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Essay Contest Opens For Hig
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Essay Contest Opens For Hig Essay Contest Opens For Hig
Fair Credit Reporting Act And Credit History
Fair Credit Reporting Act/Credit History
The Fair Credit Reporting Act was established in 1970. This act is in accordance on how a credit
agency reports credit information. The Fair Credit Reporting Act serves to protect the privacy and
integrity of clients. It allows individuals to adjust any inaccurate information in a credit report and
provides a solution if a credit agency violates your rights. According to the Privacy Rights
Clearinghouse (2014), anyone with a legitimate business need can gain access to your credit history.
(2014). The businesses that have access to your credit report include, landlords, insurance companies,
employers, Government agencies, child support agencies. Having a credit report on file is ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This information helps determine if the tenant is likely to pay their bills on time. Finding a job is an
advantage to having a good credit record. Employers have the option to look at an applicant s credit
history to decide whether or not that person is reliable. If an employment agency is checking a credit
report they usually check it for fraudulent activity. Other company s check for derogatory information.
If those types of things are found then the applicant may have some explaining to do. Not every job
looks at credit history. However, some jobs do such as, accounting, finance, or a high ranking position
in a company. A person with good credit history shows if this person is responsible and if that person
is able to be trusted with their finances. On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks of having a
credit record on file. Some offenses to a credit record are minor and others are major. Bankruptcy is a
case where a consumer is unable to pay outstanding debts. According to Investopedia (2001), Upon
the successful completion of bankruptcy proceedings, the debtor is relieved of the debt obligations
incurred prior to filing for bankruptcy (2001). After the proceedings the individual is given another
chance to pay off the debt. Bankruptcy is on file for ten years. During this time, the person or business
responsible may struggle with the loss of property. Moreover, other losses may persist that include,
loss of income, poor credit score,
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The Price Of Everything Summary
The Price of Everything is a novel written by Russell Roberts. Russell Roberts is an economics
professor who graduated from the University of Chicago. Roberts uses novels to teach about important
economic topics. The Price of Everything is one of his five remarkable books. According to book
reviews Roberts is a gifted writer. The main topics discussed throughout The Price of Everything are
crises within market economics, price gouging, and spontaneous order. I mention crises within market
economics first because this is where the The Price of Everything begins. The main character of the
book is Ramon Fernandez, a gifted college tennis play. Ramon and his girlfriend, Amy, attend
Stanford. Ramon and Amy are in search of flashlights ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Amy and Ramon have a place where they meet inside a nature preserve. This nature preserve is where
Amy found her example for class. Shortly before she found her example, Amy was telling Ramon
about an economist she had learned about in high school whose name was Hayek. Hayek is Nobel
Price economist from Austria Hungary. Hayek was major proponent of spontaneous order. Hayek and
some of his colleagues redefined spontaneous order and established it as sound concept. The free
market system is an example of Spontaneous order. Other examples include: languages, the universe,
Internet, and uncultivated ecosystems. These examples prove spontaneous order real and
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Paul s Letter To The Corinthians
throughout his letter Paul did not fall offended, instead he focused on the comfort received from God
and that of the Corinthians as well. Personally, I assume this must have taken a toll on Paul. Again, he
fell afflicted with sickness. Paul was disgust with anxiety about the church of Thessalonica which he
was forced to abandon due to threats of looming persecution, and attacks fluctuating from previous
illnesses. Now approximately 56 A.D. Paul begins to write another (Epistle) letter to the Gentiles at
Corinth, Galatia, Rome and Thessalonica and a few others . He also was writing to Philemon,
Timothy, Titus, and the Saints at Rome. His utterly and unbearable illness reappeared, at Paul s, Third
Missionary Journey 53 57 A.D. Paul felt he had received the sentence of death. Being arrested,
imprisoned accused of violating the sanctity of the temple by bringing in Gentiles was only a few ...
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But consciously and unconsciously under the direction of God who constantly directed his steps. Paul
provides to the church reassurance in God s word that He prepares the way by promise, discipline and
wrath suffering. As Christ remains the center of his faith. Paul thoughts of his experiences were more
theological meaning it began with and ends with God. Paul take a form of deliverance form suffering,
he pronounce his gift of divine power that enables one to endure by abiding circumstances. Paul
wanted to give the people, the church new and important information. He opens the second Epistle
with his usual greeting and thanksgiving. He tells of personal experiences in a way that gains the
attention of readers, of his troubles through which he had been passing. Through all of his trails he had
learned to lean of God more. He stressed that God becomes real to us in our times of sorrow. We find
that God never fails. Paul exemplifies God source of comfort to us, God says
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A Short Guide Of How To Write A Research Paper O
A Short Guide Of How To Write A Research Paper OA Short Guide Of How To Write A Research Paper O
A Short Guide Of How To Write A Research Paper O

The document provides a summary of Chang-Rae Lee's novel "On Such a Full Sea". It describes the story as being about a 19-year-old girl named Fan who works cleaning fish tanks in the city of B Mor. Fan embarks on a journey to search for her missing boyfriend Reg, exploring the different social classes outside of B Mor.

Analysis Of BaconS Essay Of Friendship
Analysis Of BaconS Essay Of FriendshipAnalysis Of BaconS Essay Of Friendship
Analysis Of BaconS Essay Of Friendship

This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

Place Of Computer In Modern World Essay
Place Of Computer In Modern World EssayPlace Of Computer In Modern World Essay
Place Of Computer In Modern World Essay

The document provides steps for requesting writing help from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account by providing a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. Attach a sample if wanting the writer to imitate your style. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if satisfied, or request revisions using the free revision policy.

The Movie Let The Right One
Let the Right One In, is a wonderful film that captures positive qualities from Carmilla and achieves
what Twilight so desperately attempts. In many ways this film is an adaptation of Carmilla,
highlighting the friendship between a vampire and younger child. In both stories, the human struggles
internally with their strong feelings towards the vampire, and their moral obligated to hate them. In
both cases, the protagonist struggles with a strong attraction to the vampire coupled with a moral
repulsion to the vampire s nature and behavior (Ridenhour). In comparison with Twilight, Let the
Right One In tells a story of love with no barriers. Prefers to help rather than hurt the person who is
suppose to be their prey (Tyree). In both stories, the vampires repeatedly push the human away, only
to grow a stronger attraction. Though the human knows or at least has a hunch their new friend is not
human, this does not sway their attraction. The difference is, in Twilight, Edward s secret is that he is a
vampire, in Let the Right One In, Eli s secret is not that he is vampire, but that he is a boy. This is
subtlety shown in the movie when Eli s castration is briefly shown. In the book it is told, Eli was
turned (into a vampire) in the 18th century by a vampire who castrated him and drank the blood from
the wound (Ridenhour). In all three stories, there is a tale told of complete loneliness, whether it s
Laura s isolation from the outside world, Bella s feelings of being an
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Math Experience In My Life
At an early age, I was bad at math, yet I knew it would be my passion. Throughout elementary school,
I gave into the idea that I lacked intelligence enough to pursue mathematics seriously in school, and
later on in my life. Nonetheless, math found itself back into my life during my middle school years
and solidified its presence within my life.
I was the dumb kid in class, unable to add and subtract, unable to memorize the multiplication table.
Before, I found joy in knowing. To this date I remember what seemed like witchcraft as my father, on
one of his rare visits home from work, showing me how squares worked when I was five. The
Japanese education system in my first and second grade placed value in the ability to memorize rules
and tables. The better one was at memorization, which felt to me the mindless recounting of
multiplication and division and the ability to just know the answer, was needed for success. I wanted
to know why the number four was four. What it really meant. What does it mean that there are two
less from six? Why were Eight things divided by two equal the same as the square of two? I was
interested in the hows and the whys of numbers, not just its identity. For this reason, I was not deemed
successful and was not seen as a student with prospects. Despite my seeming lack of talent in the
mathematical field, I knew, I knew somehow that math was my passion. I was successful in the math
classes in the elementary school in America. All that was required of
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The Texas Revolution Essay
The Texas Revolution
By Jessica Bouillon
Texas History
The Texas Revolution was a key point in our nation s history and in the history of the state of Texas.
For, if Texas had not revolted the way that they did, it would probably not have become a state. There
are many causes that are speculated on why Texas revolted whether they are political disputes against
the Centralist party in Mexico that had primary control at the time of the Revolution. These and more
will be explored. Also, there are key battles in the Texas Revolution that decided the final fate of
Texas, none more famous than the famous Battle of San Jacinto and The Alamo.
The most popular, speculated cause of the Texas Revolution is that Texas was following in the ...
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Still another speculated cause for the revolution in Texas was economics. There were many land
speculators that were also U.S. migrants to Texas that were intent on making money from selling land.
They had speculators in Texas, and Coahuila and financial centers in New York and Philadelphia. The
speculators would speculate how much a piece of land was worth then sell it and turn the profits over
to a financial center and make a tremendous profit from it.
Yet another reason why Texans might have revolted was that they were trying to preserve and
maintain the political values and economic gain while under the Constitution of 1824. It gave Texas a
steady population flow of American migrants moving onto Texas soil. It also gave them political
liberty, freedom to own slaves and a steady economic progression. But Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna,
president of Mexico, wished to impose a stricter rule which could also explain why Texas felt the need
to separate from Mexico.
Another speculated cause was that the Anglo Americans that lived there refused to conform to the
Mexican rules and laws. Most were protestant and therefore refused to convert to Catholicism. They
also refused to pay their duties to the government and did not support troop
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Global E Retailer Of Amazon
In 2013, global e retailer Amazon made over 74 billion dollars in sales ( Amazon Income ) . In
addition to its primary e retailing function, the company owns many subsidiaries, including companies
like Audible UK and IMDB ( Subsidiaries ). Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, defines the company s core
values as as customer centricity, putting the customer at the center of everything we do, invention. We
like to pioneer, we like to explore, we like to go down dark alleys and see what s on the other side (
Amazon ). Since its inception in 1994, Amazon has led the e commerce market, continually expanding
and innovating to become the corporate behemoth it is today ( About Amazon ). The development of
new technologies that set trends in Consumer Behavior has been critical to its success; many of these
developments build on its pioneering software patent One Click.
Amazon expanded on its original online retailing to include various services, including Amazon Prime
and Amazon Instant Video. However, one particular feature marked the beginning of a new trend in
consumer behavior. Amazon One Click, the technology behind Amazon s simple one click online
ordering, set the trend of simple online purchasing during the advent of the period. It works by using
cookies to identify returning online shoppers, allowing shoppers to bypass the online checkout process
(Grégoire 33). Although while undergoing testing, One Click fared poorly with consumers (Smith
105), Amazon launched the feature in 1997
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How To Write A Biography Essay
How To Write A Biography EssayHow To Write A Biography Essay
How To Write A Biography Essay

The document provides instructions for how to request and receive writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

Essay Fatal Accident. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Fatal Accident. Online assignment writing service.Essay Fatal Accident. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Fatal Accident. Online assignment writing service.

I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable generating fictional content without the author's consent or oversight.

How To Write A Research Essay (With Pictures) - Wiki
How To Write A Research Essay (With Pictures) - WikiHow To Write A Research Essay (With Pictures) - Wiki
How To Write A Research Essay (With Pictures) - Wiki

This document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to have papers written. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The service uses a bidding system to match clients with qualified writers.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Essay
Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a satiric comedy about the quest of King Arthur. The movie starts
out with Arthur, King of the Britons, looking for knights to sit with him at Camelot. He finds many
knights including Sir Galahad the pure, Sir Lancelot the brave, the quiet Sir Bedevere, and Sir Robin
the Not Quite So Brave as Sir Lancelot. Through satire and parody of certain events in history (witch
trials, the black plague) they find Camelot, but after literally a quick song and dance they decide that
they do not want to go there. While walking away, God (who seems to be grumpy) come to them from
a cloud and tells them to find the Holy Grail. They agree and begin their search. While they search for
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
King Arthur goes on to explain that a swallow must have carried it. The soldier then offers a rebuttal
based on proportion and types of birds. The comedic affect was delivered by the ridiculousness of the
situation, the repetition of the soldier s persistence the fact that they were actually pretending to ride
horses by hitting coconuts together.
In another scene, King Arthur is confronted by Lancelot and not allowed to pass. They began to fight
and King Arthur severs Lancelot s arm off. Only for Lancelot to say, It is just a scratch. King Arthur
thinks that Lancelot will all it quits, but he persists, I ve had worse. They continue their brawl, only for
Arthur to slice off Lancelot s other arm. He still insists on fighting. The comedic affect of this scene
was delivered by the irrationality of Lancelot s determination to continue fighting despite his severe
In another scene, King Arthur and his knights try to storm Camelot but are driven away by their
enemies are heaving farm animals at them. They brought a new meaning to raining cats and dogs. The
comedic affect was delivered by the illogicality of someone throwing animals to defend themselves. It
was also ironic that they were not throwing arrow or spears.
Satire is a kind of
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Corporate Average Fuel Economy ( Cafe ) Standards Proposed...
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards proposed for vehicles produced between 2017
and 2025 were promulgated through the joint efforts of the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) utilizing regulatory powers
granted in their charters allowing them to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and other
greenhouse gas producing sources. (Nichols, 2012) The essence of the proposal was that by 2025
vehicle manufactures would be offering for sale cars and light trucks that averaged almost 50mpg.
This level of fuel economy would result in a projected reduction in national dependencies on almost 4
billion barrels of oil and close to 2 billion tons of greenhouse gases namely carbon dioxide over the
life of the new more efficient vehicles. (Nichols, 2012) Cost analysis of the proposal focused on fuel
savings to the consumer and moderate environmental benefits offsetting the industries technologic
costs of meeting the standards at an overwhelming 4:1 ratio netting over 323 billion dollars of
consumer savings over the life of the regulated vehicles.
Economic Analysis
The variables in this analysis include the consumers with their demand for vehicles and their demand
elasticity when it comes to both the cost of fuel and the cost of vehicles shaping their demand, the
suppliers and their ability to navigate the legislation to maximize their investor returns, the oil
producer s ability to maintain
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Beta Alanine Essay
Beta alanine (BA), only recently, has rapidly become one of the most popular performance enhancing
compounds in the world. Since the first human study in 2006, BA is commonly found in most popular
pre workout supplements on the market today (Trexler, et al., 2015). BA is a naturally occurring amino
acid produced in the liver. BA is also contained in animal proteins such as turkey and beef, and
therefore can be increased somewhat through the consumption of animal protein. Significant
increases, however, require various means of supplementation. Beta alanine has been cited as a rate
limiting precursor to carnosine synthesis (Harris, et al., 2006). BA supplementation has been shown to
increase levels of carnosine in skeletal muscle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additional roles of carnosine beyond Ca2+ regulation and pH buffer include its ability to act as a
scavenger of free radicals and singlet oxygen, both of which are not only damaging, but also limit
performance (Kohen, et al.,1988). Regarding BA supplementation and administration, there has been
some opposing views on which means of supplementation is most beneficial. Some research suggests
that BA is most effective when front loaded. Consuming 4 to 6g per day, preferably with meals has
demonstrated the maximum desired effect, with more significant benefits seen after four weeks
(Harris, et al., 2009; Stegen, et al., 2013). Some clinicians, however, maintain that oral administration
is minimally effective. A 2016 study by Sharpe, Macias demonstrated a definite improvement in
performance in short duration, high intensity exercise by athletes using a topical gel to administer
carnosine transdermally. The study does maintain that more testing does need to be done, however,
brings up scientific reasons why oral ingestion may be less efficient due to GI damage to the
supplement. The purpose of this literature review is to provide insight into the effects of beta alanine
in performance. The research demonstrates that BA ingestion is, in fact, beneficial to athletic
performance, with a significant portion of data showing it is more efficient in shorter duration,
moderate to high intensity activities lasting 60 to 240 seconds specifically.
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The Important Aspects Of Persuading A Foreign Company
Netherlands ( Dutch ) is the main constuient country of Kingdom of Netherlands . It is small but
densely populated country in Western Europe. Dutch is the official language in Netherlands but
English , German and to some extent French is also spoken in Netherlands. It is one of the most
secular countries in Western Europe . It has a developed economy and plays a very important role in
the European economy.
The common factors that influence the business are economic, social, legal and political Environments
but often culture is ignored during acquisitions and mergers .The truth is that culture is perverse and
everyday business is affected by culture (Weber and Camerer, 2003). History tells us culture can make
or break a business depending on the way it is handled. To persuade a foreign company one should
adopt to their culture and keep aside their own cultural preferences. One of the most important aspects
of persuading a foreign company is try to respect and accept the other culture business etiquette s and
practices. In this report we will focus on some of the techniques to persuade Dutch.
According to Hofstede s research on different cultural dimensions , Netherlands score low (38) on
power distance which means they are independent , believe in equal rights , superiors are easily
accessible , they do not like to be controlled and attitude towards managers is informal and on first
name basis. Communication and participation is appreciated. They are an
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English Essay Sample Upsr

The document discusses the 5 steps to get writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids and choosing one, receiving the completed paper, and having the option to request revisions if needed. It also notes that HelpWriting.net promises original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work, encouraging customers to choose them for writing assistance.

The Thirteen Colonies Essay
The Thirteen Colonies EssayThe Thirteen Colonies Essay
The Thirteen Colonies Essay

The document provides instructions for creating an account and requesting writing assistance on the HelpWriting.net site in 5 steps: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

Essay On Homework Is Absolutely Necessary
Essay On Homework Is Absolutely NecessaryEssay On Homework Is Absolutely Necessary
Essay On Homework Is Absolutely Necessary

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work.

Does Islam Need Reformation Or Do Islamic Societies Need...
While lacking any academic credentials, these islamophobic figures, in their scorched earth view of
Islam, wage a campaign that reduces an entire scripture of 114 chapters and over 6,000 verses to a few
de contextualized verses, and their criticism of Islam as grossly simplistic and desperate attempt to
malign a world religion and a human civilization comparable to others. For a religion, unlike
Christianity and Judaism, that didn t experience Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment,
and Industrial Revolution, Islam has been comparably tolerant at the beginning as well as today, and
slowly improving its core human rights conditions.
Does Islam need Reformation or do Islamic societies need Enlightenment? Since the Sept 11, 2001,
there have been many calls from within Islamic societies or outside of it pushing for a reformation of
Islamic practices. The West s Reformation of 16th century is the supposed a href=
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/todd green phd/islam martin luther_b_884264.html template /a for
today s Muslim countries. This would be a movement to counter the fundamentalists and theocratic
regimes that would pave the way for desirable outcomes like human rights and separation of religion
and state.
Salman Rushdie, the author of i Satanic Verses /i , explains it this way: What is needed is a move
beyond tradition nothing less than a reform movement to bring the core concepts of Islam into the
modern age, a Muslim Reformation to
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The Civil Injunction Process Essay
The Civil Injunction Process
The Civil Injunction Process
The following scenario presents key players in any law enforcement agency, possible dialogs, inter
agency politics, and concerns when change is proposed. The facts come from an actual experience in
Redondo Beach, California. This study is about using the Civil Injunction Process against street gangs.
I believe that the North Side Protectors gang was allowed to continue with their roles and delinquency
in the community of Rio Sellas for so long because the Police Department didn t file a civil injunction
order against the gang members sooner. In the past the police department didn t put their ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They would also get a law order to protect the entire city against the gangs in the city. With this tempo
getting started and showing positive results the Police Department was able to request other agencies
to get involved where needed. Like for instance the task force that maintained surveillance with
provided and eye on these gang members and created reports that would help the police department
know of all activities of these gangs that would result in future sting operations and raids.
This temporary restraining order is often also called an exparte restraining order because it is assigned
in a hearing that is held without the defendant being given the opportunity to present his case. The
Temporary Restraining Order can give the gang a rapid pause on their situational awareness. They will
soon understand that they will not be able to operate as they have been in the past. Whether they find a
way around the order sanction by the Justice Department to continue doing their crimes in the
communities or they will most likely move to another city that they don t have to deal with the Law
enforcements and the orders that have been applied in the community they are living I
While using a Temporary Restraining Order you can receive resistance from the gang members or
close family, or their lawyers saying that their rights are being violated.
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Law Firm Of Firm Law
Law firm of Firm Law LLP Sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations are just a few different
organization entities that people use when starting a new business. One can change from one business
type into another using proper paperwork and by abiding state rules and regulations. There are various
factors to consider when starting a business such as the nature of the business being started, the
business type, investments or funding, and employees. First, we will examine what business type is
better suited for the Law Firm of Firm Law to operate. Then, we will consider the pros and cons of
said business type to ensure proper fit. After, we will discuss the issue of investments and stock
issuances, if required. Lastly, we will cover the policies and standards needed for employees to follow
in our business structure. First, the business I am starting is a law firm named The Law Firm of Firm
Law operating in the greater Los Angeles area; however, this is a special type of business and cannot
be started without going through the proper channels beforehand. A law firm is a type of professional
career in which one has to prove to the state with certificates of competency that one is able to
perform required tasks in said field. These businesses are usually but not restricted to sole
proprietorships, Limited Liability Partnerships, and Limited Liability Corporations. I believe that in
order to narrow down which business structure is best we need to weigh the pros and cons
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Similarities Between Lord Of Flies And Lord Of The Flies
Living a life without any adults giving orders or making rules, not having to listen to them tell
everyone what to do or not to do sounds pretty marvelous. Many kids dream of living their own life
without their parents or other adults telling them what to do, however, oftentimes, we see their plan
backfire on themselves and they end up running to the parents, not knowing what to do. In the novel
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, there is a plane crash, involving a group of boys not much
older than 12 years old. The plane crash takes place during World War II and the plane crashes onto an
island, stranding the boys by themselves, without any information or adults. In the film adaptation of
the novel The Mist by Stephen King, there is a mist that covers the town of Bridgton, trapping a group
of adults in a grocery store. The mist, what many people consider an apocalypse, takes place during
present times, in the state of Maine. [The novel The Lord of the Flies and the movie The Mist both
portray human nature as essentially evil and savage, all the same loyalty plays a key part in
influencing the decisions and actions of the characters of each story leading to some sections of
resemblance and some sections of discrepancies. Both passive and active, religion plays a role in both
stories, however while the same religious concept is in each story, there are many contrast between the
novel and the film adaptation.] The most advanced stage of the human nature is called
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Writing Paper Write My Essay For Me ReasonWriting Paper Write My Essay For Me Reason
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The document provides instructions for requesting essay writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password; 2) Complete a order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The purpose is to outline the simple process for users to get help writing essays through the website.

Melos. Online assignment writing service.
Melos. Online assignment writing service.Melos. Online assignment writing service.
Melos. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. It proposes that the Manifesto has only a weak correlation to the current world. It will explore this position by summarizing Communism and the Manifesto, examining how religion relates to universal justice, analyzing how technology has impacted society, and concluding with the strengths and weaknesses of applying the Manifesto today.

Critical Essay Critical Review Apa Format
Critical Essay Critical Review Apa FormatCritical Essay Critical Review Apa Format
Critical Essay Critical Review Apa Format

This document discusses the history and development of the Ford Mustang sports car. It describes how the first Mustang in 1964 was an instant success due to its affordable price and options. Subsequent Mustang models introduced more powerful engines, including the 1993 Mustang SVT Cobra which was the first to feature a supercharged V8 engine producing 390 horsepower, making it significantly faster than previous Mustang models. The document explores how Ford was able to make the Mustang affordable for average consumers and discusses the engineering behind the high-performance Cobra engine.

Racial Prejudice By The Film Crash Essay
The term racial prejudice is defined as having a negative belief that is unfairly applied to all
individuals of an ethnic group even if such individuals have different characteristics as in personality,
appearance, and perspective. In society, many individuals believe that racial prejudice only focuses on
one particular social group, whereas others view racial prejudice pertaining to all races. However,
racial prejudice is without a doubt a phenomenon, one that isn t specific to one ethnic or social group,
instead prevalent in all groups of people that affect or are affected by the institution of racism.
Different associations and relationships play a vital role in how we perceive others, at times people
view others through the lens of racial prejudice. Crash, a movie directed by (put director s name),
shows different ethnic groups that face challenges within their lives as they clash into one another by
certain situations. In addition, Crash itself also focuses on many racial prejudices that occur in society.
The film Crash highlights the very notion that racial prejudice is experienced by many groups because
various ethnic groups are constantly violated for having different physical appearances; mocked for
having a different culture, and excluded from opportunities within society s social structure.
Different ethnic groups all go through racial prejudice with one another. As one particular group goes
through being physically or verbally violated, so does other social
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Saudi Arabia Culture
From its rich and varied cultural history and practices to its stunningly beautiful cities full of unique
architecture, Saudi Arabia is a fascinating country. With its acknowledged status as the birthplace of
Islam, Saudi Arabia is an important cultural and religious hub for many who come seeking spiritual
enlightenment or simply a chance to experience the bustling cities and thriving commerce of the
prosperous metropolises. With a population of over 28 million people, Saudi Arabia is a vital part of
the Middle East, with some major influence on the Arab countries around it. In order to fully
appreciate the unique customs and overall societal expectations of this or any other country, one must
understand not only its geographical location and a few key facts about it, but how it functions both as
a nation made up of many diverse minds, and as a singular driving force in the complicated dance
between all the nations of the world. With this in mind, there are several factors to consider when
studying a country such as Saudi Arabia, namely, the main language, the major religion, the culture
and cultural norms, and the business etiquette. One of the most defining components of any nation is
the diversity of language that is often utilized by a countries citizen. Language is immensely powerful,
and the breadth of vocabulary and concepts a language can offer often provide an individual the tools
needed to not only interact with persons of a similar nationality, but to interact
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Recommended Organizational Policy Changes Of The European...
4. Recommended Organizational Policy Changes
According to Comscore, Europe represents 32% of overall Internet searches with Google having 80%
and Microsoft 2%. (Microsoft changes Bing s privacy policy, 2010). The biggest offenders for
malware on the internet is image and video searches on the web. Sophos reports that 92% of search
driven malware attacks is obtained from Google and Bing image searches. (Pearce, 2012). In a world
of personalized online services, establishing and maintaining user trust and responsible use of data is
critical. Users expect appropriate and relevant content and advertising while also protecting their
privacy when they use any search engine. As driven by consumer privacy concerns, the government
has asked the online industry to examine data retention and protection policies.
The Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ordered that search engines are regulators of
processing personal data under the European Union Data Protection Directive, passed in May 2014.
(Abril Lipton, 2014). This order requires search engines to remove links from search results intrusive
to individual s privacy rights under this directive and is viewed as a component of the Digital Right to
be Forgotten Act. The ruling raised debate among the industry as to whom will assume responsibility
for online privacy assurance and protection. Interpretation of the law has been ambiguous, the law
doesn t uphold the right to be forgotten, but merely sustains a
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Cherokee Indian Rights Of Passage Analysis
Rights of passage are a big part in your life and your relatives. There are many rites of passage and
they all differ from each other. The Medicine Bag , The Apache Girl ,and the Cherokee Indians all
have to face their right of passage. The Medicine Bag is about a boy named Martin who is given a
medicine bag as his right of passage. The Apache Girl is about a girl named Dachina who s rite of
passage leads her into womanhood. The Cherokee Indians right of passage has the boy sit through the
night alone in a forest to show that he is a man. These 3 stories have many similarities and differences
in their rites of passage. They also are written in different formats which makes your understanding of
the topic different. The Medicine Bag , The Apache Girl , and the Cherokee Indians all have very
similar rites of passage. They all have to accomplish something to become a woman or a man in their
tribe. The Apache Girl and the Cherokee Indians both have to show strength and confidence. Dacina
has to dance for 10 hours and the Cherokee Indians have to sit on a log through the night with a
blindfold on. This helps them show that they are strong enough to become a member of the tribe. The
Medicine Bag and the Cherokee Indians also have similar rights of passage because they both don t
have to face their journey alone. During Martin s right of passage his grandpa passes the bag down to
him and during Cherokee Indians right of passage their dad sits with
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How To Write An Introductory Paragrap. Online assignment writing service.How To Write An Introductory Paragrap. Online assignment writing service.
How To Write An Introductory Paragrap. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for how to request and complete an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account and provide contact details. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Receive the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with refund available for plagiarized work.

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1000 Images About FREE Writing Papers For Kids O1000 Images About FREE Writing Papers For Kids O
1000 Images About FREE Writing Papers For Kids O

The essay discusses the statue known as Laocoon and His Sons from the Hellenistic Age. It was a iconic work that portrayed Laocoon and his two sons being attacked by snakes. Some parts were missing when originally found. The statue leaves the story and meaning open to interpretation, which makes it interesting. It is a good work of art because the scene and struggle are clearly depicted even with parts missing, allowing viewers to understand the scene without knowing the exact story.

Process Of Writing A Thematic Analysis Essay
Process Of Writing A Thematic Analysis EssayProcess Of Writing A Thematic Analysis Essay
Process Of Writing A Thematic Analysis Essay

The document provides instructions for submitting an assignment request to the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The document emphasizes that original, high-quality work is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

After School Dropout Essay
Believe it or not, more than a million students drop out of school without earning a high school
diploma every year! That s almost 700,000 students dropping out of school every day of the academic
year. Without that diploma, students are likely to experience a path that leads to jobs that pay less,
very poor health, and a cycle of poverty that gives communities, families, and neighborhoods many
challenges. Luckily, there are some solutions to fix this problem, such as parents contributing to their
child s success, further support from outside the classroom, and earlier education for all. Since more
than 27 percent of high school dropouts say that they were failing too many classes, it does make
sense for parents and teacher to give the students more opportunities to learn and study the books and
study guides and get better grades. From an article on learningliftoff.com, this shows that students are
actually falling behind and need help to get back on track. Solving this problem may involve after
school tutoring or finding learning disabilities that make academic success more challenging for the
student and help fix them. After school tutoring can help many students because of the one on one
training and help they are receiving which is hard to get during normal class time. After school
tutoring can especially help students understand concepts better. Finding learning disabilities and
fixing them will really help the student and the teacher. The student might work
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Persuasive Essay On Chocolate
Chocolate one of the only things in the world that can be as addictive as a drug but not affect our
health in a detrimental way. Sometimes when eating that chocolaty goodness, do you ever think about
where I could have possibly come from, or even looking past the chocolate itself, what about the
companies that produce that small bite of happiness, are they receiving the right benefits? Ferrero
Rocher is one of the biggest Chocolatiers in the world, it s websites provides an abundance of
information on the chocolate itself and company heritage, as well as provides insight on the social
responsibility, environmental safety, and the importance of their workers.
To begin, Ferrero Rocher is known to be one of the most equisite european chocolatiers in the world.
Ferrero has nationewide stores in possibly, every country. Personally, I love Nutella, developed from
the very own Ferrero Rocher itself, it is absolutely the most addicting thing a person could consume.
As a chocoholic, I consume chocolate daily, but it varies off brand. Nutella, is my perfect end to a
good meal, it is always my after dinner dessert or many times too often, my late night snack. However,
when you think of that spoon full of goodness, you often wonder who makes it so good?
Out of curiosity, I searched for Ferrero s official website (http://www.ferrerorocherusa.com/) on
Wednesday November 8, 2017. The website is filled with information about their chocolates, how
rocher was founded, where to buy the
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Issues and Trends in Expatriate Management
2011 International Conference on Information Communication and Management IPCSIT vol.16
(2011) (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Issues and Trends in Expatriation Management Dayang Nailul
Munna Abang Abdullah 1 and Cheam Sheue Jin2 1 Faculty of Business Management, Universiti
Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Cognitive Sciences
and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
Abstract. As organisations become globalised, there is an increasing need to employ expatriates for
global assignments. Investigate the issues in the expatriation process from different perspectives are of
utmost important to enhance understanding and improve performance of the ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
It is to enable the informants to talk about their experience, feelings, and opinions of a subject.
Different interview techniques such as probing questions, responding to the informants, showing
interest, reconfirming the response, taking notes, follow up and remind the informants to stay in line
with the topic when deviation occurs, and keep the informants to talk and express their view were
used during the interview. Then the interview data were documented and decoded. Data collected was
kept as confidential and private, only used by researcher and related supervisor for academic purposes.
The informants of this research were drawn from human resource managers or human resource
representatives of corporations. Four companies, which are locating in Kuala Lumpur and Kuching,
had been selected due to the accessibility of the researcher and because Kuala Lumpur is one of the
most developed areas in Malaysia, therefore it is easier to identify the suitable companies for study. In
this study, the purposive sampling method was used to identify the informants, thus the sample sizes
may not be predetermined prior to data collection, and it depends on the resources and time available,
as well as the study s objectives [9]. As a result, there were four informants involved in this study. To
enhance the reliability of the data, sound recorder was utilised to record the
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Dean Smith Essay
Dean Edwards Smith (born on February 28, 1931) is a retired American head coach of men s college
basketball. He is originally from Emporia, Kansas, Smith as been called a coaching legend by the
Basketball Hall of Fame. Smith is best known for his successful 36 year coaching career at University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Smith coached from 1961 to 1997 and retired as the NCAA Division
I men s basketball record holderfor victories (879), a record which was surpassed by Bobby Knightin
2007. Smith has the 9th highest winning percentage of any men s college basketball coach(77.6%).
During his career as head coach of North Carolina, the team won two nationsl titles and appeared in
11 Final Fours. Smith is also known ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From 1961 62 North Carolina only played 17 games and went 8 9. His first major successes came in
the late 1960s, when his teams won three consecutive regular season and ACC tournament
championships , and went to three straight Final Fours. Unfortunately, this run occurred in the middle
of UCLA s run of 10 titles in 12 years in fact he lost to UCLA s John Wooden in the 1968 title game.
It took Smith 7 trips to the Final Four before winning his first natinal title, and then it took him 9 more
years to return, and 2 more to get another national championship. Dean Smith s first national
championship occured in 1982, when the team was composed of future NBA players such as Micheal
Jordan, James Worthy, and Sam Perkins. After winning the NCAA Tournament, North Carolina had a
record of 32 2. North Carolina gave Smith s 2nd national championship in 1993 when the Tar Heels
played Michigan in New Orleans. Among the accomplishments of Smith:
879 wins in 36yrs of coaching, 2nd most in men s college Division I basketball history behind Bob
77.6% winning percentage, 9th on highest winning percentage
4th total number of college games coached with 1,133.
35 consecutive seasons with a 50% or better record
2 national championships (1982, 1993)
11 Final Four
17 regular season ACC titles
13 ACC tournament titles
27 NCAA tournament appearances
96.6% graduations rate among players most successful players in the NBA are Micheal Jordan, Larry
Brown, James Worthy,
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The document provides instructions for writing an essay in 5 steps: 1. Create an account and complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 2. Writers will bid on the request, and the client chooses a writer based on qualifications, history, and feedback. 3. The writer completes the assignment and the client ensures it meets expectations before authorizing payment. 4. The client can request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. Plagiarized work results in a full refund. 5. Choosing this service provides original, high-quality content and guarantees client needs will be met.

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Native American women traditionally played important economic and social roles within their tribes prior to European contact, gathering food and raising families. However, their gender roles changed dramatically during the colonial era as European views of gender became imposed. Over time, Native American women had to navigate significant cultural changes and challenges to their traditional ways of life and status within their communities.

Essay Australian History - Lawwustl.W. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Australian History - Lawwustl.W. Online assignment writing service.Essay Australian History - Lawwustl.W. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Australian History - Lawwustl.W. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the political community in Canada and analyzes its unity and fragility. It traces the origins of Canada's political community to its three founding nations - English, French, and indigenous peoples. While Canada appears united, the English and French nations have distinct national identities, allegiances, and political cultures. The political community remains fragile due to these divisions among its founding nations. Indigenous peoples also have a separate national identity shaped by the negative impacts of colonialism.

Causes Of The Soviet-Afghan War
In 1979 the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, an action that the U.S national Security advisor
Brzezinski considered, the greatest threat to peace since WWII. The Soviets seized control of the
government, killed President Although the U.S greatly impacted the Soviets decisions to withdraw
troops from Afghanistan, other factors such as the poor performance of the Afghan army and the poor
economic situation of the USSR and Afghanistan contributed greatly to the decision as well. The U.S
involvement in the Soviet Afghan War began in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter signed on to aid
the Afghan rebels in harassment of Soviet through secret supplies and light weapons in assistance. The
U.S would supply and provide funds to the Mujahedin through the CIA, not fully involving in driving
Soviet forces out of Afghanistan or defeating them militarily.. The U.S funneled more than $2 billion
in guns and money to the mujahedin during the 1980 s. CIA Director, William Casey, also enlisted
Pakistan to help promote subversion, through Afghanistan, in the Soviet Muslim republics. In March
1985, President Reagan authorized stepped up military aid to the mujahedin and made it clear that the
Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and
encourage a Soviet withdrawal. This is significant because now the main goal of the U.S was to drive
out the Soviets by having a larger role in the war. The Soviets were put under more pressure and were
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What Is The Theme Of 2pac
2Pac Shakur landed in the top ten again this week with Changes , and so it appears that he is enjoying
more success posthumously than when he lived. Has his iconic status increased because of his death,
or could it be that his lyrics have struck a chord with African Americans across the nation. Rolling
Stone hit the streets of 2Pac s old neighborhood in Marin City, asking young African Americans how
the lyrics of Changes made them feel. Here s a brotha who understands brotha s, answered one high
school student, who seemed to capture the sentiments of many in the area. Where, though, in the lyrics
do young African Americans identify with 2Pac s message?
At first glance, Changes sounds quite pessimistic. It opens with the lines, I m ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
First of all, as the saying goes, it takes one to know one. 2Pac s criminal past and time in prison have
earned him respect among troubled, black youth. But what s more, he speaks to them in their
language, a lyrical, almost sophisticated form of Ebonics or African American Vernacular English
(AAVE). The rhythm and rhyme of the lyrics is engaging and compelling, which we see in the afore
mentioned lines, jack you up, back you up / crack you up and pimp smack you up. The verb, to pimp
smack one up exemplifies the poetic style of street speech. Finally he addresses his audience as his
brothers , he uses the word nigga in a permissible context and alludes casually to Huey , a.k.a. Huey P.
Lewis, co founder of the Black Panthers. These are all in group markers, which help establish his
credit and rapport among African Americans in general and black gangsters specifically. It is for these
reasons that he has earned the right to speak to them about these complex issues.
In the midst of the many depressing scenarios that 2Pac sketches from children dying of drug abuse to
the constant fear of being killed by an old enemy ( I never get to lay back / Cause I always got to
worry bout the pay backs ), his spoken words cast a ray of light and call for
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How Technology Has Impacted The Way Cities Operate
The use of IoT has already impacted the way cities operate. The term smart cities, is used to describe a
city that possesses an IoT oriented infrastructure. In a smart city, the digital technologies translate into
better public services for inhabitants and better use of resources while reducing environmental impacts
. [3] For a smart city to be feasible, IoT must provide intelligence, interconnection, and
instrumentation. Wi Fi enabled smart devices and low cost sensors are components of the smart city
and allow devices a way to communicate with the public via the internet. These devices collect real
time data, which not only improves the lives of residents, but transforms several sectors of public
service as well. Transportation has been revolutionized by smart traffic management systems which
gather data from an array of magnetic road sensors and hundreds of cameras. The result is less delay at
major stop lights and increased travel speeds, because enabled drivers can see which lights are busy
and monitor these areas for other vehicles and pedestrians. To lower traffic and driver search times for
parking spots, parking sensors that detect parking spaces for drivers are installed in major cities. Street
lights use a method of energy saving known as adaptive lighting which enables them to determine
their brightness setting, appropriate for a given situation. The smart city solution to conserving energy
is through smart girds. A smart grid serves several energy management
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Non Conformity Sucks
Conformity AND Nonconformity Sucks!
To conform or to not conform is the real question. Google defines conformity as Compliance with
standards, rules, or laws. I define conformity as someone going along with society although they may
or may not believe it s the right thing to do. The people who refuse to conform to society are called
nonconformist. Although both conformity and nonconformity has its benefits, it can also be
unfavorable for you. In other words, IT SUCKS!! And this demonstrated through both fictional stories
and in real life. Two very good examples are Snowball the pig (conformist) from the book Animal
Farm By George Orwell and Summer Pimp (nonconformist) who used to be one of my good friends.
In Animal Farm, Snowball
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American consumerism has significant environmental effects. The typical American consumes far more resources and causes more pollution than citizens of other countries. Consumerism encourages overproduction of unnecessary goods that are rarely repaired, reused, or recycled. It also contributes to waste, pollution, and lack of economic sustainability. Large corporations depend on high sales volumes to justify their massive investments in overseas production and domestic advertising. This drives ever-increasing consumption, resource depletion, and pollution.

Descriptive Essay Introduction Sampl. Online assignment writing service.
Descriptive Essay Introduction Sampl. Online assignment writing service.Descriptive Essay Introduction Sampl. Online assignment writing service.
Descriptive Essay Introduction Sampl. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses high priority issues for SOUTHCOM and partner nations. For SOUTHCOM, priorities include ensuring funds are used wisely. Partner nations prioritize establishing regional commissions to hold accountable those guilty of crimes regardless of politics, and reforming corrupt institutions to increase governability. Other priorities include countering transnational organized crime through operations like CITADEL, combating drug trafficking, and capacity building in Central America to address insecurity driving child migration.

How To Start An Essay - Makenaa. Online assignment writing service.
How To Start An Essay - Makenaa. Online assignment writing service.How To Start An Essay - Makenaa. Online assignment writing service.
How To Start An Essay - Makenaa. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for how to request and complete an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

Math 116 Essay
Math 116 Chapter 6 review Name___________________________________
Provide an appropriate response. 1)
Two random variables are normally distributed with the same mean. One has a standard deviation of
10 while the other has a standard deviation of 15. How will the graphs of the two variables differ and
how will they be alike? 2)
Which is larger, the area under the standard normal curve between 1 and 1, or the area under the
standard normal curve between 0 and 2? Explain your reasoning. 3)
Which of the variables below do you think will be roughly normally distributed?
a. Weights of 10 year old boys
b. Incomes of 40 year old adults
c. The numbers that show up when you roll a balanced die
d. The amount of coffee ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You wish to approximate a binomial probability by an area under a normal curve. Use the continuity
correction to determine which area under the appropriate normal curve will approximate the required
probability. 18)
The probability of more than 49 correct answers 19)
The probability of fewer than 48 democrats
For the binomial distribution with the given values for n and p, state whether or not it is suitable to use
the normal distribution as an approximation. 20) n = 27 and p = 0.6 21) n = 19 and p = 0.8
Estimate the indicated probability by using the normal distribution as an approximation to the
binomial distribution. 22)
Estimate the probability of getting exactly 43 boys in 90 births. 23)
A certain question on a test is answered correctly by 22% of the respondents. Estimate the probability
that among the next 150 responses there will be at most 40 correct answers.
Provide an appropriate response. 24)
Fill in the blanks.
A fair coin is flipped 280 times. You wish to find the probability that the number of tails is greater than
160. This probability can be estimated by finding the area to the right of _____ under the normal curve
with μ = ____ and σ = ___.
Both graphs will have the same shape (they will both be bell shaped) and they will be centered at the
same place (the common mean). The graph of the variable with the smaller standard deviation will be
narrower and taller than the other graph.
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What Is The Mood Of The Poem Heat Up By Louis Jenkins
Notes while listening to Heating Up
Experts day to day Heat Words something Try so hard to define One of a kind Constant Time and
change recipe Human equation sub division next to impossible Percentages and averages What scares
me the most The sun Chests heave Reprogram Never match when you see me Come with me Heat in
the unseen Flying with me State of being Please Follow me If you didn t already know Constant of
change Hot head Rage, thanking the sun Her lover Only anger and fear Hates her job Odd Boiling
point Bleed through the walls So disconnected Forget her role, and her math Burning heat Insulted his
daughter Lashed out At lunch Emotional fireball Forgot to look To angry to look at the road Take deep
breath release slow We re all united ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It adds to the effect of the poem. The way the speaker uses his voice, also adds to the poem making
you think, it also helps you understand the poem better.
I don t think there was any pattern in the sound of the poem if there was I missed it completely.
Although I didn t miss it because I wasn t listening, I missed it because I was listening to the message
the speaker was trying to say.
There was repetition in the poem. The phrases constant of change and emotional fireball were used
over and over again. The use of repetition in this poem just added more meaning, and helped clarify
what the speaker was actually trying to say.
At first, the reading didn t bring out any music from the poem. However, as time went on and the
speaker continued along with the poem, the music becomes more and more noticeable for me to hear.
There really wasn t any rhythmic quality to any of the words that were spoken in Heating Up. There
was a couple of lines that could ve been considered rhythmic, only if the speaker had spoken them in a
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German Migration To Australia
History of Migration to Australia
Early settlement of Germans was mainly in South Australia and South Eastern Queensland.
There was significant migration during the gold rush in Victoria in the 1850s when approximately
10,000 German migrants came to work the in the gold fields.
Germans were also employed in many other roles including; in copper mines and smelters,
silversmithing, winemaking and in weaving woolen cloth.
The World Wars heavily impacted German migration to Australia.
At the beginning of the First World War Australian residents who were citizens of Germany, (as well
as those from Italy, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey) were declared as enemy aliens .
As well as suffering suspicion and aggression, Germans and
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The Failure Of Freedom In Arthur Miller s The Crucible
For the past 20 years, Americans have watched as the news displayed more and more headlines about
massacres, scandals, and acts of terror. In addition, pictures of rallies and protests, similar to Edelson s
portrayal of the protests in Berkeley, California, have flooded the newspapers. All of these recurring
events instill a strong sense of fear into the American public. If America touts itself as being the land
of the free and the home of the brave, why do its inhabitants feel powerless and vulnerable? Social
critic, H.L. Mencken states that the average man does not want to be free, and behind the facade of
freedom, he simply wants to be safe. Through examples in Arthur Miller s The Crucible, the
overbearing weight which fear has on one s life is extremely evident. In addition, Robert J. Samuelson
s support of Trump s proposal for a wall running along the Mexican American border in his article
Yes, Build the Wall, is a clear example of the extent to which Americans in contemporary society are
willing to go to protect themselves from any possible threat. Although the average man craves the
freedom to live according to his own wishes, one is willing to ultimately give up those desires in order
to live in a bubble of safety, suppressing any fragment of fear. Although one is inclined to live a
sheltered life in the bubble that is safety, one truly craves freedom. Freedom is the one of the core
values on which this country was built. The founding fathers who formed
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28 Lined Paper Templates. Online assignment writing service.28 Lined Paper Templates. Online assignment writing service.
28 Lined Paper Templates. Online assignment writing service.

The parliamentary power in Finland lies with the Finnish Parliament, which consists of 200 members elected every 4 years. The Parliament passes laws, approves the national budget, and oversees the government. Executive power is exercised by the Council of State led by the Prime Minister. Finland has a mixed presidential-parliamentary system with power divided between the President, who oversees national security and foreign affairs, and the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President.

Professional Essay Writing Help - College Homework
Professional Essay Writing Help - College HomeworkProfessional Essay Writing Help - College Homework
Professional Essay Writing Help - College Homework

The document discusses professional essay writing help and college homework assistance available from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Essay Writing Company How To Choose The Most R
Essay Writing Company How To Choose The Most REssay Writing Company How To Choose The Most R
Essay Writing Company How To Choose The Most R

The document provides instructions on how to use the essay writing service HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and select a writer, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes the original, high-quality work and refund policy if plagiarized.

Flight Training Research Paper
Jocelyn: Does the GI Bill Cover Flight Training Expenses?
The GI Bill does cover flight training expenses, but there are certain restrictions. Below explains about
the details of what is and what is not covered.
The Basics
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers flight training benefits to service members who want
to achieve advanced pilot qualifications. First, the candidate must already have a private pilot s license
and must have completed the mandatory medical exam. The aviation school must submit verification
of enrollment and proof of graduation to the VA in order for the tuition to be reimbursed. Only certain
types of flight training are covered, such as B747 400, rotary wing, dual engine and flight engineer
Older Benefit Bills
While service members must adhere to the basic benefit participation requirements, the actual
payment amount depends on the specific bill and aviation school. For example, any 2015 payments
which fall under the older the Montgomery Bill (MGIB) will cover service members enlisted for over
three years at $1,789 every month and those enlisted less than three years at $1,454 every month. In
2015, the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) reimburses flight training at three levels:
40 percent, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bill vary based on the type of aviation training and school of enrollment. Service members who are
enrolled in an aviation training degree program at a public university will be reimbursed at the in state
cost of the training. In addition to this, they will also receive a monthly housing allowance and
allowance for books and supplies. In 2015, the annual national maximum amount was around
$20,000, but in 2016 the amount is approximately $21,000. Service members who attend a public
university that participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program may be eligible for extra payments.
Vocational aviation schools are reimbursed at approximately $12,000 every academic
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How Does Woolworth Use The Competitive Intelligence Cycle...
In order for Woolworths to form strategies and make strategic decisions, they need to scan their
internal and external environment. By gathering this information, it allows them to understand where
they currently are in the environment, what their capabilities are and how they can utilize these two
elements by integrating them to achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage. As a result, they are
able to sense environmental change and easily adapt their internal elements to suit the needed changed
(Louw Venter, 2010). This can be represented by the following framework :
We recommend that Woolworths use the competitive intelligence cycle to constantly scan their
external environment. They will first plan, identify key intelligence topics, then actually collet,
evaluate and analyse the data for their benefit. They need to analyse from all sources such as
competitors and customers and may also be indirect like observing what the community needs.
Woolworths should dedicate considerable resources to this cycle and encourage everyone who works
for them to be aware of and share this information, which has since been converted to knowledge, as a
competitive tool to get ahead of competitors.
The internal data created by Woolworths needs to be converted to meaning and useful information for
the strategic mangers to utilize in forming strategic plans. Woolworths will store all of this data in data
warehouses and then mine this data to find patterns and
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Different Perspectives Of Sherlock Holmes
In the passages, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle and How Watson Learned the Trick ,
Watson developed different perspectives of Sherlock Holmes. We can find Watson s perspective of
Sherlock Holmes by how the author develops the character in each story.
In the first story, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle we can see that Watson s perspective is that
Sherlock Holmes is a very skilled detective, and we can see this through his dialogue. In the passage
Older Watson says, The greatest detective who ever lived! From this quote we can obviously see how
Dr. Watson believes that Sherlock Holmes is one of the best detective s to ever live. Another piece of
evidence from the passage to support Watson s perspective is, I have
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Acid and Base
Experiment 4:
ACIDS AND BASES: PH Measurements and Macroscale Titration
CHM023L A12
Group no. 6 Members: | Contributions: | | Conclusion | | Recommendation | | Tables and figures with
analysis | | Principles, Equation | | Abstract, tables |
Date Performed: February 28, 2012 Tuesday
Date Submitted: March 6, 2012 Tuesday
Submitted to:
This experiment introduces us the pH measurement and application of macroscale titration of aqueous
solutions of acids and bases. The first part of the experiment was applying macroscale titration to
calculate the mass of an HCl solution consumed that was initially done by pounding the tablets and
getting a weight of 0.15 grams. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The standard solution is added to a solution of unknown concentration until all of the unknown
solution has reacted. From the known quantity and molarity (or normality) of the standard solution
and the measured volume of unknown solution used, the unknown concentration can be calculated.
Most acid base solutions are colorless and determining when one reactant has been totally consumed
is difficult by simple observations. To allow us to visually determine this point, we use compounds
called acid base indicators to tell us when a reaction is complete. Dyes (usually weak organic acids)
whose colors depend upon pH are often used to signal the completion of acid base reactions.
The objectives of this experiment are to:
Measure the PH of aqueous solutions of acids and bases.
Compare the PH values obtained by using PH meter and PH paper.
Calculate the percent acetic acid of a commercial sample of vinegar.
* The dissociation of water:
H2O ↔ H++ OH * [H+] OH = Kw=1 x 10 14 (logH++log[OH ])= log⁡(1 x 10 14) logH+ logOH =14
pH+pOH=14 pH= log[H+] pOH= log[OH ] * Percent acetic acid in a vinegar:

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This essay discusses the debate around whether violent video games have negative effects on society. It notes that as video games have advanced graphically, violence in games has also increased. Some argue that violent games cause more aggression in children who play them compared to non-violent games. However, others point out that if violent games truly caused real-world violence, there would likely be more crimes, given the millions who play such games daily. The essay concludes that while pathological violent acts have many complex causes, the effects of violent games alone are difficult to prove.

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In Odoo 17, sample data serves as a valuable resource for users seeking to familiarize themselves with the functionalities and capabilities of the software prior to integrating their own information. In this slide we are going to discuss about how to show sample data to a tree view and a kanban view.

odoo 17how to show sample datatree and kanban view
% acetic acid =weight acetic acidweight of sample x 100 * Weight of acetic acid:
WCH3COOH=mLNaOH x MNaOH x 1 mol NaOH1000 milimole x 1 mole CH3COOH1 mol NaOH
x 60 grams1 mol CH3COOH * Molarity:
Molarity= mmoles of solutemL of solution
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The One Minute Manager By Kenneth Blanchard And Spencer...
In the book The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson introduce the readers
an innovative idea of one minute management through an allegory of an anonymous man in search for
an effective manager for his management secrets (Blanchard Johnson 26). Throughout the anonymous
man s journey, he learns many lessons, which Blanchard and Johnson have summarized into the
following three essential secrets . First, Blanchard and Johnson advocate One Minute Goal Setting is
the first [secret] and the foundation for One Minute Management (27). One Minute Goal Setting is
1. Agree on your goals.
2. See what good behavior looks like.
3. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What s more, the authors use a problem that an employee of the company Trenell has, as an example,
to illustrate how such goal setting method works in practice. After Trenell clearly identifies the
discrepancy between the actual and desired state and the causes, he is able to find a suitable solution to
the problem, making him arriving at his desired state. After introducing the One Minute Goal Setting
as the fundamental of effective management, the authors also demonstrate the way of doing One
Minute Praising the second secret. One Minute Praising is simply:
1. Tell people up front that you are going to let them know how they are doing.
2. Praise people immediately.
3. Tell people what they did right be specific.
4. Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organization and the
other people who work there.
5. Stop for a moment of silence to let them feel how good you feel.
6. Encourage them to do more of the same.
7. Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the
organization (44) While presenting the elements in the On Minute Praising, the authors also use a
practical detailed example to emphasize its benefit and importance on encouraging hard work and
good performance. Blanchard and Johnson believe that
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Metropolis Dystopian
Imagine a futuristic culture living in a post apocalyptic era where dystopia reigns and society struggles
to survive. Welcome to Metropolis. Good morning/afternoon, my name is Dana and I am, likewise, a
fellow viewer of Fritz Lang s 1927 film, Metropolis. Despite being eighty four years apart, films from
a particular time period like Metropolis, share many values, attitudes and themes as Veronica Roth s
2011 contemporary dystopian text, Divergent. The futuristic dimensions that they produce often
masquerade dystopia under the guise of a utopian perspective. Many of the attitudes and beliefs
presented by Metropolis interrelate to the contemporary text, Divergent. The commonality is evident
in the discourse of societal class, power struggle and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fundamentally, Metropolis is a timeless tale of class conflict and its struggle for power. Whilst being a
fictional city, the divide of the society of Metropolis presented is firmly set in the reality of greedy,
advantaged upper class and the lowly unappreciated workers they exploit. Lang uses expressionistic
imagery and the strong contrast of light and dark features to differentiate between the two classes
populating the ultramodern city. Director Fritz Lang tapped into Germany s power struggles, issues of
poverty and conflict and fears for the future, with the use of entirely fabricated and profoundly stylised
futuristic background filled with symbolism to convey political messages. In a similar fashion, the
abuse of power is parallel to Divergent. Though the battle at the peak of the novel is fought with the
use of high tech innovations, the circumstances that caused it can be related back to the power
struggles seen in Metropolis. It begins with a group of people believing they ve been treated unjustly,
with deceitfully small amount of say in the government, ultimately ending with conflict. Revolution
and up rising wars begin in much the same way. Jeanine Matthews, a leadership representative, is able
to convince her people to rally against Abnegation. Her method of manipulation through propaganda
and disrespect for other based on a perceived difference mirrors
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Teen Activists
Teens become activists through different experiences Teen activists are many people s hero. An
activist is an individual who campaigns to bring about political or social change. Teen activists are
teenagers who decide to fight for what is right, and instead of waiting for someone to take action, they
do it themselves. Teen activists do work that takes a tremendous amount of courage, time, and money.
They do not always follow the same path, some succeed, but others fail. Teens become activists
through different experiences: they have a personal struggle, they are inspired by an animal s struggle,
or they read an article about another activist and takes initiative. To start, many teens become activists
from enduring a personal struggle. For example, one of the teens that became an activist after having a
personal struggle was Alex Libby. Alex Libby was constantly getting bullied until he decided he had
enough. Alex starred in the documentary, Bully , by director Lee Hirsch from Alex Libby s Fight. He
and Alex decided to let a million other kids, and their parents watch this heartbreaking clip about how
Alex was bullied. Now Alex helps other kids who are bullied, and lets them know that he is there for
them. Another example of Alex `struggling is in the later in the documentary, where Alex s mother
asks, Does it make you feel good to be punched? To be shoved, stabbed, or mocked? Alex replied
wearily, No. I don t know. I don t feel anything anymore. This clearly
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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article: https://digitalsamaaj.com/is-email-marketing-effective-in-2024/

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Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024
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Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024

It s Just A Regular Day
It s just another regular day, nothing truly interesting has happened for a little while, which is pretty
disappointing but it gives me time to relax. I am getting a feeling that it s not going to stay like this.
Something will happen, hopefully soon, besides that I m just talking to Honey and Mori because
Hikaru and Kaoru seemed busy, so I decided not to bother them now.
Bored, I put my elbow on the table and put my hand on my cheek to support my head.
Where s Tamaki senpai? He should be here by now. I mean he s the president of the club, he should be
one of the first few people here. I asked and yawned.
I don t know, but do you want to eat cake with me to pass some time? Honey suggested cheerfully.
The twins glanced at me as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Huh? We are taking it seriously... Hikaru stated.
Yeah, we pulled off an all nighter Kaoru countered.
We have a website? I never knew... I revealed.
in order to create this masterpiece, Haruhi s composite photograph. Kaoru continued.
Immediately, Haruhi and Honey scrambled to the computer as Tamaki yelled at Hikaru and Kaoru. I
looked at Tamaki raging to Hikaru and Kaoru and stifled a laugh then went to see the website. I have
to admit, the picture looks good. Hikaru and Kaoru have some nice photoshopping skills. The picture
is just Haruhi s head on what it seems to be Tamaki s body.
Haru chan, you are so cool! Honey gushed while Haruhi freaks out, making me unconsciously giggle.
It isn t that bad, Haru chan. It could be wors What. I said, taking the mouse and scrolled down to
check out the website, only to see another picture with both Haruhi and me being too close for
comfort. Did I really have to be included? Haruhi was lifting my head upwards as I look away
blushing. I ll take a guess and say it s one of the many pictures of the twins doing their twincest act.
We did some extra photos too, Hikaru smirked, looking at the computer screen.
There s plenty of girls that are a fan of Haruhi and Sak chan, so we decided to give them what they
want, Kaoru explained, making an irk mark appear on my forehead.
You guys are pretty good at photoshopping, but you guys could also be better. If you want, I could
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Kanye West s Yeezy Shoes
Yeezy, yeezy, yeezy just jumped over jumpman, yeezy, yeezy, yeezy I feel so accomplished, I ain t
dropped a album but the shoes went platinum. K. West on the sales of his shoes. Kanye West s Yeezy
shoes are very popular and they come in different variations. I own a pair, they are comfortable.
Popularity in the hip culture and the rapping industry the yeezy shoes can be seen on the feet of many
rap artists. The yeezys come in many color ways and there are 3 types of yeezys. Wearing the Pirate
Black yeezys are very comfortable, it s like wearing slippers. Popularity of the yeezy shoe is up with
jordans, crocs, and other big name shoes brands. The shoe is part of a clothing line called Yeezy ,
founded by Kanye West (Ye) himself. Ye s clothing line is expensive, that s why he makes so much
money off of it. The prices all range from 800$ to 90,300$! Yeezy clothing line is up with the names
like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Roshe. A song was made about the success of the shoes made by Ye
himself. The shoe past up the Jordan brand in sales and still selling to this day. The rap song is called
Facts because the shoe was selling like crazy. Over 5,000 pairs were bought within the first ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The types of the shoes are 350 s, 750 s, and 950 s and the brands are Nike, Adidas and Louis Vuitton.
The 350 s are a shoe that reaches just below the ankle. They are made up of a thin stretchy fabric that
is knitted together. The colorways consists of names such as Pirate Black, Tan Oxford, Turtle dove.
The 350 s are releasing a newer version of these shoes called 2 Splys. The 2 Splys are the same model
but with a orange stripe going to heel to toe and the side of the shoe. 750 s are a shoe that is a high top
which is made of the same fabric as the 350 s but the fabric is harder. The 750 s are more expensive
than the 350 s. The colorways for the 750 s are Red Octobers, Chocolate, Black and
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Indian Head Massage Assignment
Indian Head Massage Assignment
1. Explain the organisations service times for Indian head massage and the importance of completing
the service in a commercially viable time.
A. An Indian head massage should take 45 minutes, if the treatment is completed under the viable
time, the client will feel like they re not getting their moneys worth or the best out of the treatment, it
also prevents times wastage and ensures that an effective appointment is in place.
2. Explain how to set up the work area for an Indian head massage.
A. For an Indian head massage, the work area needs to be set up correctly, this includes the bed, a
chair for the client and the trolley.
~As the client doesn t lay or sit on the bed you don t need a lot of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
*Mentally When you re ready ask the client to take three big deep breaths and then ground the client.
8. Explain how to store and maintain Indian head massage mediums in a safe and hygienic manner
and why this is important
A. Massage mediums need to be stored in a cool dry place in airtight containers with a pouring cap as
this prevents wastage. After each use all the lids must be closed and stored correctly in date order as
this prevents cross contamination, stops the oil from spilling, it makes sure that you don t use any new
ones without finishing the older ones first, it also makes sure that you comply with the health and
safety legislation.
9. Explain how to use Indian head massage mediums safely and effectively.
A. You must always check with the client to make sure they re not allergic to any of the oils, as this is
professional and prevents any skin reactions. Oils should be kept upright with the lids on properly as
this prevents spillages. If any spillages occur they should be cleaned up with bedroll. Also only use as
much as you need to prevent any wastage.
10. Explain the types of Indian head massage oils available and their beneficial properties.

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by dr dharmaraj pawar
Sweet Almond
Cures swellings
Moisturises the skin
Increases body heat
Helps itchy skin
Helps rough skin
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Produces a cooling effect on the scalp
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Research Essay on Southeast Asia
IH202: Southeast Asia: The Rice that Binds? Research Essay (10%) The definition of the phrase
Settlement pattern is associated with the understanding of how a particular society used the available
resources in its region. The phrase can also be described as the actual land upon which a settlement is
built. So what exactly is the pattern of settlements in Southeast Asia? Some say that the pattern of
human settlement in Southeast Asia is dispersed settlements where buildings are spread out; an
example would be the rural areas of Philippines, where different villages are at different parts of the
country. Others say that it s more like linear settlements that grow in a line, often alongside roads,
river valleys or the coast, for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This not only makes similar settlers more comfortable to fit in but it also makes the community more
bonded. Climate also affects settlement patterns in numerous ways. Colder countries tend to have
lesser population than warmer countries. For example, Alaska has the smallest population in the
United States. Extreme climate conditions may play a role too, Sometimes it is even impossible to
inhabit that area, due to the weather conditions. A land s geographical location can determine whether
an area has higher risk of experiencing an earthquake or not. Singapore is considered very blessed as
her geographical location is very well shielded by other larger countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.
Furthermore, we do not sit on the earthquake belt. However Japan and Indonesia are less fortunate, as
they are located right on the earthquake belt and are constantly experiencing earthquake every now
and then. If your settlement is located nearby to a river, there will be a reliable source of food and
transportation which adds to the land s desirability. Some people are drawn to coastal areas as these
areas offer a number of recreational activities, such as surfing or wakeboarding and access to water
transportation. Maybe they also appreciate the value of waterfront property. In this essay, I have come
to the conclusion that Southeast Asia has more than one pattern of settlements. Instead, it has three,
namely, the dispersal settlement, the linear settlement and the nucleated
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Active Shooter Evolution
The Evolution of Police Response to Active Shooters Whenever they occur, active shooter situations
grip media headlines and create new discussions into the ways in which we as a nation can prevent
them in the future. The U.S. Department of Justice (n.d.) defines an active shooter as, an individual
actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area (para.1). The reason we see
more active threat incidents in the news is not due to the media, but because there has been an
increasing trend of such events. A study of 160 active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2013 has shown
an upward trend in the instances of active shooters; from a mean of 6.4 incidents in the first seven
years of the study to a mean of 16.4 in the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the early morning hours of July 20, 2012, Holmes entered the theatre and shot 70 people, killing 12
(TriData Division, System Planning Corporation (TDSPC), 2014). Police response to this incident was
quick with 14 units on the scene within 4 minutes, 6 of them there in just over two minutes (TDSPC,
2014). The most important concept taken from this incident, however was the triage and care of
victims on the scene. One of the officers that arrived on the scene was a SWAT paramedic who
conducted triage on the victims inside the theatre itself (TDSPC, 2014). Having a police officer
conduct triage inside the theatre allowed fire and emergency medical services personnel in safe zones
conducting medical treatment likely save time and lives (TDSPC, 2014). Additionally, police cars
were used in the transport of 27 individuals to area hospitals, some of which may have died waiting on
transportation via other means (TDSPC, 2014). The Aurora Police Department actually transported
more people than ambulances, who transported 20 victims (TDSPC, 2014). Recommendations from
the TDSPC report included having more officers with small tactical medical kits, the department
training more SWAT paramedics and knowing their locations at all times should an active shooter
incident occur (2014). Aurora teaches us that police departments across
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Long Day`S Journey Into Night Character Analysis
Long Day`s Journey into thePast: The character analysis of Mary In the play ¡°Long Day¡¯s Journey
into Night,¡± by Eugene O¡¯Neill, the writer depicts a typical day of the Tyrone family, whose once
close family has deteriorated over the years for a number of reasons: Mary¡¯s drug addiction, Tyrone
Jamie and Edmund¡¯s alcoholism, Tyrone¡¯s stinginess, and the sons` pessimistic attitude toward
future. In the play, all of the four characters are miserable about life, and they all remember the past
and try to escape from reality by drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Among these four characters, Mary
is a typical and special one; she is the most tragic character in the play. She used to be an innocent girl
with beautiful dreams (to become a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Scene One of the Act Two, Mary tends to blame the problems of the family on fate. She first
criticizes Jamie for his tendency to look for weaknesses in others, but then she changes directions and
attributes the flaw to the way Jamie was raised, which is not his fault.(P63) Mary¡¯s fatalistic point of
view is another flaw in her character, because she always uses this as an excuse and finds a way out.
Likewise, she blames most of her problems on her failed dreams and disappointment, which limits her
choice of actions. This fatalistic view is a barrier to solving her own problems and the conflicts of the
family. As time passes, in the Act Three, Mary continues to take morphine, which makes her even
more miserable and unconscious. The more Mary uses morphine, the more she tends to travel back
into past memories. At the beginning of Act Three, Mary has a conversation with Cathleen and she
talks about her youth, her dreams and the love story between her and Tyrone.(P106/107) These
memories are the only things that can make Mary happy now. At this point, we can see why Mary uses
morphine so much¡ªit allows her to leave the present and live in the world of the past, when she was
young and beautiful. Aside from Mary¡¯s drug problem, however, it is important to talk about the
men¡¯s alcoholism. The three men in the play all drink alcohol excessively,
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Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies
Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and RemediesArdra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies
Ardra Nakshatra (आर्द्रा): Understanding its Effects and Remedies

Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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  • 2. Fair Credit Reporting Act And Credit History Fair Credit Reporting Act/Credit History The Fair Credit Reporting Act was established in 1970. This act is in accordance on how a credit agency reports credit information. The Fair Credit Reporting Act serves to protect the privacy and integrity of clients. It allows individuals to adjust any inaccurate information in a credit report and provides a solution if a credit agency violates your rights. According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (2014), anyone with a legitimate business need can gain access to your credit history. (2014). The businesses that have access to your credit report include, landlords, insurance companies, employers, Government agencies, child support agencies. Having a credit report on file is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This information helps determine if the tenant is likely to pay their bills on time. Finding a job is an advantage to having a good credit record. Employers have the option to look at an applicant s credit history to decide whether or not that person is reliable. If an employment agency is checking a credit report they usually check it for fraudulent activity. Other company s check for derogatory information. If those types of things are found then the applicant may have some explaining to do. Not every job looks at credit history. However, some jobs do such as, accounting, finance, or a high ranking position in a company. A person with good credit history shows if this person is responsible and if that person is able to be trusted with their finances. On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks of having a credit record on file. Some offenses to a credit record are minor and others are major. Bankruptcy is a case where a consumer is unable to pay outstanding debts. According to Investopedia (2001), Upon the successful completion of bankruptcy proceedings, the debtor is relieved of the debt obligations incurred prior to filing for bankruptcy (2001). After the proceedings the individual is given another chance to pay off the debt. Bankruptcy is on file for ten years. During this time, the person or business responsible may struggle with the loss of property. Moreover, other losses may persist that include, loss of income, poor credit score, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Price Of Everything Summary The Price of Everything is a novel written by Russell Roberts. Russell Roberts is an economics professor who graduated from the University of Chicago. Roberts uses novels to teach about important economic topics. The Price of Everything is one of his five remarkable books. According to book reviews Roberts is a gifted writer. The main topics discussed throughout The Price of Everything are crises within market economics, price gouging, and spontaneous order. I mention crises within market economics first because this is where the The Price of Everything begins. The main character of the book is Ramon Fernandez, a gifted college tennis play. Ramon and his girlfriend, Amy, attend Stanford. Ramon and Amy are in search of flashlights ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amy and Ramon have a place where they meet inside a nature preserve. This nature preserve is where Amy found her example for class. Shortly before she found her example, Amy was telling Ramon about an economist she had learned about in high school whose name was Hayek. Hayek is Nobel Price economist from Austria Hungary. Hayek was major proponent of spontaneous order. Hayek and some of his colleagues redefined spontaneous order and established it as sound concept. The free market system is an example of Spontaneous order. Other examples include: languages, the universe, Internet, and uncultivated ecosystems. These examples prove spontaneous order real and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Paul s Letter To The Corinthians throughout his letter Paul did not fall offended, instead he focused on the comfort received from God and that of the Corinthians as well. Personally, I assume this must have taken a toll on Paul. Again, he fell afflicted with sickness. Paul was disgust with anxiety about the church of Thessalonica which he was forced to abandon due to threats of looming persecution, and attacks fluctuating from previous illnesses. Now approximately 56 A.D. Paul begins to write another (Epistle) letter to the Gentiles at Corinth, Galatia, Rome and Thessalonica and a few others . He also was writing to Philemon, Timothy, Titus, and the Saints at Rome. His utterly and unbearable illness reappeared, at Paul s, Third Missionary Journey 53 57 A.D. Paul felt he had received the sentence of death. Being arrested, imprisoned accused of violating the sanctity of the temple by bringing in Gentiles was only a few ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But consciously and unconsciously under the direction of God who constantly directed his steps. Paul provides to the church reassurance in God s word that He prepares the way by promise, discipline and wrath suffering. As Christ remains the center of his faith. Paul thoughts of his experiences were more theological meaning it began with and ends with God. Paul take a form of deliverance form suffering, he pronounce his gift of divine power that enables one to endure by abiding circumstances. Paul wanted to give the people, the church new and important information. He opens the second Epistle with his usual greeting and thanksgiving. He tells of personal experiences in a way that gains the attention of readers, of his troubles through which he had been passing. Through all of his trails he had learned to lean of God more. He stressed that God becomes real to us in our times of sorrow. We find that God never fails. Paul exemplifies God source of comfort to us, God says ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Movie Let The Right One Let the Right One In, is a wonderful film that captures positive qualities from Carmilla and achieves what Twilight so desperately attempts. In many ways this film is an adaptation of Carmilla, highlighting the friendship between a vampire and younger child. In both stories, the human struggles internally with their strong feelings towards the vampire, and their moral obligated to hate them. In both cases, the protagonist struggles with a strong attraction to the vampire coupled with a moral repulsion to the vampire s nature and behavior (Ridenhour). In comparison with Twilight, Let the Right One In tells a story of love with no barriers. Prefers to help rather than hurt the person who is suppose to be their prey (Tyree). In both stories, the vampires repeatedly push the human away, only to grow a stronger attraction. Though the human knows or at least has a hunch their new friend is not human, this does not sway their attraction. The difference is, in Twilight, Edward s secret is that he is a vampire, in Let the Right One In, Eli s secret is not that he is vampire, but that he is a boy. This is subtlety shown in the movie when Eli s castration is briefly shown. In the book it is told, Eli was turned (into a vampire) in the 18th century by a vampire who castrated him and drank the blood from the wound (Ridenhour). In all three stories, there is a tale told of complete loneliness, whether it s Laura s isolation from the outside world, Bella s feelings of being an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Math Experience In My Life At an early age, I was bad at math, yet I knew it would be my passion. Throughout elementary school, I gave into the idea that I lacked intelligence enough to pursue mathematics seriously in school, and later on in my life. Nonetheless, math found itself back into my life during my middle school years and solidified its presence within my life. I was the dumb kid in class, unable to add and subtract, unable to memorize the multiplication table. Before, I found joy in knowing. To this date I remember what seemed like witchcraft as my father, on one of his rare visits home from work, showing me how squares worked when I was five. The Japanese education system in my first and second grade placed value in the ability to memorize rules and tables. The better one was at memorization, which felt to me the mindless recounting of multiplication and division and the ability to just know the answer, was needed for success. I wanted to know why the number four was four. What it really meant. What does it mean that there are two less from six? Why were Eight things divided by two equal the same as the square of two? I was interested in the hows and the whys of numbers, not just its identity. For this reason, I was not deemed successful and was not seen as a student with prospects. Despite my seeming lack of talent in the mathematical field, I knew, I knew somehow that math was my passion. I was successful in the math classes in the elementary school in America. All that was required of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Texas Revolution Essay The Texas Revolution By Jessica Bouillon Texas History The Texas Revolution was a key point in our nation s history and in the history of the state of Texas. For, if Texas had not revolted the way that they did, it would probably not have become a state. There are many causes that are speculated on why Texas revolted whether they are political disputes against the Centralist party in Mexico that had primary control at the time of the Revolution. These and more will be explored. Also, there are key battles in the Texas Revolution that decided the final fate of Texas, none more famous than the famous Battle of San Jacinto and The Alamo. The most popular, speculated cause of the Texas Revolution is that Texas was following in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Still another speculated cause for the revolution in Texas was economics. There were many land speculators that were also U.S. migrants to Texas that were intent on making money from selling land. They had speculators in Texas, and Coahuila and financial centers in New York and Philadelphia. The speculators would speculate how much a piece of land was worth then sell it and turn the profits over to a financial center and make a tremendous profit from it. Yet another reason why Texans might have revolted was that they were trying to preserve and maintain the political values and economic gain while under the Constitution of 1824. It gave Texas a steady population flow of American migrants moving onto Texas soil. It also gave them political liberty, freedom to own slaves and a steady economic progression. But Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, president of Mexico, wished to impose a stricter rule which could also explain why Texas felt the need to separate from Mexico. Another speculated cause was that the Anglo Americans that lived there refused to conform to the Mexican rules and laws. Most were protestant and therefore refused to convert to Catholicism. They also refused to pay their duties to the government and did not support troop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Global E Retailer Of Amazon In 2013, global e retailer Amazon made over 74 billion dollars in sales ( Amazon Income ) . In addition to its primary e retailing function, the company owns many subsidiaries, including companies like Audible UK and IMDB ( Subsidiaries ). Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, defines the company s core values as as customer centricity, putting the customer at the center of everything we do, invention. We like to pioneer, we like to explore, we like to go down dark alleys and see what s on the other side ( Amazon ). Since its inception in 1994, Amazon has led the e commerce market, continually expanding and innovating to become the corporate behemoth it is today ( About Amazon ). The development of new technologies that set trends in Consumer Behavior has been critical to its success; many of these developments build on its pioneering software patent One Click. Amazon expanded on its original online retailing to include various services, including Amazon Prime and Amazon Instant Video. However, one particular feature marked the beginning of a new trend in consumer behavior. Amazon One Click, the technology behind Amazon s simple one click online ordering, set the trend of simple online purchasing during the advent of the period. It works by using cookies to identify returning online shoppers, allowing shoppers to bypass the online checkout process (Grégoire 33). Although while undergoing testing, One Click fared poorly with consumers (Smith 105), Amazon launched the feature in 1997 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail Essay Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a satiric comedy about the quest of King Arthur. The movie starts out with Arthur, King of the Britons, looking for knights to sit with him at Camelot. He finds many knights including Sir Galahad the pure, Sir Lancelot the brave, the quiet Sir Bedevere, and Sir Robin the Not Quite So Brave as Sir Lancelot. Through satire and parody of certain events in history (witch trials, the black plague) they find Camelot, but after literally a quick song and dance they decide that they do not want to go there. While walking away, God (who seems to be grumpy) come to them from a cloud and tells them to find the Holy Grail. They agree and begin their search. While they search for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... King Arthur goes on to explain that a swallow must have carried it. The soldier then offers a rebuttal based on proportion and types of birds. The comedic affect was delivered by the ridiculousness of the situation, the repetition of the soldier s persistence the fact that they were actually pretending to ride horses by hitting coconuts together. In another scene, King Arthur is confronted by Lancelot and not allowed to pass. They began to fight and King Arthur severs Lancelot s arm off. Only for Lancelot to say, It is just a scratch. King Arthur thinks that Lancelot will all it quits, but he persists, I ve had worse. They continue their brawl, only for Arthur to slice off Lancelot s other arm. He still insists on fighting. The comedic affect of this scene was delivered by the irrationality of Lancelot s determination to continue fighting despite his severe injuries. In another scene, King Arthur and his knights try to storm Camelot but are driven away by their enemies are heaving farm animals at them. They brought a new meaning to raining cats and dogs. The comedic affect was delivered by the illogicality of someone throwing animals to defend themselves. It was also ironic that they were not throwing arrow or spears. Satire is a kind of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Corporate Average Fuel Economy ( Cafe ) Standards Proposed... Introduction Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards proposed for vehicles produced between 2017 and 2025 were promulgated through the joint efforts of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) utilizing regulatory powers granted in their charters allowing them to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and other greenhouse gas producing sources. (Nichols, 2012) The essence of the proposal was that by 2025 vehicle manufactures would be offering for sale cars and light trucks that averaged almost 50mpg. This level of fuel economy would result in a projected reduction in national dependencies on almost 4 billion barrels of oil and close to 2 billion tons of greenhouse gases namely carbon dioxide over the life of the new more efficient vehicles. (Nichols, 2012) Cost analysis of the proposal focused on fuel savings to the consumer and moderate environmental benefits offsetting the industries technologic costs of meeting the standards at an overwhelming 4:1 ratio netting over 323 billion dollars of consumer savings over the life of the regulated vehicles. Economic Analysis The variables in this analysis include the consumers with their demand for vehicles and their demand elasticity when it comes to both the cost of fuel and the cost of vehicles shaping their demand, the suppliers and their ability to navigate the legislation to maximize their investor returns, the oil producer s ability to maintain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Beta Alanine Essay Beta alanine (BA), only recently, has rapidly become one of the most popular performance enhancing compounds in the world. Since the first human study in 2006, BA is commonly found in most popular pre workout supplements on the market today (Trexler, et al., 2015). BA is a naturally occurring amino acid produced in the liver. BA is also contained in animal proteins such as turkey and beef, and therefore can be increased somewhat through the consumption of animal protein. Significant increases, however, require various means of supplementation. Beta alanine has been cited as a rate limiting precursor to carnosine synthesis (Harris, et al., 2006). BA supplementation has been shown to increase levels of carnosine in skeletal muscle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additional roles of carnosine beyond Ca2+ regulation and pH buffer include its ability to act as a scavenger of free radicals and singlet oxygen, both of which are not only damaging, but also limit performance (Kohen, et al.,1988). Regarding BA supplementation and administration, there has been some opposing views on which means of supplementation is most beneficial. Some research suggests that BA is most effective when front loaded. Consuming 4 to 6g per day, preferably with meals has demonstrated the maximum desired effect, with more significant benefits seen after four weeks (Harris, et al., 2009; Stegen, et al., 2013). Some clinicians, however, maintain that oral administration is minimally effective. A 2016 study by Sharpe, Macias demonstrated a definite improvement in performance in short duration, high intensity exercise by athletes using a topical gel to administer carnosine transdermally. The study does maintain that more testing does need to be done, however, brings up scientific reasons why oral ingestion may be less efficient due to GI damage to the supplement. The purpose of this literature review is to provide insight into the effects of beta alanine in performance. The research demonstrates that BA ingestion is, in fact, beneficial to athletic performance, with a significant portion of data showing it is more efficient in shorter duration, moderate to high intensity activities lasting 60 to 240 seconds specifically. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Important Aspects Of Persuading A Foreign Company Introduction Netherlands ( Dutch ) is the main constuient country of Kingdom of Netherlands . It is small but densely populated country in Western Europe. Dutch is the official language in Netherlands but English , German and to some extent French is also spoken in Netherlands. It is one of the most secular countries in Western Europe . It has a developed economy and plays a very important role in the European economy. The common factors that influence the business are economic, social, legal and political Environments but often culture is ignored during acquisitions and mergers .The truth is that culture is perverse and everyday business is affected by culture (Weber and Camerer, 2003). History tells us culture can make or break a business depending on the way it is handled. To persuade a foreign company one should adopt to their culture and keep aside their own cultural preferences. One of the most important aspects of persuading a foreign company is try to respect and accept the other culture business etiquette s and practices. In this report we will focus on some of the techniques to persuade Dutch. According to Hofstede s research on different cultural dimensions , Netherlands score low (38) on power distance which means they are independent , believe in equal rights , superiors are easily accessible , they do not like to be controlled and attitude towards managers is informal and on first name basis. Communication and participation is appreciated. They are an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Does Islam Need Reformation Or Do Islamic Societies Need... While lacking any academic credentials, these islamophobic figures, in their scorched earth view of Islam, wage a campaign that reduces an entire scripture of 114 chapters and over 6,000 verses to a few de contextualized verses, and their criticism of Islam as grossly simplistic and desperate attempt to malign a world religion and a human civilization comparable to others. For a religion, unlike Christianity and Judaism, that didn t experience Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution, Islam has been comparably tolerant at the beginning as well as today, and slowly improving its core human rights conditions. P Does Islam need Reformation or do Islamic societies need Enlightenment? Since the Sept 11, 2001, there have been many calls from within Islamic societies or outside of it pushing for a reformation of Islamic practices. The West s Reformation of 16th century is the supposed a href= http://www.huffingtonpost.com/todd green phd/islam martin luther_b_884264.html template /a for today s Muslim countries. This would be a movement to counter the fundamentalists and theocratic regimes that would pave the way for desirable outcomes like human rights and separation of religion and state. P Salman Rushdie, the author of i Satanic Verses /i , explains it this way: What is needed is a move beyond tradition nothing less than a reform movement to bring the core concepts of Islam into the modern age, a Muslim Reformation to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Civil Injunction Process Essay Running head: THE CIVIL INJUNCTION PROCESS The Civil Injunction Process STUDENT S NAME PROFESSOR S NAME The Civil Injunction Process The following scenario presents key players in any law enforcement agency, possible dialogs, inter agency politics, and concerns when change is proposed. The facts come from an actual experience in Redondo Beach, California. This study is about using the Civil Injunction Process against street gangs. I believe that the North Side Protectors gang was allowed to continue with their roles and delinquency in the community of Rio Sellas for so long because the Police Department didn t file a civil injunction order against the gang members sooner. In the past the police department didn t put their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They would also get a law order to protect the entire city against the gangs in the city. With this tempo getting started and showing positive results the Police Department was able to request other agencies to get involved where needed. Like for instance the task force that maintained surveillance with provided and eye on these gang members and created reports that would help the police department know of all activities of these gangs that would result in future sting operations and raids. This temporary restraining order is often also called an exparte restraining order because it is assigned in a hearing that is held without the defendant being given the opportunity to present his case. The Temporary Restraining Order can give the gang a rapid pause on their situational awareness. They will soon understand that they will not be able to operate as they have been in the past. Whether they find a way around the order sanction by the Justice Department to continue doing their crimes in the communities or they will most likely move to another city that they don t have to deal with the Law enforcements and the orders that have been applied in the community they are living I While using a Temporary Restraining Order you can receive resistance from the gang members or close family, or their lawyers saying that their rights are being violated. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Law Firm Of Firm Law Law firm of Firm Law LLP Sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations are just a few different organization entities that people use when starting a new business. One can change from one business type into another using proper paperwork and by abiding state rules and regulations. There are various factors to consider when starting a business such as the nature of the business being started, the business type, investments or funding, and employees. First, we will examine what business type is better suited for the Law Firm of Firm Law to operate. Then, we will consider the pros and cons of said business type to ensure proper fit. After, we will discuss the issue of investments and stock issuances, if required. Lastly, we will cover the policies and standards needed for employees to follow in our business structure. First, the business I am starting is a law firm named The Law Firm of Firm Law operating in the greater Los Angeles area; however, this is a special type of business and cannot be started without going through the proper channels beforehand. A law firm is a type of professional career in which one has to prove to the state with certificates of competency that one is able to perform required tasks in said field. These businesses are usually but not restricted to sole proprietorships, Limited Liability Partnerships, and Limited Liability Corporations. I believe that in order to narrow down which business structure is best we need to weigh the pros and cons ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Similarities Between Lord Of Flies And Lord Of The Flies Living a life without any adults giving orders or making rules, not having to listen to them tell everyone what to do or not to do sounds pretty marvelous. Many kids dream of living their own life without their parents or other adults telling them what to do, however, oftentimes, we see their plan backfire on themselves and they end up running to the parents, not knowing what to do. In the novel The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, there is a plane crash, involving a group of boys not much older than 12 years old. The plane crash takes place during World War II and the plane crashes onto an island, stranding the boys by themselves, without any information or adults. In the film adaptation of the novel The Mist by Stephen King, there is a mist that covers the town of Bridgton, trapping a group of adults in a grocery store. The mist, what many people consider an apocalypse, takes place during present times, in the state of Maine. [The novel The Lord of the Flies and the movie The Mist both portray human nature as essentially evil and savage, all the same loyalty plays a key part in influencing the decisions and actions of the characters of each story leading to some sections of resemblance and some sections of discrepancies. Both passive and active, religion plays a role in both stories, however while the same religious concept is in each story, there are many contrast between the novel and the film adaptation.] The most advanced stage of the human nature is called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Racial Prejudice By The Film Crash Essay The term racial prejudice is defined as having a negative belief that is unfairly applied to all individuals of an ethnic group even if such individuals have different characteristics as in personality, appearance, and perspective. In society, many individuals believe that racial prejudice only focuses on one particular social group, whereas others view racial prejudice pertaining to all races. However, racial prejudice is without a doubt a phenomenon, one that isn t specific to one ethnic or social group, instead prevalent in all groups of people that affect or are affected by the institution of racism. Different associations and relationships play a vital role in how we perceive others, at times people view others through the lens of racial prejudice. Crash, a movie directed by (put director s name), shows different ethnic groups that face challenges within their lives as they clash into one another by certain situations. In addition, Crash itself also focuses on many racial prejudices that occur in society. The film Crash highlights the very notion that racial prejudice is experienced by many groups because various ethnic groups are constantly violated for having different physical appearances; mocked for having a different culture, and excluded from opportunities within society s social structure. Different ethnic groups all go through racial prejudice with one another. As one particular group goes through being physically or verbally violated, so does other social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Saudi Arabia Culture From its rich and varied cultural history and practices to its stunningly beautiful cities full of unique architecture, Saudi Arabia is a fascinating country. With its acknowledged status as the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia is an important cultural and religious hub for many who come seeking spiritual enlightenment or simply a chance to experience the bustling cities and thriving commerce of the prosperous metropolises. With a population of over 28 million people, Saudi Arabia is a vital part of the Middle East, with some major influence on the Arab countries around it. In order to fully appreciate the unique customs and overall societal expectations of this or any other country, one must understand not only its geographical location and a few key facts about it, but how it functions both as a nation made up of many diverse minds, and as a singular driving force in the complicated dance between all the nations of the world. With this in mind, there are several factors to consider when studying a country such as Saudi Arabia, namely, the main language, the major religion, the culture and cultural norms, and the business etiquette. One of the most defining components of any nation is the diversity of language that is often utilized by a countries citizen. Language is immensely powerful, and the breadth of vocabulary and concepts a language can offer often provide an individual the tools needed to not only interact with persons of a similar nationality, but to interact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Recommended Organizational Policy Changes Of The European... 4. Recommended Organizational Policy Changes According to Comscore, Europe represents 32% of overall Internet searches with Google having 80% and Microsoft 2%. (Microsoft changes Bing s privacy policy, 2010). The biggest offenders for malware on the internet is image and video searches on the web. Sophos reports that 92% of search driven malware attacks is obtained from Google and Bing image searches. (Pearce, 2012). In a world of personalized online services, establishing and maintaining user trust and responsible use of data is critical. Users expect appropriate and relevant content and advertising while also protecting their privacy when they use any search engine. As driven by consumer privacy concerns, the government has asked the online industry to examine data retention and protection policies. The Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ordered that search engines are regulators of processing personal data under the European Union Data Protection Directive, passed in May 2014. (Abril Lipton, 2014). This order requires search engines to remove links from search results intrusive to individual s privacy rights under this directive and is viewed as a component of the Digital Right to be Forgotten Act. The ruling raised debate among the industry as to whom will assume responsibility for online privacy assurance and protection. Interpretation of the law has been ambiguous, the law doesn t uphold the right to be forgotten, but merely sustains a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Cherokee Indian Rights Of Passage Analysis Rights of passage are a big part in your life and your relatives. There are many rites of passage and they all differ from each other. The Medicine Bag , The Apache Girl ,and the Cherokee Indians all have to face their right of passage. The Medicine Bag is about a boy named Martin who is given a medicine bag as his right of passage. The Apache Girl is about a girl named Dachina who s rite of passage leads her into womanhood. The Cherokee Indians right of passage has the boy sit through the night alone in a forest to show that he is a man. These 3 stories have many similarities and differences in their rites of passage. They also are written in different formats which makes your understanding of the topic different. The Medicine Bag , The Apache Girl , and the Cherokee Indians all have very similar rites of passage. They all have to accomplish something to become a woman or a man in their tribe. The Apache Girl and the Cherokee Indians both have to show strength and confidence. Dacina has to dance for 10 hours and the Cherokee Indians have to sit on a log through the night with a blindfold on. This helps them show that they are strong enough to become a member of the tribe. The Medicine Bag and the Cherokee Indians also have similar rights of passage because they both don t have to face their journey alone. During Martin s right of passage his grandpa passes the bag down to him and during Cherokee Indians right of passage their dad sits with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. After School Dropout Essay Believe it or not, more than a million students drop out of school without earning a high school diploma every year! That s almost 700,000 students dropping out of school every day of the academic year. Without that diploma, students are likely to experience a path that leads to jobs that pay less, very poor health, and a cycle of poverty that gives communities, families, and neighborhoods many challenges. Luckily, there are some solutions to fix this problem, such as parents contributing to their child s success, further support from outside the classroom, and earlier education for all. Since more than 27 percent of high school dropouts say that they were failing too many classes, it does make sense for parents and teacher to give the students more opportunities to learn and study the books and study guides and get better grades. From an article on learningliftoff.com, this shows that students are actually falling behind and need help to get back on track. Solving this problem may involve after school tutoring or finding learning disabilities that make academic success more challenging for the student and help fix them. After school tutoring can help many students because of the one on one training and help they are receiving which is hard to get during normal class time. After school tutoring can especially help students understand concepts better. Finding learning disabilities and fixing them will really help the student and the teacher. The student might work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On Chocolate Chocolate one of the only things in the world that can be as addictive as a drug but not affect our health in a detrimental way. Sometimes when eating that chocolaty goodness, do you ever think about where I could have possibly come from, or even looking past the chocolate itself, what about the companies that produce that small bite of happiness, are they receiving the right benefits? Ferrero Rocher is one of the biggest Chocolatiers in the world, it s websites provides an abundance of information on the chocolate itself and company heritage, as well as provides insight on the social responsibility, environmental safety, and the importance of their workers. To begin, Ferrero Rocher is known to be one of the most equisite european chocolatiers in the world. Ferrero has nationewide stores in possibly, every country. Personally, I love Nutella, developed from the very own Ferrero Rocher itself, it is absolutely the most addicting thing a person could consume. As a chocoholic, I consume chocolate daily, but it varies off brand. Nutella, is my perfect end to a good meal, it is always my after dinner dessert or many times too often, my late night snack. However, when you think of that spoon full of goodness, you often wonder who makes it so good? Out of curiosity, I searched for Ferrero s official website (http://www.ferrerorocherusa.com/) on Wednesday November 8, 2017. The website is filled with information about their chocolates, how rocher was founded, where to buy the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Issues and Trends in Expatriate Management 2011 International Conference on Information Communication and Management IPCSIT vol.16 (2011) (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Issues and Trends in Expatriation Management Dayang Nailul Munna Abang Abdullah 1 and Cheam Sheue Jin2 1 Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia Abstract. As organisations become globalised, there is an increasing need to employ expatriates for global assignments. Investigate the issues in the expatriation process from different perspectives are of utmost important to enhance understanding and improve performance of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is to enable the informants to talk about their experience, feelings, and opinions of a subject. Different interview techniques such as probing questions, responding to the informants, showing interest, reconfirming the response, taking notes, follow up and remind the informants to stay in line with the topic when deviation occurs, and keep the informants to talk and express their view were used during the interview. Then the interview data were documented and decoded. Data collected was kept as confidential and private, only used by researcher and related supervisor for academic purposes. The informants of this research were drawn from human resource managers or human resource representatives of corporations. Four companies, which are locating in Kuala Lumpur and Kuching, had been selected due to the accessibility of the researcher and because Kuala Lumpur is one of the most developed areas in Malaysia, therefore it is easier to identify the suitable companies for study. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used to identify the informants, thus the sample sizes may not be predetermined prior to data collection, and it depends on the resources and time available, as well as the study s objectives [9]. As a result, there were four informants involved in this study. To enhance the reliability of the data, sound recorder was utilised to record the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Dean Smith Essay DEAN SMITH Dean Edwards Smith (born on February 28, 1931) is a retired American head coach of men s college basketball. He is originally from Emporia, Kansas, Smith as been called a coaching legend by the Basketball Hall of Fame. Smith is best known for his successful 36 year coaching career at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Smith coached from 1961 to 1997 and retired as the NCAA Division I men s basketball record holderfor victories (879), a record which was surpassed by Bobby Knightin 2007. Smith has the 9th highest winning percentage of any men s college basketball coach(77.6%). During his career as head coach of North Carolina, the team won two nationsl titles and appeared in 11 Final Fours. Smith is also known ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From 1961 62 North Carolina only played 17 games and went 8 9. His first major successes came in the late 1960s, when his teams won three consecutive regular season and ACC tournament championships , and went to three straight Final Fours. Unfortunately, this run occurred in the middle of UCLA s run of 10 titles in 12 years in fact he lost to UCLA s John Wooden in the 1968 title game. It took Smith 7 trips to the Final Four before winning his first natinal title, and then it took him 9 more years to return, and 2 more to get another national championship. Dean Smith s first national championship occured in 1982, when the team was composed of future NBA players such as Micheal Jordan, James Worthy, and Sam Perkins. After winning the NCAA Tournament, North Carolina had a record of 32 2. North Carolina gave Smith s 2nd national championship in 1993 when the Tar Heels played Michigan in New Orleans. Among the accomplishments of Smith: 879 wins in 36yrs of coaching, 2nd most in men s college Division I basketball history behind Bob Knight. 77.6% winning percentage, 9th on highest winning percentage 4th total number of college games coached with 1,133. 35 consecutive seasons with a 50% or better record 2 national championships (1982, 1993) 11 Final Four 17 regular season ACC titles 13 ACC tournament titles 27 NCAA tournament appearances 96.6% graduations rate among players most successful players in the NBA are Micheal Jordan, Larry Brown, James Worthy, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Causes Of The Soviet-Afghan War In 1979 the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, an action that the U.S national Security advisor Brzezinski considered, the greatest threat to peace since WWII. The Soviets seized control of the government, killed President Although the U.S greatly impacted the Soviets decisions to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, other factors such as the poor performance of the Afghan army and the poor economic situation of the USSR and Afghanistan contributed greatly to the decision as well. The U.S involvement in the Soviet Afghan War began in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter signed on to aid the Afghan rebels in harassment of Soviet through secret supplies and light weapons in assistance. The U.S would supply and provide funds to the Mujahedin through the CIA, not fully involving in driving Soviet forces out of Afghanistan or defeating them militarily.. The U.S funneled more than $2 billion in guns and money to the mujahedin during the 1980 s. CIA Director, William Casey, also enlisted Pakistan to help promote subversion, through Afghanistan, in the Soviet Muslim republics. In March 1985, President Reagan authorized stepped up military aid to the mujahedin and made it clear that the Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and encourage a Soviet withdrawal. This is significant because now the main goal of the U.S was to drive out the Soviets by having a larger role in the war. The Soviets were put under more pressure and were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. What Is The Theme Of 2pac 2Pac Shakur landed in the top ten again this week with Changes , and so it appears that he is enjoying more success posthumously than when he lived. Has his iconic status increased because of his death, or could it be that his lyrics have struck a chord with African Americans across the nation. Rolling Stone hit the streets of 2Pac s old neighborhood in Marin City, asking young African Americans how the lyrics of Changes made them feel. Here s a brotha who understands brotha s, answered one high school student, who seemed to capture the sentiments of many in the area. Where, though, in the lyrics do young African Americans identify with 2Pac s message? At first glance, Changes sounds quite pessimistic. It opens with the lines, I m ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, as the saying goes, it takes one to know one. 2Pac s criminal past and time in prison have earned him respect among troubled, black youth. But what s more, he speaks to them in their language, a lyrical, almost sophisticated form of Ebonics or African American Vernacular English (AAVE). The rhythm and rhyme of the lyrics is engaging and compelling, which we see in the afore mentioned lines, jack you up, back you up / crack you up and pimp smack you up. The verb, to pimp smack one up exemplifies the poetic style of street speech. Finally he addresses his audience as his brothers , he uses the word nigga in a permissible context and alludes casually to Huey , a.k.a. Huey P. Lewis, co founder of the Black Panthers. These are all in group markers, which help establish his credit and rapport among African Americans in general and black gangsters specifically. It is for these reasons that he has earned the right to speak to them about these complex issues. In the midst of the many depressing scenarios that 2Pac sketches from children dying of drug abuse to the constant fear of being killed by an old enemy ( I never get to lay back / Cause I always got to worry bout the pay backs ), his spoken words cast a ray of light and call for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. How Technology Has Impacted The Way Cities Operate The use of IoT has already impacted the way cities operate. The term smart cities, is used to describe a city that possesses an IoT oriented infrastructure. In a smart city, the digital technologies translate into better public services for inhabitants and better use of resources while reducing environmental impacts . [3] For a smart city to be feasible, IoT must provide intelligence, interconnection, and instrumentation. Wi Fi enabled smart devices and low cost sensors are components of the smart city and allow devices a way to communicate with the public via the internet. These devices collect real time data, which not only improves the lives of residents, but transforms several sectors of public service as well. Transportation has been revolutionized by smart traffic management systems which gather data from an array of magnetic road sensors and hundreds of cameras. The result is less delay at major stop lights and increased travel speeds, because enabled drivers can see which lights are busy and monitor these areas for other vehicles and pedestrians. To lower traffic and driver search times for parking spots, parking sensors that detect parking spaces for drivers are installed in major cities. Street lights use a method of energy saving known as adaptive lighting which enables them to determine their brightness setting, appropriate for a given situation. The smart city solution to conserving energy is through smart girds. A smart grid serves several energy management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Non Conformity Sucks Conformity AND Nonconformity Sucks! To conform or to not conform is the real question. Google defines conformity as Compliance with standards, rules, or laws. I define conformity as someone going along with society although they may or may not believe it s the right thing to do. The people who refuse to conform to society are called nonconformist. Although both conformity and nonconformity has its benefits, it can also be unfavorable for you. In other words, IT SUCKS!! And this demonstrated through both fictional stories and in real life. Two very good examples are Snowball the pig (conformist) from the book Animal Farm By George Orwell and Summer Pimp (nonconformist) who used to be one of my good friends. In Animal Farm, Snowball ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Math 116 Essay Math 116 Chapter 6 review Name___________________________________ Provide an appropriate response. 1) Two random variables are normally distributed with the same mean. One has a standard deviation of 10 while the other has a standard deviation of 15. How will the graphs of the two variables differ and how will they be alike? 2) Which is larger, the area under the standard normal curve between 1 and 1, or the area under the standard normal curve between 0 and 2? Explain your reasoning. 3) Which of the variables below do you think will be roughly normally distributed? a. Weights of 10 year old boys b. Incomes of 40 year old adults c. The numbers that show up when you roll a balanced die d. The amount of coffee ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You wish to approximate a binomial probability by an area under a normal curve. Use the continuity correction to determine which area under the appropriate normal curve will approximate the required probability. 18) The probability of more than 49 correct answers 19) The probability of fewer than 48 democrats For the binomial distribution with the given values for n and p, state whether or not it is suitable to use the normal distribution as an approximation. 20) n = 27 and p = 0.6 21) n = 19 and p = 0.8 Estimate the indicated probability by using the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution. 22) Estimate the probability of getting exactly 43 boys in 90 births. 23) A certain question on a test is answered correctly by 22% of the respondents. Estimate the probability that among the next 150 responses there will be at most 40 correct answers. Provide an appropriate response. 24) Fill in the blanks. A fair coin is flipped 280 times. You wish to find the probability that the number of tails is greater than 160. This probability can be estimated by finding the area to the right of _____ under the normal curve with μ = ____ and σ = ___. 1) Both graphs will have the same shape (they will both be bell shaped) and they will be centered at the same place (the common mean). The graph of the variable with the smaller standard deviation will be narrower and taller than the other graph. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. What Is The Mood Of The Poem Heat Up By Louis Jenkins Notes while listening to Heating Up Experts day to day Heat Words something Try so hard to define One of a kind Constant Time and change recipe Human equation sub division next to impossible Percentages and averages What scares me the most The sun Chests heave Reprogram Never match when you see me Come with me Heat in the unseen Flying with me State of being Please Follow me If you didn t already know Constant of change Hot head Rage, thanking the sun Her lover Only anger and fear Hates her job Odd Boiling point Bleed through the walls So disconnected Forget her role, and her math Burning heat Insulted his daughter Lashed out At lunch Emotional fireball Forgot to look To angry to look at the road Take deep breath release slow We re all united ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It adds to the effect of the poem. The way the speaker uses his voice, also adds to the poem making you think, it also helps you understand the poem better. I don t think there was any pattern in the sound of the poem if there was I missed it completely. Although I didn t miss it because I wasn t listening, I missed it because I was listening to the message the speaker was trying to say. There was repetition in the poem. The phrases constant of change and emotional fireball were used over and over again. The use of repetition in this poem just added more meaning, and helped clarify what the speaker was actually trying to say. At first, the reading didn t bring out any music from the poem. However, as time went on and the speaker continued along with the poem, the music becomes more and more noticeable for me to hear. There really wasn t any rhythmic quality to any of the words that were spoken in Heating Up. There was a couple of lines that could ve been considered rhythmic, only if the speaker had spoken them in a different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. German Migration To Australia History of Migration to Australia Early settlement of Germans was mainly in South Australia and South Eastern Queensland. There was significant migration during the gold rush in Victoria in the 1850s when approximately 10,000 German migrants came to work the in the gold fields. Germans were also employed in many other roles including; in copper mines and smelters, silversmithing, winemaking and in weaving woolen cloth. The World Wars heavily impacted German migration to Australia. At the beginning of the First World War Australian residents who were citizens of Germany, (as well as those from Italy, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey) were declared as enemy aliens . As well as suffering suspicion and aggression, Germans and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Failure Of Freedom In Arthur Miller s The Crucible For the past 20 years, Americans have watched as the news displayed more and more headlines about massacres, scandals, and acts of terror. In addition, pictures of rallies and protests, similar to Edelson s portrayal of the protests in Berkeley, California, have flooded the newspapers. All of these recurring events instill a strong sense of fear into the American public. If America touts itself as being the land of the free and the home of the brave, why do its inhabitants feel powerless and vulnerable? Social critic, H.L. Mencken states that the average man does not want to be free, and behind the facade of freedom, he simply wants to be safe. Through examples in Arthur Miller s The Crucible, the overbearing weight which fear has on one s life is extremely evident. In addition, Robert J. Samuelson s support of Trump s proposal for a wall running along the Mexican American border in his article Yes, Build the Wall, is a clear example of the extent to which Americans in contemporary society are willing to go to protect themselves from any possible threat. Although the average man craves the freedom to live according to his own wishes, one is willing to ultimately give up those desires in order to live in a bubble of safety, suppressing any fragment of fear. Although one is inclined to live a sheltered life in the bubble that is safety, one truly craves freedom. Freedom is the one of the core values on which this country was built. The founding fathers who formed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Flight Training Research Paper Jocelyn: Does the GI Bill Cover Flight Training Expenses? The GI Bill does cover flight training expenses, but there are certain restrictions. Below explains about the details of what is and what is not covered. The Basics The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers flight training benefits to service members who want to achieve advanced pilot qualifications. First, the candidate must already have a private pilot s license and must have completed the mandatory medical exam. The aviation school must submit verification of enrollment and proof of graduation to the VA in order for the tuition to be reimbursed. Only certain types of flight training are covered, such as B747 400, rotary wing, dual engine and flight engineer programs. Older Benefit Bills While service members must adhere to the basic benefit participation requirements, the actual payment amount depends on the specific bill and aviation school. For example, any 2015 payments which fall under the older the Montgomery Bill (MGIB) will cover service members enlisted for over three years at $1,789 every month and those enlisted less than three years at $1,454 every month. In 2015, the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) reimburses flight training at three levels: 40 percent, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bill vary based on the type of aviation training and school of enrollment. Service members who are enrolled in an aviation training degree program at a public university will be reimbursed at the in state cost of the training. In addition to this, they will also receive a monthly housing allowance and allowance for books and supplies. In 2015, the annual national maximum amount was around $20,000, but in 2016 the amount is approximately $21,000. Service members who attend a public university that participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program may be eligible for extra payments. Vocational aviation schools are reimbursed at approximately $12,000 every academic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. How Does Woolworth Use The Competitive Intelligence Cycle... In order for Woolworths to form strategies and make strategic decisions, they need to scan their internal and external environment. By gathering this information, it allows them to understand where they currently are in the environment, what their capabilities are and how they can utilize these two elements by integrating them to achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage. As a result, they are able to sense environmental change and easily adapt their internal elements to suit the needed changed (Louw Venter, 2010). This can be represented by the following framework : We recommend that Woolworths use the competitive intelligence cycle to constantly scan their external environment. They will first plan, identify key intelligence topics, then actually collet, evaluate and analyse the data for their benefit. They need to analyse from all sources such as competitors and customers and may also be indirect like observing what the community needs. Woolworths should dedicate considerable resources to this cycle and encourage everyone who works for them to be aware of and share this information, which has since been converted to knowledge, as a competitive tool to get ahead of competitors. The internal data created by Woolworths needs to be converted to meaning and useful information for the strategic mangers to utilize in forming strategic plans. Woolworths will store all of this data in data warehouses and then mine this data to find patterns and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Different Perspectives Of Sherlock Holmes In the passages, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle and How Watson Learned the Trick , Watson developed different perspectives of Sherlock Holmes. We can find Watson s perspective of Sherlock Holmes by how the author develops the character in each story. In the first story, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle we can see that Watson s perspective is that Sherlock Holmes is a very skilled detective, and we can see this through his dialogue. In the passage Older Watson says, The greatest detective who ever lived! From this quote we can obviously see how Dr. Watson believes that Sherlock Holmes is one of the best detective s to ever live. Another piece of evidence from the passage to support Watson s perspective is, I have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Acid and Base Experiment 4: ACIDS AND BASES: PH Measurements and Macroscale Titration CHM023L A12 Group no. 6 Members: | Contributions: | | Conclusion | | Recommendation | | Tables and figures with analysis | | Principles, Equation | | Abstract, tables | Date Performed: February 28, 2012 Tuesday Date Submitted: March 6, 2012 Tuesday Submitted to: ABSTRACT: This experiment introduces us the pH measurement and application of macroscale titration of aqueous solutions of acids and bases. The first part of the experiment was applying macroscale titration to calculate the mass of an HCl solution consumed that was initially done by pounding the tablets and getting a weight of 0.15 grams. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The standard solution is added to a solution of unknown concentration until all of the unknown solution has reacted. From the known quantity and molarity (or normality) of the standard solution and the measured volume of unknown solution used, the unknown concentration can be calculated. Most acid base solutions are colorless and determining when one reactant has been totally consumed is difficult by simple observations. To allow us to visually determine this point, we use compounds called acid base indicators to tell us when a reaction is complete. Dyes (usually weak organic acids) whose colors depend upon pH are often used to signal the completion of acid base reactions. The objectives of this experiment are to: Measure the PH of aqueous solutions of acids and bases. Compare the PH values obtained by using PH meter and PH paper. Calculate the percent acetic acid of a commercial sample of vinegar. EQUATIONS: * The dissociation of water: H2O ↔ H++ OH * [H+] OH = Kw=1 x 10 14 (logH++log[OH ])= log⁡(1 x 10 14) logH+ logOH =14 pH+pOH=14 pH= log[H+] pOH= log[OH ] * Percent acetic acid in a vinegar:
  • 37. % acetic acid =weight acetic acidweight of sample x 100 * Weight of acetic acid: WCH3COOH=mLNaOH x MNaOH x 1 mol NaOH1000 milimole x 1 mole CH3COOH1 mol NaOH x 60 grams1 mol CH3COOH * Molarity: Molarity= mmoles of solutemL of solution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The One Minute Manager By Kenneth Blanchard And Spencer... In the book The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson introduce the readers an innovative idea of one minute management through an allegory of an anonymous man in search for an effective manager for his management secrets (Blanchard Johnson 26). Throughout the anonymous man s journey, he learns many lessons, which Blanchard and Johnson have summarized into the following three essential secrets . First, Blanchard and Johnson advocate One Minute Goal Setting is the first [secret] and the foundation for One Minute Management (27). One Minute Goal Setting is simply: 1. Agree on your goals. 2. See what good behavior looks like. 3. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What s more, the authors use a problem that an employee of the company Trenell has, as an example, to illustrate how such goal setting method works in practice. After Trenell clearly identifies the discrepancy between the actual and desired state and the causes, he is able to find a suitable solution to the problem, making him arriving at his desired state. After introducing the One Minute Goal Setting as the fundamental of effective management, the authors also demonstrate the way of doing One Minute Praising the second secret. One Minute Praising is simply: 1. Tell people up front that you are going to let them know how they are doing. 2. Praise people immediately. 3. Tell people what they did right be specific. 4. Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organization and the other people who work there. 5. Stop for a moment of silence to let them feel how good you feel. 6. Encourage them to do more of the same. 7. Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the organization (44) While presenting the elements in the On Minute Praising, the authors also use a practical detailed example to emphasize its benefit and importance on encouraging hard work and good performance. Blanchard and Johnson believe that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Metropolis Dystopian Imagine a futuristic culture living in a post apocalyptic era where dystopia reigns and society struggles to survive. Welcome to Metropolis. Good morning/afternoon, my name is Dana and I am, likewise, a fellow viewer of Fritz Lang s 1927 film, Metropolis. Despite being eighty four years apart, films from a particular time period like Metropolis, share many values, attitudes and themes as Veronica Roth s 2011 contemporary dystopian text, Divergent. The futuristic dimensions that they produce often masquerade dystopia under the guise of a utopian perspective. Many of the attitudes and beliefs presented by Metropolis interrelate to the contemporary text, Divergent. The commonality is evident in the discourse of societal class, power struggle and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fundamentally, Metropolis is a timeless tale of class conflict and its struggle for power. Whilst being a fictional city, the divide of the society of Metropolis presented is firmly set in the reality of greedy, advantaged upper class and the lowly unappreciated workers they exploit. Lang uses expressionistic imagery and the strong contrast of light and dark features to differentiate between the two classes populating the ultramodern city. Director Fritz Lang tapped into Germany s power struggles, issues of poverty and conflict and fears for the future, with the use of entirely fabricated and profoundly stylised futuristic background filled with symbolism to convey political messages. In a similar fashion, the abuse of power is parallel to Divergent. Though the battle at the peak of the novel is fought with the use of high tech innovations, the circumstances that caused it can be related back to the power struggles seen in Metropolis. It begins with a group of people believing they ve been treated unjustly, with deceitfully small amount of say in the government, ultimately ending with conflict. Revolution and up rising wars begin in much the same way. Jeanine Matthews, a leadership representative, is able to convince her people to rally against Abnegation. Her method of manipulation through propaganda and disrespect for other based on a perceived difference mirrors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Teen Activists Teens become activists through different experiences Teen activists are many people s hero. An activist is an individual who campaigns to bring about political or social change. Teen activists are teenagers who decide to fight for what is right, and instead of waiting for someone to take action, they do it themselves. Teen activists do work that takes a tremendous amount of courage, time, and money. They do not always follow the same path, some succeed, but others fail. Teens become activists through different experiences: they have a personal struggle, they are inspired by an animal s struggle, or they read an article about another activist and takes initiative. To start, many teens become activists from enduring a personal struggle. For example, one of the teens that became an activist after having a personal struggle was Alex Libby. Alex Libby was constantly getting bullied until he decided he had enough. Alex starred in the documentary, Bully , by director Lee Hirsch from Alex Libby s Fight. He and Alex decided to let a million other kids, and their parents watch this heartbreaking clip about how Alex was bullied. Now Alex helps other kids who are bullied, and lets them know that he is there for them. Another example of Alex `struggling is in the later in the documentary, where Alex s mother asks, Does it make you feel good to be punched? To be shoved, stabbed, or mocked? Alex replied wearily, No. I don t know. I don t feel anything anymore. This clearly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. It s Just A Regular Day It s just another regular day, nothing truly interesting has happened for a little while, which is pretty disappointing but it gives me time to relax. I am getting a feeling that it s not going to stay like this. Something will happen, hopefully soon, besides that I m just talking to Honey and Mori because Hikaru and Kaoru seemed busy, so I decided not to bother them now. Bored, I put my elbow on the table and put my hand on my cheek to support my head. Where s Tamaki senpai? He should be here by now. I mean he s the president of the club, he should be one of the first few people here. I asked and yawned. I don t know, but do you want to eat cake with me to pass some time? Honey suggested cheerfully. The twins glanced at me as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Huh? We are taking it seriously... Hikaru stated. Yeah, we pulled off an all nighter Kaoru countered. We have a website? I never knew... I revealed. in order to create this masterpiece, Haruhi s composite photograph. Kaoru continued. Immediately, Haruhi and Honey scrambled to the computer as Tamaki yelled at Hikaru and Kaoru. I looked at Tamaki raging to Hikaru and Kaoru and stifled a laugh then went to see the website. I have to admit, the picture looks good. Hikaru and Kaoru have some nice photoshopping skills. The picture is just Haruhi s head on what it seems to be Tamaki s body. Haru chan, you are so cool! Honey gushed while Haruhi freaks out, making me unconsciously giggle. It isn t that bad, Haru chan. It could be wors What. I said, taking the mouse and scrolled down to check out the website, only to see another picture with both Haruhi and me being too close for comfort. Did I really have to be included? Haruhi was lifting my head upwards as I look away blushing. I ll take a guess and say it s one of the many pictures of the twins doing their twincest act. We did some extra photos too, Hikaru smirked, looking at the computer screen. There s plenty of girls that are a fan of Haruhi and Sak chan, so we decided to give them what they want, Kaoru explained, making an irk mark appear on my forehead. You guys are pretty good at photoshopping, but you guys could also be better. If you want, I could
  • 42. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Kanye West s Yeezy Shoes Yeezy, yeezy, yeezy just jumped over jumpman, yeezy, yeezy, yeezy I feel so accomplished, I ain t dropped a album but the shoes went platinum. K. West on the sales of his shoes. Kanye West s Yeezy shoes are very popular and they come in different variations. I own a pair, they are comfortable. Popularity in the hip culture and the rapping industry the yeezy shoes can be seen on the feet of many rap artists. The yeezys come in many color ways and there are 3 types of yeezys. Wearing the Pirate Black yeezys are very comfortable, it s like wearing slippers. Popularity of the yeezy shoe is up with jordans, crocs, and other big name shoes brands. The shoe is part of a clothing line called Yeezy , founded by Kanye West (Ye) himself. Ye s clothing line is expensive, that s why he makes so much money off of it. The prices all range from 800$ to 90,300$! Yeezy clothing line is up with the names like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Roshe. A song was made about the success of the shoes made by Ye himself. The shoe past up the Jordan brand in sales and still selling to this day. The rap song is called Facts because the shoe was selling like crazy. Over 5,000 pairs were bought within the first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The types of the shoes are 350 s, 750 s, and 950 s and the brands are Nike, Adidas and Louis Vuitton. The 350 s are a shoe that reaches just below the ankle. They are made up of a thin stretchy fabric that is knitted together. The colorways consists of names such as Pirate Black, Tan Oxford, Turtle dove. The 350 s are releasing a newer version of these shoes called 2 Splys. The 2 Splys are the same model but with a orange stripe going to heel to toe and the side of the shoe. 750 s are a shoe that is a high top which is made of the same fabric as the 350 s but the fabric is harder. The 750 s are more expensive than the 350 s. The colorways for the 750 s are Red Octobers, Chocolate, Black and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Indian Head Massage Assignment Indian Head Massage Assignment 1. Explain the organisations service times for Indian head massage and the importance of completing the service in a commercially viable time. A. An Indian head massage should take 45 minutes, if the treatment is completed under the viable time, the client will feel like they re not getting their moneys worth or the best out of the treatment, it also prevents times wastage and ensures that an effective appointment is in place. 2. Explain how to set up the work area for an Indian head massage. A. For an Indian head massage, the work area needs to be set up correctly, this includes the bed, a chair for the client and the trolley. *Couch ~As the client doesn t lay or sit on the bed you don t need a lot of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... *Mentally When you re ready ask the client to take three big deep breaths and then ground the client. 8. Explain how to store and maintain Indian head massage mediums in a safe and hygienic manner and why this is important A. Massage mediums need to be stored in a cool dry place in airtight containers with a pouring cap as this prevents wastage. After each use all the lids must be closed and stored correctly in date order as this prevents cross contamination, stops the oil from spilling, it makes sure that you don t use any new ones without finishing the older ones first, it also makes sure that you comply with the health and safety legislation. 9. Explain how to use Indian head massage mediums safely and effectively. A. You must always check with the client to make sure they re not allergic to any of the oils, as this is professional and prevents any skin reactions. Oils should be kept upright with the lids on properly as this prevents spillages. If any spillages occur they should be cleaned up with bedroll. Also only use as much as you need to prevent any wastage. 10. Explain the types of Indian head massage oils available and their beneficial properties. A. Sesame Coconut
  • 45. Mustard Sweet Almond Olive Cures swellings Moisturises the skin Increases body heat Helps itchy skin Helps rough skin Removes muscular pains and stiffness Produces a cooling effect on the scalp ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Research Essay on Southeast Asia IH202: Southeast Asia: The Rice that Binds? Research Essay (10%) The definition of the phrase Settlement pattern is associated with the understanding of how a particular society used the available resources in its region. The phrase can also be described as the actual land upon which a settlement is built. So what exactly is the pattern of settlements in Southeast Asia? Some say that the pattern of human settlement in Southeast Asia is dispersed settlements where buildings are spread out; an example would be the rural areas of Philippines, where different villages are at different parts of the country. Others say that it s more like linear settlements that grow in a line, often alongside roads, river valleys or the coast, for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This not only makes similar settlers more comfortable to fit in but it also makes the community more bonded. Climate also affects settlement patterns in numerous ways. Colder countries tend to have lesser population than warmer countries. For example, Alaska has the smallest population in the United States. Extreme climate conditions may play a role too, Sometimes it is even impossible to inhabit that area, due to the weather conditions. A land s geographical location can determine whether an area has higher risk of experiencing an earthquake or not. Singapore is considered very blessed as her geographical location is very well shielded by other larger countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Furthermore, we do not sit on the earthquake belt. However Japan and Indonesia are less fortunate, as they are located right on the earthquake belt and are constantly experiencing earthquake every now and then. If your settlement is located nearby to a river, there will be a reliable source of food and transportation which adds to the land s desirability. Some people are drawn to coastal areas as these areas offer a number of recreational activities, such as surfing or wakeboarding and access to water transportation. Maybe they also appreciate the value of waterfront property. In this essay, I have come to the conclusion that Southeast Asia has more than one pattern of settlements. Instead, it has three, namely, the dispersal settlement, the linear settlement and the nucleated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Active Shooter Evolution The Evolution of Police Response to Active Shooters Whenever they occur, active shooter situations grip media headlines and create new discussions into the ways in which we as a nation can prevent them in the future. The U.S. Department of Justice (n.d.) defines an active shooter as, an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area (para.1). The reason we see more active threat incidents in the news is not due to the media, but because there has been an increasing trend of such events. A study of 160 active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2013 has shown an upward trend in the instances of active shooters; from a mean of 6.4 incidents in the first seven years of the study to a mean of 16.4 in the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the early morning hours of July 20, 2012, Holmes entered the theatre and shot 70 people, killing 12 (TriData Division, System Planning Corporation (TDSPC), 2014). Police response to this incident was quick with 14 units on the scene within 4 minutes, 6 of them there in just over two minutes (TDSPC, 2014). The most important concept taken from this incident, however was the triage and care of victims on the scene. One of the officers that arrived on the scene was a SWAT paramedic who conducted triage on the victims inside the theatre itself (TDSPC, 2014). Having a police officer conduct triage inside the theatre allowed fire and emergency medical services personnel in safe zones conducting medical treatment likely save time and lives (TDSPC, 2014). Additionally, police cars were used in the transport of 27 individuals to area hospitals, some of which may have died waiting on transportation via other means (TDSPC, 2014). The Aurora Police Department actually transported more people than ambulances, who transported 20 victims (TDSPC, 2014). Recommendations from the TDSPC report included having more officers with small tactical medical kits, the department training more SWAT paramedics and knowing their locations at all times should an active shooter incident occur (2014). Aurora teaches us that police departments across ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Long Day`S Journey Into Night Character Analysis Long Day`s Journey into thePast: The character analysis of Mary In the play ¡°Long Day¡¯s Journey into Night,¡± by Eugene O¡¯Neill, the writer depicts a typical day of the Tyrone family, whose once close family has deteriorated over the years for a number of reasons: Mary¡¯s drug addiction, Tyrone Jamie and Edmund¡¯s alcoholism, Tyrone¡¯s stinginess, and the sons` pessimistic attitude toward future. In the play, all of the four characters are miserable about life, and they all remember the past and try to escape from reality by drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Among these four characters, Mary is a typical and special one; she is the most tragic character in the play. She used to be an innocent girl with beautiful dreams (to become a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Scene One of the Act Two, Mary tends to blame the problems of the family on fate. She first criticizes Jamie for his tendency to look for weaknesses in others, but then she changes directions and attributes the flaw to the way Jamie was raised, which is not his fault.(P63) Mary¡¯s fatalistic point of view is another flaw in her character, because she always uses this as an excuse and finds a way out. Likewise, she blames most of her problems on her failed dreams and disappointment, which limits her choice of actions. This fatalistic view is a barrier to solving her own problems and the conflicts of the family. As time passes, in the Act Three, Mary continues to take morphine, which makes her even more miserable and unconscious. The more Mary uses morphine, the more she tends to travel back into past memories. At the beginning of Act Three, Mary has a conversation with Cathleen and she talks about her youth, her dreams and the love story between her and Tyrone.(P106/107) These memories are the only things that can make Mary happy now. At this point, we can see why Mary uses morphine so much¡ªit allows her to leave the present and live in the world of the past, when she was young and beautiful. Aside from Mary¡¯s drug problem, however, it is important to talk about the men¡¯s alcoholism. The three men in the play all drink alcohol excessively, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...