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Essay On Ben Franklin
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Essay On Ben Franklin Essay On Ben Franklin


The Biological Basis Of Personality Approach
This essay will give a description of Personality before critically analysing the biological basis of
personality approach. The biological basis approach tries to account for the mechanisms between
genes and personality by looking at various different brain structures whilst the biochemical
approach looks at the impact of hormones and neurotransmitters. The majority of our
understanding of personality from a biological perspective focuses on the three main behavioural
systems; the reward system, the motivation system and the punishment system. Within this essay
I will be discussing the three main theories that have come from these ideas, Eyenck s three
factor model, Gray s reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) and Cloningers model of personality.
Human DNA is composed of roughly 30,000 genes composed of around 3 million base pairs and
99% of these are universally identical for everyone meaning they cannot be the source of
personality differences in people. This suggests that the remaining genes are genetic mutations or
polymorphisms, which have an influence on personality, and the biological approach uses three
main methods to try and determine what % of individual differences in a trait can be attributed to
genes and what % is a response to the environment. Family studies are a commonly used method as
they correlate the degree of genetic overlap between family members with the degree of similarity
in personality traits. In personality research they are generally used to
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Millennialism and Apocalypse Thought in S. T. Coleridge...
missing some works cited Tintern Abbey : Millennialism and Apocalypse Thought in S. T.
Coleridge and William Wordsworth s Poetics Storming of the Bastille 1789 [1] During and in the
aftermath of the French Revolution, millennialist thought independent of the myriad of economic
and historical reasons for its precipitation influenced many authors. Many people perceived the
French Revolution as a foreshadowing of an Apocalypse that would usher in a new millenarian
epoch, one levelling social distinctions between people and bringing about what was believed to be
Christ s absolute rule. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was such a writer influenced by millennialist and
apocalyptic belief in the late eighteenth century. His early writings... Show more content on
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Toy bewitched, Made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul, No common centre man, no common
sire Knoweth! A sordid solitary thing, Mid countless brethren with a lonely heart, Through
courts and cities the smooth savage roams Feeling himself, his own low self the whole, When he
by sacred sympathy might make The whole one self! Self, that no alien knows! Self, far diffused
as fancy s wing can travel! Self, spreading still, oblivious of its own, Yet all of all possessing!
This is faith! This the Messiah s destined victory! (149 151, 161 177) Such examples of
sensational and supernatural depictions of destruction and war, however, are limited to
Coleridge s earlier poetry. David Calleo suggests that by the time the communal experiment of
Pantisocracy had come to a close and Coleridge himself had become slightly older, that he lost
much of his earlier political idealism, and [w]ith it . . . vanished his spontaneous and effortless
vision of divine purpose in all things . . . [9] Further mitigating factors, such as The French
Revolution s apparent reversal of many of its former ideals to foster liberty and democracy to
policies of open military aggression, shifted Coleridge s thinking about a manifest millennial reign
of Jesus through a predestined social apocalypse. His focus became one of criticism and active
intervention of the poet as an agent of social change. In contrast to his earlier
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The Prevalence Of Racism On America s Youth
I have always advocated for social equality and have been aware of the prevalence of racism.
However, my forethought now seems insignificant compared to the degree of racism that James W.
Loewen suggests is indoctrinating the minds of America s youth. Loewen takes readers on an
enlightening journey through his book, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American
HistoryTextbookGot Wrong. The book intends to expose the false claims and lack of information
in standard American high school history textbooks. He aims to correct the stigma behind how and
why American history is so misrepresented and why it is important to represent history accurately
and not limitedly. He proposes a few ways in which we can reform the teaching of history as well.
Throughout the book, he largely focuses on the shortcomings or outright fallacies of historical
textbooks in regards to racism, government, colonialism, and patriotism. Loewen serves this book to
bring about institutional change where he feels that it is needed and to stress the importance of
factual historical information and realpolitik. He displays vast amounts of logical and thoroughly
descriptive anecdotes and facts, however, the scrambled organization of his topics, and his clear
devotion and passion for the theme of social justice and anti racism present the problem of
bombardment. Furthermore, he does not appeal to his suggested audiencein an adequate rhetorical
manner that is consistent with his declared purpose of the
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A Radio Frequency Identification ( Rfid )
As technology advances so does the threat to our privacy as citizens, we enter into this
technological world worried only with what s new and hot and not diving deeper into how these
devices are collecting data on us. One of these new devices is called a Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) it s a wireless system of both what is called tags and readers that pick up
radio waves and hold information. The many uses include Inventory control, Equipment
tracking, Out of bed detection and fall detection (FDA). Companies that employ such things as
RFID tags morally should inform those who would be impacted by their use. On the CPSC
website it has the Federal Hazardous Substances Act or FHSA it states The Federal Hazardous
Substances Act (FHSA) requires precautionary labeling on the immediate container of hazardous
household products to help consumers safely store and use those products and to give them
information about immediate first aid steps to take if an accident happens. (CPSC) It was hard
to find a specific need for labeling or informing of such a product as the RFIDs if they are
integrated into regular business practice, such as mentioned grocery usage or healthcare uses.
There has never been a warning label or label of any kind on webcams for their potential risk
which became reality being hacked and streamed by strangers. CBS reported on the issue in 2014
of Russian hackers tapping into hundreds of thousands of private webcams and streaming what is
shown on the web.
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Amontillado Flaws
Written by Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado is a short horror story. In the story, Poe
leads the reader from a costume party to a dark dungeon almost seamlessly. As the narrator lures
an unsuspecting man to to his death, the reader doesn t even notice until said man is trapped
behind a brick wall and left to die. Poe does leave some stray strands behind for the reader to follow
as he weaves his story together, however, and he does so in three specific ways. In The Cask of
Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poeuses flawed characters, physical setting, and dialogue between the
characters to create a creepy, unsettling mood that instills fear and terror into the reader.
First, Poe uses emotionally and mentally flawed characters to create a tone of fear and terror that
is seeded throughout the whole story, wherever the characters go. Fortunato, a comically prideful
and gullible person, contrasts Montresor, a villain protagonist, who recollects the story of a
supposedly perfect revenge on Fortunato. At the beginning of the story, Montresor tells Fortunato
that he has received a pipe of what passes for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
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Minnesota Viking Interview Paper
I have been a Minnesota Vikings fan as long as I can remember. After beginning my education at
the Carlson School of Management and learning about the potential careers my degree could lead
to, I decided upon my dream career, to be the CFO of the Minnesota Vikings. When I was
presented this assignment I viewed it as both an opportunity to connect the concepts discussed in
class to a business setting and to learn about the organization I want to work for. I found Lisa
Larson s information on the Minnesota Vikings front office webpage and sent her a LinkedIn
message. She responded and was receptive to meeting with me to discuss human resources at the
Minnesota Vikings.
Questions and Answers What is a typical day in human resources at the Minnesota ... Show more
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The employees are self motivated because of their passion for their work. Most departments are
very small as well so if you don t get your work done there is no one to pass your work off to
How do you recruit? Do you recruit for diversity?
Answer: We look at specific industries for external hires, we visit schools, and are now using
LinkedIn. We had used a sports specific job website but were receiving too many unqualified
candidates. Yes, we do recruit for diversity. One way we do this is recruiting outside of Minnesota
because Minnesota is mainly white. Another way is through referrals. We do not use quotas. Quotas
are mainly government imposed.
How do you screen and select employees?
Answer: We have a database of applicants and are able to query the database for specific
certificates, work history, etc. (Larson).
How do you manage performance?
Answer: We do have use annual performance reviews but our performance managementis informal.
One technique we use is to track conversations and if over time there is a need to make changes,
then we will make them when needed (Larson).
How do you develop employees? Are there opportunities for
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The Early Childhood Education Of Literacy And Numeracy
Introduction Literacy and numeracy are the most vital skills for any individual in modern
society. The early childhood education of literacy and numeracy is of great importance to not
only intellectual growth but also to emotional and social development in later years. Literacy is
one of the fundamental ability for one to be able to make sense of text, signs, books, and
modern technologies. Numeracy includes aspects such as number sense, computation,
measurement, and geometry, which are all vital to one s daily and professional life. The first
few years of one s life is the key period to establish literacy and numeracy as one s brain
development is at its peak in this period, and the better the foundation of literacy and numeracy is,
the more likely one is going to successful in academic and social performance in later years. Also
as a social experience, literacy and numeracy education is greatly influenced by one s social
environment, or in early childhood settings, one s family environment. Bronfenbrenner s (1979)
ecological systems theory is the foundation of ecological and sociocultural guideline of literacy and
numeracy education in early childhood settings. The theory are essentially a set of interconnected
and yet isomorphic layers of systems that affect the development of the children from a social
aspect, e.g. the microsystem describes the interaction between the carer and the child, mesosystem
describes the interactions between the family and the teacher,
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Jordan Henderson Research Paper
Jordan Henderson is a young man who comes from an unhealthy environment. Jordan Henderson
never thought he had a chance to live a long life. Jordan Henderson has a pending felony charge for
distribution of marijuana.
Teens Who Expect to Die Young Are More Likely to Commit Crime gives readers a look into a
study conducted by the University of Texas at Dallas. My first thought, my first question was,
What teenager wants to die? As I read on, I found out that teens like Henderson feel death would be
easier than the lives they live, the lives they think they re destined to live, or being locked up.
Henderson, who is 18, used to hope and pray he d make it to age 21. He, along with thousands of
teens across the country, face challenges ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reality for these teens is, death isn t just a possibility it s a reality they accept. But Piquero
hopes government officials see the urgency in his research and will help give disadvenataged
teens more opportunities to become productive members of society. These kids need education
and jobs. Chad Houser, exectutive director of Dallas based Cafe Momentum, offers young men
coming out of jail internships. Many of the men he helps realize the pride of completing an
honest day s work. A simple pat on the back can make all the difference for disadvantaged juvenile
offenders. For many, they feel a sense of approval and joy that comes in living up to expectations.
Their attitudes begin to change when they see they have something to live and word towards,
instead of accepting their dismal circumstances as fate.
Henderson s pending felony charge has been a turning point in his life. He s since enrolled in an
alternative education program and has recently received a scholarship to attend college in
Tennessee. These positive changes in his life have allowed him to see opportunity, have allowed
him to have hope, have changed his outlook, and increased his determiniation to live a nice, long
life. I pray that I live to see the generational curse I m so accustomed to be broken, he said. To him I
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Costa Rico Research Paper
Enjoy An Exotic Tropical Costa Rica Vacation Where Columbus Landed 500 Years Ago
the world s best vacation spots
ArchivesSelect Month October 2011 (950) September 2011 (1541) August 2011 (3615) July 2011
(4524) June 2011 (4374) May 2011 (3977) April 2011 (50)
Best Vacation Spots
Useful Links
Admin Pages
В« Vacationing In Japan Places To Visit And Things To Do7 Pitfalls To Avoid When Planning Your
Event Itinerary В»October 7, 2011 | Author John Mc Millan
Striking Costa Rica beaches on its Caribbean ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Or, head south to Panama. Only a few miles from Puerto Viejo, you can cross into Panama and
stay several days in cabanas on the water, literally, at fantastic Boca del Toro.
Oh, one more thing. As you drive from Puerto Viejo towards Panama, you ll pass the very beach
where a certain Italian sea captain, a fellow called Columbus, dropped anchor 500 years back and
gave the land its name: Costa Rica.
While in Puerto Viejo, there is a superb little Costa Rica beach hotel, La Perla Negra. Strongly
recommended. No matter what your fancy, whether fishing, eco tourism, medical care mixed
with a great holiday, there is always a great Costa Rica vacation waiting for you.Posted in Airline
Travel | Tags: costa rica beach hotel, costa rica beaches, Costa Rica Vacation, costa ricas caribbean
coastLeave a ReplyClick here to cancel reply.
В« Vacationing In Japan Places To Visit And Things To Do7 Pitfalls To Avoid When Planning Your
Event Itinerary
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Okinawa Research Paper
Japan is an archipelago, or cluster of islands, that has four main islands: Honshu, Shikoku,
Hokkaido, and Kyushu. Bodies of water surround the four islands and one of the major terrain
features is the vast amount of mountains throughout the land. The Ryukyu Islands lie southwest of
the Shikoku Island. Okinawa is the largest island within that area. In Okinawa, the summers are
hot, oppressive, wet and overcast; the winters are cool and mostly clear; and it is windy year round
(Weatherspark). The average temperature fluctuates from the mid 50s to high 80s. Okinawa s
wettest part of the season lasts roughly 3 months ranging from March to June. With the island being
near the water, you can expect wind throughout the calendar year. The... Show more content on
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On 1 April 1945, allied forces invaded the island of Okinawa and engaged the Japanese. The
Battle of Okinawa took place during World War II and was one of the bloodiest battles. During the
end of World War II, Japan s economy was shattered and the United Statescaptured the island of
Okinawa. Roughly, 40% of the industrial plants and infrastructure were demolished. Japan opened
themselves to Western ideas and influence and experienced economic changes. The national goal
was to make themselves powerful and prosperous so their independence would never be threatened
by another country again. Japan made a new start toward economic reconstruction and since has
gained a reputation around the world for their high quality, reasonable prices, and energy efficiency
technological innovations. (Web Japan) Japan s success was made possible through their literacy
rates and educational
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Behavior Paradigms
Rationalist vs. Behavioralist Paradigm Problems 1.During the last five years, your instructor has
discussed the emerging field of behavioral finance with many colleagues. The most common
reaction has been for those colleagues to smile and say, Behavioral finance? That s an oxymoron.
Oxymoron is defined as a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (e.g. cruel kindness).
Explain this reaction using a) the concept of paradigm and b) attributes of the behavioral and
rational paradigms. a)According to the concept of a paradigm, someone in finance would operate
on a set of principles that their work is based upon. It is the method by which they analyze their
data. Under this philosophy the statement is considered an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Kuhn has been even more distressed by those who admiringly misinterpret him. I ve often said
that I am much fonder of my critiques than my fans, he comments. In the 1960s his work was
seized on by radicals opposed to science and its offspring, technology, and indeed to any
cognitive authority that might distort pure experience. Kuhn recalls students telling him, Oh,
thank you, Mr. Kuhn, for telling us about paradigms. Now that we know about them, we can get
rid of them. a)How would Kuhn address the criticism that he is claiming science to be nothing
more than power politics or mob psychology? b)He described it this way because sometimes
scientists or people of science follow the convention of multiple people with valid theories. They
follow what was tested or theorized and expand their research from that. It is similar to politics
in that there is one individual that attempts to persuade the many to follow them and that their
ideas are the truth through experimentation. He would address the criticism by reminding those
that he still believes in science and that the idea of a paradigm is not completely a bad thing, for
if you can identify it you can strive to get rid of it and progress in your thinking. b) Did the 60s
radicals rid the world of paradigms? Why or why not? No, the concept
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Brain Cancer Affects The Cell Cycle
Brain Cancer
Brain cancer affects the cell cycle by causing the cells to go out of control. It starts out normal
but the cells in the brain start going though the cell cycle and rapidly dividing the cancerous
cells. Therefore, the immune system thinks that the cells are doing their job so the immune
system does nothing. The cell cycle is the natural and orderly progression that cells take to undergo
proper division. The cell cycle is a series of four steps which are G1, S, G2, and M. G1 phase is
prepares cells for copying, S phase directs the copying of the DNA, G2 phase leads to further cell
growth. The M phase represents the stage where the single mother cell divides into two daughter
The most common treatment for brain cancer
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Lactose Intolerance And Its Effects On The Body
Lactose intolerance occurs when the body is unable to properly digest foods which contain lactose.
Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. Lactase is the enzyme which is
produced in the small intestine, and people with lactose intolerance tend to have a deficiency in
lactase. Since lactaseis produced in the small intestine, lactose intoleranceaffects the digestive
system and leaves people with symptoms which to their digestive tract. Lactose intolerance can also
be known as lactose malabsorption since the body does not properly digest lactose. Lactose
intolerance is normally harmless; however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable to most
people. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin... Show more content on
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However, it stays high enough to still digest the amount of dairy which is found in an adult diet.
When someone has primary lactose intolerance, the production of lactase falls off quickly and
makes it difficult to digest milk products by adulthood. Genetics determines if someone has
primary lactose intolerance. Primary lactose intolerance occurs in a copious amount of people
with an African, Asian, or Hispanic background. This disease is also very common in people
who are of Mediterranean or Southern European descent. The second type of lactose intolerance
is called secondary lactose intolerance. This type of lactose intolerance occurs when an illness,
surgery or surgery involving the small intestine causes the small intestine to decrease in lactase
production. There are multiple different diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance
including celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth, and Crohn s disease. There s a possibility of
restoring lactase levels and improving the symptoms or signs by treating the underlying disorder;
however, it could take some time after treating the disease for lactase levels to increase. The last
type of lactose intolerance is called congenital or developmental lactose intolerance. Rarely, babies
can be born with lactose intolerance which is caused when lactase activity is completely absent.
This disorder of being born lactose intolerant is passed from generation to generation meaning is it
also determined by genetics. The pattern
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Mindfulness And Mindfulness ( Meditation )
As a result of the post hoc tests, the first hypothesis that the mindfulness interventions will
significantly reduce anxiety compared to the control was supported. However, the second
hypothesis that the mindfulness conditions will be significantly different from one another , was
not supported. Participants in the Mindfulness A (mandala) and in the Mindfulness B (meditation)
groups each showed significant reductions in state anxietycompared to the control, as measured by
the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. This finding is similar to the results in previous studies which
have also demonstrated a reduction in anxiety immediately after participants carried out
mindfulness based interventions (Carsley, Heath and Fajnerova, 2015; Sandmire... Show more
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Additionally, the bivariate analysis in the present study demonstrated that varied levels of initial pre
intervention anxiety scores may have influenced the subsequent amount of reduction in state
anxiety. In other words, having a high (pre intervention) anxiety score for example, may have
influenced the amount reduction in anxiety experienced. There is potential to explore this effect as
it means that some individuals may respond differently to the interventions.
Overall, the present research could be viewed as a pilot study which has tested the comparative
effects of the brief interventions on a smaller scale. As significant results have been found, there is
potential for exploring the the same interventions with more comprehensive research which also
addresses the limitations of the present study most importantly, the low sample size and the
simulated test.
5.1.2 Omitted ANCOVA
When pre intervention anxiety scores were taken into consideration as a covariate, the significance
levels of the reduction in state anxiety were found to be the same as reported within the main
ANOVA. A one way between groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was initially conducted to
compare the effectiveness of the different types of interventions on state anxiety reduction, with the
pre intervention anxiety measures as a covariate. Preliminary checks were conducted to ensure that
there was no violation of the assumptions. However, the Levene s test demonstrated that the
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Hinduism In Life Of Pi
Out of the three religions that Pi practiced, he was more adapted more into Hinduism owing to the
fact that he was born into to it, and one can see he sincerely and openly believed the Hinduism
creed more than any of the others he studied, which is one of the main reasons he survived his
In Martel s book Life of Pi, the main character Piscine Molitor studied three different religions, one
of those being Hinduism; the world s third largest religion following Christianity and Islam (
Hinduism ). The Hinduism faith emerged around the year 1500 BC, and it flourished all around
the world, but mainly in the country where Pi was located India ( Hinduism ). Hindus believe that
all creatures are sacred, and should be protected; which explains why most Hindus are vegetarians,
including Piscine ( Hinduism ). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pi was born into the Hinduism, becoming involved in its rites and rituals as an infant ( Life of
Pi ). One of the rituals of being a Hindu is believing that all animals are sacred. For Pi, being
stranded out on the Pacific Ocean, this was a problem for him. Pi had no other source of food
except for the few packages on the lifeboat, which were quickly running out. Pi hesitates to kill one
of flying fish that land on his lifeboat, but the lifelong pacifist and vegetarian breaks the fish s
neck ( Life of Pi ). It was hard for Pi to hurt the fish and then he remembered a story from the
Hindu religion of Markandeya and falling out of Vishnu s mouth into the universe. This inspired
him to see how small and meaningless his suffering actually was. (Martel). So his faith in
Hinduism was a double sided sword in which he found more light than darkness
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The Importance Of Web Based Communication
The most fundamental method of human expression is communication through both verbal and
non verbal means. As technology, has rapidly developed over the past two decades, and
continues to evolve at a staggering pace leading into the future, people have taken to the World
Wide Web (WWW) as an extension of basic communication capability. WWW communication
allows people to quickly reach out to one another throughout the course of a busy day. As a result
of enhanced communication capability, and a surge in use of communication over the WWW,
areas of private professional and public political life have seen substantial change in recent years.
Positive Public Attitude The daily routines of many individuals have only gotten more hectic in
recent years, despite the advantages of having increased technology. As such, it has become much
more difficult for the average worker to simply reach out with a phone call, or stop in for a face to
face conversation with other professionals. To assist the busy lives of individuals, web based
communication, through secure means, has become more prevalent. From communicating with a
utility company about an electric, water, or gas account, to seeking medical advice from a family
doctor, secure messaging systems are making their mark. A study of forty three physicians was
conducted six months following the implementation of a secure messaging system called Patient
Gateway (PG) to quantify if using secure messaging produced positive results
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Cooperative Bank Case
Title of the Report:
Case Analysis of The Cooperative Bank
The Purpose:
The purpose of the report is to submit the analysis of The Cooperative Bank based on the Activity
Based Costing methodology
To whom it is submitted (Name of the instructor):
Prof. Sandhya Bhatia,
Professor, Managerial Accounting,
Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur
Name of the Author:
Abhishek Sengupta
Anubhav Nigam
Ravindran Damodaran
Saurabh Srivastava
Date of Submission:
24 February 2013
Organization/Institute s name (and logo):
Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur
Situation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2.Clear Debit Items ($1022140) The process of clearing Debit Items can be majorly automated
through Automated Clearing Houses (ACH). The manual clearing facility may still be made
available only on the basis of need and customer profitability.
3.Customer Inquiries ($850569) This process/activity can be automated through Point of Sales
(POS). The strategy can reduce the associated overheads and at the same time improve customer
VISA Accounts: The VISA account is the second highest revenue generating stream. The revenue is
contributed by the three products viz. VISA Classic, VISA Affinities and VISA Gold. Activity costs
account to 40 % ($3385954) of the product revenue. The target cost reduction activities in this case
1.Process VISA Transactions ($917056) These transaction activities can be automated through
computer processing and this reduces the associated overheads.


2.Marketing and Sales Activity ($453886) These costs can be reduced by having cross sales of
Credit cards with the current Account customers
Personal Loans: The product gives the highest net profit among the range of available products.
The Marketing and Sales Activity ($815211) and Computer Processing activity ($113403) can be
reduced by the deploying of strategies as for Visa Accounts and Current Account respectively.
The improvement in Customer Experience and Profitability was
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Lou Gehrig Rhetorical Devices
Lou Gehrig uses several rhetorical devices in his speech. These rhetorical devices include
understatement, anaphora, epistrophe, book ending, but he also uses rhetorical questions and
appeals to pathos. On July 4th, 1939 at Yankee Stadium an audience of 60,000 people gathered
to honor Lou Gehrig with a farewell ceremony. Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS which
forced him to retire so the players of the 1927 New York Yankees as well as the current team of
1939 showered Gehrig with gifts, though he didn t want to be honored. Lou Gehrig uses and
understatement when referring to his ALS as a bad break . ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative
disorder in which muscle cells are affected, the muscle cells stop communicating with the brain
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Acquainted With The Night Essay
Robert Frost s Acquainted with the Night is written in Terza Rima, a very uncommon form first
used by Dante Alighieri, the famous Italian poet. Terza Rima is a very cyclical form, with the
unusual rhyme scheme interlocking the stanzas. Frost uses this form to represent the cyclical
nature of his night time journeys to the edge of town, as well at the cyclical nature of depression
and suicidal ideation. The most interesting thing about this poem is how ambiguous it is, and how
Frost goes about creating the ambiguity. It is extremely straight forward, and is not hard to
interpret literally. However, this straightforwardness is what makes it interesting, because it
allows for many interpretations. The meter for this work is near perfect, in a way that seems
almost like a routine. It doesn t falter, and this could represent the way the speaker walks every
night, hoping to find something to shake him out of his misery. Terza Rima is not Frost s usual
fare, and while he was known to experiment with form, he wasn t known to do so without purpose.
The form plays well with the poem overall, with its repetitive nature and the repetitive nature of the
poem itself. I have been one acquainted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Acquainted is defined as to make someone aware of or familiar with , which could go either
way. Awareness requires next to nothing, so that could support a first walk theory, but I like
familiar more here, as it contributes to the idea that the night is something the speaker is truly
immersed in, something that has shaped him. I have walked out in rain and back in rain is
probably meant to be taken literally, as just the image of a man deciding to go for a stroll in the
rain implies many things, simply due to the fact that most people don t go for walks in the rain and
he will probably get
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Ecological Model By Urie Bronfenbrenner
Urie bronfenbrenner has proposed a model known as the ecological model. The model explains out
the human development with relation to entire ecological system in which he lives, infect in which
growth occurs . Before explanation I would like to focus on some key words of the assignment that
is important part in understanding the model.
Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organism to one another and to their
physical surroundings.
Cary institute of ecosystem studies(2014) given the definition of ecology as the scientific study of
process influencing the distribution and abundance of organism, the interactions among organisms,
and the interaction between organism and the transformation and influx of energy and matter .
The Socio Ecological Model
These are the models which gives the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Chrono System
This system contains the transition and shifts in one`s life span. This system relates development of
child keeping dimension of time in his life growth. Elements of this systems can be either external.
Identity build up of a
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Television and Media Violence
Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to Television Violence?
According the Centerwall (1992), the average child aged 2 5 in 1990 watched 27 hours of
television per day, or almost 4 hours per day. When much of what is on television, including
cartoons and television shows targeted at children, contains violence, it becomes important to
know whether watching televised violence can lead to or increase aggressive behavior. Social
learning theory tells us that children model their behavior after those they see. It is reasonable,
then, to infer that watching violence on television will lead to behaving violently, due to the
modeling effect. The present study reviews some relevant prior research, and then investigates ...
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Centerwall found that in between 1945 and 1975, the homicide rate in the US increased by
93%, while in Canada, the homicide rate increased by 92% after the introduction of television. In
South Africa, however, the homicide rate decreased by 7%. In case we might think that South
Africa is just a less violent country than the US or Canada, Centerwall included the homicide rates
for the three countries in 1987. In the US and Canada, no significant changes were noted,
Homicides per 100,000
% Change
% Change
United States


South Africa
Page 3
showing that the homicide rate had reached a plateau, at a rate that was nearly twice the pre
television rate. In the fifteen years after South Africa received television, between 1975 and 1987,
the homicide rate increased by 130%. This is convincing evidence that television had an impact
on the homicide rates in the US and Canada, doubling the rate in 30 years, and more than
doubling the homicide rate in South Africa in only 15 years.
Centerwall notes that there was a delay of about 10 15 years between the introduction of
television in each country and the increase in homicide rates. He suggests that


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How Did Marco Polo Informatively Affected Medieval Europe
Marco Polo was a prosperous and dedicated explorer, who significantly affected Medieval Europe
and surrounding countries. Marco Polo was born into in wealthy family in 1254, Venice Italy. It
was in Venice where Marco Polo established his passion for exploring. It is believed that Marco
Polo s father Niccolo Polo influenced his dedication for exploring. Marco polowas mainly raised by
his two brothers Niccolo and Maffeo as his mother died when was young and his father was often
away exploring. He went on his first expedition to China in 1271 at the age of seventeen and spent
seventeen years in China (Dates and events, 2015: Online). After ruling one of Kublai KhanCities in
1280. Marco Polo returned to Venice to find that Venice was at war with Genoa.
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It was in prison were Marco Polo met Rustichello da Pisa Who wrote down his expeditions and
when Marco Polo was released from the prison camp in 1299 he made his book available for the
general public, which lead to his fame. The title of the book was the travels of Marco Polo . Marco
Polo met Donata Badoer in 1299 and later got married in 1300 Marco Polo got married when he
was forty six. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer where married for twenty four years. Marco Polo and
Donata Badoer had three daughters Moretta, Fantina, and Bellela. Donata Badoer died at the age
of forty four and Marco Polo died at the age of seventy in 1324. The legacy of Marco Polo has
continued. Marco Polo inspired many explorers and Christopher Columbus was one of them. In
1851 at ship was named after Marco
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The Lost Boys Sociology
Media, including movies has been an outlet for many directors and screenwriters to express both
their opinions and to illustrate the social temperature in which they lived while injecting their
own views into their work. Media fossils like The Lost Boys directed by Joel Schumacher not
only provide a thrilling tale for viewers, but also critiques, comments, and upholds different social
norms in an amusing manner as an outlet for often controversial subjects such as peer pressure
amongst young people. The Lost Boys may be a gory film, but to ignore the film s social context
would be to ignore the complexity of the movie itself.
Many young people today as well as in the eighties were under a siege of pressure from their
peers to conform to the group s expectations. When the older brother Michael first goes into David
and his friends tomb, he is blatantly pressured into drinking and performing dangerous acts that he
wouldn t normally do. Michael is frequently coached by the group who even chanted his name
when he becomes increasingly resistant to let himself fall off of the bridge. Michael s interaction
with the motorcycle crew shows that negative peer pressure was just as ... Show more content on
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The motorcycle gang is initially portrayed as moody, powerful, and sexy building the image of
glamour but later tear this image down. The vampires faces morphe into the visage of a predator
with large teeth and glowing eyes detracting from their sex appeal. When in their lair, the
vampire s small, unattractive, claw like feet are even shown as the vampire David hangs upside
down which also provided a physical flaw detracting from their moody sex appeal. They are then
killed in violent borderline comical ways by quirky teenage boys, the attractive and glamorous
portrayed in the media slain by a motley crew of protagonists who were the antithesis of
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The United States Congress
Today, the United States Congress has two main purposes in our government; to create the laws
of the land and to represent the American people. But, the main reason for creating a congress in
the beginning was because of a growing outcry against British rule over the colonies. In 1774,
delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress. The
announced purpose of the congress was to deliberate and determine on wise and proper measures
. . . for the restoration of union and harmony between Great Britain and America (Volkomer,
Walter E.. 2012). They sent a list of grievances to King George III, calling for repeal of the
Intolerable Acts a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament.... Show more content on
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There are 100 Senators in the Senate and 435 Representatives in the House. Both chambers of
Congress meet in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. (Volkomer, Walter E.. 2012)
Members of the House of Representatives serve two year terms and are referred to as
congressman or congresswoman. During their two year term, they serve the people of a
specific congressional district or area. Their main duties are to introduce bills and resolutions,
serve on committees, and offer amendments. It s also important to note that the Constitution
states that any bill that raises revenue must originate in the House of Representatives. Members
of the Senate serve six year terms and are usually looked upon more as a representative of their
state rather than individuals. One thing the Senate has is the ability to block legislation coming
through by way of a filibuster. Generally speaking, though, the House and the Senate operate
mostly in the same capacity. The House is known to be a little faster paced and the Senate is
known to be a little slower and more deliberate. As stated earlier, the main role of Congress is to
create laws. The procedure for creating laws in America is fairly simple on the surface, but there
are a lot of layers that some people find confusing to follow. First a Senator or Representative
needs to have an idea for a new law. They then need to produce a rough draft of the idea and
sponsor it. This action turns the
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How Did Gianni Versace Impact The Fashion Industry
Sarah Gibson James Clark Honors English 9 December 13, 2017
Gianni Versace research paper
When thinking of influential figures of history, you may not immediately think of how much
influence fashion had on the world but it often had as many implications as any other subject. A
leading figure in the fashion movement was Gianni Versace who effectively begun a whole new
style of dress and attire after making a name for himself. Gianni Versace then changed the fashion
industry by his unique and remarkable designs therefore impacting today s fashion. Even while in
death he continued his legacy as it still impacted the industry.
Gianni Versace first started designing clothes when he was twenty two. He was hired by a local...
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He then decided to stay independent, also becoming one of the few large labels in control of the
entire product cycle, from design to retailing. In 1982 Versace won a series of awards for the
best fashion designer of the 1982 83 fall and winter collection for women. His fall and winter
collection included his now famous metal dresses that he was inspired with in London in 1980 by
the punk fashions he saw during that time. In order to develop the mesh material he worked with
German engineers and in later collections made his metal dresses in varieties of different bright
colors. Within the same year he started designing costumes for the ballet Josephslegende and
collaborating with a well known opera house called Teatro alla Scala. Versace had felt that his
action and involvement with costume designs had given his clothings a new and fresh attitude. In
this line of clothing that he created it displayed the clothes needed for dance and demonstrated
free movement for the dancers. He continually created and showed off many of his designs in
many more famous ballet and operas. Later on in 1989 Versace conveyed a new line called Versus
which was a line reaching out towards young people which expressed an alternative to ordinary
and standard ways of
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Counselor Interview Paper
Counselor Interview What practice settings did you considered when you chose the counselor to
interview? I was considering interviewing a counselor in the community counseling setting as I,
myself is on the same track with the same interest, and motivation. However, while my interest
falls toward community settings or private practice, I interviewed a counselor who works at
Cuyahoga Community College on the east side campus. She has been counselor about 13 years.
Prior to the interview my understanding was, working as a counselor in a school stings, it would
need to have school counseling license. As she further explained it, as a LPC she is entitled to
work in school setting at Tri C. She defined counseling a guidance that helps with the development
of a student academically and socially. What other professionals are employed in this setting and
what are their roles at the agency? As we continued the interview, she talked about their services
that they provide including academic, career, and personal counseling. Besides counselors, there
are two par time psychologists, who provide assessment for students. How does the professional
counselor interact with other professionals (e.g., interdisciplinary treatment team) The counselors
do interact on regular basis with the psychologists, as they have a common goal for its students,
they work collaboratively. Their philosophy of counseling is that all students are unique
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The Medical Uses of Daffodils
The daffodil is very well known for its beauty but it s fairly unknown that it has medicinal
purposes as well. The flower has some questionable side effects but it is often used to induce
vomiting or for working similarly to aloe vera. Daffodils can also be used for diseases such as
cancer or Alzheimer s. It is obvious that the flower is much more than aesthetically pleasing.
Daffodils scientific name is Narcissus pseudonarcissus. They grow at altitudes of sea level up to
0.93 miles above that. The flowers grows wild in the woods or the grasslands and are found in
parks and gardens in the temperate regions (kew.org). These flowers do best in full sun although
they will also grow in partial shade. They are a monocot with six outer petals and the central corona
which is the trumpet or cup for which the daffodil is known (Southern Living). These flowers are
native to northern Europe and have become increasingly popular in North America (Encyclopaedia
Narcissus is harvested when the flowers have overpopulated an area. The bulbs are removed from
the flower and are thinly distributed elsewhere. The daffodils are bred by twin scaling. Twin
scaling is when the bulbs are cut into long segments and are paired off with similar parts until they
are planted. The daffodils are then planted until the cotyledon is visible and then they are often
commercially sold (kew.org).
Daffodils were traditionally used to induce vomiting and as a coolant for burns and wounds. They
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Primal Fear Gregory Hoblit
Primal Fear (1996)
Primal Fear is a neo noir crime thriller directed by Gregory Hoblit, based on William Diehl s novel
of the same name. It follows a Chicago defence attorney, Martin Vail (Richard Gere) as he defends
a 19 year old choir boy (Edward Norton) who is accused of murdering an influential Archbishop.
The split personality is portrayed, like many other films using the trope, through dialogue. When
Aaron is giving his statement, he describes how he loses time or blacks out, which he said he
did after he saw the Archbishop s dead body. Later when he is explaining his blackouts to a
psychiatrist (Frances McDormand), his alter ego Roy appears. Unlike Aaron, Roy is very abrasive
and swears at the psychiatrist when she asks him what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Figure 4) Roy from Primal Fear and Norman Bates from Psycho
The use of editing in the scene towards the end of the film, where Aaron is being tried in court, the
camera cuts between him on the stand trying to contain himself and the prosecutor (Laura
Linney) trying to get him to confess. This use of editing demonstrates the conflict that is
happening in the scene between both Aaron and Roy and Aaron and the prosecutor. The pace of
the editing picks up when Roy comes forward and attacks the prosecutor, showing his violent
behaviour through quick cuts. The pace slows back down when he becomes Aaron again, which
in addition to the lack of a soundtrack, shows the shock the character feels at what he just did. As
Dancyger (2013, pg373) says, Pace is most obvious in action sequences, but all sequences are
shaped for dramatic effect. Variation in pace guides viewers in their emotional response to the film.
More rapid pacing suggests intensity; slower being the
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The Capulet In William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
The Capulet is the reason for romeo and Juliet tragedy.To start, the feud between the Capulet and
the Montague caused Romeo and Juliet to end their story tragically. My only love, sprung from
my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! prodigious birth of love it is to me
that i must love a loathed enemy (1018). To explain, the feud forces Romeo and Juliet to love
secretly and plan all the thing s that later backfires them and cause them to die tragically if the
feud wasn t the case, than they would be one happy couple with no tragedy.Next, the Capulet
threatens Juliet to marry Paris. Go with Paris to Saint Peters Church or I will drag thee on a hurdle
thither .(1068.In addition, the threat causes juliet to panic and she goes
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Soviet Forces During The Soviet War
In February 1986, Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev announced that Soviet Forces would conduct a
phased withdrawal from Afghanistan. The fallout of this order would precipitate down to lower
echelons of Soviet armed forces in the form of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) forces
taking the leading in combat operations against the Mujahideen (Grau p.110, 1998). With this in
mind, the Soviets pushed the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Command to relieve the siege
of Khost by again attacking the Mujahideen strong point at Zhawar (Jalali Grau p.97, 2000). The
Soviet approved plan called for 5 under strength DRA maneuver brigades and one DRA artillery
and aviation battalions in support. The collective planning of the 1... Show more content on
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The 38th Commando group had little experience in air assault missions, no collective combat
experience prior to this operation, and had not conducted an air assault to date (Grau p.87,
2011). Additionally, the first lift of the 38th was scheduled to go in before sunrise on the 2nd of
April. Of all the concerns listed, the latter would turn out to be the greatest risk to the operation.
Around midnight on the 2nd of April, the DRA began artillery and aviation bombardment of the
target area. This was followed by the initial commando group s insertion. The commandos
landed without opposition, however they missed their landing zone by 15 kilometers and ended
up in Pakistan rather than on top of Dawri Gar. The missed insertion led to the ground assault
force meeting heavy resistance from Mujahideen defending Dawri Gar Mountain. As a result, the
ground advance was fixed in place. Had LTG Azimi followed the SOF Truth of Quality is Better
than Quantity and utilized a more experienced force, rather than a force comprised months before
this operation, they may have 2 successfully landed on Dawri Gar. However, the 38th Commando
Group lacked all necessary experience to conduct a night air assault successfully, but they were
still tasked as the main effort in an operation the Mujahideen were all too familiar with (Jalali Grau
p. 100, 2000). Prior to the
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Raging Bull Analysis
Raging Bull, released in 1980, is a sports drama portrayed in black and white that tells the story
of Jake LaMotta and the fluctuation of his boxing career and the personal relationships in his life.
This movie is referred to as one of the greatest films ever made. It is extremely significant in film
making because it was nominated for several Oscars, and solidified Martin Scorsese as an amazing
director. The movie was directed beautifully and uses many innovative techniques that were not
used in your everyday boxing movie. Instead of showing the action from outside the ring, Scorsese
puts the audience in the ring (Snider).
Raging Bull is a movie that re tells the story and memoir of Jake LaMotta. The movie begins with
Jake (portrayed by Robert De Niro) practicing a monologue in his bathroom. The scene then
switches to a younger LaMotta in the midst of a boxing match in 1941. This flashback paints the
story of how LaMotta received his first loss. The scene starts off with LaMotta and Reeves
exchanging blows until LaMotta gains the upper hand and knocks Reeves to the mat. The
crowd starts celebrating, cameras go off, and LaMotta strikes a pose and receives his victory
robe. The celebration is quickly interrupted though by the ring announcer s decision to crown
Reeves as the unanimous winner. This creates a huge uproar, followed by a stampede of people
and bedlam in the crowd. Amidst the fight, the scene changes to the Bronx, in 1941. This scene
features Joey (Jake LaMotta s brother) and Salvy (Joey s associate) walking and discussing
Jakes boxing career on the streets of New York. Salvy tells Joey to make Jake know that he needs
to cooperate and stop being so hard headed . Joey then rebuttals Salvy and it becomes known to the
audience that LaMotta s loss was fixed before the match even started. The scene then cuts to Jake
inside his apartment sitting at his dinner table.
As Jake sits at his dinner table, the audience gets a taste of the emotional and unstable wreck Jake
LaMotta really is. The scene starts by showcasing LaMotta s fresh boxing wound as he un
patiently waits for the steak his wife is cooking. Jake reflects on the fight and starts an argument
with his wife. He pesters her on how he doesn t want
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Reactions And Reactions Of Redox Reactions
Without the millions of chemical reactions that occur every day, life would be completely different.
An important class of common reactions includes those which involve the simultaneous transfer of
electrons between chemicals, commonly referred to as redox reactions or oxidation reduction
reactions. Redox reactions are whole reactions composed of two different half reactions known as
oxidation (where electrons are lost) and reduction (where electrons are gained) (Chemguide, 2013).
When there is an increase in the oxidation state, the reaction is oxidation; when there is a decrease,
it is reduction. Oxidation cannot possibly occur without an affiliated reduction, and vice versa.
Redox reactions are notated as such:
Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+ + 2e
In the half reaction above, a copper ion (with a plus 2 charge) is formed from the oxidation of
solid copper (with no charge). The e in the equation is an electron which is free to reduce other
chemical atoms, such as in the half reaction:
2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s)
Two electrons are added to the two silver ions in this half reaction, in order to produce a solid
silver. These two half reactions can be combined to form a redox equation as follows:
Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2e
2 Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s)
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2e
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
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Another Beautiful Day Interrupted
The sun is beaming down on I and coppers face as we take our daily walk, on the ocean shore in
Florida. The sun is a bright yellow surrounded with a blue sky, filled with clouds. The sand is
stretched alongside I and cooper; white and clear. Only my foot prints and coopers paw prints left
behind. The sand is very soft. My feet and coopers paws sink into it with every step. The salty
ocean air burns our noses. The waves sparkle and glitter from the sun beaming down on it. The
ocean is a dark blue color with white caps as far as we can see. The waves our small. Go get it
Copper! I yell throwing the stick into the the ocean. Cooper is a Labrador,he s been part of the
family for 7 years now. Cooper catches my eyes , he s holding something that is shiny. I can t tell
what it is with the sun in my eyes. It s most likely a can he s been bringing them back to shore
lately. Come on boy! I yell out to him, trying to encourage him to swim faster. I can now see what
Cooper is holding , I was right it s a can. For some reason I m curious to find out whats in the can.
As he s a few feet away from shore, I run to the edge of the water, the wind is blowing water across
my ankles. Which you got Cooper? I ask him as he looses grip of the can, letting it fall on the sand.
Coopers barking as I pick up the can. The cans label reads Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn . I
straggle to open the can led It s sealed shut Cooper we have to wait until we get home to open it.
Water is dripping of
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The Human Of Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project has been introduced to us more than twenty five years from now. It
was Initiated and sponsored by the National Human Genome Research Institute, the project was
introduced aiming at researching more human genes in order to understand, read genes and find
cure for diseases. It guided the medical field to new direction but at the same time created new
challenges and problems. The primary objective of the project isn t wrong or questionable but
some believe its implications are. Genes are made of a molecule called DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)
which contains the instructions for making every protein in the body. By studying and
understanding the genomesystem completely, we will be able to shed some light on how to... Show
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Carlos Cruchaga and his team searched for dementia related genetic variations in some of these
families and Their results were published in 2014 in the journals Nature and Nature Medicine.
The team identified variations in genes called phospholipase D3 (PLD3) and UNC5C that appear
to promote the risk of late onset Alzheimer s disease. The results of what they found inspired
them to keep looking for more. Dr. Cruchaga received his Association grant in 2011 for a study
entitled Exome Sequencing of Late Onset Alzheimer s Disease Families. Dr. Cruchaga selected 14
families to observe who have inherited Late Onset Alzheimer. His team and him later analyzed the
exomes from certain members of these families, searching for gene variations linked to Alzheimer s.
This process initially identified a variation in PLD3 that was shown to double the risk of
Alzheimer s disease in some cases. Previous research has found that people with Alzheimer s tend
to have lower than normal levels of the PLD3 protein in their brains. This finding indicates that
PLD3 may protect the brain against Alzheimer s like changes.
In 2005 there were various report on gene therapy trials delayed disease progression. It wasn t a
successful cure, but the results were promising enough which triggered further research in that area.
Scientists took skin cells from patients and modified them to secrete the protein nerve growth factor
(NGF) form brains. These NGF producing
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Human Capital Formation in Bangladesh
Human Capital Formation and Economic Development in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis
Corresponding Author
Usman Qammar
M.Phil Scholar, National College of Business Administration and Economics (NCBA amp;E), 40 E
/I, Gulberg III, Lahore 54600, Pakistan.
Email: economistusman@yahoo.com
Cell # 0092 03216525081
Human Capital Formation and Economic Development in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis
It is generally accepted in Economics that there is a great role of human capital formation in
determining the national income. This is the basic need and the general priority need of any
country to make policies for the human welfare and Economic Development of the country. The
study uses the GDP as a dependent variable and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Three compulsory components of the resource endowment of an economy are the natural resources,
human resources and physical capital (Romer 1990). The formation of human capital is a
continuous process. The nation s literacy system is influenced by its socio economic and
environment. Financing in human capital proves effective when qualified labour force is cleverly
used to play its role and to step up the economic activities through government policy. The literacy
rate is known to be a major component of human capital and most of the underdeveloped nations
also Bangladesh consume a big part of their human development resource financing on education.
Physical capital and human capital investment are compulsory if a under develop nation like
Bangladesh wants to achieve an industrial level development and per capita growth through labour
productive efficiency. The purpose of this study is on testing the casual relationship between the
human capital formation through education and economic development of Bangladesh. The study
also test the direction of causality, either the human capital formation cause economic development
or economic development become causes human capital or both of them are causing and supporting
to each other.
Literature Review:
Investment in the Physical and investment in the Human capital is considered the basic elements
for the development of a nation. There are many studies
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Should The Second Amendment Need To Be Changed
The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791 but over the years it is not suitable for the modern
society. Big things have changed over the years since the Constitution was written, consequently,
its contents do not reflect the necessary changes for the benefit of all citizens. Violence is out of
control and many people are killed by guns each year. The second amendment needs to be changed
because we need to ban guns and make our society safer.
Possession of any firearm must express to the Government for the purpose of registration in the
Register of Weapons. Possession or carrying of weapons prohibited by law or reserved for the
exclusive use of police, navy and air force will not be allowed; except in cases of emergency....
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пѓ The weapons may be authorized to sportsmen of shooting or hunting, to possess at home must
be licensed covers.
пѓ The weapons, ammunition and material for the exclusive use of police force and navy must be
For purposes of control gun ownership, people should express a unique address of permanent
residence. Any person who acquires one or more weapons, is required to register his gun.
пѓ Members of the police forces, Navy, Air Force, private security services, may carry weapons in
the cases, conditions and requirements established by this Act and other applicable laws.
The licenses for carrying weapons will be of two kinds:
A. Individuals B. Official
The licenses for carrying weapons will be individual, to be issued will be needed to meet the
following requirements:
Having an honest living;
Not having mental problems;
Have completed the required, with the National Military Service;
No physical impairment
Not have been convicted of
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Qht1 Task4
Overcoming communication barriers
There are four main types of barriers in communication. Any of these barriers can ruin the
chances of success in any given project or task that we are trying to achieve here at XYZ Company.
I was asked by our Vice President to give some suggestions and guidelines to help you avoid these
barriers, which will allow your team to run more productively, with less need to take corrective
actions, and decrease frustration within the team.
Let us start with process barrier. There are specific steps needed for a successful communication.
The process barrier includes your ability to create a message, presentation, project plan, etc. The
next steps are assuring that the message is transmitted to the receiver ... Show more content on
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Determine best form of communication based on complexity, number of people involved, needs
from cross functional team members. o Short term / one time requests use of email, or telephone is
Be clear on need. Ask for response to show understanding by receiver. Give opportunity for
questions as needed. o Technical communications hold them person to person, or in meeting(s).
Use Power point presentations, with handouts, questions and answer sections, note taker for issues
to answer outside of the meeting. o Executive high level reasons, coasts and benefits to the
Give a brief background of issue. If you must use a slide presentation, keep to a minimum. In
person works well, plan on leaving 25% of allotted time for questions. o For larger groups / cross
functional communications
Kick off meetings. Have team members sit at circular tables.
Perform some team building techniques.
Brainstorming to confirm understanding level
The next barrier type is personal. These barriers can occur for both the sender and receiver. Ones
ability to send or receive information is effected by many factors. Mood, prejudices against another
person, another team, your listening skills, method of communication, all can lead to erroneous
interpretations, or level of understanding. Here are tips to help gain overall better communication
with your team, peers, and your manager(s).
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Macro Explanations Of Poverty
Structural theories, or macro explanations, approach the issue of poverty by focusing on
institutional and organizational conditions. Mid level or meta theories bridge the gap between
micro and macro, or individual and structural explanations. They connect the individual people and
places with the dynamic patterns and relationships that contribute to poverty. Tickamyer provides a
number of examples for both kinds of explanations.
Modernization is a structural explanation that sees rural poverty as a result of a lack of economic
and industrial development. According to modernization, traditional values and practices prevented
the acceptance of new technologies and institutions. This point of view looks past the individual
and points
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Turning Point in History for Vietnam Essay
The turning point in history for Vietnam all began in the year 1954 during the Geneva Conference,
which took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Geneva Accords both put an end to the Indochina
War and began the divide of the Vietnam territory. The Geneva Accord was an obligatory
agreement stating Vietnam was to be separated into two distinct territories divided by a line of
segregation at the 17th parallel. Vietnamwas now separated into North and South Vietnam, the
communist north and the anti communist south. Ho Chi Minh controlled North Vietnam, better
known as the Democrat Republic of Vietnam, with its capital in Hanoi. Whereas in South Vietnam,
better known as the Republic of Vietnam with it s capital in Saigon, the south Vietnamese was...
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He uses this captivating charm to achieve an emotional influence on his listeners, communally and
nationally. He was universally called Uncle Ho, a sobriquet also used in the North Vietnamese
press. Before the constraint of war restricted him to official duties, Ho regularly visited villages
and towns. Simply clothed, he was especially fond of dropping into schools and chatting with the
children (Whitman, 1969). He demonstrated the ideal of a clear cut, humble, and zealous mature
man who incorporates his wisdom in commanding the attention of his followers. He was relevant
among them. His main objective was to gain independence for Vietnam no matter the sacrifice. As
a communist, Minh founded the French Communist Party in 1930 (Moss, 2010). Ho Chi Minh
was a passionate democrat who shares the certainty that the desire of the people must always be
provided and permitted to triumph. ). Ho Chi Minh was by far the best known Vietnamese leader.
His leadership of the struggle to set free Vietnam from French colonialism had earned him massive
prestige and a popular following among the rural masses who comprised 85 percent of the
Vietnamese population (Moss, 2010 p. 83). His leadership skills were personable and this aided in
his quest to employ communism in his country. Minh visited many countries and educated himself
on the communist rule of those countries. Ho Chi Minh and the other Vietminh leaders were
committed to unifying Vietnam under their
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Click Fraud and Ad Essay
1.) An API user is given an account but is not able to view that account through the interface. The
reason being: c.APIuserhasAPIOnly access 2.) API allows developers to use applications that:
d.InteractdirectlywiththeAdWordsserver3.) Bud would like to test new logic that uses API without
modifying his live campaigns. Which tools would allow him to do this? b.AdWordsAPISandbox
4.) Which of the following allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign
management? a.UseofanAPIwebservice 5.) What is the benefit of the API? a.Advertisers can make
dynamic changes to their AdWords accounts at scale. 6.) If someone wants to make frequent,
specific changes to bids based on criteria... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
16.) You make edits to an ad and the position decreases. What was the cause?
d.Theeditedversionislessrelevanttothekeywordswithintheadgroup.17.) You have the same keyword
in two different ad groups. The one to win within an auction will be the one with:
b.Thebestqualityscore 18.) To improve the performance of an ad group on a search network,
advertisers should create ad groups by creating: b.Keywordsthatarealsoincludedintheadtext 19.) In
an AdWords account, which statistic is viewable for each ad group? c.Averagecostperclick20.)
Which of the following is the recommended action for new mobile ad campaigns? a.Useamobile
optimizedlandingpage 21.) An advertiser selling computer monitors is writing new ad text. Which
line of ad text fits AdWords policy? d.20 70%offLCDmonitors22.) To achieve the best performance
of text ads, which is a best practice? c.Includewordslikefindandsearchintheadtext 23.) What type of
keywords tend to perform better with mobile ads? d.Shortgeneralkeywords 24.) A campaign that is
targeting desktops is only performing well with text and image ads. The advertisers want to reach
mobile devices. They should: b.Createaseparateadgroupformobileadswithintheexistingcampaign.25.)
If the query Seattle Plumbers is entered, Google will use the location term that is part of the query
to show ads: a.TargetedtoSeattle
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tax Havens
The central argument of this paper is that tax havens are not only mediums for tax avoidance and
evasion but belong more broadly to the world of finance. Viewed individually, tax havens may
appear small and insignificant; combined, they play a central role in the world economy, where
liberalization and deregulation of the financial sphere has caused an exponential growth of tax
havens in the last 40 years. I would define tax havens as jurisdictions that have sufficient autonomy
and most importantly a deliberate interest to write their own tax, finance, and other laws and
regulations. Their purpose is to ease transactions undertaken by nonresidents who have the intention
to avoid taxations and other regulations in their home country by providing a legally backed veil
of secrecy to make it hard to determine the true owners. Tax havens do so with the active support of
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Apart from a low corporate tax rate which on it s own does not imply the label tax haven country
has to be well governed, which includes an efficient and respected government, political
stability, rule of law, and the control of corruption. Small islands with a population below 1
million are also highly favorable jurisdictions because they often lack natural resources and
hence depend on foreign investors. MNEs such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Starbucks have
long ago discovered the advantages of such small island economies. Yet, this paper also shows
that tax haven do not have to be located in some remote islands with sandy beaches but they can
also be in any respectable country of the European Union. Many successful MNEs, for example,
use financial regulatory loopholes in Ireland, Luxembourg or the Netherlands to avoid paying their
fair share of
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 12. Behavior Paradigms Rationalist vs. Behavioralist Paradigm Problems 1.During the last five years, your instructor has discussed the emerging field of behavioral finance with many colleagues. The most common reaction has been for those colleagues to smile and say, Behavioral finance? That s an oxymoron. Oxymoron is defined as a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (e.g. cruel kindness). Explain this reaction using a) the concept of paradigm and b) attributes of the behavioral and rational paradigms. a)According to the concept of a paradigm, someone in finance would operate on a set of principles that their work is based upon. It is the method by which they analyze their data. Under this philosophy the statement is considered an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kuhn has been even more distressed by those who admiringly misinterpret him. I ve often said that I am much fonder of my critiques than my fans, he comments. In the 1960s his work was seized on by radicals opposed to science and its offspring, technology, and indeed to any cognitive authority that might distort pure experience. Kuhn recalls students telling him, Oh, thank you, Mr. Kuhn, for telling us about paradigms. Now that we know about them, we can get rid of them. a)How would Kuhn address the criticism that he is claiming science to be nothing more than power politics or mob psychology? b)He described it this way because sometimes scientists or people of science follow the convention of multiple people with valid theories. They follow what was tested or theorized and expand their research from that. It is similar to politics in that there is one individual that attempts to persuade the many to follow them and that their ideas are the truth through experimentation. He would address the criticism by reminding those that he still believes in science and that the idea of a paradigm is not completely a bad thing, for if you can identify it you can strive to get rid of it and progress in your thinking. b) Did the 60s radicals rid the world of paradigms? Why or why not? No, the concept ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Brain Cancer Affects The Cell Cycle Brain Cancer Brain cancer affects the cell cycle by causing the cells to go out of control. It starts out normal but the cells in the brain start going though the cell cycle and rapidly dividing the cancerous cells. Therefore, the immune system thinks that the cells are doing their job so the immune system does nothing. The cell cycle is the natural and orderly progression that cells take to undergo proper division. The cell cycle is a series of four steps which are G1, S, G2, and M. G1 phase is prepares cells for copying, S phase directs the copying of the DNA, G2 phase leads to further cell growth. The M phase represents the stage where the single mother cell divides into two daughter cells. The most common treatment for brain cancer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Lactose Intolerance And Its Effects On The Body Lactose intolerance occurs when the body is unable to properly digest foods which contain lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. Lactase is the enzyme which is produced in the small intestine, and people with lactose intolerance tend to have a deficiency in lactase. Since lactaseis produced in the small intestine, lactose intoleranceaffects the digestive system and leaves people with symptoms which to their digestive tract. Lactose intolerance can also be known as lactose malabsorption since the body does not properly digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is normally harmless; however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable to most people. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, it stays high enough to still digest the amount of dairy which is found in an adult diet. When someone has primary lactose intolerance, the production of lactase falls off quickly and makes it difficult to digest milk products by adulthood. Genetics determines if someone has primary lactose intolerance. Primary lactose intolerance occurs in a copious amount of people with an African, Asian, or Hispanic background. This disease is also very common in people who are of Mediterranean or Southern European descent. The second type of lactose intolerance is called secondary lactose intolerance. This type of lactose intolerance occurs when an illness, surgery or surgery involving the small intestine causes the small intestine to decrease in lactase production. There are multiple different diseases associated with secondary lactose intolerance including celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth, and Crohn s disease. There s a possibility of restoring lactase levels and improving the symptoms or signs by treating the underlying disorder; however, it could take some time after treating the disease for lactase levels to increase. The last type of lactose intolerance is called congenital or developmental lactose intolerance. Rarely, babies can be born with lactose intolerance which is caused when lactase activity is completely absent. This disorder of being born lactose intolerant is passed from generation to generation meaning is it also determined by genetics. The pattern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mindfulness And Mindfulness ( Meditation ) As a result of the post hoc tests, the first hypothesis that the mindfulness interventions will significantly reduce anxiety compared to the control was supported. However, the second hypothesis that the mindfulness conditions will be significantly different from one another , was not supported. Participants in the Mindfulness A (mandala) and in the Mindfulness B (meditation) groups each showed significant reductions in state anxietycompared to the control, as measured by the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. This finding is similar to the results in previous studies which have also demonstrated a reduction in anxiety immediately after participants carried out mindfulness based interventions (Carsley, Heath and Fajnerova, 2015; Sandmire... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, the bivariate analysis in the present study demonstrated that varied levels of initial pre intervention anxiety scores may have influenced the subsequent amount of reduction in state anxiety. In other words, having a high (pre intervention) anxiety score for example, may have influenced the amount reduction in anxiety experienced. There is potential to explore this effect as it means that some individuals may respond differently to the interventions. Overall, the present research could be viewed as a pilot study which has tested the comparative effects of the brief interventions on a smaller scale. As significant results have been found, there is potential for exploring the the same interventions with more comprehensive research which also addresses the limitations of the present study most importantly, the low sample size and the simulated test. 5.1.2 Omitted ANCOVA When pre intervention anxiety scores were taken into consideration as a covariate, the significance levels of the reduction in state anxiety were found to be the same as reported within the main ANOVA. A one way between groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was initially conducted to compare the effectiveness of the different types of interventions on state anxiety reduction, with the pre intervention anxiety measures as a covariate. Preliminary checks were conducted to ensure that there was no violation of the assumptions. However, the Levene s test demonstrated that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Hinduism In Life Of Pi Out of the three religions that Pi practiced, he was more adapted more into Hinduism owing to the fact that he was born into to it, and one can see he sincerely and openly believed the Hinduism creed more than any of the others he studied, which is one of the main reasons he survived his ordeal. In Martel s book Life of Pi, the main character Piscine Molitor studied three different religions, one of those being Hinduism; the world s third largest religion following Christianity and Islam ( Hinduism ). The Hinduism faith emerged around the year 1500 BC, and it flourished all around the world, but mainly in the country where Pi was located India ( Hinduism ). Hindus believe that all creatures are sacred, and should be protected; which explains why most Hindus are vegetarians, including Piscine ( Hinduism ). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pi was born into the Hinduism, becoming involved in its rites and rituals as an infant ( Life of Pi ). One of the rituals of being a Hindu is believing that all animals are sacred. For Pi, being stranded out on the Pacific Ocean, this was a problem for him. Pi had no other source of food except for the few packages on the lifeboat, which were quickly running out. Pi hesitates to kill one of flying fish that land on his lifeboat, but the lifelong pacifist and vegetarian breaks the fish s neck ( Life of Pi ). It was hard for Pi to hurt the fish and then he remembered a story from the Hindu religion of Markandeya and falling out of Vishnu s mouth into the universe. This inspired him to see how small and meaningless his suffering actually was. (Martel). So his faith in Hinduism was a double sided sword in which he found more light than darkness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Importance Of Web Based Communication The most fundamental method of human expression is communication through both verbal and non verbal means. As technology, has rapidly developed over the past two decades, and continues to evolve at a staggering pace leading into the future, people have taken to the World Wide Web (WWW) as an extension of basic communication capability. WWW communication allows people to quickly reach out to one another throughout the course of a busy day. As a result of enhanced communication capability, and a surge in use of communication over the WWW, areas of private professional and public political life have seen substantial change in recent years. Positive Public Attitude The daily routines of many individuals have only gotten more hectic in recent years, despite the advantages of having increased technology. As such, it has become much more difficult for the average worker to simply reach out with a phone call, or stop in for a face to face conversation with other professionals. To assist the busy lives of individuals, web based communication, through secure means, has become more prevalent. From communicating with a utility company about an electric, water, or gas account, to seeking medical advice from a family doctor, secure messaging systems are making their mark. A study of forty three physicians was conducted six months following the implementation of a secure messaging system called Patient Gateway (PG) to quantify if using secure messaging produced positive results ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cooperative Bank Case Title of the Report: Case Analysis of The Cooperative Bank The Purpose: The purpose of the report is to submit the analysis of The Cooperative Bank based on the Activity Based Costing methodology To whom it is submitted (Name of the instructor): Prof. Sandhya Bhatia, Professor, Managerial Accounting, Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur Name of the Author: Abhishek Sengupta Anubhav Nigam Ravindran Damodaran Saurabh Srivastava Date of Submission: 24 February 2013 Organization/Institute s name (and logo): Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur TABLE OF CONTENTS Situation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2.Clear Debit Items ($1022140) The process of clearing Debit Items can be majorly automated through Automated Clearing Houses (ACH). The manual clearing facility may still be made available only on the basis of need and customer profitability. 3.Customer Inquiries ($850569) This process/activity can be automated through Point of Sales (POS). The strategy can reduce the associated overheads and at the same time improve customer experience. VISA Accounts: The VISA account is the second highest revenue generating stream. The revenue is contributed by the three products viz. VISA Classic, VISA Affinities and VISA Gold. Activity costs account to 40 % ($3385954) of the product revenue. The target cost reduction activities in this case are 1.Process VISA Transactions ($917056) These transaction activities can be automated through computer processing and this reduces the associated overheads.
  • 19. 2.Marketing and Sales Activity ($453886) These costs can be reduced by having cross sales of Credit cards with the current Account customers Personal Loans: The product gives the highest net profit among the range of available products. The Marketing and Sales Activity ($815211) and Computer Processing activity ($113403) can be reduced by the deploying of strategies as for Visa Accounts and Current Account respectively. CUSTOMER EXPERIENECE AND PROFITABILITY The improvement in Customer Experience and Profitability was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Lou Gehrig Rhetorical Devices Lou Gehrig uses several rhetorical devices in his speech. These rhetorical devices include understatement, anaphora, epistrophe, book ending, but he also uses rhetorical questions and appeals to pathos. On July 4th, 1939 at Yankee Stadium an audience of 60,000 people gathered to honor Lou Gehrig with a farewell ceremony. Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS which forced him to retire so the players of the 1927 New York Yankees as well as the current team of 1939 showered Gehrig with gifts, though he didn t want to be honored. Lou Gehrig uses and understatement when referring to his ALS as a bad break . ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which muscle cells are affected, the muscle cells stop communicating with the brain causing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Acquainted With The Night Essay Robert Frost s Acquainted with the Night is written in Terza Rima, a very uncommon form first used by Dante Alighieri, the famous Italian poet. Terza Rima is a very cyclical form, with the unusual rhyme scheme interlocking the stanzas. Frost uses this form to represent the cyclical nature of his night time journeys to the edge of town, as well at the cyclical nature of depression and suicidal ideation. The most interesting thing about this poem is how ambiguous it is, and how Frost goes about creating the ambiguity. It is extremely straight forward, and is not hard to interpret literally. However, this straightforwardness is what makes it interesting, because it allows for many interpretations. The meter for this work is near perfect, in a way that seems almost like a routine. It doesn t falter, and this could represent the way the speaker walks every night, hoping to find something to shake him out of his misery. Terza Rima is not Frost s usual fare, and while he was known to experiment with form, he wasn t known to do so without purpose. The form plays well with the poem overall, with its repetitive nature and the repetitive nature of the poem itself. I have been one acquainted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Acquainted is defined as to make someone aware of or familiar with , which could go either way. Awareness requires next to nothing, so that could support a first walk theory, but I like familiar more here, as it contributes to the idea that the night is something the speaker is truly immersed in, something that has shaped him. I have walked out in rain and back in rain is probably meant to be taken literally, as just the image of a man deciding to go for a stroll in the rain implies many things, simply due to the fact that most people don t go for walks in the rain and he will probably get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Ecological Model By Urie Bronfenbrenner Introduction Urie bronfenbrenner has proposed a model known as the ecological model. The model explains out the human development with relation to entire ecological system in which he lives, infect in which growth occurs . Before explanation I would like to focus on some key words of the assignment that is important part in understanding the model. Ecology Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organism to one another and to their physical surroundings. Cary institute of ecosystem studies(2014) given the definition of ecology as the scientific study of process influencing the distribution and abundance of organism, the interactions among organisms, and the interaction between organism and the transformation and influx of energy and matter . The Socio Ecological Model These are the models which gives the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Chrono System This system contains the transition and shifts in one`s life span. This system relates development of child keeping dimension of time in his life growth. Elements of this systems can be either external. Identity build up of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Television and Media Violence Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to Television Violence? According the Centerwall (1992), the average child aged 2 5 in 1990 watched 27 hours of television per day, or almost 4 hours per day. When much of what is on television, including cartoons and television shows targeted at children, contains violence, it becomes important to know whether watching televised violence can lead to or increase aggressive behavior. Social learning theory tells us that children model their behavior after those they see. It is reasonable, then, to infer that watching violence on television will lead to behaving violently, due to the modeling effect. The present study reviews some relevant prior research, and then investigates ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Centerwall found that in between 1945 and 1975, the homicide rate in the US increased by 93%, while in Canada, the homicide rate increased by 92% after the introduction of television. In South Africa, however, the homicide rate decreased by 7%. In case we might think that South Africa is just a less violent country than the US or Canada, Centerwall included the homicide rates for the three countries in 1987. In the US and Canada, no significant changes were noted, Homicides per 100,000 1945 1974 % Change 1987 % Change United States 3
  • 24. 5.8 +93 5.4 n.s Canada 1.3 2.5 +92 2.2 n.s South Africa 2.7 2.5 7 5.8 +130 Page 3 showing that the homicide rate had reached a plateau, at a rate that was nearly twice the pre television rate. In the fifteen years after South Africa received television, between 1975 and 1987, the homicide rate increased by 130%. This is convincing evidence that television had an impact on the homicide rates in the US and Canada, doubling the rate in 30 years, and more than doubling the homicide rate in South Africa in only 15 years. Centerwall notes that there was a delay of about 10 15 years between the introduction of television in each country and the increase in homicide rates. He suggests that
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  • 26. How Did Marco Polo Informatively Affected Medieval Europe Marco Polo was a prosperous and dedicated explorer, who significantly affected Medieval Europe and surrounding countries. Marco Polo was born into in wealthy family in 1254, Venice Italy. It was in Venice where Marco Polo established his passion for exploring. It is believed that Marco Polo s father Niccolo Polo influenced his dedication for exploring. Marco polowas mainly raised by his two brothers Niccolo and Maffeo as his mother died when was young and his father was often away exploring. He went on his first expedition to China in 1271 at the age of seventeen and spent seventeen years in China (Dates and events, 2015: Online). After ruling one of Kublai KhanCities in 1280. Marco Polo returned to Venice to find that Venice was at war with Genoa. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was in prison were Marco Polo met Rustichello da Pisa Who wrote down his expeditions and when Marco Polo was released from the prison camp in 1299 he made his book available for the general public, which lead to his fame. The title of the book was the travels of Marco Polo . Marco Polo met Donata Badoer in 1299 and later got married in 1300 Marco Polo got married when he was forty six. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer where married for twenty four years. Marco Polo and Donata Badoer had three daughters Moretta, Fantina, and Bellela. Donata Badoer died at the age of forty four and Marco Polo died at the age of seventy in 1324. The legacy of Marco Polo has continued. Marco Polo inspired many explorers and Christopher Columbus was one of them. In 1851 at ship was named after Marco ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Lost Boys Sociology Media, including movies has been an outlet for many directors and screenwriters to express both their opinions and to illustrate the social temperature in which they lived while injecting their own views into their work. Media fossils like The Lost Boys directed by Joel Schumacher not only provide a thrilling tale for viewers, but also critiques, comments, and upholds different social norms in an amusing manner as an outlet for often controversial subjects such as peer pressure amongst young people. The Lost Boys may be a gory film, but to ignore the film s social context would be to ignore the complexity of the movie itself. Many young people today as well as in the eighties were under a siege of pressure from their peers to conform to the group s expectations. When the older brother Michael first goes into David and his friends tomb, he is blatantly pressured into drinking and performing dangerous acts that he wouldn t normally do. Michael is frequently coached by the group who even chanted his name when he becomes increasingly resistant to let himself fall off of the bridge. Michael s interaction with the motorcycle crew shows that negative peer pressure was just as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The motorcycle gang is initially portrayed as moody, powerful, and sexy building the image of glamour but later tear this image down. The vampires faces morphe into the visage of a predator with large teeth and glowing eyes detracting from their sex appeal. When in their lair, the vampire s small, unattractive, claw like feet are even shown as the vampire David hangs upside down which also provided a physical flaw detracting from their moody sex appeal. They are then killed in violent borderline comical ways by quirky teenage boys, the attractive and glamorous portrayed in the media slain by a motley crew of protagonists who were the antithesis of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The United States Congress Today, the United States Congress has two main purposes in our government; to create the laws of the land and to represent the American people. But, the main reason for creating a congress in the beginning was because of a growing outcry against British rule over the colonies. In 1774, delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress. The announced purpose of the congress was to deliberate and determine on wise and proper measures . . . for the restoration of union and harmony between Great Britain and America (Volkomer, Walter E.. 2012). They sent a list of grievances to King George III, calling for repeal of the Intolerable Acts a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are 100 Senators in the Senate and 435 Representatives in the House. Both chambers of Congress meet in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. (Volkomer, Walter E.. 2012) Members of the House of Representatives serve two year terms and are referred to as congressman or congresswoman. During their two year term, they serve the people of a specific congressional district or area. Their main duties are to introduce bills and resolutions, serve on committees, and offer amendments. It s also important to note that the Constitution states that any bill that raises revenue must originate in the House of Representatives. Members of the Senate serve six year terms and are usually looked upon more as a representative of their state rather than individuals. One thing the Senate has is the ability to block legislation coming through by way of a filibuster. Generally speaking, though, the House and the Senate operate mostly in the same capacity. The House is known to be a little faster paced and the Senate is known to be a little slower and more deliberate. As stated earlier, the main role of Congress is to create laws. The procedure for creating laws in America is fairly simple on the surface, but there are a lot of layers that some people find confusing to follow. First a Senator or Representative needs to have an idea for a new law. They then need to produce a rough draft of the idea and sponsor it. This action turns the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How Did Gianni Versace Impact The Fashion Industry Sarah Gibson James Clark Honors English 9 December 13, 2017 Gianni Versace research paper When thinking of influential figures of history, you may not immediately think of how much influence fashion had on the world but it often had as many implications as any other subject. A leading figure in the fashion movement was Gianni Versace who effectively begun a whole new style of dress and attire after making a name for himself. Gianni Versace then changed the fashion industry by his unique and remarkable designs therefore impacting today s fashion. Even while in death he continued his legacy as it still impacted the industry. Gianni Versace first started designing clothes when he was twenty two. He was hired by a local... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He then decided to stay independent, also becoming one of the few large labels in control of the entire product cycle, from design to retailing. In 1982 Versace won a series of awards for the best fashion designer of the 1982 83 fall and winter collection for women. His fall and winter collection included his now famous metal dresses that he was inspired with in London in 1980 by the punk fashions he saw during that time. In order to develop the mesh material he worked with German engineers and in later collections made his metal dresses in varieties of different bright colors. Within the same year he started designing costumes for the ballet Josephslegende and collaborating with a well known opera house called Teatro alla Scala. Versace had felt that his action and involvement with costume designs had given his clothings a new and fresh attitude. In this line of clothing that he created it displayed the clothes needed for dance and demonstrated free movement for the dancers. He continually created and showed off many of his designs in many more famous ballet and operas. Later on in 1989 Versace conveyed a new line called Versus which was a line reaching out towards young people which expressed an alternative to ordinary and standard ways of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Counselor Interview Paper Counselor Interview What practice settings did you considered when you chose the counselor to interview? I was considering interviewing a counselor in the community counseling setting as I, myself is on the same track with the same interest, and motivation. However, while my interest falls toward community settings or private practice, I interviewed a counselor who works at Cuyahoga Community College on the east side campus. She has been counselor about 13 years. Prior to the interview my understanding was, working as a counselor in a school stings, it would need to have school counseling license. As she further explained it, as a LPC she is entitled to work in school setting at Tri C. She defined counseling a guidance that helps with the development of a student academically and socially. What other professionals are employed in this setting and what are their roles at the agency? As we continued the interview, she talked about their services that they provide including academic, career, and personal counseling. Besides counselors, there are two par time psychologists, who provide assessment for students. How does the professional counselor interact with other professionals (e.g., interdisciplinary treatment team) The counselors do interact on regular basis with the psychologists, as they have a common goal for its students, they work collaboratively. Their philosophy of counseling is that all students are unique ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Medical Uses of Daffodils The daffodil is very well known for its beauty but it s fairly unknown that it has medicinal purposes as well. The flower has some questionable side effects but it is often used to induce vomiting or for working similarly to aloe vera. Daffodils can also be used for diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer s. It is obvious that the flower is much more than aesthetically pleasing. Daffodils scientific name is Narcissus pseudonarcissus. They grow at altitudes of sea level up to 0.93 miles above that. The flowers grows wild in the woods or the grasslands and are found in parks and gardens in the temperate regions (kew.org). These flowers do best in full sun although they will also grow in partial shade. They are a monocot with six outer petals and the central corona which is the trumpet or cup for which the daffodil is known (Southern Living). These flowers are native to northern Europe and have become increasingly popular in North America (Encyclopaedia Britannica). Narcissus is harvested when the flowers have overpopulated an area. The bulbs are removed from the flower and are thinly distributed elsewhere. The daffodils are bred by twin scaling. Twin scaling is when the bulbs are cut into long segments and are paired off with similar parts until they are planted. The daffodils are then planted until the cotyledon is visible and then they are often commercially sold (kew.org). Daffodils were traditionally used to induce vomiting and as a coolant for burns and wounds. They ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Primal Fear Gregory Hoblit Primal Fear (1996) Primal Fear is a neo noir crime thriller directed by Gregory Hoblit, based on William Diehl s novel of the same name. It follows a Chicago defence attorney, Martin Vail (Richard Gere) as he defends a 19 year old choir boy (Edward Norton) who is accused of murdering an influential Archbishop. The split personality is portrayed, like many other films using the trope, through dialogue. When Aaron is giving his statement, he describes how he loses time or blacks out, which he said he did after he saw the Archbishop s dead body. Later when he is explaining his blackouts to a psychiatrist (Frances McDormand), his alter ego Roy appears. Unlike Aaron, Roy is very abrasive and swears at the psychiatrist when she asks him what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Figure 4) Roy from Primal Fear and Norman Bates from Psycho The use of editing in the scene towards the end of the film, where Aaron is being tried in court, the camera cuts between him on the stand trying to contain himself and the prosecutor (Laura Linney) trying to get him to confess. This use of editing demonstrates the conflict that is happening in the scene between both Aaron and Roy and Aaron and the prosecutor. The pace of the editing picks up when Roy comes forward and attacks the prosecutor, showing his violent behaviour through quick cuts. The pace slows back down when he becomes Aaron again, which in addition to the lack of a soundtrack, shows the shock the character feels at what he just did. As Dancyger (2013, pg373) says, Pace is most obvious in action sequences, but all sequences are shaped for dramatic effect. Variation in pace guides viewers in their emotional response to the film. More rapid pacing suggests intensity; slower being the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Capulet In William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet The Capulet is the reason for romeo and Juliet tragedy.To start, the feud between the Capulet and the Montague caused Romeo and Juliet to end their story tragically. My only love, sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! prodigious birth of love it is to me that i must love a loathed enemy (1018). To explain, the feud forces Romeo and Juliet to love secretly and plan all the thing s that later backfires them and cause them to die tragically if the feud wasn t the case, than they would be one happy couple with no tragedy.Next, the Capulet threatens Juliet to marry Paris. Go with Paris to Saint Peters Church or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither .(1068.In addition, the threat causes juliet to panic and she goes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Soviet Forces During The Soviet War In February 1986, Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev announced that Soviet Forces would conduct a phased withdrawal from Afghanistan. The fallout of this order would precipitate down to lower echelons of Soviet armed forces in the form of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) forces taking the leading in combat operations against the Mujahideen (Grau p.110, 1998). With this in mind, the Soviets pushed the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Command to relieve the siege of Khost by again attacking the Mujahideen strong point at Zhawar (Jalali Grau p.97, 2000). The Soviet approved plan called for 5 under strength DRA maneuver brigades and one DRA artillery and aviation battalions in support. The collective planning of the 1... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 38th Commando group had little experience in air assault missions, no collective combat experience prior to this operation, and had not conducted an air assault to date (Grau p.87, 2011). Additionally, the first lift of the 38th was scheduled to go in before sunrise on the 2nd of April. Of all the concerns listed, the latter would turn out to be the greatest risk to the operation. Around midnight on the 2nd of April, the DRA began artillery and aviation bombardment of the target area. This was followed by the initial commando group s insertion. The commandos landed without opposition, however they missed their landing zone by 15 kilometers and ended up in Pakistan rather than on top of Dawri Gar. The missed insertion led to the ground assault force meeting heavy resistance from Mujahideen defending Dawri Gar Mountain. As a result, the ground advance was fixed in place. Had LTG Azimi followed the SOF Truth of Quality is Better than Quantity and utilized a more experienced force, rather than a force comprised months before this operation, they may have 2 successfully landed on Dawri Gar. However, the 38th Commando Group lacked all necessary experience to conduct a night air assault successfully, but they were still tasked as the main effort in an operation the Mujahideen were all too familiar with (Jalali Grau p. 100, 2000). Prior to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Raging Bull Analysis Raging Bull, released in 1980, is a sports drama portrayed in black and white that tells the story of Jake LaMotta and the fluctuation of his boxing career and the personal relationships in his life. This movie is referred to as one of the greatest films ever made. It is extremely significant in film making because it was nominated for several Oscars, and solidified Martin Scorsese as an amazing director. The movie was directed beautifully and uses many innovative techniques that were not used in your everyday boxing movie. Instead of showing the action from outside the ring, Scorsese puts the audience in the ring (Snider). Raging Bull is a movie that re tells the story and memoir of Jake LaMotta. The movie begins with Jake (portrayed by Robert De Niro) practicing a monologue in his bathroom. The scene then switches to a younger LaMotta in the midst of a boxing match in 1941. This flashback paints the story of how LaMotta received his first loss. The scene starts off with LaMotta and Reeves exchanging blows until LaMotta gains the upper hand and knocks Reeves to the mat. The crowd starts celebrating, cameras go off, and LaMotta strikes a pose and receives his victory robe. The celebration is quickly interrupted though by the ring announcer s decision to crown Reeves as the unanimous winner. This creates a huge uproar, followed by a stampede of people and bedlam in the crowd. Amidst the fight, the scene changes to the Bronx, in 1941. This scene features Joey (Jake LaMotta s brother) and Salvy (Joey s associate) walking and discussing Jakes boxing career on the streets of New York. Salvy tells Joey to make Jake know that he needs to cooperate and stop being so hard headed . Joey then rebuttals Salvy and it becomes known to the audience that LaMotta s loss was fixed before the match even started. The scene then cuts to Jake inside his apartment sitting at his dinner table. As Jake sits at his dinner table, the audience gets a taste of the emotional and unstable wreck Jake LaMotta really is. The scene starts by showcasing LaMotta s fresh boxing wound as he un patiently waits for the steak his wife is cooking. Jake reflects on the fight and starts an argument with his wife. He pesters her on how he doesn t want ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Reactions And Reactions Of Redox Reactions Introduction: Without the millions of chemical reactions that occur every day, life would be completely different. An important class of common reactions includes those which involve the simultaneous transfer of electrons between chemicals, commonly referred to as redox reactions or oxidation reduction reactions. Redox reactions are whole reactions composed of two different half reactions known as oxidation (where electrons are lost) and reduction (where electrons are gained) (Chemguide, 2013). When there is an increase in the oxidation state, the reaction is oxidation; when there is a decrease, it is reduction. Oxidation cannot possibly occur without an affiliated reduction, and vice versa. Redox reactions are notated as such: Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+ + 2e In the half reaction above, a copper ion (with a plus 2 charge) is formed from the oxidation of solid copper (with no charge). The e in the equation is an electron which is free to reduce other chemical atoms, such as in the half reaction: 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s) Two electrons are added to the two silver ions in this half reaction, in order to produce a solid silver. These two half reactions can be combined to form a redox equation as follows: Cu(s) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2e 2 Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ 2Ag(s) Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) + 2e пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2e OR Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) пѓ Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) A ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Another Beautiful Day Interrupted The sun is beaming down on I and coppers face as we take our daily walk, on the ocean shore in Florida. The sun is a bright yellow surrounded with a blue sky, filled with clouds. The sand is stretched alongside I and cooper; white and clear. Only my foot prints and coopers paw prints left behind. The sand is very soft. My feet and coopers paws sink into it with every step. The salty ocean air burns our noses. The waves sparkle and glitter from the sun beaming down on it. The ocean is a dark blue color with white caps as far as we can see. The waves our small. Go get it Copper! I yell throwing the stick into the the ocean. Cooper is a Labrador,he s been part of the family for 7 years now. Cooper catches my eyes , he s holding something that is shiny. I can t tell what it is with the sun in my eyes. It s most likely a can he s been bringing them back to shore lately. Come on boy! I yell out to him, trying to encourage him to swim faster. I can now see what Cooper is holding , I was right it s a can. For some reason I m curious to find out whats in the can. As he s a few feet away from shore, I run to the edge of the water, the wind is blowing water across my ankles. Which you got Cooper? I ask him as he looses grip of the can, letting it fall on the sand. Coopers barking as I pick up the can. The cans label reads Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn . I straggle to open the can led It s sealed shut Cooper we have to wait until we get home to open it. Water is dripping of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Human Of Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project has been introduced to us more than twenty five years from now. It was Initiated and sponsored by the National Human Genome Research Institute, the project was introduced aiming at researching more human genes in order to understand, read genes and find cure for diseases. It guided the medical field to new direction but at the same time created new challenges and problems. The primary objective of the project isn t wrong or questionable but some believe its implications are. Genes are made of a molecule called DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) which contains the instructions for making every protein in the body. By studying and understanding the genomesystem completely, we will be able to shed some light on how to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Carlos Cruchaga and his team searched for dementia related genetic variations in some of these families and Their results were published in 2014 in the journals Nature and Nature Medicine. The team identified variations in genes called phospholipase D3 (PLD3) and UNC5C that appear to promote the risk of late onset Alzheimer s disease. The results of what they found inspired them to keep looking for more. Dr. Cruchaga received his Association grant in 2011 for a study entitled Exome Sequencing of Late Onset Alzheimer s Disease Families. Dr. Cruchaga selected 14 families to observe who have inherited Late Onset Alzheimer. His team and him later analyzed the exomes from certain members of these families, searching for gene variations linked to Alzheimer s. This process initially identified a variation in PLD3 that was shown to double the risk of Alzheimer s disease in some cases. Previous research has found that people with Alzheimer s tend to have lower than normal levels of the PLD3 protein in their brains. This finding indicates that PLD3 may protect the brain against Alzheimer s like changes. In 2005 there were various report on gene therapy trials delayed disease progression. It wasn t a successful cure, but the results were promising enough which triggered further research in that area. Scientists took skin cells from patients and modified them to secrete the protein nerve growth factor (NGF) form brains. These NGF producing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Human Capital Formation in Bangladesh Human Capital Formation and Economic Development in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis Corresponding Author Usman Qammar M.Phil Scholar, National College of Business Administration and Economics (NCBA amp;E), 40 E /I, Gulberg III, Lahore 54600, Pakistan. Email: economistusman@yahoo.com Cell # 0092 03216525081 Human Capital Formation and Economic Development in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis Abstract: It is generally accepted in Economics that there is a great role of human capital formation in determining the national income. This is the basic need and the general priority need of any country to make policies for the human welfare and Economic Development of the country. The study uses the GDP as a dependent variable and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Three compulsory components of the resource endowment of an economy are the natural resources, human resources and physical capital (Romer 1990). The formation of human capital is a continuous process. The nation s literacy system is influenced by its socio economic and environment. Financing in human capital proves effective when qualified labour force is cleverly used to play its role and to step up the economic activities through government policy. The literacy rate is known to be a major component of human capital and most of the underdeveloped nations also Bangladesh consume a big part of their human development resource financing on education. Physical capital and human capital investment are compulsory if a under develop nation like Bangladesh wants to achieve an industrial level development and per capita growth through labour productive efficiency. The purpose of this study is on testing the casual relationship between the human capital formation through education and economic development of Bangladesh. The study also test the direction of causality, either the human capital formation cause economic development or economic development become causes human capital or both of them are causing and supporting to each other. Literature Review: Investment in the Physical and investment in the Human capital is considered the basic elements for the development of a nation. There are many studies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Should The Second Amendment Need To Be Changed The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791 but over the years it is not suitable for the modern society. Big things have changed over the years since the Constitution was written, consequently, its contents do not reflect the necessary changes for the benefit of all citizens. Violence is out of control and many people are killed by guns each year. The second amendment needs to be changed because we need to ban guns and make our society safer. RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS Possession of any firearm must express to the Government for the purpose of registration in the Register of Weapons. Possession or carrying of weapons prohibited by law or reserved for the exclusive use of police, navy and air force will not be allowed; except in cases of emergency.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... пѓ The weapons may be authorized to sportsmen of shooting or hunting, to possess at home must be licensed covers. пѓ The weapons, ammunition and material for the exclusive use of police force and navy must be registered. For purposes of control gun ownership, people should express a unique address of permanent residence. Any person who acquires one or more weapons, is required to register his gun. пѓ Members of the police forces, Navy, Air Force, private security services, may carry weapons in the cases, conditions and requirements established by this Act and other applicable laws. The licenses for carrying weapons will be of two kinds: A. Individuals B. Official The licenses for carrying weapons will be individual, to be issued will be needed to meet the following requirements: Having an honest living; Not having mental problems; Have completed the required, with the National Military Service; No physical impairment Not have been convicted of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Qht1 Task4 Overcoming communication barriers There are four main types of barriers in communication. Any of these barriers can ruin the chances of success in any given project or task that we are trying to achieve here at XYZ Company. I was asked by our Vice President to give some suggestions and guidelines to help you avoid these barriers, which will allow your team to run more productively, with less need to take corrective actions, and decrease frustration within the team. Let us start with process barrier. There are specific steps needed for a successful communication. The process barrier includes your ability to create a message, presentation, project plan, etc. The next steps are assuring that the message is transmitted to the receiver ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Determine best form of communication based on complexity, number of people involved, needs from cross functional team members. o Short term / one time requests use of email, or telephone is appropriate. Be clear on need. Ask for response to show understanding by receiver. Give opportunity for questions as needed. o Technical communications hold them person to person, or in meeting(s). Use Power point presentations, with handouts, questions and answer sections, note taker for issues to answer outside of the meeting. o Executive high level reasons, coasts and benefits to the company. Give a brief background of issue. If you must use a slide presentation, keep to a minimum. In person works well, plan on leaving 25% of allotted time for questions. o For larger groups / cross functional communications Kick off meetings. Have team members sit at circular tables. Perform some team building techniques. Brainstorming to confirm understanding level The next barrier type is personal. These barriers can occur for both the sender and receiver. Ones ability to send or receive information is effected by many factors. Mood, prejudices against another person, another team, your listening skills, method of communication, all can lead to erroneous interpretations, or level of understanding. Here are tips to help gain overall better communication with your team, peers, and your manager(s). Present ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Macro Explanations Of Poverty Structural theories, or macro explanations, approach the issue of poverty by focusing on institutional and organizational conditions. Mid level or meta theories bridge the gap between micro and macro, or individual and structural explanations. They connect the individual people and places with the dynamic patterns and relationships that contribute to poverty. Tickamyer provides a number of examples for both kinds of explanations. Modernization is a structural explanation that sees rural poverty as a result of a lack of economic and industrial development. According to modernization, traditional values and practices prevented the acceptance of new technologies and institutions. This point of view looks past the individual and points ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Turning Point in History for Vietnam Essay The turning point in history for Vietnam all began in the year 1954 during the Geneva Conference, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Geneva Accords both put an end to the Indochina War and began the divide of the Vietnam territory. The Geneva Accord was an obligatory agreement stating Vietnam was to be separated into two distinct territories divided by a line of segregation at the 17th parallel. Vietnamwas now separated into North and South Vietnam, the communist north and the anti communist south. Ho Chi Minh controlled North Vietnam, better known as the Democrat Republic of Vietnam, with its capital in Hanoi. Whereas in South Vietnam, better known as the Republic of Vietnam with it s capital in Saigon, the south Vietnamese was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He uses this captivating charm to achieve an emotional influence on his listeners, communally and nationally. He was universally called Uncle Ho, a sobriquet also used in the North Vietnamese press. Before the constraint of war restricted him to official duties, Ho regularly visited villages and towns. Simply clothed, he was especially fond of dropping into schools and chatting with the children (Whitman, 1969). He demonstrated the ideal of a clear cut, humble, and zealous mature man who incorporates his wisdom in commanding the attention of his followers. He was relevant among them. His main objective was to gain independence for Vietnam no matter the sacrifice. As a communist, Minh founded the French Communist Party in 1930 (Moss, 2010). Ho Chi Minh was a passionate democrat who shares the certainty that the desire of the people must always be provided and permitted to triumph. ). Ho Chi Minh was by far the best known Vietnamese leader. His leadership of the struggle to set free Vietnam from French colonialism had earned him massive prestige and a popular following among the rural masses who comprised 85 percent of the Vietnamese population (Moss, 2010 p. 83). His leadership skills were personable and this aided in his quest to employ communism in his country. Minh visited many countries and educated himself on the communist rule of those countries. Ho Chi Minh and the other Vietminh leaders were committed to unifying Vietnam under their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Click Fraud and Ad Essay 1.) An API user is given an account but is not able to view that account through the interface. The reason being: c.APIuserhasAPIOnly access 2.) API allows developers to use applications that: d.InteractdirectlywiththeAdWordsserver3.) Bud would like to test new logic that uses API without modifying his live campaigns. Which tools would allow him to do this? b.AdWordsAPISandbox 4.) Which of the following allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign management? a.UseofanAPIwebservice 5.) What is the benefit of the API? a.Advertisers can make dynamic changes to their AdWords accounts at scale. 6.) If someone wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 16.) You make edits to an ad and the position decreases. What was the cause? d.Theeditedversionislessrelevanttothekeywordswithintheadgroup.17.) You have the same keyword in two different ad groups. The one to win within an auction will be the one with: b.Thebestqualityscore 18.) To improve the performance of an ad group on a search network, advertisers should create ad groups by creating: b.Keywordsthatarealsoincludedintheadtext 19.) In an AdWords account, which statistic is viewable for each ad group? c.Averagecostperclick20.) Which of the following is the recommended action for new mobile ad campaigns? a.Useamobile optimizedlandingpage 21.) An advertiser selling computer monitors is writing new ad text. Which line of ad text fits AdWords policy? d.20 70%offLCDmonitors22.) To achieve the best performance of text ads, which is a best practice? c.Includewordslikefindandsearchintheadtext 23.) What type of keywords tend to perform better with mobile ads? d.Shortgeneralkeywords 24.) A campaign that is targeting desktops is only performing well with text and image ads. The advertisers want to reach mobile devices. They should: b.Createaseparateadgroupformobileadswithintheexistingcampaign.25.) If the query Seattle Plumbers is entered, Google will use the location term that is part of the query to show ads: a.TargetedtoSeattle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tax Havens The central argument of this paper is that tax havens are not only mediums for tax avoidance and evasion but belong more broadly to the world of finance. Viewed individually, tax havens may appear small and insignificant; combined, they play a central role in the world economy, where liberalization and deregulation of the financial sphere has caused an exponential growth of tax havens in the last 40 years. I would define tax havens as jurisdictions that have sufficient autonomy and most importantly a deliberate interest to write their own tax, finance, and other laws and regulations. Their purpose is to ease transactions undertaken by nonresidents who have the intention to avoid taxations and other regulations in their home country by providing a legally backed veil of secrecy to make it hard to determine the true owners. Tax havens do so with the active support of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apart from a low corporate tax rate which on it s own does not imply the label tax haven country has to be well governed, which includes an efficient and respected government, political stability, rule of law, and the control of corruption. Small islands with a population below 1 million are also highly favorable jurisdictions because they often lack natural resources and hence depend on foreign investors. MNEs such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Starbucks have long ago discovered the advantages of such small island economies. Yet, this paper also shows that tax haven do not have to be located in some remote islands with sandy beaches but they can also be in any respectable country of the European Union. Many successful MNEs, for example, use financial regulatory loopholes in Ireland, Luxembourg or the Netherlands to avoid paying their fair share of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...