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Essay On Books In English For
Students (500 Easy Wo
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Essay On Books In English For Students (500 Easy Wo Essay On Books In English For Students (500 Easy Wo


The Epidemic Of West Nile Virus
How many cases of West Nile Virus were reported in your state based on the epidemiology data?
In year 2013, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) get report of 2605 cases as regards to
noticeable arboviral disease, comprising those caused through 2469 cases of WNV (West Nile Virus),
85 cases of LACV, 22 cases of JCV, 8 cases of EEEV, and 15 cases of POWV, and cases of few other
diseases. These cases were stated from 26 percent (830) among the 3141 nations of U.S., no cases
were stated from Hawaii or Alaska. The WNV virus is having majority of cases from all other cases.
Therefore, it is measured as a vital or serious disease. (Nicole P. Lindsey, 2014)
Subsequent figure describes the numbers of reported cases of WNV in America ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
4. Breast Feeding: If mother is contaminated through WNV then her baby will also get contaminated
through WNV during breast feeding.
5. Laboratory Work: Persons in the laboratories at which location WNV surveillance and R D is being
performed can get contaminated through WNV. (What is West Nile Virus? What causes West Nile
Virus?, 2010)
What types of epidemiological studies would be most useful to help one gather data, descriptive or
analytical studies, and why?
Descriptive study would be the most valuable to assist one gather data since descriptive study depicts
the populations which are at risk and the level of disease (WNV) together in space and time inside
these populations. Descriptive study would authorize to compute the amount of persons infected
through WNV during a time period. This might authorize a sequence of propositions to be built as
regards determinants of WNV and consequences of WNV on populace. (4. The epidemiological
approach to investigating disease problems)
What is the significance to your local community and the state community in relation to the disease?
WNV can result in intricate infection. WNV has spread as a cyclic plague into North America. WNV
signifies a mosquito borne virus which spread in birds. Mosquitoes are generally wandered in the
space and usually bite humans and animals. Therefore, WNV can be spread straightforwardly and
cause complex infections.
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The Meaning Of PSO-TVIW Method
They compared their annealing scheme leads to results with ω=1 obtained by Angeline [89], and
concluded a significant performance improvement on four tested functions. The reducing ω strategy is
a near optimum setting for many problems, as it allows the swarm to explore the search space in the
beginning of the run, and still manages to shift towards a local search when fine tuning is required.
This was named PSO TVIW method (PSO with Time Varying Inertia Weight) [90]. At the end,
Eberhart and Shi devised an adaptive fuzzy PSO, where a fuzzy controller was employed to control ω
over time [91]. This approach is very interesting, as it potentially lets the PSO self adapt ω to the
problem and therefore optimizes and eliminates a parameter of ... Show more content on
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Eberhart and Shi [93] showed that the population size has hardly any impact on the performance of the
PSO method.
Acceleration coefficients: A usual choice for the acceleration coefficients C1 and C2 is C1=C2=1.494
[93]. But, other settings were also used in different articles. Usually, C1 equals to C2 and ranges
within [0, 4]. Ratnaweera et al. have recently investigated the impact of varying these coefficients with
time in [58]. Authors adapted C1 and C2 with time in the following way: (2 7) (2 8) where are all
constants. The objective of this modification was to raise the global search over the entire search space
during the early part of the optimization and to encourage the particles to converge to global optima at
the end of the search. The authors referred this as the PSO TVAC (PSO with Time Varying
Acceleration Coefficients) method. Indeed, C1 was decreased from 2.5 to 0.5 whereas C2 was
increased from 0.5 to 2.5. {209}
The process of PSO s implementation can be summarized as in follows: step1) Initializing the position
and velocity of a population at random while satisfying the constraints: In this step, regarding the
constraints, the initial values for the algorithm such as the number of iterations, population and initial
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Allusions In The Sandman
Often nowadays characters of well known stories are at times more well known than the stories they
inhabit thanks to pop culture where people recognize faces, but not their origins. The Sandman, a
comic published by DC Comics, has taken various comic and Biblical references and incorporated
them into its own universe. These allusions to other works helps the reader easily identify characters
and their roles in the story, especially if they have a wide enough literature background. Some simply
reveal something about the universe they inhabit. Understanding this makes the book much more
satisfying to read and appreciate the thought put into the book. In The Sandman the main character,
The King of Dream, becomes trapped for 70 years and loses ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Cain and Abel are an allusion to the story of the first murder in the Bible, and Lucifer is the Lord of
Hell (or in the story a triumvirate with Beelzebub and Azazel). Cain and Abel s first appearance
involves the two arguing about a present and finding Dream at the doorstep (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts
). Lucifer is introduced when Dream ventures into hell to retrieve his mask from a demon that traded it
(Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Throughout their interactions, the reader can learn a lot about the universe
that they inhabit. Abel lights a room with fire on his fingertips and there are floating islands (Gaiman,
Imperfect Hosts ). Hell is a physical place, so one can conclude that magic is real, and there are
multiple realms or worlds that the supernatural beings inhabit (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Any reader
that had read any book that relates to magic such as The Dresden Files, a book series about a wizard
detective, can understand the concept that magic and Hell has laws or rules to follow, which
Choronzon even mentions when Dream challenges him for his helmet (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ).
Having a background in Biblical or fantasy readings reinforces these facts and helps the reader better
understand the actions of the characters in the
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Flaws In Othello
The flaws within the human condition engage audiences through the dramatic treatment of these flaws
despite the transversal shift of time. The flaws in humanity offer an insight within the dramatic
treatments of it. The works of Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice continues to
captivate audiences through time proving its relatability to today s society just as it had been during to
the Elizabethan audience. This is due to the relatability through the exploration of the universal flaws
within humanity and the treatment of it through the themes racism and jealousy. The use of play
techniques constructs a continuous engagement in audiences despite the contextual shifts of time.
The portrayal of Othello exploits the racism embedded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through Iago s similarity to Machiavellian tactics, Iago is known as the master of deceptions in
Othello s downfall. Iago s deceiving nature is expressed in, I follow him to serve my turn upon him.
Exploits the duplicitous nature of Iago in allusion to Janus, the roman god of two faces where Iago
believes that in order to gain power, he needs Othello s trust. This explores one s ability to be
duplicitous in order to act in return for a greater gain. The gardening analogy, We will plant nettles...
either have it sterile with idleness or manured with industry, why the power and corrigible authority of
this lies in our wills. Displays Iago s role as the gardener through his ability to manipulate and plant
seeds of doubt and jealousy within Othello in order to manipulate him and stir the jealousy within him
through his love for his wife, Desdemona. Critical theorist Samual Taylor Colerigde describes Iago as
being next to the devil and only not quite the devil in reference of the irony, Honest Iago reflects the
destructive nature of jealousy and how it can lead one, who many believe to be noble to extremes just
to obtain what they believe they deserve through Iago s ability to gain trust from the other characters.
Driven by jealousy, manipulation is born and in order to obtain one s desires, one is willing to go to
extreme to take what they
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The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacob Essay
The Impact of an Audience The introductory line of Harriet Jacob s preface to Incidents in the Life of
a Slave Girl, Reader, be assured this narrative is no fiction , is short yet serving (Jacobs 224).
Although brief in its nature, this statement manages to encompass two major aspects that characterize
African American literature: audience and truth. In all writing, understanding the target audience and
how to arrange an argument or essay to appeal to that specific crowd is paramount. However, it is
especially important for African American authors, who typically need to expose injustices or call for
social change in their works. In particular, two African American authors who understood their
audience and how to manipulate that understanding were Charles W. Chesnutt and Marcus Garvey.
Although they were born only twenty nine years apart, Chesnutt and Garvey technically wrote for
different time periods. While Chesnutt s work is associated with Literature of the Reconstruction ,
Garvey was grouped with authors and activists from the Harlem Renaissance (Gates and Smith 580 ).
The separation of their literary epochs drove Chesnutt and Garvey to write for contradistinctive
audiences that demanded unique written techniques and rhetorical strategies, but that both asked for
utmost honesty. For starters, although born in Ohio, Charles W. Chesnutt was raised in North Carolina.
Consequently, this relocation provided him with a front row seat to witness the Reconstruction that
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Personal Culture And World View
It is a big undertaking to attempt to explain one s culture and world view in a few words. My culture
and world view began within the house I was raised. I come from a white, middle class family, with a
household of 5. My mom and dad both worked very hard to maintain a middle class living status for
their family, and made many sacrifice. Values that were stressed in my household were loyalty, work
ethic, family bonds, and character. Religion did not play a big part in my household growing up, and
lack of religion, or self reliance was stressed more. Both of my parents worked, however gender roles
were pretty obvious in my house. My mother not only worked, but also took care of many of the
household chores, while my father handled lawn work, mechanical tasks, etc. The biggest world view
that sticks out for me that I learned growing up is that if you work hard enough, you can achieve
anything. However, you have to work for it there are no hand outs. In writing this, I can think back to
many times where racial, or racist, statements were made in my house. It can be hard to talk about,
and I cannot provide justification for many of the comments. Our home was about 10 blocks from
public housing. I can recall driving past, and many times, my dad pointing out the fact that those
people didn t have to work for anything. He would often say, look, we are paying for their houses with
our tax money, and they drive better cars and wear better clothes then we do. This had a
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Summary Of The Book Hi ! My Name s Ratha
Hi! My name s Ratha. For my independent novel project, I chose the book Life of Pi , written by Yann
Life of Pi is about an Indian teenager named Piscine Molitor Patel. He was named after a French
swimming pool, and he changes his name to Pi after everyone started to call him Pissing . His father is
a zoo owner, and his family lives in Pondicherry, a French colony on India s eastern coast. Pi s dad
decides to leave India and move his entire zoo to Canada, crossing the Pacific ocean on a Japanese
cargo ship named the Tsumtsum.
In a severe storm the Tsimtsum sinks. The cause of the sinking is unknown. Pi is the only human
survivor, and he s stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi tries to tame
Richard Parker,
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Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay
Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is what Paul Bowles
and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their respective books, The Sheltering Sky
and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their characters in difficult locations, dealing with difficult
people and expect them to emerge changed, for better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles
takes his American trio and places them in the desert lands of the African continent where the wide,
dry impossibly desolate terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies. Likewise, McCarthy takes his
ragged bunch of marauders, most prominently the Kid, and has them wandering the massive expanse
of the untamed west. This convention of forced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both parties chance upon characters, both eccentric and dangerous, and all involved seem to get
themselves into the most impossible situations imaginable. Apparently the point Bowles and
McCarthy are trying to convey to the reader is that great change and substantial inner growth can only
come about through intense emotional stress and physical challenge.
Kit, in The Sheltering Sky, learns some very interesting things about herself through the course of our
travels with her. She starts out as Port s wife, a secondary character of sorts, afraid to voice her
opinions on virtually everything. We have the inside track on her thought s and feelings though, and
are privy to the fact that she is unhappy not only with her situation and current location, but also with
her marriage and identity. We get our first glimpse of her realization of these problems on her train
ride with Tunner, as Port is traveling with the Lyles. Her spontaneous affair with Tunner is a symptom
of her unhappiness and is the beginning of a downward spiral that takes her to the brink of insanity
and far beyond. We see the beginning of her growth in her encounter in the Fourth Class cabin of the
train when see comes in close contact with the miserable peasant folk and she realizes that aside from
their cultural differences she is no better than these simple folk and in some ways she is far worse. As
her story progresses we, the reader, get to see the progress of her downfall due to the
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Ebonics is Not a Seperate Language but Improper Form of...
The United States is filled with many different ethnicities, cultures, customs, languages, etc.
Supposedly, our public schools are equipped with classes, teachers, curriculums and materials in order
to educate that part of the student population whose first language is something other than the English
language. Bilingual classes, transitional classes, ESL classes are just a few of the programs that have
been developed to instruct non English speaking students in order for them to acquire the English
language. However, there has been a language use among African American students; language that
has not been examined closely nor acknowledged until recently. Ebonics is classified as Black English
or Black sounds , or Pan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result of many students using ebonics in a school setting, it has been recognized in our
educational system and it is believed that the understanding, the application, the principles, the laws
and the structure of ebonics would help African American students (Amended Resolution of the Board
of Education, 1997. P. 1). Ebonics would be used to help learn Standard English. Therefore, ebonics
has been studied for the last 15 years due to the State of California recognizing the unique language
stature of descendants of Africans (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 1). As a
result, the State of California is trying to mandate an education program that is in the interest of
vindicating their equal protection of the law rights under the 14 Amendment (Amended Resolution of
the Board of Education, 1997. P. 2). The 14 Amendment states: All persons born or naturalized in the
United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State
wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws (Microsoft Bookshelf. 1996 1997). The Oakland school district is trying to pass
a program based on
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Career Clusters
Introduction While writing this paper I hope to further discover what I want for my future. May it be
in medicine, training, science, agriculture etc. I feel that this is an opportunity to truly understand what
I want for my future. In this paper I hope to stay organized and reach all deadlines. Survey Results My
results from both surveys mainly put me in the category being able to help people and or help
rehabilitate them.Most of my basic skills are around a level 4 which shows that I´m relatively well
balanced.I believe these do accurately show my skills and proper career choices. My top two career
clusters were health science and education and training.I do agree with the fact that I would do well in
health science as it is one of my major goals to get some sort of doctorate degree.However I don´t
very much agree with the education and training cluster.I don´t do well with education to others.It´s
just not something I excel in.But I would like to have a career in medicine.According to the basic
skills survey I am sorely lacking in mathematics and monitoring,And I would agree.I have always
lacked in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So I feel like a veterinarian or something in animal care would be the best choice for me.Animals have
always been a major part of my life and it would be very beneficial to also get some sort of doctorate
degree if I need to. The pay is reasonably good and would overall a good choice for me.However there
are a multitude of downsides, I have never had a strong stomach and there might be procedures that
might require this, such as surgery, cleaning animal waste, or dealing with a sickly animal.The hours
are long and not in any way flexible.Also the heartache of not being able to help/save and animal or
have to put one down.With any career there will be ups and downs however, this would be an amazing
job for
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Soviet Women During Wwi During World War II
Soviet Women during WW2 Women during World War II in the Soviet Union played a major role in
helping the
USSR win the war in a lot of different ways. In my paper I am going to show how Soviet women
helped Russia win the war and the ways they went about in doing that and how without the support of
women, the USSR would have lost the conflict and became part of Nazi Germany. I am also going to
write about how women were seen in the Soviet Union during this time and how the war changed how
women were perceived in Russian society and also the challenges they had to face to be seen as equals
in the Soviet Union . Also I am going to write about how the efforts of women evolved ... Show more
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In addition to being medics, women also served as pilots, snipers, machine gunners, tank crew
members and partisans, as well as in auxiliary roles. (O Brien
http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1982/jan feb/obrien.html) In this
paragraph I am going to write about Soviet women pilots and the role they played during World War
2. The first of these women pilots was Marina Raskova who was referred as the Russian Amelia
Earhart and she was the first woman to become a navigator in the Soviet
Air Force in 1933. When World War II started Raskova used her personal connections with
Joseph Stalin to convince the military to form three combat regiments for women since before women
who tried to become pilots usually had their applications rejected and there were attempts to keep
them from seeing combat. In addition to the pilots being women the support staff and engineers for
these regiments were women. These regiments
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Mobile Communication Technology
01. Introduction to Mobile Communication
Today mobile communication has become the backbone of the society. All the mobile system
technologies have improved the way of living and it is one of the fastest growing communication
medium in the world (Goldsmith, 2004). In 1960 Bell Laboratory was introduced the cellular concept,
with the development of the newer concept and the better technology cellular phones getting more
popular in worldwide (Mitra, 2009). According to the (GSMA, 2014) report mentioned that, at the end
of the 2003 there were more than 1billion individual subscribers, that means under one in six people
had subscribed to a mobile service . By the end of the 2013 the number of mobile phone subscribers
has doubled, there were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2013 4G connections increased 3% of the global total connections and the year 2020 it will be
increase to 2.3 billion connections in globally.
The following figure represents the global mobile broadband technology market share in 2013 and the
predicted growth of the mobile subscribers in 2018.
With the increase of the mobile broadband connection global smart phone growth get increase 22% at
the end of the 2013 it is nearly 1.3 billion smart phones. According to the (4G americas, 2014) at the
mid year of the 2013 one of the every five people in the worldwide owned a smart phone and one of
the every 17 people in the world used a tablet.
By the end of the 2017 non smart phones will be get stable by 50.3% smart phones will be increase
27.4% users in world wide, machine to machine ( M2M ) will increase 16.5 and Laptops and Tablets
will be increase by small present (2.6% and 2.3) (4G americas, 2014)
03. Development of Mobile Applications
With the rapid growth of the mobile Internet and the mass market of the mobile platform like
smartphone, tablets and the laptops create the anytime /anywhere computing and help to increase
popularity of mobile Internet applications (Raychaudhuri Mandayam, 2012).
According to the (Nielsen , 2014) Smart phones owners spend 86% of their time using mobile apps
and 14% time using to mobile web searching. Therefor they spend 34 Hrs.17 minutes for web
browsing and mobile applications, 5Hrs. 48
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Case Study Joint Tenant Martin
Martin has decided to retire after many years as a deputy and detective. Over the years Martin has
acquired a couple of properties that he plans to enjoy during his retirement. Martin, unfortunately, has
legal concerns related to each of the properties and has sought out of the advice of an attorney, who
happens to be an old friend from his church.
Joint tenant with rights of survivorship The first property to be discussed is a Mountain Property
purchased by Martin 31 years ago. Martin bought this property with a group of friends as joint tenants
with a right of survivorship. In most states, a joint tenant with the right of survivorship states that each
owner of the property has equal shares and no one person can have more than the other. It also states
that each of the owners holds their portions of the property until a time in which one of the owner s
dies. At his point, the property is redistributed equally to the remaining owners. This process proceeds
until only one owner is alive, at which time he or she becomes the sole owner, and in this case that
would be Martin since he is the sole surviving owner of the property in question. However, when
Peter, one of the original joint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though the car was sold with fraudulent intentions by the fired valet, Martin may have a tough
time getting his car back. According to the Uniform Commercial Code 2 403(1) Martin would not
have the right to the vehicle because a good faith buyer for value purchased it. The defrauding buyer
gets possession and legal title, but his legal title is subject to the true owner s equitable remedy of
rescission, as long as it is not cut off by a good faith buyer for value (Good Faith Purchase of Goods,
1963, Article 6). The title to this car was cut off by a good faith buyer, which now makes the title able
to be transferred as a good title. Martin may have to pay some money to get this car
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Analysis Of Emerson s Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the mid nineteenth century, Ralph Waldo Emerson led a movement to spread the idea of
Transcendentalism through one of his famous essay, Self Reliance , to advocate how an individual can
achieve success and happiness. In order to achieve one s fullest potential, one must resisted and rise
above the temptation of materials of the physical world and start using one s intuition. Emerson looks
at the contemporary society as a corrupted for a soul to inhabit because of its dependence to the
technology, intolerable cultural ideas, and economic issues. One issue that Emerson disapproved of is
the society s reliance on technology. In the modern days, young teens and also adults are too attached
to their cell phone. According to Emerson, he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another flaw that Emerson sees the in in the society is the economic issues. Most people believe that
the best way to satisfy their need is having a lot of money. However, Emerson s view on this matter is
different. From his essay, Self Reliance , it stated, nothing can bring u peace but yourself (Emerson,
21). In order to get rich, a person must work very hard to pile up his pocket. However, with the
amount of the work, he will not have a chance to enjoy his money. Also , even though he has chance
to use his money, he can buy all the stuff he wants, but he will never be satisfied. With the huge load
amount of work dedicated to the work, he will lose connection with his family and his friends. As the
result, instead of becoming happy, he receive the opposite as his reward for replacing his family with
work. One of cultural problem that the society have is there are lot of conformists. Nowaday, young
adolescents tend mimic other people, such as their favorite athletes or celebrities because they want to
fit in with other people. According to Emerson, he stated, There is a time in every man s education
when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; (2,Emerson). The
words suicide and ignorance illustrate his negative connotation to emulating. When a person is trying
to to be someone else that is he is not, he is deceiving himself and belittle his own value. Also when he
chooses copy another person s
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International Criminal Court
After a coup d état in 1969, Libya lived under Gaddafi s authoritarian government for more than four
decades. His regime was characterized by brutal repression against opposition through torture,
massacres and public hangings or mutilations. This level of political repression was the government s
mean to maintain control over military and general population. Any kind of political association was
forbidden, the media was controlled, and the population was closely surveillance for the government
in order to avoid coup attempts. The Libyan Intelligence Service, whose chief was Abdullah Al
Senussi, was in charge of the security in and outside the country. The violence of Gaddafi s regime
transcended Libya frontiers as the monitoring of dissidents around the world ended up in the
assassination of target opponents that were living in western countries.
There were several attempts against Gaddafi regime, most of them lead by military officers but any of
these efforts generated positive changes. On the contrary the officers and citizens that participated on
the coups were arrested, tortured, and sentenced to death or long prison terms. Under such conditions
citizens were afraid to express their dissent, but by February 2011, Libyan political history took a
decisive turn. Political corruption and excessive freedom restrictions motivated protests that spread
over the country. The government resort to the use of force against civilians, a reaction that was
condemned for
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Thomas Aquinas Views On Free Will
Free will is defined as the ability to choose and think voluntarily without the constraint or necessity of
faith. Thomas Aquinas says that the will is what allows you to chose from one thing or another. The
power by which we are moved to obtain that which we desire is the will. Free will is the desire of
good. It is not simply the matter of apprehending the good and then just sitting there and looking at it.
It is an actual desire of the good. It is a will to have the good; to have that happiness. It is an appetite
of power but it is a rational appetite of power.
Free will is the freedom to chose. It is aiming to act in what you think is best for you. Free will
includes man acting as their own agent and making the choices of whether or not to do ... Show more
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The professor is not trying to reason with the student. The professor is just saying there is a negative
consequence so do not do this. Aquinas says people have free will and therefore can chose. In this case
the student should choose not to cheat because he or she does not want that punishment. Aquinas also
mentions that all of the things including , arguments trying to convince people, giving advice,
appealing to their emotions, exhortations, are ways that influence people and do not necessarily appeal
to them. It is not necessarily just convincing them of the truth. It is just simply showing them if you do
this bad thing then you would get punished or if you do something good then you would get rewarded
but this would only make sense if people have free will and therefore can make free choices. People
are not forced against
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Business Studies
Key Terms: * Analyse: identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate
implications. * Appreciate: make a judgement about the value of. * Assess: make a judgement of
value, quality, outcomes, results or size. * Define: state meaning and indentify essential qualities. *
Describe: provide characteristics and features. * Determine: make a decision or work out an answer
after appropriate thought and investigation. * Discuss: identify issues and provide points for and/or
against * Distinguish: recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences
between. * Evaluate: make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of. * Examine: inquire
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* Geographic: opportunities for business expansion, sales and profit. * Institutional: government,
regulatory bodies and others such as trade unions and employer associations. * Legal: can be time
consuming and costly, confusing and contradictory. Many laws apply to businesses. * Markets: the
number of competitors in a particular market. * Political: derive from both state and federal
government policies including taxation and the implementation of paid parental leave. * Social:
changes in tastes, fashion and culture. Failure to respond to change can threaten stability and viability
* Technological: can increase business productivity and communication. Internal: * Business culture:
values, ideas, expectations and beliefs shared by the staff and managers of the business. * Location:
prime locations = customer convenience + visibility * Management: ability to adapt to changing
consumer needs and market conditions. * Product: types of goods and services produced, how created
and monitored. * Resource management: employees, knowledge and data requirements, equipment
and funds. Stakeholder: any individual or group who has an interest in or is affected by the activities
of a business. * Shareholder * Consumer/customer * Manager * Employee * Other businesses *
Society * Government * Innovation * Environment * Economy Business Lifecycle: *
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Contemporary Issues Concerning Family Law
Assess the effectiveness of current legal and non legal responses in achieving justice for TWO
contemporary issues concerning family law.
1.The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) defines a family as the natural and fundamental group of society,
while responsible for the care and education of dependant children
The effectiveness of current legal responses can be seen as effective to an extent,
Evidence of effective legal responses to contemporary issues can be seen with the introduction of
Family Law Amendment Act (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Act 2008 (Cth),
allowing de facto relationships to receive the same entitlements as married couples.
State bodies such as Family and Community Services (FACS) have also been able to resolve ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2007, the commission s report Same Sex recommended amending federal law that discriminate
against same sex couples and their children in areas of financial and work related entitlements and
benefits.This has allowed same sex
This consequently introduced a bill into parliament to alter the definition of marriage and allow same
sex couples to marry which majority of australians ruled for. The bill consequently amended the
definition of marriage in the act and allowed for the recognition of same sex marriage. Thus, the
media has been effective in
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NYAA Cheer Nationals
NYAA Cheer Nationals in Las Vegas There I was, In the Colorado Airport with some of my
teammates. We were sitting on the chairs waiting to aboard our second flight, that will later then take
us to Las Vegas, Nevada, for our NYAA Cheerleading Nationals. The NYAA Cheer Nationals is the
biggest competition of our season, and in order to go, you have to place top 3 at Regions and State,
and get the bid to go. We were really excited to be there this year. The team went to Myrtle Beach last
year for 2016 Nationals, but this was before I was on the team. At the 2016 Nationals, they hit 0, and
had no deductions and still did not even place. So when we went into Nationals, we did not even think
that we were gonna place top 5. The goal was to place top 3, and the dream was to get first.
We had a lot of fun because a lot of us got there like about 3 days before the actual competition. So,
we would go to the pool and or just walk around because there was a food court and bowling alley, so
we would have fun. We would just run around and eat all day and have team bonding time. We had
practice the day before our competition and we hit everything and was doing really good.
The next morning we woke up bright and early to get everyone s hair and makeup ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
But when they called us up for top 5, we started screaming. Then we went up on the big mat, circled
with my team holding hands, and they called 5th place, it wasn t us. So then we thought we were
gonna get 4th, and they did not call us.. By then, we were all crying. We for sure we were gonna get
3rd after that, but they did not call us, so then we were all balling. Then they called second and it was
us, we were all crying our eyes out. If the stunt would not have dropped we would have gotten first
place, but that drives us to work harder. It was an amazing time that I will never forget, and it was
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Adversity In Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut
Adversity and difficulties are an inherent part of life that everyone has to handle, but is it possible they
actually help people reach their highest potential? Difficulties bring out the skills and strengths that
otherwise would have never been accessed. Horace could not have been wiser when he said Adversity
has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant, and he
could not have been wiser. There are many people who had an easy life or were born into their success
who are remembered for greatness, but the stories of people who had to overcome challenges are
always that ones that stay with us much more. Adversity is the only way humans can focus their skills
and motivate themselves to become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He dropped out of college, witnessed the bombing of Dresden, was captured by the Nazis, took in his
niece after his sister died from cancer and her husband from a train accident. Yet all of this became the
product of the bestselling book Slaughterhouse Five. Recognized for Vonnegut s reaction to World
War Two and humanity s capability for destruction, he never could have written it without having to
witness the war and acknowledged what he had seen. Vonnegut needed to have the push to motivate
him to write his book and change the world. From reality to the world of fiction, adversity makes
people stronger. Nearly every book or movie today is about someone who has to overcome a great
deal to reach their goal. None better than a classic Greek mythology tale of Hercules. Despite being
born of the gods and having amazing strength he was raised by mortals and had to face challenges
from the god of Hell itself, Hades. But every new monster or challenge he endured seemed to only
convince him that he had to make it past the next one. Had the privileges of being a god just been
handed to him, he would have never pushed himself and realized his full
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The All Black Character Analysis
Since 1905, The All Blacks of New Zealand, have been dominating the game of rugby. They have
taken the world by storm and it is hard for people to understand the origin of their success. Success is
often measured by numbers and perception. Individual spectators often overlook the actions that are
done behind closed doors. Performance is a combination of capabilities and behavior. I believe that
capabilities and behavior both stem from good character. Achieving good character will lead to
success in some way or fashion. The same way that a team captain of a sport should lead their team
can be found in the way a Marine Corps officer should lead their subordinates. The All Black s actions
emulate principles that are found in the Marine Corps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is important to train marines as a unit, but more importantly as a team. Andrew Mehrtens, a former
All Blacks second highest point scorer of all time, said that If you have personal discipline in your
life, then you are going to be more disciplined on the field. If you re wanting guys to pull together as a
team, you ve got to have that. You don t want a group of individuals. There could be a team with all
the talented individuals in the world, but without character, they will be individuals that accomplish
nothing as a team. Working together as a team will not guarantee the win every time but in the long
run the team will benefit. Collective character is vital to success. Focus on getting the culture right; the
results will follow. The lack of personal discipline could potentially handicap any team. Marines need
to be lead in the way that values character over talent. The presence of good character will ultimately
strengthen the team whether it was a marine unit or a national rugby
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The Secret Monologue
Pg. 3 4 I m Scarlet. As you can tell by my name, I am a pair of red flats with diamonds on the front,
and I want nothing more than to get out of this shop! I ve been here for two years. Can you blame me?
I am not planning on being covered in dust like the ugly boots over there. Pg. 5 Today, it seemed that I
would leave. A brown haired woman and an elderly woman walked into the shop just after Gazino left.
Welcome, Your Majesties! the shoemaker said with a bow. How can I be of assistance to you lovely
ladies today? Pg. 6 The Queen and her daughter are here? I thought I ve heard little to nothing about
the Queen, but I ve heard rumors about the daughter. After her parents bit the dust, the Queen adopted
the girl, and yes, she spoiled her rotten. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then I remembered the soldier s compliment. I thought about how to ruin the girl s life, and suddenly,
my mind was made up. If that girl doesn t want to dance with me, I ll just go solo! I thought. The
soldier told me to never come off, even as I danced. Yeah, I came off, but that doesn t mean I won t
stop dancing. I ll never stop dancing as long as I live! Pg. 23 When Sunday came along, Karen came
to church wearing the traditional attire down to the black shoes. She came in to pray for her sins.
Much to her surprise, I was there, dancing for the churchgoers. Oh, Lord! The shoes are cursed! If
Milady hadn t worn them to church in the past couple of weeks, we wouldn t have the devil in our
home! B But I m not doing that, Karen shouted among the fainthearted churchgoers. The shoes are
cursed! This is going to be so much fun, I thought. Pg. 24 Since then, I danced every Sunday. I even
danced on Karen s mother s funeral. Yeah, I know, it was a little too far, but I didn t dance on her
grave, at least. (I prayed for committing that sin, afterwards.) She stopped coming after the fifth
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Essay about B2B v. B2C Supply Chains
B2B v. B2C Supply Chains
Introduction In the age of technology business has come a long way and evolved tremendously. It used
to be that brick and mortar was the only way to open and run a business. However, the internet has
changed all of that now businesses can use technology to reach customers and other businesses all
over the world. This has caused a great surge in the world wide economy. In 2003 Business to
Business (B2B) commerce tipped the scales at $1.41 Trillion. This is in comparison to Business to
Consumer (B2C) that was $90.1 Billion (Naraine, R.2003). All of these purchases need to get
transported and that is where businesses supply chains come in play. Contrary to popular belief the
supply chains of B2B and B2C ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, these are just the tip of the iceberg. B2C eCommerce now has matured and includes a
myriad of online services. These services can/ do include online banking, travel services, online
auctions, health information, real estate as well as some less reputable sites (Patton, S., 2001).
B2B vs. B2C Supply Chain The B2B and B2C supply chains might appear to be similar however, that
assumption can not be further from the truth. The main difference between the two is the amount of
channels a product must flow through before reaching the end user. With B2B there are less total
channels however they are greater in size when to compared to the greater amount of smaller channels
with B2C. (Marketing Profs, 2005) For example: A new car manufacturer is looking for tires to put on
their new line of cars. They would deal directly with a tire manufacturer to get their product. The
channels would simply be from the car manufacturer tire manufacturer raw supplies dealers. Now let s
look at an individual looking to book a flight and hotel in Las Vegas. The chain would be as follows,
individual online store airline airline staff hotel hotel staff. The next difference comes with technology
and that is integration, B2B needs to be integrated to their business partners software for smooth
resupply , billing, etc. This is an
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Sanctions And Free Trade Sanctions
Trade sanctions are often associated with a retaliatory action in a trade dispute. Earlier, we looked at
the case involving the US and the EU. The WTO had authorized the US to impose sanctions against
the EU s resulting from its ban on hormone beef imports from the US. The WTO is the body set up to
promote free trade, and thus, it is strange to see the WTO supporting trade sanctions. However, in this
particular case, the WTO judged the best action to be trade sanctions. Then, along with the negative
impacts, sanctions can offer positive impacts on trade if applied with the proper and justifiable
intention. David Baldwin, a professor of World Order Studies, argues that an economic sanction and
free can be compatible. At first glance, this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The threatened sanctions and consequences outlined by these bills offer protection for companies to
conduct business under the hospice of free trade.
The WTO does recognize that sanctions have a role to play if states are found to be in violation of the
rules of the liberal trading system. Proponents of BDS have argued that they have a right to choose
with whom to do business, and therefore are not obligated to do business with any particular company.
However, opponents of the movement, especially those who support the anti BDS bills would argue
that the BDS movement is more than an expression of this freedom. The voice of the movement has a
real effect on trade and therefore is much more than speech. The anti BDS bills, even though
politically motivated, are to counter what is considered to be actions contrary to trade. Therefore, any
potential economic sanction would be to counter the infringements on the liberal trade system, and
thus, has the potential of being endorsed by WTO.
Baldwin continues by arguing that one of the most longstanding exceptions to the doctrine of free
trade concerns national security. He argues that free trade advocates, Adam Smith, and John Stuart
Mill, approved the Navigation Acts, which restricted trade on national security grounds (Baldwin).
Richard Cobden, a
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The Theme Of Acceptance In Shirley Jackson s The Lottery
Viewed by children full of life and elderly folks barely holding on, acceptance is witnessed. It is
expressed through an individual s actions, words, or silence. Acceptance plays a role when
understanding another s religion, values, and opinions. It can be found not only in society, but in
literature and media. In The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, she shows us an example of blind acceptance
through her main event and desperate character, Tessie Hutchinson. In Texas V. Johnson Majority
Opinion, by William J. Brennan, Texas expresses acceptance. Also in What, of This Goldfish, Would
You Wish, by Etgar Keret, acceptance is interpreted through a lonesome character by the name of
Sergei. All three authors focus on the subject of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Supreme Court eventually came to the majority vote in favor of Gregory, considering his act a
form of Expression protected by the Constitution (Brennan 15). The state of Texas is forced to accept
that Gregory Lee Johnson is protected by the guidelines of our Constitution and they may look down
upon the people that decide to burn our nation s flag, but those that perform these acts cannot be jailed
or fined. Sergei from the short story, What of This Goldfish, Would You Wish, by Etgar Keret, is
forced to acknowledge what his friendship truly is and accept the parts that come into play with this
friendship. Sergei is a man that moved from his home in Russia to Israel and then Jaffa. He did not
want for people to come banging on his door or ask him how his day was. This was all true for Sergei
Until one day some kid with a ring in his ear . . . comes knocking (Keret 5). This child was a
determined young man named, Yoni. He knocked on the door asking questions, the way Sergei hated,
and was denied answers. Although being told no, the boy slipped into the home of Sergei Goralick and
began filming with his camera. Mr. Goralick is startled, but soon goes completely mad and knocks
Yoni over the head with a stove burner once he reaches to close to his magic goldfish. Knocking out
the boy, Sergei s goldfish friend reminds him he
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Analysis Of Artemisia s Self-Portrait As The Allegory Of...
One more painting by Artemisia in which depicts not the injustice and her fight for female integrity,
but may have reflected on her own personal feelings is her Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting.
The first thing one notices when looking at this picture is the darkness in color. The darkness of the
room in the painting represents her reflection of her violent past, but ultimately shaping her into the
woman she became. She painted herself lighter in color against the darkness of the room, looking up
in hope, doing what brings her most joy in life: painting. Artemisia s self portraits is not simply a
matter of identifying the artist s features in a work but also of recognizing the artist s deliberate elision
between subject and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her most famous work is The Book of the City of Ladies. Written in the vernacular, Christine writes
of all the injustices women face in society and how a woman could strike back. The book is as well, a
formal and lengthy response of Jean de Meun s Romance of the Rose, by defending women and
providing a wide range of strong, famous women in history to defend her argument of a strong,
independent woman. In The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine writes that ...others have said and
continue to say and write such awful, damning things about women and their ways. I was at a
loss...who all seem to speak with one voice and are unanimous in their view that female nature is
wholly given up to vice. Criticism and sexism against women has Christine at a loss for words. She
expresses that the common belief of women being a vice to the world and man, is absolutely absurd.
She begins her book with this passage, and explains her goal for her contemporary woman and women
for the future. Our aim is to help you get rid of those misconceptions which have clouded your mind
and made you reject what you know and believe in fact to be the truth just because so many other
people have come out with the opposite opinion. Christine wishes to make sure that whatever
falsehood and deception any one person had ever said to the reader or any brainwashed fabrication
into thinking their
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Essay On Colorado
In the state of colorado the normal 10 year old is stressed about grades or if their crush likes them, not
if their dad is going to jail or not. Just imagine seeing your parents put into a cop car and driven away
while you watch. For some odd reason I still feel like it s my fault. I never really knew how much I
need and love my parents. Without them I don t know what i d do or where i d be in life.
My parents were first arrested March of 2016 about a year and a half ago. I remember when an officer
came up to me to ask questions while my grandma drove up the driveway. I felt this deep fear almost
an intimidation of saying the wrong thing and getting my parents in more trouble than they already
That night I stayed at my grandma s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We waited for a couple hours untill finally... the door opens and in walks my mom and my dad i shot
up like I was just electricuted with a bolt of excitement. Their overall punishment was 5 year parole
for my dad and 2 year parole for my mom.
Acouple months before the final trial my mom started working for one of my grandmas friends
Jennine. Jennine was getting ready to rent out this house for about $2k a month so we had no
intentions of renting it out too expensive but my mom agreed to help her clean it for money. It was
about mid Septmber when Jennine said she would knock down the price to about $1,500 but only if
my mom came and cleanedher house once a couple of months. When my mom told me at first I was
sceptical because I did nt want to leave my friends in arvada but my dad kept telling me I have this
specail ability to make new friends wherever I go so, I ended up giving into the idea. Next thing I
knew I was in a new house, a new room, and a new bed.
For the begining of the year I went to a school called Alameda Jr./Sr. High School by my grandma s
house but, the new house was a 4o minute drive so I had to switch schools. My new school was called
Mandalay Middle School, I was a mix of scared and excited to have a fresh start. So on September
27th 2016 I had my first day as a wolverine Mandalay s mascot is a wolverine. On just that first day I
met some amazing people including a girl named Leah who in fact is still my bestfriend to this day.
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Eczema and Dermatitis Essay example
Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin. There are different types of
dermatitis, including seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Although the disorder can
have many causes and occur in many forms, it usually involves swollen, reddened and itchy skin.
(www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/dermatitis 000048.htm) Dermatitis is a common condition that usually
isn t life threatening or contagious. But, it can make you feel uncomfortable and self conscious. A
combination of self care steps and medications can help you treat dermatitis. The different types of
dermatitis are classified according to the cause of the condition. Contact is the condition caused by an
allergen or an irritating substance. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, the area of the skin on which the symptoms appear tends to be different with every type of
dermatitis. The symptoms of contact dermatitis usually appear at the site where the allergen got into
contact with the skin. Also, the symptoms of neurodermatitis are limited to a single area, often the
neck, wrist, forearm, thigh or ankle. More rarely, the primary symptom of this condition which is itchy
skin may appear on the genital area, such as the vulva or scrotum. Symptoms of this type of dermatitis
may be very intense and may come and go. Irritant contact dermatitis is usually more painful than
itchy. Although the symptoms of atopic dermatitis vary from person to person, the most common
symptoms are dry, itchy, red skin. Typical affected skin areas include the folds of the arms, the back of
the knees, wrists, face and hands. Less commonly there may be cracks behind the ears, and various
other rashes on any part of the body. Itching is the primary symptoms of this condition. Dermatitis
herpetiformis symptoms include itching, stinging and a burning sensation. Papules and vesicles are
commonly present. The small red bumps experienced in this type of dermatitis are usually about 1 cm
in size, red in color and may be found symmetrically grouped or distributed on
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Financial Modeling
1. Explain Free cash flow . Comment on its significance in business valuation. 2. Illustrate the
VLookup function. Explain its importance.
3. Explain Pivot tables in excel amp; state their value in multi dimensional analysis. 4. Explain
Options trading. State their significance in modern day trading. 5. Comment on the business models of
private equity funds.
6. Comment on valuation of distressed companies .
7. Illustrate with an example any three capital structure ratios.
8. Illustrate with an example any three profitability ratios.
9. State and explain time value of money .
10. Explain with an example, the if then analysis amp; features in excel enabling it. 11. Explain ...
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The usage of a pivot table is extremely broad and depends on the situation. The first question to ask is,
What am I looking for? In the example here, let us ask, How many Units did we sell in each Region fo
How a pivot table works
Using the example above, software will find all distinct records for Region. In this case, they are:
North, South, East, West. Furthermore, it will find all distinct records for Ship Date. Based on the
aggregation type, sum, it will summarize the fact and display them in a multidimensional chart. In the
example above, the first datum is 66. This number was obtained by finding all records where both
Region was East and n finance, private equity is an asset class consisting of equity securities in
operating companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange.[1]
A private equity investment will generally be made by a private equity firm, a venture capital firm or
an angel investor. Each of these categories of investor has its own set of goals, preferences and
investment strategies; however, all provide working capital to a target company to nurture expansion,
new product development, or restructuring of the company s operations, management, or ownership.
Inserting Functions
Excel comes with a wide array of functions that can easily be inserted into a spreadsheet. In
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Once Were Warriors And Tess Of The DUrbervilles Essay
How do the Authors of Once Were Warriors and Tess of the D Urbervilles Explore the Subjugation of
Women in Patriarchal Societies?
The film Once Were Warriors, directed by Lee Tamahori, and the novel, Tess of the D Urbervilles by
Thomas Hardy differ in terms of context, however each explores the subjugation of women in a
patriarchal society. Tamahori and Hardy both explore the idea that patriarchy traps women in
oppressive situations employing the settings of their texts and the characters they devised. Each author
concludes that gender subjugation forces women to respond in drastic ways through the
characterisation of their protagonists as well as through symbolism. It is Tamahori s cinematography,
and Hardy s narrative perspective and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jake for example, is portrayed as an arrogant, violent man, often depicted yelling and resorting to his
fists when things do not go his way, Tamahori using cinematography to emphasise his violent nature.
When Jake beats Beth for the first time on screen Tamahori frequently employs an upward camera
angle to emphasise Jake s power. The upwards torso shots in particular allow the audience to view
Jake s body language and facial expression. From these shots, evidence of Jake s violence are captured
in his tightened muscles and strained face. Tamahori contrast of power in downward camera angles for
Beth highlighting her brutalization. The downward angles allow the audience to witness Beth s fearful
facial expressions and the contortions of a damaged body. In this contrast Tamahori is able to further
emphasise situations of domestic abuse. Jake s violent portrayal as an abusive man is symbolic of
Maori men enforcing patriarchy in post colonial New Zealand communities. Although Hardy s
antagonist Alec D Urberville is not physically violent, he is portrayed as an emotionally manipulative
privileged male who uses these characteristics to entrap Tess. Alec s courtship of Tess is oppressive in
the sense that he believes he is entitled to her, that because he had sex with her once he has the right to
call himself her master. Hardy hints at her rape in his narrative
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The Workplace Is Important For Employees
Researchers have found that across cultures, having autonomy in the workplace is important to
employees. It has positive benefits for both the employee and the company. Those who have more
autonomy at work will tend to be more loyal to their employer, perform better, be more engaged, and
be more productive. It s also been shown that businesses that give their employees autonomy will have
a lower turnover rate, which also saves you money in the long run.
If you have been the type of manager who hasn t been giving your employees autonomy, have no fear.
It is never too late to make changes and become the type of leader who does. Begin by letting your
employees know that you would like them to become more involved in calling the shots and in
making some of the decisions about how to get things done. You can make the change all at once, or
you can gradually let go of things and let the transition take place more slowly. Either way, you will
notice a big difference in your team when you get to the point where they have autonomy. They will
be happier, more satisfied at work, and likely much more productive. People who are satisfied and
happy with where they work will go out of their way to go above and beyond for their employer. Be
the kind of employer who makes employees want to be loyal and go above and beyond.
It is sometimes easier to see how appreciated autonomy will be if you can imagine yourself in their
shoes. Like the old saying goes, treat others how you want to be
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  • 2. The Epidemic Of West Nile Virus How many cases of West Nile Virus were reported in your state based on the epidemiology data? In year 2013, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) get report of 2605 cases as regards to noticeable arboviral disease, comprising those caused through 2469 cases of WNV (West Nile Virus), 85 cases of LACV, 22 cases of JCV, 8 cases of EEEV, and 15 cases of POWV, and cases of few other diseases. These cases were stated from 26 percent (830) among the 3141 nations of U.S., no cases were stated from Hawaii or Alaska. The WNV virus is having majority of cases from all other cases. Therefore, it is measured as a vital or serious disease. (Nicole P. Lindsey, 2014) Subsequent figure describes the numbers of reported cases of WNV in America ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Breast Feeding: If mother is contaminated through WNV then her baby will also get contaminated through WNV during breast feeding. 5. Laboratory Work: Persons in the laboratories at which location WNV surveillance and R D is being performed can get contaminated through WNV. (What is West Nile Virus? What causes West Nile Virus?, 2010) What types of epidemiological studies would be most useful to help one gather data, descriptive or analytical studies, and why? Descriptive study would be the most valuable to assist one gather data since descriptive study depicts the populations which are at risk and the level of disease (WNV) together in space and time inside these populations. Descriptive study would authorize to compute the amount of persons infected through WNV during a time period. This might authorize a sequence of propositions to be built as regards determinants of WNV and consequences of WNV on populace. (4. The epidemiological approach to investigating disease problems) What is the significance to your local community and the state community in relation to the disease? WNV can result in intricate infection. WNV has spread as a cyclic plague into North America. WNV signifies a mosquito borne virus which spread in birds. Mosquitoes are generally wandered in the space and usually bite humans and animals. Therefore, WNV can be spread straightforwardly and cause complex infections. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Meaning Of PSO-TVIW Method They compared their annealing scheme leads to results with ω=1 obtained by Angeline [89], and concluded a significant performance improvement on four tested functions. The reducing ω strategy is a near optimum setting for many problems, as it allows the swarm to explore the search space in the beginning of the run, and still manages to shift towards a local search when fine tuning is required. This was named PSO TVIW method (PSO with Time Varying Inertia Weight) [90]. At the end, Eberhart and Shi devised an adaptive fuzzy PSO, where a fuzzy controller was employed to control ω over time [91]. This approach is very interesting, as it potentially lets the PSO self adapt ω to the problem and therefore optimizes and eliminates a parameter of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eberhart and Shi [93] showed that the population size has hardly any impact on the performance of the PSO method. Acceleration coefficients: A usual choice for the acceleration coefficients C1 and C2 is C1=C2=1.494 [93]. But, other settings were also used in different articles. Usually, C1 equals to C2 and ranges within [0, 4]. Ratnaweera et al. have recently investigated the impact of varying these coefficients with time in [58]. Authors adapted C1 and C2 with time in the following way: (2 7) (2 8) where are all constants. The objective of this modification was to raise the global search over the entire search space during the early part of the optimization and to encourage the particles to converge to global optima at the end of the search. The authors referred this as the PSO TVAC (PSO with Time Varying Acceleration Coefficients) method. Indeed, C1 was decreased from 2.5 to 0.5 whereas C2 was increased from 0.5 to 2.5. {209} The process of PSO s implementation can be summarized as in follows: step1) Initializing the position and velocity of a population at random while satisfying the constraints: In this step, regarding the constraints, the initial values for the algorithm such as the number of iterations, population and initial values ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Allusions In The Sandman Often nowadays characters of well known stories are at times more well known than the stories they inhabit thanks to pop culture where people recognize faces, but not their origins. The Sandman, a comic published by DC Comics, has taken various comic and Biblical references and incorporated them into its own universe. These allusions to other works helps the reader easily identify characters and their roles in the story, especially if they have a wide enough literature background. Some simply reveal something about the universe they inhabit. Understanding this makes the book much more satisfying to read and appreciate the thought put into the book. In The Sandman the main character, The King of Dream, becomes trapped for 70 years and loses ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cain and Abel are an allusion to the story of the first murder in the Bible, and Lucifer is the Lord of Hell (or in the story a triumvirate with Beelzebub and Azazel). Cain and Abel s first appearance involves the two arguing about a present and finding Dream at the doorstep (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts ). Lucifer is introduced when Dream ventures into hell to retrieve his mask from a demon that traded it (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Throughout their interactions, the reader can learn a lot about the universe that they inhabit. Abel lights a room with fire on his fingertips and there are floating islands (Gaiman, Imperfect Hosts ). Hell is a physical place, so one can conclude that magic is real, and there are multiple realms or worlds that the supernatural beings inhabit (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Any reader that had read any book that relates to magic such as The Dresden Files, a book series about a wizard detective, can understand the concept that magic and Hell has laws or rules to follow, which Choronzon even mentions when Dream challenges him for his helmet (Gaiman, A Hope in Hell ). Having a background in Biblical or fantasy readings reinforces these facts and helps the reader better understand the actions of the characters in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Flaws In Othello The flaws within the human condition engage audiences through the dramatic treatment of these flaws despite the transversal shift of time. The flaws in humanity offer an insight within the dramatic treatments of it. The works of Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice continues to captivate audiences through time proving its relatability to today s society just as it had been during to the Elizabethan audience. This is due to the relatability through the exploration of the universal flaws within humanity and the treatment of it through the themes racism and jealousy. The use of play techniques constructs a continuous engagement in audiences despite the contextual shifts of time. The portrayal of Othello exploits the racism embedded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through Iago s similarity to Machiavellian tactics, Iago is known as the master of deceptions in Othello s downfall. Iago s deceiving nature is expressed in, I follow him to serve my turn upon him. Exploits the duplicitous nature of Iago in allusion to Janus, the roman god of two faces where Iago believes that in order to gain power, he needs Othello s trust. This explores one s ability to be duplicitous in order to act in return for a greater gain. The gardening analogy, We will plant nettles... either have it sterile with idleness or manured with industry, why the power and corrigible authority of this lies in our wills. Displays Iago s role as the gardener through his ability to manipulate and plant seeds of doubt and jealousy within Othello in order to manipulate him and stir the jealousy within him through his love for his wife, Desdemona. Critical theorist Samual Taylor Colerigde describes Iago as being next to the devil and only not quite the devil in reference of the irony, Honest Iago reflects the destructive nature of jealousy and how it can lead one, who many believe to be noble to extremes just to obtain what they believe they deserve through Iago s ability to gain trust from the other characters. Driven by jealousy, manipulation is born and in order to obtain one s desires, one is willing to go to extreme to take what they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacob Essay The Impact of an Audience The introductory line of Harriet Jacob s preface to Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Reader, be assured this narrative is no fiction , is short yet serving (Jacobs 224). Although brief in its nature, this statement manages to encompass two major aspects that characterize African American literature: audience and truth. In all writing, understanding the target audience and how to arrange an argument or essay to appeal to that specific crowd is paramount. However, it is especially important for African American authors, who typically need to expose injustices or call for social change in their works. In particular, two African American authors who understood their audience and how to manipulate that understanding were Charles W. Chesnutt and Marcus Garvey. Although they were born only twenty nine years apart, Chesnutt and Garvey technically wrote for different time periods. While Chesnutt s work is associated with Literature of the Reconstruction , Garvey was grouped with authors and activists from the Harlem Renaissance (Gates and Smith 580 ). The separation of their literary epochs drove Chesnutt and Garvey to write for contradistinctive audiences that demanded unique written techniques and rhetorical strategies, but that both asked for utmost honesty. For starters, although born in Ohio, Charles W. Chesnutt was raised in North Carolina. Consequently, this relocation provided him with a front row seat to witness the Reconstruction that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Personal Culture And World View It is a big undertaking to attempt to explain one s culture and world view in a few words. My culture and world view began within the house I was raised. I come from a white, middle class family, with a household of 5. My mom and dad both worked very hard to maintain a middle class living status for their family, and made many sacrifice. Values that were stressed in my household were loyalty, work ethic, family bonds, and character. Religion did not play a big part in my household growing up, and lack of religion, or self reliance was stressed more. Both of my parents worked, however gender roles were pretty obvious in my house. My mother not only worked, but also took care of many of the household chores, while my father handled lawn work, mechanical tasks, etc. The biggest world view that sticks out for me that I learned growing up is that if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything. However, you have to work for it there are no hand outs. In writing this, I can think back to many times where racial, or racist, statements were made in my house. It can be hard to talk about, and I cannot provide justification for many of the comments. Our home was about 10 blocks from public housing. I can recall driving past, and many times, my dad pointing out the fact that those people didn t have to work for anything. He would often say, look, we are paying for their houses with our tax money, and they drive better cars and wear better clothes then we do. This had a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Summary Of The Book Hi ! My Name s Ratha Hi! My name s Ratha. For my independent novel project, I chose the book Life of Pi , written by Yann Martel. Life of Pi is about an Indian teenager named Piscine Molitor Patel. He was named after a French swimming pool, and he changes his name to Pi after everyone started to call him Pissing . His father is a zoo owner, and his family lives in Pondicherry, a French colony on India s eastern coast. Pi s dad decides to leave India and move his entire zoo to Canada, crossing the Pacific ocean on a Japanese cargo ship named the Tsumtsum. In a severe storm the Tsimtsum sinks. The cause of the sinking is unknown. Pi is the only human survivor, and he s stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi tries to tame Richard Parker, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is what Paul Bowles and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their respective books, The Sheltering Sky and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their characters in difficult locations, dealing with difficult people and expect them to emerge changed, for better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles takes his American trio and places them in the desert lands of the African continent where the wide, dry impossibly desolate terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies. Likewise, McCarthy takes his ragged bunch of marauders, most prominently the Kid, and has them wandering the massive expanse of the untamed west. This convention of forced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both parties chance upon characters, both eccentric and dangerous, and all involved seem to get themselves into the most impossible situations imaginable. Apparently the point Bowles and McCarthy are trying to convey to the reader is that great change and substantial inner growth can only come about through intense emotional stress and physical challenge. Kit, in The Sheltering Sky, learns some very interesting things about herself through the course of our travels with her. She starts out as Port s wife, a secondary character of sorts, afraid to voice her opinions on virtually everything. We have the inside track on her thought s and feelings though, and are privy to the fact that she is unhappy not only with her situation and current location, but also with her marriage and identity. We get our first glimpse of her realization of these problems on her train ride with Tunner, as Port is traveling with the Lyles. Her spontaneous affair with Tunner is a symptom of her unhappiness and is the beginning of a downward spiral that takes her to the brink of insanity and far beyond. We see the beginning of her growth in her encounter in the Fourth Class cabin of the train when see comes in close contact with the miserable peasant folk and she realizes that aside from their cultural differences she is no better than these simple folk and in some ways she is far worse. As her story progresses we, the reader, get to see the progress of her downfall due to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Ebonics is Not a Seperate Language but Improper Form of... The United States is filled with many different ethnicities, cultures, customs, languages, etc. Supposedly, our public schools are equipped with classes, teachers, curriculums and materials in order to educate that part of the student population whose first language is something other than the English language. Bilingual classes, transitional classes, ESL classes are just a few of the programs that have been developed to instruct non English speaking students in order for them to acquire the English language. However, there has been a language use among African American students; language that has not been examined closely nor acknowledged until recently. Ebonics is classified as Black English or Black sounds , or Pan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result of many students using ebonics in a school setting, it has been recognized in our educational system and it is believed that the understanding, the application, the principles, the laws and the structure of ebonics would help African American students (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 1). Ebonics would be used to help learn Standard English. Therefore, ebonics has been studied for the last 15 years due to the State of California recognizing the unique language stature of descendants of Africans (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 1). As a result, the State of California is trying to mandate an education program that is in the interest of vindicating their equal protection of the law rights under the 14 Amendment (Amended Resolution of the Board of Education, 1997. P. 2). The 14 Amendment states: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Microsoft Bookshelf. 1996 1997). The Oakland school district is trying to pass a program based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Career Clusters Introduction While writing this paper I hope to further discover what I want for my future. May it be in medicine, training, science, agriculture etc. I feel that this is an opportunity to truly understand what I want for my future. In this paper I hope to stay organized and reach all deadlines. Survey Results My results from both surveys mainly put me in the category being able to help people and or help rehabilitate them.Most of my basic skills are around a level 4 which shows that I´m relatively well balanced.I believe these do accurately show my skills and proper career choices. My top two career clusters were health science and education and training.I do agree with the fact that I would do well in health science as it is one of my major goals to get some sort of doctorate degree.However I don´t very much agree with the education and training cluster.I don´t do well with education to others.It´s just not something I excel in.But I would like to have a career in medicine.According to the basic skills survey I am sorely lacking in mathematics and monitoring,And I would agree.I have always lacked in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So I feel like a veterinarian or something in animal care would be the best choice for me.Animals have always been a major part of my life and it would be very beneficial to also get some sort of doctorate degree if I need to. The pay is reasonably good and would overall a good choice for me.However there are a multitude of downsides, I have never had a strong stomach and there might be procedures that might require this, such as surgery, cleaning animal waste, or dealing with a sickly animal.The hours are long and not in any way flexible.Also the heartache of not being able to help/save and animal or have to put one down.With any career there will be ups and downs however, this would be an amazing job for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Soviet Women During Wwi During World War II Soviet Women during WW2 Women during World War II in the Soviet Union played a major role in helping the USSR win the war in a lot of different ways. In my paper I am going to show how Soviet women helped Russia win the war and the ways they went about in doing that and how without the support of women, the USSR would have lost the conflict and became part of Nazi Germany. I am also going to write about how women were seen in the Soviet Union during this time and how the war changed how women were perceived in Russian society and also the challenges they had to face to be seen as equals in the Soviet Union . Also I am going to write about how the efforts of women evolved ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition to being medics, women also served as pilots, snipers, machine gunners, tank crew members and partisans, as well as in auxiliary roles. (O Brien http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1982/jan feb/obrien.html) In this paragraph I am going to write about Soviet women pilots and the role they played during World War 2. The first of these women pilots was Marina Raskova who was referred as the Russian Amelia Earhart and she was the first woman to become a navigator in the Soviet Air Force in 1933. When World War II started Raskova used her personal connections with Joseph Stalin to convince the military to form three combat regiments for women since before women who tried to become pilots usually had their applications rejected and there were attempts to keep them from seeing combat. In addition to the pilots being women the support staff and engineers for these regiments were women. These regiments ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Mobile Communication Technology 01. Introduction to Mobile Communication Today mobile communication has become the backbone of the society. All the mobile system technologies have improved the way of living and it is one of the fastest growing communication medium in the world (Goldsmith, 2004). In 1960 Bell Laboratory was introduced the cellular concept, with the development of the newer concept and the better technology cellular phones getting more popular in worldwide (Mitra, 2009). According to the (GSMA, 2014) report mentioned that, at the end of the 2003 there were more than 1billion individual subscribers, that means under one in six people had subscribed to a mobile service . By the end of the 2013 the number of mobile phone subscribers has doubled, there were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2013 4G connections increased 3% of the global total connections and the year 2020 it will be increase to 2.3 billion connections in globally. The following figure represents the global mobile broadband technology market share in 2013 and the predicted growth of the mobile subscribers in 2018. With the increase of the mobile broadband connection global smart phone growth get increase 22% at the end of the 2013 it is nearly 1.3 billion smart phones. According to the (4G americas, 2014) at the mid year of the 2013 one of the every five people in the worldwide owned a smart phone and one of the every 17 people in the world used a tablet. By the end of the 2017 non smart phones will be get stable by 50.3% smart phones will be increase 27.4% users in world wide, machine to machine ( M2M ) will increase 16.5 and Laptops and Tablets will be increase by small present (2.6% and 2.3) (4G americas, 2014) 03. Development of Mobile Applications With the rapid growth of the mobile Internet and the mass market of the mobile platform like smartphone, tablets and the laptops create the anytime /anywhere computing and help to increase popularity of mobile Internet applications (Raychaudhuri Mandayam, 2012). According to the (Nielsen , 2014) Smart phones owners spend 86% of their time using mobile apps and 14% time using to mobile web searching. Therefor they spend 34 Hrs.17 minutes for web browsing and mobile applications, 5Hrs. 48 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Case Study Joint Tenant Martin Introduction Martin has decided to retire after many years as a deputy and detective. Over the years Martin has acquired a couple of properties that he plans to enjoy during his retirement. Martin, unfortunately, has legal concerns related to each of the properties and has sought out of the advice of an attorney, who happens to be an old friend from his church. Joint tenant with rights of survivorship The first property to be discussed is a Mountain Property purchased by Martin 31 years ago. Martin bought this property with a group of friends as joint tenants with a right of survivorship. In most states, a joint tenant with the right of survivorship states that each owner of the property has equal shares and no one person can have more than the other. It also states that each of the owners holds their portions of the property until a time in which one of the owner s dies. At his point, the property is redistributed equally to the remaining owners. This process proceeds until only one owner is alive, at which time he or she becomes the sole owner, and in this case that would be Martin since he is the sole surviving owner of the property in question. However, when Peter, one of the original joint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though the car was sold with fraudulent intentions by the fired valet, Martin may have a tough time getting his car back. According to the Uniform Commercial Code 2 403(1) Martin would not have the right to the vehicle because a good faith buyer for value purchased it. The defrauding buyer gets possession and legal title, but his legal title is subject to the true owner s equitable remedy of rescission, as long as it is not cut off by a good faith buyer for value (Good Faith Purchase of Goods, 1963, Article 6). The title to this car was cut off by a good faith buyer, which now makes the title able to be transferred as a good title. Martin may have to pay some money to get this car ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Analysis Of Emerson s Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson In the mid nineteenth century, Ralph Waldo Emerson led a movement to spread the idea of Transcendentalism through one of his famous essay, Self Reliance , to advocate how an individual can achieve success and happiness. In order to achieve one s fullest potential, one must resisted and rise above the temptation of materials of the physical world and start using one s intuition. Emerson looks at the contemporary society as a corrupted for a soul to inhabit because of its dependence to the technology, intolerable cultural ideas, and economic issues. One issue that Emerson disapproved of is the society s reliance on technology. In the modern days, young teens and also adults are too attached to their cell phone. According to Emerson, he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another flaw that Emerson sees the in in the society is the economic issues. Most people believe that the best way to satisfy their need is having a lot of money. However, Emerson s view on this matter is different. From his essay, Self Reliance , it stated, nothing can bring u peace but yourself (Emerson, 21). In order to get rich, a person must work very hard to pile up his pocket. However, with the amount of the work, he will not have a chance to enjoy his money. Also , even though he has chance to use his money, he can buy all the stuff he wants, but he will never be satisfied. With the huge load amount of work dedicated to the work, he will lose connection with his family and his friends. As the result, instead of becoming happy, he receive the opposite as his reward for replacing his family with work. One of cultural problem that the society have is there are lot of conformists. Nowaday, young adolescents tend mimic other people, such as their favorite athletes or celebrities because they want to fit in with other people. According to Emerson, he stated, There is a time in every man s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; (2,Emerson). The words suicide and ignorance illustrate his negative connotation to emulating. When a person is trying to to be someone else that is he is not, he is deceiving himself and belittle his own value. Also when he chooses copy another person s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. International Criminal Court BACKGROUND After a coup d état in 1969, Libya lived under Gaddafi s authoritarian government for more than four decades. His regime was characterized by brutal repression against opposition through torture, massacres and public hangings or mutilations. This level of political repression was the government s mean to maintain control over military and general population. Any kind of political association was forbidden, the media was controlled, and the population was closely surveillance for the government in order to avoid coup attempts. The Libyan Intelligence Service, whose chief was Abdullah Al Senussi, was in charge of the security in and outside the country. The violence of Gaddafi s regime transcended Libya frontiers as the monitoring of dissidents around the world ended up in the assassination of target opponents that were living in western countries. There were several attempts against Gaddafi regime, most of them lead by military officers but any of these efforts generated positive changes. On the contrary the officers and citizens that participated on the coups were arrested, tortured, and sentenced to death or long prison terms. Under such conditions citizens were afraid to express their dissent, but by February 2011, Libyan political history took a decisive turn. Political corruption and excessive freedom restrictions motivated protests that spread over the country. The government resort to the use of force against civilians, a reaction that was condemned for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Thomas Aquinas Views On Free Will Free will is defined as the ability to choose and think voluntarily without the constraint or necessity of faith. Thomas Aquinas says that the will is what allows you to chose from one thing or another. The power by which we are moved to obtain that which we desire is the will. Free will is the desire of good. It is not simply the matter of apprehending the good and then just sitting there and looking at it. It is an actual desire of the good. It is a will to have the good; to have that happiness. It is an appetite of power but it is a rational appetite of power. Free will is the freedom to chose. It is aiming to act in what you think is best for you. Free will includes man acting as their own agent and making the choices of whether or not to do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The professor is not trying to reason with the student. The professor is just saying there is a negative consequence so do not do this. Aquinas says people have free will and therefore can chose. In this case the student should choose not to cheat because he or she does not want that punishment. Aquinas also mentions that all of the things including , arguments trying to convince people, giving advice, appealing to their emotions, exhortations, are ways that influence people and do not necessarily appeal to them. It is not necessarily just convincing them of the truth. It is just simply showing them if you do this bad thing then you would get punished or if you do something good then you would get rewarded but this would only make sense if people have free will and therefore can make free choices. People are not forced against ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Business Studies Key Terms: * Analyse: identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications. * Appreciate: make a judgement about the value of. * Assess: make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size. * Define: state meaning and indentify essential qualities. * Describe: provide characteristics and features. * Determine: make a decision or work out an answer after appropriate thought and investigation. * Discuss: identify issues and provide points for and/or against * Distinguish: recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between. * Evaluate: make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of. * Examine: inquire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Geographic: opportunities for business expansion, sales and profit. * Institutional: government, regulatory bodies and others such as trade unions and employer associations. * Legal: can be time consuming and costly, confusing and contradictory. Many laws apply to businesses. * Markets: the number of competitors in a particular market. * Political: derive from both state and federal government policies including taxation and the implementation of paid parental leave. * Social: changes in tastes, fashion and culture. Failure to respond to change can threaten stability and viability * Technological: can increase business productivity and communication. Internal: * Business culture: values, ideas, expectations and beliefs shared by the staff and managers of the business. * Location: prime locations = customer convenience + visibility * Management: ability to adapt to changing consumer needs and market conditions. * Product: types of goods and services produced, how created and monitored. * Resource management: employees, knowledge and data requirements, equipment and funds. Stakeholder: any individual or group who has an interest in or is affected by the activities of a business. * Shareholder * Consumer/customer * Manager * Employee * Other businesses * Society * Government * Innovation * Environment * Economy Business Lifecycle: * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Contemporary Issues Concerning Family Law Assess the effectiveness of current legal and non legal responses in achieving justice for TWO contemporary issues concerning family law. 1.The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) defines a family as the natural and fundamental group of society, while responsible for the care and education of dependant children The effectiveness of current legal responses can be seen as effective to an extent, Evidence of effective legal responses to contemporary issues can be seen with the introduction of Family Law Amendment Act (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Act 2008 (Cth), allowing de facto relationships to receive the same entitlements as married couples. State bodies such as Family and Community Services (FACS) have also been able to resolve ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2007, the commission s report Same Sex recommended amending federal law that discriminate against same sex couples and their children in areas of financial and work related entitlements and benefits.This has allowed same sex This consequently introduced a bill into parliament to alter the definition of marriage and allow same sex couples to marry which majority of australians ruled for. The bill consequently amended the definition of marriage in the act and allowed for the recognition of same sex marriage. Thus, the media has been effective in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. NYAA Cheer Nationals NYAA Cheer Nationals in Las Vegas There I was, In the Colorado Airport with some of my teammates. We were sitting on the chairs waiting to aboard our second flight, that will later then take us to Las Vegas, Nevada, for our NYAA Cheerleading Nationals. The NYAA Cheer Nationals is the biggest competition of our season, and in order to go, you have to place top 3 at Regions and State, and get the bid to go. We were really excited to be there this year. The team went to Myrtle Beach last year for 2016 Nationals, but this was before I was on the team. At the 2016 Nationals, they hit 0, and had no deductions and still did not even place. So when we went into Nationals, we did not even think that we were gonna place top 5. The goal was to place top 3, and the dream was to get first. We had a lot of fun because a lot of us got there like about 3 days before the actual competition. So, we would go to the pool and or just walk around because there was a food court and bowling alley, so we would have fun. We would just run around and eat all day and have team bonding time. We had practice the day before our competition and we hit everything and was doing really good. The next morning we woke up bright and early to get everyone s hair and makeup ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But when they called us up for top 5, we started screaming. Then we went up on the big mat, circled with my team holding hands, and they called 5th place, it wasn t us. So then we thought we were gonna get 4th, and they did not call us.. By then, we were all crying. We for sure we were gonna get 3rd after that, but they did not call us, so then we were all balling. Then they called second and it was us, we were all crying our eyes out. If the stunt would not have dropped we would have gotten first place, but that drives us to work harder. It was an amazing time that I will never forget, and it was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Adversity In Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut Adversity and difficulties are an inherent part of life that everyone has to handle, but is it possible they actually help people reach their highest potential? Difficulties bring out the skills and strengths that otherwise would have never been accessed. Horace could not have been wiser when he said Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant, and he could not have been wiser. There are many people who had an easy life or were born into their success who are remembered for greatness, but the stories of people who had to overcome challenges are always that ones that stay with us much more. Adversity is the only way humans can focus their skills and motivate themselves to become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He dropped out of college, witnessed the bombing of Dresden, was captured by the Nazis, took in his niece after his sister died from cancer and her husband from a train accident. Yet all of this became the product of the bestselling book Slaughterhouse Five. Recognized for Vonnegut s reaction to World War Two and humanity s capability for destruction, he never could have written it without having to witness the war and acknowledged what he had seen. Vonnegut needed to have the push to motivate him to write his book and change the world. From reality to the world of fiction, adversity makes people stronger. Nearly every book or movie today is about someone who has to overcome a great deal to reach their goal. None better than a classic Greek mythology tale of Hercules. Despite being born of the gods and having amazing strength he was raised by mortals and had to face challenges from the god of Hell itself, Hades. But every new monster or challenge he endured seemed to only convince him that he had to make it past the next one. Had the privileges of being a god just been handed to him, he would have never pushed himself and realized his full ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The All Black Character Analysis Since 1905, The All Blacks of New Zealand, have been dominating the game of rugby. They have taken the world by storm and it is hard for people to understand the origin of their success. Success is often measured by numbers and perception. Individual spectators often overlook the actions that are done behind closed doors. Performance is a combination of capabilities and behavior. I believe that capabilities and behavior both stem from good character. Achieving good character will lead to success in some way or fashion. The same way that a team captain of a sport should lead their team can be found in the way a Marine Corps officer should lead their subordinates. The All Black s actions emulate principles that are found in the Marine Corps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important to train marines as a unit, but more importantly as a team. Andrew Mehrtens, a former All Blacks second highest point scorer of all time, said that If you have personal discipline in your life, then you are going to be more disciplined on the field. If you re wanting guys to pull together as a team, you ve got to have that. You don t want a group of individuals. There could be a team with all the talented individuals in the world, but without character, they will be individuals that accomplish nothing as a team. Working together as a team will not guarantee the win every time but in the long run the team will benefit. Collective character is vital to success. Focus on getting the culture right; the results will follow. The lack of personal discipline could potentially handicap any team. Marines need to be lead in the way that values character over talent. The presence of good character will ultimately strengthen the team whether it was a marine unit or a national rugby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Secret Monologue Pg. 3 4 I m Scarlet. As you can tell by my name, I am a pair of red flats with diamonds on the front, and I want nothing more than to get out of this shop! I ve been here for two years. Can you blame me? I am not planning on being covered in dust like the ugly boots over there. Pg. 5 Today, it seemed that I would leave. A brown haired woman and an elderly woman walked into the shop just after Gazino left. Welcome, Your Majesties! the shoemaker said with a bow. How can I be of assistance to you lovely ladies today? Pg. 6 The Queen and her daughter are here? I thought I ve heard little to nothing about the Queen, but I ve heard rumors about the daughter. After her parents bit the dust, the Queen adopted the girl, and yes, she spoiled her rotten. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then I remembered the soldier s compliment. I thought about how to ruin the girl s life, and suddenly, my mind was made up. If that girl doesn t want to dance with me, I ll just go solo! I thought. The soldier told me to never come off, even as I danced. Yeah, I came off, but that doesn t mean I won t stop dancing. I ll never stop dancing as long as I live! Pg. 23 When Sunday came along, Karen came to church wearing the traditional attire down to the black shoes. She came in to pray for her sins. Much to her surprise, I was there, dancing for the churchgoers. Oh, Lord! The shoes are cursed! If Milady hadn t worn them to church in the past couple of weeks, we wouldn t have the devil in our home! B But I m not doing that, Karen shouted among the fainthearted churchgoers. The shoes are cursed! This is going to be so much fun, I thought. Pg. 24 Since then, I danced every Sunday. I even danced on Karen s mother s funeral. Yeah, I know, it was a little too far, but I didn t dance on her grave, at least. (I prayed for committing that sin, afterwards.) She stopped coming after the fifth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay about B2B v. B2C Supply Chains B2B v. B2C Supply Chains Introduction In the age of technology business has come a long way and evolved tremendously. It used to be that brick and mortar was the only way to open and run a business. However, the internet has changed all of that now businesses can use technology to reach customers and other businesses all over the world. This has caused a great surge in the world wide economy. In 2003 Business to Business (B2B) commerce tipped the scales at $1.41 Trillion. This is in comparison to Business to Consumer (B2C) that was $90.1 Billion (Naraine, R.2003). All of these purchases need to get transported and that is where businesses supply chains come in play. Contrary to popular belief the supply chains of B2B and B2C ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these are just the tip of the iceberg. B2C eCommerce now has matured and includes a myriad of online services. These services can/ do include online banking, travel services, online auctions, health information, real estate as well as some less reputable sites (Patton, S., 2001). B2B vs. B2C Supply Chain The B2B and B2C supply chains might appear to be similar however, that assumption can not be further from the truth. The main difference between the two is the amount of channels a product must flow through before reaching the end user. With B2B there are less total channels however they are greater in size when to compared to the greater amount of smaller channels with B2C. (Marketing Profs, 2005) For example: A new car manufacturer is looking for tires to put on their new line of cars. They would deal directly with a tire manufacturer to get their product. The channels would simply be from the car manufacturer tire manufacturer raw supplies dealers. Now let s look at an individual looking to book a flight and hotel in Las Vegas. The chain would be as follows, individual online store airline airline staff hotel hotel staff. The next difference comes with technology and that is integration, B2B needs to be integrated to their business partners software for smooth resupply , billing, etc. This is an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Sanctions And Free Trade Sanctions Trade sanctions are often associated with a retaliatory action in a trade dispute. Earlier, we looked at the case involving the US and the EU. The WTO had authorized the US to impose sanctions against the EU s resulting from its ban on hormone beef imports from the US. The WTO is the body set up to promote free trade, and thus, it is strange to see the WTO supporting trade sanctions. However, in this particular case, the WTO judged the best action to be trade sanctions. Then, along with the negative impacts, sanctions can offer positive impacts on trade if applied with the proper and justifiable intention. David Baldwin, a professor of World Order Studies, argues that an economic sanction and free can be compatible. At first glance, this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The threatened sanctions and consequences outlined by these bills offer protection for companies to conduct business under the hospice of free trade. The WTO does recognize that sanctions have a role to play if states are found to be in violation of the rules of the liberal trading system. Proponents of BDS have argued that they have a right to choose with whom to do business, and therefore are not obligated to do business with any particular company. However, opponents of the movement, especially those who support the anti BDS bills would argue that the BDS movement is more than an expression of this freedom. The voice of the movement has a real effect on trade and therefore is much more than speech. The anti BDS bills, even though politically motivated, are to counter what is considered to be actions contrary to trade. Therefore, any potential economic sanction would be to counter the infringements on the liberal trade system, and thus, has the potential of being endorsed by WTO. Baldwin continues by arguing that one of the most longstanding exceptions to the doctrine of free trade concerns national security. He argues that free trade advocates, Adam Smith, and John Stuart Mill, approved the Navigation Acts, which restricted trade on national security grounds (Baldwin). Richard Cobden, a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Theme Of Acceptance In Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Viewed by children full of life and elderly folks barely holding on, acceptance is witnessed. It is expressed through an individual s actions, words, or silence. Acceptance plays a role when understanding another s religion, values, and opinions. It can be found not only in society, but in literature and media. In The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, she shows us an example of blind acceptance through her main event and desperate character, Tessie Hutchinson. In Texas V. Johnson Majority Opinion, by William J. Brennan, Texas expresses acceptance. Also in What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish, by Etgar Keret, acceptance is interpreted through a lonesome character by the name of Sergei. All three authors focus on the subject of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Supreme Court eventually came to the majority vote in favor of Gregory, considering his act a form of Expression protected by the Constitution (Brennan 15). The state of Texas is forced to accept that Gregory Lee Johnson is protected by the guidelines of our Constitution and they may look down upon the people that decide to burn our nation s flag, but those that perform these acts cannot be jailed or fined. Sergei from the short story, What of This Goldfish, Would You Wish, by Etgar Keret, is forced to acknowledge what his friendship truly is and accept the parts that come into play with this friendship. Sergei is a man that moved from his home in Russia to Israel and then Jaffa. He did not want for people to come banging on his door or ask him how his day was. This was all true for Sergei Until one day some kid with a ring in his ear . . . comes knocking (Keret 5). This child was a determined young man named, Yoni. He knocked on the door asking questions, the way Sergei hated, and was denied answers. Although being told no, the boy slipped into the home of Sergei Goralick and began filming with his camera. Mr. Goralick is startled, but soon goes completely mad and knocks Yoni over the head with a stove burner once he reaches to close to his magic goldfish. Knocking out the boy, Sergei s goldfish friend reminds him he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Artemisia s Self-Portrait As The Allegory Of... One more painting by Artemisia in which depicts not the injustice and her fight for female integrity, but may have reflected on her own personal feelings is her Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting. The first thing one notices when looking at this picture is the darkness in color. The darkness of the room in the painting represents her reflection of her violent past, but ultimately shaping her into the woman she became. She painted herself lighter in color against the darkness of the room, looking up in hope, doing what brings her most joy in life: painting. Artemisia s self portraits is not simply a matter of identifying the artist s features in a work but also of recognizing the artist s deliberate elision between subject and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her most famous work is The Book of the City of Ladies. Written in the vernacular, Christine writes of all the injustices women face in society and how a woman could strike back. The book is as well, a formal and lengthy response of Jean de Meun s Romance of the Rose, by defending women and providing a wide range of strong, famous women in history to defend her argument of a strong, independent woman. In The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine writes that ...others have said and continue to say and write such awful, damning things about women and their ways. I was at a loss...who all seem to speak with one voice and are unanimous in their view that female nature is wholly given up to vice. Criticism and sexism against women has Christine at a loss for words. She expresses that the common belief of women being a vice to the world and man, is absolutely absurd. She begins her book with this passage, and explains her goal for her contemporary woman and women for the future. Our aim is to help you get rid of those misconceptions which have clouded your mind and made you reject what you know and believe in fact to be the truth just because so many other people have come out with the opposite opinion. Christine wishes to make sure that whatever falsehood and deception any one person had ever said to the reader or any brainwashed fabrication into thinking their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay On Colorado In the state of colorado the normal 10 year old is stressed about grades or if their crush likes them, not if their dad is going to jail or not. Just imagine seeing your parents put into a cop car and driven away while you watch. For some odd reason I still feel like it s my fault. I never really knew how much I need and love my parents. Without them I don t know what i d do or where i d be in life. My parents were first arrested March of 2016 about a year and a half ago. I remember when an officer came up to me to ask questions while my grandma drove up the driveway. I felt this deep fear almost an intimidation of saying the wrong thing and getting my parents in more trouble than they already were. That night I stayed at my grandma s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We waited for a couple hours untill finally... the door opens and in walks my mom and my dad i shot up like I was just electricuted with a bolt of excitement. Their overall punishment was 5 year parole for my dad and 2 year parole for my mom. Acouple months before the final trial my mom started working for one of my grandmas friends Jennine. Jennine was getting ready to rent out this house for about $2k a month so we had no intentions of renting it out too expensive but my mom agreed to help her clean it for money. It was about mid Septmber when Jennine said she would knock down the price to about $1,500 but only if my mom came and cleanedher house once a couple of months. When my mom told me at first I was sceptical because I did nt want to leave my friends in arvada but my dad kept telling me I have this specail ability to make new friends wherever I go so, I ended up giving into the idea. Next thing I knew I was in a new house, a new room, and a new bed. For the begining of the year I went to a school called Alameda Jr./Sr. High School by my grandma s house but, the new house was a 4o minute drive so I had to switch schools. My new school was called Mandalay Middle School, I was a mix of scared and excited to have a fresh start. So on September 27th 2016 I had my first day as a wolverine Mandalay s mascot is a wolverine. On just that first day I met some amazing people including a girl named Leah who in fact is still my bestfriend to this day. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Eczema and Dermatitis Essay example Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin. There are different types of dermatitis, including seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Although the disorder can have many causes and occur in many forms, it usually involves swollen, reddened and itchy skin. (www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/dermatitis 000048.htm) Dermatitis is a common condition that usually isn t life threatening or contagious. But, it can make you feel uncomfortable and self conscious. A combination of self care steps and medications can help you treat dermatitis. The different types of dermatitis are classified according to the cause of the condition. Contact is the condition caused by an allergen or an irritating substance. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, the area of the skin on which the symptoms appear tends to be different with every type of dermatitis. The symptoms of contact dermatitis usually appear at the site where the allergen got into contact with the skin. Also, the symptoms of neurodermatitis are limited to a single area, often the neck, wrist, forearm, thigh or ankle. More rarely, the primary symptom of this condition which is itchy skin may appear on the genital area, such as the vulva or scrotum. Symptoms of this type of dermatitis may be very intense and may come and go. Irritant contact dermatitis is usually more painful than itchy. Although the symptoms of atopic dermatitis vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are dry, itchy, red skin. Typical affected skin areas include the folds of the arms, the back of the knees, wrists, face and hands. Less commonly there may be cracks behind the ears, and various other rashes on any part of the body. Itching is the primary symptoms of this condition. Dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms include itching, stinging and a burning sensation. Papules and vesicles are commonly present. The small red bumps experienced in this type of dermatitis are usually about 1 cm in size, red in color and may be found symmetrically grouped or distributed on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Financial Modeling 1. Explain Free cash flow . Comment on its significance in business valuation. 2. Illustrate the VLookup function. Explain its importance. 3. Explain Pivot tables in excel amp; state their value in multi dimensional analysis. 4. Explain Options trading. State their significance in modern day trading. 5. Comment on the business models of private equity funds. 6. Comment on valuation of distressed companies . 7. Illustrate with an example any three capital structure ratios. 8. Illustrate with an example any three profitability ratios. 9. State and explain time value of money . 10. Explain with an example, the if then analysis amp; features in excel enabling it. 11. Explain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The usage of a pivot table is extremely broad and depends on the situation. The first question to ask is, What am I looking for? In the example here, let us ask, How many Units did we sell in each Region fo How a pivot table works Using the example above, software will find all distinct records for Region. In this case, they are: North, South, East, West. Furthermore, it will find all distinct records for Ship Date. Based on the aggregation type, sum, it will summarize the fact and display them in a multidimensional chart. In the example above, the first datum is 66. This number was obtained by finding all records where both Region was East and n finance, private equity is an asset class consisting of equity securities in operating companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange.[1] A private equity investment will generally be made by a private equity firm, a venture capital firm or an angel investor. Each of these categories of investor has its own set of goals, preferences and investment strategies; however, all provide working capital to a target company to nurture expansion, new product development, or restructuring of the company s operations, management, or ownership. Inserting Functions Excel comes with a wide array of functions that can easily be inserted into a spreadsheet. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Once Were Warriors And Tess Of The DUrbervilles Essay How do the Authors of Once Were Warriors and Tess of the D Urbervilles Explore the Subjugation of Women in Patriarchal Societies? The film Once Were Warriors, directed by Lee Tamahori, and the novel, Tess of the D Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy differ in terms of context, however each explores the subjugation of women in a patriarchal society. Tamahori and Hardy both explore the idea that patriarchy traps women in oppressive situations employing the settings of their texts and the characters they devised. Each author concludes that gender subjugation forces women to respond in drastic ways through the characterisation of their protagonists as well as through symbolism. It is Tamahori s cinematography, and Hardy s narrative perspective and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jake for example, is portrayed as an arrogant, violent man, often depicted yelling and resorting to his fists when things do not go his way, Tamahori using cinematography to emphasise his violent nature. When Jake beats Beth for the first time on screen Tamahori frequently employs an upward camera angle to emphasise Jake s power. The upwards torso shots in particular allow the audience to view Jake s body language and facial expression. From these shots, evidence of Jake s violence are captured in his tightened muscles and strained face. Tamahori contrast of power in downward camera angles for Beth highlighting her brutalization. The downward angles allow the audience to witness Beth s fearful facial expressions and the contortions of a damaged body. In this contrast Tamahori is able to further emphasise situations of domestic abuse. Jake s violent portrayal as an abusive man is symbolic of Maori men enforcing patriarchy in post colonial New Zealand communities. Although Hardy s antagonist Alec D Urberville is not physically violent, he is portrayed as an emotionally manipulative privileged male who uses these characteristics to entrap Tess. Alec s courtship of Tess is oppressive in the sense that he believes he is entitled to her, that because he had sex with her once he has the right to call himself her master. Hardy hints at her rape in his narrative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Workplace Is Important For Employees Researchers have found that across cultures, having autonomy in the workplace is important to employees. It has positive benefits for both the employee and the company. Those who have more autonomy at work will tend to be more loyal to their employer, perform better, be more engaged, and be more productive. It s also been shown that businesses that give their employees autonomy will have a lower turnover rate, which also saves you money in the long run. If you have been the type of manager who hasn t been giving your employees autonomy, have no fear. It is never too late to make changes and become the type of leader who does. Begin by letting your employees know that you would like them to become more involved in calling the shots and in making some of the decisions about how to get things done. You can make the change all at once, or you can gradually let go of things and let the transition take place more slowly. Either way, you will notice a big difference in your team when you get to the point where they have autonomy. They will be happier, more satisfied at work, and likely much more productive. People who are satisfied and happy with where they work will go out of their way to go above and beyond for their employer. Be the kind of employer who makes employees want to be loyal and go above and beyond. It is sometimes easier to see how appreciated autonomy will be if you can imagine yourself in their shoes. Like the old saying goes, treat others how you want to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...