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Essay Help Grammar
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Essay Help Grammar Essay Help Grammar


American Red Cross Ethical Issues Essay
The American Red Cross has stood for a place that people to go to for help when anything
catastrophic has happened in their lives. It has been around since the 1880 s and made a place in the
United States years later. It has been there to help during World Wars, earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornadoes, floods, fires, blood donations etc. It has helped millions of people during tragic times. You
never think of the Red Cross as an organization that has ethical issues but they do and it has cost them
their image. Elizabeth Dole was a wonderful woman who kept the ARC running like a well oiled
machine but since she left there has been numerous people that have taken her place and then had to
leave due to questionable actions. It seems that ever since 911, the Red Cross has been ... Show more
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For example when online donations came in for these disasters they were not equipped to handle
them. They had to have tech employee s work round the clock to make sure the websites could handle
the amount of traffic it received. Another ethical problem is, trusting its leaders and workers implicitly.
Times have changed and we cannot have that. People in today s world do not have the same morale
fiber that they used to have when we were little. Organizations like the Red Cross now need to come
up with better ethical standards. They have done so by not having too many people at the top. Instead
of 50 they now have 20. They also need to have controls in place that will ensure that employee
misconduct will no longer be a problem. In addition people need to be trained in ethics and be made to
sign ethical documents that spell out the companies ethical procedures, which the Red Cross has done.
The Red Cross needs to be more transparent about where its money donations are going. Transparency
is huge and there would be no question if the ARC adopted this practice(Thorne,
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Toyota Motor Corporation
Toyota Motor Corporation Ivan Ruiz DeVry University Toyota Motor Corporation has a long and
interesting history behind it. In 1933, Kiichiro Toyoda traveled to the United States. There he visited
many car companies that produces automobiles (Toyota Motor Corporation Company Profile,
Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Toyota Motor Corporation,
2015) there he learned about the production lines on how to build cars. Then shortly upon his return to
Japan, he decided that he wanted to establish an automobile establishment with in his father s factory.
In May 1935, he made his very own prototype automobile. At this point and time Japan had very little
natural resources, therefore they had every reason ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Today consumers are more aware of the negative effects (air pollution) caused by cars. They know
what the affects can cause to the earth and therefore consumers are more likely to buy hybrid cars
instead of a regular car. This will limit the amount of CO2 pumped into the earth s atmosphere. 2.
Increasing fuel prices. One other advantage that Toyota has working for them is the fuel prices
incising at a high rate. With the fuel prices increasing consumers are looking for fuel friendly vehicles
that will cost less at the pump (Jurevicius, 2013). Threats 1. Decreasing fuel prices. Then there is a
possibility of fuel prices decreasing at a future time. Therefore, hybrid car and electric cars will
become less favored. 2. Rising raw material prices. Rising raw material prices increase so will the the
price of the cars. The prices are important to manufactures because this means that they will need to
increase the sales and so their profits will decrease. 3. Natural disasters. Natural disasters can be a
huge impact on Toyota s manufacturing facilities. Recent events have proved it in countries such as
China, Thailand, and Japan (Jurevicius, 2013). Competition Of course Toyota Motor s isn t the biggest
name out there. Any company who is in the car business becomes Toyota s competitor. However, the
three biggest competitors Toyota has are Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and Honda
Motor Co., LTD (Toyota Motor Corporation Competition,
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The Culture Of American College
Cultures vary tremendously throughout the world and within many of these cultures are sub cultures
that do not necessarily operate under the same standards for example, the culture of American college
students. Subcultures, according to Clark and Trow, represent clusters of attitudes, norms, and models
of behaviors rather than groups of people (Warren, 1968). It is hard for someone to not have any
ethnocentric bias to a culture they have not yet been part of or witnessed first hand. Transitioning from
the subculture I have grown up in my entire life, to the American college culture was a huge change.
Before attending college I did not have a strong ethnocentric bias to the college culture because I had
already known people who had ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prior to attending WSU, I did not give much merit to the information that I received about what
college would be like unless I was being told by someone who had reliable first hand experience and
especially so if they do or had attended WSU themselves. I would always hear people saying that
WSU is a party school, and I think that is due to the fact that WSU has a lower GPA requirements than
some schools and people assume it is full of the people who were not accepted into UW. Although that
is the case for many students here, I know a great deal of students who attend WSU and were also
accepted by UW and other schools as well.
The state of Washington has its own subculture of the United States, and within the state of
Washington there are many different subcultures, both big and small (Lieske, 1993). Once you go
from eastern Washington to western Washington there is a massive change in the subculture of the
people. The culture of western Washington is more liberal than in eastern Washington where people on
average are more conservative (Lieske, 1993). As well as political views and other factors, there is a
huge separation between supporters of UW and WSU. Living on the western side of Washington I did
not know that the WSU culture and pride was so strong out here. I had thought that everyone prefers
UW because it is considered a better school and located in Seattle, but one I arrived out here I was
shocked by the pride that Cougs have. I had no
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Responsible Stewardship Of Wild And Marine Life
Responsible Stewardship Page 1
Responsible Stewardship of Wild and Marine Life
And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he
given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all . Daniel 2:38
The above mentioned scripture from the Holy Bible may be interpreted in many ways, but in regards
to stewardship, it displays God s overwhelming trust in mankind to protect and preserve the wildlife
that he created. Even so, stewardship should not be taken lightly. It is a privilege bestowed upon
mankind that not only embellishes God s plan to protect what he created but it also gives mankind a
moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that our planet will continue to have sustainable resources
for future generations to come. The word stewardship can be defined in many ways to suit many
purposes, but for the purpose of preserving wildlife and other natural resources, the best definition
comes from the Merriam Webster online dictionary. According to Webster, stewardship is defined as
the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one s care (2012). When it comes
to managing and planning resources related to our planet, stewardship embodies this concept fully. In
the criminal justice field there are several areas in which stewardship is used to preserve our natural
resources such as land and water. One of the most prevalent stewardships pertains to the conservation
of wildlife
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Mothers Beach Descriptive Essay
Mothers beach holds a dear place in my heart. It s where mothers bring their children knowing the
calm, cool waves will allow their young to experience all the joy a beach can provide. I had been there
many of times in my short but happy life. At the time I had just been faced with all the excitement that
comes with celebrating a birthday, I was now the big 5 years old. I thought I was ready to take on the
world, sadly, I was unaware of all the seemingly innocent dangers out there in the world. My family
and I were at Mothers beach trying to reminisce in all the memories we had of Long Beach. In a
couple days, we would be moving half way across the U.S. to Tulsa, Oklahoma making this our last
trip to our beloved beach. It would be a break ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was unusual to see so many people there, but school had just gotten out for the summer and people
were ready to soak up the sun. It was hard to find a place that wasn t right next to someone, but we
eventually managed to find a good spot. We laid out our towels and got right to undressing down to
our swimsuits. We dumped out our bag full of beach supplies and my mom began to lather everyone
up with sunscreen. Me being the unluckiest person ever, am as pale as a porcelain doll and the most
likely to burn. This required me to be smothered in sunscreen even more than the rest. Now that we
had our ghostly white sheen and smelled like chemically produced summer, we were ready to begin
our beach activities. My mom being the munificent person she is, promised if we behaved, we could
get ice cream from our most beloved ice cream shop. We unanimously decided we would be on our
best behavior. We had the same order every time we went 1 cookie dough on a waffle cone, 1 mint
chocolate chip in a cup, 1 cookies and cream on a regular cone, and 1 plain vanilla also on a waffle
cone. My sisters would always tease me saying it was boring to get vanilla (even though they too
would sometimes get vanilla). My sister Shannon and I started to build sand castles while my mom
and Amanda laid out on their towels. Everytime we went to the beach, we would try our absolute
hardest to make tremendously sized sand castles. It was
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How Did Cronus Build An Ancient Greek God
In Ancient Greece, there was believed to have been many gods who controlled specific components of
the Earth. Cronus (or Kronos) was the Titan King. He was married to Rhea and they had six children:
Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Kronos swallowed each of his children when they
were born to avoid a prophecy that he had been told. Rhea hid her youngest child, Zeus, so he would
not be swallowed by Cronus. She gave Cronus a stone wrapped in cloth to trick him, and he fell for it.
Zeus grew up in hiding from his father in a cave on Crete. Since his mother had to return to Cronus,
Zeus had to be raised by Amalthea, a goat, and a nymph named Melissa. They nursed him and took
care of the young child. Melissa and Amalthea had to entertain Zeus very often so Cronus ... Show
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Zeus overthrew his father while in battle and took the throne at Mount Olympus. After the defeat of
their father, the three brothers had to determine who rules what aspect of the Earth. Although many
think it was not a very smart way to decide, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades drew lots. Arguably, Zeus
ultimately won. He became the god of the sky and ruler of all the other Olympians. Altercations
between Olympians were settled by Zeus and he also could punish their wrongdoings. Since he was
the god of the sky, Zeus could create storms, darkness, droughts, or even hurricanes on Earth. If he
was ever furious, lightning bolts could have been hurled to the Earth as punishment. He also cherished
the mortals on Earth. They would be rewarded for being honest and fair, while being punished for
thievery or cruelty. During the revolt of his father, Zeus gained the help of Prometheus, a titan at the
time. Prometheus secretly gave mortals fire and metalworking skills after Cronus was overthrown.
Zeus began to get very angry at Prometheus, so he punished him severely. He had Prometheus bound
to a stone with an eagle devouring his liver every
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Disaster Recovery Plan It 244 Week 3 Essay
Disaster Recovery Plan Paper
Fernando Hernandez
IT244/Axia College
In this assignment, I will go over the different items related to the disaster recovery plan. I will go
over the purpose of the plan, explain the key elements that go into a plan, the methods of testing the
plan, and why we test the plan. All while explaining why the disaster recovery plan is so critical to
businesses in the event of an emergency.
What is the purpose of a Disaster Recovery Plan?
The purpose of the disaster recovery plan is to ensure the process of recovering mission critical
systems has a plan of action in case of a disaster. The disaster recovery plan makes sure all the steps to
bring up the critical to less critical systems ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The five methods of testing a disaster recovery plan are providing a walk through, setting up
simulations, having checklists, parallel testing, and making a full interruption test. The walk through
helps test the plan by finding things more important or irrelevant that can be added or omitted from
the plan. Simulations provide practice sessions of what a disaster would or could do to a business.
Simulations also show the plan when it is put into effect. Checklists provide a list that each
department uses to check off tasks completed. Parallel testing is a clone system that runs with the
main system until the main system is ready to come back online. Full interruption will stop the
production systems fully and start them back up to see the programs work or fail.
Why does a DRP require testing?
A disaster recovery plan requires testing so that all things are planned ahead of time and ready to go in
the case of an emergency. New items or untrained personnel can come into the business and need to be
added to the plan. This will need to be tested also to ensure it is covered when an emergency happens.
In addition, everything on the plan may look good when in writing but until the plan is used in a real
situation, the business will never know if it works properly. Testing the plan in a simulation disaster
scenario is the best way to know how objects and people react to the situation.
In this assignment I have went over all of the key


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Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Analysis
Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is an infectious and transmittable form of a prion, although
extremely rare it still becomes highly fatal if infected. This disease can also be classified as a
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) that is gained through exposure to the Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) from contaminated cattle or meat. As this is not a prominently
spread disease around the world and considering it was only recognised in 1996 it has only held 175
cases in the United Kingdom, 25 in Spain, 4 in Ireland, 3 in the Netherlands and the United States of
America, 2 each in Canada, Italy and Portugal as well as 1 each in japan, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan
(World Health Organization, 2012).
Falling under the category ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once infected with the Dengue virus cells called Langerhans detect and alert the Immune system to
target the foreign particles (Nature Education, 2014), Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease can go by
undiscovered as your body is never alerted of these foreign particles because they are not perceived to
be so (US National Library of Medicine , 2012). There are some similarities in these two diseases,
they are both able to rapidly infect cells ; the Dengue virus simply fight back the cells attacking it and
infect them whilst Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease uses axoplamic travel to infect more prion
proteins as they go. The cellular response to the Dengue virus entails monocytes and macrophages
ingesting and destroying infected cells, interferons being produced to help fight the virus, B and T
cells working to detect and attack with antibodies and lastly the use of the complement system to
release white blood cells as well as other antibodies to remove the virus from the host (National
Library of Medicine,
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Harry Arthur Is An Argument Of Globalization
Sara Aminaei Essay no.1 Q1. Harry Arthurs has argued that Globalization renders dysfunctional any
system based on national policies, laws, and institutions. Explain whether or not you find his argument
persuasive and support of your argument with reference to the substantive regulatory areas examined
in the course. The political climate in the western hemisphere has altered the judicial system in
Canada in numerous ways. Since the post war era we have seen a push for globalization and
neoliberalism and have been reassured consistently by the leaders on the global stage that this is
essential for our world economy to thrive. It is not reasonable to disagree with Arthur that
globalization has become a dominant theme and impacts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this light, Canada, as one of the most open advanced economies in the world , has close to 60 to 70
per cent of GDP, which is attributable to both exports and imports (Arthurs 3). The heavy reliance on
globalization in Canada traces back to the political climate of the early 20th century due to it being a
loyal ally to the United States. Of course, unlike America, Canada does not have privatized groups on
the same scale. For instance, the United States has privatized health care and prison systems (in light
of the recent Trump administration universal healthcare is currently unknown). Through privatization
of major organizations, the government cuts its responsibility for some of the public programs and
relays it to the public. These private organizations keep propelling their agendas to increase their
wealth and power. This creates a conflict for our society as the government is not serving the needs for
everybody but the needs for the upper class. This act is often reinforced by lobbyist groups. The
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines lobbying as a follows: an organization will be regarded as
attempting to influence legislation if it contacts, or urges the public to contact, members or employees
of a legislative body for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation, or if the
organization advocates the adoption or rejection of legislation. The IRS is careful with wording to say
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Ireland s Capital Of Culture
Cork, Ireland is one of the most beautiful and culturally rich places on Earth. In 2005 Cork was
selected as the European Capital of Culture. With Cork s landscape dotted with old English castles and
great Catholic cathedrals it is not hard to understand why Cork was 2005 s capital of culture. There are
many examples showing Ireland s rich cultural ties but a very good example is beer. Ireland is quite
renowned for its beer production and consumption. You can trace it back no fewer than 5,000 years,
back into the earliest days of Irish agriculture, when the magical trilogy of fertile soil, soft rain and
gentle, cool breezes made for a climate that could produce superb barley ( A History of Beer in Ireland
). Cork happens to be headquarters of Murphy s Brewery. In 1906 Murphy s Brewery was the second
largest brewery in Ireland and has remained a very large brewery ever since (Wilson). Beer is a simple
example of one of the many incredible things to visit Cork for. Cork was originally founded by Saint
Fin Barre in the 6th century (Riain). The city itself is situated on the River Lee. The river splits
making an island which is where the city center is located; the river re converges at the eastern side of
the city creating the Cork Harbour, one of the world s largest natural harbors. Viking settlers, in about
the 10th century, founded a trading post in Cork. It is hypothesized that Cork was an important trading
center in the Scandinavian trading network (Moody). During
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Bacon s Rebellion Essay
In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon rebelled and held a revolt in Colonial Virginia. High taxes, low prices for
tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William
Berkeley, provided the background for the uprising. These factors made the rebellion inevitable. All of
the chaos was precipitated by Governor Berkeley s failure to defend the frontier against attacks by
Native Americans. Bacon commanded two unauthorized but successful expeditions against the tribes
and was then elected to the new House of Burgesses, which Berkeley had been forced to convene.
Berkeley then sent out a warrant for his arrest and Bacon was put in jail. Bacon soon was released and
he immediately gathered his supporters, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, closer to home, there were many problems caused by the crazy weather. The constantly
changing weather left the colony and colonists in chaos. Hailstorms, floods, dry spells, and hurricanes
rocked the colony during one year and had a damaging effect on the colonists. Inevitably, these
difficulties encouraged the colonists to find a scapegoat. They needed to find something to vent their
frustrations and place the blame for their misfortunes. With the immense frustration and anger among
the colonists, they began to scapegoat the local Indians. To ward off future attacks and to control the
situation, Governor Berkeley instigated the matter. He set up what was to be a disastrous meeting
between the parties, which resulted in the murders of several tribal chiefs. In the meantime, Berkeley
continually pleaded for restraint from the colonists. Some, including Nathaniel Bacon, refused to
listen. Bacon disregarded the Governor s direct orders by seizing some friendly Appomattox Indians
for stealing corn. Berkeley scolded him, which caused the disgruntled Virginians to wonder which
man had taken the right action. Significantly, Berkeley could not compromise earning resentment from
about 1,000 Virginians. They fiercely resented Governor Berkeley for his policies toward the Indians.
When Berkeley refused to retaliate for a series of savage Indians on frontier settlements after
monopolization of fur trade, the
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How Did Marilyn Monroe Commit Suicide
One mystery that will never be truly solved is the death of one of the world s most influential stars.
Marilyn Monroe. On August the 5th 1962, at the tender age of 36 the Hollywood actress was found
dead in her Los Angeles home. The scene seemed to be one of a suicide; however evidence suggests
that she was confronted with a far more sinister end. Many believe that Marilyn in fact did end her
own life but others including myself believe that her death was due to the hand of President Kennedy.
I believe that homicide is what occurred on the evening of her death.
Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide, she was murdered Police Officer Jack Clemmons (present at
the scene of death.)
In her bedroom on the night of her death, the scene appeared ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The President of the United States fell under this category perfectly. It became apparent that a
transitory relationship between Marilyn and JFK occurred during the months prior to her death. I
surmise that the fleeting affair was the cause of her hasty exit from the world. In the final years of her
life Marilyn had become mentally unstable. Alchol and drugs became necessary props in the
screenplay she concidered to be her life. Drowning in depression, she became reliant on prescription
drugs and alchol to function somewhat normally. This issue became a detriment to both Marilyn s
personal life and her career. 20th Century Fox agreed to dismiss her from further projects. In
desperation, she turned to the president for support. Marilyn asked Kennedy for a more committed
relationship. Yet this was unrealistic as Kennedy had a family. Rejection was a familiar feeling to
Monroe. Yet the denial of her request somewhat shocked her; as a result she threatened to go public
with the affair. Marilyn Monroe once said Dogs never bite me. Just humans. I believe that this quote in
particular describes the end of her relationship with Kennedy perfectly. She was once again let down
by someone she
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Mainframes and Personal Computers
Compare and Contrast
Mainframes and Personal Computers
Mainframes and personal computers have evolved over the years but their core functions have stayed
the same. The mainframe is used connect multiple users for large organizations while personal
computers are generally used for a single users. The more drastic changes for mainframes and
personal computers have been speed and size. Mainframes use to be the size of buildings. Now they
are the size of a textbook. Personal computer s origins came from the dumb terminal. The dumb
terminal was used just to access the mainframe. Then, the idea came to off load some of the
processing from the mainframe and place it on your desktop.
The hardware is very similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Extra security and stability is needed. Resetting a mainframe should not happen as often as a personal
computer. This is because a mainframe will affect hundreds to thousands of users. The mainframe
supports many users. Multiple processors are needed to handle the extra load that mainframes receive.
Multiple processors are the standard for mainframes while it is only an option for personal computers.
This helps the mainframe s stability because a backup processor can be used in case of a failure. This
is also what makes the operating system more complex then the personal computer. Stability is
expected for the mainframe more than a personal computer. The mainframe is also expected to run 24
hours a day 7 days a week. This is why stability is so important with the mainframe. The mainframe
does not stop working when everyone goes home. The cost of the mainframe encourages the users to
use it as much as possible.
Mainframes and Personal computers were drastically different when they were first introduced. The
mainframe took up buildings and the personal computer was only an interface to a mainframe. Today,
their similarities are growing. Eventually we will not be able to tell the difference. Has cost comes
down for mainframes they to will become personal computers or an add on to a personal computer for
the price of a hard drive today. Back in the day, mainframes were huge so I will conclude by saying it
must be a
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Poem Analysis On His Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell wrote a unique love poem in To His Coy Mistress, as this poem expresses far more
than one might expect or even perceive upon the first reading. Enveloped in this ode to a cherished
muse are expressions of the carpe diem philosophy, laments about the impending doom of death, and
hopes to transcend contemporary abilities to live forever in the love of another. While Marvell s
primary purpose in writing this piece may have been to woo a young maiden, he made a far more
significant contribution to the era s literary culture in the process. Marvell most directly addressed To
His Coy Mistress to a woman he intended to court, as he spends a majority of the piece lamenting that
he didn t have time sufficient to praise her features. In the opening stanza, Marvell states that, Had we
but world enough, and time.... An hundred years should go yo praise.... An age at least to every part, /
And the last age should show your heart (Marvell 1 18). While Marvell ones not directly praise or
describe his muse in any way, he does emphasize how extraordinarily praiseworthy she be, and this
idea forms the basis for the philosophical wonderings and realizations that comprised the following
stanzas. Thus, Marvell addressed his poem at a potential lover for the purpose of courting her on an
unknown occasion, but the real significance of the poem lies in the later ideas he presented to fulfill
this purpose. In his second stanza, Marvell takes a drastic turn from the romantic
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Patriarchy In Sexual Politics, By Kate Millet
In Sexual Politics, Kate Millet states that patriarchal societies do not derive from human nature, but
are socially constructed. Patriarchy is means of the male gender applied to exploit and oppress the
females. The process of patriarchal control develops since childhood. Since and early age, children
perceive notions of what is proper to each gender from their parents, peers, and society. She asserts
that besides the physical distinctions, there are not differences between male and female. It is the
patriarchal social structure that assigns gender roles. Due to cultural expectations, young males are
encouraged to develop their characteristics to meet with the stereotypes: strong, aggressive, violent,
disciplined, and intelligent, while women ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How Clive utilizes gender stereotypes to maintain his power is depicted throughout the first act as he
attempts to keep his wife as well as women in general in a lower status in various ways. For one thing,
Clive assigns a passive and docile role for Betty, which can be seen from the way she has to listen to
everything he says and is not allowed to have opinions. When Betty tells Clive on Joshua that the
servant did not do what she said when she told him to fetch a book, Clive does not even want to listen
to what she has to say. Although he was not there, he interrupts her when she tries to explain the
situation; Betty, please, let me handle this This shows a patriarchal attitude about women s
incompetence in handling things and making decisions. Also in order to keep, his wife in the status
quo, he encourages her to do activities like playing piano and reading poetry which are stereotypically
considered gentle and womanly. The female role assigned by men has become Betty s identity. She
accepts her inferiority to men and behaves what the patriarchal system deems appropriate.
Betty: I live for Clive. The whole aim of my
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My True Friend
True friends are like flawless diamonds, very valuable and hard to come by. We all have had or still
have friends that we consider to a beautiful diamond. That friend that is always there for you through
thick and thin. That friend that you are like my family with rather than friends. These kind of friends
are the ones that last forever just like diamonds. Lucky for me I unearthed a rather rare diamond
amongst the many cubic zirconia named Jasmine Frazier. Jasmine and I became acquainted with each
other when we were in the fourth grade. She was the funniest, caring, and most protective person I
have ever meet and these three traits were what made her a friend like no other.
First, Jasmine was my rather adorable, brown skinned, curly haired best friend since we were in the
fourth grade. She was 5 3, one year older than me, always wore a smile that would linger in one s eyes
after just one glance, and had a sense of humor like no other. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed
her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her
funny quips and expressions. For example, whenever she would tell a joke, there wouldn t be a dried
eye left in the room.
Next, Jasmine has a very amiable personality and I learned that in the when we were in the fifth grade.
She was always there for me through good times and especially bad times. For example, there was this
one time when I went to school and I forgot to ask my mom for lunch money. At first, I
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Canada s Drug Laws And Drugs
Canada s drug regulations are covered by the Food and Drug Act and the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act. In relation to controlled and restricted drug products the Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act establishes eight schedules of drugs and new penalties for the possession, trafficking,
exportation and production of controlled substances as defined by the Governor in Council. Drug
policy of Canada has traditionally favoured punishment of the smallest of offenders, but this
convention was partially broken in 1996 with the passing of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Until 1908 the use of narcotics, opiates especially, in Canada was unregulated.[2] From the 1850s
onwards, Chinese immigrants came to British Columbia in droves, establishing opium dens in their
isolated communities. Canadian employers saw the Chinese immigrants as a source of cheap labour,
and the government viewed opium consumption as another way to gain revenue, imposing a tax on
opium factories in 1871. However, with the decline of the gold rush in the 1880s resentment towards
the Chinese grew, as unemployed Canadians could not compete with cheap Chinese labour.[3]
Additionally, Japanese immigration to Canada began to rise sharply, resulting in demonstrations
against Asian labour. In 1907, there was a particularly large demonstration against Asian immigrants
in Vancouver s Chinatown.[4] In response to the demonstrations, Deputy Minister of Labour
Mackenzie King
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Examples Of My Career Goals Essay
You know why some people fail in their life? Obviously, the purpose is they don t set up goals for
themselves which they should in order to succeed in their life. There are people out there that have
many achievements in their lifestyle and have set their goals to fulfil them. Setting a life goal is
important in order to know the concepts of what you want to be in the future, what you want to reach
at, or what you want to change about yourself in order to reach a specific goal. However, I am striving
for these three main goals in my life, preparing for universities, more working out to have a healthy
body, and to be a successful business woman in the future. To begin with, I would like to express my
first goal, which is preparation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Of course, everyone has a career goal of what they want to be when they grow up. For having this
career goal as one of my goals, I would like to talk about my career future and who I want to be once I
graduate from high school and university. I decided I want to be a businesswoman, why? Well first, I
like creating my food, cooking, baking, and at the same time I enjoy marketing them around my
friends and family. At the same time, I think I can manage to own a business, as you can see I can
major any kind of business since I like to market, own, and create. Being a business woman is
important because it s symbolising of who I am going to be when I grow up. Although, to achieve my
goal to be a business woman I need to study about it and how to reach that specific step where I turn
to be an official business woman. I chose to study marketing which is one of favorite major, as a
business woman. In order for me to study that major I need to pass through three steps in order to
achieve my major goal to reach my higher goal which is after university. My three steps are, Visiting
any business and see how they are working in their daily life, experience what life is a business
woman is living, and going around any business shop and ask them some question that might help me
build my
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El Chappo Research Paper
The Chapo has been captured 3 Times, but he has only escaped 2. He makes about 3 billion dollars a
year. El Chapo has 14 kids and some of them are drug dealers too. His net worth is 1 Billion dollars.
He was born in Mexico. El Chapo started the cartel de sinaloa in 1989 according to (Time Magazine).
By 1990 he was one of the most wanted drug dealers in Mexico. People say that he is the most
powerful drug dealer. Even do some people say he is not the (Time magazine) says he is by becoming
so powerful in so little time. Authorities are not sure how much money he makes.
The Chapo has been captured 2 times and escaped 3. The first time he, escaped dressed like a woman
as (Satira Tribunes) said. The most recent times he escaped jail it was march 6th, 2016 at 4:31 as
(Satira Tribunes) said. The tunnel is known to cost over 5 million dollars. A couple of weeks later he
got captured again, and since then he hasn t escape again. Sources such like ( The New York Times)
say he was treated really bad as well as El Chapos wife. People say that he says that because he doesn
t want to be translated to U.S. People also say he is saying this so he can escape again. ... Show more
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The answer is because he has a lot of money and with that money he can buy all the police officers. In
the latest escape of El Chapo more than 77 people were accused of helping El Chapo escape. The
police officers also accept to help El Chapo because of protection and because they are scared that if
they don t help El Chapo he can send people to kill the police officer s
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Comparing Descartes And John Locke On How Is God Related...
One of the main questions philosophers strive to fulfill happens to be How is God related to the world,
especially in causality. An increasingly popular idea was that the world and nature were like a machine
and everything worked together like a montage of parts. Disturbance again reigned from Christians
and thus came primary and secondary causality. Such as the primary cause is too wet the grass and the
secondary is the rain which in turn will make the grass wet. God is the primary cause for everything
while he works in secondary causes. Spinoza, however, sees God as a substance and He is everything.
Such as Descartes, Locke wished to determine how the human mind acquires knowledge. He believed
a newborn child was a blank slate and knowledge
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Write Routine Analysis
Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Learned how to strategize before writing a routine request up front is by making sure to pay attention
to the tone in which you are writing, assume that the audience will comply with what I am writing or
requesting of the audience, and to be specific in what I am writing. I learned about the three common
types of routine request which consists of asking for information and action, asking for a
recommendation, and lastly making claims and requesting adjustments. These components are crucial
in the business world and any profession in that matter. In this section I was introduced on how to
properly outline a strategy which will help to effectively write routine replies and positive messages.
The final important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is model is useful for a persuasive business message, but it can also be used for any message. The
main components are able to make sure that you are able to reach the reader by making your statement
or desire that you want the reader to focus on is your message other than all the other messages that
your audience will encounter throughout their day. The second part which consist of making sure that
you make your message keeps their interest, without any interest, then your audience will not get the
message. Once you have gathered their attention and intersect you need to have a desire for them to
do, once all is completed you just need them to do the
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Importance Of Monitoring And Evaluation On The...
Tecla Biwott1, Omar Egesah2, Javan Ngeywo1
Kisii1 Moi2 University, Kenya
The Kenya Government Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects contribute immensely in
initiating and implementing sustainable development projects in all parts of Kenya, and it is essential
to track processes and impact of such projects. Monitoring and Evaluation helps project managers in
keeping track the implementation of the projects and its prudence in the utilization of the resources. It
provides decision makers with a strategy to plan for sustainability of the projects and guidance for
future endeavors. Sustainability is key to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The concept of sustainable development was introduced by the publication of the Brundland report
having a basis of meeting the needs of the current situation while considering the upcoming
generations in meeting their needs too (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).
While the concept is true, achievement of the sustainable development has no clear and definite route
(Becker, Jahn, Stiess, Wehling, 1997; Walker Kubisch, 2008).
Challenges in the society entail those in the production and those in the consumption (Beck, 1986). It
is therefore prudent to use a variety of evaluation that includes systems evaluation and developmental
evaluation (Imam, LaGoy Williams 2007; Patton, 2008). Challenges linked to sustainable
development needs knowledge development and a clear link between science and society (Funtowicz
Ravetz, 1993; Gibbons et al., 1994; Jasanoff, 2004; Nowotny, Scott, Gibbons, 2001). Management of
project sustainability requires continuous improvement of ways and update of tools of governance
(Voss, Bauknecht, Kemp, 2006; Hajer, 2003; Loorbach, 2007; Rotmans, Kemp, Asselt, 2001).
Projects are best placed when they make the most sense to purposed primary uses and when it
provides probable solution to the community challenge (Patton, 2008; Gibbons et al. 1994; Nowotny
et al. 2001; Regeer Bunders, 2009). Communities face complex and varied problems,
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Theme Of Bolivar In The Great Gatsby
In addition to the character s different settings, they are also introduced in very different ways. Bolívar
is first revealed as an image of a dead man when his lifelong servant José Palacios finds him floating
in his bathtub and [thinks] he [has] drowned. (Marquez, 3) This initial picture of Bolívar will remain
intact throughout the novel, as he is often portrayed as [having] the face of a dead man. (Marquez,
143) Although the General has already reached this level of deterioration on the first page, the reader
is regularly exposed to a radically different and maybe more historically familiar image of the General
from his days of glory, for instance when he remembers [leading] two hundred men armed with
whatever weapons they could find, and in some twenty days there was not a single monarchist
Spaniard left in the Magdalena Basin. (Marquez, 97) Although they are much fewer, there are also
recollections of Bolívar s youth before the wars for liberation began, these appearing especially
towards the end of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shortly after Gatsby s revelation, the climax of the novel will send him into a downward spiral after a
confrontation at the Plaza where Daisy s and his relationship falls apart. Tom also reveals Gatsby s
illegal affairs, which he cannot successfully deny and so he gave that up, and only the dead dream
fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible. (Fitzgerald, 134)
From this point in the story, Gatsby s character will continue to devolve until he is eventually killed,
floating in a pool. Gatsby s extreme character development from a poor farm boy to a wealthy man
whose eminent downfall is due to love is employed by Fitzgerald to reinforce the theme of the
American Dream. Much like the typical American Dream, Gatsby comes from nothing and emerges a
self made successful
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Summary Of The Ballot Or The Bullet
Give ME Liberty or Give Me Death An Great Appeal to Pathos Through a Black Nationalist Rhetoric
in The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcom X. Although The Years have passed and History is what our
Nation was built on. The Unit States of America has always and consistently has had a problem with
civil rights. From The Creation of this nation when mostly all white landowners owned slaves, to
today where slavery is outlawed, civil rights still reside as an issue today. Some might disagree that
racism still exist in today s society but the evidence is prominent. There is still a great group of
extraordinary activist and leaders today, who still fight a great fight for civil rights. But who started
the era of activism, and the movement for civil rights were two Historians one was Martin Luther
King Jr, and the other was Malcom Both Men advocated for the same thing but their deliveries were
different while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, advocated for more of a peaceful revolution, Malcom X
advocated in the use of violence and demanding style when delivering The Ballot or the Bullet speech.
Malcom X would give the Ballot or the Bullet speech in 1964 in Cleveland Ohio, in front of more than
two thousand people. This speech was also significant because it was delivered after Martin Luther
King Jr s I Have a Dream Speech. The Ballot or The Bullet Speech was about nationalism during that
year, X was encouraging African Americans to vote for who was going to benefit blacks. White
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Conservation Of Linear Momentum For A Jet Generates On...
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Table of contents
Objective 2
Results and Graphs 2
Discussion 3
Summary and Conclusion 3
References 4
Data Sheet 4
Sample Calculations 6
Conservation of Linear Momentum
The primary goal of this experiment was to study the force that a jet generates on hemispherical, flat,
and conical surfaces. Further, the experiment exposed students to the concept of linear momentum
conservation by observing forces that a jet of water exerts on objects with different shapes.
Results and Graphs Figure 1: Forces Acting on the x and y axis
As can be seen, the forces that act on the x direction are caused by pressure at sections 1 and 2.
Similarly, an expression that relates the conservation of linear momentum in the Y direction can be
Although the experiment was successful, some errors occurred during the experiment that made most
values to deviate from the expected ones. Generally, both fixed and random errors were observed
(Mitchell Worledge, 2015). The random errors, in this case, resulted into statistical fluctuations in the
measured data because of the limitations in precision measurement. Additionally, the random errors
occurred due to inability to take the same measurements as the expected ones. Furthermore, fixed
errors were responsible for reduced inaccuracies in the values obtained (Valiani Caleffi, 2011).
However, the best way to minimize random errors is by averaging
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Amelia Earhart s Life
Amelia Earhart s last words were heard 8:43 a.m.; these are the last documented moments of her life (
Earhart Project ). Any signs or clues as to where Earhart and her plane were located vanished the
second these words had been received, leaving the public stumped and constantly inquiring about
what exactly had become of Amelia Earhart on that day. At long last, due to new discoveries, some
light now shines upon Earhart s whereabouts. Despite popular belief, Amelia Earhart wasn t captured
by the Japanese nor was she lost at sea; in fact, the famous pilot landed on the uninhabited island of
Nikumaroro and passed away before she could be saved.
Thousands of Americans know the name Amelia Earhart, but what happened to her remains a mystery
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There are multitudes of other conspiracies, however, this one is evidentially proven to be true. Earhart
s plane was never submerged under water or taken away from her since she was sending Morse Code
signals for days after her planes disappearance. In addition to this, Nikumaroro was the closest island
to her destination and the island s beaches were ideal for landing. On top of this, many artifacts that
have to be Earhart s or Noonan s, her navigator, have originated from Nikumaroro. Most importantly,
they found a body matching Earhart s size and race as well on Nikumaroro. All of these findings
combined make it the highly unlikely Earhart had ended up anywhere else but on the deserted island
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A Research On The Family And A Good Support System
1. Research on the Problem
Given the topic of stepfamilies, we found a lot of information supporting stepfamilies, but really no
solution. There is not a specific solution but there are ways that families can strengthen their newly
formed stepfamily. From this course, we developed a getaway camp for stepfamilies and blended
families. Previous research says that good communication between the family and a good support
system are keys to success in a step family, this was a proven successful way. Our camp will provide
these things in the friends the family and the kids make at the camp. Our paper will touch on the
missions, goals, objectives, action plan, resource plan, allies and opponents.
We learned the family systems and how interdependence plays a role within a family. A family needs
to develop interdependence enable to rely on each other, just as a stepfamily needs to do the same. We
also learned that the definition of a family can include more than one family at a time.
Many families around the world are involved in stepfamilies. It is likely that you are part of a
stepfamily or know someone who is apart of a stepfamily, ...at one point or another more than half of
children will spend time in a mixed or blended step family ( Harcourt,K.T., Adler Baeder,F.,Erath,S.,
Pettit,G.S. 2015). We also found statistics that state, 1300 new stepfamilies are forming every day.
And Over 50% of US families are remarried or re coupled. The research that we found said that the
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Theme Of Poison In Hamlet
Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about the life of Hamlet after his father, the King of
Denmark, is killed. Throughout the play, there are many objects that are important to the characters
and the plot as a whole. One of the objects brought up multiple times in the text that is crucial to the
story is poison. The use of poison as a means to kill in Hamlet shows that Claudius is a coward.
In the beginning of the play, Claudius is introduced as a coward when it is revealed that he murdered
King Hamlet with poison. When the Ghost, the ghost of King Hamlet, tells Hamlet about how he was
killed, the Ghost says, Now, Hamlet, hear: / Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, / A serpent
stung me. / So the whole ear of Denmark / Is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His use of poison shows that he is a coward because he uses it at a means to kill without having to
confront his enemies. Additionally, the times that poison is used in the show represents something
else. The use of poison at only the beginning and end of the play can be interpreted as a circle plot.
When Claudius killed King Hamlet at the beginning of the show, he starts a new era in Denmark, and
when Hamlet, Gertrude, and Claudius, and Laertes are all killed by poison at the end of the novel,
creating another new era in
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Plate Tectonics ( 20 Points )
Question 1: Plate Tectonics (20 points)
Plate tectonics is a theory where earth s crust in the lithosphere is made up of plates that float on a hot
layer of molten magma in the asthenosphere, and moves constantly and under different circumstances
causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes to appear.
With the evidence of plate tectonics and fossils, it is believed that about 225 million years ago, all the
major continents had formed one giant continent known as Pangaea. However, due to possible heat
build up underneath the giant continent, Pangaea broke up thus splitting up populations of plants and
animals. With the rift, ocean waters filled the areas that once were the giant continent, therefore
separating these continents. To this day, landmasses continue to move apart, riding upon their
respective plates. The movement of earth s twelve major tectonic plates helped determine the position
and shape of the continents for millions of years. Where the plates meet, and its motions determine the
type of boundary. There are four types of boundaries where activity of plate tectonics can be found:
divergent, convergent, collisional, and transform boundaries.
A divergent boundary in plate tectonics is also known as a constructive boundary. It exists when two
tectonic plates are moving away from each other and create rift valleys. This usually occurs between
oceanic plates. The sea floor spreading is an example of divergent boundaries. An underwater chain of
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Rhetorical Analysis Of The Macdonald Funeral Home
A Rhetorical Website Analysis of the MacDonald Funeral Home Website The MacDonald funeral
home website provides the viewer with many different rhetorical devices in their text, images, color
psychology, as well as shapes to utilize logos, pathos, and ethos to help appeal to the users that access
this website. This website provides funeral services as well as cremation services for people s loved
ones. They provide low prices and care to the services in which they provide. I have chosen the
MacDonald funeral home website in relation to the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight
because it seems that there will soon be a funeral held for the father. Logos Logos appeals to the
logical side, provides reason as well as logic to the reader. While there are no logical colors or shapes
but there is text as well as photos to explain logos. The MacDonald Funeral Home website provides
the reader with logical views of the website explaining that they offer affordable prices to all families.
An individual may be more prone to use the MacDonald funeral home over other funeral homes
because of the lower price. The MacDonald funeral home has a photo explaining that they are not just
funeral directors, but that they are experts are transforming an individual s ... Show more content on
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The MacDonald Funeral Home website provides pathos with explaining that the home has been
helping families by providing an understanding, meaningful, as well as caring funeral for the past 34
years. This website offers many photos that provide an emotional experience to the reader, such as
photos of their family, photos of the recent obituaries, as well as photos explaining that they cremate
people s loved ones using care. The website has lots of green, which provides the reader with feelings
of growth, balance, harmony, and hope. Oddly curved shapes (natural/organic shapes) tend to comfort
and please the
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Importance Of School Dress Codes
How School Dress Codes are Detrimental to Girls.
In many American middle and high schools, there are rules on how you must dress. The most known
of these are that boys must wear shirts and must not show their underwear, and girls must have shorts
or skirts be fingertip length, not show shoulders or bra straps, and not show too much cleavage. The
rules vary by school, but most of these rules are geared towards young women. College and real life
do not have dress codes. Employers have dress codes so that their employees can convey to customers
what the business wants them too, but dress codes in public high schools are sexist and teach young
women that their education is less valuable than that of a man s. Firstly, most school dress codes are
aimed at girls. According to the dress code of my alma mater, Lakota West High School, there are
twelve items of clothing that are not allowed that are directed towards girls, and only 3 that are
specific to boys. There are more that are unisex, but I have singled out the ones that are gender
specific. Why are girls the ones who are more restricted by the dress code? Imagine you are a young
man getting ready for school in the morning. If your outfit doesn t have oversized armholes, dog
collars/spikes, or drug or alcohol related messages, congratulations! You re ready for school. Now, if
you re a young woman getting ready for school, your outfit must not show your bra straps, have
sleeves that cover your entire shoulder, and not have oversized armholes. Your shorts or skirt cannot
be past your fingertips, which for some girls with long arms means wearing jeans even in 90 degree
weather. Your jewelry and piercings must not be potentially harmful (it is up to the staff to dictate
what is and what s not), and your hair and makeup must not disrupt the educational process. (Again, it
is the job of the staff to decide what is disruptive, there are no set guidelines.) It s a lot harder to get
ready for school as a girl, which just adds more stress to get ready in the morning, and gives them one
other thing to worry about besides schoolwork. The reasoning I ve often heard behind makeup and not
showing shoulders for girls is to not distract other students. Since most
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Huckleberry Finn Moral Lessons Essay
Learning Moral Lessons The book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is based of social comments
and moral lessons presented by an amazing writer Mark Twain. Mark Twain as an author has
incorporated these lessons in secret but obvious ways throughout his writing. He mentions some that
include, don t treat people different just because of their race. Secondly, he mentions the importance of
friendship. Finally, he shows how Huck Finn learns that his vision of the right thing to do is different
from the vision of society s. These moral lessons are portrayed in many examples throughout the
book. The first lesson Mark Twain addresses in the story is about people being a different race. Mark
Twain uses the word nigger everywhere in the book to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jim and Huck develop a special friendship which grows until the end of the book. It all starts when
Huck ran away from the cabin he was living in with his father. Huck then meets Jim on the island and
Jim doesn t believe it s him, he thought it was Huck s ghost because Jim had heard Huck died earlier
before he ran away. That is where Huck and Jim s journey of friendship had begun. They continued to
have a bond as they traveled down the river to try to make Jim a free slave. Huck and Jim helped each
other in different ways. Jim helped Huck survive by catching food for them to eat and just providing
comfort to him as Huck s father had never done before hand. Huck had helped Jim with the education
and reasonable plans part of their journey. Another main key detail he does to secure his point is when
Jim gets put into the cellar, Huck was willing to do anything. This included eating sawdust after they
sawed the bed leg off which helped Jim get out, or get blistered hands from digging the hole. This
goes to show that Huck has a heart it doesn t matter if Jim is a nigger or not that Huck is willing to do
anything for his friend. In the end it pays off for Huck and Jim both. Jim finds out he s a free man.
Huck learns that he needs friends in his life to help his life be an
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The Between European And Eastern And Western Europe As The...
IV. In Depth Analysis Throughout this analysis I will be breaking down the evidence to support my
theory of EU membership satisfactions varying across Central/Eastern and Western Europe as the EU
expands. I will begin by acknowledging that divide in Europe is not a new concept. In fact, European
nations have been divided geographically, socially, economically, and culturally for centuries. In 2003
Hungarian scholar Elemer Hankiss acknowledged the difficulties that face divided Europe and
provides insight on the historical divide in the following excerpt. The candidate countries in East
Central Europe as well as the Balkans need to reinvent themselves. They have to find something in
which they can excel, they have to find their place in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regionalization in the CEECs has been undermined by the technocratic nature of the accession
process and the contradictions of the EU s own requirements and demands. While promoting the
norms of regional self governance and decentralization, the EU also emphasizes the speedy
completion of accession preparations and the efficient use of EU resources, thus creating incentives
for centralization and strengthening national government authorities vis à vis regional actors and
interests. (Marek and Baun 2002) In the process of obtaining evidence to back up my theory, my main
resource data was the Eurobarometer interactive search system, which provided the empirical data,
and trends questions used as evidence in this analysis of France and the Czech Republic. European
Union member states tend to be satisfied with their membership, as the benefits they perceive their
nation to be receiving is in direct correlation to the economic benefits of EU membership. The
Eurobarometer system provided charts, which graphed the statistical data of the questions asked
throughout this analysis. Between the years 1994 2011 a question was asked to French and Czech
citizens of their belief that EU membership had benefitted or not benefited their country overall. Data
was not provided of the Czech response until 2004, as they were not European Union members until
that initiation year. The
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Hazard Identification Essay
Hazard Identification
Contaminant Description
Lead is a naturally occurring element and was the main toxicant found contaminating the soil at the
West Calumet Housing Complex. Hazardous levels of arsenic were also identified.1, 2 Lead is found
in air, soil, and water. Most lead exposure results from the use of fossil fuels, it enters the environment
from past and current uses.2 Sites located near mining and smelting sites like West Calumet have
shown substantial increases in lead levels in the environment.2, 3 Prolonged exposure results in more
detrimental health effects with children being at the highest risk. Lead exposure can lead to harmful
effects even in low doses, no safe blood level has been identified in children.4
Possible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their use was banned in the United States in 1996 which limits organic lead exposure to primarily
occupational sites.8,9 Organic soil matter binds lead very tightly. The availability of soil lead also
depends on its solubility.5 The half life of lead varies from about one month in blood, 1 1.5 months in
soft tissue, to about 25 30 years in bone.14 Lead has the ability to enter the environment at any stage
from its mining to its final use and once it is introduced it continues to persist. Lead does not
biodegrade; it can remain in soil for thousands of years.8,5
Exposure Assessment
Exposure Routes The major routes of lead exposure are absorption from contaminated foreign bodies,
inhalation, and ingestion. Some examples of ingestion include chips from wall paint, ingestion of
contaminated food and water.3,4 Tobacco smoke is also a source of lead exposure.4,9 Dermal
absorption only occurs due to exposure of organic forms of lead.9 Lead exposure from soil can result
from direct contact with soil, in addition to tracking in dust on shoes, clothing, and pets are all forms
of possible exposure.5 Young children are at higher risk for exposure from ingestion, they consume an
estimated 200 mg of soil per day.5 Exposure via ingestion is magnified in children who engage in
pica, an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of nonnutritive
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Why Is Stargirl Unique
Star girl is a very unique person. From the beginning she was a fish out of water. She has her own
personality and doesn t want to be like anyone else and not many people act like her. One way she is
unique is she knows every kid in the schools birthday and sings to them at lunch. She also shows
conformity when she is with her friends. She is the new girl at school and that means she has a tough
crowd to please. She doesn t understand the rules at Mica High, and she just goes around doing her
own thing.
Stargirl has always been known to do her own thing. She doesn t care to be like others or fit in. She is
a rebel and doesn t even know it. She cheers for people picking up litter, performing at halftime at
football games, and much more. She
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Swan Lake Essay
This performance is usually presented in 4 Acts (this one 3). The acts are separated by a brief pause
and a change of setting. Swan Lake tells a vivid story capturing the audience s attention through the
elaborate use of choreographic design and style. The subtle transitions from intense high tempo to
moderate help to map out the story that is being told in an exciting fashion. The first act consists of 9
dances total, starting at a moderato assai style then subsequently ending in a mandate. The slight
accent throughout the beginning helps to build the suspense and keep the viewer intrigued. This is
followed by strategic grand movement with jumps then consistent but large movements all over the
stage. The young black shirted man is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The use of cliffhangers between acts kept me intrigued the whole time wondering what was next.
There wasn t many times during the production where I was distracted into doing something else or
not paying attention. Out of all the intense moments during the dances, the one that evoked the most
emotion out of me was in the final act when the white man finally faced the man in black. The story
had seemed to build up to that most of the time and it seemed inevitable. I was interested to see the
color of the swans slowly shifting darker and darker as the final act played out. I remember
specifically wondering if the swans wanted to be turned into the black swans, or if they were siding
with the man in white. The fast paced ending and body language of the dancers suggested the swans
were happy with being saved from the man in black, and that was evident as the production came to a
close. This part of the story reminds me of any general scenario when someone is being peer
pressured. No one seems to speak up and the consequences of everyone else drive the actions of the
single person. None of the swans really had control of being changed, but they certainly didn t fight it
either. I believe this draws a valuable picture for anyone witnessing and highlights the major theme as
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Essay Help Grammar

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  • 2. American Red Cross Ethical Issues Essay The American Red Cross has stood for a place that people to go to for help when anything catastrophic has happened in their lives. It has been around since the 1880 s and made a place in the United States years later. It has been there to help during World Wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, blood donations etc. It has helped millions of people during tragic times. You never think of the Red Cross as an organization that has ethical issues but they do and it has cost them their image. Elizabeth Dole was a wonderful woman who kept the ARC running like a well oiled machine but since she left there has been numerous people that have taken her place and then had to leave due to questionable actions. It seems that ever since 911, the Red Cross has been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example when online donations came in for these disasters they were not equipped to handle them. They had to have tech employee s work round the clock to make sure the websites could handle the amount of traffic it received. Another ethical problem is, trusting its leaders and workers implicitly. Times have changed and we cannot have that. People in today s world do not have the same morale fiber that they used to have when we were little. Organizations like the Red Cross now need to come up with better ethical standards. They have done so by not having too many people at the top. Instead of 50 they now have 20. They also need to have controls in place that will ensure that employee misconduct will no longer be a problem. In addition people need to be trained in ethics and be made to sign ethical documents that spell out the companies ethical procedures, which the Red Cross has done. The Red Cross needs to be more transparent about where its money donations are going. Transparency is huge and there would be no question if the ARC adopted this practice(Thorne, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Ivan Ruiz DeVry University Toyota Motor Corporation has a long and interesting history behind it. In 1933, Kiichiro Toyoda traveled to the United States. There he visited many car companies that produces automobiles (Toyota Motor Corporation Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Toyota Motor Corporation, 2015) there he learned about the production lines on how to build cars. Then shortly upon his return to Japan, he decided that he wanted to establish an automobile establishment with in his father s factory. In May 1935, he made his very own prototype automobile. At this point and time Japan had very little natural resources, therefore they had every reason ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today consumers are more aware of the negative effects (air pollution) caused by cars. They know what the affects can cause to the earth and therefore consumers are more likely to buy hybrid cars instead of a regular car. This will limit the amount of CO2 pumped into the earth s atmosphere. 2. Increasing fuel prices. One other advantage that Toyota has working for them is the fuel prices incising at a high rate. With the fuel prices increasing consumers are looking for fuel friendly vehicles that will cost less at the pump (Jurevicius, 2013). Threats 1. Decreasing fuel prices. Then there is a possibility of fuel prices decreasing at a future time. Therefore, hybrid car and electric cars will become less favored. 2. Rising raw material prices. Rising raw material prices increase so will the the price of the cars. The prices are important to manufactures because this means that they will need to increase the sales and so their profits will decrease. 3. Natural disasters. Natural disasters can be a huge impact on Toyota s manufacturing facilities. Recent events have proved it in countries such as China, Thailand, and Japan (Jurevicius, 2013). Competition Of course Toyota Motor s isn t the biggest name out there. Any company who is in the car business becomes Toyota s competitor. However, the three biggest competitors Toyota has are Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and Honda Motor Co., LTD (Toyota Motor Corporation Competition, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Culture Of American College Cultures vary tremendously throughout the world and within many of these cultures are sub cultures that do not necessarily operate under the same standards for example, the culture of American college students. Subcultures, according to Clark and Trow, represent clusters of attitudes, norms, and models of behaviors rather than groups of people (Warren, 1968). It is hard for someone to not have any ethnocentric bias to a culture they have not yet been part of or witnessed first hand. Transitioning from the subculture I have grown up in my entire life, to the American college culture was a huge change. Before attending college I did not have a strong ethnocentric bias to the college culture because I had already known people who had ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prior to attending WSU, I did not give much merit to the information that I received about what college would be like unless I was being told by someone who had reliable first hand experience and especially so if they do or had attended WSU themselves. I would always hear people saying that WSU is a party school, and I think that is due to the fact that WSU has a lower GPA requirements than some schools and people assume it is full of the people who were not accepted into UW. Although that is the case for many students here, I know a great deal of students who attend WSU and were also accepted by UW and other schools as well. The state of Washington has its own subculture of the United States, and within the state of Washington there are many different subcultures, both big and small (Lieske, 1993). Once you go from eastern Washington to western Washington there is a massive change in the subculture of the people. The culture of western Washington is more liberal than in eastern Washington where people on average are more conservative (Lieske, 1993). As well as political views and other factors, there is a huge separation between supporters of UW and WSU. Living on the western side of Washington I did not know that the WSU culture and pride was so strong out here. I had thought that everyone prefers UW because it is considered a better school and located in Seattle, but one I arrived out here I was shocked by the pride that Cougs have. I had no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Responsible Stewardship Of Wild And Marine Life Responsible Stewardship Page 1 Responsible Stewardship of Wild and Marine Life And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all . Daniel 2:38 The above mentioned scripture from the Holy Bible may be interpreted in many ways, but in regards to stewardship, it displays God s overwhelming trust in mankind to protect and preserve the wildlife that he created. Even so, stewardship should not be taken lightly. It is a privilege bestowed upon mankind that not only embellishes God s plan to protect what he created but it also gives mankind a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure that our planet will continue to have sustainable resources for future generations to come. The word stewardship can be defined in many ways to suit many purposes, but for the purpose of preserving wildlife and other natural resources, the best definition comes from the Merriam Webster online dictionary. According to Webster, stewardship is defined as the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one s care (2012). When it comes to managing and planning resources related to our planet, stewardship embodies this concept fully. In the criminal justice field there are several areas in which stewardship is used to preserve our natural resources such as land and water. One of the most prevalent stewardships pertains to the conservation of wildlife ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Mothers Beach Descriptive Essay Mothers beach holds a dear place in my heart. It s where mothers bring their children knowing the calm, cool waves will allow their young to experience all the joy a beach can provide. I had been there many of times in my short but happy life. At the time I had just been faced with all the excitement that comes with celebrating a birthday, I was now the big 5 years old. I thought I was ready to take on the world, sadly, I was unaware of all the seemingly innocent dangers out there in the world. My family and I were at Mothers beach trying to reminisce in all the memories we had of Long Beach. In a couple days, we would be moving half way across the U.S. to Tulsa, Oklahoma making this our last trip to our beloved beach. It would be a break ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was unusual to see so many people there, but school had just gotten out for the summer and people were ready to soak up the sun. It was hard to find a place that wasn t right next to someone, but we eventually managed to find a good spot. We laid out our towels and got right to undressing down to our swimsuits. We dumped out our bag full of beach supplies and my mom began to lather everyone up with sunscreen. Me being the unluckiest person ever, am as pale as a porcelain doll and the most likely to burn. This required me to be smothered in sunscreen even more than the rest. Now that we had our ghostly white sheen and smelled like chemically produced summer, we were ready to begin our beach activities. My mom being the munificent person she is, promised if we behaved, we could get ice cream from our most beloved ice cream shop. We unanimously decided we would be on our best behavior. We had the same order every time we went 1 cookie dough on a waffle cone, 1 mint chocolate chip in a cup, 1 cookies and cream on a regular cone, and 1 plain vanilla also on a waffle cone. My sisters would always tease me saying it was boring to get vanilla (even though they too would sometimes get vanilla). My sister Shannon and I started to build sand castles while my mom and Amanda laid out on their towels. Everytime we went to the beach, we would try our absolute hardest to make tremendously sized sand castles. It was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. How Did Cronus Build An Ancient Greek God In Ancient Greece, there was believed to have been many gods who controlled specific components of the Earth. Cronus (or Kronos) was the Titan King. He was married to Rhea and they had six children: Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Kronos swallowed each of his children when they were born to avoid a prophecy that he had been told. Rhea hid her youngest child, Zeus, so he would not be swallowed by Cronus. She gave Cronus a stone wrapped in cloth to trick him, and he fell for it. Zeus grew up in hiding from his father in a cave on Crete. Since his mother had to return to Cronus, Zeus had to be raised by Amalthea, a goat, and a nymph named Melissa. They nursed him and took care of the young child. Melissa and Amalthea had to entertain Zeus very often so Cronus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Zeus overthrew his father while in battle and took the throne at Mount Olympus. After the defeat of their father, the three brothers had to determine who rules what aspect of the Earth. Although many think it was not a very smart way to decide, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades drew lots. Arguably, Zeus ultimately won. He became the god of the sky and ruler of all the other Olympians. Altercations between Olympians were settled by Zeus and he also could punish their wrongdoings. Since he was the god of the sky, Zeus could create storms, darkness, droughts, or even hurricanes on Earth. If he was ever furious, lightning bolts could have been hurled to the Earth as punishment. He also cherished the mortals on Earth. They would be rewarded for being honest and fair, while being punished for thievery or cruelty. During the revolt of his father, Zeus gained the help of Prometheus, a titan at the time. Prometheus secretly gave mortals fire and metalworking skills after Cronus was overthrown. Zeus began to get very angry at Prometheus, so he punished him severely. He had Prometheus bound to a stone with an eagle devouring his liver every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Disaster Recovery Plan It 244 Week 3 Essay Disaster Recovery Plan Paper Fernando Hernandez IT244/Axia College Introduction In this assignment, I will go over the different items related to the disaster recovery plan. I will go over the purpose of the plan, explain the key elements that go into a plan, the methods of testing the plan, and why we test the plan. All while explaining why the disaster recovery plan is so critical to businesses in the event of an emergency. What is the purpose of a Disaster Recovery Plan? The purpose of the disaster recovery plan is to ensure the process of recovering mission critical systems has a plan of action in case of a disaster. The disaster recovery plan makes sure all the steps to bring up the critical to less critical systems ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The five methods of testing a disaster recovery plan are providing a walk through, setting up simulations, having checklists, parallel testing, and making a full interruption test. The walk through helps test the plan by finding things more important or irrelevant that can be added or omitted from the plan. Simulations provide practice sessions of what a disaster would or could do to a business. Simulations also show the plan when it is put into effect. Checklists provide a list that each department uses to check off tasks completed. Parallel testing is a clone system that runs with the main system until the main system is ready to come back online. Full interruption will stop the production systems fully and start them back up to see the programs work or fail. Why does a DRP require testing? A disaster recovery plan requires testing so that all things are planned ahead of time and ready to go in the case of an emergency. New items or untrained personnel can come into the business and need to be added to the plan. This will need to be tested also to ensure it is covered when an emergency happens. In addition, everything on the plan may look good when in writing but until the plan is used in a real situation, the business will never know if it works properly. Testing the plan in a simulation disaster scenario is the best way to know how objects and people react to the situation. Conclusion In this assignment I have went over all of the key
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  • 10. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Analysis Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is an infectious and transmittable form of a prion, although extremely rare it still becomes highly fatal if infected. This disease can also be classified as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) that is gained through exposure to the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) from contaminated cattle or meat. As this is not a prominently spread disease around the world and considering it was only recognised in 1996 it has only held 175 cases in the United Kingdom, 25 in Spain, 4 in Ireland, 3 in the Netherlands and the United States of America, 2 each in Canada, Italy and Portugal as well as 1 each in japan, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan (World Health Organization, 2012). Causes Falling under the category ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once infected with the Dengue virus cells called Langerhans detect and alert the Immune system to target the foreign particles (Nature Education, 2014), Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease can go by undiscovered as your body is never alerted of these foreign particles because they are not perceived to be so (US National Library of Medicine , 2012). There are some similarities in these two diseases, they are both able to rapidly infect cells ; the Dengue virus simply fight back the cells attacking it and infect them whilst Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease uses axoplamic travel to infect more prion proteins as they go. The cellular response to the Dengue virus entails monocytes and macrophages ingesting and destroying infected cells, interferons being produced to help fight the virus, B and T cells working to detect and attack with antibodies and lastly the use of the complement system to release white blood cells as well as other antibodies to remove the virus from the host (National Library of Medicine, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Harry Arthur Is An Argument Of Globalization Sara Aminaei Essay no.1 Q1. Harry Arthurs has argued that Globalization renders dysfunctional any system based on national policies, laws, and institutions. Explain whether or not you find his argument persuasive and support of your argument with reference to the substantive regulatory areas examined in the course. The political climate in the western hemisphere has altered the judicial system in Canada in numerous ways. Since the post war era we have seen a push for globalization and neoliberalism and have been reassured consistently by the leaders on the global stage that this is essential for our world economy to thrive. It is not reasonable to disagree with Arthur that globalization has become a dominant theme and impacts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this light, Canada, as one of the most open advanced economies in the world , has close to 60 to 70 per cent of GDP, which is attributable to both exports and imports (Arthurs 3). The heavy reliance on globalization in Canada traces back to the political climate of the early 20th century due to it being a loyal ally to the United States. Of course, unlike America, Canada does not have privatized groups on the same scale. For instance, the United States has privatized health care and prison systems (in light of the recent Trump administration universal healthcare is currently unknown). Through privatization of major organizations, the government cuts its responsibility for some of the public programs and relays it to the public. These private organizations keep propelling their agendas to increase their wealth and power. This creates a conflict for our society as the government is not serving the needs for everybody but the needs for the upper class. This act is often reinforced by lobbyist groups. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines lobbying as a follows: an organization will be regarded as attempting to influence legislation if it contacts, or urges the public to contact, members or employees of a legislative body for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation, or if the organization advocates the adoption or rejection of legislation. The IRS is careful with wording to say ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Ireland s Capital Of Culture Cork, Ireland is one of the most beautiful and culturally rich places on Earth. In 2005 Cork was selected as the European Capital of Culture. With Cork s landscape dotted with old English castles and great Catholic cathedrals it is not hard to understand why Cork was 2005 s capital of culture. There are many examples showing Ireland s rich cultural ties but a very good example is beer. Ireland is quite renowned for its beer production and consumption. You can trace it back no fewer than 5,000 years, back into the earliest days of Irish agriculture, when the magical trilogy of fertile soil, soft rain and gentle, cool breezes made for a climate that could produce superb barley ( A History of Beer in Ireland ). Cork happens to be headquarters of Murphy s Brewery. In 1906 Murphy s Brewery was the second largest brewery in Ireland and has remained a very large brewery ever since (Wilson). Beer is a simple example of one of the many incredible things to visit Cork for. Cork was originally founded by Saint Fin Barre in the 6th century (Riain). The city itself is situated on the River Lee. The river splits making an island which is where the city center is located; the river re converges at the eastern side of the city creating the Cork Harbour, one of the world s largest natural harbors. Viking settlers, in about the 10th century, founded a trading post in Cork. It is hypothesized that Cork was an important trading center in the Scandinavian trading network (Moody). During ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Bacon s Rebellion Essay In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon rebelled and held a revolt in Colonial Virginia. High taxes, low prices for tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, provided the background for the uprising. These factors made the rebellion inevitable. All of the chaos was precipitated by Governor Berkeley s failure to defend the frontier against attacks by Native Americans. Bacon commanded two unauthorized but successful expeditions against the tribes and was then elected to the new House of Burgesses, which Berkeley had been forced to convene. Berkeley then sent out a warrant for his arrest and Bacon was put in jail. Bacon soon was released and he immediately gathered his supporters, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, closer to home, there were many problems caused by the crazy weather. The constantly changing weather left the colony and colonists in chaos. Hailstorms, floods, dry spells, and hurricanes rocked the colony during one year and had a damaging effect on the colonists. Inevitably, these difficulties encouraged the colonists to find a scapegoat. They needed to find something to vent their frustrations and place the blame for their misfortunes. With the immense frustration and anger among the colonists, they began to scapegoat the local Indians. To ward off future attacks and to control the situation, Governor Berkeley instigated the matter. He set up what was to be a disastrous meeting between the parties, which resulted in the murders of several tribal chiefs. In the meantime, Berkeley continually pleaded for restraint from the colonists. Some, including Nathaniel Bacon, refused to listen. Bacon disregarded the Governor s direct orders by seizing some friendly Appomattox Indians for stealing corn. Berkeley scolded him, which caused the disgruntled Virginians to wonder which man had taken the right action. Significantly, Berkeley could not compromise earning resentment from about 1,000 Virginians. They fiercely resented Governor Berkeley for his policies toward the Indians. When Berkeley refused to retaliate for a series of savage Indians on frontier settlements after monopolization of fur trade, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. How Did Marilyn Monroe Commit Suicide One mystery that will never be truly solved is the death of one of the world s most influential stars. Marilyn Monroe. On August the 5th 1962, at the tender age of 36 the Hollywood actress was found dead in her Los Angeles home. The scene seemed to be one of a suicide; however evidence suggests that she was confronted with a far more sinister end. Many believe that Marilyn in fact did end her own life but others including myself believe that her death was due to the hand of President Kennedy. I believe that homicide is what occurred on the evening of her death. Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide, she was murdered Police Officer Jack Clemmons (present at the scene of death.) In her bedroom on the night of her death, the scene appeared ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The President of the United States fell under this category perfectly. It became apparent that a transitory relationship between Marilyn and JFK occurred during the months prior to her death. I surmise that the fleeting affair was the cause of her hasty exit from the world. In the final years of her life Marilyn had become mentally unstable. Alchol and drugs became necessary props in the screenplay she concidered to be her life. Drowning in depression, she became reliant on prescription drugs and alchol to function somewhat normally. This issue became a detriment to both Marilyn s personal life and her career. 20th Century Fox agreed to dismiss her from further projects. In desperation, she turned to the president for support. Marilyn asked Kennedy for a more committed relationship. Yet this was unrealistic as Kennedy had a family. Rejection was a familiar feeling to Monroe. Yet the denial of her request somewhat shocked her; as a result she threatened to go public with the affair. Marilyn Monroe once said Dogs never bite me. Just humans. I believe that this quote in particular describes the end of her relationship with Kennedy perfectly. She was once again let down by someone she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mainframes and Personal Computers Compare and Contrast Mainframes and Personal Computers Overview Mainframes and personal computers have evolved over the years but their core functions have stayed the same. The mainframe is used connect multiple users for large organizations while personal computers are generally used for a single users. The more drastic changes for mainframes and personal computers have been speed and size. Mainframes use to be the size of buildings. Now they are the size of a textbook. Personal computer s origins came from the dumb terminal. The dumb terminal was used just to access the mainframe. Then, the idea came to off load some of the processing from the mainframe and place it on your desktop. Compare The hardware is very similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Extra security and stability is needed. Resetting a mainframe should not happen as often as a personal computer. This is because a mainframe will affect hundreds to thousands of users. The mainframe supports many users. Multiple processors are needed to handle the extra load that mainframes receive. Multiple processors are the standard for mainframes while it is only an option for personal computers. This helps the mainframe s stability because a backup processor can be used in case of a failure. This is also what makes the operating system more complex then the personal computer. Stability is expected for the mainframe more than a personal computer. The mainframe is also expected to run 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is why stability is so important with the mainframe. The mainframe does not stop working when everyone goes home. The cost of the mainframe encourages the users to use it as much as possible. Conclusion Mainframes and Personal computers were drastically different when they were first introduced. The mainframe took up buildings and the personal computer was only an interface to a mainframe. Today, their similarities are growing. Eventually we will not be able to tell the difference. Has cost comes down for mainframes they to will become personal computers or an add on to a personal computer for the price of a hard drive today. Back in the day, mainframes were huge so I will conclude by saying it must be a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Poem Analysis On His Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell wrote a unique love poem in To His Coy Mistress, as this poem expresses far more than one might expect or even perceive upon the first reading. Enveloped in this ode to a cherished muse are expressions of the carpe diem philosophy, laments about the impending doom of death, and hopes to transcend contemporary abilities to live forever in the love of another. While Marvell s primary purpose in writing this piece may have been to woo a young maiden, he made a far more significant contribution to the era s literary culture in the process. Marvell most directly addressed To His Coy Mistress to a woman he intended to court, as he spends a majority of the piece lamenting that he didn t have time sufficient to praise her features. In the opening stanza, Marvell states that, Had we but world enough, and time.... An hundred years should go yo praise.... An age at least to every part, / And the last age should show your heart (Marvell 1 18). While Marvell ones not directly praise or describe his muse in any way, he does emphasize how extraordinarily praiseworthy she be, and this idea forms the basis for the philosophical wonderings and realizations that comprised the following stanzas. Thus, Marvell addressed his poem at a potential lover for the purpose of courting her on an unknown occasion, but the real significance of the poem lies in the later ideas he presented to fulfill this purpose. In his second stanza, Marvell takes a drastic turn from the romantic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Patriarchy In Sexual Politics, By Kate Millet In Sexual Politics, Kate Millet states that patriarchal societies do not derive from human nature, but are socially constructed. Patriarchy is means of the male gender applied to exploit and oppress the females. The process of patriarchal control develops since childhood. Since and early age, children perceive notions of what is proper to each gender from their parents, peers, and society. She asserts that besides the physical distinctions, there are not differences between male and female. It is the patriarchal social structure that assigns gender roles. Due to cultural expectations, young males are encouraged to develop their characteristics to meet with the stereotypes: strong, aggressive, violent, disciplined, and intelligent, while women ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How Clive utilizes gender stereotypes to maintain his power is depicted throughout the first act as he attempts to keep his wife as well as women in general in a lower status in various ways. For one thing, Clive assigns a passive and docile role for Betty, which can be seen from the way she has to listen to everything he says and is not allowed to have opinions. When Betty tells Clive on Joshua that the servant did not do what she said when she told him to fetch a book, Clive does not even want to listen to what she has to say. Although he was not there, he interrupts her when she tries to explain the situation; Betty, please, let me handle this This shows a patriarchal attitude about women s incompetence in handling things and making decisions. Also in order to keep, his wife in the status quo, he encourages her to do activities like playing piano and reading poetry which are stereotypically considered gentle and womanly. The female role assigned by men has become Betty s identity. She accepts her inferiority to men and behaves what the patriarchal system deems appropriate. Betty: I live for Clive. The whole aim of my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. My True Friend True friends are like flawless diamonds, very valuable and hard to come by. We all have had or still have friends that we consider to a beautiful diamond. That friend that is always there for you through thick and thin. That friend that you are like my family with rather than friends. These kind of friends are the ones that last forever just like diamonds. Lucky for me I unearthed a rather rare diamond amongst the many cubic zirconia named Jasmine Frazier. Jasmine and I became acquainted with each other when we were in the fourth grade. She was the funniest, caring, and most protective person I have ever meet and these three traits were what made her a friend like no other. First, Jasmine was my rather adorable, brown skinned, curly haired best friend since we were in the fourth grade. She was 5 3, one year older than me, always wore a smile that would linger in one s eyes after just one glance, and had a sense of humor like no other. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and expressions. For example, whenever she would tell a joke, there wouldn t be a dried eye left in the room. Next, Jasmine has a very amiable personality and I learned that in the when we were in the fifth grade. She was always there for me through good times and especially bad times. For example, there was this one time when I went to school and I forgot to ask my mom for lunch money. At first, I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Canada s Drug Laws And Drugs Canada s drug regulations are covered by the Food and Drug Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. In relation to controlled and restricted drug products the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act establishes eight schedules of drugs and new penalties for the possession, trafficking, exportation and production of controlled substances as defined by the Governor in Council. Drug policy of Canada has traditionally favoured punishment of the smallest of offenders, but this convention was partially broken in 1996 with the passing of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. [1] Contents HistoryEdit Until 1908 the use of narcotics, opiates especially, in Canada was unregulated.[2] From the 1850s onwards, Chinese immigrants came to British Columbia in droves, establishing opium dens in their isolated communities. Canadian employers saw the Chinese immigrants as a source of cheap labour, and the government viewed opium consumption as another way to gain revenue, imposing a tax on opium factories in 1871. However, with the decline of the gold rush in the 1880s resentment towards the Chinese grew, as unemployed Canadians could not compete with cheap Chinese labour.[3] Additionally, Japanese immigration to Canada began to rise sharply, resulting in demonstrations against Asian labour. In 1907, there was a particularly large demonstration against Asian immigrants in Vancouver s Chinatown.[4] In response to the demonstrations, Deputy Minister of Labour Mackenzie King ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Examples Of My Career Goals Essay You know why some people fail in their life? Obviously, the purpose is they don t set up goals for themselves which they should in order to succeed in their life. There are people out there that have many achievements in their lifestyle and have set their goals to fulfil them. Setting a life goal is important in order to know the concepts of what you want to be in the future, what you want to reach at, or what you want to change about yourself in order to reach a specific goal. However, I am striving for these three main goals in my life, preparing for universities, more working out to have a healthy body, and to be a successful business woman in the future. To begin with, I would like to express my first goal, which is preparation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Of course, everyone has a career goal of what they want to be when they grow up. For having this career goal as one of my goals, I would like to talk about my career future and who I want to be once I graduate from high school and university. I decided I want to be a businesswoman, why? Well first, I like creating my food, cooking, baking, and at the same time I enjoy marketing them around my friends and family. At the same time, I think I can manage to own a business, as you can see I can major any kind of business since I like to market, own, and create. Being a business woman is important because it s symbolising of who I am going to be when I grow up. Although, to achieve my goal to be a business woman I need to study about it and how to reach that specific step where I turn to be an official business woman. I chose to study marketing which is one of favorite major, as a business woman. In order for me to study that major I need to pass through three steps in order to achieve my major goal to reach my higher goal which is after university. My three steps are, Visiting any business and see how they are working in their daily life, experience what life is a business woman is living, and going around any business shop and ask them some question that might help me build my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. El Chappo Research Paper The Chapo has been captured 3 Times, but he has only escaped 2. He makes about 3 billion dollars a year. El Chapo has 14 kids and some of them are drug dealers too. His net worth is 1 Billion dollars. He was born in Mexico. El Chapo started the cartel de sinaloa in 1989 according to (Time Magazine). By 1990 he was one of the most wanted drug dealers in Mexico. People say that he is the most powerful drug dealer. Even do some people say he is not the (Time magazine) says he is by becoming so powerful in so little time. Authorities are not sure how much money he makes. The Chapo has been captured 2 times and escaped 3. The first time he, escaped dressed like a woman as (Satira Tribunes) said. The most recent times he escaped jail it was march 6th, 2016 at 4:31 as (Satira Tribunes) said. The tunnel is known to cost over 5 million dollars. A couple of weeks later he got captured again, and since then he hasn t escape again. Sources such like ( The New York Times) say he was treated really bad as well as El Chapos wife. People say that he says that because he doesn t want to be translated to U.S. People also say he is saying this so he can escape again. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The answer is because he has a lot of money and with that money he can buy all the police officers. In the latest escape of El Chapo more than 77 people were accused of helping El Chapo escape. The police officers also accept to help El Chapo because of protection and because they are scared that if they don t help El Chapo he can send people to kill the police officer s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Comparing Descartes And John Locke On How Is God Related... One of the main questions philosophers strive to fulfill happens to be How is God related to the world, especially in causality. An increasingly popular idea was that the world and nature were like a machine and everything worked together like a montage of parts. Disturbance again reigned from Christians and thus came primary and secondary causality. Such as the primary cause is too wet the grass and the secondary is the rain which in turn will make the grass wet. God is the primary cause for everything while he works in secondary causes. Spinoza, however, sees God as a substance and He is everything. Such as Descartes, Locke wished to determine how the human mind acquires knowledge. He believed a newborn child was a blank slate and knowledge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Write Routine Analysis Writing Routine and Positive Messages Learned how to strategize before writing a routine request up front is by making sure to pay attention to the tone in which you are writing, assume that the audience will comply with what I am writing or requesting of the audience, and to be specific in what I am writing. I learned about the three common types of routine request which consists of asking for information and action, asking for a recommendation, and lastly making claims and requesting adjustments. These components are crucial in the business world and any profession in that matter. In this section I was introduced on how to properly outline a strategy which will help to effectively write routine replies and positive messages. The final important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is model is useful for a persuasive business message, but it can also be used for any message. The main components are able to make sure that you are able to reach the reader by making your statement or desire that you want the reader to focus on is your message other than all the other messages that your audience will encounter throughout their day. The second part which consist of making sure that you make your message keeps their interest, without any interest, then your audience will not get the message. Once you have gathered their attention and intersect you need to have a desire for them to do, once all is completed you just need them to do the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Importance Of Monitoring And Evaluation On The... IMPORTANCE OF MONITORING AND EVALUATION IN THE SUSTAINABILITY OF CONSTITUENCY DEVELOMENT FUND (CDF) PROJECTS IN KENYA Tecla Biwott1, Omar Egesah2, Javan Ngeywo1 Kisii1 Moi2 University, Kenya ABSTRACT The Kenya Government Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects contribute immensely in initiating and implementing sustainable development projects in all parts of Kenya, and it is essential to track processes and impact of such projects. Monitoring and Evaluation helps project managers in keeping track the implementation of the projects and its prudence in the utilization of the resources. It provides decision makers with a strategy to plan for sustainability of the projects and guidance for future endeavors. Sustainability is key to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The concept of sustainable development was introduced by the publication of the Brundland report having a basis of meeting the needs of the current situation while considering the upcoming generations in meeting their needs too (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). While the concept is true, achievement of the sustainable development has no clear and definite route (Becker, Jahn, Stiess, Wehling, 1997; Walker Kubisch, 2008). Challenges in the society entail those in the production and those in the consumption (Beck, 1986). It is therefore prudent to use a variety of evaluation that includes systems evaluation and developmental evaluation (Imam, LaGoy Williams 2007; Patton, 2008). Challenges linked to sustainable development needs knowledge development and a clear link between science and society (Funtowicz Ravetz, 1993; Gibbons et al., 1994; Jasanoff, 2004; Nowotny, Scott, Gibbons, 2001). Management of project sustainability requires continuous improvement of ways and update of tools of governance (Voss, Bauknecht, Kemp, 2006; Hajer, 2003; Loorbach, 2007; Rotmans, Kemp, Asselt, 2001). Projects are best placed when they make the most sense to purposed primary uses and when it provides probable solution to the community challenge (Patton, 2008; Gibbons et al. 1994; Nowotny et al. 2001; Regeer Bunders, 2009). Communities face complex and varied problems, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Theme Of Bolivar In The Great Gatsby In addition to the character s different settings, they are also introduced in very different ways. Bolívar is first revealed as an image of a dead man when his lifelong servant José Palacios finds him floating in his bathtub and [thinks] he [has] drowned. (Marquez, 3) This initial picture of Bolívar will remain intact throughout the novel, as he is often portrayed as [having] the face of a dead man. (Marquez, 143) Although the General has already reached this level of deterioration on the first page, the reader is regularly exposed to a radically different and maybe more historically familiar image of the General from his days of glory, for instance when he remembers [leading] two hundred men armed with whatever weapons they could find, and in some twenty days there was not a single monarchist Spaniard left in the Magdalena Basin. (Marquez, 97) Although they are much fewer, there are also recollections of Bolívar s youth before the wars for liberation began, these appearing especially towards the end of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shortly after Gatsby s revelation, the climax of the novel will send him into a downward spiral after a confrontation at the Plaza where Daisy s and his relationship falls apart. Tom also reveals Gatsby s illegal affairs, which he cannot successfully deny and so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible. (Fitzgerald, 134) From this point in the story, Gatsby s character will continue to devolve until he is eventually killed, floating in a pool. Gatsby s extreme character development from a poor farm boy to a wealthy man whose eminent downfall is due to love is employed by Fitzgerald to reinforce the theme of the American Dream. Much like the typical American Dream, Gatsby comes from nothing and emerges a self made successful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Summary Of The Ballot Or The Bullet Give ME Liberty or Give Me Death An Great Appeal to Pathos Through a Black Nationalist Rhetoric in The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcom X. Although The Years have passed and History is what our Nation was built on. The Unit States of America has always and consistently has had a problem with civil rights. From The Creation of this nation when mostly all white landowners owned slaves, to today where slavery is outlawed, civil rights still reside as an issue today. Some might disagree that racism still exist in today s society but the evidence is prominent. There is still a great group of extraordinary activist and leaders today, who still fight a great fight for civil rights. But who started the era of activism, and the movement for civil rights were two Historians one was Martin Luther King Jr, and the other was Malcom Both Men advocated for the same thing but their deliveries were different while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, advocated for more of a peaceful revolution, Malcom X advocated in the use of violence and demanding style when delivering The Ballot or the Bullet speech. Malcom X would give the Ballot or the Bullet speech in 1964 in Cleveland Ohio, in front of more than two thousand people. This speech was also significant because it was delivered after Martin Luther King Jr s I Have a Dream Speech. The Ballot or The Bullet Speech was about nationalism during that year, X was encouraging African Americans to vote for who was going to benefit blacks. White ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Conservation Of Linear Momentum For A Jet Generates On... Conservation of Linear Momentum Name Institution Table of contents Objective 2 Results and Graphs 2 Discussion 3 Summary and Conclusion 3 References 4 Data Sheet 4 Sample Calculations 6 Conservation of Linear Momentum Objective The primary goal of this experiment was to study the force that a jet generates on hemispherical, flat, and conical surfaces. Further, the experiment exposed students to the concept of linear momentum conservation by observing forces that a jet of water exerts on objects with different shapes. Results and Graphs Figure 1: Forces Acting on the x and y axis As can be seen, the forces that act on the x direction are caused by pressure at sections 1 and 2. Similarly, an expression that relates the conservation of linear momentum in the Y direction can be developed. Discussion Although the experiment was successful, some errors occurred during the experiment that made most values to deviate from the expected ones. Generally, both fixed and random errors were observed (Mitchell Worledge, 2015). The random errors, in this case, resulted into statistical fluctuations in the measured data because of the limitations in precision measurement. Additionally, the random errors occurred due to inability to take the same measurements as the expected ones. Furthermore, fixed errors were responsible for reduced inaccuracies in the values obtained (Valiani Caleffi, 2011). However, the best way to minimize random errors is by averaging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Amelia Earhart s Life Amelia Earhart s last words were heard 8:43 a.m.; these are the last documented moments of her life ( Earhart Project ). Any signs or clues as to where Earhart and her plane were located vanished the second these words had been received, leaving the public stumped and constantly inquiring about what exactly had become of Amelia Earhart on that day. At long last, due to new discoveries, some light now shines upon Earhart s whereabouts. Despite popular belief, Amelia Earhart wasn t captured by the Japanese nor was she lost at sea; in fact, the famous pilot landed on the uninhabited island of Nikumaroro and passed away before she could be saved. Thousands of Americans know the name Amelia Earhart, but what happened to her remains a mystery even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are multitudes of other conspiracies, however, this one is evidentially proven to be true. Earhart s plane was never submerged under water or taken away from her since she was sending Morse Code signals for days after her planes disappearance. In addition to this, Nikumaroro was the closest island to her destination and the island s beaches were ideal for landing. On top of this, many artifacts that have to be Earhart s or Noonan s, her navigator, have originated from Nikumaroro. Most importantly, they found a body matching Earhart s size and race as well on Nikumaroro. All of these findings combined make it the highly unlikely Earhart had ended up anywhere else but on the deserted island of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. A Research On The Family And A Good Support System 1. Research on the Problem Given the topic of stepfamilies, we found a lot of information supporting stepfamilies, but really no solution. There is not a specific solution but there are ways that families can strengthen their newly formed stepfamily. From this course, we developed a getaway camp for stepfamilies and blended families. Previous research says that good communication between the family and a good support system are keys to success in a step family, this was a proven successful way. Our camp will provide these things in the friends the family and the kids make at the camp. Our paper will touch on the missions, goals, objectives, action plan, resource plan, allies and opponents. We learned the family systems and how interdependence plays a role within a family. A family needs to develop interdependence enable to rely on each other, just as a stepfamily needs to do the same. We also learned that the definition of a family can include more than one family at a time. Many families around the world are involved in stepfamilies. It is likely that you are part of a stepfamily or know someone who is apart of a stepfamily, ...at one point or another more than half of children will spend time in a mixed or blended step family ( Harcourt,K.T., Adler Baeder,F.,Erath,S., Pettit,G.S. 2015). We also found statistics that state, 1300 new stepfamilies are forming every day. And Over 50% of US families are remarried or re coupled. The research that we found said that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Theme Of Poison In Hamlet Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about the life of Hamlet after his father, the King of Denmark, is killed. Throughout the play, there are many objects that are important to the characters and the plot as a whole. One of the objects brought up multiple times in the text that is crucial to the story is poison. The use of poison as a means to kill in Hamlet shows that Claudius is a coward. In the beginning of the play, Claudius is introduced as a coward when it is revealed that he murdered King Hamlet with poison. When the Ghost, the ghost of King Hamlet, tells Hamlet about how he was killed, the Ghost says, Now, Hamlet, hear: / Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, / A serpent stung me. / So the whole ear of Denmark / Is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His use of poison shows that he is a coward because he uses it at a means to kill without having to confront his enemies. Additionally, the times that poison is used in the show represents something else. The use of poison at only the beginning and end of the play can be interpreted as a circle plot. When Claudius killed King Hamlet at the beginning of the show, he starts a new era in Denmark, and when Hamlet, Gertrude, and Claudius, and Laertes are all killed by poison at the end of the novel, creating another new era in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Plate Tectonics ( 20 Points ) Question 1: Plate Tectonics (20 points) Plate tectonics is a theory where earth s crust in the lithosphere is made up of plates that float on a hot layer of molten magma in the asthenosphere, and moves constantly and under different circumstances causes mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes to appear. With the evidence of plate tectonics and fossils, it is believed that about 225 million years ago, all the major continents had formed one giant continent known as Pangaea. However, due to possible heat build up underneath the giant continent, Pangaea broke up thus splitting up populations of plants and animals. With the rift, ocean waters filled the areas that once were the giant continent, therefore separating these continents. To this day, landmasses continue to move apart, riding upon their respective plates. The movement of earth s twelve major tectonic plates helped determine the position and shape of the continents for millions of years. Where the plates meet, and its motions determine the type of boundary. There are four types of boundaries where activity of plate tectonics can be found: divergent, convergent, collisional, and transform boundaries. A divergent boundary in plate tectonics is also known as a constructive boundary. It exists when two tectonic plates are moving away from each other and create rift valleys. This usually occurs between oceanic plates. The sea floor spreading is an example of divergent boundaries. An underwater chain of mountains ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Macdonald Funeral Home A Rhetorical Website Analysis of the MacDonald Funeral Home Website The MacDonald funeral home website provides the viewer with many different rhetorical devices in their text, images, color psychology, as well as shapes to utilize logos, pathos, and ethos to help appeal to the users that access this website. This website provides funeral services as well as cremation services for people s loved ones. They provide low prices and care to the services in which they provide. I have chosen the MacDonald funeral home website in relation to the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight because it seems that there will soon be a funeral held for the father. Logos Logos appeals to the logical side, provides reason as well as logic to the reader. While there are no logical colors or shapes but there is text as well as photos to explain logos. The MacDonald Funeral Home website provides the reader with logical views of the website explaining that they offer affordable prices to all families. An individual may be more prone to use the MacDonald funeral home over other funeral homes because of the lower price. The MacDonald funeral home has a photo explaining that they are not just funeral directors, but that they are experts are transforming an individual s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The MacDonald Funeral Home website provides pathos with explaining that the home has been helping families by providing an understanding, meaningful, as well as caring funeral for the past 34 years. This website offers many photos that provide an emotional experience to the reader, such as photos of their family, photos of the recent obituaries, as well as photos explaining that they cremate people s loved ones using care. The website has lots of green, which provides the reader with feelings of growth, balance, harmony, and hope. Oddly curved shapes (natural/organic shapes) tend to comfort and please the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Importance Of School Dress Codes How School Dress Codes are Detrimental to Girls. In many American middle and high schools, there are rules on how you must dress. The most known of these are that boys must wear shirts and must not show their underwear, and girls must have shorts or skirts be fingertip length, not show shoulders or bra straps, and not show too much cleavage. The rules vary by school, but most of these rules are geared towards young women. College and real life do not have dress codes. Employers have dress codes so that their employees can convey to customers what the business wants them too, but dress codes in public high schools are sexist and teach young women that their education is less valuable than that of a man s. Firstly, most school dress codes are aimed at girls. According to the dress code of my alma mater, Lakota West High School, there are twelve items of clothing that are not allowed that are directed towards girls, and only 3 that are specific to boys. There are more that are unisex, but I have singled out the ones that are gender specific. Why are girls the ones who are more restricted by the dress code? Imagine you are a young man getting ready for school in the morning. If your outfit doesn t have oversized armholes, dog collars/spikes, or drug or alcohol related messages, congratulations! You re ready for school. Now, if you re a young woman getting ready for school, your outfit must not show your bra straps, have sleeves that cover your entire shoulder, and not have oversized armholes. Your shorts or skirt cannot be past your fingertips, which for some girls with long arms means wearing jeans even in 90 degree weather. Your jewelry and piercings must not be potentially harmful (it is up to the staff to dictate what is and what s not), and your hair and makeup must not disrupt the educational process. (Again, it is the job of the staff to decide what is disruptive, there are no set guidelines.) It s a lot harder to get ready for school as a girl, which just adds more stress to get ready in the morning, and gives them one other thing to worry about besides schoolwork. The reasoning I ve often heard behind makeup and not showing shoulders for girls is to not distract other students. Since most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Huckleberry Finn Moral Lessons Essay Learning Moral Lessons The book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is based of social comments and moral lessons presented by an amazing writer Mark Twain. Mark Twain as an author has incorporated these lessons in secret but obvious ways throughout his writing. He mentions some that include, don t treat people different just because of their race. Secondly, he mentions the importance of friendship. Finally, he shows how Huck Finn learns that his vision of the right thing to do is different from the vision of society s. These moral lessons are portrayed in many examples throughout the book. The first lesson Mark Twain addresses in the story is about people being a different race. Mark Twain uses the word nigger everywhere in the book to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jim and Huck develop a special friendship which grows until the end of the book. It all starts when Huck ran away from the cabin he was living in with his father. Huck then meets Jim on the island and Jim doesn t believe it s him, he thought it was Huck s ghost because Jim had heard Huck died earlier before he ran away. That is where Huck and Jim s journey of friendship had begun. They continued to have a bond as they traveled down the river to try to make Jim a free slave. Huck and Jim helped each other in different ways. Jim helped Huck survive by catching food for them to eat and just providing comfort to him as Huck s father had never done before hand. Huck had helped Jim with the education and reasonable plans part of their journey. Another main key detail he does to secure his point is when Jim gets put into the cellar, Huck was willing to do anything. This included eating sawdust after they sawed the bed leg off which helped Jim get out, or get blistered hands from digging the hole. This goes to show that Huck has a heart it doesn t matter if Jim is a nigger or not that Huck is willing to do anything for his friend. In the end it pays off for Huck and Jim both. Jim finds out he s a free man. Huck learns that he needs friends in his life to help his life be an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Between European And Eastern And Western Europe As The... IV. In Depth Analysis Throughout this analysis I will be breaking down the evidence to support my theory of EU membership satisfactions varying across Central/Eastern and Western Europe as the EU expands. I will begin by acknowledging that divide in Europe is not a new concept. In fact, European nations have been divided geographically, socially, economically, and culturally for centuries. In 2003 Hungarian scholar Elemer Hankiss acknowledged the difficulties that face divided Europe and provides insight on the historical divide in the following excerpt. The candidate countries in East Central Europe as well as the Balkans need to reinvent themselves. They have to find something in which they can excel, they have to find their place in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regionalization in the CEECs has been undermined by the technocratic nature of the accession process and the contradictions of the EU s own requirements and demands. While promoting the norms of regional self governance and decentralization, the EU also emphasizes the speedy completion of accession preparations and the efficient use of EU resources, thus creating incentives for centralization and strengthening national government authorities vis à vis regional actors and interests. (Marek and Baun 2002) In the process of obtaining evidence to back up my theory, my main resource data was the Eurobarometer interactive search system, which provided the empirical data, and trends questions used as evidence in this analysis of France and the Czech Republic. European Union member states tend to be satisfied with their membership, as the benefits they perceive their nation to be receiving is in direct correlation to the economic benefits of EU membership. The Eurobarometer system provided charts, which graphed the statistical data of the questions asked throughout this analysis. Between the years 1994 2011 a question was asked to French and Czech citizens of their belief that EU membership had benefitted or not benefited their country overall. Data was not provided of the Czech response until 2004, as they were not European Union members until that initiation year. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hazard Identification Essay Hazard Identification Contaminant Description Lead is a naturally occurring element and was the main toxicant found contaminating the soil at the West Calumet Housing Complex. Hazardous levels of arsenic were also identified.1, 2 Lead is found in air, soil, and water. Most lead exposure results from the use of fossil fuels, it enters the environment from past and current uses.2 Sites located near mining and smelting sites like West Calumet have shown substantial increases in lead levels in the environment.2, 3 Prolonged exposure results in more detrimental health effects with children being at the highest risk. Lead exposure can lead to harmful effects even in low doses, no safe blood level has been identified in children.4 Possible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their use was banned in the United States in 1996 which limits organic lead exposure to primarily occupational sites.8,9 Organic soil matter binds lead very tightly. The availability of soil lead also depends on its solubility.5 The half life of lead varies from about one month in blood, 1 1.5 months in soft tissue, to about 25 30 years in bone.14 Lead has the ability to enter the environment at any stage from its mining to its final use and once it is introduced it continues to persist. Lead does not biodegrade; it can remain in soil for thousands of years.8,5 Exposure Assessment Exposure Routes The major routes of lead exposure are absorption from contaminated foreign bodies, inhalation, and ingestion. Some examples of ingestion include chips from wall paint, ingestion of contaminated food and water.3,4 Tobacco smoke is also a source of lead exposure.4,9 Dermal absorption only occurs due to exposure of organic forms of lead.9 Lead exposure from soil can result from direct contact with soil, in addition to tracking in dust on shoes, clothing, and pets are all forms of possible exposure.5 Young children are at higher risk for exposure from ingestion, they consume an estimated 200 mg of soil per day.5 Exposure via ingestion is magnified in children who engage in pica, an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of nonnutritive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Why Is Stargirl Unique Star girl is a very unique person. From the beginning she was a fish out of water. She has her own personality and doesn t want to be like anyone else and not many people act like her. One way she is unique is she knows every kid in the schools birthday and sings to them at lunch. She also shows conformity when she is with her friends. She is the new girl at school and that means she has a tough crowd to please. She doesn t understand the rules at Mica High, and she just goes around doing her own thing. Stargirl has always been known to do her own thing. She doesn t care to be like others or fit in. She is a rebel and doesn t even know it. She cheers for people picking up litter, performing at halftime at football games, and much more. She ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Swan Lake Essay This performance is usually presented in 4 Acts (this one 3). The acts are separated by a brief pause and a change of setting. Swan Lake tells a vivid story capturing the audience s attention through the elaborate use of choreographic design and style. The subtle transitions from intense high tempo to moderate help to map out the story that is being told in an exciting fashion. The first act consists of 9 dances total, starting at a moderato assai style then subsequently ending in a mandate. The slight accent throughout the beginning helps to build the suspense and keep the viewer intrigued. This is followed by strategic grand movement with jumps then consistent but large movements all over the stage. The young black shirted man is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of cliffhangers between acts kept me intrigued the whole time wondering what was next. There wasn t many times during the production where I was distracted into doing something else or not paying attention. Out of all the intense moments during the dances, the one that evoked the most emotion out of me was in the final act when the white man finally faced the man in black. The story had seemed to build up to that most of the time and it seemed inevitable. I was interested to see the color of the swans slowly shifting darker and darker as the final act played out. I remember specifically wondering if the swans wanted to be turned into the black swans, or if they were siding with the man in white. The fast paced ending and body language of the dancers suggested the swans were happy with being saved from the man in black, and that was evident as the production came to a close. This part of the story reminds me of any general scenario when someone is being peer pressured. No one seems to speak up and the consequences of everyone else drive the actions of the single person. None of the swans really had control of being changed, but they certainly didn t fight it either. I believe this draws a valuable picture for anyone witnessing and highlights the major theme as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...