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Essay Famous Place To Visit
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Essay Famous Place To VisitEssay Famous Place To Visit
Evaluation of Murder Essays
Evaluation of Murder
A good law should be clear so both the judge and jury can apply it in a reasonable way, this
makes it easier for the jury to follow and provides a consistent outcome. It should be consistent,
if not one person could do exactly the same crime as another and they could have completely
different sentences. Consistency makes the law fair which is another important element of a
good law. The law should reflect the degree of fault and punish the defendant in a suitable way;
this also provides justice for the family within the law. It should also provide a defence this also
makes the law fair and also provides justice for the defendant as it will reflect the degree of fault. A
good ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Omissions the duty in certain relationships is solely case law, this means you must wait for a
case to happen before you can know whether a duty exists. This means the law might be flexible
but it is not consistent. A possible reform would be to pass legislation setting out the situation
where a duty exists. However, it would be difficult to come up with a definitive list. The law
commission report in 1993 suggests only omissions would count in serious offences against a
For the mens rea there is a problem with the wording, malice aforethought either expressed or
implied . Lord Gibbord 1988 said malice aforethought was misleading as you don t need to have
malice (i.e. spite) or aforethought (i.e. planned or premeditated). The Mens Rea for murder is
interpreted as an intention to kill or cause GBH. This is a common law definition and is subject to
change, making it flexible but also causing uncertainty.
There are problems with intention also because it has never properly been defined and cases like
Moloney and Hyam only set out guidelines and judges tend to alter between the two. This causes
confusion and uncertainty and leads to jury s verdicts being unfair and inconsistent. It also means
that the decision is opened up and leads to members of the jury being influenced by personal
The mens rea of implied malice means a defendant can be convicted
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Women Of Color In The Color Purple
The novel, The Color Purple, portrays a story about two sisters who communicate through various
letters about their life while they are separated. In the end, they join together through their love
and are finally reunited after thirty years. With the morals of race, gender, and life, the rating of
this novel is excellent. As an African American woman in the Pre civil rights time, Celie did not
feel welcome or in place during her life in The United States. Women of color in this book were
often victims of white men s crime. Mr._____ saw Celie as any other woman and treated her like
any husband would . He would physically abuse her for any wrongdoing. When the author showed
this unhealthy relationship, it taught the readers that there should... Show more content on
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As a husband, Harpo thought his role was to abuse his wife for any misbehavior or wrongdoing
or . Sofia, unlike most African American women, stood up for herself and did not take the
attempted abuse of Harpo. During a conversation between Harpo and Mr._____ he says, Wives
is like children., ou have to let em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than
a good sound beating, (Walker 34). In this quote, Mr._____ advised Harpo to abuse his wife as
he would to children. Teachings and instructions like these from his father sculpted Harpo s
abusive attitude towards Sofia. After Harpo tried to abuse Sofia from listening to Celie s advice,
Sofia confronts Celie and asks her why she would say such a thing. She says to her, All my life I
had to fight. I had to fight my daddy, i had to fight my brothers, my cousins, uncles. A girl ain t
safe in a family of men. But I never thought I d had to fight in my own house, (Walker 38). Sofia
explains that she has faced physical abuse from different family members, but never thought she
would receive it from her husband. This creates a conflict between Sofia and Harpo resulting in her
feeling a greater insecurity and
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Griet Religion
In her novel Girl With a Pearl Earring, Tracy Chevalier constructs the story of Griet, the imagined
subject of Vermeer s famous painting. In doing so, she sheds light on the culture of 17th century
Holland, particularly the tensions and differences between the communities of two Christian sects.
Born into a Protestant family, Griet is forced to work as a maid when her father cannot support the
family. The artist Vermeer becomes her master, and she must learn to navigate his Catholic
household. As Griet reacts to the new culture she has been thrust into, many historical references to
1660s Dutch society can be found. In her novel, Chevalier emphasizes the significance of religious
differences between Griet and the family she works for and examines the use of imagery within
Catholicism by demonstrating Griet s initial aversion to it.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
She shows wariness of Catholics when she leaves the Vermeers house on Sunday, not wanting to
be with them on their day of devotion. Griet s mother expresses similar feelings when she lectures
her daughter, [Working for the Vermeers has] made you forget... we re a decent Protestant family
whose needs are not ruled by riches or fashions (137). In this criticism, she implies that Catholics
value material possessions over anything substantial. Tracy Chevalier reveals Holland s history
when she writes that [Catholics] were tolerated in Delft, but were expected not to parade their faith
openly (13). The name of the New Church as well as this quotation indicates that while Catholicism
was once the main religion of the Delft, the Protestants have taken over. Girl With a Pearl Earring
explains the separation between these two belief systems, and Griet continues to clarify their
differences with the repeated theme of religious
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Devonian Rocks
Melbourne has a bedrock of Middle Paleozoic age which is included within the Devonian and
Silurian periods (354 441 million years prior). These rocks are overlain in wide zones which
also include much more youthful rocks, and were generally part of the Tertiary and Quaternary
ages (2 65 mya). Rocks of Early Silurian (441 mya) were discovered to be the most established
within the bedrock. Particular in the outcrops located in the north east around Warrandyte
(Anderson Creek Formation), and on the west side of Melbourne more specifically the
Maribyrnong Valley around Keilor (Springfield Formation). Fossils found within these
developments are very unique. Rocks located east of Keilor and south of Warrandyte were
discovered to be more youthful, with different ages from Late Silurian (418 mya) in the Melbourne
Formation (city region) to Early Devonian (384 mya) at the Humevale Formation (Lilydale).
These Paleozoic rocks are steeply plunging sandstones and siltstones, with a little event of
limestone at Lilydale the Early Devonian Lilydale Limestone. The Silurian rocks were stored in
profound water, while the Devonian rocks, which are exceptionally fossiliferous, appear to have
been stored in shallower water. These Silurian and Devonian rocks were folded into a progression
of anticlines ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first scene helped shape the Keilor and Werribee Plains on the west side of Melbourne due
broad sheets of basalt magma. The second stage included volcanoes toward the north of
Melbourne. These expelled streams that filled the valleys of the Moonee Ponds, Merri and
Darebin brooks. Due to these volcanic eruptions form Hayes Hill near Mernda, magma streams
flowed down towards the Darebin Creek and ancestral Merri Creek valleys and into the Yarra
Valley at Fairfield and further down that valley and onto the Yarra delta and as far as Spencer Street
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Who Is Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet
The play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a classic Elizabethan styled tragedy, with
two star crossed lovers doomed by their families long standing feud. In the play, Shakespeare
constantly outlines the theme of hate and its destructiveness, conveying a strong moral tale to the
audience and characters. Juliet s hate and resentment towards her parents became the spark that
later on caused the destructive death of Romeo, Juliet and Paris. Furthermore, the hate filled feud
between the Montagues and Capulets lead to the tragic death of Tybalt and Mercutio, causing a
great deal of destructiveness. Finally, the damage that both houses suffered at the end of the play
puts forward the strong moral of hate only destroys to the audience.
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Public Service Personal Statement
Growing up, my parents instilled the value of service in me. For this reason, I pursued a degree
in Education in order to serve my community with the best skillset. However, it was until serving
as an AmeriCorps member that I developed a more critical lens to what public service means.
Before my term of service, I thought serving was just a matter of showing up and completing a
task. While this is partially true, I learned that in order to maximize change, it is important to
involve who we are serving. At times, we focus more on quantity rather than quality and end up
doing a disservice to communities who need the most help. I want to serve with The Peace Corps to
facilitate change and to empower communities through education.
My summer abroad in Guatemala, showed me the challenges and implications that come with
teaching English as a Foreign Language. A specific challenge was to teach students who were
Kaqchikel dominant instead of Spanish dominant. The challenge to reach students culturally and
linguistically was a new experience I overcame by getting to know my students on a personal level.
After ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I identify as Latino, first generation immigrant, first generation college student, and bisexual.
Learning to navigate these identities was a difficult task, often times I faced rejection and
emotional instability. I encountered many challenges in my junior year of college, I considered
dropping out of college due to the emotional and financial burden I faced at the time. During this
time, I felt guilty for not supporting my parents financially, I worked more than twenty hours a
week while student teaching, and was learning to navigate what it means to be queer. Being
overworked and feeling guilty led me to a depression that was slowly taking the best of me. I
overcame my depression by seeking professional help, I started counseling to help me navigate my
issues and embrace my
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Job Performance As A Software Developer Myself
As a software developer myself, I found the story of SAS interesting, even more so now that I
have recently been placed in a management position at work. While looking at the factors that
have the strongest influence over work behaviours and looking at how I could apply those
factors to my team, I found the following with regards to SAS: Job Performance Job performance
refers to how successfully and employee meets the specifications set out in the job description 1
. Factors within the category of job performance that have an influence on job performance are
General mental abilities , organizational justice and interpersonal relations , stress , positive work
attitudes , and personality . 1 In order to delve into these factors more deeply within the
management framework and strategies that SAS used, I explored their website and found an
array of content outlining the kind of work they do, the kind of environment they create for their
employees, and many other details designed to attract candidates with strong general mental
abilities , and encourage them that they will be in an environment with reduced stress. The
following excerpt is taken from their careers page: If you have to spend an average of 54% of
your waking hours at work, why not do something meaningful and that you can be proud of? SAS
is making a difference in people s lives all around us. Our analytics software helps organizations
make the kinds of important decisions that drive change each and
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Mental Health Parity Case Study
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008
1.Identify the problem.
a.Identify the causes to which the problem is attributed.
Before 1996, health insurance companies were able to set their own arbitrary restrictions on how
much mental health coverage an insured individual receives. Often coverage for mental healthcare
and substance abuse treatment such as therapy sessions and hospital visits was severely restricted.
As a result, many people did not seek treatment for their mental health or substance abuse issues,
even if they were in desperate need of professional help (Foundations Recovery Network, 2016).
b.What are the values and beliefs that make the events of concern defined as a social problem?
All people in America should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Health plans have limited treatment of mental illnesses by covering fewer inpatient hospitalizations
and outpatient office visits, increasing cost sharing for mental health care by increasing deductibles
and copays, and imposing more stringent annual or lifetime dollar limits on mental health coverage
(Chamberlin, 2015). Even with the passing of The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
(MHPAEA), there is not a uniform consensus about the extent to which state government should
require coverage for mental health (NCSL, 2015). There is a major role for social workers to push
for a uniform consensus in how state government should require coverage for mental health.
h.Is the problem adequately addressed by present social welfare and programs? Is there more or
less which should be done?
The problem is not adequately addressed because there are still people who work for employers
that fall under an exception to the MHPAEA. Examples of these exceptions are Self insured non
Federal governmental plans that have 50 or fewer employees, self insured small private employers
that have 50 or fewer employees, group health plans and health insurance issuers that are exempt
from MHPAEA based on their increased cost, and large, self funded non Federal governmental
employers that opt out of the requirements of MHPAEA (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
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I Am The Way, And The Truth
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me John
14:6. This is the creed for Houston Baptist University. Growing up in a religious household and
strong church family, this is how I proceed in everyday life. I was taught that God is a guiding
light, something essential for a first year collegestudent with responsibilities and new beginnings.
This idealistic perception on life, its broad history and facts, clear components when attending the
school, and profound business program are just a few of the many reasons why Houston Baptist
Universityis such a remarkable school and great fit for me.
To begin, Houston Baptist University s history is one from humble beginnings and unyielding
faith. Beginning in, November 1960 with the aim of establishing a Christian liberal arts
university dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives and
the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals. The mission of HBU is to provide a learning
experience that instills in students a passion for academic, spiritual and professional excellence as
a result of the central confession (Overview, US News World Report). The Union Baptist
Association created a committee of individuals to locate a Baptist college in the Houston area. The
Education Commission supported the plan, which was then approved by the Baptist General
Convention of Texas. Around the year 1957, Frank Sharp, a local land developer, offered to sell
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Analysing the Financial Performance of Domestic Dog Homes
In this part of my report, I will explain in depth how these ratios are used to monitor the financial
state of Domestic Dogs Homes. I will also assess the company s performance generally.
Part 3: Analysing the financial performance of Domestic Dog Homes
Profitability ratios
Gross Profit Margin:
This ratio is used to assess a company s financial performance by revealing the money left over
from the revenues. Gross Profit Margin also serves as the source for paying additional expenses
and future savings.
According to Domestic Dog Homes profit and loss account, it has obtained a reasonably high
percentage of gross profit which means that the company is doing well and will be able to control
the costs of its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thus, this ratio helps a business to get rid of bad debts. According to the balance sheet of Domestic
Dog Homes, the debtors have 9 days to pay back to the company which is good as the business
would be able ton get its money back quicker and make the necessary changes to get rid of bad
Conclusion: Overall it seems that Domestic Dog Homes is financially in an unstable state as it is
either performing reasonably well in order to survive or it is not doing so well is particular areas,
e.g. current ratio and asset turnover.
Part 4: the advantages and limitations of using Ratios
There are several advantages and disadvantages of using ratios to assess and monitor the
financial state of Domestic Dog Homes and they are: The ratios forecast the future: They
indicate whether Domestic Dog Homes will be able to pay its debts and whether it will be able
to survive. For instance the current ratio gives the company an insight of whether it will have
enough money to pay back its debts and whether it will have to gain more money in order to
cover the costs of its expenses as well as its debts. However the disadvantage of this is that these
ratios focuses on specific areas of the company s financial state and does not look at the overall
performance hence it is the duty of Domestic Dog Homes to check whether it is progressing
overall. Strengths and weaknesses: The ratios also point out the strengths and weaknesses of a
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Chris Mathews Hardball Summary
From the rousing introduction, Chris Mathews Hardball presents itself as a godsend to young
aspiring politicians, businessmen, and frankly, everyone alike. Pompously self assured, Mathews
discusses his reasoning to sharing his wisdom collected from his own experience and other major
players in Hardball . However after finishing the book, his audacity could be forgiven by the
enjoyable nature of his work, the information it provides, and the uncanny resemblance to Benjamin
Franklin s writing style. In the first section of Mathews self proclaimed classic and political
manifesto, he presents the world of politics through a series of informative if not redundant phrases,
historical examples, and his own experience in Washington.... Show more content on
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If somehow the audience did not read the title of the chapter, do not despair. Mathews will
repeat the title or paraphrase it several times to justify its importance. Although this could be
construed as obnoxious, his work has merit. For instance, in Its not who you know; It s who you
get to know, the title and main theme of the first chapter is championed by President Johnson s
long career in Washington. Before and during his presidency, Johnson would go to extreme
lengths to learn everything about his opponents and wring every ounce of their weakness,
desires, and political agendas to his advantage. Although he was not mentioned in the following
chapter All Politics is Local Johnson realized when he moved NASA to Houston, Texas, that he
helped stimulate the local economy and provided new jobs, understanding the value of Texans
support in his political career. His predecessor, President John F. Kennedy and his family also
understood the value of local communities and would ask mayors, politicians and volunteers for
their help in the presidential election (pg. 68 69). According to Mathews, the willingness to ask
can be the greatest of all power plays, which allowed Kennedy to create a large network of
dedicated followers and nab the Presidential Election from a seasoned
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How Reading And Writing Has Affected My Life
Reading and writing is a significant component of life; in fact, an enormous amount of people
benefit from the ability to read and write. Books may either express a story or may enlighten a
person on a certain subject; just as, writing gives people the ability to express their feelings or
write a story for entertainment. Likewise, there are numberless ways reading and writingcan either
express feeling or generate hours of entertainment. Writing is a way I keep myself busy when I
have something on my mind. In addition, reading and writing has impacted my life by helping
to improve my speech, expanding my knowledge, allowing me read the letters I received from
my grandparents and write them back and providing countless hours of entertainment. First,
Reading has aided my speech since I was a young child. As a young child, I had issues
pronouncing words which made it difficult for people to understand what I was saying; therefore,
I was enrolled in speech therapy to help resolve the problem. In addition, a segment of my speech
therapy was reading books out loud. Subsequently, I learned that reading out loud forces me to slow
down when speaking and pronounce... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Reading those letters made me happy as a kid and without the ability to read I would not have
those memories. In addition the skill of writing provided me with a way to write my
grandparents back. Similarly, writing them back was a highlight of my childhood due to the
fact I got to talk to them. I still have the letters they sent and I will always have them, exposed to
reading and writing as a young child improved my vocabulary by a tremendous amount, while it
brought me closer to my grandparents. I improve my vocabulary every day by reading a book or
looking up the word of the day on a
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Modern Food During The Medieval Era
Food is an essential need in order to survive. Medieval food took a turn during the Middle Ages.
Different foods were put in groups to be consumed according to the social rank of individuals.
Noble s diets would be unquestionably different than the peasants. Religion also played a
significant role on foodduring the Medieval Times. People celebrated large banquets and feasts
during this Era. During the Medieval Era, there was a difference in food that was consumed by
the rich and poor. The diet of the rich and the poor was not considered healthy and balanced.
Rich individuals were called nobles or royalty. The quality of food that was ingested by the rich
and poor differed significantly. If you were considered royalty, ingredients such as spices, sweet
foods, and sugar was available to you. Upper and lower classes both ate three meals a day. The
upper class s food would be served from silverware and gold dishes. Here in the United States,
liquid food is generally eaten with spoons, but people during medieval times drank liquid food
from cups. Expensive spices such as pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and so on was put
in most of the food consumed by the Upper class. The nobles drank a variety of wines.
The poor were called peasants. Peasants had to eat food that came from the ground; these
vegetables consisted of cabbage, beets, onions, garlic, and carrots. Their diet was mainly bread,
pottage, and dairy products. Peasants consumed many carbohydrates daily. These
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Company Analysis And Competencies And Capabilities Of Your...
1.Industry Analysis and competencies and capabilities of your BT company
British Telecom, a holding company founded in 1969, is a major provider of telecommunication
services in the United Kingdom that operates around 170 nations globally. It is the UK s leader
higher value broadband Internet provider, located on London and New York Stock Exchange,
which itself consists mainly of four lines of business: BT Retail, BT Wholesale, BT Global
Services and BT Open world. By launching its own mobile network called BT Cellnet, the
company was the first mobile service in this country. It supplies telecommunication services to
government and corporate customers globally with operating more than 28 million UK telephone
lines. Nowadays, it is one of the most recognizable and powerful brands in the UK (Btplc.com,
Supply chain that is helpful in getting the right resources from suppliers and later deliver them to
customers in a timely manner. This long term positive impact is an additional value for BT Group
(Wikiwealth.com, 2016).
Asset Leverage permits BT Group to utilize their best operational assets in order to extend their
business and enhance their market share (Wikiwealth.com, 2016).
Online Presence is important for displaying information or selling different products. BT Company
does not have a good online presence, which results in lost opportunities (Wikiwealth.com, 2016).
Work Inefficiencies affect improper utilization of goods and services
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Causes Of The 1962 Rebellion Essay
The rebellion occurred on 8th December 1962 during the ruler of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa
adul Khairi Waddien. It involves the first nationalistic party in Brunei named Partai Rakyat Brunei
(PRB), which led by Sheikh A.M. Azahari and the rebellion led by their illegal armed forced, which
to be known as North Kalimantan National Army or Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU)
the commander, Jassin Affandy.. According to Harun Abdul Majid (2007, p.36), the revolt occurred
due to the issue whether or not Bruneito join Malaysia, which to be known as Malaysian Plan.
Furthermore, the 1959 constitution can also be the reason for the outbreak of the 1962 rebellion.
This is because Dayang Noralipah (2010, p.163) illustrated that Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB)
reflects the dissatisfaction towards the 1959 constitution. However, Harun Abdul Majid stated that
the 1962 rebellion was also because of the formation of Malaysia, but also due to another reasons
such as the ambitions of the Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB) that wanted to be independent and deport
the British colonist in Brunei. They also wanted to merge Borneoterritories, which involved
Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei to be part of Malaysia as well as aiming to make Brunei government
as a system of democracy. This essay will elaborate more further about the situation before and
after the rebellion in brief and will also discuss about the other causes that affected Brunei situation
that led to the 1692... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The wives and children at that time left with no husband, father and even their relatives. Most of
the rebels were arrested and remained in prison. Whereas in terms of political perspective, the
uprising of 1964 led to the devastation of the Partai Rakyat Brunei and its illegal armed forces,
Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU) and lost of their power towards Brunei s politics
(Zaini Ahmad, 2003,
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Sports Event Management Of The Participation Of People At...
Event Management
Sports event management is the management of the participation of people to an organized time
limited event. Events showcase to the public the image of a given sport and its teams hence it is
crucial that a favorable image during major events be portrayed. The importance of event
organizing is reflected in the move taken by many local authorities to appoint event officers in their
respective departments (Watt, 2003). Even in small local authoritative organization at least one
person will have event management as their job role, this is largely due to their relevance to sports
event management (Watt, 2003). Sports events are not just organized for all the obvious reasons,
they are sometimes held to feel the market, used by politicians for publicity, to set up market,
create public awareness and so on. It has also been used in the UK to encourage urban development
as money gets invested in the market where the event is held (Watt, 2003). A well thought sports
event is an incentive to organizers, participants, and owners of teams. In addition to this the venue,
funding, time table, selection of people, and evaluation of event also need to be decided upon
(Watt, 2003).
Market Management
Marketing is the field of management that promotes goods and services to consumers, the marketer
job is to market a product the customer wants by identifying customer needs. As product
desirability only remains till the customer deems it so, hence it is a challenge for
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Nazy Atrocities in the Movie Defiance
Defiance is not a typical holocaust movie, although there are scenes of Nazi atrocities, the story
is more about those Jews who escaped the German camps and fought back for their freedom. It
is based on a true story of the Bielski brothers, they led thousands of Jews to hide from the
Germans in the forests of Nazi occupied Belarus, and they managed to keep them alive for
several years. This movie is historically very accurate except for minor issues that happened in
the movie. The Bielski brothers were actually aggressive with each other to show power over the
rescued Jews, but what was not accurate that the film suggests Asael was much younger than the
other two, he was actually only two years younger than Tuvia, while Zus was four years younger.
In the film, Tuvia kills one of the police officers that killed his parents which was true but he did
not go into emotional distress because of it, he was sending a message that who would kill
Jewish people will be killed too and the fact he killed many others before this officer it did not
matter to him. What was also accurate, in Eastern Europe, the Nazis didn t immediately send
Jews to concentration camps, instead, they created walls around each city, where Jews were
forced to work as slaves, and kept in terror by frequent executions. Until the walls were destroyed,
the Bielskis had many plans to rescue the Jews and guide them to their camp in the forest. It was
daring from the brothers as they had a heave price for
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The Flag Of The United States
The flag of the United States is our national symbol and our most important symbol of all; it
symbolizes our nation s strength and pride. Due to its high values and symbolism, by 1932, forty
eight states had adopted the flag desecration laws to legally protect and restrict desecration of the
flag of the United States. However, these flag desecration laws only lasted until 1989, because in
1989, in the Texas v Johnson case, the United States Supreme Court recognized that flag
desecration as a form of symbolic political speech that is constitutionally protected by First
Amendment and agreed that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply
because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable ( ). In 1984, during the Republican
National Convention in Dallas Texas, a group of protesters gathered to stage a political
demonstration (). The protestors were protesting against the policies of the Reagan administration
and certain corporations based in Dallas. In the political demonstration, one of the demonstrator
named Gregory Lee Johnson set the flag of United States on fire in front of the Dallas City Hall;
while the flag is burning, the others demonstrators chanted their slogan. Afterward, Johnson was
arrested and charged with the desecration of a venerated object in violation of Texas law. Under
the Texas law, it is a Class A misdemeanor for anyone, who intentionally damage, deface, mutilate
or burn the U.S. flag or the Texas state flag ().
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The Battle Of Fort Wagner
The Battle of Fort Wagner consisted of two battles the second being the most deadly and the most
famous of the battles. There were several events and terrain features that cost the Union these
battles during the attempted siege of Fort Wagner. Even though the Battles were a complete loss
there s several things that came from the battles that had lasting impacts on the war and America.
The Union Army wanted to destroy Fort Sumter to allow the Union Navy access to Charleston
Harbor so they Navy could attack the city directly. Before the Union could wage an attack on Fort
Sumter they had to destroy Fort Wagner so they could gain control of the Fort bombard and destroy
Fort Sumter.
Fort Wagner was a Confederate Fort located on Morris Island ... Show more content on
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Putnam. In the battle of Fort Wagner Gillmore also worked closely with Rear Adm. John A.
Dahlgren s Federal fleet.
The first battle of Fort Wagner took place early morning on July 10th and 11th, 1863, where the
Union Army began with an amphibious assault from the south which drove all Confederate forces
back to Fort Wagner. During this battle the Union Army captured 150 Confederate soldiers. Some
historians speculate that Fort Wagner could have possibly been destroyed if Gillmore wouldn t
have rested that day of the 10th when he drove the Confederates back to the Fort. Because
Gillmore rested after the first battle it gave Taliaferro more time to reinforce the Fort for the
following day where the Confederate army repelled an attack against the 7th Connecticut infantry.
This mistake cost the Union army 330 men and the Confederate side only lost 12 men.
At 8:15am on July 18, 1863 the second battle of Fort Wagnercommenced. It was initiated by four
federal land batteries and the Federal Fleet that shelled from the sea using 11 ships to include the
USS New Ironsides, a veritable floating gun platform sheathed in iron. The Confederate soldiers
incased all 14 cannons in sandbags hoping they would last the unrelenting shelling of the Federal
Fleet, which hurled shells at the Fort weighing up to 400 pounds. The Confederate men retreated to
the belly of the Fort where they held out the shelling suffering zero casualties and amazingly
loosing few
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Uncanny In The Sandman
Sadono, Renee English 102: Dr. Rosemary Kwa Essay #2 October 8th, 2014 From Ordinary to
Uncanny: Involuntary Repetition and Doubling In studying Hoffman s, The Sandman , Freud
attempts to define and set parameters for the uncanny. It is commonly thought that the uncanny is
produced by something frightening or upsetting. Freud takes this idea one step further and says that
even seemingly ordinary or harmless situations can become uncanny if the right circumstances
exist. For instance, when a person suddenly takes notice of a recurring pattern in their life, they
might be inclined to believe the pattern is designed. Making that sort of connection can take a
recurrence from innocuous to creepy. Another concept Freud touches upon is the idea of... Show
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Neither experience is very strange on its own but, when the dark implications of each are
manifested in Miu s mind, they become uncanny. Freud postulated that this was the case with
involuntary repetition and this concept shed light on why Miu became upset when she suspected
Ferdinando was intentionally crossing her path and maybe even following her. Freud also argued
that doubling is a common and even ancient practice that people use to protect themselves against
some terrible fate. Miu may have done just that when she watched herself, as a separate person
entirely, engage in sexual activities with Ferdinando in her apartment while she was trapped on a
Ferris wheel. Applying Freud s ideas and arguments to Haruki Murakami s, Sputnik Sweetheart has
unraveled much of the mystery contained therein as it relates to the human experience of the
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Michael Porter s The Competitive Advantage Of The Inner City
The essay The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City by Michael Porter, addresses the crisis of
inner cities, in particular, the economic distress and how to fix it. Porter discusses the advantages
and disadvantages of the inner city, and how previous efforts to improve the conditions of the city
have failed. Many past efforts were guided by the desire to meet the needs of individuals but not
the cityas a whole, even programs that were aimed at economic development were ineffective
because they treated the inner city as an isolated island (317), separated from surrounding economy
which favored local small businessthat did not bring in outside business.
Michael Porter is a renowned economist and professor of Business Administration at the Harvard
Business School, author of 18 books and more than 125 articles with topics that range from industry
competition to economic development. Porter was born in Michigan and went on to study
aerospace and mechanical engineering in Princeton from where he graduated first in his class and
with high honors from both the prestigious societies Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi, which he was
also elected into. He is known as the c and is recognized worldwide for his take on competition and
company strategy, many say that his work has redefined the thought process related to competition
and economic development. Some of his most influential books include Competitive Strategy:
Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Competitive Advantage: Creating and
Sustaining Superior Performance and Redefining Health Care: Creating Value Based Competition
On Results.
In the essay, The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City, Porter explained the reason that
numerous past efforts failed to improve the economic conditions of the inner city were mainly
due to the increasing social investment in order to see growth in economic activity. However, in
order to create real change, we have to start with the notion that inner city businesses should not
only be profitable but also capable of exporting goods and services (317). Many would think that a
business in the inner city would not thrive because business prosperity depends on location,
however, it also varies on the way a
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Summary Of Toxic Charity By Robert Lupton
Robert Lupton (2011) clearly states his thesis in the opening line of his book; What Americans
avoid facing is that while we are very generous in charitable giving, much of that money is either
wasted or actually harms the people it is targeted to help (pg. 1). Wrapped in this sentence are
several themes that Lupton seeks to unpack throughout his work. He lays the foundation for the
need of charitable reform by providing examples and insight into instances where charitable giving
can harm where it intended to help. Then he goes on to provide numerous examples of charitable
giving that helps instead of harms its recipients. Throughout the book he contributes ways to turn
harmful giving into helpful giving. Lupton accounts his four decades... Show more content on
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Lupton proposes the idea of a Hippocratic Oath for the charity profession to adopt (pg. 8, 128).
This idea would move the scope of ideas about charity in the correct direction, while allowing
everyone to be on the same page. Two parts of his Oath for Compassionate Service are Never do
for the poor what they have (or could have) the capacity to do for themselves , and Above all, do
no harm (pg.128). This oath would promote the social work values of social justice and the dignity
and worth of a person by ensuring that organizations are coming alongside those that they are
serving (Code of Ethics National Association of Social Workers,
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Divergent Archetypes
Two literary works that have similar archetypal meanings are Veronica Roth s fictional story
Divergent and George Lucas s written film Star Wars. The plot of Divergent is based on a post
apocalyptic society and focuses on Tris (formally known as Beatrice) who explores her identity
within a society that defines its citizens by their social and personality. Star Warsis an epic space
opera. The Galactic Empire is nearing his achievement to ending the Death Star, a space station
with the power to destroy all planets. Emperor Palpatine plans to use this weapon to enforce his
control over the galaxy and destroy the Rebel Alliance. Near the orbit of a desert planet Tatooine, a
rebel ship escorts Princess Leia Organa, a member of the rebellion, who in fact aims to use stolen
Death Star plans to help the rebellion find a way to destroy the Death Star.
Though from distinctive dimensions, Star Wars and Divergent use color archetypes to help... Show
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Luke s living with his uncle and aunt on their farm working as droid repairer when he stumbles
upon a hidden message put into droid R2 D2. The message is addressed to Obi Wan Kenobi, and
Luke connects it to Ben Kenobi; a very private person within the community. During the night,
R2 D2 slips away, to finding Obi Wan and Luke sets out in search of the droid the next morning,
taking C 3PO with him. Following the droids trail, Luke is soon attacked by sandpeople for
trespassing their domain. Obi Wan saves an unconscious Luke and takes him to his humble
shelter to care for Luke until he awakes. Luke finds out about jedi knights as well as his deceased
father and his role with the jedi knights. In message princess Leia begs him to take the Death Star
plans to her home planet Alderaan and give them to her father for analysis. Obi Wan invites Luke
to accompany him to Alderaan and learn the ways of the
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The Use Of Anticoagulant Therapy And Its Effects On The...
Epistaxis is defined as the occurrence of haemorrhage from the nose, which is relatively common
and does not always need professional medical attention. However, prolonged or repeated events of
nosebleeds, also known as recurrent idiopathic epistaxis may indicate certain bleeding disorders or
potential adverse effects from the use of anticoagulant therapy. Warfarin (Coumadin) is a common
anticoagulant that affects clotting factors that are produced in the liver. It is often administered
after an myocardial infarction in order to prevent thrombosis and thromboemobolism which could
lead to the development of a stroke, most of which are ischemic in origin. Despite its effectiveness,
warfarin has been implicated in 50 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His laboratory tests showed an abnormal coagulation profile, which is perhaps attributed to his
daily medication regime. Prothrombin time(PT) was significantly prolonged, whereas partial
thromoboplastin time(PTT) was only mildly prolonged. The tests also revealed a lower than
normal haematocrit, that being a direct result of prolonged bleeding. Also, his stool sample was
tested positive for blood.
Homeostasis of Hemostasis
Blood coagulation is the process whereby a blood clot (thrombus) is formed. The formation of a
thrombus represents the second stage of hemostasis, following vasoconstriction and platelet
aggregation at the site of injury. The clotting process is very complex and its role is to maintain
vascular integrity and to induce rapid clot formation after a vascular injury. It is vital to be able to
regulate the production of thrombin, in order to prevent thrombosis, as well as maintaining normal
blood circulation.
As shown by figure 1, the coagulation cascade is a protein based system which is initiated through
the activation of two separate pathways designated extrinsic and intrinsic. These two pathways
proceed through the common pathway of coagulation until fibrin is formed. The extrinsic pathway
is generally the first pathway to be activated, and it is stimulated by tissue factor thromboplastin
coming into direct contact with factor VII. Factor VII is
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Thomas Jefferson Pirates Chapter Summaries
Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates is about the US Tripoli War of 1801 1805 that took place
during Jefferson s presidency. The book starts off with the newly independent United States facing
the difficulties of all the states that operated in the Mediterranean faced, which was the risk of trade
disruptions and capture by the Barbary States. The first four chapters talk about the efforts and
struggles the United Statesfaced when dealing with Barbary during the 1780s and 1790s before
war actually breaks out in chapter five.
For years and years the leaders of Tripoli which is located in the Middle East had been taking over
merchant ships from either the Americans or the or the Europeans. The Tripoli pirates would take
over ships and sell ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Crews from the ships would be held captive and tortured for years and months on end. The United
States tried their hardest to keep the peace in line but nothing was working. So the United States
army set off on the USS George Washington to Algerines and Tripoli to settle things. A man by the
name of Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated as president in the year of 1801 and not long after he
would send warships to Tripoli and confront the pirates face to face for their doings. This caused
a blockade so no pirates would be able to attack the merchant ships. What this action would do
was not what Jefferson thought would happen but as an outcome an all out war broke loose
between Jefferson s army and the Tripoli pirates and their allies. The war would go on and on
off the coast. The blockade only held for so long. Finally the pirates would make their way
through and ships started to come up on shore. The USS Philadelphia hit shore in Tripoli s harbor
and the pirates captured it. A young navy member then snuck onto the ship and set it on fire
during an enemy gun fire, destroying any goods the pirates could get their hands on or even stop
them from rebuilding the ship and turning it against the United States Navy. The war would
continue for a while until finally peace agreements were made and the U.S Navy fled the scene.
This whole action by Jefferson showed braveness in not only him but the U.S Navy to
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City Symphony Orchestra
Case: City Symphony Orchestra
The City Symphony Orchestra is a branch of the Center for Performing Arts. It performs regular
concerts throughout the year and has been reasonably profitable in the past. However, in recent
years, concert attendance has been declining and the Orchestra is looking for ways to boost
The traditional customers of the Orchestra have been the older and more affluent segment of the
population that live in the suburbs. The recent boom in the high tech sector, however, has created
an affluent population that is younger and has different musical tastes. This younger affluent group
prefers to live in the city rather than commute from the suburbs. Older people concerned about
crime in the downtown ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since this is a new direction with no prior sales history, the director of the
Orchestra, Sarah Bernhardt, is concerned about the certainty of ticket sales. She has asked the
box office manager to provide some sense of how sure he is that 141,000 tickets can be sold. She
wanted to know the range of ticket sales so she could assess the risk the
Orchestra faces. The box office manager has provided the following additional information. CITY
Table 1
City Symphony Proposed Season
Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night
Beethoven Brahms $35 30 30,000 25,000
Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500
Contemporary Pop 20 30 66,000 30,000
Total 90 141,000
Total Fixed Costs $1,000,000
Table 2
City Symphony Range of Sales for Current Mix*
Ticket Sales Probability of sales
100,000 15.00%
120,000 30.00%
140000 40.00%
160,000 15.00%
Table 3
City Symphony Alternate Proposal
Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night
Beethoven Brahms $35 20 20,000 25,000
Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500
Contemporary Pop 20 40 88,000 30,000
Total 90 153,000
*The probability distributions in Tables 2 and 4 represent a simplification. In a real situation, we
would compute the probability distribution of sales for each type of concert and the sum of the
expected sales for each concert would be the
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Complex Taxes Essay
Complexed Taxes The federal income tax in the United States of America is consider to be one of
the most pressing issues, narrated by it complication. The Sixteenth Amendment ratified to the U.S.
Constitution in 1913, established the federal income tax. The system imposes a tax on wages and
salaries earned whether from self employment income, alimony, prizes, capital gains, dividends, and
interest. So, all incomes are not taxable, and there are differences in between adjusted gross
income, and taxable income. While, many overlook that there are distinction between a person s
marginal taxrate and effective tax. The U.S. federal income taxsystem applies increasing marginal
tax rates on income. Therefore, the tax rate changes depending... Show more content on
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In certain cases within the six thousand paged, U.S. federal tax code, there are cases that
regressive taxes occur. The function of each system has it s own agenda and purpose that could
be use to affect the economy or the political arena, therefore the importance of citizens
understanding candidates position on these systems is imperative to their family s finances
(Mertens Ravn, 2013). Total income defines itself as the income that individual or couple receives
through all sources, such as self employment income, alimony, prizes, capital gains, dividends, and
interest. However, all incomes are not taxable, and there are differences in between adjusted gross
income, and taxable income. Adjusted gross income (AGI) covers specific out of pocket expenses,
and they are subtracted from the tax filer total income. The taxable income is understood to be AGI
with less deduction and exemption. The standard deduction is a fixed amount that can not be taxed
which could change yearly. The standard deduction for the year 2009 was five thousand seven
hundred for singles and eleven thousand four hundred for couples. If the standard is less than the
itemized deductions then the itemized total is deducted. While, many overlook that there are
distinction between a person s marginal tax rate and effective tax. The U.S. federal income tax
system applies
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Immanuel Kant Definition Of Business Ethics
Part A: Introduction
There are several ways to define ethics. Ethic is a set of principles of right and wrong behavior
guiding. Ethical person will behave in accordance with sound moral principles based on fairness,
justice and trust (Wiley, 1995). The purpose of ethic is to provide an environment that allows
people to live a more structured, happy life than would exist without ethics (Warnock, 1971).
Business ethic is examination of variety of problems that can arise from business environment and
how employees, management and corporation deal with them such as fiduciary duty, insider
trading, bribery, discrimination. In other word, ethic of business is about making the right, moral,
ethical business decision. Society has subsequently ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In an empirical study, there are some other possible causes of productivity differences have been
recognized such as differences in educational quantity and quality, family size, household headed by
woman and other culturally and historical factors will vary attitudes toward work and future
orientation. Thus, these differences may be the result of discrimination in their life especially
female labour and disability labour. Moreover, it violates one formulation of Immanuel Kant s
categorical imperatives that equals should be treated equally . Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) and Age Discrimination in Employment Act had form to prevent any
discrimination act. Thus, this is unethical and unlawful if a corporate is practicing discrimination
behavior in corporate culture due to its inappropriate practices, conduct, values, norms and violation
of human right and interest.
Next, child labour is widespread in developing countries. According to International Labour
Organization (ILO), at least 211 million children were working around the world and mostly in
developing countries, with over 8 million engage in hazardous and exploitative forms of child
labour in year 2001. Child labour is those below the legal working age or supposed to be in school.
Thus, a child s working reduces his or her
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Homeschooling Is Bad
Why Homeschooling is Not Doing Children Justice
Homeschooling is an option for your child if you do not want them in public or private schooling.
Today s society of parents will make that choice for the child, wither the child wants to or not. Many
parents think that public schools are not educating their child enough so they resort to
homeschooling. This would mean devoting your time as a parent by helping support them in
learning and to make sure they will succeed with their education.
The problem today is that many parents will work with their child for about a month and all of a
sudden have no more time to educate them. In the beginning it is your family s motivation and you
want to make them proud, so you try your hardest. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Labs are mostly for the science classes, but most kids enjoy them, and it also helps make learning
fun. Homeschooling you hardly have any tests, but in public or private school you have a test at
least once a month. Tests help the teacher know if the students understand the concept of if they
still need more time to understand what it is. Homeschooling is not broken up into semesters or
even quarters; the child works at his pace. This could
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How Does Crime And Punishment Relate To Salvation
Redemption: Salvation through Suffering
Jesus once stated, The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a
ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). In other words, one must endure suffering in order to
achieve redemption. Like all of us, The Son of Man, Jesus, was put on planet Earth with a
purpose of life. His destiny was not to follow with others, but rather to serve as a trailblazer, and
lead a path to salvation. Along this path, he spread his wisdom and values to his disciples in hopes
to exhibit goodness and purity. Sacrificing his own life proved his immense selflessness, which
inspired decades of generations.
In the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov s name is derived from raskol, which translates to
schism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This guilt causes mental issues, leading him to be haunted by day dreams. He dreams of
himself, in some sort of oasis... the palms stood all round in a complete circle... he was drinking
water... it was so cool, it was wonderful, wonderful, blue, cold water (56). Most commonly, a
desert is described as dry, desolate, and lifeless. Dostoyevsky illustrates a lush oasis in the middle
of a desert to represent salvation. Raskolnikov drinking the blue, cold, wonderful water
symbolizes his inner desire for his soul to be cleansed. The fact that he is dreaming about it, proves
that he longs for salvation in his everyday
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Property Dualism
Dualism is generally defined as the division of a concept into two contrasting aspects. Dualism
addresses the mind body problem by claiming that the body and mind are separate. Various
alternatives to the dualist theory propose the mind and body is connected, materialism everything
is physical. Nevertheless, dualists agree, that the essential essence nature of conscious intelligence
resides in something nonphysical, in something forever beyond the scope of science (7,
Churchland). This nonphysical realm of the mindis considered to have a causal systematic
connection with the body, driving a person to act with purpose. This connection, between the
physical and nonphysical, is supposed to be what makes your body you and not someone else.
Dualists try to offer an explanation behind the connection and separation of the mind and body by
using senses and experiences to characterize conscious intelligence.... Show more content on
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Substance dualism theorizes that the mind is divided into two substances, one that is a physical
substance(body) and one that is a nonphysical substance(mind). This nonphysical substance, the
immortal soul, is seen as a part of you separate from your body, a part that could possibly live on
past your body s physical degradation. Property dualism is slightly different in the sense that it
attributes the physical brain as having a set of non physical properties, rather than a substance.
This theory works to narrow the gap in empirical evidence by no longer claiming some mystical
substance that lives on forever, but still attempts to account for the part of our minds we have yet
to understand. As a property, this theory can then be regarded as a concept that cannot be reduced
to the physical or explained by science, a science of mental
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Short Story Of Charlie s Life
By the time Charlie woke a few hours later, she felt much better. With a yawn, she stretched,
opening her eyes. There in the chair, closest to her feet was the president looking much like she d
felt before her nap, paperwork spread out on the low table in front of them.
Charlotte, he greeted, his voice low and raspy as he made a few final marks on the paper in front of
Licking her lips, Charlie sat up, keeping her blanket pulled up around her. How long have I been
A few hours, he replied leaning back in his chair, raking a hand through his already wild hair,
causing Charlie to smile and glance down at her hands. Are you feeling better? he asked.
I do actually, she replied with a frown, taking stock of her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
There you are! he said glaring at Bass.
It is my office, Bass answered as he bent down to gather his papers, moving towards his desk.
Not you! Miles bitched, Her! he said pointing in Charlie s direction. She s been missing for a
while now and Maggie s about to have my head on a platter if she isn t returned to her rooms
immediately. I should have known that I d find her here with you, he frown taking in her
nightclothes and blanket.
Charlie s mouth fell open at the insinuation as Bass looked in Miles direction blandly. If you think
either of us are in any condition to do anything, I have a republic you can run.
Him? Touch me? Charlie asked in outrage as she stomped towards Miles and the door. I wouldn t
let him touch me! she hissed, shoving past him, continuing towards the stairs, biting back a smile as
Miles stammered an apology out behind her.
As Ben s obligations working with Rachel grew and Maggie became interested in the workings at
the City hospital, the siblings were left on their own more and more often resulting in one two
many games of roughhouse, causing Bass to order Jeremy to take the boys anywhere other than
the hall. Sign them up for the militia, send them to the academy, I don t care just get them out of
my hair! he had shouted only to receive a loud snort in response from Charlie.
Ignoring her, he stomped back into
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Bioethical And Political Issues Essay
Identifying Bioethical and Political Issues
Scenario 1: You are the healthcare administrator of a nursing home. You are informed by your
Admissions Director that a new memory impaired resident has been admitted into your long term
care unit. The staff is concerned about the involvement of family with your resident. Family
members from out of town arrived and expressed concern about your resident s do not resuscitate
(DNR) orders which were authorized by the Power of Attorney of another family member. A
quarrel erupts in the nursing home with family members voicing their opinions loudly. You arrive
on the scene and are immediately told by the visiting family member, Do you know who I am? I
am a supervisor for the Department of Health and Human Services and will not hesitate to have
your facility surveyed for noncompliance. What do you do?
Any situation that erupts which can disturb the other residents is something that must be diffused
immediately, as a healthcare administrator I would have to address this state of affairs with
empathy and genuine concern for the opinions of the family members not in agreement with the
do not resuscitate (DNR) order. First, I would ask that we move to a private location where we
could speak and if voices are elevated it would not interfere with the day to day operation of the
nursing home. Second, I would ask to see the Power of Attorney if it is available to speak to the
legality of the document. Provided that, all the previous terms set in place are up to par, I would
directly talk about the statement made about the family member making me aware of her position
with the Department of Health and Human Services. Moreover, going through the document to
point out the date signed, to make note if the new resident signed it before here memory was too
far gone and if the Power of Attorney would not be substantial. Then I d call attention to the
difference between a Power of Attorney and Durable Power of Attorney. Grammarly states, The
biggest difference is in when the power ends. A general power of attorney ends when a person
becomes mentally incapable because of sickness or injury to handle his or her own affairs... To get
a durable power of attorney, you must show in the
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A Report On The Industrial Segment
Being one of the largest companies in the world, one could assume 3M would be a lot to manage.
Organization is a key for the company. They are broken into 5 different segments: Industrial,
Safety and Graphics, Health Care; Electronics and Energy, and Consumer (See Appendix 2 for
Organic Growth Revenue of each Segment). This organization is a huge help for 3Mto know who
the base target audience of each segment is, meaning they always know a general audience for
each 5 segments. The industrial segment is made up of anything from automobile parts to industrial
tapes. One specific company that makes industrial tapes is a huge part of the 3M company. This
company is Scotch Tape. This is a great example of a way 3M has a company help them market a
product as well as both companies. Appendix 3 shows a great example of a Scotch Tape
advertisement that also benefits 3M. Even though the companies are technically connected, it is a
great way to market them as individual companies almost which brings focus not only to Scotch but
to 3M as a whole. This strategy can have satisfied customers know that 3M made the Scotch brand
product, and make them trust the 3M brand and want to buy more products from them. marketing
for the product. 3M has many companies they can do this with, and have proven that it is a great
marketing strategy for them. The next segment is the safety and graphics section. This segment
primarily makes items that are not relevant to any consumers, and are rather aimed
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A Good Candidate For A Total Knee Replacement
There are several factors that go into considering if you may be a good candidate for a Total Knee
Replacement. One of the most common causes could be due to all forms of arthritis; such as
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even post traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most
common reason for needing a Total KneeReplacement. Arthritis can severely damage an
individual s knee, causing massive pain. However, the first approach is trying the nonsurgical
treatments first. Medications and even using walking supports are usually the first approach
before considering surgery. When these methods fail to work the very next step is for surgery.
Total Knee Replacements are the most successful procedures in all of medicine, accounting for
600,000 knee replacements each year in the US. The knee is the largest joint in the body, which is
why it s very important to have healthy knees in order to get around to perform daily activities. The
knee consist of the lower femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the patella. The ends of the three
bones touch, which is covered with articular cartilage, this is a smooth substances that protects the
bones and enables them to move smoothly. Also, located between the femur and tibia are the
menisci. The menisci are C shaped wedges that act as shock absorbers this provides cushion for
the joint as well. Then, the large ligaments also play a role as well, they hold the femur and tibia
together to provide stability. The long
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Life Of Pi Internal Conflict
2. One of the main conflicts of the Life of Pi is that between Pi and himself. For 227 days, Pi
was at sea with thoughts to himself thinking of how he was alone and orphaned, in the middle of
the Pacific (Martel 107). Being by yourself in the ocean with no idea of if you are going to
survive can lead to negative thoughts. Especially since Pi could only rely on himself. While he
did have Richard Parker, he couldn t talk to Richard and expect a reply. His conversations were
too himself and he had to remain sane through this internal conflict. Along with this, he has a
conflict with himself and his lack of knowledge on how to survive at sea. Pi had many questions on
his survival like What would I eat? What would I drink? How would I keep the sharks away? How
would I keep warm? How would I know which way to go? (Martel 147). The answers to all of his
questions were things... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite Pi s internal conflict with himself, Pi experiences a great conflict with Richard Parker,
depending on how the reader interprets the book. It is one of the most obvious conflicts of the Life
of Pi and is resolved when Pi and Richard Parker reach land. Upon reaching land, Richard Parker
simply leaves, much to Pi s disappointment. The event is highly unceremonious and Pi says he
was certain he would turn my way. He would look at me. He would flatten his ears...In some
such way, he would conclude our relationship. He did nothing of that sort (Martel 284). It was a
resolution that went out in a whimper in both Pi s opinion, as well as my own. While Pi is
displeased with this heart wrenching conclusion, I am satisfied with it. I do wish that Richard
Parker did have that one final look at Pi, but I think this simple conclusion brings out a certain
emotion in Pi, along with the reader, that would not occur had there been an extravagant ending.
This conclusion brought me an immense sadness and longing, almost as if I were Pi in the
situation, and I think writing of that power is
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Politicians Need to Listen to the People and Legalized...
While the majority of American citizens believe that the drug policies in this country need to be
changed, the politicians of America refuse to recognize the necessity for change. The war on drugs
has clearly been lost and while Americans are for the most part ready to admit this defeat, their
elected leaders are unfortunately unwilling to do so. This difference of opinions, more so than with
any other political issue, marks politician s greatest inconsistency with the desires of the people.
The technology being analyzed here is the laws humans, particularly American politicians, have
created that make the possession and use of marijuanaillegal. These laws are in many ways quite
detrimental to society and the objective of this paper is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this system, a Schedule 1 drug has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
in treatment in the United States, and lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision.
Despite the potentially positive effects that marijuana can have on terminally ill patients, the drug
has been placed under this Schedule 1 classification. Also placed under Schedule 1 are some of the
most dangerous drugs on the streets.
The placement of marijuana among the other drugs as Schedule 1 is absolutely outrageous
because there is no evidence that labels marijuana as having any of the described qualities. This
inappropriate classification is a perfect example of the lack of understanding the government has of
the potentially useful drug. This ignorance, paired with the stubborn ways of the majority of
America s politicians, leads to the absence of progress within the country s drug policies.
The effects the laws have on America s economy and prisons are other detrimental aspects of the
laws prohibiting marijuana possession and use. Not only does enforcing marijuana prohibition cost
taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually, it also results in the arrest of more than 734,000
individuals every year. This figure is much greater than the total number arrested for all violent
crimes combined, including: murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. This
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The Weary Blues Poem Explication
The Weary Blues Poem Explication Langston Hughes, a black poet, proved one of the most
influential poets of the Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of African American literature, art, and
culture during the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, writers of the Renaissance focused heavily on
issues of black identity and struggles faced by African Americans, both economically and socially,
as they struggled with the legacy of the Civil War and omnipresent discrimination. Hughes was no
exception, and his body of work explored the issue of the black experience. His poem The Weary
Blues falls squarely within this literary theme; in it, the black musician portrayed represents the
struggles faced by black Americans, and Hughes clearly communicates that... Show more content on
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He notes that the scene of the poem occurs at night, by the pale dull pallor of an old gas light (5).
It is most likely dark outside, and one can t see very well due to the lack of modern, up to date
streetlights, communicating the run down nature of the neighborhood and creating a gloomy
mood due to the lack of light on the street. The very fact that the musician is playing out on the
street indicates that he is most likely down on his luck. Next, Hughes repeats the line, He did a
lazy sway... /He did a lazy sway... (6 7). This repetition, and the drawn out ellipses after the lines
themselves, emphasizes the fact that the night is slow and without energy. Hughes continues on,
emphasizing the blackness of the musician by juxtaposing the musician s skin color with the keys
of the piano, noting the movement of his ebony hands on each ivory key (9). Although the setting
of the poem and the content of the blues song would normally create a downbeat mood, this
expectation contrasts with the speaker s frequent apostrophes to the blues, such as O Blues! (11)
and Sweet Blues! (14), which make it clear that the speaker is overcome with admiration and is
struck by the nature of the song, emphasizing the contrasting nature of blues songs in general.
Despite this contrast, however, the mood and setting created in the first stanza set the scene for the
musician s revelation in the second stanza. The musician s song relies on colloquial diction, using
black vernacular language, exemplified when he sings Ain t got nobody but myself./I s gwine to
quit ma frownin (20 21), further emphasizing the musician s
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The Creation Of A Creation Story
A creation story is a supernatural story or explanation that describes the beginnings of humanity,
earth, life, and the universe. Religion plays a significant role in the establishment of Creation for
both the Native Americans and the Puritans. The people known collectively as the Iroquois were
made up of the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga nations. (Cusick 21) The Iroquois
creation mythexists in some twenty five versions. (Cusick 22). However, there was no concrete
indication from a Native American that coincides with the Iroquois s belief as of how and when
the creation of the world began until David Cusick, transcribed and translated an Iroquois
cosmogonic myth in the nineteenth century. David Cusick became the first Native American to
record on Atotarho. Grounded in nature the Iroquois religion portrays the natural foundations of
the world and continue to believe that all things/people should live in harmony. The Iroquois
believes that The Great Spirit would indirectly guide the lives of ordinary people and opposed
that The Great Spirit and other forces of good were Evil Spirit and other lesser spirits responsible
for disease and other misfortune. Corn, beans, and squash were referred to as the three sisters and
thought of as deities or spiritual beings. The Iroquois believed that ordinary humans could not
communicate directly with Great Spirit but could do so indirectly by burning tobacco, which
carried their prayers to the lesser spirits
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Beat Detective Narrative
Beat Detective was used to ensure that the drums were in time with the click track. Elastic audio
was used on the bass and guitars, although later in the process the producer felt that the guitars
and bass were still not entirely in time with the drums, therefore the author nudged any bars that
where visibly out of time with the grid in ProTools in time. This process was time consuming,
although it made a real difference to the tracks. The vocals were about a quarter note out of time
on I Hear I Forget , so the author nudged them in time too. The producer then went through each of
the vocalist s phrases and clip gained the words that were not clearly audible amongst the mix. For
held notes, volume automation was used to keep the tails of audio audible in the song.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This left the Subkick and M88 for the author to work with. The kick was gated and then
compressed, so the compressor did not reduce the transient peaks that the gate would detect. The
kick had 4dB of compression because it was quite inconsistent in terms of dynamics. After this
was applied, throughout the song the kick had a tendency to poke out here and there. The author
used a limiter to correct this problem and to reduce the kicks dynamic range even further. The
author made a boost of 4.5dB to 70Hz to provide the kick with more thud. The M88 picked up the
kicks beater very well and the author did not need to find that punchy frequency through EQ. In
order to separate the bass and the kick drum, the author added a second EQ and found each tracks
most prominent low end frequency, then notched them out of the each others
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  • 10. I Am The Way, And The Truth I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me John 14:6. This is the creed for Houston Baptist University. Growing up in a religious household and strong church family, this is how I proceed in everyday life. I was taught that God is a guiding light, something essential for a first year collegestudent with responsibilities and new beginnings. This idealistic perception on life, its broad history and facts, clear components when attending the school, and profound business program are just a few of the many reasons why Houston Baptist Universityis such a remarkable school and great fit for me. To begin, Houston Baptist University s history is one from humble beginnings and unyielding faith. Beginning in, November 1960 with the aim of establishing a Christian liberal arts university dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals. The mission of HBU is to provide a learning experience that instills in students a passion for academic, spiritual and professional excellence as a result of the central confession (Overview, US News World Report). The Union Baptist Association created a committee of individuals to locate a Baptist college in the Houston area. The Education Commission supported the plan, which was then approved by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Around the year 1957, Frank Sharp, a local land developer, offered to sell three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Analysing the Financial Performance of Domestic Dog Homes In this part of my report, I will explain in depth how these ratios are used to monitor the financial state of Domestic Dogs Homes. I will also assess the company s performance generally. Part 3: Analysing the financial performance of Domestic Dog Homes Profitability ratios Gross Profit Margin: This ratio is used to assess a company s financial performance by revealing the money left over from the revenues. Gross Profit Margin also serves as the source for paying additional expenses and future savings. According to Domestic Dog Homes profit and loss account, it has obtained a reasonably high percentage of gross profit which means that the company is doing well and will be able to control the costs of its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, this ratio helps a business to get rid of bad debts. According to the balance sheet of Domestic Dog Homes, the debtors have 9 days to pay back to the company which is good as the business would be able ton get its money back quicker and make the necessary changes to get rid of bad debts. Conclusion: Overall it seems that Domestic Dog Homes is financially in an unstable state as it is either performing reasonably well in order to survive or it is not doing so well is particular areas, e.g. current ratio and asset turnover. Part 4: the advantages and limitations of using Ratios There are several advantages and disadvantages of using ratios to assess and monitor the financial state of Domestic Dog Homes and they are: The ratios forecast the future: They indicate whether Domestic Dog Homes will be able to pay its debts and whether it will be able to survive. For instance the current ratio gives the company an insight of whether it will have enough money to pay back its debts and whether it will have to gain more money in order to cover the costs of its expenses as well as its debts. However the disadvantage of this is that these ratios focuses on specific areas of the company s financial state and does not look at the overall performance hence it is the duty of Domestic Dog Homes to check whether it is progressing overall. Strengths and weaknesses: The ratios also point out the strengths and weaknesses of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Chris Mathews Hardball Summary From the rousing introduction, Chris Mathews Hardball presents itself as a godsend to young aspiring politicians, businessmen, and frankly, everyone alike. Pompously self assured, Mathews discusses his reasoning to sharing his wisdom collected from his own experience and other major players in Hardball . However after finishing the book, his audacity could be forgiven by the enjoyable nature of his work, the information it provides, and the uncanny resemblance to Benjamin Franklin s writing style. In the first section of Mathews self proclaimed classic and political manifesto, he presents the world of politics through a series of informative if not redundant phrases, historical examples, and his own experience in Washington.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If somehow the audience did not read the title of the chapter, do not despair. Mathews will repeat the title or paraphrase it several times to justify its importance. Although this could be construed as obnoxious, his work has merit. For instance, in Its not who you know; It s who you get to know, the title and main theme of the first chapter is championed by President Johnson s long career in Washington. Before and during his presidency, Johnson would go to extreme lengths to learn everything about his opponents and wring every ounce of their weakness, desires, and political agendas to his advantage. Although he was not mentioned in the following chapter All Politics is Local Johnson realized when he moved NASA to Houston, Texas, that he helped stimulate the local economy and provided new jobs, understanding the value of Texans support in his political career. His predecessor, President John F. Kennedy and his family also understood the value of local communities and would ask mayors, politicians and volunteers for their help in the presidential election (pg. 68 69). According to Mathews, the willingness to ask can be the greatest of all power plays, which allowed Kennedy to create a large network of dedicated followers and nab the Presidential Election from a seasoned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. How Reading And Writing Has Affected My Life Reading and writing is a significant component of life; in fact, an enormous amount of people benefit from the ability to read and write. Books may either express a story or may enlighten a person on a certain subject; just as, writing gives people the ability to express their feelings or write a story for entertainment. Likewise, there are numberless ways reading and writingcan either express feeling or generate hours of entertainment. Writing is a way I keep myself busy when I have something on my mind. In addition, reading and writing has impacted my life by helping to improve my speech, expanding my knowledge, allowing me read the letters I received from my grandparents and write them back and providing countless hours of entertainment. First, Reading has aided my speech since I was a young child. As a young child, I had issues pronouncing words which made it difficult for people to understand what I was saying; therefore, I was enrolled in speech therapy to help resolve the problem. In addition, a segment of my speech therapy was reading books out loud. Subsequently, I learned that reading out loud forces me to slow down when speaking and pronounce... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Reading those letters made me happy as a kid and without the ability to read I would not have those memories. In addition the skill of writing provided me with a way to write my grandparents back. Similarly, writing them back was a highlight of my childhood due to the fact I got to talk to them. I still have the letters they sent and I will always have them, exposed to reading and writing as a young child improved my vocabulary by a tremendous amount, while it brought me closer to my grandparents. I improve my vocabulary every day by reading a book or looking up the word of the day on a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Modern Food During The Medieval Era Food is an essential need in order to survive. Medieval food took a turn during the Middle Ages. Different foods were put in groups to be consumed according to the social rank of individuals. Noble s diets would be unquestionably different than the peasants. Religion also played a significant role on foodduring the Medieval Times. People celebrated large banquets and feasts during this Era. During the Medieval Era, there was a difference in food that was consumed by the rich and poor. The diet of the rich and the poor was not considered healthy and balanced. Rich individuals were called nobles or royalty. The quality of food that was ingested by the rich and poor differed significantly. If you were considered royalty, ingredients such as spices, sweet foods, and sugar was available to you. Upper and lower classes both ate three meals a day. The upper class s food would be served from silverware and gold dishes. Here in the United States, liquid food is generally eaten with spoons, but people during medieval times drank liquid food from cups. Expensive spices such as pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and so on was put in most of the food consumed by the Upper class. The nobles drank a variety of wines. The poor were called peasants. Peasants had to eat food that came from the ground; these vegetables consisted of cabbage, beets, onions, garlic, and carrots. Their diet was mainly bread, pottage, and dairy products. Peasants consumed many carbohydrates daily. These ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Company Analysis And Competencies And Capabilities Of Your... 1.Industry Analysis and competencies and capabilities of your BT company British Telecom, a holding company founded in 1969, is a major provider of telecommunication services in the United Kingdom that operates around 170 nations globally. It is the UK s leader higher value broadband Internet provider, located on London and New York Stock Exchange, which itself consists mainly of four lines of business: BT Retail, BT Wholesale, BT Global Services and BT Open world. By launching its own mobile network called BT Cellnet, the company was the first mobile service in this country. It supplies telecommunication services to government and corporate customers globally with operating more than 28 million UK telephone lines. Nowadays, it is one of the most recognizable and powerful brands in the UK (Btplc.com, 2016). Strengths: Supply chain that is helpful in getting the right resources from suppliers and later deliver them to customers in a timely manner. This long term positive impact is an additional value for BT Group (Wikiwealth.com, 2016). Asset Leverage permits BT Group to utilize their best operational assets in order to extend their business and enhance their market share (Wikiwealth.com, 2016). Weaknesses: Online Presence is important for displaying information or selling different products. BT Company does not have a good online presence, which results in lost opportunities (Wikiwealth.com, 2016). Work Inefficiencies affect improper utilization of goods and services ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Causes Of The 1962 Rebellion Essay The rebellion occurred on 8th December 1962 during the ruler of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa adul Khairi Waddien. It involves the first nationalistic party in Brunei named Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB), which led by Sheikh A.M. Azahari and the rebellion led by their illegal armed forced, which to be known as North Kalimantan National Army or Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU) the commander, Jassin Affandy.. According to Harun Abdul Majid (2007, p.36), the revolt occurred due to the issue whether or not Bruneito join Malaysia, which to be known as Malaysian Plan. Furthermore, the 1959 constitution can also be the reason for the outbreak of the 1962 rebellion. This is because Dayang Noralipah (2010, p.163) illustrated that Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB) reflects the dissatisfaction towards the 1959 constitution. However, Harun Abdul Majid stated that the 1962 rebellion was also because of the formation of Malaysia, but also due to another reasons such as the ambitions of the Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB) that wanted to be independent and deport the British colonist in Brunei. They also wanted to merge Borneoterritories, which involved Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei to be part of Malaysia as well as aiming to make Brunei government as a system of democracy. This essay will elaborate more further about the situation before and after the rebellion in brief and will also discuss about the other causes that affected Brunei situation that led to the 1692... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The wives and children at that time left with no husband, father and even their relatives. Most of the rebels were arrested and remained in prison. Whereas in terms of political perspective, the uprising of 1964 led to the devastation of the Partai Rakyat Brunei and its illegal armed forces, Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU) and lost of their power towards Brunei s politics (Zaini Ahmad, 2003, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Sports Event Management Of The Participation Of People At... Event Management Sports event management is the management of the participation of people to an organized time limited event. Events showcase to the public the image of a given sport and its teams hence it is crucial that a favorable image during major events be portrayed. The importance of event organizing is reflected in the move taken by many local authorities to appoint event officers in their respective departments (Watt, 2003). Even in small local authoritative organization at least one person will have event management as their job role, this is largely due to their relevance to sports event management (Watt, 2003). Sports events are not just organized for all the obvious reasons, they are sometimes held to feel the market, used by politicians for publicity, to set up market, create public awareness and so on. It has also been used in the UK to encourage urban development as money gets invested in the market where the event is held (Watt, 2003). A well thought sports event is an incentive to organizers, participants, and owners of teams. In addition to this the venue, funding, time table, selection of people, and evaluation of event also need to be decided upon (Watt, 2003). Market Management Marketing is the field of management that promotes goods and services to consumers, the marketer job is to market a product the customer wants by identifying customer needs. As product desirability only remains till the customer deems it so, hence it is a challenge for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Nazy Atrocities in the Movie Defiance Defiance is not a typical holocaust movie, although there are scenes of Nazi atrocities, the story is more about those Jews who escaped the German camps and fought back for their freedom. It is based on a true story of the Bielski brothers, they led thousands of Jews to hide from the Germans in the forests of Nazi occupied Belarus, and they managed to keep them alive for several years. This movie is historically very accurate except for minor issues that happened in the movie. The Bielski brothers were actually aggressive with each other to show power over the rescued Jews, but what was not accurate that the film suggests Asael was much younger than the other two, he was actually only two years younger than Tuvia, while Zus was four years younger. In the film, Tuvia kills one of the police officers that killed his parents which was true but he did not go into emotional distress because of it, he was sending a message that who would kill Jewish people will be killed too and the fact he killed many others before this officer it did not matter to him. What was also accurate, in Eastern Europe, the Nazis didn t immediately send Jews to concentration camps, instead, they created walls around each city, where Jews were forced to work as slaves, and kept in terror by frequent executions. Until the walls were destroyed, the Bielskis had many plans to rescue the Jews and guide them to their camp in the forest. It was daring from the brothers as they had a heave price for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Flag Of The United States The flag of the United States is our national symbol and our most important symbol of all; it symbolizes our nation s strength and pride. Due to its high values and symbolism, by 1932, forty eight states had adopted the flag desecration laws to legally protect and restrict desecration of the flag of the United States. However, these flag desecration laws only lasted until 1989, because in 1989, in the Texas v Johnson case, the United States Supreme Court recognized that flag desecration as a form of symbolic political speech that is constitutionally protected by First Amendment and agreed that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable ( ). In 1984, during the Republican National Convention in Dallas Texas, a group of protesters gathered to stage a political demonstration (). The protestors were protesting against the policies of the Reagan administration and certain corporations based in Dallas. In the political demonstration, one of the demonstrator named Gregory Lee Johnson set the flag of United States on fire in front of the Dallas City Hall; while the flag is burning, the others demonstrators chanted their slogan. Afterward, Johnson was arrested and charged with the desecration of a venerated object in violation of Texas law. Under the Texas law, it is a Class A misdemeanor for anyone, who intentionally damage, deface, mutilate or burn the U.S. flag or the Texas state flag (). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Battle Of Fort Wagner The Battle of Fort Wagner consisted of two battles the second being the most deadly and the most famous of the battles. There were several events and terrain features that cost the Union these battles during the attempted siege of Fort Wagner. Even though the Battles were a complete loss there s several things that came from the battles that had lasting impacts on the war and America. The Union Army wanted to destroy Fort Sumter to allow the Union Navy access to Charleston Harbor so they Navy could attack the city directly. Before the Union could wage an attack on Fort Sumter they had to destroy Fort Wagner so they could gain control of the Fort bombard and destroy Fort Sumter. Fort Wagner was a Confederate Fort located on Morris Island ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Putnam. In the battle of Fort Wagner Gillmore also worked closely with Rear Adm. John A. Dahlgren s Federal fleet. The first battle of Fort Wagner took place early morning on July 10th and 11th, 1863, where the Union Army began with an amphibious assault from the south which drove all Confederate forces back to Fort Wagner. During this battle the Union Army captured 150 Confederate soldiers. Some historians speculate that Fort Wagner could have possibly been destroyed if Gillmore wouldn t have rested that day of the 10th when he drove the Confederates back to the Fort. Because Gillmore rested after the first battle it gave Taliaferro more time to reinforce the Fort for the following day where the Confederate army repelled an attack against the 7th Connecticut infantry. This mistake cost the Union army 330 men and the Confederate side only lost 12 men. At 8:15am on July 18, 1863 the second battle of Fort Wagnercommenced. It was initiated by four federal land batteries and the Federal Fleet that shelled from the sea using 11 ships to include the USS New Ironsides, a veritable floating gun platform sheathed in iron. The Confederate soldiers incased all 14 cannons in sandbags hoping they would last the unrelenting shelling of the Federal Fleet, which hurled shells at the Fort weighing up to 400 pounds. The Confederate men retreated to the belly of the Fort where they held out the shelling suffering zero casualties and amazingly loosing few ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Uncanny In The Sandman Sadono, Renee English 102: Dr. Rosemary Kwa Essay #2 October 8th, 2014 From Ordinary to Uncanny: Involuntary Repetition and Doubling In studying Hoffman s, The Sandman , Freud attempts to define and set parameters for the uncanny. It is commonly thought that the uncanny is produced by something frightening or upsetting. Freud takes this idea one step further and says that even seemingly ordinary or harmless situations can become uncanny if the right circumstances exist. For instance, when a person suddenly takes notice of a recurring pattern in their life, they might be inclined to believe the pattern is designed. Making that sort of connection can take a recurrence from innocuous to creepy. Another concept Freud touches upon is the idea of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Neither experience is very strange on its own but, when the dark implications of each are manifested in Miu s mind, they become uncanny. Freud postulated that this was the case with involuntary repetition and this concept shed light on why Miu became upset when she suspected Ferdinando was intentionally crossing her path and maybe even following her. Freud also argued that doubling is a common and even ancient practice that people use to protect themselves against some terrible fate. Miu may have done just that when she watched herself, as a separate person entirely, engage in sexual activities with Ferdinando in her apartment while she was trapped on a Ferris wheel. Applying Freud s ideas and arguments to Haruki Murakami s, Sputnik Sweetheart has unraveled much of the mystery contained therein as it relates to the human experience of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Michael Porter s The Competitive Advantage Of The Inner City The essay The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City by Michael Porter, addresses the crisis of inner cities, in particular, the economic distress and how to fix it. Porter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the inner city, and how previous efforts to improve the conditions of the city have failed. Many past efforts were guided by the desire to meet the needs of individuals but not the cityas a whole, even programs that were aimed at economic development were ineffective because they treated the inner city as an isolated island (317), separated from surrounding economy which favored local small businessthat did not bring in outside business. Michael Porter is a renowned economist and professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, author of 18 books and more than 125 articles with topics that range from industry competition to economic development. Porter was born in Michigan and went on to study aerospace and mechanical engineering in Princeton from where he graduated first in his class and with high honors from both the prestigious societies Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi, which he was also elected into. He is known as the c and is recognized worldwide for his take on competition and company strategy, many say that his work has redefined the thought process related to competition and economic development. Some of his most influential books include Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance and Redefining Health Care: Creating Value Based Competition On Results. In the essay, The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City, Porter explained the reason that numerous past efforts failed to improve the economic conditions of the inner city were mainly due to the increasing social investment in order to see growth in economic activity. However, in order to create real change, we have to start with the notion that inner city businesses should not only be profitable but also capable of exporting goods and services (317). Many would think that a business in the inner city would not thrive because business prosperity depends on location, however, it also varies on the way a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Summary Of Toxic Charity By Robert Lupton Robert Lupton (2011) clearly states his thesis in the opening line of his book; What Americans avoid facing is that while we are very generous in charitable giving, much of that money is either wasted or actually harms the people it is targeted to help (pg. 1). Wrapped in this sentence are several themes that Lupton seeks to unpack throughout his work. He lays the foundation for the need of charitable reform by providing examples and insight into instances where charitable giving can harm where it intended to help. Then he goes on to provide numerous examples of charitable giving that helps instead of harms its recipients. Throughout the book he contributes ways to turn harmful giving into helpful giving. Lupton accounts his four decades... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lupton proposes the idea of a Hippocratic Oath for the charity profession to adopt (pg. 8, 128). This idea would move the scope of ideas about charity in the correct direction, while allowing everyone to be on the same page. Two parts of his Oath for Compassionate Service are Never do for the poor what they have (or could have) the capacity to do for themselves , and Above all, do no harm (pg.128). This oath would promote the social work values of social justice and the dignity and worth of a person by ensuring that organizations are coming alongside those that they are serving (Code of Ethics National Association of Social Workers, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Divergent Archetypes Two literary works that have similar archetypal meanings are Veronica Roth s fictional story Divergent and George Lucas s written film Star Wars. The plot of Divergent is based on a post apocalyptic society and focuses on Tris (formally known as Beatrice) who explores her identity within a society that defines its citizens by their social and personality. Star Warsis an epic space opera. The Galactic Empire is nearing his achievement to ending the Death Star, a space station with the power to destroy all planets. Emperor Palpatine plans to use this weapon to enforce his control over the galaxy and destroy the Rebel Alliance. Near the orbit of a desert planet Tatooine, a rebel ship escorts Princess Leia Organa, a member of the rebellion, who in fact aims to use stolen Death Star plans to help the rebellion find a way to destroy the Death Star. Though from distinctive dimensions, Star Wars and Divergent use color archetypes to help... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luke s living with his uncle and aunt on their farm working as droid repairer when he stumbles upon a hidden message put into droid R2 D2. The message is addressed to Obi Wan Kenobi, and Luke connects it to Ben Kenobi; a very private person within the community. During the night, R2 D2 slips away, to finding Obi Wan and Luke sets out in search of the droid the next morning, taking C 3PO with him. Following the droids trail, Luke is soon attacked by sandpeople for trespassing their domain. Obi Wan saves an unconscious Luke and takes him to his humble shelter to care for Luke until he awakes. Luke finds out about jedi knights as well as his deceased father and his role with the jedi knights. In message princess Leia begs him to take the Death Star plans to her home planet Alderaan and give them to her father for analysis. Obi Wan invites Luke to accompany him to Alderaan and learn the ways of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Use Of Anticoagulant Therapy And Its Effects On The... Introduction Epistaxis is defined as the occurrence of haemorrhage from the nose, which is relatively common and does not always need professional medical attention. However, prolonged or repeated events of nosebleeds, also known as recurrent idiopathic epistaxis may indicate certain bleeding disorders or potential adverse effects from the use of anticoagulant therapy. Warfarin (Coumadin) is a common anticoagulant that affects clotting factors that are produced in the liver. It is often administered after an myocardial infarction in order to prevent thrombosis and thromboemobolism which could lead to the development of a stroke, most of which are ischemic in origin. Despite its effectiveness, warfarin has been implicated in 50 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His laboratory tests showed an abnormal coagulation profile, which is perhaps attributed to his daily medication regime. Prothrombin time(PT) was significantly prolonged, whereas partial thromoboplastin time(PTT) was only mildly prolonged. The tests also revealed a lower than normal haematocrit, that being a direct result of prolonged bleeding. Also, his stool sample was tested positive for blood. Homeostasis of Hemostasis Blood coagulation is the process whereby a blood clot (thrombus) is formed. The formation of a thrombus represents the second stage of hemostasis, following vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation at the site of injury. The clotting process is very complex and its role is to maintain vascular integrity and to induce rapid clot formation after a vascular injury. It is vital to be able to regulate the production of thrombin, in order to prevent thrombosis, as well as maintaining normal blood circulation. As shown by figure 1, the coagulation cascade is a protein based system which is initiated through the activation of two separate pathways designated extrinsic and intrinsic. These two pathways proceed through the common pathway of coagulation until fibrin is formed. The extrinsic pathway is generally the first pathway to be activated, and it is stimulated by tissue factor thromboplastin coming into direct contact with factor VII. Factor VII is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Thomas Jefferson Pirates Chapter Summaries Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates is about the US Tripoli War of 1801 1805 that took place during Jefferson s presidency. The book starts off with the newly independent United States facing the difficulties of all the states that operated in the Mediterranean faced, which was the risk of trade disruptions and capture by the Barbary States. The first four chapters talk about the efforts and struggles the United Statesfaced when dealing with Barbary during the 1780s and 1790s before war actually breaks out in chapter five. For years and years the leaders of Tripoli which is located in the Middle East had been taking over merchant ships from either the Americans or the or the Europeans. The Tripoli pirates would take over ships and sell ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Crews from the ships would be held captive and tortured for years and months on end. The United States tried their hardest to keep the peace in line but nothing was working. So the United States army set off on the USS George Washington to Algerines and Tripoli to settle things. A man by the name of Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated as president in the year of 1801 and not long after he would send warships to Tripoli and confront the pirates face to face for their doings. This caused a blockade so no pirates would be able to attack the merchant ships. What this action would do was not what Jefferson thought would happen but as an outcome an all out war broke loose between Jefferson s army and the Tripoli pirates and their allies. The war would go on and on off the coast. The blockade only held for so long. Finally the pirates would make their way through and ships started to come up on shore. The USS Philadelphia hit shore in Tripoli s harbor and the pirates captured it. A young navy member then snuck onto the ship and set it on fire during an enemy gun fire, destroying any goods the pirates could get their hands on or even stop them from rebuilding the ship and turning it against the United States Navy. The war would continue for a while until finally peace agreements were made and the U.S Navy fled the scene. This whole action by Jefferson showed braveness in not only him but the U.S Navy to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. City Symphony Orchestra Case: City Symphony Orchestra The City Symphony Orchestra is a branch of the Center for Performing Arts. It performs regular concerts throughout the year and has been reasonably profitable in the past. However, in recent years, concert attendance has been declining and the Orchestra is looking for ways to boost attendance. The traditional customers of the Orchestra have been the older and more affluent segment of the population that live in the suburbs. The recent boom in the high tech sector, however, has created an affluent population that is younger and has different musical tastes. This younger affluent group prefers to live in the city rather than commute from the suburbs. Older people concerned about crime in the downtown ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since this is a new direction with no prior sales history, the director of the Orchestra, Sarah Bernhardt, is concerned about the certainty of ticket sales. She has asked the box office manager to provide some sense of how sure he is that 141,000 tickets can be sold. She wanted to know the range of ticket sales so she could assess the risk the Orchestra faces. The box office manager has provided the following additional information. CITY SYMPHONY CASE EXHIBITS Table 1 City Symphony Proposed Season Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night Beethoven Brahms $35 30 30,000 25,000 Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500 Contemporary Pop 20 30 66,000 30,000 Total 90 141,000 Total Fixed Costs $1,000,000 Table 2 City Symphony Range of Sales for Current Mix* Ticket Sales Probability of sales 100,000 15.00% 120,000 30.00% 140000 40.00% 160,000 15.00% 100.00% Table 3 City Symphony Alternate Proposal Concert Type Average Ticket Price Number of Nights Tickets Sold Variable Cost/Night Beethoven Brahms $35 20 20,000 25,000 Mozart 30 30 45,000 27,500 Contemporary Pop 20 40 88,000 30,000 Total 90 153,000 *The probability distributions in Tables 2 and 4 represent a simplification. In a real situation, we would compute the probability distribution of sales for each type of concert and the sum of the
  • 28. expected sales for each concert would be the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Complex Taxes Essay Complexed Taxes The federal income tax in the United States of America is consider to be one of the most pressing issues, narrated by it complication. The Sixteenth Amendment ratified to the U.S. Constitution in 1913, established the federal income tax. The system imposes a tax on wages and salaries earned whether from self employment income, alimony, prizes, capital gains, dividends, and interest. So, all incomes are not taxable, and there are differences in between adjusted gross income, and taxable income. While, many overlook that there are distinction between a person s marginal taxrate and effective tax. The U.S. federal income taxsystem applies increasing marginal tax rates on income. Therefore, the tax rate changes depending... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In certain cases within the six thousand paged, U.S. federal tax code, there are cases that regressive taxes occur. The function of each system has it s own agenda and purpose that could be use to affect the economy or the political arena, therefore the importance of citizens understanding candidates position on these systems is imperative to their family s finances (Mertens Ravn, 2013). Total income defines itself as the income that individual or couple receives through all sources, such as self employment income, alimony, prizes, capital gains, dividends, and interest. However, all incomes are not taxable, and there are differences in between adjusted gross income, and taxable income. Adjusted gross income (AGI) covers specific out of pocket expenses, and they are subtracted from the tax filer total income. The taxable income is understood to be AGI with less deduction and exemption. The standard deduction is a fixed amount that can not be taxed which could change yearly. The standard deduction for the year 2009 was five thousand seven hundred for singles and eleven thousand four hundred for couples. If the standard is less than the itemized deductions then the itemized total is deducted. While, many overlook that there are distinction between a person s marginal tax rate and effective tax. The U.S. federal income tax system applies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Immanuel Kant Definition Of Business Ethics Part A: Introduction There are several ways to define ethics. Ethic is a set of principles of right and wrong behavior guiding. Ethical person will behave in accordance with sound moral principles based on fairness, justice and trust (Wiley, 1995). The purpose of ethic is to provide an environment that allows people to live a more structured, happy life than would exist without ethics (Warnock, 1971). Business ethic is examination of variety of problems that can arise from business environment and how employees, management and corporation deal with them such as fiduciary duty, insider trading, bribery, discrimination. In other word, ethic of business is about making the right, moral, ethical business decision. Society has subsequently ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In an empirical study, there are some other possible causes of productivity differences have been recognized such as differences in educational quantity and quality, family size, household headed by woman and other culturally and historical factors will vary attitudes toward work and future orientation. Thus, these differences may be the result of discrimination in their life especially female labour and disability labour. Moreover, it violates one formulation of Immanuel Kant s categorical imperatives that equals should be treated equally . Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Age Discrimination in Employment Act had form to prevent any discrimination act. Thus, this is unethical and unlawful if a corporate is practicing discrimination behavior in corporate culture due to its inappropriate practices, conduct, values, norms and violation of human right and interest. Next, child labour is widespread in developing countries. According to International Labour Organization (ILO), at least 211 million children were working around the world and mostly in developing countries, with over 8 million engage in hazardous and exploitative forms of child labour in year 2001. Child labour is those below the legal working age or supposed to be in school. Thus, a child s working reduces his or her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Homeschooling Is Bad Why Homeschooling is Not Doing Children Justice Homeschooling is an option for your child if you do not want them in public or private schooling. Today s society of parents will make that choice for the child, wither the child wants to or not. Many parents think that public schools are not educating their child enough so they resort to homeschooling. This would mean devoting your time as a parent by helping support them in learning and to make sure they will succeed with their education. The problem today is that many parents will work with their child for about a month and all of a sudden have no more time to educate them. In the beginning it is your family s motivation and you want to make them proud, so you try your hardest. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Labs are mostly for the science classes, but most kids enjoy them, and it also helps make learning fun. Homeschooling you hardly have any tests, but in public or private school you have a test at least once a month. Tests help the teacher know if the students understand the concept of if they still need more time to understand what it is. Homeschooling is not broken up into semesters or even quarters; the child works at his pace. This could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. How Does Crime And Punishment Relate To Salvation Redemption: Salvation through Suffering Jesus once stated, The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). In other words, one must endure suffering in order to achieve redemption. Like all of us, The Son of Man, Jesus, was put on planet Earth with a purpose of life. His destiny was not to follow with others, but rather to serve as a trailblazer, and lead a path to salvation. Along this path, he spread his wisdom and values to his disciples in hopes to exhibit goodness and purity. Sacrificing his own life proved his immense selflessness, which inspired decades of generations. In the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov s name is derived from raskol, which translates to schism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This guilt causes mental issues, leading him to be haunted by day dreams. He dreams of himself, in some sort of oasis... the palms stood all round in a complete circle... he was drinking water... it was so cool, it was wonderful, wonderful, blue, cold water (56). Most commonly, a desert is described as dry, desolate, and lifeless. Dostoyevsky illustrates a lush oasis in the middle of a desert to represent salvation. Raskolnikov drinking the blue, cold, wonderful water symbolizes his inner desire for his soul to be cleansed. The fact that he is dreaming about it, proves that he longs for salvation in his everyday ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Property Dualism Dualism is generally defined as the division of a concept into two contrasting aspects. Dualism addresses the mind body problem by claiming that the body and mind are separate. Various alternatives to the dualist theory propose the mind and body is connected, materialism everything is physical. Nevertheless, dualists agree, that the essential essence nature of conscious intelligence resides in something nonphysical, in something forever beyond the scope of science (7, Churchland). This nonphysical realm of the mindis considered to have a causal systematic connection with the body, driving a person to act with purpose. This connection, between the physical and nonphysical, is supposed to be what makes your body you and not someone else. Dualists try to offer an explanation behind the connection and separation of the mind and body by using senses and experiences to characterize conscious intelligence.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Substance dualism theorizes that the mind is divided into two substances, one that is a physical substance(body) and one that is a nonphysical substance(mind). This nonphysical substance, the immortal soul, is seen as a part of you separate from your body, a part that could possibly live on past your body s physical degradation. Property dualism is slightly different in the sense that it attributes the physical brain as having a set of non physical properties, rather than a substance. This theory works to narrow the gap in empirical evidence by no longer claiming some mystical substance that lives on forever, but still attempts to account for the part of our minds we have yet to understand. As a property, this theory can then be regarded as a concept that cannot be reduced to the physical or explained by science, a science of mental ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Short Story Of Charlie s Life By the time Charlie woke a few hours later, she felt much better. With a yawn, she stretched, opening her eyes. There in the chair, closest to her feet was the president looking much like she d felt before her nap, paperwork spread out on the low table in front of them. Charlotte, he greeted, his voice low and raspy as he made a few final marks on the paper in front of him. Licking her lips, Charlie sat up, keeping her blanket pulled up around her. How long have I been asleep? A few hours, he replied leaning back in his chair, raking a hand through his already wild hair, causing Charlie to smile and glance down at her hands. Are you feeling better? he asked. I do actually, she replied with a frown, taking stock of her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There you are! he said glaring at Bass. It is my office, Bass answered as he bent down to gather his papers, moving towards his desk. Not you! Miles bitched, Her! he said pointing in Charlie s direction. She s been missing for a while now and Maggie s about to have my head on a platter if she isn t returned to her rooms immediately. I should have known that I d find her here with you, he frown taking in her nightclothes and blanket. Charlie s mouth fell open at the insinuation as Bass looked in Miles direction blandly. If you think either of us are in any condition to do anything, I have a republic you can run. Him? Touch me? Charlie asked in outrage as she stomped towards Miles and the door. I wouldn t let him touch me! she hissed, shoving past him, continuing towards the stairs, biting back a smile as Miles stammered an apology out behind her. Xxxxx As Ben s obligations working with Rachel grew and Maggie became interested in the workings at the City hospital, the siblings were left on their own more and more often resulting in one two many games of roughhouse, causing Bass to order Jeremy to take the boys anywhere other than the hall. Sign them up for the militia, send them to the academy, I don t care just get them out of my hair! he had shouted only to receive a loud snort in response from Charlie. Ignoring her, he stomped back into
  • 35. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Bioethical And Political Issues Essay Identifying Bioethical and Political Issues Scenario 1: You are the healthcare administrator of a nursing home. You are informed by your Admissions Director that a new memory impaired resident has been admitted into your long term care unit. The staff is concerned about the involvement of family with your resident. Family members from out of town arrived and expressed concern about your resident s do not resuscitate (DNR) orders which were authorized by the Power of Attorney of another family member. A quarrel erupts in the nursing home with family members voicing their opinions loudly. You arrive on the scene and are immediately told by the visiting family member, Do you know who I am? I am a supervisor for the Department of Health and Human Services and will not hesitate to have your facility surveyed for noncompliance. What do you do? Any situation that erupts which can disturb the other residents is something that must be diffused immediately, as a healthcare administrator I would have to address this state of affairs with empathy and genuine concern for the opinions of the family members not in agreement with the do not resuscitate (DNR) order. First, I would ask that we move to a private location where we could speak and if voices are elevated it would not interfere with the day to day operation of the nursing home. Second, I would ask to see the Power of Attorney if it is available to speak to the legality of the document. Provided that, all the previous terms set in place are up to par, I would directly talk about the statement made about the family member making me aware of her position with the Department of Health and Human Services. Moreover, going through the document to point out the date signed, to make note if the new resident signed it before here memory was too far gone and if the Power of Attorney would not be substantial. Then I d call attention to the difference between a Power of Attorney and Durable Power of Attorney. Grammarly states, The biggest difference is in when the power ends. A general power of attorney ends when a person becomes mentally incapable because of sickness or injury to handle his or her own affairs... To get a durable power of attorney, you must show in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. A Report On The Industrial Segment Being one of the largest companies in the world, one could assume 3M would be a lot to manage. Organization is a key for the company. They are broken into 5 different segments: Industrial, Safety and Graphics, Health Care; Electronics and Energy, and Consumer (See Appendix 2 for Organic Growth Revenue of each Segment). This organization is a huge help for 3Mto know who the base target audience of each segment is, meaning they always know a general audience for each 5 segments. The industrial segment is made up of anything from automobile parts to industrial tapes. One specific company that makes industrial tapes is a huge part of the 3M company. This company is Scotch Tape. This is a great example of a way 3M has a company help them market a product as well as both companies. Appendix 3 shows a great example of a Scotch Tape advertisement that also benefits 3M. Even though the companies are technically connected, it is a great way to market them as individual companies almost which brings focus not only to Scotch but to 3M as a whole. This strategy can have satisfied customers know that 3M made the Scotch brand product, and make them trust the 3M brand and want to buy more products from them. marketing for the product. 3M has many companies they can do this with, and have proven that it is a great marketing strategy for them. The next segment is the safety and graphics section. This segment primarily makes items that are not relevant to any consumers, and are rather aimed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. A Good Candidate For A Total Knee Replacement There are several factors that go into considering if you may be a good candidate for a Total Knee Replacement. One of the most common causes could be due to all forms of arthritis; such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even post traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for needing a Total KneeReplacement. Arthritis can severely damage an individual s knee, causing massive pain. However, the first approach is trying the nonsurgical treatments first. Medications and even using walking supports are usually the first approach before considering surgery. When these methods fail to work the very next step is for surgery. Total Knee Replacements are the most successful procedures in all of medicine, accounting for 600,000 knee replacements each year in the US. The knee is the largest joint in the body, which is why it s very important to have healthy knees in order to get around to perform daily activities. The knee consist of the lower femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the patella. The ends of the three bones touch, which is covered with articular cartilage, this is a smooth substances that protects the bones and enables them to move smoothly. Also, located between the femur and tibia are the menisci. The menisci are C shaped wedges that act as shock absorbers this provides cushion for the joint as well. Then, the large ligaments also play a role as well, they hold the femur and tibia together to provide stability. The long ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Life Of Pi Internal Conflict 2. One of the main conflicts of the Life of Pi is that between Pi and himself. For 227 days, Pi was at sea with thoughts to himself thinking of how he was alone and orphaned, in the middle of the Pacific (Martel 107). Being by yourself in the ocean with no idea of if you are going to survive can lead to negative thoughts. Especially since Pi could only rely on himself. While he did have Richard Parker, he couldn t talk to Richard and expect a reply. His conversations were too himself and he had to remain sane through this internal conflict. Along with this, he has a conflict with himself and his lack of knowledge on how to survive at sea. Pi had many questions on his survival like What would I eat? What would I drink? How would I keep the sharks away? How would I keep warm? How would I know which way to go? (Martel 147). The answers to all of his questions were things... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite Pi s internal conflict with himself, Pi experiences a great conflict with Richard Parker, depending on how the reader interprets the book. It is one of the most obvious conflicts of the Life of Pi and is resolved when Pi and Richard Parker reach land. Upon reaching land, Richard Parker simply leaves, much to Pi s disappointment. The event is highly unceremonious and Pi says he was certain he would turn my way. He would look at me. He would flatten his ears...In some such way, he would conclude our relationship. He did nothing of that sort (Martel 284). It was a resolution that went out in a whimper in both Pi s opinion, as well as my own. While Pi is displeased with this heart wrenching conclusion, I am satisfied with it. I do wish that Richard Parker did have that one final look at Pi, but I think this simple conclusion brings out a certain emotion in Pi, along with the reader, that would not occur had there been an extravagant ending. This conclusion brought me an immense sadness and longing, almost as if I were Pi in the situation, and I think writing of that power is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Politicians Need to Listen to the People and Legalized... While the majority of American citizens believe that the drug policies in this country need to be changed, the politicians of America refuse to recognize the necessity for change. The war on drugs has clearly been lost and while Americans are for the most part ready to admit this defeat, their elected leaders are unfortunately unwilling to do so. This difference of opinions, more so than with any other political issue, marks politician s greatest inconsistency with the desires of the people. The technology being analyzed here is the laws humans, particularly American politicians, have created that make the possession and use of marijuanaillegal. These laws are in many ways quite detrimental to society and the objective of this paper is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this system, a Schedule 1 drug has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision. Despite the potentially positive effects that marijuana can have on terminally ill patients, the drug has been placed under this Schedule 1 classification. Also placed under Schedule 1 are some of the most dangerous drugs on the streets. The placement of marijuana among the other drugs as Schedule 1 is absolutely outrageous because there is no evidence that labels marijuana as having any of the described qualities. This inappropriate classification is a perfect example of the lack of understanding the government has of the potentially useful drug. This ignorance, paired with the stubborn ways of the majority of America s politicians, leads to the absence of progress within the country s drug policies. The effects the laws have on America s economy and prisons are other detrimental aspects of the laws prohibiting marijuana possession and use. Not only does enforcing marijuana prohibition cost taxpayers an estimated $10 billion annually, it also results in the arrest of more than 734,000 individuals every year. This figure is much greater than the total number arrested for all violent crimes combined, including: murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Weary Blues Poem Explication The Weary Blues Poem Explication Langston Hughes, a black poet, proved one of the most influential poets of the Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of African American literature, art, and culture during the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, writers of the Renaissance focused heavily on issues of black identity and struggles faced by African Americans, both economically and socially, as they struggled with the legacy of the Civil War and omnipresent discrimination. Hughes was no exception, and his body of work explored the issue of the black experience. His poem The Weary Blues falls squarely within this literary theme; in it, the black musician portrayed represents the struggles faced by black Americans, and Hughes clearly communicates that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He notes that the scene of the poem occurs at night, by the pale dull pallor of an old gas light (5). It is most likely dark outside, and one can t see very well due to the lack of modern, up to date streetlights, communicating the run down nature of the neighborhood and creating a gloomy mood due to the lack of light on the street. The very fact that the musician is playing out on the street indicates that he is most likely down on his luck. Next, Hughes repeats the line, He did a lazy sway... /He did a lazy sway... (6 7). This repetition, and the drawn out ellipses after the lines themselves, emphasizes the fact that the night is slow and without energy. Hughes continues on, emphasizing the blackness of the musician by juxtaposing the musician s skin color with the keys of the piano, noting the movement of his ebony hands on each ivory key (9). Although the setting of the poem and the content of the blues song would normally create a downbeat mood, this expectation contrasts with the speaker s frequent apostrophes to the blues, such as O Blues! (11) and Sweet Blues! (14), which make it clear that the speaker is overcome with admiration and is struck by the nature of the song, emphasizing the contrasting nature of blues songs in general. Despite this contrast, however, the mood and setting created in the first stanza set the scene for the musician s revelation in the second stanza. The musician s song relies on colloquial diction, using black vernacular language, exemplified when he sings Ain t got nobody but myself./I s gwine to quit ma frownin (20 21), further emphasizing the musician s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Creation Of A Creation Story A creation story is a supernatural story or explanation that describes the beginnings of humanity, earth, life, and the universe. Religion plays a significant role in the establishment of Creation for both the Native Americans and the Puritans. The people known collectively as the Iroquois were made up of the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga nations. (Cusick 21) The Iroquois creation mythexists in some twenty five versions. (Cusick 22). However, there was no concrete indication from a Native American that coincides with the Iroquois s belief as of how and when the creation of the world began until David Cusick, transcribed and translated an Iroquois cosmogonic myth in the nineteenth century. David Cusick became the first Native American to record on Atotarho. Grounded in nature the Iroquois religion portrays the natural foundations of the world and continue to believe that all things/people should live in harmony. The Iroquois believes that The Great Spirit would indirectly guide the lives of ordinary people and opposed that The Great Spirit and other forces of good were Evil Spirit and other lesser spirits responsible for disease and other misfortune. Corn, beans, and squash were referred to as the three sisters and thought of as deities or spiritual beings. The Iroquois believed that ordinary humans could not communicate directly with Great Spirit but could do so indirectly by burning tobacco, which carried their prayers to the lesser spirits ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Beat Detective Narrative Beat Detective was used to ensure that the drums were in time with the click track. Elastic audio was used on the bass and guitars, although later in the process the producer felt that the guitars and bass were still not entirely in time with the drums, therefore the author nudged any bars that where visibly out of time with the grid in ProTools in time. This process was time consuming, although it made a real difference to the tracks. The vocals were about a quarter note out of time on I Hear I Forget , so the author nudged them in time too. The producer then went through each of the vocalist s phrases and clip gained the words that were not clearly audible amongst the mix. For held notes, volume automation was used to keep the tails of audio audible in the song.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This left the Subkick and M88 for the author to work with. The kick was gated and then compressed, so the compressor did not reduce the transient peaks that the gate would detect. The kick had 4dB of compression because it was quite inconsistent in terms of dynamics. After this was applied, throughout the song the kick had a tendency to poke out here and there. The author used a limiter to correct this problem and to reduce the kicks dynamic range even further. The author made a boost of 4.5dB to 70Hz to provide the kick with more thud. The M88 picked up the kicks beater very well and the author did not need to find that punchy frequency through EQ. In order to separate the bass and the kick drum, the author added a second EQ and found each tracks most prominent low end frequency, then notched them out of the each others ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...