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Essay For Abortion
Writing an essay on the topic of [TOPIC] is undoubtedly a challenging task, primarily due to the
deeply divisive nature of the subject matter. The discourse surrounding [TOPIC] is fraught with
ethical, moral, religious, and legal complexities, making it inherently sensitive and difficult to
navigate. Crafting a comprehensive and balanced essay requires extensive research, critical
analysis, and a nuanced understanding of various perspectives.
First and foremost, delving into the ethical considerations surrounding [TOPIC] demands a
thorough exploration of the rights and autonomy of individuals, the concept of personhood, and
the moral implications of terminating a pregnancy. Moreover, grappling with the socioeconomic
factors that influence decisions regarding [TOPIC], such as access to healthcare, socioeconomic
status, and cultural beliefs, adds another layer of complexity to the discussion.
Furthermore, addressing the legal landscape surrounding [TOPIC] involves examining the
intricacies of legislation, court rulings, and constitutional rights, all of which vary significantly
across different jurisdictions. Navigating through the plethora of case law and legislative history
requires meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of legal principles.
Additionally, engaging with the emotional dimensions of [TOPIC] necessitates empathy,
sensitivity, and a recognition of the deeply personal experiences that individuals may have
regarding reproductive rights and choices. Balancing the need for empathetic understanding with
the rigors of academic analysis poses yet another challenge in crafting an essay on [TOPIC].
In conclusion, writing an essay on [TOPIC] is a formidable undertaking that demands rigorous
research, critical thinking, and empathy. It requires grappling with complex ethical, legal, and
social issues while maintaining a balanced and respectful approach to divergent viewpoints.
Despite its challenges, delving into the discourse surrounding [TOPIC] offers an opportunity for
intellectual growth and deeper understanding.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net.
Essay For Abortion Essay For Abortion
Minnesota Timberwolves Research Paper
Minnesota Timberwolves , (16 66). (5th Pafic, 15th Western Conference) Season
Summary: The Timberwolves had a horrible year in terms of actually winning
games but it was expected. This team is still very young but the upside and
potential were seen on several occasions. Zach Lavine showed off his crazy
athleticism and at the age of 20 his game could evolve. Andrew Wiggins looked as
solid as any number one overall pick could look, and won Rookie of the Year, this
will be the first of many awards for him as he continues to mature and grow. Despite
these two up and comers the Timberwolves faced injuries throughout the season to
guys such as, Kevin Martin, Ricky Rubio and Nikola Pekovic. Now having these
players healthy wouldn t by any means
Enchiridion By Epictetus Summary
In Enchiridion by Epictetus, the claim in selection number 7 is that humans should
not get attached to material things because when nature calls them to return to it,
they will have to leave their material belongings. The human desire of materialism is
often too difficult to satiate. As humans start to gain material possessions, they tend
to forget the great value of nature which surpasses that of materialism. Sooner or later,
humanswill be disappointed by materialism since they placed their entire faith on it,
instead of placing it on nature. According to Epictetus, humans only borrow material
things, those do not belong to any personand therefore humans do not have control
over them. However, Epictetus suggests that nature is part of humans, it is what
dictates their fate and it is in what humans should relied on since nature is the reason
for everything that happens. Therefore, people should be willing to leave their
material possessions whenever nature calls them, it is beneficial to concentrate on the
guidance of nature to fate, and not on materialism that will disappoint them when
they cannot have it anymore.
For instance, American Indians relied on nature to form their civilizations and
traditions. Raw materials such as gold, silver, and copper, were not as valuable as
they are in modern times since American Indians were aware that nature provided
every material thing that they used. Moreover, they recognized that not even a single
rock belonged to them, instead,
Irrigation In Napa Valley
Napa Valley is a part of the hilly, steep mountains in the California Coast Range.
The soils in Napa Valley are generally very deep and are used for vineyards. Soils of
volcanic, and alluvial origin exist, each created by geological events that have
occurred over sixty million years. The valley was formed by tectonic plate movement
and volcanic activity. Due to volcanic activity, more than 100 soil types were created.
Grape farmers have an issue of choosing the type of irrigation which will decrease
the salinity of the soils but also provide enough water for their crops to thrive. How
much irrigation water required to grow quality wine grapes depends upon the site, the
stage of vine growth, row spacing, size of the vine s canopy, and amount of rainfall
occurring during the growing season. The structure and composition of the soil
greatly affect the character of the grapes and help guide the Napa Valley grape
growers as to which rootstocks and grape varieties to plant. ... Show more content on
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One type of irrigation, drip irrigation, is a method which plants reach water supply.
Drip irrigation is the most widely used method of irrigation in Napa Valley. By
directly applying water to either the root zone or to the surrounding soil, this method
significantly reduces the amount of water used. In addition, growers are able to
control the exact amount of water applied to each vine, reduce evaporation, and
minimize surface runoff. Although the water goes around root system, it does not go
far and as a result, there is an accumulation of salts. Furthermore, most of the water in
California comes from mountains which has salt in them and once that area is
flushed, the farmer can also flush the soil. If flushing does not occur, then saline and
sodic conditions can possibly
Ponce De Leon Essay
Ponce de Leon was a Spanish soldier who had accompanied Christopher Columbus
on his second journey to Hispaniola (present day Haiti). There, Ponce de Leon
became a military commander and a deputy governor of the island. He explored
the rumors of large gold deposits on the nearby island of San Juan Bautista (Puerto
Rico) and discovered it for Spain. On the Spanish king s orders, Ponce de Leon
later returned to the island to colonize and establish gold mines using the natives
as slave labor, being appointed as the Spanish governor. He was later removed from
office and so set out to explore the rumor of the fountain of youth and discovered
Florida. The Spanish conquistador returned to Puerto Rico and reestablished Spanish
order in the chaotic country. News of the Spanish king s passing reached his ears,
and he returned to Spain to secure his businesses. His last return to Florida resulted in
him being shot with a poison arrow to the thigh, which he later died from.... Show
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His experience with discovering new lands can give us the chance to claim
valuable land for the growth of our company. Economically speaking, obtaining
resources from the Americas at a comparatively lower cost to resources here in
Europe would give our company an edge in manufacturing. We would manufacture
products in cheaper and larger quantities, increasing our net sales exponentially.
Ponce de Leon s political experience can also prove invaluable in securing and even
gaining more power and control over in the Americas. Leon s presence in the
Americas would both secure our potential lands and resources as well as allow us
the opportunity to gain even more of the commodity. Therefore, we would gladly
fund Ponce de Leon for another one of his adventures, so long as he can give us land
and security in the New
Young Earth Scientists
How does current science support each of the Biblical views of Young Earth
Scientists(YEC), and Old Earth Scientists(OEC)? This is a question that is disputed
among many scientists. Although both groups believe that the Bible is the word of
God, they both interpret it differently. For example Young Earth
Creationists believe
that the earth was literally created in one week. Old Earth Creationists believe,
however, that days did not refer to 24 hours, but referred to longer periods of time. It
is important for people to understand the differences and similarities between the
beliefs of Young Earth Creationists and Old Earth Creationists, so that they can
determine which view is supported by science.
Although these two views differ greatly in some ... Show more content on
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The main difference in belief is of the age of the universe. Both groups use many
difference exclamations to support their side of this issue. Ice cores have been
used to try to determine the age of ice sheets in Greenland, and Antarctica. This
works the same way as counting tree rings. However, it is not as simple. There is
still controversy on the outcome of this method. 110,000 layers have been counted
in the Antarctic sheet and have been claimed by some that these are annual layers.
If this were true, then that would suggest that the ice sheet is 110,000 years old.
But these layers have been shown not to be annual. Recently two B 17 Flying
Fortresses and six P 38 Lightning fighters were excavated in Antartica. Nearly 50
years after they went down, the planes had been covered in 250 feet of ice.
Hundreds of rings were noticed during the excavation. Since hundreds of rings were
produced in less than 50 years, this shows that the rings do not indicate years. The
excavation showed the rate of accumulation to be 5.5 feet per year. The deepest core
dug is was about 10,000 feet deep. After considering compression, 4,400 years is
enough time to produce that much ice(Ice Core Dating Segment). This shows that the
Young Earth Creationist time frame can fit in ice
Lethal Injections And The Involvement Of Medical
Shella Samonte
Health Science Technology 4th Period
27 September 2015
Lethal Injections and the Involvement of Medical Personnel
Death penalty, or capital punishment, is the execution of a person as a punishment for
a crime. Throughout history, the death penalty has been a prominent part of society.
In ancient Mesopotamia, the death penalty was seen as retribution for certain crimes,
and to this day, is now a common practice in the United States. Before, when the
United States were still colonies, the death penalty had been carried out by hanging
and other various methods but today in the modern age, the Unites States method of
execution in most states is lethal injection (Issitt). Unlike previous methods, such as
electrocution and the firing squad, the lethal injection is virtually painlessly due to
certain drugs being injected into the patient that put the patient to sleep during the
process. Due to its medical nature, medical personnel, such as anesthesiologists are
needed to administer the drugs, but is it ethical for them to participate in the
execution of people?
Throughout the process of a lethal injection, there are many drugs inserted into the
prisoner. Before the drugs are administered, the prisoner is first brought into a room,
that looks very much like a hospital room, with all the medical equipment inside.
Within the room, there is a cardiac monitor, and other medical items. The inmate is
then strapped to trolley, much like the one below: And hooked up
Case Study Of Crowe V.
The case study of Crowe v. Provost, 374 S. W. 2d. 645 (Tenn. 1963), was a highly
anticipated court case for the 1960 s. The following list pertaining to the example of
what went wrong and by whom. The first patient appointment opens a file with the
patient s basic information and any allergies including medication(s). This would
typically be done with the receptionist. If this was not the doctor s first time seeing
this patient, then the physicianshould have checked the chart to see if there were any
allergies to anything including medication, such as, Penicillin and Cosa Terrabon.
Referring to the Crowe vs. Provost, the child was then rushed back into the doctor s
office with worsening symptoms, the nurse should have listened to the mother. The
nurse, could have instructed the mother to take the worsening child to the nearest
Emergency Department. The nurse advising the doctor, That she thought the child
was about the same as when the physician saw him earlier in the day (Flight, M.,
2011, page 5 6) was not a good idea. The doctor could have been brought in for an
examination of the ailing patient. The receptionist returning from her lunch should
not have been a signal for the nurse to leave for any reason with the patient getting
worse. Again, the patient and mother should have been instructed to go to the nearest
emergency room. The receptionist should not have been left alone with an ailing
patient. Mistakenly, the receptionist calling the doctor first and
Causes Of The Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution is a series of political events that occurred during the years
1905 to 1924. The February Revolution, in which overthrew the imperial government
and the October Revolution, placed the Bolsheviks in power (britannica.com). The
Russian Revolution happened because of discontentment of with the tsar, poverty in
Russia, and lack of control over the government. During the In January of 1905,
protesters were protesting in front of the winter palace because of extreme poverty
and starvation due to peasants wages decreasing. The Russian workers and
peasants wanted a better working and living conditions. More than 1000 protesters
were killed and injured after the tsar, Nicholas the II, ordered his army to gun down
the protesters. This incident, known as Bloody Sunday, led to the 1905 revolution.
During the 1905 revolution, Russian Social Democratic Social Party split into two
factions, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. Later in October of 1905, Nicholas the
II issued the October Manifesto, which ended the Russian Revolution of 1905. In
July of 1914, World War I
begun which caused the Russians a lot of damage
because four million Russian soldiers killed, wounded or captured. The Russian
Soldiers refused the fight and people back in Russian were starving because of the
lack of income from the war. World War I also caused the tsar to lose control of
Russia as the war has caused chaos in Russia. Soon, continuous protests and revolts
led to the March Revolution of
Notre Dame Future Plans
Next week in school is College week! I know I still have roughly four more years,
but, I have been thinking on where I want to go college wise. When I graduate from
high school, I want to go to Notre Dame, they have a wonderful teaching system for
lawyers. I want to be a lawyer after high school. Tuition and fees at the Universityof
Notre Dame are $47,929 without financial aid. With room, board, and other fees
combined, total cost of attendance is $64,775. I have looked into the University of
Notre Dame, and I have noticed that the campus is very enormous. I have never
really lived in a big city, so I think that s going to Notre Dame will be new and
exciting! I also never left my family for long and Notre Dame isn t too far away from
my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The layout of Notre Dame, the way they teach is interesting to me. They have real
lawyers who come down to teach students criminal law and evidence. They have
pretend trials as test, meaning they have their students go and be a judge, attorney,
etc... Going to this school will be challenging but iI want them to challenge me so
that I can be an extravagant lawyer. Being a lawyer has been my dream job since i
was in 6th grade, so me getting into this school would help me achieve my goals. I
picked Notre Dame because, I was looking online about what kind of colleges there
is to help me become a successful lawyer. I was flummoxed by all of the colleges
that I could go to, but, what caught my eye with Notre Dame is the fact that they
will challenge me. It is a very good school to go to if you want to become a lawyer.
My uncle Jack is a lawyer, he went to Notre Dame and he told me that it was an
excellent school to attend to. These are just some of the reasons I wish to attend the
University of Notre Dame. There are many reasons why and how Notre Dame is the
college I want to attend after I graduate high school. If I can t attend Notre Dame for
whatever reason, I would like to attend Yale or Harvard. They are also really good
colleges to attend. Although they are not the school I really wish to attend they will
do just fine
Systems Development Life Cycle and Project
Component of Formal SDLC Process There are many ways to develop an
Information system, which is very complex. The systems development life cycle
(SDLC) provides an overall efficient framework for managing the process of
system development. Various organizations use information systems to support all
kind of processes that a business needs to carry out its functions. There are
different kind of information system and each has its own life, and system
developer describe this idea as life cycle of system. During the life of an information
system, it is first conceived as an idea; then it is designed, built, and deployed during
a development project; and finally it is put into production and used to support the
business. Projects during... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prioritize requirements. Generate and evaluate alternatives. Review recommendations
with management 3.Design Activities This activity is used to design the solution
system based on requirement document. High level design document consists of
architectural structure of software component and low level design document
consists of detailed algorithm. Seven major activities must be completed during the
design phase: Design and integrate the network. Design the application architecture.
Design the user interfaces. Design the system interfaces. Design and integrate the
database. Prototype for design details. Design and integrate the system controls.
4.Implementation Activities It results in final system being build and installed. It
ensures that the information system is reliable and functional and organization is
ready to benefit from the use of the system. Five major activities make up the
implementation phase: Construct software components. Verify and test. Convert
data. Train users and document the system. Install the system. Types of Employee
Involved and Their Roles There are many employee involved in the different phases
of SDLC process. In the initial phase that is project planning, project manager is
responsible for to identify the feasibility of project, scheduling, resource and budget
planning. In the analysis activity, system analyst understands the
Southport Waterfront Market
Coastal living doesn t get much better than in the seaside town of Southport. This is
a family friendly community nestled on the banks of the Cape Fear River and the
Intracoastal Waterway. Southport offers the feel of a small town with the casual
living of the North Carolina Coast. Homes in Southport, NC reflect the heritage of
the region. The Southport Waterfront Market is one of the highlights of this coastal
community. Held every Wednesday during the summer months, it is a place where
locals and newcomers alike can gather, do some shopping and just enjoy some
leisure time in a beautiful setting. The Market is the place to go if you want to enjoy
home baked goods, local produce, handcrafted gifts, fine art, and live music, in a
naturally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bay Street, the Lawn is part of the larger Fort Johnston Southport Museum and
Visitors Center. Nestled on the banks of the Cape Fear River, the Lawn is a jewel
by itself with ancient oak trees and expansive views. Cool breezes off the River,
paired with deep shade, provide a respite for everyone enjoying the Market. The
Market is open every Wednesday, during the summer, from 8AM to 1PM. The
season officially begins on the first Wednesday in May and ends on the last day of
September. For 2017, the season begins on May 3rd and ends on September 27th.
Homemade and Handmade Southport is a haven for artisans of all sorts. You can
see this in the diversity of handmade goods and fine art presented in the Market.
Jewelry and quilts are just two of the items you can find among the many stalls and
tables. Local produce is a special attraction for Southport residents. Fresh fruits and
vegetables are readily available from the beginning to the end of the Market
season. Farmers often bring it straight from the fields and orchards so residents can
bring it to their own tables the same day. Prepared foods are another highlight of the
Market. The smell of fresh baked goods waft through the air. Jars of homemade jams
and jellies sit along side containers of candies and
Famine, Affluence And Morality By Peter Singer
Famine, Affluence, and Morality is a well known article written by Peter Singer that
was published in Philosophy and Public Affairs in 1972. Peter Singer is an Australian
utilitarian philosopher, and in Famine, Affluence, and Morality he argues that more
fortunate people should be required to help those in need or at least give significantly
more than what is currently being given. The essay focuses on the Great Bengal
Faminethat occurred in 1971, Singer mentions how reluctant the western world was
to aid those in need and he blames it on the fact that it was a crisis that was
happening far away from the western world. One of Singer s main points is, If it is
in our power to prevent something very bad from happening, without thereby
During Pregnancy And Childbirth
Ethnic, Religious, Cultural factors impact a woman s experience during pregnancy
and childbirth. In providing care for the pregnant woman that have differing cultural
beliefs and practices, healthcare providers should be aware of patient s beliefs and the
influence they might have on the pregnancy and childbearing. It is the patient s right
to be cared for within the context of their cultural beliefs and it is the practitioner s
responsibility to influence health care to optimize the health of the pregnant patient. .
If the healthcare culture are not congruent the well being of the patient is at risk.
Three particular cultural ethnic groups whose views on pregnancyand childbearing
differ from the normal western society s views are... Show more content on
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In the Mexican culture Familism, network of extended and nuclear family who are
connected for the good of the family; often influences the choices a mother may
make, many young mothers seek the advice of the elder women in the family
during their childbearing years. This is similar to the Native Americans where
Tribal Family members are held of significant value, and are believed to be
responsible for each other. Because family is held of significant importance, it is not
uncommon, in either culture, for many relatives to come and stay with patient until
discharge. This is especially true when a woman gives birth or if mother has a child
who is admitted to the
Why Should I Get Snapchat
There are many good things about Snapchat. For example I can only talk to my
friends, it is fun, and I would let Sophia use it too. For these many reasons, I
believe I should get Snapchat. The first reason I believe I should get Snapchat is I
can only talk to my friends. This shows that I should get Snapchat because I can
only communicate with my friends that I know. According to Cornell Research it
states, Essentially, users friend each other through the application and are then able
to send each other either picture or text based messages known as snaps. This
proves I should get Snapchat because I can only communicate with people I know
and I can only approve them like Instagram. For this reason I believe I should get
Snapchat. The
How Did Mesopotiefs Influence The Environment And...
How much does a society s environment and experiences influence the nature of its
values and religious beliefs? It is a question that we as a human being should ask
ourselves daily in our life. The collective nature off society environment and
experiences will and indefinitely affect their religious belief. It affects people in
their daily lives, in everything they want to do or they don t want to do.
Unconsciously it becomes part of human s life no matter how hard they try to
ignore it once they adapt it it s hard to get rid of such influence. People in the past has
experienced it as well as people of modern world.
One of the oldest civilization that was affected by the society s environment and
nature was Mesopotamia. There are many ways in which a society can be affected.
Mesopotamia was a polytheistic system, which means that they believed and prayed
to multiple gods not just one. Mesopotamia culture states that the gods and deities
they believed in were living realities who affected their life (Spielvogel 11). The
Mesopotamian believed their god or goddesses were living realities who affected
their life style, they had leaders who rule and prepare armies if they had to go to the
war. The priests played huge role in Mesopotamian culture, priests oversaw taking
care of deities. Priests would tell the leaders what they should do in return of benefits
in their wealth, health, soil etc. they people of Mesopotamia believed if their deities
are unhappy they will punish them
My Improvement In My Writing
I ve been writing essays and papers for at least six years with several of the years
writing an average of an essay weekly. My writing is definitely not perfect. It leaves
numerous improvements to be desired, but the practice I ve had has left me with
several characteristics that I greatly appreciate about my writing. Likewise, while
taking Writing 122 this term, there are various improvements that I desire to make
in my writing as we dive into the finer aspects of persuasive writing and
argumentation. Writing is an incredible skill and there are parts of it that I feel I do
well in. One part of writing I feel I have accomplished is the organization,
particularly in shorter papers. Excellent organization requires an introduction, body,
and conclusion, all of which I strive to include in all of my writing. As well being
organized in my writing, my punctuation is generally accurate and I seek to always
include an excellent first sentence that grabs at the reader s attention. I love using
interesting words and phrases to breathe life into my message. Like colorful threads,
when woven together with mastery, each word contributes to the final masterpiece....
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The first area I would like to improve is in my argumentation and persuasive
writing ability. Novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton once wisely stated, The pen is
mightier than the sword , emphasizing the power in carefully placed words and
effective writing. To be able to clearly lay out a case and opinion before the reader,
argue it persuasively and reinforce it with research and evidence is a skill I hope to
sharpen. I desire to improve the communication of my thought and produce a
beautiful flow in my writing that doesn t leave the reader tripping through the
potholes on his way to the grand
Jkl Industries
ASSESSMENT 1 Question and Answer 1. Describe any four skills an effective
negotiator needs to have. Any effective negotiator requires these four skills: Active
Listening negotiators need to have the skill of actively listening to the person they are
communicating with. Active listening involves the ability to read body language as
well as verbal communication. It is arguably more important to listen to the other
party to find areas for compromise during the meeting than it is for the negotiator to
speak themselves.Verbal Communication negotiators must also have the ability to
communicate clearly and effectively to the other person during a negotiation.
Misunderstandings can occur if the negotiator does not state their case... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Is necessary to include all information related to: deposits, total payment amount,
penalties, cancellation costs, etc. Time frame (Duration) the length of the contract
is another aspect of the negotiation that is likely to be an issue between both parties
and an agreement on the duration needs to be reached. The completion date,
milestones from each task finished should be detailed. Conditions the conditions of
the contract between the two parties is also likely to be another important topic
and one that both parties will look to gain as much as possible from the negotiation.
Risk Management detailing guarantees, bonds, type of contract, insurance, services
/ product standards. Technical specification detailing warranty, maintenance
required, support of the product or service . 6. Describe the basic issues to be
considered in the following situation: * One off agreement * Contracts for ongoing
supply of goods and/or services * Contracts with interstate supplies * Contracts with
international supplies One off agreement an issue that may arise in a one off
agreement is the supplier may not provide a high quality of service as the parties are
unlikely to do business together in the future. Contracts for ongoing supply of goods
and/or services there are many factors to discuss prior to negotiating a long term
contract. Some of these include the agreed cost of purchase, length
Artificial Intelligence. Essay
Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Ability or Information Processing Computers have
become an integral part of our everyday lives. We rely upon these machines to
perform innumerable tasks that we often take for granted. Most people realize that
computers are able to perform the multitude of functions as a consequence of the
programming they receive. These programs give computers a set of instructions that
governs their transition from one information processing state to another. Thus,
computational machines are able to respond to a certain set of inputs with a certain
range of outputs. In order to comprehend programs one needs only to describe these
instructions in functional terms. In this regard, computer programs are extremely
similar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Searle s opinion, computers can never be minds because they are inherently
different from brains. He argues that brains do not merely instantiate a program but
also cause mental events by virtue of specific neuro biological processes. Searle is
essentially making the contention that brains, by virtue of their specific biochemical
properties, cause minds. Consequently, according to Searle, any artifact that produced
mental phenomena would have to be able to duplicate the specific causal powers of
brains and it could not do that just by running a formal computer program. Although
it is interesting to contemplate, Searle s argument definitely has its share of flaws.
The Churchlands, as proponents in the possibility of artificial intelligence to
duplicate the mind, (yet not believers of strong AI as it was previously defined ) do
their best to illustrate these weaknesses in his theory. The primary objection which
they have with Searle s argument against the plausibility of artificial intelligence lies
with the third premise in his original proof. The Churchlands argue that this premise,
which states, Syntax by itself is neither constitutive of nor sufficient for semantics, is
an assumption rather than a fact. Additionally, they contend that to assume its truth is
tantamount to begging the question against classical AI. Classical AI rests on the
premise that if one can
How Does Gertrude Fight To Power
In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi
Adichie, the motherly figures both eventually fight for power and control in a
patriarchal society; however, while Gertrude shows some open defiance to Claudius
at the end of the play, Mama takes a more indirect and sneaky approach to get what
she wants. Both Gertrudeand Mama are in troubled relationships with their husbands;
Claudius uses Gertrude to his own advantage, and Mama gets abused by Papa.
Regardless, through it all, both fight for what s best for their children even though
their children ultimately end up silencing and controlling them. In Hamletand Purple
Hibiscus, the motherly figures fight for power in a patriarchal society, however,
where Gertrude ultimately... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Towards the beginning of the play Gertrude appears to be subservient to Claudius
by doing whatever he asks of her. When Claudius sets up a plan to spy on Hamlet,
Gertrude s own son, Gertrude does not bother standing up for herself or Hamlet,
she simply states, I shall obey you (Shack III.I.38). Gertrude allows herself to be
portrayed as vulnerable and submissive until Hamlet convinces her to support his
madness when they are in Gertrude s room. Then, Gertrude begins to stand up for
herself to Claudius, demonstrating bravery and courage. This courage and
bravery is manifested when Laertes and Hamlet fight in a fencing match. Gertrude
goes to take a drink from the poisoned cup and when Claudius asserts, Gertrude, do
not drink she dismisses him and says, I will, my lord, I pray you pardon me (Shack
V.II.282 283). Gertrude s decision to drink the poisoned cup as an act of defiance
towards Claudius and the patriarchal society shows Hamlet that she did not
intentionally seek to abandon either Hamlet or his father and is willing to help him
in his fight against Claudius. This defiance also shows Claudius whose side she is
on and makes him feel
Boost Juice Mission Statement
Introduction Boost juice bar has been introduced in 2000 when Janine Allis, mum of
three son and one daughter decides to create something s that is healthy and
delicious to their children .On that time, there were also lack of beneficial food store
and the rate of obesity were increasing day by day. So, Janine Allisdecide to make
something that can replace fast food or healthy fast food alternative. This drinks is
not only delicious but can give good benefit to human body. Nutritionist and
naturopaths were been consulted by Janine Allis to create a menu of smoothies and
healthy juices that were free from artificial flavours, preservatives and colours. Even
though Janine has no business experience, but she tried to open her business. The
first boost store design was painted by Janine Allis. She managed to get AU$250,00
for her first store. Boost has become famous and synonymous with smoothies in
Australia a decade later.
Mission To become one of the world s most famous and loved brands.
Visions Every customer will leave a juice bar feeling just that little bit better.
Goals To makes the people smiles, to obtain the best possible profit achievable over a
year and aims to continually grow in a size to all over the world that is manageable. ...
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Vibe(Very Important Boost Enthusiats) was a club for the boost lover. The
customer that have this card will get a free boost after buying 10 boost. They also
have a chance to get a free boost on their birthday. Next, Customer relation.
Customer relation was about the customer can give their feedback to the company.
The customer can complaint about the product, service or experienced that they
faced. Each of the email is followed up within 1 business day. This programme is to
make sure that every each of the customers has their own views and opinions about
the company. Boost also produced boost apps on playstore and appstore to make
customer easier to get new news and promotion from
The Pritting Press Essay
In 1440 a man by the man of Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type, or as we
know it, a printing press. Prior to 1440 everything read in Europe was copied by
hand or copied from wooden blocks carved from hand. This was very expensive and
time consuming. The only people who were literate were those of the church and a
small percentage of nobility. Since the printing presscame out, how would this effect
European culture and the way things worked?
The printing press had many effects on Europe. Very few peasants could read and
besides that there wasn t much to read but scriptures. The things that were being read
were hand written and of course this took a long time and so not many people
wanted to take the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More and more people became educated because more and more things were
available to the common people. But after more Bibles were published problems
occurred with that because people read them and had differences in beliefs. So
getting to the point of new religions and new beliefs.
As time passed by, the common people started to invent things of their own. People
had time to create poetry and books. If the printing press did not come out these
works of literature would not have been published and recognized around the
country. They would have been some how lost in history and never heard of if there
were not copies. We would never have heard of the great Dante and other great
writers of the Renaissance.
By the 1500 s the idea of the printing press spread all over Europe. The printing
press became the biggest industry in Europe at the time. Some people believed that
the printing press was a bad thing because it vulgarized learning. However, this was
not the case. The printing press helped move along learning and the printing press
gave the common people a chance to be educated. The printing press made it easier
for the common people to get books because the printing press made books more
common and less expensive.
As my conclusion the printing press changed Europe s history. The printing press not
only helped educate but it also had a lot
Group Observation Of Group Behaviors
Group Observation At the beginning of the group, the facilitator asked the clients to
identify group norms. The clients identified these group norms and wrote them on
the white board; raise your hand, no crosstalk or side conversations, stay awake, be
respectful of peers/facilitator and property, keep things discussed in group
confidential and be willing to participate and offer support when needed. The group
facilitatorfollowed the Seeking Safety session format which is explained in the
Seeking Safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and Substance Abusewritten by Lisa
M. Najavits. The session format includes four steps; 1) check in, 2) quotation, 3)
relate the topic to patients lives and 4) check out (Najavits, n.d., p. 147 169).
The goal of the check in step is to find out how clients are doing and should not
take more than five minutes per participant. The check in consists of four questions
that clients may answer if they are willing to do so; how are you feeling, what good
coping have you done, describe your substance used and any other unsafe behavior,
and did you complete your commitment? The facilitator informed the clients that the
check in process is optional and did not pressure clients to participate. From the
observer perspective, this seemed to empower the clients and give them choice. All
the clients present in the group were willing to participate in the check in process.
The next step in the session format is to read the quotation. Each topic in the
The speed, the agility, the ability to manoeuvre the ball...
The speed, the agility, the ability to manoeuvre the ball to the opposing side of the
field, the ability to reflect and the ability to outsmart your opponent is what makes
you a real champion. The player sprints across the field, she passes the midfielders,
the defenders and without realizing she knows she s there, just the goalie, the net
and her. Prodigious cheers and roars are coming from the crowd, which
contemplate the splendid dribbles that took place. And then... an unbelievable cross
from an unrealistic place finds the head of the star striker and the ball goes in and
was able to rest on the back of the net. The crowd goes wild, it is a defining moment
in the game, and this is what women s football has developed into, this is what...
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They say women have been playing football for as long it has existed, evidence
suggests that there was an ancient version of the game that was seen by FIFA as the
earliest form of football, called Tsu Chu, which involves kicking a ball through an
opening space into a net. The use of hands is not allowed.
There are many dates estimated recognized as the first matches ever recorded,
Scotland has been the country were women football has mainly taken place. There
is evidence of an annual match being played in Scotland in the early 1790s, but the
first match was recorded by the Scottish Football Association which took place in
1892 in Glasgow. In England, the first recorded match of football played between
women took place in 1895. Throughout the years, women football has become more
civilised, The Football Association has documented early involvement of Women in
Europe. They say in 12th century French Women have been playing football as part
of the era s folk games, also in the 1790 s Scotland included football in the annual
Mid Lothian competition, evidence shows the fact that women have been playing
this sport for as long as men have.
In 1863, the FIFA and head football governing bodies introduced a more civilised
threat to the game, they introduced standardized rules to avoid and prohibit violence
in the field, making the game more safe and more acceptable for women to take part
in. The most
The Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor
The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice:
The Fall of A Man for His Race
JosГ© Pineda.
Professor Arzola
English 2322
5 July 2015
Thesis: The tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare,
the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the
time and how the white men s ideas about black people leads to their hate and
downfalls throughout the play.
Sociological Approach.
I.Summary plot.
II.Description of the main characters and racial influence on the plot.
A.Iago, and his motives of racism.
B.Brabantio, and induced racism.
C.Roderigo, subliminal racism caused by heartbreak.
D.Othello, negatively influenced by his feeling of being rejected by society because
of his skin color.
E.Desdemona and her position about racism.
The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice:
The Fall of A Man for His Race.
The equality we share today as people of different races are somewhat of a modern
concept. Although the sense of equality has been an idea over the centuries, the
notion of black people being inferior was very common and shared throughout
Europe during the sixteenth century. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex
social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men s ideas about black
people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play.
Roderigo is discussing the marriage between
A Narrative Essay On A Fair
What should we get on first when we get there? asked Becky. I don t know. How
about we get on the ferris wheel first, it looks super fun. said Lisa as they were
riding in her mom s car on the way to the fair. They were so excited to finally be
able to go to the fair since last year they had to shut it down early. I wonder why
they shut it down last year because it wasn t on the news. Everyone said that it was
because someone died. Yes, that s exactly the reason it shut down, how did you not
know that? Becky said. FInally they arrived at the fair and got out of the car. Don t
forget you guys have about 6 hours here then meet me by the theater parking lot at
8:30. So have fun and watch out for weirdos because you guys heard about what
happened last year at the fair. Just be careful. Lisa s mom said, Don t do anything
stupid, she said as she began to drive off. After that Becky and Lisa went to go
purchase their tickets for the fair. They began to get very excited as they were
walking closer and closer to the big rides, amazing smells of burritos and pizza,
and people screaming of joy. Hurry up I want to get on the ferris wheel before the
line gets super long. And we have to get on the that one ride that spins diagonally.
We have to do so many thing while we re here so hurry up. Lisa exclaimed to Becky
as she was tying her shoes. When she was finished they walked fastly to the long
line for the ferris wheel. Time seemed to go on forever while they were
Application Of C5. 0 Algorithm To Flu Prediction Using...
Application of C5.0 Algorithm to Flu Prediction Using Twitter Data
LZ M. Albances, Beatrice Anne S. Bungar, Jannah Patrize O. Patio, Rio Jan Marty S.
Sevilla, *Donata D. Acula
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, {lz.albances.iics, beatriceanne.bungar.iics,
jannahpatrize.patio.iics, riojanmarty.sevilla.iics, ddacula}@ust.edu.ph
Abstract Since one s health is a factor considered, data coming from Twitter, one of
the most popular social media platforms often used by millions of people, is
beneficial for predictions of certain diseases. The researchers created a system that
will improve the precision rate of the current system conducted by Santos and Matos
using C5.0 algorithm instead of Naive Bayes algorithm for classifying tweets ... Show
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Twitter provides free APIs from which a sampled view can be easily obtained. It
helps build a map spread model. In line with this, the researchers came up with an
idea of working on a research using these Twitter data, focusing on the so called
tweets regarding diseases and health, specifically, the flu or influenza.
Furthermore, previous studies were made regarding this topic. In 2008, there was a
website called Google Flu Trends that took data from Google, Facebook, and
Twitter itself [2]. It was widely used in its release, but it was proven to have
inconsistencies with regards to its data [2].
Back in 2011 2013, Google Flu Trends overestimated the number of people who
had flu by 50% [3]. One possible cause was its inclusion of data which contained the
word flu or influenza , wherein the person who tweeted or posted about it did not
have the flu at all [3].
There was also a study that made a precision of 0.78 or 78% using the NaГЇve Bayes
Classification algorithm to identify tweets that mention flu or flu like symptoms [4].
As mentioned earlier, previous researchers had difficulty classifying these tweets as
some data gathered got accepted even though the person did not have it.
According to the Department of Health of the Philippines [5], getting flu is possible
by contacting items that are contaminated through the discharges of an infected
Essay on Liberal Reforms of 1906-1914
Liberal Reforms of 1906 1914
From the turn of the 20th century, laissez faire (the policy of non intervention in
relation to social problems) became discredited. The same old problems of poverty
and ill health still remained.
The Liberal reforms of 1906 to 1914 are very important because they show a
marked change in government policy from a largely laissez faire approach to a more
collectivist approach. The government now accepted that it should have a much
larger role and responsibility in helping those sections of society who could not help
In the latter part of the nineteenth century governments began to take tentative steps
towards the provision of basic welfare services, for ... Show more content on
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This sum could be collected at the Post Office. A smaller amount was paid to slightly
higher earners. People who had an income greater than ВЈ31.50 per year received no
pension at all. Those who had habitually failed to work or who had been in prison
also received nothing.
The major criticism of this Act was that it did not go far enough. The money was not
enough to enable people to pay for the barest necessities and, although it helped, it
was not the answer to old age poverty. Also, many elderly people needed financial
help long before they reached 70 years of age. In fact most died before receiving a
Children s Charter
In 1906 the government allowed local authorities to provide free school meals for
poor children. In 1907 school medical inspections began, although it was not until
1912 that free medical treatment was available.
Social reformers blamed poverty for causing crime among the young people. There
was also the view that by sending young law breakers to adult prisons they would
simply learn how to be better criminals. As such, in 1908 juvenile courts and borstals
were set up.
These reforms, including forbidding the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to children
under 16 years of age, were given the name Children s Charter because it was
believed these measures would guarantee a better life for young people. However, the
Top Girls Character Analysis
The play, Top Girls, by Caryl Churchill chronicles the lives of several women and
their struggle to achieve success and happiness, as well as exploring their personal
identities. Moreover, a central theme in the play was that of how one s choices can
affect a person s satisfaction with their life. This theme is especially prevalent in
the two contrasting characters of Marlene and Joyce. In Marlene s life, she is the
top girl. She has a successful career, and is even given a promotion. On the surface,
she is extremely satisfied with her life, however, in order to achieve this
satisfaction, she gave up a lot in her life. It has been years since she saw her
mother and sister, she s not in any stable relationship, and it s revealed that she
gave up her child to her sister s care when she was younger. This particular instance
of Marlene giving up her child is what McAdams would call a nuclear episode a
specific and consequential scene in a life story such as high point, low point, or
turning point. In talking to Joyce about this pivotal moment in her life, Joyce
seemed resolved in her decision, but it was evident in her expression and
physicality that she was still pained by her choice. So, while Joyce may be
satisfied with her work life, her social and family life has been pushed to the
wayside to make room for her big dreams. Yet, despite the difficult choices that
Marlene had to make in order to further her career and life, she still appears generally
satisfied with her
Minima Moralia by Theodor Adorno
In chapter 2 of the Minima Moralia, Theodor Adorno talks about the disintegrating
family unit, the loss of the partitioning between the public and private life. However,
there seem to be contradictions, or perhaps entanglements created by virtue of these
2 chapters inhabiting the same text. This essay will attempt to disentangle some of
these ideas in a ludicrous quid pro quo fashion (Adorno, 1), whilst drawing some
assistance from other areas, such as chapter 3, as well. And in doing so, will unravel
Adorno s ideas that violence is inescapable, that certain antagonistic dialectics are
necessary, and that not all conflict is bad conflict, thereby ultimately evoking the idea
that there is such a thing as benevolent antagonism and... Show more content on
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In short, as theoretical buildup increases, inaccuracy increases. This insinuates an
underlying belief I share, in addition to Hobbes, that our senses are our most
relatively reliable, and inescapable aspects of ourselves. Every aspect of our
cognition is either directly or indirectly influenced by our senses, which then help us
make sense of the world around us. Of course, reliance on ones senses is a cardinal
sin in philosophical reasoning. But the fact remains that every aspect of cognition is
derived from the senses, thus making the endeavor of running away from our
physical perceptions of the world utterly futile. That said, whether or not this essay
uncovers any solid, unequivocal any philosophical truth from Adorno s text is
perhaps unknowable, for this is merely an attempt at improving accuracy. With that
said, let us dive into Adorno s metaphor of the family a metaphor that introduces his
larger concern of the dehumanizing capabilities of the productivity machine.
Before explicating this metaphor however, we must justify its usage in this argument
that purports that there is a difference between benevolent antagonism and
dehumanizing antagonism (warring). Adorno says, One realizes in horror that when
one as previously clashed
Developing Good Business Sense
Developing Good Business Sense
Kristian Gellibert
University Of Phoenix
All companies have a system of operations, where everything has its order and
everything is in place. If it weren t for operating systems, everything would be chaos,
and no one would know what their tasks are. Can you imagine a company that
basically lets you do whatever, where there were no rules, no accountability? Some
people think that s crazy, but there are other that think that the right idea.
The comparison between three companies and their tasks can be quite intriguing. I
have chosen to compare three similar fast food chain companies. The ones that I have
chosen are Wendy s, Burger King, and McDonalds. All three are a dine in, and ...
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McDonalds has the three step drive thru process, where you order your food, thru a
loud speaker, then go to window 1 to pay your order, and then go to window 2 to
pick up your order. This gives them an edge because it gives the customer a
perception that they are getting their food faster. They do not have to wait to pay
for the food and then the clerk to prepare it. While Burger King and Wendy s do
not have this process and seems that it takes a little longer to get your order from
these competitors. In conclusion, these three companies are similar in many ways,
but in many ways totally different. The way that they operate are similar, the
operation and managing of employees are not. Even though they are similar brands
and offer similar product, the reason why they are still in business is because there
is always room for a competitor, and if that competitor finds a niche that gives them a
log up above the rest, then they should profit off of that.
Jakle, John (1999). Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age. Johns
Hopkins University Press. ISB 0 8018 6920 X; Brueggemann, Walter (1993). Texts
Under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination. Fortress Press. ISB 0
8006 2736 9
James P Farrell. The Evolution of the Quick Service Restaurant A Management
Consultant @ Large.
Full Inclusion in Classrooms
Full Inclusion in the Classroom
Each child is unique and learns in different ways; however, most schools still have
a tendency to cling to the one size fits all education philosophy. It is often
overviewed when catering to a classroom that each child has specific needs, and that
a small group of children within the class may also need further attention. Disability
isn t always visible nor is it always what we think it is. A child may have an
undiagnosed hearing or vision problem, he or she may have difficulty with attention
or with sitting still, or may have difficulties comprehending instructions. Whatever the
need, the issue of whether or not that child should be pulled from the classroom and
work with a specialist in a resource room, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Along with academic benefits, inclusion enables the child to model critical social
skills and gain lasting relationships with their peers that will aid them in
understanding real world relations (lecture). Having the opportunity to be
appropriately educated in a regular classroom gives the child, for perhaps the first
time, the chance to feel like other kids. Having the opportunity to interact and
succeed, as well as fail, like the other children can really do a lot for a child s sense
of self worth (lecture). Exclusion from classrooms only segregates the children,
teaching the general education kids to breed prejudice, and be ignorant and fearful of
those who are not like them. Schwartz states that, Without knowledge (and
education) that people with disabilities are more similar to nondisabled people than
different, a double standard is created. (Schwartz,4). The more the child is included,
the less likely they will face prejudice, and the less likely it is that he/she will miss
out on the important social events going on in and out of the classroom. As a result,
the child will have a better chance of being socially competent and socially integrated
throughout their
A Mother Drinking While Pregnant Can Cause Many
A mother drinking while pregnant can cause many problems for her newborn child,
one example is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006). Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome occurs when a mother consumes alcohol while pregnant causing
the newborn to develop a mental and physical disability. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
(FAS) is a disorder that is developed from the environment that the fetus was in
caused by the consumption of alcohol by the mother while pregnant, resulting in the
newborn developing mental and physical abnormalities, specifically of the skull and
face (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006). There was a specific story that stood out to
me about an eleven year old girl named Ellie. She was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol
Syndromeand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2006). A person suffering with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may experience low birth
weight, large or malformed ears, a short neck, poor hand eye coordination, or a flat
midface, among other symptoms. As for the brain of someone with FAS, there
could be damage to the basal ganglia, primarily responsible for motor control and
emotions, which can impair various cognitive processes. Secondly, a reduced
cerebellum can affect one s balance, cognition and coordination. Finally, there can be
an impaired corpus callosum, which connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres,
the communication center of the brain. As for the mind, the child will develop slow
learning habits, a short attention span, hyperactivity, or memory loss. There could
also be a delay in the ability to speak and talk and being able to read or comprehend
certain subjects (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006).
The reason why the disorder is called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is because
not every child exhibits the same symptoms, which leads to difficult branches of
diagnosis (Murawski, N. et. al. 2015). Consuming alcohol during pregnancy is
associated with FASD disabilities, which include fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS),
partial FAS (PFAS) and neurodevelopmental disorder alcohol exposed (ND AE). It
is not hereditary. Some ways to physically identify an infant with FAS are to look at
facial features:
Differences Of The Computer System
c)The output I received from dir /O was the same I received when I used the dir /L
command. One of the differences between the two commands is that one returned
the subfolders in lowercase (L) and the other in uppercase (O). The dir /O command
returns the subdirectories inside my work directory in sorted order, but in this case
there wasn t much difference because Windows sorted out this specific subfolder by
default. As I looked deeper into the output, I found another difference between one
command and the other. When I used the L command, the return displayed the
document 57 untitled 1.py before the videos directory, as opposed to the O command
that displayed the .py file in the end of the list. The reason behind this is... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example the command dir /s /w /p would list all the files and folders in the
current directory and the subfolders after that, one page at a time. Since my current
directory is Chris the output to this command displayed more information than I
can share. I will share just a sample of the entire output. d)dir (No file or subfolder
was found during the execution of the command. I believe the reason to this is that
the OS blocks any access to that folder. If files or subfolders are modified the OS
could stop functioning.) After multiple tries I have realized that none of the nine
commands work. One of the reasons why is that absolute path and relative path are
invalid commands. There has to be another way to navigate through absolute and
relative paths than with the commands used in this exercise. Also, this exercise is
misleading because the result of a command depends of the location of the current
directory and the directory to begin from is not specified in the instructions. Also, I
don t need a command to know what the absolute and relative paths are in any case
given. In number 1 for example, the entire address constitutes the absolute path:
C:WINDOWSWeb . In this case since I am working in the Web directory, the
relative path would be WindowsWeb . The absence of the slash makes a difference
when determining whether the path is absolute or relative. Below is a screenshot that
justifies my way of thinking. 1 Functions of the
General Guidelines For Help Undergraduate Students
These are general guidelines to help undergraduate students write better essays. *Note
that every assignment is different. You should take the time to closely read the
instructions and meet with your Professor if necessary.
Make sure that you have closely read the instructions as presented by your Professor.
As stated before, there are many different types of historical essays (argumentative
essays, historiographical reviews and so on). It is imperative that your style is
adapted to the type of essay you are required to write.
Gather all your information. Some Professors want students to write essays using
only class material, others expect them to do more research. If the latter, make sure
to gather all (most) of your information beforehand. If you are a university student,
you normally have access to a library and many academic journals. Use this access
and make sure to ask librarians for help when needed.
Take careful notes as you are reading in preparation for your essay. If your
Professor provided a specific question, make sure to read critically for information
that is susceptible to help you answer this question. If your Professor has not
assigned a specific question, you should still read carefully and try to find the
different ways in which historians address certain issues.
Some students prefer not to plan others do. I suggest planning as it may be the best
way to map out your ideas and begin forming an argument. It is impossible to cover
Harley Case Study
Introduction Situation Analysis
Harley Davidson has been a widely admired fixture in the motorcycle industry since
the golden years of American motorcycle manufacturing (1900 1931), when at times
there were as many as 200 different brands of American made motorcycles. By 1930,
the market had consolidation and the big three Harley Davidson, Indian Motorcycle,
and Excelsior Supply together accounted for 90% of the market (Ballon, 1997, p.
43). The Great Depression nearly destroyed the industry wiping out all of the smaller
manufacturers, forcing Excelsior out of business in 1931, and leaving Indian
severely weakened until it too, ceased operations in 1953 (Ballon, 1997). ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the emergence of these competitors is ironically at least partially the result
of the fact that Harley s production did not meet market demand. While new
production capacity and facilities will certainly go a long way towards meeting short
term demand for touring and custom motorcycles in the domestic market, all
indications are that there will be continued strong demand in the home market as well
as growing demand in the larger European market. Looking towards the future, Harley
Davidson management must decide how to best match the company s vision and
resources (which now include Eaglemark Financing and Buell performance
motorcycles) with the opportunities and threats in the global motorcycle market.
Problem Analysis The following analysis looks first at Harley Davidson s external
environment (including competition) and secondly at the company s internal
resources, strengths and weaknesses in an effort to identify Harley s strategic options
for addressing the current problem.
External Environmental Analysis It is beyond the scope of this case analysis to
provide separate environmental and industry analyses for vehicle financing services
(related to Harley s Eaglemark division), motorcycle parts and accessories and
licensing related products (e.g., Harley Davidson apparel and accessories, cafГ©,
etc.). The
Difference Between Conceptualism And Conceptual Art
Materiality and conceptualism whether contemporary or traditional, are two major
groundings within the world of African art. Henceforth within this essay one will be
contrasting and comparing one traditional African artwork; The Ngwana a ditlhaka
(figure 1) by the Northern Sotho people and one contemporary African artwork;
Bleeding tokarai (figure 2) by El Anutsui; in order to establish the works conceptual
grounding in terms of materiality. At first this essay will be highlighting the historical
and contextual aspects of each artwork along with in depth explanations and
explorations of the concepts of materiality and conceptualism along with their sub
concepts of material accumulation and conceptvs. idea respectively, after which
connections... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Firstly one will look at the concept of materiality , within which material is seen as
aesthetical , functional and conceptual simultaneously .In terms of the works by El
anusiui , the viewer must look at the work through a conceptual lens , allowing for
thought to be generated . The artists achieves this through the flexibility of his titles
as previously explained. As it is said that explanations stand in the way of the viewer
accessing the full conceptual meaning of the work , preventing the viewer going
beyond what has been provided . Hence by abolishing this, the artist points out the
notion of the non
A Comparison Of Minorities In East Of Eden And Life Is
The hardships minorities faced during the time periods East of Eden by John
Steinbeck and Life is so Good by Richard Glaubman and George Dawson is
something many people will never be able to fathom. As much as people read
about these tough times and the misfortune and cruelty people faced, only those
who experienced that oppression will truly ever understand. In both these books
people are faced with rough lives and manage to continue living, despite the many
adjustments they must make. Minorities in both East of Eden by John Steinbeck,
and Life is so Good by Richard Glaubman and George Dawson learn to face
challenges presented by the time period in these novels, and make the necessary
sacrifices in order to survive, but still prevail and... Show more content on
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George Dawson never has a hard time accepting his role in the society he lives in
he never has lived life any other way, so when his son Junior returns from the
Korean War and tells his father about how he had to switch railcars when the
troops were returning to the southern states. Junior rightfully felt that it was unfair
that he was allowed to fight with white troops but when they were returning home
they still could not be in the same railcar (Glaubman 218). After hearing this
George responded That s life and you just need to get settled back into things...
(Glaubman 218), he cannot even begin to understand the misguided nature of the
situation. At this time instead of trying to change his fate George has come to
terms with the fact that he will never be able to be equal with white men, which he
does not know is absurdly untrue. Later on in the book he begins to fight back by
refusing to eat the lunch which is employer placed by the dog s food he knows that
he, as a human, has more value than that (Glaubman 214). This displays his
evolution as a person. Similarly, Lee also has come to terms with his place in the
community by changing the way he presents himself to people he knows what
people expect from him and he just follows that. In the beginning of the novel he
covers his personality with the stereotypical exterior that people expect of him. By
doing so he sacrificed a bit of himself to please others. He just does what people
want from him, no more or no less, he knows [when he looks] at a man s eyes, [he]
can see that he expects pidgin and a shuffle, so [he] speaks pidgin and [shuffles]...
(Steinbeck 164). As the novel progresses Lee begins to open up to more people
rather than just Samuel Hamilton. He allows Adam, Cal, Aron, and Abra to see him
for who he truly is. He learns to be
Baltimore County Public Health Mental Hygiene (DHMH)
Baltimore County Public Health Baltimore County Health Department review
process is conducted through the Department Health Mental Hygiene (DHMH). The
Institutional Review Board was established in 1977 by the department as a federal
requirement demanding that human research studies being conducted with United
States Public Health funding must undergo a IRB process. Therefore, purpose of
the IRB is to review and approve the research study, and to ensure the safety, dignity
and protection for all human subjects participating in the research studies. ( DHMH
Policy, 2005) There are several steps in the IRB process, the initial step is to have the
Director or Administrator of the facility (Baltimore County Public Health) sign off on
a request
Adolescent Drug And Alcohol Abuse Essay
Our society has numerous programs that are directed at preventing the use of
drugs and alcohol in adolescents; however, very few of these programs are aimed
at those who are already displaying the early stages of drug use problems. Teen
Intervene is a program that does just that, and is aimed at people ages 12 to 19
who are suspected of experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with
alcohol or other drug use. The major objective for this program is to reduce or if
possible eliminate their substances use; using integrated stages of change theory,
motivational enhancement, and cognitive behavior therapy (McElfresh, Winters,
2007). One of the essential components of Teen Intervene is the fact that it is a brief
intervention and is made up of 3, one hour sessions. Brief interventions (BIs) seem
to be growing in interest as a beneficial approach to treating adolescents with
problems associated with alcohol and drug use (Winters, Fahnhorst, Botzet, Lee,
Lalone, 2012). Addressing adolescent drug and alcohol use is of the utmost
significance because if caught early many of the side effects of prolonged use can be
diminished. Addiction is something that many have seen first hand as being able to
ruin lives, and intervening early is the least we can do to help our future generations.
The most beneficial settings that Teen Intervene can be implemented are in schools,
juvenile justice settings, mental health settings, and for those adolescences who are
on waiting lists for
Under Armour Target Market
Target Market Strategy
As competition grows and the market changes it is important to change with it.
Over the years the demographic segmentation for Under Armour has evolved from
focusing on male collegiate athletes between the ages of 17 and 23 to include older
men, women, and children. Under Armour uses high quality products and the price
that comes with that is geared towards consumers who are financially stable. They
cover a wide area the family life cycle, but their primary focus is younger consumers
whether they are married or have children. They focus on individuals with active, on
the go lifestyles who emphasize on healthy living. These tend to be young adults who
are also tech savvy and connect themselves to internet connected devices. ... Show
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Under Armour s global presence, price metrics, demographics and targeting of the
fitness lifestyle put them in the perfect position to capitalize on this momentum. The
UA HOVR is the unique product that will take UA into this new niche market. These
shoes are embedded with high fidelity sensors that are digitally connected to the
MapMyRun app. Through the app you can monitor data such as: stride length,
cadence, pace, distance, and shoe life. This forward thinking allows Under Armour to
not only stand out in the footwear market but also cuts into the market of FitBit and
other connective devices used in conjunction with one s workout. The added revenue
from intersecting with other markets removes some of the stress of competing in a
highly saturated market. As mentioned earlier, a company and its products need to
evolve with the market and technology surrounding them. That evolution isn t just the
product but its integration with the current marketing model to show the sponsored
athlete winning in their UA HOVR. This product and products similar are necessary
for Under Armour if they want to remain successful and hold on to their share of the
market and continue their exploration of other converging
The Themes and Motivations Behind George Orwell s 1984
ABSTRACT Anyone who considers themselves a lover of good fiction must know
who George Orwell is. Anyone who loves good cynical fiction has to have read his
master piece, simply titled 1984. 1984 is a phenomenal tale of government gone
awry, in its attempts to unify what s left of the world, after the atomic wars waged
in Europe. The story is based on Mr. Orwell s fears of immensely powerful
governments, especially totalitarianism. If you are a true lover and you have read the
story, The next logical question one must ask themselves is, do we understand why
he wrote this wonderful piece of work? Please allow me the opportunity to enlighten
you. In order to understand the why; I propose that we must look into the... Show
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His mother wanted him to have a public school education, but his family was not
wealthy enough to afford the fees, making it necessary for him to obtain a
scholarship. George s Uncle Charles Limouzin, recommended St Cyprian s School,
in Eastbourne, Sussex. Years later, George wrote that he hated the school and the
distaste for the place brought forth his essay, Such, Such were the Joys . (Widman,
n.d.) While at St. Cyprian s, several key events transpired for Eric. He met Cyril
Connolly, who also became a noted writer and editor, and the onset of World War I
occurred. Cyril who became editor of Horizon magazine would ultimately publish
many of Orwell s essays. While at the school Eric wrote two poems that were
published in the Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard, the local newspaper. At
the ripe age of 13, Eric s poem, Awake! Young Men of England , was published.
The poem, a call to arms for able bodied Englishmen to join the war effort, helped
him earn scholarships to Wellington College and Eton College. (Bowker, n.d.) After
spending a term at Wellington in 1917, Eric earned a place at Eton as a King s
Scholar. He remained at Eton until 1921. (Bowker, n.d.) During his tenure at Eton,
several key historical happenings occurred that would shape his later years. Eric
learned of the Armistice that ended World War I, (and though he was not
The Robber Barons Essay
The Robber Barons
When the names Carnagie, Rockefeller, and Pullman come to mind, most of us
automatically think of what we saw or read in our history books: These men were
kind and generous and through hard work and perseverance, any one of you could
become a success story like them, right? Wrong. I am sick of these people being
remembered for the two or three good deeds they have done. Publicity and media
have exaggerated the generosity of these men, the government has spoiled these
names with false lies, and people have been blind to see that these men were ruthless,
sly businessmen who were motivated by your money and their struggle for power.
George M. Pullman is best remembered for his contributions to the railroad ... Show
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Rockefeller. A picture in my history book shows a group of people watching an old
Rockefeller crouch over to accept a flower from a little girl. The caption reads John
D. Rockefeller, American industrialist and philanthropist, is caught doing one of his
good deeds.
No wonder that only a handful of people can t distinguish that this old man was a
crock and deserves to rot in hell! With all this positive media attention, the public
had been fed lies! In real life, this money hungry, greedy villain is the prime reason
why the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed. Rockefeller s dream was to monopolize
the oiling industry, and he so successfully did. Because of his great empire (the
Standard Oil Co.) and the wealth it brought, when any other competitor tried even to
step foot into the oiling industry, Rockefeller dropped his prices until the rookie
industry was forced out. After he ! regained monopoly, he then jacked up the prices.
Sure, the people were mad, but what could they do? Many other industries depended
on the oil that Rockefeller provided and besides, the Sherman Antitrust Act couldn t
be enforced with these big businesses growing larger and larger.
He donated over 2500 libraries worldwide, he helped establish the famous concert
hall in New York, and he helped finance several colleges in the US. Can you guess
who he is? Yes! Andrew Carnagie. Now how about this person: In the early 1900s, in
order to maintain
Breed Specific Legislation
Everyday, animals worldwide are discriminated upon strictly because of their
appearances. Could you imaging your beloved chihuahua being taken out of your
home and killed for the sole reason of it looking aggressive ? For many, this vision
is a harsh reality. Dogs of several breeds are becoming banned and illegal to own
because some consider them an aggressive breed or a threat to the safety of others
around them. This discrimination is inhumane and should ultimately be stopped.
Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is the law that bans or restricts certain types of
dogs based on their appearance, usually because they are perceived as dangerous
breeds or types of dogs. In many cases, the classification of these breeds are
incorrect. The University... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They aren t born aggressive. A dog s breed has far less to do with aggression than
owner dependent factors such as how a dog is trained. If a dog was raised to fight
or was brought up in a poor home environment, the dog is more likely to be
aggressive regardless of its breed. The American Temperament Test Society
evaluated the temperaments of various dog breeds, 85.3% of American Pitbull
Terriers passed the test whereas other breeds such as Border Collies and Old
English Sheep Dogs ranked in the 70th percentile. In many cases, the influence of
owners have no effect on the conduct of the dog. Take Lilly, for example. Lilly was
a Pitbull gifted to an alcoholic as a method of sobering her up. As any humans can
infer, living with an alcoholic is no easy vocation, even for a dog. However, Lily s
hard home life didn t clog her judgement. One night, Lilly s owner passed out on a
pair of train tracks with a train hot in pursuit. Thanks to none other than Lilly, her
owner was pulled off the tracks just in time. Although her owner escaped without
scratch, Lilly wasn t as fortunate. Even with life threatening injuries, Lilly remained
by her owner s side until help arrived. Ultimately, Lilly had to undergo several
serious surgeries and ended up losing a leg. Lilly, a pitbull, put her inattentive owner
s life above her own. Even today, Lilly and her owner remain best friends even though
that commitment almost cost her her
Today s Youth And Technology
Cody Huwa
Mrs. Goddard
English Comp.
6 February 2017
Today s Youth and Technology In today s world, technology is heavily relied on
throughout businesses, homes, schools and many other fields of importance.
Technology has made an impact, not only on today s society, but more and more on
today s youth. Many kids come into contact with technology at a young age and are
usually more technologically intelligent than adults. They are practically teaching the
adults how to use technology, today s youth has grown up with technology their
whole life making it easy for them to learn and grow with the the technology rather
than learn it as adults today are. There are a great deal of both positives and
negatives to technology when it comes to the ... Show more content on
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Because suicide has become such a problem from cyber bullying, there has been
federal and state laws put into place to try and prevent kids from taking their own
lives. In our research about 85% of the time, the target knows who the bully is, and
it s usually somebody from their social circle (Patchin). When the bully is from
their social circle, it tends to hurt the individual even more. They can t take their
problems to their friends because, sometimes, those are the people who are
bullying. Explicit text messages or better known as sexting has evolved through
the use of technology. Sexting is affecting teens lives in a negative way. One in
five teens admit to sending sexually explicit photos or messages with their cell
phones and twice as many reported receiving sexting messages and photos (Mooney
42). The sending of vulgar messages has created emotional problems for teens.
Those messages can be spread across the school or even throughout the town in an
instant, reaching anyone and everyone. Once those messages are exposed, many
teens begin to harass or make fun of the messages or pictures causing emotional
problems such as insecurity for the victim. Emotionally sexting can take a toll on a
person, especially if it backfires and gets into the wrong hands, says Dr. Johnson
physiatrist at the Houston Human Behavioral Study (Johnson). Many girls suffer
from this because they think they can trust the person they are sending it
The s Guitar Hero Series And King s Candy Crush Saga
Games, in one form or another, have existed for almost as long as the human race
and despite the fact that they are often reduced to being something for children they
are in fact quite complex. When analysing games one must look at why they are
engaging what keeps us playing and how they foster participation in the average user.
By comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Activision s Guitar Heroseries
and King s Candy Crush Saga, it will become apparent that the former is more
engaging while the latter is more effective in fostering participation in players.
Before one can begin to analyse games in terms of their engagement and participation
qualities, a definition of what a game is and the characteristics that make them
effective must be established. Koster defines games by saying they are, iconic
depictions of patterns in the world...games are puzzles to solve (2004, p. 34),
indicating that games are simply non threatening representations of reality
designed to teach the player skills that they will first have to discover for
themselves. According to Koster the skills games intend to teach are often, things
that we can absorb into the unconscious as opposed to things designed to be tackled
by the conscious, logical mind (2004, P. 76) which is something that can be seen in
both Guitar Hero and Candy Crush. On the surface, Guitar Hero is a game about
being a rock star and playing music, but the way the game is played aims to improve
hand eye coordination
Women in Ancient Rome Essay
Women in Ancient Rome
In Roman times women were treated differently depending on their class, and family
background. However Roman women off all social classes were expected to assume,
that they were merely possessions of their fathers and then of their husband.
Many Romans told a story (below) about a woman named Cornelia, a Roman woman
of the second century BC:
An upper class women from Campania was staying with Cornelia, a mother of the
Gracchi brothers. She continually boasted about her jewels which were the most
beautiful to be seen at that time, Cornelia kept her talking until her children returned
home from their lessons, then she said to the women: these are my jewels ... Show
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In AD 14, the Emperor Augustus, on his death bed, is reported to have told his wife,
always remember whose wife you have been .
Freeborn Roman women were never allowed to forget that people always regarded
them as someone s daughter, wife or mother, but never as an individual who has their
own rights.
Roman daughters, much like Greek daughters, were always in the custody of the
oldest male in her family and had to obey their rules. (The paterfamilias) the head of
the household. In the Roman law, the paterfamilias was so important and powerful
that he had the right over everyone s life in his family.
The daughters name as simply the name of her fathers but in a feminine form, there
was nothing personal in a daughter s name. If the father was called (Marcus Tullius
Cicero) the daughter would be simply be called Tullia. If however more than one
daughter was born in that family then to prevent confusion she would be called Tullia
the younger, or Tullia the second, and so on.
We know this because historian s found evidence of this, from letters written on
papyrus sheets that have survived from Roman times.
Laws passed by Roman emperor s show that unwanted children were exposed and
left to die in public places, often on rubbish heaps. The precise number of female
babies left to rot like this is unknown;
Black Sand Analysis
Black Sand is a horror film, featuring all deaf cast members. This movie lacks linear
plot, as the movie consists of multiple plot twist that needs flashbacks to explain the
ending. Movies that are all American Sign Language differ from that of hearing
movies, and it affects the plot. This is my first movie with all Deaf actors, but I
enjoyed it more than movies with hearing actors.
So in the beginning of the movie, we meet the characters: Aunt Beth; Cathy, Aunt
Beth s niece; Troy, Beth s son; Tim, the boyfriend of Cathy; Joy, Cathy s friend;
Rex the boyfriend of Joy. The group arrives in Costa Rica to find that Aunt Beth is
not too excited about them coming, and said she sent a letter to Cathy telling her not
to come. This is because weird ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are differences between hearing and deaf cinema. When you watch a deaf
movie, there is no build up of tension, because there is no dramatic music, things
just happen suddenly. The group of us watching this movie actually screamed
because we got caught off guard. The actors also use a lot more expression, which
adds more quality to the movie. Hearing actors usually have a dead face, no matter
what they are saying. On the other hand, deaf use their bodies more and their
facial expressions. I also caught a line where he Rex told Troy he better stop
telling him what to do, or he will cut off his hands. I found this extremely
interesting, because this is the deaf equivalent to the hearing line, Put a sock in it.
They are both used to tell people to shut up; however, you cannot shove a sock in a
deaf person s mouth because they can still sign. If you cut off a deaf person s hands,
they can no longer communicate. I think it is important to catch small details like
The Legacy Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his
innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the
creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s
development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve
hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach
of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or
even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It
wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady
where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a
creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July
30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor
poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today
and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his
moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered
how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier,
quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started
to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure
out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a
treasure. Ford says his mother always
Assisted Reproductive Technology-Bioethics
Running Head: Assisted Reproductive Technologies Abstract ASSISTED
REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (ARTs) can be very helpful for certain patients,
but ethical concerns have been raised about the inherent nature of specific techniques
and the contexts in which many techniques are used. Physicians play important roles
in supporting those who wish to become parents and in educating patients about
impediments to fertilization and ways to promote conception. We discuss various
ethical issues surrounding ARTs, including family relationships, informed choice,
gender issues, embryo status and the commercialization of reproduction, as well as
legal and policy issues. We examine the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of
ARTs and suggest ways to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the egg donor process, eggs are retrieved from a donor s ovaries, fertilized in the
laboratory with the sperm from the recipient s partner, and the resulting healthy
embryos are returned to the recipient s uterus. A gestational carrier is an option
when a patient s medical condition prevents a safe pregnancy, when a patient has
ovaries but no uterus due to congenital absence or previous surgical removal, and
where a patient has no ovaries and is also unable to carry a pregnancy to full term.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) involves the use of genetic screening
mechanisms such as Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) or Comparative
Genomic Hybridization (CGH) to help identify genetically abnormal embryos and
improve healthy outcomes. Embryo splitting can be used for twinning to increase
the number of available embryos. Others The following Assisted Reproduction
techniques don t necessarily involve IVF. In gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
a mixture of sperm and eggs is placed directly into a woman s fallopian tubes using
laparoscopy following a transvaginal ovum retrieval. Sex selection is the attempt to
control the sex of offspring to achieve a desired sex. It can be accomplished in
several ways, both pre and post implantation of an embryo, as well as at birth. Pre
implantation techniques include PGD, but also sperm sorting. Artificial insemination
(AI) is when sperm is placed into a female s uterus (intrauterine) or cervix
The Lightning Thief By Percy Jackson And The
Hercules A true hero isn t measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his
heart. The Lightning Thief is the first novel in the Percy Jackson and the
Olympians Novels. It was the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan.
Percy jackson and the Olympians tells the story of modern day twelve year old
Percy who finds out that he is a demigod, son of Greek God Poseidon and a mortal
woman. The Lightning Thief was published in 2005 by Miramax Books, and thus
Disney Hyperion imprint. The book sold over 1.2 million copies in four years, it
appeared on The New York Times children s best Seller list and listed as Young
Adults Library Services Association s Best Book for Young Adults followed by
other awards. It was soon later adapted into the film Percy Jackson and the
Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The film was released in the United States on
February 12, 2010. The movie sequel Sea Of Monsters was later released on
August 7, 2013. When i first read The Lightning Thief in my 9th grade year of high
school, I felt like i connected with the character Percy on a personal level. Like
him we both feel the need to set out on adventure, also very quick at thinking in dire
situations, intelligent and careful for others. Like me Percy is used to being the
outsider, the loner, and the quiet one. Percy grew up not knowing his father, and i
can sorta relate to that with my father being in and out from time to time.My 10th
grade year in Euclid was when i first
Beal Street In Memphis, Tennessee
While walking down Beal Street in Memphis, Tennessee, people watching and
having fun, our group stood at a corner. Some flash of color caught my eye and I
looked down to see more. As I stood and stared, one of the group, a girl, asked me
what was so fascinating about junk on the sidewalk. Now, I m not the type of guy
that hangs around art galleries or for the matter, even looks at pictures in a book. I
really like the bright colors and jazzy looking saxophone on the sidewalk and
started looking for more. That s how the conversation start on what is art, what is
not, and just what is graffiti? Most people think of graffiti as vandalism or the
defacing of private property by wild teenagers with spray cans. I had never really
thought about graffiti or art for that matter until I found myself defending something
I didn t know about because I liked what I saw on the sidewalk in Memphis,
Tennessee. Now, that s sounds crazy but I did my best to explain using simple words
that I hoped they would understanding. When, one of the guys, starting in on... Show
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Some are strange looking with crowns and stars. I later learned that they were most
likely gang signs or no trespassing warnings that only other gang members can read.
Other walls were so beautiful that they would make a grown man cry. Those were
scenes of children in the park, flowers, and my favorite, people dancing. Those
graffiti covered buildings looked bright not old and run down, which they really
were in most people s eyes. That is when I knew that graffiti is art, not because the
artist gets paid to do the work, but because the work comes out of his or her
imagination. Now driving to work or walking down Beale, I look for graffiti. I
realized that I answered my own question, Is graffiti ART? Yes, it is no matter what
my friends say or think. If was the only person in the world that considers graffiti art,
then that is what it is. Thankfully, I am not
Osmosis Is The Outer Layer Of A Solvent
Osmosis is process of the diffusion or movement of a solvent (usually water
molecules) through a semipermeable cell membrane from an area of low solute
concentration to an area of high solute concentration [Biology online, 2008]. The cell
membrane is the outer layer of a cell [Helms, n.d.] All cells are enclosed by a
membrane that selectively enables and permits in what the cell requires but averts
and avoids unwanted molecules from invading. Due to the membrane encompassing
copious tiny holes, the membrane allows and permits anything minor through but
prevents outsized molecules from moving into the cell. Osmosiscan be tested and
visually observed with the use of eggs, being adjacent representations of a cell for the
reason that it has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was apparent through the data that was recorded that there was a substantial
approximate 27 gram increase in egg mass from 56.5 grams to 83.5 grams when
the eggs were submerged in vinegar. This is because the water contained in the
vinegar can pass into the egg through the membrane, shifting from the higher water
concentration in vinegar to the lower water concentration in the egg. In saying
this, it was again ostensible through the egg masses that were recorded after the
eggs were immerged in distilled water that the egg had expanded even more
significantly in size by approximately 12 grams from 80.13 to 92.2, as exhibited in
Appendix 8, image 4. This is due to the water being hypotonic, with a considerably
higher water concentration gradient across the membrane as can be comprehended
by scrutinizing the image found in Appendix 7. A hypotonic solution is interpreted
as a solution whose solute concentration is lower than that inside a cell [Helms,
n.d.]. Contrariwise, by putting an egg with no shell in syrup, the egg membrane
splits and divides into two solutions with different concentrations of water: the egg
white is about 90% water; syrup is about 25% water [Oregon, n.d.]. There was a
substantial diminution by approximately 38.8 grams in egg mass from 83.5 grams
to 44.7 grams when the eggs were immerged in syrup causing the egg shrivel as
demonstrated in Appendix 8, image 3; when an egg is immerged in syrup of any
type after firstly being immerged in vinegar,

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  • 1. Essay For Abortion Writing an essay on the topic of [TOPIC] is undoubtedly a challenging task, primarily due to the deeply divisive nature of the subject matter. The discourse surrounding [TOPIC] is fraught with ethical, moral, religious, and legal complexities, making it inherently sensitive and difficult to navigate. Crafting a comprehensive and balanced essay requires extensive research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of various perspectives. First and foremost, delving into the ethical considerations surrounding [TOPIC] demands a thorough exploration of the rights and autonomy of individuals, the concept of personhood, and the moral implications of terminating a pregnancy. Moreover, grappling with the socioeconomic factors that influence decisions regarding [TOPIC], such as access to healthcare, socioeconomic status, and cultural beliefs, adds another layer of complexity to the discussion. Furthermore, addressing the legal landscape surrounding [TOPIC] involves examining the intricacies of legislation, court rulings, and constitutional rights, all of which vary significantly across different jurisdictions. Navigating through the plethora of case law and legislative history requires meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of legal principles. Additionally, engaging with the emotional dimensions of [TOPIC] necessitates empathy, sensitivity, and a recognition of the deeply personal experiences that individuals may have regarding reproductive rights and choices. Balancing the need for empathetic understanding with the rigors of academic analysis poses yet another challenge in crafting an essay on [TOPIC]. In conclusion, writing an essay on [TOPIC] is a formidable undertaking that demands rigorous research, critical thinking, and empathy. It requires grappling with complex ethical, legal, and social issues while maintaining a balanced and respectful approach to divergent viewpoints. Despite its challenges, delving into the discourse surrounding [TOPIC] offers an opportunity for intellectual growth and deeper understanding. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net. Essay For Abortion Essay For Abortion
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  • 3. Enchiridion By Epictetus Summary In Enchiridion by Epictetus, the claim in selection number 7 is that humans should not get attached to material things because when nature calls them to return to it, they will have to leave their material belongings. The human desire of materialism is often too difficult to satiate. As humans start to gain material possessions, they tend to forget the great value of nature which surpasses that of materialism. Sooner or later, humanswill be disappointed by materialism since they placed their entire faith on it, instead of placing it on nature. According to Epictetus, humans only borrow material things, those do not belong to any personand therefore humans do not have control over them. However, Epictetus suggests that nature is part of humans, it is what dictates their fate and it is in what humans should relied on since nature is the reason for everything that happens. Therefore, people should be willing to leave their material possessions whenever nature calls them, it is beneficial to concentrate on the guidance of nature to fate, and not on materialism that will disappoint them when they cannot have it anymore. For instance, American Indians relied on nature to form their civilizations and traditions. Raw materials such as gold, silver, and copper, were not as valuable as they are in modern times since American Indians were aware that nature provided every material thing that they used. Moreover, they recognized that not even a single rock belonged to them, instead,
  • 4. Irrigation In Napa Valley Napa Valley is a part of the hilly, steep mountains in the California Coast Range. The soils in Napa Valley are generally very deep and are used for vineyards. Soils of volcanic, and alluvial origin exist, each created by geological events that have occurred over sixty million years. The valley was formed by tectonic plate movement and volcanic activity. Due to volcanic activity, more than 100 soil types were created. Grape farmers have an issue of choosing the type of irrigation which will decrease the salinity of the soils but also provide enough water for their crops to thrive. How much irrigation water required to grow quality wine grapes depends upon the site, the stage of vine growth, row spacing, size of the vine s canopy, and amount of rainfall occurring during the growing season. The structure and composition of the soil greatly affect the character of the grapes and help guide the Napa Valley grape growers as to which rootstocks and grape varieties to plant. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One type of irrigation, drip irrigation, is a method which plants reach water supply. Drip irrigation is the most widely used method of irrigation in Napa Valley. By directly applying water to either the root zone or to the surrounding soil, this method significantly reduces the amount of water used. In addition, growers are able to control the exact amount of water applied to each vine, reduce evaporation, and minimize surface runoff. Although the water goes around root system, it does not go far and as a result, there is an accumulation of salts. Furthermore, most of the water in California comes from mountains which has salt in them and once that area is flushed, the farmer can also flush the soil. If flushing does not occur, then saline and sodic conditions can possibly
  • 5. Ponce De Leon Essay Ponce de Leon was a Spanish soldier who had accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second journey to Hispaniola (present day Haiti). There, Ponce de Leon became a military commander and a deputy governor of the island. He explored the rumors of large gold deposits on the nearby island of San Juan Bautista (Puerto Rico) and discovered it for Spain. On the Spanish king s orders, Ponce de Leon later returned to the island to colonize and establish gold mines using the natives as slave labor, being appointed as the Spanish governor. He was later removed from office and so set out to explore the rumor of the fountain of youth and discovered Florida. The Spanish conquistador returned to Puerto Rico and reestablished Spanish order in the chaotic country. News of the Spanish king s passing reached his ears, and he returned to Spain to secure his businesses. His last return to Florida resulted in him being shot with a poison arrow to the thigh, which he later died from.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His experience with discovering new lands can give us the chance to claim valuable land for the growth of our company. Economically speaking, obtaining resources from the Americas at a comparatively lower cost to resources here in Europe would give our company an edge in manufacturing. We would manufacture products in cheaper and larger quantities, increasing our net sales exponentially. Ponce de Leon s political experience can also prove invaluable in securing and even gaining more power and control over in the Americas. Leon s presence in the Americas would both secure our potential lands and resources as well as allow us the opportunity to gain even more of the commodity. Therefore, we would gladly fund Ponce de Leon for another one of his adventures, so long as he can give us land and security in the New
  • 6. Young Earth Scientists How does current science support each of the Biblical views of Young Earth Scientists(YEC), and Old Earth Scientists(OEC)? This is a question that is disputed among many scientists. Although both groups believe that the Bible is the word of God, they both interpret it differently. For example Young Earth Creationists believe that the earth was literally created in one week. Old Earth Creationists believe, however, that days did not refer to 24 hours, but referred to longer periods of time. It is important for people to understand the differences and similarities between the beliefs of Young Earth Creationists and Old Earth Creationists, so that they can determine which view is supported by science. Although these two views differ greatly in some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main difference in belief is of the age of the universe. Both groups use many difference exclamations to support their side of this issue. Ice cores have been used to try to determine the age of ice sheets in Greenland, and Antarctica. This works the same way as counting tree rings. However, it is not as simple. There is still controversy on the outcome of this method. 110,000 layers have been counted in the Antarctic sheet and have been claimed by some that these are annual layers. If this were true, then that would suggest that the ice sheet is 110,000 years old. But these layers have been shown not to be annual. Recently two B 17 Flying Fortresses and six P 38 Lightning fighters were excavated in Antartica. Nearly 50 years after they went down, the planes had been covered in 250 feet of ice. Hundreds of rings were noticed during the excavation. Since hundreds of rings were produced in less than 50 years, this shows that the rings do not indicate years. The excavation showed the rate of accumulation to be 5.5 feet per year. The deepest core dug is was about 10,000 feet deep. After considering compression, 4,400 years is enough time to produce that much ice(Ice Core Dating Segment). This shows that the Young Earth Creationist time frame can fit in ice
  • 7. Lethal Injections And The Involvement Of Medical Personnel Shella Samonte Kegley Health Science Technology 4th Period 27 September 2015 Lethal Injections and the Involvement of Medical Personnel Death penalty, or capital punishment, is the execution of a person as a punishment for a crime. Throughout history, the death penalty has been a prominent part of society. In ancient Mesopotamia, the death penalty was seen as retribution for certain crimes, and to this day, is now a common practice in the United States. Before, when the United States were still colonies, the death penalty had been carried out by hanging and other various methods but today in the modern age, the Unites States method of execution in most states is lethal injection (Issitt). Unlike previous methods, such as electrocution and the firing squad, the lethal injection is virtually painlessly due to certain drugs being injected into the patient that put the patient to sleep during the process. Due to its medical nature, medical personnel, such as anesthesiologists are needed to administer the drugs, but is it ethical for them to participate in the execution of people? Throughout the process of a lethal injection, there are many drugs inserted into the prisoner. Before the drugs are administered, the prisoner is first brought into a room, that looks very much like a hospital room, with all the medical equipment inside. Within the room, there is a cardiac monitor, and other medical items. The inmate is then strapped to trolley, much like the one below: And hooked up
  • 8. Case Study Of Crowe V. The case study of Crowe v. Provost, 374 S. W. 2d. 645 (Tenn. 1963), was a highly anticipated court case for the 1960 s. The following list pertaining to the example of what went wrong and by whom. The first patient appointment opens a file with the patient s basic information and any allergies including medication(s). This would typically be done with the receptionist. If this was not the doctor s first time seeing this patient, then the physicianshould have checked the chart to see if there were any allergies to anything including medication, such as, Penicillin and Cosa Terrabon. Referring to the Crowe vs. Provost, the child was then rushed back into the doctor s office with worsening symptoms, the nurse should have listened to the mother. The nurse, could have instructed the mother to take the worsening child to the nearest Emergency Department. The nurse advising the doctor, That she thought the child was about the same as when the physician saw him earlier in the day (Flight, M., 2011, page 5 6) was not a good idea. The doctor could have been brought in for an examination of the ailing patient. The receptionist returning from her lunch should not have been a signal for the nurse to leave for any reason with the patient getting worse. Again, the patient and mother should have been instructed to go to the nearest emergency room. The receptionist should not have been left alone with an ailing patient. Mistakenly, the receptionist calling the doctor first and
  • 9. Causes Of The Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution is a series of political events that occurred during the years 1905 to 1924. The February Revolution, in which overthrew the imperial government and the October Revolution, placed the Bolsheviks in power (britannica.com). The Russian Revolution happened because of discontentment of with the tsar, poverty in Russia, and lack of control over the government. During the In January of 1905, protesters were protesting in front of the winter palace because of extreme poverty and starvation due to peasants wages decreasing. The Russian workers and peasants wanted a better working and living conditions. More than 1000 protesters were killed and injured after the tsar, Nicholas the II, ordered his army to gun down the protesters. This incident, known as Bloody Sunday, led to the 1905 revolution. During the 1905 revolution, Russian Social Democratic Social Party split into two factions, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. Later in October of 1905, Nicholas the II issued the October Manifesto, which ended the Russian Revolution of 1905. In July of 1914, World War I begun which caused the Russians a lot of damage because four million Russian soldiers killed, wounded or captured. The Russian Soldiers refused the fight and people back in Russian were starving because of the lack of income from the war. World War I also caused the tsar to lose control of Russia as the war has caused chaos in Russia. Soon, continuous protests and revolts led to the March Revolution of
  • 10. Notre Dame Future Plans Next week in school is College week! I know I still have roughly four more years, but, I have been thinking on where I want to go college wise. When I graduate from high school, I want to go to Notre Dame, they have a wonderful teaching system for lawyers. I want to be a lawyer after high school. Tuition and fees at the Universityof Notre Dame are $47,929 without financial aid. With room, board, and other fees combined, total cost of attendance is $64,775. I have looked into the University of Notre Dame, and I have noticed that the campus is very enormous. I have never really lived in a big city, so I think that s going to Notre Dame will be new and exciting! I also never left my family for long and Notre Dame isn t too far away from my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The layout of Notre Dame, the way they teach is interesting to me. They have real lawyers who come down to teach students criminal law and evidence. They have pretend trials as test, meaning they have their students go and be a judge, attorney, etc... Going to this school will be challenging but iI want them to challenge me so that I can be an extravagant lawyer. Being a lawyer has been my dream job since i was in 6th grade, so me getting into this school would help me achieve my goals. I picked Notre Dame because, I was looking online about what kind of colleges there is to help me become a successful lawyer. I was flummoxed by all of the colleges that I could go to, but, what caught my eye with Notre Dame is the fact that they will challenge me. It is a very good school to go to if you want to become a lawyer. My uncle Jack is a lawyer, he went to Notre Dame and he told me that it was an excellent school to attend to. These are just some of the reasons I wish to attend the University of Notre Dame. There are many reasons why and how Notre Dame is the college I want to attend after I graduate high school. If I can t attend Notre Dame for whatever reason, I would like to attend Yale or Harvard. They are also really good colleges to attend. Although they are not the school I really wish to attend they will do just fine
  • 11. Systems Development Life Cycle and Project Component of Formal SDLC Process There are many ways to develop an Information system, which is very complex. The systems development life cycle (SDLC) provides an overall efficient framework for managing the process of system development. Various organizations use information systems to support all kind of processes that a business needs to carry out its functions. There are different kind of information system and each has its own life, and system developer describe this idea as life cycle of system. During the life of an information system, it is first conceived as an idea; then it is designed, built, and deployed during a development project; and finally it is put into production and used to support the business. Projects during... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prioritize requirements. Generate and evaluate alternatives. Review recommendations with management 3.Design Activities This activity is used to design the solution system based on requirement document. High level design document consists of architectural structure of software component and low level design document consists of detailed algorithm. Seven major activities must be completed during the design phase: Design and integrate the network. Design the application architecture. Design the user interfaces. Design the system interfaces. Design and integrate the database. Prototype for design details. Design and integrate the system controls. 4.Implementation Activities It results in final system being build and installed. It ensures that the information system is reliable and functional and organization is ready to benefit from the use of the system. Five major activities make up the implementation phase: Construct software components. Verify and test. Convert data. Train users and document the system. Install the system. Types of Employee Involved and Their Roles There are many employee involved in the different phases of SDLC process. In the initial phase that is project planning, project manager is responsible for to identify the feasibility of project, scheduling, resource and budget planning. In the analysis activity, system analyst understands the
  • 12. Southport Waterfront Market Coastal living doesn t get much better than in the seaside town of Southport. This is a family friendly community nestled on the banks of the Cape Fear River and the Intracoastal Waterway. Southport offers the feel of a small town with the casual living of the North Carolina Coast. Homes in Southport, NC reflect the heritage of the region. The Southport Waterfront Market is one of the highlights of this coastal community. Held every Wednesday during the summer months, it is a place where locals and newcomers alike can gather, do some shopping and just enjoy some leisure time in a beautiful setting. The Market is the place to go if you want to enjoy home baked goods, local produce, handcrafted gifts, fine art, and live music, in a naturally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bay Street, the Lawn is part of the larger Fort Johnston Southport Museum and Visitors Center. Nestled on the banks of the Cape Fear River, the Lawn is a jewel by itself with ancient oak trees and expansive views. Cool breezes off the River, paired with deep shade, provide a respite for everyone enjoying the Market. The Market is open every Wednesday, during the summer, from 8AM to 1PM. The season officially begins on the first Wednesday in May and ends on the last day of September. For 2017, the season begins on May 3rd and ends on September 27th. Homemade and Handmade Southport is a haven for artisans of all sorts. You can see this in the diversity of handmade goods and fine art presented in the Market. Jewelry and quilts are just two of the items you can find among the many stalls and tables. Local produce is a special attraction for Southport residents. Fresh fruits and vegetables are readily available from the beginning to the end of the Market season. Farmers often bring it straight from the fields and orchards so residents can bring it to their own tables the same day. Prepared foods are another highlight of the Market. The smell of fresh baked goods waft through the air. Jars of homemade jams and jellies sit along side containers of candies and
  • 13. Famine, Affluence And Morality By Peter Singer Famine, Affluence, and Morality is a well known article written by Peter Singer that was published in Philosophy and Public Affairs in 1972. Peter Singer is an Australian utilitarian philosopher, and in Famine, Affluence, and Morality he argues that more fortunate people should be required to help those in need or at least give significantly more than what is currently being given. The essay focuses on the Great Bengal Faminethat occurred in 1971, Singer mentions how reluctant the western world was to aid those in need and he blames it on the fact that it was a crisis that was happening far away from the western world. One of Singer s main points is, If it is in our power to prevent something very bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing
  • 14. During Pregnancy And Childbirth Ethnic, Religious, Cultural factors impact a woman s experience during pregnancy and childbirth. In providing care for the pregnant woman that have differing cultural beliefs and practices, healthcare providers should be aware of patient s beliefs and the influence they might have on the pregnancy and childbearing. It is the patient s right to be cared for within the context of their cultural beliefs and it is the practitioner s responsibility to influence health care to optimize the health of the pregnant patient. . If the healthcare culture are not congruent the well being of the patient is at risk. Three particular cultural ethnic groups whose views on pregnancyand childbearing differ from the normal western society s views are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Mexican culture Familism, network of extended and nuclear family who are connected for the good of the family; often influences the choices a mother may make, many young mothers seek the advice of the elder women in the family during their childbearing years. This is similar to the Native Americans where Tribal Family members are held of significant value, and are believed to be responsible for each other. Because family is held of significant importance, it is not uncommon, in either culture, for many relatives to come and stay with patient until discharge. This is especially true when a woman gives birth or if mother has a child who is admitted to the
  • 15. Why Should I Get Snapchat There are many good things about Snapchat. For example I can only talk to my friends, it is fun, and I would let Sophia use it too. For these many reasons, I believe I should get Snapchat. The first reason I believe I should get Snapchat is I can only talk to my friends. This shows that I should get Snapchat because I can only communicate with my friends that I know. According to Cornell Research it states, Essentially, users friend each other through the application and are then able to send each other either picture or text based messages known as snaps. This proves I should get Snapchat because I can only communicate with people I know and I can only approve them like Instagram. For this reason I believe I should get Snapchat. The
  • 16. How Did Mesopotiefs Influence The Environment And... How much does a society s environment and experiences influence the nature of its values and religious beliefs? It is a question that we as a human being should ask ourselves daily in our life. The collective nature off society environment and experiences will and indefinitely affect their religious belief. It affects people in their daily lives, in everything they want to do or they don t want to do. Unconsciously it becomes part of human s life no matter how hard they try to ignore it once they adapt it it s hard to get rid of such influence. People in the past has experienced it as well as people of modern world. One of the oldest civilization that was affected by the society s environment and nature was Mesopotamia. There are many ways in which a society can be affected. Mesopotamia was a polytheistic system, which means that they believed and prayed to multiple gods not just one. Mesopotamia culture states that the gods and deities they believed in were living realities who affected their life (Spielvogel 11). The Mesopotamian believed their god or goddesses were living realities who affected their life style, they had leaders who rule and prepare armies if they had to go to the war. The priests played huge role in Mesopotamian culture, priests oversaw taking care of deities. Priests would tell the leaders what they should do in return of benefits in their wealth, health, soil etc. they people of Mesopotamia believed if their deities are unhappy they will punish them
  • 17. My Improvement In My Writing I ve been writing essays and papers for at least six years with several of the years writing an average of an essay weekly. My writing is definitely not perfect. It leaves numerous improvements to be desired, but the practice I ve had has left me with several characteristics that I greatly appreciate about my writing. Likewise, while taking Writing 122 this term, there are various improvements that I desire to make in my writing as we dive into the finer aspects of persuasive writing and argumentation. Writing is an incredible skill and there are parts of it that I feel I do well in. One part of writing I feel I have accomplished is the organization, particularly in shorter papers. Excellent organization requires an introduction, body, and conclusion, all of which I strive to include in all of my writing. As well being organized in my writing, my punctuation is generally accurate and I seek to always include an excellent first sentence that grabs at the reader s attention. I love using interesting words and phrases to breathe life into my message. Like colorful threads, when woven together with mastery, each word contributes to the final masterpiece.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first area I would like to improve is in my argumentation and persuasive writing ability. Novelist Edward Bulwer Lytton once wisely stated, The pen is mightier than the sword , emphasizing the power in carefully placed words and effective writing. To be able to clearly lay out a case and opinion before the reader, argue it persuasively and reinforce it with research and evidence is a skill I hope to sharpen. I desire to improve the communication of my thought and produce a beautiful flow in my writing that doesn t leave the reader tripping through the potholes on his way to the grand
  • 18. Jkl Industries ASSESSMENT 1 Question and Answer 1. Describe any four skills an effective negotiator needs to have. Any effective negotiator requires these four skills: Active Listening negotiators need to have the skill of actively listening to the person they are communicating with. Active listening involves the ability to read body language as well as verbal communication. It is arguably more important to listen to the other party to find areas for compromise during the meeting than it is for the negotiator to speak themselves.Verbal Communication negotiators must also have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively to the other person during a negotiation. Misunderstandings can occur if the negotiator does not state their case... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Is necessary to include all information related to: deposits, total payment amount, penalties, cancellation costs, etc. Time frame (Duration) the length of the contract is another aspect of the negotiation that is likely to be an issue between both parties and an agreement on the duration needs to be reached. The completion date, milestones from each task finished should be detailed. Conditions the conditions of the contract between the two parties is also likely to be another important topic and one that both parties will look to gain as much as possible from the negotiation. Risk Management detailing guarantees, bonds, type of contract, insurance, services / product standards. Technical specification detailing warranty, maintenance required, support of the product or service . 6. Describe the basic issues to be considered in the following situation: * One off agreement * Contracts for ongoing supply of goods and/or services * Contracts with interstate supplies * Contracts with international supplies One off agreement an issue that may arise in a one off agreement is the supplier may not provide a high quality of service as the parties are unlikely to do business together in the future. Contracts for ongoing supply of goods and/or services there are many factors to discuss prior to negotiating a long term contract. Some of these include the agreed cost of purchase, length
  • 19. Artificial Intelligence. Essay Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Ability or Information Processing Computers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. We rely upon these machines to perform innumerable tasks that we often take for granted. Most people realize that computers are able to perform the multitude of functions as a consequence of the programming they receive. These programs give computers a set of instructions that governs their transition from one information processing state to another. Thus, computational machines are able to respond to a certain set of inputs with a certain range of outputs. In order to comprehend programs one needs only to describe these instructions in functional terms. In this regard, computer programs are extremely similar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Searle s opinion, computers can never be minds because they are inherently different from brains. He argues that brains do not merely instantiate a program but also cause mental events by virtue of specific neuro biological processes. Searle is essentially making the contention that brains, by virtue of their specific biochemical properties, cause minds. Consequently, according to Searle, any artifact that produced mental phenomena would have to be able to duplicate the specific causal powers of brains and it could not do that just by running a formal computer program. Although it is interesting to contemplate, Searle s argument definitely has its share of flaws. The Churchlands, as proponents in the possibility of artificial intelligence to duplicate the mind, (yet not believers of strong AI as it was previously defined ) do their best to illustrate these weaknesses in his theory. The primary objection which they have with Searle s argument against the plausibility of artificial intelligence lies with the third premise in his original proof. The Churchlands argue that this premise, which states, Syntax by itself is neither constitutive of nor sufficient for semantics, is an assumption rather than a fact. Additionally, they contend that to assume its truth is tantamount to begging the question against classical AI. Classical AI rests on the premise that if one can
  • 20. How Does Gertrude Fight To Power In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the motherly figures both eventually fight for power and control in a patriarchal society; however, while Gertrude shows some open defiance to Claudius at the end of the play, Mama takes a more indirect and sneaky approach to get what she wants. Both Gertrudeand Mama are in troubled relationships with their husbands; Claudius uses Gertrude to his own advantage, and Mama gets abused by Papa. Regardless, through it all, both fight for what s best for their children even though their children ultimately end up silencing and controlling them. In Hamletand Purple Hibiscus, the motherly figures fight for power in a patriarchal society, however, where Gertrude ultimately... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Towards the beginning of the play Gertrude appears to be subservient to Claudius by doing whatever he asks of her. When Claudius sets up a plan to spy on Hamlet, Gertrude s own son, Gertrude does not bother standing up for herself or Hamlet, she simply states, I shall obey you (Shack III.I.38). Gertrude allows herself to be portrayed as vulnerable and submissive until Hamlet convinces her to support his madness when they are in Gertrude s room. Then, Gertrude begins to stand up for herself to Claudius, demonstrating bravery and courage. This courage and bravery is manifested when Laertes and Hamlet fight in a fencing match. Gertrude goes to take a drink from the poisoned cup and when Claudius asserts, Gertrude, do not drink she dismisses him and says, I will, my lord, I pray you pardon me (Shack V.II.282 283). Gertrude s decision to drink the poisoned cup as an act of defiance towards Claudius and the patriarchal society shows Hamlet that she did not intentionally seek to abandon either Hamlet or his father and is willing to help him in his fight against Claudius. This defiance also shows Claudius whose side she is on and makes him feel
  • 21. Boost Juice Mission Statement Introduction Boost juice bar has been introduced in 2000 when Janine Allis, mum of three son and one daughter decides to create something s that is healthy and delicious to their children .On that time, there were also lack of beneficial food store and the rate of obesity were increasing day by day. So, Janine Allisdecide to make something that can replace fast food or healthy fast food alternative. This drinks is not only delicious but can give good benefit to human body. Nutritionist and naturopaths were been consulted by Janine Allis to create a menu of smoothies and healthy juices that were free from artificial flavours, preservatives and colours. Even though Janine has no business experience, but she tried to open her business. The first boost store design was painted by Janine Allis. She managed to get AU$250,00 for her first store. Boost has become famous and synonymous with smoothies in Australia a decade later. Mission To become one of the world s most famous and loved brands. Visions Every customer will leave a juice bar feeling just that little bit better. Goals To makes the people smiles, to obtain the best possible profit achievable over a year and aims to continually grow in a size to all over the world that is manageable. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Vibe(Very Important Boost Enthusiats) was a club for the boost lover. The customer that have this card will get a free boost after buying 10 boost. They also have a chance to get a free boost on their birthday. Next, Customer relation. Customer relation was about the customer can give their feedback to the company. The customer can complaint about the product, service or experienced that they faced. Each of the email is followed up within 1 business day. This programme is to make sure that every each of the customers has their own views and opinions about the company. Boost also produced boost apps on playstore and appstore to make customer easier to get new news and promotion from
  • 22. The Pritting Press Essay In 1440 a man by the man of Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type, or as we know it, a printing press. Prior to 1440 everything read in Europe was copied by hand or copied from wooden blocks carved from hand. This was very expensive and time consuming. The only people who were literate were those of the church and a small percentage of nobility. Since the printing presscame out, how would this effect European culture and the way things worked? The printing press had many effects on Europe. Very few peasants could read and besides that there wasn t much to read but scriptures. The things that were being read were hand written and of course this took a long time and so not many people wanted to take the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More and more people became educated because more and more things were available to the common people. But after more Bibles were published problems occurred with that because people read them and had differences in beliefs. So getting to the point of new religions and new beliefs. As time passed by, the common people started to invent things of their own. People had time to create poetry and books. If the printing press did not come out these works of literature would not have been published and recognized around the country. They would have been some how lost in history and never heard of if there were not copies. We would never have heard of the great Dante and other great writers of the Renaissance. By the 1500 s the idea of the printing press spread all over Europe. The printing press became the biggest industry in Europe at the time. Some people believed that the printing press was a bad thing because it vulgarized learning. However, this was not the case. The printing press helped move along learning and the printing press gave the common people a chance to be educated. The printing press made it easier for the common people to get books because the printing press made books more common and less expensive. As my conclusion the printing press changed Europe s history. The printing press not only helped educate but it also had a lot
  • 23. Group Observation Of Group Behaviors Group Observation At the beginning of the group, the facilitator asked the clients to identify group norms. The clients identified these group norms and wrote them on the white board; raise your hand, no crosstalk or side conversations, stay awake, be respectful of peers/facilitator and property, keep things discussed in group confidential and be willing to participate and offer support when needed. The group facilitatorfollowed the Seeking Safety session format which is explained in the Seeking Safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and Substance Abusewritten by Lisa M. Najavits. The session format includes four steps; 1) check in, 2) quotation, 3) relate the topic to patients lives and 4) check out (Najavits, n.d., p. 147 169). The goal of the check in step is to find out how clients are doing and should not take more than five minutes per participant. The check in consists of four questions that clients may answer if they are willing to do so; how are you feeling, what good coping have you done, describe your substance used and any other unsafe behavior, and did you complete your commitment? The facilitator informed the clients that the check in process is optional and did not pressure clients to participate. From the observer perspective, this seemed to empower the clients and give them choice. All the clients present in the group were willing to participate in the check in process. The next step in the session format is to read the quotation. Each topic in the
  • 24. The speed, the agility, the ability to manoeuvre the ball... The speed, the agility, the ability to manoeuvre the ball to the opposing side of the field, the ability to reflect and the ability to outsmart your opponent is what makes you a real champion. The player sprints across the field, she passes the midfielders, the defenders and without realizing she knows she s there, just the goalie, the net and her. Prodigious cheers and roars are coming from the crowd, which contemplate the splendid dribbles that took place. And then... an unbelievable cross from an unrealistic place finds the head of the star striker and the ball goes in and was able to rest on the back of the net. The crowd goes wild, it is a defining moment in the game, and this is what women s football has developed into, this is what... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They say women have been playing football for as long it has existed, evidence suggests that there was an ancient version of the game that was seen by FIFA as the earliest form of football, called Tsu Chu, which involves kicking a ball through an opening space into a net. The use of hands is not allowed. There are many dates estimated recognized as the first matches ever recorded, Scotland has been the country were women football has mainly taken place. There is evidence of an annual match being played in Scotland in the early 1790s, but the first match was recorded by the Scottish Football Association which took place in 1892 in Glasgow. In England, the first recorded match of football played between women took place in 1895. Throughout the years, women football has become more civilised, The Football Association has documented early involvement of Women in Europe. They say in 12th century French Women have been playing football as part of the era s folk games, also in the 1790 s Scotland included football in the annual Mid Lothian competition, evidence shows the fact that women have been playing this sport for as long as men have. In 1863, the FIFA and head football governing bodies introduced a more civilised threat to the game, they introduced standardized rules to avoid and prohibit violence in the field, making the game more safe and more acceptable for women to take part in. The most
  • 25. The Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice: The Fall of A Man for His Race by JosГ© Pineda. Professor Arzola English 2322 5 July 2015 Outline. Thesis: The tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men s ideas about black people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play. Sociological Approach. I.Summary plot. II.Description of the main characters and racial influence on the plot. A.Iago, and his motives of racism. B.Brabantio, and induced racism. C.Roderigo, subliminal racism caused by heartbreak. D.Othello, negatively influenced by his feeling of being rejected by society because of his skin color. E.Desdemona and her position about racism. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice: The Fall of A Man for His Race. The equality we share today as people of different races are somewhat of a modern concept. Although the sense of equality has been an idea over the centuries, the notion of black people being inferior was very common and shared throughout Europe during the sixteenth century. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men s ideas about black people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play. Roderigo is discussing the marriage between
  • 26. A Narrative Essay On A Fair What should we get on first when we get there? asked Becky. I don t know. How about we get on the ferris wheel first, it looks super fun. said Lisa as they were riding in her mom s car on the way to the fair. They were so excited to finally be able to go to the fair since last year they had to shut it down early. I wonder why they shut it down last year because it wasn t on the news. Everyone said that it was because someone died. Yes, that s exactly the reason it shut down, how did you not know that? Becky said. FInally they arrived at the fair and got out of the car. Don t forget you guys have about 6 hours here then meet me by the theater parking lot at 8:30. So have fun and watch out for weirdos because you guys heard about what happened last year at the fair. Just be careful. Lisa s mom said, Don t do anything stupid, she said as she began to drive off. After that Becky and Lisa went to go purchase their tickets for the fair. They began to get very excited as they were walking closer and closer to the big rides, amazing smells of burritos and pizza, and people screaming of joy. Hurry up I want to get on the ferris wheel before the line gets super long. And we have to get on the that one ride that spins diagonally. We have to do so many thing while we re here so hurry up. Lisa exclaimed to Becky as she was tying her shoes. When she was finished they walked fastly to the long line for the ferris wheel. Time seemed to go on forever while they were
  • 27. Application Of C5. 0 Algorithm To Flu Prediction Using... Application of C5.0 Algorithm to Flu Prediction Using Twitter Data LZ M. Albances, Beatrice Anne S. Bungar, Jannah Patrize O. Patio, Rio Jan Marty S. Sevilla, *Donata D. Acula University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, {lz.albances.iics, beatriceanne.bungar.iics, jannahpatrize.patio.iics, riojanmarty.sevilla.iics, ddacula}@ust.edu.ph Abstract Since one s health is a factor considered, data coming from Twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms often used by millions of people, is beneficial for predictions of certain diseases. The researchers created a system that will improve the precision rate of the current system conducted by Santos and Matos using C5.0 algorithm instead of Naive Bayes algorithm for classifying tweets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Twitter provides free APIs from which a sampled view can be easily obtained. It helps build a map spread model. In line with this, the researchers came up with an idea of working on a research using these Twitter data, focusing on the so called tweets regarding diseases and health, specifically, the flu or influenza. Furthermore, previous studies were made regarding this topic. In 2008, there was a website called Google Flu Trends that took data from Google, Facebook, and Twitter itself [2]. It was widely used in its release, but it was proven to have inconsistencies with regards to its data [2]. Back in 2011 2013, Google Flu Trends overestimated the number of people who had flu by 50% [3]. One possible cause was its inclusion of data which contained the word flu or influenza , wherein the person who tweeted or posted about it did not have the flu at all [3]. There was also a study that made a precision of 0.78 or 78% using the NaГЇve Bayes Classification algorithm to identify tweets that mention flu or flu like symptoms [4]. As mentioned earlier, previous researchers had difficulty classifying these tweets as some data gathered got accepted even though the person did not have it. According to the Department of Health of the Philippines [5], getting flu is possible by contacting items that are contaminated through the discharges of an infected
  • 28. Essay on Liberal Reforms of 1906-1914 Liberal Reforms of 1906 1914 From the turn of the 20th century, laissez faire (the policy of non intervention in relation to social problems) became discredited. The same old problems of poverty and ill health still remained. The Liberal reforms of 1906 to 1914 are very important because they show a marked change in government policy from a largely laissez faire approach to a more collectivist approach. The government now accepted that it should have a much larger role and responsibility in helping those sections of society who could not help themselves. In the latter part of the nineteenth century governments began to take tentative steps towards the provision of basic welfare services, for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This sum could be collected at the Post Office. A smaller amount was paid to slightly higher earners. People who had an income greater than ВЈ31.50 per year received no pension at all. Those who had habitually failed to work or who had been in prison also received nothing. The major criticism of this Act was that it did not go far enough. The money was not enough to enable people to pay for the barest necessities and, although it helped, it was not the answer to old age poverty. Also, many elderly people needed financial help long before they reached 70 years of age. In fact most died before receiving a pension. Children s Charter In 1906 the government allowed local authorities to provide free school meals for poor children. In 1907 school medical inspections began, although it was not until 1912 that free medical treatment was available. Social reformers blamed poverty for causing crime among the young people. There was also the view that by sending young law breakers to adult prisons they would simply learn how to be better criminals. As such, in 1908 juvenile courts and borstals were set up. These reforms, including forbidding the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to children under 16 years of age, were given the name Children s Charter because it was believed these measures would guarantee a better life for young people. However, the
  • 29. Top Girls Character Analysis The play, Top Girls, by Caryl Churchill chronicles the lives of several women and their struggle to achieve success and happiness, as well as exploring their personal identities. Moreover, a central theme in the play was that of how one s choices can affect a person s satisfaction with their life. This theme is especially prevalent in the two contrasting characters of Marlene and Joyce. In Marlene s life, she is the top girl. She has a successful career, and is even given a promotion. On the surface, she is extremely satisfied with her life, however, in order to achieve this satisfaction, she gave up a lot in her life. It has been years since she saw her mother and sister, she s not in any stable relationship, and it s revealed that she gave up her child to her sister s care when she was younger. This particular instance of Marlene giving up her child is what McAdams would call a nuclear episode a specific and consequential scene in a life story such as high point, low point, or turning point. In talking to Joyce about this pivotal moment in her life, Joyce seemed resolved in her decision, but it was evident in her expression and physicality that she was still pained by her choice. So, while Joyce may be satisfied with her work life, her social and family life has been pushed to the wayside to make room for her big dreams. Yet, despite the difficult choices that Marlene had to make in order to further her career and life, she still appears generally satisfied with her
  • 30. Minima Moralia by Theodor Adorno In chapter 2 of the Minima Moralia, Theodor Adorno talks about the disintegrating family unit, the loss of the partitioning between the public and private life. However, there seem to be contradictions, or perhaps entanglements created by virtue of these 2 chapters inhabiting the same text. This essay will attempt to disentangle some of these ideas in a ludicrous quid pro quo fashion (Adorno, 1), whilst drawing some assistance from other areas, such as chapter 3, as well. And in doing so, will unravel Adorno s ideas that violence is inescapable, that certain antagonistic dialectics are necessary, and that not all conflict is bad conflict, thereby ultimately evoking the idea that there is such a thing as benevolent antagonism and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In short, as theoretical buildup increases, inaccuracy increases. This insinuates an underlying belief I share, in addition to Hobbes, that our senses are our most relatively reliable, and inescapable aspects of ourselves. Every aspect of our cognition is either directly or indirectly influenced by our senses, which then help us make sense of the world around us. Of course, reliance on ones senses is a cardinal sin in philosophical reasoning. But the fact remains that every aspect of cognition is derived from the senses, thus making the endeavor of running away from our physical perceptions of the world utterly futile. That said, whether or not this essay uncovers any solid, unequivocal any philosophical truth from Adorno s text is perhaps unknowable, for this is merely an attempt at improving accuracy. With that said, let us dive into Adorno s metaphor of the family a metaphor that introduces his larger concern of the dehumanizing capabilities of the productivity machine. Before explicating this metaphor however, we must justify its usage in this argument that purports that there is a difference between benevolent antagonism and dehumanizing antagonism (warring). Adorno says, One realizes in horror that when one as previously clashed
  • 31. Developing Good Business Sense Developing Good Business Sense Kristian Gellibert University Of Phoenix Abstract All companies have a system of operations, where everything has its order and everything is in place. If it weren t for operating systems, everything would be chaos, and no one would know what their tasks are. Can you imagine a company that basically lets you do whatever, where there were no rules, no accountability? Some people think that s crazy, but there are other that think that the right idea. The comparison between three companies and their tasks can be quite intriguing. I have chosen to compare three similar fast food chain companies. The ones that I have chosen are Wendy s, Burger King, and McDonalds. All three are a dine in, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McDonalds has the three step drive thru process, where you order your food, thru a loud speaker, then go to window 1 to pay your order, and then go to window 2 to pick up your order. This gives them an edge because it gives the customer a perception that they are getting their food faster. They do not have to wait to pay for the food and then the clerk to prepare it. While Burger King and Wendy s do not have this process and seems that it takes a little longer to get your order from these competitors. In conclusion, these three companies are similar in many ways, but in many ways totally different. The way that they operate are similar, the operation and managing of employees are not. Even though they are similar brands and offer similar product, the reason why they are still in business is because there is always room for a competitor, and if that competitor finds a niche that gives them a log up above the rest, then they should profit off of that. References: Jakle, John (1999). Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISB 0 8018 6920 X; Brueggemann, Walter (1993). Texts Under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination. Fortress Press. ISB 0 8006 2736 9 James P Farrell. The Evolution of the Quick Service Restaurant A Management Consultant @ Large.
  • 32. Full Inclusion in Classrooms Full Inclusion in the Classroom Each child is unique and learns in different ways; however, most schools still have a tendency to cling to the one size fits all education philosophy. It is often overviewed when catering to a classroom that each child has specific needs, and that a small group of children within the class may also need further attention. Disability isn t always visible nor is it always what we think it is. A child may have an undiagnosed hearing or vision problem, he or she may have difficulty with attention or with sitting still, or may have difficulties comprehending instructions. Whatever the need, the issue of whether or not that child should be pulled from the classroom and work with a specialist in a resource room, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along with academic benefits, inclusion enables the child to model critical social skills and gain lasting relationships with their peers that will aid them in understanding real world relations (lecture). Having the opportunity to be appropriately educated in a regular classroom gives the child, for perhaps the first time, the chance to feel like other kids. Having the opportunity to interact and succeed, as well as fail, like the other children can really do a lot for a child s sense of self worth (lecture). Exclusion from classrooms only segregates the children, teaching the general education kids to breed prejudice, and be ignorant and fearful of those who are not like them. Schwartz states that, Without knowledge (and education) that people with disabilities are more similar to nondisabled people than different, a double standard is created. (Schwartz,4). The more the child is included, the less likely they will face prejudice, and the less likely it is that he/she will miss out on the important social events going on in and out of the classroom. As a result, the child will have a better chance of being socially competent and socially integrated throughout their
  • 33. A Mother Drinking While Pregnant Can Cause Many Problems A mother drinking while pregnant can cause many problems for her newborn child, one example is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when a mother consumes alcohol while pregnant causing the newborn to develop a mental and physical disability. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disorder that is developed from the environment that the fetus was in caused by the consumption of alcohol by the mother while pregnant, resulting in the newborn developing mental and physical abnormalities, specifically of the skull and face (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006). There was a specific story that stood out to me about an eleven year old girl named Ellie. She was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndromeand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2006). A person suffering with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may experience low birth weight, large or malformed ears, a short neck, poor hand eye coordination, or a flat midface, among other symptoms. As for the brain of someone with FAS, there could be damage to the basal ganglia, primarily responsible for motor control and emotions, which can impair various cognitive processes. Secondly, a reduced cerebellum can affect one s balance, cognition and coordination. Finally, there can be an impaired corpus callosum, which connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres, the communication center of the brain. As for the mind, the child will develop slow learning habits, a short attention span, hyperactivity, or memory loss. There could also be a delay in the ability to speak and talk and being able to read or comprehend certain subjects (Ryan, S., Ferguson, D.L. 2006). Diagnosis The reason why the disorder is called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is because not every child exhibits the same symptoms, which leads to difficult branches of diagnosis (Murawski, N. et. al. 2015). Consuming alcohol during pregnancy is associated with FASD disabilities, which include fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial FAS (PFAS) and neurodevelopmental disorder alcohol exposed (ND AE). It is not hereditary. Some ways to physically identify an infant with FAS are to look at facial features:
  • 34. Differences Of The Computer System c)The output I received from dir /O was the same I received when I used the dir /L command. One of the differences between the two commands is that one returned the subfolders in lowercase (L) and the other in uppercase (O). The dir /O command returns the subdirectories inside my work directory in sorted order, but in this case there wasn t much difference because Windows sorted out this specific subfolder by default. As I looked deeper into the output, I found another difference between one command and the other. When I used the L command, the return displayed the document 57 untitled 1.py before the videos directory, as opposed to the O command that displayed the .py file in the end of the list. The reason behind this is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example the command dir /s /w /p would list all the files and folders in the current directory and the subfolders after that, one page at a time. Since my current directory is Chris the output to this command displayed more information than I can share. I will share just a sample of the entire output. d)dir (No file or subfolder was found during the execution of the command. I believe the reason to this is that the OS blocks any access to that folder. If files or subfolders are modified the OS could stop functioning.) After multiple tries I have realized that none of the nine commands work. One of the reasons why is that absolute path and relative path are invalid commands. There has to be another way to navigate through absolute and relative paths than with the commands used in this exercise. Also, this exercise is misleading because the result of a command depends of the location of the current directory and the directory to begin from is not specified in the instructions. Also, I don t need a command to know what the absolute and relative paths are in any case given. In number 1 for example, the entire address constitutes the absolute path: C:WINDOWSWeb . In this case since I am working in the Web directory, the relative path would be WindowsWeb . The absence of the slash makes a difference when determining whether the path is absolute or relative. Below is a screenshot that justifies my way of thinking. 1 Functions of the
  • 35. General Guidelines For Help Undergraduate Students Write... These are general guidelines to help undergraduate students write better essays. *Note that every assignment is different. You should take the time to closely read the instructions and meet with your Professor if necessary. BEFORE YOU START Make sure that you have closely read the instructions as presented by your Professor. As stated before, there are many different types of historical essays (argumentative essays, historiographical reviews and so on). It is imperative that your style is adapted to the type of essay you are required to write. Gather all your information. Some Professors want students to write essays using only class material, others expect them to do more research. If the latter, make sure to gather all (most) of your information beforehand. If you are a university student, you normally have access to a library and many academic journals. Use this access and make sure to ask librarians for help when needed. Take careful notes as you are reading in preparation for your essay. If your Professor provided a specific question, make sure to read critically for information that is susceptible to help you answer this question. If your Professor has not assigned a specific question, you should still read carefully and try to find the different ways in which historians address certain issues. Some students prefer not to plan others do. I suggest planning as it may be the best way to map out your ideas and begin forming an argument. It is impossible to cover all
  • 36. Harley Case Study HARLEY DAVIDSON, INC. (1998): THE 95TH ANNIVERSARY Introduction Situation Analysis Harley Davidson has been a widely admired fixture in the motorcycle industry since the golden years of American motorcycle manufacturing (1900 1931), when at times there were as many as 200 different brands of American made motorcycles. By 1930, the market had consolidation and the big three Harley Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, and Excelsior Supply together accounted for 90% of the market (Ballon, 1997, p. 43). The Great Depression nearly destroyed the industry wiping out all of the smaller manufacturers, forcing Excelsior out of business in 1931, and leaving Indian severely weakened until it too, ceased operations in 1953 (Ballon, 1997). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the emergence of these competitors is ironically at least partially the result of the fact that Harley s production did not meet market demand. While new production capacity and facilities will certainly go a long way towards meeting short term demand for touring and custom motorcycles in the domestic market, all indications are that there will be continued strong demand in the home market as well as growing demand in the larger European market. Looking towards the future, Harley Davidson management must decide how to best match the company s vision and resources (which now include Eaglemark Financing and Buell performance motorcycles) with the opportunities and threats in the global motorcycle market. Problem Analysis The following analysis looks first at Harley Davidson s external environment (including competition) and secondly at the company s internal resources, strengths and weaknesses in an effort to identify Harley s strategic options for addressing the current problem. External Environmental Analysis It is beyond the scope of this case analysis to provide separate environmental and industry analyses for vehicle financing services (related to Harley s Eaglemark division), motorcycle parts and accessories and licensing related products (e.g., Harley Davidson apparel and accessories, cafГ©, etc.). The
  • 37. Difference Between Conceptualism And Conceptual Art Materiality and conceptualism whether contemporary or traditional, are two major groundings within the world of African art. Henceforth within this essay one will be contrasting and comparing one traditional African artwork; The Ngwana a ditlhaka (figure 1) by the Northern Sotho people and one contemporary African artwork; Bleeding tokarai (figure 2) by El Anutsui; in order to establish the works conceptual grounding in terms of materiality. At first this essay will be highlighting the historical and contextual aspects of each artwork along with in depth explanations and explorations of the concepts of materiality and conceptualism along with their sub concepts of material accumulation and conceptvs. idea respectively, after which connections... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Firstly one will look at the concept of materiality , within which material is seen as aesthetical , functional and conceptual simultaneously .In terms of the works by El anusiui , the viewer must look at the work through a conceptual lens , allowing for thought to be generated . The artists achieves this through the flexibility of his titles as previously explained. As it is said that explanations stand in the way of the viewer accessing the full conceptual meaning of the work , preventing the viewer going beyond what has been provided . Hence by abolishing this, the artist points out the notion of the non
  • 38. A Comparison Of Minorities In East Of Eden And Life Is So... The hardships minorities faced during the time periods East of Eden by John Steinbeck and Life is so Good by Richard Glaubman and George Dawson is something many people will never be able to fathom. As much as people read about these tough times and the misfortune and cruelty people faced, only those who experienced that oppression will truly ever understand. In both these books people are faced with rough lives and manage to continue living, despite the many adjustments they must make. Minorities in both East of Eden by John Steinbeck, and Life is so Good by Richard Glaubman and George Dawson learn to face challenges presented by the time period in these novels, and make the necessary sacrifices in order to survive, but still prevail and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... George Dawson never has a hard time accepting his role in the society he lives in he never has lived life any other way, so when his son Junior returns from the Korean War and tells his father about how he had to switch railcars when the troops were returning to the southern states. Junior rightfully felt that it was unfair that he was allowed to fight with white troops but when they were returning home they still could not be in the same railcar (Glaubman 218). After hearing this George responded That s life and you just need to get settled back into things... (Glaubman 218), he cannot even begin to understand the misguided nature of the situation. At this time instead of trying to change his fate George has come to terms with the fact that he will never be able to be equal with white men, which he does not know is absurdly untrue. Later on in the book he begins to fight back by refusing to eat the lunch which is employer placed by the dog s food he knows that he, as a human, has more value than that (Glaubman 214). This displays his evolution as a person. Similarly, Lee also has come to terms with his place in the community by changing the way he presents himself to people he knows what people expect from him and he just follows that. In the beginning of the novel he covers his personality with the stereotypical exterior that people expect of him. By doing so he sacrificed a bit of himself to please others. He just does what people want from him, no more or no less, he knows [when he looks] at a man s eyes, [he] can see that he expects pidgin and a shuffle, so [he] speaks pidgin and [shuffles]... (Steinbeck 164). As the novel progresses Lee begins to open up to more people rather than just Samuel Hamilton. He allows Adam, Cal, Aron, and Abra to see him for who he truly is. He learns to be
  • 39. Baltimore County Public Health Mental Hygiene (DHMH) Baltimore County Public Health Baltimore County Health Department review process is conducted through the Department Health Mental Hygiene (DHMH). The Institutional Review Board was established in 1977 by the department as a federal requirement demanding that human research studies being conducted with United States Public Health funding must undergo a IRB process. Therefore, purpose of the IRB is to review and approve the research study, and to ensure the safety, dignity and protection for all human subjects participating in the research studies. ( DHMH Policy, 2005) There are several steps in the IRB process, the initial step is to have the Director or Administrator of the facility (Baltimore County Public Health) sign off on a request
  • 40. Adolescent Drug And Alcohol Abuse Essay Our society has numerous programs that are directed at preventing the use of drugs and alcohol in adolescents; however, very few of these programs are aimed at those who are already displaying the early stages of drug use problems. Teen Intervene is a program that does just that, and is aimed at people ages 12 to 19 who are suspected of experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or other drug use. The major objective for this program is to reduce or if possible eliminate their substances use; using integrated stages of change theory, motivational enhancement, and cognitive behavior therapy (McElfresh, Winters, 2007). One of the essential components of Teen Intervene is the fact that it is a brief intervention and is made up of 3, one hour sessions. Brief interventions (BIs) seem to be growing in interest as a beneficial approach to treating adolescents with problems associated with alcohol and drug use (Winters, Fahnhorst, Botzet, Lee, Lalone, 2012). Addressing adolescent drug and alcohol use is of the utmost significance because if caught early many of the side effects of prolonged use can be diminished. Addiction is something that many have seen first hand as being able to ruin lives, and intervening early is the least we can do to help our future generations. The most beneficial settings that Teen Intervene can be implemented are in schools, juvenile justice settings, mental health settings, and for those adolescences who are on waiting lists for
  • 41. Under Armour Target Market Target Market Strategy As competition grows and the market changes it is important to change with it. Over the years the demographic segmentation for Under Armour has evolved from focusing on male collegiate athletes between the ages of 17 and 23 to include older men, women, and children. Under Armour uses high quality products and the price that comes with that is geared towards consumers who are financially stable. They cover a wide area the family life cycle, but their primary focus is younger consumers whether they are married or have children. They focus on individuals with active, on the go lifestyles who emphasize on healthy living. These tend to be young adults who are also tech savvy and connect themselves to internet connected devices. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under Armour s global presence, price metrics, demographics and targeting of the fitness lifestyle put them in the perfect position to capitalize on this momentum. The UA HOVR is the unique product that will take UA into this new niche market. These shoes are embedded with high fidelity sensors that are digitally connected to the MapMyRun app. Through the app you can monitor data such as: stride length, cadence, pace, distance, and shoe life. This forward thinking allows Under Armour to not only stand out in the footwear market but also cuts into the market of FitBit and other connective devices used in conjunction with one s workout. The added revenue from intersecting with other markets removes some of the stress of competing in a highly saturated market. As mentioned earlier, a company and its products need to evolve with the market and technology surrounding them. That evolution isn t just the product but its integration with the current marketing model to show the sponsored athlete winning in their UA HOVR. This product and products similar are necessary for Under Armour if they want to remain successful and hold on to their share of the market and continue their exploration of other converging
  • 42. The Themes and Motivations Behind George Orwell s 1984 ABSTRACT Anyone who considers themselves a lover of good fiction must know who George Orwell is. Anyone who loves good cynical fiction has to have read his master piece, simply titled 1984. 1984 is a phenomenal tale of government gone awry, in its attempts to unify what s left of the world, after the atomic wars waged in Europe. The story is based on Mr. Orwell s fears of immensely powerful governments, especially totalitarianism. If you are a true lover and you have read the story, The next logical question one must ask themselves is, do we understand why he wrote this wonderful piece of work? Please allow me the opportunity to enlighten you. In order to understand the why; I propose that we must look into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His mother wanted him to have a public school education, but his family was not wealthy enough to afford the fees, making it necessary for him to obtain a scholarship. George s Uncle Charles Limouzin, recommended St Cyprian s School, in Eastbourne, Sussex. Years later, George wrote that he hated the school and the distaste for the place brought forth his essay, Such, Such were the Joys . (Widman, n.d.) While at St. Cyprian s, several key events transpired for Eric. He met Cyril Connolly, who also became a noted writer and editor, and the onset of World War I occurred. Cyril who became editor of Horizon magazine would ultimately publish many of Orwell s essays. While at the school Eric wrote two poems that were published in the Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard, the local newspaper. At the ripe age of 13, Eric s poem, Awake! Young Men of England , was published. The poem, a call to arms for able bodied Englishmen to join the war effort, helped him earn scholarships to Wellington College and Eton College. (Bowker, n.d.) After spending a term at Wellington in 1917, Eric earned a place at Eton as a King s Scholar. He remained at Eton until 1921. (Bowker, n.d.) During his tenure at Eton, several key historical happenings occurred that would shape his later years. Eric learned of the Armistice that ended World War I, (and though he was not
  • 43. The Robber Barons Essay The Robber Barons When the names Carnagie, Rockefeller, and Pullman come to mind, most of us automatically think of what we saw or read in our history books: These men were kind and generous and through hard work and perseverance, any one of you could become a success story like them, right? Wrong. I am sick of these people being remembered for the two or three good deeds they have done. Publicity and media have exaggerated the generosity of these men, the government has spoiled these names with false lies, and people have been blind to see that these men were ruthless, sly businessmen who were motivated by your money and their struggle for power. George M. Pullman is best remembered for his contributions to the railroad ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rockefeller. A picture in my history book shows a group of people watching an old Rockefeller crouch over to accept a flower from a little girl. The caption reads John D. Rockefeller, American industrialist and philanthropist, is caught doing one of his good deeds. No wonder that only a handful of people can t distinguish that this old man was a crock and deserves to rot in hell! With all this positive media attention, the public had been fed lies! In real life, this money hungry, greedy villain is the prime reason why the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed. Rockefeller s dream was to monopolize the oiling industry, and he so successfully did. Because of his great empire (the Standard Oil Co.) and the wealth it brought, when any other competitor tried even to step foot into the oiling industry, Rockefeller dropped his prices until the rookie industry was forced out. After he ! regained monopoly, he then jacked up the prices. Sure, the people were mad, but what could they do? Many other industries depended on the oil that Rockefeller provided and besides, the Sherman Antitrust Act couldn t be enforced with these big businesses growing larger and larger. He donated over 2500 libraries worldwide, he helped establish the famous concert hall in New York, and he helped finance several colleges in the US. Can you guess who he is? Yes! Andrew Carnagie. Now how about this person: In the early 1900s, in order to maintain
  • 44. Breed Specific Legislation Everyday, animals worldwide are discriminated upon strictly because of their appearances. Could you imaging your beloved chihuahua being taken out of your home and killed for the sole reason of it looking aggressive ? For many, this vision is a harsh reality. Dogs of several breeds are becoming banned and illegal to own because some consider them an aggressive breed or a threat to the safety of others around them. This discrimination is inhumane and should ultimately be stopped. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is the law that bans or restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance, usually because they are perceived as dangerous breeds or types of dogs. In many cases, the classification of these breeds are incorrect. The University... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They aren t born aggressive. A dog s breed has far less to do with aggression than owner dependent factors such as how a dog is trained. If a dog was raised to fight or was brought up in a poor home environment, the dog is more likely to be aggressive regardless of its breed. The American Temperament Test Society evaluated the temperaments of various dog breeds, 85.3% of American Pitbull Terriers passed the test whereas other breeds such as Border Collies and Old English Sheep Dogs ranked in the 70th percentile. In many cases, the influence of owners have no effect on the conduct of the dog. Take Lilly, for example. Lilly was a Pitbull gifted to an alcoholic as a method of sobering her up. As any humans can infer, living with an alcoholic is no easy vocation, even for a dog. However, Lily s hard home life didn t clog her judgement. One night, Lilly s owner passed out on a pair of train tracks with a train hot in pursuit. Thanks to none other than Lilly, her owner was pulled off the tracks just in time. Although her owner escaped without scratch, Lilly wasn t as fortunate. Even with life threatening injuries, Lilly remained by her owner s side until help arrived. Ultimately, Lilly had to undergo several serious surgeries and ended up losing a leg. Lilly, a pitbull, put her inattentive owner s life above her own. Even today, Lilly and her owner remain best friends even though that commitment almost cost her her
  • 45. Today s Youth And Technology Cody Huwa Mrs. Goddard English Comp. 6 February 2017 Today s Youth and Technology In today s world, technology is heavily relied on throughout businesses, homes, schools and many other fields of importance. Technology has made an impact, not only on today s society, but more and more on today s youth. Many kids come into contact with technology at a young age and are usually more technologically intelligent than adults. They are practically teaching the adults how to use technology, today s youth has grown up with technology their whole life making it easy for them to learn and grow with the the technology rather than learn it as adults today are. There are a great deal of both positives and negatives to technology when it comes to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because suicide has become such a problem from cyber bullying, there has been federal and state laws put into place to try and prevent kids from taking their own lives. In our research about 85% of the time, the target knows who the bully is, and it s usually somebody from their social circle (Patchin). When the bully is from their social circle, it tends to hurt the individual even more. They can t take their problems to their friends because, sometimes, those are the people who are bullying. Explicit text messages or better known as sexting has evolved through the use of technology. Sexting is affecting teens lives in a negative way. One in five teens admit to sending sexually explicit photos or messages with their cell phones and twice as many reported receiving sexting messages and photos (Mooney 42). The sending of vulgar messages has created emotional problems for teens. Those messages can be spread across the school or even throughout the town in an instant, reaching anyone and everyone. Once those messages are exposed, many teens begin to harass or make fun of the messages or pictures causing emotional problems such as insecurity for the victim. Emotionally sexting can take a toll on a person, especially if it backfires and gets into the wrong hands, says Dr. Johnson physiatrist at the Houston Human Behavioral Study (Johnson). Many girls suffer from this because they think they can trust the person they are sending it
  • 46. The s Guitar Hero Series And King s Candy Crush Saga Games, in one form or another, have existed for almost as long as the human race and despite the fact that they are often reduced to being something for children they are in fact quite complex. When analysing games one must look at why they are engaging what keeps us playing and how they foster participation in the average user. By comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Activision s Guitar Heroseries and King s Candy Crush Saga, it will become apparent that the former is more engaging while the latter is more effective in fostering participation in players. Before one can begin to analyse games in terms of their engagement and participation qualities, a definition of what a game is and the characteristics that make them effective must be established. Koster defines games by saying they are, iconic depictions of patterns in the world...games are puzzles to solve (2004, p. 34), indicating that games are simply non threatening representations of reality designed to teach the player skills that they will first have to discover for themselves. According to Koster the skills games intend to teach are often, things that we can absorb into the unconscious as opposed to things designed to be tackled by the conscious, logical mind (2004, P. 76) which is something that can be seen in both Guitar Hero and Candy Crush. On the surface, Guitar Hero is a game about being a rock star and playing music, but the way the game is played aims to improve hand eye coordination
  • 47. Women in Ancient Rome Essay Women in Ancient Rome In Roman times women were treated differently depending on their class, and family background. However Roman women off all social classes were expected to assume, that they were merely possessions of their fathers and then of their husband. Many Romans told a story (below) about a woman named Cornelia, a Roman woman of the second century BC: An upper class women from Campania was staying with Cornelia, a mother of the Gracchi brothers. She continually boasted about her jewels which were the most beautiful to be seen at that time, Cornelia kept her talking until her children returned home from their lessons, then she said to the women: these are my jewels ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In AD 14, the Emperor Augustus, on his death bed, is reported to have told his wife, Livia; always remember whose wife you have been . Freeborn Roman women were never allowed to forget that people always regarded them as someone s daughter, wife or mother, but never as an individual who has their own rights. Daughters Roman daughters, much like Greek daughters, were always in the custody of the oldest male in her family and had to obey their rules. (The paterfamilias) the head of the household. In the Roman law, the paterfamilias was so important and powerful that he had the right over everyone s life in his family. The daughters name as simply the name of her fathers but in a feminine form, there was nothing personal in a daughter s name. If the father was called (Marcus Tullius Cicero) the daughter would be simply be called Tullia. If however more than one daughter was born in that family then to prevent confusion she would be called Tullia the younger, or Tullia the second, and so on. We know this because historian s found evidence of this, from letters written on papyrus sheets that have survived from Roman times. Laws passed by Roman emperor s show that unwanted children were exposed and left to die in public places, often on rubbish heaps. The precise number of female babies left to rot like this is unknown;
  • 48. Black Sand Analysis Black Sand is a horror film, featuring all deaf cast members. This movie lacks linear plot, as the movie consists of multiple plot twist that needs flashbacks to explain the ending. Movies that are all American Sign Language differ from that of hearing movies, and it affects the plot. This is my first movie with all Deaf actors, but I enjoyed it more than movies with hearing actors. So in the beginning of the movie, we meet the characters: Aunt Beth; Cathy, Aunt Beth s niece; Troy, Beth s son; Tim, the boyfriend of Cathy; Joy, Cathy s friend; Rex the boyfriend of Joy. The group arrives in Costa Rica to find that Aunt Beth is not too excited about them coming, and said she sent a letter to Cathy telling her not to come. This is because weird ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are differences between hearing and deaf cinema. When you watch a deaf movie, there is no build up of tension, because there is no dramatic music, things just happen suddenly. The group of us watching this movie actually screamed because we got caught off guard. The actors also use a lot more expression, which adds more quality to the movie. Hearing actors usually have a dead face, no matter what they are saying. On the other hand, deaf use their bodies more and their facial expressions. I also caught a line where he Rex told Troy he better stop telling him what to do, or he will cut off his hands. I found this extremely interesting, because this is the deaf equivalent to the hearing line, Put a sock in it. They are both used to tell people to shut up; however, you cannot shove a sock in a deaf person s mouth because they can still sign. If you cut off a deaf person s hands, they can no longer communicate. I think it is important to catch small details like
  • 49. The Legacy Of Henry Ford Henry Ford was instrumental in revolutionizing modern day America with his innovations in the manufacturing industry. His modernistic ideas that led to the creation of the Model T and assembly line were never heard of before. Ford s development dramatically decreased assembly time of the Model T from twelve hours to less than six hours. His Model T was the first to be within economic reach of the everyday man. However, Ford didn t always see himself as an inventor, or even an innovator. He spent many of his younger years working as a machinist. It wasn t until 1882 when Ford got a job at the Westinghouse Company of Schenectady where he repaired road engines that he saw himself enjoying the idea of being a creator. Henry Fordwas born on a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Ford was the oldest of six siblings. His family was neither rich nor poor, but somewhere in the middle. The house he grew up in is still standing today and he owns it along with the farm. Ford s major education influence as well as his moral influence was his mother. While he was growing up, he constantly pondered how much work there was to do on a farm and that surely there had to be an easier, quicker way to get it all done. Ford attended school until he was 15 when he started to discover his fascination with machinery. He often tinkered with things to figure out how they worked. Ford put it this way: every fragment of machinery was a treasure. Ford says his mother always
  • 50. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Bioethics Running Head: Assisted Reproductive Technologies Abstract ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (ARTs) can be very helpful for certain patients, but ethical concerns have been raised about the inherent nature of specific techniques and the contexts in which many techniques are used. Physicians play important roles in supporting those who wish to become parents and in educating patients about impediments to fertilization and ways to promote conception. We discuss various ethical issues surrounding ARTs, including family relationships, informed choice, gender issues, embryo status and the commercialization of reproduction, as well as legal and policy issues. We examine the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of ARTs and suggest ways to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the egg donor process, eggs are retrieved from a donor s ovaries, fertilized in the laboratory with the sperm from the recipient s partner, and the resulting healthy embryos are returned to the recipient s uterus. A gestational carrier is an option when a patient s medical condition prevents a safe pregnancy, when a patient has ovaries but no uterus due to congenital absence or previous surgical removal, and where a patient has no ovaries and is also unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) involves the use of genetic screening mechanisms such as Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) or Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) to help identify genetically abnormal embryos and improve healthy outcomes. Embryo splitting can be used for twinning to increase the number of available embryos. Others The following Assisted Reproduction techniques don t necessarily involve IVF. In gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) a mixture of sperm and eggs is placed directly into a woman s fallopian tubes using laparoscopy following a transvaginal ovum retrieval. Sex selection is the attempt to control the sex of offspring to achieve a desired sex. It can be accomplished in several ways, both pre and post implantation of an embryo, as well as at birth. Pre implantation techniques include PGD, but also sperm sorting. Artificial insemination (AI) is when sperm is placed into a female s uterus (intrauterine) or cervix
  • 51. The Lightning Thief By Percy Jackson And The Olympians... Hercules A true hero isn t measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart. The Lightning Thief is the first novel in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Novels. It was the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan. Percy jackson and the Olympians tells the story of modern day twelve year old Percy who finds out that he is a demigod, son of Greek God Poseidon and a mortal woman. The Lightning Thief was published in 2005 by Miramax Books, and thus Disney Hyperion imprint. The book sold over 1.2 million copies in four years, it appeared on The New York Times children s best Seller list and listed as Young Adults Library Services Association s Best Book for Young Adults followed by other awards. It was soon later adapted into the film Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2010. The movie sequel Sea Of Monsters was later released on August 7, 2013. When i first read The Lightning Thief in my 9th grade year of high school, I felt like i connected with the character Percy on a personal level. Like him we both feel the need to set out on adventure, also very quick at thinking in dire situations, intelligent and careful for others. Like me Percy is used to being the outsider, the loner, and the quiet one. Percy grew up not knowing his father, and i can sorta relate to that with my father being in and out from time to time.My 10th grade year in Euclid was when i first
  • 52. Beal Street In Memphis, Tennessee While walking down Beal Street in Memphis, Tennessee, people watching and having fun, our group stood at a corner. Some flash of color caught my eye and I looked down to see more. As I stood and stared, one of the group, a girl, asked me what was so fascinating about junk on the sidewalk. Now, I m not the type of guy that hangs around art galleries or for the matter, even looks at pictures in a book. I really like the bright colors and jazzy looking saxophone on the sidewalk and started looking for more. That s how the conversation start on what is art, what is not, and just what is graffiti? Most people think of graffiti as vandalism or the defacing of private property by wild teenagers with spray cans. I had never really thought about graffiti or art for that matter until I found myself defending something I didn t know about because I liked what I saw on the sidewalk in Memphis, Tennessee. Now, that s sounds crazy but I did my best to explain using simple words that I hoped they would understanding. When, one of the guys, starting in on... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some are strange looking with crowns and stars. I later learned that they were most likely gang signs or no trespassing warnings that only other gang members can read. Other walls were so beautiful that they would make a grown man cry. Those were scenes of children in the park, flowers, and my favorite, people dancing. Those graffiti covered buildings looked bright not old and run down, which they really were in most people s eyes. That is when I knew that graffiti is art, not because the artist gets paid to do the work, but because the work comes out of his or her imagination. Now driving to work or walking down Beale, I look for graffiti. I realized that I answered my own question, Is graffiti ART? Yes, it is no matter what my friends say or think. If was the only person in the world that considers graffiti art, then that is what it is. Thankfully, I am not
  • 53. Osmosis Is The Outer Layer Of A Solvent Osmosis is process of the diffusion or movement of a solvent (usually water molecules) through a semipermeable cell membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration [Biology online, 2008]. The cell membrane is the outer layer of a cell [Helms, n.d.] All cells are enclosed by a membrane that selectively enables and permits in what the cell requires but averts and avoids unwanted molecules from invading. Due to the membrane encompassing copious tiny holes, the membrane allows and permits anything minor through but prevents outsized molecules from moving into the cell. Osmosiscan be tested and visually observed with the use of eggs, being adjacent representations of a cell for the reason that it has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was apparent through the data that was recorded that there was a substantial approximate 27 gram increase in egg mass from 56.5 grams to 83.5 grams when the eggs were submerged in vinegar. This is because the water contained in the vinegar can pass into the egg through the membrane, shifting from the higher water concentration in vinegar to the lower water concentration in the egg. In saying this, it was again ostensible through the egg masses that were recorded after the eggs were immerged in distilled water that the egg had expanded even more significantly in size by approximately 12 grams from 80.13 to 92.2, as exhibited in Appendix 8, image 4. This is due to the water being hypotonic, with a considerably higher water concentration gradient across the membrane as can be comprehended by scrutinizing the image found in Appendix 7. A hypotonic solution is interpreted as a solution whose solute concentration is lower than that inside a cell [Helms, n.d.]. Contrariwise, by putting an egg with no shell in syrup, the egg membrane splits and divides into two solutions with different concentrations of water: the egg white is about 90% water; syrup is about 25% water [Oregon, n.d.]. There was a substantial diminution by approximately 38.8 grams in egg mass from 83.5 grams to 44.7 grams when the eggs were immerged in syrup causing the egg shrivel as demonstrated in Appendix 8, image 3; when an egg is immerged in syrup of any type after firstly being immerged in vinegar,