody guilty of high treason. Death changed Leontes, for he no longer sought revenge nor did he want to dispel his wrath. Instead he now saw his mistakes, and would like to mend them, but sadly cannot. The events that have occurred are done, and there is no way of going back to change them. Leontes himself sees this, and now the play may move on from the wretchedness that was the new ruler. Now the focus can shift to the daughter that he had banished before, that was believed unimportant till learning
  • 12. Amanda Holoan Essay Analytical Essay UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan Do fantasy, horror and science fiction stories share genre elements? The novel UNWANTED by Amanda Holohan has many elements of science fiction but it also contains some elements of action. Dystopia dominates the novel that is categorised in the science fiction genre consisting of a futuristic setting and myths with supernatural powers. The novel is riveting and enthralling because the usage of different elements such as foreshadowing and plot twists. Throughout the novel it was evident the setting was futuristic which created an oppressive and rebellious environment. In the novel UNWANTED there was a strict division of citizens, which lead to curiosity and conflict between classes of citizens. The novel is built around a nation where your categorised in being either a Dread, a stork, inked or an unwanted which is justified by A high fence separated the dump from the rest of the city and a single road led through the gate Followed by that a guard by the gatehouse said This place isn t safe for a law abiding citizen . The novel categorises the dump as section of area where unwanted citizens live within the tunnels of rubbish and rock. Whilst unwanted lived in the dump, storks, inked and Dread where classified as the general public. If you were to commit a crime or sin against the government you were taken to the dump. The novel is based upon a insurgent main character that rebels against the government when she realises she is an Unwanted. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The text consists of both first and third person speech including: What is that? Bea said again? A jagged black line appeared in the sky . It is apparent the transition of first person to third person is very distinctive. Third person speech is an element of story telling that belongs to the action
  • 13. Genie Alternate Ending The Feast of Giving has always been time of warmth and happiness for Genie. The red and golden leaves, the first nip of chill in the breeze, the eternal smell of cinnamon, she loved it all. But most of all, she loved the time she spent with her father. As far as she was concerned, those days could last forever. Nevertheless, Genie would soon find that this holiday was particularly memorable. What do you mean he has Stonelock? Only old Gargoyles get that! Genie blurt out at the news. She could hardly believe her ears at first. Sure her father had been limping, and his movements had been more stiff, but he was still in his prime. He couldn t be sick! She refused to believe it. Now, Genie, Her mother soothed in her usual stone cold voice. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sure enough... You are doing it all wrong. How s that? You have to start all over. Anger surged through Genie s heart at her mother s monotone words. She swore she turned a dark purple at the very thought. Faster than she could contain herself the words bubbled to the surface and spilled out of her mouth. I am following the instructions! So I do not need your help. She spun around, waving the whisk. Only too late did she realize she had gotten some of the orange pulp on her mother s face. The women looked startled well as far as Genie could tell, which was hard for even her. Slowly, she moved her claw to her cheek and removed the gunk. And to Genie s surprise, it got flung right back at her. Before either of them knew it, they were scooping up large handfuls of pie filling to toss at each other. When they ran out of the filling, they moved onto the cranberry sauce, the stuffing, even the gravy! The whole kitchen became a battle scene of flying edible projectiles. All Genie s hard work came undone. What is going on here? Her father s shocked voice stopped both in
  • 14. Levi s Strauss And Co Essay Levi s Strauss Co Two years after his father s passing, Levi Strauss immigrated from Buttenheim, Bavaria to New York with his sisters in 1848. His two older brothers owned a dry goods business called J. Strauss Brother Co located in New York City. After becoming more familiar with the trade and how the business worked, he traveled to California after word got out about the gold rush in 1853. Levi wanted to keep up with the demand, so where there were people looking for their fortune through gold, he was there making pants for them and the people who worked in tougher conditions. Levi received a letter around 1872 from a loyal customer of his. Jacob Davis was a tailor from Reno, Nevada loved his design of pants and continued to buy from Levi because of the pant s quality. He had a proposition for Levi. In this letter it proposed on collaborating on a new design for pants were using metal rivets on the sections that go through the most strain, would make the pants last much longer. Jacob came to Levi because Levi was already established as a businessman and was familiar with the trade. Also he needed someone that was familiar with the trade to put this idea into action. Levi agreed to patent the idea. On May 20, 1873, the patent was given to Jacob Davis and the Levi Strauss Company and the blue jean was born. The iconic blue jeans were originally called XX. In 1886, Levi had a two horse logo branded onto a leather patch which represented the strength
  • 15. Moral And Ethical Issues In The Giver In The Giver by Lois Lowry the main character Jonas is chosen to be The Receiver of Memory but he soon realises that the community he is a part of is not as perfect as it seems. Throughout The Giver Lowry stresses that people must not blindly obey the rules that have been placed for them to follow. In doing this Lowry also addresses many moral and ethical issues such as: Lying, whether euthanasia is acceptable and whether sameness is more important than having a choice. Through Jonas, Lowry questions these moral and ethical issues to warn us not to blindly obey, but to think and have an opinion. Throughout The Giver lying is a big issue for Jonas. Jonas has been told his whole life that there are no secrets within the community and that it
  • 16. Rogue Trader Character Analysis Jennifer L Cranford Professor Ken Dalton ACC 409 10 October 2017 Black Yellow: Profits and Warning Signs Introduction Based on the true story of Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader is a movie about a man that went from London to Jakarta to Singapore, to become the head of the derivatives trading in the up and coming Singapore stock market. Leeson had proven to be an effective and efficient worker when he was tasked to get bear bonds sorted on his first solo tasking with Barings Bank in Jakarta. That successful completion got him put in the Singapore position because they needed someone there, and he seemed to have the potential to make Barings a considerable profit. Control Environment The internal control environment in Rogue Trader lacked ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bank s risk appetite was enormous, and they seemed to have their eyes on the potential for profit. While Leeson did not personally exhibit any of the red flags typical of someone committing fraud, such as financial difficulties, living beyond his means, or family problems, the work environment threw up red flags. With management based in London, Leeson had little direct oversight. Barings was okay with this because of the profit that Leeson was generating for the bank. Control Activities The Accounting Information Systems book recommends seven types of control activities that can prevent fraud. These include: Proper authorization of transactions and activities, segregation of duties, project development and acquisition controls, change management controls, design and use of documents and records, safeguarding assets, records, and data, and finally independent checks on performance. These control activities should have been in place to prevent the fraud from occurring. Many of those control activities were ineffectively operating in Leeson s office. Use of proper authorization of transactions was supposed to happen, but there was no validation of who authorized a deal. Barings gave Leeson much responsibility, and there was no segregation of duties, which gave him the ability to commit and conceal his fraud. Verification that documents were
  • 17. Essay On Why Are You Interested In Advertising Why are you interested in COOP? (250 words) I have a passion for advertising and I am curious about the digital world. Majoring in Business Communications and minoring in Psychology at Baruch College I was taught all of the theory necessary to succeed in advertising but I wasn t taught the hard skills necessary to go into a field as digital as media. At the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester it dawned on me that I may not have the skills employers are looking for. When I found out about CO OP through a CO OP alumni, I could not believe there was a program with such benefits. I had found exactly what I was looking for along with the strong community to help me through it. I was immediately enthused by the benefits of what I d be learning... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the various phases of this semester long assignment, I learned quickly that Naomi was a genuine, personable and inspirational leader who was able to motivate each of her teammates according to their unique personalities, including a gentleman twice her age, who later praised Naomi s effectiveness to the entire class. Although I believe I handled this challenge quite well there is always room for improvement in all that we do as individuals on this planet. What helped my team succede was that as a leader I was able to tend to all of their different personalities and personal situations. But in doing so I put a lot of pressure on myself and it felt like I might have been too passive with due dates and what was expected. If this wasn t the case we could have produced quality work earlier in the semester and spared me the stress. I know this now, and in group projects in my following semester I practiced being more firm with what was expected. Anything else you want to tell us? I am an ambitious I have always been told I bring an energy to everything I tackle. That I am genuine, personable and have the best attitude. That I am always ready to roll up my sleeves and get the job done, with a smile no matter how difficult the task. That my charismatic personality allows me to create personal connections when working in teams, ensuring
  • 18. Social Responsibility in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley An Inspector Calls We don t live alone. We are all members of one body. We are responsible for each other. What is Priestley s main aim in `An inspector calls`? How successfully does he achieve it. In `An inspector calls` by J.B Priestley, the writers aim is reflected into this quote, We don t live alone. We are all members of one body. We are responsible for each other. Meaning that we are not isolated, we all live in one community and we are all collectively responsible for each other, our actions affects the people around us. We can be independent in the society we live in, but only to a certain extent. Priestley s main aim was perhaps to make an audience aware that no one person can live in a society without being... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He believes that world wars are a waste of money and there?s nothing to gain from them. Only the lower classes could agree to them. Arthur Birling`s treatment of Eva Smith, reflects in his role, in society as a hard headed business man. ?They wanted the rates raised so they could average about twenty five shillings a week. I refused of course?. Eva smith was a hard worker in his company, but Birling fired her as she demanded for a pay rise and was one of the main ring leaders. Birling didn?t take notice on what would happen to Eva smith after she left his works, and what happened to her after that, and what would lead her to suicide. A chain of events which he had started. Which reflects on Priestleys main aim, our actions affect people around us. Arthur Birling cannot accept his responsibility for his treatment of Eva Smith. ?I cant accept my responsibility. If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everyone, we?d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn?t it?? Birling is a character who doesn?t believe in community, he believes that everyone has to take their own responsibility and look after themselves, Priestly shows how unsuccessful a community is if a person believes that they have no responsibly for others in that society. Priestly possibly wanted to show an audience this, so they could reflect on themselves on how they view responsibly and, also on Priestleys main aim. Sybil Birling is her husbands social
  • 19. Canonical Books Canonical books are books that are relating to or ordered by canon law. It has to appear in biblical canon. For a book to be considered canonical it has to meet seven principles. In no specific order the principles are the book must be dynamic, written by an authoritative writer and be authoritative itself. It has to be authentic, prophetic, and received. Lastly, people who knew of the events have to have been able to falsify them. The reason a canon of scripture became necessary, was because the prophets and apostles were no longer here. They were the living voice of this information. Canon was a way to preserve biblical writings from any corruption. A canon of the biblebridges the old and new Testaments. This was gradual. The formation of the New Testament canon is how the sacredness was preserved. Knowing what canon is and the history of it, helps a person comprehend the importance scripture. God s authoritative revelation has books rooted in His inspiration. To know the particulars the history is necessary. According to What is said on Bible. Org The word canon is used to describe those books recognized as inspired of God. The word comes from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The number of books included differ based on whether the person is Christian, Mormon, or Muslim. Matt Slick describes it in detail by stating In Judaism, the canon consists of the books of the Old Testament only. In Protestant Christianity, the canon is the body of scripture comprised in the Bible consisting of the 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. In Roman Catholicism, additional books were added in 1546. These books are known as the apocryphal books: Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, The Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), and Baruch. In Mormonism, four additional books have been added to the Canon: The book of Mormon, the Book of Abraham, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. (Matt Slick,
  • 20. Target Chain Of Target Supply Chain Target s Supply Chain This papers purpose is to give an example of the benefits and how the supply chain works by taking a look at the Target Corporation s supply chain. Target is one of the largest retail chains in the US; they first opened in 1962 in the state of Minnesota. It started out as a family run (The Dayton Family) department store. After company growth the family started looking for ways to expand. Today Target total sales ad diluted earnings per share reached new highs of $72.0 billion and $4.52, respectively. They invested $3.3 billion of capital in our U.S. and Canadian businesses, and they returned over $2.7 billion tour shareholders through share repurchase and dividend payments. Their full year results were right on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As one of the current leading retailers in the US, the Target Corporationhas made a path to easily get back to the majority of their customers demands by straight forwardly streamlining the business logistics of the supply chain, forcefully putting into distribution centers to support new chain growth, handle growth volumes from smaller frequent shipments and improving levels of service for all stores even during peak periods of volume. The company has maintained it s effectiveness by making shipment and transportation costs better in order to gain an upper hand on operations, allowing them to have more value to its transport networks. These are some of the active outcomes that Target has managed to grow and continue to watch over as well as evaluate. Target holds and sees every opportunity to bring and add value to their business value chain, the company is not only able to effectively manage but they empower their supply chain by honing the logistics function. Target is continuously looking for new programs including adding new processes, the investment into physical capacity and technology, has also strengthened its connections with its vendors. Aspects of Target s supply chain that will be watched include product and service; order a long with
  • 21. David Tenier Research Paper Flemish artist, David Teniers David Teniers II or David Teniers the younger was one of the most famous and prominent artist of peasant life in the 17th century. He was born in Antwerp and his works were influenced by his father, David Teniers the Elder, and his father in law, Jan Brueghel. In 1632, Teniers became a master of a guild in St. Luke. He was later chosen to preside over the same guild in St. Luke in 1644 ( David Teniers the Younger ). Teniers achieved noble status in 1663 and also successfully lobbied for the establishment of an art school in his city (Van Vlieghe). Teniers is believed to have over 2,000 paintings. One of those paintings is called Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig circa 1650. The medium is oil on canvas, with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teniers flourished during the Dutch Golden Age, which was a period that roughly spanned the 17th century. This particular piece of art by David Teniers as well as most of his other artworks can be described as a genre painting. Genre paintings are artworks that depict ordinary life ( Genre Painting ). Genre art depict everyday scenes, such as that of Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig. It shows the motions of everyday life: market settings, domestic settings, party scenes, streets, inns, etc.; all that is associated with the peasant life. In this particular painting, it tells the story of a winter day in a peasant village where a ritual of life and death is occurring. There s also another interesting aspect to the painting. The row of houses as well as the people are painted in warm earthy colors, which juxtaposes the cool silvery tones of the rest of the painting ( Winter Scene with a Man Killing a Pig ). By doing this, the viewer s eyes immediately look at the row of houses, then to the family, slaughtering the pig, which is the story of the painting, the main focus. Also, eating pig for Christmas dinner was customary in medieval
  • 22. Summer Is Hot On The Heels Of Spring Summer is hot on the heels of Spring in spite of the roller coaster weather pattern some of us seem to be in right now. Trust me, before we know it we ll be complaining about the scorching heat and oppressive humidity and wishing we could have just a day or two of those milder temperatures once in a while. Anyway, with summertime comes the decidedly American tradition of cookingout. Cooking out is one of my favorite Summer activities. What a great way to kill three birds with one stone. First and most obvious we all need to eat, even though some of us (myself included) could stand to eat a little less. So why not cook out? I don t know about you, but for me there s something almost magical about eating foodthat s been cooked on a charcoal grill. It just seems to taste better. Maybe it s an association thing like turkey at Thanksgiving and Christmas, ham at Easter, cake on your birthday, liquor on New Years Eve OK, maybe we shouldn t go there. For my wife there s magic in the idea of her not having to cook. She s always up for letting me do the cooking! Let s move on, shall we? Second, cooking out can help reduce energy consumption. Think about it. If you re cooking outside you re not heating up the house with the range and/or oven going while simultaneously running the air conditioner to cool the house down. That should make Al Gore and the Inconvenient Truth crowd happy. On the other hand, they probably wouldn t appreciate the idea of burning charcoal
  • 23. Car Marketing And Driving Towards Sex She is Used: Car Marketing and Driving Towards Sex Sex? No, thank you; we are civilized, decent and socially appropriate for all ages. This is an applicable response for any advertising medium until the end of the 1990 s perhaps. Fast forward to the twenty first century and this notion can be blatantly disregarded. There is no doubt that advertising plays is a proportional factor automobile sales and even if there this was not so, car manufacturers believe that marketing helps. During the year 2012 alone, BMW spent approximately 288 million dollars on advertising in the United States alone, according to www.statista.com. It s safe to say that to brands like Bayerische Motoren Werke, this is definitely a big deal. Society has gradually and gracefully molded the minds of men to believe that something used is unwanted and of an unfavorably lesser value. In a culture that has for so long been male dominated, this philosophy has been adapted indiscriminately, even to apply to women. For example, in tradition Italian cultures, a woman may be banished from her family and shunned by her new husband if he suspects that she was not a virgin when they consummated their marriage. Albeit, there are some that would rejoice to find that their sheets were not stained but this still does not raise conformity. Italians are renowned for a bold compensation, the Ferrari brand, and scores of men would desire owning one regardless of what the odometer reads. The automobile industry has played a
  • 24. The Account Of Bhp Billiton And Telstra Question 1 I decided to use the accounts of BHP Billiton and Telstra. Based on their annual reports in 2015, the approach they used to value their intangible and depreciating assets was the straight line method. For the straight line depreciation method, the value of an asset is depreciated evenly each year over the estimated useful life of the asset. For BHP Billiton, its buildings are estimated to have a useful life of 25 to 50 years while its plant and equipment are generally has useful life of 3 to 30 years. In addition, amounts paid for the acquisition of identifiable intangible assets such as software and licences are capitalised at the fair value of consideration paid and are recorded at cost less the accumulated amortisation and impairment charges. Identifiable intangible assets with a finite life are amortised on a straight line basis over their expected useful life, which is typically no more than eight years. BHP Billiton has no identifiable intangible assets for which the expected useful life is indefinite. On the other hand, Telstra s property, plant and equipment, including buildings and leasehold property but excluding freehold land, are depreciated on a straight line basis to the income statement over their estimated service lives. Assets start depreciating when they are installed and ready for use. For Telstra, its building is estimated to have useful life of 31 to 52 years, data core network has useful life of 4 to 10 years while IT equipment has useful
  • 25. The Role of Sight, Scent, and Sound by the White-tailed Deer Use and relative role of sight, scent, and sound by white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to locate and select between different types of foods Introduction The foraging habits of white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; hereafter deer) have been extensively researched. Studies have evaluated seasonal influence as well as other environmental influences on forage selection by deer (Moen 1981, Rogers et al. 1981, McCullough 1985, and others). However, no such research has ever tested to determine what senses deer use to locate and select between different food types or the relative importance of each sense involved in that process. We are missing much of the basic knowledge of physiology and anatomy related to the sensory capabilities of deer (D Angelo et al. 2006). Information from this type of research is becoming increasingly important to wildlife biologists, as they can use it to improve other forage selection studies aimed at reducing crop depredation or other wildlife damage. So little is known about the role of sight, smell, and sound in deer ability to locate and select between forage types, therefore quantitative information in this area of research needs further attention (Sayre et al. 1992). By understanding the importance of each sense in the location and selection of different food types by deer, new studies can be set up that focus on the most important sense, while also considering what effects the other senses have on their behavior. As
  • 26. Claude Lorraine And Nicolas Poussin By the beginning of the 17th century Britain became a worldwide trading nation. Enormous personal fortunes were created and the aristocracy turned their attention to the improvement and embellishment of their estates. Many were educated and well versed in the arts and classics. It was the age of the grand tour, a journey of artistic refinement through France and Italy. They came back enthralled with Palladian architecture and seeing visions of Claude s ideal landscapes in their own domains, where they proceeded to create an Elysium, their interpretation of the age old ideal of the paradise garden. The idyllic images of the Roman campagna depicted by landscapes painters Claude Lorraine and Nicolas Poussin and travel books showing winding
  • 27. Square s Fraud Paper Introduction Square, Inc. is a financial services company based in San Francisco, California and they market software and hardware payment products. Square was founded in 2009 and launched their services in 2010. The Square Reader was the first product they ever released and it s a convenient way for businesses to accept customer payments using a variety of different methods. The beauty of Square s business model is that you can use one service for your entire business. This eliminates the need for multiple services with different fee structures and different processing methods. With Square, everything is all in one place from payments, to invoices, gift cards, POS systems, employee management, payroll, scheduling appointments, funding, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... has an A+ Better Business Bureau rating, there are plenty of complaints to be found. In fact, they have had 1098 complaints within the past three years. Their complaints consist of poor customer support, suspended account issues, fund holding and account deactivation with no notification or explanation. Customer Service Square states they will respond to email s within 24 hours; however, it seems they are taking between two and three days. Although the simple issues are being resolved more quickly. And they have since added a phone customer support line to ease the burden. Fund Holding And Inaccessible Funds Due to Square s fraud prevention measures, many transactions set off fraud alerts, which in turn keep businesses from access their funds. What happens is when a business completes a transaction, they then receive an email with a request to verify or provide additional information. Unfortunately, even if the business owners comply, their accounts were still sometimes suspended and they were not able to access to their funds for 90 days. Furthermore, due to security reasons, the merchants were not told what condition of their agreement they violated that resulted in their account being suspended. It seems many of Square s account and fund holding issues stem from improper
  • 28. Obi Wan And Ammon s Relationship Essay All classic stories need a companion to the hero. Without this partner, the story would lack someone to drive the story forward and to motivate the hero. The classic saga Star Wars and movie Clash of the Titans share this common theme. This can be seen in the romantic duos Han and Leia along side Perseus and Andromeda, the mentor relationship between Luke and Obi wan along with Perseus and Ammon, and the owner relationship with Luke with R2D2 and Perseus with Pegasus. Firstly, the romantic relationships of Han and Leia and Perseus and Andromeda are remembered in culture and in history. Han and Leia are an iconic couple from the Star Wars saga, and lovers Perseus and Andromeda are memorialized in the stars. Leia and Andromeda are both princesses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Obi wan and Ammon serve as mentors to the main heroes, both stumbling upon them during conflict and providing advice and care. Luke and Perseus both start out fairly naive, but with the teachings of Obi wan and Ammon they grow as heroes. Obi wan teaches Luke the ways of the jedi, and Ammon teaches Perseus the ways of the hero. Both mentors save the heroes, Obi wan finding Luke after being attacked by sand people and saving him. Ammon finds Perseus after being dropped in an unknown place by Zeus. Both these mentors direct the heroes towards their goal, Obi wan directing Luke towards Yoda and his end goal of defeating Darth Vader, and Ammon advising Perseus on how to defeat the Kraken. They both essentially drive the plot forward, giving the main heroes direction. These mentors also act as parental figures in the absence of the heroes, Luke having no parents ( to his knowledge, in the first half of the saga) and losing his aunt and uncle, and Perseus never having met his father and separated from his mother. These two relationships between Luka and Obi wan and Perseus and Ammon are the main reasons the heroes have development and go on their
  • 29. Brand Cannibalization BRAND CANNIBALIZATION: EAT OR BE EATEN With increasing commoditization of brands, differentiation is hard to come in every industry. Consumers are now flooded with options, single company having several brands in same product category. Positioning, targeting, segmenting can serve as strategies no more. Rather it is the basic hygiene which any company needs to follow if it needs to sustain in the race for market share. So, what should a marketer adopt as a strategy? There are unconventional approaches followed by Multinationals to address the goal of increasing their market share. With consumer demand for innovation increasing, brand loyalty being a privilege of few companies and E commerce providing an instant comparison amongst ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While there are two school of thoughts that argue about the same, I choose to adhere to diplomacy. As it is true for every strategy, in implementation of it lies the crux. There are examples of brands which faltered in the implementation and ended up cannibalizing for no gain or for a loss of revenue and then there are these who have learnt to effectively deploy it as a successful tool. If carefully planned, we even may talk about new opportunities that can lead to increased sales and market share (Proactive Cannibalization). And if a company does not have a strategic plan for digital transformation someone else will (Passive Cannibalization). To exemplify my stand on why the only answer is Effective cannibalization we have a look at some previous decisions. Taking the example of The New York Times, which saw newspaper sales plunge when they began posting free online versions of their stories on the internet, it would not be wrong in calling it as inefficient Cannibalization. But in this case, every other newspaper faced the same situation since if they did not provide such services, the market share of New York Times would increase, which was then undesirable. So they rushed and joined the league since Cannibalism hurts if you eat your own toes, but it s better than starving . On the contrary, a brand that uses their existing brand reputation to leverage a successful cannibalization campaign is Gillette,
  • 30. My Experience At Bethel African Methodist Church t a really tough time in my life, I set out to search for a connection with God. I visited many churches and denominations. I wasn t sure what I was searching for and if I d recognize it when I found it. While looking for a Bible, I called and subsequently visited the bookstore of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland. While in the bookstore I felt welcomed and cared for. That visit prompted me to attend the upcoming worship service. Upon arrival, I felt a connection to the environment and people. Behind the pulpit there is a large multi colored mural with scenes from various functions of life. The artist depicted the people with multi ethnic physical features. This certainly was not a Michael Angelo rendition. I felt a sense of belonging. The pastor used Psalm 51 for his text. Although the topic of sin was a part of his sermon, the message that I heard was one of mercy, love, acceptance, deliverance and restoration. My experience at Bethel felt like a great burden was lifted; I felt free. I was no longer alone; I found a community of people who were also on a spiritual journey. Although I had been in therapy for a number of years prior to my profession of faith, it was my new found relationship with God that empowered me to make some personal changes. I describe my conversion experience with three terms: liberation, empowerment and community. My connection with the African Methodist Episcopal Church(AME Church) came as a
  • 31. What Is The Relationship Of Relationships And... RELATIONSHIPS THESE DAYS In a world characterized by loneliness, alienation, and isolation, admirable relationships have become increasingly rare. Today we have social media, but the noticeable part is Facebook posts tweets and blogs just seem to provide more opportunities to display how dysfunction we really are? Networking might be increasing the number of those with whom we are connected but those connected are more superficial. Our physical presence has been replaced by texts, voice messages, snapchats and video calls. We don t feel the needto spend time together anymore. We have too much of each other already. There s nothing left to talk about. These days insecurity in our relationships and anxious about intimacy we look to technology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If people start considering relationships as relationships and not something to pass time or to have fun, ninety percent of the problems which are responsible for breakups will seize to happen. Therefore I request people to start considering relationships as responsibilities and not a mere thing to experience and enjoy. If you are in a relationship you should be ready to face the biggest hurdles in life as well as to enjoy the best moments of your
  • 32. Facing The Loss Of A Loved One And The Grieving Process Facing the Loss of a Loved One and the Grieving Process Introduction From the moment we come in this world grief becomes an inevitable part of our lives. We grief for various reasons, the loss of loved ones, diagnosis of a terminal illness, loss of a job, relationships, property among other things we deem important to us. Medicinenet.com defines grief as the normal reaction to a loss. Emotional reactions of grief can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and despair, while physical reactions can include sleeping problems, changes in appetite, physical problems, and or illness. While grieving is a natural emotional reaction to loss, grief can be functional or dysfunctional. During the grieving process the intense pain of the loss gradually fades and allows the person to begin to heal and return to his or her regular life. This process may take a few months, this however, is normal and is considered uncomplicated or functional grief. Complicated grief or dysfunctional happens when the individual experiences the pain and intense sadness for a prolong period of time, this usually results in the individual s inability to function. This may also manifest itself in actual physical symptoms. Case Study Debbie Davis, a healthy six year, who loves riding her bike, playing soccer and climbing trees, came home from school one day and told her parents she just wanted to sleep. Though this was unusual for the normally rambunctious child, her parents accredited it to being winter
  • 33. The Theory Of Ethical Leader Literature Review The following ten researched based literature reviews, would be utilized to support and validate the hypotheses. In the research paper by Bello (2012), the concept of ethical leader, including the characteristic of an ethical leader, the role it played in improving employee job performance and the development of such leaders (p.229). Through his research Bello (2012) found that employees are more willing to put an extra effort work more effectively when they are led by ethical leaders, which results in higher satisfaction. Employees related the level of trust in the organization with the level of ethic within the organization. Employees who perceived their leaders as unethical, were less likely to follow them and more likely to take advantage (Bello, 2012, p. 232). The level of an employee s commitment to the organization showed to also be impacted by the ethical or unethical practices of their leaders. When employees felt they were not treated fairly, their level of commitment drops, as did their job performance (Bello, 2012, p.233). O Toole (2009), connects the impact of leadership, ethics and corporate culture on employees and other stakeholders, such as shareholders and the community. Ethical treatment of employees was compared through the practices of Wal Mart and Costco. Wal Mart is a non unionized, low wage, no benefit company who does not put much importance in training and development of their employees (O Toole, 2009). Costco is unionized,
  • 34. The Debate On Human Genetic Engineering Long Stance Paper on Human Genetic Engineering The debate on whether human genetic engineering should be researched and used as the main alternative solution to disease have been going on since the creation of the human genetic engineering phenomenon. The ethical question is clear: should money be invested in human genetic engineering and should we research it at all, even if it is formally criticized by all monotheistic religions? The ethical principles in conflict are beneficence (people with fatal diseases could be cured) and non maleficence (undermines the will of God, according to religious groups and in addition, there is no guarantee of successful results). My stance on this debated topic is that human genetic engineering should not be funded or researched, as there is no 100% guarantee that it will be successful, and in addition, I am a very religious person, and in my opinion, the body that a person has is a gift of God, and it should not be changed in any ways. However, there are still thousands of people with fatal diseases who have no hope for surviving, and human genetic engineering could serve as the only hope for them. There are many sides that can be affected either positively or negatively if human genetic engineering is funded and researched, however, the major stakeholders are primarily the government of US and private companies who fund all the experiments, people with fatal diseases who hope for any type of cure., and the science in general, because if
  • 35. Coronary Heart Disease According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Coronary heart disease is a cardiovascular disease caused by a cholesterol substance termed plaque, accumulating within the coronary arteries, which is where oxygen rich blood is delivered to the heart. Progressively, the flow of oxygen to the heartwill suffer if hardened plaque begins to narrow the coronary arteries. Furthermore, bloodclots could occur upon the surface of plaque if it ruptures. Large blood clots will incapacitate blood flow through the coronary arteries. As a result, angina or a heart attack may follow plaque blocked oxygen rich blood flow. The NHLBI refers to CHD as a progressive disease where a destabilised heart can lead to conditions such as heart failure... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The social gradient of health is a collective phenomenon, a term portraying those who are wealthy and finely educated as the healthiest in society. Presumably, people with a higher income appreciate the importance of healthy life choices and behaviours. Additionally, they have the ability to attain all of their basic needs and pursuits in life plus the best healthcare and nutrition. The social gradient of health is evident through analysis of physical inactivity between both low and high socio economic groups. The AIHW s data coincides, people who live in areas of most socio economic disadvantage are less likely to be physically active. In 2007 08, 66% of people living in areas of most disadvantage did not undertake healthy levels of physical activity compared with 54% of people living in the least disadvantaged areas . Habitual smoking further exhibits the social gradient of health ; the AIHW s statistics confirm this. In the lowest socio economic areas in Australia, daily tobacco smoking rates among people aged 14 and over were around 25% in 2010, twice the rate among people living in the highest socioeconomic
  • 36. State Of The Union Address Rhetorical Analysis On January 28, 1996, the NASA shuttle orbiter mission STS 51 L and the tenth flight of Space Shuttle Orbiter broke apart 23 seconds after its launch, making it one of the most important events in the history of spaceflight in terms of its aftermath on the audience who witnessed the explosion. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, claiming the lives of seven crew members. It was later found that two rubber O rings had failed because of the cold temperatures on the morning of the liftoff. Family, friends, and millions of T.V viewers witnessed the explosion, which led president Ronald Reaganto address the accident. Reagan planned to give his State of the Union Address, but after learning of the Space Shuttledisaster he postponed it for a week and addressed the nation at the Oval Office late afternoon. By using rhetorical appeals in his address to the nation, Reagan effectively addresses the nation and crews families about the explosion while comforting, inspiring, and honoring the views through the use of rhetoric. President Ronald Reagan starts the speech in a powerful way capturing the audience emotionally as he sets the overall motive for the entire speech. He starts the speech by recognizing and empathizing with the agony that the audience was experiencing after the disaster. He mentions Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. When we know we share the pain with all the people of our country. This is truly a
  • 37. Band Section Leader A marching band is composed of people, playing musical instruments, usually during the halftime portion of a football game, to perform songs arranged by various artists. The band is divided into sections. A section is determined by the instrument one plays. Each section must have a leader. A section leader is one or more people who give rules for other members of the section to follow. While trying to become the best section leader ever, one must develop social skills, a positive attitude, and determination. The first step in being a great section leader is to have prodigious social skills. Being social means that a person is able to communicate effectively with people without conflict. In my opinion, a section leader needs to be social in order to give instructions and receive positive feedback from other section members. If the leader of a certain section is not able to communicate well, things will not run as effectively as the band director desires. Being social also means on enjoys the companionship that comes along with being a leader. I feel that if a leader is not able to make a personal connection with the person in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When everyone else has that I don t care, or I don t want attitude, it is the section leaders job to reassure or encourage the individual to do the right thing and follow directions as her or she was told. Often times, the section members need that extra little push to keep striving to be the best the best marcher they can be, and because of the section leaders optimistic yet constructive attitude, it is easy for section members to respond positively. In my first year in band, I looked up to my section leaders because I knew that if I needed help with anything on the marching field, they would not mind helping me. Sometimes, because of their jolly attitudes, section leaders were known as the happiest members of the entire
  • 38. Definition Of Leadership And Leadership Definition of leadership Leadership is defined as the art of getting people to do what they may not want to do on their own. It may involve getting people do things that seem to be against their own self interest and a leader uses various tools to achieve their goals. Yet another definition of leadership is from the US Army, for over two hundred years the US Army has produced leaders who have led its organization and later gone on to become President of the United States. They continue to produce leaders for the nation and define leadership as influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. (US Army) A more refined definition of leadership is offered by B. Wintson and K. Patterson, The leader throughout each leader follower audience interaction demonstrates his/her commitment to the values of (a) humility, (b) concern for others, (c) controlled discipline, (d) seeking what is right and good for the organization, (e) showing mercy in beliefs and actions with all people, (f) focusing on the purpose of the organization and on the well being of the followers, and (g) creating and sustaining peace in the organization not a lack of conflict but a place where peace grows. (Winston and Patterson, 2006) For our uses in this paper we will use a combination of definition of leadership is the art of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while accomplishing
  • 39. Analysis Of Slavery In Narrative Of The Life Of A Slave... Inhumanity of Slaveholders Death is better than slavery. Slavery has affected both male and female, in many different ways. Douglas and Jacobs were not very different male and female yes, but how they were treated were quite similar. Slavery can also affect children and infants. Slavery has many different themes to prove what slavery is all about. It seems obvious to everyone that slavery was so very awful it s proven in these two stories, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs. Inhumanity of slaveholders to slaves is one of the worst crimes committed. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass had a
  • 40. American Airpower s Dependence On Technology And Its... American airpower s dependence on technology and its influence on future employment are best described with the words of General H. H. Arnold shortly after the Second World War: The first essential of air power necessary for peace and security is the preeminence in research . . . . We must count on scientific advances requiring us to replace about one fifth of existing Air Forces equipment each year and we must be sure that these additions are the most advanced in the whole world. Furthermore, General N. F. Twining believed Air Force not to be bound to any fixed doctrine or concept, but its doctrine grows out of scientific achievement. Therefore, influence of technology on American airpower is evident since its beginnings and especially after the 1947 and the establishment of the independent United States Air Force (USAF) service. Technology continued to have the impact on American airpower after the 1947 through numerous technological achievements and inventions, but some of the major ones had substantial influence in American aerial warfare. Jet engine improvements and missiletechnology changed viewpoint on strategic bomber, and precision targeting technology and Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system enabled accurate weapon delivery. Moreover, the invention of the stealth technology brought invisibility to the radar technology. Technological improvements of the jet engine and innovations of the missile technology started to change a viewpoint on airpower
  • 41. Female Sexuality in Shakespeare Question Compare and contrast the representation of female sexuality in Cymbeline, the Sonnets, and one of the plays: A Midsummer Night s Dream, Richard II, Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra, Measure for Measure or King Lear. Both Cymbeline and A Midsummer Night s Dream (AMND) are both set in a patriarchal environment where both genders grapple for control. Valerie Traub defines the distinction between gender sex and gender behavior as Sex refers to the . . . biological distinctions between male and female bodies. Gender refers to those meanings derived from the division of male and female . . . the attributes considered appropriate to each: masculine and feminine. (Valerie Traub, Gender and Sexuality in Shakespeare p129)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Peter Holland understanding of the play s imagery of the moon as signifying Diana s change from the goddess of the cold fruitless moon . . . into the goddess of married chastity, (Peter Holland, Introduction to A Midsummer Night s Dream, P33.) a transformation is carried out through the dissolution of the reaction to of Cupid s flower by Dian s bud, which in turn, reflects Hermia and Helena s path toward chaste marriage and motherhood. However, Titania s enraged moon metaphorically enacts Theseus previous fear of an uncontainable femininity, a understanding highlighted in the production by Peter Brook (1970) who cast the same actors in the roles of Theseus/Oberon and Hippolyta/Titania to express repressed emotional turbulence (Penny Rixon, A Midsummer Night s Dream, in Shakespeare: Texts and Contexts,P38)in the Athenian relationship. Critics contend that the part of male lover establishes a feminized position insofar as it separates men from . . . military pursuits, (Valerie Traub, Gender and Sexuality in Shakespeare p137) and undeniably Helena views their conduct as deficient masculinity, stating that, If you were men, as men you are in show, / You would not use a gentle lady so (AMSND 3.2.152 3). In contrast, other critics claim that the consequence of the drug overstates the normal male practice .