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Essay On Elderly People
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Elderly People" is a task that entails various challenges.
Firstly, understanding the intricate dynamics of aging and its impact on individuals requires
thorough research and a nuanced perspective. Delving into the physical, psychological, and
social aspects of the elderly experience demands a comprehensive grasp of gerontology and
related fields.
Moreover, striking a balance between presenting factual information and infusing the essay with
empathy is a delicate task. It is not just about listing statistics or common stereotypes associated
with the elderly, but rather about portraying a holistic picture that reflects the diversity of
experiences within this demographic. Ensuring that the tone remains respectful and sensitive
while discussing issues such as health, independence, and societal perceptions requires a
thoughtful approach.
Furthermore, addressing the societal challenges faced by the elderly, such as ageism and the
need for adequate healthcare, adds another layer of complexity. Articulating solutions or
advocating for change necessitates a deep understanding of current policies and societal attitudes
towards the elderly.
The challenge lies not only in the content but also in the structure of the essay. Creating a
cohesive narrative that seamlessly transitions between different aspects of the topic requires
skillful organization and a keen sense of flow. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion
while maintaining coherence and engagement is an art in itself.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Elderly People" demands more than just research and writing
skills; it requires a genuine interest in the subject, empathy towards the experiences of the
elderly, and the ability to navigate complex societal issues. It is an endeavor that goes beyond
mere academic requirements, calling for a deep connection with the human aspect of aging.
For those who find themselves grappling with such a task, there are resources available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where expert writers can provide
assistance tailored to your specific needs.
Essay On Elderly People Essay On Elderly People


What is the significance of Piggy in the novel The Lord...
What is the significance of Piggy in the novel The Lord of the Flies?
The author William Golding uses the character of Piggy to relates to certain themes
in the novel. He is linked closely with civilisation, time and the conch which itself
represents order. As savagery becomes more intense in the novel, Piggy begins to
suffer more injustices and eventually loses his life speaking out against it.
Piggy is described by Golding as short and very fat . This has earned him the
nickname Piggy in his previous school. It s no coincidence that Piggy s nickname is
such, it relates to the overwhelming emotion Jack and his hunters feel when they feel
the urge to kill the pig . This indirect metaphor suggests that the boys are ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You are acting like a crowd of kids. He could learn of the hatred being brought out
of the boys without having to experience the thirst for blood that Ralph was
exposed to. Although he is easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack,
he does not lack the self confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities
from the boys. Which is better to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? Again
Golding uses Piggy as a voice representing civilisation, speaking out for its rules.
Piggy represents the law and order of the adult world. Grown ups know things. He
is the part of man s personality which attempts to act according to an absolute set of
standards. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts to condition the island society to
mirror the society they all lived in in England. The first thing we should have made
was shelters down there by the beach.. Piggy s continual references to his auntie
demonstrate this. I used to live with my aunt. When ll your dad rescue us? He tries
to pull Ralph towards reason and logic.
Throughout the novel, Piggy is often the one who comes up with ideas for Ralph to
act out. We can use this (the conch) to call the others.
Have a meeting. It is because while Piggy is probably the smartest boy on the island,
he lacks any social skills and has trouble communicating or fitting in.
Piggy s glasses are very important in the novel. He took off


Metal Bats in Major League Baseball
Metal Bats in Major League Baseball Since the inception of the first Major League
Baseball (MLB) game, played on May 4, 1871, bats made of wood have been the
tradition in baseball. The creation of metal bats occurred in the 1920s, but not
actually used in play until 1970 when they were introduced into Little League youth
baseball. Even though all levels of players from children to professionals seemed to
prefer the new metal bats, MLB prohibited their use. Safety, skill level of the players,
cost, level of entertainment provided, and tradition are all arguments used in the
controversy between whether Major League Baseballshould allow metal bats or
continue using wooden ones. The safety of the players is the biggest concern in all...
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In 2010, a man sued the New York Mets after being hit in the face by a broken bat
leaving him with multiple fractures (White). Because of the many injuries
occurring from broken bats, MLB has made an effort to make bats safer for
everyone. Specific regulations created for bats used in today s games have led to a
steady drop in the number of broken bats (Roberts). As of 2013, the rate has
lowered to an average of 0.46 bats broken per game (White). The skill level needed
to successfully hit off the different materials remains another argument between
metal versus wood bats. Metal bats have been proven to require less skill to hit
with because of their weight difference and the size of their sweet spots compared
to wooden bats. With most metal bats being made of aluminum, they weigh in
much lighter than bats made of solid wood. It is much easier for players to swing
the aluminum bats due to that fact ( Baseball: Wooden Bats Vs. Metal Bats ). The
lighter weight allows players to swing faster, which helps put more force on the
ball, resulting in the ball flying farther and much faster. In a test comparing wood
bats to multiple types of metal bats, balls batted off wood bats obtained an average
speed of 98.6 mph, while balls hit with the different types of metal bats obtained
speeds between 100.3 mph and 106.5 mph (Russell). These results show that the
lighter weight of the metal bats, helps drive the ball faster and farther and is not


Television s Impact on Society Essay examples
Television s Impact on Society
Although television is perceived as one of the greatest scientific inventions of the
20th century and is watched enormously by the American public, it is often criticized
as the root of intellectual destruction for children. Television has been praised
throughout history for its ability to transmit visual images with accompanying sound
to entertain, educate, and to provide a sense of truth. Through the miracle of
television the public has witnessed extraordinary historical events in an approach that
no other form of communication has ever been able to duplicate. It has brought the
man landing on the moon, the Kennedy assassination, and the Vietnam War into the
living room, as if the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Television consists of two fundamentals ? video and audio. Video is derived from the
Latin word ?I see? and audio is derived from the Latin word ?I hear.? (History of
Television, 2002:1).
The birth of television occurred and the invention was subject to many
modifications. American culture would be altered for an eternity and would
continue to revolutionize society with the escalation of television. Peter Goldmark
of CBS would improve television technology by employing a three filter system to
enable color television. In 1953, color broadcasting commenced. In today?s society,
approximately every household ? 98 percent of all US homes ? have at least one
television set. Television has a tremendous impact on today?s society and culture, as
there are hundreds of broadcast, cable and satellite television channels transmitting
enormous hours of programming to audiences all over the globe. (Inventing
Television, 2002: 1 2).
The Communications Act of 1934 assembled in a time, when the government
controlled television airwaves, and it specifies that commercial television stations
?operate in the public interest, convenience, and necessity.? To impose this act, the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is expected to take on the
responsibility. RCA?S National Broadcasting Company (NBC) started ordinary


O Brien How To Tell A True War Story Analysis
In How to Tell a True War Story O Brien looks for the relationships in between the
events during a war and also the art of telling those events. O Brien doesn t have a
clear idea of what a true war story. He talks about his buddy that was in Vietnam.
His buddy`s name was Bob Kiley but everyone called him Rat. O Brien talks about
his friend Rat`s friend gets killed, So Rat sits down and writes a letter to the guy s
sister. In the story the author explores the relationship that happens between the war
the act of telling those events. The author really doesn t have any clue of what a true
war story is. It seems that both sides such as What really happens and the act of
telling those event are the keys to something someone


C47 Pilots Research Paper
Airborne: The Survival Story of a C 47 Pilot
I tripped and fell as fire rained down around me. My tour boat was burning and I
could do nothing. I steeled my nerves as I jumped overboard into the oily water.
Just before I smacked onto the surface, I woke up in a cold sweat. I had been
having nightmares since the bombings of Pearl Harbor. I was utterly terrified on
that day, especially as it was my first encounter with the Japanese air force. I was
beginning to realize the true horrors of the war that now gripped America. I had
always wanted to be a pilot, and the chance was offered through the US Air Force. It
seemed awesome at first, but after the attack on Pearl harbor, I was beginning to have
some regrets about my choice.
I was pondering ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One, where was Frank, and two, it seemed much quieter than we d expected from
the German defenses. I then saw tracer shells light up the night all around me. I
saw my old friend Frank fire several more shells before deploying his emergency
eject. He had given up my position and turned to the side of the Germans. I sat
there for a few more seconds recovering from my shock, but then that shock turned
to white hot anger. I could not believe that Frank would do such a thing! Then, as I
began to wonder about why he had done it, the first flak burst hit near my plane. It
terrified me to no end, and at that moment, I almost gave up and accepted my fate. I
then remembered my other friends and paratroopers. I had to win this for them,
for Tom, and for all of the other lives that were already lost in the assault. I turned
my plane around and began the maneuvers that I had been taught to evade flak fire.
Somehow, the flak kept finding me. One of my engines was hit directly, and I
realized that I would have to jump. Terror gripped me as I desperately looked for
the emergency parachute. I then realized that an earlier burst must have destroyed
it. My eyes then fell on Tom s torn parachute. By now, the plane had begun a
shallow dive which I had no control over, and I did not have much time. I jumped
out of the cockpit and ran to the parachute. The plane then hit massive turbulence and
I fell over. I crawled to the


Serial Killer Research Paper
Rudolph Pliel once said that, every man has his passion; some like whist, I prefer
killing people. Despite how chilling that quote may be, what may be even more
disturbing is the fact that Pliel is not alone in this serial killer frame of mind towards
murdering innocent people. Serial killers can be linked to one another based on
similar traits shared through upbringing, mental stability or fulfillment they feel from
Serial killers are driven to kill to fulfill a pleasure. While not all serial killers are
driven to kill for the same reasons, one equalizing factor between them all is their
need to carry out their urges or gain something from their murders. Reasons to why
they kill are primarily for a compulsive sexual reason (Whittington Egan) ... Show
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Some serial killers are born with some form of mental illness or condition that leads
to their violent endeavors later in life, while others through experiences of childhood
trauma are made into serial killers. Khushwant Singh took note of his observations at
Raman Raghav a Tamilian s (a serial killer from India) trial, he talks about Raghav s
psychotic behavior and how he had neither enmity against them nor any motive for
the killings (Aggarwal) for the dozens of It children he murdered one night. While
on the other hand, Henry Lee Lucas was a serial killer who was not only abused as
a child, but also had a glass eye and was forced to cross dress by his mother which
led to extreme social rejection and his hatred for people. Lucas himself said that, I
hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was
dressed as a girl by mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years... I was
beaten. I was made to do things that no human being would want to do (Lee Lucas).
Understanding this holds great value so that people comprehend that even though
sometimes serial killers actions are fueled by their mental instability, other times
actions towards them come into play and can affect someone more than it can


Essay on Young Woman s Death by Ingesting Exstasy
In their case study, Fatal hyponatremia in a young woman after ecstasy ingestion,
Kamyar Kalantar Sadeh, Minhtri Nguyen, Roger Chang, and Ira Kurtz present a 20
year old female, Asian American, college student who took multiple tablets of ecstasy
and drank excessive amounts of water at a party. This student was found the next
morning, unresponsive, foaming at the mouth, with rapid and shallow breathing, and
a weak pulse. After being admitted into the emergency room, the patient was
determined to be hypothermic, hypoxemic, hypotensive, tachycardic, and in
respiratory distress. Initially, the patient had a sodiumcontent of 117 mmol/l and a
serum osmolality of 245 mOsm/kg. In order to treat the patient, throughout a 11 hour
period, a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both pulmonary edema, excessive fluid in the lungs, and cerebral edema, excessive
fluid in the brain, were reported for this patient. Because the blood brain barrier is
freely permeable to water, the patient s neurons most likely swelled, causing a
buildup of intracranial pressure, which may have led to her coma. Further, the fact
that the patient was found to be in respiratory distress supports the conclusion that
water had built up in her lungs as well. In the case study, two additional patients
with low sodium concentration in their cells were also presented in order to serve
as a comparison to the main case. The history of two Caucasian females, one 38
years of age and the other 24 years old were presented. The 38 year old female
drank 25,250mL bottles of water (6.25L total) whilst running a 64.4 km marathon.
She suffered from confusion, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
shortness of breath, as well as pulmonary venous edema. Initially, the patient had a
sodium content of 121 mmol/l and a serum osmolality of 253 mOsm/kg. In order to
treat the patient, a hypertonic saline, normal saline, and 40mg of intravenous
furosemide, a diuretic, were administered after which her sodium content rose to of
125 mmol/l after 2.5 hours and 141 mmol/l after 48 hours with no acute damage to
cells. The 24 year old female underwent an appendectomy and received 5% dextrose
infusion before and after


Healthy Moms
It is most important that women who are pregnant eat a nutritious diet full of
vitamins and nutrients for her health as well as for the health of her baby. The
development of her baby can depend greatly on the amount of proper nutrients that
she consumes on a daily basis. It can be difficult for busy women who are pregnant to
eat healthwhen they are always on the go. Below is a list of healthy snacks for
moms to be. This can be helpful for those who do not have enough time to prepare
healthy snacks all day.
Healthy Dry Cereal Dry cereal can be satisfying and filling for many women who
enjoy snacks on the go. They can fit into a Ziploc baggie or in an airtight contain for
easy access. These types of cereals contain healthy fiber and other nutrients including
folic acid. Try staying away from the cereal that has ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The granola found in these bars are a healthy treat, and they usually have some sort
of tasty sweet treat inside such as peanut butter or chocolate. It is important to
choose whole grain granola bars to provide healthy snacks for moms to be.
Nuts Packing a baggie full of nuts can be a great way to get minerals like magnesium
and potassium on the go. When looking for healthy snacks for moms to be, this
should top the list.
Popcorn This can be a great way to get a quick snack in at the office. This snack is
traditionally low in calories as long as it is not slathered with butter.
Choosing healthy snacks for mothers to be is important for many women who are on
the go. Eating right is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. The growth and
development of the baby depends on the nutrients that the mother to be consumes.
Along with taking a prenatal vitamin daily, a pregnant woman should be eating a
balanced diet full of all the major nutrients. When in doubt, it can be a good idea to
check with the doctor to ask for a few suggestions on what to eat, and what not to eat


Essay On Sam Houston s Demagogical Union Saving
The main question that had been asked was whether Texas should stay apart of the
union or leave to be their individual territory . Sam Houston s inauguration in
December of 1859 made him the only man to this day who served as governor of two
states (Gone to Texas, page. 236). He was the governor of Tennessee as well as Texas
which aroused expressions of anger from ultra southerners . According to Sam
Houston s Demagogical Union Saving Doctrines (Gone to Texas, pg. 236) Runnels
explained how it will evidently cause mass controversy and irreparable blow upon
Southerners and their interests at the time. According to the Texas State Library and
Archives Commission, Texas was not far behind . Sam Houston refused to call the
legislature into a special session to consider secession. Many... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout research, knowledge already known, a decision on seceding or staying
with the union had to be made. Many; actually majority of counties in Texas voted
to secede from the union. Texas had plenty of resources and what they needed to
manage for survival and production of others. In The Texas Ordinance of Secession
document, many agreed with the argument believing Texas abandoned her separate
national existence and consented to become one of the Confederate States to
promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the
blessings of peace and liberty to her people. Many believed Texas could not do it on
their own. Texas had been received into their own confederacy with a constitution
under the guarantee of the federal constitution. Bosque County, Texas voted on
leaving the Union back in 1861. This county had been one of the many that wanted
to be on their own and away from the Union. Now, with the knowledge we already
know about what happened to Texas, we realize that they had successfully seceded
from the Union and went on to join the Confederate States that had already


Health Systems Thinking
Systems thinking (ST), a subset of to complexity theory (CT), is a potentially
transformational way to view and approach health. It draws on many academic
traditions to describe the processes, actors, and dynamics that shape systems like the
health system(1). It is more than simply considering the bigger picture. Approaching
a problem from a ST perspective involves examining interrelationships, considering
all perspectives, and understanding the role of boundaries (Williams and van t Hof
A system consists of interacting, connected parts that operate towards a purpose;
changing one connection necessarily affects other parts of the system. A complex
adaptive system (CAS) is a type of system that consists of interacting, nonlinear ...
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Despite growing evidence for the benefits of applying systems thinking, most health
programs continue to primarily apply a reductionist approaches that haves dominated
for decades(9). The lack of a comprehensive review of application limits the ability of
planners to synthesize existing literature and apply innovative practices to emerging
development challenges such as the post MDG agenda.
Case studies are of value to illustrate the range of applications of systems thinking
terms, methods, and tools. With a clearer understanding of real world approaches
approaches based on ST, the global health community will be better equipped to
understand and address key health challenges. This paper reports on findings from
case studies extracted from a previous systematic review (cite the systematic review).
This systematic review of systems thinking case studies seeks to:
Provide practitioners and planners with a reference for ST/CT application cases,
Review the frequency and nature of key systems thinking terms, tools and methods in
the health literature
Analyze and extract longitudinal themes across cases.
Indicate the practical implications of these cases for changing organizational form
/function and post MDG


Unit 5001 Personal Development as a Manager and Leader
Personal Development as a Manager Leader Author: Liz Oram Kent County Council
16th December 2011 Contents Executive Summary .....................Page 3 Introduction
................................Page 3 Section 1....................................Page 3 Section
2....................................Page 5 Section 3....................................Page 7 Section
4....................................Page 10 Conclusion..................................Page 12
Recommendation..........................Page 12 Bibliography.................................Page 13
Appendices..................................Page 14 Executive Summary This report will
explore personal development as a manager and leader... Show more content on
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| | | | |Attend training |Current climate of closures and cutbacks | | | | The SWOT
analysis can be used as part of the personal development planning


The Student Outcomes Have Helped Me With Developing As
Madison Swanson
Josh Sandin
Comp I
16 December 2015 Over the course of this class I have learned things that I didn t
know before and developing as a writer. I learned different things with each of the
assignments I submitted. I learned things like how to develop my writing and how to
transition my writing to flow better together. I learned to correctly cite in text
citations and I learned how to create a profile. Each of these things I will carry with
me as I continue to write for various classes or other reasons in the future and they
will continue to help me better myself as writer. The five student outcomes have
helped me to better myself by giving me guidelines to follow and to help me
understand the assignments better. They ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I then submitted my final draft to iNet. My topic for my research paper was
technology s impact on today s society. I talked about the positive and negative
impacts technology has on our society everyday and I was able to give evidence of
my ideas with information I found when researching. I explained that technology
has helped with finding new ways to teach students including those with
disabilities and how it has helped to advance the health and medicinal field. I also
explained some downsides such as the addiction and absence of face to face
interaction that come along with technology. Each of my assignments for this class
included revising and editing at the attempt to hand in the best possible work. I
made sure I read over my work before handing it in to assure that there were little to
no grammatical or spelling errors. My biggest struggle in this area was working on
transitions and organization throughout my assignments to make sure my paper
flowed better as a whole.
Conduct research, which uses traditional and electronic search techniques and
integrates source materials is the second student outcome. I used this a ton when
writing my research paper as well as many other assignments. Bianca Banova, author
of the article The Impact of Technology on Healthcare asserts, Patient files are being
kept in databases that can be accessed from anywhere in the facility (2). I explained
that this was helpful for hospitals because this


Texas Water Parks
Due to the hot, arid climate, it s no surprise that outdoor water parks are in high
demand in Texas. From quaint and low traffic parks with picnic areas and basic
pools to amazing adventure parks that feature endless slides, Texas is filled with
water parks in virtually every part of the state! You can find water parks in Texas
only in high traffic vacation spots and in major Texas cities, but in quiet suburbs that
are slightly off the beaten path!
From cool calm pools with perhaps some gentle waves to fierce tidal attractions in
huge parks with overwhelming, high technology thrill seeking water amusements and
rides, there are so many parks to choose from throughout Texas!
Water Amusement Attractions for the Whole Family!... Show more content on
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Shaded sitting areas are available to rest your bones throughout this refreshing
water park. Further, private cabana rentals can be acquired in the park s
Blastenhoff area. The water park s Wasserfest area is it s major innovation, as it can
convert into an indoor enclosed park in and of itself in the winter months. In the
winter, this park s 70,000 square foot interior can be


Confucianism vs Legalism
Chen Hanyu A0110820B Tutorial D5
Question 1: Introduction
For this paper, I will be discussing two opposing ideologies, Confucianism and
Legalism. Towards the later part of ancient China (e.g Han dynasty), states started to
adopt a mixture of Confucianism and Legalistic ideology. Why did Legalism and
Confucianism fall off?
In this paper I will explore and provide my own insights on the shortcomings of both
ideologies; how Legalism was more persuasive in getting people to accept their ideas
and more effective as an ideology and how Confucianism lost out in both aspects.
Persuasiveness of Legalism
The central idea of legalism was to provide absolute power to the person in charge
and the supremacy of authority. Legalists like Han Fei Zi ... Show more content on
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Although it was well known that Confucius was elevated to high status after his
death, his political career was not as successful. Confucius spent many years trying
to promoting his ideas to rulers in different states but was not able to get through4.
To understand why such a visionary philosopher could not get others to agree with
him, we will have to look at the nature of the Confucian theory and why was it
incapable of persuading the lords of countries.
Firstly, Confucianism prized the rule of men over the rule of law; that is to promote
harmony in the people over the interest of a ruler. If a ruler has appropriate personal
conduct the government will be effective without needing to issue order. However,
the ruler do not have the correct conducts, his orders will not be obeyed.
Secondly, Confucius viewed rules and laws as harmful. He argued that people led
by laws and punishments will try to avoid punishment but lose the sense of shame.
If they are led by virtue and guided by propriety, they will preserve their sense of
shame and become good citizens5. He saw a country as an extended family and a
ruler should take care of his citizens like a father would take care of his children.
The ruler as the father would need to set a proper example for the right ethics to flow
Thirdly, the Confucianism school did not value institutions in inducing desirable


Proud s Theory Of Mind
Furthermore, there has been said that with the start of preschool communication
skills begin to emerge (Jenkins). Being able to have conversational skills and
understanding your peers is an important aspect in children s lives. Jones said that
one key milestone in the developmental process is the growth of theory of mind, the
ability to understand that peers differ from self (Jenkins).The theory of mind is the
ability to attribute mental states such as: beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, and
knowledge. It has been said that the theory of mind emerges as early as three years
old (Jenkins). The ability to initiate interaction with and respond to peers develop
when more complex language skills emerge (Jenkins). If children fail to gain these
skills, they are more than likely going to be alienated by their peers and reveal
problem behaviors.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If social skills were to be a real subject most children would struggle (Lawson).
They would have difficulties because it would be their hardest subject. Gaining
social skills isn t the easiest skill to have especially for children who are shy and
quiet. Social skills are skills that children acquire along their way up. It is important
that children build friendships with their peers so that they will enjoy and look
forward to going to school. There are a variety of students that may have social
skills difficulties. For example, children who have attentional problems, children with
memory problems, children with language and communication difficulties, and
children with autism have social skill difficulties (Lawson). Some children differ
broadly on how well they are able to build relationships and obtain peer acceptance.
Those are the ones that are considered to be popular and also the leaders at school.
They are very much self confident and influential


Persuasive Essay On Toilets
Do you know the best toilet seat in your bathroom can enhance your living
experience? You may agree on this because not having the best toilet seat offers a
feeling of camping. These days, people are highly considering for buying good
quality toilet seat while renovating the bathroom. The desire of something different or
something more luxurious and highly functional with high comfort level has inspired
people to purchase top quality toiletseats. Here the guide on buying comfortable and
functional Toilet Seat.
Why should you have best power flush toilet?
Spending a lot of money for buying a functional and safe toilet is considered to be
worth. It is true that a toilet only flushes away waste, but purchasing a right toilet
proves to be effective in:
Saving ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In numerous family units, the young and current ones are selecting a dark toilet seat
to get a slick environment inside their toilet and bath. In a market, this sort of toilet
seat is considered as one of the sturdy and most grounded ones. With incredible
movable pivots, the toilet seats can be introduced impeccably, which will in this way
help users in not encountering squirming and wobbling development when sitting on
a dark toilet seat. Users can clean it with warm sudsy water and don t need to stress
over staining after delayed use.
What makes the best toilet seat?
Toilet seat hinges and the hinge materials play a significant role in making a good
and perfect seat. The durability and functionality of toilet seat entirely depend on the
hinges, which helps in properly fixing up the seat. The hinges also assure of easy
removal of toilet seats, which assures of perfect cleaning.
Hinge materials:
Plastic Hinges: Plastic hinges are made of nylon polypropylene and often available
in the same color as your toilet seat. These are cheaper but are found to be low in


The Asterick-Parallel
In 2001, the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan
University in Kalamazoo allowed three sessions on Tolkien to be presented. That
seminal event was the nucleus from which this collection sprang. For forty years,
editor Jane Chance, Professor Emerita in English at Rice University, has written and
taught on medieval literature, medieval culture, medieval women and modern
medievalism. She has authored or edited five critical studies of Tolkien s work, as
well as numerous scholarly articles. In her introduction, Chance notes that since Peter
Jackson began filming The Lord of the Ringsin 1999, there has been a parallel rise in
interest in his writings and books about his writings (1). Additionally, the publication
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first essay, by John William Houghton, cast a very interesting light on Tolkien s
creation myth. Houghton uses asterisk in Augustine in the cottage of lost play: the
AinulindalГ« as asterisk cosmogony as Shippey used asterisk reality in his
description of Tolkien s creative process. Asterick realities may be based on
assumptions which are imaginative, but they must be internally cohesive. Houghton s
essay considers the AinulindalГ« as a cohesive construction within Tolkien s world
which also fits neatly amongst the real cosmogonies known to early medieval Europe
(171). He examines how Saint Augustine, writing at the turn of the fifth century,
understood the Old Testament book of Genesis. Augustine was apparently a careful
and meticulous student of the text, which Tolkien surely would have appreciated.
Tolkien chose to clothe his creation in the language of music, but Houghton shows
where the concepts beneath the imagery would fit easily into Augustine s
understanding of creation. This essay was most valuable to me on a few points
about sub creation and the role of Man in God s


A Summary Of Living Beyond Limits
Amy Purdy s TED talk, Living Beyond Limits , empowers people to push past their
boundaries. She encourages people to embrace their differences and obstacles in
life that would normally set them back. Purdy explained that after she had
graduated from high school, she moved from a large desert to somewhere that
snowed, and she became a massage therapist. She finally felt in control of her own
life. Unfortunately, this was all for a very short time because one day soon after,
she left her job early because of what she thought was the flu. Realistically, Purdy
had contracted bacterial meningitis, and was soon laying in the hospital on life
support. She lost both of her legs from the knee down, hearing in her left ear, and
both of her kidneys. After she healed, she tried on a new pair prosthetic legs, and
she grew frustrated and immediately felt as though her life would be restricted and
confined forever, that her new legs would impact her life in a very negative way.
After a few months of moping and feeling sorry for herself, she started to view her
position in a new light. She decided she must embrace her new legs, and learn how
to work with them, instead of working against them. She found many benefits to
having prosthetic legs, and it made her realize that her legs weren t a curse. After
realizing all of the positives, Purdy was able to continue with her life, and as time
went on, she overcame even more obstacle by staying positive. Four months after
Purdy s health scare,


Capital One Case Study
In consumer lending, every product is evolving in the same direction as credit
cards toward large, national scale consolidators replacing local, face to face lending.
That evolution has happened in credit cards. It s well under way in auto finance,
mortgages, and home equity. Its coming more slowly in installment lending. So
consumer lending, a major part of the asset side of banking, is all flowing toward
national consolidators like Capital One. RICHARD D. FAIRBANK,
United Kingdom, the Hfs Group, to strengthen its Global Financial services (GFS)
subsidiary in the British market. As of April 2005, it possessed sufficient liquidity
($21 billion) and capital ($9.2 billion)4 to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2005, ICFAI Business School Case Development Centre. No part of this publication
may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced, or distributed in any form or medium
whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner.
Between 1994 and 2004, the company grew at an annual compound rate of 29
percent/ both in terms of its EPS and the number of customers. In 2004, its
earnings were $1.5 billion, and the EPS was at $6.21.8 At the end of 2004, the
company and its subsidiaries held 48.6 million accounts and $79.9 billion9 in
managed loans outstanding, which grew by 12 percent ($8.6 billion) over the
previous year (see Exhibit 1). It had 17,760 employees in March 2005. The bank
offers 7,00010variations of its MasterCard and Visa cards, each one is customized
to appeal to different customer preferences and needs by combining product
features such as different backgrounds and colors, along with varied annual
percentage rates, credit limits, fees, and rewards programs. Capital One s pricing
strategy is based on the risk level of its customers. It offers platinum and gold cards
to its preferred customers with excellent credit history and a wide range of secured
and unsecured cards to customers with limited or poor credit history. The company
also provides a range of consumer products like auto finanCing, mortgage services,
credit insurance, and home equity loans. Customizations of credit cards at Capital
One are made with the support of its


China s Aging Population And The Hukou System
The selection of blog entries is an important process involving the need to
thoroughly take into account the subject topic and accordingly carry out the
review of the topic. The blogs are means to represent the idea in brief in order to
make it clear for understanding by the reader. The blog should not be formed of
complex set of words, which are tough to understand by the reader. Instead, the
precise description in an easy language should be carried out in order to benefit the
reader by adding to their knowledge. Thus, two blogs have been written here titled as
China s agingpopulation, and The Hukou system . Each of these has been described
in the context of the topic so as to make them clear and precise enough to the reader.
The blog titled China s aging population describes how the increase in population is
a growing concern for the country. The reason for selection of this topic is to
explore how the increase in aged population of China is causing an impact on the
country s economic system. The increase in population is a serious issue of
concern, which is well controlled by the government through introducing one child
policy (Peilin, 2015). This parameter has however resulted into several side effects
such as increase in aged people in the country. As a result of this, the expenses
associated with elderly people is also increasing, which is an interesting area focused
in the blog. It was rather a good choice of topic as it helped in exploring how the


Digestive System
The Digestive system:
The stomach related framework is comprised of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
likewise called the stomach related tract and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The
GI tract is a progression of empty organs participated in a long, bending tube from the
mouth to the butt. The empty organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, throat,
stomach, small digestive system, internal organ which incorporates the rectum and
butt. Sustenance enters the mouth and goes to the rear end through the empty organs
of the GI tract. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the strong organs of the
stomach related framework. The stomach related framework enables the body to
process nourishment.
Why is digestion important?
Digestion is critical for separating nourishment into supplements, which the body
utilizes for vitality, development, and cell repair. Sustenance and drink must be
changed into littler particles of supplements before the blood retains them and
conveys them to cells all through the body. The body separates supplements from
sustenance and drink into starches, protein, fats, and vitamins. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Processing works by moving nourishment through the GI tract. Assimilation starts in
the mouth with biting and finishes in the small digestive system. As sustenance goes
through the GI tract, it blends with stomach related juices, making substantial
particles of nourishment separate into littler atoms. The body at that point ingests
these littler particles through the dividers of the small digestive system into the
circulatory system, which conveys them to whatever remains of the body. Squander
results of assimilation go through the internal organ and out of the body as a strong
issue called


Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Swot
The Guajilote Cooperative is an incredibly fascinating business enterprise. It has
created prosperity for its members, kept the protected national forest free of debris
that could cause wide spread destruction, and keep capesinos (peasant farmers) from
over running the preserve.
Given the lack of education by its members, their success is impressive. COHDEFOR
should be delighted with their experiment. Nevertheless, any future attempts to copy
this model should be carefully analyzed and basic business skills, such as accounting,
should be taught to members before letting them run a business.
SWOT Analysis Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Honduras
This business has committed and determined members and employees. There also
exists a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Primary Activities
Inbound Logistics
The fallen mahogany is difficult to locate, process, and distribute. Fortunately the
members are dedicated and hard working, willing to face and overcome these
It is a very simple, albeit dangerous and labor intensive, operation: locate a fallen
mahogany tree, set up a temporary hand sawmill, disassemble the tree, carry out or
float out the wood. Locating a suitable location to set up the large cross cut saw
needed to disassemble the fallen tree is often difficult because of the steep terrain.
This is often a very time consuming process, limiting the number of trees Guajilo
members can process in a year.
Outbound Logistics
Currently Guajilote is selling the mahogany to the only local distributor. This has
limited their profit potential.
Marketing and Sales
There has been very little marketing done, as there is only one distributor willing to
come out to Chaparral because of its remote location and treacherous roadways.
However they have contacted an exporter to assess the viability of adding furniture
making to their operations.
The only service Guajilote is offering currently is the rough processed mahogany cut
and pulled from the forest, being sold as a commodity only. It does have the


Chronic Bronchitis Research Papers
Cause of Bronchitis Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of your bronchial
tubes. The bronchial tubes tubes are responsible for carrying air to the lungs. Acute
bronchitis last from one to three weeks. Chronic bronchitis goes at least three months.
According to healthline, Both the common cold and influenza can lead to acute
bronchitis. In rare cases, Bordetella Pertussis, which causes whooping cough can also
cause acute bronchitis. (Healthline). The inflammation occurs as a result of of an
airway infection or environmental trigger such as dust, pollution, fumes. Smoking
irritates the bronchial tubes and causes them to produce excess mucus. According to
webmd, every cigarette damage the cilia which are responsible for brushing out
debris, irritants, and excess mucus. The more you smoke, the more you re increasing
your chances of developing chronic bronchitis.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Dr. Rene Laennecdiscovered the relationship between emphysema and chronic
bronchitis and first to connect it to the shortness of breath(1821). In 1846, John
Hutchinson invented the spirometer which is used today in diagnosing and treating
lung diseases like bronchitis. In 1954, bronchitis was considered rare and described
as a disease among the elderly. By 1870, emphysema and chronic bronchitis were
related diseases that result in the inflammation of the lungs.(lungs


Where Wizards Stay Up Late
Where Wizards Stay up Late
Where Wizards Stay up Late, the Origins of the Internet. Katie Hafner and Matthew
Lyon walk us through the beginnings of the Internet. The authors will talk about how
a computer engineering firm produced the first prototypes of the Arpanet, and how a
group of men made the Internet as we know it today. It tells the intriguing story of
how the technology for the Internet was devised. In many respects, it is very much a
behind the scenes kind of documentary.
When thinking about the Internet, one always appears to assume that the
development of computer technology has been driven by a few giants of the industry.
Indeed, we always assume that it is the big people that made it. And yet, the truth is
very different. The authors show us how many of the developments surrounding the
Internet were brought about with the support and often the leadership of the
government. Indeed, it was the government funding that made a lot of these realities
possible. Thus, this is basically a case study of what the development of networking
In the book, we encounter the process of packet switching, which is a technique in
which a digital message is broken up into smaller packets that can be routed
separately through a network to their destination. This is how the Internet was
The two authors follow the story from the conception of the idea of packet switching
in the early 1960s to the creation and development of the Internet. We see how one


Elephantiasis Disease
There is no vaccine or cure for lymphatic filariasis. Diethylcarbamazine (DEC),
Albendazole and Ivermectine are drugs used for people seeking prevention or
already suffer from Lymphatic Filariasis. The treatment help reduce microfilariae
in human. People diagnosed with the disease require taking DEC for a long period
of time. The medication can kill adult worms slowly. People at risk of getting the
disease take the medication annually such as Albendazole 400 mg combined with
Ivermectin 200 mcg for every kg of body weight, or take Diethylcarbamazine
citrate ( DEC) 6mg/ kg. Dosage is taken three times a day for three weeks annually
for five years. This is a method of prevention for non infected individuals. For people
that already have signs... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This will reduce the swelling of the infected limbs and will help prevent further
swelling. Also washing the affected area with soap and water, then drying it and
applying antibacterial and antifungal cream, this step is done on a daily bases, it will
prevent bacterial or fungal infection. Patients with elephantiasis are prone to
infections due to their damaged lymphatic system. Therefore it is important to
prevent any infections from spreading because the immune system cannot fight any
infections (Hoerauf 980). In Nepal there are clinics that use herbal remedies to
help reduce the appearance of the inflamed area like essential oils of Lavender, tea
tree, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Calendula and Arnica. These herbal remedies are
mixed with distilled water to wash the surface of the skin and used to make a paste
to apply on top of the skin: And then wrapped using pressure bandages for
compression. This procedure can help calm the inflamed cite and reduce any
microbial contamination that causes irritation of the skin. This technique has shown
good results. In some sever cases, medical therapy by itself is not enough and
performing surgery or radiation therapy may be more beneficial for effected patients.
For example, in cases where the male genitals have been affected, a reconstructive
procedure is done on the penis and scrotum to remove tumorous and infected tissues.
These types of surgery have shown lots of


Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From
1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear
outline of the conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. Japanese
Imperialism first began in 1868 after the appointment of the 16 year old boy
Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan s famous period of modernisation, the
Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of Japan,
and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and
military of the country. Additionally, The Meiji Periodwitnessed the end of Japanese
feudalism and the beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded,
the Japanese Empire remained prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji s
death came two years prior to the beginning of World War I which would see
significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its aftermath
(1914 23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the
end of the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as
enemies with Germany. As a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan s first
actions in the war were to invade China and capture the German possessions in China.
The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the railway lines and mining
locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum which would


Literature Review Of Related Literature On Nutraceutical
2.1 Nutraceuticals
Nutraceuticals are one of the new growing industry of pharmaceuticals which are
naturally bioactive with chemical compounds that have health promoting, disease
preventing or medicinal properties. It is also called as medicinal foods, designer
foods, phytochemicals, functional foods and nutritional supplements. Its purity
safety, and efficacy play an important role for future therapeutic development.
Nutraceuticals continue to arise as convenient for daily life (Arsi et al., 2000)
because it brings health benefits quicker than eating conventional healthy foods
(Chang, 2000).
Globally, Nutraceuticals keeps on developing and expanding in the market as such
the emerging new millennium for food, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and agricultural
industries. The tremendous growth of nutraceuticals indicates that consumers and
users of this products are taking extra nutritional benefits and minimally eats
processed foods. Therefore there is an increasing awareness levels about fitness and
to majority of people to become healthier and consumed only healthy foods.
2.2 Cosmeceuticals In addition, the fastest growing segment of natural personal care
is the cosmetic industry such as Cosmeceuticals, a future generation and a backbone
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The implication of the contaminants may be due to human intervention in gram
positive bacteria, and maybe because of environmental process control including raw
materials and water systems for gram negative bacteria (Jimenez, 2004). Among
Gram negative bacteria, rod shaped organism are the most common bacteria found in
non sterile pharmaceuticals, since can be acquired environmental (Jimenez, 2004). A
study on microbiological quality of lotions and creams by Okeke and Lamikanra
(2001) was performed and most common microbes found were Escherichia coli and


North American Slave Trade Essay
Sugar cane, tobacco, and cotton plantations in the New World were labour
intensive and took a lot of manpower to cultivate. To meet that demand for labour,
European countries such as Portugal and Britain sailed their ships to West African
shores with weapons, manufactured goods and rum to give to the natives in
exchange for slaves. The slaves would then be crammed into the ships and made to
live in subhuman conditions so they would be taken to the Americas. More than
20% of the slaves wouldn t survive the arduous journey, some of them would
commit suicide to avoid further suffering, some would die of disease and some
would even be thrown overboard as a mean of discipline.
The slave trade has had many long and short term effects, in fact I d ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
To justify slavery, Europeans claimed that Africans were biologically different to
normal humans and they re destined to be slaves. This aspect of slavery is seldom
mentioned in text books and is overlooked by many which is odd as racism is still a
part of North American and European culture.
The slave trade made Britain very rich which in turn lead to the Industrial
Revolution. The crops grown by the slaves were luxury products such as tobacco,
cocoa, and sugar. This allowed the British to have very high profit margins when
selling them to their colonies. It s estimated that Britain made ВЈ3.8M (ВЈ450M
adjusted for inflation) from slave based agriculture and ВЈ60M(ВЈ8 BILLION
adjusted for inflation) from slave sales. These profits helped finance everything from
cotton factories to James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine.
To conclude, the slave trade has had a huge impact on our world and and had more
effects than any other trade route. It has a played a massive role in shaping the
world we live in and we can still see its effects hundreds and hundreds of years after it


Oral Health Education Case Study Essay
Case study one
Source of the patient referral
Patient was referred to me from the dentist.
Medical problem
Presented was a 62 year old female, patient is an asthmatic and has bronchitis.
Social circumstances
She previously smoked 70 per week, but has since cut this down to 3 per day, due to
cost and health issues The patient doesn t drink alcohol. The patient has a relatively
healthy diet.
Patients presenting problem
The patient has a four unit bridge on her upper anteriors, she has ten missing teeth
and others which are heavily filled. The patient requires no other treatment other than
three visit perio appointments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The patient was brushing twice a day already using a scrub technique, however she
had bleeding on brushing and was not brushing all areas of her mouth.( see appendix
1 of perio chart)
The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any
more bleeding.
The patient had admitted to in the past only brushing once per day and not for the
required time.
Teaching methods
The teaching methods I used were: Demonstration via model and mirror. I used this
method as I thought the patient would be more likely to remember what I had
shown her, she would be able to see clearly and she could repeat what I had shown
her on the model, I would also be able to see better when the patient repeated the
demonstration and would be able to see if she made any errors and could help her put
these right.
Talk I thought this method would help the patient understand better the process and
the causes of periodontal disease ( I talked to the patient when showing her a poster )
She would also be able to ask questions on the matter so I could see if she fully


Dr. Fasching Research Paper
It s a sad fact that some body fat is just difficult to eliminate. You ve already spent
hours in the gym just to burn off calories. You ve stopped eating your favorite
calorie laden food just so you wouldn t stray away from your strict diet. Yet, that
fatty deposit in your waist, hips or buns just wouldn t go away. It s frustrating, right?
The good news is you don t have to feel defeated. Thanks to modern technology, you
can request a liposuction with Dr. Michael Fasching to remove stubborn fat. It s a
minimally invasive procedure that works by suctioning fat out of our body. When
you visit Dr. Fasching for a liposuction consultation, you are most likely going to
encounter two liposuction techniques, a traditional liposuction or a tumescent
liposuction. Both have the same objective, which is fat reduction, but differ in... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Back to work within one to two days with mild bruising and soreness Which one is
better? From the table above, you can probably say that tumescent liposuction is
better. However, never underestimate what traditional liposuction can do. After all,
traditional liposuction has not become the most popular procedure in the country for
nothing. Both procedures can deliver the results you want, but they do have their
own pros and cons. If you want superb results, choosing who your surgeon will be
should be the weightier matter than what liposuction technique to get. Regardless of
what technique you choose, you should feel confident about your doctor s skill and
experience. With that said, the smartest move to make is to consult with a board
certified plastic surgeon. Thankfully, Dr. Fasching is highly qualified to recommend
and perform both techniques, and give the results you desire and deserve. To know if
you re a good liposuction candidate and which technique is better for you, schedule
an appointment


The Consequences Of The Globes Meat Consumption
Climate change undoubtedly has a monumental effect on countries across the globe,
It is becoming increasingly clear that it is the most important challenge facing
international relations today. Agriculture and more specifically animal agriculture is
one of the biggest contributors to human made climate change. This is important for
international relations because animal agricultureeffects trade, global food security
and the global economy. With the population growing at a rapid pace the demand on
animal agricuture is also rapidly increasing. This essay will discuss the consequences
of the globes meatconsumption and the challenge it poses to international relations. It
will then go on to discuss the way the international community should address global
food security while reducing the animal agriculture industries effect on the
There are powerful hegemonic forces at play with cultural, religious, gender and other
issues shaping our dietary preferences. Obsessive meat consumption is deeply
ingrained into societies throughout the globe, especially in western cultures. Humans
have been eating meat since the beginning of our existence, although much less
frequently than we do today. Nonetheless, It is in the interest of all countries, to
reduce meat consumption, It is not just a personal decision or a lifestyle choice but a
crucial issue of International relations which needs to be tackled using full range of
international strategies and agreements which I


Puerto Rico And Its Effects Essay
Puerto Rico is spanish for rich port. It s history, landscapes, food, and climate make
it a world class destination for tourist. Puerto Rico is a caribbean island with
landscapes of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest. It is one of
the most densely populated islands in the world. Puerto Ricois 3,515 square miles
which is three time the size of Rhode Island. The population of the island is
3,474,182 making it one of the most densely populated islands in the world. With a
tropical climate Puerto Ricos temperature stays the same year round at 80 degrees
with a rainy season which stretches from April into November. Trade winds pass
through the island year round which is reused for energy. The country s natural
resources are copper and nickel. Oil and natural gas is found on the coast of puerto
In the past, puerto Rico was a major sugar producer. Today, the leading exports
include electronics, apparel, canned tuna, rum, beverage concentrates, and medical
equipment. Imports include chemicals, machinery and equipment, clothing, food,
fish, and petroleum products. In 1493, Christopher Columbus arrived at Puerto Rico.
He originally called the island San Juan, but because of the gold in the rivers but it
was soon known as Puerto Rico, or Rich Port and the capital city took the name San
Juan. Over the years there were many unsuccessful attempts made by the French,
Dutch, and English to conquer the island. To protect themselves, the Spanish


Makeup Of Makeup Club At School
Makeup Club Makeup has been around for centuries. People would do crazy
things just to change their appearance. They would even unknowingly risk their
health by using chemicals like lead and mercury (Healthy Beauty). It took years
for people to finally become educated about makeup. Today makeup is an art. It s
used in various ways from basic everyday application to extravagant Hollywood
makeup. By having Makeup Club at school it could teach members how to
properly use makeup. We will also teach basic makeup along with special effects
makeup. Besides that we will provide makeup application to the cast of school
productions. This will be a fun group where members can express individuality and
learn a lot. The point of Makeup Club is to educate in a fun, creative way. A lot of
people are interested in makeup and many have careers involving makeup.
Surprisingly, it s a large industry. The club will be open to everyone, boys and girls.
The club will meet two times a month and each month will have a theme. It will
run for the whole year. We are going to teach everything to know about makeup
from what to use and how to use it. We will also teach everything from basic
application to special effects designing. The club will help out the school by being
the makeup crew for school productions. We will also do fundraisers for the club
and or school. Besides providing for the school, Makeup Club will benefit the
community. We will do volunteer work at the elementary and middle schools


Analysis Of Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals
Several recent natural disasters have occurred in China including the Wenchuan
earthquake in 2008 (8.0 on the Richter scale), the Yushu earthquake in 2010 (7.1 on
the Richter scale), the Yuliang earthquake in 2012 (5.7 on the Richter scale), the Yaan
earthquake (6.5 on the Richter scale), and the Ludian earthquake in 2014 (6.5 on the
Richter scale). The Chinese government has increased its focus on public healthin
post disaster areas and has provided sufficient funding to support construction of local
hospitals. Additionally, the government has attempted to improve medical services to
promote public health [1, 2]. In 2013, the Chinese government proposed the Chinese
Health Promotion Hospitals (CHPHs) programme [3].The Health Promoting... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Disaster conditions also challenge their physical and mental endurance [9].
Healthcare professionals may have increased risks of post traumatic distress due
to their work. For example, Shrestha R reported that health professionals working
in the Nepal earthquake of 2015 were at significantly higher risk of developing
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall prevalence rates of PTSD were
21.9% and 17.1% using cut off scores and diagnostic criteria, respectively [10]. A
study by Oglodek E. showed that 40% of medical rescuers experiencing PTSD
reported that the dissociation was caused by the death of a patient being rescued
[11]. Additionally, Yu YM et al. revealed that during the Wenchuan earthquake in
2008, more than 50% of medical staff demonstrated several of the following signs of
stress: grief, fear, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and dizziness [12].
Therefore, health quality of healthcare professionals after disasters is a significant
issue [9, 13].
To our knowledge, the data regarding how medical staffs promote healthy lifestyles
after a disaster are unclear. We hypothesized that additional data could provide
reliable empirical evidence for health promotion in health workers and the public in
post disaster areas as well as for the development of CHPHs. The primary goal of this
study was to determine whether healthcare workers took healthier lifestyles than other


Advantages And Differences Between SQL And Nosql
SAP also known as systems applications and products in data processing is one of
the better IT companies at the moment. It is a German software company which
develops software for both small and large businesses to track customer and
business interactions. Their largest software is ERP (Enterprise Planning Resource).
The software was given the same name as the company name which can be slightly
confusing at times. The company have offices in almost 130 countries and their
software operates in 180 countries with 335,000 users spread across. As per task this
research paper will challenge the comparison and contrast of NoSQL databases with
relational database managing system which will be explained in greater detail further
in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lack ability to perform ACID transactions
Figure 2 Both databases have some advantages and disadvantages. As seen in Figure
2 there are listed some limitations of both. Although the NoSQL database is not as
well tested as SQL it will still keep growing as the technology advances so well and
performance must be improved which NoSQL allows for. Below in Figure 3 are
listed some advantages of both databases.
Uses long established standards used by ASCIEasier to manage, files are more
SQL is a simple language which uses standard English keywordsHigher level of
Easily maintained as all tools are provided unlike in NoSQLOpen source meaning it
is available to even the smallest company at a very low cost
It is not as fast as NoSQL although SQL has its own simplicity which organizations
like. Detail database model is not needed therefore it increases efficiency due to time
Figure 3 Return On


Theories Of Bering Strait Theory
The bering strait theory is named after Vitus Bering. It is also known as the land
bridge theory as well, the theory takes places during the ice age it is said that the
waters of the Bering straits were frozen over and match up, making sea levels lower
which allowed the natives of North America to cross over from Asiavia Siberia. They
did not walk over ice they made a route. This is the origin of our fellow native
people. Many believe that the first people to populate the Americas migrated across
the Bering Land Bridge while tracking large game animal herds. Becoming the roots
of the bering straittheory. It s model of how migration started. Even today this shows
us how many have crossed america looking for something more alongside a greater
quality of life. The foundation of the bering strait theory, The roots of bering strait
theory goes back to 1587 started with the writings of Fr.Jose de picacasta, his
writings were about the indigenous natives of mexico he was working along side...
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Due to all of this Jose de Acosta reasoned they had to come from somewhere else.
He was closed minded and thought they were too backwards to figure out how to
make something to get here so they all had to walk to the americas they didn t
know of the bering bridge during the time so they didn t know how people were
getting across In 1587 American ancestors walked across america. In 1781
Thomas Jefferson wrote about this topic and recorded it as data into Notes on
Virginia . Thomas Jefferson took Acosta s ideas and bering beidge discovery he put
it together to explain why the natives were here. This is how word got out and
brought the people to know about the bering strait theory. This was widely accepted
to looked to for answers up until


Attrition From Higher Education Institution
Attrition from Higher Education Institution (HEI) programmes is worryingly on the
increase (Russell Group 2010). However, students that drop out of pre registration
nursing programmes are of particular concern, not only to the HEI but the
Government and the NHS also due to the requirement to meet the needs of the NHS
recruitment and demands of an increasingly ageing society that relies on qualified
nurses (DOH 2007). Indeed the type of funding that student nurses receive and the
amount of money that is invested by Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) and
Government in them suggests that attrition is a costly problem (DOH 2009).
It is difficult to gather specific statistical data regarding attrition rates as ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A more recent report produced by the Department of Health states that the attrition
rate from pre registration nursing programmes stands at 16% (DOH 2010). This
statistic differs greatly from the national average of 27% reported direct to the RCN
by the HEIs. The United Kingdom figures do generally appear favourable however
compared to countries such as Italy (65%) and the USA (37%) (International Audit
office, 2007).
Statistics produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (2011) highlight that
the percentage drop out rate for students on all types of Degree level programmes is
relatively low at approximately 10% whereas for those studying the Diploma level
programme the drop out rate increases to 17%. Therefore the statistics identified for
attrition from pre registration nursing programmes are higher that the average
attrition rate of all other Degree and Diploma programmes.
A higher completion rate among pre registration nurses will enhance the NHS
workforce of qualified nurses and will help towards the Department of Health Our
Health, Our Care, Our Say (DOH 2006a) goal to ensure individual excellence of care
for all. Higher retention of students would also aide the HEIs involved in the
education of pre registration nursing as SHA and Government targets will be met and
financial penalties


Hail Mary by Tupac Shakur A literary Analysis
Hail Mary by Tupac Shakur A literary Analysis The song Hail Mary by Tupac
Shakur has sparked continued interest and attracted much criticism. Tupac s
application of the eternal theme of the struggle between good and evil to the cycle
of prey vs. predator that is showcased in Hail Mary is unique and incorporates
heart, mind, body and soul. Tupac explores the catch 22 of falling prey to evil if
choosing to become a predator in order to survive, and shares the conflicting emotions
of many young African American men who have been born into this. Using
metaphors, symbolism, strong imagery, and oxymorons, Tupac illustrates the ups and
downs of the prey vs. predator cycle and expresses the conflicts that come with the...
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The Illuminati are also a well know secret society of white European descendant
that are believed to hold a vast data bases of knowledge and who may have some
higher plan to govern the world in a new world order. This concept coupled with
doing what is necessary to survive may allude to an uprising of African Americans
through enlightenment in the mind, while always being conscious of the


Forensic Science And The Scientific Examination Of
The scientific examination of evidence in criminal cases found in a crime scene is
called forensic science. Forensic scientists use the same technology, tools and
methods used by other scientists doing other types of research, including
microscopes, computers, and lasers. As forensic science has advanced over the
years, so has the ability to gather evidence and solve crimes. At crime scenes, lasers
provide lighting to track blood sample that not visible to the naked eye. Forensic
imaging technology is technology that lets the first responding local police
department or crime scene investigators immediately send a photo or fingerprint
image to a central database for identification. Computers can enhance pictures taken
by a camera and use features like the facial recognition software to clearly identify
blurred images. Lasers can also vaporize small portions of paint specimens to
determine the exact paint used on a car in a hit and run case. Although this science
has been used for years, wrongful convictions have brought to the attention that
forensic sciencehas been faulty for decades. The chilling truth is that forensic science
has contributed to convicting innocent people over the decades and will continue to
do so if the normality continues.
According to the Virginia Law Review, fingerprint analysis which are based on
humans using or computers attempting to find and match patterns are incredibly
subjected to mistakes. Not the kind of mistake where the analyst has it in


Characteristics Of The Horseshoe Crab
Introduction: Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, inhabits shallow brackish
marine environments ranging from the Atlantic Ocean along the North American
coastline to the Gulf coasts of the United states and from the East coast of Mexico to
the Yucatan Peninsula (Walls, Elizabeth). There are three other species of the
horseshoe crab worldwide: Tachypleus tridentatus, Tachypleus gigas, and
Carconoscorpinus rotundicauda that closely resemble Limulus in structure and
habits, ranging from the Indian ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the coasts of Asia
(National Wildlife Federation).
The horseshoe crab is known to be one of the oldest living fossils ; which means that
this organism s morphology has essentially not changed from fossils found from
earlier geologic times, around 250 million years ago (Noel Chartier). Based on the
fact that the morphology has not changed in so long it can be assumed that the
horseshoe crab has not had to adapt to changing environments and has been able to
withstand a changing environment. Due to the statement regarding the oldest living
fossils, one can hypothesize that fossil records will show evidence that fossils of
extinct creatures look nearly identical to the creatures that are still living today (Noel
If a person searched for horseshoe crabs in a shallow brackish marine environment
and found a living horseshoe crab and compared it to a fossil record of one, they
would look almost identical to each other. The outward


Joe Obermueller Job Shadow Essay
For my job shadow I went to the University of Sioux Falls! There I was introduced
to Joe Obermueller who is the Assistant Professor and Director of theatre. I arrived
at the University of Sioux Falls November 15th. I think it was extremely interesting
that Obermueller was a professor and a director. Having both of those
responsibilities would be exceptionally stressful, Obermueller has two things that he
has to focus on in his career. He has to make sure that the academic side is tip top
and people are learning what they need to. But, he also has to focus on the upcoming
production that requires an abundance of work which causes him to stay at the school
until the late hours of the night. When I made it to the school, I marched into the
Jeschke... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There wasn t anything I disliked about the shadow. I loved being in classes that is all
about, theatre, something I want to do in my future. Many people wish we had some
of those classes at West Central. We learned that being a professorisn t an easy thing
to achieve, but is one of the most fun and rewarding careers. An article I read on
Shmoop about theater directors state Theatre, as a form of creativity and
expression, is a fantastic way to reach across cultures and get down to our shared
humanity as well as our shared dislike for any play over three hours ( Day in the
life of a Theatre Director ). I also learned from Obermueller that interning at places
which is similar to the career I want to pursue can really help me later in life. Also,
I should begin looking into jobs that pertain to my future now rather than later.
Obermueller also made it very obvious that making relationships with people who
can get me to the places I want to go will really improve my chances in succeeding in
this career. So in conclusion, going to USF was an amazing experience and really
eased my nerves about college. It showed me college will be fun and having a
career in theatre is a challenging yet beneficial job. I really look forward to my
future now that I know more about what to


Goldman Fristoe Case Study
Before I gave the Goldman Fristoe to Lauren, my client, I asked why she they
wanted to bring her in to the Butler University Clinic. The parents said that her
preschool teacher had a hard time understanding her in class and suggested to take
her to a speech pathologist. Lauren spoken language is English and there were no
prior medical issues. Therefore, I decided to give Lauren the Goldman Fristoe to
see what phonemes she struggled with. Since Lauren is 4 years, 10 months and 17
days old, I gave her the sounds in words section then sounds in sentences section for
ages 4:0 6:11. During the sounds in words section, I showed Lauren a series of
pictures and asked her what each picture was. Sometimes I would point out specific
out in the picture and asked her what that certain object was. This section focused on
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I felt I did a decent job at giving the Goldman Fristoe to Lauren. I read the directions
and tried to make taking the test fun. I used the directions whenever Lauren did not
say the word I wanted to hear and did not talk monotone. I From the view of a client,
I felt taking the Golden Fristoe was difficult. It was difficult to mispronounce
phonemes within words. Though I practiced mispronouncing my phonemes, when I
came to taking the test, I still struggled mispronouncing them. It was easier to
mispronounce phonemes in words rather than in sentences. I also found it hard to
mispronounce phonemes during the stimulability section of the test. I felt one thing
I could have done to make the test giving process better is being more fluent when
giving the test. One thing I could have done to make taking the test easier is
mastering my incorrect phonemes. While I was taking the test, I was trying to
fronting and stopping. I thought scoring the Golden Fristoe was fairly easy. All I
had to do was add up every phoneme Lauren mispronounced in each section for a raw


The Legacy Of John D. Rockefeller
In the industrial age, there were these people called the titans. John D. Rockefeller
was considered one of the titans. Rockefeller wanted to be the richest man in
America, however, he was the first billionaire in America (Independence Hall
Association, 2015). He was born in Richford, New York in 1839. Rockefeller was
the second child and he had five other siblings which were William Rockefeller,
Frank Rockefeller, Lucy Rockefeller Briggs, Francis Rockefeller, and Mary Ann
Rockefeller (Famous people,2015). He married Laura Celestia Spelman and they
had five children. His father, William Avery Rockefeller, was a doctor that thought
he could cure cancers. His mother was Eliza Davidson Rockefeller and she was a
very religious woman. She taught John how to save and give to charities. He
worked for his neighbors and raised turkeys for his mother. By the time he was
twelve years old, he had saved $50 dollars, which back then was a lot. The family
moved to Owego, New York in 1851 and in 1852 John attended Owego Academy.
He was an average student in all other subjects besides Mental Arithmetic. He could
solve these problems in his head when most people couldn t solve them on paper
(WGBH Education Foundation, 2015). In the spring of 1855 Rockefeller spent 10
weeks at Folsom s commercial college a chain college where he learned single and
double entry book keeping, penmanship, commercial history, mercantile customs,
banking, and exchange (WGBH Educational


A Career As A Career In The Music Industry
The process to become a professional singer would have to start when you re young,
because it takes time to actually learn music and to build your voice. Most cited
researches I have looked up reported that many professional singers today usually
have begin their training of practicing who they are at a young age. Singing
opportunities can come from anywhere, such as being in a play at school. It s
important for singers to develop a variety of styles. It s good to know more than one
type of musicnow and days for a better position in the music industry. For instance
both popular and classical styles should be considered because employment
opportunities exist in each. To get better results for your outcome most people
would consider enrolling in a formal training program. Once you ve reached your
unique voice, continue the process and look for professional singing
opportunities. To get taken seriously you should build up your professional
representation and perform as much as possible. Musicians typically advance in
their careers by seeking an audience for their craft. While performance
opportunities may be offered all over the country, it s noted that many musicians
relocate to hub cities for the entertainment industry like New York, Los Angeles,
Nashville or Chicago. These states are typically where you would find a famous
singer or musicians that you can reflect on and learn from in your experience of
making your career a success. For me after this step would be to go to either
University of Houston or Juilliard. Colleges and universities may offer numerous
performing opportunities. In addition to choral ensembles and formal recitals and
shows, performing in placing that will allow you to sing or local singing
opportunities may be beneficial for a beginner. Singers can audition for concerts
and theatrical performances to build their vocal skills. Make sure to take
advantage of school opportunities as while. Many schools with music and vocal
degree programs have resources such as studios, practice rooms or reference
libraries that will allow you to exercise and practice on your craft of music. When
looking for a music or vocal performance degree program usually you will need to
audition get excepted. While


Effects Of The French Revolution On The World
Carolina Swindel
Dr. Frost; MYP World History, Period 1
30 October 2015
The Effects of the French Revolution on the World
After the American Revolutionary War the French were left with millions of
dollars in debt because of their efforts to help the U.S defeat the British. Charles
Alexandre de Calonne, the Controller General of Finances in 1786 attempted to fix
the money problem but his ideas on reform offended the French Parliament so much
that Louis XVI was forced to dismiss him. The Controller General of Finances who
was appointed after him, LomГ©nie de Brienne found that in order to fix the money
problems he was forced to revert to the previously suggested reforms and King Louis
XVI registered them without the approval of Parliament. This led to opposition
between Parliament and the King, which eventually spread to all of France. Violent
riots broke out in towns across France, marking the beginning of the French
Revolution (Furet 49 51). The ideas and documents created as a result of the French
revolution may have had a significant impact on human rights and modernized law
and politics throughout the world.
One of the important legacies of the French Revolution was Declaration of the Rights
of Man and Citizen and its impact on human rights. During the summer of 1789
several revolutions rocked France that effected decisions made later. These
revolutions included the revolution of the Deputies, the Urban Revolution, and the
Peasant Revolution, which led to the Storming of


Differences And Similarities Between Dakota And Ojibwe
Compare and Contrast Essay Did you know that in Minnesota there are two most
known types of Native Americans the Dakota and the Ojibwe? In this essay I will
tell you things that are alike and different between the dwellings, camp area, and
food. During the four seasons the Ojibwe and Dakota lived in different houses
some the same some different.In the winter, the Dakota lived in tipis in sheltered
wooded areas, the Ojibwe lived in wigwams also in sheltered areas. Ojibwe lived in
bark lodges in the spring, the Dakota lived in bark houses basically the same thing
or tipis. Like in winter the Ojibwe lived in wigwams during the fall. With the
Dakota they lived in tipis for fall and winter. Summer, the Ojibwe lived in bark
lodges, as for the Dakota they lived in bark houses, same camp same dwelling....
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The Ojibwe ate dried berries, corn, dried meat and fish, rice, and fresh meat,
basically food from the whole year during the winter season. The Dakota ate buried
corn, dried berries, rice reserves, and fish in winter. For the Spring, Ojibwe ate
Maple sugar, leftovers from the previous season, rice, dried meat, meat from small
animals. Dakota had syrup, sugar, hard candy, meat from small animals, muskrat,
winter leftovers in spring. In the summer Dakota ate Wasna kind of like a clif bar,
buffalo, and berries. The Ojibwe ate berries, and harvested garden goods. Since one
of the main task for the Ojibwe and Dakota was harvesting wild rice so they both
had that in the fall. Ojibwe also had squash, corn, waterfowl, fish, and meat. Dakota


The Importance Of Crime And Crime
The lack of respect or intergradation within society plays a greater role to crime and
criminal behavior. I believed if a person values society, appreciate social orders and
engaged themselves within society then crimes would not happen. Hirschi s theory of
social bonding best explained my view on crime and criminal behavior within society.
He assumed that all humans can commit criminal acts because it is our nature. If not
criminal acts, then born selfish, needy and greedy. It takes the structure of parents,
communities and the environment to teach children about structure, rules, morality,
and social conducts. As children start to develop a sense of self awareness, they
begin to form an idea of who they want to be within society due to positive or
negative experiences with society. As Hirschi suggested, the more attached a
person is to society and its offerings, the more they believe in the values of
conventional society and become more invested in the betterment of society which
makes a person less likely to be deviant (Chriss, 2017). If a person has weak or a
fractured bond with society and disregard the value of community, they are most
likely to commit crimes. In order for a person to succeed at the unlikeliness of
committing criminal offenses, Hirshci created the theory of social bond that assumes
that individuals are predisposed to commit crimeand that conventional bonds prevent
or reduce offending. There are four elements of social bonding that helps to explain


Life in Colonial America Essay
The Puritans that arrived in America from 1630 to 1649 prompted by religious
persecution made a commitment to the covenant with God, whom had ordered the
puritans to fly into the wilderness , (Reich, 2011, p. 72). This covenant was to bind
all residents tightly together both religiously and socially. Centered on a common
pasture, a village could consist of a meetinghouse, land and multiple family homes
that support the whole group or a city on the hill (Brinkley, 2010, p. 76), (Reich,
2011, p. 72). The social unit, whom was tightly knit in the early years of the
Massachusetts colony, began to strain and many challenges arose as time passed
affected this social structure, mainly the increasing commercialism of the
surrounding New... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
184). This period revolved around the conflict between traditional views of a
personal God involved within the individual s lives, the new spirit of the
enlightenment with the importance of intellect (science) and human reasoning.
The old views placed high values on a stern moral code, which taught intellect is
less important than faith became apparent not true (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118).
The enlightenment also suggested that people had control over their lives and
their societies. Therefore, religious toleration in the colonies flourished, there were
so many types of religion it was impossible for the British rulers or puritans of the
day to enforce some sort of code or religious enforcement of an official faith
(Brinkley, 2010, pg. 80 81), (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). Native Americans were
very important to American history; they were the first people in America (Nash,
2010, p. 13). Native Americans have their own form of governing, vastly different
language, religious beliefs, and dress and for some reason the Natives have been
generally excluded from American success (Nash, 2010, pg. 14 15). This is
especially true when we look at how America put into place the Manifest destiny the
idea that the United States had the God given right and duty to take


DADT History
The Don t Ask, Don t Tell (DADT) policy was one of the most influential
procedures enacted by the United States Military during the 1990 s, and it
continued to shape the Military until its repeal almost two decades after its
passing. While allowing homosexuals to serve in the military, DADT also
prevented those gay soldiers from revealing their sexuality, and forbid members of
Armed Forces from inquiring about the sexuality of other soldiers. It had a
massive influence on service members; by 2008, DADT had caused the discharge
of over 12,000 officers who did not hide their sexual preference ( Don t Ask, Don
t... ). After the policy had been in place for almost twenty years, Congress proposed
the Don t Ask, Don t Tell Repeal Act in 2010. Despite... Show more content on
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The TVC opposed the repeal of DADT on the grounds that it would encroach upon
the rights of military chaplains, claiming a repeal could ultimately ruin the careers of
these military chaplains, up to and including dishonorable discharge all because [the]
chaplains refuse to compromise their consciences! in regards to their attitudes
towards condoning homosexuality ( Defend America s Military... ). The TVC instead
promoted the Military Religious Freedom Protection Act, which would allow
chaplains to refuse any and all required acknowledgement of homosexual service
members ( H.R.914 Military... ). The third main interest group to oppose a DADT
repeal was the FRC, a group whose main mission is to advance faith, family and
freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview ( About FRC ).
Founded by Gerald P. Regier in the 1980s, the FRC believes that homosexual
conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can
never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural ( Homosexuality ). The acting president
of the FRC, Tony Perkins, claims that the wasy to solve the recruitment issues the
military is having would be to end any striving towards homosexual rights and instead
focus on morality,

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  • 6. C47 Pilots Research Paper Airborne: The Survival Story of a C 47 Pilot I tripped and fell as fire rained down around me. My tour boat was burning and I could do nothing. I steeled my nerves as I jumped overboard into the oily water. Just before I smacked onto the surface, I woke up in a cold sweat. I had been having nightmares since the bombings of Pearl Harbor. I was utterly terrified on that day, especially as it was my first encounter with the Japanese air force. I was beginning to realize the true horrors of the war that now gripped America. I had always wanted to be a pilot, and the chance was offered through the US Air Force. It seemed awesome at first, but after the attack on Pearl harbor, I was beginning to have some regrets about my choice. I was pondering ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One, where was Frank, and two, it seemed much quieter than we d expected from the German defenses. I then saw tracer shells light up the night all around me. I saw my old friend Frank fire several more shells before deploying his emergency eject. He had given up my position and turned to the side of the Germans. I sat there for a few more seconds recovering from my shock, but then that shock turned to white hot anger. I could not believe that Frank would do such a thing! Then, as I began to wonder about why he had done it, the first flak burst hit near my plane. It terrified me to no end, and at that moment, I almost gave up and accepted my fate. I then remembered my other friends and paratroopers. I had to win this for them, for Tom, and for all of the other lives that were already lost in the assault. I turned my plane around and began the maneuvers that I had been taught to evade flak fire. Somehow, the flak kept finding me. One of my engines was hit directly, and I realized that I would have to jump. Terror gripped me as I desperately looked for the emergency parachute. I then realized that an earlier burst must have destroyed it. My eyes then fell on Tom s torn parachute. By now, the plane had begun a shallow dive which I had no control over, and I did not have much time. I jumped out of the cockpit and ran to the parachute. The plane then hit massive turbulence and I fell over. I crawled to the
  • 7. Serial Killer Research Paper Rudolph Pliel once said that, every man has his passion; some like whist, I prefer killing people. Despite how chilling that quote may be, what may be even more disturbing is the fact that Pliel is not alone in this serial killer frame of mind towards murdering innocent people. Serial killers can be linked to one another based on similar traits shared through upbringing, mental stability or fulfillment they feel from killing. Serial killers are driven to kill to fulfill a pleasure. While not all serial killers are driven to kill for the same reasons, one equalizing factor between them all is their need to carry out their urges or gain something from their murders. Reasons to why they kill are primarily for a compulsive sexual reason (Whittington Egan) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some serial killers are born with some form of mental illness or condition that leads to their violent endeavors later in life, while others through experiences of childhood trauma are made into serial killers. Khushwant Singh took note of his observations at Raman Raghav a Tamilian s (a serial killer from India) trial, he talks about Raghav s psychotic behavior and how he had neither enmity against them nor any motive for the killings (Aggarwal) for the dozens of It children he murdered one night. While on the other hand, Henry Lee Lucas was a serial killer who was not only abused as a child, but also had a glass eye and was forced to cross dress by his mother which led to extreme social rejection and his hatred for people. Lucas himself said that, I hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years... I was beaten. I was made to do things that no human being would want to do (Lee Lucas). Understanding this holds great value so that people comprehend that even though sometimes serial killers actions are fueled by their mental instability, other times actions towards them come into play and can affect someone more than it can
  • 8. Essay on Young Woman s Death by Ingesting Exstasy In their case study, Fatal hyponatremia in a young woman after ecstasy ingestion, Kamyar Kalantar Sadeh, Minhtri Nguyen, Roger Chang, and Ira Kurtz present a 20 year old female, Asian American, college student who took multiple tablets of ecstasy and drank excessive amounts of water at a party. This student was found the next morning, unresponsive, foaming at the mouth, with rapid and shallow breathing, and a weak pulse. After being admitted into the emergency room, the patient was determined to be hypothermic, hypoxemic, hypotensive, tachycardic, and in respiratory distress. Initially, the patient had a sodiumcontent of 117 mmol/l and a serum osmolality of 245 mOsm/kg. In order to treat the patient, throughout a 11 hour period, a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both pulmonary edema, excessive fluid in the lungs, and cerebral edema, excessive fluid in the brain, were reported for this patient. Because the blood brain barrier is freely permeable to water, the patient s neurons most likely swelled, causing a buildup of intracranial pressure, which may have led to her coma. Further, the fact that the patient was found to be in respiratory distress supports the conclusion that water had built up in her lungs as well. In the case study, two additional patients with low sodium concentration in their cells were also presented in order to serve as a comparison to the main case. The history of two Caucasian females, one 38 years of age and the other 24 years old were presented. The 38 year old female drank 25,250mL bottles of water (6.25L total) whilst running a 64.4 km marathon. She suffered from confusion, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, as well as pulmonary venous edema. Initially, the patient had a sodium content of 121 mmol/l and a serum osmolality of 253 mOsm/kg. In order to treat the patient, a hypertonic saline, normal saline, and 40mg of intravenous furosemide, a diuretic, were administered after which her sodium content rose to of 125 mmol/l after 2.5 hours and 141 mmol/l after 48 hours with no acute damage to cells. The 24 year old female underwent an appendectomy and received 5% dextrose infusion before and after
  • 9. Healthy Moms It is most important that women who are pregnant eat a nutritious diet full of vitamins and nutrients for her health as well as for the health of her baby. The development of her baby can depend greatly on the amount of proper nutrients that she consumes on a daily basis. It can be difficult for busy women who are pregnant to eat healthwhen they are always on the go. Below is a list of healthy snacks for moms to be. This can be helpful for those who do not have enough time to prepare healthy snacks all day. Healthy Dry Cereal Dry cereal can be satisfying and filling for many women who enjoy snacks on the go. They can fit into a Ziploc baggie or in an airtight contain for easy access. These types of cereals contain healthy fiber and other nutrients including folic acid. Try staying away from the cereal that has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The granola found in these bars are a healthy treat, and they usually have some sort of tasty sweet treat inside such as peanut butter or chocolate. It is important to choose whole grain granola bars to provide healthy snacks for moms to be. Nuts Packing a baggie full of nuts can be a great way to get minerals like magnesium and potassium on the go. When looking for healthy snacks for moms to be, this should top the list. Popcorn This can be a great way to get a quick snack in at the office. This snack is traditionally low in calories as long as it is not slathered with butter. Choosing healthy snacks for mothers to be is important for many women who are on the go. Eating right is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. The growth and development of the baby depends on the nutrients that the mother to be consumes. Along with taking a prenatal vitamin daily, a pregnant woman should be eating a balanced diet full of all the major nutrients. When in doubt, it can be a good idea to check with the doctor to ask for a few suggestions on what to eat, and what not to eat when
  • 10. Essay On Sam Houston s Demagogical Union Saving Doctrines The main question that had been asked was whether Texas should stay apart of the union or leave to be their individual territory . Sam Houston s inauguration in December of 1859 made him the only man to this day who served as governor of two states (Gone to Texas, page. 236). He was the governor of Tennessee as well as Texas , which aroused expressions of anger from ultra southerners . According to Sam Houston s Demagogical Union Saving Doctrines (Gone to Texas, pg. 236) Runnels explained how it will evidently cause mass controversy and irreparable blow upon Southerners and their interests at the time. According to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Texas was not far behind . Sam Houston refused to call the legislature into a special session to consider secession. Many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout research, knowledge already known, a decision on seceding or staying with the union had to be made. Many; actually majority of counties in Texas voted to secede from the union. Texas had plenty of resources and what they needed to manage for survival and production of others. In The Texas Ordinance of Secession document, many agreed with the argument believing Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederate States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. Many believed Texas could not do it on their own. Texas had been received into their own confederacy with a constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution. Bosque County, Texas voted on leaving the Union back in 1861. This county had been one of the many that wanted to be on their own and away from the Union. Now, with the knowledge we already know about what happened to Texas, we realize that they had successfully seceded from the Union and went on to join the Confederate States that had already
  • 11. Health Systems Thinking Systems thinking (ST), a subset of to complexity theory (CT), is a potentially transformational way to view and approach health. It draws on many academic traditions to describe the processes, actors, and dynamics that shape systems like the health system(1). It is more than simply considering the bigger picture. Approaching a problem from a ST perspective involves examining interrelationships, considering all perspectives, and understanding the role of boundaries (Williams and van t Hof 2014:8). A system consists of interacting, connected parts that operate towards a purpose; changing one connection necessarily affects other parts of the system. A complex adaptive system (CAS) is a type of system that consists of interacting, nonlinear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite growing evidence for the benefits of applying systems thinking, most health programs continue to primarily apply a reductionist approaches that haves dominated for decades(9). The lack of a comprehensive review of application limits the ability of planners to synthesize existing literature and apply innovative practices to emerging development challenges such as the post MDG agenda. Case studies are of value to illustrate the range of applications of systems thinking terms, methods, and tools. With a clearer understanding of real world approaches approaches based on ST, the global health community will be better equipped to understand and address key health challenges. This paper reports on findings from case studies extracted from a previous systematic review (cite the systematic review). This systematic review of systems thinking case studies seeks to: Provide practitioners and planners with a reference for ST/CT application cases, Review the frequency and nature of key systems thinking terms, tools and methods in the health literature Analyze and extract longitudinal themes across cases. Indicate the practical implications of these cases for changing organizational form /function and post MDG
  • 12. Unit 5001 Personal Development as a Manager and Leader Essay Personal Development as a Manager Leader Author: Liz Oram Kent County Council 16th December 2011 Contents Executive Summary .....................Page 3 Introduction ................................Page 3 Section 1....................................Page 3 Section 2....................................Page 5 Section 3....................................Page 7 Section 4....................................Page 10 Conclusion..................................Page 12 Recommendation..........................Page 12 Bibliography.................................Page 13 Appendices..................................Page 14 Executive Summary This report will explore personal development as a manager and leader... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | | | | |Attend training |Current climate of closures and cutbacks | | | | The SWOT analysis can be used as part of the personal development planning
  • 13. The Student Outcomes Have Helped Me With Developing As A... Madison Swanson Josh Sandin Comp I 16 December 2015 Over the course of this class I have learned things that I didn t know before and developing as a writer. I learned different things with each of the assignments I submitted. I learned things like how to develop my writing and how to transition my writing to flow better together. I learned to correctly cite in text citations and I learned how to create a profile. Each of these things I will carry with me as I continue to write for various classes or other reasons in the future and they will continue to help me better myself as writer. The five student outcomes have helped me to better myself by giving me guidelines to follow and to help me understand the assignments better. They ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I then submitted my final draft to iNet. My topic for my research paper was technology s impact on today s society. I talked about the positive and negative impacts technology has on our society everyday and I was able to give evidence of my ideas with information I found when researching. I explained that technology has helped with finding new ways to teach students including those with disabilities and how it has helped to advance the health and medicinal field. I also explained some downsides such as the addiction and absence of face to face interaction that come along with technology. Each of my assignments for this class included revising and editing at the attempt to hand in the best possible work. I made sure I read over my work before handing it in to assure that there were little to no grammatical or spelling errors. My biggest struggle in this area was working on transitions and organization throughout my assignments to make sure my paper flowed better as a whole. Conduct research, which uses traditional and electronic search techniques and integrates source materials is the second student outcome. I used this a ton when writing my research paper as well as many other assignments. Bianca Banova, author of the article The Impact of Technology on Healthcare asserts, Patient files are being kept in databases that can be accessed from anywhere in the facility (2). I explained that this was helpful for hospitals because this
  • 14. Texas Water Parks Due to the hot, arid climate, it s no surprise that outdoor water parks are in high demand in Texas. From quaint and low traffic parks with picnic areas and basic pools to amazing adventure parks that feature endless slides, Texas is filled with water parks in virtually every part of the state! You can find water parks in Texas not only in high traffic vacation spots and in major Texas cities, but in quiet suburbs that are slightly off the beaten path! From cool calm pools with perhaps some gentle waves to fierce tidal attractions in huge parks with overwhelming, high technology thrill seeking water amusements and rides, there are so many parks to choose from throughout Texas! Water Amusement Attractions for the Whole Family!... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shaded sitting areas are available to rest your bones throughout this refreshing water park. Further, private cabana rentals can be acquired in the park s Blastenhoff area. The water park s Wasserfest area is it s major innovation, as it can convert into an indoor enclosed park in and of itself in the winter months. In the winter, this park s 70,000 square foot interior can be
  • 15. Confucianism vs Legalism Chen Hanyu A0110820B Tutorial D5 Question 1: Introduction For this paper, I will be discussing two opposing ideologies, Confucianism and Legalism. Towards the later part of ancient China (e.g Han dynasty), states started to adopt a mixture of Confucianism and Legalistic ideology. Why did Legalism and Confucianism fall off? In this paper I will explore and provide my own insights on the shortcomings of both ideologies; how Legalism was more persuasive in getting people to accept their ideas and more effective as an ideology and how Confucianism lost out in both aspects. Persuasiveness of Legalism The central idea of legalism was to provide absolute power to the person in charge and the supremacy of authority. Legalists like Han Fei Zi ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although it was well known that Confucius was elevated to high status after his death, his political career was not as successful. Confucius spent many years trying to promoting his ideas to rulers in different states but was not able to get through4. To understand why such a visionary philosopher could not get others to agree with him, we will have to look at the nature of the Confucian theory and why was it incapable of persuading the lords of countries. Firstly, Confucianism prized the rule of men over the rule of law; that is to promote harmony in the people over the interest of a ruler. If a ruler has appropriate personal conduct the government will be effective without needing to issue order. However, the ruler do not have the correct conducts, his orders will not be obeyed. Secondly, Confucius viewed rules and laws as harmful. He argued that people led by laws and punishments will try to avoid punishment but lose the sense of shame. If they are led by virtue and guided by propriety, they will preserve their sense of shame and become good citizens5. He saw a country as an extended family and a ruler should take care of his citizens like a father would take care of his children. The ruler as the father would need to set a proper example for the right ethics to flow down5. Thirdly, the Confucianism school did not value institutions in inducing desirable
  • 16. Proud s Theory Of Mind Furthermore, there has been said that with the start of preschool communication skills begin to emerge (Jenkins). Being able to have conversational skills and understanding your peers is an important aspect in children s lives. Jones said that one key milestone in the developmental process is the growth of theory of mind, the ability to understand that peers differ from self (Jenkins).The theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states such as: beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, and knowledge. It has been said that the theory of mind emerges as early as three years old (Jenkins). The ability to initiate interaction with and respond to peers develop when more complex language skills emerge (Jenkins). If children fail to gain these skills, they are more than likely going to be alienated by their peers and reveal problem behaviors.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If social skills were to be a real subject most children would struggle (Lawson). They would have difficulties because it would be their hardest subject. Gaining social skills isn t the easiest skill to have especially for children who are shy and quiet. Social skills are skills that children acquire along their way up. It is important that children build friendships with their peers so that they will enjoy and look forward to going to school. There are a variety of students that may have social skills difficulties. For example, children who have attentional problems, children with memory problems, children with language and communication difficulties, and children with autism have social skill difficulties (Lawson). Some children differ broadly on how well they are able to build relationships and obtain peer acceptance. Those are the ones that are considered to be popular and also the leaders at school. They are very much self confident and influential
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Toilets Do you know the best toilet seat in your bathroom can enhance your living experience? You may agree on this because not having the best toilet seat offers a feeling of camping. These days, people are highly considering for buying good quality toilet seat while renovating the bathroom. The desire of something different or something more luxurious and highly functional with high comfort level has inspired people to purchase top quality toiletseats. Here the guide on buying comfortable and functional Toilet Seat. Why should you have best power flush toilet? Spending a lot of money for buying a functional and safe toilet is considered to be worth. It is true that a toilet only flushes away waste, but purchasing a right toilet proves to be effective in: Saving ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In numerous family units, the young and current ones are selecting a dark toilet seat to get a slick environment inside their toilet and bath. In a market, this sort of toilet seat is considered as one of the sturdy and most grounded ones. With incredible movable pivots, the toilet seats can be introduced impeccably, which will in this way help users in not encountering squirming and wobbling development when sitting on a dark toilet seat. Users can clean it with warm sudsy water and don t need to stress over staining after delayed use. What makes the best toilet seat? Toilet seat hinges and the hinge materials play a significant role in making a good and perfect seat. The durability and functionality of toilet seat entirely depend on the hinges, which helps in properly fixing up the seat. The hinges also assure of easy removal of toilet seats, which assures of perfect cleaning. Hinge materials: Plastic Hinges: Plastic hinges are made of nylon polypropylene and often available in the same color as your toilet seat. These are cheaper but are found to be low in
  • 18. The Asterick-Parallel In 2001, the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo allowed three sessions on Tolkien to be presented. That seminal event was the nucleus from which this collection sprang. For forty years, editor Jane Chance, Professor Emerita in English at Rice University, has written and taught on medieval literature, medieval culture, medieval women and modern medievalism. She has authored or edited five critical studies of Tolkien s work, as well as numerous scholarly articles. In her introduction, Chance notes that since Peter Jackson began filming The Lord of the Ringsin 1999, there has been a parallel rise in interest in his writings and books about his writings (1). Additionally, the publication ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first essay, by John William Houghton, cast a very interesting light on Tolkien s creation myth. Houghton uses asterisk in Augustine in the cottage of lost play: the AinulindalГ« as asterisk cosmogony as Shippey used asterisk reality in his description of Tolkien s creative process. Asterick realities may be based on assumptions which are imaginative, but they must be internally cohesive. Houghton s essay considers the AinulindalГ« as a cohesive construction within Tolkien s world which also fits neatly amongst the real cosmogonies known to early medieval Europe (171). He examines how Saint Augustine, writing at the turn of the fifth century, understood the Old Testament book of Genesis. Augustine was apparently a careful and meticulous student of the text, which Tolkien surely would have appreciated. Tolkien chose to clothe his creation in the language of music, but Houghton shows where the concepts beneath the imagery would fit easily into Augustine s understanding of creation. This essay was most valuable to me on a few points about sub creation and the role of Man in God s
  • 19. A Summary Of Living Beyond Limits Amy Purdy s TED talk, Living Beyond Limits , empowers people to push past their boundaries. She encourages people to embrace their differences and obstacles in life that would normally set them back. Purdy explained that after she had graduated from high school, she moved from a large desert to somewhere that snowed, and she became a massage therapist. She finally felt in control of her own life. Unfortunately, this was all for a very short time because one day soon after, she left her job early because of what she thought was the flu. Realistically, Purdy had contracted bacterial meningitis, and was soon laying in the hospital on life support. She lost both of her legs from the knee down, hearing in her left ear, and both of her kidneys. After she healed, she tried on a new pair prosthetic legs, and she grew frustrated and immediately felt as though her life would be restricted and confined forever, that her new legs would impact her life in a very negative way. After a few months of moping and feeling sorry for herself, she started to view her position in a new light. She decided she must embrace her new legs, and learn how to work with them, instead of working against them. She found many benefits to having prosthetic legs, and it made her realize that her legs weren t a curse. After realizing all of the positives, Purdy was able to continue with her life, and as time went on, she overcame even more obstacle by staying positive. Four months after Purdy s health scare,
  • 20. Capital One Case Study In consumer lending, every product is evolving in the same direction as credit cards toward large, national scale consolidators replacing local, face to face lending. That evolution has happened in credit cards. It s well under way in auto finance, mortgages, and home equity. Its coming more slowly in installment lending. So consumer lending, a major part of the asset side of banking, is all flowing toward national consolidators like Capital One. RICHARD D. FAIRBANK, CEO AND CHAIRMAN, CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORPORATION United Kingdom, the Hfs Group, to strengthen its Global Financial services (GFS) subsidiary in the British market. As of April 2005, it possessed sufficient liquidity ($21 billion) and capital ($9.2 billion)4 to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2005, ICFAI Business School Case Development Centre. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, transmitted, reproduced, or distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permission of the copyright owner. Between 1994 and 2004, the company grew at an annual compound rate of 29 percent/ both in terms of its EPS and the number of customers. In 2004, its earnings were $1.5 billion, and the EPS was at $6.21.8 At the end of 2004, the company and its subsidiaries held 48.6 million accounts and $79.9 billion9 in managed loans outstanding, which grew by 12 percent ($8.6 billion) over the previous year (see Exhibit 1). It had 17,760 employees in March 2005. The bank offers 7,00010variations of its MasterCard and Visa cards, each one is customized to appeal to different customer preferences and needs by combining product features such as different backgrounds and colors, along with varied annual percentage rates, credit limits, fees, and rewards programs. Capital One s pricing strategy is based on the risk level of its customers. It offers platinum and gold cards to its preferred customers with excellent credit history and a wide range of secured and unsecured cards to customers with limited or poor credit history. The company also provides a range of consumer products like auto finanCing, mortgage services, credit insurance, and home equity loans. Customizations of credit cards at Capital One are made with the support of its
  • 21. China s Aging Population And The Hukou System The selection of blog entries is an important process involving the need to thoroughly take into account the subject topic and accordingly carry out the review of the topic. The blogs are means to represent the idea in brief in order to make it clear for understanding by the reader. The blog should not be formed of complex set of words, which are tough to understand by the reader. Instead, the precise description in an easy language should be carried out in order to benefit the reader by adding to their knowledge. Thus, two blogs have been written here titled as China s agingpopulation, and The Hukou system . Each of these has been described in the context of the topic so as to make them clear and precise enough to the reader. The blog titled China s aging population describes how the increase in population is a growing concern for the country. The reason for selection of this topic is to explore how the increase in aged population of China is causing an impact on the country s economic system. The increase in population is a serious issue of concern, which is well controlled by the government through introducing one child policy (Peilin, 2015). This parameter has however resulted into several side effects such as increase in aged people in the country. As a result of this, the expenses associated with elderly people is also increasing, which is an interesting area focused in the blog. It was rather a good choice of topic as it helped in exploring how the increase
  • 22. Digestive System The Digestive system: The stomach related framework is comprised of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract likewise called the stomach related tract and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a progression of empty organs participated in a long, bending tube from the mouth to the butt. The empty organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, throat, stomach, small digestive system, internal organ which incorporates the rectum and butt. Sustenance enters the mouth and goes to the rear end through the empty organs of the GI tract. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the strong organs of the stomach related framework. The stomach related framework enables the body to process nourishment. Why is digestion important? Digestion is critical for separating nourishment into supplements, which the body utilizes for vitality, development, and cell repair. Sustenance and drink must be changed into littler particles of supplements before the blood retains them and conveys them to cells all through the body. The body separates supplements from sustenance and drink into starches, protein, fats, and vitamins. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Processing works by moving nourishment through the GI tract. Assimilation starts in the mouth with biting and finishes in the small digestive system. As sustenance goes through the GI tract, it blends with stomach related juices, making substantial particles of nourishment separate into littler atoms. The body at that point ingests these littler particles through the dividers of the small digestive system into the circulatory system, which conveys them to whatever remains of the body. Squander results of assimilation go through the internal organ and out of the body as a strong issue called
  • 23. Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Swot The Guajilote Cooperative is an incredibly fascinating business enterprise. It has created prosperity for its members, kept the protected national forest free of debris that could cause wide spread destruction, and keep capesinos (peasant farmers) from over running the preserve. Given the lack of education by its members, their success is impressive. COHDEFOR should be delighted with their experiment. Nevertheless, any future attempts to copy this model should be carefully analyzed and basic business skills, such as accounting, should be taught to members before letting them run a business. SWOT Analysis Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Honduras Strengths This business has committed and determined members and employees. There also exists a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Primary Activities Inbound Logistics The fallen mahogany is difficult to locate, process, and distribute. Fortunately the members are dedicated and hard working, willing to face and overcome these challenges. Operations It is a very simple, albeit dangerous and labor intensive, operation: locate a fallen mahogany tree, set up a temporary hand sawmill, disassemble the tree, carry out or float out the wood. Locating a suitable location to set up the large cross cut saw needed to disassemble the fallen tree is often difficult because of the steep terrain. This is often a very time consuming process, limiting the number of trees Guajilo members can process in a year. Outbound Logistics Currently Guajilote is selling the mahogany to the only local distributor. This has limited their profit potential. Marketing and Sales There has been very little marketing done, as there is only one distributor willing to come out to Chaparral because of its remote location and treacherous roadways. However they have contacted an exporter to assess the viability of adding furniture making to their operations. Service The only service Guajilote is offering currently is the rough processed mahogany cut and pulled from the forest, being sold as a commodity only. It does have the
  • 24. Chronic Bronchitis Research Papers Cause of Bronchitis Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes tubes are responsible for carrying air to the lungs. Acute bronchitis last from one to three weeks. Chronic bronchitis goes at least three months. According to healthline, Both the common cold and influenza can lead to acute bronchitis. In rare cases, Bordetella Pertussis, which causes whooping cough can also cause acute bronchitis. (Healthline). The inflammation occurs as a result of of an airway infection or environmental trigger such as dust, pollution, fumes. Smoking irritates the bronchial tubes and causes them to produce excess mucus. According to webmd, every cigarette damage the cilia which are responsible for brushing out debris, irritants, and excess mucus. The more you smoke, the more you re increasing your chances of developing chronic bronchitis.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dr. Rene Laennecdiscovered the relationship between emphysema and chronic bronchitis and first to connect it to the shortness of breath(1821). In 1846, John Hutchinson invented the spirometer which is used today in diagnosing and treating lung diseases like bronchitis. In 1954, bronchitis was considered rare and described as a disease among the elderly. By 1870, emphysema and chronic bronchitis were related diseases that result in the inflammation of the lungs.(lungs
  • 25. Where Wizards Stay Up Late Where Wizards Stay up Late Where Wizards Stay up Late, the Origins of the Internet. Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon walk us through the beginnings of the Internet. The authors will talk about how a computer engineering firm produced the first prototypes of the Arpanet, and how a group of men made the Internet as we know it today. It tells the intriguing story of how the technology for the Internet was devised. In many respects, it is very much a behind the scenes kind of documentary. When thinking about the Internet, one always appears to assume that the development of computer technology has been driven by a few giants of the industry. Indeed, we always assume that it is the big people that made it. And yet, the truth is very different. The authors show us how many of the developments surrounding the Internet were brought about with the support and often the leadership of the government. Indeed, it was the government funding that made a lot of these realities possible. Thus, this is basically a case study of what the development of networking achieved. In the book, we encounter the process of packet switching, which is a technique in which a digital message is broken up into smaller packets that can be routed separately through a network to their destination. This is how the Internet was discovered. The two authors follow the story from the conception of the idea of packet switching in the early 1960s to the creation and development of the Internet. We see how one
  • 26. Elephantiasis Disease There is no vaccine or cure for lymphatic filariasis. Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), Albendazole and Ivermectine are drugs used for people seeking prevention or already suffer from Lymphatic Filariasis. The treatment help reduce microfilariae in human. People diagnosed with the disease require taking DEC for a long period of time. The medication can kill adult worms slowly. People at risk of getting the disease take the medication annually such as Albendazole 400 mg combined with Ivermectin 200 mcg for every kg of body weight, or take Diethylcarbamazine citrate ( DEC) 6mg/ kg. Dosage is taken three times a day for three weeks annually for five years. This is a method of prevention for non infected individuals. For people that already have signs... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This will reduce the swelling of the infected limbs and will help prevent further swelling. Also washing the affected area with soap and water, then drying it and applying antibacterial and antifungal cream, this step is done on a daily bases, it will prevent bacterial or fungal infection. Patients with elephantiasis are prone to infections due to their damaged lymphatic system. Therefore it is important to prevent any infections from spreading because the immune system cannot fight any infections (Hoerauf 980). In Nepal there are clinics that use herbal remedies to help reduce the appearance of the inflamed area like essential oils of Lavender, tea tree, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Calendula and Arnica. These herbal remedies are mixed with distilled water to wash the surface of the skin and used to make a paste to apply on top of the skin: And then wrapped using pressure bandages for compression. This procedure can help calm the inflamed cite and reduce any microbial contamination that causes irritation of the skin. This technique has shown good results. In some sever cases, medical therapy by itself is not enough and performing surgery or radiation therapy may be more beneficial for effected patients. For example, in cases where the male genitals have been affected, a reconstructive procedure is done on the penis and scrotum to remove tumorous and infected tissues. These types of surgery have shown lots of
  • 27. Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From The... JAPANESE EXPANSION INTO CHINA DURING AND AFTER WW1 AND JAPANS GAINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, 1914 1923 1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear outline of the conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. Japanese Imperialism first began in 1868 after the appointment of the 16 year old boy Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan s famous period of modernisation, the Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of Japan, and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and military of the country. Additionally, The Meiji Periodwitnessed the end of Japanese feudalism and the beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded, the Japanese Empire remained prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji s death came two years prior to the beginning of World War I which would see significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its aftermath (1914 23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the end of the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as enemies with Germany. As a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan s first actions in the war were to invade China and capture the German possessions in China. The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the railway lines and mining locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum which would see
  • 28. Literature Review Of Related Literature On Nutraceutical CHAPTER 2 REVIEW ON RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Nutraceuticals Nutraceuticals are one of the new growing industry of pharmaceuticals which are naturally bioactive with chemical compounds that have health promoting, disease preventing or medicinal properties. It is also called as medicinal foods, designer foods, phytochemicals, functional foods and nutritional supplements. Its purity safety, and efficacy play an important role for future therapeutic development. Nutraceuticals continue to arise as convenient for daily life (Arsi et al., 2000) because it brings health benefits quicker than eating conventional healthy foods (Chang, 2000). Globally, Nutraceuticals keeps on developing and expanding in the market as such the emerging new millennium for food, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and agricultural industries. The tremendous growth of nutraceuticals indicates that consumers and users of this products are taking extra nutritional benefits and minimally eats processed foods. Therefore there is an increasing awareness levels about fitness and to majority of people to become healthier and consumed only healthy foods. 2.2 Cosmeceuticals In addition, the fastest growing segment of natural personal care is the cosmetic industry such as Cosmeceuticals, a future generation and a backbone of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The implication of the contaminants may be due to human intervention in gram positive bacteria, and maybe because of environmental process control including raw materials and water systems for gram negative bacteria (Jimenez, 2004). Among Gram negative bacteria, rod shaped organism are the most common bacteria found in non sterile pharmaceuticals, since can be acquired environmental (Jimenez, 2004). A study on microbiological quality of lotions and creams by Okeke and Lamikanra (2001) was performed and most common microbes found were Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
  • 29. North American Slave Trade Essay Sugar cane, tobacco, and cotton plantations in the New World were labour intensive and took a lot of manpower to cultivate. To meet that demand for labour, European countries such as Portugal and Britain sailed their ships to West African shores with weapons, manufactured goods and rum to give to the natives in exchange for slaves. The slaves would then be crammed into the ships and made to live in subhuman conditions so they would be taken to the Americas. More than 20% of the slaves wouldn t survive the arduous journey, some of them would commit suicide to avoid further suffering, some would die of disease and some would even be thrown overboard as a mean of discipline. The slave trade has had many long and short term effects, in fact I d ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To justify slavery, Europeans claimed that Africans were biologically different to normal humans and they re destined to be slaves. This aspect of slavery is seldom mentioned in text books and is overlooked by many which is odd as racism is still a part of North American and European culture. The slave trade made Britain very rich which in turn lead to the Industrial Revolution. The crops grown by the slaves were luxury products such as tobacco, cocoa, and sugar. This allowed the British to have very high profit margins when selling them to their colonies. It s estimated that Britain made ВЈ3.8M (ВЈ450M adjusted for inflation) from slave based agriculture and ВЈ60M(ВЈ8 BILLION adjusted for inflation) from slave sales. These profits helped finance everything from cotton factories to James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. To conclude, the slave trade has had a huge impact on our world and and had more effects than any other trade route. It has a played a massive role in shaping the world we live in and we can still see its effects hundreds and hundreds of years after it
  • 30. Oral Health Education Case Study Essay Case study one Introduction Source of the patient referral Patient was referred to me from the dentist. Medical problem Presented was a 62 year old female, patient is an asthmatic and has bronchitis. Social circumstances She previously smoked 70 per week, but has since cut this down to 3 per day, due to cost and health issues The patient doesn t drink alcohol. The patient has a relatively healthy diet. Patients presenting problem The patient has a four unit bridge on her upper anteriors, she has ten missing teeth and others which are heavily filled. The patient requires no other treatment other than three visit perio appointments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The patient was brushing twice a day already using a scrub technique, however she had bleeding on brushing and was not brushing all areas of her mouth.( see appendix 1 of perio chart) The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any more bleeding. The patient had admitted to in the past only brushing once per day and not for the required time. Teaching methods The teaching methods I used were: Demonstration via model and mirror. I used this method as I thought the patient would be more likely to remember what I had shown her, she would be able to see clearly and she could repeat what I had shown her on the model, I would also be able to see better when the patient repeated the demonstration and would be able to see if she made any errors and could help her put these right. Talk I thought this method would help the patient understand better the process and the causes of periodontal disease ( I talked to the patient when showing her a poster ) She would also be able to ask questions on the matter so I could see if she fully
  • 31. Dr. Fasching Research Paper It s a sad fact that some body fat is just difficult to eliminate. You ve already spent hours in the gym just to burn off calories. You ve stopped eating your favorite calorie laden food just so you wouldn t stray away from your strict diet. Yet, that fatty deposit in your waist, hips or buns just wouldn t go away. It s frustrating, right? The good news is you don t have to feel defeated. Thanks to modern technology, you can request a liposuction with Dr. Michael Fasching to remove stubborn fat. It s a minimally invasive procedure that works by suctioning fat out of our body. When you visit Dr. Fasching for a liposuction consultation, you are most likely going to encounter two liposuction techniques, a traditional liposuction or a tumescent liposuction. Both have the same objective, which is fat reduction, but differ in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back to work within one to two days with mild bruising and soreness Which one is better? From the table above, you can probably say that tumescent liposuction is better. However, never underestimate what traditional liposuction can do. After all, traditional liposuction has not become the most popular procedure in the country for nothing. Both procedures can deliver the results you want, but they do have their own pros and cons. If you want superb results, choosing who your surgeon will be should be the weightier matter than what liposuction technique to get. Regardless of what technique you choose, you should feel confident about your doctor s skill and experience. With that said, the smartest move to make is to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. Thankfully, Dr. Fasching is highly qualified to recommend and perform both techniques, and give the results you desire and deserve. To know if you re a good liposuction candidate and which technique is better for you, schedule an appointment
  • 32. The Consequences Of The Globes Meat Consumption Climate change undoubtedly has a monumental effect on countries across the globe, It is becoming increasingly clear that it is the most important challenge facing international relations today. Agriculture and more specifically animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to human made climate change. This is important for international relations because animal agricultureeffects trade, global food security and the global economy. With the population growing at a rapid pace the demand on animal agricuture is also rapidly increasing. This essay will discuss the consequences of the globes meatconsumption and the challenge it poses to international relations. It will then go on to discuss the way the international community should address global food security while reducing the animal agriculture industries effect on the environment. There are powerful hegemonic forces at play with cultural, religious, gender and other issues shaping our dietary preferences. Obsessive meat consumption is deeply ingrained into societies throughout the globe, especially in western cultures. Humans have been eating meat since the beginning of our existence, although much less frequently than we do today. Nonetheless, It is in the interest of all countries, to reduce meat consumption, It is not just a personal decision or a lifestyle choice but a crucial issue of International relations which needs to be tackled using full range of international strategies and agreements which I
  • 33. Puerto Rico And Its Effects Essay Puerto Rico is spanish for rich port. It s history, landscapes, food, and climate make it a world class destination for tourist. Puerto Rico is a caribbean island with landscapes of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest. It is one of the most densely populated islands in the world. Puerto Ricois 3,515 square miles which is three time the size of Rhode Island. The population of the island is 3,474,182 making it one of the most densely populated islands in the world. With a tropical climate Puerto Ricos temperature stays the same year round at 80 degrees with a rainy season which stretches from April into November. Trade winds pass through the island year round which is reused for energy. The country s natural resources are copper and nickel. Oil and natural gas is found on the coast of puerto Rico. In the past, puerto Rico was a major sugar producer. Today, the leading exports include electronics, apparel, canned tuna, rum, beverage concentrates, and medical equipment. Imports include chemicals, machinery and equipment, clothing, food, fish, and petroleum products. In 1493, Christopher Columbus arrived at Puerto Rico. He originally called the island San Juan, but because of the gold in the rivers but it was soon known as Puerto Rico, or Rich Port and the capital city took the name San Juan. Over the years there were many unsuccessful attempts made by the French, Dutch, and English to conquer the island. To protect themselves, the Spanish
  • 34. Makeup Of Makeup Club At School Makeup Club Makeup has been around for centuries. People would do crazy things just to change their appearance. They would even unknowingly risk their health by using chemicals like lead and mercury (Healthy Beauty). It took years for people to finally become educated about makeup. Today makeup is an art. It s used in various ways from basic everyday application to extravagant Hollywood makeup. By having Makeup Club at school it could teach members how to properly use makeup. We will also teach basic makeup along with special effects makeup. Besides that we will provide makeup application to the cast of school productions. This will be a fun group where members can express individuality and learn a lot. The point of Makeup Club is to educate in a fun, creative way. A lot of people are interested in makeup and many have careers involving makeup. Surprisingly, it s a large industry. The club will be open to everyone, boys and girls. The club will meet two times a month and each month will have a theme. It will run for the whole year. We are going to teach everything to know about makeup from what to use and how to use it. We will also teach everything from basic application to special effects designing. The club will help out the school by being the makeup crew for school productions. We will also do fundraisers for the club and or school. Besides providing for the school, Makeup Club will benefit the community. We will do volunteer work at the elementary and middle schools
  • 35. Analysis Of Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals Several recent natural disasters have occurred in China including the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 (8.0 on the Richter scale), the Yushu earthquake in 2010 (7.1 on the Richter scale), the Yuliang earthquake in 2012 (5.7 on the Richter scale), the Yaan earthquake (6.5 on the Richter scale), and the Ludian earthquake in 2014 (6.5 on the Richter scale). The Chinese government has increased its focus on public healthin post disaster areas and has provided sufficient funding to support construction of local hospitals. Additionally, the government has attempted to improve medical services to promote public health [1, 2]. In 2013, the Chinese government proposed the Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals (CHPHs) programme [3].The Health Promoting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Disaster conditions also challenge their physical and mental endurance [9]. Healthcare professionals may have increased risks of post traumatic distress due to their work. For example, Shrestha R reported that health professionals working in the Nepal earthquake of 2015 were at significantly higher risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall prevalence rates of PTSD were 21.9% and 17.1% using cut off scores and diagnostic criteria, respectively [10]. A study by Oglodek E. showed that 40% of medical rescuers experiencing PTSD reported that the dissociation was caused by the death of a patient being rescued [11]. Additionally, Yu YM et al. revealed that during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, more than 50% of medical staff demonstrated several of the following signs of stress: grief, fear, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and dizziness [12]. Therefore, health quality of healthcare professionals after disasters is a significant issue [9, 13]. To our knowledge, the data regarding how medical staffs promote healthy lifestyles after a disaster are unclear. We hypothesized that additional data could provide reliable empirical evidence for health promotion in health workers and the public in post disaster areas as well as for the development of CHPHs. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether healthcare workers took healthier lifestyles than other
  • 36. Advantages And Differences Between SQL And Nosql Introduction SAP also known as systems applications and products in data processing is one of the better IT companies at the moment. It is a German software company which develops software for both small and large businesses to track customer and business interactions. Their largest software is ERP (Enterprise Planning Resource). The software was given the same name as the company name which can be slightly confusing at times. The company have offices in almost 130 countries and their software operates in 180 countries with 335,000 users spread across. As per task this research paper will challenge the comparison and contrast of NoSQL databases with relational database managing system which will be explained in greater detail further in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lack ability to perform ACID transactions Figure 2 Both databases have some advantages and disadvantages. As seen in Figure 2 there are listed some limitations of both. Although the NoSQL database is not as well tested as SQL it will still keep growing as the technology advances so well and performance must be improved which NoSQL allows for. Below in Figure 3 are listed some advantages of both databases. Advantages Uses long established standards used by ASCIEasier to manage, files are more organised SQL is a simple language which uses standard English keywordsHigher level of flexibility Easily maintained as all tools are provided unlike in NoSQLOpen source meaning it is available to even the smallest company at a very low cost It is not as fast as NoSQL although SQL has its own simplicity which organizations like. Detail database model is not needed therefore it increases efficiency due to time saving. Figure 3 Return On
  • 37. Theories Of Bering Strait Theory The bering strait theory is named after Vitus Bering. It is also known as the land bridge theory as well, the theory takes places during the ice age it is said that the waters of the Bering straits were frozen over and match up, making sea levels lower which allowed the natives of North America to cross over from Asiavia Siberia. They did not walk over ice they made a route. This is the origin of our fellow native people. Many believe that the first people to populate the Americas migrated across the Bering Land Bridge while tracking large game animal herds. Becoming the roots of the bering straittheory. It s model of how migration started. Even today this shows us how many have crossed america looking for something more alongside a greater quality of life. The foundation of the bering strait theory, The roots of bering strait theory goes back to 1587 started with the writings of Fr.Jose de picacasta, his writings were about the indigenous natives of mexico he was working along side... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to all of this Jose de Acosta reasoned they had to come from somewhere else. He was closed minded and thought they were too backwards to figure out how to make something to get here so they all had to walk to the americas they didn t know of the bering bridge during the time so they didn t know how people were getting across In 1587 American ancestors walked across america. In 1781 Thomas Jefferson wrote about this topic and recorded it as data into Notes on Virginia . Thomas Jefferson took Acosta s ideas and bering beidge discovery he put it together to explain why the natives were here. This is how word got out and brought the people to know about the bering strait theory. This was widely accepted to looked to for answers up until
  • 38. Attrition From Higher Education Institution 1. INTRODUCTION Attrition from Higher Education Institution (HEI) programmes is worryingly on the increase (Russell Group 2010). However, students that drop out of pre registration nursing programmes are of particular concern, not only to the HEI but the Government and the NHS also due to the requirement to meet the needs of the NHS recruitment and demands of an increasingly ageing society that relies on qualified nurses (DOH 2007). Indeed the type of funding that student nurses receive and the amount of money that is invested by Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) and Government in them suggests that attrition is a costly problem (DOH 2009). It is difficult to gather specific statistical data regarding attrition rates as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A more recent report produced by the Department of Health states that the attrition rate from pre registration nursing programmes stands at 16% (DOH 2010). This statistic differs greatly from the national average of 27% reported direct to the RCN by the HEIs. The United Kingdom figures do generally appear favourable however compared to countries such as Italy (65%) and the USA (37%) (International Audit office, 2007). Statistics produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (2011) highlight that the percentage drop out rate for students on all types of Degree level programmes is relatively low at approximately 10% whereas for those studying the Diploma level programme the drop out rate increases to 17%. Therefore the statistics identified for attrition from pre registration nursing programmes are higher that the average attrition rate of all other Degree and Diploma programmes. A higher completion rate among pre registration nurses will enhance the NHS workforce of qualified nurses and will help towards the Department of Health Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (DOH 2006a) goal to ensure individual excellence of care for all. Higher retention of students would also aide the HEIs involved in the education of pre registration nursing as SHA and Government targets will be met and financial penalties
  • 39. Hail Mary by Tupac Shakur A literary Analysis Hail Mary by Tupac Shakur A literary Analysis The song Hail Mary by Tupac Shakur has sparked continued interest and attracted much criticism. Tupac s application of the eternal theme of the struggle between good and evil to the cycle of prey vs. predator that is showcased in Hail Mary is unique and incorporates heart, mind, body and soul. Tupac explores the catch 22 of falling prey to evil if choosing to become a predator in order to survive, and shares the conflicting emotions of many young African American men who have been born into this. Using metaphors, symbolism, strong imagery, and oxymorons, Tupac illustrates the ups and downs of the prey vs. predator cycle and expresses the conflicts that come with the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Illuminati are also a well know secret society of white European descendant that are believed to hold a vast data bases of knowledge and who may have some higher plan to govern the world in a new world order. This concept coupled with doing what is necessary to survive may allude to an uprising of African Americans through enlightenment in the mind, while always being conscious of the
  • 40. Forensic Science And The Scientific Examination Of Evidence The scientific examination of evidence in criminal cases found in a crime scene is called forensic science. Forensic scientists use the same technology, tools and methods used by other scientists doing other types of research, including microscopes, computers, and lasers. As forensic science has advanced over the years, so has the ability to gather evidence and solve crimes. At crime scenes, lasers provide lighting to track blood sample that not visible to the naked eye. Forensic imaging technology is technology that lets the first responding local police department or crime scene investigators immediately send a photo or fingerprint image to a central database for identification. Computers can enhance pictures taken by a camera and use features like the facial recognition software to clearly identify blurred images. Lasers can also vaporize small portions of paint specimens to determine the exact paint used on a car in a hit and run case. Although this science has been used for years, wrongful convictions have brought to the attention that forensic sciencehas been faulty for decades. The chilling truth is that forensic science has contributed to convicting innocent people over the decades and will continue to do so if the normality continues. According to the Virginia Law Review, fingerprint analysis which are based on humans using or computers attempting to find and match patterns are incredibly subjected to mistakes. Not the kind of mistake where the analyst has it in
  • 41. Characteristics Of The Horseshoe Crab Introduction: Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, inhabits shallow brackish marine environments ranging from the Atlantic Ocean along the North American coastline to the Gulf coasts of the United states and from the East coast of Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula (Walls, Elizabeth). There are three other species of the horseshoe crab worldwide: Tachypleus tridentatus, Tachypleus gigas, and Carconoscorpinus rotundicauda that closely resemble Limulus in structure and habits, ranging from the Indian ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the coasts of Asia (National Wildlife Federation). The horseshoe crab is known to be one of the oldest living fossils ; which means that this organism s morphology has essentially not changed from fossils found from earlier geologic times, around 250 million years ago (Noel Chartier). Based on the fact that the morphology has not changed in so long it can be assumed that the horseshoe crab has not had to adapt to changing environments and has been able to withstand a changing environment. Due to the statement regarding the oldest living fossils, one can hypothesize that fossil records will show evidence that fossils of extinct creatures look nearly identical to the creatures that are still living today (Noel Chartier). If a person searched for horseshoe crabs in a shallow brackish marine environment and found a living horseshoe crab and compared it to a fossil record of one, they would look almost identical to each other. The outward
  • 42. Joe Obermueller Job Shadow Essay For my job shadow I went to the University of Sioux Falls! There I was introduced to Joe Obermueller who is the Assistant Professor and Director of theatre. I arrived at the University of Sioux Falls November 15th. I think it was extremely interesting that Obermueller was a professor and a director. Having both of those responsibilities would be exceptionally stressful, Obermueller has two things that he has to focus on in his career. He has to make sure that the academic side is tip top and people are learning what they need to. But, he also has to focus on the upcoming production that requires an abundance of work which causes him to stay at the school until the late hours of the night. When I made it to the school, I marched into the Jeschke... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There wasn t anything I disliked about the shadow. I loved being in classes that is all about, theatre, something I want to do in my future. Many people wish we had some of those classes at West Central. We learned that being a professorisn t an easy thing to achieve, but is one of the most fun and rewarding careers. An article I read on Shmoop about theater directors state Theatre, as a form of creativity and expression, is a fantastic way to reach across cultures and get down to our shared humanity as well as our shared dislike for any play over three hours ( Day in the life of a Theatre Director ). I also learned from Obermueller that interning at places which is similar to the career I want to pursue can really help me later in life. Also, I should begin looking into jobs that pertain to my future now rather than later. Obermueller also made it very obvious that making relationships with people who can get me to the places I want to go will really improve my chances in succeeding in this career. So in conclusion, going to USF was an amazing experience and really eased my nerves about college. It showed me college will be fun and having a career in theatre is a challenging yet beneficial job. I really look forward to my future now that I know more about what to
  • 43. Goldman Fristoe Case Study Before I gave the Goldman Fristoe to Lauren, my client, I asked why she they wanted to bring her in to the Butler University Clinic. The parents said that her preschool teacher had a hard time understanding her in class and suggested to take her to a speech pathologist. Lauren spoken language is English and there were no prior medical issues. Therefore, I decided to give Lauren the Goldman Fristoe to see what phonemes she struggled with. Since Lauren is 4 years, 10 months and 17 days old, I gave her the sounds in words section then sounds in sentences section for ages 4:0 6:11. During the sounds in words section, I showed Lauren a series of pictures and asked her what each picture was. Sometimes I would point out specific out in the picture and asked her what that certain object was. This section focused on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I felt I did a decent job at giving the Goldman Fristoe to Lauren. I read the directions and tried to make taking the test fun. I used the directions whenever Lauren did not say the word I wanted to hear and did not talk monotone. I From the view of a client, I felt taking the Golden Fristoe was difficult. It was difficult to mispronounce phonemes within words. Though I practiced mispronouncing my phonemes, when I came to taking the test, I still struggled mispronouncing them. It was easier to mispronounce phonemes in words rather than in sentences. I also found it hard to mispronounce phonemes during the stimulability section of the test. I felt one thing I could have done to make the test giving process better is being more fluent when giving the test. One thing I could have done to make taking the test easier is mastering my incorrect phonemes. While I was taking the test, I was trying to fronting and stopping. I thought scoring the Golden Fristoe was fairly easy. All I had to do was add up every phoneme Lauren mispronounced in each section for a raw
  • 44. The Legacy Of John D. Rockefeller In the industrial age, there were these people called the titans. John D. Rockefeller was considered one of the titans. Rockefeller wanted to be the richest man in America, however, he was the first billionaire in America (Independence Hall Association, 2015). He was born in Richford, New York in 1839. Rockefeller was the second child and he had five other siblings which were William Rockefeller, Frank Rockefeller, Lucy Rockefeller Briggs, Francis Rockefeller, and Mary Ann Rockefeller (Famous people,2015). He married Laura Celestia Spelman and they had five children. His father, William Avery Rockefeller, was a doctor that thought he could cure cancers. His mother was Eliza Davidson Rockefeller and she was a very religious woman. She taught John how to save and give to charities. He worked for his neighbors and raised turkeys for his mother. By the time he was twelve years old, he had saved $50 dollars, which back then was a lot. The family moved to Owego, New York in 1851 and in 1852 John attended Owego Academy. He was an average student in all other subjects besides Mental Arithmetic. He could solve these problems in his head when most people couldn t solve them on paper (WGBH Education Foundation, 2015). In the spring of 1855 Rockefeller spent 10 weeks at Folsom s commercial college a chain college where he learned single and double entry book keeping, penmanship, commercial history, mercantile customs, banking, and exchange (WGBH Educational
  • 45. A Career As A Career In The Music Industry The process to become a professional singer would have to start when you re young, because it takes time to actually learn music and to build your voice. Most cited researches I have looked up reported that many professional singers today usually have begin their training of practicing who they are at a young age. Singing opportunities can come from anywhere, such as being in a play at school. It s important for singers to develop a variety of styles. It s good to know more than one type of musicnow and days for a better position in the music industry. For instance both popular and classical styles should be considered because employment opportunities exist in each. To get better results for your outcome most people would consider enrolling in a formal training program. Once you ve reached your unique voice, continue the process and look for professional singing opportunities. To get taken seriously you should build up your professional representation and perform as much as possible. Musicians typically advance in their careers by seeking an audience for their craft. While performance opportunities may be offered all over the country, it s noted that many musicians relocate to hub cities for the entertainment industry like New York, Los Angeles, Nashville or Chicago. These states are typically where you would find a famous singer or musicians that you can reflect on and learn from in your experience of making your career a success. For me after this step would be to go to either University of Houston or Juilliard. Colleges and universities may offer numerous performing opportunities. In addition to choral ensembles and formal recitals and shows, performing in placing that will allow you to sing or local singing opportunities may be beneficial for a beginner. Singers can audition for concerts and theatrical performances to build their vocal skills. Make sure to take advantage of school opportunities as while. Many schools with music and vocal degree programs have resources such as studios, practice rooms or reference libraries that will allow you to exercise and practice on your craft of music. When looking for a music or vocal performance degree program usually you will need to audition get excepted. While
  • 46. Effects Of The French Revolution On The World Carolina Swindel Dr. Frost; MYP World History, Period 1 30 October 2015 The Effects of the French Revolution on the World After the American Revolutionary War the French were left with millions of dollars in debt because of their efforts to help the U.S defeat the British. Charles Alexandre de Calonne, the Controller General of Finances in 1786 attempted to fix the money problem but his ideas on reform offended the French Parliament so much that Louis XVI was forced to dismiss him. The Controller General of Finances who was appointed after him, LomГ©nie de Brienne found that in order to fix the money problems he was forced to revert to the previously suggested reforms and King Louis XVI registered them without the approval of Parliament. This led to opposition between Parliament and the King, which eventually spread to all of France. Violent riots broke out in towns across France, marking the beginning of the French Revolution (Furet 49 51). The ideas and documents created as a result of the French revolution may have had a significant impact on human rights and modernized law and politics throughout the world. One of the important legacies of the French Revolution was Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and its impact on human rights. During the summer of 1789 several revolutions rocked France that effected decisions made later. These revolutions included the revolution of the Deputies, the Urban Revolution, and the Peasant Revolution, which led to the Storming of
  • 47. Differences And Similarities Between Dakota And Ojibwe Compare and Contrast Essay Did you know that in Minnesota there are two most known types of Native Americans the Dakota and the Ojibwe? In this essay I will tell you things that are alike and different between the dwellings, camp area, and food. During the four seasons the Ojibwe and Dakota lived in different houses some the same some different.In the winter, the Dakota lived in tipis in sheltered wooded areas, the Ojibwe lived in wigwams also in sheltered areas. Ojibwe lived in bark lodges in the spring, the Dakota lived in bark houses basically the same thing or tipis. Like in winter the Ojibwe lived in wigwams during the fall. With the Dakota they lived in tipis for fall and winter. Summer, the Ojibwe lived in bark lodges, as for the Dakota they lived in bark houses, same camp same dwelling.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Ojibwe ate dried berries, corn, dried meat and fish, rice, and fresh meat, basically food from the whole year during the winter season. The Dakota ate buried corn, dried berries, rice reserves, and fish in winter. For the Spring, Ojibwe ate Maple sugar, leftovers from the previous season, rice, dried meat, meat from small animals. Dakota had syrup, sugar, hard candy, meat from small animals, muskrat, winter leftovers in spring. In the summer Dakota ate Wasna kind of like a clif bar, buffalo, and berries. The Ojibwe ate berries, and harvested garden goods. Since one of the main task for the Ojibwe and Dakota was harvesting wild rice so they both had that in the fall. Ojibwe also had squash, corn, waterfowl, fish, and meat. Dakota ate
  • 48. The Importance Of Crime And Crime The lack of respect or intergradation within society plays a greater role to crime and criminal behavior. I believed if a person values society, appreciate social orders and engaged themselves within society then crimes would not happen. Hirschi s theory of social bonding best explained my view on crime and criminal behavior within society. He assumed that all humans can commit criminal acts because it is our nature. If not criminal acts, then born selfish, needy and greedy. It takes the structure of parents, communities and the environment to teach children about structure, rules, morality, and social conducts. As children start to develop a sense of self awareness, they begin to form an idea of who they want to be within society due to positive or negative experiences with society. As Hirschi suggested, the more attached a person is to society and its offerings, the more they believe in the values of conventional society and become more invested in the betterment of society which makes a person less likely to be deviant (Chriss, 2017). If a person has weak or a fractured bond with society and disregard the value of community, they are most likely to commit crimes. In order for a person to succeed at the unlikeliness of committing criminal offenses, Hirshci created the theory of social bond that assumes that individuals are predisposed to commit crimeand that conventional bonds prevent or reduce offending. There are four elements of social bonding that helps to explain
  • 49. Life in Colonial America Essay The Puritans that arrived in America from 1630 to 1649 prompted by religious persecution made a commitment to the covenant with God, whom had ordered the puritans to fly into the wilderness , (Reich, 2011, p. 72). This covenant was to bind all residents tightly together both religiously and socially. Centered on a common pasture, a village could consist of a meetinghouse, land and multiple family homes that support the whole group or a city on the hill (Brinkley, 2010, p. 76), (Reich, 2011, p. 72). The social unit, whom was tightly knit in the early years of the Massachusetts colony, began to strain and many challenges arose as time passed affected this social structure, mainly the increasing commercialism of the surrounding New... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 184). This period revolved around the conflict between traditional views of a personal God involved within the individual s lives, the new spirit of the enlightenment with the importance of intellect (science) and human reasoning. The old views placed high values on a stern moral code, which taught intellect is less important than faith became apparent not true (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). The enlightenment also suggested that people had control over their lives and their societies. Therefore, religious toleration in the colonies flourished, there were so many types of religion it was impossible for the British rulers or puritans of the day to enforce some sort of code or religious enforcement of an official faith (Brinkley, 2010, pg. 80 81), (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). Native Americans were very important to American history; they were the first people in America (Nash, 2010, p. 13). Native Americans have their own form of governing, vastly different language, religious beliefs, and dress and for some reason the Natives have been generally excluded from American success (Nash, 2010, pg. 14 15). This is especially true when we look at how America put into place the Manifest destiny the idea that the United States had the God given right and duty to take
  • 50. DADT History The Don t Ask, Don t Tell (DADT) policy was one of the most influential procedures enacted by the United States Military during the 1990 s, and it continued to shape the Military until its repeal almost two decades after its passing. While allowing homosexuals to serve in the military, DADT also prevented those gay soldiers from revealing their sexuality, and forbid members of Armed Forces from inquiring about the sexuality of other soldiers. It had a massive influence on service members; by 2008, DADT had caused the discharge of over 12,000 officers who did not hide their sexual preference ( Don t Ask, Don t... ). After the policy had been in place for almost twenty years, Congress proposed the Don t Ask, Don t Tell Repeal Act in 2010. Despite... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The TVC opposed the repeal of DADT on the grounds that it would encroach upon the rights of military chaplains, claiming a repeal could ultimately ruin the careers of these military chaplains, up to and including dishonorable discharge all because [the] chaplains refuse to compromise their consciences! in regards to their attitudes towards condoning homosexuality ( Defend America s Military... ). The TVC instead promoted the Military Religious Freedom Protection Act, which would allow chaplains to refuse any and all required acknowledgement of homosexual service members ( H.R.914 Military... ). The third main interest group to oppose a DADT repeal was the FRC, a group whose main mission is to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview ( About FRC ). Founded by Gerald P. Regier in the 1980s, the FRC believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural ( Homosexuality ). The acting president of the FRC, Tony Perkins, claims that the wasy to solve the recruitment issues the military is having would be to end any striving towards homosexual rights and instead focus on morality,