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Essay For Std 12Th
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Essay For Std 12Th Essay For Std 12Th
Lord Chesterfield s Letter To His Son
All a parent wants, is for their child to succeed in life; they want them to do things that were
once thought of as impossible. Lord Chesterfield, in the letter to his son, asserts that he does not
mean to dictate as a parent , but rather as a friend , in order to give his son exceptional advice
(Chesterfield). He uses various examples of parallelism, such as through the pronoun I, and he also
appeals to the audience, in this case his son, with pathos. At the beginning of almost every
sentence, he opens with I in phrases such as I employ so much of my time and I have no
womanish weakness (Chesterfield). He uses this anaphora to show that he himself values in
specific things and now he wants to share those beliefs with his son. The
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Interdisciplinary Care And Collaboration Analysis
The Importance of Interdisciplinary Care and Collaboration
Have you ever wondered what makes corporations successful? Have you ever asked yourself if by
giving the best of your effort as an employee, you could be a key piece to the success of your team?
Steve Jobs was so right to say Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done
by a team of people (Whiting, 2013) and the medical field is not the exception. Interdisciplinary
care and team collaboration are based on building great teamwork, maintaining alive the principles
of collaboration, and minimizing the barriers in coordination of care. (Scott, 2014)
First, building great teamwork is one of the most important factors to achieve successful
interdisciplinary care. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most important thing to remember is that small changes and daily intakes done individually
for the common purpose of the team can make a huge difference in the impact of a corporation,
a state or even a whole country. If we, as professionals in the medical field, do not produce these
small but so necessary changes, we will lose the great opportunity to become the catalysts of the
future improvements in the healthcare system. Al we need is some type of action in the right
direction, and as long as we build great teamwork, maintain alive the principles of collaboration,
and minimize the barriers in coordination of care, we will make our work easier, people happier,
and patients well care of. The task is in our hands, are we ready to
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The Case Of A Christmas Carol
marriage and gender roles. In the case of A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens wants readers to see
how living a life that radiates love and promotes happiness is better than being selfish and living a
miserable life, and how past circumstances heavily influence who we are as people. The two
messages both authors want readers to take away from the story, although different, achieve the
takeaway through the utilization first person narration. Furthermore, the narration in these stories
also consists of free indirect discourse, which is a type of third person narration that also
incorporates elements of first person narration. In both A Christmas Caroland Pride and Prejudice,
free indirect discourse has the same purpose it acts as a way for a way the characters thoughts to
shine through and become intertwined with the narrators thoughts. This causes the characters
feelings and thoughts to be validated and be made known, which adds credibility to the narrator
and creates another layer of depth within the stories. The use of first person narration and free
indirect discourse is the same in both novels and allows the reader to take away the message at
hand, however, the tone of the narration within the two novels slightly differs. In Pride and
Prejudice, Jane Austenallows her voice and opinions to be known through her narrator by being
subtly critical of social hierarchy and marriage for power and status. Even though she does this, the
entire time she is placing emphasis on
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Optimism Conservation Biology
I believe that optimism is absolutely necessary in the field of conservation biology. The public
needs to be educated on how to protect the planet, all while knowing that what they are doing is
making a difference. Through optimism, people have a greater ability to imagine a positive
outcome. With the idea that the individual can make a difference, the public can be motivated to
reduce their material consumption or volunteer their time to a conservation effort.
Similarly, I believe that conservation biology is a difficult field since it is considered a crisis
discipline. The name is very pessimistic, in and of itself. There are so many people that are very
negative about the future of our planet, and they are rightfully upset. Humans have caused ... Show
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Children have such an imagination and an eagerness to learn, and I think that hands on
environmental classes have the potential to work wonders on children. Children also are more
accepting to new ideas and processes, so they have a higher chance of absorbing more important
information from these hands on classes. I think that more practical classes should be used for
adults. Adults have less time in the day to spend on learning new information so the input that they
receive should be extremely to the point and easy to understand. I also believe that adults lack the
motivation that children have, especially when it comes to education and breaking old habits. P.
Wesley Shultz wrote, information coupled with motivation can induce change (1080). When
motivation is used to teach new information, real changes can be seen. In regards to synthetic
biology, I think any new advances in conservation biology should be considered. Conservation
biology needs rapid responses to problems created by humans. There have been many instances
where a species has gone instinct, only because humans have destroyed the original DNA through
crossbreeding and other conservation efforts. Humans have done so much to destroy the
environment, so if we have a chance to help reverse some of our harmful affects, then conservation
biologists should take
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The Is The Greater Sinner Of The Pair And Eve Fall From...
In Genesis III, the story of original sin is told, where Adam and Eve fall from the grace of God
and into the everyday sufferings of mankind. It can be easy to interpret Eve as the greater sinner
of the pair, and often, scholarly works of early and medieval Christianity, and other religions
influenced by the Old Testament, has done that. One can see how this line of thinking is
attractive to those analyzing Genesis as Eve is in fact the original perpetrator of the sin, and the
one who gets Adam to enact the same sin as her, bringing about the end of human bliss with God.
However, some in the theological community would argue that it is in fact Adam that is the greater
sinner of the pair. Now while the reasoning in early Christianity can be fairly sexist in tone, it is
very credible in that it uses direct biblical evidence as the structuring for its argument. The above
would be an important conclusion to come to in the theological community, as it would remove
centuries worth of blame on the woman when referring to original sinand the downfall of man in
the eyes of God. In the following paragraphs, the historical perspective on the failings of Eve will
be discussed, followed by the argument for why Adam is in fact the one to blame in this story. I
will conclude on a personal analysis and reflection on which of the pair seems more to blame in the
context of Biblical teachings, as well as what that conclusion would mean for women within these
communities. We must look at
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The Issue Of Domestic Violence Homicides Or Gun Surrender...
B.Interview format:
In an attempt to better understand the barriers in getting perpetrators to surrender their guns, and
the possible solution in remedying them, I conducted interviews with different members of the
King County community. The goal of these interviews was to generate information regarding the
experiences of DV victims, and their advocates as well as law enforcement agencies on the issue of
gun surrendering. Interviews were done primarily in person with the attorneys, and primarily over
the phone with the DV advocates. Due to the political sensitivity of this issue, the majority of the
interviewees have requested to remain anonymous.
C.Interview Questions:
The following questions guided each interview: Background:
1. Can you tell us a bit about the work you currently do, and how it is related to the issue of
domestic violence homicides or gun surrender laws?
a. How long have you been working in this capacity?
b. In which County has most of your work been in?
c. How often do you work with clients that are the victims of Domestic Violence?
2. Did any of your clients have a judge order their perpetrators to surrender their weapons, and if
so, can you tell me about an instance where this has happened?
Recent Policy Changes and their impact:
3. Washington enacted a law in 2014 that mirrors federal law by prohibiting gun possession by
anyone subject to a protective order. The protective order must have been issued after a noticed
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My Name Is Primo Michele Levi
Diary Entry 1
July 31, 1943
My name is Primo Michele Levi. Todays my birthday. I am 24 years old, born in Turin, Italy. I
have one sibling, Anne Maria Levi. Anne Maria and I have always been very close, I was
always considered small and shy, and I was a frequent target of bullying. I also thought poorly of
myself aswell, I often thought others viewed me as ugly and scrawny. I had also excelled
academically, always having straight A s and was the smartest student in my grade. By early
teens I had liked chemistry a lot. When I was 11 I entered the Massimo d Azeglio Royal
Gymnasium. In class I was the youngest, the shortest, and the smartest. I was also the only Jewish
kid. When I was 13 I joined the Avanguardisti movement. I joined the ski division, and spent every
Saturday during the season on the skiing above Turin. When I was 17, I failed my final exam. It was
my first bad grade ever. At the end of the summer I took the exam again and passed, and in
October. I got into the University of Turin to study chemistry. I spent three months taking classes,
and in February, after passing my oral exam, I was chosen to do a full time chemistry class. In
1941, I graduated. Today, my family and I are fleeing to northern Italy, where we plan to join an
Italian resistance group.
Diary Entry 2
February 21, 1944
I haven t written in a while. I didn t plan to, but with my family and I captured I do not have much
else but this journal. First, we were taken over by the Germans, who
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Enron Was The Largest Bankruptcy Of America Essay
Enron had the largest bankruptcy in America s history and it happened in less than a year
because of scandals and manipulation Enron displayed with California s energy supply. A few
years ago, Enron was the world s 7th largest corporation, valued at 70 billion dollars. At that time,
Enron s business model was full of energy and power. Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling had raised Enronto
stand on a culture of greed, lies, and fraud, coupled with an unregulated accounting system, which
caused Enron to go down. Lies were being told by top management to the government, its
employees and investors. There was a rise in Enron s share price because of pyramid scheme; their
strategy consisted of claiming so much money to easily get away with their tricky ways. They
deceived their investors so they could keep investing their money in the company.
Kenneth Lay, former Chairman and CEO, and Jeff Skilling who was also a CEO and COO of
Enron, had the major part in Enron when it collapsed and went bankrupt. Because of
deregulations Ken Lay enter Enron in 1985 through a merger a vast network of natural gas and
pipeline. Later, Enron grew into an energy trading company which was worth $68 billion in 2000.
Lays family was poor, which made him ambitious to earn wealth regardless of the path he takes,
hence, unethical professionalism at Enron. Enron took advantage of his decision to let gas prices
float on the market. Rich Kinde found out about Enron s oil scandal in 1987 by the
misappropriation of
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The Absurdity in Waiting for Godot Essay
In Waiting for Godot, Beckett often focused on the idea of the suffering of being. Most of the play
deals with the fact that Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for something to relieve them from their
boredom. Godot can be understood as one of the many things in life that people wait for. Waiting
for Godot is part of the Theater of the Absurd . This implies that it is meant to be irrational and
meaningless. Absurd theater does not have the concepts of drama, chronological plot, logical
language, themes, and recognizable settings. There is also a split between the intellect and the body
within the work. Vladimir represents the intellect and Estragonthe body, both cannot exist without
the other. In the beginning we are thrown into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
VLADIMIR:And it s not over.
ESTRAGON:Apparently not.
VLADIMIR:It s only beginning.
ESTRAGON:It s awful.
VLADIMIR:Worse than the pantomime.
ESTRAGON:The circus.
VLADIMIR:The music hall.
ESTRAGON:The circus
It makes an interesting point since neither of them aren t saying anything new, it s like having a
conversation with a parrot who only knows a few words, so he continuously repets the same
words over and over even though the dialogue changes slightly, they are still saying the same thing.
When Estragon and Vladamir continuously repeat their actions day after day and unable to go
about life as they please, Estragon finally asks:
ESTRAGON:(chews, swallows). I m asking you if we re tied.
VLADIMIR:How do you mean tied?
VLADIMIR:But to whom? By whom?
ESTRAGON:To your man.
VLADIMIR:To Godot? Tied to Godot! What an idea! No question of it. (Pause.) For the moment.
ESTRAGON:His name is Godot?
VLADIMIR:I think so.
Since they are tied to Godot they cannot leave the scene like Estragon wants to do throughout the
whole play. Even if they could go it is doubtful that they will since both scenes end the same way:
VLADIMIR:We can still part, if you think it would be better.
ESTRAGON:It s not worthwhile now.
VLADIMIR:No, it s not worthwhile now.
ESTRAGON:Well, shall we go?
VLADIMIR:Yes, let s go.
They do not move.
Seeing as they never actually
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Gladiator Greek Culture
The Roman Empire was famous for it s Colosseum and the gladiatorial events held within the
historic architecture. Because of the famous site and it s history many writers, directors, and artists
have been inspired to display Rome s culture in artwork, books, and movies. One recent movie,
Gladiator, is one of these movies as it hones in on the end of Marcus Aureliusreign and Commodus
reign. It focuses on the main protagonist Maximus and his life during the time period. The movie
ends with the slay of Commodus by Maximus and Maximus dying due to previous injuries. The
culture and history hinted at and shown throughout the film accurately portray Rome during
Commodus reign. However, despite the accuracies of the film, there are in... Show more content on
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This is done through the protagonist Maximus whom never existed, how the gladiators were treated
and what they wore, and how Commodus eventually died to name a few examples. Proving the
inaccuracy of the film despite attempting to contain so much precision in other aspects of the
movie. This movie adds to the suspicion of other historically accurate films and how accurate they
truly are after researching what truly occurred in
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Carrying A Concealed Weapon, In California, Is A Threat...
Matilda Crabtree, 14, was shot and killed by her father when she jumped from the closet and
yelled BOO to scare her parents; her last words were, I love you, daddy. (Rottenberg 87) Laws that
regulate carrying concealed weapons (CCW) have been wildly debated in the California and the
US. There have mainly been two different types of laws. One is a type of legislation known as may
need laws, which issues licenses to people who are in absolute need of carrying a concealed
weapon. The other is known as shall use laws, which is a lot more lenient for people and makes it
easier for the general public to get a gun. This law gives state authorities to issue concealed weapon
licenses to any adult who does... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the FBI, there were 49 handgun murders for every one civilian justifiable homicide in
1994 (Fisherman). In fact, carrying concealed weapons makes you more vulnerable. Researcher
Arthur Kellerman, Director of the Center for Injury Control at Emory University, warns, If the bad
guys know more people are carrying guns, they just might shoot first and reach for the wallet later.
Legalizing concealed weapons would make sense if the public supported more lenient CCW
laws. An April 1995 study, Illinois Statewide Survey on Public Attitudes Toward Concealed
Handguns, found that more than 73% of Illinois residents do not think that citizens should be
able to carry concealed weapons, which also happens to be one of the Mafia capitals of the world.
A Michigan survey of 600 state residents found that 71% opposed laws that make it easier for
people to carry concealed weapons. (Kirchner)
There are many arguments that gun clubs and the NRA try to reassure society about concealed
weapons. Many say, society is safer if criminals do not know who is armed; but if that is what
society thinks, then why conceal weapons in the first place? It could be argued that concealed
weapon laws might make criminals more violent; criminals might anticipate a potential victim to be
armed and shoot first. Another argument gun lovers say is, an armed society is a polite society.
Surveys taken
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Dual Coding Theory And Its Effect On The Way Of A Person...
A person can distinguished between scenes they have already scene from one that they have not.
However, people can distinguished a scene but is not able to tell a descriptive information
whether it has been changed or not in a specific scene. Descriptive information can lead to schema
consistent or inconsistent information to be processed into the memory. Dual Coding theory states
that a person has verbal associations and visual imagery and that given a person both of these
encoding enhance memory and have a higher recall rate. Different methods have been used to
enhance memory such imagery and mnemonic devices. Memory plays an essential part of
everyday life; several factors can effect or influence the way a person remembers a memory.
Schema is knowledge about a particular event produced by a previous experience with the event.
How schema affects memory has strong interest with researchers, previous researchers have used
schema consistent and schema inconsistent targets then asked participants to complete a
recognition test. Most experiments found that inconsistent items were recalled and recognized
more than consistent items. Except, an experiment done by Brewer and Treyens that reported that
more consistent item were recalled than inconsistent. The purpose of the current study is to test the
reliability of the results by Brewer and Treyens experiment. The following experiment on how
schema affects memory, hypothesisthat items inconsistent with expectation will be
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What Are The Most Important Inventions Of Ancient China
Some basic Chinese inventions from the past are the reason for amazing inventions into the future.
Three inventions from China, however, are by far the most significant inventions created. These
inventions include the Mechanical Clock, Smallpox Inoculation, and Moveable Type. These all had
importance in the future, whether it was healing the sick, telling the time or simply writing an
essay. These three Chinese inventions are the reason those things are possible today.
The most important invention in ancient China would have to be the Mechanical Clock. The
Mechanical Clock gave everyday town s people the ability to tell time more accurately than ever.
China s invention of the Mechanical Clock, is the reason we can wake up in the morning,
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Mixed Incontinence Case Study
The patient in the case study would most likely have mixed incontinence. The two forms of
incontinence the patient would suffer from are transient and functional. The patient is currently
taking Lasix 80 mg by mouth every 12 hours and would this would be the contributable factor for
transient incontinence. Functional incontinence in this case would be from the patient being
unable to make it to the toilet because he needs two people to assist him when moving. If the
patient was not taking the Lasix, he would still most likely suffer from functional incontinence.
The patient has also had an intraoperative left cerebrovascular accident (CVA) which can also be
a factor for incontinence but there is not enough information given to make that determination.
Although, a CVA can be a factor for incontinence it is not always the cause. The Lasix 80 mg
twice a day combined with the patient not being able to go to the toilet on his own would lead to a
diagnosis of mixed incontinence (Ebersole Hess , 2014).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Toilet substitutes include urinal, bedpan and commode. The patient would be able to use the urinal
without assistance and lessen the chance of incontinence. The absorbent bed pads would give the
patient protection if he is not able to get to the commode or urinal fast enough and provide a
barrier between the sheets and his skin as most of the pads are moisture absorbent. The commode
next to the bed would be the last resort in interventions as the patient would still need assistance to
transfer from the bed. Putting these interventions into place would help the patient with
incontinence and give him a sense of self help (Ebersole Hess ,
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Media Case Study
12. Wordpress Tutorial posting options
Welcome to our WordPress lesson. So with this Knowledge bit, we are going to talk about how
easy it is to add media to a post and how to actually finalize a post so in this lesson we are going to
talk about setting up post.
Customize Permalink
We have also got an option here to customize our permalinks where we might want to actually
create a really custom URL s, so coolurlhere . so that s exactly what I wanted if I want to have a
coolurlhere so this can be the actual link of the page and really think about WordPress is really a
lot of cool stuff because its dated base driven content it s not actually connected to these URL s so
you can change these and if you don t like it, you can actually ... Show more content on
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Another really cool feature we can create galleries to better organize our images.
So we have one more thing we are able to actually link it to a custom URL, we can link it to the
media file or we can just leave it without a link so that can all be done right here Custom URL all
we had in that link there.
And here you have those size options that we looked at earlier and we have got the ability for
thumbnail, medium large and as you can see its updated the dimensions so that the width there
is always going to be that max width of 300 but the height is the one that s going to change so we
don t have disproportionate images because if we uploaded an image and if we wanted a square
300x300 we can t do that with an image of size 1200x630.
So keep that in mind and I am just going to leave it as a medium by default because this is
probably the best way to go when I am adding it to my page. And now I have to do insert post and
there it gets inserted, I see that I have got the caption when I go to the actual HTML it s created all
of that HTML so caption ID it s giving some mega information there and it s also got a class so
size medium so that s where it s getting that max medium of 300. [Screenshot8]
So this is a really good option with these captions and this mega information captions are good for
screen readers and so on and a lot of themes and templates really do take advantage of what s
available in this
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Foundations of Public Administration
Jayson Allen PA 6610
The MOVE Disaster
Jack H. Nagel
Quality leadership is a telling sign of a successful organization. When given the opportunity to
guide or direct others, a leader is capable of drawing individuals or groups together to accomplish
certain goals. Given the responsibility to address a problem that had developed over a span of
many months concerning a cult (an unorthodox or misguided group of extremist) called MOVE,
newly elected Philadelphia Mayor, Wilson Goodedid not exercise his authority as the elected
leader by working meticulously with the other city officials and offices to shut down MOVE
operations and protect the city s residents from their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sometimes the very qualities that make a leader successful in one situation can impede his ability
to rationally handle other situations. Understanding the reasoning behind why certain people
make certain decisions in certain situations will never be cut and dry because when viewed
through a psychological viewpoint, knowing the humanistic characteristics affecting decision
making is important in getting a clearer picture. Personally, I would have asked for counsel from
the closest of my working city officials and even someone higher up whom I knew and trusted. I
am not expected, as a human being, to have all the answers but I can make rational choices given
the possible outcomes. In becoming familiar now with the events surrounding the MOVE disaster,
I as a future public administrator, can possibly recognize more easily when difficult situations may
call for psychology and human relations understanding. This knowledge is a necessity for me
personally as a mode of self critique, and for others in positions of leadership and authority that I
may work closely with who may find themselves trapped but unable to recognize it. I consider this
to be another example of recognizing that knowledge is power and to be a successful leader,
knowing how to make the
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Beautiful Hawaiian Island
Lured by the promise of sandy shores and tropical paradise, people from all around the world find
themselves drawn to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. Ideal with its depiction of exotic dancers,
surfing luxurious waves, and lush climate Hawaii truly seems to be the perfect getaway. However
upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the media s portrayal of Hawaiiis not entirely accurate.
Since the tourist industry is able to smooth over any troublesome detail that could create damage
to their profit, many remain unaware of the problems being faced. In reality, the alluring sandy
beaches have now become a home to the homeless. Outrageous increases in pricing have made it
practically impossible to find decent housing. Many are still unable to afford it even with prior...
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We can fill up the unemployment lines, enter the military, work in the tourist industry, or leave
Hawai i (Trask 145). This helps to further illustrate that even if they manage to find work, their best
chance of actually making a profit is through the prostitution of their culture.
However, even if Hawaiians manage to obtain full time jobs, the majority of the time it is not
nearly enough. Most families typically spend nearly 52 percent of their gross income for housing
costs (Trask 139). It is because of this that many cannot afford to finance schooling, food, housing,
and personal belongings even with full time jobs. Powerless, Hawaiians cannot compete with the
standard cost of living on the islands, and are forced to retreat to the streets.
Among the list of facts that Trask portrays in her book, she states that Nearly one fifth of Hawai i s
resident population is classified as near homeless, that is, those for whom any mishap results in
immediate on the street homelessness. (Trask 139). This means that approximately 32% of the
people that make up the homeless population are actually
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley And John Keats
In Like a Poet three poets will be discussed, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe
Shelley and John Keats. These poets contribute to the society of poetry in distinctive ways.
However, they also have some similarities and prove poetry has been around for centuries and will
not vanish in the near future. Many may think that poetry is only enjoyed by those that have the
ability to think deeply and beyond the normal spectrum of society. Nevertheless, poetry is
inspiring, romantic, fascinating, emotional and all around amazing. Poetry, whether it is
complex or a few simple lines, has demonstrated to be for all humanity. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
whom I will refer to as Coleridge throughout Like a Poet is somewhat complex in his writing. He
uses many words that may have to be researched and or read over several times before understand
what he is discussing. Coleridge s poem Kubla
Khan is a great example of complex poetry with hints of simplicity. In this poem Coleridge
describes a place of pleasure that is encased by gloom, for example in Kubla Khan it reads in
lines 5 11, Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground with walls and towers
were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an
incense bearing tree; and here were forests ancient as the hill, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.
In this section of the poem it is vividly unfolding a scene of chaos that somehow has a small light of
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Antigone Gender Roles
The Extremities of Gender Roles: An Analysis of the Ismene s Purpose in Antigone The discussion
of gender norms seems to be a fairly new phenomenon, occurring within the last century or so.
However, the Ancient Greek play Antigone by Sophocles offers an antique critique of gender roles
through the battle of the young, stubborn heroine Antigoneand the insecure, new King Creon. The
play reflects the unending determination of a woman who is willing to stand up for what she
believes, even though the law and society has prohibited it. Though this is a fairly plausible
situation to the modern audience, it was incredibly revolutionary in Ancient Greece. In an attempt
to make the situation more plausible as well as accentuate Antigone s radical behavior,... Show more
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When brought before Creon, both Antigone and Ismene confess to the unsanctioned burial. In
Ismene s admission of guilt, the foil says, Yes, I have done it if Antigone / Says so I join with
her to share the blame (21). One interesting point on this is that the way in which Ismene
surrenders is written conditionally. She is at once taking full admission while also showing full
commitment to Antigone by implying that it is up to her outlaw sister to choose her own fate.
Ismene is taking the blame and showing full submission in the way that most women would
have been expected to do in Antigone s time for a domineering spouse. Antigone, however,
admitted to the crime she actually has committed for a less altruistic reason. She is unashamed
of her crime, ready for the consequences, and greedy for the recognition for defying Creon. In
fact, she was incredibly upset by Ismene s act of self sacrifice, saying, A friend in words is not a
friend for me (21). Firstly, the original Greek telling of this scene must have used a word closer
related to friend than one that is reminiscent of sister, family, or blood because the translator would
have obviously gravitated towards the more familial word, had it been there. Consequently, the use
of the word friend instead of a familial word shows Antigone s disgust for and separation from her
sister. Through not participating and still taking the blame, Ismene is seemingly demoted from
family to not even a friend. This contrast between behaviors at this point shows, again, the
divergence of Antigone from the gendered norm. While Ismene verbalizes the ultimate sign of
familial piety in sharing the blame, she was not willing to get her hands dirty when she was needed.
Antigone is disheartened and repelled by this seemingly normal
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1 Peter Analysis
F.Lecture 19 1 Peter
Word Count: 565
1.Summarize the typical evangelical reconstruction of the circumstances behind the writing of 1
The letter attributes the writing to Peter. Similarities in style with Acts and the Gospels seem to
confirm the attribution along with a lack of objections from the early church about authorship.
Peter probably used Silas as an amanuensis, accounting for the Greek style of the letter. The next
verse claims that the letter was written from Babylon , likely a code name used for Rome. This
coincides with tradition and with Paul s correspondence since, according to 2 Tim. 4:11, Mark
went to Rome in the mid 60 s. Thus, Peter is writing from Rome at the beginning of the Neronic
persecution before his martyrdom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is apocalyptic literature and what distinct rules of interpretation apply to it?
The genre of apocalyptic literature is varied but was well known in the first century and can also
be seen in other Christian and Jewish sources such as Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Jesus Olivet
Discourse, and portions of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. This type of writing makes extensive use of
symbolism, grotesque and outlandish imagery, and numbers infused with cryptic/symbolic
meaning. It was often written in times of crisis, and can depict past, present, and future events
intertwined or leading to moments of Godly intervention and triumph over evil forces.
Apocalyptic literature ought to be studied and analyzed in light of first century history. The most
important hermeneutical principle we can follow is, to make sense out of the text as a 1st century
Christian in Asia minor would have understood it, and not as a modern 21st century Christians
infusing meaning anachronistically into the text as it is often done. A literal interpretation is
almost always the wrong approach to interpret such
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Marketing Strategy Of Nestle
Introduction: NestlГ© is one of the largest food company in the world and operates in 70
countries. It has a turnover of €100 billion per anum. With a total of 250000 employees, there
are 400 factories of NestlГ© divided into three zones namely, 1.EUR (Europe) 2.AOA (Asia,
Oceania and Africa) 3.AMS (Americas North and South). Brands of NestlГ© include: 1.Instant
Coffee a.NescafГ© 2.Various Chocolates: a.KitKat b.Hershey 3.Bottled Water a.Perrier
b.Buxton 4.Petfood a.Purina Products (Bakers, Winalot, Proplan) After the 1950s the company
had grown by acquisition, 70 countries managed from The Centre (Vevey, Switzerland). As
there each outlet is their own the centre would only sign off the budget when they prepare it
each year. ERP systems in FMCG companies: Implementing ERP in all FMCG companies may
not work out as it depends on how good you can implement it. For example, Cadbury had a huge
success while implanting ERP into their company whereas Hershey s had a failure while trying to
implement ERP in their company. Thus implementing ERP blindly to your company without
knowing how it works would give you only loss whereas if you know how and where to
implement it then it can give you a huge amount of profit. If we look into the comparative
advantages derived from Cadbury case study ERP made certain modifications to the... Show more
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For some companies, it may be from IT savings but for NestlГ© IT is the reasons for the success
in NestlГ©. From the case study, it is understood that the highest payback NestlГ© got was from
higher sales investment. They invested in GLOBE made a progress in Malaysia and Switzerland.
The production of Bolivia would have also increased as they installed a satellite dish so that the
Customer Service man and the warehouseman can communicate and continue their work with ease.
They may spend a cost of $30000 the long term investment of it would cause more revenue and
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Peter Pan Motherhood
The novel Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie illustrates how Peter Pan, an aggressive
adolescent, attempts the abduction of younger male children in order to bring them to his
magical island called Neverland. These young males then serve him and serve on
expeditions and as soldiers in a youthful gang. In an unusual phenomenon, Mr. Pan brings
Wendy, a young female, to his island in order that she might tell him and his lost boysabout
the tale of Cinderella and to be their mother. In chapter 6, readers observe that Peter Pan is
extremely protective of Wendy, even to the point of staying awake on guard at night. At the
finally of the book, Peter then promises to bring Wendy back to Neverland, promising to
remember to bring her for spring ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You could
tuck us in at night, [said he] And you could darn our clothes and make pockets for us. None
of us has any pockets. (42). Peter emphasis that the boys need a mother to work for them.
However, Peter himself is too slothful to learn how to sew and too proud to tuck his own
children into bed. Mr. Pan s selfishness controls his actions which then influence his
compassion. In these minute instances, we can see his true character and his true adoration
show. Towards the end of the novel, Peter returns only once to Wendy after she left
Neverland. This may be because he has realized that she no longer cares to serve him as
she once did. She will no longer be his mother, rather a friend. This does not please him, and
he returns once after, to steal Jean, Wendy s daughter, as a new mother. Peter Pan s
ignorance and cruel leadership is a sign that he does not care for Wendy as a person, rather
as a product or as something to aid him. Mr. Pan sees Wendy beneficial for story telling, for
being his mother, and for serving him. In Peter Pan, readers are shown the cruelty that an
innocent child can impact upon a multitude of fellow
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Mycosis Mycosis are fungal infections that occur in the skin, hands, and feet. These fungal
infections affect the Integumentary system. They can become chronic, annoying, and very difficult
to get rid of. Nutrition plays a huge impact with this problem. Some fungal infection appears also
internally like in the tongue and vagina typically in women that are on the menopause. It is
possible to keep it at bay but rarely goes away. Unless the lifestyle and the nutrition changes
completely. There is a form of mycosis that develop within the human body. These are commonly
name Histoplasma capsulatum. It occurs commonly in areas in the Midwestern United States and
Central America , Histoplasmosis is a generalized mycosis of respiratory origin,... Show more
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The first clinical data on primary pulmonary coccidia mycosis, fever, malaise, pleuritic pain, dry
cough, night sweats, anorexia, headache, and loss are presented in a 10 to 16 day incubation after
spore inhalation. of weight. When it comes to chest pain, it can be severe. Shortly after the onset
of symptoms, macular rash and scarlatiniform urticaria may occur. It may be appreciated,
especially in the inguinal regions, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, this type of exanthema,
which is more frequent in children. In the beginning the primary disorder may be peri bronchial or
bronchial; Chest X ray will show pneumonitis like acute bacterial pneumonia, mycoplasma, viral, or
other fungi, with lobular, lobular, or scattered infiltrate plaques; Dense hilar points and pleural
effusion are common, and there is rarely pericardial effusion. Occasionally cavity may appear,
transiently, during the acute
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The Movie And Critique Of Beauty And The Beast
Beauty and the Beast was an amazing musical, many say it was much better than the movie. Just
like the movie. It starts off in a faraway land, with the Young Prince who lived in a shining
castled. The prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. An old beggar woman came to the castle
and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard
appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. The old woman
warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is to be found within. And when he
sent her away again, the old woman s ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The
Prince tried to apologise, but it was too late. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous
beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. The Rose she had offered
was truly an enchanted rose. If he could learn to loveanother and earn their love in return before
the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a Beast for all
In a little town, a young girl by the name of belle arrives. The Towns people despite their
admiration for Belle s beauties think of Belle as odd and peculiar because of her favourite thing
to do is to read. Gaston, a handsome, skilful hunter who has fallen in love with Belle. Gaston is
obsessed with belle marrying him and will not give up. Meanwhile, Belle slips away and goes
home to her father, Maurice, an inventor. Maurice is putting
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Chinatown ( 1974 ), Falls Under The Category Of Film Noir...
Chinatown Critique Essay The film Chinatown (1974), falls under the category of Film Noir
Style. The film s basis its plot on corruption scandals, which shed light on dark secrets and very
unfortunate events around the Cross Family, Evelyn Cross and her Father and John Cross (John
Huston), who is the center figure of the plot, and a private investigator Jake Gittes (Jack
Nicholson). The central of the plot is a charge of conspiracy of the corruption between,
politicians, Mr. Cross, and the police department corruption, that started in the less hopeless
Chinatown, and now has ramifications in every sphere of L.A city. The history of the plot comes
from a real life event, The 1908 Owned River scandal and the administration of the department of
water during this scandal. The film started with Gitte, hired as a private investigator by a socialite
beauty Faye Dunaway, to investigate her husband Hollis (a chief engineer), played by Darrel
Zwerling. The mise en scene and the film are elaborated and directed by Roman Polansky (director)
and Robert Towne (screenplay). In cinematography, one of the more important elements is the mise
en scene. Due to the fact, that it keeps the audience emotional and psychological involve in the plot.
As can be appreciated in Chinatown (Polansky, 1974), in this plot Polansky utilized several
elements to create in the audience a double crosser twist, through the corruption and immoral
activities portrayed during the film. In general, the motion
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Snowboarding Swot Analysis
Welcome to Best Review Express.Com! We are a gathering of buddies that have ridden at some
phase in the years and resolved to rate ours evaluates at the tasteful snowboarding gear
accessible. Our accomplished snowboarders and skiers team up on the line to give revise, arms
on snowboard and ski hardware assessments. We converse with only enthusiastic snowboarders
from around the globe for his or her educated delight in. Also, we need that will enable you to set
aside a few minutes you re searching out a spic and span bit of hardware! It s our devotion to
offer you non one sided perspectives to enable you to burn through cash on an immovable of
snowboardinggadget. Experience degree, accounts, and hardware top of the line are mulled over in
our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We are by and by expanding our site to cover concentrated assessments of Helmets, Gloves, Boots,
and Bindings. Make sure to test again rapidly! Since we have no particular union with any of the
essential brands you could rely on an earnest outline from good snowboarders and skiers
volunteering their chance and delight in for kindred Snowboarding fans. Contribute inside the
quality skiing contraption, and it would ultimately be able to you a whole existence of enterprise
investigating the mountains this global needs to give.
Snowboarding Adventure Blog
In our Snowboarding Blog section, you ll discover a massive amount of available articles on warm
subjects which incorporates skiing pointers, inside and out hardware surveys.
The fine snowboarding places like Whistler Blackcomb, Tremblant, and Squaw Valley and also
fascinating travel online journals from some of our active skiing group once they come back from
around the field.
We wish to urge and energize you to get access and snowboardor investigate the pleasant tracks
this world brings to the table. We acknowledge entries from skiers and snowboarders around the
world and if you are occupied with contributing boat us an email, and we will influence it to
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Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Allied Leadership In Ww1
The purpose of this essay is to asses allied leadership effective in WW1 and how effective it was.
The topics to be discussed are, the brilliant tactics the allied leaders used, the great leadership
outside of the war also leading to major technological advancements and meticulous planning
lead to many victories. Although the casualties during WW1 were catastrophic the brilliant
ideas of men like general Arthur Currie led to many soldiers keeping their lives. One such idea
was when allied solders were ordered to tie urine covered rags over their faces, although odd, this
was how soldiers would protect themselves from deadly chlorine gas early in the war. One idea
was intelligence which allowed allies to spot and take out german artillery. was training soldiers
instead of sending in soldiers without any knowledge of the plan, every one of them had maps
and knew what to do in the case the leading officer were to be killed. Such brilliant tactics show
how effective allied leadership... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When one thinks of a machine gun that more often than not a modern assault rifle comes to
mind, however, the machine guns were used back in WW1. In the beginning of the war, guns
like the Colt Browning could only shoot 300 bullets a minute, whereas by the end of the war the
lewis automatic machine gun shot up to 600 bullets a minute. Another advancement came in the
form of deadly chemicals such as chlorine, Phosgene and Benzyl bromide as well as the
deployment methods like grenades though these were banned staring in 1925 in the geneva
protocol. Advances in airplanes also occurred during WW1 while at the beginning go the war
airplanes were only used to see what the enemy was doing, however, by the end of the war
airplanes could drop bombs are fire machine guns through the propellers. The technological
advances were all because of brilliant leadership on the allies
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The Role Of Education In The Developing World
Education in the Developing World
Is education a basic human right? According to Article 26 of the United Nation s Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, yes. It states that everyone should have access to free primary
education and equal opportunity access to higher education. Unfortunately, in many places around
the world, access is limited either monetarily or governmentally, and even when it is available, a
lack of resources or a lack of proper educators can severely limit the quality of the education. As
many as 115 million primary age children around the world are not currently in school, and of those
who are in school, over 226 million never attend secondary school. In some parts of Africa the
literacy rate in children is below fifty percent. Let s take a look at one developing country in
particular, South Africa, which is considered to have one of the worst education systems on the
South Africa s education system is broken into three parts: elementary schooling, secondary
schooling, and tertiary schooling. According to the Organisation for Economic Co operation and
Development, only about seven percent of South Africans achieve tertiary schooling. As of 2013,
South Africa houses 25,720 schools for almost 12.5 million people. That s nearly one in four
people in some form of education. It makes sense, as primary schooling is required by law for
children between the ages of seven and fifteen. Yet of those who go to school twenty seven percent
are still
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Dermatomyositis Research Paper
Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis is not common disease. It s an inflammatory disease which
causes muscle weakness and gives a distinctive skin rash. It is more common in females than
males, affects both adults and children. In adults, dermatomyositis usually occurs between the
ages of late 40 s and 60 s and in children, it usually occurs between the ages of 5 and 15. Some of
the distinctive symptoms of Dermatomyositis is the skin changes that occur. The skin will
develop a violet colored or dusky red rash, most commonly on the face and eyelids and on areas
around the nails, knuckles, knees, elbows, chest, and back. The rash which can be patchy with
bluish purple discoloration is often the first sign of Dermatomyositis. Muscles are also weakness
progressively closest to the trunk, affecting both sides of the body and tends to gradually worsen....
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This disease can put someone at higher risk of several conditions as well. They can be at risk for
Raynaud s phenomenon where your fingers, toes, cheeks, nose and ear turn pale when exposed to
cold temperature and environment, other connective tissue diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,
scleroderma, Dermatomyositis may cause the muscular muscles of the heart to become inflamed,
Myocarditis. It can cause lung disease which is called interstitial lung disease that scars the lung
tissue, making the lung stiff and inelastic. Dermatomyositis can increase the likelihood of
developing cancer, particularly the cervix, lungs, pancreas, breasts, ovaries, and gastrointestinal
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The Dog Pets For Children
Every family should be required to own a pet so that children can experience love and learn the
importance and value of lesser life forms. Today s society, many family patterns are changed, in
many families there does not only have father, mother, and children, the family will have a pet,
such as dogs. From the beginning, the people have a dogjust for relieve stress when people lonely
the dog always stay with people or a dog more like a spiritual support. When the time change,
people was found that most dogs for children are very friendly and dogs treat human children
like dog s own children, it s very tender and considerate. The dog accompanies children grow up
together. Dogs like teacher influence and education people s children every day. And dogs like
parents, they protected the children. So, every family should be required to own a petso that children
can experience love and learn the importance and value of lesser life forms. The dog companion
for children has a subtle change. Children and pets live together, it is able to develop children
sense of responsibility early in life and learn how to care about others. Pets need long term care
and attention. Dog rely on human feeding, entertainment, and human exercise. Seriously pet care
children usually learn to become empathetic and compassionate (What can children learn from
pets). Learn how to be responsible for other creatures, also allows teenagers learn better care of
themselves. People who have a pet that is to
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Louisiana Territory Research Paper
If the United States had not purchased the Louisiana Territory and won the Western Lands from
Mexico in the Mexican American War, our nation would be a very different place. Firstly, if we
wouldn t have purchased the Louisiana Territory we would probably not have all the land that we
have today in the United States. Secondly, in my opinion if it wasn t for Thomas Jefferson,
Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and all the Native Americans the exploration could have been
very different from what it was. Also, Meriwether Lewis led the expedition and William Clark was
to co lead the expedition with Lewis. The LouisianaTerritory was a good move for the U.S. because
it doubled the size of the United States! Also, another good thing about this... Show more content on
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Some of the U.S. Generals were Zachary Taylor, and Winfield Scott. General Zachary Taylor led
the troops during the Monterrey, and in September 25th, 1846 they captured the city. Winfield
Scott landed in Veracruz and he defeated the Mexicans, and during this time it was very
important on the United States side to control the port. In my opinion without these two U.S.
Generals we would need even more help to win. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed
on February 2, 1848. This was a big deal in my opinion for both sides of the war. The United
States paid 15 million dollars for California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. These
turned into states and now are apart of the United States. A border boundary was at the Rio
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Intelligence And Weapons Of Mass Destruction Programs
Introduction and Purpose Statement
Intelligence has proved to be essential to military actions since antiquity, particularly concerning
invasions from a nation s military. Invading Iraq due to the determination of the continued Weapon
of Mass Destruction programs in 2003 resulted, in part from intelligence received by human
intelligence sources. The specific cause that led to the initial determination to invade was the belief
that Iraq maintained a Weapon of Mass Destruction program at the same time also suggesting that
Saddam had links to Terror groups. Additionally, the Iraqi Weapon of Mass Destruction Programs
during the 1998 inspection from the United Nations led to the assessment of the weapon systems in
Consequently, the Iraq war had resulted in thousands dead along including an unstable nation.
Inquiries post invasion revealed critical flaws within the intelligence collected. Much of the
information provided to the Central Intelligence Agency along with the National Security Council
from human intelligence proved to be incorrect. Furthermore, the incorrect information had
compounded the issue with a limited network of assets in Iraq to verify the intelligence received.
One of the most important intelligence failures of the 21st Century is seen in the invasion of Iraq.
How can the review of intelligence collections conducted on pre war Iraq Weapons of Mass
Destruction programs better determine the faults in intelligence received from human intelligence
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Texas Government
Padilla 1 Padilla 3 Maureen Padilla Prof.
Sharifian GOVT 2306 73434 30 Apr. 2017 Local Control In Texas, Governor Abbott, has claimed
to pass on the ban of local control, due to money. The government of Texas, has called it a quits for
fracking, plastic bags, and red light cameras, also known as photo enforcements. Though the Texas
government is a small government, the probability of receiving their own law making is a higher
chance to rule than local governments. There are many pros and cons towards this law, but forcing
the ban should not be allowed, due infrastructure of local governments.
Many people were affected by the decision government Abbott has made, which leads rivalry
between the people who are for and against the law making decision. The people who are for this
law settlement, are more likely to remove community local laws that control the environment for
society. For example, Maren Taylor from Texas Vot wrote that, The Texas Legislature has decided
that the people of cities shouldn t have the right to protect the communities they. The point that the
communities from each city, will indeed have to understand that state government officials will
remove any local control and replace the rules by what the legislative desires for. In most places,
the ban of local activity that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, Matt Rinaldi from the TribTalk writes an article saying that, Local governments are
far superior to state governments in their ability to communicate with and respond to issues raised
by local constituents in areas. This shows that local cities are normally controlled by local
governments that take part in state government, since it is broken down. The government for Texas
will need the help of local governments to find out how to find ways to at least have some control
towards the cities, including having a limit to how much money is
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Vivian Bearing In The Play Wit
In the play Wit, highly esteemed professor of seventeenth century poetry, Vivian Bearing, finds out
that she has stage four terminal cancer. The Doctor who tells her the diagnosis, does so in a very
clinical and non emotional way; he appears to describe her cancer and treatment comparable to how
her college literature professor described her punctuation in her poem. He explained everything in
medical terminology, which was not understandable by those outside of the medical field. A
research study showed that even college educated patients struggled with understanding the
meaning of certain words used by medical staff and based on these results it is recommended that
Doctors should adjust their language to match the patient s cognition... Show more content on
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Vivian Bearing did not show a lot of kindness or compassion to her own students as she did not
think that it was important. Now as her death is approaching she comes to realize that is what she
has been missing. Her nurse Susie patiently explains the treatment plan to Vivian in terms that
she can understand; including the DNR (do not resuscitate) and that it was her decision, Susie
allowed Vivian some control over her life by giving her this choice while she fought for her
dignity. As her nurse strives to provide her with compassion and empathy this is important to
Vivian in her final days as compassion is connected to our human spirit; as she was approaching
death (Frost, 1999, p127). Patients often experience quicker healing rates when they receive
compassion as opposed to those who do not (Dossey, 2007). Susie told Vivian when she was semi
conscious that they were putting a catheter in; even though Doctor Jason said :why are you
bothering? Some people, such as nurse Susie, will go out of their way to make others comfortable
and put the patients need before there own, we just have to be mindful of emotional burnout if our
own needs are not being met (Brehony, 1999, p
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Essay Analysis of Daddy by Sylvia Plath
Analysis of Daddy by Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath uses her poem, Daddy, to express deep emotions toward her father s life and death.
With passionate articulation, she verbally turns over her feelings of rage, abandonment,
confusion and grief. Though this work is fraught with ambiguity, a reader can infer Plath s basic
story. Her father was apparently a Nazi soldier killed in World War II while she was young. Her
statements about not knowing even remotely where he was while he was in battle, the only
photograph she has left of him and how she chose to marry a man that reminded her of him elude
to her grief in losing her father and missing his presence. She also expresses a dark anger toward
him for his political views and actions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She also presents a slight rhythm to the reading that allows for smooth reading. In keeping with her
open form, there is no set scheme to the rhyme pattern. However, there is a single ending sound
constantly repeated without a set pattern throughout the work. She also connects pairs of lines at
random just for the sake of making connections to make that particular stanza flow. At the same
time, she chose blatantly not to rhyme in certain parts to catch the reader s attention.
There are a few instances where imagery is used to carry out Plath s expression. To cite a
particular example that might lead a reader deduce their own ideas can be found in the last
stanza: And the villagers never liked you. / They are dancing and stamping on you. This
undoubtedly expresses her father s death and burial but more importantly it states a certain
humiliation she faced from everyone knowing what her father had died for, along with her own
rage toward him. Another can be found in lines 24 25: I never could talk to you. / The tongue
stuck in my jaw. The picture of someone being tongue tied along with her statement in line 41: I
have always been scared of you, demonstrate just that; she was fearful of her father. She also
gives an image that provides the reader a view of how Plath physically viewed her father and
chose a man that she states reminds her of him: A man in black with a Meinkampf look.
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Reflective Essay On Homeless People
Kami!! My girl!! I m gooood. I took care of my business for where I m staying. But I got denied
for disability for the arthritis in my knees. So I m gonna go to rehab, and they re gonna hook me
up with a job. My reaction was much more enthusiastic than Wilmer s laidback go with the flow
stance. Upon asking what kind of a job he would like, Wilmer surprised me by saying that he
actually took college classes where he studied gardening. He then proceeded to show me more
of his prized pictures of his gardening. One Facebook picture posted by the HOPE Center
praised Wilmer for his work in planting jalapeГ±os in front of the building. A woman
commented on the picture saying, Wilmer is a very knowledgeable and skilled horticulturalist!
This made me realize how Wilmer defies the stereotype that the world often puts on homeless
people as being worthless failures who can t make a meaningful contribution to society. I tried to
dig deeper into why Wilmer is so passionate about gardening, but all I could get out of him was
the simply reply of, My jalapeГ±os ...I love jalapeГ±os...See my jalapeГ±os? I cut them myself.
During the time that I conversated with Wilmer as he ate his pancakes, he continued to multitask
with taking beads smaller than a grain of rice and somehow sewing them into a pair of earrings
to sell in order to keep his cell phone running. When I asked him how he became such a skilled
artist, his reply actually led to deeper revelations. I ended up in prison and they
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Violence and Nursery Rhymes
Violence in Nursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes, fables and fairy tales have always been a part of childhood. They usually have
some type of moral meaning or happy ending. Initially, most of these rhymes and stories were not
meant for children, lots of them mocked the history of politics or they revealed abuse toward
children. Women also received their share of violencein some of the cute little jingles. For example;
Peter Peter pumpkin eater
Had a wife and couldn t keep her
He put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well!
My analysis of Peter and his wife builds a classic case of intimate partner violence. Peter must have
an addiction to pumpkins which I believe is symbolic for something else; drugs, alcohol, gambling,
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The neglect and abuse may have led to death of the children.
Neglect has happened in the past but it strongly remains in the present. Nadya Suleman is
fighting back against the media s characterization of her and the claims of child neglect that put
the controversial mother of 14 back in the headlines this week (Abbie Boudreau. ABC News).
There are many reasons for neglect; alcohol and drug abuse, inadequate parenting skill, financial
difficulties , mental issues, and lack of a support system. Even though neglect, physical and
sexual abuse is not tolerated or favored, there was a time when it was accepted, practiced, looked
over and sometimes encouraged. These behaviors and actions are being taught in the form of sing
long s , however the words, in most rhymes, have been changed to kid friendly terms.
Tower, C. C. (2010). Understanding child negect and abuse. (8 ed.).
Gosselin, D. K. (2010). Heavy hands. (4 ed)
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War-Time Propaganda
As an art form, one could consider film to fall under Plato s consideration of art as an imitator of
nature and third removed from the truth (Plato, The Republic Book X, 360 BC). Like the
painter who paints the carpenter s work, the filmmaker can only portray an image that already
exists. To call art a mirror image of nature would imply that art including film shows all things
exactly as they are in real life. This is not true because the filmmaker can also be selective and
perhaps deceptive in what parts of the image that the film mirrors, picking and choosing aspects of
the images to portray their own ideas. Holding a mirror up implies that everything is being shown
for what it truly is in its purest form and it is for this reason that the... Show more content on
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The year is 1910 and the words on the title screen are addressed to the eager, helpful women of
our country who think they are doing their utmost to help (Huntley Film Archives), urging them
Don t give today and forget tomorrow but give and give until it hurts! (Huntley Film Archives).
The film goes on to show a woman sitting eating chocolates amid the terrific clash and bang of
battle before cutting to shots of soldiers in training then describing her actions as thoughtless as
she buys new hats disregarding price and need (Huntley Film Archives). The woman is then
shown trying on hats with a sales clerk nearby. She decides on a hat and gives the sales clerk
money for it. The sales clerk is ecstatic that she can use the money to buy another War Savings
Stamp to help the soldiers fighting for her (Huntley Film Archives). The first woman is horrified
at the thought that the sales clerk is a better patriot than her, and takes her money back to buy a
Savings Stamp herself (Huntley Film Archives). This is an example of propaganda because it
spread the idea that no matter what American women were doing during World War I, they were
not doing enough to help the soldiers that were fighting for their lives; any amount of frivolity
was a slap in the face to American soldiers who need her money more than her. It did not matter
if she does not believe in the war or has already given a great deal; if an American woman was to
do something for herself she was doing something wrong. It also created an air of competitiveness
amongst these women, as if one could be a better patriot than the other based on a single event or
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The Conflict Of Interest And Four Barriers To SME Cooperation
SMEs cooperation is one of the most popular strategies SMEs deploy to spread business risks,
gain access to technology, distribution channels and deferred taxes. Through access to other firm
proprietary resources, the concerned SMEs are likely to create synergistic effect imperative to gain
competitive advantages that would facilitate improved market and financial performance.
Highlighting the benefits of cooperation, several studies indicated SMEs partners can gain access
to new technology, gain tacit knowledge, create economies of scale, save costs and achieve
flexibility and quality improvement. They however opined that conflict of interest and low trust are
usually inhibiting factors to SMEs cooperation. From the above, the objective of this paper is to
provide a better... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Few of these factors are e discussed here. Lack of Interest in Cooperation: This is a barrier to SMEs
cooperation as SMEs orientations tend toward individualism rather than collectivisms will show no
interests in cooperating with other to gain competitive advantages. Low Trust: Ability, benevolence,
and integrity are attributes of the trustworthiness of a trustee. Ability refers to the skills,
competencies, and characteristics of trustee; benevolence is the extent to which a trustee is
believed to do good to the trustor; and integrity is the consistency of the trustee s past actions and
credible communication. These indicators of trust are likely to increase SMEs confidence in
cooperation. However, perceived lack ability, benevolence, and integrity demotivate SMEs
involvement in cooperation. These is especially when the cooperation firms do not believe each
other ability (competences and resources) to fulfil their transactional
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The Fall Of A City By Alden Nowlan Summary
The short story The Fall of a City by Alden Nowlan is a warm and emotional text. The main idea
of this beautiful story is that some situations in life are just unavoidable. Life is full of both good
and bad surprises, it s inevitable. Alden Nowlan authenticates that life in unpredictable by using
symbols, imagery and figurative language. Nowlan uses plenty of symbols in this short story. One
of them are the city Teddy created using his paper dolls. The city represents Teddy s life in a
more playful manner. In the paper doll city called Kingdom of Upalia, Teddy imagines the
family to be royal and rich which is not the case in real life. Another symbol is one of the
characters in Teddy s paper doll city. While Teddy sits down at supper with his aunt and uncle,
he notices that his uncle s face is the resemblance of Zikla, Duke of Anders who is known to be
one of the antagonists in Teddy s paper doll city. This story goes on with the use of symbols
related to Teddy s city.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first one is how Teddy sees the rain fall down the glass window and describes it as a muted
banjo twanging on the roof. This helps the reader understand what Teddy is hearing at the
moment. Teddy also explaines that the raindrops rolled down the glass like quicksilver which
means they were rolling down quickly and the author is trying to show the readers how fast the
raindrops are going. Last but not least, Teddy talks about the flag of his city and this statement
describes it perfectly, from the turreted roof of the palace, hung a green, white and gold tricolour,
the flag of the Kingdom of Upalia. This helps readers visualize what the flag looks like. Imagery is
a very powerful way of communicating ideas to the readers and Alden Nowlan used it
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Unemployment Rate Macroeconomics
The unemployment rate measures the percentage of people who do not have a job. Right now the
unemployment rate is 5.7% that is a .04 increase from June unemployment rate of 5.3%. The 5.3 %
unemployment was due to the economy adding 223,000 jobs that were considered the lowest in
seven years. As long as hiring continues at these levels, the inflationrate remains low, and real
GDP steady the course a boost in consumer spending and increases in profit margins should
continue for businesses through 2015. Given this macroeconomic progress, I will continue to move
forward with using an average percentage of unemployment rates in my forecast that will keep it
negative with a minor increase over the next couple of years. As usual, an analysis of the
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The Last Battle Of The Civil War
Leadership through Redemption
In Nicholas Lemann s story Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War, it shows a theme of
leadership through the main character of the story, and Adelbert Ames effectively demonstrates the
required traits of a main character and a leader. The book focused on a lot of events that happened
in the Reconstruction era. It tells about both the political characteristics and the social
characteristics that are unraveled throughout the reformation of the South and giving the African
Americans the right to vote along with other political freedoms. Throughout the story, Adelbert
Ames successfully demonstrates the qualities of a great protagonist and a leader. Adelbert Ames
shows the theme of leadership and how his change in his ambition and morality would make him a
better leader in his life.
In the story, Adelbert Ames shows his great leadership and guidance. He was one of the great
leaders after the time of the Civil War. He was also a key contributor in the American Civil War
. He
was quoted as a beau ideal of a division leader (32). His great leadership was awarded with the
Medal of Honor, which is one of the highest medals in the army. He was known as a man who
would do anything for his people and he would go the distance to help them out. As told by the
story, he was a leader that also treated his soldiers right. This is seen in this quote: Although he
never permitted anything to stand in his way, and never asked men to go where he would
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Notes On Computer Network Security
Harjot Kaur
ID 1705173
MADS 6697 V1
Mohamed Sheriff
July 10, 2016
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver
Table of contents
TJX, the largest off‐price clothing retailer in the United States still suffers from the biggest
credit‐card theft in history. The company lost 94 million credit and debit card numbers resulting
in a huge amount of fraudulent transactions due to weak security systems in at least one store. In
addition, the customers lost believe in TJX‐ which led to a huge cut of sales.
Company overview
The TJX Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TJX), is an American clothing and home merchandise company
situated in Framingham, Massachusetts. TJX was established in 1976 and worked for eight free
organizations in the off price segment T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Homegoods, A.J. Wright and Bob s
Stores in the United States, Winners and HomeSense in Canada and T.K. Maxx in Europe. it is the
main off value retailer of clothing and home styles in the U.S. around the world, positioning No. 89
in the 2016 Fortune 500 postings, with $30.9 billion in revenues in 2015*, more than 3,600 stores
in 9 nations, 3 e commerce sites, and approximately 216,000 Associates.
Case background
TJX faced the largest online hack with about 94 million records lost in 2006. The company found
in December 2006 about the breach and they were under the belief that they had been losing data
from past six to seven
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Costco Case Study
Costco: the big box wholesale retail store. Costco has been around for almost 50 years, offering
bulk products at wholesale prices. As most families have adaptive to being small, large or
blended, there is always something that wholesale stores have that is worth buying in bulk. You
have the option of buying detergent, paper products or even food in bulk. Now a day, some of the
big box stores even offer hot foods, clothing and furniture. This paper will examine the business and
corporate level strategies of Costco. This paper will also examine the competitive environment and
determine growth in markets of Costco.
Costco is a multi billion dollar wholesale retailer with warehouse operations in eight countries.
Costco s history goes back to 1976. Sol Prince, who was infamous in wholesale clubs retail. He
opened the first wholesale club in San Diego on Morena Boulevard called the Price Club. It
originally only catered exclusively to business membership. Costco first opened in Seattle, WA in
1983 by Jeffrey H. Brotman and James D. Sinegal. Costco was the first wholesale retail store to
reach $6 million within 6 years. The Price Company, which was the parent company of the Price
Club, merged with Costco in 1993 and became Price/Costco. Once the companies merged, they
both generated $16 million in annual sales. In 1997, the name changed from Price/Costco to Costco
Corporation and becoming the world s most successful warehouse club. And during this past fiscal
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The Xbox 360 And Wii
Video games have been around for many years and have slowly developed into a common hobby
for many young adults. In fact, more than 1.2 billion people are playing video games worldwide.
The original gaming console by Magnavox has evolved tremendously over the last decade and has
been developed by many different companies. Although there is an innumerable amount of
consoles in the world, two iconic consoles are the Microsoft s XBOX 360and the Nintendo s Wii.
The XBOX 360 and Wii are two very popular gaming consoles that are different in appearance,
the applications and services they provide, and the amount of games and accessories they each
have available. When compared to each other, the XBOX 360 and Wii have multiple differences
when it comes to the way each console looks. The Nintendo Wii is a very small and compact
device. The console developers managed to keep the Wii as small as possible by incorporating
only one Universal Serial Bus also known as a USB port. The Wii console is available in a
variety of colors, but the most common and standard color is white. Compared to the small size
and compact aspects of the Wii, the XBOX 360 is extremely different. The XBOX is close in
size to a toaster oven and can be purchased in black and white. Unlike the Wii, the XBOX has
multiple USB ports. When designing the XBOX 360, Microsoft kept the gamer in mind and tried
to provide them with an easy and resourceful device. The overall appearance of both consoles
varies and depending
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INTJ Personalities And Personality Analysis
All people have personalities. Everyone has a legacy. Many people know what they are going to
do in their life. Your personality affects what your legacy is, and how you control your life. Your
family shapes your personality. These factors are what determine your values in life. My
personality color is Green. Greens tend to see themselves as creative, original, and rational. My
personality type in the Myers Brigg Test is INTJ. I am introverted, Thinking, Judging, and I have an
intuition. INTJ personalities often are perfectionists. They want to do better than their best. INTJ
tend to be more brilliant than others. They like to think, and enjoying thinking. INTJ don t like
talking too much, and talking will always make... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another thing I would like to be remembered for is the person who donated a lot to charity. Most
people would like to be remembered as a good person, and I am the same
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Russia Living Conditions
In Russia, there were some prosperous peasant farmers called kulaks, but the living and working
conditions for most peasants were dreadful. The Famine and starvation were common and in some
regions. Much of Russia land was unsuitable for farming. As a result, the land was short in supply
because, by the early 1900s, the population was growing rapidly. The peasants living conditions
contrasted sharply with those of the aristocracy, who had vast estates, town and country houses and
luxurious lifestyles. The biggest problems that Russiafaced is that the Tsar did not do delegate day
to day task and he also managed his officials poorly.
The opposition parties, added to the appalling conditions in the towns and the countryside, led to a
wave of
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No Mas Is A Dramatic Revenge Western
NO MAS is a dramatic, revenge Western. While Western revenge plots are very familiar, they are
also considered tried and true. What this script offers is a very engaging female protagonist. The
script also offers a unique hook: she s a skilled fighter. In fact, the idea of the mystery fighter,
actually, sets this script apart.
The opening establishes the ordinary world of the heroine, Rosette. Her world is shattered by the
murder of her parents and the disappearance of her brother. It s a solid inciting event. Her goal of
revenge is clear and the stakes are high.
The second act is driven by her need for retribution. The second act introduces her world of being a
fighter. The fighting scenes are strong and exciting.
In the third act, she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She seems to be keeping him at a distance, but then suddenly appear to be good friends. It s not
clear how she figures out that he overdosed his wife.
To elevate the pace and the tension, one possible solution is to have Rosette find the other invaders
and show her killing them, one by one with her fighting skills, leaving Fitz as the last one. This is a
formula that has been done before, but it works to maintain tension and interest. It also builds
suspense. Right now, the tone could be grittier and the violence enhanced.
The other issue that feels unsolved is Rosette s brother. It s our understanding that she s still
looking for him, but at the end it doesn t feel as if she s going after him.
As mentioned, Rosette is a very likable heroine. It s easy to root for her. She makes some wrong
decisions, but they are for the right reasons. While flawed, the audience forgives her. She wants
justice, but she s driven by revenge at the risk of her life and she has forsaken any personal life
for her quest. She s smart and she s determined. She s still grieving and at the end, she seems to be
Suspiros is a spirited woman, who immediately sees the good in Rosette and wants to help and
rescue her. She s also in a tough situation, but she has a positive attitude and makes the best of it.
She s easy to care about.
Zurdo is a very colorful character. He s complex and has both good and bad qualities that make him
interesting. Sometimes he seems like the bad guy, but
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Essay For Std 12Th

  • 1. Essay For Std 12Th 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay For Std 12Th Essay For Std 12Th
  • 2. Lord Chesterfield s Letter To His Son All a parent wants, is for their child to succeed in life; they want them to do things that were once thought of as impossible. Lord Chesterfield, in the letter to his son, asserts that he does not mean to dictate as a parent , but rather as a friend , in order to give his son exceptional advice (Chesterfield). He uses various examples of parallelism, such as through the pronoun I, and he also appeals to the audience, in this case his son, with pathos. At the beginning of almost every sentence, he opens with I in phrases such as I employ so much of my time and I have no womanish weakness (Chesterfield). He uses this anaphora to show that he himself values in specific things and now he wants to share those beliefs with his son. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Interdisciplinary Care And Collaboration Analysis The Importance of Interdisciplinary Care and Collaboration Have you ever wondered what makes corporations successful? Have you ever asked yourself if by giving the best of your effort as an employee, you could be a key piece to the success of your team? Steve Jobs was so right to say Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people (Whiting, 2013) and the medical field is not the exception. Interdisciplinary care and team collaboration are based on building great teamwork, maintaining alive the principles of collaboration, and minimizing the barriers in coordination of care. (Scott, 2014) First, building great teamwork is one of the most important factors to achieve successful interdisciplinary care. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most important thing to remember is that small changes and daily intakes done individually for the common purpose of the team can make a huge difference in the impact of a corporation, a state or even a whole country. If we, as professionals in the medical field, do not produce these small but so necessary changes, we will lose the great opportunity to become the catalysts of the future improvements in the healthcare system. Al we need is some type of action in the right direction, and as long as we build great teamwork, maintain alive the principles of collaboration, and minimize the barriers in coordination of care, we will make our work easier, people happier, and patients well care of. The task is in our hands, are we ready to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Case Of A Christmas Carol marriage and gender roles. In the case of A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens wants readers to see how living a life that radiates love and promotes happiness is better than being selfish and living a miserable life, and how past circumstances heavily influence who we are as people. The two messages both authors want readers to take away from the story, although different, achieve the takeaway through the utilization first person narration. Furthermore, the narration in these stories also consists of free indirect discourse, which is a type of third person narration that also incorporates elements of first person narration. In both A Christmas Caroland Pride and Prejudice, free indirect discourse has the same purpose it acts as a way for a way the characters thoughts to shine through and become intertwined with the narrators thoughts. This causes the characters feelings and thoughts to be validated and be made known, which adds credibility to the narrator and creates another layer of depth within the stories. The use of first person narration and free indirect discourse is the same in both novels and allows the reader to take away the message at hand, however, the tone of the narration within the two novels slightly differs. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austenallows her voice and opinions to be known through her narrator by being subtly critical of social hierarchy and marriage for power and status. Even though she does this, the entire time she is placing emphasis on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Optimism Conservation Biology I believe that optimism is absolutely necessary in the field of conservation biology. The public needs to be educated on how to protect the planet, all while knowing that what they are doing is making a difference. Through optimism, people have a greater ability to imagine a positive outcome. With the idea that the individual can make a difference, the public can be motivated to reduce their material consumption or volunteer their time to a conservation effort. Similarly, I believe that conservation biology is a difficult field since it is considered a crisis discipline. The name is very pessimistic, in and of itself. There are so many people that are very negative about the future of our planet, and they are rightfully upset. Humans have caused ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Children have such an imagination and an eagerness to learn, and I think that hands on environmental classes have the potential to work wonders on children. Children also are more accepting to new ideas and processes, so they have a higher chance of absorbing more important information from these hands on classes. I think that more practical classes should be used for adults. Adults have less time in the day to spend on learning new information so the input that they receive should be extremely to the point and easy to understand. I also believe that adults lack the motivation that children have, especially when it comes to education and breaking old habits. P. Wesley Shultz wrote, information coupled with motivation can induce change (1080). When motivation is used to teach new information, real changes can be seen. In regards to synthetic biology, I think any new advances in conservation biology should be considered. Conservation biology needs rapid responses to problems created by humans. There have been many instances where a species has gone instinct, only because humans have destroyed the original DNA through crossbreeding and other conservation efforts. Humans have done so much to destroy the environment, so if we have a chance to help reverse some of our harmful affects, then conservation biologists should take ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Is The Greater Sinner Of The Pair And Eve Fall From... In Genesis III, the story of original sin is told, where Adam and Eve fall from the grace of God and into the everyday sufferings of mankind. It can be easy to interpret Eve as the greater sinner of the pair, and often, scholarly works of early and medieval Christianity, and other religions influenced by the Old Testament, has done that. One can see how this line of thinking is attractive to those analyzing Genesis as Eve is in fact the original perpetrator of the sin, and the one who gets Adam to enact the same sin as her, bringing about the end of human bliss with God. However, some in the theological community would argue that it is in fact Adam that is the greater sinner of the pair. Now while the reasoning in early Christianity can be fairly sexist in tone, it is very credible in that it uses direct biblical evidence as the structuring for its argument. The above would be an important conclusion to come to in the theological community, as it would remove centuries worth of blame on the woman when referring to original sinand the downfall of man in the eyes of God. In the following paragraphs, the historical perspective on the failings of Eve will be discussed, followed by the argument for why Adam is in fact the one to blame in this story. I will conclude on a personal analysis and reflection on which of the pair seems more to blame in the context of Biblical teachings, as well as what that conclusion would mean for women within these communities. We must look at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Issue Of Domestic Violence Homicides Or Gun Surrender... B.Interview format: In an attempt to better understand the barriers in getting perpetrators to surrender their guns, and the possible solution in remedying them, I conducted interviews with different members of the King County community. The goal of these interviews was to generate information regarding the experiences of DV victims, and their advocates as well as law enforcement agencies on the issue of gun surrendering. Interviews were done primarily in person with the attorneys, and primarily over the phone with the DV advocates. Due to the political sensitivity of this issue, the majority of the interviewees have requested to remain anonymous. C.Interview Questions: The following questions guided each interview: Background: 1. Can you tell us a bit about the work you currently do, and how it is related to the issue of domestic violence homicides or gun surrender laws? a. How long have you been working in this capacity? b. In which County has most of your work been in? c. How often do you work with clients that are the victims of Domestic Violence? 2. Did any of your clients have a judge order their perpetrators to surrender their weapons, and if so, can you tell me about an instance where this has happened? Recent Policy Changes and their impact: 3. Washington enacted a law in 2014 that mirrors federal law by prohibiting gun possession by anyone subject to a protective order. The protective order must have been issued after a noticed hearing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. My Name Is Primo Michele Levi Diary Entry 1 July 31, 1943 My name is Primo Michele Levi. Todays my birthday. I am 24 years old, born in Turin, Italy. I have one sibling, Anne Maria Levi. Anne Maria and I have always been very close, I was always considered small and shy, and I was a frequent target of bullying. I also thought poorly of myself aswell, I often thought others viewed me as ugly and scrawny. I had also excelled academically, always having straight A s and was the smartest student in my grade. By early teens I had liked chemistry a lot. When I was 11 I entered the Massimo d Azeglio Royal Gymnasium. In class I was the youngest, the shortest, and the smartest. I was also the only Jewish kid. When I was 13 I joined the Avanguardisti movement. I joined the ski division, and spent every Saturday during the season on the skiing above Turin. When I was 17, I failed my final exam. It was my first bad grade ever. At the end of the summer I took the exam again and passed, and in October. I got into the University of Turin to study chemistry. I spent three months taking classes, and in February, after passing my oral exam, I was chosen to do a full time chemistry class. In 1941, I graduated. Today, my family and I are fleeing to northern Italy, where we plan to join an Italian resistance group. Diary Entry 2 February 21, 1944 I haven t written in a while. I didn t plan to, but with my family and I captured I do not have much else but this journal. First, we were taken over by the Germans, who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Enron Was The Largest Bankruptcy Of America Essay Enron had the largest bankruptcy in America s history and it happened in less than a year because of scandals and manipulation Enron displayed with California s energy supply. A few years ago, Enron was the world s 7th largest corporation, valued at 70 billion dollars. At that time, Enron s business model was full of energy and power. Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling had raised Enronto stand on a culture of greed, lies, and fraud, coupled with an unregulated accounting system, which caused Enron to go down. Lies were being told by top management to the government, its employees and investors. There was a rise in Enron s share price because of pyramid scheme; their strategy consisted of claiming so much money to easily get away with their tricky ways. They deceived their investors so they could keep investing their money in the company. Kenneth Lay, former Chairman and CEO, and Jeff Skilling who was also a CEO and COO of Enron, had the major part in Enron when it collapsed and went bankrupt. Because of deregulations Ken Lay enter Enron in 1985 through a merger a vast network of natural gas and pipeline. Later, Enron grew into an energy trading company which was worth $68 billion in 2000. Lays family was poor, which made him ambitious to earn wealth regardless of the path he takes, hence, unethical professionalism at Enron. Enron took advantage of his decision to let gas prices float on the market. Rich Kinde found out about Enron s oil scandal in 1987 by the misappropriation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Absurdity in Waiting for Godot Essay In Waiting for Godot, Beckett often focused on the idea of the suffering of being. Most of the play deals with the fact that Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for something to relieve them from their boredom. Godot can be understood as one of the many things in life that people wait for. Waiting for Godot is part of the Theater of the Absurd . This implies that it is meant to be irrational and meaningless. Absurd theater does not have the concepts of drama, chronological plot, logical language, themes, and recognizable settings. There is also a split between the intellect and the body within the work. Vladimir represents the intellect and Estragonthe body, both cannot exist without the other. In the beginning we are thrown into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ESTRAGON:Unforgettable. VLADIMIR:And it s not over. ESTRAGON:Apparently not. VLADIMIR:It s only beginning. ESTRAGON:It s awful. VLADIMIR:Worse than the pantomime. ESTRAGON:The circus. VLADIMIR:The music hall. ESTRAGON:The circus It makes an interesting point since neither of them aren t saying anything new, it s like having a conversation with a parrot who only knows a few words, so he continuously repets the same words over and over even though the dialogue changes slightly, they are still saying the same thing. When Estragon and Vladamir continuously repeat their actions day after day and unable to go about life as they please, Estragon finally asks: ESTRAGON:(chews, swallows). I m asking you if we re tied. VLADIMIR:Tied? ESTRAGON:Ti ed. VLADIMIR:How do you mean tied? ESTRAGON:Down. VLADIMIR:But to whom? By whom? ESTRAGON:To your man. VLADIMIR:To Godot? Tied to Godot! What an idea! No question of it. (Pause.) For the moment. ESTRAGON:His name is Godot? VLADIMIR:I think so. Since they are tied to Godot they cannot leave the scene like Estragon wants to do throughout the whole play. Even if they could go it is doubtful that they will since both scenes end the same way: VLADIMIR:We can still part, if you think it would be better. ESTRAGON:It s not worthwhile now. Silence. VLADIMIR:No, it s not worthwhile now. Silence.
  • 11. ESTRAGON:Well, shall we go? VLADIMIR:Yes, let s go. They do not move. Seeing as they never actually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Gladiator Greek Culture The Roman Empire was famous for it s Colosseum and the gladiatorial events held within the historic architecture. Because of the famous site and it s history many writers, directors, and artists have been inspired to display Rome s culture in artwork, books, and movies. One recent movie, Gladiator, is one of these movies as it hones in on the end of Marcus Aureliusreign and Commodus reign. It focuses on the main protagonist Maximus and his life during the time period. The movie ends with the slay of Commodus by Maximus and Maximus dying due to previous injuries. The culture and history hinted at and shown throughout the film accurately portray Rome during Commodus reign. However, despite the accuracies of the film, there are in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is done through the protagonist Maximus whom never existed, how the gladiators were treated and what they wore, and how Commodus eventually died to name a few examples. Proving the inaccuracy of the film despite attempting to contain so much precision in other aspects of the movie. This movie adds to the suspicion of other historically accurate films and how accurate they truly are after researching what truly occurred in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Carrying A Concealed Weapon, In California, Is A Threat... Matilda Crabtree, 14, was shot and killed by her father when she jumped from the closet and yelled BOO to scare her parents; her last words were, I love you, daddy. (Rottenberg 87) Laws that regulate carrying concealed weapons (CCW) have been wildly debated in the California and the US. There have mainly been two different types of laws. One is a type of legislation known as may need laws, which issues licenses to people who are in absolute need of carrying a concealed weapon. The other is known as shall use laws, which is a lot more lenient for people and makes it easier for the general public to get a gun. This law gives state authorities to issue concealed weapon licenses to any adult who does... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the FBI, there were 49 handgun murders for every one civilian justifiable homicide in 1994 (Fisherman). In fact, carrying concealed weapons makes you more vulnerable. Researcher Arthur Kellerman, Director of the Center for Injury Control at Emory University, warns, If the bad guys know more people are carrying guns, they just might shoot first and reach for the wallet later. (Sojourners) Legalizing concealed weapons would make sense if the public supported more lenient CCW laws. An April 1995 study, Illinois Statewide Survey on Public Attitudes Toward Concealed Handguns, found that more than 73% of Illinois residents do not think that citizens should be able to carry concealed weapons, which also happens to be one of the Mafia capitals of the world. A Michigan survey of 600 state residents found that 71% opposed laws that make it easier for people to carry concealed weapons. (Kirchner) There are many arguments that gun clubs and the NRA try to reassure society about concealed weapons. Many say, society is safer if criminals do not know who is armed; but if that is what society thinks, then why conceal weapons in the first place? It could be argued that concealed weapon laws might make criminals more violent; criminals might anticipate a potential victim to be armed and shoot first. Another argument gun lovers say is, an armed society is a polite society. Surveys taken ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Dual Coding Theory And Its Effect On The Way Of A Person... A person can distinguished between scenes they have already scene from one that they have not. However, people can distinguished a scene but is not able to tell a descriptive information whether it has been changed or not in a specific scene. Descriptive information can lead to schema consistent or inconsistent information to be processed into the memory. Dual Coding theory states that a person has verbal associations and visual imagery and that given a person both of these encoding enhance memory and have a higher recall rate. Different methods have been used to enhance memory such imagery and mnemonic devices. Memory plays an essential part of everyday life; several factors can effect or influence the way a person remembers a memory. Schema is knowledge about a particular event produced by a previous experience with the event. How schema affects memory has strong interest with researchers, previous researchers have used schema consistent and schema inconsistent targets then asked participants to complete a recognition test. Most experiments found that inconsistent items were recalled and recognized more than consistent items. Except, an experiment done by Brewer and Treyens that reported that more consistent item were recalled than inconsistent. The purpose of the current study is to test the reliability of the results by Brewer and Treyens experiment. The following experiment on how schema affects memory, hypothesisthat items inconsistent with expectation will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. What Are The Most Important Inventions Of Ancient China Some basic Chinese inventions from the past are the reason for amazing inventions into the future. Three inventions from China, however, are by far the most significant inventions created. These inventions include the Mechanical Clock, Smallpox Inoculation, and Moveable Type. These all had importance in the future, whether it was healing the sick, telling the time or simply writing an essay. These three Chinese inventions are the reason those things are possible today. The most important invention in ancient China would have to be the Mechanical Clock. The Mechanical Clock gave everyday town s people the ability to tell time more accurately than ever. China s invention of the Mechanical Clock, is the reason we can wake up in the morning, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Mixed Incontinence Case Study The patient in the case study would most likely have mixed incontinence. The two forms of incontinence the patient would suffer from are transient and functional. The patient is currently taking Lasix 80 mg by mouth every 12 hours and would this would be the contributable factor for transient incontinence. Functional incontinence in this case would be from the patient being unable to make it to the toilet because he needs two people to assist him when moving. If the patient was not taking the Lasix, he would still most likely suffer from functional incontinence. The patient has also had an intraoperative left cerebrovascular accident (CVA) which can also be a factor for incontinence but there is not enough information given to make that determination. Although, a CVA can be a factor for incontinence it is not always the cause. The Lasix 80 mg twice a day combined with the patient not being able to go to the toilet on his own would lead to a diagnosis of mixed incontinence (Ebersole Hess , 2014).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Toilet substitutes include urinal, bedpan and commode. The patient would be able to use the urinal without assistance and lessen the chance of incontinence. The absorbent bed pads would give the patient protection if he is not able to get to the commode or urinal fast enough and provide a barrier between the sheets and his skin as most of the pads are moisture absorbent. The commode next to the bed would be the last resort in interventions as the patient would still need assistance to transfer from the bed. Putting these interventions into place would help the patient with incontinence and give him a sense of self help (Ebersole Hess , ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Media Case Study 12. Wordpress Tutorial posting options Welcome to our WordPress lesson. So with this Knowledge bit, we are going to talk about how easy it is to add media to a post and how to actually finalize a post so in this lesson we are going to talk about setting up post. Customize Permalink We have also got an option here to customize our permalinks where we might want to actually create a really custom URL s, so coolurlhere . so that s exactly what I wanted if I want to have a coolurlhere so this can be the actual link of the page and really think about WordPress is really a lot of cool stuff because its dated base driven content it s not actually connected to these URL s so you can change these and if you don t like it, you can actually ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another really cool feature we can create galleries to better organize our images. [Screenshot5] So we have one more thing we are able to actually link it to a custom URL, we can link it to the media file or we can just leave it without a link so that can all be done right here Custom URL all we had in that link there. [Screenshot6] And here you have those size options that we looked at earlier and we have got the ability for thumbnail, medium large and as you can see its updated the dimensions so that the width there is always going to be that max width of 300 but the height is the one that s going to change so we don t have disproportionate images because if we uploaded an image and if we wanted a square 300x300 we can t do that with an image of size 1200x630. [Screenshot7] So keep that in mind and I am just going to leave it as a medium by default because this is probably the best way to go when I am adding it to my page. And now I have to do insert post and there it gets inserted, I see that I have got the caption when I go to the actual HTML it s created all of that HTML so caption ID it s giving some mega information there and it s also got a class so size medium so that s where it s getting that max medium of 300. [Screenshot8] So this is a really good option with these captions and this mega information captions are good for screen readers and so on and a lot of themes and templates really do take advantage of what s available in this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Foundations of Public Administration Jayson Allen PA 6610 FOUNDATIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CASE ANALYSIS The MOVE Disaster Jack H. Nagel Quality leadership is a telling sign of a successful organization. When given the opportunity to guide or direct others, a leader is capable of drawing individuals or groups together to accomplish certain goals. Given the responsibility to address a problem that had developed over a span of many months concerning a cult (an unorthodox or misguided group of extremist) called MOVE, newly elected Philadelphia Mayor, Wilson Goodedid not exercise his authority as the elected leader by working meticulously with the other city officials and offices to shut down MOVE operations and protect the city s residents from their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes the very qualities that make a leader successful in one situation can impede his ability to rationally handle other situations. Understanding the reasoning behind why certain people make certain decisions in certain situations will never be cut and dry because when viewed through a psychological viewpoint, knowing the humanistic characteristics affecting decision making is important in getting a clearer picture. Personally, I would have asked for counsel from the closest of my working city officials and even someone higher up whom I knew and trusted. I am not expected, as a human being, to have all the answers but I can make rational choices given the possible outcomes. In becoming familiar now with the events surrounding the MOVE disaster, I as a future public administrator, can possibly recognize more easily when difficult situations may call for psychology and human relations understanding. This knowledge is a necessity for me personally as a mode of self critique, and for others in positions of leadership and authority that I may work closely with who may find themselves trapped but unable to recognize it. I consider this to be another example of recognizing that knowledge is power and to be a successful leader, knowing how to make the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Beautiful Hawaiian Island Lured by the promise of sandy shores and tropical paradise, people from all around the world find themselves drawn to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. Ideal with its depiction of exotic dancers, surfing luxurious waves, and lush climate Hawaii truly seems to be the perfect getaway. However upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the media s portrayal of Hawaiiis not entirely accurate. Since the tourist industry is able to smooth over any troublesome detail that could create damage to their profit, many remain unaware of the problems being faced. In reality, the alluring sandy beaches have now become a home to the homeless. Outrageous increases in pricing have made it practically impossible to find decent housing. Many are still unable to afford it even with prior... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We can fill up the unemployment lines, enter the military, work in the tourist industry, or leave Hawai i (Trask 145). This helps to further illustrate that even if they manage to find work, their best chance of actually making a profit is through the prostitution of their culture. However, even if Hawaiians manage to obtain full time jobs, the majority of the time it is not nearly enough. Most families typically spend nearly 52 percent of their gross income for housing costs (Trask 139). It is because of this that many cannot afford to finance schooling, food, housing, and personal belongings even with full time jobs. Powerless, Hawaiians cannot compete with the standard cost of living on the islands, and are forced to retreat to the streets. Among the list of facts that Trask portrays in her book, she states that Nearly one fifth of Hawai i s resident population is classified as near homeless, that is, those for whom any mishap results in immediate on the street homelessness. (Trask 139). This means that approximately 32% of the people that make up the homeless population are actually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley And John Keats In Like a Poet three poets will be discussed, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. These poets contribute to the society of poetry in distinctive ways. However, they also have some similarities and prove poetry has been around for centuries and will not vanish in the near future. Many may think that poetry is only enjoyed by those that have the ability to think deeply and beyond the normal spectrum of society. Nevertheless, poetry is inspiring, romantic, fascinating, emotional and all around amazing. Poetry, whether it is complex or a few simple lines, has demonstrated to be for all humanity. Samuel Taylor Coleridge whom I will refer to as Coleridge throughout Like a Poet is somewhat complex in his writing. He uses many words that may have to be researched and or read over several times before understand what he is discussing. Coleridge s poem Kubla Khan is a great example of complex poetry with hints of simplicity. In this poem Coleridge describes a place of pleasure that is encased by gloom, for example in Kubla Khan it reads in lines 5 11, Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground with walls and towers were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense bearing tree; and here were forests ancient as the hill, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. In this section of the poem it is vividly unfolding a scene of chaos that somehow has a small light of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Antigone Gender Roles The Extremities of Gender Roles: An Analysis of the Ismene s Purpose in Antigone The discussion of gender norms seems to be a fairly new phenomenon, occurring within the last century or so. However, the Ancient Greek play Antigone by Sophocles offers an antique critique of gender roles through the battle of the young, stubborn heroine Antigoneand the insecure, new King Creon. The play reflects the unending determination of a woman who is willing to stand up for what she believes, even though the law and society has prohibited it. Though this is a fairly plausible situation to the modern audience, it was incredibly revolutionary in Ancient Greece. In an attempt to make the situation more plausible as well as accentuate Antigone s radical behavior,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When brought before Creon, both Antigone and Ismene confess to the unsanctioned burial. In Ismene s admission of guilt, the foil says, Yes, I have done it if Antigone / Says so I join with her to share the blame (21). One interesting point on this is that the way in which Ismene surrenders is written conditionally. She is at once taking full admission while also showing full commitment to Antigone by implying that it is up to her outlaw sister to choose her own fate. Ismene is taking the blame and showing full submission in the way that most women would have been expected to do in Antigone s time for a domineering spouse. Antigone, however, admitted to the crime she actually has committed for a less altruistic reason. She is unashamed of her crime, ready for the consequences, and greedy for the recognition for defying Creon. In fact, she was incredibly upset by Ismene s act of self sacrifice, saying, A friend in words is not a friend for me (21). Firstly, the original Greek telling of this scene must have used a word closer related to friend than one that is reminiscent of sister, family, or blood because the translator would have obviously gravitated towards the more familial word, had it been there. Consequently, the use of the word friend instead of a familial word shows Antigone s disgust for and separation from her sister. Through not participating and still taking the blame, Ismene is seemingly demoted from family to not even a friend. This contrast between behaviors at this point shows, again, the divergence of Antigone from the gendered norm. While Ismene verbalizes the ultimate sign of familial piety in sharing the blame, she was not willing to get her hands dirty when she was needed. Antigone is disheartened and repelled by this seemingly normal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. 1 Peter Analysis F.Lecture 19 1 Peter Word Count: 565 1.Summarize the typical evangelical reconstruction of the circumstances behind the writing of 1 Peter. The letter attributes the writing to Peter. Similarities in style with Acts and the Gospels seem to confirm the attribution along with a lack of objections from the early church about authorship. Peter probably used Silas as an amanuensis, accounting for the Greek style of the letter. The next verse claims that the letter was written from Babylon , likely a code name used for Rome. This coincides with tradition and with Paul s correspondence since, according to 2 Tim. 4:11, Mark went to Rome in the mid 60 s. Thus, Peter is writing from Rome at the beginning of the Neronic persecution before his martyrdom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is apocalyptic literature and what distinct rules of interpretation apply to it? The genre of apocalyptic literature is varied but was well known in the first century and can also be seen in other Christian and Jewish sources such as Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Jesus Olivet Discourse, and portions of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. This type of writing makes extensive use of symbolism, grotesque and outlandish imagery, and numbers infused with cryptic/symbolic meaning. It was often written in times of crisis, and can depict past, present, and future events intertwined or leading to moments of Godly intervention and triumph over evil forces. Apocalyptic literature ought to be studied and analyzed in light of first century history. The most important hermeneutical principle we can follow is, to make sense out of the text as a 1st century Christian in Asia minor would have understood it, and not as a modern 21st century Christians infusing meaning anachronistically into the text as it is often done. A literal interpretation is almost always the wrong approach to interpret such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Marketing Strategy Of Nestle Introduction: NestlГ© is one of the largest food company in the world and operates in 70 countries. It has a turnover of €100 billion per anum. With a total of 250000 employees, there are 400 factories of NestlГ© divided into three zones namely, 1.EUR (Europe) 2.AOA (Asia, Oceania and Africa) 3.AMS (Americas North and South). Brands of NestlГ© include: 1.Instant Coffee a.NescafГ© 2.Various Chocolates: a.KitKat b.Hershey 3.Bottled Water a.Perrier b.Buxton 4.Petfood a.Purina Products (Bakers, Winalot, Proplan) After the 1950s the company had grown by acquisition, 70 countries managed from The Centre (Vevey, Switzerland). As there each outlet is their own the centre would only sign off the budget when they prepare it each year. ERP systems in FMCG companies: Implementing ERP in all FMCG companies may not work out as it depends on how good you can implement it. For example, Cadbury had a huge success while implanting ERP into their company whereas Hershey s had a failure while trying to implement ERP in their company. Thus implementing ERP blindly to your company without knowing how it works would give you only loss whereas if you know how and where to implement it then it can give you a huge amount of profit. If we look into the comparative advantages derived from Cadbury case study ERP made certain modifications to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For some companies, it may be from IT savings but for NestlГ© IT is the reasons for the success in NestlГ©. From the case study, it is understood that the highest payback NestlГ© got was from higher sales investment. They invested in GLOBE made a progress in Malaysia and Switzerland. The production of Bolivia would have also increased as they installed a satellite dish so that the Customer Service man and the warehouseman can communicate and continue their work with ease. They may spend a cost of $30000 the long term investment of it would cause more revenue and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Peter Pan Motherhood The novel Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie illustrates how Peter Pan, an aggressive adolescent, attempts the abduction of younger male children in order to bring them to his magical island called Neverland. These young males then serve him and serve on expeditions and as soldiers in a youthful gang. In an unusual phenomenon, Mr. Pan brings Wendy, a young female, to his island in order that she might tell him and his lost boysabout the tale of Cinderella and to be their mother. In chapter 6, readers observe that Peter Pan is extremely protective of Wendy, even to the point of staying awake on guard at night. At the finally of the book, Peter then promises to bring Wendy back to Neverland, promising to remember to bring her for spring ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You could tuck us in at night, [said he] And you could darn our clothes and make pockets for us. None of us has any pockets. (42). Peter emphasis that the boys need a mother to work for them. However, Peter himself is too slothful to learn how to sew and too proud to tuck his own children into bed. Mr. Pan s selfishness controls his actions which then influence his compassion. In these minute instances, we can see his true character and his true adoration show. Towards the end of the novel, Peter returns only once to Wendy after she left Neverland. This may be because he has realized that she no longer cares to serve him as she once did. She will no longer be his mother, rather a friend. This does not please him, and he returns once after, to steal Jean, Wendy s daughter, as a new mother. Peter Pan s ignorance and cruel leadership is a sign that he does not care for Wendy as a person, rather as a product or as something to aid him. Mr. Pan sees Wendy beneficial for story telling, for
  • 25. being his mother, and for serving him. In Peter Pan, readers are shown the cruelty that an innocent child can impact upon a multitude of fellow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Mycosis Mycosis Mycosis are fungal infections that occur in the skin, hands, and feet. These fungal infections affect the Integumentary system. They can become chronic, annoying, and very difficult to get rid of. Nutrition plays a huge impact with this problem. Some fungal infection appears also internally like in the tongue and vagina typically in women that are on the menopause. It is possible to keep it at bay but rarely goes away. Unless the lifestyle and the nutrition changes completely. There is a form of mycosis that develop within the human body. These are commonly name Histoplasma capsulatum. It occurs commonly in areas in the Midwestern United States and Central America , Histoplasmosis is a generalized mycosis of respiratory origin,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first clinical data on primary pulmonary coccidia mycosis, fever, malaise, pleuritic pain, dry cough, night sweats, anorexia, headache, and loss are presented in a 10 to 16 day incubation after spore inhalation. of weight. When it comes to chest pain, it can be severe. Shortly after the onset of symptoms, macular rash and scarlatiniform urticaria may occur. It may be appreciated, especially in the inguinal regions, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, this type of exanthema, which is more frequent in children. In the beginning the primary disorder may be peri bronchial or bronchial; Chest X ray will show pneumonitis like acute bacterial pneumonia, mycoplasma, viral, or other fungi, with lobular, lobular, or scattered infiltrate plaques; Dense hilar points and pleural effusion are common, and there is rarely pericardial effusion. Occasionally cavity may appear, transiently, during the acute ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Movie And Critique Of Beauty And The Beast Beauty and the Beast was an amazing musical, many say it was much better than the movie. Just like the movie. It starts off in a faraway land, with the Young Prince who lived in a shining castled. The prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. An old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. The old woman warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is to be found within. And when he sent her away again, the old woman s ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The Prince tried to apologise, but it was too late. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. The Rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he could learn to loveanother and earn their love in return before the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a Beast for all time. In a little town, a young girl by the name of belle arrives. The Towns people despite their admiration for Belle s beauties think of Belle as odd and peculiar because of her favourite thing to do is to read. Gaston, a handsome, skilful hunter who has fallen in love with Belle. Gaston is obsessed with belle marrying him and will not give up. Meanwhile, Belle slips away and goes home to her father, Maurice, an inventor. Maurice is putting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Chinatown ( 1974 ), Falls Under The Category Of Film Noir... Chinatown Critique Essay The film Chinatown (1974), falls under the category of Film Noir Style. The film s basis its plot on corruption scandals, which shed light on dark secrets and very unfortunate events around the Cross Family, Evelyn Cross and her Father and John Cross (John Huston), who is the center figure of the plot, and a private investigator Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson). The central of the plot is a charge of conspiracy of the corruption between, politicians, Mr. Cross, and the police department corruption, that started in the less hopeless Chinatown, and now has ramifications in every sphere of L.A city. The history of the plot comes from a real life event, The 1908 Owned River scandal and the administration of the department of water during this scandal. The film started with Gitte, hired as a private investigator by a socialite beauty Faye Dunaway, to investigate her husband Hollis (a chief engineer), played by Darrel Zwerling. The mise en scene and the film are elaborated and directed by Roman Polansky (director) and Robert Towne (screenplay). In cinematography, one of the more important elements is the mise en scene. Due to the fact, that it keeps the audience emotional and psychological involve in the plot. As can be appreciated in Chinatown (Polansky, 1974), in this plot Polansky utilized several elements to create in the audience a double crosser twist, through the corruption and immoral activities portrayed during the film. In general, the motion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Snowboarding Swot Analysis Welcome to Best Review Express.Com! We are a gathering of buddies that have ridden at some phase in the years and resolved to rate ours evaluates at the tasteful snowboarding gear accessible. Our accomplished snowboarders and skiers team up on the line to give revise, arms on snowboard and ski hardware assessments. We converse with only enthusiastic snowboarders from around the globe for his or her educated delight in. Also, we need that will enable you to set aside a few minutes you re searching out a spic and span bit of hardware! It s our devotion to offer you non one sided perspectives to enable you to burn through cash on an immovable of snowboardinggadget. Experience degree, accounts, and hardware top of the line are mulled over in our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are by and by expanding our site to cover concentrated assessments of Helmets, Gloves, Boots, and Bindings. Make sure to test again rapidly! Since we have no particular union with any of the essential brands you could rely on an earnest outline from good snowboarders and skiers volunteering their chance and delight in for kindred Snowboarding fans. Contribute inside the quality skiing contraption, and it would ultimately be able to you a whole existence of enterprise investigating the mountains this global needs to give. Snowboarding Adventure Blog In our Snowboarding Blog section, you ll discover a massive amount of available articles on warm subjects which incorporates skiing pointers, inside and out hardware surveys. The fine snowboarding places like Whistler Blackcomb, Tremblant, and Squaw Valley and also fascinating travel online journals from some of our active skiing group once they come back from around the field. We wish to urge and energize you to get access and snowboardor investigate the pleasant tracks this world brings to the table. We acknowledge entries from skiers and snowboarders around the world and if you are occupied with contributing boat us an email, and we will influence it to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Allied Leadership In Ww1 The purpose of this essay is to asses allied leadership effective in WW1 and how effective it was. The topics to be discussed are, the brilliant tactics the allied leaders used, the great leadership outside of the war also leading to major technological advancements and meticulous planning lead to many victories. Although the casualties during WW1 were catastrophic the brilliant ideas of men like general Arthur Currie led to many soldiers keeping their lives. One such idea was when allied solders were ordered to tie urine covered rags over their faces, although odd, this was how soldiers would protect themselves from deadly chlorine gas early in the war. One idea was intelligence which allowed allies to spot and take out german artillery. was training soldiers instead of sending in soldiers without any knowledge of the plan, every one of them had maps and knew what to do in the case the leading officer were to be killed. Such brilliant tactics show how effective allied leadership... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When one thinks of a machine gun that more often than not a modern assault rifle comes to mind, however, the machine guns were used back in WW1. In the beginning of the war, guns like the Colt Browning could only shoot 300 bullets a minute, whereas by the end of the war the lewis automatic machine gun shot up to 600 bullets a minute. Another advancement came in the form of deadly chemicals such as chlorine, Phosgene and Benzyl bromide as well as the deployment methods like grenades though these were banned staring in 1925 in the geneva protocol. Advances in airplanes also occurred during WW1 while at the beginning go the war airplanes were only used to see what the enemy was doing, however, by the end of the war airplanes could drop bombs are fire machine guns through the propellers. The technological advances were all because of brilliant leadership on the allies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Role Of Education In The Developing World Education in the Developing World Is education a basic human right? According to Article 26 of the United Nation s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yes. It states that everyone should have access to free primary education and equal opportunity access to higher education. Unfortunately, in many places around the world, access is limited either monetarily or governmentally, and even when it is available, a lack of resources or a lack of proper educators can severely limit the quality of the education. As many as 115 million primary age children around the world are not currently in school, and of those who are in school, over 226 million never attend secondary school. In some parts of Africa the literacy rate in children is below fifty percent. Let s take a look at one developing country in particular, South Africa, which is considered to have one of the worst education systems on the planet. South Africa s education system is broken into three parts: elementary schooling, secondary schooling, and tertiary schooling. According to the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development, only about seven percent of South Africans achieve tertiary schooling. As of 2013, South Africa houses 25,720 schools for almost 12.5 million people. That s nearly one in four people in some form of education. It makes sense, as primary schooling is required by law for children between the ages of seven and fifteen. Yet of those who go to school twenty seven percent are still ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Dermatomyositis Research Paper Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis is not common disease. It s an inflammatory disease which causes muscle weakness and gives a distinctive skin rash. It is more common in females than males, affects both adults and children. In adults, dermatomyositis usually occurs between the ages of late 40 s and 60 s and in children, it usually occurs between the ages of 5 and 15. Some of the distinctive symptoms of Dermatomyositis is the skin changes that occur. The skin will develop a violet colored or dusky red rash, most commonly on the face and eyelids and on areas around the nails, knuckles, knees, elbows, chest, and back. The rash which can be patchy with bluish purple discoloration is often the first sign of Dermatomyositis. Muscles are also weakness progressively closest to the trunk, affecting both sides of the body and tends to gradually worsen.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This disease can put someone at higher risk of several conditions as well. They can be at risk for Raynaud s phenomenon where your fingers, toes, cheeks, nose and ear turn pale when exposed to cold temperature and environment, other connective tissue diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Dermatomyositis may cause the muscular muscles of the heart to become inflamed, Myocarditis. It can cause lung disease which is called interstitial lung disease that scars the lung tissue, making the lung stiff and inelastic. Dermatomyositis can increase the likelihood of developing cancer, particularly the cervix, lungs, pancreas, breasts, ovaries, and gastrointestinal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Dog Pets For Children Every family should be required to own a pet so that children can experience love and learn the importance and value of lesser life forms. Today s society, many family patterns are changed, in many families there does not only have father, mother, and children, the family will have a pet, such as dogs. From the beginning, the people have a dogjust for relieve stress when people lonely the dog always stay with people or a dog more like a spiritual support. When the time change, people was found that most dogs for children are very friendly and dogs treat human children like dog s own children, it s very tender and considerate. The dog accompanies children grow up together. Dogs like teacher influence and education people s children every day. And dogs like parents, they protected the children. So, every family should be required to own a petso that children can experience love and learn the importance and value of lesser life forms. The dog companion for children has a subtle change. Children and pets live together, it is able to develop children sense of responsibility early in life and learn how to care about others. Pets need long term care and attention. Dog rely on human feeding, entertainment, and human exercise. Seriously pet care children usually learn to become empathetic and compassionate (What can children learn from pets). Learn how to be responsible for other creatures, also allows teenagers learn better care of themselves. People who have a pet that is to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Louisiana Territory Research Paper If the United States had not purchased the Louisiana Territory and won the Western Lands from Mexico in the Mexican American War, our nation would be a very different place. Firstly, if we wouldn t have purchased the Louisiana Territory we would probably not have all the land that we have today in the United States. Secondly, in my opinion if it wasn t for Thomas Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and all the Native Americans the exploration could have been very different from what it was. Also, Meriwether Lewis led the expedition and William Clark was to co lead the expedition with Lewis. The LouisianaTerritory was a good move for the U.S. because it doubled the size of the United States! Also, another good thing about this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the U.S. Generals were Zachary Taylor, and Winfield Scott. General Zachary Taylor led the troops during the Monterrey, and in September 25th, 1846 they captured the city. Winfield Scott landed in Veracruz and he defeated the Mexicans, and during this time it was very important on the United States side to control the port. In my opinion without these two U.S. Generals we would need even more help to win. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848. This was a big deal in my opinion for both sides of the war. The United States paid 15 million dollars for California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. These turned into states and now are apart of the United States. A border boundary was at the Rio ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Intelligence And Weapons Of Mass Destruction Programs Introduction and Purpose Statement Intelligence has proved to be essential to military actions since antiquity, particularly concerning invasions from a nation s military. Invading Iraq due to the determination of the continued Weapon of Mass Destruction programs in 2003 resulted, in part from intelligence received by human intelligence sources. The specific cause that led to the initial determination to invade was the belief that Iraq maintained a Weapon of Mass Destruction program at the same time also suggesting that Saddam had links to Terror groups. Additionally, the Iraqi Weapon of Mass Destruction Programs during the 1998 inspection from the United Nations led to the assessment of the weapon systems in Iraqi. Consequently, the Iraq war had resulted in thousands dead along including an unstable nation. Inquiries post invasion revealed critical flaws within the intelligence collected. Much of the information provided to the Central Intelligence Agency along with the National Security Council from human intelligence proved to be incorrect. Furthermore, the incorrect information had compounded the issue with a limited network of assets in Iraq to verify the intelligence received. One of the most important intelligence failures of the 21st Century is seen in the invasion of Iraq. How can the review of intelligence collections conducted on pre war Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction programs better determine the faults in intelligence received from human intelligence sources, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Texas Government Padilla 1 Padilla 3 Maureen Padilla Prof. Sharifian GOVT 2306 73434 30 Apr. 2017 Local Control In Texas, Governor Abbott, has claimed to pass on the ban of local control, due to money. The government of Texas, has called it a quits for fracking, plastic bags, and red light cameras, also known as photo enforcements. Though the Texas government is a small government, the probability of receiving their own law making is a higher chance to rule than local governments. There are many pros and cons towards this law, but forcing the ban should not be allowed, due infrastructure of local governments. Many people were affected by the decision government Abbott has made, which leads rivalry between the people who are for and against the law making decision. The people who are for this law settlement, are more likely to remove community local laws that control the environment for society. For example, Maren Taylor from Texas Vot wrote that, The Texas Legislature has decided that the people of cities shouldn t have the right to protect the communities they. The point that the communities from each city, will indeed have to understand that state government officials will remove any local control and replace the rules by what the legislative desires for. In most places, the ban of local activity that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, Matt Rinaldi from the TribTalk writes an article saying that, Local governments are far superior to state governments in their ability to communicate with and respond to issues raised by local constituents in areas. This shows that local cities are normally controlled by local governments that take part in state government, since it is broken down. The government for Texas will need the help of local governments to find out how to find ways to at least have some control towards the cities, including having a limit to how much money is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Vivian Bearing In The Play Wit In the play Wit, highly esteemed professor of seventeenth century poetry, Vivian Bearing, finds out that she has stage four terminal cancer. The Doctor who tells her the diagnosis, does so in a very clinical and non emotional way; he appears to describe her cancer and treatment comparable to how her college literature professor described her punctuation in her poem. He explained everything in medical terminology, which was not understandable by those outside of the medical field. A research study showed that even college educated patients struggled with understanding the meaning of certain words used by medical staff and based on these results it is recommended that Doctors should adjust their language to match the patient s cognition... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Vivian Bearing did not show a lot of kindness or compassion to her own students as she did not think that it was important. Now as her death is approaching she comes to realize that is what she has been missing. Her nurse Susie patiently explains the treatment plan to Vivian in terms that she can understand; including the DNR (do not resuscitate) and that it was her decision, Susie allowed Vivian some control over her life by giving her this choice while she fought for her dignity. As her nurse strives to provide her with compassion and empathy this is important to Vivian in her final days as compassion is connected to our human spirit; as she was approaching death (Frost, 1999, p127). Patients often experience quicker healing rates when they receive compassion as opposed to those who do not (Dossey, 2007). Susie told Vivian when she was semi conscious that they were putting a catheter in; even though Doctor Jason said :why are you bothering? Some people, such as nurse Susie, will go out of their way to make others comfortable and put the patients need before there own, we just have to be mindful of emotional burnout if our own needs are not being met (Brehony, 1999, p ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay Analysis of Daddy by Sylvia Plath Analysis of Daddy by Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath uses her poem, Daddy, to express deep emotions toward her father s life and death. With passionate articulation, she verbally turns over her feelings of rage, abandonment, confusion and grief. Though this work is fraught with ambiguity, a reader can infer Plath s basic story. Her father was apparently a Nazi soldier killed in World War II while she was young. Her statements about not knowing even remotely where he was while he was in battle, the only photograph she has left of him and how she chose to marry a man that reminded her of him elude to her grief in losing her father and missing his presence. She also expresses a dark anger toward him for his political views and actions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She also presents a slight rhythm to the reading that allows for smooth reading. In keeping with her open form, there is no set scheme to the rhyme pattern. However, there is a single ending sound constantly repeated without a set pattern throughout the work. She also connects pairs of lines at random just for the sake of making connections to make that particular stanza flow. At the same time, she chose blatantly not to rhyme in certain parts to catch the reader s attention. There are a few instances where imagery is used to carry out Plath s expression. To cite a particular example that might lead a reader deduce their own ideas can be found in the last stanza: And the villagers never liked you. / They are dancing and stamping on you. This undoubtedly expresses her father s death and burial but more importantly it states a certain humiliation she faced from everyone knowing what her father had died for, along with her own rage toward him. Another can be found in lines 24 25: I never could talk to you. / The tongue stuck in my jaw. The picture of someone being tongue tied along with her statement in line 41: I have always been scared of you, demonstrate just that; she was fearful of her father. She also gives an image that provides the reader a view of how Plath physically viewed her father and chose a man that she states reminds her of him: A man in black with a Meinkampf look. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Reflective Essay On Homeless People Kami!! My girl!! I m gooood. I took care of my business for where I m staying. But I got denied for disability for the arthritis in my knees. So I m gonna go to rehab, and they re gonna hook me up with a job. My reaction was much more enthusiastic than Wilmer s laidback go with the flow stance. Upon asking what kind of a job he would like, Wilmer surprised me by saying that he actually took college classes where he studied gardening. He then proceeded to show me more of his prized pictures of his gardening. One Facebook picture posted by the HOPE Center praised Wilmer for his work in planting jalapeГ±os in front of the building. A woman commented on the picture saying, Wilmer is a very knowledgeable and skilled horticulturalist! This made me realize how Wilmer defies the stereotype that the world often puts on homeless people as being worthless failures who can t make a meaningful contribution to society. I tried to dig deeper into why Wilmer is so passionate about gardening, but all I could get out of him was the simply reply of, My jalapeГ±os ...I love jalapeГ±os...See my jalapeГ±os? I cut them myself. During the time that I conversated with Wilmer as he ate his pancakes, he continued to multitask with taking beads smaller than a grain of rice and somehow sewing them into a pair of earrings to sell in order to keep his cell phone running. When I asked him how he became such a skilled artist, his reply actually led to deeper revelations. I ended up in prison and they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Violence and Nursery Rhymes Violence in Nursery Rhymes Nursery rhymes, fables and fairy tales have always been a part of childhood. They usually have some type of moral meaning or happy ending. Initially, most of these rhymes and stories were not meant for children, lots of them mocked the history of politics or they revealed abuse toward children. Women also received their share of violencein some of the cute little jingles. For example; Peter Peter pumpkin eater Had a wife and couldn t keep her He put her in a pumpkin shell And there he kept her very well! My analysis of Peter and his wife builds a classic case of intimate partner violence. Peter must have an addiction to pumpkins which I believe is symbolic for something else; drugs, alcohol, gambling, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The neglect and abuse may have led to death of the children. Neglect has happened in the past but it strongly remains in the present. Nadya Suleman is fighting back against the media s characterization of her and the claims of child neglect that put the controversial mother of 14 back in the headlines this week (Abbie Boudreau. ABC News). There are many reasons for neglect; alcohol and drug abuse, inadequate parenting skill, financial difficulties , mental issues, and lack of a support system. Even though neglect, physical and sexual abuse is not tolerated or favored, there was a time when it was accepted, practiced, looked over and sometimes encouraged. These behaviors and actions are being taught in the form of sing long s , however the words, in most rhymes, have been changed to kid friendly terms. Tower, C. C. (2010). Understanding child negect and abuse. (8 ed.). Gosselin, D. K. (2010). Heavy hands. (4 ed) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. War-Time Propaganda As an art form, one could consider film to fall under Plato s consideration of art as an imitator of nature and third removed from the truth (Plato, The Republic Book X, 360 BC). Like the painter who paints the carpenter s work, the filmmaker can only portray an image that already exists. To call art a mirror image of nature would imply that art including film shows all things exactly as they are in real life. This is not true because the filmmaker can also be selective and perhaps deceptive in what parts of the image that the film mirrors, picking and choosing aspects of the images to portray their own ideas. Holding a mirror up implies that everything is being shown for what it truly is in its purest form and it is for this reason that the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The year is 1910 and the words on the title screen are addressed to the eager, helpful women of our country who think they are doing their utmost to help (Huntley Film Archives), urging them Don t give today and forget tomorrow but give and give until it hurts! (Huntley Film Archives). The film goes on to show a woman sitting eating chocolates amid the terrific clash and bang of battle before cutting to shots of soldiers in training then describing her actions as thoughtless as she buys new hats disregarding price and need (Huntley Film Archives). The woman is then shown trying on hats with a sales clerk nearby. She decides on a hat and gives the sales clerk money for it. The sales clerk is ecstatic that she can use the money to buy another War Savings Stamp to help the soldiers fighting for her (Huntley Film Archives). The first woman is horrified at the thought that the sales clerk is a better patriot than her, and takes her money back to buy a Savings Stamp herself (Huntley Film Archives). This is an example of propaganda because it spread the idea that no matter what American women were doing during World War I, they were not doing enough to help the soldiers that were fighting for their lives; any amount of frivolity was a slap in the face to American soldiers who need her money more than her. It did not matter if she does not believe in the war or has already given a great deal; if an American woman was to do something for herself she was doing something wrong. It also created an air of competitiveness amongst these women, as if one could be a better patriot than the other based on a single event or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Conflict Of Interest And Four Barriers To SME Cooperation SMEs cooperation is one of the most popular strategies SMEs deploy to spread business risks, gain access to technology, distribution channels and deferred taxes. Through access to other firm proprietary resources, the concerned SMEs are likely to create synergistic effect imperative to gain competitive advantages that would facilitate improved market and financial performance. Highlighting the benefits of cooperation, several studies indicated SMEs partners can gain access to new technology, gain tacit knowledge, create economies of scale, save costs and achieve flexibility and quality improvement. They however opined that conflict of interest and low trust are usually inhibiting factors to SMEs cooperation. From the above, the objective of this paper is to provide a better... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Few of these factors are e discussed here. Lack of Interest in Cooperation: This is a barrier to SMEs cooperation as SMEs orientations tend toward individualism rather than collectivisms will show no interests in cooperating with other to gain competitive advantages. Low Trust: Ability, benevolence, and integrity are attributes of the trustworthiness of a trustee. Ability refers to the skills, competencies, and characteristics of trustee; benevolence is the extent to which a trustee is believed to do good to the trustor; and integrity is the consistency of the trustee s past actions and credible communication. These indicators of trust are likely to increase SMEs confidence in cooperation. However, perceived lack ability, benevolence, and integrity demotivate SMEs involvement in cooperation. These is especially when the cooperation firms do not believe each other ability (competences and resources) to fulfil their transactional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Fall Of A City By Alden Nowlan Summary The short story The Fall of a City by Alden Nowlan is a warm and emotional text. The main idea of this beautiful story is that some situations in life are just unavoidable. Life is full of both good and bad surprises, it s inevitable. Alden Nowlan authenticates that life in unpredictable by using symbols, imagery and figurative language. Nowlan uses plenty of symbols in this short story. One of them are the city Teddy created using his paper dolls. The city represents Teddy s life in a more playful manner. In the paper doll city called Kingdom of Upalia, Teddy imagines the family to be royal and rich which is not the case in real life. Another symbol is one of the characters in Teddy s paper doll city. While Teddy sits down at supper with his aunt and uncle, he notices that his uncle s face is the resemblance of Zikla, Duke of Anders who is known to be one of the antagonists in Teddy s paper doll city. This story goes on with the use of symbols related to Teddy s city.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first one is how Teddy sees the rain fall down the glass window and describes it as a muted banjo twanging on the roof. This helps the reader understand what Teddy is hearing at the moment. Teddy also explaines that the raindrops rolled down the glass like quicksilver which means they were rolling down quickly and the author is trying to show the readers how fast the raindrops are going. Last but not least, Teddy talks about the flag of his city and this statement describes it perfectly, from the turreted roof of the palace, hung a green, white and gold tricolour, the flag of the Kingdom of Upalia. This helps readers visualize what the flag looks like. Imagery is a very powerful way of communicating ideas to the readers and Alden Nowlan used it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Unemployment Rate Macroeconomics The unemployment rate measures the percentage of people who do not have a job. Right now the unemployment rate is 5.7% that is a .04 increase from June unemployment rate of 5.3%. The 5.3 % unemployment was due to the economy adding 223,000 jobs that were considered the lowest in seven years. As long as hiring continues at these levels, the inflationrate remains low, and real GDP steady the course a boost in consumer spending and increases in profit margins should continue for businesses through 2015. Given this macroeconomic progress, I will continue to move forward with using an average percentage of unemployment rates in my forecast that will keep it negative with a minor increase over the next couple of years. As usual, an analysis of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Last Battle Of The Civil War Leadership through Redemption In Nicholas Lemann s story Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War, it shows a theme of leadership through the main character of the story, and Adelbert Ames effectively demonstrates the required traits of a main character and a leader. The book focused on a lot of events that happened in the Reconstruction era. It tells about both the political characteristics and the social characteristics that are unraveled throughout the reformation of the South and giving the African Americans the right to vote along with other political freedoms. Throughout the story, Adelbert Ames successfully demonstrates the qualities of a great protagonist and a leader. Adelbert Ames shows the theme of leadership and how his change in his ambition and morality would make him a better leader in his life. In the story, Adelbert Ames shows his great leadership and guidance. He was one of the great leaders after the time of the Civil War. He was also a key contributor in the American Civil War . He was quoted as a beau ideal of a division leader (32). His great leadership was awarded with the Medal of Honor, which is one of the highest medals in the army. He was known as a man who would do anything for his people and he would go the distance to help them out. As told by the story, he was a leader that also treated his soldiers right. This is seen in this quote: Although he never permitted anything to stand in his way, and never asked men to go where he would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Notes On Computer Network Security INTRO TO COMPUTER NETWORK SECURITY TJX SECURITY BREACH Harjot Kaur ID 1705173 MADS 6697 V1 Mohamed Sheriff July 10, 2016 Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver Table of contents Introduction TJX, the largest off‐price clothing retailer in the United States still suffers from the biggest credit‐card theft in history. The company lost 94 million credit and debit card numbers resulting in a huge amount of fraudulent transactions due to weak security systems in at least one store. In addition, the customers lost believe in TJX‐ which led to a huge cut of sales. Company overview The TJX Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TJX), is an American clothing and home merchandise company situated in Framingham, Massachusetts. TJX was established in 1976 and worked for eight free organizations in the off price segment T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Homegoods, A.J. Wright and Bob s Stores in the United States, Winners and HomeSense in Canada and T.K. Maxx in Europe. it is the main off value retailer of clothing and home styles in the U.S. around the world, positioning No. 89 in the 2016 Fortune 500 postings, with $30.9 billion in revenues in 2015*, more than 3,600 stores in 9 nations, 3 e commerce sites, and approximately 216,000 Associates. Case background TJX faced the largest online hack with about 94 million records lost in 2006. The company found in December 2006 about the breach and they were under the belief that they had been losing data from past six to seven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Costco Case Study Costco: the big box wholesale retail store. Costco has been around for almost 50 years, offering bulk products at wholesale prices. As most families have adaptive to being small, large or blended, there is always something that wholesale stores have that is worth buying in bulk. You have the option of buying detergent, paper products or even food in bulk. Now a day, some of the big box stores even offer hot foods, clothing and furniture. This paper will examine the business and corporate level strategies of Costco. This paper will also examine the competitive environment and determine growth in markets of Costco. Costco is a multi billion dollar wholesale retailer with warehouse operations in eight countries. Costco s history goes back to 1976. Sol Prince, who was infamous in wholesale clubs retail. He opened the first wholesale club in San Diego on Morena Boulevard called the Price Club. It originally only catered exclusively to business membership. Costco first opened in Seattle, WA in 1983 by Jeffrey H. Brotman and James D. Sinegal. Costco was the first wholesale retail store to reach $6 million within 6 years. The Price Company, which was the parent company of the Price Club, merged with Costco in 1993 and became Price/Costco. Once the companies merged, they both generated $16 million in annual sales. In 1997, the name changed from Price/Costco to Costco Corporation and becoming the world s most successful warehouse club. And during this past fiscal year ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Xbox 360 And Wii Video games have been around for many years and have slowly developed into a common hobby for many young adults. In fact, more than 1.2 billion people are playing video games worldwide. The original gaming console by Magnavox has evolved tremendously over the last decade and has been developed by many different companies. Although there is an innumerable amount of consoles in the world, two iconic consoles are the Microsoft s XBOX 360and the Nintendo s Wii. The XBOX 360 and Wii are two very popular gaming consoles that are different in appearance, the applications and services they provide, and the amount of games and accessories they each have available. When compared to each other, the XBOX 360 and Wii have multiple differences when it comes to the way each console looks. The Nintendo Wii is a very small and compact device. The console developers managed to keep the Wii as small as possible by incorporating only one Universal Serial Bus also known as a USB port. The Wii console is available in a variety of colors, but the most common and standard color is white. Compared to the small size and compact aspects of the Wii, the XBOX 360 is extremely different. The XBOX is close in size to a toaster oven and can be purchased in black and white. Unlike the Wii, the XBOX has multiple USB ports. When designing the XBOX 360, Microsoft kept the gamer in mind and tried to provide them with an easy and resourceful device. The overall appearance of both consoles varies and depending ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. INTJ Personalities And Personality Analysis All people have personalities. Everyone has a legacy. Many people know what they are going to do in their life. Your personality affects what your legacy is, and how you control your life. Your family shapes your personality. These factors are what determine your values in life. My personality color is Green. Greens tend to see themselves as creative, original, and rational. My personality type in the Myers Brigg Test is INTJ. I am introverted, Thinking, Judging, and I have an intuition. INTJ personalities often are perfectionists. They want to do better than their best. INTJ tend to be more brilliant than others. They like to think, and enjoying thinking. INTJ don t like talking too much, and talking will always make... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another thing I would like to be remembered for is the person who donated a lot to charity. Most people would like to be remembered as a good person, and I am the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Russia Living Conditions In Russia, there were some prosperous peasant farmers called kulaks, but the living and working conditions for most peasants were dreadful. The Famine and starvation were common and in some regions. Much of Russia land was unsuitable for farming. As a result, the land was short in supply because, by the early 1900s, the population was growing rapidly. The peasants living conditions contrasted sharply with those of the aristocracy, who had vast estates, town and country houses and luxurious lifestyles. The biggest problems that Russiafaced is that the Tsar did not do delegate day to day task and he also managed his officials poorly. The opposition parties, added to the appalling conditions in the towns and the countryside, led to a wave of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. No Mas Is A Dramatic Revenge Western NO MAS is a dramatic, revenge Western. While Western revenge plots are very familiar, they are also considered tried and true. What this script offers is a very engaging female protagonist. The script also offers a unique hook: she s a skilled fighter. In fact, the idea of the mystery fighter, actually, sets this script apart. The opening establishes the ordinary world of the heroine, Rosette. Her world is shattered by the murder of her parents and the disappearance of her brother. It s a solid inciting event. Her goal of revenge is clear and the stakes are high. The second act is driven by her need for retribution. The second act introduces her world of being a fighter. The fighting scenes are strong and exciting. In the third act, she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She seems to be keeping him at a distance, but then suddenly appear to be good friends. It s not clear how she figures out that he overdosed his wife. To elevate the pace and the tension, one possible solution is to have Rosette find the other invaders and show her killing them, one by one with her fighting skills, leaving Fitz as the last one. This is a formula that has been done before, but it works to maintain tension and interest. It also builds suspense. Right now, the tone could be grittier and the violence enhanced. The other issue that feels unsolved is Rosette s brother. It s our understanding that she s still looking for him, but at the end it doesn t feel as if she s going after him. As mentioned, Rosette is a very likable heroine. It s easy to root for her. She makes some wrong decisions, but they are for the right reasons. While flawed, the audience forgives her. She wants justice, but she s driven by revenge at the risk of her life and she has forsaken any personal life for her quest. She s smart and she s determined. She s still grieving and at the end, she seems to be healing. Suspiros is a spirited woman, who immediately sees the good in Rosette and wants to help and rescue her. She s also in a tough situation, but she has a positive attitude and makes the best of it. She s easy to care about. Zurdo is a very colorful character. He s complex and has both good and bad qualities that make him interesting. Sometimes he seems like the bad guy, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...