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Essay On Change Management
Writing an essay on the topic of change management can be a challenging yet rewarding task.
The complexity lies in the multifaceted nature of the subject, requiring a comprehensive
understanding of organizational dynamics, human behavior, and strategic planning. Change
management involves navigating through the intricate process of introducing and implementing
alterations within an organization, addressing resistance, and fostering a culture that embraces
One of the difficulties in crafting such an essay is the need to strike a balance between
theoretical frameworks and practical applications. Theoretical concepts may seem abstract
without real-world examples, while relying solely on case studies may lack the academic depth
required for a well-rounded essay. Finding the right blend is crucial to provide a comprehensive
Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of business environments adds another layer of
complexity. What worked as an effective change management strategy yesterday may not hold
true tomorrow. Staying abreast of the latest trends and paradigms in the field is essential for
producing an essay that reflects current knowledge and understanding.
Moreover, addressing the human element in change management adds another layer of intricacy.
Individuals within organizations may react differently to change, and understanding the
psychological aspects of resistance is vital. Balancing empathy and assertiveness in managing
human responses to change requires a nuanced approach, making it challenging to cover in a
single essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on change management demands a deep dive into organizational
behavior, strategic planning, and human psychology. It requires navigating the dynamic
landscape of business environments and staying current with evolving trends. Striking a balance
between theory and practical examples, and addressing the human element, adds layers of
complexity to the task.
For those who find themselves overwhelmed or in need of assistance, various resources are
available. Services like HelpWriting.net offer support in crafting essays on a wide range of
topics, providing a helping hand for those seeking guidance or expertise in their academic
Essay On Change Management Essay On Change Management
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Sickle Cell Disease Sickle cell disease (SCD) is calamitous defect of the red blood
cells (RBC s) resulting in an impairment if he circulatory system, damaging tissue,
causing dangerous anemia, deadly infections, and infarctions (Redshaw, Martin,
2013). SCD patients live two to three decades less than their healthy peers, affecting
up to one hundred thousand American s, with the vast majority of African descent,
and a small fraction of Hispanic, Asian Indian, Middle Eastern and Southern
European (Redshaw, Martin, 2013). More than 90% of children diagnosed with SCD
in The United States, will reach adulthood; consequently, the majority of SCD
diagnosis occur during mandatory routine newborn health screenings (Redshaw,
Martin, 2013).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A child with SCD is likely to feel different due to their illness, they feel inferior to
their peers as a result of being different, many feel misunderstood and cheated in
having to deal with the suffering of a SCD crisis and both the recovery and health
maintenance needed by these individuals (McLeod, 2013). Teachers play a
paramount role for children at this time in a child s development, as they are able to
encourage gifts and talents they see in each child, this can change a child s self
esteem, life goals and the very path they may
What Is The Temple Of Artemis
The Temple of Artemis By: Caroline Mickas What is the Story of the Temple of
Artemis ? The Temple of Artemis was one of the ancient worlds 7 wonders. The
Temple of Artemis had a very unfortunate life because it was destroyed at least 3
times, when it was destroyed it was rebuilt bigger and more impressive, and it was
rebuilt and destroyed for 1082 years before they stopped rebuilding it. Location of
the Temple of Artemis The temple would have built in Turkey today, but long ago
it would have been built in the ancient greek city of Ephesus. Every time the temple
was destroyed it was rebuilt in the same place it was originally built in. The First
Temple s Life The first temple was built in about 800 BC.
Identify Basic Feelings Worksheet
Elementary Level
Title: How Do I Feel? Happy, Scared, Mad, SadGrade Level: K
Length: 20 30 Minutes
Goal: Identify basic feelings
Objective: Recognize and draw the four basic feelings of happy, sad, mad, and scared.
Materials: Drawings and/or pictures from magazines showing examples of basic
feelings (happy, sad, mad, scared), Card Stock, Markers or Crayons and Feelings
Worksheet (attached)
Procedures: Tell the students, Today we will be talking about feelings. Each of the
pictures on the table has one of the four feelings being talked about today .
Randomly choose a card, show it to them and ask them, Tell me the feelingthat is on
the picture , then say Now show me how your face would look if you were feeling
this way. Give them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Materials: School issued student planner/agenda, bell schedule, map of the school
building, school rules, attendance policy, school clubs and organizations list, names
of staff (administrators, counselors, campus police, custodians, etc...)
Procedures: You can recruit the help of your counseling department and coordinate
with the English or Social Studies teachers to give you permission to come into their
class rooms during the second week of school starting to educate students about their
school schedule, policies, traditions, expectations, school activities, support services,
and other important aspects of being a new student in a new school.
The session should be used as a community building exercise so that students become
familiar with being in the school and have the opportunity to meet one of the school
counselors and know where to find help.
Cover key issues about what is expected of the students as entering high school
freshmen, discuss school rules and identify key people and places including their
school counselor, school nurse, and principals. Address the importance of making
two copies of their class schedule in case they misplace their original and give them
a copy of important school numbers such as the main office, counseling office,
attendance office, etc. It will also be beneficial to talk about joining one of the many
school clubs and sports available to
The Removal Of A System
It includes the removal of a system that is no longer in use. It also involves the
reconfiguration of other systems that had dependencies with the uninstalled system.
This is where a system is considered obsolete, and any support from the developer
gets terminated. It marks the end of the lifecycle of a system.
System Maintenance
This includes the modification done on a system after it has been deployed to correct
any system fault or make improvements on the system performance. This process
involves a variety of activities such as the deletion of obsolete activities, error
correction, and optimization among others. System maintenance process includes:
System preparation and transition of activities including the creation of a
maintenance plan, training on how to handle problems established during the
development phase and a follow up on product configuration management.
Problem modification and analysis process. This is typically done after the developed
system has become the responsibility of the maintenance group headed by the
maintenance programmer.
The next step includes the consideration of implementing the modification itself.
Once the change has been done, the next process is the acceptance of the change
where the modified work is checked by the individual that submitted the modification
Next, is the migration process which is usually exceptional and does not count as part
of the daily maintenance task. It is initiated where the
Gps Limitations And Limitations Of Gps
. GPS Limitations Although already widely accepted and deployed, GPS has its
inherent drawbacks and limits which make GPS unsuitable in many scenarios.
Those limitations include: Economics: The price and energy cost of GPS
components is usually much higher than its alternatives. Though some GPS systems
are inexpensive, cheap solutions may have significantly reduced quality. And it is
usually very energy consuming. For instance, GPS on smart phones consumes
much large portion of energy than other integrated sensing and communicating
components. Even with the high cost, GPS on consumer devices cannot provide
desired performance. Accuracy: The accuracy of GPS is usually not enough when
small scale of space and fine grained location discrimination are considered,
especially on nonprofessional devices with poor quality. And due to its inherent
large scale, GPS is difficult to maintain and update, while in many scenarios, the
space of interest for localizing is highly dynamic. Speed and reliability: Mobile
phone GPS users usually experience slow updating of their locations. And since
GPS requires LOS paths to satellites and stable signal coverage, GPS is not practical
or available in many cases. Thus, techniques assisting GPS with LPS components
have received many attentions from both industry and academia in recent years. An
approach widely used on mobile phone navigations is cellular networking based
localization. The global deployment and general availability of cellular
The Constitution In Modern America
The Constitution in Modern America On September 17, 1787, 39 Anglo Saxon men
26 to 81 years of age signed the United States Constitution, a secular document
created in rebellion to a theocratic English government. Most signers were well
educated and wealthy. Their birthplaces were either in the land that became one out
of twelve of the original thirteen colonies (with no representative from Rhode Island)
or in areas outside this region that were part of the British Empire, including Ireland,
the British West Indies and Great Britain. Estimates claim that up to about half of
them were slave owners. Targeted for displacement and genocide in the name of what
later became termed manifest destiny, Native Americans did not have citizenship in...
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These statements intended to demonstrate that it may not be such a good idea to
follow the logic or purposes of dead people who obviously agreed with the
prevailing accepted attitudes of society during their time. Therefore, to take a side,
research would lean towards the progressive understandings of a Living Constitution.
Overall, upon review of the outcome of many controversial cases not enumerated in
this paper, this philosophy seems to have a tendency to more efficiently and
positively affect equality, liberty and fairness as a matter of common opinion.
Founder Samuel Adams said, It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an
irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people s minds. History has shown
this to be true. The concept of the Constitution as having animate properties with
dynamic meanings has accomplished what it intended to achieve. That is a big
picture in which there is majority rule with minority rights that fluctuate with time
and with the evolution of America s sense of decency. Yes, the Constitution, with its
system of checks and balances, sets a relatively clear separation of the powers of the
three branches of government. But there are sometimes, perhaps on purpose,
ambiguous meanings of text and intent or conflicts about which right, act or law
should override another. There are nine justices appointed to the Supreme Court for
life during different administrations by proxy in the people elected presidents. These
judges are capable of resolving those issues, and they should utilize the trusted
authority to do so, with more autonomy than suggested by originalists. Congress (and
sometimes judicial rulings) create, uphold, change or strike down laws. This ensures
that government will always be for the people
1 John
1 John was written by John sometime between 90 95 AD as a personal letter to
believers. He is writing concerning the assurance of eternal life as it seems though
perhaps some had some doubts as to whether or not they were really saved because
of sin. They key word throughout the entirety of the book is fellowship. He
discusses some of the hindrances to fellowship, conditions for fellowship, and the
benefits of fellowship. He was really trying to encourage the believers to live a
Christian life that will lead to assurance. His secondary purpose was to refute
Gnosticism and the false teachings related to it that denied some of the aspects of
Christ. 1 John 1:5 2:2 is a discussion of the basis for fellowship to emphasize the
main objective of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This statement to walk in the Light would seem to suggest that it is not something
that we can be as it would probably be written be the light. John recognizes that one
cannot be the light so he is exhorting the readers to walk in the light which is the
sphere in which God resides (Walvoord and Zuck 885). To do this action would be
to no longer merely say but to do. Walking in the Light is what will restore and
keep fellowship with God as Darkness has no place in Him. One effect of walking
in the light that John suggests is that there will fellowship with one another. Rudolf
Schnackenburg offers that this reference is showing that unlike the heretics who
boasted of their personal experience and possession of God, the author is entirely
rooted in the Christian fellowship and knows that they only way to God is
community (78). This community should be preservers of the message of Christ.
The other effect of walking in the light is that the blood of Jesus will cleanse us of our
sins. Many scholars and theologians see this aspect as reminding that even while
one is walking in the Light that does not mean that one is no longer a sinner but
rather when one sins it is Jesus who cleanses them from sin. This is not talking
about salvation but is referring to the sins committed as a believer (78). This is also,
as pointed out by Thomas Jackman, a continuous cleansing by Jesus as a result of our
Examples Of Suffering In King Lear
Wisdom through suffering
Aeschylus words;
Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until,
in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom are as true today as when he
spoke them. Philosopher s have always established that the pursuit of wisdom is a
worthy endeavour albeit extremely difficult. The cost of acquiring wisdom is of a
great magnitude; it can only be acquired through suffering. By the process of
suffering it becomes possible for one to understand their own mistakes as well as
acquire a better understanding of the world around them. The notion that wisdom can
only be acquired through suffering manifests itself through the life of Shakespeare s
character, King Lear, whose passage to wisdom is ... Show more content on
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Immediately after King Lear awakens, he sees his daughter Cordelia next to him
and exclaims Thou art a soul in bliss; but I am bound/Upon a wheel of fire, that
mine own tears/Do scald like molten lead. (4.7.46 48) King Lear feels a great
shame and cannot face Cordelia after becoming aware of how much he has
wronged her. Moreover King Lear s wisdom allowed him to have a realization of
the nature of his daughters as he expresses to Cordelia that for your sisters/Have as
I do remember, done me wrong:/You have some cause, they have not (4.7.73 74).
King Lear now recognizes that Cordelia is the one who truly loves him. King Lear
is also in a state of humility as he accepts his status as simply Cordelia s father by
referring to himself in the first person instead of with the royal we . In his
humility, King Lear also realizes how much he was wronged Cordelia and tells her
that he will kneel down/And ask of thee forgiveness (5.3.10 11). Although King
Lear acquires wisdom, he must now bear the burden of his past actions; he admits
that he is a very foolish fond old man (4.7.60). He now understands that not only did
his arrogance bring suffering to himself, he brought suffering onto others. When
Cordelia dies, King Lear can no longer accept the grave consequences of his past
foolishness and his heart ceases to beat. Unfortunately, King Lear s wisdom arrived
at a time where it was too late for him
Engagement Rings Research Paper
Since prehistoric times we have searched for a way to use unique engagement rings to
identify our chosen mate, and announce our marriage to the world. While
engagement rings hold considerably more sentimental and romantic value in our
society, this certainly has not always been the case. In fact, up until the late 1700 s,
engagement ringswere used not as a romantic gesture, but as a way for a man to
assert his ownership of his wife.
Throughout history engagement rings have been made from many different
materials. From braided grass rings worn by the wives of cavemen, to rings made of
human hair and gemstones worn by 19th century Victorians, each culture and era
throughout history has taken their own approach to this tradition.
It was not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The engagement ring which you choose to present to that women, should be as
unique and beautiful as she is. Unfortunately, with the limited selection of
engagement rings available at most retail outlets, finding a unique ring can be a
difficult task. This however, does not mean it is impossible. You will simply need to
broaden your horizons a bit.
Thanks to the availability of online retailers such as IceBridal.com and
Jamesallen.com, there is a way that you can find the unique engagement rings that
you are looking for. These online retailers are able to offer a much larger selection
than traditional retailers, allowing you to maximize the chances of finding that
perfect ring.
Finding the perfect engagement ring that matches the personality and style of the
woman in your life, can be an amazing feeling. Unfortunately, for many people that
feeling fades quickly after learning how much the ring will cost them. Finding the
perfect ring will not matter if you can not afford to buy it. There is no need to worry
tho, shopping online can help you with this aspect of purchasing unique engagement
rings as
The Soviet Union And The United States During The Cold
During the era of the Cold War, starting in 1947 and definitively ending in 1991, the
United States and the Soviet Union faced off in conflicts with each other through
smaller states.
The United States and Soviet Union faced off to see who could spread their ideology
the most in Europe. The Soviet Union used force and supported coups to spread
communism while the United States installed democratic governments as a way to
counter communism in Eastern Europe. These small conflicts that the two
superpowers engaged in caused high tension between the two. During World War 2,
the U.S developed the world s first nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb which was a
destructive explosive capable of wiping cities. The destruction can be seen from
the result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leaving over hundreds of
thousands dead. It wasn t until years later that the Soviet Union would start
developing nuclear warheads as well. Engaging in small proxy wars was a better
alternative to direct combat between the Soviet Union and United States because it
prevented the risk of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia as well as
preventing World War 3 from happening because of the treaties made by the two
An example of destruction caused by nuclear weapons was in 1945 during World
War 2, when the United States used two atomic bombs on Japan in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, the results of the bombing was destructive, as can be seen in the document
given by the Environmental
Analysis Of Lps Schemes Can Be Categorized From
2.2 LPS Classification Due to their diversity, LPS schemes can be categorized from
different perspectives .The classification could be based on various criteria like
methodology, dependency on equipment s, operating scenarios, targeted users and
outputs. Here we categorize indoor localization systems along three dimensions.
First, we consider the output of a localization system which is usually generalized as
locations or positions, but actually could be divided into different groups. Most
common outputs include: Absolute positions: Positions with coordinate s
information which could be directly mapped to physical space. The absolute
location could either be represented in discrete space as cells or grids or in
continuous space... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the absolute positions of RP are known, the absolute position of user could be
given. Inertial navigation system (INS): A common navigation method widely used
on vehicles like ships and aircrafts which continuously calculate the position and
orientation of objects by dead reckoning (DR) without the need of external RP.
Signaturing: System utilizing user identifications or spatial signatures corresponding
to environmental characteristics or artificial landmarks to localize, which could be
based on various technologies including RFID, motion detections, optoacoustic and
humiture sensors. Fingerprinting: Constructing a fingerprint map which would be
queried explicitly for localization. Often referred as but different from signaturing,
fingerprinting provides finer grained mapping of fingerprints to absolute positions
instead of logical positions. The vast development of mobile computing, wireless
and sensing technologies provides various platforms and tools for localization
systems for general or specific scenarios, and fertilize the diversity of LPS. It is
necessary to examine technologies and platforms that localization systems are based
on. A commonly used platform for LPS includes: Sensors: The most diverse and
abundant group of technologies found
Thou Blind Man s Mark Irony
In the poem, Thou Blind Man s Mark, the speaker, Sir Philip Sidney, conveys his
complex attitude toward desire by using irony, rhyme scheme and metaphors in his
writing style. The speaker first tells how awful having desire is, bashing all of those
who have these wants, calling them ignorant blind fools and defining desire to be
worthless. Eventually the speakerhimself ironically craves desire himself. When the
speaker says, Desiring naught but how to kill desire , he has a realization that this
craving is something that cannot be escaped from. The irony of this line shows the
imperfection of the speakers original idea and how he too is blinded by greed. In the
beginning, the speaker uses a simple and consistent rhyme scheme when he
Aluminum Foil
Kritika fulfilled this student learning objective when Kritika designed and conducted
an experiment in a classroom to make the students understand the insulation
properties of several materials and the heat transfer concept. To perform the
experiment, Kritika divided the class into four groups and circulated a sheet to form a
hypothesis based on the students opinion about the best insulator among the
Styrofoam, the cotton balls, the aluminum foil, or none. The students hypothesized
that aluminum foil will be the best insulator. Afterward, Kritika gave a plastic cup to
each team and three groups received different insulating material to place at the
bottom of the cup while the last group performed it without any insulating material
keeping the plastic cup as a control.
Differences Between America And France And The French...
Bonjour, Prime Minister, cheese, wine and affairs; these single words all come
together to give you a peek into the French way of life. There are many similarities
and differences between America and France and the way that their societies have
shaped the people who live there. From the way we live, to the morals when it
comes to marriage and family. To go into greater detail, I will share with you some of
the traditions, social customs and the roles of the French society.
The French Government is set up similarly to our own. Our forefathers used the
systems of government from the French government to create what we use now in
America. France is ruled by a Republican government; also known as the French
Republic. They have what is equal to a President, but the title used more prominently
is Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of France today is Manuel Valls. In addition,
the Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers at his aid to help organize and structure
the government. The French are exceedingly controlling and rule governed people.
Their uncertainty avoidance is rated at a high level, meaning that they like to have
their rules and a foundation. As said in the article What About France , it articulates
that The French don t like surprises. Structure and planning are required. Before
meetings and negotiations, they like to receive all necessary information. As a
consequence, the French are good in developing complex technologies and systems
in a stable environment, such
Realism In Toni Bambara s Blues Aint No Mockin Bird
Toni Bambara s Blues Aint No Mockin Bird portrays a sense of realism through the
words and actions of the various characters dealing with the conflict of being filmed
without permission. Bambara s ability to communicate characters such as Granny
through her unique dialect, personality, and ethnic background all contribute toward
a well written narrative with a nicely established group of personas. The author
breaks the rules of conventionally written prose by including specific terms and
awkward spelling arrangements in her story in order to delve further into the lives of
her characters. The most important way in which she is able to do this is by using a
distinct set of dialect representative of the southern vernacular.
Bambara uses dialect to further enhance the reader s experience while engaging with
the story. It feels rather realistic because the grammar is in line of which is spoken
by typical African American southerners. While some may call it... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bamara keeps the old art of storytelling alive by having the characters stay true to
their heritage. They fight to get the cameramen off of their property, similar to how
Martin Luther King fought to end racial discretion and segregation during the Civil
Rights Movement or how Rosa Parks took a stand when being forced to sit at the
back of the bus. Theresa M. Girard, a PhD. candidate at Wayne State University,
states Through Granny, Bambara also instructs young blacks in the black storytelling
tradition (Theresa M. Girard, Overview of Blues Aint No Mockin Bird ). It is
apparent that in order to write a story with this magnitude of cultural influences, one
must be well affiliated and knowledgeable on the subject of African American
oppression, and how they fought during the Black Arts Movement. We can clearly
see the thought and effort that was put into Blues Aint No Mockin Bird and the
bigger lesson that Bambara was trying to
The s Present And Past History During The Time Of The...
Give me liberty or give me death. This quote was spoken by Patrick Henry. This
paper will discuss Massachusett s present and past history during the time of the
Revolutionary War; as well as the causes of the war, Sons of Liberty, and important
battles. Boston was where the action began. It began with taxes being raised, acts
being made, such as the Stamp act. They were upset because legislature was taxing
the Americans without a representative for the people(Bomboy). British forces
arriving was another cause. Then, the BostonTea Party and the Boston Massacre
occurred. Key figures and leaders came forward, such as Paul Revere, Samuel Adams
,and John Hancock and they started calling for action(Sword She Seeks Under
Liberty). Meanwhile in Worcester, political control was with the Americans, but the
court was under control of the British. The British were attempting to regain control
by marching on the courthouse where the citizens were gathered. The citizens held
the British forces back but later were afraid that without protecting the courthouse at
night, the British would take control of the courthouse, then take their tools,
livestock, or farms as punishment and this sent people into more disarray. Tensions
were escalating between people, so reasonable patriots called for a meeting of several
counties that were involved in this. Meanwhile, British General Thomas Gage
decided that he would hold the troops in Worcester at the time. He would take the
Courthouse back
Sequency Hereditary Material
INTRODUCTION: Since days bygone, study of living beings required to break
barriers of the single cell and throw light into hereditary material, giving us great
insights into nucleic acid sequences. To face the challenges associated with various
questions thrown at biology, great advent was required to be made in the area of
working out the correct order of how nucleic acids are arranged in an array of
genes to give rise to various phenotypes and often, its deviations. Focus was to be
shifted out of the wet laboratory and into silicon chips .Ever since the Thus, arose the
requirement of sequencing the hereditary material, knowing about the entire genetic
content of the organism or rather, it s genome and its analysis. With the help of
sequencing a great number of laboratories across the globe have conducted
groundbreaking research and this very important technique has been established as
the basis of a plethora of investigations REASON BEHIND CHOOSING GENOME
ASSEMBLY: From research laboratories to personalized genome analysis, genome
sequencing and downstream processing of the sequenced data has become a mandate
for most biological experimentation. The complete genome sequence of Haemophilus
influenzae by TIGR in 1995 turned a lot of heads with the scope of studying actual
relatedness between organisms,their hereditary material,their genotypic data and
biggest of all what advantage we can derive of them.With the advent of geomic era,or
the era of studying not ony
The Presentation Of The Reader In Stephen King s On
In the novel excerpt On Writing by Stephen King many things are addressed in the
short passage including Kings target audience along with his own views of his editor
whom he worked closely with while writing the sports column for the newspaper.
King s audience seems relatively easy to pinpoint giving the context of the passage,
with his target audience being people interested in forwarding their skills in writing.
This is clearly seen from the many sprinkles of strategically placed writing advice
on each page of the reading advice like When you write a story, you re telling
yourself the story . . . when you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that
are not the story (King 495). There s countless advice like this throughout ... Show
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Showing a rather lackluster introduction with the possibility of becoming close
enough to one another to give each other a slight nod in greeting and recognition
should they find themselves walking down the street at the same time. However it
seemed to become more than that with King seeing Gould as an experienced
mentor he eagerly awaited to learn from. Being that King took my fair share of
english lit classes....and my fair share of composition, fiction, and poetry classes
in college, but John Gould taught me more than any of them and in no more than
ten minutes (King 494). King also reveals that he held Goulds opinions and
assistance in high regard saying I wish I still had the piece it deserves to be
framed, editorial corrections and all (King 494). King adding on editorial
corrections and all (corrections done by Gould) with all its crossed out words and
all its undehind grammatical errors further emphasizing his mistakes and putting
them on display for anyone who wishes to see them. This shows his respect for
Gould, because King is not showing it off as a trophy of his errors placed up for his
ridicule but as a trophy of improvement and gratitude at Gould for pushing forward
towards his
Successful Free Throw Shooting
In a game of Basketball the free throw is the most important shot in the game of
Basketball, research has been conducted and nearly twenty percent of all points in
College (NCAA) Division 1 Basketball were mainly scored from free throws
(Kozar, Vaughn, Lord, Whitfield, Dve, 1994). As the game progresses, the shot
becomes more imperative later in the game (Kozar et al., 1994). The free throw
would be considered one of the easiest shots in the game (Okubo Hubbard, 2006),
considering that the player is all alone, with no defensive players surrounding him
and very little considerable amount of distractions (decides the admirers). A skilled
intercollegiate team should be capable of shooting at least 80% or more from the free
throw line, but very few teams are able to achieve that goal for whatever reason.
Successful free throw shooting requires good concentration and most importantly
have good mechanics throughout the whole motion of the shot. Which is why I
decided to do my thesis on the analytical mechanics of the free throw. Throughout this
paper I will be discussing about non linear ordinary differential equations, angular
velocity, the reaction force, velocity, and the contact point extension of the elbow
motion measurements hyperextension on the wrist,....
By understanding the relationship between work, power and energy we can improve
performance of a free throw. All these components of power, work and energy are
present when the athlete is bending
Carol Gilligan s Psychosocial Stages Of Human
Carol Gilligan was born to William E. Friedman and Mabel Friedman on
November 28th, 1936. Gilligan s mother was a teacher and her father was a lawyer.
She grew up in New York City during the Holocaust era (Medea, 2009). For her
undergraduate education, Gilligan attended Swarthmore College, graduating in 1958
with summa cum laude honors and a major in English literature. From there, she
went to Radcliffe College for a master s degree in clinical psychologyin 1961 and
Harvard for a doctorate in social psychology in 1964 (Carol, 2017). After finishing
all of her post secondary education, Carol left the psychology field, married James
Gilligan, and moved to Chicago where she started her family. Gilligan began
teaching, lecturing, and tutoring at the University of Chicago (Ball, 2010).
Eventually, she decided to return to Harvard to further pursue psychology.
After moving back to Harvard in 1967, Carol Gilligan began working and studying
with Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg, two extremely prevalent psychological
theorists (Medea, 2009). Both men are renowned for their respective stages of
human development. Erik Erikson developed the psychosocial stages of human
development. These stages expand upon Sigmund Freud s original psychosexual
stages and involve a person s attempts to build trust in other people and achieve an
identity in society. Inspired by Erikson s psychosocial stages (as well as Jean Piaget s
stages of cognitive development), Lawrence Kohlberg developed the
Essay about Existentialists in the Television Show...
Children across the world enjoy the television show Spongebob for its loveable
characters and humor. The most prominent of these characters is Spongebob
Squarepants, a personified sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, in a
town called Bikini Bottom. He spends the majority of his time working as a chef at
the Krusty Krab, a fast food restaurant run by a greedy crab named Mr. Krabs.
Spongebob s neighbor and co worker, Squidward Tentacles, has a very cynical view
of life, constantly complaining about Spongebob and praising the clarinet and other
arts. Across from Spongebob lives his best friend, Patrick Star, a starfish known for
little intelligence and extensive sleeping. Most episodes, he and Spongebob act on a
new idea which leads... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Epicureans avoid pain as much as possible, for they believe that since pleasure
should rule one s life, pain would ruin the contentment. Since squirrels do not
belong under water, Sandy constantly wears a protective outfit. When her friends
taunt her in the episode Pressure, she takes off her helmet, but she soon realizes
that importance lies with safety, not seeming normal to her friends ( Pressure ).
Mr. Krabs stores his money under his mattress, as shown in the episode The Lost
Mattress, because he does not trust banks to keep his pressure money safe, and he
fears the pain of losing it. While both of the aforementioned characters live as
content Epicureans, other characters on the show have a less desirable reality.
Existentialism also exists in the show in the form of Squidward and Patrick.
Existentialists believe that a God does not exist to create meaning for everyone, so
one must create one s own life meaning. Squidward s purpose lies in playing the
clarinet and other art forms like painting and interpretive dance. Spongebob. Patrick
also discovers his life s meaning in the episode Big Fat Loser. He attempts to find a
purpose by copying Spongebob s every move, but he soon realizes that what best suits
him is sleeping, his favorite activity. Another characteristic of Existentialism is
anxiety, for Existentialists cannot often pursue their interests. In the episode
Squilliam Returns, Squidward expresses his
Inception Film Analysis
The Dark Knight wasn t the only time that Nolan was inspired by art on how to
express his story cinematically. His film Inception features a classic optical illusion
called the Penrose staircase (impossible staircase), which folds back upon itself in
space. The only job that was ever of interest to me other than filmmaking is
architecture . Inception is a heist movie, but heist movies are usually unemotional.
They tend to be glamourous and deliberately superficial. Nolan wanted to deliver a
more emotional narrative, instead of the usual heist story where the hero s journey
and the heist are based around the MacGuffin (the desired object), they were instead
based on emotion. Part of that emotion came from M.C. Escher s Ascending and...
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In Ascending and Descending its whether the monks will ever ascend or if the two
down below will choose to conform. Nolan used those what if questions to
construct his world, and in one the films sequences you can really see Escher s
influence on Nolan, Are you really sure that a floor can t also be a ceiling? (M.C.
Escher). In the scene, the staircase is introduced by Arthur (Joseph Gordon Levitt)
to Ariadne (Ellen Page) to construct a never ending dreamscape within an otherwise
finite world. While impossible to build on our real world, it has not stopped
people from depicting this illusion, I have always been fascinated by the idea that
your mind, when you are asleep, can create a world in a dream and you are
perceiving it as though it really existed . In both scenes the steps forever carry the
traveler(s) upward in a loop. When you re looking at these works, there are four
ways you can interpret them: the most real, mostly real, mostly dream, and full
dream. Most real, Cobbs wife is dead, and he can return to his family in reality. The
monks are climbing a destroyed building and don t realize it. Mostly real, Cobb is
stuck in limbo and does not make it back to his children. The monks are trapped on
a destroyed staircase. Mostly dream, what Cobb thinks is reality is reality, but when
he tries a sedative he gets trapped in a
How Did Monticello Fight In The Bloody Mary
1690, the era of the golden age of piracy, the wave s lapped at the hull of the
galleon of the Bloody Mary. Captain Susan Monticello stood behind the helm
listening to the rustle of the sail s in the Caribbean breeze. Her tan skin glistened
underneath the hot sun, her cinnamon hair was neatly tied back to keep her eye s
clear. So that she wouldn t lead her crew into unknown reef s that lurked in the
uncharted water s. Her flintlock pistol s shone brightly from their daily polishing,
her rapier clicked against her leg as her ship rolled between the wave s. She was
very fond of the weapon earned from the dead body, of the most arrogant English
captain she had the misfortune to meet. It was one of the main reasons she had set
her base within those... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They learned the one and only time that some fool thought to take what wasn t
theirs. For you see Susan knew her women would gut any man faster then they
could blink if they thought to ever touch them without consent. She had personally
executed the one fool who didn t heed her warning. It wasn t only the women she
was protective of she would die for any man that sailed under her command. Yet
she felt something was missing from her life as she stared out on to the blue water
s of the Caribbean. For Susan the life of a captain was a lonely one, sure she could
take any number of men to her bed. However that would only ensue that she was
placing favoritism onto one of her crew. That was something she just couldn t
afford, they needed to act as one when the time came for the call of battle. Not
worrying which one of them was spending his night s in her bunk. Captain, lifeboat
off the starboard bow, her lookout called down from the crow s nest. Lower the
mizzenmasts, secure the jibs, let loose the topsail, Susan barked out her command s
as she turned her ship. Wondering if anyone was alive on board that small boat.
Pondering how anyone could survive in the heat of the summer sun without water to
sustain them. Ready the pole hooks, and the ladder, she bellowed out as the small
lifeboat drew near. Hook on Captain, called
Chevy Volt Research Paper
How cool would it be if you didn t have to use gas to drive your car? The first
generation Chevrolet Volt won Motor Trend s Car of the Year award in
2015.(Reynolds.1.) Some of the cool things about the volt are the smooth riding
the switch from the electric power, to the gas engine power, which is a smooth
transition, believe it or not. The Volt also has a very complex powertrain great gas
mode milage. There is a 53 EV Range in the Volt and can be used whenever you
choose. To help promote this car, creating charging stations would help. I think the
best part of the car is the smooth ride. The Volt is an incredibly smooth riding
vehicle. It takes only 7.6 seconds to get up to 60 MPH (Reynolds.5). The volt has a
120 MPH top speed. (Tingwall.2) Its battery weight telegraphs solid, road quieting
ride motions, and this less stressed engine is both quieter and smart. (Reynolds.5)...
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The car provides you with a smooth ride, so you don t have to worry about those
big bumps in the roads. It is economically safe and healthy, the electric power uses
electricity so you don t pollute the air with unnecessary exhaust gas fumes. The
milage is very nice cause you don t have to worry about running out of gas, or
having to stop for gas, plus you have your electric power to rely on once you run
out of gas. Many cities already do have charging stations and many more cities are
getting them, this is nice so if you go on a road trip, or just to work you can charge
up and be ready to drive many more miles. With the EV the car will keep going if
you run out of electric power, it will switch over to engine power, how cool is that?
The Volt s complex powertrain helps it get better gas milage, because of the way it
is designed. There are so many unique things the Volt has to offer, why wouldn t you
want your next car purchase to be a Volt? If you were a smart person you would buy
the Chevrolet Volt as your next
Biology Quiz
Multiple Choice
1.What does a butterfly start out as?
a.A caterpillar
b.An egg
c.In a chrysalis
d.A worm
2.Why do pupas camouflage?
a.To look pretty on a tree
b.To hide from predators
c.To match the color of the larva
d.To catch insects
3.How many stages are there of a butterfly s lifecycle?
4.What can a caterpillar also be known as?
5.What is a butterfly?
Matching Questions
____1. This is another word for caterpillar.
____2. Once a caterpillar hatches, it will constantly eat these to grow.
____3. Caterpillars and butterflies have these to help them smell.
____4. The purpose of this stage is to find a mate and produce more eggs. ... Show
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Matching Questions:
True/False Questions:
Short Answer:
1.Butterflies are colorful because they act as camouflage, mate, attraction, and
warning signal.
2.Butterflies got its name because they were yellow and looked like butter and can fly.
3.The caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
4.Butterflies are insects because they have three main body parts (head, thorax, and
abdomen). They also have six legs.
5.Butterflies use their antennas to smell.
Essay Questions:
1.Difference frogs are amphibians, butterflies are insects, frogs hatch in water,
butterflies can fly when they are adult stage
Similarities hatch from eggs, go through metamorphosis
2.If a lifecycle of a butterfly occurred in reverse the butterfly would not live.
3.Eggs a butterfly starts out as an egg and is really small and round.
Larva also known as a caterpillar and is born on a leaf.
Pupa chrysalis stage or cocoon stage
Butterfly (Adult) turns into a butterfly and can fly
4.A caterpillar is a butterfly ion the larval stage. Only adult insects have six legs.
5.When the caterpillars hatch, they need milkweed for food. They can t eat other
types of
The Basic Facts of Peppermint
Peppermints can be pain relievers, decorations, ornaments, candies, presents,
toothpastes, soaps, and gum all in one. They are harmless and has a soothing yet
refreshing taste. Although peppermint is a candy, it is not just any kind of candy. All
of them contain some sort of peppermint flavoring because the flavoring gives off an
invigorating scent and also cures a few medical issues. Basic facts about peppermint,
health related details, where it is grown, and its history are important when
identifying why peppermint has the effect that it does.
Peppermints are made from mint plants which contain menthol. Menthol is a white
substance that smells like mint, and provides a cooling sensation (Feigl, 2013, para.
1). It is a common ingredient in many other substances as well. The plant has tiny,
purple flowers and grows extremely well in moist soil that contains a high
percentage of decomposed plant matter (Craker, 2013, para. 2 3). The process in
which the oil that contains the menthol is extracted from the plant s leaves is called
steam distillation. Menthol is used in many common products, like cough medicines,
perfumes, and cigarettes. (Craker, 2013, para. 5). Mentha Piperita, more commonly
known as peppermint, is widely considered the King of all mints because the taste of
the menthol is very strong and refreshing ( Mentha Peperita: The plant and its uses ,
n.d., para. 2) (Feigl, 2013, para. 1).
Most peppermints are healthy because they are reliably fat free and
Essay about The Rise and Fall of the Persian Empire
Iran was included in the territory of what was then the ancient Persian Empire. For
centuries Iran (land of the Aryans) was also referred to as Persia, which was the
official name until 1935. Fourteen years had passed before the Iranian government
allowed the use of both names. Few groups of people today have significant history
like the Iranians, descending from the ancient Persians, who possess one of the
world s richest and oldest cultures. Historically, a variety of other cultures and groups
had once occupied the ancient Iranian plateau as early as 4,000 B.C.E, with little
importance. Beginning by the third millennium, Persia was ruled by some of the
greatest kings of all time, from Cyrus the Great to Darius the III, who turned the...
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The army was highly equipped with thick leather pants, felt boots, mountain
ponies, and ancestry arrows. Cyrus was a great ruler in terms of his ability to
create the Persian Empire, made up of various groups of people with a variety of
different languages, cultures, and religions. The success of Persia to hold a
different form of people together, in a huge empire was largely; due to the
independence given to each province, along with tolerance of other cultures and
races. The diversity of Persian culture was rich with art, architecture, and their
religion, Zoroastrianism, which is still practiced by some of people today.
Zoroastrianism has been known to have a significant influence on early Greek
philosophy and on other religions, such as, Judaism and Christianity. Persia was not
only a military conquering empire, but one that is culturally rich and
technologically advanced. The Persian Empire invented a coinage system, roads,
postal system, and finding and filtering water from rocks with chisels, which
created a breakthrough for underground canals called Kinuectics. They used canals
to have drinking water, to water farms, and to dispose of wastes. Canal building
was one of Persia s best innovations, invented around 525 B.C.E, but after the fall of
the Persian Empire, there was a shift in the climate and the canals were damaged.
Cyrus knew at what great lengths to reach for
Space Rocket History
The rocket and space suit, like many things, did not start with the roles they have
today. The first mention of a rocket was in a story about a Greek named Archytas
who entertained the people of Tarentum by flying a pigeon made of wood with stem
propelling out in 400 B.C.E. The Chinese were the first to use a rocket. During the
first century, their rockets were used as celebrational displays similar to fireworks
but between 1200 and 1300 C.E., the first rocket propulsion system was invented.
The propellant was made with gunpowder, the earliest chemical explosive in
history. (Benson, 2014) The rocket was used for military purposes until the 1880s.
Between 1930 and 1965, scientists and inventors began to improve the rocket for
space travel. Since the moon landing in 1965, development of a better rocket that
can bring humans to places beyond the moon are being developed. (Howell, 2015) In
the other hand, the space suit was rather referred to as pressure suits which provide
oxygenwhen a person was at a high level. Likewise, they were worn and invented by
air plane balloonists and airplane pilots starting in 1884. In the 1950s, pressure suits
evolved and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Carbon dioxide must be removed from the suit before it reaches dangerously high
levels. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are removed through the liquid cooling garment
which is situated near the wrist and feet. First, the return air travels to the
containment control cartilage. There, activated charcoal and lithium hydroxide
eliminates the carbon dioxide and other substances through this equation: 2LiOH(s)
+ CO2(g) в†’ Li2CO3(s) + H2O(g). Moisture and the carbon dioxide and lithium
hydroxide reaction are eliminated through a water separator. The oxygen is fed
through the ventilators back to the suit. (Dismukes, 2002) A diagram of the Primary
Life Support is shown
Similarities Between The Loyalists And The Patriots
The revolutionary war was started on April 19, 1775 and ended on September 3,
1783. This war was a fight between the loyalist and the patriots. The Loyalist were
a group of people who as in their name was loyal to the king. The Patriots were a
group of people who wanted freedom so they moved away and became independent.
Between the Loyalist and the Patriots I would have to say the Patriots were better. I
am a Patriot because they were more independent, they broke away for their freedom
and independence. They helped the colonist that fought for their freedom from the
british. People in America felt they weren t being treated fairly. They were being
taxed without representation in the british government. That is why most people
actually became
The Roman Army Pax Romana Essay
History remembers the legendary Roman legions as the one of the most deadly and
respected fighting forces in the ancient world. Even today, stories of their great
success and invincibility in the face of their enemies echo on. One can only wonder
what the key to their extraordinary success was. How were the Romans able to
conquer such a vast empire that spanned over three continents at its height and
maintain that power for centuries? That key to Rome s military success during the
Pax Romana period (where the Roman Empirerose to its zenith) was the advanced
military innovations that the Romans incorporated into its great army that
encompassed military bureaucracy, battle tactics and military technology.
The old saying, Success comes to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Josephus who accompanied the Roman army as a prisoner of war chronicled his
journey in great detail and his observations of the Roman army during Vespasian s
march to Galilee provided a vivid picture of how everything was planned out. The
order of the march was that the auxiliaries marched first, [followed by] the [...]
Romans who were most completely armed both footmen and horsemen. Next to
[them] followed ten out of every hundred, carrying along with them their arms, and
what was necessary to measure out a camp withal; [...] after these came the
commanders of the cohorts (Josephus 3.116 3.122). From Josephus own eyes, he
admired the how disciplined and organized the army was which showed how much
respect the legions got even from their enemies. Lastly, military ranks played a
crucial part in the bureaucracy of the Roman army. The general of the legions was
the Legatus Legionis which was chosen from men of the senate class by the
Emperor. The Legatus was then followed by 6 tribunes who acted as the second in
command. Finally, the most important rank was the centurion who commanded
squadrons of soldiers and organized the daily activities such as training, maintenance
and discipline of his men. All together, these main military officers passed down the
order of the emperor to the troops in a efficient way very similar to the modern
military of today. This military bureaucracy was very effective in organizing the army
which in turn gave the
North Korean Nuclear Program Essay
The North Korean government continues to financially fund the research and testing
of nuclear and ballistic missiles. Little information is known about the North Korean
nuclear program and has been made available to foreign nations due to the secrecy
and isolation of international affairs. The threat of a nuclear strike from North Korea
has become an increasingly serious matter for many nations including the U.S. and its
Asian allies, Japan and South Korea. Currently, there are only nine nations known by
intelligent analysis that possesses the resources to manufacture nuclear weapons
which do include the U.S. However, North Korea is the only nation in the 21st
century to conduct a nuclear missiletest that has been reported by North Korean...
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Back in Washington, President Clinton s administration concluded that North Korea
was reviving their nuclear missile program and demanded access to the suspected
facilities being built. Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, granted access to
multiple locations to U.S. officials for inspection of facilities in exchange for
financial aid and food (Hathaway Tama 724). North Korea s negotiation for aid from
the U.S. does not come as a surprise for the simple fact that citizens living under the
supreme leadership of Kim Jong un live in absolute poverty. Although the state run
government experiences hardship by trying to provide an adequate supply of food for
citizens; the government spends a huge sum of money to maintain a large military
force. North Korea was not pleased with the accusations that they were constructing
underground nuclear development facilities and demanded the U.S. to compensate a
large sum of financial aid to the state government for defamation. The nation demand
for $300 million or other economic benefits and food aid equivalent to that amount is
claimed very just, because once [North Koreans] open an object, which is very
sensitive in view of their national security... they cannot use it for its original purpose
(Park 538). In addition, North Korea counteracted the U.S. accusations of conducting
nuclear missile testing by accusing the
MXE, a New Designer Drug
COM/156 UOPX Andrew M Cherny MXE {4.}(1.) Methoxetamine (MXE) or 3
MeO 2 Oxo PCE is a chemical of the arylcyclohexylamine class which is now sold
as the new designer drug called MXE, a deadly drug yet legal for people to
purchase. One can only imagine what effect this drug has on humans. This MXE is
a synthetic drug can be snorted or injected into the bloodstream. It has been reported
that people who have tried this new drug have had out of body experiences. MXE is
a legal drug with a high that can be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One can only think how is it possible that MXE is allowed to be produced given its
close sisterhood to ketamine. It is very unfortunate that our citizens are able to
access such a drug and that our country considers this to be legal. MXE is a drug
made legal by the standards of the American government as well as those from around
the world. The food and administration makes this drug as an unscheduled drug in the
United States. This drug is highly toxic and holds extreme danger amongst humans.
People tend to think that because this is a legal drug it is safe to consume. The
problem is that they could be dead wrong. There are many hidden dangers to this
drug. Even our medical world is not yet sure of the lasting effects that can become
of this new designer drug. The lack of traditional testing means that the toxicity
data is very scarce and was never more apparent during our recent trip to the local
emergency room, our son was tested for drugs and none where to be found in his
system. There are many doctors still unaware about this drug, thank god our son
knew what he had taken which we could then relay this information to the hospital,
do to its close relationship to the drug Ketamine the doctors were then able to treat
our son, and it was then we discovered that he suffered a slight heart attack while
taking the drug called MXE. It has been discovered the recreational use of this drug
has hospitalized many people as documented
Summary Of America s Cultures By Ann Coulter
When thinking about all the wrongdoings America has done, people typically tend
to think of the hardships and suffering black people had to face as a result of
slavery and segregation perpetrated by America. Not many people tend to think
about the plights that other minority groups faced, an issue that was pointed out in Ji
Yeon Mary Yuhfill s essay, Let s Tell the Story of All America s Cultures , where she
herself did not know about the struggles of other minority groups. Ann Coulter argues
that black peopleshould be owed civil rights because of their violent past with
America, and that other minority groups are not as deserving because America has
no history with them. While black people have endured a history of violence in
America, they are not the only ones to suffer in American society. Other minority
groups like immigrants have had their equal share of suffering in America and
therefore America should owe them their civil rights as well.
In Ann Coulter s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, even if the immigrants have never been to this country, America has still
affected them in some way or another. In the video America and the Holocaust , it
was explained how America made it extremely difficult for Jewish immigrants to
obtain visas during World War 2, and how feelings of anti semitism and xenophobia
intensified here in the US, thus alienating the Jews here and Jews who were out of
the country. America s failed attempts at saving the Jewish community such as the
Bermuda conference made it even harder for Jews in and out of the country, who
were not prioritized here in America. Despite never being in this country as Coulter
says, America has still hurt these immigrants and put them through hardships and
suffering. These immigrants still therefore deserve their civil rights because they still
have a legacy with
Provinces of the Philippines and Gardenia Bread Products
In early 1997, QAF Limited through Gardenia International (S) Pte Ltd established
Gardenia Bakeries (Philippines), Inc. and started construction of its bakery plant in
the Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP), BiГ±an, Laguna. It is a multi
national company with operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other
countries in Asia. Gardenia Phils. began its operations in 1998 with a state of the art
bread factory rated as one of the most modern large scale bread manufacturing
facilities in the country. Its major equipment come from the best bakery equipment
suppliers from Germany, Holland, UK and USA making its plant the most advanced
baking facility in the country.
Gardenia Philippines has a wide range of bakery products ... Show more content on
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Other notable awards are the Annual National Consumers Award (ANCA) as the
Outstanding Bread Manufacturer by the Consumers Union of the Philippines for
the fourth straight year (2004 2007); the National Consumers Quality (People s
Choice) Awards as the Top Loaf Bread Brand ; the People s Brand Awards as the
Number 1 Loaf Bread and Pandesal Brand Manufacturer ; and the National Shopper
s Choice Awards as Number 1 Innovative Bread Brand .
Truly, these are testaments that Gardenia provides only the best products for the
Filipino consumers.
Gardenia Cebu plant is now fully operational with a daily capacity of 50,000 loaves
serving the needs of the entire province of Cebu and the Northern Mindanao area.
The company rapidly completed the construction of its new plant after receiving
numerous requests and demands of bringing Gardenia products to Cebu and nearby
provinces. Known for making bread production process a notch higher, Gardenia s
Cebu plant features giant horizontal mixers from the United States, an automated
dough divider rounder and intermediate proofer equipment from the Netherlands, a
tunnel oven with a race track bread cooling conveyor from Germany, and an
automated slicer and bread bagger from the United States.
Gardenia utilizes only the finest ingredients from all over the world to ensure
Cebuanos that they can have the
Magna Carta Dbq Essay
The Magna Carta was a document issued by English noblemen who demanded
rights from the king and limited the rights of the king s power (Source A). The
document is important due to the fact that the Magna Carta influenced today s
society. Also, the Magna Carta is important because it gives everyone a fair
opportunity, gives rights to every individual, and rights for a fair trial. First, the
Magna Cartagives everyone a fair opportunity. Which includes the king, government,
and everyone else. For example, first, that we have granted to god, by this present
charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church
shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired ...
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In fact, if the Magna Carta was not created many individuals would not have had a
fair trial. Demonstrating that they would get judged even before getting trialed.
For instance, Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair public hearing by
independent and impartial tribunal (Source D). This quote is demonstrating that
when they are judged, they have the same procedure just like all of the other
people. Demonstrating that they are not biased to any individual and will hear the
individual out. Essentially, showing that everyone cannot be mistreated and would
be equal in every single trial. For instance, Everyone charged with a penal offence
has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a
public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense (Source
D). This connects to the Magna Carta because this document gave a huge amount of
freedom to every individual. This references to the amount of equality the people
receive when they are judged. The Magna Carta is important because it helped
others when they were not able to. To sum up, the Magna Carta aided individuals
and gave the individuals rights for a fair
Britain And Americ Common Foes Of The Soviet Union
From various perspectives, Britain and America were common foes of the Soviet
Union. So it is truth be told simple to reply: Why did the USA USSR organization
together start to separate in 1945? As soon as the regular dangers of Hitler and Japan
were uprooted, it was inescapable that the partners would drop out. Amid the war,
there had been growing strains for quite a while, Stalin declined to join the United
Nations; Stalin was irate that Britain and America continued deferring D Day, trusting
it was a plot to permit Germany to debilitate the Soviet Union; At the Tehran
Conference (1943) Stalin and Churchill conflicted over the amount of control Stalin
would have over the nations of eastern Europe.
In any case, the Enormous Three particularly President Roosevelt realized that they
needed to stay partnered until the end of the war, so they figured out how to fix up
these distinctions. When it was clear that the war was arriving at an end,
nonetheless, more breaks showed up in the collusion until it at long last split
separated by and large and the associates of the war got to be adversaries.
The Soviet Union was a Communist nation, which was governed by a tyrant and put
the needs of the state in front of individual human rights. The USA was an
entrepreneur popular government, which esteemed flexibility and dreaded
Communism. It was not simply that the two belief systems were clashing they were
aggressor and expansionist. They both accepted that the option
How Technology Through Consumer Applications Can
The rapid changes in technology and access to knowledge are transforming how
Healthcare is delivered. This expansion of knowledge and technology at ones
fingertips does not only affect healthcare providers but also has impact on the patient
and their behavior. How can those in healthcare capitalize on these changes to
transform patient behavior to improve their adherence to therapies and apply the
expanded knowledge to achieve greater healthliteracy to ultimately achieve better
health outcomes? In spite of what we know and how technology can enhance our
access to obtaining relevant data on the task at hand we are ultimately still faced with
how engaged the patient is in their prescribed therapies and how well will they adhere
to those therapies. Optimization of outcomes and care for patients is contingent on
finding the sweet spot of balancing technology, knowledge, patient provider
interactions with the capability and willingness of the patient. I believe Consumer
Health Informaticscan lend a hand in elevating the level of patient s knowledge and
engagement in their health. This paper will look at how technology through
consumer applications can increase patient literacy and engagement to better adhere
to therapies prescribed as well as obtain better outcomes.
The American Medical Informatics Association defines consumer health informatics
as a field devoted in part to patient focused informatics, health literacy and consumer
education. The focus is on information
Corvus Scavenger
Ravens (Corvus corax) are known to be scavengers and there have been
observations that they may have developed a foraging strategy that involves grey
wolves (Canis lupis). Henrich et al. (2002) discussed the benefits that the common
raven gain by utilizing kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy in order to reduce
risk and search time, as well as obtaining mammalian prey that they would likely
never be able to hunt without wolves. A kleptoparasitic relationship means that
ravens steal the prey that the wolves have caught. Hayes et al. (2005) discussed how
skillful ravens have become at scavengers and they are highly dependent on wolf
predation particularly during the winter. They also examined how ravens affected the
predation rates of wolves... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They first had a controlled experiment with only food and observed their behavior
for a week and a half. After that, they introduced a small board in the same area and
observed the ravens behavior. At first, the ravens did not go near the board and it
took about a month and a half to grow accustomed to the board. Once the ravens
showed comfort to be near by the board, they began to add food of small and large
sizes around the board and recorded the ravens behavior for two weeks. From there,
they placed the food on the board and recorded the ravens behavior for another two
weeks. There was a significant difference with the choices when the board was
introduced. The board has changed their behavior to primarily choose the smaller
pieces and the ravens that did choose the larger pieces had other ravens stealing their
food instead of going to the board to get
Explain The Key Concepts Of Youth Work And
This essay will define the key concepts of Youth, Community and Society, explaining
what Youth Work and Community Development are, and identifying various social
categories that are important to this work. This essay will define the differing
perspectives of youth and how class and age discrimination impact this. It will
examine the different models of practice and reflect on challenges that may be faced
when going into practice. Thus, showing how practitioners work effectively in this
area and using relevant research to support this.
Age is the easiest way to define youth as being the period between childhood and
adulthood. This is specified, by the United Nations and World Bank, as a person
between the ages of 15 and 24. This can be identified ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Sapin (2009:3) establishes that youth work practice promotes change and
development through a commitment to relationships based on respect for young
people, listening to them and mutual learning . The Federation of Community
Development Learning s definition of community work is similar to this as it
centres active involvement and relationships between individuals and groups to
shape their lives and experiences. This approach emphasises action based on
reflection and on the relationship between practitioner and client. Davies (2005) set
out seven direct commitments for Youth Work, most of which also apply to the
works of Community Development. These are: voluntary participation; tipping the
balance of power in their favour; starting where the client is at and responding to
their expectations; offering new experiences and challenging activities; working on
and from their territory to include their interests, activities and styles and emotional
concerns; respecting and working through their peer networks. The one principle
that cannot be applied to Community Development is responding to young people
as young people and not pre set adult imposed labels which is very significant in
youth work in order to respect and value a young person as an individual and work
with developing their own needs and goals. As shown, the two professions do
interlink in more ways than one especially as young people belong to and form the
community. This is supported by Sapin (2009) who recognises that youth workers
help to shape the lives of young people they work with, which in turn, will shape the
futures of their own
Essay on The Concept of Transformational Leadership
The concept of transformational leadership relies on appropriate leadership
approaches for mission success. AFDD 1 1 describes three leadership
competencies: person, people/team, organization Effective leaders (tactical level)
need to build face to face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence
behavior and values. Effective leaders (operational level) need to build team
dynamics for small groups and squadrons. Effective leaders (strategic level) need to
build strategy and provide direction in a broad spectrum. Leadership at the tactical
level is built on personal interaction. This type of leadership is face to face and
encourages adherence to policy and procedures. This leadership also takes into
account the human element... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Olds believed improve living conditions would help improve moral. He was
willing to use resources to affect the quality of life for his airmen. This willingness
to improve quality of life enhanced his stature as a transformational leader. The
Fighter Pilot leadership focused on team first. Olds was the father figure. His men
knew he cared. His leadership was showing them you can and they will follow you.
Olds led his team by protecting them. He trusted their decision in combat and
provided top cover if leadership ever questioned their decisions. Olds was not a
leader to through a pilot under the bus. In fact, Olds would place the focus on
himself if there were an error in combat. Yet, he would give praise to pilots for
successful missions. In addition, Olds cared for the team when there was a
tragedy in combat. He understood the mission had to continue, but he also
understood the grief of his team. His willingness to care during tragedy remains
one of his strongest transformational traits. Olds was not a cold or stubborn leader.
Olds was a fighter pilot with the ability to lead others. He understood there were
other critical areas necessary for a successful mission. Mission success included
people success. The motto, Lead, follow, or get out of the way is the motto to his
transformational leadership. Leadership at the operational level builds team
dynamics for small groups and squadrons. In World War II, the Air Corps looked to
Curtis LeMay to help guide a
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plasticizers
Fillers enhance performance and/or reduce production costs. Stabilizing additives
include fire retardants to lower the flammability of the material. Many plastics
contain fillers, relatively inert and inexpensive materials that make the product
unexpensive by weight.
Typically fillers are mineral in origin, e.g., chalk. Some fillers are more chemically
active and are called reinforcing agents. Other fillers include zinc oxide, wood flour,
ivory dust, cellulose and starch.
Additives, fillers, and reinforcements are used to change and enhance the physical
and mechanical properties of plastics. In general, reinforcing fibers increase the
mechanical properties of polymer composites while particular fillers of various types
increase ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now talking about pigments, titanium dioxide is one of the most widely used
pigments in plastic industry used to make the plastic more white, bright and strong.
Pigments are a better choice as compared to dyes for use with polyefins as dyes
have a tendency to migrate in polyefins. Furthermore with their opacifying ability
and broader chroma, they are preferred over dyes as a colorant. The nature of
pigment is also a very huge factor. Depending upon the processing temperature
requirements, the choice of organic or inorganic pigments is made. The choice of the
colorant however, depends upon the base resin that is going to be used in
manufacturing the plastic to avoid any color
Positive And Negative Effects Of Study Habits
Study habits itself affects the Academic performance of students taking up BS
Accountancy measured by their General points average (GPA). According to Nonis
Hudson (2010), Study Habits can have either positive or negative effects with
academic performance because of its direct relationship with it. There is a positive
effectof study habits if one s General Percentage Average (GPA) were good or high
on the other hand, if their grades are below average there is a negative impact on it.
Positive or negative effect is based on grades because it represents the academic
performance of each student. Every student wants to aim for a high grades, and in
order to achieve it students should know how to be effective. According to the study
entitled 10 habits of highly effective students , to become an... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The vast majority of successful students nowadays get to the top because they
developed and applied good studying habits. According to Broni and Hogrey (2010)
as cited in the study entitled The Effect of Study Habits on the Academic
Performance of English for Academic Writing stated that having a good study habits
could help every students to improve their academic performance. In addition, many
researchers had conducted a study and concluded that study habits and academic
performance move in the same direction. It only means that when a student performs
well, their academic performance will appreciably be improved. Moreover,
According to Reed (n.d), good and effective study habits that are practiced regularly
by highly effective students includes taking down notes during discussions, and it
was very essential in studying because through the notes taken it is easier to study
and remember facts that are important in the previous lesson. According to the study
entitled Good study Habits , Reading textbooks or material, performing advance
reading prior to class, listening attentively during classes and working with homework
every time should also be
A Picture Of The Water Cycle
In fourth grade I was asked to draw a picture of the water cycle. The assignment
was simple but the concept of coloring the water at that time was difficult. As eight
years old I observed that water was colorless every time I used it to wash my hand
or drink it. However, it appeared to have a blue gray tint to it when I viewed it in
larger body of water such as the ocean. When I would touch the ocean water or
tried to store it for its beautiful color, I would once again be left with its colorless
property. The concept of water color was a paradox for me. No one seemed to
know why blue water from ocean would suddenly appear colorless when seen up
close. During that time I did not have access to a computer and did not know how
to operate one. Every day after school I would spend hours after hours researching
my question. After a long period of researching I finally found that wavelengths of
light pass through each matter differently depending on the material s composition.
Water molecules in the ocean appear blue because it absorbs longer wavelength
such as red and orange more strongly than shorter wavelengths such as blue, the
color we believe to observe. However, if there are impurities in water, the absorbed
light pattern differs, changing the way we observe the color of the water. My passion
for learning science initially sparked at the tender age of eight and it continues to
burn brighter every single day. Throughout my academic career I continuously
Things Fall Apart Fear Of Failure Essay
Think of all the chances you never took, competitions you never entered, and people
you never asked out. There is a common factor between all of them and that is a fear
of failure. This theme of a fear of failure throughout the driving force behind the main
character, Okonkwo s, decisions in the novel Things Fall Apartby Chinua Achebe.
From his earliest days seeing his dad waste his life away to seeing his entire culture
fade away, Okonkwodoes not want to be seen as a failure. From the very first
sentences in the novel we see Okonkwo as this very strong and successful man, he
is the epitome of manliness In the Igbo society. He became who he was by seeing
his father, Unoka, as a failure who held no titles and couldn t feed his family.
Okonkwo was determined to be nothing like him as we can see on page 7 When
Unoka died he had taken no title at all and he was heavily in debt. Any wonder
then that his son Okonkwo was ashamed of hem? This drive to be the manliest man
possible led Okonkwo to do some very brutal things like take five human heads in
war. He even killed his adopted son, Ikemefuna, in fear of looking weak to his
clansmen. After the missionaries showed up... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This is shown through Okonkwo who was determined to look manly to his
clansmen at all times. This led him to do several violent acts throughout his life
like beat his family and kill others. This lifestyle caught up with him when the
missionaries came because in order to survive the culture clash between the two
groups one had to adapt. Okonkwo was an uncompromising individual and once he
realized the fight was lost he took his own life. It is perfectl natural to be afraid of
failure and even though failure may seem to cost you a lot. In the end it is cheap
compared to the knowledge you gain from it. You can use this knowledge to become
very successful and live your life to its
Courage In The Movie The Sandlot
Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016
If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome
beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The
Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the
Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad
has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature.
Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they
moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a
group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t
like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
Optimism Critical Thinking Essay
The relationship of optimism with psychological well being is a well researched
topic. Maintaining an optimistic view on life has been shown to reduce depression.
The literature on optimism also provides information on ways to measure optimism
and distinguishes between the different theoretical constructs used to define optimism
. Throughout this review, these topics, as well as other important issues related to
optimism will be discussed in great detail. It is hoped that by reading this review, the
reader will become appreciative of the powerful benefits of maintaining a positive
outlook on life.Optimism is defined as the belief that upcoming occurrences will have
positive results. Optimism has been connected to numerous facets of mental health in
adults (Lai, 1995; Schweizer, Beck Seyffer, Schneider, 1999). The study of optimism
derives... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Those that will be covered in this overview consist of quality of life, coping styles,
unhappiness, and faith in a fair world. Prior investigation has established that a
perceived quality of life is swayed by an individual s level of optimism. Other
aspects, such as coping styles and social connections have been positively correlated
with a high quality of life. This is a very subjective phrase and has been demarcated
in many ways. One meaning states that quality of life is centered on the personal
assessment of one s possessions and contentment with these possessions (Harju
Bolen, 1998).
Harju and Bolen (1998) investigated the influence of optimism on quality of life of
university undergraduates by evaluating three sets of optimists (low, moderate, and
high) The subjects, 204 pupils carried out the following measures: the Life
Orientation Test Revised (LOT R), the Brief Cope, which assesses numerous coping
methods, and a quality of life assessment created by the scientists that was established
on previous
Informative Essay On Boxing
Boxing in Sports Betting
About boxing
Boxing is one of the top sports you can wager on. Big fights don t happen every
week, so this is the ideal sport for the casual gambler. Everybody loves a big punt on
a massive fight, and given that anything can happen in a boxing ring, it makes the
prospect of betting on boxing all so exciting.
Boxing is not limited to any specific country, nor does it follow any simple league
structure. Both professional and amateur boxing exists, and there are many weight
divisions in each format. Most of the big money is wagering on title fights,
particularly in the heavyweight division. Boxing is also an Olympic Games sport, and
just recently it was agreed that professional boxers (as opposed to the traditional
amateur ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is an Overs/Unders bet which is based on the total number of points scored, or
the amount of rounds the fight will last. Of course, if you are after a big knock out
(and let s face it, we all love a good knock out), then the Knock Out Bet could be for
you. This bet allows you to bet money on a boxer knocking out the other. Players
will only pick up winnings if their chosen boxer does indeed knock out the other. A
points victory is not enough to see you win this bet.
Betting tips and strategies
Learn about boxing styles. Each boxer has their own arsenal of moves, most of
which fit under a specific style of boxing. Sometimes boxers are evenly matched in
this arena, and sometimes they aren t. The same can also be said of height, weight,
and reach (how far they can extend their punches from their body). These can all
play critical roles in determining a fight, so do your homework before you bet.
Injuries and form are also worth looking at. An injured boxer is instantly going to
be at a disadvantage, but the bookies won t tell you if the boxer is injured. You ll
need to read up on that yourself. Moreover, if a boxer has had a bad run of form, it
may play on his mind during the fight. A recent loss may damage a boxer s pride, or
it could spur them on to recover with a resounding win. Keep that in mind when
betting on boxing,
Refugees And Human Rights Law
Refugee law is closely related to international human rights law, and some would
consider it to be a branch of human rights law.
Refugee law has been an important issue for countries everywhere. Refugees can
be seen as a burden to most countries prior to World War II when every state had
their borders open to home thousands. The first part of this paper will look at the
prime legislation available to refugees. The second part will focus more closely on
the relevant case law over time in regards to refugees and human rights.
Refugees are protected by two primary legislation at the international level, the first
being the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967
Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. These two combined provided the
most protection for refuges but was only followed by countries who had signed
both at the time. This is of key importance as this effected how refugees were being
treated when they entered into nation states when fleeing for their safety. Refugees
by definition are victims of human rights violations . Under the 1951 Refugee
Convention a refugee is defined as to any person and owing to a well founded fear
of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality
and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of
that country .
This definition has been critiqued for not
Theme Of Lamb To The Slaughter
The motif of the lamb leg within Lamb to the Slaughter , by Roald Dahl,
contributes to the development of the story by embolizing Mrs. Maloney s facade
of innocence, which in turn strengthen the moral dilemma of either turning herself
in as a criminal risking her child s life or to continue living as a metaphoric lamb
leg with the benefit of allowing her to raise her child without fear. Starting with
why the lamb leg emblemizes Mrs. Maloney s facade of innocence, one must first
look at what a lamb by itself denotes, then narrow down and look at the meaning of
a lamb leg. In regard to denotation, a lamb leg is the young offspring of a sheep. But
what lambs embody within society is innocence. However, moving along, a lamb leg
on the other hand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After the murder of Mr. Maloney is done, she strays even further from the path of
the lamb when she creates an artificial alibi by going through extreme lengths to
protect her child from harm, which can seen within text. Her first step to create
her artificial alibi was going to the grocery after the murder. Before going, she
rehearse[s] [her smiles and dialogue] several times (Roald 3). By rehearsing, she
keeps her appearance as a lovely housewife when conversing with the shopkeeper;
maintaining her appearance and using her innocent semblance as her tool for
manipulation. Afterwards, when the police arrive at the scene of murder due to Mrs.
Maloney s call, she manipulates the officers by setting setting the mood of sorrow
and despair while she sob[s] (Roald 4) over the phone and conversing with the
officers, then she manipulates the officers by using the artificial alibi she created
while shopping for groceries, and further manipulates the officers by clouding their
judgement with whisky. Mrs. Maloney s reason for manipulation can be inferred
when she questions what happens to the unborn child of a murder on the third page,
which further infers that when Mrs. Maloney puts all her effort into deceiving the
officers, it wasn t for her

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  • 8. 1 John 1 John was written by John sometime between 90 95 AD as a personal letter to believers. He is writing concerning the assurance of eternal life as it seems though perhaps some had some doubts as to whether or not they were really saved because of sin. They key word throughout the entirety of the book is fellowship. He discusses some of the hindrances to fellowship, conditions for fellowship, and the benefits of fellowship. He was really trying to encourage the believers to live a Christian life that will lead to assurance. His secondary purpose was to refute Gnosticism and the false teachings related to it that denied some of the aspects of Christ. 1 John 1:5 2:2 is a discussion of the basis for fellowship to emphasize the main objective of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This statement to walk in the Light would seem to suggest that it is not something that we can be as it would probably be written be the light. John recognizes that one cannot be the light so he is exhorting the readers to walk in the light which is the sphere in which God resides (Walvoord and Zuck 885). To do this action would be to no longer merely say but to do. Walking in the Light is what will restore and keep fellowship with God as Darkness has no place in Him. One effect of walking in the light that John suggests is that there will fellowship with one another. Rudolf Schnackenburg offers that this reference is showing that unlike the heretics who boasted of their personal experience and possession of God, the author is entirely rooted in the Christian fellowship and knows that they only way to God is community (78). This community should be preservers of the message of Christ. The other effect of walking in the light is that the blood of Jesus will cleanse us of our sins. Many scholars and theologians see this aspect as reminding that even while one is walking in the Light that does not mean that one is no longer a sinner but rather when one sins it is Jesus who cleanses them from sin. This is not talking about salvation but is referring to the sins committed as a believer (78). This is also, as pointed out by Thomas Jackman, a continuous cleansing by Jesus as a result of our
  • 9. Examples Of Suffering In King Lear Wisdom through suffering Aeschylus words; Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom are as true today as when he spoke them. Philosopher s have always established that the pursuit of wisdom is a worthy endeavour albeit extremely difficult. The cost of acquiring wisdom is of a great magnitude; it can only be acquired through suffering. By the process of suffering it becomes possible for one to understand their own mistakes as well as acquire a better understanding of the world around them. The notion that wisdom can only be acquired through suffering manifests itself through the life of Shakespeare s character, King Lear, whose passage to wisdom is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Immediately after King Lear awakens, he sees his daughter Cordelia next to him and exclaims Thou art a soul in bliss; but I am bound/Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears/Do scald like molten lead. (4.7.46 48) King Lear feels a great shame and cannot face Cordelia after becoming aware of how much he has wronged her. Moreover King Lear s wisdom allowed him to have a realization of the nature of his daughters as he expresses to Cordelia that for your sisters/Have as I do remember, done me wrong:/You have some cause, they have not (4.7.73 74). King Lear now recognizes that Cordelia is the one who truly loves him. King Lear is also in a state of humility as he accepts his status as simply Cordelia s father by referring to himself in the first person instead of with the royal we . In his humility, King Lear also realizes how much he was wronged Cordelia and tells her that he will kneel down/And ask of thee forgiveness (5.3.10 11). Although King Lear acquires wisdom, he must now bear the burden of his past actions; he admits that he is a very foolish fond old man (4.7.60). He now understands that not only did his arrogance bring suffering to himself, he brought suffering onto others. When Cordelia dies, King Lear can no longer accept the grave consequences of his past foolishness and his heart ceases to beat. Unfortunately, King Lear s wisdom arrived at a time where it was too late for him
  • 10. Engagement Rings Research Paper Since prehistoric times we have searched for a way to use unique engagement rings to identify our chosen mate, and announce our marriage to the world. While engagement rings hold considerably more sentimental and romantic value in our society, this certainly has not always been the case. In fact, up until the late 1700 s, engagement ringswere used not as a romantic gesture, but as a way for a man to assert his ownership of his wife. Throughout history engagement rings have been made from many different materials. From braided grass rings worn by the wives of cavemen, to rings made of human hair and gemstones worn by 19th century Victorians, each culture and era throughout history has taken their own approach to this tradition. It was not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The engagement ring which you choose to present to that women, should be as unique and beautiful as she is. Unfortunately, with the limited selection of engagement rings available at most retail outlets, finding a unique ring can be a difficult task. This however, does not mean it is impossible. You will simply need to broaden your horizons a bit. Thanks to the availability of online retailers such as IceBridal.com and Jamesallen.com, there is a way that you can find the unique engagement rings that you are looking for. These online retailers are able to offer a much larger selection than traditional retailers, allowing you to maximize the chances of finding that perfect ring. Finding the perfect engagement ring that matches the personality and style of the woman in your life, can be an amazing feeling. Unfortunately, for many people that feeling fades quickly after learning how much the ring will cost them. Finding the perfect ring will not matter if you can not afford to buy it. There is no need to worry tho, shopping online can help you with this aspect of purchasing unique engagement rings as
  • 11. The Soviet Union And The United States During The Cold War During the era of the Cold War, starting in 1947 and definitively ending in 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off in conflicts with each other through smaller states. The United States and Soviet Union faced off to see who could spread their ideology the most in Europe. The Soviet Union used force and supported coups to spread communism while the United States installed democratic governments as a way to counter communism in Eastern Europe. These small conflicts that the two superpowers engaged in caused high tension between the two. During World War 2, the U.S developed the world s first nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb which was a destructive explosive capable of wiping cities. The destruction can be seen from the result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leaving over hundreds of thousands dead. It wasn t until years later that the Soviet Union would start developing nuclear warheads as well. Engaging in small proxy wars was a better alternative to direct combat between the Soviet Union and United States because it prevented the risk of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia as well as preventing World War 3 from happening because of the treaties made by the two countries. An example of destruction caused by nuclear weapons was in 1945 during World War 2, when the United States used two atomic bombs on Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the results of the bombing was destructive, as can be seen in the document given by the Environmental
  • 12. Analysis Of Lps Schemes Can Be Categorized From Different... 2.2 LPS Classification Due to their diversity, LPS schemes can be categorized from different perspectives .The classification could be based on various criteria like methodology, dependency on equipment s, operating scenarios, targeted users and outputs. Here we categorize indoor localization systems along three dimensions. First, we consider the output of a localization system which is usually generalized as locations or positions, but actually could be divided into different groups. Most common outputs include: Absolute positions: Positions with coordinate s information which could be directly mapped to physical space. The absolute location could either be represented in discrete space as cells or grids or in continuous space... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the absolute positions of RP are known, the absolute position of user could be given. Inertial navigation system (INS): A common navigation method widely used on vehicles like ships and aircrafts which continuously calculate the position and orientation of objects by dead reckoning (DR) without the need of external RP. Signaturing: System utilizing user identifications or spatial signatures corresponding to environmental characteristics or artificial landmarks to localize, which could be based on various technologies including RFID, motion detections, optoacoustic and humiture sensors. Fingerprinting: Constructing a fingerprint map which would be queried explicitly for localization. Often referred as but different from signaturing, fingerprinting provides finer grained mapping of fingerprints to absolute positions instead of logical positions. The vast development of mobile computing, wireless and sensing technologies provides various platforms and tools for localization systems for general or specific scenarios, and fertilize the diversity of LPS. It is necessary to examine technologies and platforms that localization systems are based on. A commonly used platform for LPS includes: Sensors: The most diverse and abundant group of technologies found
  • 13. Thou Blind Man s Mark Irony In the poem, Thou Blind Man s Mark, the speaker, Sir Philip Sidney, conveys his complex attitude toward desire by using irony, rhyme scheme and metaphors in his writing style. The speaker first tells how awful having desire is, bashing all of those who have these wants, calling them ignorant blind fools and defining desire to be worthless. Eventually the speakerhimself ironically craves desire himself. When the speaker says, Desiring naught but how to kill desire , he has a realization that this craving is something that cannot be escaped from. The irony of this line shows the imperfection of the speakers original idea and how he too is blinded by greed. In the beginning, the speaker uses a simple and consistent rhyme scheme when he
  • 14. Aluminum Foil Kritika fulfilled this student learning objective when Kritika designed and conducted an experiment in a classroom to make the students understand the insulation properties of several materials and the heat transfer concept. To perform the experiment, Kritika divided the class into four groups and circulated a sheet to form a hypothesis based on the students opinion about the best insulator among the Styrofoam, the cotton balls, the aluminum foil, or none. The students hypothesized that aluminum foil will be the best insulator. Afterward, Kritika gave a plastic cup to each team and three groups received different insulating material to place at the bottom of the cup while the last group performed it without any insulating material keeping the plastic cup as a control.
  • 15. Differences Between America And France And The French... Bonjour, Prime Minister, cheese, wine and affairs; these single words all come together to give you a peek into the French way of life. There are many similarities and differences between America and France and the way that their societies have shaped the people who live there. From the way we live, to the morals when it comes to marriage and family. To go into greater detail, I will share with you some of the traditions, social customs and the roles of the French society. The French Government is set up similarly to our own. Our forefathers used the systems of government from the French government to create what we use now in America. France is ruled by a Republican government; also known as the French Republic. They have what is equal to a President, but the title used more prominently is Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of France today is Manuel Valls. In addition, the Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers at his aid to help organize and structure the government. The French are exceedingly controlling and rule governed people. Their uncertainty avoidance is rated at a high level, meaning that they like to have their rules and a foundation. As said in the article What About France , it articulates that The French don t like surprises. Structure and planning are required. Before meetings and negotiations, they like to receive all necessary information. As a consequence, the French are good in developing complex technologies and systems in a stable environment, such
  • 16. Realism In Toni Bambara s Blues Aint No Mockin Bird Toni Bambara s Blues Aint No Mockin Bird portrays a sense of realism through the words and actions of the various characters dealing with the conflict of being filmed without permission. Bambara s ability to communicate characters such as Granny through her unique dialect, personality, and ethnic background all contribute toward a well written narrative with a nicely established group of personas. The author breaks the rules of conventionally written prose by including specific terms and awkward spelling arrangements in her story in order to delve further into the lives of her characters. The most important way in which she is able to do this is by using a distinct set of dialect representative of the southern vernacular. Bambara uses dialect to further enhance the reader s experience while engaging with the story. It feels rather realistic because the grammar is in line of which is spoken by typical African American southerners. While some may call it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bamara keeps the old art of storytelling alive by having the characters stay true to their heritage. They fight to get the cameramen off of their property, similar to how Martin Luther King fought to end racial discretion and segregation during the Civil Rights Movement or how Rosa Parks took a stand when being forced to sit at the back of the bus. Theresa M. Girard, a PhD. candidate at Wayne State University, states Through Granny, Bambara also instructs young blacks in the black storytelling tradition (Theresa M. Girard, Overview of Blues Aint No Mockin Bird ). It is apparent that in order to write a story with this magnitude of cultural influences, one must be well affiliated and knowledgeable on the subject of African American oppression, and how they fought during the Black Arts Movement. We can clearly see the thought and effort that was put into Blues Aint No Mockin Bird and the bigger lesson that Bambara was trying to
  • 17. The s Present And Past History During The Time Of The... Give me liberty or give me death. This quote was spoken by Patrick Henry. This paper will discuss Massachusett s present and past history during the time of the Revolutionary War; as well as the causes of the war, Sons of Liberty, and important battles. Boston was where the action began. It began with taxes being raised, acts being made, such as the Stamp act. They were upset because legislature was taxing the Americans without a representative for the people(Bomboy). British forces arriving was another cause. Then, the BostonTea Party and the Boston Massacre occurred. Key figures and leaders came forward, such as Paul Revere, Samuel Adams ,and John Hancock and they started calling for action(Sword She Seeks Under Liberty). Meanwhile in Worcester, political control was with the Americans, but the court was under control of the British. The British were attempting to regain control by marching on the courthouse where the citizens were gathered. The citizens held the British forces back but later were afraid that without protecting the courthouse at night, the British would take control of the courthouse, then take their tools, livestock, or farms as punishment and this sent people into more disarray. Tensions were escalating between people, so reasonable patriots called for a meeting of several counties that were involved in this. Meanwhile, British General Thomas Gage decided that he would hold the troops in Worcester at the time. He would take the Courthouse back
  • 18. Sequency Hereditary Material INTRODUCTION: Since days bygone, study of living beings required to break barriers of the single cell and throw light into hereditary material, giving us great insights into nucleic acid sequences. To face the challenges associated with various questions thrown at biology, great advent was required to be made in the area of working out the correct order of how nucleic acids are arranged in an array of genes to give rise to various phenotypes and often, its deviations. Focus was to be shifted out of the wet laboratory and into silicon chips .Ever since the Thus, arose the requirement of sequencing the hereditary material, knowing about the entire genetic content of the organism or rather, it s genome and its analysis. With the help of sequencing a great number of laboratories across the globe have conducted groundbreaking research and this very important technique has been established as the basis of a plethora of investigations REASON BEHIND CHOOSING GENOME ASSEMBLY: From research laboratories to personalized genome analysis, genome sequencing and downstream processing of the sequenced data has become a mandate for most biological experimentation. The complete genome sequence of Haemophilus influenzae by TIGR in 1995 turned a lot of heads with the scope of studying actual relatedness between organisms,their hereditary material,their genotypic data and biggest of all what advantage we can derive of them.With the advent of geomic era,or the era of studying not ony
  • 19. The Presentation Of The Reader In Stephen King s On Writing In the novel excerpt On Writing by Stephen King many things are addressed in the short passage including Kings target audience along with his own views of his editor whom he worked closely with while writing the sports column for the newspaper. King s audience seems relatively easy to pinpoint giving the context of the passage, with his target audience being people interested in forwarding their skills in writing. This is clearly seen from the many sprinkles of strategically placed writing advice on each page of the reading advice like When you write a story, you re telling yourself the story . . . when you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not the story (King 495). There s countless advice like this throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Showing a rather lackluster introduction with the possibility of becoming close enough to one another to give each other a slight nod in greeting and recognition should they find themselves walking down the street at the same time. However it seemed to become more than that with King seeing Gould as an experienced mentor he eagerly awaited to learn from. Being that King took my fair share of english lit classes....and my fair share of composition, fiction, and poetry classes in college, but John Gould taught me more than any of them and in no more than ten minutes (King 494). King also reveals that he held Goulds opinions and assistance in high regard saying I wish I still had the piece it deserves to be framed, editorial corrections and all (King 494). King adding on editorial corrections and all (corrections done by Gould) with all its crossed out words and all its undehind grammatical errors further emphasizing his mistakes and putting them on display for anyone who wishes to see them. This shows his respect for Gould, because King is not showing it off as a trophy of his errors placed up for his ridicule but as a trophy of improvement and gratitude at Gould for pushing forward towards his
  • 20. Successful Free Throw Shooting Introduction: In a game of Basketball the free throw is the most important shot in the game of Basketball, research has been conducted and nearly twenty percent of all points in College (NCAA) Division 1 Basketball were mainly scored from free throws (Kozar, Vaughn, Lord, Whitfield, Dve, 1994). As the game progresses, the shot becomes more imperative later in the game (Kozar et al., 1994). The free throw would be considered one of the easiest shots in the game (Okubo Hubbard, 2006), considering that the player is all alone, with no defensive players surrounding him and very little considerable amount of distractions (decides the admirers). A skilled intercollegiate team should be capable of shooting at least 80% or more from the free throw line, but very few teams are able to achieve that goal for whatever reason. Successful free throw shooting requires good concentration and most importantly have good mechanics throughout the whole motion of the shot. Which is why I decided to do my thesis on the analytical mechanics of the free throw. Throughout this paper I will be discussing about non linear ordinary differential equations, angular velocity, the reaction force, velocity, and the contact point extension of the elbow motion measurements hyperextension on the wrist,.... By understanding the relationship between work, power and energy we can improve performance of a free throw. All these components of power, work and energy are present when the athlete is bending
  • 21. Carol Gilligan s Psychosocial Stages Of Human Development Carol Gilligan was born to William E. Friedman and Mabel Friedman on November 28th, 1936. Gilligan s mother was a teacher and her father was a lawyer. She grew up in New York City during the Holocaust era (Medea, 2009). For her undergraduate education, Gilligan attended Swarthmore College, graduating in 1958 with summa cum laude honors and a major in English literature. From there, she went to Radcliffe College for a master s degree in clinical psychologyin 1961 and Harvard for a doctorate in social psychology in 1964 (Carol, 2017). After finishing all of her post secondary education, Carol left the psychology field, married James Gilligan, and moved to Chicago where she started her family. Gilligan began teaching, lecturing, and tutoring at the University of Chicago (Ball, 2010). Eventually, she decided to return to Harvard to further pursue psychology. After moving back to Harvard in 1967, Carol Gilligan began working and studying with Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg, two extremely prevalent psychological theorists (Medea, 2009). Both men are renowned for their respective stages of human development. Erik Erikson developed the psychosocial stages of human development. These stages expand upon Sigmund Freud s original psychosexual stages and involve a person s attempts to build trust in other people and achieve an identity in society. Inspired by Erikson s psychosocial stages (as well as Jean Piaget s stages of cognitive development), Lawrence Kohlberg developed the
  • 22. Essay about Existentialists in the Television Show... Children across the world enjoy the television show Spongebob for its loveable characters and humor. The most prominent of these characters is Spongebob Squarepants, a personified sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, in a town called Bikini Bottom. He spends the majority of his time working as a chef at the Krusty Krab, a fast food restaurant run by a greedy crab named Mr. Krabs. Spongebob s neighbor and co worker, Squidward Tentacles, has a very cynical view of life, constantly complaining about Spongebob and praising the clarinet and other arts. Across from Spongebob lives his best friend, Patrick Star, a starfish known for little intelligence and extensive sleeping. Most episodes, he and Spongebob act on a new idea which leads... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Epicureans avoid pain as much as possible, for they believe that since pleasure should rule one s life, pain would ruin the contentment. Since squirrels do not belong under water, Sandy constantly wears a protective outfit. When her friends taunt her in the episode Pressure, she takes off her helmet, but she soon realizes that importance lies with safety, not seeming normal to her friends ( Pressure ). Mr. Krabs stores his money under his mattress, as shown in the episode The Lost Mattress, because he does not trust banks to keep his pressure money safe, and he fears the pain of losing it. While both of the aforementioned characters live as content Epicureans, other characters on the show have a less desirable reality. Existentialism also exists in the show in the form of Squidward and Patrick. Existentialists believe that a God does not exist to create meaning for everyone, so one must create one s own life meaning. Squidward s purpose lies in playing the clarinet and other art forms like painting and interpretive dance. Spongebob. Patrick also discovers his life s meaning in the episode Big Fat Loser. He attempts to find a purpose by copying Spongebob s every move, but he soon realizes that what best suits him is sleeping, his favorite activity. Another characteristic of Existentialism is anxiety, for Existentialists cannot often pursue their interests. In the episode Squilliam Returns, Squidward expresses his
  • 23. Inception Film Analysis The Dark Knight wasn t the only time that Nolan was inspired by art on how to express his story cinematically. His film Inception features a classic optical illusion called the Penrose staircase (impossible staircase), which folds back upon itself in space. The only job that was ever of interest to me other than filmmaking is architecture . Inception is a heist movie, but heist movies are usually unemotional. They tend to be glamourous and deliberately superficial. Nolan wanted to deliver a more emotional narrative, instead of the usual heist story where the hero s journey and the heist are based around the MacGuffin (the desired object), they were instead based on emotion. Part of that emotion came from M.C. Escher s Ascending and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Ascending and Descending its whether the monks will ever ascend or if the two down below will choose to conform. Nolan used those what if questions to construct his world, and in one the films sequences you can really see Escher s influence on Nolan, Are you really sure that a floor can t also be a ceiling? (M.C. Escher). In the scene, the staircase is introduced by Arthur (Joseph Gordon Levitt) to Ariadne (Ellen Page) to construct a never ending dreamscape within an otherwise finite world. While impossible to build on our real world, it has not stopped people from depicting this illusion, I have always been fascinated by the idea that your mind, when you are asleep, can create a world in a dream and you are perceiving it as though it really existed . In both scenes the steps forever carry the traveler(s) upward in a loop. When you re looking at these works, there are four ways you can interpret them: the most real, mostly real, mostly dream, and full dream. Most real, Cobbs wife is dead, and he can return to his family in reality. The monks are climbing a destroyed building and don t realize it. Mostly real, Cobb is stuck in limbo and does not make it back to his children. The monks are trapped on a destroyed staircase. Mostly dream, what Cobb thinks is reality is reality, but when he tries a sedative he gets trapped in a
  • 24. How Did Monticello Fight In The Bloody Mary 1690, the era of the golden age of piracy, the wave s lapped at the hull of the galleon of the Bloody Mary. Captain Susan Monticello stood behind the helm listening to the rustle of the sail s in the Caribbean breeze. Her tan skin glistened underneath the hot sun, her cinnamon hair was neatly tied back to keep her eye s clear. So that she wouldn t lead her crew into unknown reef s that lurked in the uncharted water s. Her flintlock pistol s shone brightly from their daily polishing, her rapier clicked against her leg as her ship rolled between the wave s. She was very fond of the weapon earned from the dead body, of the most arrogant English captain she had the misfortune to meet. It was one of the main reasons she had set her base within those... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They learned the one and only time that some fool thought to take what wasn t theirs. For you see Susan knew her women would gut any man faster then they could blink if they thought to ever touch them without consent. She had personally executed the one fool who didn t heed her warning. It wasn t only the women she was protective of she would die for any man that sailed under her command. Yet she felt something was missing from her life as she stared out on to the blue water s of the Caribbean. For Susan the life of a captain was a lonely one, sure she could take any number of men to her bed. However that would only ensue that she was placing favoritism onto one of her crew. That was something she just couldn t afford, they needed to act as one when the time came for the call of battle. Not worrying which one of them was spending his night s in her bunk. Captain, lifeboat off the starboard bow, her lookout called down from the crow s nest. Lower the mizzenmasts, secure the jibs, let loose the topsail, Susan barked out her command s as she turned her ship. Wondering if anyone was alive on board that small boat. Pondering how anyone could survive in the heat of the summer sun without water to sustain them. Ready the pole hooks, and the ladder, she bellowed out as the small lifeboat drew near. Hook on Captain, called
  • 25. Chevy Volt Research Paper How cool would it be if you didn t have to use gas to drive your car? The first generation Chevrolet Volt won Motor Trend s Car of the Year award in 2015.(Reynolds.1.) Some of the cool things about the volt are the smooth riding the switch from the electric power, to the gas engine power, which is a smooth transition, believe it or not. The Volt also has a very complex powertrain great gas mode milage. There is a 53 EV Range in the Volt and can be used whenever you choose. To help promote this car, creating charging stations would help. I think the best part of the car is the smooth ride. The Volt is an incredibly smooth riding vehicle. It takes only 7.6 seconds to get up to 60 MPH (Reynolds.5). The volt has a 120 MPH top speed. (Tingwall.2) Its battery weight telegraphs solid, road quieting ride motions, and this less stressed engine is both quieter and smart. (Reynolds.5)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The car provides you with a smooth ride, so you don t have to worry about those big bumps in the roads. It is economically safe and healthy, the electric power uses electricity so you don t pollute the air with unnecessary exhaust gas fumes. The milage is very nice cause you don t have to worry about running out of gas, or having to stop for gas, plus you have your electric power to rely on once you run out of gas. Many cities already do have charging stations and many more cities are getting them, this is nice so if you go on a road trip, or just to work you can charge up and be ready to drive many more miles. With the EV the car will keep going if you run out of electric power, it will switch over to engine power, how cool is that? The Volt s complex powertrain helps it get better gas milage, because of the way it is designed. There are so many unique things the Volt has to offer, why wouldn t you want your next car purchase to be a Volt? If you were a smart person you would buy the Chevrolet Volt as your next
  • 26. Biology Quiz Multiple Choice 1.What does a butterfly start out as? a.A caterpillar b.An egg c.In a chrysalis d.A worm 2.Why do pupas camouflage? a.To look pretty on a tree b.To hide from predators c.To match the color of the larva d.To catch insects 3.How many stages are there of a butterfly s lifecycle? a.7 b.3 c.5 d.4 4.What can a caterpillar also be known as? a.Insect b.Larva c.Hatchling d.Baby 5.What is a butterfly? a.Reptile b.Animal c.Insect d.Mammal Matching Questions ____1. This is another word for caterpillar. ____2. Once a caterpillar hatches, it will constantly eat these to grow. ____3. Caterpillars and butterflies have these to help them smell. ____4. The purpose of this stage is to find a mate and produce more eggs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C Matching Questions: 1.C 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.A True/False Questions:
  • 27. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B Short Answer: 1.Butterflies are colorful because they act as camouflage, mate, attraction, and warning signal. 2.Butterflies got its name because they were yellow and looked like butter and can fly. 3.The caterpillar turns into a butterfly. 4.Butterflies are insects because they have three main body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen). They also have six legs. 5.Butterflies use their antennas to smell. Essay Questions: 1.Difference frogs are amphibians, butterflies are insects, frogs hatch in water, butterflies can fly when they are adult stage Similarities hatch from eggs, go through metamorphosis 2.If a lifecycle of a butterfly occurred in reverse the butterfly would not live. 3.Eggs a butterfly starts out as an egg and is really small and round. Larva also known as a caterpillar and is born on a leaf. Pupa chrysalis stage or cocoon stage Butterfly (Adult) turns into a butterfly and can fly 4.A caterpillar is a butterfly ion the larval stage. Only adult insects have six legs. 5.When the caterpillars hatch, they need milkweed for food. They can t eat other types of
  • 28. The Basic Facts of Peppermint Peppermints can be pain relievers, decorations, ornaments, candies, presents, toothpastes, soaps, and gum all in one. They are harmless and has a soothing yet refreshing taste. Although peppermint is a candy, it is not just any kind of candy. All of them contain some sort of peppermint flavoring because the flavoring gives off an invigorating scent and also cures a few medical issues. Basic facts about peppermint, health related details, where it is grown, and its history are important when identifying why peppermint has the effect that it does. Peppermints are made from mint plants which contain menthol. Menthol is a white substance that smells like mint, and provides a cooling sensation (Feigl, 2013, para. 1). It is a common ingredient in many other substances as well. The plant has tiny, purple flowers and grows extremely well in moist soil that contains a high percentage of decomposed plant matter (Craker, 2013, para. 2 3). The process in which the oil that contains the menthol is extracted from the plant s leaves is called steam distillation. Menthol is used in many common products, like cough medicines, perfumes, and cigarettes. (Craker, 2013, para. 5). Mentha Piperita, more commonly known as peppermint, is widely considered the King of all mints because the taste of the menthol is very strong and refreshing ( Mentha Peperita: The plant and its uses , n.d., para. 2) (Feigl, 2013, para. 1). Most peppermints are healthy because they are reliably fat free and
  • 29. Essay about The Rise and Fall of the Persian Empire Iran was included in the territory of what was then the ancient Persian Empire. For centuries Iran (land of the Aryans) was also referred to as Persia, which was the official name until 1935. Fourteen years had passed before the Iranian government allowed the use of both names. Few groups of people today have significant history like the Iranians, descending from the ancient Persians, who possess one of the world s richest and oldest cultures. Historically, a variety of other cultures and groups had once occupied the ancient Iranian plateau as early as 4,000 B.C.E, with little importance. Beginning by the third millennium, Persia was ruled by some of the greatest kings of all time, from Cyrus the Great to Darius the III, who turned the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The army was highly equipped with thick leather pants, felt boots, mountain ponies, and ancestry arrows. Cyrus was a great ruler in terms of his ability to create the Persian Empire, made up of various groups of people with a variety of different languages, cultures, and religions. The success of Persia to hold a different form of people together, in a huge empire was largely; due to the independence given to each province, along with tolerance of other cultures and races. The diversity of Persian culture was rich with art, architecture, and their religion, Zoroastrianism, which is still practiced by some of people today. Zoroastrianism has been known to have a significant influence on early Greek philosophy and on other religions, such as, Judaism and Christianity. Persia was not only a military conquering empire, but one that is culturally rich and technologically advanced. The Persian Empire invented a coinage system, roads, postal system, and finding and filtering water from rocks with chisels, which created a breakthrough for underground canals called Kinuectics. They used canals to have drinking water, to water farms, and to dispose of wastes. Canal building was one of Persia s best innovations, invented around 525 B.C.E, but after the fall of the Persian Empire, there was a shift in the climate and the canals were damaged. Cyrus knew at what great lengths to reach for
  • 30. Space Rocket History The rocket and space suit, like many things, did not start with the roles they have today. The first mention of a rocket was in a story about a Greek named Archytas who entertained the people of Tarentum by flying a pigeon made of wood with stem propelling out in 400 B.C.E. The Chinese were the first to use a rocket. During the first century, their rockets were used as celebrational displays similar to fireworks but between 1200 and 1300 C.E., the first rocket propulsion system was invented. The propellant was made with gunpowder, the earliest chemical explosive in history. (Benson, 2014) The rocket was used for military purposes until the 1880s. Between 1930 and 1965, scientists and inventors began to improve the rocket for space travel. Since the moon landing in 1965, development of a better rocket that can bring humans to places beyond the moon are being developed. (Howell, 2015) In the other hand, the space suit was rather referred to as pressure suits which provide oxygenwhen a person was at a high level. Likewise, they were worn and invented by air plane balloonists and airplane pilots starting in 1884. In the 1950s, pressure suits evolved and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Carbon dioxide must be removed from the suit before it reaches dangerously high levels. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are removed through the liquid cooling garment which is situated near the wrist and feet. First, the return air travels to the containment control cartilage. There, activated charcoal and lithium hydroxide eliminates the carbon dioxide and other substances through this equation: 2LiOH(s) + CO2(g) в†’ Li2CO3(s) + H2O(g). Moisture and the carbon dioxide and lithium hydroxide reaction are eliminated through a water separator. The oxygen is fed through the ventilators back to the suit. (Dismukes, 2002) A diagram of the Primary Life Support is shown
  • 31. Similarities Between The Loyalists And The Patriots The revolutionary war was started on April 19, 1775 and ended on September 3, 1783. This war was a fight between the loyalist and the patriots. The Loyalist were a group of people who as in their name was loyal to the king. The Patriots were a group of people who wanted freedom so they moved away and became independent. Between the Loyalist and the Patriots I would have to say the Patriots were better. I am a Patriot because they were more independent, they broke away for their freedom and independence. They helped the colonist that fought for their freedom from the british. People in America felt they weren t being treated fairly. They were being taxed without representation in the british government. That is why most people actually became
  • 32. The Roman Army Pax Romana Essay History remembers the legendary Roman legions as the one of the most deadly and respected fighting forces in the ancient world. Even today, stories of their great success and invincibility in the face of their enemies echo on. One can only wonder what the key to their extraordinary success was. How were the Romans able to conquer such a vast empire that spanned over three continents at its height and maintain that power for centuries? That key to Rome s military success during the Pax Romana period (where the Roman Empirerose to its zenith) was the advanced military innovations that the Romans incorporated into its great army that encompassed military bureaucracy, battle tactics and military technology. The old saying, Success comes to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Josephus who accompanied the Roman army as a prisoner of war chronicled his journey in great detail and his observations of the Roman army during Vespasian s march to Galilee provided a vivid picture of how everything was planned out. The order of the march was that the auxiliaries marched first, [followed by] the [...] Romans who were most completely armed both footmen and horsemen. Next to [them] followed ten out of every hundred, carrying along with them their arms, and what was necessary to measure out a camp withal; [...] after these came the commanders of the cohorts (Josephus 3.116 3.122). From Josephus own eyes, he admired the how disciplined and organized the army was which showed how much respect the legions got even from their enemies. Lastly, military ranks played a crucial part in the bureaucracy of the Roman army. The general of the legions was the Legatus Legionis which was chosen from men of the senate class by the Emperor. The Legatus was then followed by 6 tribunes who acted as the second in command. Finally, the most important rank was the centurion who commanded squadrons of soldiers and organized the daily activities such as training, maintenance and discipline of his men. All together, these main military officers passed down the order of the emperor to the troops in a efficient way very similar to the modern military of today. This military bureaucracy was very effective in organizing the army which in turn gave the
  • 33. North Korean Nuclear Program Essay The North Korean government continues to financially fund the research and testing of nuclear and ballistic missiles. Little information is known about the North Korean nuclear program and has been made available to foreign nations due to the secrecy and isolation of international affairs. The threat of a nuclear strike from North Korea has become an increasingly serious matter for many nations including the U.S. and its Asian allies, Japan and South Korea. Currently, there are only nine nations known by intelligent analysis that possesses the resources to manufacture nuclear weapons which do include the U.S. However, North Korea is the only nation in the 21st century to conduct a nuclear missiletest that has been reported by North Korean... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in Washington, President Clinton s administration concluded that North Korea was reviving their nuclear missile program and demanded access to the suspected facilities being built. Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, granted access to multiple locations to U.S. officials for inspection of facilities in exchange for financial aid and food (Hathaway Tama 724). North Korea s negotiation for aid from the U.S. does not come as a surprise for the simple fact that citizens living under the supreme leadership of Kim Jong un live in absolute poverty. Although the state run government experiences hardship by trying to provide an adequate supply of food for citizens; the government spends a huge sum of money to maintain a large military force. North Korea was not pleased with the accusations that they were constructing underground nuclear development facilities and demanded the U.S. to compensate a large sum of financial aid to the state government for defamation. The nation demand for $300 million or other economic benefits and food aid equivalent to that amount is claimed very just, because once [North Koreans] open an object, which is very sensitive in view of their national security... they cannot use it for its original purpose (Park 538). In addition, North Korea counteracted the U.S. accusations of conducting nuclear missile testing by accusing the
  • 34. MXE, a New Designer Drug COM/156 UOPX Andrew M Cherny MXE {4.}(1.) Methoxetamine (MXE) or 3 MeO 2 Oxo PCE is a chemical of the arylcyclohexylamine class which is now sold as the new designer drug called MXE, a deadly drug yet legal for people to purchase. One can only imagine what effect this drug has on humans. This MXE is a synthetic drug can be snorted or injected into the bloodstream. It has been reported that people who have tried this new drug have had out of body experiences. MXE is a legal drug with a high that can be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One can only think how is it possible that MXE is allowed to be produced given its close sisterhood to ketamine. It is very unfortunate that our citizens are able to access such a drug and that our country considers this to be legal. MXE is a drug made legal by the standards of the American government as well as those from around the world. The food and administration makes this drug as an unscheduled drug in the United States. This drug is highly toxic and holds extreme danger amongst humans. People tend to think that because this is a legal drug it is safe to consume. The problem is that they could be dead wrong. There are many hidden dangers to this drug. Even our medical world is not yet sure of the lasting effects that can become of this new designer drug. The lack of traditional testing means that the toxicity data is very scarce and was never more apparent during our recent trip to the local emergency room, our son was tested for drugs and none where to be found in his system. There are many doctors still unaware about this drug, thank god our son knew what he had taken which we could then relay this information to the hospital, do to its close relationship to the drug Ketamine the doctors were then able to treat our son, and it was then we discovered that he suffered a slight heart attack while taking the drug called MXE. It has been discovered the recreational use of this drug has hospitalized many people as documented
  • 35. Summary Of America s Cultures By Ann Coulter When thinking about all the wrongdoings America has done, people typically tend to think of the hardships and suffering black people had to face as a result of slavery and segregation perpetrated by America. Not many people tend to think about the plights that other minority groups faced, an issue that was pointed out in Ji Yeon Mary Yuhfill s essay, Let s Tell the Story of All America s Cultures , where she herself did not know about the struggles of other minority groups. Ann Coulter argues that black peopleshould be owed civil rights because of their violent past with America, and that other minority groups are not as deserving because America has no history with them. While black people have endured a history of violence in America, they are not the only ones to suffer in American society. Other minority groups like immigrants have had their equal share of suffering in America and therefore America should owe them their civil rights as well. In Ann Coulter s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, even if the immigrants have never been to this country, America has still affected them in some way or another. In the video America and the Holocaust , it was explained how America made it extremely difficult for Jewish immigrants to obtain visas during World War 2, and how feelings of anti semitism and xenophobia intensified here in the US, thus alienating the Jews here and Jews who were out of the country. America s failed attempts at saving the Jewish community such as the Bermuda conference made it even harder for Jews in and out of the country, who were not prioritized here in America. Despite never being in this country as Coulter says, America has still hurt these immigrants and put them through hardships and suffering. These immigrants still therefore deserve their civil rights because they still have a legacy with
  • 36. Provinces of the Philippines and Gardenia Bread Products Gardenia In early 1997, QAF Limited through Gardenia International (S) Pte Ltd established Gardenia Bakeries (Philippines), Inc. and started construction of its bakery plant in the Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP), BiГ±an, Laguna. It is a multi national company with operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries in Asia. Gardenia Phils. began its operations in 1998 with a state of the art bread factory rated as one of the most modern large scale bread manufacturing facilities in the country. Its major equipment come from the best bakery equipment suppliers from Germany, Holland, UK and USA making its plant the most advanced baking facility in the country. Gardenia Philippines has a wide range of bakery products ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other notable awards are the Annual National Consumers Award (ANCA) as the Outstanding Bread Manufacturer by the Consumers Union of the Philippines for the fourth straight year (2004 2007); the National Consumers Quality (People s Choice) Awards as the Top Loaf Bread Brand ; the People s Brand Awards as the Number 1 Loaf Bread and Pandesal Brand Manufacturer ; and the National Shopper s Choice Awards as Number 1 Innovative Bread Brand . Truly, these are testaments that Gardenia provides only the best products for the Filipino consumers. Gardenia Cebu plant is now fully operational with a daily capacity of 50,000 loaves serving the needs of the entire province of Cebu and the Northern Mindanao area. The company rapidly completed the construction of its new plant after receiving numerous requests and demands of bringing Gardenia products to Cebu and nearby provinces. Known for making bread production process a notch higher, Gardenia s Cebu plant features giant horizontal mixers from the United States, an automated dough divider rounder and intermediate proofer equipment from the Netherlands, a tunnel oven with a race track bread cooling conveyor from Germany, and an automated slicer and bread bagger from the United States. Gardenia utilizes only the finest ingredients from all over the world to ensure Cebuanos that they can have the
  • 37. Magna Carta Dbq Essay The Magna Carta was a document issued by English noblemen who demanded rights from the king and limited the rights of the king s power (Source A). The document is important due to the fact that the Magna Carta influenced today s society. Also, the Magna Carta is important because it gives everyone a fair opportunity, gives rights to every individual, and rights for a fair trial. First, the Magna Cartagives everyone a fair opportunity. Which includes the king, government, and everyone else. For example, first, that we have granted to god, by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, if the Magna Carta was not created many individuals would not have had a fair trial. Demonstrating that they would get judged even before getting trialed. For instance, Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair public hearing by independent and impartial tribunal (Source D). This quote is demonstrating that when they are judged, they have the same procedure just like all of the other people. Demonstrating that they are not biased to any individual and will hear the individual out. Essentially, showing that everyone cannot be mistreated and would be equal in every single trial. For instance, Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense (Source D). This connects to the Magna Carta because this document gave a huge amount of freedom to every individual. This references to the amount of equality the people receive when they are judged. The Magna Carta is important because it helped others when they were not able to. To sum up, the Magna Carta aided individuals and gave the individuals rights for a fair
  • 38. Britain And Americ Common Foes Of The Soviet Union Essay From various perspectives, Britain and America were common foes of the Soviet Union. So it is truth be told simple to reply: Why did the USA USSR organization together start to separate in 1945? As soon as the regular dangers of Hitler and Japan were uprooted, it was inescapable that the partners would drop out. Amid the war, there had been growing strains for quite a while, Stalin declined to join the United Nations; Stalin was irate that Britain and America continued deferring D Day, trusting it was a plot to permit Germany to debilitate the Soviet Union; At the Tehran Conference (1943) Stalin and Churchill conflicted over the amount of control Stalin would have over the nations of eastern Europe. In any case, the Enormous Three particularly President Roosevelt realized that they needed to stay partnered until the end of the war, so they figured out how to fix up these distinctions. When it was clear that the war was arriving at an end, nonetheless, more breaks showed up in the collusion until it at long last split separated by and large and the associates of the war got to be adversaries. The Soviet Union was a Communist nation, which was governed by a tyrant and put the needs of the state in front of individual human rights. The USA was an entrepreneur popular government, which esteemed flexibility and dreaded Communism. It was not simply that the two belief systems were clashing they were aggressor and expansionist. They both accepted that the option
  • 39. How Technology Through Consumer Applications Can Increase... The rapid changes in technology and access to knowledge are transforming how Healthcare is delivered. This expansion of knowledge and technology at ones fingertips does not only affect healthcare providers but also has impact on the patient and their behavior. How can those in healthcare capitalize on these changes to transform patient behavior to improve their adherence to therapies and apply the expanded knowledge to achieve greater healthliteracy to ultimately achieve better health outcomes? In spite of what we know and how technology can enhance our access to obtaining relevant data on the task at hand we are ultimately still faced with how engaged the patient is in their prescribed therapies and how well will they adhere to those therapies. Optimization of outcomes and care for patients is contingent on finding the sweet spot of balancing technology, knowledge, patient provider interactions with the capability and willingness of the patient. I believe Consumer Health Informaticscan lend a hand in elevating the level of patient s knowledge and engagement in their health. This paper will look at how technology through consumer applications can increase patient literacy and engagement to better adhere to therapies prescribed as well as obtain better outcomes. The American Medical Informatics Association defines consumer health informatics as a field devoted in part to patient focused informatics, health literacy and consumer education. The focus is on information
  • 40. Corvus Scavenger Ravens (Corvus corax) are known to be scavengers and there have been observations that they may have developed a foraging strategy that involves grey wolves (Canis lupis). Henrich et al. (2002) discussed the benefits that the common raven gain by utilizing kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy in order to reduce risk and search time, as well as obtaining mammalian prey that they would likely never be able to hunt without wolves. A kleptoparasitic relationship means that ravens steal the prey that the wolves have caught. Hayes et al. (2005) discussed how skillful ravens have become at scavengers and they are highly dependent on wolf predation particularly during the winter. They also examined how ravens affected the predation rates of wolves... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They first had a controlled experiment with only food and observed their behavior for a week and a half. After that, they introduced a small board in the same area and observed the ravens behavior. At first, the ravens did not go near the board and it took about a month and a half to grow accustomed to the board. Once the ravens showed comfort to be near by the board, they began to add food of small and large sizes around the board and recorded the ravens behavior for two weeks. From there, they placed the food on the board and recorded the ravens behavior for another two weeks. There was a significant difference with the choices when the board was introduced. The board has changed their behavior to primarily choose the smaller pieces and the ravens that did choose the larger pieces had other ravens stealing their food instead of going to the board to get
  • 41. Explain The Key Concepts Of Youth Work And Community... This essay will define the key concepts of Youth, Community and Society, explaining what Youth Work and Community Development are, and identifying various social categories that are important to this work. This essay will define the differing perspectives of youth and how class and age discrimination impact this. It will examine the different models of practice and reflect on challenges that may be faced when going into practice. Thus, showing how practitioners work effectively in this area and using relevant research to support this. Age is the easiest way to define youth as being the period between childhood and adulthood. This is specified, by the United Nations and World Bank, as a person between the ages of 15 and 24. This can be identified ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sapin (2009:3) establishes that youth work practice promotes change and development through a commitment to relationships based on respect for young people, listening to them and mutual learning . The Federation of Community Development Learning s definition of community work is similar to this as it centres active involvement and relationships between individuals and groups to shape their lives and experiences. This approach emphasises action based on reflection and on the relationship between practitioner and client. Davies (2005) set out seven direct commitments for Youth Work, most of which also apply to the works of Community Development. These are: voluntary participation; tipping the balance of power in their favour; starting where the client is at and responding to their expectations; offering new experiences and challenging activities; working on and from their territory to include their interests, activities and styles and emotional concerns; respecting and working through their peer networks. The one principle that cannot be applied to Community Development is responding to young people as young people and not pre set adult imposed labels which is very significant in youth work in order to respect and value a young person as an individual and work with developing their own needs and goals. As shown, the two professions do interlink in more ways than one especially as young people belong to and form the community. This is supported by Sapin (2009) who recognises that youth workers help to shape the lives of young people they work with, which in turn, will shape the futures of their own
  • 42. Essay on The Concept of Transformational Leadership The concept of transformational leadership relies on appropriate leadership approaches for mission success. AFDD 1 1 describes three leadership competencies: person, people/team, organization Effective leaders (tactical level) need to build face to face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence behavior and values. Effective leaders (operational level) need to build team dynamics for small groups and squadrons. Effective leaders (strategic level) need to build strategy and provide direction in a broad spectrum. Leadership at the tactical level is built on personal interaction. This type of leadership is face to face and encourages adherence to policy and procedures. This leadership also takes into account the human element... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Olds believed improve living conditions would help improve moral. He was willing to use resources to affect the quality of life for his airmen. This willingness to improve quality of life enhanced his stature as a transformational leader. The Fighter Pilot leadership focused on team first. Olds was the father figure. His men knew he cared. His leadership was showing them you can and they will follow you. Olds led his team by protecting them. He trusted their decision in combat and provided top cover if leadership ever questioned their decisions. Olds was not a leader to through a pilot under the bus. In fact, Olds would place the focus on himself if there were an error in combat. Yet, he would give praise to pilots for successful missions. In addition, Olds cared for the team when there was a tragedy in combat. He understood the mission had to continue, but he also understood the grief of his team. His willingness to care during tragedy remains one of his strongest transformational traits. Olds was not a cold or stubborn leader. Olds was a fighter pilot with the ability to lead others. He understood there were other critical areas necessary for a successful mission. Mission success included people success. The motto, Lead, follow, or get out of the way is the motto to his transformational leadership. Leadership at the operational level builds team dynamics for small groups and squadrons. In World War II, the Air Corps looked to Curtis LeMay to help guide a
  • 43. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plasticizers 2.1.FILLERS Fillers enhance performance and/or reduce production costs. Stabilizing additives include fire retardants to lower the flammability of the material. Many plastics contain fillers, relatively inert and inexpensive materials that make the product unexpensive by weight. Typically fillers are mineral in origin, e.g., chalk. Some fillers are more chemically active and are called reinforcing agents. Other fillers include zinc oxide, wood flour, ivory dust, cellulose and starch. Additives, fillers, and reinforcements are used to change and enhance the physical and mechanical properties of plastics. In general, reinforcing fibers increase the mechanical properties of polymer composites while particular fillers of various types increase ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now talking about pigments, titanium dioxide is one of the most widely used pigments in plastic industry used to make the plastic more white, bright and strong. Pigments are a better choice as compared to dyes for use with polyefins as dyes have a tendency to migrate in polyefins. Furthermore with their opacifying ability and broader chroma, they are preferred over dyes as a colorant. The nature of pigment is also a very huge factor. Depending upon the processing temperature requirements, the choice of organic or inorganic pigments is made. The choice of the colorant however, depends upon the base resin that is going to be used in manufacturing the plastic to avoid any color
  • 44. Positive And Negative Effects Of Study Habits Study habits itself affects the Academic performance of students taking up BS Accountancy measured by their General points average (GPA). According to Nonis Hudson (2010), Study Habits can have either positive or negative effects with academic performance because of its direct relationship with it. There is a positive effectof study habits if one s General Percentage Average (GPA) were good or high on the other hand, if their grades are below average there is a negative impact on it. Positive or negative effect is based on grades because it represents the academic performance of each student. Every student wants to aim for a high grades, and in order to achieve it students should know how to be effective. According to the study entitled 10 habits of highly effective students , to become an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The vast majority of successful students nowadays get to the top because they developed and applied good studying habits. According to Broni and Hogrey (2010) as cited in the study entitled The Effect of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of English for Academic Writing stated that having a good study habits could help every students to improve their academic performance. In addition, many researchers had conducted a study and concluded that study habits and academic performance move in the same direction. It only means that when a student performs well, their academic performance will appreciably be improved. Moreover, According to Reed (n.d), good and effective study habits that are practiced regularly by highly effective students includes taking down notes during discussions, and it was very essential in studying because through the notes taken it is easier to study and remember facts that are important in the previous lesson. According to the study entitled Good study Habits , Reading textbooks or material, performing advance reading prior to class, listening attentively during classes and working with homework every time should also be
  • 45. A Picture Of The Water Cycle In fourth grade I was asked to draw a picture of the water cycle. The assignment was simple but the concept of coloring the water at that time was difficult. As eight years old I observed that water was colorless every time I used it to wash my hand or drink it. However, it appeared to have a blue gray tint to it when I viewed it in larger body of water such as the ocean. When I would touch the ocean water or tried to store it for its beautiful color, I would once again be left with its colorless property. The concept of water color was a paradox for me. No one seemed to know why blue water from ocean would suddenly appear colorless when seen up close. During that time I did not have access to a computer and did not know how to operate one. Every day after school I would spend hours after hours researching my question. After a long period of researching I finally found that wavelengths of light pass through each matter differently depending on the material s composition. Water molecules in the ocean appear blue because it absorbs longer wavelength such as red and orange more strongly than shorter wavelengths such as blue, the color we believe to observe. However, if there are impurities in water, the absorbed light pattern differs, changing the way we observe the color of the water. My passion for learning science initially sparked at the tender age of eight and it continues to burn brighter every single day. Throughout my academic career I continuously challenged
  • 46. Things Fall Apart Fear Of Failure Essay Think of all the chances you never took, competitions you never entered, and people you never asked out. There is a common factor between all of them and that is a fear of failure. This theme of a fear of failure throughout the driving force behind the main character, Okonkwo s, decisions in the novel Things Fall Apartby Chinua Achebe. From his earliest days seeing his dad waste his life away to seeing his entire culture fade away, Okonkwodoes not want to be seen as a failure. From the very first sentences in the novel we see Okonkwo as this very strong and successful man, he is the epitome of manliness In the Igbo society. He became who he was by seeing his father, Unoka, as a failure who held no titles and couldn t feed his family. Okonkwo was determined to be nothing like him as we can see on page 7 When Unoka died he had taken no title at all and he was heavily in debt. Any wonder then that his son Okonkwo was ashamed of hem? This drive to be the manliest man possible led Okonkwo to do some very brutal things like take five human heads in war. He even killed his adopted son, Ikemefuna, in fear of looking weak to his clansmen. After the missionaries showed up... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is shown through Okonkwo who was determined to look manly to his clansmen at all times. This led him to do several violent acts throughout his life like beat his family and kill others. This lifestyle caught up with him when the missionaries came because in order to survive the culture clash between the two groups one had to adapt. Okonkwo was an uncompromising individual and once he realized the fight was lost he took his own life. It is perfectl natural to be afraid of failure and even though failure may seem to cost you a lot. In the end it is cheap compared to the knowledge you gain from it. You can use this knowledge to become very successful and live your life to its
  • 47. Courage In The Movie The Sandlot Kendrez Reed September 1, 2016 If your favorite ball goes over a fence, would you try to get it back from a fearsome beast? The movie The Sandlot displays courage in many different ways. The Sandlot is about a gang of kids who love to play baseball. These kids are afraid of the Beast , which is behind the fence of the sandlot. The Babe Ruth baseball Scotty s dad has is a valuable baseball, and it has Babe Ruth s official signature. Scotty s mom wanted Scotty to make new friends in the new neighborhood they moved in. His family moved into a new house in the summer of 1962. Scotty met a group of kids who play baseball, and they were to be mean to Scotty. They didn t like Scotty because he doesn t know much about baseball, so
  • 48. Optimism Critical Thinking Essay The relationship of optimism with psychological well being is a well researched topic. Maintaining an optimistic view on life has been shown to reduce depression. The literature on optimism also provides information on ways to measure optimism and distinguishes between the different theoretical constructs used to define optimism . Throughout this review, these topics, as well as other important issues related to optimism will be discussed in great detail. It is hoped that by reading this review, the reader will become appreciative of the powerful benefits of maintaining a positive outlook on life.Optimism is defined as the belief that upcoming occurrences will have positive results. Optimism has been connected to numerous facets of mental health in adults (Lai, 1995; Schweizer, Beck Seyffer, Schneider, 1999). The study of optimism derives... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those that will be covered in this overview consist of quality of life, coping styles, unhappiness, and faith in a fair world. Prior investigation has established that a perceived quality of life is swayed by an individual s level of optimism. Other aspects, such as coping styles and social connections have been positively correlated with a high quality of life. This is a very subjective phrase and has been demarcated in many ways. One meaning states that quality of life is centered on the personal assessment of one s possessions and contentment with these possessions (Harju Bolen, 1998). Harju and Bolen (1998) investigated the influence of optimism on quality of life of university undergraduates by evaluating three sets of optimists (low, moderate, and high) The subjects, 204 pupils carried out the following measures: the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT R), the Brief Cope, which assesses numerous coping methods, and a quality of life assessment created by the scientists that was established on previous
  • 49. Informative Essay On Boxing Boxing in Sports Betting About boxing Boxing is one of the top sports you can wager on. Big fights don t happen every week, so this is the ideal sport for the casual gambler. Everybody loves a big punt on a massive fight, and given that anything can happen in a boxing ring, it makes the prospect of betting on boxing all so exciting. Boxing is not limited to any specific country, nor does it follow any simple league structure. Both professional and amateur boxing exists, and there are many weight divisions in each format. Most of the big money is wagering on title fights, particularly in the heavyweight division. Boxing is also an Olympic Games sport, and just recently it was agreed that professional boxers (as opposed to the traditional amateur ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is an Overs/Unders bet which is based on the total number of points scored, or the amount of rounds the fight will last. Of course, if you are after a big knock out (and let s face it, we all love a good knock out), then the Knock Out Bet could be for you. This bet allows you to bet money on a boxer knocking out the other. Players will only pick up winnings if their chosen boxer does indeed knock out the other. A points victory is not enough to see you win this bet. Betting tips and strategies Learn about boxing styles. Each boxer has their own arsenal of moves, most of which fit under a specific style of boxing. Sometimes boxers are evenly matched in this arena, and sometimes they aren t. The same can also be said of height, weight, and reach (how far they can extend their punches from their body). These can all play critical roles in determining a fight, so do your homework before you bet. Injuries and form are also worth looking at. An injured boxer is instantly going to be at a disadvantage, but the bookies won t tell you if the boxer is injured. You ll need to read up on that yourself. Moreover, if a boxer has had a bad run of form, it may play on his mind during the fight. A recent loss may damage a boxer s pride, or it could spur them on to recover with a resounding win. Keep that in mind when betting on boxing,
  • 50. Refugees And Human Rights Law Refugee law is closely related to international human rights law, and some would consider it to be a branch of human rights law. Refugee law has been an important issue for countries everywhere. Refugees can be seen as a burden to most countries prior to World War II when every state had their borders open to home thousands. The first part of this paper will look at the prime legislation available to refugees. The second part will focus more closely on the relevant case law over time in regards to refugees and human rights. Refugees are protected by two primary legislation at the international level, the first being the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. These two combined provided the most protection for refuges but was only followed by countries who had signed both at the time. This is of key importance as this effected how refugees were being treated when they entered into nation states when fleeing for their safety. Refugees by definition are victims of human rights violations . Under the 1951 Refugee Convention a refugee is defined as to any person and owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country . This definition has been critiqued for not
  • 51. Theme Of Lamb To The Slaughter The motif of the lamb leg within Lamb to the Slaughter , by Roald Dahl, contributes to the development of the story by embolizing Mrs. Maloney s facade of innocence, which in turn strengthen the moral dilemma of either turning herself in as a criminal risking her child s life or to continue living as a metaphoric lamb leg with the benefit of allowing her to raise her child without fear. Starting with why the lamb leg emblemizes Mrs. Maloney s facade of innocence, one must first look at what a lamb by itself denotes, then narrow down and look at the meaning of a lamb leg. In regard to denotation, a lamb leg is the young offspring of a sheep. But what lambs embody within society is innocence. However, moving along, a lamb leg on the other hand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After the murder of Mr. Maloney is done, she strays even further from the path of the lamb when she creates an artificial alibi by going through extreme lengths to protect her child from harm, which can seen within text. Her first step to create her artificial alibi was going to the grocery after the murder. Before going, she rehearse[s] [her smiles and dialogue] several times (Roald 3). By rehearsing, she keeps her appearance as a lovely housewife when conversing with the shopkeeper; maintaining her appearance and using her innocent semblance as her tool for manipulation. Afterwards, when the police arrive at the scene of murder due to Mrs. Maloney s call, she manipulates the officers by setting setting the mood of sorrow and despair while she sob[s] (Roald 4) over the phone and conversing with the officers, then she manipulates the officers by using the artificial alibi she created while shopping for groceries, and further manipulates the officers by clouding their judgement with whisky. Mrs. Maloney s reason for manipulation can be inferred when she questions what happens to the unborn child of a murder on the third page, which further infers that when Mrs. Maloney puts all her effort into deceiving the officers, it wasn t for her