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Essay For Ptd Exam
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Essay For Ptd Exam Essay For Ptd Exam
Advantages Of Eclectic Approach
World is developing more and more each passing day. Because of this development people
throughout the world get in touch with each other more frequently than ever. And each passing
day the importance of foreign language is becoming more obvious, especially English which is
almost international language. The most important influence for learning English as a second
language is done by teachers. And everyone who decided to become a teacher at least once asked
himself What kind of teacher I will be like? Answer for this question depends on 3 main factors:
your personality, philosophy and methodology. Personality and philosophy is individual for
everyone, but methodology is something that can be used by everyone, this is a element ... Show
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The idea of choosing from different methods to suite for ones teaching purposes and situations is
new one. For example, Memorandum on the Teaching of Modern Language published in 1929 on
the basis of British study by Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools
recommended the eclectic Compromise Method as a solution to the language teaching method
Description of Eclectic Approach
There is no single method which can guarantee success in teaching. And the Eclectic Approach is
not an exception. The Eclectic Approach is focused on combination of some advantages from
several methods taken for learning and teaching process. This approach is commendable when
circumstances do not allow for the adoption of the single method. The use of methods and
approaches is adjust to the teaching learning needs. The teacher decides what methodology or
approach to use depending on the aims of the lesson and the learners in the group.
Theory of Language
Language is based on structures which are used to convey meanings, which perform
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The uses of Firearms by civilians are very dangerous, and...
The uses of Firearms by civilians are very dangerous, and its history needs to be studied. Many
wars and accidents in civic life made many countries prohibit keeping guns and firearms by
individuals, but there are some other countries that continue to keep guns, such as the United States
and the United Kingdom. I will focus on the gunculture in the United Kingdomfrom 1689 to 1997.
Because the Unite King start allowing individual keeping guns by Bill of Rights in 1689, the 1689
Bill of Right guaranteed British subject certain rights. People consider that it was a manifestation of
their right and freedom, but after some guns accidents that made citizen scare, they change their
constitution in 1997. After 1997, the Unite Kingdom enacted... Show more content on
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A judicial decision recognized the right of the people to ride armed for their Security . (The
Queen s peace) In the second part of the Bill of Rights, shows the laws to prevent recurrence of
the abuses. It mean government was not creating that having the right to bear arms, but it seems a
traditional right of the people who live in the Unite Kingdom. That the raising or keeping a
standing army within the kingdom in time to peace, unless it be with consent of parliament, is
against the law. (The Queen s peace) The traditional of militia free to use arms is a mistake. The
writer argued that English right to bear arms was a collective right and it was not for the citizen.
The government always want to protect their political power, however individual did not
understand this pointпјЊso, they David B.Kopel wroted Great Britain: The Queen s Peace was
talking about the development of firearm s culture in United Kingdoms. People using firearms to
intimidate, injure or kill, personal protection, morbid fascination. (Matt Seiber,P 83) In here, I
know that United Kingdom had long year s traditional culture to keep firearms. This culture was
become people s usual practice. Keeping guns was a emblem for the democratic. Firearms
originally can protect people; then it changes to hurt people. Another plausible answer is that the
parliament passed the handgun ban in 1997. It means gun owners must apply for a license. There
were two famous killers in United
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Oliver Sacks Musicophilia Summary
In Oliver Sacks Musicophilia, the author shared unique experiences people have had with music
and how these events have affected the brain. Chapter 20, The Kinetic Melody: Parkinson s
Disease and Music Therapy, further explored how music has improved the lives of people with
Parkinson s. Sacks referred to these people as Parkinsonian patients. Therapists have found the
utilization of musichas helped improve the well being of patients.
The first time Oliver Sacks encountered music in a clinical setting was in 1966 at Beth Abraham
Hospital located in the Bronx in New York. This is where he met approximately eighty patients
who had suffered from encephalitis lethargica, a central nervous system disorder outbreak after
World War I which affected... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As another victim of encephalitis lethargica, she often sat frozen with one hand touching her
glasses. She was a piano player and would become liberated from her frozen state when she
played. When she was younger, she had memorized all of Chopin. Therapists found when they
simply named a piece for her to imagine she was able to move freely as she did when she was
actively playing. One may wonder why she does not imagine music all day long to remain in this
state of freedom. According to Sacks, this is because she lacks the ability to initiate such thought.
Once someone is there to name a piece or movement for her, she can then react and start thinking
about it, otherwise nothing
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Essay on Operation Strategy at Galanz
S w 8B10D05 Teaching Note OPERATIONS STRATEGY AT GALANZ Dr. Kokin Lam and
Professor Xiande Zhao wrote this teaching note as an aid to instructors in the classroom use of the
case Operations Strategy at Galanz, No. 9B10D005. This teaching note should not be used in any
way that would prejudice the future use of the case. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation
prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission.
Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights
organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing,
Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, The University of Western Ontario,... Show more
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To introduce students to the concepts of order winners, order qualifiers and operations priorities
/objectives. 2. To show how operations priorities should reflect customer requirements and affect
the way a company competes. 3. To demonstrate how a company can gain competitive
advantages through a low cost strategy and how to support a business strategy using operations
strategy and capabilities. 4. To show students how a company can build multiple capabilities
over time and how a company s strategy and operational capabilities can change over time. 5. To
provide students with the opportunity to analyze trade offs involved in making strategic,
operational and marketing decisions as a business expands from the domestic to the global
market and from an OEM to an ODM and an OBM. 6. To challenge students to develop coherent
action plans that address future growth objectives. 7. To help students understand the tremendous
opportunities and challenges of managing operations and supply chain activities in China.
SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. What were the order winners/order qualifiers for
Galanz in the microwave oven business during the early stage of its development? 2. Rank the
importance of Galanz s operations objectives of cost, quality, flexibility, delivery, service and
innovations. How has the importance changed over the years? 3. What is the role technology has
played in the success of Galanz? 4. What are Galanz s competitive and
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Walt Disney s Influence On America
Walt Disney started as an illustrator in a small company and became one of the most influential
figures during the 20th century. Walt Disney is well known as the founder of the Walt Disney
Company and the creator of a character named Mickey Mouse. His cartoons brought joy to people
through unique characters and colorful backgrounds. His ultimate goal was to make people happy
as Walt quotes ВЁMy business is making people, especially children, happy (The Walt Disney
Family Museum). Although animation may be his biggest known contribution to America, Disney
also had influence on economy and politics. Growing up with two understanding parents and a
loving brother, Walt Disney made his way to became one of the most influential public figures. Walt
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The United Artists funded Walt with his use of the Technicolor, expecting Walt to use minimum
amount of color to make films more vivid. Many artists did not use Technicolor at that time
because it cost so much compared to the traditional black and white films. Although Roy Disney
was cautious about using color in the films, Walt insisted that his animation would be more
delightful for children if he used color. Walt made his first color film in one of the films in the
Silly Symphony series called Flowers and Trees . It took him three months to carefully wipe off
the back of the existing cells to repaint them with variety of colors. Despite the cost of the colors
used, the profit that was made from Flowers and Trees allowed Walt to be determined to make
future Silly Symphony films in color. This one success in making color cartoons encouraged
Walt to improve more and risk using more money to make the films more colorful. His
motivation to use color was so strong that he was willing to go against the United Artists to
achieve his vision of a perfect and cheerful cartoon. Walt later made another film called Funny
Little Bunnies , which was about cute bunnies coloring eggs for easter. This film used the whole
spectrum of colors, which was against United Artists demand to use the maximum of 20 colors to
save money (Korkis). By risking his reputation against United Artists, Walt explored the possible
future of colored films and spread the use of Technicolor. His attempt to use color set a
precedence to the quality of cartoons and encouraged more production of colored films. The
colored films created in the Disney studio made Disney overwhelmingly popular and advanced the
common idea of black and white
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First Transit Job Analysis
I thought that I had found the job of my dreams, and possibly my career. A job where everything
was perfect and I progressed quickly, but an unexpected turn of events quickly proved me
wrong. I went from having an awesome office job to being unemployed; however, having to find
a new start proved to be more beneficial than I expected. My first job at First Transit was
everything I wanted and more. For starters, it was located in my home town of Church Point,
and the pay was above average for the area. The ideal nine to five schedule was also a plus. As a
customer service representative I was doing what I loved, helping people. I quickly moved up to
a supervisor position which enabled me to travel. I visited the different regions of Louisiana
with covered expenses that included: hotel, food, and travel. To my surprise an unexpected turn
of events was about to take place. First Transit, the job of my dreams, abruptly came to an end. I
did not know that the company I worked for was actually contracted through The Department of
Health and Hospitals. At the time of renewal First Transit lost their bid for a new contract, as a
result, my coworkers and I were left unemployed. I was unemployed for about six months before I
found work, and that was a very depressing time for me. I felt as though I had failed;... Show more
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I was informed that with having only a high school education, I could apply for substitute
teaching. Also, I had to successfully pass their pre employment test. I scheduled the exam and
past! Immediately, I was placed on the substitute list and began working. I was relieved that I
had found employment but needed more stability. My sister, a Head Start teacher, informed me
of an opening through her job as an aid for special needs children. I applied and was interviewed
quickly being that I was already employed through the school board. I was hired and began
working as a full time
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Wicca s Role In Pagan Religion
Virtually everyone has heard of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. But among the three religions that
are close to being tied for fourth place in the United States, almost everyone has heard of
Buddhism and Hinduism. If you mention Wicca to the average American, you will probably
receive a blank stare. A major reason for this is that many Wiccans tend to keep their religionsecret;
they fear physical and economic attack.(http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_prac.htm)
So with that being said, what exactly is wicca and why is it important? Wica is the basic belief
where individuals have the ability to follow their own inspiration and vision while seeking faith.
In order to fully grasp wicca, the understanding of the Pagan religion is highly recommend.
Pagan religion are characterized by the importance of nature to its followers. It is also important to
note that s pagans worship any Gods, so classifying ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In most religions around the world, women were stuck in the patriarchal system in religion.
Women had a specific role in religion, where they were not allowed to achieve much higher status
of control or power within the religion. Wicca on the other hand valued women, and the idea of
creating new life. It is said that a women can control a race, whether it s, financially, economically,
or physically, women were the importance of the religion.
As wicca began to spread throughout Europe, it attracted many different types of cultures. Since
no one cultures was identical it was incredible that wicca attracted a variety of people. Wicca
unlike anything Europen was use to, was very accepting. Wicca accepted those of every faith
including, monotheistic, polytheistic, ritualistic, feminine based, masculine based, and more. Any
practiced no matter what it was or origin was accepted by the wicca people. That being said the
ancient tradition of wicca is still practiced
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Mary Rowlandson And Benjamin Franklin
Every colonist that came to America had their own perceptions of its inhabitants. The majority of
these people believed the Native Americans were savages because their culture differed from the
colonists. To the colonists, everything needed to be proper. The way they dressed, whether or not
they went to church, or how they raised their children needed to be up to code. If not, their fellow
colonists looked differently at them. The natives were entirely different. Their goal was simply to
survive, and they were conducting survival the best way they knew how to. The differences
between the two cultures led to many severe problems. Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin
had two entirely different views of the Native Americans, based upon their encounters with them.
Mary Rowlandson believed the Native Americans were savage, blood thirsty creatures that were
either going to kill or be killed. In her story, she supports her claim by using vivid imagery of a
major event that took place during her lifetime. A very interesting quote from Rowlandson s
literature is It is a solemn sight to see so many Christians lying in their blood, some here, and
some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves, all of them stripped naked by a company of
hell hounds, roaring, singing, ranting, and insulting, as if they would have torn our very hearts out
(Rowlandson). This quote uses an incredible amount of imagery and allows the reader to see just
how Rowlandson feels about the natives.
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Was The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Ethically...
Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ethically justified? Why Truman decided to drop
the atomic bombs on Japan By Grace Kelsall World War 2 saw the emergence of America as a
new world power on August 6th 1945, also internationally known as the traumatizing day for
Hiroshima; after an American B 29 bomber dropped the world s first atomic bomb. World War
Two is considered a great turning point in modern history, it being one of the bloodiest and horrific
wars; exposing all countries around the world to the nuclear age. Many key events, battles and
campaigns have led up to President Truman s decision, which ultimately brought the surrender of
Japan and subsequent end of World War Two. Nevertheless, the ethical implications of this act are
still being debated today. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was ethically justified to a
significant extent. Conversely, the motives from President Truman is evident that he had logical
reasoning behind his decision to bomb Japan, however from a perspective outside America his
actions are portrayed as disgusting and inhumane . While the bombing immensely affected Japan,
there were also various factors that have impacted America. These two perspectives have exhibited
to change over time, both showing sympathy towards each nation; predominantly America, now
bringing them even closer together in present day time. Many significant individuals played a
monumental role in the bombing of the populous cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On
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Buffalo David Bitton Essay
Buffalo David Bitton
Industry Report
June 8, 2013
The Buffalo Mission
Buffalo David Bitton was first launched by David Bitton in 1973 and was officially founded in
1985, according to the company s LinkedIn Profile. As leaders in the denim sector of the apparel
and fashion industry, Buffalo has truly revolutionized the way consumers think of denim.
Buffalo s tagline is We are Iconic. We are fashion. We are Denim. We are Buffalo. Buffalo prides
themselves on their denim, as it is the foundation of the company. Their overall mission is to
provide their fashion savvy customers with a product that is of high quality and that is also highly
stylish. As the company continues to grow, Buffalo wants their name to remain synonymous with...
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The brand also features innovative washes, leading edge embellishments, superior fit, and sexy
styling. Buffalo jeans are also specifically designed to lengthen and streamline, providing a youthful
look that flatters the body.
Competitive Position
What was once a small denim company has grown into a true denim empire that can be found
throughout 50 cities from Montreal to London. Thriving since 2004, Buffalo David Bitton employs
about 300 people and continues to open stores across the globe.
In regards to competition, Buffalo s main competitors vary for both the men s and women s lines.
For men, competitors include True Religion, Citizens of Humanity, Hudson, Michael Kors, Diesel,
Burberry, and more. Luckily, Buffalo has identified that their male customers are loyal. Males who
buy Buffalo jeans are unlikely to switch to another brand. For women however, the competition is
much more difficult. Women are more concerned with prices and how the jeans make them look
and feel. Therefore, developing brand loyalty is more of a challenge. Competitors in the women s
sector incorporate the same competitors for men, in addition to about 20 more brands, making it
harder to grab the consumer s attention.
Industry Outlook The outlook for the fashion industry is still uncertain due to the current economic
status of this country and across Europe. According to Leonie Barrie, from the industry s
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Alice And The Video Games
Alice and the Video Games Alice, an ignorant little girl from Alice and the Wonderland tumbled
down the rabbit hole into a world of meaninglessness (IMDb); today, proponents of banning
violent video games are following Alice, stumbling over themselves into a pitfall of a lack of
substantial evidence and reasoning. An exemplary example of such a proponent is Eric Roberts,
the uncredentialed author of the article Violent Video Games Produce Violent Behavior in Our
Nation s Youth and Should Be Banned . On top of making groundless claims against violent video
games, Roberts lumps in unrelated elements simply to appeal to pathos and vainly attempts to reel
in his far fetched conclusions using a plethora of fallacies to back up his... Show more content on
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In the latter half of his first argument, Roberts boldly claims Violent video games equate to
violent behavior, especially in children whose brains are not fully formed yet and a game rated
MA (Mature) doesn t stop a kid from playing it, yet there is utterly no evidence supporting these
poor claims. In reality,according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board s official website, a
majority of parents check the video game rating before purchasing it for their child (ESRB).
Robert draws a hasty generalization in hopes that readers will gloss over such details and
ignorantly agree with Robert s meaningless and false claims.
A vast majority of Robert s argument is based around women being portrayed as helpless victims
or sexual objects. Drawing on sympathetic feelings, Robert equates violent video games to sexual
ones and generalizes them as a whole. While attempting to indirectly attack violent video games, he
utilizes the straw man fallacy to prey on a vaguely associated, weaker target: sexual video games.
He criticizes these sexual games to coerce compassionate support, a mere gaudy bauble for naive
readers to blindly listen to Robert s argument. In fact, Roberts gives absolutely no evidence to state
any link between violent and sexual video games, much less a link between how sexual video
games translate into sexist or aggressive behavior in the modern world. Rather,
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Regulating Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is the scientific process of adding or removing certain genetic material
from an embryo so it will develop specific characteristics (Silver 129). Genetic modification
allows for the prevention of genetic disorders as well as the development of better
pharmaceutical drugs that can give people longer and healthier lives. Despite these positive uses
of genetic modification many people are wary of its practicality and ethics. However, the present
genetic engineering has not advanced enough to be feasible on human embryos and has only been
used on various crops and animals. As science continues to move forward and new developments
arise in the field of cloning, genetic engineering can soon become a reality. The future use of...
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Genetic modification is vital in the advancing human medicine and can combat consequences that
could arise as a result of the manipulation through researched treatments. If put into practice genetic
modification would follow strict ethical guidelines to account for people who would disagree with
the process. However, most importantly the use of genetic engineering could lead to other
discoveries that could transform life on Earth and lead humanity into a more enlightened time. This
is why it is critical to keep supporting the genetic engineering field and to leave the stigma behind
in order to give the world a better
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Forensic Assessment
What assessments would you conduct to enhance your understanding of the client s problems and
how would your choice of assessment(s) inform your diagnostic formation and treatment planning?
Assessments may include structured or unstructured interviews, valid and reliable assessment
measures, and/or formalized assessment procedures that may be conducted by yourself or by
someone else referred by you.
In order to understand the client s problem, the evaluator must gather relevant data as it pertains to
the forensic issues of concern (Bartol Bartol, 2011). Based on the vignette, it appears the forensic
issue is whether or not Danita understands the nature of her actions and the charges against her.
Danita expressed her disbelief of the charges ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This test will assess the personality and psychopathology of Danita Johnson and determine her
current level of functioning. Substance abuse assessment would be another assessment that would
be recommend due to Danita history of using drugs and drinking alcohol. The test that would be
used is called the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory 3 (Pittenger, 2003). This test will
be used to indicate the risk of substance dependence in the life of Danita. It is also important to
assess for suicidal ideation as
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Importance Of Public Figure As Role Models
Due to our social media devices being connected with so much around the world, the youth have
become quite persuadable on what is right and what is wrong; increasing the suspicion on
whether these public figures should be considered role model material or not. Though public
figures can be role models, not all of them should be because they might be but that doesn t mean
all public figures can t be role models. Public figures have the ability to inspire others by
showing their determination when times get tough and by showing their passion for their work,
which motivates others to have the same mindset as them. Some people believe public figures
should not be considered role models due to some of them doing immature and irresponsible off
of the screen. Public figures should be considered role models because they are capable of
displaying how to act properly in society and that it is possible to persevere through tough
obstacles in life. Public figures display how to act in society for instance, being responsible and
acceptive of everyone. As stated in the article, Teens who idolize a celebrity who doesn t give in
to such pressures as weight and drugs will likely benefit from their obsession. (Martinez). Acting
responsibly in society giving into the pressure of doing drugs is something admirable that some
public figures don t give into. For example, Justin Bieber at one point in his life started to do drugs
and it was ruining his career but he had started to reform and
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Robber Barons Case Study
1. Explain whom Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller are. Should industrialists like Vanderbilt,
Carnegie, and Rockefeller be viewed as robber barons or captains of industry ? Define robber
barons and captains of industry. Analyze your perspective as fully as you can.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller were one of the first tycoons in
America. They were very much wealthy as well as happy businessmen that changed America and
the economy. Although they did play the role of monopoly, before monopoly became illegal in the
U.S. According to encyclopedia.com Robber Barons were vilified for using the capitalist system to
exploit workers, form anti competitive trusts, and place the accumulation of wealth above all else.
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They were killed in mines due to lack of equipment, etc. Cattle raising was and continues to be a
successful phase in the world raising cattle provides food to feed people and provide meat and
protein. Cattle is used not only for its meat but it is great because of the by products such as
milk, skin, meat, butter, cheese, hooves, etc. It is beneficial and can either be fed grain to fatten
it and grow it at an extremely higher rate which provides faster food. Or grass fed which was
most likely used then due to lack of new technology and hormones to stimulate growth.
Agriculture is the soul according to Professor Freeman, a woman in the process of getting her
PhD in Agriculture, stated that agriculture is soul. Agriculture is what keeps people alive.
People grow crops and labor workers pick it, then it gets distributed to food markets to be sold.
As you can see so far, these jobs are all depended on labor workers and farmers which are most
likely local. With big businesses and industries and the new technology it revolutionized
everything. Jobs were ending because machines took over peoples jobs and made consistent results
at a faster, better rate with an abundant amount of product. Mining became less dangerous because
now machines can take over and do much more of what 20 men may do, per say. Cattle raising,
they get fed hormones,
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Comparing Emile Durkheim s The Division Of Labor
In comparing Emile Durkheim s The Division of Labor in Society and readings from the The
Rules of Sociological Method to Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann s The Social Construction of
Reality in addition to Harriet Martineaus Morals and Manners, Morals of Slavery, and The Political
Nonexistence of Women, all of these authors investigate people as beings that are fundamentally
social that create the basis for society. Even though their perspectives have similar components
when it comes to fundamentally key ideas, they still tend to take different stances on viewing the
individuals involved in the process from micro and macro perspectives in order to understand the
correlation between the individual interacting with society s institutions... Show more content on
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This author has had a particular focus on women in politics and how slaves were included in this
social structure during this time period making an effort to convey that all men are born equal and
free as her views were very radical during this time. In comparison to Martineau, Emile Durkheim
emphasizes that the division of labor is a key attribute to the social structure of society as the
general population continues to grow, people will naturally become more disciplined in specialized
professions that will ultimately create institutions as all of these specializations will work together
to benefit society. However, Durkheim does agree with Martineau to the extent that power is
diffused throughout society and ultimately belongs to the government. As government holds the
ultimate authority, punishment will be defined as a reaction as to what has violated laws that have
been instituted in order to maintain standards of moral order. Additionally, Berger and Luckmann
make it clear that it is because people are social beings, people create a society the more we interact
with one another as [man s] relationship to the surrounding environment is everywhere...structured
by his own biological constitution that people attach what they know to be the physical world and
build structural concepts that constitute our society. (Berger and Luckmann, 47.) All address to
some degree, that the social structure of society exists because we have instituted some
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Spartacus Film Analysis
Spartacus, 1960, is a film directed by Stanley Kubrick based on the Novel Spartacus by Howard
Fast. The film follows the life of a slave named Spartacus who fought for his own freedom which
led to the Third Servile War. The Third Servile War, also named the War of Spartacus, was slave
insurrections against the Roman Republic. Although Spartacuss main enemy is all of Rome and its
culture, like most heroes portrayed in film, Spartacus s main antagonist is a Roman senator Marcus
Licinius Crassus, whose ultimate goal is to become dictator of Rome. However, does the film
Spartacus follow closely to historical facts, or is it another film dramatized to entertain the public
as Hollywood does? Hollywood dramatizing historical events in historyis not necessarily
considered a bad thing. But how far will Hollywood go to dramatize historical events in order to
entertain the public? With the addition of Hollywood flair, it removes the impact that film had on
Spartacus according to historical accuracy.
Robert Rosenstone, a professor of California Institute of Technology, has written many different
genres from history, fiction, poetry, etc., has said, historical film has been making its impact upon
us for many years now, and its time that we began to take it seriously. By this I mean we must
begin to look at film, ... (p. 1). According to Rosenstone, historians have been able to adapt to the
new style of learning within classrooms. Whether it be the inability of some teachers to teach
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After the Second World War, the emergence of high-level...
After the Second World War, the emergence of high level warm peace in West Germany was
understood to be due to the induction of democratisation and social reform process by the liberal
United States (US) and the common Soviet Union threat. The problem of ethnic German expellees
from the East result to the destabilisation of democracy in West Germanywhich nearly caused the
collapse of the government. The US came to aid in mitigating the problem and assisting the state
into a successful German democracy. As discussed earlier, the realist factors of American
hegemony had produced cold peace in the Western Europe, but insufficiently produced high level
warm peace. However, with the nature of liberal democracy in the region, the cold peace... Show
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A report shown, after two decade of France democratisation, about fifty two percent of French gave
a good opinion in regard to their perception towards West Germany and reduction of nine percent
gave bad opinion. The structure and stability of liberal democracy have developed transnational
interactions between the French and German people. Even though there was conflict arise between
the governments in 1960s the level of mutual trade and confidence never decreases. Besides that,
liberal democratic structures also generate confidence of German and French policymakers of their
mutual reliability.
Middle East
In Middle East, the situations were different from the European case when the three key liberal
mechanisms; regional institutions, economic interdependence and democracy, induced in the
region. The use of defensive and offensive liberalism failed to produce a stable warm peace on
arms control, economic cooperation, water, refugees and the enivronment. Defensive liberalism of
multilateral talks was conducted in the framework of Madrid Conference. The idea was to create
regional peacemaking through bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Arabs, the Gulf and
North African. However, the bilateral talks with Israel were boycott by some of the rejectionist
camp including Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan. The rejection limited the ability to reach region wide
agreements yet the support from the great powers helped broaden the peace process and
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Restorative Justice Case Study
Over the course of both my undergraduate and master s programs in Negotiation, Conflict
Resolution, and Peacebuilding (NCRP), I have wanted to further study the concept of Restorative
Justice. Though it has surfaced several times throughout my NCRP coursework, it has mostly been
in the context of international conflict. Thus, I have often wondered how Restorative Justice might
work in a more local context. That local context revealed itself in my current role as one of two
fathers of a first grader in a school in Long Beach. Helena, our six year old daughter, attends a
small private school with 160 students in grades K 8. The school community regards itself as
being a large, caring, tight knit extended family, while the administration has been explicit in
stating that the incidence of bullying on the campus is little to none. Our experience as a family in
the nearly two years that we have been part of the community has been otherwise. Here are three
bullying scenarios that we ve experienced or heard of occurring in our school community:
In our first year, two male classmates called our daughter fat when she was in Kindergarten.
Later that same year, a female classmate teased another dark skinned, African American girl in her
class for having ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the case of the boys who called our daughter fat, the teacher and the three families involved
worked well together towards a very positive outcome. Prompted by a proactive teacher, the parents
communicated with each other regarding the situation that same night, while each of the boys
wrote our daughter an apology letter. The teacher mediated the conflict between the children
immediately after the incident, when the boys asked for forgiveness and everyone gave each other
a hug. Our relationship with the other two families ended up stronger as a result of the
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Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Sula
Two young girls, coalescing on a grass laden field while lying on their stomachs, dig a hole in
unspoken harmony. A picture of youth and innocence, this scene depicts an innocuous moment
which the two girls share as a result of their juvenescence or does it? In Toni Morrison s Sula,
this scene, among others, appears at first to be both irrelevant to the novel s underlying theme and
out of place with regard to the rest of the plot. Yet, when analyzed further, the literary devices that
Morrison uses in these scenes bring readers to a vastly different conclusion. These scenes serve as
windows into the mind of Morrison and even into the larger themes present in the text. So, perhaps
two girls sharing a seemingly casual experience is not as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Like the vasculature of plants shrouded by bark, innocence is shrouded and further internalized as
social influence compiles. Thus, Morrison effectively illustrates both the presence of innocence
and its inherent definition via careful diction in this scene. Additionally, the scene is illuminating
because of the timing in which Morrison introduces the idea of renewed innocence. She chooses
to place it directly before one of the most gruesome and chilling events of the novel: the death of
Chicken Little. Now, readers could wonder if she is simply juxtaposing two starkly contrasted
scenarios for literary effect. But even though the timing could be interpreted solely to as a method
of juxtaposition, an ulterior motive becomes apparent when readers inquire why the girls allow
Chicken Little to die after illuminating their innocent cores, not before. If the girls had killed
Chicken Little before stripping away the bark from the twig, the scene could be perceived as a
symbol of internal cleansing and a means of psychologically stripping themselves of guilt. But the
scene precedes his drowning, possibly indicating that their ambivalence was catalyzed by their
exposed, innocent essence. Morrison portrays such a vastly contradictory portrayal of popularized
innocence in an attempt to demonstrate how innocence may not be defined as innocuously as
society defines it. However, before stating the another significant element
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Emirates Airline
The Emirates Group is composed of airport services provider DNATA (the Dubai National Air
Transport Association) and Emirates Airlines. Owned by the government of Dubai and based at the
busiest airport in the Middle East, Emirates has flourished under the sheikdom s wide open skies
policy, in spite of the restrictions placed on it by other countries. The airline, renowned for its
luxurious in flight service, was unique among long haul airlines in that it had not joined a global
alliance such as the Star Alliance or oneworld by the beginning of the new millennium. The
Maktoum family led the tribe throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Dubaibecame one of seven
sheikdoms in the United Arab Emirates, which was formed in 1970.
Gulf Air ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We now have a team of more 40,000 loyal workers, many living far away from their own families,
and we are committed to caring for them within ours.
This dedication to the welfare of our employees does not distract from the fundamental economic
role of our business to reward stakeholders. While rivals have faltered under the strain of
fluctuating fuel prices and the intense level of competition synonymous with our industry, we have
posted profits in all but one year of our history.
While we are focused on maximising profit margins, as a leader in aviation innovation, we are
devoted to growing our business while using fewer resources and creating less waste and pollution.
The billions of dollars we have invested in purchasing the most advanced aircraft in production
mean we operate one of the youngest and most eco efficient fleets in the world.
Our commitment to the environment extends to our interests on the ground. We take great pride in
our involvement with the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, which is dedicated to preserving the
natural and cultural heritage of area.
The National Park, the largest protected area in the UAE and home to more than 30 species
indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula, is considered the regional benchmark for sustainable
development and conservation.
Our green projects do not stop at home and plans are already well
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Oscar Pistorius s Controversy
On September 11th, 2014 it was declared that Oscar Pistorius was not guilty of premeditated
murder. A few months later, however, Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide. Pistorius
was then sentenced to five years in prison for his crime. He was to serve his time in the Kgosi
Mampuru II prison located in Pretoria,Gauteng,South Africa. It is not made final about how long he
will have to remain in prison but it could possibly be ten months or even twenty months.
Oscar Pistorius was born on November 22,1986 in South Africa. Pistorius was born without a
fibula in either of his legs, which were amputated below the knees before he turned one. Having
prosthetic legs did not stop Oscar from doing things he wanted to do with his life. Pistorius was
involved in sports, he was involved in several school sports such as cricket and boxing. When he
turned sixteen he took up running and from then on that was what he did, he ran. ... Show more
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After his win in Athens, Pistorius competed in several competitions against able bodied runners.
Pistorius gained much attention gaining invites to European organization competitions. Pistorius s
artificial legs caused controversy throughout his career. There were many people accusing that his
prosthetics were helping him in such a way that was unfair. In 2007 Pistorius was banned from
competing, which he then repealed in 2008. Not repealing the ban in time Oscar missed the 2008
Summer Olympics in Beijing. After that Pistorius made his focus on the 2012 Olympics in
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Vulnerable Liability Case Study
The vision of change is the roadmap of the company desires to guide the initiative for the future.
The advice is to allow the vision statement to direct the realization of change. The technique is to
direct the change of various circumstances with perception and objectivity of the organization.
Consequently, the misuse of the vision declaration is to surrender the direction and focus (Palmer,
Dunford, Akin, 2009). Therefore, the declaration of the navigator is desperate because different
interpretations exist among various employees.
Vulnerable Capabilities The vision of the six philosophies strengthens the company for the moment,
although issues emerge in the distant future (Palmer, et al., 2009). Meaning, the inessential vision
statement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The inefficient significance disrupts the original vision statement of the organization. In addition,
failure to believe the loyalty of staff confuses the objective of business (Eccles, New Quist, Schatz,
2007). Consequently, the attribute is of the heroic staff to reveal the inefficient authorities for
orchestrating a prosperous business. Therefore, from my personal experience, the authority of
knowledge proposes to uncover his self regard to embody his faithful conduct to influence the
people of the association.
The director is the image of authority, which is essential to a productive organization. The image of
the caretaker is the relentless force to capture the vision of the organization. The coach empowers as
the interpreter transforms the vocabulary to elevate the perception of the organization. In addition,
the analytical approach of the nurturer executes the vision to achieve the support of consumers.
Furthermore, the navigator guides the operation through the release of the vision statement. The
morale, provides the essential frame point of analysis to secure the reputation of the organization
for the future.
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Summary Of Education By C. S. Lewis
Education must have a goal with a story behind it. This story must be one that tells about the
creation by God and envisions a future in the kingdom of heaven. In addition the story constructs
ideals, gives unfaltering rules of conduct, and provides the one true source of power. Above all,
the story must present an awareness of purpose. This explanation of achieving a story was the
author s goal and they attained it in a book that was enjoyable and easy to read and understand. Of
personal interest was the chapter on C.S. Lewis and his methods of studying and teaching. He is
one of my favorite authors, and my interest never waivered as I read that chapter. They explained
that Lewis was primarily concerned about understanding text
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How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Rural England
Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution also had major consequences on the rural areas in Britain
during the nineteenth century. One of the main reasons the Industrial Revolution significantly
impacted rural areas in Britain was because many individuals that were living in more rural regions
were forced to relocate to cities, and more urban centres. Robert Marks in his passage, The Origins
of the Modern World A Global and Environmental Narrative From The Fifteenth To The Twenty
First Century, explains how during the Industrial Revolution, populations in major urban centres in
Britain grew dramatically. He states, The British manufacturing cities of Leeds, Sheffield, and
Birmingham grew 40 percent in a decade. Urbanization, which is a process
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Essay about Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Mexican...
Organized crime is an international issue and it exists in several different countries, such as; Italy,
China, Japan, Russia and the United States of America. Although all these groups of organized
crime have many things in common they tend to have different ways of doing something, or they
may not do them at all. Many also commit similar types of crimes, and others commit crimes
other groups would not. It is thought that the Russian Mafia has existed in Russia for several
centuries. When Russia was still the Soviet Union, corruption began to develop because of the
Communist era. Citizens were so desperate to pay bills, buy groceries, and more; that they began
to steal from one another, as well as get into forms of organized crime.... Show more content on
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The Triads are a family run organized crime gang in China. Triads are sometimes referred to as the
Chinese Mafia . In 1821 the first systematic account of the Triads was written down by a principle
of an Anglo Chinese college. Triads engage in highly ritualized dress and behavior from secret hand
signs, passwords, to blood oaths in elaborate initiation ceremonies. This group has made their
money through drug trafficking, loan sharking, prostitution, smuggling, gunrunning, extortion, and
protection rackets. In the most recent years they have been moving more into credit card fraud, call
girl rings, CD pirating, minibus concessions, and computer software (Hays, 2010). The Triads have
a signature instrument of torture, punishment and execution, the kitchen meat cleaver. Triad
victims bodies are often found horribly mutilated, severed limbs can be used as a warning. In 1984
the leaders of the Triads met with Communist officials before singing the handover agreement. The
communists in return for the Triads assistance in the smooth transition agreed to turn a blind eye to
their illegal activities. Mexico has a large amount of organized crime throughout the country with
several different cartels including the Amezcuas (Colima) Cartel, Herrera Family, Sinaloa cartel, the
Gulf cartel, Tijuana cartel, Juarez cartel,
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Rocco Basile
RocBas Realtor Age
Rocco Basile is an eminent personality in the US photography rings. The Emerson College,
Massachusetts graduate is highly skilled in portrait photography, fine art photography and
photojournalism. Basile was born and bred in New York and is the pride Founder of Rocco Basile
Photography, an enchanting studio and gallery in Southern California. This is where Basile exhibits
his recent works and that of his colleagues, who include up and coming photographer who now
have a platform to showcase their wares to the world. Rocco s work has a freelance photographer
has taken him to different parts of the world, including Okinawa, Japan, where a serene terrain
always beckons.
In what state is your home or studio located? When did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When I think deeply about it, I think it started when I got my hand on my first digital camera, and
therein endless possibilities soon hushed through my mind. I have always been fascinated by
nature, from taking macro photos of the smallest imaginable objects to items with intricate details.
Please share 1 to 2 of your fondest or funniest memories from living there?
My early exposure and influence for the artistic culture was inculcated early on life thanks to the
unique sceneries of the 5 New York boroughs. The Big Apple is also a center for some of the
most astounding art galleries and museums in the world. I am lucky to live only a brief subway
ride away from these artistic and cultural attractions with a camera in hand.
What advice would you give up and coming photographers?
The surrounding, in which you live is the first stop you make when you want to capture the
moments. I often advice young and aspiring photographers to stay attuned to their surrounding in
order to see and capture all the thematic elements that can captivate wider audience. Academic
experiences also play an important role in opening the doors to new possibilities and
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Examples Of Supernatural Elements In Jane Eyre
In addition to introducing the supernatural element of the story, the early chapters serve as a base
for Jane s future character and thought process. The way she is treated by Mrs. Reed, the children
and the servants influences and shapes the way she treats herself and the world around her
throughout the novel. From the very beginning, Jane s rebellious, free mind and her strong sense
of justice are undermined the constant self doubt and a tendency to compare herself with others.
While she is aware that much of what she suffers is unjustified, the constancy of the abuse over
time does largely succeed to crush her sense of righteousness and instil in her the thought that
she is only being treated badly because of her character and physical appearance. She constantly
compares herself with her cousins, saying that Eliza, who was headstrong and selfish, was
respected , and Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent
carriage, was universally indulged , always forgiven because of her beauty, her pink cheeks and
golden curls. By using negative words such as headstrong or insolent when she could alternatively
describe them as strong willed or independent, Jane leaves no doubt that, if she envies the treatment
afforded to her cousins, she does not envy their character. Her sense of injustice, however, seems to
be directed more towards nature than the adults around her, as if she thought that more agreeable or
beautiful feature could
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The Takata Corporation Case
The Takada family founded Takata Corporation in 1933. Originally the firm manufactured
parachute static lines as well as other textiles. In the 60s Takata began to shift towards the
automobile safety industry by selling seat belts to car manufacturers. The corporation supplied the
first Japanese car manufacturer to have seat belts as part of the vehicle s standard design. Takata
found success in the new industry, which led the firm to expand into airbags as well as child safety
restraint systems. With its strategic decision to enter the automobile safety industry Takata was
reaping the benefits. The firm commanded a major portion of the airbagmarket, eventually
becoming one of the top three airbag manufacturers in the automotive industry. However, despite
the company s early contributions to automobile safety, recent events have tarnished the firm s
reputation. Takata has continually failed to address and correct a potentially fatal malfunction
within in its airbag design. Decisions, driven by a desire to reduce production costs, have forced the
company to abandon its corporate social responsibility, harming various stakeholders in the process.
It is unfortunate that the once respected firm has irreparably damaged its image. In an industry
where defects and mistakes by manufacturers can potentially kill consumers, public trust in the firm
is immensely important. Consumers need to know that a firm is committed to creating not only
economic value, but societal and
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Reflection On Aristotle s View Of God
Aristotle gives two different accounts of God in his writings Physics and Metaphysics. Although
the two accounts differ in purpose, the first giving proof that God is the first mover, unmoved who
initiates motion in the universe and the second that God is the final cause at which all things aim.
In a survey of the two doctrines, it is evident that the two accounts are not incompatible, but rather
provide a more comprehensive and convincing argument for God.
In Physics 8.6, Aristotle gives an argument for the existence of God. He sets the foundation of his
argument on what is familiar to common experience the observation of motion. Each movement
has a cause, or source of its motion. Is this principle of motion intrinsic to the objects moved? Is it a
principle of movement exterior to the object that is moved that is the source of movement?
Aristotle addresses these inquiries and makes the argument that God is the first and fundamental
source of motion and change.
Aristotle begins his argument for God as an unchanging first mover unmoved on a concept
established in an earlier section of the Physics: that motion is necessary and unceasing. This
unceasing movement requires an object that imparts this motion, an object that is unmoved and
unchanging. But, Aristotle notes, there are many objects that possess within themselves a principle
of self movement. However, these objects pass in and out of existence and their movement is not
necessary. The ultimate source of movement cannot be something that comes into and passes out of
existence, for this would include it in objects subject to change that gain their principle of change
from a source exterior to themselves.
In addition, the fact that these objects change from states of activity and rest indicates that their
movement is accidental, rather than necessary and essential. Although these things do cause
movement in other things, what is potential need not be, and motion is necessary and
uninterrupted. Therefore, these objects that appear to possess self movement cannot be the source
of eternal, necessary motion, as there cannot be more in the effects than in the source of those
effects. As a result, Aristotle claims that there must necessarily be something...
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Nokia 8 Essay
Nokia 8 Review Nokia has been renowned for making mobile devices over the year and has
released a new Smartphone the Nokia 8. The phones packed with amazing features from a
powerful chipset, dual camera, to a QHD display. The downside is it comes at a high price and
struggling to stand out with other well known brands. Pros Outstanding design Has a dual sensor
rear camera Amazing QHD display Cons Expensive Not waterproof Small sized fingerprint
scanner In 2017, Nokia returned to the smartphone market, where it met a rather warm reception of
a whole generation of mobile users. In their other devices the Nokia 3, 5 and 6 have their
advantages, but the flagship model is the Nokia 8. The components and functionality of this device
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That s why the Nokia 8 will be carefully studied against the backdrop of competing Smartphones.
For the most part, the Nokia 8 stands out from other brands. However, the lack of taste might
find users looking elsewhere. You receive an aluminum and glass design with curved edges and
barely noticeable plastic antennas from above and below. Around the double camera is a small
aluminum bezel and under the screen is the Home button with a fingerprint scanner that does
not click. On the side of the home button, there are the capacitive Back and Recent apps
available. When you switch from OnePlus 5 to Nokia 8, you immediately notice a fundamental
similarity. There are quite a few Android Smartphones with similar looks, so it s bad that Nokia
did not make enough effort to change the looks to something new. The Nokia 8 lies perfectly in
the palm of your hand. Compared to frameless screens sold these days the appearance of this
phone can be considered obsolete. The device is more similar to the products sold in 2015 than
the ones sold in 2017. The case is impressive and weighs 160 g, the thickness is 7.9 mm, but the
smartphone does not look large. There is not a large screen and the case could be more
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Parental Pressure on Children Playing Organized Sports Essay
These days, there is too much pressure on children who participate in organized sports because of
the unnecessary parental involvement they experience. A growing concern amongst those involved
in youth sports is that certain aspects of parental involvement become detrimental to the
development and experiences of young athletes. Early emphasis on winning, making money, and
the disruption of education can exceedingly affect ones desire to further participate in a sportlater on
in his/her life.
With more and more children participating in some sort of organized sport than ever before, there is
a constant concern regarding the pressures kids are brought into to excel. Emotionally over
involved parents often think that it is their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then, of course, the entire project collapsed. Drug addiction with its attendant legal and
publicity problems arrived, and the NFL career blew up. The kid went through rehab and came
back, but relapsed, and relapsed and relapsed again finally leaving sports all together. Tiger Woods,
the Williams sisters, and Todd Marinovich are all examples of kids who were mainly edged on by
his/her parent. Kids should not have to experience stress because of the pressure parents may put
on them, nor should they need to believe that a loss is unacceptable. There s just no reason why
sports should have any negative aspects at all. Especially when there are so many positive things
that sports can do for a child if introduced and carried out in the right way, specifically at a young
Over time, these youngsters may be permanently emotionally exhausted causing some to turn to
steroids in hope to gain an edge or perhaps give up on sports, and exercise, altogether. Intense
training, of coaches from club or travel teams, becomes an enticement to win the next season which
may carry on to the off season to train and become better than the best. But where s the fun in that?
When will kids have the time to try out other sports?
An increase in the number of reported instances of parents engaging in abusive, violent, and
controlling behavior toward coaches,
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Dwight D. Eisenhower was the thirty-forth president of the...
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the thirty forth president of the United States. He was born on
October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas. He soon moved to Abilene, Kansas, the place where he
grew up, at one and a half years old. Eisenhower was the third oldest of his parent s seven
children. Eisenhower attended Abilene High School until he graduated in 1909. For the next two
years after his graduation, he worked at a creamery with his uncle and his father to help pay for his
brother s college tuition. In 1911, he was admitted into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Throughout high school and college, Eisenhower enjoyed participating in various sports, but
academically, he was average. After graduating in 1915, he became second lieutenant at... Show
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He was able to defeat Robert A. Taft to get his name on the ballot, and Richard Nixon became
Eisenhower s running mate. In his campaign, he promised to end the Korean War. Also, he
promoted the Taft Hartley Act to stop labor union acts. He also promised for the government to
stop spending so much money on military. On November 4, 1952, Eisenhower was elected
president against his political opponent, Adlai Stevenson, by a landslide. Eisenhower served as
president for eight years from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961, winning the presidential
election in 1956. In 1956, his opponent was, once again, Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower s success in
ending the Korean War and helping the nation as a whole helped him win the election even with
his health conditions. During his time as president, the biggest challenge he faced was how to deal
with the Civil Rights issue. Many African Americans and minorities were still discriminated in this
time period. Also, after the Cold War, Joseph McCarthy convinced many people to believe that the
government was being overtaken by communism. Also, Eisenhower had to deal with some
recessions during this time. However, the 1950s was actually a quite peaceful period economically
for the most part. Eisenhower completed a lot during his eight years as president. He helped stop
the Korean War and developed the interstate highway system. Also, in 1957 and 1960, he signed
two Civil Rights Acts that helped protect African American
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The Serpent King
The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco at Civic Center offers a collection of artworks from Asia.
Pieces of sculpture, carvings, paintings, and ornate jewelry from Asia that were on display were all
shaped by the artists who created them who in turn is shaped by the culture and environment that
surrounded them. This is particularly evident the Mathura and Gandhara region where the medium
influences the sculpturegreatly. The Serpent King (Nagaraja), Fig. 1, comes from the Mathura
region of India, in the Uttar Pradesh State and stands at about three feet tall but seems larger as it
looms over the viewer on the pedestal. The sculpture is made of red sandstone and is believed to
have been made in 207. The Region of Mathura became a trading... Show more content on
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The different use of medium is the first indication of their difference. The sculptor of the
Bodhisattva from Gandhara, Fig. 2, was able to carve and sculpt in greater detail because of the
Schist that they used. Schist is darker in color, almost black, smoother in texture and looks
harder that sandstone. This type of medium allowed sculptors to have a totally different style
and approach than that of sculptors from the Mathura region. With the ability of being able to
carve even more details comes a totally different physical look on the sculpture. The faces of the
figure are more sculpted and more defined yet it still retains a rounded and fleshy look. Some
facial features including the eyebrows, eyes, nose bridge and lips were carved to look sharper.
There are heavier and deeper details on the hair, the ornaments, the jewelry, and lines that make
up the drapery, allowing a more realistic style of carving. The body of the figures are still created
as fleshy and rounded as the India culture preferred. The Bodhisattva sculpture was made in 200
350 while the Nagaraja sculpture was created in 207. Study of western art would suggest that art
works created within certain time frame must belong to some sort of movement and therefore have
the same kind of technique and look. Both sculptures from the Mathura and Ghandara region were
created around the same time but differ greatly in style. This further
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The 1910 s-The Origins
1910 s The Origins SpeedoВ® originated in 1914 under the brand name Fortitude , which was
taken from the motto on the clan MacRae crest. It didn t become known by its now famous brand
name until 1928. The company was started by a young Scot called Alexander MacRae, who
migrated to Australia in 1910, and set up an underwear manufacture business called MacRae
Hosiery manufacturers. In response to the growing beach culture in Australia, MacRae quickly
expanded his operations to include swimwear and changed the company name to MacRae Knitting
Mills. 1920 s Creating a Classic During the 1920 s the swimwear market grew rapidly, thanks to
the acceptance of swimming as a sport and a more liberal attitude towards mixed bathing. 1928
MacRae introduced
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Progressive Reformers Essay example
Progressive Reformers
The Progressive movement has had a tremendous impact on society and preserving the doctrine of
a democratic nation. The Progressive Era, which initiated between the years 1890 through 1920,
was instituted because progressives who wanted to rid politics of corruption and inefficiency.
Progressives wanted to curtail the power of the business trusts, and protect the general welfare of
the public. The Progressive name derived from forward thinking or progressive goals that its
supporters sought to advance.
John Dewey, who is known as the father of Progressive education, has been most influential in
Educational Progressivism. His vision for schools tied to a larger vision, leading towards a good
society. His ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He states that progressive education has recognized the fundamental importance of the interest of
the learner; it has defended the thesis that activity lies at the root of all true education; it has
conceived learning in terms of life situations and growth of character; it has championed the rights
of the child as a free personality .
Child centered educational practices are shared by progressive educators. The pedagogical
method is object teaching. The teacher begins with an object related to the child s world in order
to initiate the child into the world of the educator. The focus is on thinking and doing. Problem
solving skills are required to overcome obstacles between a given and desired set of circumstances.
Education is not simply a means to a future life, but instead it represents a life to the fullest.
Progressive educators view existing schools as being formal, not focusing on real life situations,
and strict. They prefer variety in classroom preparations and informal interaction between the
teacher and their student. Progressives prefer schools teach useful subjects (including occupations)
and emphasize learning by doing rather than instruction purely from textbooks. This brought about
schools such as trade and vocational schools. The student was placed at the center of thinking, teach
the child not the subject.
John Dewey s model of learning is to: become aware of the problem, define the problem, propose
hypotheses to
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Essay On Business Travel
The life of a business traveler is less glamorous than perceived. In addition to stress that comes
with travel, business travelers face many health risks as a result of frequent travel. Trying to figure
out how to make business travel better? We have rounded up the most comprehensive list of
business travel tips from start to finish. Following these tips may not eliminate all of the health
risks caused by frequent travel, but it will make your next trip less stressful.
Before You Travel
Sign up for TSA Pre Check. If you only travel domestically, invest in TSA Pre Check. The process
can take up to 8 weeks, so plan ahead. The $85 fee is well worth it, as TSA Pre Check membership
is good for five years.
See Related: How to Sign Up for TSA ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Apps to Download
TripIt: TripIt is a travel management app that builds and tracks your travel itinerary. The paid
version ($49/ year) has many other features including flight tracking, gate change notifications, and
the ability to find alternative flights.
Expense Report App: There are a number of apps that provide expense reports. You can take a
photo of the reciept and upload it in the app. No worrying about lost receipts! And you can avoid
dealing with the dreaded mountain of receipts at the end of the month.
Ride sharing Apps: Download both Uber and Lyft and create accounts with both before your trip.
Some places only have service from one (such as the Orlando MCO airport Uber only!). If you
prefer to take a taxi, or simply want whichever services can arrive the fastest, also download a taxi
app such as Curb.
Airline App: Download your airline s app so you can access your mobile boarding pass, gate
information, and more!
Rental Car App: Download your rental car agency s app. Many allow you to check in online and
skip the counter when you arrive.
Hotel App: Download the app for your hotel to find your reservation information. Many hotels
offer mobile check in (huge time saver during busy check in times. And, the ultimate hotel app
bonus is using the app to access your digital key (meaning you can head straight to your room with
even going near the registration desk).
OpenTable: OpenTable will make
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Looking For Alaska Character Traits
Character Essay
Miles Halter, a tall, skinny, scrawny boy that memorizes people s last words. In the novel Looking
for Alaska by John Green, Miles meets Alaska Young and through their relationship he transitions
from a shy nerdy kid; to an outgoing, cigarette smoking, bad boy. Alaska, Chip, and Takumi take
Miles into their group and show them the ropes of Culver Creek boarding school. Throughout the
story Miles realizes how important friendship is in life, it helps you through tough times and
exposes you to new things you d never do.
In the beginning of the story Miles is introduced as a nerdy kid who s only friends are his parents.
His parents are sending him to boarding school hoping he ll have a better time there then he did ...
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Miles gets up and answers the door. The principal informs them that they need to meet in the
gym immediately. The two boys throw on some clothes and hightail it to the gym. When they
got there they saw Laura and Takumi but no Alaska. The principal goes to the podium to speak
but Miles stops him. Frantically searching the bleachers for alaska begs the principal to wait
until she gets there. The principal pulls him to the side and breaks the news why all the students
are there. They all met so he could tell them about how Alaska had gotten in a car accident early
that morning. Miles can t take the news so he runs out of the gym with Chip right behind him.
Chip comforts Miles as he throws up, cries, and screams. After they ve accepted the fact, they
still hardly sleep or even talk. They decide to get the group, or what s left of it back together. They
take a walk down to the smoking hole and talk about what they loved about her. Chip throws a
cigarette into the river and the rest the rest follow. They made a ritual in remembrance of her. The
group decides to do a memorial prank for her with the whole junior class in on it. Miles realizes
that his closest friends helped him get through one of the hardest times in his life.
In conclusion, Miles and his friends go through many rough times, but also good times. It really
brought the group together when Alaska passed. Miles really felt the warmth
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Southern Kingdom Causes
The Southern Kingdom is said to have been exiled by the Babylonians. In this essay one would
seek to focus on tracing the causes that led to the exile of the Southern kingdom. But before I
begin, I would explain, first how the divided kingdom came about? Second what the Southern
Kingdom here means? Third what an exile is and what led to the causes of the exile of southern
kingdom? And finally the Conclusion.
First, the Divided Kingdom. From studies, the Old Testament and other sources have it that not
long after the reign of Saul, David, and Solomon the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two
kingdoms. Despite warnings from many prophets, both kingdoms repeatedly turn from God. The
Divided Kingdom, of the South and North, period follows the continuing story of Scripture in the
books of 1 Kings (chapters 11 22) and 2 Kings. And this period is recounted in three acts: the
division of the kingdom, the resulting northern kingdom (which takes Israel ), and the resulting
southern kingdom (which takes the name Judah. ). Assyria and Babylon force the divided
kingdoms into exile. Jerusalem and the Temple are destroyed.
Second, the Southern Kingdom. The Southern Kingdom (Judah) is one of the divided kingdom
after the reign of King Solomon s United Kingdom ruled by king Rehoboam. According to J. T.
Stevenson (2000), the Southern Kingdom begins with the promise of kingship from the line of
Judah, which had a long tradition, going back all the way to the prophecy of
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Arguments Against The Exclusionary Rule
In the United States, there have been rules established to protect its citizens. One such rule, the
exclusionary rule was put in place to do just that. A legal rule, which is derived from constitutional
law, this rule protects citizens by preventing evidence to be presented at trial that was obtained
while violating the defendants Fourth Amendment rights. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens
against illegal search and seizure, therefore any evidence that is collected by law enforcement
illegal will not be admissible in court the court of law. The exclusionary ruleis frequently used in the
American courts to suppress evidence collected by law enforcement. One such case in 1913, was
Weeks vs The United States. In this case, law enforcement used a key to enter Weeks home after
suspected him using the postal system to transport lottery tickets. Policecollected all the needed
documents to have Weeks indicted and found guilty. Filing an appeal, Weeks argued that all articles
collected and used as evidence against him should have been suppressed, due to the fact it was
collected in violation of his 4th amendment. Having reached the Supreme Court, it was ruled
unanimously that the evidence had been collected without... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
First, those who support the rule, argue that having such rule deters members of law enforcement
from illegal search and seizures of citizens. Police know that if evidence is found to have been
collected illegally, and in violation of the defendants 4th amendment right, that evidence will be
admissible in court. This could possibly result in the defendant walking free. Secondly, another
supporting argument is that the exclusionary rule upholds the Fourth Amendment. This rule
protects citizens constitutional right to be protected from illegal search and seizure, and causes law
enforcement to operate within the boundaries of the law when making an
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Argument Essay On World Hunger
Education is a very powerful weapon, one that isn t available to many however if it were, we
could solve many issues within the world. The biggest and most fundamental problem which can
be seen globally is, world hunger.The sad reality is that this is an issue and one that not many are
talking about. In his article Frederic Seebohm proclaims that the world bankestimates that there are
now one billion absolute poor in the world (Seebohm 5). He continues to define absolute poor as
those whose condition of life is so degraded by disease, illiteracy, malnutritionand squalor as to
deny its victims basic human necessities (4). The fact that there are so many hungry people in the
world today is mind boggling when you think about it. We are well into the 21st century. We now
have the ability to communicate instantaneously with people all over the world. The collected
knowledge of humanity, is literally at our fingertips via smartphones in our hands. Now some may
assume that world hunger is still a grave issue simply because there is not enough food to feed
everyone. However recently scientists who have studied world hunger, have found that the world
produces more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet.The main cause of worldwide
hunger is poverty. As R. C. Pickett mentions the the world has at present 1.5 billion hectares of
arable land that remains uncultivated (31). The problem isn t that there isn t enough land, the issue
remains with the coordination of food production. Millions of people around the world are simply
too poor to buy food. They also lack the monetary resources to grow their own food, such as the
means to harvest, process, and store food.The interaction of domestic animals within the cropping
systems needs to be intensively revaluated. A solution that Pickett suggests includes governments
and businesses interacting to provide a favorable price and availability structure of the necessary
inputs for adequate production, and to supply needed economical processing, storage, transport, and
utilization systems (32). His solution is to aim more government intervention as he believes that
much more food could be produced at least in certain areas but is not, simply because there is no
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Persuasive Barn Business Plan
The floor plan for the barn is fully based on safety. The purpose for having only one open
hallways is to allow clear sight all the way through. For example, if a child is on the opposite
side of the barn, it doesn t matter where an adult is standing, because they will be able to see that
the child is safe. The barn will hold 10 to 12 horses. A child is about 1/3 of that height. For this
reason it wouldn t be safe to have several curves and turns that can block the view of a child with
a horse. The barn is divided into two areas. The first being the area for the volunteers and the
children or guests. This area includes the office, restrooms, storage, tack room, seating, and
lockers. The second area is made up of only stables and grooming rooms. The reason for the
separation is because the areas for the horses will be expected to be a bit messy and it wouldn t be
enjoyable to have an office or group seating right next to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The hall and sides are 12 feet wide. This allows sufficient space for a horse and a holder to walk
comfortably through the hall. The 12 feet wide areas create a 12 by 12 stall that allows the
horse to turn a full circle and lay down if needed. The walls surrounding the stall will be half
covered with bars, allowing visibility for the kids. It will also create a more open space, rather
than a jail cell style. The stalls will also have 2 exits for the horse. The main one being on the
inside that will be a full opening. The door inside allows the trainer to direct the horse from their
stall to the tacking room without having to go through the outside. The second door will be on the
exterior. This will be a Dutch door. On the days with good weather, the trainers can open the top
half of the Dutch door, not only letting the breeze enter but also allowing the horse to place its head
through the opening. This gives the kids a chance to see and interact with the horses as they walk
through the outside of the
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Evaluation Of A Therapy Program For Adults 21 Years And...
Two Specific Programs
Sensory Program
A therapy program targeted to adults 21 years and older, the Sensory Program focuses on sensory
integration, rehabilitation, and quality of life (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). Sensory integration
is the process of absorbing sensory information followed by organizing and assigning meaning to
said information, and thus, making it worthwhile (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). To respond
appropriately and effectively to given sensory input and/or a situation, one experience appropriate
sensory integration (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). The cliental of Aptus impairments in the way
they integrate, process, and organize sensory information, resulting in feelings of confusion, stress
and anxiety, frustration and fear (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). Thus, the goal of the sensory
program is to reduce feels of anxiety, develop coping strategies, and offer opportunities in which to
learn self regulation and self expression (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). As such clients participate
in activities such as a period within the Snoezelen Room, relaxation time and music (Aptus
Treatment Centre, 2016). The Snoezelen Room is an artificially designed space that offers a
relaxing environment through soothing lighting, music, gentle vibrations, and tactile sensations
(Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016).
Areas of Strength
Certain staff members of the Sensory Program continuously exude a love for their job, working
with those with developmental
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In urban morphology, the urban environment acts a palimpsest for urban forms. On a palimpsest,
words are transcribed onto a surface, used, then erased and replaced as the palimpsest was needed
to record other information. In the same manner, urban forms are constructed in the urban
environment, then gradually torn down and replaced as society develops new needs from the
urban. However, Hiroshima is a much different urban morphological story than most cities. On
August 6th, 1945, the Little Boy atomic bomb was dropped aiming towards the t shaped Aioi
Bridge near the center of the city(Hein, et al. 88). In an instant, the urban environment of Hiroshima
is erased, possibly faster than the speed of what it would take to wipe a literal palimpsest.... Show
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Hiroshima plans to pay homage to the tragedy through the construction of a Memorial Hall for A
Bomb Victims, but it appears the city is mainly trying to rebuild in a functional capacity, as
evident by the sparsity of elite buildings within the entire blast zone. Hiroshima plans to have a
running post office, city hall, chamber of commerce and industry, hospital, and college of
chamber and commerce. The few non essential built forms they plan for are a broadcasting
station, newspaper press, and department store, but even these non essential built forms do not
suggest luxury beyond a functional level. The city also plans to reconnect the islands of its river
delta city through the reparation of bridges, most of which were ruined in the blast, yet leave
much open area in places where buildings were reduced to rubble, as if to commemorate the old
city by not rebuilding heavily damaged
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Leda And The Swan Yeats Summary
Tegan Zankl
Professor Tyler Forest
English 100
15 February 2018
W. B. Yeats: Leda and the Swan
In the poem Leda and the Swan , William Butler Yeats retells the story of the Greek god Zeus
taking on the body of a swan to rape an innocent mortal, Leda. Yeats was mesmerized by the unique
relationships between mortals and gods in ancient stories; this is what triggers his urge to write a
poem about this tale. Yeats includes many references to ancient Greek mythology. He expects
readers to know the background on this Greek history when reading through the poem to get a full
understanding. He also uses his words to make a strong impact on the readers minds. The themes
in this poem are very diverse, but the ones of beastiality, wordplay and Greek history are most
The language in the text creates an intense ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yeats assumes that the readers know about the Greek myth of Zeus, sky and weather god, taking the
form of a swan to violate Leda, Aetolian princess who later becomes a famous Spartan Queen.
The opening lines start off presumably in Leda s perspective when he states, A sudden blow
(Yeats 1), meaning that the Swan harshly approaches Leda and knocks her off her feet. We now
can assume that the swan is larger than normal for it to have such extreme power to induce a
great deal of force onto an unexpecting woman. In line 4, He (Yeats 4) is written for the first
time so readers now know that the swan is of male nature; this explains the large size and
strength of the swan. In the following stanza, through the first line Yeats chooses the word
vague (Yeats 5) to describe how Leda is so terrified and disoriented when being violated by the
swan. This can lead the reader to wonder if Leda could have even prevented the violation? The
answer is clear, it would be incredibly absurd that she could have. When Yeats asks, And how can
body (Yeats 7), he is
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Examination of the Relationships Between Birth Weight and...
Purpose of Study
The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the full birth weight
distribution and prevalence of specific developmental disabilities and related measures of health
and the use of special education services by US children. The researchers in this study collected
and used data from the 1997 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for this research
analysis. The NHIS is conducted annually and is a multistage probability sample survey of the US
civilian, non institutionalized population. Basic demographic and health information was collected
during an in person interview. The Sample ChildCore questionnaire obtained information on the
health of one randomly selected child is provided by a knowledgeable adult (usually a parent or
other legal guardian). The data that is collected from this questionnaire represented the primary
source for the researchers analysis. The researchers used a sample of 87,578 children. More than
50% of children were white and were from families with a household income above the federal
poverty level and maternal education beyond high school. Compared with children with birth
weights of 3,500 3,999g, children in all birth weight categories less than 3,000g were more likely to
have one or more developmental disabilities (3.4% 1.2% vs 1.1%). Children in all birth weight
categories less than 2,500g were more likely to have three or more DDs (2.6% 6.5% vs 1.2%). In
evaluating specific
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Rainfall Essay
3.1 Average Rainfall
The suburb of Highton is positioned in the city of Geelong, Victoria, Likewise, the information that
has been collected on this suburb was obtained from the nearest weather station (Weather Station
Code 087184) and the Australian Bureau Of Metrology.
The data that was gathered highlighted the annual rainfall of this suburb to be around 520 mm.
This result indicated the dryness of the suburb of Highton. However, in comparison, the Melbourne
CBD was shown to be around 650 mm which indicated a 130 mm difference of rainfall annually.
Figure 1 Average Rainfall Annual. Source: Australian Bureau Of Metrology
3.2 Historical Trends
Figure 2 was accessed and analysed from Breakwater (Geelong Racecourse), ... Show more content
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Similarly, the annual rainfall was taken into consideration, which therefore was multiplied to the
area by the roofing [2]. Hence, getting an accurate figure upon what the expected water collection
of the Highton residence may be, therefore, allowed a precise figure to work with.
Figure 4 Floor plan. Source: Third Ecology
Figure 5 Roof Plan. Source: Third Ecology
Total Roof Area 299.97 m2
Average Annual Rainfall 520 mm^2
Max Annual Rainfall 600.2 mm2
Total Roof Area x Average Annual Rainfall 299.97m2 x 520 mm= 155,984.40 L
Total Roof Area x Max Annual Rainfall 299.97 x 600.2 mm2= 180,041.99 L
3.4 Expected Water Usage
As shown in Figure 5, the average water usage for an Australian residence is around 166 L per day.
Therefore, placing Australia below the United States Of America.
Despite using less water than the USA, England set a better example as they were shown to use
less water by about a half of what Australians use on a daily basis, which is clearly shown in Figure
6. Hence, indicating that a change is needed and that it indeed is possible to use less water on a day
to day basis.
On the other hand, due to these statistics, a family of four who lives in Victoria will consume (166
L x 365 days x 4) 242,360 L per
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Caiman Research Papers
RefГєgio EcolГіgico Caiman Abstract By: Austin Pigeon RefГєgio EcolГіgico Caiman is a wildlife
refuge located in the western Brazilian State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Caiman is situated in the
Pantanal which is the world s largest wetlands. Caiman has a cattle ranch and other than
breeding cattle, the refuge has two other goals, wildlife conservation and ecotourism (Borobia).
According to Caiman s website, they are seeking harmonious integration of livestock with the
wildlife and that this operation is open to visitors and can be seen first hand by anyone
interested (Lily, 2016). Caiman also has three comfortable inns, Main lodge complex, Cordilheira
lodge, and Baiazinha lodge (Lily, 2016). These inns are of different architectural styles and
integrated to the landscape of the Pantanal. They can hold up to 53 guests (Borobia). Caiman has
become known as a good local reference for scientific research regarding the flora and fauna of the
Pantanal. Travelers can also experience three scientific projects... Show more content on
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There are a couple of things that are interesting are, that the roofing for the houses where the staff
lives is made from recycled toothpaste tubes and the installation of individual home electricity
meters for each employee s house, which was implemented to determine the rational consumption
of energy (measured in kwh). Some consumption will be pre determined and absorbed by RefГєgio
EcolГіgico Caiman. Such energy consumption is enough to allow for the use of electric and
electronic equipment for an average family of three. This equipment could be refrigerators, TV s,
iron, etc. By signing a Complementary Term to the work contract, staff are also responsible for
saving as much energy as they can. For example, shutting off lights when they re not needed
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Success Is A Success Essay
It is a pity that many people are yet to come to terms with the fact that success is a challenge. This
is why many people are unable to manage their success. Success is a challenge because it is tough
and difficult. It also constitutes a challenge because it is demanding, taxing and testing. It is worthy
of note that challenge is not the same as problem . The difference between challenge and problem
is attitude. While optimists use challenge to describe difficult situations, pessimists use problem to
describe the same circumstances.
Success constitutes a challenge in two ways: becoming a success and remaining a success. Every
individual is confronted by either of these challenges at every point in time. At every point in time,
everyone is either striving to become a success or striving to sustains a success and remain a
success. While successful people combat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though becoming a success and remaining a success are challenges, the latter challenge is
heavier than the former. If you watch the lives of wealthy people closely, for instance, you will
observe that it is more difficult to maintain being rich than to become rich. This is also applicable
to the lives of celebrities. This is why there are numerous people across the globe who failed after
attaining very reputable positions in (different aspects) life.
Some people believe that they can remain at the top if anyone can assist them get there. This is
very incorrect because it is more difficult to remain at the top than to get to the top. The
implication of this is that if you can remain at the top if you were there, then you can get to the
top. In other words, if you can remain being a success (if you were a success), then you can
become a success. If it is more difficult to remain successful than to become successful, then
whoever can maintain being a success can also become a
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Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )
Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to
Medicate with Adderall? Meghan L. Gonzales National University Attention Deficit Disorder and
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? The
medical world has noticed several changes and improvements during the past century, but maybe
none that s as economically rewarding afterward the prescription drug business. New medications
turn up regular and maintain to treat a growing number of ailments. Around the corner of each
and every block is a drugstore as well as their shelves are stocked with prescription drugs plus it
looks they re here to stay. Most frequently we change to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are various facets of the ailment that lots of people aren t even conscious of. ADD/ADHD
is a neurological problem which impacts the CNS, along with the inspirational system. ADD
/ADHD impacts two significant elements of the mind which are linked with all the capability to
pay attention along with the capability to modulate motor action. ADD/ADHD is due to a
chemical imbalance in the mind. There exists a lack in the brains capability to make neuro
transmitters. ADD/ADHD is thought to be hereditary. Though many people consider it one,
ADD/ADHD isn t a learning disability. ADD/ADHD changes a man s efficiency in college
environment, as well as other aspects of life too. Relationships with others, how well you
arrange your chamber and properties, and the way you keep track of your financing are several
other regions impacted by ADD/ADHD. Alternately, you might have already been in a position
to pay for the outward symptoms of ADD/ADHD when you re young, only to run into issues as
your obligations increase when you get older. The more balls you are wanting to keep in the air,
pursuing a profession, raising a family, managing a home, the greater the need on your own skills
to arrange, concentrate, and stay composed. This could be challenging for anybody, but in
individuals who have ADD/ADHD, it might feel utterly hopeless. Quite simply, the patient s mind
is much like a light always going on and off at the worst possible times.
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Key Success Objectives Of Telebrands Company
Telebrands Corporation was founded by Mr. A. J. Khubani in 1983 and is based in Fairfield,
New Jersey, United States. Telebrands Corp. offers a broad range of inventive products and
provides services like product warranty, media services and online order. Currently, the
company s main product, Woof Washer 360, is in the growth stage. Woof Washer 360 is a
unique product invented for pet lovers to keep their pets clean. In order to develop this product
and expand its marketplace beyond America and Europe, Telebrands Corp. will create a joint
venture with Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. which will be set up in Malaysia, one of the
countries in Asia. Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. aims to offer high quality Woof Washer 360 at a
competitive price to meet the demand of the local consumers. Besides, the company aims to bring
in the full product line from Telebrands Corp. to Malaysia within five years.
Firstly, Telebrands Corp. will export 10000 woof washers from New Jersey to Malaysia for
marketing. At the same time Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.... Show more content on
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Adequate resources
Driver of superior performance
Management make the necessary resource commitment by providing the needed people and
resourcing the effort with adequate R D funding
Resource commitment drives both the profitability of the business s total product effort as well as
the impact of this effort on the business
For positive results, the resource commitment must be aligned with the company s product
objectives and processes
2.Strategic focus
Externally oriented
Gives direction to the company s product effort
The role of the product in achieving company s goals is clearly communicated to all
Business unit should focus on arenas in terms of the types of products, markets and technologies as
well as on the search for specific product ideas
Company should focus on key advantages or distinctions that can separate their brand from those of
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Essay For Ptd Exam. Online assignment writing service.
Essay For Ptd Exam. Online assignment writing service.

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Essay For Ptd Exam. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 2. Advantages Of Eclectic Approach Introduction World is developing more and more each passing day. Because of this development people throughout the world get in touch with each other more frequently than ever. And each passing day the importance of foreign language is becoming more obvious, especially English which is almost international language. The most important influence for learning English as a second language is done by teachers. And everyone who decided to become a teacher at least once asked himself What kind of teacher I will be like? Answer for this question depends on 3 main factors: your personality, philosophy and methodology. Personality and philosophy is individual for everyone, but methodology is something that can be used by everyone, this is a element ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The idea of choosing from different methods to suite for ones teaching purposes and situations is new one. For example, Memorandum on the Teaching of Modern Language published in 1929 on the basis of British study by Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools recommended the eclectic Compromise Method as a solution to the language teaching method debate. Description of Eclectic Approach There is no single method which can guarantee success in teaching. And the Eclectic Approach is not an exception. The Eclectic Approach is focused on combination of some advantages from several methods taken for learning and teaching process. This approach is commendable when circumstances do not allow for the adoption of the single method. The use of methods and approaches is adjust to the teaching learning needs. The teacher decides what methodology or approach to use depending on the aims of the lesson and the learners in the group. Theory of Language Language is based on structures which are used to convey meanings, which perform ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The uses of Firearms by civilians are very dangerous, and... The uses of Firearms by civilians are very dangerous, and its history needs to be studied. Many wars and accidents in civic life made many countries prohibit keeping guns and firearms by individuals, but there are some other countries that continue to keep guns, such as the United States and the United Kingdom. I will focus on the gunculture in the United Kingdomfrom 1689 to 1997. Because the Unite King start allowing individual keeping guns by Bill of Rights in 1689, the 1689 Bill of Right guaranteed British subject certain rights. People consider that it was a manifestation of their right and freedom, but after some guns accidents that made citizen scare, they change their constitution in 1997. After 1997, the Unite Kingdom enacted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A judicial decision recognized the right of the people to ride armed for their Security . (The Queen s peace) In the second part of the Bill of Rights, shows the laws to prevent recurrence of the abuses. It mean government was not creating that having the right to bear arms, but it seems a traditional right of the people who live in the Unite Kingdom. That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time to peace, unless it be with consent of parliament, is against the law. (The Queen s peace) The traditional of militia free to use arms is a mistake. The writer argued that English right to bear arms was a collective right and it was not for the citizen. The government always want to protect their political power, however individual did not understand this pointпјЊso, they David B.Kopel wroted Great Britain: The Queen s Peace was talking about the development of firearm s culture in United Kingdoms. People using firearms to intimidate, injure or kill, personal protection, morbid fascination. (Matt Seiber,P 83) In here, I know that United Kingdom had long year s traditional culture to keep firearms. This culture was become people s usual practice. Keeping guns was a emblem for the democratic. Firearms originally can protect people; then it changes to hurt people. Another plausible answer is that the parliament passed the handgun ban in 1997. It means gun owners must apply for a license. There were two famous killers in United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Oliver Sacks Musicophilia Summary In Oliver Sacks Musicophilia, the author shared unique experiences people have had with music and how these events have affected the brain. Chapter 20, The Kinetic Melody: Parkinson s Disease and Music Therapy, further explored how music has improved the lives of people with Parkinson s. Sacks referred to these people as Parkinsonian patients. Therapists have found the utilization of musichas helped improve the well being of patients. The first time Oliver Sacks encountered music in a clinical setting was in 1966 at Beth Abraham Hospital located in the Bronx in New York. This is where he met approximately eighty patients who had suffered from encephalitis lethargica, a central nervous system disorder outbreak after World War I which affected... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As another victim of encephalitis lethargica, she often sat frozen with one hand touching her glasses. She was a piano player and would become liberated from her frozen state when she played. When she was younger, she had memorized all of Chopin. Therapists found when they simply named a piece for her to imagine she was able to move freely as she did when she was actively playing. One may wonder why she does not imagine music all day long to remain in this state of freedom. According to Sacks, this is because she lacks the ability to initiate such thought. Once someone is there to name a piece or movement for her, she can then react and start thinking about it, otherwise nothing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Essay on Operation Strategy at Galanz S w 8B10D05 Teaching Note OPERATIONS STRATEGY AT GALANZ Dr. Kokin Lam and Professor Xiande Zhao wrote this teaching note as an aid to instructors in the classroom use of the case Operations Strategy at Galanz, No. 9B10D005. This teaching note should not be used in any way that would prejudice the future use of the case. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, The University of Western Ontario,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To introduce students to the concepts of order winners, order qualifiers and operations priorities /objectives. 2. To show how operations priorities should reflect customer requirements and affect the way a company competes. 3. To demonstrate how a company can gain competitive advantages through a low cost strategy and how to support a business strategy using operations strategy and capabilities. 4. To show students how a company can build multiple capabilities over time and how a company s strategy and operational capabilities can change over time. 5. To provide students with the opportunity to analyze trade offs involved in making strategic, operational and marketing decisions as a business expands from the domestic to the global market and from an OEM to an ODM and an OBM. 6. To challenge students to develop coherent action plans that address future growth objectives. 7. To help students understand the tremendous opportunities and challenges of managing operations and supply chain activities in China. SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. What were the order winners/order qualifiers for Galanz in the microwave oven business during the early stage of its development? 2. Rank the importance of Galanz s operations objectives of cost, quality, flexibility, delivery, service and innovations. How has the importance changed over the years? 3. What is the role technology has played in the success of Galanz? 4. What are Galanz s competitive and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Walt Disney s Influence On America Walt Disney started as an illustrator in a small company and became one of the most influential figures during the 20th century. Walt Disney is well known as the founder of the Walt Disney Company and the creator of a character named Mickey Mouse. His cartoons brought joy to people through unique characters and colorful backgrounds. His ultimate goal was to make people happy as Walt quotes ВЁMy business is making people, especially children, happy (The Walt Disney Family Museum). Although animation may be his biggest known contribution to America, Disney also had influence on economy and politics. Growing up with two understanding parents and a loving brother, Walt Disney made his way to became one of the most influential public figures. Walt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The United Artists funded Walt with his use of the Technicolor, expecting Walt to use minimum amount of color to make films more vivid. Many artists did not use Technicolor at that time because it cost so much compared to the traditional black and white films. Although Roy Disney was cautious about using color in the films, Walt insisted that his animation would be more delightful for children if he used color. Walt made his first color film in one of the films in the Silly Symphony series called Flowers and Trees . It took him three months to carefully wipe off the back of the existing cells to repaint them with variety of colors. Despite the cost of the colors used, the profit that was made from Flowers and Trees allowed Walt to be determined to make future Silly Symphony films in color. This one success in making color cartoons encouraged Walt to improve more and risk using more money to make the films more colorful. His motivation to use color was so strong that he was willing to go against the United Artists to achieve his vision of a perfect and cheerful cartoon. Walt later made another film called Funny Little Bunnies , which was about cute bunnies coloring eggs for easter. This film used the whole spectrum of colors, which was against United Artists demand to use the maximum of 20 colors to save money (Korkis). By risking his reputation against United Artists, Walt explored the possible future of colored films and spread the use of Technicolor. His attempt to use color set a precedence to the quality of cartoons and encouraged more production of colored films. The colored films created in the Disney studio made Disney overwhelmingly popular and advanced the common idea of black and white ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. First Transit Job Analysis I thought that I had found the job of my dreams, and possibly my career. A job where everything was perfect and I progressed quickly, but an unexpected turn of events quickly proved me wrong. I went from having an awesome office job to being unemployed; however, having to find a new start proved to be more beneficial than I expected. My first job at First Transit was everything I wanted and more. For starters, it was located in my home town of Church Point, and the pay was above average for the area. The ideal nine to five schedule was also a plus. As a customer service representative I was doing what I loved, helping people. I quickly moved up to a supervisor position which enabled me to travel. I visited the different regions of Louisiana with covered expenses that included: hotel, food, and travel. To my surprise an unexpected turn of events was about to take place. First Transit, the job of my dreams, abruptly came to an end. I did not know that the company I worked for was actually contracted through The Department of Health and Hospitals. At the time of renewal First Transit lost their bid for a new contract, as a result, my coworkers and I were left unemployed. I was unemployed for about six months before I found work, and that was a very depressing time for me. I felt as though I had failed;... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was informed that with having only a high school education, I could apply for substitute teaching. Also, I had to successfully pass their pre employment test. I scheduled the exam and past! Immediately, I was placed on the substitute list and began working. I was relieved that I had found employment but needed more stability. My sister, a Head Start teacher, informed me of an opening through her job as an aid for special needs children. I applied and was interviewed quickly being that I was already employed through the school board. I was hired and began working as a full time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Wicca s Role In Pagan Religion Virtually everyone has heard of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. But among the three religions that are close to being tied for fourth place in the United States, almost everyone has heard of Buddhism and Hinduism. If you mention Wicca to the average American, you will probably receive a blank stare. A major reason for this is that many Wiccans tend to keep their religionsecret; they fear physical and economic attack.(http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_prac.htm) So with that being said, what exactly is wicca and why is it important? Wica is the basic belief where individuals have the ability to follow their own inspiration and vision while seeking faith. In order to fully grasp wicca, the understanding of the Pagan religion is highly recommend. Pagan religion are characterized by the importance of nature to its followers. It is also important to note that s pagans worship any Gods, so classifying ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In most religions around the world, women were stuck in the patriarchal system in religion. Women had a specific role in religion, where they were not allowed to achieve much higher status of control or power within the religion. Wicca on the other hand valued women, and the idea of creating new life. It is said that a women can control a race, whether it s, financially, economically, or physically, women were the importance of the religion. As wicca began to spread throughout Europe, it attracted many different types of cultures. Since no one cultures was identical it was incredible that wicca attracted a variety of people. Wicca unlike anything Europen was use to, was very accepting. Wicca accepted those of every faith including, monotheistic, polytheistic, ritualistic, feminine based, masculine based, and more. Any practiced no matter what it was or origin was accepted by the wicca people. That being said the ancient tradition of wicca is still practiced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Mary Rowlandson And Benjamin Franklin Every colonist that came to America had their own perceptions of its inhabitants. The majority of these people believed the Native Americans were savages because their culture differed from the colonists. To the colonists, everything needed to be proper. The way they dressed, whether or not they went to church, or how they raised their children needed to be up to code. If not, their fellow colonists looked differently at them. The natives were entirely different. Their goal was simply to survive, and they were conducting survival the best way they knew how to. The differences between the two cultures led to many severe problems. Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin had two entirely different views of the Native Americans, based upon their encounters with them. Mary Rowlandson believed the Native Americans were savage, blood thirsty creatures that were either going to kill or be killed. In her story, she supports her claim by using vivid imagery of a major event that took place during her lifetime. A very interesting quote from Rowlandson s literature is It is a solemn sight to see so many Christians lying in their blood, some here, and some there, like a company of sheep torn by wolves, all of them stripped naked by a company of hell hounds, roaring, singing, ranting, and insulting, as if they would have torn our very hearts out (Rowlandson). This quote uses an incredible amount of imagery and allows the reader to see just how Rowlandson feels about the natives. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Was The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Ethically... Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ethically justified? Why Truman decided to drop the atomic bombs on Japan By Grace Kelsall World War 2 saw the emergence of America as a new world power on August 6th 1945, also internationally known as the traumatizing day for Hiroshima; after an American B 29 bomber dropped the world s first atomic bomb. World War Two is considered a great turning point in modern history, it being one of the bloodiest and horrific wars; exposing all countries around the world to the nuclear age. Many key events, battles and campaigns have led up to President Truman s decision, which ultimately brought the surrender of Japan and subsequent end of World War Two. Nevertheless, the ethical implications of this act are still being debated today. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was ethically justified to a significant extent. Conversely, the motives from President Truman is evident that he had logical reasoning behind his decision to bomb Japan, however from a perspective outside America his actions are portrayed as disgusting and inhumane . While the bombing immensely affected Japan, there were also various factors that have impacted America. These two perspectives have exhibited to change over time, both showing sympathy towards each nation; predominantly America, now bringing them even closer together in present day time. Many significant individuals played a monumental role in the bombing of the populous cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Buffalo David Bitton Essay Buffalo David Bitton Industry Report June 8, 2013 The Buffalo Mission Buffalo David Bitton was first launched by David Bitton in 1973 and was officially founded in 1985, according to the company s LinkedIn Profile. As leaders in the denim sector of the apparel and fashion industry, Buffalo has truly revolutionized the way consumers think of denim. Buffalo s tagline is We are Iconic. We are fashion. We are Denim. We are Buffalo. Buffalo prides themselves on their denim, as it is the foundation of the company. Their overall mission is to provide their fashion savvy customers with a product that is of high quality and that is also highly stylish. As the company continues to grow, Buffalo wants their name to remain synonymous with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The brand also features innovative washes, leading edge embellishments, superior fit, and sexy styling. Buffalo jeans are also specifically designed to lengthen and streamline, providing a youthful look that flatters the body. Competitive Position What was once a small denim company has grown into a true denim empire that can be found throughout 50 cities from Montreal to London. Thriving since 2004, Buffalo David Bitton employs about 300 people and continues to open stores across the globe. In regards to competition, Buffalo s main competitors vary for both the men s and women s lines. For men, competitors include True Religion, Citizens of Humanity, Hudson, Michael Kors, Diesel, Burberry, and more. Luckily, Buffalo has identified that their male customers are loyal. Males who buy Buffalo jeans are unlikely to switch to another brand. For women however, the competition is much more difficult. Women are more concerned with prices and how the jeans make them look and feel. Therefore, developing brand loyalty is more of a challenge. Competitors in the women s sector incorporate the same competitors for men, in addition to about 20 more brands, making it harder to grab the consumer s attention. Industry Outlook The outlook for the fashion industry is still uncertain due to the current economic status of this country and across Europe. According to Leonie Barrie, from the industry s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Alice And The Video Games Alice and the Video Games Alice, an ignorant little girl from Alice and the Wonderland tumbled down the rabbit hole into a world of meaninglessness (IMDb); today, proponents of banning violent video games are following Alice, stumbling over themselves into a pitfall of a lack of substantial evidence and reasoning. An exemplary example of such a proponent is Eric Roberts, the uncredentialed author of the article Violent Video Games Produce Violent Behavior in Our Nation s Youth and Should Be Banned . On top of making groundless claims against violent video games, Roberts lumps in unrelated elements simply to appeal to pathos and vainly attempts to reel in his far fetched conclusions using a plethora of fallacies to back up his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the latter half of his first argument, Roberts boldly claims Violent video games equate to violent behavior, especially in children whose brains are not fully formed yet and a game rated MA (Mature) doesn t stop a kid from playing it, yet there is utterly no evidence supporting these poor claims. In reality,according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board s official website, a majority of parents check the video game rating before purchasing it for their child (ESRB). Robert draws a hasty generalization in hopes that readers will gloss over such details and ignorantly agree with Robert s meaningless and false claims. A vast majority of Robert s argument is based around women being portrayed as helpless victims or sexual objects. Drawing on sympathetic feelings, Robert equates violent video games to sexual ones and generalizes them as a whole. While attempting to indirectly attack violent video games, he utilizes the straw man fallacy to prey on a vaguely associated, weaker target: sexual video games. He criticizes these sexual games to coerce compassionate support, a mere gaudy bauble for naive readers to blindly listen to Robert s argument. In fact, Roberts gives absolutely no evidence to state any link between violent and sexual video games, much less a link between how sexual video games translate into sexist or aggressive behavior in the modern world. Rather, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Regulating Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the scientific process of adding or removing certain genetic material from an embryo so it will develop specific characteristics (Silver 129). Genetic modification allows for the prevention of genetic disorders as well as the development of better pharmaceutical drugs that can give people longer and healthier lives. Despite these positive uses of genetic modification many people are wary of its practicality and ethics. However, the present genetic engineering has not advanced enough to be feasible on human embryos and has only been used on various crops and animals. As science continues to move forward and new developments arise in the field of cloning, genetic engineering can soon become a reality. The future use of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Genetic modification is vital in the advancing human medicine and can combat consequences that could arise as a result of the manipulation through researched treatments. If put into practice genetic modification would follow strict ethical guidelines to account for people who would disagree with the process. However, most importantly the use of genetic engineering could lead to other discoveries that could transform life on Earth and lead humanity into a more enlightened time. This is why it is critical to keep supporting the genetic engineering field and to leave the stigma behind in order to give the world a better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Forensic Assessment What assessments would you conduct to enhance your understanding of the client s problems and how would your choice of assessment(s) inform your diagnostic formation and treatment planning? Assessments may include structured or unstructured interviews, valid and reliable assessment measures, and/or formalized assessment procedures that may be conducted by yourself or by someone else referred by you. In order to understand the client s problem, the evaluator must gather relevant data as it pertains to the forensic issues of concern (Bartol Bartol, 2011). Based on the vignette, it appears the forensic issue is whether or not Danita understands the nature of her actions and the charges against her. Danita expressed her disbelief of the charges ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This test will assess the personality and psychopathology of Danita Johnson and determine her current level of functioning. Substance abuse assessment would be another assessment that would be recommend due to Danita history of using drugs and drinking alcohol. The test that would be used is called the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory 3 (Pittenger, 2003). This test will be used to indicate the risk of substance dependence in the life of Danita. It is also important to assess for suicidal ideation as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Importance Of Public Figure As Role Models Due to our social media devices being connected with so much around the world, the youth have become quite persuadable on what is right and what is wrong; increasing the suspicion on whether these public figures should be considered role model material or not. Though public figures can be role models, not all of them should be because they might be but that doesn t mean all public figures can t be role models. Public figures have the ability to inspire others by showing their determination when times get tough and by showing their passion for their work, which motivates others to have the same mindset as them. Some people believe public figures should not be considered role models due to some of them doing immature and irresponsible off of the screen. Public figures should be considered role models because they are capable of displaying how to act properly in society and that it is possible to persevere through tough obstacles in life. Public figures display how to act in society for instance, being responsible and acceptive of everyone. As stated in the article, Teens who idolize a celebrity who doesn t give in to such pressures as weight and drugs will likely benefit from their obsession. (Martinez). Acting responsibly in society giving into the pressure of doing drugs is something admirable that some public figures don t give into. For example, Justin Bieber at one point in his life started to do drugs and it was ruining his career but he had started to reform and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Robber Barons Case Study 1. Explain whom Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller are. Should industrialists like Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller be viewed as robber barons or captains of industry ? Define robber barons and captains of industry. Analyze your perspective as fully as you can. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller were one of the first tycoons in America. They were very much wealthy as well as happy businessmen that changed America and the economy. Although they did play the role of monopoly, before monopoly became illegal in the U.S. According to encyclopedia.com Robber Barons were vilified for using the capitalist system to exploit workers, form anti competitive trusts, and place the accumulation of wealth above all else. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were killed in mines due to lack of equipment, etc. Cattle raising was and continues to be a successful phase in the world raising cattle provides food to feed people and provide meat and protein. Cattle is used not only for its meat but it is great because of the by products such as milk, skin, meat, butter, cheese, hooves, etc. It is beneficial and can either be fed grain to fatten it and grow it at an extremely higher rate which provides faster food. Or grass fed which was most likely used then due to lack of new technology and hormones to stimulate growth. Agriculture is the soul according to Professor Freeman, a woman in the process of getting her PhD in Agriculture, stated that agriculture is soul. Agriculture is what keeps people alive. People grow crops and labor workers pick it, then it gets distributed to food markets to be sold. As you can see so far, these jobs are all depended on labor workers and farmers which are most likely local. With big businesses and industries and the new technology it revolutionized everything. Jobs were ending because machines took over peoples jobs and made consistent results at a faster, better rate with an abundant amount of product. Mining became less dangerous because now machines can take over and do much more of what 20 men may do, per say. Cattle raising, they get fed hormones, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Comparing Emile Durkheim s The Division Of Labor In comparing Emile Durkheim s The Division of Labor in Society and readings from the The Rules of Sociological Method to Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann s The Social Construction of Reality in addition to Harriet Martineaus Morals and Manners, Morals of Slavery, and The Political Nonexistence of Women, all of these authors investigate people as beings that are fundamentally social that create the basis for society. Even though their perspectives have similar components when it comes to fundamentally key ideas, they still tend to take different stances on viewing the individuals involved in the process from micro and macro perspectives in order to understand the correlation between the individual interacting with society s institutions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This author has had a particular focus on women in politics and how slaves were included in this social structure during this time period making an effort to convey that all men are born equal and free as her views were very radical during this time. In comparison to Martineau, Emile Durkheim emphasizes that the division of labor is a key attribute to the social structure of society as the general population continues to grow, people will naturally become more disciplined in specialized professions that will ultimately create institutions as all of these specializations will work together to benefit society. However, Durkheim does agree with Martineau to the extent that power is diffused throughout society and ultimately belongs to the government. As government holds the ultimate authority, punishment will be defined as a reaction as to what has violated laws that have been instituted in order to maintain standards of moral order. Additionally, Berger and Luckmann make it clear that it is because people are social beings, people create a society the more we interact with one another as [man s] relationship to the surrounding environment is everywhere...structured by his own biological constitution that people attach what they know to be the physical world and build structural concepts that constitute our society. (Berger and Luckmann, 47.) All address to some degree, that the social structure of society exists because we have instituted some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Spartacus Film Analysis Spartacus, 1960, is a film directed by Stanley Kubrick based on the Novel Spartacus by Howard Fast. The film follows the life of a slave named Spartacus who fought for his own freedom which led to the Third Servile War. The Third Servile War, also named the War of Spartacus, was slave insurrections against the Roman Republic. Although Spartacuss main enemy is all of Rome and its culture, like most heroes portrayed in film, Spartacus s main antagonist is a Roman senator Marcus Licinius Crassus, whose ultimate goal is to become dictator of Rome. However, does the film Spartacus follow closely to historical facts, or is it another film dramatized to entertain the public as Hollywood does? Hollywood dramatizing historical events in historyis not necessarily considered a bad thing. But how far will Hollywood go to dramatize historical events in order to entertain the public? With the addition of Hollywood flair, it removes the impact that film had on Spartacus according to historical accuracy. Robert Rosenstone, a professor of California Institute of Technology, has written many different genres from history, fiction, poetry, etc., has said, historical film has been making its impact upon us for many years now, and its time that we began to take it seriously. By this I mean we must begin to look at film, ... (p. 1). According to Rosenstone, historians have been able to adapt to the new style of learning within classrooms. Whether it be the inability of some teachers to teach ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. After the Second World War, the emergence of high-level... After the Second World War, the emergence of high level warm peace in West Germany was understood to be due to the induction of democratisation and social reform process by the liberal United States (US) and the common Soviet Union threat. The problem of ethnic German expellees from the East result to the destabilisation of democracy in West Germanywhich nearly caused the collapse of the government. The US came to aid in mitigating the problem and assisting the state into a successful German democracy. As discussed earlier, the realist factors of American hegemony had produced cold peace in the Western Europe, but insufficiently produced high level warm peace. However, with the nature of liberal democracy in the region, the cold peace... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A report shown, after two decade of France democratisation, about fifty two percent of French gave a good opinion in regard to their perception towards West Germany and reduction of nine percent gave bad opinion. The structure and stability of liberal democracy have developed transnational interactions between the French and German people. Even though there was conflict arise between the governments in 1960s the level of mutual trade and confidence never decreases. Besides that, liberal democratic structures also generate confidence of German and French policymakers of their mutual reliability. Middle East In Middle East, the situations were different from the European case when the three key liberal mechanisms; regional institutions, economic interdependence and democracy, induced in the region. The use of defensive and offensive liberalism failed to produce a stable warm peace on arms control, economic cooperation, water, refugees and the enivronment. Defensive liberalism of multilateral talks was conducted in the framework of Madrid Conference. The idea was to create regional peacemaking through bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Arabs, the Gulf and North African. However, the bilateral talks with Israel were boycott by some of the rejectionist camp including Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan. The rejection limited the ability to reach region wide agreements yet the support from the great powers helped broaden the peace process and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Restorative Justice Case Study Introduction Over the course of both my undergraduate and master s programs in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding (NCRP), I have wanted to further study the concept of Restorative Justice. Though it has surfaced several times throughout my NCRP coursework, it has mostly been in the context of international conflict. Thus, I have often wondered how Restorative Justice might work in a more local context. That local context revealed itself in my current role as one of two fathers of a first grader in a school in Long Beach. Helena, our six year old daughter, attends a small private school with 160 students in grades K 8. The school community regards itself as being a large, caring, tight knit extended family, while the administration has been explicit in stating that the incidence of bullying on the campus is little to none. Our experience as a family in the nearly two years that we have been part of the community has been otherwise. Here are three bullying scenarios that we ve experienced or heard of occurring in our school community: In our first year, two male classmates called our daughter fat when she was in Kindergarten. Later that same year, a female classmate teased another dark skinned, African American girl in her class for having ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the case of the boys who called our daughter fat, the teacher and the three families involved worked well together towards a very positive outcome. Prompted by a proactive teacher, the parents communicated with each other regarding the situation that same night, while each of the boys wrote our daughter an apology letter. The teacher mediated the conflict between the children immediately after the incident, when the boys asked for forgiveness and everyone gave each other a hug. Our relationship with the other two families ended up stronger as a result of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Sula Two young girls, coalescing on a grass laden field while lying on their stomachs, dig a hole in unspoken harmony. A picture of youth and innocence, this scene depicts an innocuous moment which the two girls share as a result of their juvenescence or does it? In Toni Morrison s Sula, this scene, among others, appears at first to be both irrelevant to the novel s underlying theme and out of place with regard to the rest of the plot. Yet, when analyzed further, the literary devices that Morrison uses in these scenes bring readers to a vastly different conclusion. These scenes serve as windows into the mind of Morrison and even into the larger themes present in the text. So, perhaps two girls sharing a seemingly casual experience is not as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like the vasculature of plants shrouded by bark, innocence is shrouded and further internalized as social influence compiles. Thus, Morrison effectively illustrates both the presence of innocence and its inherent definition via careful diction in this scene. Additionally, the scene is illuminating because of the timing in which Morrison introduces the idea of renewed innocence. She chooses to place it directly before one of the most gruesome and chilling events of the novel: the death of Chicken Little. Now, readers could wonder if she is simply juxtaposing two starkly contrasted scenarios for literary effect. But even though the timing could be interpreted solely to as a method of juxtaposition, an ulterior motive becomes apparent when readers inquire why the girls allow Chicken Little to die after illuminating their innocent cores, not before. If the girls had killed Chicken Little before stripping away the bark from the twig, the scene could be perceived as a symbol of internal cleansing and a means of psychologically stripping themselves of guilt. But the scene precedes his drowning, possibly indicating that their ambivalence was catalyzed by their exposed, innocent essence. Morrison portrays such a vastly contradictory portrayal of popularized innocence in an attempt to demonstrate how innocence may not be defined as innocuously as society defines it. However, before stating the another significant element ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Emirates Airline The Emirates Group is composed of airport services provider DNATA (the Dubai National Air Transport Association) and Emirates Airlines. Owned by the government of Dubai and based at the busiest airport in the Middle East, Emirates has flourished under the sheikdom s wide open skies policy, in spite of the restrictions placed on it by other countries. The airline, renowned for its luxurious in flight service, was unique among long haul airlines in that it had not joined a global alliance such as the Star Alliance or oneworld by the beginning of the new millennium. The Maktoum family led the tribe throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Dubaibecame one of seven sheikdoms in the United Arab Emirates, which was formed in 1970. Gulf Air ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We now have a team of more 40,000 loyal workers, many living far away from their own families, and we are committed to caring for them within ours. This dedication to the welfare of our employees does not distract from the fundamental economic role of our business to reward stakeholders. While rivals have faltered under the strain of fluctuating fuel prices and the intense level of competition synonymous with our industry, we have posted profits in all but one year of our history. While we are focused on maximising profit margins, as a leader in aviation innovation, we are devoted to growing our business while using fewer resources and creating less waste and pollution. The billions of dollars we have invested in purchasing the most advanced aircraft in production mean we operate one of the youngest and most eco efficient fleets in the world. Our commitment to the environment extends to our interests on the ground. We take great pride in our involvement with the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, which is dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of area. The National Park, the largest protected area in the UAE and home to more than 30 species indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula, is considered the regional benchmark for sustainable development and conservation. Our green projects do not stop at home and plans are already well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Oscar Pistorius s Controversy On September 11th, 2014 it was declared that Oscar Pistorius was not guilty of premeditated murder. A few months later, however, Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide. Pistorius was then sentenced to five years in prison for his crime. He was to serve his time in the Kgosi Mampuru II prison located in Pretoria,Gauteng,South Africa. It is not made final about how long he will have to remain in prison but it could possibly be ten months or even twenty months. Oscar Pistorius was born on November 22,1986 in South Africa. Pistorius was born without a fibula in either of his legs, which were amputated below the knees before he turned one. Having prosthetic legs did not stop Oscar from doing things he wanted to do with his life. Pistorius was involved in sports, he was involved in several school sports such as cricket and boxing. When he turned sixteen he took up running and from then on that was what he did, he ran. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After his win in Athens, Pistorius competed in several competitions against able bodied runners. Pistorius gained much attention gaining invites to European organization competitions. Pistorius s artificial legs caused controversy throughout his career. There were many people accusing that his prosthetics were helping him in such a way that was unfair. In 2007 Pistorius was banned from competing, which he then repealed in 2008. Not repealing the ban in time Oscar missed the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. After that Pistorius made his focus on the 2012 Olympics in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Vulnerable Liability Case Study The vision of change is the roadmap of the company desires to guide the initiative for the future. The advice is to allow the vision statement to direct the realization of change. The technique is to direct the change of various circumstances with perception and objectivity of the organization. Consequently, the misuse of the vision declaration is to surrender the direction and focus (Palmer, Dunford, Akin, 2009). Therefore, the declaration of the navigator is desperate because different interpretations exist among various employees. Vulnerable Capabilities The vision of the six philosophies strengthens the company for the moment, although issues emerge in the distant future (Palmer, et al., 2009). Meaning, the inessential vision statement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The inefficient significance disrupts the original vision statement of the organization. In addition, failure to believe the loyalty of staff confuses the objective of business (Eccles, New Quist, Schatz, 2007). Consequently, the attribute is of the heroic staff to reveal the inefficient authorities for orchestrating a prosperous business. Therefore, from my personal experience, the authority of knowledge proposes to uncover his self regard to embody his faithful conduct to influence the people of the association. Appearance The director is the image of authority, which is essential to a productive organization. The image of the caretaker is the relentless force to capture the vision of the organization. The coach empowers as the interpreter transforms the vocabulary to elevate the perception of the organization. In addition, the analytical approach of the nurturer executes the vision to achieve the support of consumers. Furthermore, the navigator guides the operation through the release of the vision statement. The morale, provides the essential frame point of analysis to secure the reputation of the organization for the future. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Summary Of Education By C. S. Lewis Education must have a goal with a story behind it. This story must be one that tells about the creation by God and envisions a future in the kingdom of heaven. In addition the story constructs ideals, gives unfaltering rules of conduct, and provides the one true source of power. Above all, the story must present an awareness of purpose. This explanation of achieving a story was the author s goal and they attained it in a book that was enjoyable and easy to read and understand. Of personal interest was the chapter on C.S. Lewis and his methods of studying and teaching. He is one of my favorite authors, and my interest never waivered as I read that chapter. They explained that Lewis was primarily concerned about understanding text ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Rural England Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution also had major consequences on the rural areas in Britain during the nineteenth century. One of the main reasons the Industrial Revolution significantly impacted rural areas in Britain was because many individuals that were living in more rural regions were forced to relocate to cities, and more urban centres. Robert Marks in his passage, The Origins of the Modern World A Global and Environmental Narrative From The Fifteenth To The Twenty First Century, explains how during the Industrial Revolution, populations in major urban centres in Britain grew dramatically. He states, The British manufacturing cities of Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham grew 40 percent in a decade. Urbanization, which is a process ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay about Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Mexican... Organized crime is an international issue and it exists in several different countries, such as; Italy, China, Japan, Russia and the United States of America. Although all these groups of organized crime have many things in common they tend to have different ways of doing something, or they may not do them at all. Many also commit similar types of crimes, and others commit crimes other groups would not. It is thought that the Russian Mafia has existed in Russia for several centuries. When Russia was still the Soviet Union, corruption began to develop because of the Communist era. Citizens were so desperate to pay bills, buy groceries, and more; that they began to steal from one another, as well as get into forms of organized crime.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Triads are a family run organized crime gang in China. Triads are sometimes referred to as the Chinese Mafia . In 1821 the first systematic account of the Triads was written down by a principle of an Anglo Chinese college. Triads engage in highly ritualized dress and behavior from secret hand signs, passwords, to blood oaths in elaborate initiation ceremonies. This group has made their money through drug trafficking, loan sharking, prostitution, smuggling, gunrunning, extortion, and protection rackets. In the most recent years they have been moving more into credit card fraud, call girl rings, CD pirating, minibus concessions, and computer software (Hays, 2010). The Triads have a signature instrument of torture, punishment and execution, the kitchen meat cleaver. Triad victims bodies are often found horribly mutilated, severed limbs can be used as a warning. In 1984 the leaders of the Triads met with Communist officials before singing the handover agreement. The communists in return for the Triads assistance in the smooth transition agreed to turn a blind eye to their illegal activities. Mexico has a large amount of organized crime throughout the country with several different cartels including the Amezcuas (Colima) Cartel, Herrera Family, Sinaloa cartel, the Gulf cartel, Tijuana cartel, Juarez cartel, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Rocco Basile RocBas Realtor Age Rocco Basile is an eminent personality in the US photography rings. The Emerson College, Massachusetts graduate is highly skilled in portrait photography, fine art photography and photojournalism. Basile was born and bred in New York and is the pride Founder of Rocco Basile Photography, an enchanting studio and gallery in Southern California. This is where Basile exhibits his recent works and that of his colleagues, who include up and coming photographer who now have a platform to showcase their wares to the world. Rocco s work has a freelance photographer has taken him to different parts of the world, including Okinawa, Japan, where a serene terrain always beckons. In what state is your home or studio located? When did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I think deeply about it, I think it started when I got my hand on my first digital camera, and therein endless possibilities soon hushed through my mind. I have always been fascinated by nature, from taking macro photos of the smallest imaginable objects to items with intricate details. Please share 1 to 2 of your fondest or funniest memories from living there? My early exposure and influence for the artistic culture was inculcated early on life thanks to the unique sceneries of the 5 New York boroughs. The Big Apple is also a center for some of the most astounding art galleries and museums in the world. I am lucky to live only a brief subway ride away from these artistic and cultural attractions with a camera in hand. What advice would you give up and coming photographers? The surrounding, in which you live is the first stop you make when you want to capture the moments. I often advice young and aspiring photographers to stay attuned to their surrounding in order to see and capture all the thematic elements that can captivate wider audience. Academic experiences also play an important role in opening the doors to new possibilities and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Examples Of Supernatural Elements In Jane Eyre In addition to introducing the supernatural element of the story, the early chapters serve as a base for Jane s future character and thought process. The way she is treated by Mrs. Reed, the children and the servants influences and shapes the way she treats herself and the world around her throughout the novel. From the very beginning, Jane s rebellious, free mind and her strong sense of justice are undermined the constant self doubt and a tendency to compare herself with others. While she is aware that much of what she suffers is unjustified, the constancy of the abuse over time does largely succeed to crush her sense of righteousness and instil in her the thought that she is only being treated badly because of her character and physical appearance. She constantly compares herself with her cousins, saying that Eliza, who was headstrong and selfish, was respected , and Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged , always forgiven because of her beauty, her pink cheeks and golden curls. By using negative words such as headstrong or insolent when she could alternatively describe them as strong willed or independent, Jane leaves no doubt that, if she envies the treatment afforded to her cousins, she does not envy their character. Her sense of injustice, however, seems to be directed more towards nature than the adults around her, as if she thought that more agreeable or beautiful feature could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Takata Corporation Case The Takada family founded Takata Corporation in 1933. Originally the firm manufactured parachute static lines as well as other textiles. In the 60s Takata began to shift towards the automobile safety industry by selling seat belts to car manufacturers. The corporation supplied the first Japanese car manufacturer to have seat belts as part of the vehicle s standard design. Takata found success in the new industry, which led the firm to expand into airbags as well as child safety restraint systems. With its strategic decision to enter the automobile safety industry Takata was reaping the benefits. The firm commanded a major portion of the airbagmarket, eventually becoming one of the top three airbag manufacturers in the automotive industry. However, despite the company s early contributions to automobile safety, recent events have tarnished the firm s reputation. Takata has continually failed to address and correct a potentially fatal malfunction within in its airbag design. Decisions, driven by a desire to reduce production costs, have forced the company to abandon its corporate social responsibility, harming various stakeholders in the process. It is unfortunate that the once respected firm has irreparably damaged its image. In an industry where defects and mistakes by manufacturers can potentially kill consumers, public trust in the firm is immensely important. Consumers need to know that a firm is committed to creating not only economic value, but societal and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Reflection On Aristotle s View Of God Aristotle gives two different accounts of God in his writings Physics and Metaphysics. Although the two accounts differ in purpose, the first giving proof that God is the first mover, unmoved who initiates motion in the universe and the second that God is the final cause at which all things aim. In a survey of the two doctrines, it is evident that the two accounts are not incompatible, but rather provide a more comprehensive and convincing argument for God. In Physics 8.6, Aristotle gives an argument for the existence of God. He sets the foundation of his argument on what is familiar to common experience the observation of motion. Each movement has a cause, or source of its motion. Is this principle of motion intrinsic to the objects moved? Is it a principle of movement exterior to the object that is moved that is the source of movement? Aristotle addresses these inquiries and makes the argument that God is the first and fundamental source of motion and change. Aristotle begins his argument for God as an unchanging first mover unmoved on a concept established in an earlier section of the Physics: that motion is necessary and unceasing. This unceasing movement requires an object that imparts this motion, an object that is unmoved and unchanging. But, Aristotle notes, there are many objects that possess within themselves a principle of self movement. However, these objects pass in and out of existence and their movement is not necessary. The ultimate source of movement cannot be something that comes into and passes out of existence, for this would include it in objects subject to change that gain their principle of change from a source exterior to themselves. In addition, the fact that these objects change from states of activity and rest indicates that their movement is accidental, rather than necessary and essential. Although these things do cause movement in other things, what is potential need not be, and motion is necessary and uninterrupted. Therefore, these objects that appear to possess self movement cannot be the source of eternal, necessary motion, as there cannot be more in the effects than in the source of those effects. As a result, Aristotle claims that there must necessarily be something... ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Nokia 8 Essay Nokia 8 Review Nokia has been renowned for making mobile devices over the year and has released a new Smartphone the Nokia 8. The phones packed with amazing features from a powerful chipset, dual camera, to a QHD display. The downside is it comes at a high price and struggling to stand out with other well known brands. Pros Outstanding design Has a dual sensor rear camera Amazing QHD display Cons Expensive Not waterproof Small sized fingerprint scanner In 2017, Nokia returned to the smartphone market, where it met a rather warm reception of a whole generation of mobile users. In their other devices the Nokia 3, 5 and 6 have their advantages, but the flagship model is the Nokia 8. The components and functionality of this device ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That s why the Nokia 8 will be carefully studied against the backdrop of competing Smartphones. For the most part, the Nokia 8 stands out from other brands. However, the lack of taste might find users looking elsewhere. You receive an aluminum and glass design with curved edges and barely noticeable plastic antennas from above and below. Around the double camera is a small aluminum bezel and under the screen is the Home button with a fingerprint scanner that does not click. On the side of the home button, there are the capacitive Back and Recent apps available. When you switch from OnePlus 5 to Nokia 8, you immediately notice a fundamental similarity. There are quite a few Android Smartphones with similar looks, so it s bad that Nokia did not make enough effort to change the looks to something new. The Nokia 8 lies perfectly in the palm of your hand. Compared to frameless screens sold these days the appearance of this phone can be considered obsolete. The device is more similar to the products sold in 2015 than the ones sold in 2017. The case is impressive and weighs 160 g, the thickness is 7.9 mm, but the smartphone does not look large. There is not a large screen and the case could be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Parental Pressure on Children Playing Organized Sports Essay These days, there is too much pressure on children who participate in organized sports because of the unnecessary parental involvement they experience. A growing concern amongst those involved in youth sports is that certain aspects of parental involvement become detrimental to the development and experiences of young athletes. Early emphasis on winning, making money, and the disruption of education can exceedingly affect ones desire to further participate in a sportlater on in his/her life. With more and more children participating in some sort of organized sport than ever before, there is a constant concern regarding the pressures kids are brought into to excel. Emotionally over involved parents often think that it is their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, of course, the entire project collapsed. Drug addiction with its attendant legal and publicity problems arrived, and the NFL career blew up. The kid went through rehab and came back, but relapsed, and relapsed and relapsed again finally leaving sports all together. Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters, and Todd Marinovich are all examples of kids who were mainly edged on by his/her parent. Kids should not have to experience stress because of the pressure parents may put on them, nor should they need to believe that a loss is unacceptable. There s just no reason why sports should have any negative aspects at all. Especially when there are so many positive things that sports can do for a child if introduced and carried out in the right way, specifically at a young age. Over time, these youngsters may be permanently emotionally exhausted causing some to turn to steroids in hope to gain an edge or perhaps give up on sports, and exercise, altogether. Intense training, of coaches from club or travel teams, becomes an enticement to win the next season which may carry on to the off season to train and become better than the best. But where s the fun in that? When will kids have the time to try out other sports? An increase in the number of reported instances of parents engaging in abusive, violent, and controlling behavior toward coaches, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the thirty-forth president of the... Dwight D. Eisenhower was the thirty forth president of the United States. He was born on October 14, 1890 in Denison, Texas. He soon moved to Abilene, Kansas, the place where he grew up, at one and a half years old. Eisenhower was the third oldest of his parent s seven children. Eisenhower attended Abilene High School until he graduated in 1909. For the next two years after his graduation, he worked at a creamery with his uncle and his father to help pay for his brother s college tuition. In 1911, he was admitted into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Throughout high school and college, Eisenhower enjoyed participating in various sports, but academically, he was average. After graduating in 1915, he became second lieutenant at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was able to defeat Robert A. Taft to get his name on the ballot, and Richard Nixon became Eisenhower s running mate. In his campaign, he promised to end the Korean War. Also, he promoted the Taft Hartley Act to stop labor union acts. He also promised for the government to stop spending so much money on military. On November 4, 1952, Eisenhower was elected president against his political opponent, Adlai Stevenson, by a landslide. Eisenhower served as president for eight years from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961, winning the presidential election in 1956. In 1956, his opponent was, once again, Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower s success in ending the Korean War and helping the nation as a whole helped him win the election even with his health conditions. During his time as president, the biggest challenge he faced was how to deal with the Civil Rights issue. Many African Americans and minorities were still discriminated in this time period. Also, after the Cold War, Joseph McCarthy convinced many people to believe that the government was being overtaken by communism. Also, Eisenhower had to deal with some recessions during this time. However, the 1950s was actually a quite peaceful period economically for the most part. Eisenhower completed a lot during his eight years as president. He helped stop the Korean War and developed the interstate highway system. Also, in 1957 and 1960, he signed two Civil Rights Acts that helped protect African American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Serpent King The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco at Civic Center offers a collection of artworks from Asia. Pieces of sculpture, carvings, paintings, and ornate jewelry from Asia that were on display were all shaped by the artists who created them who in turn is shaped by the culture and environment that surrounded them. This is particularly evident the Mathura and Gandhara region where the medium influences the sculpturegreatly. The Serpent King (Nagaraja), Fig. 1, comes from the Mathura region of India, in the Uttar Pradesh State and stands at about three feet tall but seems larger as it looms over the viewer on the pedestal. The sculpture is made of red sandstone and is believed to have been made in 207. The Region of Mathura became a trading... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The different use of medium is the first indication of their difference. The sculptor of the Bodhisattva from Gandhara, Fig. 2, was able to carve and sculpt in greater detail because of the Schist that they used. Schist is darker in color, almost black, smoother in texture and looks harder that sandstone. This type of medium allowed sculptors to have a totally different style and approach than that of sculptors from the Mathura region. With the ability of being able to carve even more details comes a totally different physical look on the sculpture. The faces of the figure are more sculpted and more defined yet it still retains a rounded and fleshy look. Some facial features including the eyebrows, eyes, nose bridge and lips were carved to look sharper. There are heavier and deeper details on the hair, the ornaments, the jewelry, and lines that make up the drapery, allowing a more realistic style of carving. The body of the figures are still created as fleshy and rounded as the India culture preferred. The Bodhisattva sculpture was made in 200 350 while the Nagaraja sculpture was created in 207. Study of western art would suggest that art works created within certain time frame must belong to some sort of movement and therefore have the same kind of technique and look. Both sculptures from the Mathura and Ghandara region were created around the same time but differ greatly in style. This further ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The 1910 s-The Origins 1910 s The Origins SpeedoВ® originated in 1914 under the brand name Fortitude , which was taken from the motto on the clan MacRae crest. It didn t become known by its now famous brand name until 1928. The company was started by a young Scot called Alexander MacRae, who migrated to Australia in 1910, and set up an underwear manufacture business called MacRae Hosiery manufacturers. In response to the growing beach culture in Australia, MacRae quickly expanded his operations to include swimwear and changed the company name to MacRae Knitting Mills. 1920 s Creating a Classic During the 1920 s the swimwear market grew rapidly, thanks to the acceptance of swimming as a sport and a more liberal attitude towards mixed bathing. 1928 MacRae introduced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Progressive Reformers Essay example 10/08/12 Progressive Reformers The Progressive movement has had a tremendous impact on society and preserving the doctrine of a democratic nation. The Progressive Era, which initiated between the years 1890 through 1920, was instituted because progressives who wanted to rid politics of corruption and inefficiency. Progressives wanted to curtail the power of the business trusts, and protect the general welfare of the public. The Progressive name derived from forward thinking or progressive goals that its supporters sought to advance. John Dewey, who is known as the father of Progressive education, has been most influential in Educational Progressivism. His vision for schools tied to a larger vision, leading towards a good society. His ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He states that progressive education has recognized the fundamental importance of the interest of the learner; it has defended the thesis that activity lies at the root of all true education; it has conceived learning in terms of life situations and growth of character; it has championed the rights of the child as a free personality . Child centered educational practices are shared by progressive educators. The pedagogical method is object teaching. The teacher begins with an object related to the child s world in order to initiate the child into the world of the educator. The focus is on thinking and doing. Problem solving skills are required to overcome obstacles between a given and desired set of circumstances. Education is not simply a means to a future life, but instead it represents a life to the fullest. Progressive educators view existing schools as being formal, not focusing on real life situations, and strict. They prefer variety in classroom preparations and informal interaction between the teacher and their student. Progressives prefer schools teach useful subjects (including occupations) and emphasize learning by doing rather than instruction purely from textbooks. This brought about schools such as trade and vocational schools. The student was placed at the center of thinking, teach the child not the subject. John Dewey s model of learning is to: become aware of the problem, define the problem, propose hypotheses to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay On Business Travel The life of a business traveler is less glamorous than perceived. In addition to stress that comes with travel, business travelers face many health risks as a result of frequent travel. Trying to figure out how to make business travel better? We have rounded up the most comprehensive list of business travel tips from start to finish. Following these tips may not eliminate all of the health risks caused by frequent travel, but it will make your next trip less stressful. Before You Travel Sign up for TSA Pre Check. If you only travel domestically, invest in TSA Pre Check. The process can take up to 8 weeks, so plan ahead. The $85 fee is well worth it, as TSA Pre Check membership is good for five years. See Related: How to Sign Up for TSA ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apps to Download TripIt: TripIt is a travel management app that builds and tracks your travel itinerary. The paid version ($49/ year) has many other features including flight tracking, gate change notifications, and the ability to find alternative flights. Expense Report App: There are a number of apps that provide expense reports. You can take a photo of the reciept and upload it in the app. No worrying about lost receipts! And you can avoid dealing with the dreaded mountain of receipts at the end of the month. Ride sharing Apps: Download both Uber and Lyft and create accounts with both before your trip. Some places only have service from one (such as the Orlando MCO airport Uber only!). If you prefer to take a taxi, or simply want whichever services can arrive the fastest, also download a taxi app such as Curb. Airline App: Download your airline s app so you can access your mobile boarding pass, gate information, and more! Rental Car App: Download your rental car agency s app. Many allow you to check in online and skip the counter when you arrive. Hotel App: Download the app for your hotel to find your reservation information. Many hotels offer mobile check in (huge time saver during busy check in times. And, the ultimate hotel app bonus is using the app to access your digital key (meaning you can head straight to your room with even going near the registration desk). OpenTable: OpenTable will make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Looking For Alaska Character Traits Character Essay Miles Halter, a tall, skinny, scrawny boy that memorizes people s last words. In the novel Looking for Alaska by John Green, Miles meets Alaska Young and through their relationship he transitions from a shy nerdy kid; to an outgoing, cigarette smoking, bad boy. Alaska, Chip, and Takumi take Miles into their group and show them the ropes of Culver Creek boarding school. Throughout the story Miles realizes how important friendship is in life, it helps you through tough times and exposes you to new things you d never do. In the beginning of the story Miles is introduced as a nerdy kid who s only friends are his parents. His parents are sending him to boarding school hoping he ll have a better time there then he did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Miles gets up and answers the door. The principal informs them that they need to meet in the gym immediately. The two boys throw on some clothes and hightail it to the gym. When they got there they saw Laura and Takumi but no Alaska. The principal goes to the podium to speak but Miles stops him. Frantically searching the bleachers for alaska begs the principal to wait until she gets there. The principal pulls him to the side and breaks the news why all the students are there. They all met so he could tell them about how Alaska had gotten in a car accident early that morning. Miles can t take the news so he runs out of the gym with Chip right behind him. Chip comforts Miles as he throws up, cries, and screams. After they ve accepted the fact, they still hardly sleep or even talk. They decide to get the group, or what s left of it back together. They take a walk down to the smoking hole and talk about what they loved about her. Chip throws a cigarette into the river and the rest the rest follow. They made a ritual in remembrance of her. The group decides to do a memorial prank for her with the whole junior class in on it. Miles realizes that his closest friends helped him get through one of the hardest times in his life. In conclusion, Miles and his friends go through many rough times, but also good times. It really brought the group together when Alaska passed. Miles really felt the warmth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Southern Kingdom Causes INTRODUCTION The Southern Kingdom is said to have been exiled by the Babylonians. In this essay one would seek to focus on tracing the causes that led to the exile of the Southern kingdom. But before I begin, I would explain, first how the divided kingdom came about? Second what the Southern Kingdom here means? Third what an exile is and what led to the causes of the exile of southern kingdom? And finally the Conclusion. First, the Divided Kingdom. From studies, the Old Testament and other sources have it that not long after the reign of Saul, David, and Solomon the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms. Despite warnings from many prophets, both kingdoms repeatedly turn from God. The Divided Kingdom, of the South and North, period follows the continuing story of Scripture in the books of 1 Kings (chapters 11 22) and 2 Kings. And this period is recounted in three acts: the division of the kingdom, the resulting northern kingdom (which takes Israel ), and the resulting southern kingdom (which takes the name Judah. ). Assyria and Babylon force the divided kingdoms into exile. Jerusalem and the Temple are destroyed. Second, the Southern Kingdom. The Southern Kingdom (Judah) is one of the divided kingdom after the reign of King Solomon s United Kingdom ruled by king Rehoboam. According to J. T. Stevenson (2000), the Southern Kingdom begins with the promise of kingship from the line of Judah, which had a long tradition, going back all the way to the prophecy of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Arguments Against The Exclusionary Rule In the United States, there have been rules established to protect its citizens. One such rule, the exclusionary rule was put in place to do just that. A legal rule, which is derived from constitutional law, this rule protects citizens by preventing evidence to be presented at trial that was obtained while violating the defendants Fourth Amendment rights. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens against illegal search and seizure, therefore any evidence that is collected by law enforcement illegal will not be admissible in court the court of law. The exclusionary ruleis frequently used in the American courts to suppress evidence collected by law enforcement. One such case in 1913, was Weeks vs The United States. In this case, law enforcement used a key to enter Weeks home after suspected him using the postal system to transport lottery tickets. Policecollected all the needed documents to have Weeks indicted and found guilty. Filing an appeal, Weeks argued that all articles collected and used as evidence against him should have been suppressed, due to the fact it was collected in violation of his 4th amendment. Having reached the Supreme Court, it was ruled unanimously that the evidence had been collected without... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, those who support the rule, argue that having such rule deters members of law enforcement from illegal search and seizures of citizens. Police know that if evidence is found to have been collected illegally, and in violation of the defendants 4th amendment right, that evidence will be admissible in court. This could possibly result in the defendant walking free. Secondly, another supporting argument is that the exclusionary rule upholds the Fourth Amendment. This rule protects citizens constitutional right to be protected from illegal search and seizure, and causes law enforcement to operate within the boundaries of the law when making an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Argument Essay On World Hunger Education is a very powerful weapon, one that isn t available to many however if it were, we could solve many issues within the world. The biggest and most fundamental problem which can be seen globally is, world hunger.The sad reality is that this is an issue and one that not many are talking about. In his article Frederic Seebohm proclaims that the world bankestimates that there are now one billion absolute poor in the world (Seebohm 5). He continues to define absolute poor as those whose condition of life is so degraded by disease, illiteracy, malnutritionand squalor as to deny its victims basic human necessities (4). The fact that there are so many hungry people in the world today is mind boggling when you think about it. We are well into the 21st century. We now have the ability to communicate instantaneously with people all over the world. The collected knowledge of humanity, is literally at our fingertips via smartphones in our hands. Now some may assume that world hunger is still a grave issue simply because there is not enough food to feed everyone. However recently scientists who have studied world hunger, have found that the world produces more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet.The main cause of worldwide hunger is poverty. As R. C. Pickett mentions the the world has at present 1.5 billion hectares of arable land that remains uncultivated (31). The problem isn t that there isn t enough land, the issue remains with the coordination of food production. Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to buy food. They also lack the monetary resources to grow their own food, such as the means to harvest, process, and store food.The interaction of domestic animals within the cropping systems needs to be intensively revaluated. A solution that Pickett suggests includes governments and businesses interacting to provide a favorable price and availability structure of the necessary inputs for adequate production, and to supply needed economical processing, storage, transport, and utilization systems (32). His solution is to aim more government intervention as he believes that much more food could be produced at least in certain areas but is not, simply because there is no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Persuasive Barn Business Plan The floor plan for the barn is fully based on safety. The purpose for having only one open hallways is to allow clear sight all the way through. For example, if a child is on the opposite side of the barn, it doesn t matter where an adult is standing, because they will be able to see that the child is safe. The barn will hold 10 to 12 horses. A child is about 1/3 of that height. For this reason it wouldn t be safe to have several curves and turns that can block the view of a child with a horse. The barn is divided into two areas. The first being the area for the volunteers and the children or guests. This area includes the office, restrooms, storage, tack room, seating, and lockers. The second area is made up of only stables and grooming rooms. The reason for the separation is because the areas for the horses will be expected to be a bit messy and it wouldn t be enjoyable to have an office or group seating right next to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hall and sides are 12 feet wide. This allows sufficient space for a horse and a holder to walk comfortably through the hall. The 12 feet wide areas create a 12 by 12 stall that allows the horse to turn a full circle and lay down if needed. The walls surrounding the stall will be half covered with bars, allowing visibility for the kids. It will also create a more open space, rather than a jail cell style. The stalls will also have 2 exits for the horse. The main one being on the inside that will be a full opening. The door inside allows the trainer to direct the horse from their stall to the tacking room without having to go through the outside. The second door will be on the exterior. This will be a Dutch door. On the days with good weather, the trainers can open the top half of the Dutch door, not only letting the breeze enter but also allowing the horse to place its head through the opening. This gives the kids a chance to see and interact with the horses as they walk through the outside of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Evaluation Of A Therapy Program For Adults 21 Years And... Two Specific Programs Sensory Program A therapy program targeted to adults 21 years and older, the Sensory Program focuses on sensory integration, rehabilitation, and quality of life (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). Sensory integration is the process of absorbing sensory information followed by organizing and assigning meaning to said information, and thus, making it worthwhile (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). To respond appropriately and effectively to given sensory input and/or a situation, one experience appropriate sensory integration (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). The cliental of Aptus impairments in the way they integrate, process, and organize sensory information, resulting in feelings of confusion, stress and anxiety, frustration and fear (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). Thus, the goal of the sensory program is to reduce feels of anxiety, develop coping strategies, and offer opportunities in which to learn self regulation and self expression (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). As such clients participate in activities such as a period within the Snoezelen Room, relaxation time and music (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). The Snoezelen Room is an artificially designed space that offers a relaxing environment through soothing lighting, music, gentle vibrations, and tactile sensations (Aptus Treatment Centre, 2016). Areas of Strength Certain staff members of the Sensory Program continuously exude a love for their job, working with those with developmental ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Hiroshima In urban morphology, the urban environment acts a palimpsest for urban forms. On a palimpsest, words are transcribed onto a surface, used, then erased and replaced as the palimpsest was needed to record other information. In the same manner, urban forms are constructed in the urban environment, then gradually torn down and replaced as society develops new needs from the urban. However, Hiroshima is a much different urban morphological story than most cities. On August 6th, 1945, the Little Boy atomic bomb was dropped aiming towards the t shaped Aioi Bridge near the center of the city(Hein, et al. 88). In an instant, the urban environment of Hiroshima is erased, possibly faster than the speed of what it would take to wipe a literal palimpsest.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hiroshima plans to pay homage to the tragedy through the construction of a Memorial Hall for A Bomb Victims, but it appears the city is mainly trying to rebuild in a functional capacity, as evident by the sparsity of elite buildings within the entire blast zone. Hiroshima plans to have a running post office, city hall, chamber of commerce and industry, hospital, and college of chamber and commerce. The few non essential built forms they plan for are a broadcasting station, newspaper press, and department store, but even these non essential built forms do not suggest luxury beyond a functional level. The city also plans to reconnect the islands of its river delta city through the reparation of bridges, most of which were ruined in the blast, yet leave much open area in places where buildings were reduced to rubble, as if to commemorate the old city by not rebuilding heavily damaged ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Leda And The Swan Yeats Summary Tegan Zankl Professor Tyler Forest English 100 15 February 2018 W. B. Yeats: Leda and the Swan In the poem Leda and the Swan , William Butler Yeats retells the story of the Greek god Zeus taking on the body of a swan to rape an innocent mortal, Leda. Yeats was mesmerized by the unique relationships between mortals and gods in ancient stories; this is what triggers his urge to write a poem about this tale. Yeats includes many references to ancient Greek mythology. He expects readers to know the background on this Greek history when reading through the poem to get a full understanding. He also uses his words to make a strong impact on the readers minds. The themes in this poem are very diverse, but the ones of beastiality, wordplay and Greek history are most effective. The language in the text creates an intense ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yeats assumes that the readers know about the Greek myth of Zeus, sky and weather god, taking the form of a swan to violate Leda, Aetolian princess who later becomes a famous Spartan Queen. The opening lines start off presumably in Leda s perspective when he states, A sudden blow (Yeats 1), meaning that the Swan harshly approaches Leda and knocks her off her feet. We now can assume that the swan is larger than normal for it to have such extreme power to induce a great deal of force onto an unexpecting woman. In line 4, He (Yeats 4) is written for the first time so readers now know that the swan is of male nature; this explains the large size and strength of the swan. In the following stanza, through the first line Yeats chooses the word vague (Yeats 5) to describe how Leda is so terrified and disoriented when being violated by the swan. This can lead the reader to wonder if Leda could have even prevented the violation? The answer is clear, it would be incredibly absurd that she could have. When Yeats asks, And how can body (Yeats 7), he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Examination of the Relationships Between Birth Weight and... Purpose of Study The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the full birth weight distribution and prevalence of specific developmental disabilities and related measures of health and the use of special education services by US children. The researchers in this study collected and used data from the 1997 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for this research analysis. The NHIS is conducted annually and is a multistage probability sample survey of the US civilian, non institutionalized population. Basic demographic and health information was collected during an in person interview. The Sample ChildCore questionnaire obtained information on the health of one randomly selected child is provided by a knowledgeable adult (usually a parent or other legal guardian). The data that is collected from this questionnaire represented the primary source for the researchers analysis. The researchers used a sample of 87,578 children. More than 50% of children were white and were from families with a household income above the federal poverty level and maternal education beyond high school. Compared with children with birth weights of 3,500 3,999g, children in all birth weight categories less than 3,000g were more likely to have one or more developmental disabilities (3.4% 1.2% vs 1.1%). Children in all birth weight categories less than 2,500g were more likely to have three or more DDs (2.6% 6.5% vs 1.2%). In evaluating specific ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Rainfall Essay 3.1 Average Rainfall The suburb of Highton is positioned in the city of Geelong, Victoria, Likewise, the information that has been collected on this suburb was obtained from the nearest weather station (Weather Station Code 087184) and the Australian Bureau Of Metrology. The data that was gathered highlighted the annual rainfall of this suburb to be around 520 mm. This result indicated the dryness of the suburb of Highton. However, in comparison, the Melbourne CBD was shown to be around 650 mm which indicated a 130 mm difference of rainfall annually. Figure 1 Average Rainfall Annual. Source: Australian Bureau Of Metrology 3.2 Historical Trends Figure 2 was accessed and analysed from Breakwater (Geelong Racecourse), ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Similarly, the annual rainfall was taken into consideration, which therefore was multiplied to the area by the roofing [2]. Hence, getting an accurate figure upon what the expected water collection of the Highton residence may be, therefore, allowed a precise figure to work with. Figure 4 Floor plan. Source: Third Ecology Figure 5 Roof Plan. Source: Third Ecology Calculations Total Roof Area 299.97 m2 Average Annual Rainfall 520 mm^2 Max Annual Rainfall 600.2 mm2 Total Roof Area x Average Annual Rainfall 299.97m2 x 520 mm= 155,984.40 L Total Roof Area x Max Annual Rainfall 299.97 x 600.2 mm2= 180,041.99 L 3.4 Expected Water Usage As shown in Figure 5, the average water usage for an Australian residence is around 166 L per day. Therefore, placing Australia below the United States Of America. Despite using less water than the USA, England set a better example as they were shown to use less water by about a half of what Australians use on a daily basis, which is clearly shown in Figure 6. Hence, indicating that a change is needed and that it indeed is possible to use less water on a day to day basis. On the other hand, due to these statistics, a family of four who lives in Victoria will consume (166 L x 365 days x 4) 242,360 L per
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  • 50. Caiman Research Papers RefГєgio EcolГіgico Caiman Abstract By: Austin Pigeon RefГєgio EcolГіgico Caiman is a wildlife refuge located in the western Brazilian State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Caiman is situated in the Pantanal which is the world s largest wetlands. Caiman has a cattle ranch and other than breeding cattle, the refuge has two other goals, wildlife conservation and ecotourism (Borobia). According to Caiman s website, they are seeking harmonious integration of livestock with the wildlife and that this operation is open to visitors and can be seen first hand by anyone interested (Lily, 2016). Caiman also has three comfortable inns, Main lodge complex, Cordilheira lodge, and Baiazinha lodge (Lily, 2016). These inns are of different architectural styles and integrated to the landscape of the Pantanal. They can hold up to 53 guests (Borobia). Caiman has become known as a good local reference for scientific research regarding the flora and fauna of the Pantanal. Travelers can also experience three scientific projects... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a couple of things that are interesting are, that the roofing for the houses where the staff lives is made from recycled toothpaste tubes and the installation of individual home electricity meters for each employee s house, which was implemented to determine the rational consumption of energy (measured in kwh). Some consumption will be pre determined and absorbed by RefГєgio EcolГіgico Caiman. Such energy consumption is enough to allow for the use of electric and electronic equipment for an average family of three. This equipment could be refrigerators, TV s, iron, etc. By signing a Complementary Term to the work contract, staff are also responsible for saving as much energy as they can. For example, shutting off lights when they re not needed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Success Is A Success Essay It is a pity that many people are yet to come to terms with the fact that success is a challenge. This is why many people are unable to manage their success. Success is a challenge because it is tough and difficult. It also constitutes a challenge because it is demanding, taxing and testing. It is worthy of note that challenge is not the same as problem . The difference between challenge and problem is attitude. While optimists use challenge to describe difficult situations, pessimists use problem to describe the same circumstances. Success constitutes a challenge in two ways: becoming a success and remaining a success. Every individual is confronted by either of these challenges at every point in time. At every point in time, everyone is either striving to become a success or striving to sustains a success and remain a success. While successful people combat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though becoming a success and remaining a success are challenges, the latter challenge is heavier than the former. If you watch the lives of wealthy people closely, for instance, you will observe that it is more difficult to maintain being rich than to become rich. This is also applicable to the lives of celebrities. This is why there are numerous people across the globe who failed after attaining very reputable positions in (different aspects) life. Some people believe that they can remain at the top if anyone can assist them get there. This is very incorrect because it is more difficult to remain at the top than to get to the top. The implication of this is that if you can remain at the top if you were there, then you can get to the top. In other words, if you can remain being a success (if you were a success), then you can become a success. If it is more difficult to remain successful than to become successful, then whoever can maintain being a success can also become a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? Meghan L. Gonzales National University Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? The medical world has noticed several changes and improvements during the past century, but maybe none that s as economically rewarding afterward the prescription drug business. New medications turn up regular and maintain to treat a growing number of ailments. Around the corner of each and every block is a drugstore as well as their shelves are stocked with prescription drugs plus it looks they re here to stay. Most frequently we change to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are various facets of the ailment that lots of people aren t even conscious of. ADD/ADHD is a neurological problem which impacts the CNS, along with the inspirational system. ADD /ADHD impacts two significant elements of the mind which are linked with all the capability to pay attention along with the capability to modulate motor action. ADD/ADHD is due to a chemical imbalance in the mind. There exists a lack in the brains capability to make neuro transmitters. ADD/ADHD is thought to be hereditary. Though many people consider it one, ADD/ADHD isn t a learning disability. ADD/ADHD changes a man s efficiency in college environment, as well as other aspects of life too. Relationships with others, how well you arrange your chamber and properties, and the way you keep track of your financing are several other regions impacted by ADD/ADHD. Alternately, you might have already been in a position to pay for the outward symptoms of ADD/ADHD when you re young, only to run into issues as your obligations increase when you get older. The more balls you are wanting to keep in the air, pursuing a profession, raising a family, managing a home, the greater the need on your own skills to arrange, concentrate, and stay composed. This could be challenging for anybody, but in individuals who have ADD/ADHD, it might feel utterly hopeless. Quite simply, the patient s mind is much like a light always going on and off at the worst possible times. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Key Success Objectives Of Telebrands Company Telebrands Corporation was founded by Mr. A. J. Khubani in 1983 and is based in Fairfield, New Jersey, United States. Telebrands Corp. offers a broad range of inventive products and provides services like product warranty, media services and online order. Currently, the company s main product, Woof Washer 360, is in the growth stage. Woof Washer 360 is a unique product invented for pet lovers to keep their pets clean. In order to develop this product and expand its marketplace beyond America and Europe, Telebrands Corp. will create a joint venture with Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. which will be set up in Malaysia, one of the countries in Asia. Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. aims to offer high quality Woof Washer 360 at a competitive price to meet the demand of the local consumers. Besides, the company aims to bring in the full product line from Telebrands Corp. to Malaysia within five years. Firstly, Telebrands Corp. will export 10000 woof washers from New Jersey to Malaysia for marketing. At the same time Telebrands Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adequate resources Driver of superior performance Management make the necessary resource commitment by providing the needed people and resourcing the effort with adequate R D funding Resource commitment drives both the profitability of the business s total product effort as well as the impact of this effort on the business For positive results, the resource commitment must be aligned with the company s product objectives and processes 2.Strategic focus Externally oriented Gives direction to the company s product effort The role of the product in achieving company s goals is clearly communicated to all Business unit should focus on arenas in terms of the types of products, markets and technologies as well as on the search for specific product ideas Company should focus on key advantages or distinctions that can separate their brand from those of competitors. 3.Effective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...