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Essay On How To Analyze A Movi
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Essay On How To Analyze A Movi Essay On How To Analyze A Movi
Secondary School And Gender Differences Regarding Self...
In this chapter the main findings of the study are discussed in the light of the current literature in the
field of self esteem and coping research. Recommendations for future research are presented in the
view of strengths and limitations of this study.
Initially, this study aimed to explore the levels of self esteem of early adolescents at the end of primary
school and gender differences regarding self esteem. Secondly, it attempted to examine the type of
coping strategies that early adolescents employ and gender differences regarding the different coping
strategies. The first main finding of this research indicated that the levels of self esteem of the early
adolescents were low, with the female adolescents scoring low on all scales. In addition, both male
and female early adolescents had low levels of self perception regarding scholastic competence,
physical appearance, athletic and job competence, romantic appeal and behavioural conduct. Females
were also found to score significantly lower than males on the domains of global self worth, physical
appearance and close friendship. Concerning the second aim of this research, early adolescents have
been found to use productive coping strategies in order to deal with their problems, with the strategies
Work hard and achieve and Focus on solving the problem coming first in their repertoire. With respect
to the gender differences and coping styles the results of this study revealed that girls reported
Referring to others
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Industrial Revolutions
Historically, industrial revolutions have caused the most notable changes in work. The First Industrial
Revolution, driven by steam, and the Second Industrial Revolution, driven by electricity, led to an
increase in technology, production, and jobs especially among women, as illustrated by the photo of
Rosie the Riveter, depicting a woman in the workforce urging other women to engage in employment
(Human Development Report; Miller). While there had been fears of future unemployment due to the
rapid rise in machines performing the tasks of people, in 1962, President John F. Kennedy quelled
these fears by claiming, If men have the talent to invent new machines that put men out of work, they
have the talent to put those men back to work ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Early in A World Without Work, The Atlantic expresses fear for future employment by predicting an
era of technological unemployment (Thompson 7). However, The Atlantic also notes, The U.S. labor
force has been shaped by millennia of technological process....the total number of jobs has always
increased (Thompson 7). While in the past, employers searched for pinsetters, milk men, newspaper
readers, ice cutters, and typists, now, those occupations as well as similar jobs have been eliminated
due to the increased role that technology has played. However, the United States Department of Labor
shows that new jobs are constantly appearing. In fact, During the Clinton Gore administration, more
than 19 million new jobs...[were] created a rate of growth more than twice that of the previous decade.
High technology industries account for one million of these new jobs ( Futurework ). With the
increase in technology around the world, thus, an increase in globalization, new generations have used
technology as a resource rather than a limitation in order to create more unconventional work, as
demonstrated during the Clinton Gore
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Deadly Force Misconceptions
On common misconception that many in the public have is that deadly force always means excessive
force (Miller, 2015). In reality, necessary force is the amount of force required to control a given
situation so as to preserve the life and maintain the safety of police officers or vulnerable citizens at
the scene excessive force is any use of force beyond that required for safety and control (Miller, 2015,
par. 2). Is this misconception, lawyers searching out family members, valid reasons, or something else
why so many lawsuits are being filed after police deadly force encounters. No one will probably ever
know the true reason. I will give two examples of deadly force from the Knoxville Police Department,
my agency for the last 19 years, and show that there is no known why so many are filed. When I was a
Patrol Sergeant in October of 2006, my officers were in a vehicle pursuit of a carjacking suspect, who
had pistol whipped the victim. By policy, we only had two cars involved in the pursuit. About halfway
into the pursuit, the suspect swerved and struck an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Based on the circumstances in today s world, which officer would one guess was sued? Most would
pick wrong as I had built such a good relationship with the African American community that they
knew I had done no wrong. The suspect s son in the second incident filed suit against the city and
officer even though he had not contact with his father for over 17 years. It looks like a lawyer hunted
this relative down to make some money. Hopefully this will not happen again as last year the United
States Supreme Court gave broader immunity to police in deadly force issues (Savage, 2015). Police
officers cannot let the fear of being sued keep them from doing their jobs. If they do, they may lose
their lives like some have
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The Case Of Griswold V. Connecticut
Tandy Hood
U.S. Government
Professor Neher
Griswold v. Connecticut
The first Supreme Court case that I listened to was one brought forth in front of the Warren Court in
1965. The case of Griswold v. Connecticut is a very significant case regarding contraceptive use,
counsel and advice with married couples. The case later played a great reference in the Constitutional
rights for abortion. The Griswold v. Connecticut case went in front of the Supreme Court in March
and was passed a few months later in June by a vote of 7 2 in favor of Griswold.
Griswold was the Executive Director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Connecticut. The State of
Connecticut charged her and her Medical Director, Dr. Buxton, for giving advice and medical ... Show
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The statutes were being challenged on the due process clause under the Fourteenth Amendment and
the First Amendment regarding the Freedom of Speech. At the time of this case it was illegal to sale or
prescribe contraceptives for the prevention of pregnancy, but not for the prevention of disease.
At the beginning of the oral argument the appellant s lawyer, Thomas I. Emerson was asked if the case
was an equal opportunity case. He verbally stumbled and was delayed with his response to the Judges.
The Judges asked several times why it was not being argued as an equal opportunity case due to the
distinction that only married women received treatment and counsel from the Planned Parenthood
Clinic. His only response was that was not the issue of this case.
Emerson stated the history of the case in order to paint his picture to the Judges. Mrs. Griswold did not
have a medical license, but was allowed to work under the umbrella of the clinic s Medical Director,
Dr. Buxton. The clinic was only open for ten days when the two appellants were arrested and charged
for the counsel and distribution of contraceptives to married women, at which time the clinic was
forced to close. Three of the married women that received treatment and counsel provided by the
clinic were fined and later testified against
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Tv Production Process.
1.1 Overview of the Television Production process Typically the audiovisual production should start
from an idea and go till the circulation stage covering different stage of production, process of
refinement in between. The audiovisual production process is broadly divided into following three
stages. 1) Pre production, 2) Production, and 3) Post production Pre Production stage includes work
on idea / concept, plan about the budget and the format for shooting, treatment, and research and script
development, story board preparation, developing the shooting script. Production stage includes work
on the actual shooting part, recording the narration, voice over. The post production work includes
mainly the processing work of logging the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2 does my idea inform? If the answer to both these questions is yes you are essentially on the right
track. If the answer is no to either or both these questions, then it may be worth reevaluating your idea.
The programme must be well thought through and constructed. Keep it short and to the point, make
sure your idea is lively and imaginative, and that the direction is logical and properly argued. By
following these basic rules you are far more likely to communicate your ideas to an audience. Target
your programme at a particular audience and establish early on the programmer s objective. Decide in
advance how you are going to develop your idea. Try to produce a written outline, thinking visually all
the time. Research your subject thoroughly becoming an expert on it. Your research should include
people and locations, as well as the general concepts surrounding your idea. A poorly researched idea
is as likely to ruin your programme as badly directed one. Write your script and visualize it by
producing a storyboard. Link the script to the pictures as you move from sequence to see if the
combination works. Finally if you are working with a group develops your ideas and shares them
together. Everybody s ideas are worth considering and more often than not they will add a new and
interesting dimension to the film. At A Glance 1. Make sure your film both entertains and informs. 2.
Keep it fresh and interesting 3. Think visually all the time. You are not writing
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The Changing World Of Business
The Changing World of Business BUSS1131
Formative Assignment 2014 2015
With an increasing change of market,experts and specialists arouse widen concern about long term
mind set in firms becoming more significant through manager s strategies.For a rough define long
term , a multiyear time horizon for value creation (Barton and Wiseman,2014).Investing in and
creating a profitable new business within the time indicates how company leaders compare business s
value. The purpose of the essay consider the tendency when corporate leaders shape business between
long term and short term view and the source of those problems will be proven. In addition ,how
enterprises put their weight among customers, shareholders and employees discuss later.
advantages of long term
Although great strides have been made in recognizing long term perspectives(Barton,2011),main asset
owners still prefer short term strategies as their priority selection due to focusing on greater
earnings,continuing pressure from firm s boards.Pressure from financial market result in company less
able to investing long term projects. However,a favorable corporate reputation(Järvinen and Suomi,
2011),gently GDP growth, higher employment and fewer return for investors are favorable to far
reaching consequences for firms(Barton and Wiseman,2014).Long term view on business is high
likely to create a good reputation gaining a competitive advantage which lead to profitability,because
long term project
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Hebrew Wisdom
Hebrew Wisdom on Diligence and Laziness
Bible 105 B27 LUO: Old Testament Survey
201320 Spring 2013
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Liberty University
February 24, 2013
Hebrew Wisdom on Diligence and Laziness There is a great deal of Hebrew wisdom in the Bible in
regards to the subjects of diligence and laziness. Throughout the book of Proverbs the words of lazy
and diligence can be found in many different forms. Sluggish, sluggard, and idle describe laziness.
The word diligence can also be considered as, thorough, attentive, and persistence. Each of these
words, found in the Bible, can reference diligence, and laziness within Hebrew Wisdom in many
The book of Proverbs is the Hebrew book of Wisdom. Its purpose is to provide ... Show more content
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A true witness delivers souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies (Proverbs 14:24 25). Being a diligent
man does not mean to hoard what the Lord has given you, but to share the knowledge and wisdom of
God with all he comes in contact with. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be
like him (Proverbs 26:4). This is a warning to those who walk with the Lord in their hearts. Do not
answer a fool in a foolish manner; answer them with the wisdom that God has given you. Share the
wisdom of God so they might change their ways.
The Bible paints us the picture of being diligent as one of being thorough, persistent and works hard.
They keep the ways of the Lord in their heart. Those of folly lack the sense to know the difference in
what they are doing is not the ways of the Lord. As for those that are speaking of as lazy, they are lost
and doomed to a life of strife, hardship, and ultimately final judgment to the fiery depths. Only the
wisdom of a diligent man can help save those of folly and lazy, and guide them toward God.
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The Wreck Essay
Imagine feeling most of the bones in your torso breaking with a dry, ragged, SNAP while the sinew
connecting them is torn apart with a terrible POP! Imagine the pain while bleeding internally for
hours, lying in a twisted metal coffin. You have to assume that help will not arrive in time to save your
life. Now imagine, what would you do?
I was excited when, in the middle of Fall, which is also fishing season, my cousin Jerad asked me if I
would like to go fishing with him and his brother Justin. I quickly replied that I would, and when Jerad
came to pick me up the three of us piled into his little Dodge pick up and headed for Cow Camp.
Cow Camp is where our Grandpa grew up. His dad homesteaded about forty acres on the North Slope
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We got to the one lane bridge slowed and crossed it then sped up as we approached the hill after it.
The hill is pretty bad because the road curves sharply to the right going up and the angle of the road
slants the wrong way. Also, there are steep cliffs on both sides of the road. We started up the hill fine;
made it to the curve, then in the middle of the curve we hit the grader bump that marked the end of
road maintenance. Jerad couldn t quite keep control of the light truck and we went into a slide. We slid
into the left lane sideways then the tires caught for a second and we were propelled back into the right
lane headed right for the cliff s edge.
I think we would have all just died from fright long before the truck reached the cliff bottom, but Jerad
had the wheel spun hard to the left. Right before we reached the edge of the cliff, the tires caught
again and we were suddenly not looking out into space any longer. Instead, we were gaping 180
degrees in the other direction at the side of a very, very steep hill. We didn t have any luck with the
tires this time, and we hit the hill hard at probably 25 or 30 Mph.
Suprisingly the little truck had its own ideas about smashing into a hill and instead decided to climb it.
We hit the hill kind of at an angle and the truck lurched, popped, and went right up the hill at a fairly
steep angle. Just as the truck started to roll and the uphill tires
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Little Red Riding Hood And Wolf Comparison
The Grimm Brothers Little Red Riding Hood (1857), and Roald Dahl s contemporary spin on the well
known fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (1982), both endeavored to shape the meaning
of the traditional fairy tale. Although Dahl relies on an audience familiar with the original fable to
appreciate his alterations, both texts are aimed towards a target audience of children. Through
comparison of the two differing versions, connections will be identified. Similarities and differences
in relation to form, purpose and language will be explained; and subsequently, how these similarities
and differences impact the target audience.
Encapsulating the traditional fairy tale structure, Grimm s tale is presented in the form of a narrative,
featuring a clear introduction, plot, and resolution. Grimm preserves the phrase symbolic to traditional
fairy tales, once upon a time , introducing the audience to a familiar world of fantasy. The events
unfold through a chronological sequence: After that the aged grandmother , Then all three were
delighted and Soon afterwards the wolf knocked , followed by informative sentences: the door sprang
open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother s bed, and devoured her ,
complimenting Grimm s formal and instructive intentions, embellishing and providing the audience
with a sound understanding. Grimm embraces the use of a third person voice to gain authority of the
audience, and sufficiently sculpts each character into their conventional protagonist and antagonist
roles: Little Red Riding Hood as a dear little girl and wolf as wicked creature .
Dahl offers a significantly different interpretation, transforming the traditional folk tale into a poem.
The consistent use of rhyme and rhythm appeals to the audience, allowing smooth transition and flow
between sequences. The several stanzas composing the poem feature short sentences which add
clarity; eventually compacting at the final plot twist, The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers , to
represent an acceleration in pace and create audience suspension. Dahl also begins his version with the
wolf a perspective not usually seen to ensure the audience identifies with the wolf.
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Target Corporation Mission Statement
Target was founded by George Draper Dayton in 1902. He was born in New York and wanted to
explore the markets growing in the Midwest. Because of this, he purchased land in Minneapolis and
began Dayton Dry Goods Company, which became what we know today as Target. Dayton s
principals are the foundation for many of Target Corporation s values to this day. Dayton s store soon
became synonymous with reliability and fair business practices. After Dayton s death in 1938, he
passed his business along to his son, who grew the Dayton Company into a nationwide retailer. In
1911 the company was renamed as The Dayton Company because it better reflected the variety of
products and services that the company offers. In 1916 The Dayton Company became a founding ...
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Dayton is quoted having said, Success is making ourselves useful in the world, valuable to society,
helping in lifting in the level of humanity, so conducting ourselves that when we go the world will be
somewhat better of our having lived the brief span of our lives. This statement embodies much of
what the target values are to this day. (Target Through The Years) In 1954, Dayton opened up its first
branch location in downtown Minneapolis. Further, in 1956, the company began to cater towards the
needs of busy suburban families and opened another branch in the Southdale Mall. The company
continued to expand in the years to come. Looking for new ways to entice consumers, in 1960 The
Dayton Company looked to cater towards value oriented shoppers seeking a higher quality experience
(Target Through The Years). At this time the company took the first step in moving away from a
family run department store chain toward what would become one of the chief discount store chains in
America. In 1961, the store officially proclaimed that it was going to form a new discount chain store
that was yet to be
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Functions For Running An Encryption Or Decryption
# Functions for running an encryption or decryption.
# The values of the two jokers.
JOKER1 = 27
JOKER2 = 28
# Write your functions here:
def clean_message(whatever_message): (str) str Convert your message into upper case and does only
include alphabetical characters, that also means that spaces are not allowed. clean_message( i am
number four ) IAMNUMBERFOUR clean_message( compu23456!!!! science ) COMPUSCIENCE #
set message to an empty message, that s for the message that # be interpreted by python based on the
message you gave. message = # we only want to interpret all values that are alphabetical characters for
each_letter in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
# that is, add 1 then change their positions deckofcards[a], deckofcards[a + 1] = deckofcards[a + 1],
def move_joker_1(deckofcards): (list of int) Nonetype Look for JOKER1 and move this with the card
next to it (That is the card under it). If card27 or the joker is at the bottom of the deck of cards, switch
this card and put it on top. Req: If Joker 1 (card27) is to be moved at the bottom one time only.
deckofcards = [1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27, 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26]
move_joker_1(deckofcards) deckofcards [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24,
2, 27, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26] deckofcards = [22, 25, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 27] move_joker_1(deckofcards)
deckofcards [27, 25, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 22]
# find where joker1 is in the
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Implementation Of Power Law Transform For Indication Of...
Implementation of Power Law Transform for Indication of Multi Modal Brain Tumors
Giritharan Ravichandran and A G Ramakrishnan
Giritharan Ravichandran is with the E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TN 611001
India (corresponding author to provide phone: +91 9715589763; e mail: rvenkkatprabu@gmail.com).
A G Ramakrishnan is with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, KA 560012 India. (e mail:
ABSTRACT In this paper , the problem of identification of masses or tumors in the Magnetic
Resonance Image (MRI) of Brain . Here a novel method of Power Law Transformation is introduced
on the Brain Image. The gamma value for the Brain Image is fixed as 1.5 and thresholding is done.
Thus the resulting binary image clearly separates any kind of tumors or a mass present in the brain
images, and makes the identification process easier. By exhaustive experimentations it is found that
the proposed algorithm is performs well than the literature. The experimentations is done with the
Virtual Skeleton Database (VSD) which is a brain tumor image dataset obtained from Challenge on
Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation with are the outcomes of BRATS2012 and BRATS2013. It is
reported that the tumor in the brain is identified correctly in majority of cases and the efficiency of the
proposed algorithm is 90% in case of normal images and 82.51% in case of multimodal images.
CT Images, Brain Image, Power law transform, Binarization, Tumor,
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Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura Research Paper
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a rare disease that people would never know existed
unless affected by it. The disease is characterized by individuals having extremely low platelets levels.
Platelets are created from megakaryocytes that are located within the bone marrow. The
megakaryocytes break off pieces small enough to leave the bone marrow and join the other blood cells
circulating in the body. Platelets are responsible for clotting the blood when an injury occurs. They do
this by agglutinating, or sticking to themselves at the site of the injury. Platelets are responsible for
activating other clotting factors found in the blood. If someone does not have adequate platelets, such
as individuals affected byITP, they may not be able to clot their blood. For a simple scratch it is not
too worrisome, but if the individual falls or hits their head they can experience internal bleeding that
can be fatal if not treated. Two symptoms are hallmarks for ITP. They include petichiae, micro
hemorrhaging of vessels that typically occurs on the lower extremities and purpura, excessive bruising
of the skin from minor bumps and cuts. Through history ITP has not only ... Show more content on
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Usually trials are completed on patients, but considering the ethics of such trials they may not occur.
Instead in the 1950 s a group of doctors at Barnes Hospital in St Louis opted to test their treatment
theories on themselves (Idiopathic, 2014). Harrington transfused blood from a patient with chronic
ITP into himself so that the effects on the bone marrow could be studied (Idiopathic, 2014). The
results from the study determined that the bone marrow was not affected and therefore ITP was related
to the platelets themselves. The Harrington Hollingsworth experiment had given the disease an origin,
the platelets themselves. The name of the disease was changed to what it is now considered, immune
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Media And Media Violence
In the end, media violence, like all important things in life, has a middle ground. Neither side is
completely right, nor is either side completely wrong. It is all a matter of proper usage and proper
exposure to children. Now I won t tell parents how to do their job. It isn t my business to tell them
how to raise their child. But I will say that it is important to note that every child is different. One may
be mature enough to understand that the actions in a certain movie or game are not good life choices
in real life, and others may be be extremely immature and unable to understand how to act in the real
world. But, again there is a middle ground. Do you see where I am going? This isn t a matter of, it is
bad. or, it is good. but a matter of how do we use this properly? It is a lot like cars in that sense. We all
know cars are good, but does the number of car crashes that happen daily make it bad? No, of course
not! It is all about adapting how we use cars to prevent crashes. Tying media to shootings and abuse is
also absurd. Since many sane people intake tons of media daily. And most all of those people aren t
murderers. Probably a ratio of about 1000 murderers, to 7 billion okay ish people. Bottom line, media
violence and real world violence are to separate things. Should we let kids watch certain things?
Probably not. But that is up to the parent, not the government to make laws against it. Media violence
almost always comes down to the parents. Maybe perhaps
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Objective Lens Lab Report
The objective lens gathers light and bends them to create an inverted real image. By using an objective
lens with a diameter larger than the eyepiece lens, more light would get through the telescope. The
eyepiece lens will then reflect back the image to form an inverted, magnified virtual image in front of
~. For this experiment, the formulas used are the lens equations 1/f = 1/di + 1/do to find the focal
lengths of the lenses, M = fo/fe for the prediction of magnification, and M = Hi/Ho for the actual
measurement of magnification. According to theory, a telescope consisting two convex lenses acting
as objective and eyepiece lens will form an inverted, magnified and virtual image. From the pictures
taken using the telescope, this theory has
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The Atlantic. Com Article Analysis
The topic of two new articles featured on The Atlantic.com. The first is from Karl Taro Greenfeld, is a
journalist and the author known primarily for his articles on life in modern Asia and both his fiction
and non fiction in The Paris Review. Growing worried after learning his eighth grade daughter wake
up morning after morning, tired and sleep deprived from late nights of studying. Things had got so
dreadful that Greenfeld and his wife would compel their daughter to go to bed, only to have her make
believe to sleep, get up again and do more homework. In an attempt to better understand what she was
going through, Greenfeld decided to give himself a challenge: for one week, he would attempt his
daughter s daily homework. He gives examples of
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America Chavez Evolution
The Evolution of Women throughout Comics Between the years of 1938 to 2017, traditional gender
roles slowly broke down and evolved, whether it d be in politics, entertainment, or literature. To be
more specific, superhero comics such as Superman (1938), Wonder Woman (1941), Fantastic Four
(1961), Watchmen (1986), and America Chavez (2017), all comprised in shaping the traditional beliefs
of gender roles and empowered change. Although traditional gender norms are still an issue today,
comics have attempted at times, but also succeeded in breaking down barriers while appealing to the
audience. By using different artistic techniques, such as the iconic illustration itself, types of closure,
and lines sketched, illustrators battled but succeeded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nonetheless, our society has come a long way to demonstrate gender equality, especially in superhero
comics. At first, women weren t valued as much as males to be as equal as them but as time
progressed, slowly but surely, women were able to prove that theory wrong and become just as
successful as the males in the world of superheroes. It s critical to understand our past, whether it s
fictional or not, in hopes for history to not be repeated again. On that note, learning the evolution of
women in comics, allows society to bring new and creative ideas for the generations to come that
displays equal boundaries for both genders and become the example to look up
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Desiree s Baby Essay
Gender, Race and Inequality in Desiree s Baby
Desiree s Baby is a tragic short story written by Kate Chopin. The story is about the struggle between
the main characters Armand and his wife Desiree. The relationship is torn apart after they come to the
realization that they have a quadroon baby or quarter black. Neither of them know that either one
could be the cause of the mixed baby. Armand sees this as a curse to his family name and disowns
Desiree and the baby. After Desiree and her baby are disowned by Armand, Desiree feels she has
nothing to live for. She disappears into the bayou where we can only guess she kills herself. In the
end, we learn that when Armand is burning the possessions of Desiree and the baby he finds a ... Show
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The fact that a wealthy white couple had a quadroon child would bring disgrace to the family name.
Armand suspects Desiree is the one who is half black, which could very well be true. She was taken in
by her father Monsieur Valmonde when she was found under the shadow of a stone pillar at the
entrance to their home. Madame Valmonde was unable to conceive a child and viewed this as a
blessing from god and they raised her as if she was their own. She grew up to be beautiful and with a
white appearance. Armand fell in love with her and was reminded that she was nameless. He knew
that she could have been the cause of the mixed baby by her unknown origin. Knowing this, he was
very quick to decide she was the cause of the disgrace to his name and home, and from that point grew
cold hearted and shunned them away. During the time this story was set it would have been unheard of
for a powerful white couple who owned a large cotton plantation to have a mixed baby.
The characters of Desiree and Armand are opposites of each other. Armand cares more for his name
and status than the love of a woman who cares deeply for him. He doesn t see or doesn t care that his
relationship with Desiree goes deeper than the color of his child s skin. He
only looks to uphold his untainted name. Desiree is a loving woman and cares nothing for the image
set forth by her child. She is only there because of the love she has for Armand and the
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Internal Conflict In Sue Kidd s The Secret Life Of Bees
In the novel The Secret Life of Bees (2001), Sue Kidd creates a character, Terrence Ray Owens, that
serves as the epitome of internal conflict. Kidd is able to show Terrence s internal conflict through
through a flashback from Lily s friend August, and a series of violent actions inflicted on his daughter
Lily. Kidd s purpose in this novel is to display the ramifications of a broken home dynamic, in order to
show how forgiveness to oneself and others is truly the first step to finding happiness. It doesn t take
us the readers long to find out that T. Ray is an abusive parent, but it does take us a little longer to
discover why he is the way he his. Going in chronological order of the discoveries within the book, T.
Ray s main three sources of internal conflict which produces external conflict with his daughter is the
result of his background of war, his wife running away and eventually dying, and his daughter running
away as well. Working backwards, August s introduction into the book and the knowledge she has on
Lily s family divulges quite a lot about T. Ray than Lily is aware of. As we the readers find out, T. Ray
served as a combatant during the Vietnam War and returned to Tiburon in 1964, the year the book is
set in. Drawing on contemporary knowledge, the Vietnam War was a highly controversial and overall
bloody war that caused massive civil unrest. These facts mixed with whatever traumatic experiences
that T. Ray endured during the war serves as the first source of
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Fairyland Informative Speech
Have you ever wondered why there is dew on the grass in the summer? I m gonna tell you a story that
is going to help you understand the reason for the summer dew. A long time ago, there was a family of
fairies who lived in a beautiful, mushroom home in a magical, faraway place called Fairyland. There
were thousands of beautiful fairies flying all around in this magical land and each and every fairy had
their very own daily job to do. Many different types of fairies existed in Fairyland including gardener
fairies, teacher fairies, cleaning fairies, musical fairies, and many more. Fairyland was one of the most
beautiful, magical, and happiest places on earth. The land was full of nothing but happiness, and
lovely attitudes from each and every
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The Scarcity Of Food Scarcity
During the late 1700s, food scarcity was not an issue, for the population was not as large as today,
which is over seven billion people. I would not be worrying about a food crisis or starvation unless a
man like Thomas Malthus came along and spread rumors that it could happen, especially if it is in our
future. Since people were first exposed to that idea during Malthus time, it is reasonable why people
would stress about it instantly. Nobody knows when food scarcity could happen. All they know is that
it is eminent with regards to Malthus claims that the population is growing rapidly, and food
production will reach its peak. It takes just one food crisis event to confirm to the public that Malthus
prediction was true, and that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These are issues that need to be considered by farmers, scientists, and agricultural institutions. The
Earth s land is a precious resource, because it sustains the food we need to live. Without land, there is
no place to grow food, and without food, human survival is unlikely. Taking care of the land is a
lifetime job, and all involved in agriculture need to do their job to sustain the resource and spread the
message to future generations. Doing so will allow the land to continue flourishing, thus maintain the
food supply. An overgrowing population, food scarcity, and land maintenance are some of the
problems discussed in food politics, but another issue that is relevant today is high international food
prices. After the year 2000, several economic crisis took place worldwide, leading countries to close
or implement higher taxes on exported food. As a result, nations secured their domestic markets, but
international food prices rose shortly. To deal with the dilemma, country leaders should consult with
each about ways to manage the market during financial crisis. Some countries rely on exported food to
sustain their livestock and population, so an increase in food prices could force dependent nations to
buy less food and sacrifice some of their livestock, or worse, their people. The reality is that people
are already pushed toward sacrifice. Almost a billion people worldwide are malnourished and close to
death. No one
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A Day At The Sherry Netherland Hotel
Our plan for having a fun and relaxing day at The Sherry Netherland Hotel in New York City was
perfectly planned out. We would head out to the pool, eat pizza, play in the arcade, and then go
explore the city. Here we are, two brothers, in a luxurious hotel, in the middle of a big city, what could
go wrong?
So, we set the alarm for 10am in hopes to be back in our hotel room by 8pm. We woke up the next day
excited to start the day. We noticed our dad was still sleeping. So we take the opportunity to make a
prank call to the front desk, now the employee at the front desk is suspicious of our prank call. Once
our dad woke up, he asked if we were excited for our day ahead of us. Immediately we got ready for
going to the pool and packed some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not realizing how long we were talking we quickly jumped onto the elevator right before it closed.
After getting on, I reached into my pocket for my phone and realized it wasn t there. It must have
fallen out when we quickly jumped onto the elevator. I have to go back up to get it before someone
steals it.
All of a sudden the elevator abruptly shook to a slow stop, making a screeching sound louder than I ve
ever heard. The shaking and abrupt stop caused everyone to fall on our feet. Trying to regain my
hearing from the deafening sound Dean exclaimed, what in the world was that!? I don t think the
elevator isn t moving anymore is it? Derek(me), Dean said, are we stuck here, I really don t like this. I
replied, we can just use the phone built into the elevator to call the front desk. I ll call them right now
so I took out the phone hatch and hit the button to call them. Once I got the people from the front desk
I said, our elevator got stuck halfway down to the first floor and we can t get out. The lady at the other
end of the line replied, aren t you that kid that made a prank call this morning? I said, yes but we re
really stuck and this isn t a prank. I heard the phone go blank as she hung up and thought, why did we
do that.
The businessman that hadn t said anything the whole time finally said, you made a prank call to the
hotel and now because of it, they think this is another one of your pranks! Yes, but it not like we knew
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Jfk And The Space Race Essay
JFK and the Space Race
Before the causes and results of Kennedy s decision to land on the moon can be adequately analyzed
and discussed, it is necessary to understand the context of his time as President and the events that
preceded it. Therefore, I will provide a small amount of context about the Cold War and the situation
leading up to Kennedy s We choose to go to the moon speech on September 12, 1962. (Citation).
After the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union became embroiled in what is now
known as the Cold War, this was both an international competition between two countries, and an
ideological confrontation between capitalism and communism. This led to direct and indirect
competition on many fronts, such as proxy wars and police actions, the Olympics, the Nuclear Arms
Race, and the Space Race. (Citation).
Although there is disagreement on the precise date that the Space Race began, the moment that it
became an important competition that was in the forefront of the minds of everyday Americans is on
April 12, 1961 when Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth in Vostok 1. (citation). This
event created a feeling amongst the American public that the Russians were further ahead in science
and technology than the United States, as well as the fear that the Soviets could use their superior
technology to be better able to attack the USA from a distance. Shortly after Gagarin s flight, the
United States launched astronaut Alan Sheppard into
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Donner Compnay Case
Operational Management
Case Study Report
Donner Company (9 689 030)
1. Sketch the normal process flow, i.e., the operations common to most orders.
The standard ordering process can be illustrated as follows.
1. Estimate the cost
1. Estimate the cost
4. Wrote the detail
4. Wrote the detail
2.Customer bid
2.Customer bid
7. Sent the blueprint
7. Sent the blueprint
5. Sent the order
5. Sent the order
Factory order Factory order 7. Sent the order 7. Sent the order David
6. Input into the log
6. Input into
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Panel Prep | 5 | 0.200 | 300 | 144 | 7.4 | 4.4% | 2. Laminate amp; Expose | 20 | 2.000 | 1,200 | 1,440 |
44.0 | 26.1% | 3. Develop | 20 | 0.200 | 1,200 | 144 | 22.4 | 13.3% | Electroplate | 25 | 8.500 | 1,500 |
6,121 | 127.0 | 75.5% | Strip DFPR | 5 | 0.200 | 300 | 144 | 7.4 | 4.4% | Etch amp; Tin Strip | 10 | 0.200 |
600 | 144 | 12.4 | 7.3% | FABRIFICATION | | | | | | | Solder mask | 45 | 1.500 | 2,475 | 1,077 | 59.2 |
35.2% | Solder Dip | 30 | 0.500 | 1,650 | 359 | 33.5 | 19.9% | Profile | | | | | | | Punch Press | 50 | 1.000 |
2,350 | 1,223 | 59.6 | 35.4% | CNC Router | 150 | 0.500 | 900 | 2,166 | 51.1 | 30.4% | Inspect, Test, Pack
| 45 | 1.500 | 2,700 | 8,642 | 189.0 | 112.5% | Total | | | 21,950 | 69,954 | 1,531.7 | |
Based on the calculation above, both of drilling processes and Inspections process are over 100% of
utilization and because the drilling processes is critical for production process and product quality, this
fact is considered to be the bottleneck of the company. In addition, the exhibit 2 does not show actual
production time which should include reworking time and administrative time and therefore it doesn t
show the precise productivity.
5. What performance measures are crucial to Donner s success? Is the current process and Donners
management approach directed towards these requirements?
There are two thing to be pointed out.
1) Productivity
Since the utilization of each
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Adaptive Physical Education Is Physical Education Which
Adaptive Physical Education is physical education which has been adapted or modified, so that it is as
appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person without a disability. It is an extremely
useful class especially in the high school setting. Disabled children are able to do exercises they
normally cannot do, experience full gym classes with non disabled students, and learn new and useful
fundamental skills they will use for the rest of their lives. To teach a class like this the teacher needs to
learn the FAIER model, lean different skills to teach disabled children and be able to asses all students
who are involved in the class. The FAIER model is a system to organize information in a way that you
can design ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is where you analyze the evaluation results and see how the students did. If many of the students
did not pass the way, the teacher wanted them to then the teacher must take the time to modify the
activity even more so that it will suite the students better. This model is extremely important when the
teacher is trying to figure out their students. It helps the teachers have a plan for the class so they aren
t stuck when it comes time to teach. For teachers to teach this class they are going to have to develop
other skills then their basic physical education teacher. There are six standards for an APE teacher.
These standards include human development, motor behavior, exercise science, curriculum
development, teaching, and communication. Human development is the basic understanding of how
skills develop and progress and how they apply to those with disabilities. This is important to know
due to the fact there are both disabled and non disabled students in this class. The Motor behavior
standard, is having the knowledge to monitor how motor skills develop and being able to keep in mind
the influence of development delay for those that are disabled. This also goes along with the next
standard which is curriculum development. This is the understanding of how each student has a
different goal depending on their disability. Teachers must be away at all times of their students and
what is different about them. The teaching standard is being able to
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The Observation Of Five Years
Results and discussion The observation of five years (From January, 2007 to December, 2011) of the
biomanipulation work done in the lake Nainital for its ecosystem restoration is presented in this paper.
In this approach we attempted to manipulate various levels of the food chain, assuming that the
nutrient input is stable and cannot be reduced to limit the primary production. At the start of the work
important physico chemical and biological parameters were measured to know the present scenario of
the lake. Among physico chemical parameters the water temperature, transparency, total dissolved
solids, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, pH, nitrate and phosphate were taken into consideration
while in biotic factors, the qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytoplankton, zooplankton and
fishes was made. The water temperature varied from 10.0 0C in January, 2007 to 23.4 0C in June,
2011. The Secchy transparency ranged between 35.0 cm during January 2007 and 410 cm during
December, 2011. The total dissolved solids varied between 160 mg/ l in April, 2007 and 536 mg/ l in
June, 2008. The dissolved oxygen concentration at water surface varied from 3.0 mg/ l during January,
2007 to 12.5 mg/ l during May, 2009 throughout the experiment period. The total alkalinity of lake
water was found between 102 mg/ l during January, 2008 and 240 mg/ l during June, 2011. The pH of
lake water varied from 6.9 in April, 2008 to 9.8 July, 2011. The nitrate was found between 0.12 mg/l
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Brand Recognition Of Telcel America
Brand Recognition
Telcel América is a wireless service from TracFone that is mainly targeted
for Hispanic consumers, primarily the Mexican community living in the United States. Telcel
has a very powerful presence in Mexico. Telcel brand is America Movil s Mexican unit. Telcel
brand is well known among persons having strong ties to Mexico, and crossers all along the
south border states of the United States of America. TracFone introduced Telcel America as a
spin off from the original Telcel Mexico product, and created a product mix that includes service
to both United States and Mexico, with no roaming charges.
No contract, no credit check, BYOP
Telcel is positioned to be highly accessible to its target market. There is no contract
required, no credit verification, in order to acquire the service. Prepaid customers purchase a
prepaid card for a specific amount of airtime and also receive additional services such as
voicemail and caller ID. As part of its prepaid service offering Telcel is also available with the
Bring Your own Phone program, which allows the customer to keep their current phone by
purchasing a SIM card that enables their current phone to be re activated with Telcel service.
Competitive price for unlimited talk, text data in both countries.
Telcel offers wireless service positioned to meet the specific needs of its target market.
Telcel offers voice services under a variety of rate plans to meet the needs of
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Examples Of Overcoming Strengths In Life
The struggle you re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow Robert Tew. Success is
getting to a good place in life, despite past obstacles. We all have a chance to be successful even
though there are hardships that we may experience along the way. In the book, A Child Called It, the
Netflix TV series Shameless, and the biopic All Eyez on Me each depict the lives of individuals who
overcome obstacles in life. My favorite works of art, feature characters that have struggled to
overcome obstacles in order to gain success.
My favorite book, A Child Called It, is about a boy who was physically, verbally and mentally abused
by his mother. David s mother struggles to treat her son with love, and respect. First, David was
physically abused by his mom. For example, David s mother would beat him, and make him eat his
brothers feces. As a child, David felt worthless, and he wanted his mother s love, but instead he was
beaten and threatened as if he was less than human. Next, David endured verbal abuse from his
mother; throughout the book there are many instances were David s mother would curse, and call him
terrible names. Lastly, David had to deal with psychological torture from his mother. David suffered
from the emotional scars that his mother left behind. He never felt what it was like to be loved by a
parent, David only knew what it was like to be hurt by one. The mental abuse that David endured will
forever impact his life, but his situation made him a stronger person. David has turned the abuse he
experienced as a child in books to share his story.
Shameless, my favorite TV series, is filmed on the Southside of Chicago. It features a dysfunctional
family with everyday struggles, such as problems with friendships, and financially. First, Shameless
demonstrates the complexity of relationships. For example, one of the main characters Fiona has had
many boyfriends. She hasn t found the right man yet, but from what she has experienced with men she
has grown mentally through the series. Each character in Shameless has been through there fair share
of tests with friendships and relationships. But, the characters find a way to overcome their issue.
Next, the characters struggle to become
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Surfactant Essay
A surface active agent, also known as a surfactant is a substance that surrounds the inner surface of the
lung and consists of four proteins and six phospholipid fats that are manufactured inside of the lung of
the human body, however this substance can also be created artificially. The four proteins include the
hydrophilic or water attracting proteins SP A and SP D and the opposite hydrophobic or water
repelling proteins, SP B and SP C. The main purpose of a natural surfactant found in the body is to
decrease the amount of surface tension of fluid (attraction of surface particles found in a liquid) that
can be found in an organ. In the lungs for example this is achieved by securing the small air sacs
inside of the alveoli (lungs). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This substance is produced when a human digests lipids or fats. According to Sareen Gropper and Jack
Smith s Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism bile is produced through the process of
chemically altering cholesterol, which is a type of fat found in a human s blood. This process takes
place in the liver and bile acids are produced. These bile acids are then conjugated or united with
taurine and glycine to produce biosurfactants known as bile salts. The existence of bile salts inside of
bile gives the substance the capacity to amalgamate lipids and fats with their aqueous (watery)
environment inside of the gallbladder. According to Sareen Gropper and Jack Smith s Advanced
Nutrition and Human Metabolism bile is released from its origin (gallbladder) into the small intestine.
Through the process of emulsification the bile substance in the small intestine disintegrates fats into
much tinier particles which can be digested and absorbed at a much more efficient and quicker rate.
This evidently shows that without bile and in turn bile salts the digestion of fats will not be
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How Did Louis Pasteur Contribute To The Germ Theory Of...
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist. He studied microbes and disease including
vaccinations and how to kill pathogens. He is most famous for the pasteurization process that quickly
kills most of the disease producing pathogens in dairy and wine. His most important work though was
probably in the development of vaccines for rabies and anthrax. At the time he was working people
still didn t understand where disease came from or how bacteria and viruses multiplied. Many people
believed in the theory of spontaneous generation, where microbes sprang from nothing to infect
wounds, food, or plants. Pasteur helped prove that disease was the result of microscopic organisms,
the germ theory of disease, and that life must spring from life.
Pasteur began working on the problem of bacterial contamination when a local wine merchant
approached him asking advice on how to keep his wine from souring. Pasteur s goal was to prove that
yeast, which produces lactic acid, caused the souring of both wine and milk. One experiment he did
was to prove that no fermentation of grape juice would happen if the grapes and the containers they
were kept in remained sterile through the experiment. He inserted ... Show more content on
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Geison, Gerald L., The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Princeton University Press, 1995.
https://books.google.com/books?hl=en lr= id=tEkABAAAQBAJ oi=fnd pg=PP1
dq=louis+pasteur+pasteurization ots=G1xjCMRiAs
sig=I55W1SuL_f1ZcxzaT3gjRFvTUHQ#v=onepage q=louis%20pasteur%20pasteurization f=false
Chapter 5 on spontaneous generation especially.
Schwartz, M. The Life and Works of Louis Pasteur, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Oct 2001.
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Gettysburg Why Was It A Turning Point Essay
The Battle of Gettysburg: Why Was It a Turning Point?
July 1, 1863, the bloodiest battle on American soil was just beginning, this battle would be known as
The Battle of Gettysburg. This three day battle commenced with Confederate attack led by General
Robert E. Lee, on the north of the small town of Gettysburg. Union President, Abraham Lincoln had
appointed George Meade as Union commander to counter coming attacks in Gettysburg. This battle
would involve other Confederate attacks, ending with a final Union blow on July 3. The final attack
by the Union was nicknamed as Pickett s Charge . This final Union charge led to a Confederate
retreat, most likely because the Confederates lost many of their soldiers. This begs the question: Why
Was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the beginning of the Civil War the Confederates clearly had the advantage, all the Confederates had
to do was defend their land. This made the Confederates look most likely to win the Civil War,
however, after the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union had the advantage. The four main reasons:
geography of the major battle campaigns, estimated casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg, and the
battle s aftermath showed this. The geography showed how this battle was the last battle shown in the
North. The estimated casualties showed that there were significant losses on both sides but the South
suffered a lot more. Union President Lincoln also told how the Union was affected because of this
Works Cited
Background Essay: The Battle of Gettysburg: Why Was It a Turning Point?
Hook Exercise: Gettysburg
Document A: Major Battle Campaigns of the Civil War , a map created from various sources.
Document B: Data compiled from several sources including Brian Williams, Military History Online,
2007, and E.B. Long, The Civil War Day by Day, Doubleday and Co., Garden City, NY, 1971
Document C: Excerpts from two letters written by General Robert E. Lee to Confederate President
Jefferson Davis. US War Department.
Document D: The Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln, November 19,
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Business Overview of Marriott Corporation
Harvard Business School
9 282 042
Rev. September 15, 1986
Marriott Corporation
The idea of repurchasing shares was no stranger to Bill Marriott by January 1980. Almost five million
shares of common stock had been repurchased on the open market by Marriott Corporation during
1979 at a total cost of $74 million and an average price of $15.16 in the belief that they were
undervalued a belief that still was not fully reflected in the market price. At $19 5/8, the stock was
selling at only six times cash flow per share; and its price/earnings ratio of nine was a far cry from
historical multiples as high as fifty times as recently as 1973. Its low price seemed to offer once again
an obvious opportunity to benefit shareholders. However, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By 1980, more than 23,000 rooms were offered through 55 hotels and resorts located primarily in the
U.S. Approximately 70% of company operated rooms were owned by outside investors and managed
by Marriott under agreements averaging 70 years in length. These management agreements
contributed approximately $40 million to operating profits in 1979 profits that tended to rise with
inflation. Contract Food Service (32% of sales) Marriott operated almost 300 contract food units,
providing a wide range of food service capabilities to a variety of clients. It was the world s leading
supplier of catering services to airlines, with 62 flight kitchens serving domestic and international air
travelers. The Food Service Management Division also managed restaurants, cafeterias, conference
centers and other facilities for over 200 clients, including business, health care, and educational
institutions. Restaurants (25% of sales) Marriott s Restaurant Group consisted of 476 company owned
units offering a variety of popularly priced food in 46 states. Roy Rogers fast food restaurants and Big
Boy coffee shops accounted for 92% of the total units. Theme Parks and Cruise Ships (8% of sales)
The two Great America theme parks, located in Gurnee, Illinois, between Chicago and, Milwaukee,
and in Santa Clara, California, were opened in 1976. Both parks combined a wide variety of thrill and
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The Symbols Of The Amaterasu Empire
In the Southern part of Santa Barbara a female Asian assassin makes her way through the ruins of the
city. She is wearing a silver cobra decorated breast and back plate with a corselet followed by
armbands, wrist bracers, knee guards and hip lace leather shorts. The breastplate illuminates a green
neon glow. Spectra has been a huntress for over five years and was raised in the Empire of Amaterasu
hidden deep in the San Bernardino Mountains. The Amaterasu Empire was built decades ago and has
become a symbol of her people. Amaterasu Palace has shinning green roof tiles, golden doors and
lustrous white walls. Inside are complex wooden buildings with verandas, raised several feet from the
ground on wooded pilings to better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her father and brother trained her in the experts of martial arts and kickboxing shortly after her mother
s death. Spectra decided to become a huntress when she was sixteen years old. Her brother is also an
assassin that hunts in the Oakland Wastelands. They remember her mother as a loving and nurturing
person whose death changed their way of life forever. The silver Ninja Master sword that she carries
on her back was handed curved by her father. It was a gift for her bravery and courage to face the
unknown. The sword is carried in a red lacquer scabbard with applied spiral helical bands of gold leaf.
Metal fittings are of gold with the tsuba of shakudâ. The ray skin grip of the hilt has been lacquered
black before being bound in black silk over a gold menuki. They are a peaceful people who do not
believe in violence and welcomed anyone in the palace. They are a community made of farmers and
laborers, where weapons of any type are not permitted on the palace grounds. They are all stored in
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Introduction. Circadian Or Diurnal Rhythms Are Metabolic
Circadian or diurnal rhythms are metabolic or behavioural rhythms, in animals and plants, that occur
usually within a 24 hour cycle (Abercrombie et al. 1990). The changes in body temperature over the
course of a day (24 hours), or in the case of females, over a month, is one of the most documented
human circadian rhythms. Body temperature as well as circadian rhythms in humans is controlled by
the hypothalamus, a small region of the brain that forms part of the autonomic nervous system. The
hypothalamus synthesizes neurohormones, which are used to control the secretions of other hormones
by the pituitary gland, which is linked to the hypothalamus.
It is well known that long distance flights have many effects on the ... Show more content on
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In fact it is the hormone, melatonin which is released by the pineal gland that is responsible for
controlling the sleep cycle (Society for Endocrinology, 2015). Melatonin production increases as it
becomes dark and is supressed to a degree by light. Melatonin causes drowsiness by lowering the core
body temperature. It has been found that the hormone is also released when one is stressed which can
occur while in flight. The body reacts to the untimely release of melatonin and disrupts the circadian
rhythm, which raises the body temperature and lowers it at the wrong time of day.
It naturally will take time for the bodies internal clock to readjust to a normal rhythm, and, if
travelling to a different time zone, the body has to adjust to a different day night cycle.
The main aim of this study and experiment is to see if all long haul flights, irrespective of direction,
result in a degree of jet lag as reflected by one of the affected circadian rhythms, namely body
The study aims to determine whether the hypothesis is correct. An additional aim is to see if average
body temperature is lowered during the flight and fluctuates less than in a normal 24 hour cycle.
Should there be enough suitable participants, another aim is to see whether people over the age of 30
take longer to return to their normal body temperature circadian rhythm than those under the age of
Research Hypothesis
It takes between 36 and 48 hours to return to a
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Essay On Alexander II And The Failure Of The Serfs
Intentions of Alexander II and the Failure of the Emancipation of the Serfs
In the 19th century it was estimated that about 50 per cent of the 40,000,000 peasants in Russia were
serfs, who worked on the land and were owned by the Russian nobility, the Tsar and religious
foundations. This had been true for centuries; in 1861, however, this was all changed when Tsar
Alexander II emancipated the serfs and gave them freedom from ownership. Alexander s decision was
based on many reasons, and did not have the desired consequences, for the serfs at least. Therefore, it
is possible to question Alexander s motives for such large reform, which this essay will do and will
also look at why the emancipation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A large part of the problem was serfdom Russia needed millions of industrial workers, to free up land
and to force the nobility to relinquish power to a certain extent. The Tsar was also aware that much of
western Europe looked on serfdom as being akin to slavery, and looked down on Russia as a result. As
one historian has remarked:
The strip system, involving the use of antiquated farming implements and techniques, had long ago
been abandoned on the agriculturally advanced nations. Its continued use in Russia was a major
reason why the nation could not meet it s food needs. [1]
Alexander was also acutely aware of the threat of a serf uprising. Despite the general contentedness of
the majority of serfs, there were a significant number who were not happy, and many groups of
political activists, such as the Narodniks, had begun stirring up discontentment. In a population of 67
million, Russia had 23 million serfs belonging to 103,000 landlords. Serfs therefore outnumbered their
landlords by over 200 to one, and so Alexander was right to be concerned about what might happen
should a large uprising occur. His worries were plainly stated when he addressed the State Council in
January 1861:
It is
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Meaning Of Culture In Spain
What is the meaning of culture? What makes up one s culture? How does a person s surrounding
affect their culture? Culture as we know it is all our surroundings that shape who we are as individuals
and societies. Culture is learned, shared, transmitted across generations, it takes time to develop, and it
is subject to change. When we are born, we are not immediately aware of our culture, it must be
learned. The way we learn our culture is through shared knowledge and experiences that are often
passed down from generation to generation. These aspects of our cultures are fostered over long
periods of time and are influenced by not only the people around us but also the geographical location,
however culture is always subject to change due to the human nature and the ever changing society we
live in. One of the key factors that plays a major role in our culture development is the region of the
world that we live in. In the country of Spain one of the accepted cultural norms is nudity, given the
heavy Mediterranean climate and hot summers. This may seem very strange to you given it is also
illegal here in our country but is legal and not to uncommon in Spain. This has been a developed
aspect of their culture in Spain given their region of the world. Spain is comprised of mostly rugged
hills, mountains, and coastline running along both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Mainland Spain is the second highest and mountainous country in Europe, with an
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Persuasion Techniques In Scratch Beginnings By Adam Shepard
In Scratch Beginnings, the author explains his experience being homeless and having to live at a
shelter. The book takes place in a town named Charleston. The story manly focusses on the author
Adam Sheppard, who is homeless, no job, and lives at a shelter. When one day he goes to Curtis
McNeil, so Curtis can listen to a speech he had prepared. Him writing it as a book is the best possible
to share his story any other form of writing would be too long. Ultimately, I m analyzing the way
Adam Shepard appeals to Curtis McNeil with his persuasion techniques that he uses in order to get a
job at Fast Company. First, Shepard try s to establish his demeanor by going to his office and waiting
for Curtis to come back by doing to this it shows that he is person who won t give up quickly. He also
uses a convincing tone when he finally meets Curtis by telling him that I m pretty much one the
hardest working guys you re going to find in Charleston. (97.) By saying this he stating that there are
not too many hard working people that could match his work ethic. With this attitude it should appeal
to Curtis because having an asset like Shepard would help his company not hurt him. Another example
Shepard use is when he is talking about a bar by uses this example it should help Curtis picture what
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He starts by saying All I want to do is work. I don t drink. I don t smoke. I m no fun. (97.) Saying this
he is stating that he values work more than having a social life, this would appeal to Curtis because
most people value social life more important than working. Since he doesn t drink or smoke he thinks
that s why he is better than the people who do smoke or drink. Additional, he uses small sentence
structure so he doesn t lose Curtis s attention. He also repeats the word I don t let Curtis know that he
is an accountable
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Design Of Management And Organizing Yourself Within The...
Develop a Manager
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Supervisor]
Table of contents
Introduction 3
My Skills 5
The SMART Goals 6
Time Management: 6
The changes 7
Creating an Atmosphere 8
The Plan 9
Way of Thoughts 10
Decision making skills 12
Identifying the Problem: 14
Analyzing the Problem: 14
Developing Alternative Solutions: 14
Selecting the Best Solution: 14
Converting Decision into Action: 14
Ensuring Feedback: 15
Normative theoretical model 16
Conclusion 17
References 18 Introduction
In a career, many aspects have to be followed provided with different style of management and
organising yourself within the different cultural and organisational values that are implemented within
a workplace. The impact of these core ingredients have impacted my style of communication to pursue
the management career and often helped reflection towards the style of management and leadership
qualities that I was lacking. The following paragraphs will underline the development of upgrading
my styles and hence helped me to be a perspective manager in my workplace.
In order to underline the ups and downs in my managerial career; I would be giving a detail
explanation on the essentials of organisational objectives and values that have improved my
managerial skills and measure my personal capability of management style(FK Publications, 2009).
As a student of management of international business; in years of my educational career I have
learned many important
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The Goodyear And The Tire Industry
The Goodyear name has been one of the most recognized brands in the tire industry around the world.
They are known for having a superior quality product through the price and positions they have
chosen. Their slogan, The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them, (Kerin, 2005)
provides their customers with a high class message and creates an importance for them to preserve the
accessibility of their high value brands. Unfortunately, consumers have become more price conscious
about their tire purchases and less focused on loyalty to a specific brand. They experienced a 3.2%
decline in the market share for the tires associated with passenger car replacement (Kerin, 2005).
Because of this change, Goodyear has seen a drop in their sales. With already 2 million Goodyear
brand tires, which have been worn out, being replaced at 850 Sears Auto Center locations annually,
Goodyear reopened previous discussions with Sears to possibly sell their Eagle brand tires or all
Goodyear tire brands through them. Choosing to do so could create great benefits for the company but
could also generate turmoil within their franchises and other retail chains where their brands are sold.
Before making the final decision, they must determine how this move will affect their franchisees, are
they willing to significantly change their distribution policy, what brands Goodyear will allow to be
retailed through the Sears network, and how cannibalization of their brands sold via other
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The Effects of Self Checkout Lines
Consumers have a great impact on what is available in a variety of markets. As consumer demand
shifts to new products, the market will adjust to provide those new products and services that the
consumer has decided to be of some importance. From black and white televisions to LCD televisions,
from cameras requiring film and then bringing it to the store to develop prints, to digital cameras that
provide us with the ability of uploading images with the simple click of a button. Businesses who
participate within the constantly changing market are all striving to meet one goal, increasing profit
margins. Meeting this goal can be a challenging process, especially because the demand and needs of
consumers are constantly changing. Recently ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2003 Home Depot then deployed kiosks to 777 of its retail locations and in 2006 that number
nearly doubled to 1200 locations (Gerba, 2006). The first self checkout station was put into use at a
Giant supermarket in Severna Park Maryland in 1987 (Gemperlein, 2006). When this kiosk was first
put into use many businesses to include grocery stores, box stores, and outlet stores began to watch
with a very close eye. It was known that consumers wanted the ability to go into a store and take their
time and not feel rushed, that is until they were ready to checkout. Stores have found that after the
normal consumer is finished selecting the items that they are going to purchase on a given day that
they want to quickly proceed through checkout lines (S. Dudley, personal interview, August 15, 2008).
Providing consumers with the ability to do this in effect increases the level of consumer happiness
which in return increases the chances a particular consumer will return in the future to purchase more
items, resulting in increased sales volume. Kiosks have had both positive and negative effects on
businesses; however the positive gains from having kiosks have superseded those negative effects. If
this was not true the market for self checkout kiosks would be diminishing, not flourishing as it
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Motley Crüe Research Paper
Mötley Crüe is an 80 s rock band, based out of Los Angeles. The band consists of 4 people, Nikki
Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, and Mick Mars. They perform heavy metal, hard rock, and glam metal.
Mötley Crüe is known as The World s Most Notorious Rock Band , and rightly so. As described by
their book, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25378.The_Dirt, they are hardcore and passionate
Mötley Crüe was formed January 17 1981, in Los Angeles, California. The band first met when
Tommy Lee left his former band London, and joined up with Nikki Sixx and Greg Leon. Leon soon
left, and the band convinced high school friend Mick Mars to join.
In the beginning, like their song In The Beginning , they had a small, exclusive following. Their ...
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Like Mötley Crüe, many rock bands had a signature attire, which can be seen in today s fashions.
Long shaggy hair, metal studs and makeup were all very common for 80 s glam metal bands. Current
fashion trends are inspired by the 80s rock era, as displayed by these pictures.
In the 80s, large permed hair was very common, inspired by the large hair worn by the performers at
the time. With the large influence, came the negativity. Mötley Crüe s drug abuse has been well
documented, and society caught on. There was an increase of reports of driving under the influence,
substance abuse and domestic assault during the band s peak. Potential legalization of substances are
becoming more and more common, could 80s bands be accredited? Mötley Crüe continues to be
influential in today s culture.
As for music, they were the first glam metal band to come from LA. Mötley Crüe was one of the first
bands that was hair metal, and inspired multiple bands to follow. They glamorized living the rock and
roll life , and influenced live shows. Even though they are hated by some critics, they sold out arenas,
and have been nominated for awards. They have wrote multiple chart topping songs, including Girls,
Girls, Girls and Kickstart My Heart. Mötley Crüe has left an lasting impact on rock and
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Banks Are Steering Clear
Summary: Banks Are Steering Clear of the Legal Pot Businesses
In the article Banks Are Steering Clear of the Legal Pot Businesses , by Michael R. Blood, illustrates
how the legal cannabis industry in the U.S. is rapidly expanding, earning millions of dollars, and the
reasons why banks are fearful to partake in the legal cannabis industry. With marijuana still being
illegal banks do not want to do business with cannabis money due to the likelihood of legal trouble
from the federal government (Blood). Within the last 8 years the Justice Department implemented
rules for the banking industry on how to maintain business relationships with cannabis businesses in
the 29 states that cannabis is legal. However, the majority of banks consider these
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Goal Setting Is An Best Way For Students With Track And...
Goal setting is an excellent way for students to track and improve upon physical fitness levels. The
importance of being able to set goals and to try to achieve them is that each individual student can
assess where they are and set goals to improve. Not all students can achieve the same fitness
standards. Some students are born with more muscle mass or more fast twitch muscle fibers than other
students. Some students have asthma or other physical difficulties that make it difficult to measure up
with other students when all students are required to get a certain score on a fitness test to get an A.
Using goal setting where all students can be successful by reaching their goals and showing
improvement could be a positive influence for future motivation. While problem based learning can
help students to learn and use goal setting (Hubball 2006), goal setting may not always help students
to achieve greater fitness levels. Hill (2015) found that those students who set goals over an 18 week
period did not have any significant improvement over those students that did not set goals on the pacer
and push up tests. Similarly, in another study looking at the effects of goal setting on Native elders
found only a weak correlation between goal setting and improvement on the amount of steps taken in
a day using a pedometer (Sawchuck 2011). The problem with this study was that the researchers set
the goals for the participants. It may be more important that students set their own
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Google Inc Case Study
|Google Inc. |
Executive Summary
This report aims to provide feasible growth strategies to Google Inc. who is facing different courses of
action to pursue. The objectives of this report are to compare different market opportunities available
to Google on the basis of implementation feasibility and growth potential and to make the most
feasible recommendation to Google.
From industrial and internal analysis conducted, it is found that search industry is still favorable for
Google. In addition, Google is in a great position in the industry with its unique search solutions and
advertising techniques. However, with its creativity oriented culture and diversified products and ...
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Internal Analysis
Superior search algorithms such as PageRank algorithm and differentiated paid listing strategy such as
CTR bidding method focusing on relevance.
Creativity oriented organizational culture and highly flexible organizational structure
Strong market presence, possessing highest market share in search engine industry
Diversified products in many areas
Highly capitalized and highly scalable infrastructure, including one million servers
Governance and control almost solely in the hands of three top management executives which might
lead to possible strategic risk taking
Poor public relations, with engineer minded top management having unorthodox practices without
caring about publicity
Employees with arrogance and not in build syndrome
Analysis of Options
Staying focused in Search area
Case for Option 1
Search engine is its core business and it has excellent expertise and position in this area.
Search algorithms still needs to be improved. Rather than letting competitors to take credits, Google
should develop optimized search solutions gaining first mover advantage.
It can also expand to content analytics areas providing analytical data to businesses which it has been
doing for its advertisers.
It complies with Google s mission making the world s information accessible and useful.
Case against Option 1
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Punishment For Corporal Punishment
Two different families live in the same neighborhood; in the home are both parents and one child, the
children are both boys. One family spanks their child when he miss behaves; the other family does not
spank their child when he miss behaves they simply tell him it s not okay to act that way. The family
who supported corporal punishment spanked their child daily, they did it to re enforce to the child that
the parents were the boss and that he needed to listen to them; and that when he acted out in a bad
manner then he would be punished for his behavior. Eventually that child learned what he could and
couldn t not do, he learned that his parents were the boss and he needed to follow their rules that they
set, as well as learning right from wrong. That child grew up showing everyone respect, and he knew
that in real life if he got in trouble and didn t follow the rules that there would be consequences to his
actions. The other family raised their child without spanking him; yes the child knew what was right
and what was wrong but he didn t care because there was no discipline or consequences for his
actions. The family constantly argued and yelled at each other and it was not a peaceful home. When
that child grew up he didn t care for the consequences of his actions and constantly acted out in
society. Not every situation are like these two but many are, the punishment of the child is up to the
parent. Parents can gain a lot from spanking their child; and their child can learn a lot like discipline,
respect, and taking responsibilities of their actions, and excepting the consequences.
I believe in corporal punishment to an extent. Yes, I think spanking your child is effective and most
kids respond to it very well. In order for spanking to be effective the parent needs to be discipline
about it on themselves; for example, the parent cannot sit and tell their child that they will be getting
spanked when they get home and then not follow through with their word because then that child will
come to realize they can get away with anything. On the other hand, the parent cannot get carried
away with spanking their child excessively; if the parent spanks their child to much then the child can
become resentful and
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Alert Frameworks Essay
distinguish its needs before settling on the quantity of security gatekeepers to enlist. The staff they
contract as well should be all around prepared and fit the bill to fill the empty positions.
Legitimate levels of security inside and outside the premises of the pharmacy must be secured
successfully with interruption identifiers and caution frameworks. Alert frameworks are
comprehensive of any caution terminals that ought to be deliberately set, correspondence and
recognition devices. Caution signals do not require unauthorized parties be physically capable, but
rather could likewise be transmitted through web conventions, remote frameworks, telephone and
system lines and numerous other models of transmittance. Be that as it may, the caution frameworks
introduced ought to have the capacity to anticipate false alert signs, which could be costly to control.
False caution flags typically result from human error. False caution flags could happen when
representatives are getting to the working for work in the morning hours, when the cleaners are getting
to the working at night for their separate obligations, outside unsettling influences and numerous
different reasons. Workers and supervisors, in this manner, should be sharpened on the methods for
forestalling false cautions, which could take a toll on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are differing sorts of cameras available, this range from the wide dynamic range cameras to the
changeover models. On account of pharmacies, the installers, with requests from the security officer,
ought to deliberately introduce cameras. The establishment should be planned in a way that will
accomplish an ideal recovery. Best security is received by acquiring proper camera models, which
have the correct focal points and mounts. The camera determination ought to be set well for better
evaluation of the premises
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Transcendentalism and Deep Ecology
Transcendentalism has been linked to the birth of deep ecology, given the emotion and spiritual
philosophy that connects the two movements. Both transcendentalism and deep ecology romanticize
the natural world, and critique the way industrialization, modernization, and urbanization encroach on
ecological and spiritual purity. The eco centric worldview and value system espoused by deep ecology
has its roots in transcendentalism (Hicks, n.d.). Both transcendentalists and deep ecologists disparage
the ways individuals, communities, and whole cultures present the human being as being entitled to
rape and plunder the earth.
However critical they were of human activity and stupidity, the transcendentalists were not
misanthropes. The transcendentalists advocated for a better world, one that discarded ineffective and
corrupt forms of government in favor of a more just and egalitarian society. All were abolitionists, in
an era where slavery and sexism were both normative. Emerson advocated material and spiritual self
reliance over philanthropy as a means of self empowerment. He also criticized traditional types of
philanthropy as having a certain air of quackery, (Emerson, 1842). Philanthropy is often used as an
excuse to avoid doing the real work of transforming the self and the society, according to Emerson.
Thoreau promoted political activism in a more direct way than Emerson. In Civil Disobedience,
Thoreau advocated various forms of civil disobedience as a means of
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  • 8. Hebrew Wisdom Hebrew Wisdom on Diligence and Laziness Bible 105 B27 LUO: Old Testament Survey 201320 Spring 2013 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx L33333333 Liberty University February 24, 2013 Hebrew Wisdom on Diligence and Laziness There is a great deal of Hebrew wisdom in the Bible in regards to the subjects of diligence and laziness. Throughout the book of Proverbs the words of lazy and diligence can be found in many different forms. Sluggish, sluggard, and idle describe laziness. The word diligence can also be considered as, thorough, attentive, and persistence. Each of these words, found in the Bible, can reference diligence, and laziness within Hebrew Wisdom in many cases. The book of Proverbs is the Hebrew book of Wisdom. Its purpose is to provide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A true witness delivers souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies (Proverbs 14:24 25). Being a diligent man does not mean to hoard what the Lord has given you, but to share the knowledge and wisdom of God with all he comes in contact with. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him (Proverbs 26:4). This is a warning to those who walk with the Lord in their hearts. Do not answer a fool in a foolish manner; answer them with the wisdom that God has given you. Share the wisdom of God so they might change their ways. The Bible paints us the picture of being diligent as one of being thorough, persistent and works hard. They keep the ways of the Lord in their heart. Those of folly lack the sense to know the difference in what they are doing is not the ways of the Lord. As for those that are speaking of as lazy, they are lost and doomed to a life of strife, hardship, and ultimately final judgment to the fiery depths. Only the wisdom of a diligent man can help save those of folly and lazy, and guide them toward God. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Wreck Essay Imagine feeling most of the bones in your torso breaking with a dry, ragged, SNAP while the sinew connecting them is torn apart with a terrible POP! Imagine the pain while bleeding internally for hours, lying in a twisted metal coffin. You have to assume that help will not arrive in time to save your life. Now imagine, what would you do? I was excited when, in the middle of Fall, which is also fishing season, my cousin Jerad asked me if I would like to go fishing with him and his brother Justin. I quickly replied that I would, and when Jerad came to pick me up the three of us piled into his little Dodge pick up and headed for Cow Camp. Cow Camp is where our Grandpa grew up. His dad homesteaded about forty acres on the North Slope of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We got to the one lane bridge slowed and crossed it then sped up as we approached the hill after it. The hill is pretty bad because the road curves sharply to the right going up and the angle of the road slants the wrong way. Also, there are steep cliffs on both sides of the road. We started up the hill fine; made it to the curve, then in the middle of the curve we hit the grader bump that marked the end of road maintenance. Jerad couldn t quite keep control of the light truck and we went into a slide. We slid into the left lane sideways then the tires caught for a second and we were propelled back into the right lane headed right for the cliff s edge. I think we would have all just died from fright long before the truck reached the cliff bottom, but Jerad had the wheel spun hard to the left. Right before we reached the edge of the cliff, the tires caught again and we were suddenly not looking out into space any longer. Instead, we were gaping 180 degrees in the other direction at the side of a very, very steep hill. We didn t have any luck with the tires this time, and we hit the hill hard at probably 25 or 30 Mph. Suprisingly the little truck had its own ideas about smashing into a hill and instead decided to climb it. We hit the hill kind of at an angle and the truck lurched, popped, and went right up the hill at a fairly steep angle. Just as the truck started to roll and the uphill tires ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Little Red Riding Hood And Wolf Comparison Introduction: The Grimm Brothers Little Red Riding Hood (1857), and Roald Dahl s contemporary spin on the well known fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (1982), both endeavored to shape the meaning of the traditional fairy tale. Although Dahl relies on an audience familiar with the original fable to appreciate his alterations, both texts are aimed towards a target audience of children. Through comparison of the two differing versions, connections will be identified. Similarities and differences in relation to form, purpose and language will be explained; and subsequently, how these similarities and differences impact the target audience. Form: Encapsulating the traditional fairy tale structure, Grimm s tale is presented in the form of a narrative, featuring a clear introduction, plot, and resolution. Grimm preserves the phrase symbolic to traditional fairy tales, once upon a time , introducing the audience to a familiar world of fantasy. The events unfold through a chronological sequence: After that the aged grandmother , Then all three were delighted and Soon afterwards the wolf knocked , followed by informative sentences: the door sprang open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother s bed, and devoured her , complimenting Grimm s formal and instructive intentions, embellishing and providing the audience with a sound understanding. Grimm embraces the use of a third person voice to gain authority of the audience, and sufficiently sculpts each character into their conventional protagonist and antagonist roles: Little Red Riding Hood as a dear little girl and wolf as wicked creature . Dahl offers a significantly different interpretation, transforming the traditional folk tale into a poem. The consistent use of rhyme and rhythm appeals to the audience, allowing smooth transition and flow between sequences. The several stanzas composing the poem feature short sentences which add clarity; eventually compacting at the final plot twist, The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers , to represent an acceleration in pace and create audience suspension. Dahl also begins his version with the wolf a perspective not usually seen to ensure the audience identifies with the wolf. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Target Corporation Mission Statement Target was founded by George Draper Dayton in 1902. He was born in New York and wanted to explore the markets growing in the Midwest. Because of this, he purchased land in Minneapolis and began Dayton Dry Goods Company, which became what we know today as Target. Dayton s principals are the foundation for many of Target Corporation s values to this day. Dayton s store soon became synonymous with reliability and fair business practices. After Dayton s death in 1938, he passed his business along to his son, who grew the Dayton Company into a nationwide retailer. In 1911 the company was renamed as The Dayton Company because it better reflected the variety of products and services that the company offers. In 1916 The Dayton Company became a founding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dayton is quoted having said, Success is making ourselves useful in the world, valuable to society, helping in lifting in the level of humanity, so conducting ourselves that when we go the world will be somewhat better of our having lived the brief span of our lives. This statement embodies much of what the target values are to this day. (Target Through The Years) In 1954, Dayton opened up its first branch location in downtown Minneapolis. Further, in 1956, the company began to cater towards the needs of busy suburban families and opened another branch in the Southdale Mall. The company continued to expand in the years to come. Looking for new ways to entice consumers, in 1960 The Dayton Company looked to cater towards value oriented shoppers seeking a higher quality experience (Target Through The Years). At this time the company took the first step in moving away from a family run department store chain toward what would become one of the chief discount store chains in America. In 1961, the store officially proclaimed that it was going to form a new discount chain store that was yet to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Functions For Running An Encryption Or Decryption # Functions for running an encryption or decryption. # The values of the two jokers. JOKER1 = 27 JOKER2 = 28 # Write your functions here: def clean_message(whatever_message): (str) str Convert your message into upper case and does only include alphabetical characters, that also means that spaces are not allowed. clean_message( i am number four ) IAMNUMBERFOUR clean_message( compu23456!!!! science ) COMPUSCIENCE # set message to an empty message, that s for the message that # be interpreted by python based on the message you gave. message = # we only want to interpret all values that are alphabetical characters for each_letter in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... # that is, add 1 then change their positions deckofcards[a], deckofcards[a + 1] = deckofcards[a + 1], deckofcards[a] def move_joker_1(deckofcards): (list of int) Nonetype Look for JOKER1 and move this with the card next to it (That is the card under it). If card27 or the joker is at the bottom of the deck of cards, switch this card and put it on top. Req: If Joker 1 (card27) is to be moved at the bottom one time only. deckofcards = [1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27, 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26] move_joker_1(deckofcards) deckofcards [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 2, 27, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26] deckofcards = [22, 25, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 27] move_joker_1(deckofcards) deckofcards [27, 25, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 22] # find where joker1 is in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Implementation Of Power Law Transform For Indication Of... Implementation of Power Law Transform for Indication of Multi Modal Brain Tumors Giritharan Ravichandran and A G Ramakrishnan Giritharan Ravichandran is with the E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, TN 611001 India (corresponding author to provide phone: +91 9715589763; e mail: rvenkkatprabu@gmail.com). A G Ramakrishnan is with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, KA 560012 India. (e mail: agrkrish@gmail.com). ABSTRACT In this paper , the problem of identification of masses or tumors in the Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) of Brain . Here a novel method of Power Law Transformation is introduced on the Brain Image. The gamma value for the Brain Image is fixed as 1.5 and thresholding is done. Thus the resulting binary image clearly separates any kind of tumors or a mass present in the brain images, and makes the identification process easier. By exhaustive experimentations it is found that the proposed algorithm is performs well than the literature. The experimentations is done with the Virtual Skeleton Database (VSD) which is a brain tumor image dataset obtained from Challenge on Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation with are the outcomes of BRATS2012 and BRATS2013. It is reported that the tumor in the brain is identified correctly in majority of cases and the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is 90% in case of normal images and 82.51% in case of multimodal images. Keywords: CT Images, Brain Image, Power law transform, Binarization, Tumor, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura Research Paper Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a rare disease that people would never know existed unless affected by it. The disease is characterized by individuals having extremely low platelets levels. Platelets are created from megakaryocytes that are located within the bone marrow. The megakaryocytes break off pieces small enough to leave the bone marrow and join the other blood cells circulating in the body. Platelets are responsible for clotting the blood when an injury occurs. They do this by agglutinating, or sticking to themselves at the site of the injury. Platelets are responsible for activating other clotting factors found in the blood. If someone does not have adequate platelets, such as individuals affected byITP, they may not be able to clot their blood. For a simple scratch it is not too worrisome, but if the individual falls or hits their head they can experience internal bleeding that can be fatal if not treated. Two symptoms are hallmarks for ITP. They include petichiae, micro hemorrhaging of vessels that typically occurs on the lower extremities and purpura, excessive bruising of the skin from minor bumps and cuts. Through history ITP has not only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Usually trials are completed on patients, but considering the ethics of such trials they may not occur. Instead in the 1950 s a group of doctors at Barnes Hospital in St Louis opted to test their treatment theories on themselves (Idiopathic, 2014). Harrington transfused blood from a patient with chronic ITP into himself so that the effects on the bone marrow could be studied (Idiopathic, 2014). The results from the study determined that the bone marrow was not affected and therefore ITP was related to the platelets themselves. The Harrington Hollingsworth experiment had given the disease an origin, the platelets themselves. The name of the disease was changed to what it is now considered, immune thrombocytopenic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Media And Media Violence In the end, media violence, like all important things in life, has a middle ground. Neither side is completely right, nor is either side completely wrong. It is all a matter of proper usage and proper exposure to children. Now I won t tell parents how to do their job. It isn t my business to tell them how to raise their child. But I will say that it is important to note that every child is different. One may be mature enough to understand that the actions in a certain movie or game are not good life choices in real life, and others may be be extremely immature and unable to understand how to act in the real world. But, again there is a middle ground. Do you see where I am going? This isn t a matter of, it is bad. or, it is good. but a matter of how do we use this properly? It is a lot like cars in that sense. We all know cars are good, but does the number of car crashes that happen daily make it bad? No, of course not! It is all about adapting how we use cars to prevent crashes. Tying media to shootings and abuse is also absurd. Since many sane people intake tons of media daily. And most all of those people aren t murderers. Probably a ratio of about 1000 murderers, to 7 billion okay ish people. Bottom line, media violence and real world violence are to separate things. Should we let kids watch certain things? Probably not. But that is up to the parent, not the government to make laws against it. Media violence almost always comes down to the parents. Maybe perhaps ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Objective Lens Lab Report The objective lens gathers light and bends them to create an inverted real image. By using an objective lens with a diameter larger than the eyepiece lens, more light would get through the telescope. The eyepiece lens will then reflect back the image to form an inverted, magnified virtual image in front of ~. For this experiment, the formulas used are the lens equations 1/f = 1/di + 1/do to find the focal lengths of the lenses, M = fo/fe for the prediction of magnification, and M = Hi/Ho for the actual measurement of magnification. According to theory, a telescope consisting two convex lenses acting as objective and eyepiece lens will form an inverted, magnified and virtual image. From the pictures taken using the telescope, this theory has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Atlantic. Com Article Analysis The topic of two new articles featured on The Atlantic.com. The first is from Karl Taro Greenfeld, is a journalist and the author known primarily for his articles on life in modern Asia and both his fiction and non fiction in The Paris Review. Growing worried after learning his eighth grade daughter wake up morning after morning, tired and sleep deprived from late nights of studying. Things had got so dreadful that Greenfeld and his wife would compel their daughter to go to bed, only to have her make believe to sleep, get up again and do more homework. In an attempt to better understand what she was going through, Greenfeld decided to give himself a challenge: for one week, he would attempt his daughter s daily homework. He gives examples of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. America Chavez Evolution The Evolution of Women throughout Comics Between the years of 1938 to 2017, traditional gender roles slowly broke down and evolved, whether it d be in politics, entertainment, or literature. To be more specific, superhero comics such as Superman (1938), Wonder Woman (1941), Fantastic Four (1961), Watchmen (1986), and America Chavez (2017), all comprised in shaping the traditional beliefs of gender roles and empowered change. Although traditional gender norms are still an issue today, comics have attempted at times, but also succeeded in breaking down barriers while appealing to the audience. By using different artistic techniques, such as the iconic illustration itself, types of closure, and lines sketched, illustrators battled but succeeded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nonetheless, our society has come a long way to demonstrate gender equality, especially in superhero comics. At first, women weren t valued as much as males to be as equal as them but as time progressed, slowly but surely, women were able to prove that theory wrong and become just as successful as the males in the world of superheroes. It s critical to understand our past, whether it s fictional or not, in hopes for history to not be repeated again. On that note, learning the evolution of women in comics, allows society to bring new and creative ideas for the generations to come that displays equal boundaries for both genders and become the example to look up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Desiree s Baby Essay Gender, Race and Inequality in Desiree s Baby Desiree s Baby is a tragic short story written by Kate Chopin. The story is about the struggle between the main characters Armand and his wife Desiree. The relationship is torn apart after they come to the realization that they have a quadroon baby or quarter black. Neither of them know that either one could be the cause of the mixed baby. Armand sees this as a curse to his family name and disowns Desiree and the baby. After Desiree and her baby are disowned by Armand, Desiree feels she has nothing to live for. She disappears into the bayou where we can only guess she kills herself. In the end, we learn that when Armand is burning the possessions of Desiree and the baby he finds a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that a wealthy white couple had a quadroon child would bring disgrace to the family name. Armand suspects Desiree is the one who is half black, which could very well be true. She was taken in by her father Monsieur Valmonde when she was found under the shadow of a stone pillar at the entrance to their home. Madame Valmonde was unable to conceive a child and viewed this as a blessing from god and they raised her as if she was their own. She grew up to be beautiful and with a white appearance. Armand fell in love with her and was reminded that she was nameless. He knew that she could have been the cause of the mixed baby by her unknown origin. Knowing this, he was very quick to decide she was the cause of the disgrace to his name and home, and from that point grew cold hearted and shunned them away. During the time this story was set it would have been unheard of for a powerful white couple who owned a large cotton plantation to have a mixed baby. The characters of Desiree and Armand are opposites of each other. Armand cares more for his name and status than the love of a woman who cares deeply for him. He doesn t see or doesn t care that his relationship with Desiree goes deeper than the color of his child s skin. He Perry3 only looks to uphold his untainted name. Desiree is a loving woman and cares nothing for the image set forth by her child. She is only there because of the love she has for Armand and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Internal Conflict In Sue Kidd s The Secret Life Of Bees In the novel The Secret Life of Bees (2001), Sue Kidd creates a character, Terrence Ray Owens, that serves as the epitome of internal conflict. Kidd is able to show Terrence s internal conflict through through a flashback from Lily s friend August, and a series of violent actions inflicted on his daughter Lily. Kidd s purpose in this novel is to display the ramifications of a broken home dynamic, in order to show how forgiveness to oneself and others is truly the first step to finding happiness. It doesn t take us the readers long to find out that T. Ray is an abusive parent, but it does take us a little longer to discover why he is the way he his. Going in chronological order of the discoveries within the book, T. Ray s main three sources of internal conflict which produces external conflict with his daughter is the result of his background of war, his wife running away and eventually dying, and his daughter running away as well. Working backwards, August s introduction into the book and the knowledge she has on Lily s family divulges quite a lot about T. Ray than Lily is aware of. As we the readers find out, T. Ray served as a combatant during the Vietnam War and returned to Tiburon in 1964, the year the book is set in. Drawing on contemporary knowledge, the Vietnam War was a highly controversial and overall bloody war that caused massive civil unrest. These facts mixed with whatever traumatic experiences that T. Ray endured during the war serves as the first source of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Fairyland Informative Speech Have you ever wondered why there is dew on the grass in the summer? I m gonna tell you a story that is going to help you understand the reason for the summer dew. A long time ago, there was a family of fairies who lived in a beautiful, mushroom home in a magical, faraway place called Fairyland. There were thousands of beautiful fairies flying all around in this magical land and each and every fairy had their very own daily job to do. Many different types of fairies existed in Fairyland including gardener fairies, teacher fairies, cleaning fairies, musical fairies, and many more. Fairyland was one of the most beautiful, magical, and happiest places on earth. The land was full of nothing but happiness, and lovely attitudes from each and every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Scarcity Of Food Scarcity During the late 1700s, food scarcity was not an issue, for the population was not as large as today, which is over seven billion people. I would not be worrying about a food crisis or starvation unless a man like Thomas Malthus came along and spread rumors that it could happen, especially if it is in our future. Since people were first exposed to that idea during Malthus time, it is reasonable why people would stress about it instantly. Nobody knows when food scarcity could happen. All they know is that it is eminent with regards to Malthus claims that the population is growing rapidly, and food production will reach its peak. It takes just one food crisis event to confirm to the public that Malthus prediction was true, and that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are issues that need to be considered by farmers, scientists, and agricultural institutions. The Earth s land is a precious resource, because it sustains the food we need to live. Without land, there is no place to grow food, and without food, human survival is unlikely. Taking care of the land is a lifetime job, and all involved in agriculture need to do their job to sustain the resource and spread the message to future generations. Doing so will allow the land to continue flourishing, thus maintain the food supply. An overgrowing population, food scarcity, and land maintenance are some of the problems discussed in food politics, but another issue that is relevant today is high international food prices. After the year 2000, several economic crisis took place worldwide, leading countries to close or implement higher taxes on exported food. As a result, nations secured their domestic markets, but international food prices rose shortly. To deal with the dilemma, country leaders should consult with each about ways to manage the market during financial crisis. Some countries rely on exported food to sustain their livestock and population, so an increase in food prices could force dependent nations to buy less food and sacrifice some of their livestock, or worse, their people. The reality is that people are already pushed toward sacrifice. Almost a billion people worldwide are malnourished and close to death. No one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Day At The Sherry Netherland Hotel Our plan for having a fun and relaxing day at The Sherry Netherland Hotel in New York City was perfectly planned out. We would head out to the pool, eat pizza, play in the arcade, and then go explore the city. Here we are, two brothers, in a luxurious hotel, in the middle of a big city, what could go wrong? So, we set the alarm for 10am in hopes to be back in our hotel room by 8pm. We woke up the next day excited to start the day. We noticed our dad was still sleeping. So we take the opportunity to make a prank call to the front desk, now the employee at the front desk is suspicious of our prank call. Once our dad woke up, he asked if we were excited for our day ahead of us. Immediately we got ready for going to the pool and packed some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not realizing how long we were talking we quickly jumped onto the elevator right before it closed. After getting on, I reached into my pocket for my phone and realized it wasn t there. It must have fallen out when we quickly jumped onto the elevator. I have to go back up to get it before someone steals it. All of a sudden the elevator abruptly shook to a slow stop, making a screeching sound louder than I ve ever heard. The shaking and abrupt stop caused everyone to fall on our feet. Trying to regain my hearing from the deafening sound Dean exclaimed, what in the world was that!? I don t think the elevator isn t moving anymore is it? Derek(me), Dean said, are we stuck here, I really don t like this. I replied, we can just use the phone built into the elevator to call the front desk. I ll call them right now so I took out the phone hatch and hit the button to call them. Once I got the people from the front desk I said, our elevator got stuck halfway down to the first floor and we can t get out. The lady at the other end of the line replied, aren t you that kid that made a prank call this morning? I said, yes but we re really stuck and this isn t a prank. I heard the phone go blank as she hung up and thought, why did we do that. The businessman that hadn t said anything the whole time finally said, you made a prank call to the hotel and now because of it, they think this is another one of your pranks! Yes, but it not like we knew ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Jfk And The Space Race Essay JFK and the Space Race INTRO Before the causes and results of Kennedy s decision to land on the moon can be adequately analyzed and discussed, it is necessary to understand the context of his time as President and the events that preceded it. Therefore, I will provide a small amount of context about the Cold War and the situation leading up to Kennedy s We choose to go to the moon speech on September 12, 1962. (Citation). After the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union became embroiled in what is now known as the Cold War, this was both an international competition between two countries, and an ideological confrontation between capitalism and communism. This led to direct and indirect competition on many fronts, such as proxy wars and police actions, the Olympics, the Nuclear Arms Race, and the Space Race. (Citation). Although there is disagreement on the precise date that the Space Race began, the moment that it became an important competition that was in the forefront of the minds of everyday Americans is on April 12, 1961 when Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth in Vostok 1. (citation). This event created a feeling amongst the American public that the Russians were further ahead in science and technology than the United States, as well as the fear that the Soviets could use their superior technology to be better able to attack the USA from a distance. Shortly after Gagarin s flight, the United States launched astronaut Alan Sheppard into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Donner Compnay Case Operational Management Case Study Report Donner Company (9 689 030) 1. Sketch the normal process flow, i.e., the operations common to most orders. The standard ordering process can be illustrated as follows. 1. Estimate the cost 1. Estimate the cost 3.Order 3.Order 4. Wrote the detail 4. Wrote the detail Bruce Altmyer Bruce Altmyer Edward Plummer Edward Plummer Customer Customer 2.Customer bid 2.Customer bid 7. Sent the blueprint 7. Sent the blueprint 5. Sent the order 5. Sent the order Blueprint Blueprint Factory order Factory order 7. Sent the order 7. Sent the order David Flahetry David Flahetry PurchaseAgent
  • 26. PurchaseAgent 6. Input into the log 6. Input into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Panel Prep | 5 | 0.200 | 300 | 144 | 7.4 | 4.4% | 2. Laminate amp; Expose | 20 | 2.000 | 1,200 | 1,440 | 44.0 | 26.1% | 3. Develop | 20 | 0.200 | 1,200 | 144 | 22.4 | 13.3% | Electroplate | 25 | 8.500 | 1,500 | 6,121 | 127.0 | 75.5% | Strip DFPR | 5 | 0.200 | 300 | 144 | 7.4 | 4.4% | Etch amp; Tin Strip | 10 | 0.200 | 600 | 144 | 12.4 | 7.3% | FABRIFICATION | | | | | | | Solder mask | 45 | 1.500 | 2,475 | 1,077 | 59.2 | 35.2% | Solder Dip | 30 | 0.500 | 1,650 | 359 | 33.5 | 19.9% | Profile | | | | | | | Punch Press | 50 | 1.000 | 2,350 | 1,223 | 59.6 | 35.4% | CNC Router | 150 | 0.500 | 900 | 2,166 | 51.1 | 30.4% | Inspect, Test, Pack | 45 | 1.500 | 2,700 | 8,642 | 189.0 | 112.5% | Total | | | 21,950 | 69,954 | 1,531.7 | | Based on the calculation above, both of drilling processes and Inspections process are over 100% of utilization and because the drilling processes is critical for production process and product quality, this fact is considered to be the bottleneck of the company. In addition, the exhibit 2 does not show actual production time which should include reworking time and administrative time and therefore it doesn t show the precise productivity. 5. What performance measures are crucial to Donner s success? Is the current process and Donners management approach directed towards these requirements? There are two thing to be pointed out. 1) Productivity Since the utilization of each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Adaptive Physical Education Is Physical Education Which Adaptive Physical Education is physical education which has been adapted or modified, so that it is as appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person without a disability. It is an extremely useful class especially in the high school setting. Disabled children are able to do exercises they normally cannot do, experience full gym classes with non disabled students, and learn new and useful fundamental skills they will use for the rest of their lives. To teach a class like this the teacher needs to learn the FAIER model, lean different skills to teach disabled children and be able to asses all students who are involved in the class. The FAIER model is a system to organize information in a way that you can design ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is where you analyze the evaluation results and see how the students did. If many of the students did not pass the way, the teacher wanted them to then the teacher must take the time to modify the activity even more so that it will suite the students better. This model is extremely important when the teacher is trying to figure out their students. It helps the teachers have a plan for the class so they aren t stuck when it comes time to teach. For teachers to teach this class they are going to have to develop other skills then their basic physical education teacher. There are six standards for an APE teacher. These standards include human development, motor behavior, exercise science, curriculum development, teaching, and communication. Human development is the basic understanding of how skills develop and progress and how they apply to those with disabilities. This is important to know due to the fact there are both disabled and non disabled students in this class. The Motor behavior standard, is having the knowledge to monitor how motor skills develop and being able to keep in mind the influence of development delay for those that are disabled. This also goes along with the next standard which is curriculum development. This is the understanding of how each student has a different goal depending on their disability. Teachers must be away at all times of their students and what is different about them. The teaching standard is being able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Observation Of Five Years Results and discussion The observation of five years (From January, 2007 to December, 2011) of the biomanipulation work done in the lake Nainital for its ecosystem restoration is presented in this paper. In this approach we attempted to manipulate various levels of the food chain, assuming that the nutrient input is stable and cannot be reduced to limit the primary production. At the start of the work important physico chemical and biological parameters were measured to know the present scenario of the lake. Among physico chemical parameters the water temperature, transparency, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, pH, nitrate and phosphate were taken into consideration while in biotic factors, the qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fishes was made. The water temperature varied from 10.0 0C in January, 2007 to 23.4 0C in June, 2011. The Secchy transparency ranged between 35.0 cm during January 2007 and 410 cm during December, 2011. The total dissolved solids varied between 160 mg/ l in April, 2007 and 536 mg/ l in June, 2008. The dissolved oxygen concentration at water surface varied from 3.0 mg/ l during January, 2007 to 12.5 mg/ l during May, 2009 throughout the experiment period. The total alkalinity of lake water was found between 102 mg/ l during January, 2008 and 240 mg/ l during June, 2011. The pH of lake water varied from 6.9 in April, 2008 to 9.8 July, 2011. The nitrate was found between 0.12 mg/l ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Brand Recognition Of Telcel America Strength Brand Recognition Telcel América is a wireless service from TracFone that is mainly targeted for Hispanic consumers, primarily the Mexican community living in the United States. Telcel has a very powerful presence in Mexico. Telcel brand is America Movil s Mexican unit. Telcel brand is well known among persons having strong ties to Mexico, and crossers all along the south border states of the United States of America. TracFone introduced Telcel America as a spin off from the original Telcel Mexico product, and created a product mix that includes service to both United States and Mexico, with no roaming charges. No contract, no credit check, BYOP Telcel is positioned to be highly accessible to its target market. There is no contract required, no credit verification, in order to acquire the service. Prepaid customers purchase a prepaid card for a specific amount of airtime and also receive additional services such as voicemail and caller ID. As part of its prepaid service offering Telcel is also available with the Bring Your own Phone program, which allows the customer to keep their current phone by purchasing a SIM card that enables their current phone to be re activated with Telcel service. Competitive price for unlimited talk, text data in both countries. Telcel offers wireless service positioned to meet the specific needs of its target market. Telcel offers voice services under a variety of rate plans to meet the needs of
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  • 31. Examples Of Overcoming Strengths In Life The struggle you re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow Robert Tew. Success is getting to a good place in life, despite past obstacles. We all have a chance to be successful even though there are hardships that we may experience along the way. In the book, A Child Called It, the Netflix TV series Shameless, and the biopic All Eyez on Me each depict the lives of individuals who overcome obstacles in life. My favorite works of art, feature characters that have struggled to overcome obstacles in order to gain success. My favorite book, A Child Called It, is about a boy who was physically, verbally and mentally abused by his mother. David s mother struggles to treat her son with love, and respect. First, David was physically abused by his mom. For example, David s mother would beat him, and make him eat his brothers feces. As a child, David felt worthless, and he wanted his mother s love, but instead he was beaten and threatened as if he was less than human. Next, David endured verbal abuse from his mother; throughout the book there are many instances were David s mother would curse, and call him terrible names. Lastly, David had to deal with psychological torture from his mother. David suffered from the emotional scars that his mother left behind. He never felt what it was like to be loved by a parent, David only knew what it was like to be hurt by one. The mental abuse that David endured will forever impact his life, but his situation made him a stronger person. David has turned the abuse he experienced as a child in books to share his story. Shameless, my favorite TV series, is filmed on the Southside of Chicago. It features a dysfunctional family with everyday struggles, such as problems with friendships, and financially. First, Shameless demonstrates the complexity of relationships. For example, one of the main characters Fiona has had many boyfriends. She hasn t found the right man yet, but from what she has experienced with men she has grown mentally through the series. Each character in Shameless has been through there fair share of tests with friendships and relationships. But, the characters find a way to overcome their issue. Next, the characters struggle to become ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Surfactant Essay Surfactants! A surface active agent, also known as a surfactant is a substance that surrounds the inner surface of the lung and consists of four proteins and six phospholipid fats that are manufactured inside of the lung of the human body, however this substance can also be created artificially. The four proteins include the hydrophilic or water attracting proteins SP A and SP D and the opposite hydrophobic or water repelling proteins, SP B and SP C. The main purpose of a natural surfactant found in the body is to decrease the amount of surface tension of fluid (attraction of surface particles found in a liquid) that can be found in an organ. In the lungs for example this is achieved by securing the small air sacs inside of the alveoli (lungs). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This substance is produced when a human digests lipids or fats. According to Sareen Gropper and Jack Smith s Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism bile is produced through the process of chemically altering cholesterol, which is a type of fat found in a human s blood. This process takes place in the liver and bile acids are produced. These bile acids are then conjugated or united with taurine and glycine to produce biosurfactants known as bile salts. The existence of bile salts inside of bile gives the substance the capacity to amalgamate lipids and fats with their aqueous (watery) environment inside of the gallbladder. According to Sareen Gropper and Jack Smith s Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism bile is released from its origin (gallbladder) into the small intestine. Through the process of emulsification the bile substance in the small intestine disintegrates fats into much tinier particles which can be digested and absorbed at a much more efficient and quicker rate. This evidently shows that without bile and in turn bile salts the digestion of fats will not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Did Louis Pasteur Contribute To The Germ Theory Of... Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist. He studied microbes and disease including vaccinations and how to kill pathogens. He is most famous for the pasteurization process that quickly kills most of the disease producing pathogens in dairy and wine. His most important work though was probably in the development of vaccines for rabies and anthrax. At the time he was working people still didn t understand where disease came from or how bacteria and viruses multiplied. Many people believed in the theory of spontaneous generation, where microbes sprang from nothing to infect wounds, food, or plants. Pasteur helped prove that disease was the result of microscopic organisms, the germ theory of disease, and that life must spring from life. Pasteur began working on the problem of bacterial contamination when a local wine merchant approached him asking advice on how to keep his wine from souring. Pasteur s goal was to prove that yeast, which produces lactic acid, caused the souring of both wine and milk. One experiment he did was to prove that no fermentation of grape juice would happen if the grapes and the containers they were kept in remained sterile through the experiment. He inserted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Geison, Gerald L., The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Princeton University Press, 1995. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en lr= id=tEkABAAAQBAJ oi=fnd pg=PP1 dq=louis+pasteur+pasteurization ots=G1xjCMRiAs sig=I55W1SuL_f1ZcxzaT3gjRFvTUHQ#v=onepage q=louis%20pasteur%20pasteurization f=false Chapter 5 on spontaneous generation especially. Schwartz, M. The Life and Works of Louis Pasteur, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Oct 2001. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Gettysburg Why Was It A Turning Point Essay The Battle of Gettysburg: Why Was It a Turning Point? July 1, 1863, the bloodiest battle on American soil was just beginning, this battle would be known as The Battle of Gettysburg. This three day battle commenced with Confederate attack led by General Robert E. Lee, on the north of the small town of Gettysburg. Union President, Abraham Lincoln had appointed George Meade as Union commander to counter coming attacks in Gettysburg. This battle would involve other Confederate attacks, ending with a final Union blow on July 3. The final attack by the Union was nicknamed as Pickett s Charge . This final Union charge led to a Confederate retreat, most likely because the Confederates lost many of their soldiers. This begs the question: Why Was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the beginning of the Civil War the Confederates clearly had the advantage, all the Confederates had to do was defend their land. This made the Confederates look most likely to win the Civil War, however, after the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union had the advantage. The four main reasons: geography of the major battle campaigns, estimated casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg, and the battle s aftermath showed this. The geography showed how this battle was the last battle shown in the North. The estimated casualties showed that there were significant losses on both sides but the South suffered a lot more. Union President Lincoln also told how the Union was affected because of this battle. Works Cited Background Essay: The Battle of Gettysburg: Why Was It a Turning Point? Hook Exercise: Gettysburg Document A: Major Battle Campaigns of the Civil War , a map created from various sources. Document B: Data compiled from several sources including Brian Williams, Military History Online, 2007, and E.B. Long, The Civil War Day by Day, Doubleday and Co., Garden City, NY, 1971 Document C: Excerpts from two letters written by General Robert E. Lee to Confederate President Jefferson Davis. US War Department. Document D: The Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln, November 19, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Business Overview of Marriott Corporation Harvard Business School 9 282 042 Rev. September 15, 1986 Marriott Corporation The idea of repurchasing shares was no stranger to Bill Marriott by January 1980. Almost five million shares of common stock had been repurchased on the open market by Marriott Corporation during 1979 at a total cost of $74 million and an average price of $15.16 in the belief that they were undervalued a belief that still was not fully reflected in the market price. At $19 5/8, the stock was selling at only six times cash flow per share; and its price/earnings ratio of nine was a far cry from historical multiples as high as fifty times as recently as 1973. Its low price seemed to offer once again an obvious opportunity to benefit shareholders. However, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By 1980, more than 23,000 rooms were offered through 55 hotels and resorts located primarily in the U.S. Approximately 70% of company operated rooms were owned by outside investors and managed by Marriott under agreements averaging 70 years in length. These management agreements contributed approximately $40 million to operating profits in 1979 profits that tended to rise with inflation. Contract Food Service (32% of sales) Marriott operated almost 300 contract food units, providing a wide range of food service capabilities to a variety of clients. It was the world s leading supplier of catering services to airlines, with 62 flight kitchens serving domestic and international air travelers. The Food Service Management Division also managed restaurants, cafeterias, conference centers and other facilities for over 200 clients, including business, health care, and educational institutions. Restaurants (25% of sales) Marriott s Restaurant Group consisted of 476 company owned units offering a variety of popularly priced food in 46 states. Roy Rogers fast food restaurants and Big Boy coffee shops accounted for 92% of the total units. Theme Parks and Cruise Ships (8% of sales) The two Great America theme parks, located in Gurnee, Illinois, between Chicago and, Milwaukee, and in Santa Clara, California, were opened in 1976. Both parks combined a wide variety of thrill and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Symbols Of The Amaterasu Empire In the Southern part of Santa Barbara a female Asian assassin makes her way through the ruins of the city. She is wearing a silver cobra decorated breast and back plate with a corselet followed by armbands, wrist bracers, knee guards and hip lace leather shorts. The breastplate illuminates a green neon glow. Spectra has been a huntress for over five years and was raised in the Empire of Amaterasu hidden deep in the San Bernardino Mountains. The Amaterasu Empire was built decades ago and has become a symbol of her people. Amaterasu Palace has shinning green roof tiles, golden doors and lustrous white walls. Inside are complex wooden buildings with verandas, raised several feet from the ground on wooded pilings to better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her father and brother trained her in the experts of martial arts and kickboxing shortly after her mother s death. Spectra decided to become a huntress when she was sixteen years old. Her brother is also an assassin that hunts in the Oakland Wastelands. They remember her mother as a loving and nurturing person whose death changed their way of life forever. The silver Ninja Master sword that she carries on her back was handed curved by her father. It was a gift for her bravery and courage to face the unknown. The sword is carried in a red lacquer scabbard with applied spiral helical bands of gold leaf. Metal fittings are of gold with the tsuba of shakudâ. The ray skin grip of the hilt has been lacquered black before being bound in black silk over a gold menuki. They are a peaceful people who do not believe in violence and welcomed anyone in the palace. They are a community made of farmers and laborers, where weapons of any type are not permitted on the palace grounds. They are all stored in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Introduction. Circadian Or Diurnal Rhythms Are Metabolic Introduction Circadian or diurnal rhythms are metabolic or behavioural rhythms, in animals and plants, that occur usually within a 24 hour cycle (Abercrombie et al. 1990). The changes in body temperature over the course of a day (24 hours), or in the case of females, over a month, is one of the most documented human circadian rhythms. Body temperature as well as circadian rhythms in humans is controlled by the hypothalamus, a small region of the brain that forms part of the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus synthesizes neurohormones, which are used to control the secretions of other hormones by the pituitary gland, which is linked to the hypothalamus. It is well known that long distance flights have many effects on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact it is the hormone, melatonin which is released by the pineal gland that is responsible for controlling the sleep cycle (Society for Endocrinology, 2015). Melatonin production increases as it becomes dark and is supressed to a degree by light. Melatonin causes drowsiness by lowering the core body temperature. It has been found that the hormone is also released when one is stressed which can occur while in flight. The body reacts to the untimely release of melatonin and disrupts the circadian rhythm, which raises the body temperature and lowers it at the wrong time of day. It naturally will take time for the bodies internal clock to readjust to a normal rhythm, and, if travelling to a different time zone, the body has to adjust to a different day night cycle. Aims The main aim of this study and experiment is to see if all long haul flights, irrespective of direction, result in a degree of jet lag as reflected by one of the affected circadian rhythms, namely body temperature. The study aims to determine whether the hypothesis is correct. An additional aim is to see if average body temperature is lowered during the flight and fluctuates less than in a normal 24 hour cycle. Should there be enough suitable participants, another aim is to see whether people over the age of 30 take longer to return to their normal body temperature circadian rhythm than those under the age of 30. Research Hypothesis It takes between 36 and 48 hours to return to a
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  • 39. Essay On Alexander II And The Failure Of The Serfs Intentions of Alexander II and the Failure of the Emancipation of the Serfs In the 19th century it was estimated that about 50 per cent of the 40,000,000 peasants in Russia were serfs, who worked on the land and were owned by the Russian nobility, the Tsar and religious foundations. This had been true for centuries; in 1861, however, this was all changed when Tsar Alexander II emancipated the serfs and gave them freedom from ownership. Alexander s decision was based on many reasons, and did not have the desired consequences, for the serfs at least. Therefore, it is possible to question Alexander s motives for such large reform, which this essay will do and will also look at why the emancipation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A large part of the problem was serfdom Russia needed millions of industrial workers, to free up land and to force the nobility to relinquish power to a certain extent. The Tsar was also aware that much of western Europe looked on serfdom as being akin to slavery, and looked down on Russia as a result. As one historian has remarked: The strip system, involving the use of antiquated farming implements and techniques, had long ago been abandoned on the agriculturally advanced nations. Its continued use in Russia was a major reason why the nation could not meet it s food needs. [1] Alexander was also acutely aware of the threat of a serf uprising. Despite the general contentedness of the majority of serfs, there were a significant number who were not happy, and many groups of political activists, such as the Narodniks, had begun stirring up discontentment. In a population of 67 million, Russia had 23 million serfs belonging to 103,000 landlords. Serfs therefore outnumbered their landlords by over 200 to one, and so Alexander was right to be concerned about what might happen should a large uprising occur. His worries were plainly stated when he addressed the State Council in January 1861: It is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Meaning Of Culture In Spain What is the meaning of culture? What makes up one s culture? How does a person s surrounding affect their culture? Culture as we know it is all our surroundings that shape who we are as individuals and societies. Culture is learned, shared, transmitted across generations, it takes time to develop, and it is subject to change. When we are born, we are not immediately aware of our culture, it must be learned. The way we learn our culture is through shared knowledge and experiences that are often passed down from generation to generation. These aspects of our cultures are fostered over long periods of time and are influenced by not only the people around us but also the geographical location, however culture is always subject to change due to the human nature and the ever changing society we live in. One of the key factors that plays a major role in our culture development is the region of the world that we live in. In the country of Spain one of the accepted cultural norms is nudity, given the heavy Mediterranean climate and hot summers. This may seem very strange to you given it is also illegal here in our country but is legal and not to uncommon in Spain. This has been a developed aspect of their culture in Spain given their region of the world. Spain is comprised of mostly rugged hills, mountains, and coastline running along both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Spain is the second highest and mountainous country in Europe, with an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Persuasion Techniques In Scratch Beginnings By Adam Shepard In Scratch Beginnings, the author explains his experience being homeless and having to live at a shelter. The book takes place in a town named Charleston. The story manly focusses on the author Adam Sheppard, who is homeless, no job, and lives at a shelter. When one day he goes to Curtis McNeil, so Curtis can listen to a speech he had prepared. Him writing it as a book is the best possible to share his story any other form of writing would be too long. Ultimately, I m analyzing the way Adam Shepard appeals to Curtis McNeil with his persuasion techniques that he uses in order to get a job at Fast Company. First, Shepard try s to establish his demeanor by going to his office and waiting for Curtis to come back by doing to this it shows that he is person who won t give up quickly. He also uses a convincing tone when he finally meets Curtis by telling him that I m pretty much one the hardest working guys you re going to find in Charleston. (97.) By saying this he stating that there are not too many hard working people that could match his work ethic. With this attitude it should appeal to Curtis because having an asset like Shepard would help his company not hurt him. Another example Shepard use is when he is talking about a bar by uses this example it should help Curtis picture what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He starts by saying All I want to do is work. I don t drink. I don t smoke. I m no fun. (97.) Saying this he is stating that he values work more than having a social life, this would appeal to Curtis because most people value social life more important than working. Since he doesn t drink or smoke he thinks that s why he is better than the people who do smoke or drink. Additional, he uses small sentence structure so he doesn t lose Curtis s attention. He also repeats the word I don t let Curtis know that he is an accountable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Design Of Management And Organizing Yourself Within The... Develop a Manager [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Supervisor] [Course] Table of contents Introduction 3 My Skills 5 The SMART Goals 6 Time Management: 6 The changes 7 Creating an Atmosphere 8 The Plan 9 Way of Thoughts 10 Decision making skills 12 Identifying the Problem: 14 Analyzing the Problem: 14 Developing Alternative Solutions: 14 Selecting the Best Solution: 14 Converting Decision into Action: 14 Ensuring Feedback: 15 Normative theoretical model 16 Conclusion 17 References 18 Introduction In a career, many aspects have to be followed provided with different style of management and organising yourself within the different cultural and organisational values that are implemented within a workplace. The impact of these core ingredients have impacted my style of communication to pursue the management career and often helped reflection towards the style of management and leadership qualities that I was lacking. The following paragraphs will underline the development of upgrading my styles and hence helped me to be a perspective manager in my workplace. In order to underline the ups and downs in my managerial career; I would be giving a detail explanation on the essentials of organisational objectives and values that have improved my managerial skills and measure my personal capability of management style(FK Publications, 2009). As a student of management of international business; in years of my educational career I have learned many important ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Goodyear And The Tire Industry The Goodyear name has been one of the most recognized brands in the tire industry around the world. They are known for having a superior quality product through the price and positions they have chosen. Their slogan, The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them, (Kerin, 2005) provides their customers with a high class message and creates an importance for them to preserve the accessibility of their high value brands. Unfortunately, consumers have become more price conscious about their tire purchases and less focused on loyalty to a specific brand. They experienced a 3.2% decline in the market share for the tires associated with passenger car replacement (Kerin, 2005). Because of this change, Goodyear has seen a drop in their sales. With already 2 million Goodyear brand tires, which have been worn out, being replaced at 850 Sears Auto Center locations annually, Goodyear reopened previous discussions with Sears to possibly sell their Eagle brand tires or all Goodyear tire brands through them. Choosing to do so could create great benefits for the company but could also generate turmoil within their franchises and other retail chains where their brands are sold. Before making the final decision, they must determine how this move will affect their franchisees, are they willing to significantly change their distribution policy, what brands Goodyear will allow to be retailed through the Sears network, and how cannibalization of their brands sold via other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Effects of Self Checkout Lines Consumers have a great impact on what is available in a variety of markets. As consumer demand shifts to new products, the market will adjust to provide those new products and services that the consumer has decided to be of some importance. From black and white televisions to LCD televisions, from cameras requiring film and then bringing it to the store to develop prints, to digital cameras that provide us with the ability of uploading images with the simple click of a button. Businesses who participate within the constantly changing market are all striving to meet one goal, increasing profit margins. Meeting this goal can be a challenging process, especially because the demand and needs of consumers are constantly changing. Recently ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2003 Home Depot then deployed kiosks to 777 of its retail locations and in 2006 that number nearly doubled to 1200 locations (Gerba, 2006). The first self checkout station was put into use at a Giant supermarket in Severna Park Maryland in 1987 (Gemperlein, 2006). When this kiosk was first put into use many businesses to include grocery stores, box stores, and outlet stores began to watch with a very close eye. It was known that consumers wanted the ability to go into a store and take their time and not feel rushed, that is until they were ready to checkout. Stores have found that after the normal consumer is finished selecting the items that they are going to purchase on a given day that they want to quickly proceed through checkout lines (S. Dudley, personal interview, August 15, 2008). Providing consumers with the ability to do this in effect increases the level of consumer happiness which in return increases the chances a particular consumer will return in the future to purchase more items, resulting in increased sales volume. Kiosks have had both positive and negative effects on businesses; however the positive gains from having kiosks have superseded those negative effects. If this was not true the market for self checkout kiosks would be diminishing, not flourishing as it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Motley Crüe Research Paper Mötley Crüe is an 80 s rock band, based out of Los Angeles. The band consists of 4 people, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, and Mick Mars. They perform heavy metal, hard rock, and glam metal. Mötley Crüe is known as The World s Most Notorious Rock Band , and rightly so. As described by their book, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25378.The_Dirt, they are hardcore and passionate artists. Mötley Crüe was formed January 17 1981, in Los Angeles, California. The band first met when Tommy Lee left his former band London, and joined up with Nikki Sixx and Greg Leon. Leon soon left, and the band convinced high school friend Mick Mars to join. In the beginning, like their song In The Beginning , they had a small, exclusive following. Their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like Mötley Crüe, many rock bands had a signature attire, which can be seen in today s fashions. Long shaggy hair, metal studs and makeup were all very common for 80 s glam metal bands. Current fashion trends are inspired by the 80s rock era, as displayed by these pictures. In the 80s, large permed hair was very common, inspired by the large hair worn by the performers at the time. With the large influence, came the negativity. Mötley Crüe s drug abuse has been well documented, and society caught on. There was an increase of reports of driving under the influence, substance abuse and domestic assault during the band s peak. Potential legalization of substances are becoming more and more common, could 80s bands be accredited? Mötley Crüe continues to be influential in today s culture. As for music, they were the first glam metal band to come from LA. Mötley Crüe was one of the first bands that was hair metal, and inspired multiple bands to follow. They glamorized living the rock and roll life , and influenced live shows. Even though they are hated by some critics, they sold out arenas, and have been nominated for awards. They have wrote multiple chart topping songs, including Girls, Girls, Girls and Kickstart My Heart. Mötley Crüe has left an lasting impact on rock and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Banks Are Steering Clear Summary: Banks Are Steering Clear of the Legal Pot Businesses In the article Banks Are Steering Clear of the Legal Pot Businesses , by Michael R. Blood, illustrates how the legal cannabis industry in the U.S. is rapidly expanding, earning millions of dollars, and the reasons why banks are fearful to partake in the legal cannabis industry. With marijuana still being illegal banks do not want to do business with cannabis money due to the likelihood of legal trouble from the federal government (Blood). Within the last 8 years the Justice Department implemented rules for the banking industry on how to maintain business relationships with cannabis businesses in the 29 states that cannabis is legal. However, the majority of banks consider these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Goal Setting Is An Best Way For Students With Track And... Goal setting is an excellent way for students to track and improve upon physical fitness levels. The importance of being able to set goals and to try to achieve them is that each individual student can assess where they are and set goals to improve. Not all students can achieve the same fitness standards. Some students are born with more muscle mass or more fast twitch muscle fibers than other students. Some students have asthma or other physical difficulties that make it difficult to measure up with other students when all students are required to get a certain score on a fitness test to get an A. Using goal setting where all students can be successful by reaching their goals and showing improvement could be a positive influence for future motivation. While problem based learning can help students to learn and use goal setting (Hubball 2006), goal setting may not always help students to achieve greater fitness levels. Hill (2015) found that those students who set goals over an 18 week period did not have any significant improvement over those students that did not set goals on the pacer and push up tests. Similarly, in another study looking at the effects of goal setting on Native elders found only a weak correlation between goal setting and improvement on the amount of steps taken in a day using a pedometer (Sawchuck 2011). The problem with this study was that the researchers set the goals for the participants. It may be more important that students set their own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Google Inc Case Study |Google Inc. | Executive Summary This report aims to provide feasible growth strategies to Google Inc. who is facing different courses of action to pursue. The objectives of this report are to compare different market opportunities available to Google on the basis of implementation feasibility and growth potential and to make the most feasible recommendation to Google. From industrial and internal analysis conducted, it is found that search industry is still favorable for Google. In addition, Google is in a great position in the industry with its unique search solutions and advertising techniques. However, with its creativity oriented culture and diversified products and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Internal Analysis Strengths Superior search algorithms such as PageRank algorithm and differentiated paid listing strategy such as CTR bidding method focusing on relevance. Creativity oriented organizational culture and highly flexible organizational structure Strong market presence, possessing highest market share in search engine industry Diversified products in many areas Highly capitalized and highly scalable infrastructure, including one million servers Weaknesses Governance and control almost solely in the hands of three top management executives which might lead to possible strategic risk taking Poor public relations, with engineer minded top management having unorthodox practices without caring about publicity Employees with arrogance and not in build syndrome Analysis of Options
  • 49. Staying focused in Search area Case for Option 1 Search engine is its core business and it has excellent expertise and position in this area. Search algorithms still needs to be improved. Rather than letting competitors to take credits, Google should develop optimized search solutions gaining first mover advantage. It can also expand to content analytics areas providing analytical data to businesses which it has been doing for its advertisers. It complies with Google s mission making the world s information accessible and useful. Case against Option 1 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Punishment For Corporal Punishment Two different families live in the same neighborhood; in the home are both parents and one child, the children are both boys. One family spanks their child when he miss behaves; the other family does not spank their child when he miss behaves they simply tell him it s not okay to act that way. The family who supported corporal punishment spanked their child daily, they did it to re enforce to the child that the parents were the boss and that he needed to listen to them; and that when he acted out in a bad manner then he would be punished for his behavior. Eventually that child learned what he could and couldn t not do, he learned that his parents were the boss and he needed to follow their rules that they set, as well as learning right from wrong. That child grew up showing everyone respect, and he knew that in real life if he got in trouble and didn t follow the rules that there would be consequences to his actions. The other family raised their child without spanking him; yes the child knew what was right and what was wrong but he didn t care because there was no discipline or consequences for his actions. The family constantly argued and yelled at each other and it was not a peaceful home. When that child grew up he didn t care for the consequences of his actions and constantly acted out in society. Not every situation are like these two but many are, the punishment of the child is up to the parent. Parents can gain a lot from spanking their child; and their child can learn a lot like discipline, respect, and taking responsibilities of their actions, and excepting the consequences. I believe in corporal punishment to an extent. Yes, I think spanking your child is effective and most kids respond to it very well. In order for spanking to be effective the parent needs to be discipline about it on themselves; for example, the parent cannot sit and tell their child that they will be getting spanked when they get home and then not follow through with their word because then that child will come to realize they can get away with anything. On the other hand, the parent cannot get carried away with spanking their child excessively; if the parent spanks their child to much then the child can become resentful and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Alert Frameworks Essay distinguish its needs before settling on the quantity of security gatekeepers to enlist. The staff they contract as well should be all around prepared and fit the bill to fill the empty positions. Legitimate levels of security inside and outside the premises of the pharmacy must be secured successfully with interruption identifiers and caution frameworks. Alert frameworks are comprehensive of any caution terminals that ought to be deliberately set, correspondence and recognition devices. Caution signals do not require unauthorized parties be physically capable, but rather could likewise be transmitted through web conventions, remote frameworks, telephone and system lines and numerous other models of transmittance. Be that as it may, the caution frameworks introduced ought to have the capacity to anticipate false alert signs, which could be costly to control. False caution flags typically result from human error. False caution flags could happen when representatives are getting to the working for work in the morning hours, when the cleaners are getting to the working at night for their separate obligations, outside unsettling influences and numerous different reasons. Workers and supervisors, in this manner, should be sharpened on the methods for forestalling false cautions, which could take a toll on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are differing sorts of cameras available, this range from the wide dynamic range cameras to the changeover models. On account of pharmacies, the installers, with requests from the security officer, ought to deliberately introduce cameras. The establishment should be planned in a way that will accomplish an ideal recovery. Best security is received by acquiring proper camera models, which have the correct focal points and mounts. The camera determination ought to be set well for better evaluation of the premises ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Transcendentalism and Deep Ecology Transcendentalism has been linked to the birth of deep ecology, given the emotion and spiritual philosophy that connects the two movements. Both transcendentalism and deep ecology romanticize the natural world, and critique the way industrialization, modernization, and urbanization encroach on ecological and spiritual purity. The eco centric worldview and value system espoused by deep ecology has its roots in transcendentalism (Hicks, n.d.). Both transcendentalists and deep ecologists disparage the ways individuals, communities, and whole cultures present the human being as being entitled to rape and plunder the earth. However critical they were of human activity and stupidity, the transcendentalists were not misanthropes. The transcendentalists advocated for a better world, one that discarded ineffective and corrupt forms of government in favor of a more just and egalitarian society. All were abolitionists, in an era where slavery and sexism were both normative. Emerson advocated material and spiritual self reliance over philanthropy as a means of self empowerment. He also criticized traditional types of philanthropy as having a certain air of quackery, (Emerson, 1842). Philanthropy is often used as an excuse to avoid doing the real work of transforming the self and the society, according to Emerson. Thoreau promoted political activism in a more direct way than Emerson. In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau advocated various forms of civil disobedience as a means of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...