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Essay Mother
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Mother" can be both emotionally rewarding and
challenging. On one hand, the subject matter is deeply personal and allows for a plethora of
sentiments and memories to be woven into the narrative. However, the difficulty lies in
navigating the fine line between sentimentality and objectivity, as the topic is one that elicits
strong emotions.
The challenge begins with attempting to encapsulate the multifaceted nature of the relationship
with one's mother within the confines of an essay. Mothers play numerous roles – nurturer,
mentor, friend, disciplinarian – and capturing the essence of these roles in a coherent and
engaging manner requires thoughtful consideration and skillful expression. Striking the right
balance between anecdotal experiences and broader reflections adds another layer of complexity.
Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and stereotypes often associated with
discussions about mothers. The danger of falling into generic sentiments without offering a fresh
perspective is ever-present. Crafting an essay that goes beyond superficial expressions of love
and delves into the nuances of the mother-child relationship requires a nuanced approach.
On a more technical level, structuring the essay can be challenging. Deciding whether to adopt a
chronological, thematic, or narrative approach depends on the specific angle one wishes to
explore. The task involves organizing thoughts coherently, maintaining a logical flow, and
ensuring that each paragraph contributes meaningfully to the overall message.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing such an essay can be deeply rewarding. It
provides an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of
the impact a mother has on one's life. The ability to articulate these feelings and experiences not
only enriches the writing but can also be a cathartic and enlightening journey.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Mother" is a formidable task, demanding a delicate
balance between emotion and objectivity, originality, and universal appeal. Successfully
navigating these challenges can result in a poignant and impactful essay that resonates with
readers. If the task seems overwhelming, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays
and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide
support in expressing your unique perspective on this intricate and profound topic.
Essay Mother Essay Mother
George Washington
The soldier s time to serve would be up in just ten days, the British continued to win
battles, all hope of winning the war was fading and everyone was ready to put down
their weapons and surrender to Great Britain. However, George Washington was not
settling with anything less than trying their best. He kept that little flicker of hope
that was still left, alive. The Continental Congress did not see much hope in the war
either and turned the responsibility of the war to General George Washington.
Washington received a message from Congress saying,
Full power to direct all things relative... to the operations of war. (Dupuy 63 64).
Although Washington did not see this as much of an honor he did what he could
with his new power. In ten days ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ewing was supposed to cross with his group of about one thousand men down
south while General Caldwalader was supposed to cross at Bristol with two
thousand men, however they did not succeed in crossing. Luckily Washington
succeeded and caught the Hessians by surprise. The battle did not last long and
Washington and his men came out with a victory. They captured nine hundred
eighteen Hessians and killed approximately one hundred while the Patriots only
had 5 casualties (Murphy). The Battle of Trenton persuaded men to reenlist so
Washington would still have an army in the new year. Washington planned on
surprising the British in Princeton, but decided to wait considering Ewing and
Caldwalader never made it across the river. A week later, on January 3, 1777
Washington recrossed the Delaware River with his troop into Princeton. The battle
lasted less than an hour, but around one hundred British men were killed or
wounded and they captured two hundred. The Americans only suffered forty
casualties (Dupuy 83 84). These two wins boosted the patriot s morale and helped
Washington rise back to the top as a military commander (Murphy). These two
victories also convinced America that the war was not over yet, there was still hope.
Overall winning these battles created a spark of hope and a wave of electricity. There
were many battles Washington led, but
Radicalism And Radical Environmentalism
Environmental writers have always written radically about the environment because
that is what is necessary. The difference between the radical ecologists of today is
radical theory becoming radical action. Henry David Thoreau wrote plenty of radical
ideas, though his most often radical thought comes from On the Duty of Civil
Disobedience. Civil Disobedience provides modern day activists and ecologists with
the foundation of why it is important think critically about government actions, as
well as showing readers direct action against the government. Thoreau contributes
partially to the eventual formation of the radical ecology movement in this sense.
The other half of the ideology of radical environmentalists was popularized by Aldo
Leopoldin Sand County Almanac. Leopold s idea of a land ethicand biocentrism is the
main ideology that drives radical environmentalists. Only when Leopold and Thoreau
are put together does a full picture begin to form of what it takes to understand radical
ecologists. Thoreau and Leopold lay the groundwork for creating the perfect radical
environmental movement; where Thoreau gives instruction on action against the
government and the majority, Leopold gives the radical movement the idea to act on,
biocentrism. To understand the conversation of radicalism as informed by Thoreau
and Leopold, there are some ideas that need to be defined. What does it mean for an
environmentalist to be radical? Is radicalism the same as terrorism? Radicalism is an
umbrella term, often used in a myriad of ways. Analyzing the environmental
movement, radical ideology is the concept that the world is unsustainable, and the
ideas put forth to make the world sustainable require a massive shift in collective
societal thought as well as a massive shift in the way most communities, cities, states,
etc. live (Sessions, 1995). The shift in collective thought would be away from
anthropomorphism, the idea that humans are the most important thing in the world,
towards biocentrism, the idea that all things in nature matter equally. An idea, or
action, can be radical without being violent towards living things. This is the
important distinction between radicalism and terrorism. For an action to be terrorism,
Bronchopulmonary Hypertension And Pulmonary Research
Health problems associated with premature birth Premature birth has been linked
to a vast array of lungs problems, the earlier the birth the greater risk of health
complications(Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). A majority of the health problems
will affect the infant for the rest of their life (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013).
Infants born between the canalicular and the saccular period (week 25) have lung
development that is unsuitable for gas exchange (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013).
Two major complications that arise with undeveloped lungs is bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, and pulmonary arterial hypertension (Mahgoub L. et al. 2017).
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia occurs in about 40 percent of premature births during
very to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
et al. 2017). Pulmonary hypertensions occurs in about 8 23% of premature infants
(Vyas Read S et. al. 2017). One method of determine if a patient has pulmonary
arterial hypertension is by lung function test (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013).
One current method used to help treat pulmonary arterial hypertension is assisted
ventilation, the method helps lower blood pressure (Davis R and Mychaliska G,
2013). However assisted ventilation can not be used in all preterm infants some
extracorporeal life support which will provide respiratory and veno arterial support
(Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013).
Lung Function Tests When trying to determine lung function of premature infants
can be quite difficult, the main issue is to ensure the safety of the infant. One of the
newest methods of measuring lung function is pulmonary and arterial resistance and
compliance test (RC tests). RC tests are two different lung function test that when
combined together can determine a thorough understanding of lung function (Okada
S. et. al., 2017). One part of the RC test is the resistor capacitor test (RP). The RP
test is used to determine the blood flow through the pulmonary vasculature (Okada
S. et. al., 2017). The second part to the RC test are the pulmonary arterial compliance
test which determines the the blood vessels elasticity and extensibility (Okada S. et.
al., 2017). When the data from the RP and CP test are merged the data can determine
the pressure of the pulmonary
Corning Case Study
CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to
downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic
Development Council.
This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked
at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes
Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an
application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center.
The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with
officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning
Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and
Hunger Of Memory Richard Rodriguez Chapter Summaries
Hunger of Memory
The Education of Richard Rodriguez
Chapter One Aria:
For my part, I felt that I had somehow committed a sin of betrayal by learning
English. Rodriguez s parents emphasize a large separation of their Mexican heritage
from that of los gringos. The family speaks Spanish to each other, and the transition
to speaking English symbolizes that person being spoken to is an outsider, not one to
be trusted, an Americano. The language of Spanish, therefore, is a symbol of trust,
acceptance, as being part of the family. When Ricardo gives up Spanish for English,
although he is urged to do so by his parents, he feels he is betraying his family for los
Chapter Two The Achievement of Desire:
Here is a child who cannot forget that his academic success distances him from a life
he loved, even from his own memory of himself.
This quotation goes hand in hand with the one from Chapter one. Rodriguez is
ashamed to be advancing academically because it separates him further and further
from his family. He has already traded Spanish for English, and is now struggling
with losing some of his family s other cultures. He loses topics to talk about with his
family, as he now has little in common with them. Things compelling to him now...
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She knew how American society could judge a person solely on how one looked
and not on the qualities one possesses. Thus, his skin tone became an insecurity for
Rodriguez and caused him to cover up in the sun so as not to make it darker. As he
matures and grows successful, Rodriguez finds that his complexion becomes a
mark of [his] leisure. Because he is a guest of the hotel, people wonder from what
exotic place he had just traveled, rather than him simply being dark skinned.
Rodriguez postulates that, had he not been a guest of the hotel but a member of the
staff, people would not regard him with respect and envy but with disdain and
Biography Of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, An Artist And...
Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born April 22, 1904 to Ella Friedman, an artist
and Julius Oppenheimer, a wealthy German textile merchant in New York City,
New York. As a child Robert was interested in geology and was said to have even
contacted locally famous geologist to discuss the rock formations he observed in
Central Park. At the age of 17 Oppenheimer began attending Harvard, a prestigious
and well known private University. He graduated Harvard with a major in Chemistry
in May of 1925. Later that year he enrolled at Cambridge University in England to
study physics thus beginning his atomic research in the Cavendish Laboratory under
J.J. Thomson.
Then at the age of 22 he was invited to team up with Max Born at Gottingen
University in Germany. There he developed the Born Oppenheimer Method. This
method was an important addition to the Quantum Molecular Theory. Quantum
theory is the origin of modern physics that explains the behavior and nature of
matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic plane. He left Gottingen in 1927
with his PhD and a mark in the world of Quantum theory and Theoretical physics.
A year later Robert began as an associate professor at Berkley while having a joint
appointment at the California Institute of Technology, commuting between the two
for the next 13 years. While at Berkley Oppenheimer was the first to write papers of
the astronomical examination of collapsed stars, a phenomenon we know now as
black holes 30 years before anyone else. He also
Student President Research Paper
Good Morning my fellow staff, students and governors of the senior school. I come
here in front of you in order to explain why I would be the best suited candidate for
the role of student president. I ask that you choose me for this auspicious role
because I believe no I know that I will do a tremendously at this task. Why? You
may ask. Well it is because I believe that I represent what John Quincy Adams once
said which is; If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more,
and become more, you are a leader. These are my goals if I am elected as school
president. I want to inspire others to be inquisitive with the world around them, to
step over boundaries, to ask questions. I want to provide people opportunities to get
involved in their own society. I want to help people reach their goals and become
something amazing. I want to encourage my peers to follow their dreams and to
control their own future. So, I promise you, that if I am elected, I will, encourage,
aid, and inspire those around me.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Well the first step when inspiring people is to help them understand that they
matter and belong, for if they don t understand that then they will lose all self
worth and hope for becoming not only a useful cog in the machine that is society
but, a tool that helps better the house that is the world. I know to accomplish this is
no easy task but that is why I ask you to appoint me to it; because I can accomplish
it. And that my fellow people is why I ask to be elected school
Voltaire s Candide And Swift s Gulliver s Travels
From someone deciding to snooze their alarm an extra time in the morning to
deciding if they should marry their significant other, every decision a person makes
will create either a positive or negative effect on their life. This statement is evident
in both Voltaire s Candide and Swift s Gulliver s Travels. Candide
is a satire that was
published in 1759 by the French author and philosopher, François Marie Arouet,
better known as Voltaire. Gulliver s Travels is also a satire that was published in 1726
by Anglo Irish author, Jonathan Swift. In these two stories; no matter how big or
small a decision is, it will inevitably have an effect on the character s quality of life,
even if it is not completely apparent at the time.
Voltaire s Candide... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To reiterate Pangloss s beliefs that this world is the best of possible worlds he also
claims that there is no effect without a cause. Pangloss uses simple examples in the
beginning of the story to demonstrate what he means. He states: that things cannot
be otherwise than as they are; for all being created for an end, all is necessarily for
the best end. Observe, that the nose has been formed to bear spectacles thus we
have spectacles. Legs are visibly designed for stockings and we have stockings
(18). This statement is illogical and quite humorous, as one would think spectacles
were made for the nose and stockings were made for legs, not vice versa. Anyway,
this whole story is based on cause and effect. Every single decision Candide makes
affects him in some type of way later in the story. Nevertheless, it is not obvious what
the outcome of the majority of his decisions will be, as this story has many twists and
random outcomes.
It all starts at the castle of Thunder ten tronckh where young Candide lays a kiss on
CunГ©gonde. One might believe kissing your love would lead to good things to
come, however, it is the complete opposite. The effect of this cause results in Candide
being banished from the castle to defend himself alone. When Candide and Pangloss
treat the earthquake victims, Pangloss attempts to comfort the victims by telling
them the earthquake was for
Nt1330 Week 2 Agression Analysis Paper
In order to test the effectiveness of IGA and GA when solving the timetabling
problem, a comparison with the PSO algorithm was performed to investigate
trends of performance. All coding was written in MATLAB code and the test case
focused on the three above algorithms. All tests were executed on a 3.30 Ghz Intel
core i5 processor with 16 GB of ram. The convergence graphs for IGA, GA, and
PSO below shows progress until a valid solution for each of the algorithms were
discovered. Each of the algorithms simulated 1,000 generations. The graph in Figure
10 14 provides a comparison of the proposed algorithm with the conventional
population operator based algorithm. TABLE I. GENERAL DATA USED BY THE
GENETIC ALGORITHM NoOperatorQuantity/Type 1Number of individuals1000
2Crossover probability0.9 3Mutation probability0.1 4Number of generations1000
5Selection mechanismTournament selection 6Crossover typeTwo... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
10.the algorithm comparison between fitness Ackley function and the number of
populations Fig. 11.the algorithm comparison between fitness Bohachevsky functions
and the number of populations Fig. 12.the algorithm comparison between fitness
Sphere function and the number of populations Fig. 13.the algorithm comparison
between fitness Rastrigin function and the number of populations Fig. 14.the
algorithm comparison between fitness fifth function of De Jong and the number of
populations Figure 10 shows the results between the hybridg algorithm compared to
other algorithms with various mathematical functions as presented by privous
sessions. It is cleard to see that the hybride algorithm performed better than other
techniques. Surrprisingly, the Ackley function performed closely to the hybride
algorithm. Figure 11 14 shows that PSO reached the optimal result very quickly
because this algorithm works as a local search which makes a narrow space for the
search of a solution, rather than other algorithms which work as a global search
Causes And Prevention Of Gun Violence
Firearms have been the subject of long standing controversies in America society,
culture and law. And our children and young adults are getting their hands on guns
in a variety of ways and for various reasons. Some for recreational use, hunting and
target shooting, and some for a means of hurting one, or many people at a time. An
average of seven children and teens under the age of 20 are killed by guns every day
the Brady Campaign states. (Brady Campaign to Prevent GunViolence, n.d.). There
is a problem with keeping guns in the home because it increases the risk of injury
and death. Between 6% and 14% of firearmowning households with a child under
age 18 have an unlocked and loaded firearm. (Johnson, 2004, p.175) .
Gun violence threatens
The Princess And The Pea Criticism
People think of lions and tigers as royalty, so it is not surprising that they are used in
this version of The Princess and the Pea. Originally written by Hans Christian
Andersen, this fairy tale has a prince who wishes to marry a princess, but the queen
insists it must be a proper princess. The illustration in this adaptation, drawn by Janet
Stevens, shows the beginning of the conflict, with the queen insisting on a true
princess for the princes wife. The illustration conveys clear distinctions of the
feelings of the king from the queen and the prince. There are negative feelings on
the left side of the picture, which are captured by the king, who is looking away
from the rest of his family. His legs are crossed, which means he... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The queen and prince are literally on a red carpet, which represents celebrity
status. The queen is wearing lots of rings and other jewels, displaying her status.
The son looks like the father, as they are both lions, yet is more in tune with the
tiger mother. He is drawn behind the queen, which exhibits a lesser status, yet a
closer relationship with his mother than what he has with his father. There is much
more yellow on the right side, about thirty percent of the picture, and the son is
wearing the most. The background is farther away, focusing on the two. The son
is observing his mother, revealing that he looks to her for guidance, not the king.
The phrase tiger mom comes to mind, since she is making the decisions for the son
and he knows this. One s eye goes straight to the queen, who is in the middle,
which confirms that she is the main focus of this illustration. There are fewer rigid
lines on the right, which shows less oppression. If the three royal figures are part
of a triangle, they are the closer ends, with the king much farther away. Their body
language is much more open than the king s, as well. The cap that the son is
wearing is eye grabbing, as it is orange. The orange of the cap signifies his youth,
as well as suggesting he is flamboyant. Just as English is read left to right, so are
pictures. The picture in this adaptation of The Princess and the Pea illustrates this.
There are negative feelings on the left, which is shown by the lion king. The tiger
queen and lion son have more hope. Considering how the mother wants all the
control, it makes sense to have the emotions to go this way. All in all, the beginning
of the conflict of this story is perfectly captured by this
Quickbook Research Papers
QuickBooks has become an essential part of millions of small to medium sized
businesses across the world. Simply stated QuickBooks is an accounting software
package developed and marketed by Intuit. QuickBooks products are geared mainly
toward small and medium sized businesses and offer on premises accounting
applications as well as cloud based versions that accept businesspayments, manage
and pay bills, and payroll functions.
QuickBooks software is designed for small to mid sized businesses that want to run
efficiently through the automated abilities the software provides to its customers.
These small to mid sized businesses rely on QuickBooks to help manage their
accounting, receiving, payroll, and inventory needs.
Some of the functions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You have the ability to instantly know whether you re making money and whether
your business is healthy or if you are losing money and are not healthy. You save
money because QuickBooks is so affordable. You can use it to run a $5 million or a
$25 million business for a few hundred bucks.
PC accounting software is truly one of the great bargains in business because of its
cost/benefit ratio. Your business can grow with QuickBooks. QuickBooks will help
you design a business plan to use when trying to secure a small business loan or line
of credit or to plan for the future.
QuickBooks has the ability to create a projected balance sheet, profit and loss
statement and statement of cash flows in the format recommended by the USSBA
(U.S. Small Business
Administration). You can customize QuickBooks to work the way you want.
QuickBooks is specifically designed to be flexible and adaptable to a wide range of
small businesses. To make
QuickBooks abilities more appealing to a larger audience, customized accounting
packages have been integrated into the software for Contractors, Retailers, Health
Care Professionals, and Non
Profit organizations.
You can rest assured knowing that QuickBooks is a stable, reliable and proven
Hundreds of thousands of small businesses throughout the world have chosen
QuickBooks as their accounting software. You can t go wrong with a software
program with such an extensive installed user base. You save typing time and errors
by sharing
H.G. Wells s Presentation of Future in The Time Machine
H.G. Wells s Presentation of Future in The Time Machine
When Wells was writing The Time Machine in 1895 England was a country where
society consisted of several classes. These were mainly the middle classes, these
were the people who ran factories and had a lot of wealth. The other class was
working class, the people who worked in factories and mines. Also there were a
huge number of factories and mines. Consequently there was a great deal of air
pollution due to the factories. The smog from the factories pollution was common in
winter and big cities like London and Manchester had smog clouds in winter. Smog
clouds were so thick you could barely see twenty yards in front of yourself.
The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There was no disturbances, no shadow casting buildings as everyone lived either in
small communes or underground. The climate was very warm in 802,701, Wells
knew it would be warmer but I don t think he knew it would be because of too much
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even though there were very few buildings in
802,701 the architecture on the buildings was amazing. One architectural buildings
was the building with the sphinxes head above the door
In 802,701 one group were living in a commune, the Eloi. But in mysterious state of
despair the other group, the Morlocks, live in a huge underground world. Wells
expressed the theory of evolution by making the Eloi, distant descendants of the
wealthy but because they didn t use their brains or muscles, they were very weak
and had lost most signs of human intelligence. However the Morlocks descended
from the labourers and the working class. Both species had adapted to their
environment. The Eloi were small and very weak, as they didn t work at all, they
also had very short attention spans, as they didn t pay attention to things for very
long. The Eloi get tired easily because they never need to walk any further than 250
500 yards.
However the Morlocks had big eyes that drew light in, this was because they lived in
the darkness of underground. Also they had very spindly arms so they could reach
things if
Robert Harris Pompeii s Volcanic Explosion
In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius in Italy was subjected to a massive volcanic explosion
that was perhaps a hundred thousand times worse than the atomic bomb dropped on
Hiroshima by the United States during World War II. The eruption put to rest the city
of Pompeii along with other neighboring cities and killing thousands of Roman
citizens and its slaves in one of the worst volcanic disasters in human history. In
Pompeii, Robert Harris reproduces the Roman world with flawless effort while
drawing parallels between modern America and the Roman world. At the same time,
these two powerful countries existing centuries apart are dissimilar in a plethora of
ways starting with the governments and the daily routines of life. One way in which
the Roman
Comparing Rheya And The Ocean
In Hawkins s essay, she writes about how Kelvin planned to establish a link
between the most powerful emotions despair, grief and pleasure and the electrical
discharges from the ocean (Hawkins). The ocean s electrical discharges are similar
to the electrical charges from our brains that occur when we feel emotions. The
ocean could sense those feelings, specifically, the strongly repressed ones. When an
emotion is not released and is contained, it becomes repressed. The ocean made
physical recreations of these emotions because it thought that was how it could
communicate with the humans. The first time Kelvin meets him, Snow is drunk.
This is a sign of repressed emotions. Each time he drinks, it is most likely to provide
a brief moment... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He feels guilty because he knows that he is the reason that she killed herself back
on Earth. The guilt he felt was always there, it was just repressed. Now, Rheya
serves as a constant reminder of what he did. Unlike the original Rheya, this Rheya
is unbelievably strong and intolerably dependent. Rheya is a metaphor for guilt.
She represents how strongly it can affect someone and how it is continually there.
He tries to send her away, but one can never really get rid of their guilt. Launching
Rheya into space is only an inconvenience that delays her for a short time. He
thinks he might love Rheya and promises to go back to Earth with her. However,
this proclamation of love is just another repressed emotion. When you are
suffering from repressed emotions, your actions are based off of your reactions to
the past as well as the present. He remembers how he loved Rheya and he thinks
that he can love this Rheya the same way. However, he cannot love this Rheya
because he does not understand her. Rheya does not understand herself either. She
cannot comprehend who or what she is, because she is a creation of the ocean.
The ocean did not realize the affect emotions have and how Rheya s love for
Kelvin would drive her to suicide. She signs her suicide note as Rheya, but then she
crosses it out. This is because the identity she has been given is Rheya, but she is
only a copy. She is not the original, the real Rheya. Her
Guns Do Kill People By Philip Caputo
In Guns do kill people, an article by Philip Caputo on the changes that need to be
made to gun safety and gun laws, Caputo brings to light the problem that mass
destruction firearms create in our world. Most do not understand the harm of semi
automatic handguns, but as someone who has had experience firsthand of the
destruction they have, he shows the impact that is made by them. Based on his
experience with semi automatic weapons and his research of past violence in the
United States, Caputo makes a compelling argument to justify outlawing mass
destruction firearms.
Caputo has had first hand experience with the harm that semi automatic firearms
have. He served a tour of duty with a Marine Rifle Company in Vietnam and was
seriously wounded by an AK 47. He is intimately aware of the design of what these
weapons are meant to do. These weapons are made to kill people; as many as
possible, as quickly as possible (Caputo). According to Caputo s experience, it is
shown that he is aware of the repercussions that these weapons have and what they
can do. Caputo, being a hunter who owns shotguns and rifles, says it is prohibited to
bring a weapon of mass destruction into the fields. A semi automatic 9mm handgunis
not meant to injure or severely wound, it is meant to kill no matter what the cost. For
example, the use of semi automatic firearms outside of the military and the federal
government could be extremely detrimental to many civilians and their everyday
lives. Most
Role Of Transportation Engineering And Development Of
Role of Transportation Engineering Agencies in the Development of India: A Review
1Vivek Kumar Sharma, 2Sitesh Kumar Singh
1B.Tech, Civil Engineering, 2nd Year, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan, India
2Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Career Point University, Kota,
Rajasthan, India 325003
E mail: 1vs5322549@gmail.com, 2siteshlpu@gmail.com
The Government of India recognizes the importance of the private sector in bridging
the resource gap in investment and improving the operational and managerial
efficiency in the transport sector in order to address capacity constraints and
deficiencies in the existing transport infrastructure and meet rapidly growing demand.
The Government is actively pursuing policies to promote private sector involvement
in the development of transport infrastructure and services.
The experience in involving the private sector in transport development in India is
the focus of the paper. It provides a broad overview of government policies and
various initiatives that have been undertaken to promote private participation
following various models. It also discusses achievements made in different subsectors
and draws some conclusions on major policies.
The development of a nation is now a day fully related to the development of
transportation infrastructures. The development of good roads leads to proper
transportation of passengers and goods. The transportation engineering agencies in
India are working very
Sydney Carton In The Great Gatsby
Sydney Carton age twenty five, is brilliant. He helps one of the most ignorant men
in London Mr. Stryver become the most well known lawyer in his time. So, with
looks and brains he should have everything at his feet. Well, not exactly. Orphaned
at a young age, Sydney spent most of his youth writing homework for his
classmates. He spends his adult years being the brains behind Mr. Stryver. Perhaps
part of the reason that Sydney remains so impenetrable is Dickens doesn t give
much to work with. Sydney is unhappy because he thinks that he should be
unhappy. Sydney seems to be a big picture thinker. Sydney may not be the life of the
party, but he really becomes devoted to the things that he cares about. Look at
Stryver he is a jerk to Sydney
The Rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association
In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt helped establish the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA). The NCAA was initially established to protect the players
and improve the safety of sports like football. Today, the NCAA is a twelve billion
dollar industry (Chris Beck). Most of the money is generated from ticket sales and
merchandise. With this money generation the NCAA has strayed away from its
original goals, which were to improve the safety of college sports. The NCAA has
now begun to focus on penalizing athletes for breaking rules that they put in place.
The rules that the NCAA has put in place are unfair and are setting student athletes
up for failure. Today s college athletes will inevitably be punished for doing
something to help them get by (Beck). In 2010, star wide receiver A.J Green was
suspended four games for selling one of his game worn jerseys (Beck). Standout
quarterback Johnny Manziel was suspended for half of a game for selling
autographs (Beck). Players should be allowed to sell things like autographs and
jerseys; they are their own possessions that they have worked hard for since they
were children. When on road trips, Universities can give athletes meal money
which is around $7 per meal and anything more would be considered an NCAA
violation. (Tyson Hartnett). $7 can barely get someone a meal at McDonalds, so
how are big time athletes able to get the proper meals that they need with a measly
$7? The fact of the matter is the NCAA is able to
Doublethink In 1984
George Orwell in his dystopian, political and social work of fiction Nineteen
Eighty Four (ofttimes printed as 1984), published in 1949 defined the concept of
doublethink via a book in the novel titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical
Collectivism, read out aloud by the protagonist, written supposedly by Emmanuel
Goldstein, a leader of The Brotherhood ; generally acknowledged as a fictitious
creation of The Party. The definition in the book states Doublethink means the power
of holding two contradictory beliefs in one s mind simultaneously, and accepting
both of them . However, the concept itself is introduced in the very beginning of the
novel as : To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Emmanuel is in fact a fabrication of the Party and the book is written by the
Members of the Inner Party or the Members of Thought Police, then it s mere
existence shows that a consciousness exists in the upper members depicting the true,
totalitarian nature of the society. They may or may not use doublethink to cease to
believe in this reality. This is again a paradox as O Brien, a very loyal member, tells
Winston that he was a part of the committee that wrote the book to lure in thought
criminals ; if this is true how can a loyal and honest member write about the truth that
exists outside the bounds of Ingsoc. This must mean O Brien practices doublethink
himself but being a member of the Inner Party has the privilege to retain
consciousness and the choice to ignore the fallacies of the
At T Time Warner Case
On October 22, 2016, AT T bought out Time Warner for eighty five billion dollars.
The agreement totaled to be one hundred and nine dollars with debt. Time Warner is
the parent company to many big name channels including, CNN, TNT, HBO and
Warner Bros. This major purchase proves that AT T has a totally different strategy
than its big time rival, Verizon. CFO of Version, Fran Shammo, commented in
response to AT T s deal, stating that he believes they have the right asset and that
there is no large company out there that they need to purchase in order to be
successful. Verizon recently made some smaller purchases but seemed but more
insignificant with AT T s major buy. For nine million billion dollars, AT T acquired
AOL and Yahoo. They
Finance in Corporate America
Joanne Jackson
June 1, 2011
Corporate Finance 620
M 600 950
Ch. 12 Mini Case
A. Do you think Adam Lee should develop a strategic plan for the company? Why?
What are the central elements of such a plan? What is the role of finance in a
strategic plan?
Yes. The goal of companies is to create more wealth for the owners and for
financial managers to make their company more valuable and without well
designed strategic and tactical plans in place it is impossible to do. The central
elements of a strategic plan are: (1) statement for mission (2) corporate scope (3)
corporate objectives (4) strategies (5) the operating plan and (5) the financial plan.
The role of finance in a strategic plan is to add more ... Show more content on
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E. Define the term self supporting growth rate.
The self supporting growth rate is the maximum growth rate that a firm can achieve
if it had no access to external capital.
Based on the Figure MC 1 data, what is Hatfield s self supporting growth rate?
Would the self supporting growth rate be affected by a change in the capital
intensity ratio or the other factors mentioned in question d? M (1 POR)(S0)0.012(1
0.675)(2,000) Self supporting g = = A0 * L0* M(1 POR)(S0) 1,200 100 0.012(1
0.675)(2,000) $7.8 = = 0.7% $1,092.32 The self supporting growth rate would be
affected by a change in capital intensity because if the capital intensity ratio is high
then the lower the self supporting growth rate will be because the company would
need more assets for each dollar of sales they have. The higher the profit margin the
higher the self supporting growth rate because the need for external financing would
be low because the company would be able to support the increase in assets. The
lower the payout ratio the higher the higher the self supporting growth rate because
the company is holding more
Water Works By Cynthia Barnett
In Los Angeles, at least 20% of fishes died from stormwater runoff. Who s next?
Repeatedly, stormwater runoff has indicated its negative consequences. From the
bacteria in feces, to the chemical waste, stormwater has been made a hazard to all
life on earth. Platypi, fish, frogs, and other marine life are in an immediate danger by
the pollution. The pollution consisted of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci, which
are bacterias in organism waste. In addition, there s lawn pesticides, and motor oils
that are deadly. Water inundates humankind, making this an unavoidable conflict.
However, creative solutions of managing the runoff has been proved successful. The
solution appears as a green infrastructure, defined as a network system that helps
manage water, or in this case, stormwaterrunoff. On the other hand, there has been
recommendations of using public awareness as a solution, but this is only a key
factor to a larger concept. In her article, Water Works Cynthia Barnett conveys how
using these creative solutions such as the green infrastructure, is considerably more
beneficial than the traditional ways of reducing water all together. She suggests that
living differently with water, compared to reducing water, will benefit the nation
greatly in their water dilemma. In addition, she believes that the pollution of
stormwater harms Pacific killer whales, coho, and salmon. In agreement, I also
believe that the pollution threatens the marine life. Hence, the management of
Star Trek Myths
Both Star Trek and Star Wars are historically popular film series and cinematic works
of art. Although they may be works of fiction, the elements and symbols contained
within them resemble historical fact. In these films, there are culturally inherited
myths that are synonymous with the very roots of western civilization. In this essay, I
will examine different examples of myth that are present in these films, what they
mean, and offer an explanation for why they are significant. In order to help
understand my thesis, the question may be asked, What is myth? In terms of this
essay Myths are the instruments by which we continually struggle to make our
experience intelligible to ourselves. A myth is a large, controlling image that gives
philosophical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is an example of Star Trek taking real events from the past and breathing life
back into them by retelling them in a utopian future. In Star Trek s series Deep
Space Nine, the planet of Bajor, and its inhabitants, the Bajorans are like the
Hebrew people of Earth, They had a central religion that kept them hopeful but also
made them seem inferior. Instead of the Holocaust it is called the occupation and
it ends with the death of over 10 million people, often in camps. Even more so, the
people commiting this genocide, the Cardassians, were bankrupt, and forced into
wars for agricultural land, with the rise of a new fascist leader they began
conquest. This closely mirrors The bankruptcy of Germany in the 1920 s and their
agricultural crisis which led to the rise of the power of Adolf Hitler. With the help
of Star Trek s United Nations, The united federation of planets The bajorans are
able to regain their homeland and be freed from their camps and establish a weak
government. Now this almost like a direct reflection of the events that took place in
World War 2. It is very hard to talk about or in a way recreate such a horrifying
atrocity without criticism, the only way Star Trek did so was because they put more
emphasis on the good parts and the liberation, instead of the countless deaths of
innocents. This ties into another mythos that is key to Star Trek, The
Weight Watchers Case Study
Weight Watchers: Background and Effectiveness among Individuals Participating
in the Program Weight Watchers is a program diet founded by Jean Nidetch in the
early 60 s in Queens, NY (Weight Watchers 2017). Weight Watchers is a popular
diet program that was created to help individuals lose unwanted weight and
develop a healthier lifestyle while maintaining a flexible food menu and exercise
plan. Weight Watchers is also a unique weight loss program because they offer
different opportunities for participants to meet with a group of like members who
are also in the program in locations near them. Jean Nidetch founded Weight
Watchers in her living room when she was discussing her struggles with weight
loss with her friends and decided to make different lifestyle choices to help her
shed the weight that she did not want (Weight Watchers 2017). Nidetch began a
business administration course at City college of New York briefly before her
father passed, which caused her to drop out of school to find an occupation. She
worked in different small stores and companies before she was able to create Weight
Watchers where her success began. An interesting factor of the creation of the Weight
Watchers program is the lack of credentials that Nidetch had to develop a diet plan
that many others would begin to participate in. Although Nidetch did not have an
educated background of nutrition, she was able to create a diet program where
individuals are able to lose weight with a flexible
The Future of Space Exploration
Sheltered as we are by Earth s atmosphere and magnetic field, which deflect lethal
radiation from space, we are like coddled children who have never ventured into a
tough neighborhood (Folger 2). Humans have been fascinated with space since the
beginning of our time. Just like children and rough neighborhoods, we have tackled
obstacle over obstacle to make it home again. In the end, we have a better knowledge
and strength than before. The future of space explorationcan assist us in answering
the everlasting question of how the universe came to be. The more we explore the
infinite galaxies, the more we can scientifically discover and create new technologies
as science advances. As we continue to discover, we can create new fields and... Show
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Not only is it costly to your wallet, but it may be costly to human lives. Space
exploration is extremely dangerous due to the lack of information we have. There
have been many unsuccessful launches, in space missions, and re entries that have
ended in disaster. Such missions include: Apollo 1, Challenger, Apollo 13, and
Columbia (The Risks and Dangers of Space Exploration 1). With only these four
failed missions, it resulted in a total of seventeen deaths and three fatal injuries (1).
These are just the twenty lives affected in the United States by unsuccessful space
missions. About 5% of people who have launched have died doing so (List of
Spaceflight Related Accidents and Incidents 6). In recent years there have been
little to no accidents but there is always the possibility of a death caused by space
exploration. Since then we have improved our technologies and consider a manned
missions in our top choices to further our exploration of the universe. Although it is
not the best option, it is still a possibility. Many people in the media are ambitious
to send men to explore space. Former President George Bush suggested we should
be able to put humans on Mars by the year 2019 (Newcott 40). Along with previous
presidents, current president Barack Obama has stated he would like to send a
manned mission to Mars by the 2030s (Anthony 3). Although many seem convinces
this is the way to go, the only purpose we would need to send humans to Mars or to
any other part of space
Grey Wolf Creative Writing
Sight, touch, taste, smell, hear, feel Okay Kayla, Jennifer, and RaeLee, you guys
count and we will all go hide, the save zone is the trampoline, says Kendra, always
taking charge. It was the Fourth of July, a hot summer night, and we were playing
grey wolf with all of our friends. We had already done fireworks, and it was now
around midnight, the only thing illuminating the darkness, was the light from the
light poles. Are there going to be any boundaries? Torin asks. No, it is all free
game this time, Kendra replies. Now we live on a farm, where there is dark groves,
with long never ending vines and branches. You don t know what animals you might
run into. We got paired into groups, there were about 10 of us there. I was with
Jordyn,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We saw it moving, Kendra and Shaelee weren t making it up. Dom backs him up.
Freaking out we all go inside to tell my parents what happened. Okay, okay, one at
a time, my mom says. Kendra tells her what happened and the sound the animal
made. My mom looked up the sound and concluded that it was a mountain lion. By
then we were all freaking out not wanting to go back outside. We all ended up
taking vehicles out to the grove to see if we could find it. We all swear we saw
snippets of it moving, but nothing much. The mountain lion stayed around for a
while after that night. It didn t hurt any of our animals and kept to itself. My dad
saw it one last time a few months after that night. One of the cows had its head
stuck in the headlocks. He got the cow unstuck, went back to his truck, that s when
he saw it. That s when he saw it, the mountain lion was sitting on the hay bales
barely 100 feet away just watching him the whole time. Even though it was scary
knowing we had a mountain lion on the farm, we learned to live with it and ignore it
most of the time. We even ended up naming him Carl the Cougar, until we stopped
seeing him around the
The Security Deposit For The Dwelling Unit
This document is designed to provide its users the opportunity to establish some
guidelines related to the details of their living arrangements. Users are encouraged to
spend quality time discussing each section, being as forthright and honest with their
opinions as possible.
This agreement made on April 12th, 2016 is a contract between roommates:
Samantha Mitchell Jenkins, Madison Dickey, and Kelsey Snyder, Thompson co
tenants at (Address of Unit): 1000 E Harvest Loop Unit 2603, Ellensburg WA, 98926.
We all understand that we are entering into a legally binding agreement with the
roommates stated above. We also understand that we, as a group and as individuals,
are responsible to our landlord, the utility companies, the telephone ... Show more
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The total rent according to the terms of our lease agreement with our landlord for
the dwelling is $1,500 per month. We agree to each pay 1/3 of the monthly rent.
This amounts to $500. The rent will be paid on the 22 day of the month by
(designate person) Samantha Mitchell Jenkins. This person will also be responsible
for obtaining a receipt from the landlord showing that the rent was paid. We
understand that as a group, and as individuals, we are responsible to our landlord for
the total rent for the term of the agreement. If any of the roommates cannot pay their
portion of the rent by the date it is due, the roommate who cannot pay or pays late
will be responsible for any late charges accrued and consequences thereof; which will
not affect any of the other roommates.
We each agree to pay % of all bills (to include gas, utilities, water, the fixed monthly
telephone charge, cable, deposits and/or hook up charges for all utilities). We
accept responsibility for prompt payment of our portions of the bills, including
any long distance calls and taxes, within 10 days of receiving the bill. Each
roommate is also responsible for the long distance calls placed by their friends or
relatives. The utility bills will be paid by (designated person) by the due date on each
Check all services that roommates will share responsibility for:
Services that roommates will be responsible for
A Brief Note On Flood Re A Joint Insurance Industry And...
Flood Re is a joint insurance industry and government sponsored scheme which is
the first of its kind in the entire world, it will become effective on 4th April 2016
with the purpose of enabling those homeowners with households in areas at high
risk of flooding to afford insurance. It is not a direct product which can be purchased
by consumers, it can be described as more of a behind the scenes third party which
collaborates with current insurers. FloodRe will be a reinsurance company for current
insurers to insure themselves against losses caused by flooding, however it will be
funded by existing insurers.
The idea is to reduce premiums and excesses for those in flood prone areas, so those
who find it hard to get insured will now be able to take out insurance cover with
providers such as Aviva, whereas beforehand they were unable to obtain such
insurance or were reluctant to pay the high premiums. The preferred outcome is to
see a transition from the current market to a market where flood insurance is
available to everyone at affordable prices long after the existence of Flood Re.
However, to what extent the scheme is effective can be questioned extensively, there
are many exclusions involved with the scheme and questions have been raised about
the spending of flood defences rather than the introduction of such a scheme. Flood
Re has been established to last for 25 years, but is this long enough to solve the
flooding issues? These issues will be analysed throughout this
Catalase Enzyme Activity Analysis
The catalase enzyme is so critical to our health that it is found in nearly every living
organism on the planet that is exposed to oxygen. This antioxidant enzyme can
catalyze the conversion of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen
peroxide is a by product of cell metabolism, which serves some useful functions
including healthy immune response. (Group, 2013) Catalasehas one of the highest
rates of turnover when compared to all other enzymes. In other words, one catalase
enzymecan change 40 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
in just one second. In fact, catalase enzymes act to protect our cells, counteracting and
balancing the continual production of hydrogen peroxide. Because of its undeniable,
scientifically proven... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Research scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle conducted a lab
study on rats and the augmentation of natural catalase in their bodies. By
supplementing with increased catalase, the life span of these laboratory rats
increased by almost 20%. This is the equivalent of nearly 25 human years. (Group,
2013) Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School stated in The Scientist
Magazine that there is a direct link between the catalase enzyme, free radical
damage and extending our life span. This also suggests that the catalase enzyme
may help ward off degenerative diseases. Similarly, studies done in Russia and
Spain also show a correlation between these types of enzymes and the prolongation
of life. In 2005, Spanish scientists found that very high servings of apple polyphenols
boosted the gene expression of natural catalase in the body. Studies from China on
apple polyphenol also confirmed significantly increased catalase. (Group, 2013)
The production and purification of catalase enzyme is economical and cost effective.
There are many health benefits associated with catalase including reduced fat,
increased life span and the reduction of grey hair. As hydrogen Peroxide is
dangerous in the human body, catalase eliminates H_2 0_2. Overall, I recommend
that catalase is produced by
Summary Of Tipping Point
In this chapter of Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, he talks about rumors,
sneakers and the power of translation. Throughout the chapter he kept with the
theme of change and the way that things can change over time. The concept of
change and shoes throughout this chapter is evident. Gladwell writes, They
expanded their focus to include not just skateboarding but also surfing,
snowboarding, mountain biking, and bicycle racing, sponsoring riders in all of
those sports and making Arwalk synonymous with active, alternative lifestyle (
Gladwell 194). Many people ask why do they have to produce so much more to
compliment everyone in every sport or just for everyday wear? Gladwell explains
how companies expanded their mind to appeal to everyone s... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Also, I had come up with creative ways like making cards and making bracelets
that went out to cheer people up when they were sad or it went towards a good
cause that helped people to gain a better life. I used similar things when I was
doing my project and they worked to the fullest. This connects to Tipping point in
this passage, Different ideas would pop up in different parts of the country, then
sometimes move east to west or sometimes west to east (Gladwell 209). This
connects to my project because it s true I get ideas for my project in weird
situations. For example, I got an idea when I was watching tv one day and it was
the commercial for the ASPCA made me want to help and make a difference by
donating pet supplies to a shelter to help them get better and hopefully find new and
loving families and have a better life than what they
Act Of 1964
This Civil Rights Act is a challenge to all of us to go to work in our communities
and our states, in our homes and in our hearts, to eliminate the last vestiges of
injustice in our beloved country , this quote from Lyndon B. Johnson truly
represents how difficult it was to get to the civil rights act and how hard it was
once it was passed. Many cases were apart of this act that played a big role at the
U.S. Supreme Court. It wasn t only race that the civil rights act of 1964 ended it
also ended segregation in race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Civil
rights act was a big movement effecting so many people: Dred Scott v. Sanford,
Plessy v. Furguson, and Brown v. Board of education. In 1846 a slave named... Show
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the board of education It was a milestone decision, the Supreme Court ruled that
separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. On
May 17, 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimously
ruling in the landmark. State sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation
of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional to segregate. Then on May
31, 1955, Warren read the Court s unanimous decision, now referred to as Brown II,
instructing the states to begin desegregation plans with all deliberate speed. the end
of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the
separate but equal principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case. Martin
Luther King Jr. Once said, There comes a time when one must take a position that
is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells
him it is right. This historic decision marked the end of the separate but equal
precedent set by the Supreme Court nearly 60 years earlier in Plessy v. Ferguson.
The Civil rights act was a big movement effecting so many people in the United
States: Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Furguson, and Brown v. Board of education.
In the Dred Scott v. Sanford a slave fighted for his freedom little did he know that it
would effect so many people later on in life as did all of these cases. The civil rights
act was such a experience for people
Study on Customer Satisfaction and Attitude Towards Idea...
We live in an era where telecommunications services hold a central role in every
sphere of our lives (Came, 1984). Marketers argue with compact confidences that
these emerging technologies have the ability to develop our lives and improve it in
many ways (Risto, 2002). Moreover, it has facilitated the instantaneous cost reduction
and quality improvement by offering different services by the companies (Douligeris
and Pereira, 1984).
The deregulation in the INDIAN telecommunication markets since the beginning of
the 1997s has brought about significant changes in the communication industry.
The need for the Communications over the longer distance has become the most
important aspect of the human lives. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in
responding rightly. * Most respondents were not maintaining proper knowledge of
various services provided by their companies, so they were unable to provide exact
This project report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives an overview
of telecommunications. It also consists of the objective, scope and limitations of the
study. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the Company
profile of Idea and Vodafone. The fourth chapter includes the results and discussion.
And the fifth chapter includes the conclusion.
2.1 Customer
A customer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and
services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or
household needs, wants or desires.
According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, customer refers to the
following, A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not
dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an outsider to our business. He
is part of it. We are
American Association of Nurse Executives
Running Head: AONE 1 American Association of Nurse Executives Cindy Murphy
St. Petersburg College AONE 2... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Politicians and opinion leaders are acknowledging this organization as one who s on
the forefront of generating creative, effective ways to address the critical issues
facing nursing and health care today. These initiatives are designed to promote and
enhance quality. Some of the nursing issues in health care reform are; access to care,
faculty shortages, patient safety, the patient care environment and pay for
performance. AONE supports coalition efforts to work collaboratively with their
greater nursing community and other partners to address issues that are critical to
healthcare, health reform, advancement of the nursing profession and to support
research to quantify the economic value of nursing. (www.aone.org/aone/advocacy
/home.html) AONE 4 Through its public policy and advocacy efforts, AONE is
working with other major nursing and health care organizations as a member of and
/or advisor for coalitions to address the nursing shortage and are pursuing a broad
legislative agenda to address all aspects of the nursing shortage. Vigilant contributions
by the AONE regarding federal issues, policies and communications have contributed
to positive change in nursing leadership and patient care in the past. The AONE is
working with various states and their
The Lonesome Dove Saga, By Larry Mcmurtry
There are so many different concerns that a lot of women have today, and just like
there is today, in the past during the time of Larry McMurtry s writing of the
Lonesome Dove Saga, women had perhaps the same, or maybe even a little different,
concerns throughout this time period that you come to find. These fully formed
characters McMurtry introduces you to come to be; fun loving, strong minded, and
heart filled women.
Clara Allen and Captain August Gus McCrae was thought to be together forever.
Throughout years and years of their lives, Clara and Gus had a connection. A type
of connection that simply was one that could not compare to any other. They were
the type of people who knew what they wanted, but knew it was no good for the both
of them. As they both started to accept the fact that no matter how much they cared
for each other, it would never hold out in a permanent relationship. Gus goes on a
cattle drive from Lonesome Dove, Texas to Montana in hopes to find the one who
once turned him down, Clara and maybe have a chance to change her mind. Clara
was the type of women who could not marry Gus, for it was the fact that she
thought of him as someone to wild to try and settle down with. Clara knew what
she had to do and who she had to be with. For Clara, it may have been the fact of
she loved him enough to let him go, and perhaps he felt the same way. She felt for
Gus, but knew if she wanted to marry and start a family, he would not be the one
whom she would have a
Rehabilitation Training
Rehabilitation training is effective to minimize long term effects in memory
functions, but similar to standardized testing therapies often possess limitations. In
many cases we are unaware if the patient continues to use what he or she learned
throughout training after the rehabilitation treatment ended. One limitation is that the
recovery period does not end with the rehabilitation training. Up until now, little
research exists about the long term recovery of patients with acquired brain damage.
Results of an observation show that after 2 5 years post traumatic brain injury patients
report functional gains after rehabilitative therapy, but still report cognitive,
behavioral, and emotional impairments (Olver et al. 1996). Although, patients show
improvement in cognitive and emotional functions up to 10 years port traumatic
brain injury (Sbordone et al. 1995). Yet, researchers found that patients who had a
stroke overall improved in cognitive functions, but patients with damage to the right
side and higher consciousness at admission revealed higher improvements
(Hochstenbach et al. 2003). This shows that rehabilitation does not end with the
training sessions. Another problem similar to the diagnostic procedure is that a large
amount of therapies happen in an artificial setting and tasks are not comparable to
performances outside the therapy. Just like the testing environment, patients staying
at a rehabilitation center live in a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, we also take into account that different findings may be due to different
assessment methods since some study included questionnaires of relatives and others
use assessment tools. Therefore, it is important to know how reliable are, because we
cannot expect that tools that measure different aspects of memory to correlate in a
significant way with each
Yrc Trucking Research Paper
When it comes to small freight aka less than truckload shipping the first name that
comes to mind is YRC freight. An amalgamation of Yellow and Roadway
Transportations, YRC freight has become the largest branch of the Kansas based
YRC Worldwide Inc. As the leading transporter of North America s top
commercial, retail, and industrial goods, YRC freight is always on the lookout
for dependable drivers. If you have got what it takes to be part of the family, then
make sure to peruse these competitive YRC trucking jobs: YRC Trucking Jobs for
those Without CDL Even if you do not possess a commercial driver s license, you
can still apply for YRC trucking jobs. In fact, the company has a special program
wherein employees can work on the dock while working... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
As for the latter, you are required to complete yard and street driving practice with
your trainer. Once you get your commercial driver s license, you will be offered a
slot at YRC s finishing school. Here you can get the much needed 160 hours of
additional experience for YRC trucking jobs. Once you complete the program and
get your endorsements (Hazmat, Tanker, and Doubles/Triples,) you can choose
from the wide variety of YRC trucking jobs. YRC Trucking Jobs for Inexperienced
Drivers Even if you only have road driving experience and no truck driving
experience at all you can still become a part of the YRC freight family. That s
because the company offers YRC trucking jobs for inexperienced drivers. If you
have less than one year of driving experience, you are entitled to a paid training
spanning from three days to two weeks, depending on your knowledge and skills.
This is what the company calls a trainer led Driver Development Program. Through
this class you will learn the following: Shifting Smith System guided tactics on
accident avoidance and defensive
Voices Of California Essay
On Friday, there was an event where guest readers would read their works to the
UC Merced campus. The title for the readings was Voices of California: Tell Me a
Story . The event featured three different readers, who were Micah Perks, Brynn
Saito, and Optimism One. Each reader had different genres of writing. Each of the
readers will tell us stories that involved California, implicitly and explicitly. They
will take us on a journey that will allow us to explore the wonders in writing and
how we can use it to our benefits.
The first reader was Micah Perks who is an American writer and memoirist. The story
she read was called There Once Was a Man Who Longed for a Child. The story
focused on a man who had to live by himself after his daughter left for college. As he
began to live by himself, he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She read a variety of different poems. One of the poems was called What ll It Be. The
poem is about a woman warrior who is drinking whiskey in bar. Before this
occurred her hometown was burned by six hundred men. She eventually fled her
home and found love. But, then she lost it and found herself at the bar drowning
herself in alcohol. Another poem that she read was Intergenerational. The poem is
about a woman warrior who is thinking about justice. As the woman look out to the
moon, the woman knows how slow time is, even after many years. Women
continues to love men and men continue to love. Love would continue to be a tool
to mend those who are hurt. Brynn Saito also reads a poem that she wrote about a
nerve injury. The title of the poem is Things I Never Knew I Love. The poem was
about an individual who found that one s body is precious and should be love. The
person found such meaning due to an incident that may have almost to its life. The
person also begin to find love for everything as it relates to the body. From the
individual life changing experience, the person found what was more important in
Social Media On The Rise No Longer Uses Freedom Of
The tech savvy generation on the rise no longer uses Freedom of speech through
the press, but rather, social media outlets. Following this movement is Bernie
Sanders, who uses social media as a driving force of his race for the democratic
nomination. Originally, as an Independent Senator of Washington, Bernie lacked the
popularity that some of the other candidates achieved. Sanders then decided to
align his political campaign with the Democratic Party, in hope to achieve the
nomination for candidacy. The practical and successful Legislator campaign
desires to change the current status quo by focusing his objectives on universal
healthcare purchased by the state, publicly funded elections, free higher education,
more protectionist trade policies and a redistributive tax system that raises money
for job creating infrastructure projects (Roberts, Dan). Sanders advocates his
objective to voters all over social media demographically attracting the young white
generation as a result. This paper will examine how Sanders social media strategy
is used to accomplish his objective, by reaching out to his target audience and how
he could use a different social media strategy to increase his audience. As a former
independent socialist, Sanders struggled with informing the public of what changes
needed to occur. Although this is not the case any longer, Sanders explains how
social media has revolutionized a whole lot of things and in many ways it works for
us because the message
Everyday Use Is A Life Lesson And A Realistic Story
Everyday Use is a short story that is both a life lesson and a realistic story. A
mother and her daughter Maggie both live in a little southern home where their
lifestyle is a little outdated than the rest of the modern world, Mama also had a
daughter named Dee, instead of living with her mother and sister she decided to
go to college and live stylishly with the modern world. The real conflict in the
story is when Dee decides to go home, and when things get out of hand, the reader
figures out that Dee and Maggie have some similarities however they are far from
being alike in any way. The two sisters love each other dearly but the differences
between the two are what makes them who they are and while one sister does not
agree and decides to run from the situation, the other realizes and respects the other
because that is in her nature and she knows how her sister can be. The differences of
the two sisters are shown physically, mentally, and as well as the way they feel as
what is right. This short storygives a lot of real life lessons in respect and loyalty
towards being a part of a family. Dee who is also known as Wangero, is the eldest
daughter in this short story, in the beginning of the story Mama starts to describe
Dee and how her personality is. This shows a lot about the character because the
mother knows a lot about her daughter, Dee has always been the kind of girl who
feels the need to live in a modern lifestyle, and keeps up to date on the newest trends.
She also
Causes Of Planned Obsolescence
The cause is planned obsolescence that is what causes all of this, the main company
makes products that don t last and every year they force you to buy a new product
because the old product that you have brought is not working anymore so they force
you buy a new product because buying a new product is cheaper than repairing the
The issue is planned obsolescence and a society that wants the latest and greatest,
if it is old I have use for it anymore and we need to get the latest version. Planned
Obsolescence, planned obsolescence is a method of designing products that wear
out because the model is out dated and the products has an expiry date basically
that can be used up to and cannot be used later than that because it is built into
product and it cannot be taken out the product. The computers are out dated and the
school doesn t need it anymore but they dispose of it probably not just thrown it
away, maybe something wanted the computers. At home the printer has a
microchip in it that when it is pass it expiry date then you need a new one and
because it is a microchip people don t think of take out the chip because they don t
know about it plus it is easier to buy a new printer than to repair the printer. They
make you product not work properly because they want you to spend money on
repairing the product and they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Dictionary.com, 2017) That is the definition of e wasteand the way they dispose of
the electronic waste is by shredding it into small pieces and ready to be recycled,
strong magnets are used to ferrous metals like steel, non magnetic metals are
separated. All the materials are put in their parts each raw material is sent to be
made into new, example zinc which is used in mobile phone can be used in
shipbuilding or Gold found in games consoles can be made into
The Awakening Symbolism
Symbolism is defined as an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic
images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of
mind .In the book, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, she uses symbolism to convey
her message on the life of the main character Edna Pontellier.Edna can be related to
an encaged bird due to her wanting to be free but can t be because of her husband
and children.Other symbols in the text include: changing houses,the sea,birds and
much more.While many believe the ending of the book was strong enough for the
central theme of the book,that is not true.Throughout the book Chopin uses these
objects to convey her message. The ocean plays a major part of symbolism in the
book.It is like an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The encaged bird is Edna because Edna wants to fly freely and she soon realizes
this when she starts getting involved with Robert.Edna s desire to be with Robert
is like the encaged bird s desire to fly freely with all the other birds.Edna cannot fly
away to freedom because of her family and the pressure of society upon her. Felt
my shoulder blades to see if my wings were strong, she said. The bird that would
soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a
sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth
(698). Edna must be free in order for her to be happy and not be like a bruised bird
coming back down to the floor.Throughout the story Edna is not as strong as
Mademoiselle Reisz believes she is.When Edna takes a walk to her awakening she
sees a bruised bird, A bird with a broken wing was beating the air above, reeling,
fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water (722).Edna has become that
bird, broken and like the bird went down to the water, so did she. This was the
ending of Edna and although many interpret the ending in many ways,symbolism
throughout the book explains on why she did what she did. All the symbols play a
major part in the book,and they all mean and are a message for the reader.The sea
was Edna s awakening and it made her feel comfortable.The bruised bird at the end
of the story represented Edna which caused the ending of both the bird and Edna.In
all the houses Edna was a different person,she was not herself except for in the
pigeon house.Symbolism in this book has put out a message just as the ending of the
book did.Many differ and think the ending was the message but Chopin did convey
her message through the sea,birds,and
Summary Of Racism In Once Upon A Time
Pierre Berton once said Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. This relates to the story
Once upon a time by showing how the couple in the short story portray uneasiness
while giving into fear letting it create their limitations and blinding them from seeing
that they were building their own cage still constantly trying to upgrade security
leading themselves to loss of their son. In Once upon a time , Nadine Gordimer
utilities characterization and diction to reveal the complexity of fear and racial
discrimination and illustrates that one can t have a happy ending if he/she is too busy
worrying about what could possibly destroy it.
In Once Upon a Time , Gordimer utilities characterization by limning the fence
around them as a cage they created to illustrate how fear can undermine one s
ability to take control of their thoughts and actions and realize the true ignorance
behind them. For instance, during the story the wife chose to upgrade the security
again but the husband told her that he believed the amount of security they had
was already enough. In the story, it states These people were not allowed into the
suburb except as reliable housemaids and gardeners, so there was nothing to fear,
the husband told the wife. Yet she was afraid that some day such people might
come up the street and tear off the plaque YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED and open
the gates and stream in... This evidence relates to fear because of how the couple
chose to handle their illusions through callous actions. The author chose to include
this because the couple is characterized as melodramatic at this point because they
re constantly upgrading their security for the wife s growing obsession with
security. The threats that motivated the wife s fixation were the riots that were
happening outside of the suburb but the robbery that happened within their home.
The wife said, She is right, let us take heed of her advice. So from every window
and door in the house where they were living happily ever after they now saw the
trees and sky through bars... This evidence illustrates how the couple delineates
ignorance and commits callous actions and now tries to place what just happened as a
reason why they ve been continuously upgrading their
The Rural Economy Of Fiji
Sugarcane industry, today dominates the rural economy of Fiji and employs a large
number of rural population. The first sugar, introduced by the European colonists,
was produced in Fiji in 1862 around the flatland areas near Suva (now the capital
city of the country) due to the availability of fertile alluvial soils (FSC 2014).
However, after the first few years the center of production shifted to the rural western
and northern parts of Fijis two biggest islands, Viti Levuand Vanua Levu(also known
as the cane belt area ), due to the fact that sugarcane needs dryer areas for better
quality of sugar to be produced (Ward 1965; Mayer 1961). Whilst the majority of the
growers are Fiji Indians, the land belongs to the indigenous Fijians... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sugar contributed 8 percent of the Gross Domestic Production (Fiji Island Bureau of
Statistics 2015). In short, sugar industry is still vital for Fiji s economy and the
significance of the industry is still substantial to Fiji s rural economy (Paresh and
Biman 2003).
For the purpose of this essay, the rural livelihoods of Fiji Indian sugarcane farmers
will be discussed in relation to the sustainable livelihood framework. Chambers and
Conway (1992, p. 6) defines sustainable livelihood as:
A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social
resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable
when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its
capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base.
On the other hand, Scoones (2015, p. 11) argues rural livelihood is more than
agriculture and farming, it includes off farm activities such as rural employment and
migration as means of links to the urban areas. This essay, thus, will first explore the
livelihood assets of rural farmers, that is, the human, physical, natural, financial and
social capitals. Secondly, it will discuss the vulnerability contexts affecting the
farmers, such as, the shocks, trends and seasonality. Thirdly, this essay will look at
the livelihood diversification strategies for farmers and, finally it will conclude with
recommendations for improving the
Heavy Metal Music Analysis
Music wakes us up in the morning, makes us want to dance, soothes us when we are
feeling sad, and gets on some folks nerves in the elevator. From infancy to adulthood
music is an important part of our lives. Mothers sing lullabies to babies, toddlers and
children play ring around the rosy, and teenagers become absorbed in songs they
believe help better define them during their rocky transition into adulthood. Musiccan
summon a wide range of emotions, most of which are wonderful. Yet there is some
music that communicates harmful health messages, especially when it reaches a
vulnerable audience. Music is but one part of our popular culture. Whatever impact
music has on behavior is bound to be complex and variant. The best way to determine
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The lyrics contain references to sex, drug use, suicide, Satanism, and other violence.
From a listeners standpoint the lyrics are loud and the music is guitar driven. The
lyrics are sometimes hard to understand and open to interpretation. Rap lyrics are
chanted in cadence. Rap lyrics are accompanied by rhythmic music that may include
scratching or spinning. Scratching is dragging a phonograph needle across a record.
The lyrics of rap music contain objectionable language, often relating to the
problems of urban life and include themes of sex, drug use, misogyny, or violence
(Fishoff 805). My concern is not with popular music, or even with a particular genre,
such as heavy metal or rap. My concern is with those songs that glorify violence,
racism, murder, mayhem, and condone the abuse of women. I am not emphasizing
any type of censorship, but I am emphasizing some type of responsibility or
citizenship. Music is important to this culture and it s identity. Music helps define
social and sub cultural boundaries. Today s culture face far more difficulties and
dangers than there counterparts did just a generation ago. Over the last thirty years,
violent juvenile crime has jumped by more that five hundred percent (United States
Senate, Committee on Governmental Affairs
Reproductive Technology
Throughout history, the advancement in technology has been one of the few areas
that humans failed to set restrictions to, thus leading to many repercussions. In the
following utopia, technology is limited to avoid facing backlash. In brief, any
technological advancement that is a luxury would essentially be taken away.
Firstly, smartphones would be reduced in terms of abilities that it can perform.
Texting would not exist to encourage phone calls and video calls will not be able to
made within the same province to increase social interactions on a day to day
basis. Video calls would only be able to be made outside of the province one lives in
to keep connections with friends and family that live far away. When these
restrictions are placed,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Any other energy source would be banned to prevent pollution, global warming
and to avoid harming animals. Reproductive technologies would exist with some
restrictions as well. This type of technology would only be handled by the
government and to some of the public if their child is at risk to having a disability
that can limit what the child can do daily. For example, down syndrome can limit
the job opportunities that child has. In the scenario that the child is at risk,
therefore reproductive technologies would solely be used to get rid of the
chromosome causing the disability. Reproductive technologies to determine the
sex, physical trait or make the child intelligent would not exist, solely to make sure
that all children have equal opportunities. Life extension techniques would only be
used for individuals under the age of twenty five who are at risk of death because
of a disease, cancer or accident and parents at risk of death with a child under the
age of eighteen. Parents are the only exception so that the child will not have to go
live with someone else. These individuals would only be allowed to live for one
hundred years, just like everyone else. However, anyone over that age or is not a
parent would not be able to have their life extended, as the population needs to be
Society Needs Architects . Buildings Are Apart Of Everyday
Society Needs Architects
Buildings are apart of everyday life for humans. There are buildings in the world that
are for staying in, or there are buildings for tourist attractions. These buildings
provide many uses for humans. In other words buildings are important to everyday
meaning we couldn t live without them. The people who are in charge of these
buildings are architects. In order to become an architect there are many things that
come into account like the preparation, pay, or need for them also with all this they
also leave a impact on people.
Architects are planners of buildings due to this there is a need for them in society
and they get paid for doing these types of vital things. Architects map out and sketch
out building like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If the people complete this program this shows how dedicated they are to becoming
an architect and showing they might do something big for the world. After the
program has been completed people get to move onto their next step getting licensed.
Architects have to get a bachelor s or master s degree in architecture which has been
approved by the National Architectural Accrediting Boardand certified for a state
licensure (Study.com). After this final step of being certified in architecture, the
people can become an architect and possibly innovate the world. They might also
introduce something that people everywhere can benefit from. Also possibly making
their dreams turn into reality.
Everywhere in the world an architect have some sort of personal impact on their
career. According to Inhabitat INHABITAT: Are you concerned about environmental
and social sustainability in your buildings? If so, what role does green building play
into your work? Steven: The 21st century presents us with one third of the earth
already developed, much of it in sprawling waste. A fundamental change of attitude, a
re visioning of values must take place. We emphasize sustainable building and site
development as fundamental to innovative and imaginative design. (INHABITAT) In
other words Steven is impacting the world and himself. The importance of this is that
in the future cars and manufacturing companies will still have the natural
Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury
In Ray Bradbury s novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize
the atmosphere Douglas is living in.
In lines 3 5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if
it was a human doing something, for example, summer gathered in the weather,
the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and
slow. In the quote, the weather of summer is calm and relaxing referencing it as
long and warm and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing air. In line 11,
the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer,
for example, let summer idle him , which means that summer idles him as in, makes
him still of amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses
hyperbole to exaggerate the summer wind, for instance, riding high in the June
wind , which means Douglas is overstating the feeling wind of summer as if he was
riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees clean each other with
water, for example, At night when the trees washed together which means when its
at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16 17,
the author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, he flashed his
gaze like a beacon from his lighthouse , which means that Douglas looks steadily at
the outside of his house like a beacon from a lighthouse and compares him as a
lighthouse to show how he gazes the outside. In
Compare And Contrast Jeffrey Dahmer And Ted Bundy
Out of all the Infamous killers in the U.S the two well known killers that I will be
researching are Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. These two murderers share many
similarities such as their backgrounds, Crimes, and Motives. Both Jeffrey Dahmer
and Ted Bundy are serial killers who ve killed over a dozen people each. They ve
committed crimes including rape, murder, and kidnapping. In this research paper I
will be comparing and contrasting the two serial killers. The two serial killers
shared similar childhood traits. They both experience abnormal things in their early
life. Jeffery was born into a beautiful family, but after getting surgery for two hernias
he became different. Especially after his baby brother was born he became distant
from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is said to be more than a dozen murders done by each men. In addition to the
crimes committed by these two serial killers, I will now explain the similarities
and differences in both spree s that these men pursued. One of the similarities
shared are the amount of murders each man did, both were over a dozen each.
Both men went to college and ended up dropping out during the sprees. Bundy was
a womanizer who lured women into his car and kidnapped them. Ted Bundy was a
very handsome man which made it easy to make friends and lure women with his
looks. He was known as the dark haired man named Ted . He pretended to be
injured to lure women to his car so he could kidnap them. Ted Would lure young
women to his car, and then beat them to death according to CNN s Serial Killers
Fast Facts article. Now Jeffrey Dahmer was something else I ll tell you. Jeffery
drugged, raped, and sodomized men and young boys. Dahmer killed 17 males
between 1978 and 1991, most of them African American. His style was to meet them
at gay bars, or bus stops. Then he would drug them, strangle them and then engage in
sex acts with the corpse before diminishing them. He kept the skulls and genitals as
souvenirs. He would also keep photographs of the heinous act to later relive the
experience. These men have many similarities and differences, but what makes them
the same is that the heinous acts
Four Book Of Confucianism
To begin with, Confucianism also known as Ruism, is described as tradition, a
philosophy, a religion, a humanoid or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or
simply a way of life.
Confucianism developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of
Thought. It s got that name by Confucius. A Confucian revival began during the Tang
Dynasty of 618 907. In the late Tang, Confucianismdeveloped in response to
Buddhism and Taoism and was reformulated as Neo Confucianism. There are still
people today who still practice this religion and there are a lot of them.
Next, in Confucianism there is only one doctrine involved and it s called Zhongyong.
It s the title of one of the four books of Confucian philosophy. The text attributed to
Zisi ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They also use the REN . This is an ethical principle that involves love, mercy, and
humanity. They believe in five cardinal relations which are Sovereign Subject, Father
Elder Younger Brother, Husband Wife, Friend Friend. Lastly, they also follow a
proper way called Li . includes a set of rules for interaction with others and the role
Also, in Confucianism there are four holy books called The Great Learning, The
Analects of
Confucius, The book of Mencius, and The Doctrine of Mean. These books explain the
philosophy and politics involved in Confucianism. Some sites that go with
Confucianism is the
Confucian temple in Qufu in Shandong Province, which consists of a cemetery of
Temple of Confucius, and the Confucius Family Mansion. Holy Confucianism a
system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed
by Mencius. Days that
Confucians celebrate is Chinese New Year, Ghost Festival, and Ching Ming Festival.
In addition, there are some famous leaders in Confucianism. The two important
leaders are
Mencius and Xunzi. They both believed that man s sense of morality and justice
First Person Narration Of Character In Frankenstein By...
First person narration is present throughout the whole novel. What makes the story
a little confusing is not knowing which character is narrating. The first person
narration often jumps around between characters, so we only get one point of view
during a scene. The first chapter shows first person narration with, I am by birth
Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic, (Shelley,
33). As the story gets more in depth with scenes, the reader has to believe whichever
character is talking because we don t get a second point of view.
The letters of the novel give background information for the story that follows. The
four letters talk about a man who is traveling by boat to the North Pole where he
eventually meets Victor. I also believe that these letters foreshadow the story of the
monster, or at least the needs of him. The man on the boat says, I desire the
company of a man who could sympathise with me; whose eyes would reply to mine,
(Shelley, 19). This is all that the monster wishes for, so I connected the two characters.
A rhetorical question is one that does not require an outloud response and is asked
to get the audience thinking. One rhetorical question that I found in the novel is,
Did I not as his maker, owe him all the portion of happiness that it was in my power
to bestow, (Shelley, 148). This question gets the reader to think while reading the rest
of the novel and engage in the story.
Sublime descriptions are a big part
Folsom State Prison Vs California State Prisons
There are approximately 2.2 million people that are currently incarcerated in the
United States and roughly 65 million people have a current criminal record. 2.2
million individuals are detained due to past passive or violent offenses and some are
wrongfully accused while capitalist companies are making a profit off of those
incarcerated. The prisonsystem is where violent and nonviolent inmates spend days
or years in a cell and are usually working in the prison. During the early 1980s is
when the inmate population began to grow in numbers fights would begin to be a
daily occurrence and would ultimately result in murder. An example of these
grotesque incidents would be considered a normal day at the Folsom State Prison in
Sacramento,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although contrary to the prison system which is negatively affected because of
many issues in the past within the prison and criminal system. Likewise, there are
many instances that show how ludicrous many people and places have been
affiliated with the CCA were investigated in 2015. Personally it is hard to believe
that an institution such as CCA could try to keep such monstrous acts towards
inmates under wraps but then again most companies are corrupted. As I researched
further into this subject there have been experiences and testimonies from former
inmates that were forced to endure such heinous crimes by people who were
supposed to take care of them and make sure they were being treated correctly. I
think it depends on individuals whether or not it is a positive or negative influence
on the economy or the prison system. Although I chose not be either or because I do
believe that it s both. There are many articles that I read and I am solely basing my
opinions on my
Progressive Era Dbq
Daniel Zheng
March 4th, 2016
Evaluate the effectiveness of Progressive Era and the federal government in bringing
about reforms at the national level...
During the period of 1900 1920, which is now also known as the Progressive Era, the
United States witnessed many beneficial changes in hopes of improving the
American lifestyle hence labelling the era as progressive. Not only did the reformers
and the federal government succeed in major changes such as woman suffrage, they
also managed to regain control from corporate powers that had formed monopolies
during the Gilded Age. Furthermore, with the influx of immigrants through Angel and
Ellis islands, the increase of child labor became one of the most prominent issues
within large corporations. Precautions for basic sanitary and safety needs were not
met hence not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although child labor was condemned as early as 1832, it was not eradicated until
1938 when the Fair Labor Standard Act was enforced. Much of the progress that
lead to the eradication of child labor occurred during the Progressive Era. In 1916, the
Keating Owen Child Labor Act prohibited the sale of any of any interstate
commerce of any goods produced by factories that employed children under fourteen,
mines that employed children younger than sixteen, and any facility where children
under two worked at night or more than 48 hours daily. Although the act was
deemed unconstitutional during the court case of Hammer v. Dagenhart in 1918
(Doc G), its shows the governments willingness to cooperate and address to the
public s outcry. Another factor that contributed into the prohibition of child labor
was due to the works of the reformers such as Jane Addams. (Doc. C) Individuals
such as Addams played a major role in the reforming of child labor policies hence
leading the United States into a brighter
Essay Mother.pdf

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Essay Mother.pdf

  • 1. Essay Mother Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Mother" can be both emotionally rewarding and challenging. On one hand, the subject matter is deeply personal and allows for a plethora of sentiments and memories to be woven into the narrative. However, the difficulty lies in navigating the fine line between sentimentality and objectivity, as the topic is one that elicits strong emotions. The challenge begins with attempting to encapsulate the multifaceted nature of the relationship with one's mother within the confines of an essay. Mothers play numerous roles – nurturer, mentor, friend, disciplinarian – and capturing the essence of these roles in a coherent and engaging manner requires thoughtful consideration and skillful expression. Striking the right balance between anecdotal experiences and broader reflections adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and stereotypes often associated with discussions about mothers. The danger of falling into generic sentiments without offering a fresh perspective is ever-present. Crafting an essay that goes beyond superficial expressions of love and delves into the nuances of the mother-child relationship requires a nuanced approach. On a more technical level, structuring the essay can be challenging. Deciding whether to adopt a chronological, thematic, or narrative approach depends on the specific angle one wishes to explore. The task involves organizing thoughts coherently, maintaining a logical flow, and ensuring that each paragraph contributes meaningfully to the overall message. Despite these challenges, the process of writing such an essay can be deeply rewarding. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of the impact a mother has on one's life. The ability to articulate these feelings and experiences not only enriches the writing but can also be a cathartic and enlightening journey. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Mother" is a formidable task, demanding a delicate balance between emotion and objectivity, originality, and universal appeal. Successfully navigating these challenges can result in a poignant and impactful essay that resonates with readers. If the task seems overwhelming, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide support in expressing your unique perspective on this intricate and profound topic. Essay Mother Essay Mother
  • 2. George Washington The soldier s time to serve would be up in just ten days, the British continued to win battles, all hope of winning the war was fading and everyone was ready to put down their weapons and surrender to Great Britain. However, George Washington was not settling with anything less than trying their best. He kept that little flicker of hope that was still left, alive. The Continental Congress did not see much hope in the war either and turned the responsibility of the war to General George Washington. Washington received a message from Congress saying, Full power to direct all things relative... to the operations of war. (Dupuy 63 64). Although Washington did not see this as much of an honor he did what he could with his new power. In ten days ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ewing was supposed to cross with his group of about one thousand men down south while General Caldwalader was supposed to cross at Bristol with two thousand men, however they did not succeed in crossing. Luckily Washington succeeded and caught the Hessians by surprise. The battle did not last long and Washington and his men came out with a victory. They captured nine hundred eighteen Hessians and killed approximately one hundred while the Patriots only had 5 casualties (Murphy). The Battle of Trenton persuaded men to reenlist so Washington would still have an army in the new year. Washington planned on surprising the British in Princeton, but decided to wait considering Ewing and Caldwalader never made it across the river. A week later, on January 3, 1777 Washington recrossed the Delaware River with his troop into Princeton. The battle lasted less than an hour, but around one hundred British men were killed or wounded and they captured two hundred. The Americans only suffered forty casualties (Dupuy 83 84). These two wins boosted the patriot s morale and helped Washington rise back to the top as a military commander (Murphy). These two victories also convinced America that the war was not over yet, there was still hope. Overall winning these battles created a spark of hope and a wave of electricity. There were many battles Washington led, but
  • 3. Radicalism And Radical Environmentalism Environmental writers have always written radically about the environment because that is what is necessary. The difference between the radical ecologists of today is radical theory becoming radical action. Henry David Thoreau wrote plenty of radical ideas, though his most often radical thought comes from On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. Civil Disobedience provides modern day activists and ecologists with the foundation of why it is important think critically about government actions, as well as showing readers direct action against the government. Thoreau contributes partially to the eventual formation of the radical ecology movement in this sense. The other half of the ideology of radical environmentalists was popularized by Aldo Leopoldin Sand County Almanac. Leopold s idea of a land ethicand biocentrism is the main ideology that drives radical environmentalists. Only when Leopold and Thoreau are put together does a full picture begin to form of what it takes to understand radical ecologists. Thoreau and Leopold lay the groundwork for creating the perfect radical environmental movement; where Thoreau gives instruction on action against the government and the majority, Leopold gives the radical movement the idea to act on, biocentrism. To understand the conversation of radicalism as informed by Thoreau and Leopold, there are some ideas that need to be defined. What does it mean for an environmentalist to be radical? Is radicalism the same as terrorism? Radicalism is an umbrella term, often used in a myriad of ways. Analyzing the environmental movement, radical ideology is the concept that the world is unsustainable, and the ideas put forth to make the world sustainable require a massive shift in collective societal thought as well as a massive shift in the way most communities, cities, states, etc. live (Sessions, 1995). The shift in collective thought would be away from anthropomorphism, the idea that humans are the most important thing in the world, towards biocentrism, the idea that all things in nature matter equally. An idea, or action, can be radical without being violent towards living things. This is the important distinction between radicalism and terrorism. For an action to be terrorism, it
  • 4. Bronchopulmonary Hypertension And Pulmonary Research Health problems associated with premature birth Premature birth has been linked to a vast array of lungs problems, the earlier the birth the greater risk of health complications(Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). A majority of the health problems will affect the infant for the rest of their life (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). Infants born between the canalicular and the saccular period (week 25) have lung development that is unsuitable for gas exchange (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). Two major complications that arise with undeveloped lungs is bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and pulmonary arterial hypertension (Mahgoub L. et al. 2017). Bronchopulmonary dysplasia occurs in about 40 percent of premature births during very to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... et al. 2017). Pulmonary hypertensions occurs in about 8 23% of premature infants (Vyas Read S et. al. 2017). One method of determine if a patient has pulmonary arterial hypertension is by lung function test (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). One current method used to help treat pulmonary arterial hypertension is assisted ventilation, the method helps lower blood pressure (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). However assisted ventilation can not be used in all preterm infants some extracorporeal life support which will provide respiratory and veno arterial support (Davis R and Mychaliska G, 2013). Lung Function Tests When trying to determine lung function of premature infants can be quite difficult, the main issue is to ensure the safety of the infant. One of the newest methods of measuring lung function is pulmonary and arterial resistance and compliance test (RC tests). RC tests are two different lung function test that when combined together can determine a thorough understanding of lung function (Okada S. et. al., 2017). One part of the RC test is the resistor capacitor test (RP). The RP test is used to determine the blood flow through the pulmonary vasculature (Okada S. et. al., 2017). The second part to the RC test are the pulmonary arterial compliance test which determines the the blood vessels elasticity and extensibility (Okada S. et. al., 2017). When the data from the RP and CP test are merged the data can determine the pressure of the pulmonary
  • 5. Corning Case Study CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic Development Council. This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center. The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and education
  • 6. Hunger Of Memory Richard Rodriguez Chapter Summaries Hunger of Memory The Education of Richard Rodriguez Chapter One Aria: For my part, I felt that I had somehow committed a sin of betrayal by learning English. Rodriguez s parents emphasize a large separation of their Mexican heritage from that of los gringos. The family speaks Spanish to each other, and the transition to speaking English symbolizes that person being spoken to is an outsider, not one to be trusted, an Americano. The language of Spanish, therefore, is a symbol of trust, acceptance, as being part of the family. When Ricardo gives up Spanish for English, although he is urged to do so by his parents, he feels he is betraying his family for los gringos. Chapter Two The Achievement of Desire: Here is a child who cannot forget that his academic success distances him from a life he loved, even from his own memory of himself. This quotation goes hand in hand with the one from Chapter one. Rodriguez is ashamed to be advancing academically because it separates him further and further from his family. He has already traded Spanish for English, and is now struggling with losing some of his family s other cultures. He loses topics to talk about with his family, as he now has little in common with them. Things compelling to him now... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She knew how American society could judge a person solely on how one looked and not on the qualities one possesses. Thus, his skin tone became an insecurity for Rodriguez and caused him to cover up in the sun so as not to make it darker. As he matures and grows successful, Rodriguez finds that his complexion becomes a mark of [his] leisure. Because he is a guest of the hotel, people wonder from what exotic place he had just traveled, rather than him simply being dark skinned. Rodriguez postulates that, had he not been a guest of the hotel but a member of the staff, people would not regard him with respect and envy but with disdain and possibly
  • 7. Biography Of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, An Artist And... Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born April 22, 1904 to Ella Friedman, an artist and Julius Oppenheimer, a wealthy German textile merchant in New York City, New York. As a child Robert was interested in geology and was said to have even contacted locally famous geologist to discuss the rock formations he observed in Central Park. At the age of 17 Oppenheimer began attending Harvard, a prestigious and well known private University. He graduated Harvard with a major in Chemistry in May of 1925. Later that year he enrolled at Cambridge University in England to study physics thus beginning his atomic research in the Cavendish Laboratory under J.J. Thomson. Then at the age of 22 he was invited to team up with Max Born at Gottingen University in Germany. There he developed the Born Oppenheimer Method. This method was an important addition to the Quantum Molecular Theory. Quantum theory is the origin of modern physics that explains the behavior and nature of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic plane. He left Gottingen in 1927 with his PhD and a mark in the world of Quantum theory and Theoretical physics. A year later Robert began as an associate professor at Berkley while having a joint appointment at the California Institute of Technology, commuting between the two for the next 13 years. While at Berkley Oppenheimer was the first to write papers of the astronomical examination of collapsed stars, a phenomenon we know now as black holes 30 years before anyone else. He also
  • 8. Student President Research Paper Good Morning my fellow staff, students and governors of the senior school. I come here in front of you in order to explain why I would be the best suited candidate for the role of student president. I ask that you choose me for this auspicious role because I believe no I know that I will do a tremendously at this task. Why? You may ask. Well it is because I believe that I represent what John Quincy Adams once said which is; If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. These are my goals if I am elected as school president. I want to inspire others to be inquisitive with the world around them, to step over boundaries, to ask questions. I want to provide people opportunities to get involved in their own society. I want to help people reach their goals and become something amazing. I want to encourage my peers to follow their dreams and to control their own future. So, I promise you, that if I am elected, I will, encourage, aid, and inspire those around me.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well the first step when inspiring people is to help them understand that they matter and belong, for if they don t understand that then they will lose all self worth and hope for becoming not only a useful cog in the machine that is society but, a tool that helps better the house that is the world. I know to accomplish this is no easy task but that is why I ask you to appoint me to it; because I can accomplish it. And that my fellow people is why I ask to be elected school
  • 9. Voltaire s Candide And Swift s Gulliver s Travels From someone deciding to snooze their alarm an extra time in the morning to deciding if they should marry their significant other, every decision a person makes will create either a positive or negative effect on their life. This statement is evident in both Voltaire s Candide and Swift s Gulliver s Travels. Candide is a satire that was published in 1759 by the French author and philosopher, FranГ§ois Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire. Gulliver s Travels is also a satire that was published in 1726 by Anglo Irish author, Jonathan Swift. In these two stories; no matter how big or small a decision is, it will inevitably have an effect on the character s quality of life, even if it is not completely apparent at the time. Voltaire s Candide... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To reiterate Pangloss s beliefs that this world is the best of possible worlds he also claims that there is no effect without a cause. Pangloss uses simple examples in the beginning of the story to demonstrate what he means. He states: that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for all being created for an end, all is necessarily for the best end. Observe, that the nose has been formed to bear spectacles thus we have spectacles. Legs are visibly designed for stockings and we have stockings (18). This statement is illogical and quite humorous, as one would think spectacles were made for the nose and stockings were made for legs, not vice versa. Anyway, this whole story is based on cause and effect. Every single decision Candide makes affects him in some type of way later in the story. Nevertheless, it is not obvious what the outcome of the majority of his decisions will be, as this story has many twists and random outcomes. It all starts at the castle of Thunder ten tronckh where young Candide lays a kiss on CunГ©gonde. One might believe kissing your love would lead to good things to come, however, it is the complete opposite. The effect of this cause results in Candide being banished from the castle to defend himself alone. When Candide and Pangloss treat the earthquake victims, Pangloss attempts to comfort the victims by telling them the earthquake was for
  • 10. Nt1330 Week 2 Agression Analysis Paper In order to test the effectiveness of IGA and GA when solving the timetabling problem, a comparison with the PSO algorithm was performed to investigate trends of performance. All coding was written in MATLAB code and the test case focused on the three above algorithms. All tests were executed on a 3.30 Ghz Intel core i5 processor with 16 GB of ram. The convergence graphs for IGA, GA, and PSO below shows progress until a valid solution for each of the algorithms were discovered. Each of the algorithms simulated 1,000 generations. The graph in Figure 10 14 provides a comparison of the proposed algorithm with the conventional population operator based algorithm. TABLE I. GENERAL DATA USED BY THE GENETIC ALGORITHM NoOperatorQuantity/Type 1Number of individuals1000 2Crossover probability0.9 3Mutation probability0.1 4Number of generations1000 5Selection mechanismTournament selection 6Crossover typeTwo... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 10.the algorithm comparison between fitness Ackley function and the number of populations Fig. 11.the algorithm comparison between fitness Bohachevsky functions and the number of populations Fig. 12.the algorithm comparison between fitness Sphere function and the number of populations Fig. 13.the algorithm comparison between fitness Rastrigin function and the number of populations Fig. 14.the algorithm comparison between fitness fifth function of De Jong and the number of populations Figure 10 shows the results between the hybridg algorithm compared to other algorithms with various mathematical functions as presented by privous sessions. It is cleard to see that the hybride algorithm performed better than other techniques. Surrprisingly, the Ackley function performed closely to the hybride algorithm. Figure 11 14 shows that PSO reached the optimal result very quickly because this algorithm works as a local search which makes a narrow space for the search of a solution, rather than other algorithms which work as a global search
  • 11. Causes And Prevention Of Gun Violence Firearms have been the subject of long standing controversies in America society, culture and law. And our children and young adults are getting their hands on guns in a variety of ways and for various reasons. Some for recreational use, hunting and target shooting, and some for a means of hurting one, or many people at a time. An average of seven children and teens under the age of 20 are killed by guns every day the Brady Campaign states. (Brady Campaign to Prevent GunViolence, n.d.). There is a problem with keeping guns in the home because it increases the risk of injury and death. Between 6% and 14% of firearmowning households with a child under age 18 have an unlocked and loaded firearm. (Johnson, 2004, p.175) . Gun violence threatens
  • 12. The Princess And The Pea Criticism People think of lions and tigers as royalty, so it is not surprising that they are used in this version of The Princess and the Pea. Originally written by Hans Christian Andersen, this fairy tale has a prince who wishes to marry a princess, but the queen insists it must be a proper princess. The illustration in this adaptation, drawn by Janet Stevens, shows the beginning of the conflict, with the queen insisting on a true princess for the princes wife. The illustration conveys clear distinctions of the feelings of the king from the queen and the prince. There are negative feelings on the left side of the picture, which are captured by the king, who is looking away from the rest of his family. His legs are crossed, which means he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The queen and prince are literally on a red carpet, which represents celebrity status. The queen is wearing lots of rings and other jewels, displaying her status. The son looks like the father, as they are both lions, yet is more in tune with the tiger mother. He is drawn behind the queen, which exhibits a lesser status, yet a closer relationship with his mother than what he has with his father. There is much more yellow on the right side, about thirty percent of the picture, and the son is wearing the most. The background is farther away, focusing on the two. The son is observing his mother, revealing that he looks to her for guidance, not the king. The phrase tiger mom comes to mind, since she is making the decisions for the son and he knows this. One s eye goes straight to the queen, who is in the middle, which confirms that she is the main focus of this illustration. There are fewer rigid lines on the right, which shows less oppression. If the three royal figures are part of a triangle, they are the closer ends, with the king much farther away. Their body language is much more open than the king s, as well. The cap that the son is wearing is eye grabbing, as it is orange. The orange of the cap signifies his youth, as well as suggesting he is flamboyant. Just as English is read left to right, so are pictures. The picture in this adaptation of The Princess and the Pea illustrates this. There are negative feelings on the left, which is shown by the lion king. The tiger queen and lion son have more hope. Considering how the mother wants all the control, it makes sense to have the emotions to go this way. All in all, the beginning of the conflict of this story is perfectly captured by this
  • 13. Quickbook Research Papers QuickBooks has become an essential part of millions of small to medium sized businesses across the world. Simply stated QuickBooks is an accounting software package developed and marketed by Intuit. QuickBooks products are geared mainly toward small and medium sized businesses and offer on premises accounting applications as well as cloud based versions that accept businesspayments, manage and pay bills, and payroll functions. QuickBooks software is designed for small to mid sized businesses that want to run efficiently through the automated abilities the software provides to its customers. These small to mid sized businesses rely on QuickBooks to help manage their accounting, receiving, payroll, and inventory needs. Some of the functions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have the ability to instantly know whether you re making money and whether your business is healthy or if you are losing money and are not healthy. You save money because QuickBooks is so affordable. You can use it to run a $5 million or a $25 million business for a few hundred bucks. PC accounting software is truly one of the great bargains in business because of its cost/benefit ratio. Your business can grow with QuickBooks. QuickBooks will help you design a business plan to use when trying to secure a small business loan or line of credit or to plan for the future. QuickBooks has the ability to create a projected balance sheet, profit and loss statement and statement of cash flows in the format recommended by the USSBA (U.S. Small Business Administration). You can customize QuickBooks to work the way you want. QuickBooks is specifically designed to be flexible and adaptable to a wide range of small businesses. To make QuickBooks abilities more appealing to a larger audience, customized accounting packages have been integrated into the software for Contractors, Retailers, Health Care Professionals, and Non Profit organizations. You can rest assured knowing that QuickBooks is a stable, reliable and proven product. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses throughout the world have chosen QuickBooks as their accounting software. You can t go wrong with a software program with such an extensive installed user base. You save typing time and errors by sharing
  • 14. H.G. Wells s Presentation of Future in The Time Machine Essay H.G. Wells s Presentation of Future in The Time Machine When Wells was writing The Time Machine in 1895 England was a country where society consisted of several classes. These were mainly the middle classes, these were the people who ran factories and had a lot of wealth. The other class was working class, the people who worked in factories and mines. Also there were a huge number of factories and mines. Consequently there was a great deal of air pollution due to the factories. The smog from the factories pollution was common in winter and big cities like London and Manchester had smog clouds in winter. Smog clouds were so thick you could barely see twenty yards in front of yourself. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was no disturbances, no shadow casting buildings as everyone lived either in small communes or underground. The climate was very warm in 802,701, Wells knew it would be warmer but I don t think he knew it would be because of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even though there were very few buildings in 802,701 the architecture on the buildings was amazing. One architectural buildings was the building with the sphinxes head above the door In 802,701 one group were living in a commune, the Eloi. But in mysterious state of despair the other group, the Morlocks, live in a huge underground world. Wells expressed the theory of evolution by making the Eloi, distant descendants of the wealthy but because they didn t use their brains or muscles, they were very weak and had lost most signs of human intelligence. However the Morlocks descended from the labourers and the working class. Both species had adapted to their environment. The Eloi were small and very weak, as they didn t work at all, they also had very short attention spans, as they didn t pay attention to things for very long. The Eloi get tired easily because they never need to walk any further than 250 500 yards. However the Morlocks had big eyes that drew light in, this was because they lived in the darkness of underground. Also they had very spindly arms so they could reach things if
  • 15. Robert Harris Pompeii s Volcanic Explosion In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius in Italy was subjected to a massive volcanic explosion that was perhaps a hundred thousand times worse than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the United States during World War II. The eruption put to rest the city of Pompeii along with other neighboring cities and killing thousands of Roman citizens and its slaves in one of the worst volcanic disasters in human history. In Pompeii, Robert Harris reproduces the Roman world with flawless effort while drawing parallels between modern America and the Roman world. At the same time, these two powerful countries existing centuries apart are dissimilar in a plethora of ways starting with the governments and the daily routines of life. One way in which the Roman
  • 16. Comparing Rheya And The Ocean In Hawkins s essay, she writes about how Kelvin planned to establish a link between the most powerful emotions despair, grief and pleasure and the electrical discharges from the ocean (Hawkins). The ocean s electrical discharges are similar to the electrical charges from our brains that occur when we feel emotions. The ocean could sense those feelings, specifically, the strongly repressed ones. When an emotion is not released and is contained, it becomes repressed. The ocean made physical recreations of these emotions because it thought that was how it could communicate with the humans. The first time Kelvin meets him, Snow is drunk. This is a sign of repressed emotions. Each time he drinks, it is most likely to provide a brief moment... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He feels guilty because he knows that he is the reason that she killed herself back on Earth. The guilt he felt was always there, it was just repressed. Now, Rheya serves as a constant reminder of what he did. Unlike the original Rheya, this Rheya is unbelievably strong and intolerably dependent. Rheya is a metaphor for guilt. She represents how strongly it can affect someone and how it is continually there. He tries to send her away, but one can never really get rid of their guilt. Launching Rheya into space is only an inconvenience that delays her for a short time. He thinks he might love Rheya and promises to go back to Earth with her. However, this proclamation of love is just another repressed emotion. When you are suffering from repressed emotions, your actions are based off of your reactions to the past as well as the present. He remembers how he loved Rheya and he thinks that he can love this Rheya the same way. However, he cannot love this Rheya because he does not understand her. Rheya does not understand herself either. She cannot comprehend who or what she is, because she is a creation of the ocean. The ocean did not realize the affect emotions have and how Rheya s love for Kelvin would drive her to suicide. She signs her suicide note as Rheya, but then she crosses it out. This is because the identity she has been given is Rheya, but she is only a copy. She is not the original, the real Rheya. Her
  • 17. Guns Do Kill People By Philip Caputo In Guns do kill people, an article by Philip Caputo on the changes that need to be made to gun safety and gun laws, Caputo brings to light the problem that mass destruction firearms create in our world. Most do not understand the harm of semi automatic handguns, but as someone who has had experience firsthand of the destruction they have, he shows the impact that is made by them. Based on his experience with semi automatic weapons and his research of past violence in the United States, Caputo makes a compelling argument to justify outlawing mass destruction firearms. Caputo has had first hand experience with the harm that semi automatic firearms have. He served a tour of duty with a Marine Rifle Company in Vietnam and was seriously wounded by an AK 47. He is intimately aware of the design of what these weapons are meant to do. These weapons are made to kill people; as many as possible, as quickly as possible (Caputo). According to Caputo s experience, it is shown that he is aware of the repercussions that these weapons have and what they can do. Caputo, being a hunter who owns shotguns and rifles, says it is prohibited to bring a weapon of mass destruction into the fields. A semi automatic 9mm handgunis not meant to injure or severely wound, it is meant to kill no matter what the cost. For example, the use of semi automatic firearms outside of the military and the federal government could be extremely detrimental to many civilians and their everyday lives. Most
  • 18. Role Of Transportation Engineering And Development Of India Role of Transportation Engineering Agencies in the Development of India: A Review 1Vivek Kumar Sharma, 2Sitesh Kumar Singh 1B.Tech, Civil Engineering, 2nd Year, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan, India 325003 2Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan, India 325003 E mail: 1vs5322549@gmail.com, 2siteshlpu@gmail.com Abstract The Government of India recognizes the importance of the private sector in bridging the resource gap in investment and improving the operational and managerial efficiency in the transport sector in order to address capacity constraints and deficiencies in the existing transport infrastructure and meet rapidly growing demand. The Government is actively pursuing policies to promote private sector involvement in the development of transport infrastructure and services. The experience in involving the private sector in transport development in India is the focus of the paper. It provides a broad overview of government policies and various initiatives that have been undertaken to promote private participation following various models. It also discusses achievements made in different subsectors and draws some conclusions on major policies. The development of a nation is now a day fully related to the development of transportation infrastructures. The development of good roads leads to proper transportation of passengers and goods. The transportation engineering agencies in India are working very
  • 19. Sydney Carton In The Great Gatsby Sydney Carton age twenty five, is brilliant. He helps one of the most ignorant men in London Mr. Stryver become the most well known lawyer in his time. So, with looks and brains he should have everything at his feet. Well, not exactly. Orphaned at a young age, Sydney spent most of his youth writing homework for his classmates. He spends his adult years being the brains behind Mr. Stryver. Perhaps part of the reason that Sydney remains so impenetrable is Dickens doesn t give much to work with. Sydney is unhappy because he thinks that he should be unhappy. Sydney seems to be a big picture thinker. Sydney may not be the life of the party, but he really becomes devoted to the things that he cares about. Look at Stryver he is a jerk to Sydney
  • 20. The Rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt helped establish the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The NCAA was initially established to protect the players and improve the safety of sports like football. Today, the NCAA is a twelve billion dollar industry (Chris Beck). Most of the money is generated from ticket sales and merchandise. With this money generation the NCAA has strayed away from its original goals, which were to improve the safety of college sports. The NCAA has now begun to focus on penalizing athletes for breaking rules that they put in place. The rules that the NCAA has put in place are unfair and are setting student athletes up for failure. Today s college athletes will inevitably be punished for doing something to help them get by (Beck). In 2010, star wide receiver A.J Green was suspended four games for selling one of his game worn jerseys (Beck). Standout quarterback Johnny Manziel was suspended for half of a game for selling autographs (Beck). Players should be allowed to sell things like autographs and jerseys; they are their own possessions that they have worked hard for since they were children. When on road trips, Universities can give athletes meal money which is around $7 per meal and anything more would be considered an NCAA violation. (Tyson Hartnett). $7 can barely get someone a meal at McDonalds, so how are big time athletes able to get the proper meals that they need with a measly $7? The fact of the matter is the NCAA is able to
  • 21. Doublethink In 1984 George Orwell in his dystopian, political and social work of fiction Nineteen Eighty Four (ofttimes printed as 1984), published in 1949 defined the concept of doublethink via a book in the novel titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, read out aloud by the protagonist, written supposedly by Emmanuel Goldstein, a leader of The Brotherhood ; generally acknowledged as a fictitious creation of The Party. The definition in the book states Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . However, the concept itself is introduced in the very beginning of the novel as : To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Emmanuel is in fact a fabrication of the Party and the book is written by the Members of the Inner Party or the Members of Thought Police, then it s mere existence shows that a consciousness exists in the upper members depicting the true, totalitarian nature of the society. They may or may not use doublethink to cease to believe in this reality. This is again a paradox as O Brien, a very loyal member, tells Winston that he was a part of the committee that wrote the book to lure in thought criminals ; if this is true how can a loyal and honest member write about the truth that exists outside the bounds of Ingsoc. This must mean O Brien practices doublethink himself but being a member of the Inner Party has the privilege to retain consciousness and the choice to ignore the fallacies of the
  • 22. At T Time Warner Case On October 22, 2016, AT T bought out Time Warner for eighty five billion dollars. The agreement totaled to be one hundred and nine dollars with debt. Time Warner is the parent company to many big name channels including, CNN, TNT, HBO and Warner Bros. This major purchase proves that AT T has a totally different strategy than its big time rival, Verizon. CFO of Version, Fran Shammo, commented in response to AT T s deal, stating that he believes they have the right asset and that there is no large company out there that they need to purchase in order to be successful. Verizon recently made some smaller purchases but seemed but more insignificant with AT T s major buy. For nine million billion dollars, AT T acquired AOL and Yahoo. They
  • 23. Finance in Corporate America Joanne Jackson June 1, 2011 Corporate Finance 620 M 600 950 Ch. 12 Mini Case A. Do you think Adam Lee should develop a strategic plan for the company? Why? What are the central elements of such a plan? What is the role of finance in a strategic plan? Yes. The goal of companies is to create more wealth for the owners and for financial managers to make their company more valuable and without well designed strategic and tactical plans in place it is impossible to do. The central elements of a strategic plan are: (1) statement for mission (2) corporate scope (3) corporate objectives (4) strategies (5) the operating plan and (5) the financial plan. The role of finance in a strategic plan is to add more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... E. Define the term self supporting growth rate. The self supporting growth rate is the maximum growth rate that a firm can achieve if it had no access to external capital. Based on the Figure MC 1 data, what is Hatfield s self supporting growth rate? Would the self supporting growth rate be affected by a change in the capital intensity ratio or the other factors mentioned in question d? M (1 POR)(S0)0.012(1 0.675)(2,000) Self supporting g = = A0 * L0* M(1 POR)(S0) 1,200 100 0.012(1 0.675)(2,000) $7.8 = = 0.7% $1,092.32 The self supporting growth rate would be affected by a change in capital intensity because if the capital intensity ratio is high then the lower the self supporting growth rate will be because the company would need more assets for each dollar of sales they have. The higher the profit margin the higher the self supporting growth rate because the need for external financing would be low because the company would be able to support the increase in assets. The lower the payout ratio the higher the higher the self supporting growth rate because the company is holding more
  • 24. Water Works By Cynthia Barnett In Los Angeles, at least 20% of fishes died from stormwater runoff. Who s next? Repeatedly, stormwater runoff has indicated its negative consequences. From the bacteria in feces, to the chemical waste, stormwater has been made a hazard to all life on earth. Platypi, fish, frogs, and other marine life are in an immediate danger by the pollution. The pollution consisted of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci, which are bacterias in organism waste. In addition, there s lawn pesticides, and motor oils that are deadly. Water inundates humankind, making this an unavoidable conflict. However, creative solutions of managing the runoff has been proved successful. The solution appears as a green infrastructure, defined as a network system that helps manage water, or in this case, stormwaterrunoff. On the other hand, there has been recommendations of using public awareness as a solution, but this is only a key factor to a larger concept. In her article, Water Works Cynthia Barnett conveys how using these creative solutions such as the green infrastructure, is considerably more beneficial than the traditional ways of reducing water all together. She suggests that living differently with water, compared to reducing water, will benefit the nation greatly in their water dilemma. In addition, she believes that the pollution of stormwater harms Pacific killer whales, coho, and salmon. In agreement, I also believe that the pollution threatens the marine life. Hence, the management of
  • 25. Star Trek Myths Both Star Trek and Star Wars are historically popular film series and cinematic works of art. Although they may be works of fiction, the elements and symbols contained within them resemble historical fact. In these films, there are culturally inherited myths that are synonymous with the very roots of western civilization. In this essay, I will examine different examples of myth that are present in these films, what they mean, and offer an explanation for why they are significant. In order to help understand my thesis, the question may be asked, What is myth? In terms of this essay Myths are the instruments by which we continually struggle to make our experience intelligible to ourselves. A myth is a large, controlling image that gives philosophical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is an example of Star Trek taking real events from the past and breathing life back into them by retelling them in a utopian future. In Star Trek s series Deep Space Nine, the planet of Bajor, and its inhabitants, the Bajorans are like the Hebrew people of Earth, They had a central religion that kept them hopeful but also made them seem inferior. Instead of the Holocaust it is called the occupation and it ends with the death of over 10 million people, often in camps. Even more so, the people commiting this genocide, the Cardassians, were bankrupt, and forced into wars for agricultural land, with the rise of a new fascist leader they began conquest. This closely mirrors The bankruptcy of Germany in the 1920 s and their agricultural crisis which led to the rise of the power of Adolf Hitler. With the help of Star Trek s United Nations, The united federation of planets The bajorans are able to regain their homeland and be freed from their camps and establish a weak government. Now this almost like a direct reflection of the events that took place in World War 2. It is very hard to talk about or in a way recreate such a horrifying atrocity without criticism, the only way Star Trek did so was because they put more emphasis on the good parts and the liberation, instead of the countless deaths of innocents. This ties into another mythos that is key to Star Trek, The
  • 26. Weight Watchers Case Study Weight Watchers: Background and Effectiveness among Individuals Participating in the Program Weight Watchers is a program diet founded by Jean Nidetch in the early 60 s in Queens, NY (Weight Watchers 2017). Weight Watchers is a popular diet program that was created to help individuals lose unwanted weight and develop a healthier lifestyle while maintaining a flexible food menu and exercise plan. Weight Watchers is also a unique weight loss program because they offer different opportunities for participants to meet with a group of like members who are also in the program in locations near them. Jean Nidetch founded Weight Watchers in her living room when she was discussing her struggles with weight loss with her friends and decided to make different lifestyle choices to help her shed the weight that she did not want (Weight Watchers 2017). Nidetch began a business administration course at City college of New York briefly before her father passed, which caused her to drop out of school to find an occupation. She worked in different small stores and companies before she was able to create Weight Watchers where her success began. An interesting factor of the creation of the Weight Watchers program is the lack of credentials that Nidetch had to develop a diet plan that many others would begin to participate in. Although Nidetch did not have an educated background of nutrition, she was able to create a diet program where individuals are able to lose weight with a flexible
  • 27. The Future of Space Exploration Sheltered as we are by Earth s atmosphere and magnetic field, which deflect lethal radiation from space, we are like coddled children who have never ventured into a tough neighborhood (Folger 2). Humans have been fascinated with space since the beginning of our time. Just like children and rough neighborhoods, we have tackled obstacle over obstacle to make it home again. In the end, we have a better knowledge and strength than before. The future of space explorationcan assist us in answering the everlasting question of how the universe came to be. The more we explore the infinite galaxies, the more we can scientifically discover and create new technologies as science advances. As we continue to discover, we can create new fields and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only is it costly to your wallet, but it may be costly to human lives. Space exploration is extremely dangerous due to the lack of information we have. There have been many unsuccessful launches, in space missions, and re entries that have ended in disaster. Such missions include: Apollo 1, Challenger, Apollo 13, and Columbia (The Risks and Dangers of Space Exploration 1). With only these four failed missions, it resulted in a total of seventeen deaths and three fatal injuries (1). These are just the twenty lives affected in the United States by unsuccessful space missions. About 5% of people who have launched have died doing so (List of Spaceflight Related Accidents and Incidents 6). In recent years there have been little to no accidents but there is always the possibility of a death caused by space exploration. Since then we have improved our technologies and consider a manned missions in our top choices to further our exploration of the universe. Although it is not the best option, it is still a possibility. Many people in the media are ambitious to send men to explore space. Former President George Bush suggested we should be able to put humans on Mars by the year 2019 (Newcott 40). Along with previous presidents, current president Barack Obama has stated he would like to send a manned mission to Mars by the 2030s (Anthony 3). Although many seem convinces this is the way to go, the only purpose we would need to send humans to Mars or to any other part of space
  • 28. Grey Wolf Creative Writing Sight, touch, taste, smell, hear, feel Okay Kayla, Jennifer, and RaeLee, you guys count and we will all go hide, the save zone is the trampoline, says Kendra, always taking charge. It was the Fourth of July, a hot summer night, and we were playing grey wolf with all of our friends. We had already done fireworks, and it was now around midnight, the only thing illuminating the darkness, was the light from the light poles. Are there going to be any boundaries? Torin asks. No, it is all free game this time, Kendra replies. Now we live on a farm, where there is dark groves, with long never ending vines and branches. You don t know what animals you might run into. We got paired into groups, there were about 10 of us there. I was with Jordyn,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We saw it moving, Kendra and Shaelee weren t making it up. Dom backs him up. Freaking out we all go inside to tell my parents what happened. Okay, okay, one at a time, my mom says. Kendra tells her what happened and the sound the animal made. My mom looked up the sound and concluded that it was a mountain lion. By then we were all freaking out not wanting to go back outside. We all ended up taking vehicles out to the grove to see if we could find it. We all swear we saw snippets of it moving, but nothing much. The mountain lion stayed around for a while after that night. It didn t hurt any of our animals and kept to itself. My dad saw it one last time a few months after that night. One of the cows had its head stuck in the headlocks. He got the cow unstuck, went back to his truck, that s when he saw it. That s when he saw it, the mountain lion was sitting on the hay bales barely 100 feet away just watching him the whole time. Even though it was scary knowing we had a mountain lion on the farm, we learned to live with it and ignore it most of the time. We even ended up naming him Carl the Cougar, until we stopped seeing him around the
  • 29. The Security Deposit For The Dwelling Unit This document is designed to provide its users the opportunity to establish some guidelines related to the details of their living arrangements. Users are encouraged to spend quality time discussing each section, being as forthright and honest with their opinions as possible. This agreement made on April 12th, 2016 is a contract between roommates: Samantha Mitchell Jenkins, Madison Dickey, and Kelsey Snyder, Thompson co tenants at (Address of Unit): 1000 E Harvest Loop Unit 2603, Ellensburg WA, 98926. We all understand that we are entering into a legally binding agreement with the roommates stated above. We also understand that we, as a group and as individuals, are responsible to our landlord, the utility companies, the telephone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... RENT The total rent according to the terms of our lease agreement with our landlord for the dwelling is $1,500 per month. We agree to each pay 1/3 of the monthly rent. This amounts to $500. The rent will be paid on the 22 day of the month by (designate person) Samantha Mitchell Jenkins. This person will also be responsible for obtaining a receipt from the landlord showing that the rent was paid. We understand that as a group, and as individuals, we are responsible to our landlord for the total rent for the term of the agreement. If any of the roommates cannot pay their portion of the rent by the date it is due, the roommate who cannot pay or pays late will be responsible for any late charges accrued and consequences thereof; which will not affect any of the other roommates. UTILITIES We each agree to pay % of all bills (to include gas, utilities, water, the fixed monthly telephone charge, cable, deposits and/or hook up charges for all utilities). We accept responsibility for prompt payment of our portions of the bills, including any long distance calls and taxes, within 10 days of receiving the bill. Each roommate is also responsible for the long distance calls placed by their friends or relatives. The utility bills will be paid by (designated person) by the due date on each bill. Check all services that roommates will share responsibility for: GasElectricWifi Services that roommates will be responsible for
  • 30. A Brief Note On Flood Re A Joint Insurance Industry And... Flood Re is a joint insurance industry and government sponsored scheme which is the first of its kind in the entire world, it will become effective on 4th April 2016 with the purpose of enabling those homeowners with households in areas at high risk of flooding to afford insurance. It is not a direct product which can be purchased by consumers, it can be described as more of a behind the scenes third party which collaborates with current insurers. FloodRe will be a reinsurance company for current insurers to insure themselves against losses caused by flooding, however it will be funded by existing insurers. The idea is to reduce premiums and excesses for those in flood prone areas, so those who find it hard to get insured will now be able to take out insurance cover with providers such as Aviva, whereas beforehand they were unable to obtain such insurance or were reluctant to pay the high premiums. The preferred outcome is to see a transition from the current market to a market where flood insurance is available to everyone at affordable prices long after the existence of Flood Re. However, to what extent the scheme is effective can be questioned extensively, there are many exclusions involved with the scheme and questions have been raised about the spending of flood defences rather than the introduction of such a scheme. Flood Re has been established to last for 25 years, but is this long enough to solve the flooding issues? These issues will be analysed throughout this
  • 31. Catalase Enzyme Activity Analysis The catalase enzyme is so critical to our health that it is found in nearly every living organism on the planet that is exposed to oxygen. This antioxidant enzyme can catalyze the conversion of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a by product of cell metabolism, which serves some useful functions including healthy immune response. (Group, 2013) Catalasehas one of the highest rates of turnover when compared to all other enzymes. In other words, one catalase enzymecan change 40 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in just one second. In fact, catalase enzymes act to protect our cells, counteracting and balancing the continual production of hydrogen peroxide. Because of its undeniable, scientifically proven... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Research scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle conducted a lab study on rats and the augmentation of natural catalase in their bodies. By supplementing with increased catalase, the life span of these laboratory rats increased by almost 20%. This is the equivalent of nearly 25 human years. (Group, 2013) Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School stated in The Scientist Magazine that there is a direct link between the catalase enzyme, free radical damage and extending our life span. This also suggests that the catalase enzyme may help ward off degenerative diseases. Similarly, studies done in Russia and Spain also show a correlation between these types of enzymes and the prolongation of life. In 2005, Spanish scientists found that very high servings of apple polyphenols boosted the gene expression of natural catalase in the body. Studies from China on apple polyphenol also confirmed significantly increased catalase. (Group, 2013) The production and purification of catalase enzyme is economical and cost effective. There are many health benefits associated with catalase including reduced fat, increased life span and the reduction of grey hair. As hydrogen Peroxide is dangerous in the human body, catalase eliminates H_2 0_2. Overall, I recommend that catalase is produced by
  • 32. Summary Of Tipping Point In this chapter of Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, he talks about rumors, sneakers and the power of translation. Throughout the chapter he kept with the theme of change and the way that things can change over time. The concept of change and shoes throughout this chapter is evident. Gladwell writes, They expanded their focus to include not just skateboarding but also surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and bicycle racing, sponsoring riders in all of those sports and making Arwalk synonymous with active, alternative lifestyle ( Gladwell 194). Many people ask why do they have to produce so much more to compliment everyone in every sport or just for everyday wear? Gladwell explains how companies expanded their mind to appeal to everyone s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, I had come up with creative ways like making cards and making bracelets that went out to cheer people up when they were sad or it went towards a good cause that helped people to gain a better life. I used similar things when I was doing my project and they worked to the fullest. This connects to Tipping point in this passage, Different ideas would pop up in different parts of the country, then sometimes move east to west or sometimes west to east (Gladwell 209). This connects to my project because it s true I get ideas for my project in weird situations. For example, I got an idea when I was watching tv one day and it was the commercial for the ASPCA made me want to help and make a difference by donating pet supplies to a shelter to help them get better and hopefully find new and loving families and have a better life than what they
  • 33. Act Of 1964 This Civil Rights Act is a challenge to all of us to go to work in our communities and our states, in our homes and in our hearts, to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country , this quote from Lyndon B. Johnson truly represents how difficult it was to get to the civil rights act and how hard it was once it was passed. Many cases were apart of this act that played a big role at the U.S. Supreme Court. It wasn t only race that the civil rights act of 1964 ended it also ended segregation in race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Civil rights act was a big movement effecting so many people: Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Furguson, and Brown v. Board of education. In 1846 a slave named... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... the board of education It was a milestone decision, the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. On May 17, 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimously ruling in the landmark. State sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional to segregate. Then on May 31, 1955, Warren read the Court s unanimous decision, now referred to as Brown II, instructing the states to begin desegregation plans with all deliberate speed. the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the separate but equal principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case. Martin Luther King Jr. Once said, There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right. This historic decision marked the end of the separate but equal precedent set by the Supreme Court nearly 60 years earlier in Plessy v. Ferguson. The Civil rights act was a big movement effecting so many people in the United States: Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Furguson, and Brown v. Board of education. In the Dred Scott v. Sanford a slave fighted for his freedom little did he know that it would effect so many people later on in life as did all of these cases. The civil rights act was such a experience for people
  • 34. Study on Customer Satisfaction and Attitude Towards Idea... INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW We live in an era where telecommunications services hold a central role in every sphere of our lives (Came, 1984). Marketers argue with compact confidences that these emerging technologies have the ability to develop our lives and improve it in many ways (Risto, 2002). Moreover, it has facilitated the instantaneous cost reduction and quality improvement by offering different services by the companies (Douligeris and Pereira, 1984). The deregulation in the INDIAN telecommunication markets since the beginning of the 1997s has brought about significant changes in the communication industry. The need for the Communications over the longer distance has become the most important aspect of the human lives. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in responding rightly. * Most respondents were not maintaining proper knowledge of various services provided by their companies, so they were unable to provide exact information. 1.6 CHAPTER SCHEME This project report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of telecommunications. It also consists of the objective, scope and limitations of the study. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the Company profile of Idea and Vodafone. The fourth chapter includes the results and discussion. And the fifth chapter includes the conclusion. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Customer A customer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or household needs, wants or desires. According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, customer refers to the following, A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an outsider to our business. He is part of it. We are
  • 35. American Association of Nurse Executives Running Head: AONE 1 American Association of Nurse Executives Cindy Murphy St. Petersburg College AONE 2... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Politicians and opinion leaders are acknowledging this organization as one who s on the forefront of generating creative, effective ways to address the critical issues facing nursing and health care today. These initiatives are designed to promote and enhance quality. Some of the nursing issues in health care reform are; access to care, faculty shortages, patient safety, the patient care environment and pay for performance. AONE supports coalition efforts to work collaboratively with their greater nursing community and other partners to address issues that are critical to healthcare, health reform, advancement of the nursing profession and to support research to quantify the economic value of nursing. (www.aone.org/aone/advocacy /home.html) AONE 4 Through its public policy and advocacy efforts, AONE is working with other major nursing and health care organizations as a member of and /or advisor for coalitions to address the nursing shortage and are pursuing a broad legislative agenda to address all aspects of the nursing shortage. Vigilant contributions by the AONE regarding federal issues, policies and communications have contributed to positive change in nursing leadership and patient care in the past. The AONE is working with various states and their
  • 36. The Lonesome Dove Saga, By Larry Mcmurtry There are so many different concerns that a lot of women have today, and just like there is today, in the past during the time of Larry McMurtry s writing of the Lonesome Dove Saga, women had perhaps the same, or maybe even a little different, concerns throughout this time period that you come to find. These fully formed characters McMurtry introduces you to come to be; fun loving, strong minded, and heart filled women. Clara Allen and Captain August Gus McCrae was thought to be together forever. Throughout years and years of their lives, Clara and Gus had a connection. A type of connection that simply was one that could not compare to any other. They were the type of people who knew what they wanted, but knew it was no good for the both of them. As they both started to accept the fact that no matter how much they cared for each other, it would never hold out in a permanent relationship. Gus goes on a cattle drive from Lonesome Dove, Texas to Montana in hopes to find the one who once turned him down, Clara and maybe have a chance to change her mind. Clara was the type of women who could not marry Gus, for it was the fact that she thought of him as someone to wild to try and settle down with. Clara knew what she had to do and who she had to be with. For Clara, it may have been the fact of she loved him enough to let him go, and perhaps he felt the same way. She felt for Gus, but knew if she wanted to marry and start a family, he would not be the one whom she would have a
  • 37. Rehabilitation Training Rehabilitation training is effective to minimize long term effects in memory functions, but similar to standardized testing therapies often possess limitations. In many cases we are unaware if the patient continues to use what he or she learned throughout training after the rehabilitation treatment ended. One limitation is that the recovery period does not end with the rehabilitation training. Up until now, little research exists about the long term recovery of patients with acquired brain damage. Results of an observation show that after 2 5 years post traumatic brain injury patients report functional gains after rehabilitative therapy, but still report cognitive, behavioral, and emotional impairments (Olver et al. 1996). Although, patients show improvement in cognitive and emotional functions up to 10 years port traumatic brain injury (Sbordone et al. 1995). Yet, researchers found that patients who had a stroke overall improved in cognitive functions, but patients with damage to the right side and higher consciousness at admission revealed higher improvements (Hochstenbach et al. 2003). This shows that rehabilitation does not end with the training sessions. Another problem similar to the diagnostic procedure is that a large amount of therapies happen in an artificial setting and tasks are not comparable to performances outside the therapy. Just like the testing environment, patients staying at a rehabilitation center live in a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, we also take into account that different findings may be due to different assessment methods since some study included questionnaires of relatives and others use assessment tools. Therefore, it is important to know how reliable are, because we cannot expect that tools that measure different aspects of memory to correlate in a significant way with each
  • 38. Yrc Trucking Research Paper When it comes to small freight aka less than truckload shipping the first name that comes to mind is YRC freight. An amalgamation of Yellow and Roadway Transportations, YRC freight has become the largest branch of the Kansas based YRC Worldwide Inc. As the leading transporter of North America s top commercial, retail, and industrial goods, YRC freight is always on the lookout for dependable drivers. If you have got what it takes to be part of the family, then make sure to peruse these competitive YRC trucking jobs: YRC Trucking Jobs for those Without CDL Even if you do not possess a commercial driver s license, you can still apply for YRC trucking jobs. In fact, the company has a special program wherein employees can work on the dock while working... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As for the latter, you are required to complete yard and street driving practice with your trainer. Once you get your commercial driver s license, you will be offered a slot at YRC s finishing school. Here you can get the much needed 160 hours of additional experience for YRC trucking jobs. Once you complete the program and get your endorsements (Hazmat, Tanker, and Doubles/Triples,) you can choose from the wide variety of YRC trucking jobs. YRC Trucking Jobs for Inexperienced Drivers Even if you only have road driving experience and no truck driving experience at all you can still become a part of the YRC freight family. That s because the company offers YRC trucking jobs for inexperienced drivers. If you have less than one year of driving experience, you are entitled to a paid training spanning from three days to two weeks, depending on your knowledge and skills. This is what the company calls a trainer led Driver Development Program. Through this class you will learn the following: Shifting Smith System guided tactics on accident avoidance and defensive
  • 39. Voices Of California Essay On Friday, there was an event where guest readers would read their works to the UC Merced campus. The title for the readings was Voices of California: Tell Me a Story . The event featured three different readers, who were Micah Perks, Brynn Saito, and Optimism One. Each reader had different genres of writing. Each of the readers will tell us stories that involved California, implicitly and explicitly. They will take us on a journey that will allow us to explore the wonders in writing and how we can use it to our benefits. The first reader was Micah Perks who is an American writer and memoirist. The story she read was called There Once Was a Man Who Longed for a Child. The story focused on a man who had to live by himself after his daughter left for college. As he began to live by himself, he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She read a variety of different poems. One of the poems was called What ll It Be. The poem is about a woman warrior who is drinking whiskey in bar. Before this occurred her hometown was burned by six hundred men. She eventually fled her home and found love. But, then she lost it and found herself at the bar drowning herself in alcohol. Another poem that she read was Intergenerational. The poem is about a woman warrior who is thinking about justice. As the woman look out to the moon, the woman knows how slow time is, even after many years. Women continues to love men and men continue to love. Love would continue to be a tool to mend those who are hurt. Brynn Saito also reads a poem that she wrote about a nerve injury. The title of the poem is Things I Never Knew I Love. The poem was about an individual who found that one s body is precious and should be love. The person found such meaning due to an incident that may have almost to its life. The person also begin to find love for everything as it relates to the body. From the individual life changing experience, the person found what was more important in their
  • 40. Social Media On The Rise No Longer Uses Freedom Of Speech... The tech savvy generation on the rise no longer uses Freedom of speech through the press, but rather, social media outlets. Following this movement is Bernie Sanders, who uses social media as a driving force of his race for the democratic nomination. Originally, as an Independent Senator of Washington, Bernie lacked the popularity that some of the other candidates achieved. Sanders then decided to align his political campaign with the Democratic Party, in hope to achieve the nomination for candidacy. The practical and successful Legislator campaign desires to change the current status quo by focusing his objectives on universal healthcare purchased by the state, publicly funded elections, free higher education, more protectionist trade policies and a redistributive tax system that raises money for job creating infrastructure projects (Roberts, Dan). Sanders advocates his objective to voters all over social media demographically attracting the young white generation as a result. This paper will examine how Sanders social media strategy is used to accomplish his objective, by reaching out to his target audience and how he could use a different social media strategy to increase his audience. As a former independent socialist, Sanders struggled with informing the public of what changes needed to occur. Although this is not the case any longer, Sanders explains how social media has revolutionized a whole lot of things and in many ways it works for us because the message
  • 41. Everyday Use Is A Life Lesson And A Realistic Story Everyday Use is a short story that is both a life lesson and a realistic story. A mother and her daughter Maggie both live in a little southern home where their lifestyle is a little outdated than the rest of the modern world, Mama also had a daughter named Dee, instead of living with her mother and sister she decided to go to college and live stylishly with the modern world. The real conflict in the story is when Dee decides to go home, and when things get out of hand, the reader figures out that Dee and Maggie have some similarities however they are far from being alike in any way. The two sisters love each other dearly but the differences between the two are what makes them who they are and while one sister does not agree and decides to run from the situation, the other realizes and respects the other because that is in her nature and she knows how her sister can be. The differences of the two sisters are shown physically, mentally, and as well as the way they feel as what is right. This short storygives a lot of real life lessons in respect and loyalty towards being a part of a family. Dee who is also known as Wangero, is the eldest daughter in this short story, in the beginning of the story Mama starts to describe Dee and how her personality is. This shows a lot about the character because the mother knows a lot about her daughter, Dee has always been the kind of girl who feels the need to live in a modern lifestyle, and keeps up to date on the newest trends. She also
  • 42. Causes Of Planned Obsolescence The cause is planned obsolescence that is what causes all of this, the main company makes products that don t last and every year they force you to buy a new product because the old product that you have brought is not working anymore so they force you buy a new product because buying a new product is cheaper than repairing the product. The issue is planned obsolescence and a society that wants the latest and greatest, if it is old I have use for it anymore and we need to get the latest version. Planned Obsolescence, planned obsolescence is a method of designing products that wear out because the model is out dated and the products has an expiry date basically that can be used up to and cannot be used later than that because it is built into product and it cannot be taken out the product. The computers are out dated and the school doesn t need it anymore but they dispose of it probably not just thrown it away, maybe something wanted the computers. At home the printer has a microchip in it that when it is pass it expiry date then you need a new one and because it is a microchip people don t think of take out the chip because they don t know about it plus it is easier to buy a new printer than to repair the printer. They make you product not work properly because they want you to spend money on repairing the product and they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Dictionary.com, 2017) That is the definition of e wasteand the way they dispose of the electronic waste is by shredding it into small pieces and ready to be recycled, strong magnets are used to ferrous metals like steel, non magnetic metals are separated. All the materials are put in their parts each raw material is sent to be made into new, example zinc which is used in mobile phone can be used in shipbuilding or Gold found in games consoles can be made into
  • 43. The Awakening Symbolism Symbolism is defined as an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind .In the book, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, she uses symbolism to convey her message on the life of the main character Edna Pontellier.Edna can be related to an encaged bird due to her wanting to be free but can t be because of her husband and children.Other symbols in the text include: changing houses,the sea,birds and much more.While many believe the ending of the book was strong enough for the central theme of the book,that is not true.Throughout the book Chopin uses these objects to convey her message. The ocean plays a major part of symbolism in the book.It is like an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The encaged bird is Edna because Edna wants to fly freely and she soon realizes this when she starts getting involved with Robert.Edna s desire to be with Robert is like the encaged bird s desire to fly freely with all the other birds.Edna cannot fly away to freedom because of her family and the pressure of society upon her. Felt my shoulder blades to see if my wings were strong, she said. The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth (698). Edna must be free in order for her to be happy and not be like a bruised bird coming back down to the floor.Throughout the story Edna is not as strong as Mademoiselle Reisz believes she is.When Edna takes a walk to her awakening she sees a bruised bird, A bird with a broken wing was beating the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water (722).Edna has become that bird, broken and like the bird went down to the water, so did she. This was the ending of Edna and although many interpret the ending in many ways,symbolism throughout the book explains on why she did what she did. All the symbols play a major part in the book,and they all mean and are a message for the reader.The sea was Edna s awakening and it made her feel comfortable.The bruised bird at the end of the story represented Edna which caused the ending of both the bird and Edna.In all the houses Edna was a different person,she was not herself except for in the pigeon house.Symbolism in this book has put out a message just as the ending of the book did.Many differ and think the ending was the message but Chopin did convey her message through the sea,birds,and
  • 44. Summary Of Racism In Once Upon A Time Pierre Berton once said Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. This relates to the story Once upon a time by showing how the couple in the short story portray uneasiness while giving into fear letting it create their limitations and blinding them from seeing that they were building their own cage still constantly trying to upgrade security leading themselves to loss of their son. In Once upon a time , Nadine Gordimer utilities characterization and diction to reveal the complexity of fear and racial discrimination and illustrates that one can t have a happy ending if he/she is too busy worrying about what could possibly destroy it. In Once Upon a Time , Gordimer utilities characterization by limning the fence around them as a cage they created to illustrate how fear can undermine one s ability to take control of their thoughts and actions and realize the true ignorance behind them. For instance, during the story the wife chose to upgrade the security again but the husband told her that he believed the amount of security they had was already enough. In the story, it states These people were not allowed into the suburb except as reliable housemaids and gardeners, so there was nothing to fear, the husband told the wife. Yet she was afraid that some day such people might come up the street and tear off the plaque YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED and open the gates and stream in... This evidence relates to fear because of how the couple chose to handle their illusions through callous actions. The author chose to include this because the couple is characterized as melodramatic at this point because they re constantly upgrading their security for the wife s growing obsession with security. The threats that motivated the wife s fixation were the riots that were happening outside of the suburb but the robbery that happened within their home. The wife said, She is right, let us take heed of her advice. So from every window and door in the house where they were living happily ever after they now saw the trees and sky through bars... This evidence illustrates how the couple delineates ignorance and commits callous actions and now tries to place what just happened as a reason why they ve been continuously upgrading their
  • 45. The Rural Economy Of Fiji Sugarcane industry, today dominates the rural economy of Fiji and employs a large number of rural population. The first sugar, introduced by the European colonists, was produced in Fiji in 1862 around the flatland areas near Suva (now the capital city of the country) due to the availability of fertile alluvial soils (FSC 2014). However, after the first few years the center of production shifted to the rural western and northern parts of Fijis two biggest islands, Viti Levuand Vanua Levu(also known as the cane belt area ), due to the fact that sugarcane needs dryer areas for better quality of sugar to be produced (Ward 1965; Mayer 1961). Whilst the majority of the growers are Fiji Indians, the land belongs to the indigenous Fijians... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sugar contributed 8 percent of the Gross Domestic Production (Fiji Island Bureau of Statistics 2015). In short, sugar industry is still vital for Fiji s economy and the significance of the industry is still substantial to Fiji s rural economy (Paresh and Biman 2003). For the purpose of this essay, the rural livelihoods of Fiji Indian sugarcane farmers will be discussed in relation to the sustainable livelihood framework. Chambers and Conway (1992, p. 6) defines sustainable livelihood as: A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base. On the other hand, Scoones (2015, p. 11) argues rural livelihood is more than agriculture and farming, it includes off farm activities such as rural employment and migration as means of links to the urban areas. This essay, thus, will first explore the livelihood assets of rural farmers, that is, the human, physical, natural, financial and social capitals. Secondly, it will discuss the vulnerability contexts affecting the farmers, such as, the shocks, trends and seasonality. Thirdly, this essay will look at the livelihood diversification strategies for farmers and, finally it will conclude with recommendations for improving the
  • 46. Heavy Metal Music Analysis Music wakes us up in the morning, makes us want to dance, soothes us when we are feeling sad, and gets on some folks nerves in the elevator. From infancy to adulthood music is an important part of our lives. Mothers sing lullabies to babies, toddlers and children play ring around the rosy, and teenagers become absorbed in songs they believe help better define them during their rocky transition into adulthood. Musiccan summon a wide range of emotions, most of which are wonderful. Yet there is some music that communicates harmful health messages, especially when it reaches a vulnerable audience. Music is but one part of our popular culture. Whatever impact music has on behavior is bound to be complex and variant. The best way to determine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lyrics contain references to sex, drug use, suicide, Satanism, and other violence. From a listeners standpoint the lyrics are loud and the music is guitar driven. The lyrics are sometimes hard to understand and open to interpretation. Rap lyrics are chanted in cadence. Rap lyrics are accompanied by rhythmic music that may include scratching or spinning. Scratching is dragging a phonograph needle across a record. The lyrics of rap music contain objectionable language, often relating to the problems of urban life and include themes of sex, drug use, misogyny, or violence (Fishoff 805). My concern is not with popular music, or even with a particular genre, such as heavy metal or rap. My concern is with those songs that glorify violence, racism, murder, mayhem, and condone the abuse of women. I am not emphasizing any type of censorship, but I am emphasizing some type of responsibility or citizenship. Music is important to this culture and it s identity. Music helps define social and sub cultural boundaries. Today s culture face far more difficulties and dangers than there counterparts did just a generation ago. Over the last thirty years, violent juvenile crime has jumped by more that five hundred percent (United States Senate, Committee on Governmental Affairs
  • 47. Reproductive Technology Throughout history, the advancement in technology has been one of the few areas that humans failed to set restrictions to, thus leading to many repercussions. In the following utopia, technology is limited to avoid facing backlash. In brief, any technological advancement that is a luxury would essentially be taken away. Firstly, smartphones would be reduced in terms of abilities that it can perform. Texting would not exist to encourage phone calls and video calls will not be able to made within the same province to increase social interactions on a day to day basis. Video calls would only be able to be made outside of the province one lives in to keep connections with friends and family that live far away. When these restrictions are placed,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any other energy source would be banned to prevent pollution, global warming and to avoid harming animals. Reproductive technologies would exist with some restrictions as well. This type of technology would only be handled by the government and to some of the public if their child is at risk to having a disability that can limit what the child can do daily. For example, down syndrome can limit the job opportunities that child has. In the scenario that the child is at risk, therefore reproductive technologies would solely be used to get rid of the chromosome causing the disability. Reproductive technologies to determine the sex, physical trait or make the child intelligent would not exist, solely to make sure that all children have equal opportunities. Life extension techniques would only be used for individuals under the age of twenty five who are at risk of death because of a disease, cancer or accident and parents at risk of death with a child under the age of eighteen. Parents are the only exception so that the child will not have to go live with someone else. These individuals would only be allowed to live for one hundred years, just like everyone else. However, anyone over that age or is not a parent would not be able to have their life extended, as the population needs to be
  • 48. Society Needs Architects . Buildings Are Apart Of Everyday Society Needs Architects Buildings are apart of everyday life for humans. There are buildings in the world that are for staying in, or there are buildings for tourist attractions. These buildings provide many uses for humans. In other words buildings are important to everyday meaning we couldn t live without them. The people who are in charge of these buildings are architects. In order to become an architect there are many things that come into account like the preparation, pay, or need for them also with all this they also leave a impact on people. Architects are planners of buildings due to this there is a need for them in society and they get paid for doing these types of vital things. Architects map out and sketch out building like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the people complete this program this shows how dedicated they are to becoming an architect and showing they might do something big for the world. After the program has been completed people get to move onto their next step getting licensed. Architects have to get a bachelor s or master s degree in architecture which has been approved by the National Architectural Accrediting Boardand certified for a state licensure (Study.com). After this final step of being certified in architecture, the people can become an architect and possibly innovate the world. They might also introduce something that people everywhere can benefit from. Also possibly making their dreams turn into reality. Everywhere in the world an architect have some sort of personal impact on their career. According to Inhabitat INHABITAT: Are you concerned about environmental and social sustainability in your buildings? If so, what role does green building play into your work? Steven: The 21st century presents us with one third of the earth already developed, much of it in sprawling waste. A fundamental change of attitude, a re visioning of values must take place. We emphasize sustainable building and site development as fundamental to innovative and imaginative design. (INHABITAT) In other words Steven is impacting the world and himself. The importance of this is that in the future cars and manufacturing companies will still have the natural
  • 49. Analysis Of Nature, By Ray Bradbury In Ray Bradbury s novel, the author uses a range of rhetorical devices to emphasize the atmosphere Douglas is living in. In lines 3 5, the author uses personification to attribute the weather of summer as if it was a human doing something, for example, summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and slow. In the quote, the weather of summer is calm and relaxing referencing it as long and warm and the wind blowing as if it were a person blowing air. In line 11, the author uses another instance of personification to amaze Douglas of summer, for example, let summer idle him , which means that summer idles him as in, makes him still of amazement on its early morning stream. In line 14, the author uses hyperbole to exaggerate the summer wind, for instance, riding high in the June wind , which means Douglas is overstating the feeling wind of summer as if he was riding it. In line 16, the author uses a metaphor to make trees clean each other with water, for example, At night when the trees washed together which means when its at night the trees end up being washed when they are close together. In lines 16 17, the author uses simile to compare Douglas with an object, for instance, he flashed his gaze like a beacon from his lighthouse , which means that Douglas looks steadily at the outside of his house like a beacon from a lighthouse and compares him as a lighthouse to show how he gazes the outside. In
  • 50. Compare And Contrast Jeffrey Dahmer And Ted Bundy Out of all the Infamous killers in the U.S the two well known killers that I will be researching are Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. These two murderers share many similarities such as their backgrounds, Crimes, and Motives. Both Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy are serial killers who ve killed over a dozen people each. They ve committed crimes including rape, murder, and kidnapping. In this research paper I will be comparing and contrasting the two serial killers. The two serial killers shared similar childhood traits. They both experience abnormal things in their early life. Jeffery was born into a beautiful family, but after getting surgery for two hernias he became different. Especially after his baby brother was born he became distant from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is said to be more than a dozen murders done by each men. In addition to the crimes committed by these two serial killers, I will now explain the similarities and differences in both spree s that these men pursued. One of the similarities shared are the amount of murders each man did, both were over a dozen each. Both men went to college and ended up dropping out during the sprees. Bundy was a womanizer who lured women into his car and kidnapped them. Ted Bundy was a very handsome man which made it easy to make friends and lure women with his looks. He was known as the dark haired man named Ted . He pretended to be injured to lure women to his car so he could kidnap them. Ted Would lure young women to his car, and then beat them to death according to CNN s Serial Killers Fast Facts article. Now Jeffrey Dahmer was something else I ll tell you. Jeffery drugged, raped, and sodomized men and young boys. Dahmer killed 17 males between 1978 and 1991, most of them African American. His style was to meet them at gay bars, or bus stops. Then he would drug them, strangle them and then engage in sex acts with the corpse before diminishing them. He kept the skulls and genitals as souvenirs. He would also keep photographs of the heinous act to later relive the experience. These men have many similarities and differences, but what makes them the same is that the heinous acts
  • 51. Four Book Of Confucianism To begin with, Confucianism also known as Ruism, is described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanoid or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. Confucianism developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought. It s got that name by Confucius. A Confucian revival began during the Tang Dynasty of 618 907. In the late Tang, Confucianismdeveloped in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was reformulated as Neo Confucianism. There are still people today who still practice this religion and there are a lot of them. Next, in Confucianism there is only one doctrine involved and it s called Zhongyong. It s the title of one of the four books of Confucian philosophy. The text attributed to Zisi ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also use the REN . This is an ethical principle that involves love, mercy, and humanity. They believe in five cardinal relations which are Sovereign Subject, Father Son, Elder Younger Brother, Husband Wife, Friend Friend. Lastly, they also follow a proper way called Li . includes a set of rules for interaction with others and the role system. Also, in Confucianism there are four holy books called The Great Learning, The Analects of Confucius, The book of Mencius, and The Doctrine of Mean. These books explain the philosophy and politics involved in Confucianism. Some sites that go with Confucianism is the Confucian temple in Qufu in Shandong Province, which consists of a cemetery of Confucius. Temple of Confucius, and the Confucius Family Mansion. Holy Confucianism a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius. Days that Confucians celebrate is Chinese New Year, Ghost Festival, and Ching Ming Festival. In addition, there are some famous leaders in Confucianism. The two important leaders are Mencius and Xunzi. They both believed that man s sense of morality and justice separated
  • 52. First Person Narration Of Character In Frankenstein By... First person narration is present throughout the whole novel. What makes the story a little confusing is not knowing which character is narrating. The first person narration often jumps around between characters, so we only get one point of view during a scene. The first chapter shows first person narration with, I am by birth Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic, (Shelley, 33). As the story gets more in depth with scenes, the reader has to believe whichever character is talking because we don t get a second point of view. The letters of the novel give background information for the story that follows. The four letters talk about a man who is traveling by boat to the North Pole where he eventually meets Victor. I also believe that these letters foreshadow the story of the monster, or at least the needs of him. The man on the boat says, I desire the company of a man who could sympathise with me; whose eyes would reply to mine, (Shelley, 19). This is all that the monster wishes for, so I connected the two characters. A rhetorical question is one that does not require an outloud response and is asked to get the audience thinking. One rhetorical question that I found in the novel is, Did I not as his maker, owe him all the portion of happiness that it was in my power to bestow, (Shelley, 148). This question gets the reader to think while reading the rest of the novel and engage in the story. Sublime descriptions are a big part
  • 53. Folsom State Prison Vs California State Prisons There are approximately 2.2 million people that are currently incarcerated in the United States and roughly 65 million people have a current criminal record. 2.2 million individuals are detained due to past passive or violent offenses and some are wrongfully accused while capitalist companies are making a profit off of those incarcerated. The prisonsystem is where violent and nonviolent inmates spend days or years in a cell and are usually working in the prison. During the early 1980s is when the inmate population began to grow in numbers fights would begin to be a daily occurrence and would ultimately result in murder. An example of these grotesque incidents would be considered a normal day at the Folsom State Prison in Sacramento,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although contrary to the prison system which is negatively affected because of many issues in the past within the prison and criminal system. Likewise, there are many instances that show how ludicrous many people and places have been affiliated with the CCA were investigated in 2015. Personally it is hard to believe that an institution such as CCA could try to keep such monstrous acts towards inmates under wraps but then again most companies are corrupted. As I researched further into this subject there have been experiences and testimonies from former inmates that were forced to endure such heinous crimes by people who were supposed to take care of them and make sure they were being treated correctly. I think it depends on individuals whether or not it is a positive or negative influence on the economy or the prison system. Although I chose not be either or because I do believe that it s both. There are many articles that I read and I am solely basing my opinions on my
  • 54. Progressive Era Dbq Daniel Zheng APUSH Wells March 4th, 2016 APUSH DBQ: Evaluate the effectiveness of Progressive Era and the federal government in bringing about reforms at the national level... During the period of 1900 1920, which is now also known as the Progressive Era, the United States witnessed many beneficial changes in hopes of improving the American lifestyle hence labelling the era as progressive. Not only did the reformers and the federal government succeed in major changes such as woman suffrage, they also managed to regain control from corporate powers that had formed monopolies during the Gilded Age. Furthermore, with the influx of immigrants through Angel and Ellis islands, the increase of child labor became one of the most prominent issues within large corporations. Precautions for basic sanitary and safety needs were not met hence not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although child labor was condemned as early as 1832, it was not eradicated until 1938 when the Fair Labor Standard Act was enforced. Much of the progress that lead to the eradication of child labor occurred during the Progressive Era. In 1916, the Keating Owen Child Labor Act prohibited the sale of any of any interstate commerce of any goods produced by factories that employed children under fourteen, mines that employed children younger than sixteen, and any facility where children under two worked at night or more than 48 hours daily. Although the act was deemed unconstitutional during the court case of Hammer v. Dagenhart in 1918 (Doc G), its shows the governments willingness to cooperate and address to the public s outcry. Another factor that contributed into the prohibition of child labor was due to the works of the reformers such as Jane Addams. (Doc. C) Individuals such as Addams played a major role in the reforming of child labor policies hence leading the United States into a brighter