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Essay On I Am The Master Of My
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Essay On I Am The Master Of My Fate Essay On I Am The Master Of My Fate


The Web in Art Education Essay
In the last several years, a number of new technologies associated with the World Wide Web
emerged. The term Web 2.0 is widely used to refer to these technologies that reflect substantial
changes in the traditional model of how content for the Web is created and consumed (O Reilly,
2005). What differentiates these technologies from previous aspects of the Web is the social
interaction that is involved, the ability of users to create and disseminate content, the ability of the
users to rate and tag content, and the free availability to anyone with Internetaccess (Freedman,
2006). Names of some specific technologies associated with Web 2.0include flickrв„ў,MySpace ,
facebook , Bloggerв„ў,Wikipedia, podcasts, steve.museum, and YouTubeв„ў,... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Though many people had access to putting information on the Internet for at least the last
decade, this process often involved significant expense and time to not only purchase, but then
also to learn different software packages. With the technologies of Web 2.0, it is now relatively
inexpensive and simple for anyone with Internet access to create and disseminate their ideas
through various forms on the Web. The emergence of technologies associated with Web 2.0
represents a significant change in the ease of creating content for the Web and in the type of
content available on the Web. Many of the applications necessary to create content are freely
available to anyone with Internet access (Bull Ferster, 2005; O Reilly, 2005). Instead of most
content being created by experts, there is a significant increase in content created, edited, re
created, combined, appropriated, etc. by millions of authors (Lee Berry, 2006). Additionally,
because of the ease of these tools, content on the Web can be updated quickly and simply. For
instance, a person can easily update his or her MySpace or flickrв„ў page with new text, images, or
video on a daily basis. We know that the creation of content is no
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Blood Lactate Results
This lab report looks how blood lactate levels are affected during an incremental cycle test with an
oxygen restriction mask and without an oxygen restriction mask. Blood lactate is lactic acid that
appears in the blood due aerobic and anaerobic training. Billat et.al (2003) states that during a
moderate cycling exercise performed during 30 50 minutes, 20% of glucose utilisation went to
lactate formation, 20% of the blood lactate appearance came from glucose. Furthermore Billat et.al
(2003) also states that the net release of lactic acidfrom muscle to blood is determined by the mass
of active muscle and the intensity of the activation of these muscles. Furthermore this occurs
because of insufficient oxygen delivery to the muscles, the blood... Show more content on
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Step one of the procedure includes participants recording the measurements of their; weight,
height, age, sex, resting heart rate and activity levels before doing anything else. Step two of the
procedure involves sterilisation of equipment, the area and the participants, equipment that will be
sterilised is the bikes, and nobody other than the participant is to touch the bike after it has been
cleaned. Step three of the procedure involves the participant testing their resting blood lactate
levels and their resting blood glucose level. Step four is the participant beginning a five minute
warm up on the bike with no weights, step five is beginning the first three minute interval with no
weight. For step six at the second minute of each three minute interval blood must be taken from
the participant to carry out the readings, the blood lactate must be tested before the blood glucose,
the rider must not stop during this. For step seven at the end of the three minutes the weight should
be increased by 0.5kg. Step eight involves this process being repeated five times. For step nine
participants must cool down on the treadmills after they are finished on the bike and should be
supervised to ensure
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Dodge Game Essay
The Dodge Game Software Design and Modiability
This report is submitted in partial fullment of the requirements of the ELEN7045 SD
Methodologies, Analysis and Design
The Dodge Game is a mini project in Software Design and Modiability. The results of this
development process are supposed to an executable game capable of running in a Windows
environment. The game has be a developed using object oriented principles and makes use of a
simple graphics. The chosen development environment was java and the graphics library was the
Java 2D graphics. The approach taken in the design was a decoupling or component based design.
The implemented solution runs on a JPanel and renders graphics on to the game screen
with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The game aim is mainly to detect collision of falling raindrops and the method is
ThereCollision() handles this when its called in the actionPerformed(ActionEvent) method.
2.2.2 Architectural design
The proposed solution has four classes:
Rg RainDrop which controls the behavior and all the functionalities of raindrops
Rg Player which controls the behavior of the player and all its activities on the game screen
Rg GameScren which extends the Rg Panel Controls the relationship of all the classes Rg Panel is
the backbone of all the activities happening on the Rg Gamescreen
Figure 1: Dodge Game Class Diagram
The gure 1 is the class diagram for all the classes listed above. The chosen architecture of the
game has decoupled game as seen in the class diagram in gure 1. Each of the classes has a single
responsibility as a way to try and minimize cluttering the design. It shows all the relationships and
and the references to interfaces and also to base classes.
As seen in the class diagram each class form an individual component to the big solution of the
game problem. The choice of this design was mainly to enable reusability and try to enable code
re use. There is also an adoption of the Model view controller pattern[1] in the design of the
classes. The raindrop and player have models and controllers methods within them and JPanel is
responsible giving the view to the user.
Rg Player Class
This class is responsible for
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My Autobiography
As a kid, I was always extremely talkative. So talkative that teachers would get on to me. Teachers
would say so many different things to me, but I never let it bother me. The most common thing
they would say would be like, Kate, quit talking and go move to a different seat.
Usually, I would respond back with, Okay in an annoyed tone, because all I wanted to do was talk.
I would still find a way to talk to someone else, but after a while, I would hear my teacher say my
name again.
Kate this is your last chance to quit talking or else you re going to the office or I m going to be
calling your mom, they would say.
Okay, I would quietly respond back.
Throughout the years as I go little older I started caring about the little things people would say
about me. Like one of the little things that would bother me was when some of my friends or
even some classmate would point out how I have an accent, or how I would do things differently
than them. I became very subconscious about my speaking every single time I would talk because
I felt like everyone would be paying close attention to it. I didn t realize that as a kid that having an
accent would be that noticeable to others. Suddenly my life took a turn when I entered 5th
grade. It started out great. I had a few friends that I could communicate and hang out with, but as
weeks gone by I started to become like a closed door. I rarely said a word to any of my friends. The
most I would have talked was probably a sentence or two
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The Book Of Ser Marco Polo
The Book of Ser Marco Polo is a thirteenth century edition that was transcribed by Marco Polo s
cell mate and was later translated by Henry Yule (266). Marco Polo is a son to Nicolo Polo a
trader who entered the city of Cambaluc a center of Chinese civilization in the Yuan period
(266). Marco was subsequently captured and put in prison and this book was created out of the
stories he was telling his cell mate while they were passing time at the Genoese prison (266). By
reading through this book; we can explore more about its content plus citation, its
communication as well as context, and its connection and conclusion (266). The first items the
author portrays in this document are its contents plus citation. In the contents section, the main
ideas depicted are idolatry, innovations, and the superstition (275). For instance, it was narrated
that the people within the society at that time practiced Idolatry. They loved and adore their rule
the Great Khan, to extend that some were calling him lord of lords, but his real name was
Cublay (266).The worshipping of the leader in the society also can be seen during ceremonies
like birthdays that were held at the court. For example, at any court occasion, the leader s table
was elevated above the others and at some point people could drop on their knees to make a
deeper obeisance before him (269).The narrator also indicates that Cathayans were idolaters,
because they posses gods and as regards to their gods, each god had a table
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Importance Of Voting In Texas
Texas has a long ballot, which is an election system that provides for the election that lists all
candidates, for all positions, from all political parties, available to a specific voting district. The
long ballot includes the president and vice president, two U.S. senators, U.S. Representatives,
governor of Texasand five other state executive officials, three railroad commissioners, one
member of the State Board of Education (SBOE), one state senator, one state representatives, nine
members if the Texas Supreme Court, Nine members of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, at
least two and as many as 70 or more state appellate and district court judges, and numerous local
officials varying in city officials to county executives. Being that... Show more content on
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Had the ballot been shorter, they believe their decisions could have had more knowledgeable. I
believe that it is important to be well informed when going to vote, and it has now been brought
to my attention that the ballot will contain many positions to vote on, so I will be sure to
research candidates and show up to the voting station informed and sure of my decisions. In
Texas, there are a few types of elections held: general elections, primary elections, runoff elections
and special elections. The general election is held in November of even years statewide to fill
state and national offices. The primary is an election held within each party to choose the party
s candidates for general elections. Runoff elections are held if no candidate in the primary
election receives the majority of votes. Special elections are held outside of the regular election
calendar to fill unexpected vacancies. Because Texas holds a few types of elections, people
believe Texas has too many elections, but I disagree and find that the amount of elections held are
necessary to access situations such as vacancies and allow for voters to practice their right to vote
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Costco Case Paper
Costco Case Paper Blessed Mensah UMUC Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation was
founded by James Sinegal and Jeffrey Brotman in September of 1983 (Thompson, 2008 p. c 32).
Costco is one of the largest retail stores in the wholesale industry. Costco mission is to offer their
customers low prices on both private and limited selection of nationally branded products in a wide
range of merchandise categories. Businesses and families rely on Costco to offer them high quality
products and services at everyday low prices. As stated in the 2006 Annual Report: rapid inventory
turnover, high sales volume per warehouse, leveraging an efficient operating structure,... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
We found that by compensating employees generously to motivate and retain good workers,
one fifth of whom are unionizes, Costco gets lower turnover and higher productivity. Combined
with a smart business strategy that sells a mix of higher margin products to more affluent
customers, Costco actually keeps its labor costs lower than Wal Mart s as a percentage of sales,
and its 68, 000 hourly workers in the U.S. sell more per square foot. Put another way, the 102,
000 Sam s employees in the U.S. generated some $35 billion in sales last year, while Costco did
$34 billion with one third fewer employees (Holmes and Zellner, 2004). Costco Generic Strategy
Costco generic strategy is the Low Cost Provider Strategy. According to Thompson, Strickland,
and Gamble, low cost provider strategy is striving to achieve lower overall costs than rivals and
appealing to a broad spectrum of customers, usually by under pricing rivals . (Thompson et al.,
2008). Costco was successful in has successfully implemented low cost strategy by driving costs out
of their businesses, through low pricing, limited product selection, and a treasure hunt shopping
environment. Pricing is Costco key element of their low cost strategy. They implement their pricing
strategy by capping its markup on brand name merchandise at 14% and markups on their private
label items can be no higher than 15%. This strategy has kept Costco customers
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Operation Art And Design Exam Questions
C403 Operation Art and Design Exam Questions
MAJ Doug Herrmann
Section A: Theater Strategic level, the North African Campaign
1. (15 pts) Review the Operational Approach Student Aid Slide #7 for this question. Operational
Design and the Operational Approach is a process of iterative understanding and problem framing
that supports commanders and staffs in their application of operational art with tools and a
methodology to conceive of and construct viable approaches to operations and campaigns. (JP 5 0,
III 1). In the context of the Mediterranean/North Africa Theater of Operations (M/NATO), using
the contextual background notes and material provided for this exam in Parts 2 and 3, apply
operational design thinking as described in JP 5 0 chapter III to answer the following.
a. (5 pts) In your words, describe the operational environment. [Your answer should not exceed half
a page.]
Operation Torch was a major operation conducted in the Mediterranean/North African Theater of
Operations as part of the North African campaign during World War II. The U.S. President,
Franklin D. Roosevelt supported the British Prime Minister believing this operation would
prevent an invasion of Europe. In order for the Allies to achieve the desired end state they would
need to establish reliable bases on the coast in the regions of Casablanca, Oran, Algiers, and Tunis.
This area was controlled by Vichy France, which was technically not part of the Axis powers. This
operation would
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Development and Globalisation Essay
Development and Globalisation
A process of social and economic advancement in terms of the quality of human life.
Development can involve can involve economic, demographic, social political and cultural changes.
Development is a term that can be used in many different contexts whether it is social, economical,
political etc. However generally development refers to an improvement in certain areas:
o An increase in the country s economy with a shift from secondary to tertiary industry which
becomes less dependent on FDI.
o An increase in population and a more ageing population as standard of living increases. Birth
rates and death rates drop as life ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Primary commodities have fallen in price, or stayed steady, while commodities they need has
increased, e.g. oil
What is preventing the Development gap from closing?
Many LEDCs main industry is as primary producers generally low profit
Internatnioal trade dominated by TNCs
The Asian Tigers
Who or what are the Asian Tigers?
Asian economies that have progressed economically at such substantial rates that have come to
rival the earning capacity and quality of living of those being first world countries Taiwan, Hong
Kong, Singapore and South Korea.


Globalisation: The increased inter connection in the world s economic, cultural and political
|Positives |Negatives |
|Allowed the movement of people more easily |Uncontrolled migration |
|Increased foreign trade |Inequality in wealth |
|More access to food, services, healthcare etc. all over the world |Heavy environmental cost |
| |Loss of
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Captain Corelli s Mandolin Research Paper
The old man, who had been yelping and jumping sideways at every blow, spinning and cowering,
finally threw himself to the ground, whining piteously, and Mandras suddenly knew he could be a
god (Captain Corelli s Mandolin 192). In the story Captain Corelli s Mandolin, Mandras was forced
to beat and killan old manthat was accused of being a theft and disobedient. From reading stories
such as Captain Corelli s Mandolin, I learned about the brutality people faced during the time of
World Wartwo.
One of the most devastating events of World War two, the first nuclear attack, was described in The
Story of the First Nuclear Attack, Hiroshima August 6, 1945. When I read the article about the first
nuclear attack, I was surprised to learn that,
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Polar Bears Research Paper
Polar Bears Polar bears are endangered species in Arctic area s. They are carnivorous bears that
are white and furry. Eight of the nine polar bear populations decreased. Polar bears have black
skin under their fur and have fat that measures to 4.5 inches thick. They have long necks which
is beneficial for them because it helps them swim and when they catch their prey in the tiny
holes. Polar bears are said to be as smart as apes. They usually weigh from 350 to 700 kg. There is
an estimated amount of 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears still living today.
The Great White polar bear is the largest of the world s bear species. Two thirds of polar bears are
predicted to be extinct by 2050. Polar bears are carnivores. They eat mainly ringed seals and fish.
The amount of humans today in the world are the reason why polar bears are going ... Show more
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Which means they are connected to the arctic fox, musk ox, and caibou. The nutrient cycle in the
Arctic Sea contains of carbon and nitrogen. There is more than one way the nutrient cycle works.
One way is the carbon cycle can start off with phytoplankton and algae taking up carbon dioxide
from sea water and transforms it into the organic carbon of their tissue. Even the consumers prey
in the ecosystem that converts their prey s carbon into their own tissue oro into shrinking fecal
pellets . Decomposers return the nutrients back into the soil in the arctic, but the consumers
capable of helping put carbon back into the ecosystem by breathing or respiring. The nitrogen
makes up 79 percent of the atmosphere so when there is snowfall in the tundra, the snow of the
nitrogen is rich and eventually deposits back into the soil. Animals are only able to benefit from
the nitrogen after the plants use it to make more proteins and nucleic acid. It starts with algae and
then moves onto shrimp, cod fish, seals, and polar
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Is Jay Gatsby in F. Scott FitzgeraldВґs The Great Gatsby, a...
To decide whether Jay Gatsby is a good man or not, one must define what a good man really is.
Although it is an extremely vague and layered term, a good man best fits the description of a man
whose intentions are never meant to harm anyone. In addition, readers must remember that the
Gatsby in the novel is Nick Carraway s version, and that is a very biased version. Yet, based off of
the events depicted in The Great Gatsby, I believe that Jay Gatsbyis a good man. Gatsby is not
formally introduced until chapter three, and due to his initial description, readers hold him in much
higher regard than other characters in the novel. Nick introduces Gatsby in an extremely intriguing
and flattering manner, saying, He smiled understandingly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Regardless of how one would go about arguing how Jay Gatsby is not a good man , he is
undeniably an embodiment of the American dream. Born James Gatz to two poor farmers in
the Midwest, Gatsby s imaginations had never really accepted them as his parents at all. The
truth was that Jay Gatsby ... sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of
God ... to this conception he was faithful to the end (98). The notion of the self made man alone
is something that is honored within American society, and therefore, Jay Gatsby is an honorable
person. Parallel to Benjamin Franklin, Gatsby envisioned the perfect man and left home with
nothing in order to become that idealistic version of himself. Gatsby s similarity to Benjamin
Franklin is highlighted by Mr. Gatz with Gatsby s childhood schedule seemingly based off of
The Way to Wealth. Yet, being an honorable person alone does not make Gatsby a good man .
What does make Gatsby a good man though, is his outstanding selflessness. Despite the
immense wealth he gains, Jay Gatsby is always trying to do things for others, such as asking
Nick on his boat, or giving a random party goer an entirely new dress after ruining their original
dress at one of Gatsby s parties. Even in the case of Gatsby doing Nick favors, Gatsby does not
expect anything in return from Nick, but he does hope for a reconnection with Daisy. Part of what
really makes Gatsby a good
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Examples Of Human Errors In The Workplace
In this report the main errors that happen in a workplace are mentioned. The main factors that affect
the performance and the prevention techniques for the errors have been discussed. An example of a
disaster that occurred due to human error have been studied. Humans have a crucial role in
designing, installing, manufacturing and maintenance fields in industries. Humanerrors occur when
a person fails to perform a task that could lead to the stoppage or slowing down of work. It also
happens when there is a damage to equipment or property as a result of a person not doing their
tasks correctly. Human errors can be caused due to numerous factors and some of them are
mentioned below.
Poor lighting on work floor.
Lack of skill and training for the work force.
Problems with the design of the machines.
High levels of noise.
Unplanned layout of work.
Malfunctioning of tools.
Poorly maintained machines and operating procedures.
Generally human errors are divided into six different categories according to the different functions
carried out in an industry and they are:
Errors during operation.
Errors during assembly.
Errors during design.
Errors during inspection.
Errors during installation.
Errors during maintenance.
The errors that can happen in all of the above mentioned fields can again be categorised into:
Errors during action
Errors during checking.
Errors during information receival.
Errors during information transmission.
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Organized Religion Influence
The Influence of Organized Religion
Usually pain is evident we see it everyday, whether it be a tripping child or yet another attempt at
genocide in a country far away. Sometimes Neosporin is all it takes to treat the wound, other times,
the military comes thwart the pains of a nation, but what about the pain that we can t see? How
could a government fix the intangible? These are issues like shaming, homophobia, prejudice, all
left unregulated. they can t be. But they can be propagated. This is demonstrated by organized
religion, or for these purposes, the Christian Church. A growing issue in America is that these
intangible grievances are becoming far more visible and reachable with every coming day. It is far
from an anomaly to see a dead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7. This was stated by Jesus Christ,
the basis for the christian faith. It is reasonable to say that acts of love don t make others kill
themselves. It is also reasonable to say that an act of love would be the nurturing of those outliers
within the community, to bring them into the fellowship that promotes better mental health. There
are already many churches working towards improving the way the church treats it s adolescence,
and many others that march along side homosexuals in movements for equality. Those working at
Mental Health And The Church have been working and providing resources to parents about mental
illness and suicide, and other issues plaguing teenagers. If this were implemented across the nation,
it would would decrease suicide rates, and would create more resources for those in need of
support.(Mental Health And The
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Vocaloid Miku Hatsune Sonnet 15 Analysis
It s a dark room. An iMac projects blue and white light.
DESMOND YOUNG(28), a mixed race man with a scarf, composes music on DAW. He activates
Cubase software.
He names a blue bar melody and composes a melody with the MIDI keyboard.
Next, Desmond adds a purple bar drums and composes drums with the MIDI keyboard.
Desmond creates a green bar bass , picks up a bass, connects the cable into the interface, and adds a
bass line.
He adds a yellow bar guitar1 , connects a guitar, and plays backing. He creates an orange bar
guitar2 .
Desmond adds more colorful bars. The tune becomes more colorful and tight.
He activates Vocaloid software on the desktop and creates lyrics. Vocaloid Miku Hatsune sings...
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Desmond sings and plays the guitar. Billy sings the chorus and plays the bass. DRUMMER (15)
and KEYBOARDIST (15) also play. They enjoy playing music.
Are Jerry and Molly here? Do they enjoy?
Desmond looks at Billy. Billy smiles.
Desmond opens eyes. Tears flow on his cheeks. Desmond slowly opens his mouth, but he closes
his mouth. He carefully unwraps his scarf and touches his neck. His finger touches to the hole in
his neck. The hole is a permanent trachestomy. Desmond is no longer able to speak or sing like
I never sleep, cause sleep is a cousin of death. Did Travis from Taxi Driver say this? Or Nas did? I
don t remember. I m already 28.
Desmond wraps his scarf around his neck again.
Calm night.
Desmond walks and bites $1 pizza slices.
Bubble practices big soap bubble art. The bubble sparks too soon. People don t pay attention at
him and walk away.
Desmond stops and looks at Bubble. Bubble never stop creating bubbles. Desmond claps his hands
and gives $5 cash to Bubble. Bubble smiles and moves his mouth thank you . But, his voice does
not come
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Reviewing Research Methods And Basic Statistics, Entering...
Reviewing Research Methods Basic Statistics, Entering Data, and Analysis
Research interests are primarily in the area of marketing and k 12 education; however, with
everything that is happening this moment I have not had an opportunity to focus on a specific
area nor the topic. However, if I had to pick an area, it would perhaps be in education as it
concerns the development of new technology and k 12 students ability to read.
Perhaps four variables that would be assessed: a.) new technology developed to monitor and
evaluate students reading ability (e.g., Fast Forward, Star Reader). b.) The alignment and cost to
implement these new and developing technologies. C.) the level of achievement, e.g., grade, or
level achieved by students ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Below, visualize the following components as they build a contour shape of the hourglass. BEGIN
Figure 1The Hourglass Notion of Research
The well formulated hypothesis will provide the vision of where the research may be directed, as
well as the problem, theory, or perhaps just a need to understand something. Moreover, the
hypothesis aids in identifying e.g. objective, abstract concepts, and relationships. Furthermore, the
research question may additionally be referenced as being either deductive or inductive. Although
both deductive and inductive are associative in its use of a hypothesis, the focus is different for
both. Below are examples of a null and an alternative hypothesis.
Null hypothesis
What is the difference in the growth of reading ability when students use technology as opposed to
reading books?
Alternative hypothesis
What component or components that increased the effect of the reading ability?
However, the researcher in this complex situation may find it conducive to use correlation.
Correlation permits the researcher to identify between relative variables within the project of
concern. Conducting an observation, the researcher is able to gather data of greater confidence.
The investigator will be better able to collect and use
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Examples Of Moral Dilemmas
2. What are values and norms and what is a moral dilemma?
To answer this question I will divide the question in three parts.
Starting with what values are. Values are an absolut or relative and ethic value of a person. Values
can be defined as a wide preference for specific actions.
The assumption of those can be a basic form for ethic handling.
A Valuesystem is a set of consistense values and measures. A principale value is a fundamental on
which values and measures of integrity are based.
Some values are physiologically determined and used usually for avoiding fysical pain or for
looking for fun. Other values are subjective, they are different for every individu or for different
religions. These values are more based on religion and their beliefs. Different values are ethical
/moral vales, ideological values, social values and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then the last part of this question, moral dilemmas. But what is a Moral dilemma?. A Moral
Dilemma is that two well known cases conflict with eachother. In each case you have moral
reasons to do each of the two actions, but it is not possible to do both. This is what you call moral
What is really a common factor for moral dilemmas is, is that it is kind of required to do both
actions, in this situation you can choose one of them but you can t do both, so you start feeling
that you failed, because both actions are important for you. No matter which one you will choose
you always have the feeling that you failed or did something wrong. So to recap this all a Moral
Dillema is a Dillema between two factors/choices that are both important to you and whatever you
choose you will always think you made the wrong choice.
3.What Values and Norms does the chosen organisation
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The Plan Of The Anaconda Plan
The anaconda plan
At the beginning of the war the Union thought it would be an easy, quick war. The Union leaders
at this time had no actual plan for the war. General Scott saw this and came up with the Anaconda
plan. Scott considered the war a strategy game, and would attack and penetrate the enemy s forces
without destroying all of their troops; focusing mainly on victory. At the beginning of the war
Scott, unlike others, thought that the war would be over in more than two years. The war ended in
four years. The term Anaconda plan came from Northern press trying to explain Scotts plan. Many
people thought that Scotts plan was too passive and difficult. The Union s effort in the civil war
increased greatly on April 19, 1861. At this point Abraham Lincolncreated a naval blockade, a
system of ships that stops all imports and exports, on the Confederate coastline. This blockade
stretched from the Rio Grande to the Chesapeake Bay. At this time Lincoln s argument was that the
Confederacy had no right to secede. Creating this blockade allowed the National warships to attack
privateers. Privateers are privately owned and run warships. These ships were used to take the
Union s trade ships. Getting rid of the privateers meant that the Union could transport goods easier.
Scott s anaconda plan needed the Union s army and navy to surround the Confederacy. After
encompassing the Confederacy the army and navy would tighten in, and effectively strangle the
South. This contained two
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Literary Devices In The God Of Small Things
Arundhati Roy s The God of Small Things, a twisting tale seemingly centered on a case of family
tragedy, unravels to form a critique on rigid social structures. This renders Iser s quote significant
to a huge extent, as proven by the novel s fragmented narrative. By building the narrative around a
crucial lack of information, readers are pushed to engage thoroughly with the text, as they have to
piece together the jigsaw pieces that make up the story, so as to make complete sense of it,
henceforth enabling a better understanding of the explicit when the implicit comes to light. In
doing so, the meaning of the text comes alive in the readers imagination (Bennett 1682) through the
readers realization that the seemingly irrelevant,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The lengthy narration of this ancient tale, while initially seeming irrelevant, serves to depict the
timelessness of the destruction that can be brought about by these Love Laws . Along with the
clearest example of the refusal to adhere to these Love Laws as captured in Ammu s love affair
with Untouchable Velutha which had led to the massive literal and figurative destruction of
many lives, Roy argues how both obedience and disobedience of these laws will lead to
destruction as human s passion can never be contained by them. As such, by inviting the reader to
piece together the puzzle pieces of this critique, the boundaries between the writer and reader is
blurred as the reader writes the text as well. Hence, the reader becomes more receptive to the
sensitive, painful questions that Roy pushes, not only about India s caste prejudice but social
structures that are adhered to globally , as he has become more involved in the world of the
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Summer of the Mad Monk Essay
The Summer of The Mad Monk
The year is 1936. Philip Tyler is an imaginative, 12 year old boy. He lives on a farm outside of
the small town of Delia in Alberta but their farm is suffering and their lives are suffering because
of the Great Depression. They have lived in poverty for as long as he could remember, so he, like
many other boys in that time had to be creative and imaginative.
School was nearing the end of the year, and he and his best friend Digger had nothing to look
forward to. Diggers father had noticed and he gave the boys an old .22 to work on because the barrel
was crooked. Pip and Digger had worked on the thing for weeks and when they were done, it looked
funny so they carved the handle to look like an old Colt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Phillip thought that he might be still alive, in the form of Raspinsky! So Pip did a lot of research
and settled the Raspinsky was definitely Rasputin. A few weeks later, Pip gained enough courage
to go up to the blacksmith and ask him. Right before he was going to knock on the door of the
shop he heard the voices of two people, (One which was Raspinskys) and another voice in
Russian. So he found a hole in the wall and he looked through but he could not see anyone because
they were behind him! A the Russian man grabbed Pip and pulled him into the shop and asked why
he was spying on them and he just told them the truth that he thought Raspinsky was Rasputin and
Rasputin was trying to escape death by fleeing to Canada.
The blacksmith said he was amazed by how much Phillip knew about him and he told Pip that if
he told anybody that he would have to kill him. Phillip felt like he grew a foot taller! The next
day, he heard that the police were coming to get Raspinsky because he murdered somebody in
Manitoba. But it was just a lie made up by the town s boys because they were scared of him and
they wanted their old blacksmith back. The Mounties still believed the boys, and they took off to
go arrest Raspinsky.
Phillip got on his horse and he rode as fast as he could to town to warn Raspinsky. When he
arrived, he rode to the other side of the
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Arnold Schwarzenegger In The Movie Terminator
I think Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original popular movie Terminator provides a great
example of an extremely descriptive movie actor with many descriptive traits. Just picture him
with humongous big monstrous arms. Featured with a large built at a full 6 foot 2 inches from
top to bottom. This massive muscular chiseled looking person even at a distance was
intimidating. Every square inch of him looked as impenetrable as a fortress. He was in full
military gear with black velcro straps all over his body holding various equipment. In a thick
black bullet proof vest with leg pouches for grenades along with built in thigh straps that concealed
knives and every other weapon that you could imagine being on a person. Just picture in full black
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Leadership Based On Strengths By Tom Rath
Leadership Based on Strengths StrengthsFinder 2.0, written by Tom Rath, was a book I chose
for a purpose. Rath mentions that when we live within our shortcomings/ our weaknesses, we
tend to live in this world unhappy and unmotivated (Rath, 2007). In this paper, I will discuss
some background and major topics presented in his book. I will describe how his topics can be
useful in nursing practice, as well as my own practice. I will end this paper with a look into how
his book helped me to grow in my own soon to be leadership role. Background Tom Rath began
working with a group of scientists in 1998 to start a conversation about our strengths (Rath,
2007). A 40 year study, led by Donald O. Clifton, helped to create a language of common talents,
and in 2001, included this assessment into their bestselling management book Now, Discover
Your Strengths (Rath, 2007). During their study, they found out that people who do have the
opportunity to focus on their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their
jobs and more than three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life in general
(Rath, 2007, pg. iii). A major problem with this was a majority of people were either unsure of or
unable to explain their strengths (Rath, 2007). When developing StrengthFinder 2.0, the ultimate
goal was to build upon your true strengths which take practice and hard work (Rath, 2007).
Applying to Nursing Practice When I think about applying this idea to
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Pros And Cons Of Brattle Ketle
When the accurate temperature matters, the Breville variable Temperature Kettle is set to
encounter all of your water boiling needs. Five preset settings bid the idyllic water temperature for
a variation of teas. This 1500 Watt electric kettle has five automatic brewing temperatures projected
to craft flawlessly warmed green tea , white tea, oolong tea, French press and regular boiling water
at 175В°F, 185В°F, 195В°F, 200В°F and 212В°F. Designed with a trendy brushed, stainless steel
multi directional base and jug, Breville s kettle is perfect for both left and right handed users and
features water level indicators with blue backlighting. The Variable Temperature kettle grips
temperature up to 20 minutes.
Core Features:
Following are some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Owns a Power light indicator with a flipped cover button.
Measures about 8 1/5 by 6 4/5 by 9 1/5 inches.
Price is $59.00 Pros and Cons:
Though this electric tea kettle is moderately simple, it has a lot of understated perks. Here are some
pros to the kettle.
It features a striking stainless steel design that could work with a range of kitchen and it feels
tougher than imperial tea courts
It can heat up the water in between 160 degrees Fahrenheit (for subtle green teas) and 212 degrees
Fahrenheit for a regular boil.
It is swift. It took 1.5 minutes to convey the minimum water level to 160 degrees and merely 3.5
minutes to carry the supreme water level (30 ounces) to a regular boil.
It has a detachable base that rotates 360 degrees, a water level window and a light that signposts
when it is on.
For security, it shuts off before boiling dry.
There are limited cons to purchasing Adagio s UtiloTEA Water Kettle:
It grips less water than imperial Tea Courts and Breville s Variable temperature kettle.
It is not as modish or durable as Breville s tea kettles.
The temperature dial is fixed to tea types, not precise
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A List Of Main Competitors Essay
A List of Main Competitors
Plastic Revolutions, Inc.(PRI) is headquartered in Reidsville, North Carolina and operates
primarily on the east coast. The company recycles various grades and forms of plastic scrap and
post consumer plastic, but their focus is on High Density Polyethylene(HPDE). After a basic
Google search, we found a few local competitors including Reily Recovery Systems, Inc., located in
Haw River, North Carolina and New Life Plastic Recycling, Inc., located in Burlington, North
Carolina and various other companies along the east coast. To confirm which companies were main
competitors, we contacted Ed Handy, General Manager at Plastic Revolutions, Inc. He confirmed
that KW Plastics, headquartered in Troy, Alabama and Envision Plastics, also located in Reidsville,
North Carolina, were their main competitors (E. Handy, personal communication, October 14,
PRI s Strengths Compared to the Competition
Plastic Revolutions, Inc is one of only two companies in the region that can process high molecular
weight HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and produces extremely clean HDPE flakes and pellets
(PRI, Challenge Instructions).
Plastic Revolutions is also one of the only domestic recycling firms to hold the ISO 9001
Registration. The ISO 9001 is a standard based on quality management principles including strong
customer focus, attention of top management, and a process of continual improvement ( ISO 9000
Quality Management, 2016). These principles ensure
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Comparing A Respectable Woman And The Awakening
In the late nineteenth century, Kate Chopin published two of her controversial short stories, A
Respectable Woman and The Awakening. A Respectable Woman is about a character named Mrs.
Baroda and how she dreams of committing adultery with her husband s friend. She never takes the
leap, though. In The Awakening, a womannamed Edna begins to have feelings for a man she met on
her family vacation, Robert. She realizes that she feels depressed with her husband so she moves
out. Then, she tries to get together with Robert, but he does not want to commit such heinous acts.
Eventually, she finds herself committing the act with another man to satisfy her sexual desires. In
the end, Edna finally realizes that she is lonely and no one can please her. As a female modern
writer of the late nineteenth century, Kate Chopinwas harshly scrutinized and could not turn from
the criticism of her new writings from the old ways. Kate Chopin went through several tragic
instances in her life. She was five years old when she lost her father. Her grandmother died when
Chopin was thirteen and her brother during the war of typhoid fever. Unfortunately, the events that
took place involved the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main character in the book, Edna, was on a vacation with her family. Although she was a
faithful wife and mother, she began to have interest in another man named Robert. Even though she
did not have an affair with Robert, she did with another man who she felt was his equal. This
implies that Edna was a low character, settling to find anything to fulfill a desire. In the end, she
eventually figured out that nothing would satisfy her, and she committed suicide. After The
Awakening was published, Chopin had a hard time finding publishers for her stories. Tragically, it
ended her career for
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Charismatic Theology
The charismatic movement1 began within the historic churches in the 1950s. On the American
scene it started to attract broad attention in 1960, with the national publicity given to the ministry of
the Reverend Dennis Bennett, an Episcopalian in Van Nuys, California. Since then there has been a
continuing growth of the movement within many of the mainline churches: first, such Protestant
churches as Episcopal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian; second, the Roman Catholic (beginning in
1967); and third, the Greek Orthodox (beginning about 1971).2 by now the charismatic movement
has become worldwide and has participants in many countries
As one involved in the movement since 1965, I should like to set forth a brief profile of it.3 A
profile of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement is heavily splintered; the number of groups within this
movement number in the tens of thousands. We can, however, examine the major groups of the
movement. Pentecostalism and its offshoots can be divided into three groups: Classical Pentecostals,
those who are members of the standard Pentecostal groups, most of which originated in the first
quarter of the twentieth century; the Charismatics, or those in other denominations who received
the baptism of the Holy Spirit; and the so called Neo Charismatics, the groups formed in the last half
of the century, most of which are not affiliated with the Pentecostal denominations. We will
examine the classical Pentecostal groups in more detail; it will suffice to say for the Charismatics
that they are present in the majority of the denominations of Christendom, normally having their
own associations as part of their denominations
We must first examine the pre Pentecostal era, the time before 1901. Many churches received the
message of the Holiness movement, which stemmed from Wesleyan theology. Many of these
groups were looking forward to a renewal of the Holy Spirit, when the gifts present on the day of
Pentecost would return to the churches. Many of these Holiness groups became Pentecostal after
the turn of the
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The Negative Effects For Children Born Into Interracial...
The Negative Effects for Children Born Into Interracial Families
The union between Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, or any other group can be categorized as an
interracial marriage. It does not matter what ethnic groups are involved: one prominent result of
interracial marriages are the children that are born into these families. Interracial dating becomes a
problem because people cannot seem to ignore race. Racial identity is constant, unavoidable, and
has consequences that are very real. The color of one s skin impacts how society will accept a
person and also determines the advantages and disadvantages one will receive. Children begin to
get stressed when there are conflicts that involve their dual ethnic identity. Children who are born
to interracial families suffer the impact of negative consequences on their psychological well
being. This paper presents some background of the history of interracial marriages and some of the
issues surrounding children of interracial marriages, and some of the negative aspects as they grow
The Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginiaspeaks directly to the topic of this paper. In 1958,
Richard Loving married Mildred Jeter in Washington DC. Afterward, the two returned to Virginia
as a married couple. Richard was a white man, while Mildred was a black woman. Even though
Richard and Mildred did not get married in Virginia, the issue was Virginia had banned the
interracial marriages since 1961. Therefore,
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Hitler s Propaganda Meant For The Nazis And The...
The central theme to this essay will be to answer the question Discuss the roll that graphic design
played in political/social change in a specific period . This essay will look into what Hitler s
propaganda meant for the Nazis and the population of Germany. Propaganda is the dissemination of
information to influence or control large groups of people. In totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany
, propaganda plays a significant role in consolidating power in the hands of the controlling party.
(ushmm, 2015) This essay in conjunction will look into what Hitler s propaganda meant, what
methods conducted by Adolf Hitlerand the Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
use to infiltrate their enemies and commit mass genocide of the... Show more content on
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How differently would they communicate their message to the working class compared to the
upper classes and also throughout different ages and genders. Lastly, looking back over the
period of graphic design in this part of history, are the design rules and guidelines still in effect
today in contemporary propaganda, especially in political propaganda. If so what design aspects
and features are still being used and are they still as effective in todays modern society.
Nazi propaganda can be dated back to 1926 when Hitler wrote his book Mein Kampf (ushmm,
2015) Hitler wrote two chapters about war propaganda, which he always expressed how the power
and destruction that propaganda could cause in the right hands, and the importance of mass
communication through different mediums. The first duty of the propagandist is to win over
people who can subsequently be taken into the organization. And the first duty of the organization
is to select and train men who will be capable of carrying on the propaganda Hitler continues by
saying The second duty of the organization is to disrupt the existing order of things and thus make
room for the penetration of the new teaching which it represents, while the duty of the organizer
must be to fight for the purpose of securing power, so that the doctrine may finally triumph. (James
Murphy, 2011)
By this early stage of the Nazi party it was clear
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Soviet Submarines in Red Star Rogue by Kenneth Sewell
The novel Red Star Rogue is a novel about a particular submarine that served in the Soviet Pacific
Fleet during the Cold War. The book follows the Golf Class submarine K 129 on her final mission
which occurred in the spring of 1968. K 129 was a Soviet ballistic missile submarine whose
purpose was to launch nuclear weapons at the United States in case of the commencement of
hostilities between the two superpowers. The author Kenneth Sewell, who is a former submarine
officer (Hutchinson) does an outstanding job of not only describing the overall picture, but also
breaking down not only the submarine, but also the men who served on her final mission. He
provides personal information about everyone from the commanding officer all the way... Show
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Another strange occurrence is that 15 extra sailors boarded shortly before departure. This was
rare in that the crew of 83 men was already at full muster. The submarine set sail, and things
appeared to be going smoothly. The submarine is heading to its assigned patrol area in the
central Pacific. Suddenly, on March 1st, after a week at sea, the first indication that something
is amiss aboard the submarine comes... (77) K 129 failed to send its regularly scheduled
message to fleet headquarters. Four days later, on March 5th, another signal that something is
wrong on board. The submarine instead of slowing down to begin the usual silent patrolling in
the mission, K 129 keeps sailing towards Pearl Harbor. (78) After two weeks at sea, the
submarine surfaces and then proceeds to attempt a nuclear missile launch at Pearl Harbor. The
author points out that what exactly happened will never be known unless Russian files are
declassified and the CIA release what documents they recovered from the submarine. Although
Mr. Sewell cannot provide a first hand account, he can relate with a fair degree of certainty what
happened based on his experience as a submariner and his experience in dealing with the Soviet
navy. Also with the use of recently declassified documents, Mr. Sewell can provide more accurate
descriptions of what possibly happened then anyone before. The last section of the book is
something that thrill writers like Tom Clancy or
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The Effects Of Preeclampsia And How It Can Negatively...
Preeclampsia is a potentially deadly condition that typically occurs after the 20th week of
pregnancy, in either the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters. It is most simply defined as a condition where a
pregnant woman develops protein in their urine, due to organ damage (most often the kidneys) and
high blood pressure during late pregnancy. Thankfully, the condition isn t too common, as it
presently effects in anywhere from 3 to 7% of all pregnancies, according to the U.S. National
Library of Medicine. Read to below to learn more about preeclampsia and how it can negatively
impact a pregnancy:
Typical Symptoms of Preeclampsia:
Women who have preeclampsia often do not realize they are sick, as they don t feel all that bad.
Some of the symptoms of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Causes of Preeclampsia:
Preeclampsia s exact cause is presently unknown. However, the following factors are thought be
increase the likelihood of a woman experiencing the condition:
Genetically predisposed or having a family history of the condition, or a previous pregnancy that
involved preeclampsia.
Being obese.
Having a multiples pregnancy, which of course means having more than one baby at a time, such as
having twins.
Being a first pregnancy.
The woman being older than 35 years of age.
Having a history of kidney disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.
A person s diet.
Issues with blood vessels.
The presence of autoimmune disorders.
Diagnosing Preeclampsia:
During pregnancy, a woman s doctor should always be on the lookout for all the physical
symptoms of preeclampsia listed above, such as weight gain, swelling and high blood pressure.
In addition, if a doctor suspects a problem, they should order blood tests as a way to measure the
protein in a woman s urine, and to discover a low platelet count or high liver enzymes. When
preeclampsia is discovered, doctors will do an ultrasound, non stress test and other tests to decide
if the baby should be delivered right away. Obviously, the more severe the condition, the more
likely it is for a doctor to suggest delivery.
Treatment For Preeclampsia:
As mentioned above, preeclampsia can be fatal for both the mother and the baby if left untreated.
Unfortunately, the only true cure is delivery of the baby. Ideally,
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Nietzche s Master and Slave Morality
In Of the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche sought to provide context for what he saw as the
central value system of the society in which he lived: slave morality. Nietzsche saw morality as
reflective of the conditions in which its proponents were brought up. He saw the roots of slave
morality in oppression and slavery, and posits that it grew as a reaction to the morality of the
masters of the time. What follows is a simplified account of Nietzsche s master slave dichotomy,
and what he saw as the dire consequences for human progress should the pervasiveness of slave
morality be allowed to remain at the expense of the master. I will argue that although religion and
slave morality may have had significant influence in Nietzsche s day, his... Show more content on
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In contrast to the consequentialism of master morality, slave morality can be seen as a
deontological morality. It determines an action s goodness by looking at the actor s intention: to
slave moralists, the ends do not, necessarily, justify the means. The nature of acts and their actors
plays an important role in Nietzsche s discussion of morality. Slaves believe in and strive for
freedom and see evil in the masters oppression of them, as they believe they perform these acts of
oppression of their own free will. They believe that, because the masters are free agents, they should
be held responsible for their actions and criticized for them. Nietzsche disputes this view, and
demonstrates his argument using the analogy of the eagles and the lambs:
That lambs dislike great birds of prey does not seem strange: only it gives no ground for
reproaching these birds of prey for bearing off little lambs. And if the lambs say among
themselves: these birds of prey are evil; and whoever is least like a bird of prey, but rather its
opposite, a lamb would he not be good? there is no reason to find fault with this institution of an
ideal, except perhaps that birds of prey might view it a little ironically and say we don t dislike
them at all, these good little lambs; we even love them: nothing is more tasty... .
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Back Pain And Tendons
Back Pain and Tendons
The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will
shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the
tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through
our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements
transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such
as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages,
transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent
from motor impulses and carries onto ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In fact, the coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby can lead to
serious problems, which the coccyx is non supported. The coccyx creates the fused bones. The
fused bones reside at the baseline of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone.
The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal structure, since the coccyx
can break easily from falls, thus leading to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal
that can create damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the airway, breathing,
and blood circulation. Some injuries require resuscitation.
Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed by smoothly tilting the
head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If
neck injuries are present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary. Once you
clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and listen for breathing. You can also put
the hand over the mouth to feel breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you
will need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for
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Essay on The Army Should Continue Random Drug Testing
Soldiers are in the spot light way to much these days, from a recruiter at a local school to a
Soldier in Iraq. The nation trust s these Soldiers to defend her against all enemies, both foreign
and domestic. With this trust comes added responsibility and scrutiny from the media. The Army
is aware of this and takes great measures to combat any disloyal acts from happening with in its
ranks. To ensure Soldiers are fit for duty the Army has incorporated an extensive drug testing
program for their warriors. In doing this it helps keep the fight going and our Soldiers out of the
limelight , said by the Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston. The Army drug testing
program is a precise and time consuming process. Every Commander in the... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The UPL then discretely brings the supplies back to the unit and briefs the Commander as to which
date the test will be administered. The day prior to the test is when the individuals to be tested and
the observers are identified. The people being tested are pulled from a computer program that
randomly selects names of Soldiers assigned to the unit. The UPL will generate the forms and
the labels from this program. These names will also be put on a Command Directive making it an
order from their Commander to be at this test. The Commander will select observers by means of
who meets the criteria and who has been through the training. All of the selected observers will
come in and get briefed, trained, and sign an Observer Statement prior to being allowed to
participate. The Commander will also designate a testing and holding area with a non testing
Noncommissioned Office (NCO) charged with over seeing that no one leaves until a sample is
provided. The morning of the test is very hectic and busy. The Soldiers taking the test are called
about two hours before the test and are told that there is a Command Directive that they be there.
The latrines (restrooms) will be inspected by the UPL for items that can be used as adulterants and
then placed off limits to personnel not participating in the test. The UPL will then inspect the
holding area for size, security, water jugs, and to make
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Compare And Contrast Lady Capulet And The Nurse
Lady Capulet and the Nurse Lady Capulet, the mother of Juliet, in Verona, Italy in the 14th
century, has her hands full by being the head of one of the two upper class families. They
Capulet s and Montague s have always fought since the beginning of time. Her daughter, Juliet
falls in love with the son of the Montague s, Romeo. Lady Capulet did not take care of Juliet
during her childhood; luckily Juliet became very close with the nurse. The Nurse filled as a
mother for Juliet, because her own daughter passed as a young kid. Although Lady Capulet and the
Nurse have many similarities, they are used as a contrast to each other, making them foils. They
would not have a role in the story without each other. Lady Capulet, the wife of Sir Capulet,
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Operant Conditioning At The Preschool Classroom
Operant Conditioning in the Preschool Classroom My service learning placement this year was at
the OTist Family Resource Integration CO. LTD, located in Taipei, Taiwan, and I completed my
service learning at their special education preschool program. Problem behaviors are commonly
seen among preschoolers, and according to the article, Reducing Behavior Problems: An Operant
ConditioningGuide for Teachers, the first step toward better classroom management is for the
teacher to recognize that how a child behave is mainly determined by the teachers behavior and the
strategy they use. By using operant conditioning, a learning process in which the behaviors are
modified by the consequences through the use of positive and negative reinforcement and
punishment, problem behaviors can be diminished and desired behaviors can be strengthened
(Becker, Thomas, Carnine, 1969, p. 4). Behaviors can be shaped by using three methods: 1.
Reward appropriate behavior, 2. Strengthen the reward if the behavior is not learned yet, and 3.
Punish problem behaviors (p. 4). Rewarding appropriate behavior is one of the most commonly
used methods in our preschool. One specific child catches my attention instantly at my first day
of service learning. She is a six year old girl who has been diagnosed with moderate Intellectual
Disability. When I first enter the classroom, she seems to be a sweet girl who likes to approach
new people and invites me to do assignments with her. Everything went smoothly
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What Is The Character Of Queen Guinevere
Guinevere The wife of King Arthur, Guinevere, has lived an absurd life. She was the beautiful
and noble queen of Britain. Her name is spelled many various ways depending on what the reader
is reading. Guinevere was truly know to be a lady of Rome. Queen Guinevere was a women who
was acknowledged by all of the knights, causing her to be a threat to the relationship between the
knights themselves and the king of Britain. Her life began to change when she fell in love with her
husbands most striking knight, Lancelot. In most stories, the queen is childless, however most
stories claim that Arthur is not. There are numerous stories involving Guinevereand her love with
both King Arthurand Sir Lancelot. Before King Arthur chose a wife he went... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
They ran away together and the king attempted to destroy Lancelots castle. It is now said that
Lancelot became a hermit and Guinevere became a nun. Although overall a good, loyal man,
Lancelot was a traitor towards his not only king, but friend. In today s world people do not do
much relating to Queen Guinevere, however, people have affairs with other people in their
marriage. Like her, many women may have been beautiful and kind, but they also showed
qualities of betrayal and dishonesty. Queen Guinevere had been know as everything from a
character that is week and discreet to a character is who godly and virtuous. She is, however, a
traitor to her people and her husband, King Arthur. Sir Lancelot was chosen by the king to be his
friend, and strongest knight, because he believed he was courageous and filled with strength. King
Arthur was later proved wrong when his strongest knight fell in love with his wife. Guinevere was
in love with Lancelot and ruined her trust with the king, causing the king to attempt to burn her to
death for her sins and wrong doings. Guineveres relationship with Sir Lancelot shows the audience
qualities of true love and following her hear, however, it shows dishonesty and betrayal. In
conclusion, although a beautiful noble mistress of the king, Queen Guinevere betrayed her husband
in many stories. The knights saw her as the most attractive women in the kingdom and wanted her
for themselves. Guinevere fell in
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Nickolas Sarlis M.B.A,
B.Sc Math,
B.A(Hon) Political Science
February 4
Current Market Outlook
Purpose of the forecast
The current market outlook is our long term forecast of the air traffic volumes demand.
The forecast helps shape our product strategy guide long term business planning.
We start fresh every year, factoring the effects of current business conditions developments into our
analysis of the long term drivers of air travel.
Effects of market forces.
The Aviationindustry continually adapts t market forces. Key among these are fuel prices,
economic growth development, environmental regulations, infrastructure, market liberalization,
airplane capabilities, other modes of transport, business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sources of ancillary revenue include fees for baggage, ticket change, extra amenities, annual
subscriptions to premium services, frequent flyer programs (FFP), and even on board duty free
sales. Some of the more innovative sources (such as annual subscriptions and FFP products like
branded credit cards) generate handsome margins for the airline and promote brand loyalty. Such
strategies helped the airlines improve profitability for 2013.
Improved profitability is allowing airlines to increase strategic investment for future growth.
Airlines are boosting investments to enhance their customer product offering and operating
efficiencies. Example, in addition to new airplanes, airlines are investing in new information and
mobile technology, upgraded cabin interiors for higher levels of service, and additional seats to
improve unit costs. Some airlines are increasing equity investment in other airlines and cross border
partnerships to solidify and expand networks. Reinvestment of profit into airline products enhances
the long term growth prospects for the industry.
Airline strategies and business models
Strategic planning is a continual process for airlines. Plans must take into account the challenging
and ever changing competitive environment as well as how passengers define value. Example,
Business travelers are sensitive to flight times and expect a high level of service. Short haul
business travelers
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The Narrative Structure Of The Afternoon ( 1942 )
The narrative structure in Meshes of the Afternoon (1942) is unique in that it uses abstract
symbolism to transfer all narrative information to the audience, forcing the audience to actively
engage with the narrative in order to piece together the plot and how it relates the story, if there is
one being told at all. Meshes is told with distinctive narrativestructure that relies on different
interpretations for one to understand the purpose it serves as a work of cinema. The purpose of
Meshes can be seen to represent, embody, or exemplify possible ways of seeing and being in the
world itself. The artisanal and avant garde style of Meshes, with its unclear chronological
sequencing coupled with its overt referencing to a dream state, serves to explore the way in which
director Maya Derenfelt about her world, one she allowed us to peer into through the lens of her
camera. Meshes also relies on its aesthetics as its primary form of language, with symbolic
communication contributing to its poetic form. Meshes also largely employs an expressive form
of emphasis through its use of mis en scene, as the entire film can be seen as the subconscious
expression of Maya Deren s thoughts of her life, specifically of her relationship with her husband
Alexander Hammid. Meshes also uses a poetic form of emphasis in terms of the style of its
narrative, with each repetition of actions serving as a stanza for the film, which unfolds in the form
of a poem.
The visual form of the narrative is
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Corrie Ten Boom Analysis
I believe that any obstacle or disadvantage can be made into something positive. The story of
Corrie ten Boom, a Polish holocaust victim, and two homeschooled friends I know with cerebral
palsy prove this point in many ways.
In the mid eighteenth century, World War II brought chaos and genocide into center stage in the
world arena. Jews were being torn from their homes and sent to concentration camps, where they
would either die instantly or be made to work under unthinkably brutal conditions. Corrie ten
Boom, a middle aged Polish woman, worked together with her whole family to help hide Jews in a
secret room in her house. Once the operation was revealed to Nazi authorities, however, most of the
ten Booms were shipped off to concentration camps where they suffered isolation, humiliation,
starvation, and severe physical and emotional pain. Corrie even ... Show more content on
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One has to use crutches and the other must use a motorized wheelchair to get around. These two
teens and I participated with a homeschool theater company to put on a musical about being
different . One of the young men was chosen to be the lead role, the ugly duckling that everyone
labeled as useless and odd. Through this simple play, the cast demonstrated that being different from
everyone else does not have to be a setback. Though these two have had to deal with constant and
debilitating disadvantages throughout their lives, they still face their struggles with courage and
humility. Their personalities shine and they treat others with respect. Having met them personally, I
can testify that their lives are touching other people s lives and are encouraging others who have
physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. By simply living their lives with positive attitudes and
participating in a touching summer musical, they directly and indirectly show that disadvantages
are not the end of the story: good can always come out of
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Cell Biology
Vertebrate Biology Essay
Conversion Programme in the Natural Sciences Dr. Colin Stolkin Professor P.B Gahan
The Vertebrate Endocrine System in specific reference to their role in Human Menstruation,
Ovarian and Uterine cycles
Rio Summers April 2009
Word Count: 2693
The vertebrate endocrine system can be best explained as an internal body system collecting
multiple organs and glands that produce and regulate hormone secretion into the bloodstream in
order to control the many functions of the body. The endocrine system functions alongside the
nervous and exocrine system to control and maintain growth, metabolism and sexual development.
Hormone substances which are synthesized and secreted from cells involved within the endocrine ...
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2003, pg. 23). The vertebrate hormones are secreted in response to three types of stimulus. The first
stimulus can be the presence or change in concentration of a specific substance in the blood; for
example an decrease in blood glucose levels triggers the secretion of glucagon hormone from the ?
cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Another stimulus which initiates the release of a
hormone, is the presence or change in concentration of another hormone in the blood such as the
presence of thyroid stimulating hormone which clearly stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the
amine hormone, thyroxin. The third and final type of stimuli to cause a change in hormone action
is by nervous stimulation which involves neurons of the autonomic nervous system and can be
clearly illustrated in the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal gland in
response to fear. (Adds et al. 2003, pg. 23 24). However once the hormone has been secreted and
is circulating in the blood stream, it will only affect its target organ due to the presence of specific
receptor sites or receptor molecules on the cell surface membrane of the target organ or cell. Peptide
hormones form hormone receptor complexes with the proteinbased receptors on the plasma
membrane of the
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Ethical Dilemmas In Citizenfour
In the film Citizenfour, we are reminded of the atrocities that ensued from the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
It created a ripple effect within how our nation conducts itself in regards to national security.
Paranoia is pervasive due to the threat of another potential act of terrorism. However, the paranoia
has gone too far. George W. Bush, in response to 9/11, signs the U.S.A. patriot act. Throughout the
N.S.A. s history, it has never been collecting as much data as it has today. Data sent out from
mobile devices is being intercepted, as cellphone companies cooperate unquestionably. There is no
arguing against the crimes Snowden committed. However, it is more important to observe the
results the crime produced, rather than looking only at the act of the crime itself. Thus, the crimes
committed by US government agencies are of greater concern than those perpetrated by Snowden
because the US is in a far greater position of authority, power, and control. The aspect of control is
critical in understanding the reasons behind the N.S.A. s motivations. On the N.S.A. website, their
mission statement reads as follows: The NSA/CCS leads the US government in cryptology that
encompasses both signals intelligence and information assurance products and services, and... Show
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It makes sense that plausible deniability would be their exit strategy. If they were to plead guilty,
there would be no justifiable reason for their actions. There is a reason why media outlets opted to
cover the story. They know that citizens care about the rights they have (or don t have) within a
given nation. It is up to our federal government to undertake the massive job of coordinating our
country, in addition to cooperating with others. It is often difficult to quantify the logistics of such
a system. However, when people the government attempts to breach trust between itself and
citizens, there is bound to be some
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Crisis Action Or Climax In The Last Letter To My Grandmother
1. If conflict is created by a character s want or desire for something, what is it that Jackson
wants? What is standing in his way? He wants to feel like he is apart of his culture wants to
connect with his past or roots of his ancestry That regalia symbolized everything that Jackson and
his familystood for. He is the stereotypical Indian, with the alcoholism, homelessness, friends, and
story telling. That Regalia was more than just a regalia to Jackson... it was a symbol of his family.
No matter how hard he tries to get the money to buy his grandmothers dancing dress from the
pawnshop, he keeps spending his money on other people.
2. What is the crisis action or climax in the story? Remember that the crisis is the moment of
greatest tension in the story, and the moment that the main character undergoes some kind of
transformation. What change or transformation do you see in the main character?
Consider what the final paragraph of the story tells us: I took my grandmother s regalia and
walked outside. I knew that solitary yellow bead was part of me. I knew I was that yellow bead
in part. Outside, I wrapped myself in my grandmother s regalia and breathed her in. I stepped off
the sidewalk and into the intersection. Pedestrians stopped. Cars stopped. The ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
What is particularly interesting is the way that Jackson identifies himself with the yellow bead,
which is the flaw that was sewn deliberately into the regalia to distinguish it from others. Jackson
understands that he was that yellow bead in part, seeing himself as something of a flaw because of
his problems with drink and money. However, this does not prevent him from rejoicing in
reestablishing the link he has forged with his cultural past as he dances with his grandmother and
imagines being reunited with her and his cultural heritage that is now
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Mixtures, Explain Whether It Is A Solution Or A...
42. For each of the following mixtures, explain whether it is a solution or a heterogeneous mixture.
For the solutions, identify the solute and the solvent.
a)Cloudy pond water heterogeneous mixture, this is because it is cloudy, solute is dirt particles in
the water there is clay and humus.
b)Apple juice is a homogeneous solution, water is the solvent there are organic acids, sugars and
c)Rain water is a homogeneous mixture, rainwater is nearly a distilled water. The mixture is not
cloudy and no separate particles are visible.
d)14 karat gold in jewelry homogeneous mixture, in this case the gold is the solvent, as it is 14
parts gold, and pure gold is 24 karat leaving the other 10 parts of other metals. Gold is the solvent
and the other metals are the solutes in this case.
43. which of the following substances is or are likely to be very soluble in water? Explain your
a)Gasoline (octane, C8H18) is not soluable, this is because gas is not polar.
b)Methanol (CH3OH) is the most soluable, it will make a solution with water. This is due to the
OH for H bonding, the polarity of the molecule and the size being the smallest alcohol.
c)Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is very highly soluble in water because of the CO3 2 , polarity, and
the high ionic character of the bond.
44. Write reactions to show the dissociation into ions of the following substances when they
dissolve in water:
a)Sodium carbonate Na2CO3(s) 2Na+(aq) + C3O(2 )(aq)
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Role Of Leaders In Nursing Education
Leaders in Nursing Education Nurses have different certifications that permit them to perform
different duties. LPN s, Associate Science RN s, Baccalaureate RN s, Master of Nursing, DNP
s, and PHD s perform different roles. LPN A licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) assists in the care
and treatment of patients with other healthcare providers, such as, Physicians and Registered
Nurses. LPN s can work in doctor s offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. A LPN
must go to school for about one year and is required to pass a licensing examination. Associate of
Applied Science RN Associates of Applied Science RN, provide care to patients and their families
to help with better health and preventative health. Associated of Applied Science
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Reality And Fiction The True View
Reality and Fiction: the True View 1 Reality and Fiction: the True View Americans rely a great deal
on their entertainment to educate them about life. In many ways Americans live vicariously
through the experiences of fictional characters and believe themselves to learn many things from
fictional characters. For example, many persons have said they learned CPR by watching medical
shows on televisionor believe they can assist in a medical emergency because they have seen experts
on television handle similar situations.
This same belief extends to Americans knowledge about the law and the judicial system of the
nation. There are many things that fictional accounts of lawyers, judges, and courts confuse or
create simply to meet the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The same kind of good evil scenario between the defense attorney and prosecutor s office is also
evident in the television show Law Order. Although that show does not often portray one side as
only good or only bad, there have been times when it has created defense attorney characters who
have taken advantage of the law to force the system to completely exonerate their clients, which
makes them appear to be evil people who are cheating justice. Reality and Fiction: the True View
3 The reality of attorneys on opposing sides of a case is that they are seldom easily identified as
good or evil persons and just because they are working for the defense or the prosecution does
not indicate the type of person they are (Steinberg). Both are expected to act legally and both
have pressures on them that affect their work and who they are. Simply the side they represent
does not alone affect the kind of person they are. As to how they try their cases, attorney ethical
codes require attorneys to zealously pursue their case for the benefit of their client to the extent
the law allows (ABA). This means that if a defense attorney sees an opportunity for his client to be
set free then he or she must use it because that is their job. It is the job of the prosecutor to assure
the defense does not have those opportunities. Again, this does not reflect on the quality of their
character. The same thing can also
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Hegemonic Masculinity In The Legend Of Zelda
Across all media types, women are frequently displayed in a stereotypic manner. However, the
type of stereotypic manner has shifted from a traditional sense to one with an emphasis on
sexuality. One can examine this shift most saliently in video games through the observation of the
change from damsels in distress to sexy, often aggressive visions of beauty . These damsels in
distress were often princesses who were dependent on a prince or hero to come and rescue them.
This depiction of femalecharacters as victims needing saving was exceedingly common, such as
Princess Toadstool in the Mario Brothers franchise and Princess Zelda in the Legend of Zelda
franchise, and perpetuated the concept of women being submissive and unable to save themselves.
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However, there are certain characteristics for men that are more ideal than others. Wade and Ferree
describe this principle as hegemonic masculinity, which refers to a type of man, idealized by men
and women alike, who functions to justify and naturalize gender inequality . They expand this
concept and explain that the hegemonic man is the real man in our collective imagination who
theoretically embodies all the most positive traits on the masculine side of the gender binary
(2014:124). Other researchers examining hegemonic masculinity concluded that this concept
supports a social hierarchy where masculinity is hegemonic: where men dominate and women are
subjugated (Dill, Brown, and Collins 2008:1403). This dominance is particularly salient in gaming
culture, where most, if not all, of the characteristics of games are geared to appeal to men. From the
portrayal of men as strong heroes to the violence and aggression they are free to engage in within
the game, these games are created with the hierarchy of men in mind. This hierarchy is a rough
ranking of men from most to least masculine, with the assumption that more masculine is better
(Wade and Ferree 2015:125). In order to perpetuate this hierarchy, men react negatively to anything
that threatens their position. Researchers Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff explained this
phenomenon of male reaction as evolutionary theory because by threatening the position a man
holds in the hierarchy, one threatens his access to potential mates. They further expanded on this
theory to predict that a male s behavior should be moderated by status and performance, such that
only lower status males that have the most to lose with a hierarchal reorganization by the
introduction of a female competitor will be hostile towards female players (2015:3). This theory
explains why men tend to
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The Big Pine, Garlock, And San Andreas Fault
The three faults being considered are thought to have influenced the character of some 120,000
square miles. The Big Pine, Garlock, and San Andreas faults are all mutually active, deep, long,
and steep and noted as being conjugate shears. In concert, the faults have defined a primary strain
pattern of relative east west extension and north south shortening of the area of 120,000 square
miles. The large region is noted for its deformity, with the source of this being a northeast
southwest counterclockwise compressive couple. The compressive couple was potentially
supported through drag as a result of the deep seated movement of rock material from the Pacific
region (Hill Dibblee, 1953). The interaction of the faults in the San Andreas region since the
Jurassic period have served to shape and contour the present geology of the land, while a study of
the paleontology of the region likewise requires such knowledge to effectively determine conditions
at any given point in time.
Tectonic Stress and the San Andreas FaultAccording to Townend and Zoback (2004) the San
Andreas Fault (SAF) region has been noted for its possession of stress orientations in addition to
the lack of a distinct heat flow anomaly at the trace of the fault. These findings indicate that there
are average shear tractions that are less than 20 25 MPa in the seismogenic upper crust. Oftentimes,
shear tractions measure approximately 5 times greater than in the SAF. Due to the presence of high
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The Colonel Michael Hogan Summary
The author of The Colonel, Michael Hogan, details how a certain Army Colonel influenced his life
through the sport of tennis. Hogan begins by indicating how mainstreamed tennis is today, to the
point an average adolescent could not imagine tennis as a rich man sport. In the fifties, when Hogan
was a child, tenniswas a sport reserved for mostly men at country clubs and private resorts. Women
had competed at international competitions such as Wimbledon for a several years, but many of
them were amateurs (oftentimes paid little). Fortunately for female tennis players, Billie Jean Kings
assertiveness, in 1967, and the Virginia Slim tournaments, in the seventies, influenced tennis to
include women in professional tennis (such as Chris Everts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Hogan s father told him of the great players from his day: Poncho Gonzales, Ken Rosewall, Jack
Kramer. He did not really care, as the names meant nothing to him, but he looked up to the
Colonel, with great stories about the recent war. Hogan was interested in war stories as his
father s brother, Harry, died in Belgium during the war; Harry s name memorialized the nearby
Little League baseball field. On a Saturday afternoon, after getting home early from work, Hogan
stopped to talk with the Colonel. The Colonel obviously loved tennis, telling stories from
competitions when in college and in the service. He amused the young boy with stories of
tournaments, matches with famous players, and games in remote parts of the world. The
Colonel considered tennis a sport, after one learns how to play it, that person can play for the
rest of their life. When one has no one to play with, or their body stops working correctly, one
can still enjoy a game of tennis (but not football, basketball, or baseball). Tennis could be played
anywhere, as one can always find someone to play with. The Colonel hooked the young Hogan
to play. Maybe it was the Colonel s stories, Hogan s enthusiasm, his respect of the Colonel s rank,
his cheerful personality, or his war experiences. Hogan may have not wanted to disappoint the
venerable man (and likely so); despite this, Hogan was ready to learn the game of
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Ramayana Vs Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Ramayana share many similarities but also many differences.
Both characters share qualities that qualifies them as the epic hero s they are known to be.
Gilgamesh is considered an epic hero because he s two thirds god and Rama is thought of as the
reincarnate of Vishnu, the god of preservation. Another similarity they share is their journeys that
they each take, where they fight and defeat beasts, demons, and in Gilgamesh s case have journey
within one s self. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh goes on a journey/adventure to the forest
with his best friend Enkidu to try and defeat Humbaba, the monster that guards the forest. Rama is
banished to the forest when his father bypassed his right to be king, but he s
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Chocolat Movie Critique
Chocolat is about a war between the forces of paganism and Christianity, and because the pagan
heroine has chocolate on her side, she wins. Her victory is delayed only because, during Lent, a
lot of the locals aren t eating chocolate. The movie happens in the backdrop of a French village.
Vianne Rocher (Juliette Binoche), an expert chocolatier, drifts across Europe with her daughter
Anouk (Victorie Thivisol), following the north wind. In the beginning of the Lenten season in
1959, fifteen years after the War, they travel to the French village that closely adheres to tradition,
as led by the village mayor, the Comte de Reynaud (Alfred Molina).
Just as the villagers begin observing the forty days of Lent, Vianne opens a chocolate shop, much to
Reynaud s displeasure. Chocolat was directed by Lasse Hallstorm in 2000. ... Show more content on
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She does not fit in well with the townspeople, but is nevertheless optimistic about her business.
Her friendly and alluring nature begins to win the villagers over one by one, causing Reynaud to
openly speak against her for tempting the people during a time of abstinence and self denial. The
Comte will not admit that his wife has left him; he is romantically interested in Caroline, but he
does not pursue her.One of the first to fall under the spell of Vianne and her confections is
Armande (Judi Dench), her elderly, eccentric landlady. Armande is unhappy that her cold, devoutly
pious daughter Caroline (Carrie Anne Moss) will not let Armande see her grandson Luc because
Caroline thinks Armande is a bad influence . Vianne arranges for Luc and his grandmother to see
each other in the chocolaterie, where they develop a close bond. Caroline later reveals to Vianne
that her mother is a diabetic, though Armande continues to eat the chocolate despite her
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Obasan Theme
Subject: English 204I Student ID: 140302 Mailbox No: 521The Theme of Silence in Relation to
Nationhood in Obasan. Obasan , written by Joy Kogawa is a story of the Japanese Canadians
during the Second World War. Naomi Nakane, a character in Obasan, tells the story as a child and
as an adult, looking back at her childhood advancement, making progress from silence to speech
the silence of Naomi, and the silence of the Japanese Canadian during the Second World War.
Obasan is a delineation of human rights, abuses and racism that query the lore of Canadian
nationhood. Silence is regarded as the opposite of speech, expression and language. In China and
Japan, it traditionally signifies vigilance, receptiveness and thoughtfulness. It can... Show more
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Her silence increases because she is partially deaf however, she uses it as a means of
communicating and expressing her feelings. Despite her speechlessness, she is caring and loving
towards Naomi and her brother Stephen. To try to meet one s own needs in spite of the wishes of
others is to be wagamama (Obasan, 128). She made herself responsible for the both of them and
was like a second parent to them when their parent disappeared. According to Naomi, she exhibits
the good spirit of helping others in need, making people around her untroubled and happy. Obasan,
unlike Aunty Emily, refuses to come down completely on the issue of forgetting or remembering
and argues the importance of keeping alive stinging memories. Despite her silence, she appears to
be a strong and intellectual
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Conch Symbolism
Throughout the book the conch develops as motif and it keeps reoccuring because it has
symbolic meaning to it. The conch symbolizes order, civilization and voice. Piggy and Ralph
found the conch at the beach and they use it to bring all the boys together after the plane crash.
The conch symbolizes order and rules because of the meaning the boys give it, the conch is just
a random shell but they value it which makes it important. The conch is extremely important to
Piggy because it makes him feel like they ll have rules!..Lots of rules and when anyone breaks em
wacco! (Golding 33). It gives him power and respect he also feels as if the boys can be organized
instead of being chaotic. It represents civilization because the boys work together
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Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
Project management is much more than creating a work breakdown structure and tracking a plan.
The hardest part for many is the personal side of project management. In this paper, we will
explore how the organizational culture of a company and basic human behavior influence the
success or failure of projects. In conducting this exploration, we will envision ourselves in the
following scenario, and address the issues presented.
You have just been brought in on a project, as the previous project manager has left. The project is
behind schedule and over budget, and several key team members have quit in disgust, plummeting
the morale of the rest of the team, who fear they will have to do the ... Show more content on
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The higher the saboteur scores on the power meter the greater the chance that the project will fail,
but no matter what the case a good project manager finds a way to get things done.
Does project leadership play a role? Leadership also plays a part in managing successful projects.
On the rare occasions when projects run relatively smoothly, the project manager need only
manage the process. However, projects seldom proceed down the WBS path as originally planned.
Project managers often have to deviate from what was originally planned and introduce changes in
the project scope and schedule to respond to unforeseen threats or opportunities. These changes
often require the project manager to do more than simply manage, they require him to step in and
lead. That leadership usually involves recognizing and articulating the need to significantly alter the
direction and operation of the project. It also means aligning people to the new direction and
motivating them to work together to overcome hurdles produced by the change in order to realize
the new objectives.
Does this role change under duress? In a situation like the scenario we are discussing, leadership
skills, combined with a more assertive use of the standard interpersonal project management skills,
would need to be put into play. There is an immediate need to gain the trust of the project team
members. They need to feel that they can trust that the new
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Essay On I Am The Master Of My Fate


Essay On I Am The Master Of My Fate

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Essay On I Am The Master Of My Fate

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  • 2. The Web in Art Education Essay In the last several years, a number of new technologies associated with the World Wide Web emerged. The term Web 2.0 is widely used to refer to these technologies that reflect substantial changes in the traditional model of how content for the Web is created and consumed (O Reilly, 2005). What differentiates these technologies from previous aspects of the Web is the social interaction that is involved, the ability of users to create and disseminate content, the ability of the users to rate and tag content, and the free availability to anyone with Internetaccess (Freedman, 2006). Names of some specific technologies associated with Web 2.0include flickrв„ў,MySpace , facebook , Bloggerв„ў,Wikipedia, podcasts, steve.museum, and YouTubeв„ў,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though many people had access to putting information on the Internet for at least the last decade, this process often involved significant expense and time to not only purchase, but then also to learn different software packages. With the technologies of Web 2.0, it is now relatively inexpensive and simple for anyone with Internet access to create and disseminate their ideas through various forms on the Web. The emergence of technologies associated with Web 2.0 represents a significant change in the ease of creating content for the Web and in the type of content available on the Web. Many of the applications necessary to create content are freely available to anyone with Internet access (Bull Ferster, 2005; O Reilly, 2005). Instead of most content being created by experts, there is a significant increase in content created, edited, re created, combined, appropriated, etc. by millions of authors (Lee Berry, 2006). Additionally, because of the ease of these tools, content on the Web can be updated quickly and simply. For instance, a person can easily update his or her MySpace or flickrв„ў page with new text, images, or video on a daily basis. We know that the creation of content is no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Blood Lactate Results This lab report looks how blood lactate levels are affected during an incremental cycle test with an oxygen restriction mask and without an oxygen restriction mask. Blood lactate is lactic acid that appears in the blood due aerobic and anaerobic training. Billat et.al (2003) states that during a moderate cycling exercise performed during 30 50 minutes, 20% of glucose utilisation went to lactate formation, 20% of the blood lactate appearance came from glucose. Furthermore Billat et.al (2003) also states that the net release of lactic acidfrom muscle to blood is determined by the mass of active muscle and the intensity of the activation of these muscles. Furthermore this occurs because of insufficient oxygen delivery to the muscles, the blood... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Step one of the procedure includes participants recording the measurements of their; weight, height, age, sex, resting heart rate and activity levels before doing anything else. Step two of the procedure involves sterilisation of equipment, the area and the participants, equipment that will be sterilised is the bikes, and nobody other than the participant is to touch the bike after it has been cleaned. Step three of the procedure involves the participant testing their resting blood lactate levels and their resting blood glucose level. Step four is the participant beginning a five minute warm up on the bike with no weights, step five is beginning the first three minute interval with no weight. For step six at the second minute of each three minute interval blood must be taken from the participant to carry out the readings, the blood lactate must be tested before the blood glucose, the rider must not stop during this. For step seven at the end of the three minutes the weight should be increased by 0.5kg. Step eight involves this process being repeated five times. For step nine participants must cool down on the treadmills after they are finished on the bike and should be supervised to ensure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Dodge Game Essay The Dodge Game Software Design and Modiability This report is submitted in partial fullment of the requirements of the ELEN7045 SD Methodologies, Analysis and Design Abstract The Dodge Game is a mini project in Software Design and Modiability. The results of this development process are supposed to an executable game capable of running in a Windows environment. The game has be a developed using object oriented principles and makes use of a simple graphics. The chosen development environment was java and the graphics library was the Java 2D graphics. The approach taken in the design was a decoupling or component based design. The implemented solution runs on a JPanel and renders graphics on to the game screen with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The game aim is mainly to detect collision of falling raindrops and the method is ThereCollision() handles this when its called in the actionPerformed(ActionEvent) method. 2.2.2 Architectural design The proposed solution has four classes: Rg RainDrop which controls the behavior and all the functionalities of raindrops Rg Player which controls the behavior of the player and all its activities on the game screen 1 Rg GameScren which extends the Rg Panel Controls the relationship of all the classes Rg Panel is the backbone of all the activities happening on the Rg Gamescreen Figure 1: Dodge Game Class Diagram The gure 1 is the class diagram for all the classes listed above. The chosen architecture of the game has decoupled game as seen in the class diagram in gure 1. Each of the classes has a single responsibility as a way to try and minimize cluttering the design. It shows all the relationships and and the references to interfaces and also to base classes. As seen in the class diagram each class form an individual component to the big solution of the game problem. The choice of this design was mainly to enable reusability and try to enable code re use. There is also an adoption of the Model view controller pattern[1] in the design of the classes. The raindrop and player have models and controllers methods within them and JPanel is responsible giving the view to the user. Rg Player Class This class is responsible for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. My Autobiography As a kid, I was always extremely talkative. So talkative that teachers would get on to me. Teachers would say so many different things to me, but I never let it bother me. The most common thing they would say would be like, Kate, quit talking and go move to a different seat. Usually, I would respond back with, Okay in an annoyed tone, because all I wanted to do was talk. I would still find a way to talk to someone else, but after a while, I would hear my teacher say my name again. Kate this is your last chance to quit talking or else you re going to the office or I m going to be calling your mom, they would say. Okay, I would quietly respond back. Throughout the years as I go little older I started caring about the little things people would say about me. Like one of the little things that would bother me was when some of my friends or even some classmate would point out how I have an accent, or how I would do things differently than them. I became very subconscious about my speaking every single time I would talk because I felt like everyone would be paying close attention to it. I didn t realize that as a kid that having an accent would be that noticeable to others. Suddenly my life took a turn when I entered 5th grade. It started out great. I had a few friends that I could communicate and hang out with, but as weeks gone by I started to become like a closed door. I rarely said a word to any of my friends. The most I would have talked was probably a sentence or two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Book Of Ser Marco Polo The Book of Ser Marco Polo is a thirteenth century edition that was transcribed by Marco Polo s cell mate and was later translated by Henry Yule (266). Marco Polo is a son to Nicolo Polo a trader who entered the city of Cambaluc a center of Chinese civilization in the Yuan period (266). Marco was subsequently captured and put in prison and this book was created out of the stories he was telling his cell mate while they were passing time at the Genoese prison (266). By reading through this book; we can explore more about its content plus citation, its communication as well as context, and its connection and conclusion (266). The first items the author portrays in this document are its contents plus citation. In the contents section, the main ideas depicted are idolatry, innovations, and the superstition (275). For instance, it was narrated that the people within the society at that time practiced Idolatry. They loved and adore their rule the Great Khan, to extend that some were calling him lord of lords, but his real name was Cublay (266).The worshipping of the leader in the society also can be seen during ceremonies like birthdays that were held at the court. For example, at any court occasion, the leader s table was elevated above the others and at some point people could drop on their knees to make a deeper obeisance before him (269).The narrator also indicates that Cathayans were idolaters, because they posses gods and as regards to their gods, each god had a table ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Importance Of Voting In Texas Texas has a long ballot, which is an election system that provides for the election that lists all candidates, for all positions, from all political parties, available to a specific voting district. The long ballot includes the president and vice president, two U.S. senators, U.S. Representatives, governor of Texasand five other state executive officials, three railroad commissioners, one member of the State Board of Education (SBOE), one state senator, one state representatives, nine members if the Texas Supreme Court, Nine members of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, at least two and as many as 70 or more state appellate and district court judges, and numerous local officials varying in city officials to county executives. Being that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Had the ballot been shorter, they believe their decisions could have had more knowledgeable. I believe that it is important to be well informed when going to vote, and it has now been brought to my attention that the ballot will contain many positions to vote on, so I will be sure to research candidates and show up to the voting station informed and sure of my decisions. In Texas, there are a few types of elections held: general elections, primary elections, runoff elections and special elections. The general election is held in November of even years statewide to fill state and national offices. The primary is an election held within each party to choose the party s candidates for general elections. Runoff elections are held if no candidate in the primary election receives the majority of votes. Special elections are held outside of the regular election calendar to fill unexpected vacancies. Because Texas holds a few types of elections, people believe Texas has too many elections, but I disagree and find that the amount of elections held are necessary to access situations such as vacancies and allow for voters to practice their right to vote more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Costco Case Paper Costco Case Paper Blessed Mensah UMUC Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation was founded by James Sinegal and Jeffrey Brotman in September of 1983 (Thompson, 2008 p. c 32). Costco is one of the largest retail stores in the wholesale industry. Costco mission is to offer their customers low prices on both private and limited selection of nationally branded products in a wide range of merchandise categories. Businesses and families rely on Costco to offer them high quality products and services at everyday low prices. As stated in the 2006 Annual Report: rapid inventory turnover, high sales volume per warehouse, leveraging an efficient operating structure,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We found that by compensating employees generously to motivate and retain good workers, one fifth of whom are unionizes, Costco gets lower turnover and higher productivity. Combined with a smart business strategy that sells a mix of higher margin products to more affluent customers, Costco actually keeps its labor costs lower than Wal Mart s as a percentage of sales, and its 68, 000 hourly workers in the U.S. sell more per square foot. Put another way, the 102, 000 Sam s employees in the U.S. generated some $35 billion in sales last year, while Costco did $34 billion with one third fewer employees (Holmes and Zellner, 2004). Costco Generic Strategy Costco generic strategy is the Low Cost Provider Strategy. According to Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble, low cost provider strategy is striving to achieve lower overall costs than rivals and appealing to a broad spectrum of customers, usually by under pricing rivals . (Thompson et al., 2008). Costco was successful in has successfully implemented low cost strategy by driving costs out of their businesses, through low pricing, limited product selection, and a treasure hunt shopping environment. Pricing is Costco key element of their low cost strategy. They implement their pricing strategy by capping its markup on brand name merchandise at 14% and markups on their private label items can be no higher than 15%. This strategy has kept Costco customers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Operation Art And Design Exam Questions C403 Operation Art and Design Exam Questions MAJ Doug Herrmann Section A: Theater Strategic level, the North African Campaign 1. (15 pts) Review the Operational Approach Student Aid Slide #7 for this question. Operational Design and the Operational Approach is a process of iterative understanding and problem framing that supports commanders and staffs in their application of operational art with tools and a methodology to conceive of and construct viable approaches to operations and campaigns. (JP 5 0, III 1). In the context of the Mediterranean/North Africa Theater of Operations (M/NATO), using the contextual background notes and material provided for this exam in Parts 2 and 3, apply operational design thinking as described in JP 5 0 chapter III to answer the following. a. (5 pts) In your words, describe the operational environment. [Your answer should not exceed half a page.] Operation Torch was a major operation conducted in the Mediterranean/North African Theater of Operations as part of the North African campaign during World War II. The U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt supported the British Prime Minister believing this operation would prevent an invasion of Europe. In order for the Allies to achieve the desired end state they would need to establish reliable bases on the coast in the regions of Casablanca, Oran, Algiers, and Tunis. This area was controlled by Vichy France, which was technically not part of the Axis powers. This operation would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Development and Globalisation Essay Development and Globalisation Development A process of social and economic advancement in terms of the quality of human life. Development can involve can involve economic, demographic, social political and cultural changes. Development is a term that can be used in many different contexts whether it is social, economical, political etc. However generally development refers to an improvement in certain areas: Economic o An increase in the country s economy with a shift from secondary to tertiary industry which becomes less dependent on FDI. Demographic o An increase in population and a more ageing population as standard of living increases. Birth rates and death rates drop as life ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... bananas Primary commodities have fallen in price, or stayed steady, while commodities they need has increased, e.g. oil What is preventing the Development gap from closing? Many LEDCs main industry is as primary producers generally low profit Internatnioal trade dominated by TNCs Rapid The Asian Tigers Who or what are the Asian Tigers? Asian economies that have progressed economically at such substantial rates that have come to rival the earning capacity and quality of living of those being first world countries Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea.
  • 11. Globalisation Globalisation: The increased inter connection in the world s economic, cultural and political systems. |Positives |Negatives | |Allowed the movement of people more easily |Uncontrolled migration | |Increased foreign trade |Inequality in wealth | |More access to food, services, healthcare etc. all over the world |Heavy environmental cost | | |Loss of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Captain Corelli s Mandolin Research Paper The old man, who had been yelping and jumping sideways at every blow, spinning and cowering, finally threw himself to the ground, whining piteously, and Mandras suddenly knew he could be a god (Captain Corelli s Mandolin 192). In the story Captain Corelli s Mandolin, Mandras was forced to beat and killan old manthat was accused of being a theft and disobedient. From reading stories such as Captain Corelli s Mandolin, I learned about the brutality people faced during the time of World Wartwo. One of the most devastating events of World War two, the first nuclear attack, was described in The Story of the First Nuclear Attack, Hiroshima August 6, 1945. When I read the article about the first nuclear attack, I was surprised to learn that, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Polar Bears Research Paper Polar Bears Polar bears are endangered species in Arctic area s. They are carnivorous bears that are white and furry. Eight of the nine polar bear populations decreased. Polar bears have black skin under their fur and have fat that measures to 4.5 inches thick. They have long necks which is beneficial for them because it helps them swim and when they catch their prey in the tiny holes. Polar bears are said to be as smart as apes. They usually weigh from 350 to 700 kg. There is an estimated amount of 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears still living today. The Great White polar bear is the largest of the world s bear species. Two thirds of polar bears are predicted to be extinct by 2050. Polar bears are carnivores. They eat mainly ringed seals and fish. The amount of humans today in the world are the reason why polar bears are going ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which means they are connected to the arctic fox, musk ox, and caibou. The nutrient cycle in the Arctic Sea contains of carbon and nitrogen. There is more than one way the nutrient cycle works. One way is the carbon cycle can start off with phytoplankton and algae taking up carbon dioxide from sea water and transforms it into the organic carbon of their tissue. Even the consumers prey in the ecosystem that converts their prey s carbon into their own tissue oro into shrinking fecal pellets . Decomposers return the nutrients back into the soil in the arctic, but the consumers capable of helping put carbon back into the ecosystem by breathing or respiring. The nitrogen makes up 79 percent of the atmosphere so when there is snowfall in the tundra, the snow of the nitrogen is rich and eventually deposits back into the soil. Animals are only able to benefit from the nitrogen after the plants use it to make more proteins and nucleic acid. It starts with algae and then moves onto shrimp, cod fish, seals, and polar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Is Jay Gatsby in F. Scott FitzgeraldВґs The Great Gatsby, a... To decide whether Jay Gatsby is a good man or not, one must define what a good man really is. Although it is an extremely vague and layered term, a good man best fits the description of a man whose intentions are never meant to harm anyone. In addition, readers must remember that the Gatsby in the novel is Nick Carraway s version, and that is a very biased version. Yet, based off of the events depicted in The Great Gatsby, I believe that Jay Gatsbyis a good man. Gatsby is not formally introduced until chapter three, and due to his initial description, readers hold him in much higher regard than other characters in the novel. Nick introduces Gatsby in an extremely intriguing and flattering manner, saying, He smiled understandingly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regardless of how one would go about arguing how Jay Gatsby is not a good man , he is undeniably an embodiment of the American dream. Born James Gatz to two poor farmers in the Midwest, Gatsby s imaginations had never really accepted them as his parents at all. The truth was that Jay Gatsby ... sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God ... to this conception he was faithful to the end (98). The notion of the self made man alone is something that is honored within American society, and therefore, Jay Gatsby is an honorable person. Parallel to Benjamin Franklin, Gatsby envisioned the perfect man and left home with nothing in order to become that idealistic version of himself. Gatsby s similarity to Benjamin Franklin is highlighted by Mr. Gatz with Gatsby s childhood schedule seemingly based off of The Way to Wealth. Yet, being an honorable person alone does not make Gatsby a good man . What does make Gatsby a good man though, is his outstanding selflessness. Despite the immense wealth he gains, Jay Gatsby is always trying to do things for others, such as asking Nick on his boat, or giving a random party goer an entirely new dress after ruining their original dress at one of Gatsby s parties. Even in the case of Gatsby doing Nick favors, Gatsby does not expect anything in return from Nick, but he does hope for a reconnection with Daisy. Part of what really makes Gatsby a good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Examples Of Human Errors In The Workplace In this report the main errors that happen in a workplace are mentioned. The main factors that affect the performance and the prevention techniques for the errors have been discussed. An example of a disaster that occurred due to human error have been studied. Humans have a crucial role in designing, installing, manufacturing and maintenance fields in industries. Humanerrors occur when a person fails to perform a task that could lead to the stoppage or slowing down of work. It also happens when there is a damage to equipment or property as a result of a person not doing their tasks correctly. Human errors can be caused due to numerous factors and some of them are mentioned below. Poor lighting on work floor. Lack of skill and training for the work force. Problems with the design of the machines. High levels of noise. Unplanned layout of work. Malfunctioning of tools. Poorly maintained machines and operating procedures. Generally human errors are divided into six different categories according to the different functions carried out in an industry and they are: Errors during operation. Errors during assembly. Errors during design. Errors during inspection. Errors during installation. Errors during maintenance. The errors that can happen in all of the above mentioned fields can again be categorised into: Errors during action Errors during checking. Errors during information receival. Errors during information transmission. Errors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Organized Religion Influence The Influence of Organized Religion Usually pain is evident we see it everyday, whether it be a tripping child or yet another attempt at genocide in a country far away. Sometimes Neosporin is all it takes to treat the wound, other times, the military comes thwart the pains of a nation, but what about the pain that we can t see? How could a government fix the intangible? These are issues like shaming, homophobia, prejudice, all left unregulated. they can t be. But they can be propagated. This is demonstrated by organized religion, or for these purposes, the Christian Church. A growing issue in America is that these intangible grievances are becoming far more visible and reachable with every coming day. It is far from an anomaly to see a dead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7. This was stated by Jesus Christ, the basis for the christian faith. It is reasonable to say that acts of love don t make others kill themselves. It is also reasonable to say that an act of love would be the nurturing of those outliers within the community, to bring them into the fellowship that promotes better mental health. There are already many churches working towards improving the way the church treats it s adolescence, and many others that march along side homosexuals in movements for equality. Those working at Mental Health And The Church have been working and providing resources to parents about mental illness and suicide, and other issues plaguing teenagers. If this were implemented across the nation, it would would decrease suicide rates, and would create more resources for those in need of support.(Mental Health And The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Vocaloid Miku Hatsune Sonnet 15 Analysis FADE IN: INT. DESMOND S LOFT APARTMENT NIGHT It s a dark room. An iMac projects blue and white light. DESMOND YOUNG(28), a mixed race man with a scarf, composes music on DAW. He activates Cubase software. He names a blue bar melody and composes a melody with the MIDI keyboard. Next, Desmond adds a purple bar drums and composes drums with the MIDI keyboard. Desmond creates a green bar bass , picks up a bass, connects the cable into the interface, and adds a bass line. He adds a yellow bar guitar1 , connects a guitar, and plays backing. He creates an orange bar guitar2 . Desmond adds more colorful bars. The tune becomes more colorful and tight. He activates Vocaloid software on the desktop and creates lyrics. Vocaloid Miku Hatsune sings... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Desmond sings and plays the guitar. Billy sings the chorus and plays the bass. DRUMMER (15) and KEYBOARDIST (15) also play. They enjoy playing music. DESMOND V.O. Are Jerry and Molly here? Do they enjoy? Desmond looks at Billy. Billy smiles. END FLASHBACK/DREAM. EXT. CENTRAL PARK GRASS LAWN NIGHT Sunset. Desmond opens eyes. Tears flow on his cheeks. Desmond slowly opens his mouth, but he closes his mouth. He carefully unwraps his scarf and touches his neck. His finger touches to the hole in his neck. The hole is a permanent trachestomy. Desmond is no longer able to speak or sing like before. DESMOND V.O. I never sleep, cause sleep is a cousin of death. Did Travis from Taxi Driver say this? Or Nas did? I don t remember. I m already 28. Desmond wraps his scarf around his neck again. EXT. Y SHAPED STREET WITH AN OPEN SPACE NIGHT Calm night. Desmond walks and bites $1 pizza slices. Bubble practices big soap bubble art. The bubble sparks too soon. People don t pay attention at him and walk away. Desmond stops and looks at Bubble. Bubble never stop creating bubbles. Desmond claps his hands and gives $5 cash to Bubble. Bubble smiles and moves his mouth thank you . But, his voice does not come ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Reviewing Research Methods And Basic Statistics, Entering... Reviewing Research Methods Basic Statistics, Entering Data, and Analysis Research interests are primarily in the area of marketing and k 12 education; however, with everything that is happening this moment I have not had an opportunity to focus on a specific area nor the topic. However, if I had to pick an area, it would perhaps be in education as it concerns the development of new technology and k 12 students ability to read. Perhaps four variables that would be assessed: a.) new technology developed to monitor and evaluate students reading ability (e.g., Fast Forward, Star Reader). b.) The alignment and cost to implement these new and developing technologies. C.) the level of achievement, e.g., grade, or level achieved by students ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Below, visualize the following components as they build a contour shape of the hourglass. BEGIN WITH BROAD QUESTIONS NARROW DOWN, FOCUS IN OPERATIONALIZE ANALYZE THE DATA REACH CONCLUSIONS GENERALIZE BACK TO QUESTIONS Figure 1The Hourglass Notion of Research The well formulated hypothesis will provide the vision of where the research may be directed, as well as the problem, theory, or perhaps just a need to understand something. Moreover, the hypothesis aids in identifying e.g. objective, abstract concepts, and relationships. Furthermore, the research question may additionally be referenced as being either deductive or inductive. Although both deductive and inductive are associative in its use of a hypothesis, the focus is different for both. Below are examples of a null and an alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis What is the difference in the growth of reading ability when students use technology as opposed to reading books? Alternative hypothesis What component or components that increased the effect of the reading ability? However, the researcher in this complex situation may find it conducive to use correlation. Correlation permits the researcher to identify between relative variables within the project of concern. Conducting an observation, the researcher is able to gather data of greater confidence. The investigator will be better able to collect and use ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Examples Of Moral Dilemmas 2. What are values and norms and what is a moral dilemma? To answer this question I will divide the question in three parts. Starting with what values are. Values are an absolut or relative and ethic value of a person. Values can be defined as a wide preference for specific actions. The assumption of those can be a basic form for ethic handling. A Valuesystem is a set of consistense values and measures. A principale value is a fundamental on which values and measures of integrity are based. Some values are physiologically determined and used usually for avoiding fysical pain or for looking for fun. Other values are subjective, they are different for every individu or for different religions. These values are more based on religion and their beliefs. Different values are ethical /moral vales, ideological values, social values and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then the last part of this question, moral dilemmas. But what is a Moral dilemma?. A Moral Dilemma is that two well known cases conflict with eachother. In each case you have moral reasons to do each of the two actions, but it is not possible to do both. This is what you call moral dilemmas. What is really a common factor for moral dilemmas is, is that it is kind of required to do both actions, in this situation you can choose one of them but you can t do both, so you start feeling that you failed, because both actions are important for you. No matter which one you will choose you always have the feeling that you failed or did something wrong. So to recap this all a Moral Dillema is a Dillema between two factors/choices that are both important to you and whatever you choose you will always think you made the wrong choice. 3.What Values and Norms does the chosen organisation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Plan Of The Anaconda Plan The anaconda plan At the beginning of the war the Union thought it would be an easy, quick war. The Union leaders at this time had no actual plan for the war. General Scott saw this and came up with the Anaconda plan. Scott considered the war a strategy game, and would attack and penetrate the enemy s forces without destroying all of their troops; focusing mainly on victory. At the beginning of the war Scott, unlike others, thought that the war would be over in more than two years. The war ended in four years. The term Anaconda plan came from Northern press trying to explain Scotts plan. Many people thought that Scotts plan was too passive and difficult. The Union s effort in the civil war increased greatly on April 19, 1861. At this point Abraham Lincolncreated a naval blockade, a system of ships that stops all imports and exports, on the Confederate coastline. This blockade stretched from the Rio Grande to the Chesapeake Bay. At this time Lincoln s argument was that the Confederacy had no right to secede. Creating this blockade allowed the National warships to attack privateers. Privateers are privately owned and run warships. These ships were used to take the Union s trade ships. Getting rid of the privateers meant that the Union could transport goods easier. Scott s anaconda plan needed the Union s army and navy to surround the Confederacy. After encompassing the Confederacy the army and navy would tighten in, and effectively strangle the South. This contained two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Literary Devices In The God Of Small Things Arundhati Roy s The God of Small Things, a twisting tale seemingly centered on a case of family tragedy, unravels to form a critique on rigid social structures. This renders Iser s quote significant to a huge extent, as proven by the novel s fragmented narrative. By building the narrative around a crucial lack of information, readers are pushed to engage thoroughly with the text, as they have to piece together the jigsaw pieces that make up the story, so as to make complete sense of it, henceforth enabling a better understanding of the explicit when the implicit comes to light. In doing so, the meaning of the text comes alive in the readers imagination (Bennett 1682) through the readers realization that the seemingly irrelevant,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lengthy narration of this ancient tale, while initially seeming irrelevant, serves to depict the timelessness of the destruction that can be brought about by these Love Laws . Along with the clearest example of the refusal to adhere to these Love Laws as captured in Ammu s love affair with Untouchable Velutha which had led to the massive literal and figurative destruction of many lives, Roy argues how both obedience and disobedience of these laws will lead to destruction as human s passion can never be contained by them. As such, by inviting the reader to piece together the puzzle pieces of this critique, the boundaries between the writer and reader is blurred as the reader writes the text as well. Hence, the reader becomes more receptive to the sensitive, painful questions that Roy pushes, not only about India s caste prejudice but social structures that are adhered to globally , as he has become more involved in the world of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Summer of the Mad Monk Essay The Summer of The Mad Monk The year is 1936. Philip Tyler is an imaginative, 12 year old boy. He lives on a farm outside of the small town of Delia in Alberta but their farm is suffering and their lives are suffering because of the Great Depression. They have lived in poverty for as long as he could remember, so he, like many other boys in that time had to be creative and imaginative. School was nearing the end of the year, and he and his best friend Digger had nothing to look forward to. Diggers father had noticed and he gave the boys an old .22 to work on because the barrel was crooked. Pip and Digger had worked on the thing for weeks and when they were done, it looked funny so they carved the handle to look like an old Colt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Phillip thought that he might be still alive, in the form of Raspinsky! So Pip did a lot of research and settled the Raspinsky was definitely Rasputin. A few weeks later, Pip gained enough courage to go up to the blacksmith and ask him. Right before he was going to knock on the door of the shop he heard the voices of two people, (One which was Raspinskys) and another voice in Russian. So he found a hole in the wall and he looked through but he could not see anyone because they were behind him! A the Russian man grabbed Pip and pulled him into the shop and asked why he was spying on them and he just told them the truth that he thought Raspinsky was Rasputin and Rasputin was trying to escape death by fleeing to Canada. The blacksmith said he was amazed by how much Phillip knew about him and he told Pip that if he told anybody that he would have to kill him. Phillip felt like he grew a foot taller! The next day, he heard that the police were coming to get Raspinsky because he murdered somebody in Manitoba. But it was just a lie made up by the town s boys because they were scared of him and they wanted their old blacksmith back. The Mounties still believed the boys, and they took off to go arrest Raspinsky. Phillip got on his horse and he rode as fast as he could to town to warn Raspinsky. When he arrived, he rode to the other side of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Arnold Schwarzenegger In The Movie Terminator I think Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original popular movie Terminator provides a great example of an extremely descriptive movie actor with many descriptive traits. Just picture him with humongous big monstrous arms. Featured with a large built at a full 6 foot 2 inches from top to bottom. This massive muscular chiseled looking person even at a distance was intimidating. Every square inch of him looked as impenetrable as a fortress. He was in full military gear with black velcro straps all over his body holding various equipment. In a thick black bullet proof vest with leg pouches for grenades along with built in thigh straps that concealed knives and every other weapon that you could imagine being on a person. Just picture in full black ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Leadership Based On Strengths By Tom Rath Leadership Based on Strengths StrengthsFinder 2.0, written by Tom Rath, was a book I chose for a purpose. Rath mentions that when we live within our shortcomings/ our weaknesses, we tend to live in this world unhappy and unmotivated (Rath, 2007). In this paper, I will discuss some background and major topics presented in his book. I will describe how his topics can be useful in nursing practice, as well as my own practice. I will end this paper with a look into how his book helped me to grow in my own soon to be leadership role. Background Tom Rath began working with a group of scientists in 1998 to start a conversation about our strengths (Rath, 2007). A 40 year study, led by Donald O. Clifton, helped to create a language of common talents, and in 2001, included this assessment into their bestselling management book Now, Discover Your Strengths (Rath, 2007). During their study, they found out that people who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life in general (Rath, 2007, pg. iii). A major problem with this was a majority of people were either unsure of or unable to explain their strengths (Rath, 2007). When developing StrengthFinder 2.0, the ultimate goal was to build upon your true strengths which take practice and hard work (Rath, 2007). Applying to Nursing Practice When I think about applying this idea to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Brattle Ketle Introduction: When the accurate temperature matters, the Breville variable Temperature Kettle is set to encounter all of your water boiling needs. Five preset settings bid the idyllic water temperature for a variation of teas. This 1500 Watt electric kettle has five automatic brewing temperatures projected to craft flawlessly warmed green tea , white tea, oolong tea, French press and regular boiling water at 175В°F, 185В°F, 195В°F, 200В°F and 212В°F. Designed with a trendy brushed, stainless steel multi directional base and jug, Breville s kettle is perfect for both left and right handed users and features water level indicators with blue backlighting. The Variable Temperature kettle grips temperature up to 20 minutes. Core Features: Following are some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Owns a Power light indicator with a flipped cover button. Measures about 8 1/5 by 6 4/5 by 9 1/5 inches. Price is $59.00 Pros and Cons: Pros: Though this electric tea kettle is moderately simple, it has a lot of understated perks. Here are some pros to the kettle. It features a striking stainless steel design that could work with a range of kitchen and it feels tougher than imperial tea courts It can heat up the water in between 160 degrees Fahrenheit (for subtle green teas) and 212 degrees Fahrenheit for a regular boil. It is swift. It took 1.5 minutes to convey the minimum water level to 160 degrees and merely 3.5 minutes to carry the supreme water level (30 ounces) to a regular boil. It has a detachable base that rotates 360 degrees, a water level window and a light that signposts when it is on. For security, it shuts off before boiling dry. Cons: There are limited cons to purchasing Adagio s UtiloTEA Water Kettle: It grips less water than imperial Tea Courts and Breville s Variable temperature kettle. It is not as modish or durable as Breville s tea kettles. The temperature dial is fixed to tea types, not precise ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. A List Of Main Competitors Essay A List of Main Competitors Plastic Revolutions, Inc.(PRI) is headquartered in Reidsville, North Carolina and operates primarily on the east coast. The company recycles various grades and forms of plastic scrap and post consumer plastic, but their focus is on High Density Polyethylene(HPDE). After a basic Google search, we found a few local competitors including Reily Recovery Systems, Inc., located in Haw River, North Carolina and New Life Plastic Recycling, Inc., located in Burlington, North Carolina and various other companies along the east coast. To confirm which companies were main competitors, we contacted Ed Handy, General Manager at Plastic Revolutions, Inc. He confirmed that KW Plastics, headquartered in Troy, Alabama and Envision Plastics, also located in Reidsville, North Carolina, were their main competitors (E. Handy, personal communication, October 14, 2016). PRI s Strengths Compared to the Competition Plastic Revolutions, Inc is one of only two companies in the region that can process high molecular weight HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and produces extremely clean HDPE flakes and pellets (PRI, Challenge Instructions). Plastic Revolutions is also one of the only domestic recycling firms to hold the ISO 9001 Registration. The ISO 9001 is a standard based on quality management principles including strong customer focus, attention of top management, and a process of continual improvement ( ISO 9000 Quality Management, 2016). These principles ensure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Comparing A Respectable Woman And The Awakening In the late nineteenth century, Kate Chopin published two of her controversial short stories, A Respectable Woman and The Awakening. A Respectable Woman is about a character named Mrs. Baroda and how she dreams of committing adultery with her husband s friend. She never takes the leap, though. In The Awakening, a womannamed Edna begins to have feelings for a man she met on her family vacation, Robert. She realizes that she feels depressed with her husband so she moves out. Then, she tries to get together with Robert, but he does not want to commit such heinous acts. Eventually, she finds herself committing the act with another man to satisfy her sexual desires. In the end, Edna finally realizes that she is lonely and no one can please her. As a female modern writer of the late nineteenth century, Kate Chopinwas harshly scrutinized and could not turn from the criticism of her new writings from the old ways. Kate Chopin went through several tragic instances in her life. She was five years old when she lost her father. Her grandmother died when Chopin was thirteen and her brother during the war of typhoid fever. Unfortunately, the events that took place involved the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main character in the book, Edna, was on a vacation with her family. Although she was a faithful wife and mother, she began to have interest in another man named Robert. Even though she did not have an affair with Robert, she did with another man who she felt was his equal. This implies that Edna was a low character, settling to find anything to fulfill a desire. In the end, she eventually figured out that nothing would satisfy her, and she committed suicide. After The Awakening was published, Chopin had a hard time finding publishers for her stories. Tragically, it ended her career for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Charismatic Theology The charismatic movement1 began within the historic churches in the 1950s. On the American scene it started to attract broad attention in 1960, with the national publicity given to the ministry of the Reverend Dennis Bennett, an Episcopalian in Van Nuys, California. Since then there has been a continuing growth of the movement within many of the mainline churches: first, such Protestant churches as Episcopal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian; second, the Roman Catholic (beginning in 1967); and third, the Greek Orthodox (beginning about 1971).2 by now the charismatic movement has become worldwide and has participants in many countries As one involved in the movement since 1965, I should like to set forth a brief profile of it.3 A profile of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement is heavily splintered; the number of groups within this movement number in the tens of thousands. We can, however, examine the major groups of the movement. Pentecostalism and its offshoots can be divided into three groups: Classical Pentecostals, those who are members of the standard Pentecostal groups, most of which originated in the first quarter of the twentieth century; the Charismatics, or those in other denominations who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit; and the so called Neo Charismatics, the groups formed in the last half of the century, most of which are not affiliated with the Pentecostal denominations. We will examine the classical Pentecostal groups in more detail; it will suffice to say for the Charismatics that they are present in the majority of the denominations of Christendom, normally having their own associations as part of their denominations We must first examine the pre Pentecostal era, the time before 1901. Many churches received the message of the Holiness movement, which stemmed from Wesleyan theology. Many of these groups were looking forward to a renewal of the Holy Spirit, when the gifts present on the day of Pentecost would return to the churches. Many of these Holiness groups became Pentecostal after the turn of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Negative Effects For Children Born Into Interracial... The Negative Effects for Children Born Into Interracial Families The union between Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, or any other group can be categorized as an interracial marriage. It does not matter what ethnic groups are involved: one prominent result of interracial marriages are the children that are born into these families. Interracial dating becomes a problem because people cannot seem to ignore race. Racial identity is constant, unavoidable, and has consequences that are very real. The color of one s skin impacts how society will accept a person and also determines the advantages and disadvantages one will receive. Children begin to get stressed when there are conflicts that involve their dual ethnic identity. Children who are born to interracial families suffer the impact of negative consequences on their psychological well being. This paper presents some background of the history of interracial marriages and some of the issues surrounding children of interracial marriages, and some of the negative aspects as they grow older. History/Background The Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginiaspeaks directly to the topic of this paper. In 1958, Richard Loving married Mildred Jeter in Washington DC. Afterward, the two returned to Virginia as a married couple. Richard was a white man, while Mildred was a black woman. Even though Richard and Mildred did not get married in Virginia, the issue was Virginia had banned the interracial marriages since 1961. Therefore, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Hitler s Propaganda Meant For The Nazis And The... The central theme to this essay will be to answer the question Discuss the roll that graphic design played in political/social change in a specific period . This essay will look into what Hitler s propaganda meant for the Nazis and the population of Germany. Propaganda is the dissemination of information to influence or control large groups of people. In totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany , propaganda plays a significant role in consolidating power in the hands of the controlling party. (ushmm, 2015) This essay in conjunction will look into what Hitler s propaganda meant, what methods conducted by Adolf Hitlerand the Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels use to infiltrate their enemies and commit mass genocide of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How differently would they communicate their message to the working class compared to the upper classes and also throughout different ages and genders. Lastly, looking back over the period of graphic design in this part of history, are the design rules and guidelines still in effect today in contemporary propaganda, especially in political propaganda. If so what design aspects and features are still being used and are they still as effective in todays modern society. Nazi propaganda can be dated back to 1926 when Hitler wrote his book Mein Kampf (ushmm, 2015) Hitler wrote two chapters about war propaganda, which he always expressed how the power and destruction that propaganda could cause in the right hands, and the importance of mass communication through different mediums. The first duty of the propagandist is to win over people who can subsequently be taken into the organization. And the first duty of the organization is to select and train men who will be capable of carrying on the propaganda Hitler continues by saying The second duty of the organization is to disrupt the existing order of things and thus make room for the penetration of the new teaching which it represents, while the duty of the organizer must be to fight for the purpose of securing power, so that the doctrine may finally triumph. (James Murphy, 2011) By this early stage of the Nazi party it was clear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Soviet Submarines in Red Star Rogue by Kenneth Sewell The novel Red Star Rogue is a novel about a particular submarine that served in the Soviet Pacific Fleet during the Cold War. The book follows the Golf Class submarine K 129 on her final mission which occurred in the spring of 1968. K 129 was a Soviet ballistic missile submarine whose purpose was to launch nuclear weapons at the United States in case of the commencement of hostilities between the two superpowers. The author Kenneth Sewell, who is a former submarine officer (Hutchinson) does an outstanding job of not only describing the overall picture, but also breaking down not only the submarine, but also the men who served on her final mission. He provides personal information about everyone from the commanding officer all the way... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another strange occurrence is that 15 extra sailors boarded shortly before departure. This was rare in that the crew of 83 men was already at full muster. The submarine set sail, and things appeared to be going smoothly. The submarine is heading to its assigned patrol area in the central Pacific. Suddenly, on March 1st, after a week at sea, the first indication that something is amiss aboard the submarine comes... (77) K 129 failed to send its regularly scheduled message to fleet headquarters. Four days later, on March 5th, another signal that something is wrong on board. The submarine instead of slowing down to begin the usual silent patrolling in the mission, K 129 keeps sailing towards Pearl Harbor. (78) After two weeks at sea, the submarine surfaces and then proceeds to attempt a nuclear missile launch at Pearl Harbor. The author points out that what exactly happened will never be known unless Russian files are declassified and the CIA release what documents they recovered from the submarine. Although Mr. Sewell cannot provide a first hand account, he can relate with a fair degree of certainty what happened based on his experience as a submariner and his experience in dealing with the Soviet navy. Also with the use of recently declassified documents, Mr. Sewell can provide more accurate descriptions of what possibly happened then anyone before. The last section of the book is something that thrill writers like Tom Clancy or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Effects Of Preeclampsia And How It Can Negatively... Preeclampsia is a potentially deadly condition that typically occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy, in either the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters. It is most simply defined as a condition where a pregnant woman develops protein in their urine, due to organ damage (most often the kidneys) and high blood pressure during late pregnancy. Thankfully, the condition isn t too common, as it presently effects in anywhere from 3 to 7% of all pregnancies, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Read to below to learn more about preeclampsia and how it can negatively impact a pregnancy: Typical Symptoms of Preeclampsia: Women who have preeclampsia often do not realize they are sick, as they don t feel all that bad. Some of the symptoms of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Causes of Preeclampsia: Preeclampsia s exact cause is presently unknown. However, the following factors are thought be increase the likelihood of a woman experiencing the condition: Genetically predisposed or having a family history of the condition, or a previous pregnancy that involved preeclampsia. Being obese. Having a multiples pregnancy, which of course means having more than one baby at a time, such as having twins. Being a first pregnancy. The woman being older than 35 years of age. Having a history of kidney disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. A person s diet. Issues with blood vessels. The presence of autoimmune disorders. Diagnosing Preeclampsia: During pregnancy, a woman s doctor should always be on the lookout for all the physical symptoms of preeclampsia listed above, such as weight gain, swelling and high blood pressure. In addition, if a doctor suspects a problem, they should order blood tests as a way to measure the protein in a woman s urine, and to discover a low platelet count or high liver enzymes. When preeclampsia is discovered, doctors will do an ultrasound, non stress test and other tests to decide if the baby should be delivered right away. Obviously, the more severe the condition, the more likely it is for a doctor to suggest delivery. Treatment For Preeclampsia: As mentioned above, preeclampsia can be fatal for both the mother and the baby if left untreated. Unfortunately, the only true cure is delivery of the baby. Ideally, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Nietzche s Master and Slave Morality In Of the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche sought to provide context for what he saw as the central value system of the society in which he lived: slave morality. Nietzsche saw morality as reflective of the conditions in which its proponents were brought up. He saw the roots of slave morality in oppression and slavery, and posits that it grew as a reaction to the morality of the masters of the time. What follows is a simplified account of Nietzsche s master slave dichotomy, and what he saw as the dire consequences for human progress should the pervasiveness of slave morality be allowed to remain at the expense of the master. I will argue that although religion and slave morality may have had significant influence in Nietzsche s day, his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In contrast to the consequentialism of master morality, slave morality can be seen as a deontological morality. It determines an action s goodness by looking at the actor s intention: to slave moralists, the ends do not, necessarily, justify the means. The nature of acts and their actors plays an important role in Nietzsche s discussion of morality. Slaves believe in and strive for freedom and see evil in the masters oppression of them, as they believe they perform these acts of oppression of their own free will. They believe that, because the masters are free agents, they should be held responsible for their actions and criticized for them. Nietzsche disputes this view, and demonstrates his argument using the analogy of the eagles and the lambs: That lambs dislike great birds of prey does not seem strange: only it gives no ground for reproaching these birds of prey for bearing off little lambs. And if the lambs say among themselves: these birds of prey are evil; and whoever is least like a bird of prey, but rather its opposite, a lamb would he not be good? there is no reason to find fault with this institution of an ideal, except perhaps that birds of prey might view it a little ironically and say we don t dislike them at all, these good little lambs; we even love them: nothing is more tasty... . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Back Pain And Tendons Back Pain and Tendons The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, the coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby can lead to serious problems, which the coccyx is non supported. The coccyx creates the fused bones. The fused bones reside at the baseline of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone. The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal structure, since the coccyx can break easily from falls, thus leading to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal that can create damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the airway, breathing, and blood circulation. Some injuries require resuscitation. Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed by smoothly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If neck injuries are present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary. Once you clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and listen for breathing. You can also put the hand over the mouth to feel breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you will need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Essay on The Army Should Continue Random Drug Testing Soldiers are in the spot light way to much these days, from a recruiter at a local school to a Soldier in Iraq. The nation trust s these Soldiers to defend her against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. With this trust comes added responsibility and scrutiny from the media. The Army is aware of this and takes great measures to combat any disloyal acts from happening with in its ranks. To ensure Soldiers are fit for duty the Army has incorporated an extensive drug testing program for their warriors. In doing this it helps keep the fight going and our Soldiers out of the limelight , said by the Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston. The Army drug testing program is a precise and time consuming process. Every Commander in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The UPL then discretely brings the supplies back to the unit and briefs the Commander as to which date the test will be administered. The day prior to the test is when the individuals to be tested and the observers are identified. The people being tested are pulled from a computer program that randomly selects names of Soldiers assigned to the unit. The UPL will generate the forms and the labels from this program. These names will also be put on a Command Directive making it an order from their Commander to be at this test. The Commander will select observers by means of who meets the criteria and who has been through the training. All of the selected observers will come in and get briefed, trained, and sign an Observer Statement prior to being allowed to participate. The Commander will also designate a testing and holding area with a non testing Noncommissioned Office (NCO) charged with over seeing that no one leaves until a sample is provided. The morning of the test is very hectic and busy. The Soldiers taking the test are called about two hours before the test and are told that there is a Command Directive that they be there. The latrines (restrooms) will be inspected by the UPL for items that can be used as adulterants and then placed off limits to personnel not participating in the test. The UPL will then inspect the holding area for size, security, water jugs, and to make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Compare And Contrast Lady Capulet And The Nurse Lady Capulet and the Nurse Lady Capulet, the mother of Juliet, in Verona, Italy in the 14th century, has her hands full by being the head of one of the two upper class families. They Capulet s and Montague s have always fought since the beginning of time. Her daughter, Juliet falls in love with the son of the Montague s, Romeo. Lady Capulet did not take care of Juliet during her childhood; luckily Juliet became very close with the nurse. The Nurse filled as a mother for Juliet, because her own daughter passed as a young kid. Although Lady Capulet and the Nurse have many similarities, they are used as a contrast to each other, making them foils. They would not have a role in the story without each other. Lady Capulet, the wife of Sir Capulet, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Operant Conditioning At The Preschool Classroom Operant Conditioning in the Preschool Classroom My service learning placement this year was at the OTist Family Resource Integration CO. LTD, located in Taipei, Taiwan, and I completed my service learning at their special education preschool program. Problem behaviors are commonly seen among preschoolers, and according to the article, Reducing Behavior Problems: An Operant ConditioningGuide for Teachers, the first step toward better classroom management is for the teacher to recognize that how a child behave is mainly determined by the teachers behavior and the strategy they use. By using operant conditioning, a learning process in which the behaviors are modified by the consequences through the use of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment, problem behaviors can be diminished and desired behaviors can be strengthened (Becker, Thomas, Carnine, 1969, p. 4). Behaviors can be shaped by using three methods: 1. Reward appropriate behavior, 2. Strengthen the reward if the behavior is not learned yet, and 3. Punish problem behaviors (p. 4). Rewarding appropriate behavior is one of the most commonly used methods in our preschool. One specific child catches my attention instantly at my first day of service learning. She is a six year old girl who has been diagnosed with moderate Intellectual Disability. When I first enter the classroom, she seems to be a sweet girl who likes to approach new people and invites me to do assignments with her. Everything went smoothly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. What Is The Character Of Queen Guinevere Guinevere The wife of King Arthur, Guinevere, has lived an absurd life. She was the beautiful and noble queen of Britain. Her name is spelled many various ways depending on what the reader is reading. Guinevere was truly know to be a lady of Rome. Queen Guinevere was a women who was acknowledged by all of the knights, causing her to be a threat to the relationship between the knights themselves and the king of Britain. Her life began to change when she fell in love with her husbands most striking knight, Lancelot. In most stories, the queen is childless, however most stories claim that Arthur is not. There are numerous stories involving Guinevereand her love with both King Arthurand Sir Lancelot. Before King Arthur chose a wife he went... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They ran away together and the king attempted to destroy Lancelots castle. It is now said that Lancelot became a hermit and Guinevere became a nun. Although overall a good, loyal man, Lancelot was a traitor towards his not only king, but friend. In today s world people do not do much relating to Queen Guinevere, however, people have affairs with other people in their marriage. Like her, many women may have been beautiful and kind, but they also showed qualities of betrayal and dishonesty. Queen Guinevere had been know as everything from a character that is week and discreet to a character is who godly and virtuous. She is, however, a traitor to her people and her husband, King Arthur. Sir Lancelot was chosen by the king to be his friend, and strongest knight, because he believed he was courageous and filled with strength. King Arthur was later proved wrong when his strongest knight fell in love with his wife. Guinevere was in love with Lancelot and ruined her trust with the king, causing the king to attempt to burn her to death for her sins and wrong doings. Guineveres relationship with Sir Lancelot shows the audience qualities of true love and following her hear, however, it shows dishonesty and betrayal. In conclusion, although a beautiful noble mistress of the king, Queen Guinevere betrayed her husband in many stories. The knights saw her as the most attractive women in the kingdom and wanted her for themselves. Guinevere fell in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. NSAJordaniaforecast2015 Current Market Outlook Nickolas Sarlis M.B.A, B.Sc Math, B.A(Hon) Political Science February 4 2015 Current Market Outlook Purpose of the forecast The current market outlook is our long term forecast of the air traffic volumes demand. The forecast helps shape our product strategy guide long term business planning. We start fresh every year, factoring the effects of current business conditions developments into our analysis of the long term drivers of air travel. Effects of market forces. The Aviationindustry continually adapts t market forces. Key among these are fuel prices, economic growth development, environmental regulations, infrastructure, market liberalization, airplane capabilities, other modes of transport, business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sources of ancillary revenue include fees for baggage, ticket change, extra amenities, annual subscriptions to premium services, frequent flyer programs (FFP), and even on board duty free sales. Some of the more innovative sources (such as annual subscriptions and FFP products like branded credit cards) generate handsome margins for the airline and promote brand loyalty. Such strategies helped the airlines improve profitability for 2013. Improved profitability is allowing airlines to increase strategic investment for future growth. Airlines are boosting investments to enhance their customer product offering and operating efficiencies. Example, in addition to new airplanes, airlines are investing in new information and mobile technology, upgraded cabin interiors for higher levels of service, and additional seats to improve unit costs. Some airlines are increasing equity investment in other airlines and cross border partnerships to solidify and expand networks. Reinvestment of profit into airline products enhances the long term growth prospects for the industry. Airline strategies and business models Strategic planning is a continual process for airlines. Plans must take into account the challenging and ever changing competitive environment as well as how passengers define value. Example, Business travelers are sensitive to flight times and expect a high level of service. Short haul business travelers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Narrative Structure Of The Afternoon ( 1942 ) The narrative structure in Meshes of the Afternoon (1942) is unique in that it uses abstract symbolism to transfer all narrative information to the audience, forcing the audience to actively engage with the narrative in order to piece together the plot and how it relates the story, if there is one being told at all. Meshes is told with distinctive narrativestructure that relies on different interpretations for one to understand the purpose it serves as a work of cinema. The purpose of Meshes can be seen to represent, embody, or exemplify possible ways of seeing and being in the world itself. The artisanal and avant garde style of Meshes, with its unclear chronological sequencing coupled with its overt referencing to a dream state, serves to explore the way in which director Maya Derenfelt about her world, one she allowed us to peer into through the lens of her camera. Meshes also relies on its aesthetics as its primary form of language, with symbolic communication contributing to its poetic form. Meshes also largely employs an expressive form of emphasis through its use of mis en scene, as the entire film can be seen as the subconscious expression of Maya Deren s thoughts of her life, specifically of her relationship with her husband Alexander Hammid. Meshes also uses a poetic form of emphasis in terms of the style of its narrative, with each repetition of actions serving as a stanza for the film, which unfolds in the form of a poem. The visual form of the narrative is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Corrie Ten Boom Analysis I believe that any obstacle or disadvantage can be made into something positive. The story of Corrie ten Boom, a Polish holocaust victim, and two homeschooled friends I know with cerebral palsy prove this point in many ways. In the mid eighteenth century, World War II brought chaos and genocide into center stage in the world arena. Jews were being torn from their homes and sent to concentration camps, where they would either die instantly or be made to work under unthinkably brutal conditions. Corrie ten Boom, a middle aged Polish woman, worked together with her whole family to help hide Jews in a secret room in her house. Once the operation was revealed to Nazi authorities, however, most of the ten Booms were shipped off to concentration camps where they suffered isolation, humiliation, starvation, and severe physical and emotional pain. Corrie even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One has to use crutches and the other must use a motorized wheelchair to get around. These two teens and I participated with a homeschool theater company to put on a musical about being different . One of the young men was chosen to be the lead role, the ugly duckling that everyone labeled as useless and odd. Through this simple play, the cast demonstrated that being different from everyone else does not have to be a setback. Though these two have had to deal with constant and debilitating disadvantages throughout their lives, they still face their struggles with courage and humility. Their personalities shine and they treat others with respect. Having met them personally, I can testify that their lives are touching other people s lives and are encouraging others who have physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. By simply living their lives with positive attitudes and participating in a touching summer musical, they directly and indirectly show that disadvantages are not the end of the story: good can always come out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Cell Biology Vertebrate Biology Essay Conversion Programme in the Natural Sciences Dr. Colin Stolkin Professor P.B Gahan The Vertebrate Endocrine System in specific reference to their role in Human Menstruation, Ovarian and Uterine cycles Rio Summers April 2009 Word Count: 2693 The vertebrate endocrine system can be best explained as an internal body system collecting multiple organs and glands that produce and regulate hormone secretion into the bloodstream in order to control the many functions of the body. The endocrine system functions alongside the nervous and exocrine system to control and maintain growth, metabolism and sexual development. Hormone substances which are synthesized and secreted from cells involved within the endocrine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2003, pg. 23). The vertebrate hormones are secreted in response to three types of stimulus. The first stimulus can be the presence or change in concentration of a specific substance in the blood; for example an decrease in blood glucose levels triggers the secretion of glucagon hormone from the ? cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Another stimulus which initiates the release of a hormone, is the presence or change in concentration of another hormone in the blood such as the presence of thyroid stimulating hormone which clearly stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the amine hormone, thyroxin. The third and final type of stimuli to cause a change in hormone action is by nervous stimulation which involves neurons of the autonomic nervous system and can be clearly illustrated in the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal gland in response to fear. (Adds et al. 2003, pg. 23 24). However once the hormone has been secreted and is circulating in the blood stream, it will only affect its target organ due to the presence of specific receptor sites or receptor molecules on the cell surface membrane of the target organ or cell. Peptide hormones form hormone receptor complexes with the proteinbased receptors on the plasma membrane of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Ethical Dilemmas In Citizenfour In the film Citizenfour, we are reminded of the atrocities that ensued from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It created a ripple effect within how our nation conducts itself in regards to national security. Paranoia is pervasive due to the threat of another potential act of terrorism. However, the paranoia has gone too far. George W. Bush, in response to 9/11, signs the U.S.A. patriot act. Throughout the N.S.A. s history, it has never been collecting as much data as it has today. Data sent out from mobile devices is being intercepted, as cellphone companies cooperate unquestionably. There is no arguing against the crimes Snowden committed. However, it is more important to observe the results the crime produced, rather than looking only at the act of the crime itself. Thus, the crimes committed by US government agencies are of greater concern than those perpetrated by Snowden because the US is in a far greater position of authority, power, and control. The aspect of control is critical in understanding the reasons behind the N.S.A. s motivations. On the N.S.A. website, their mission statement reads as follows: The NSA/CCS leads the US government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence and information assurance products and services, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It makes sense that plausible deniability would be their exit strategy. If they were to plead guilty, there would be no justifiable reason for their actions. There is a reason why media outlets opted to cover the story. They know that citizens care about the rights they have (or don t have) within a given nation. It is up to our federal government to undertake the massive job of coordinating our country, in addition to cooperating with others. It is often difficult to quantify the logistics of such a system. However, when people the government attempts to breach trust between itself and citizens, there is bound to be some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Crisis Action Or Climax In The Last Letter To My Grandmother 1. If conflict is created by a character s want or desire for something, what is it that Jackson wants? What is standing in his way? He wants to feel like he is apart of his culture wants to connect with his past or roots of his ancestry That regalia symbolized everything that Jackson and his familystood for. He is the stereotypical Indian, with the alcoholism, homelessness, friends, and story telling. That Regalia was more than just a regalia to Jackson... it was a symbol of his family. No matter how hard he tries to get the money to buy his grandmothers dancing dress from the pawnshop, he keeps spending his money on other people. 2. What is the crisis action or climax in the story? Remember that the crisis is the moment of greatest tension in the story, and the moment that the main character undergoes some kind of transformation. What change or transformation do you see in the main character? Consider what the final paragraph of the story tells us: I took my grandmother s regalia and walked outside. I knew that solitary yellow bead was part of me. I knew I was that yellow bead in part. Outside, I wrapped myself in my grandmother s regalia and breathed her in. I stepped off the sidewalk and into the intersection. Pedestrians stopped. Cars stopped. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is particularly interesting is the way that Jackson identifies himself with the yellow bead, which is the flaw that was sewn deliberately into the regalia to distinguish it from others. Jackson understands that he was that yellow bead in part, seeing himself as something of a flaw because of his problems with drink and money. However, this does not prevent him from rejoicing in reestablishing the link he has forged with his cultural past as he dances with his grandmother and imagines being reunited with her and his cultural heritage that is now ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Mixtures, Explain Whether It Is A Solution Or A... 42. For each of the following mixtures, explain whether it is a solution or a heterogeneous mixture. For the solutions, identify the solute and the solvent. a)Cloudy pond water heterogeneous mixture, this is because it is cloudy, solute is dirt particles in the water there is clay and humus. b)Apple juice is a homogeneous solution, water is the solvent there are organic acids, sugars and gums c)Rain water is a homogeneous mixture, rainwater is nearly a distilled water. The mixture is not cloudy and no separate particles are visible. d)14 karat gold in jewelry homogeneous mixture, in this case the gold is the solvent, as it is 14 parts gold, and pure gold is 24 karat leaving the other 10 parts of other metals. Gold is the solvent and the other metals are the solutes in this case. 43. which of the following substances is or are likely to be very soluble in water? Explain your reasoning. a)Gasoline (octane, C8H18) is not soluable, this is because gas is not polar. b)Methanol (CH3OH) is the most soluable, it will make a solution with water. This is due to the OH for H bonding, the polarity of the molecule and the size being the smallest alcohol. c)Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is very highly soluble in water because of the CO3 2 , polarity, and the high ionic character of the bond. 44. Write reactions to show the dissociation into ions of the following substances when they dissolve in water: a)Sodium carbonate Na2CO3(s) 2Na+(aq) + C3O(2 )(aq) b) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Role Of Leaders In Nursing Education Leaders in Nursing Education Nurses have different certifications that permit them to perform different duties. LPN s, Associate Science RN s, Baccalaureate RN s, Master of Nursing, DNP s, and PHD s perform different roles. LPN A licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) assists in the care and treatment of patients with other healthcare providers, such as, Physicians and Registered Nurses. LPN s can work in doctor s offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. A LPN must go to school for about one year and is required to pass a licensing examination. Associate of Applied Science RN Associates of Applied Science RN, provide care to patients and their families to help with better health and preventative health. Associated of Applied Science ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Reality And Fiction The True View Reality and Fiction: the True View 1 Reality and Fiction: the True View Americans rely a great deal on their entertainment to educate them about life. In many ways Americans live vicariously through the experiences of fictional characters and believe themselves to learn many things from fictional characters. For example, many persons have said they learned CPR by watching medical shows on televisionor believe they can assist in a medical emergency because they have seen experts on television handle similar situations. This same belief extends to Americans knowledge about the law and the judicial system of the nation. There are many things that fictional accounts of lawyers, judges, and courts confuse or create simply to meet the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The same kind of good evil scenario between the defense attorney and prosecutor s office is also evident in the television show Law Order. Although that show does not often portray one side as only good or only bad, there have been times when it has created defense attorney characters who have taken advantage of the law to force the system to completely exonerate their clients, which makes them appear to be evil people who are cheating justice. Reality and Fiction: the True View 3 The reality of attorneys on opposing sides of a case is that they are seldom easily identified as good or evil persons and just because they are working for the defense or the prosecution does not indicate the type of person they are (Steinberg). Both are expected to act legally and both have pressures on them that affect their work and who they are. Simply the side they represent does not alone affect the kind of person they are. As to how they try their cases, attorney ethical codes require attorneys to zealously pursue their case for the benefit of their client to the extent the law allows (ABA). This means that if a defense attorney sees an opportunity for his client to be set free then he or she must use it because that is their job. It is the job of the prosecutor to assure the defense does not have those opportunities. Again, this does not reflect on the quality of their character. The same thing can also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Hegemonic Masculinity In The Legend Of Zelda Across all media types, women are frequently displayed in a stereotypic manner. However, the type of stereotypic manner has shifted from a traditional sense to one with an emphasis on sexuality. One can examine this shift most saliently in video games through the observation of the change from damsels in distress to sexy, often aggressive visions of beauty . These damsels in distress were often princesses who were dependent on a prince or hero to come and rescue them. This depiction of femalecharacters as victims needing saving was exceedingly common, such as Princess Toadstool in the Mario Brothers franchise and Princess Zelda in the Legend of Zelda franchise, and perpetuated the concept of women being submissive and unable to save themselves. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, there are certain characteristics for men that are more ideal than others. Wade and Ferree describe this principle as hegemonic masculinity, which refers to a type of man, idealized by men and women alike, who functions to justify and naturalize gender inequality . They expand this concept and explain that the hegemonic man is the real man in our collective imagination who theoretically embodies all the most positive traits on the masculine side of the gender binary (2014:124). Other researchers examining hegemonic masculinity concluded that this concept supports a social hierarchy where masculinity is hegemonic: where men dominate and women are subjugated (Dill, Brown, and Collins 2008:1403). This dominance is particularly salient in gaming culture, where most, if not all, of the characteristics of games are geared to appeal to men. From the portrayal of men as strong heroes to the violence and aggression they are free to engage in within the game, these games are created with the hierarchy of men in mind. This hierarchy is a rough ranking of men from most to least masculine, with the assumption that more masculine is better (Wade and Ferree 2015:125). In order to perpetuate this hierarchy, men react negatively to anything that threatens their position. Researchers Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey Kuznekoff explained this phenomenon of male reaction as evolutionary theory because by threatening the position a man holds in the hierarchy, one threatens his access to potential mates. They further expanded on this theory to predict that a male s behavior should be moderated by status and performance, such that only lower status males that have the most to lose with a hierarchal reorganization by the introduction of a female competitor will be hostile towards female players (2015:3). This theory explains why men tend to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Big Pine, Garlock, And San Andreas Fault The three faults being considered are thought to have influenced the character of some 120,000 square miles. The Big Pine, Garlock, and San Andreas faults are all mutually active, deep, long, and steep and noted as being conjugate shears. In concert, the faults have defined a primary strain pattern of relative east west extension and north south shortening of the area of 120,000 square miles. The large region is noted for its deformity, with the source of this being a northeast southwest counterclockwise compressive couple. The compressive couple was potentially supported through drag as a result of the deep seated movement of rock material from the Pacific region (Hill Dibblee, 1953). The interaction of the faults in the San Andreas region since the Jurassic period have served to shape and contour the present geology of the land, while a study of the paleontology of the region likewise requires such knowledge to effectively determine conditions at any given point in time. Tectonic Stress and the San Andreas FaultAccording to Townend and Zoback (2004) the San Andreas Fault (SAF) region has been noted for its possession of stress orientations in addition to the lack of a distinct heat flow anomaly at the trace of the fault. These findings indicate that there are average shear tractions that are less than 20 25 MPa in the seismogenic upper crust. Oftentimes, shear tractions measure approximately 5 times greater than in the SAF. Due to the presence of high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Colonel Michael Hogan Summary The author of The Colonel, Michael Hogan, details how a certain Army Colonel influenced his life through the sport of tennis. Hogan begins by indicating how mainstreamed tennis is today, to the point an average adolescent could not imagine tennis as a rich man sport. In the fifties, when Hogan was a child, tenniswas a sport reserved for mostly men at country clubs and private resorts. Women had competed at international competitions such as Wimbledon for a several years, but many of them were amateurs (oftentimes paid little). Fortunately for female tennis players, Billie Jean Kings assertiveness, in 1967, and the Virginia Slim tournaments, in the seventies, influenced tennis to include women in professional tennis (such as Chris Everts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hogan s father told him of the great players from his day: Poncho Gonzales, Ken Rosewall, Jack Kramer. He did not really care, as the names meant nothing to him, but he looked up to the Colonel, with great stories about the recent war. Hogan was interested in war stories as his father s brother, Harry, died in Belgium during the war; Harry s name memorialized the nearby Little League baseball field. On a Saturday afternoon, after getting home early from work, Hogan stopped to talk with the Colonel. The Colonel obviously loved tennis, telling stories from competitions when in college and in the service. He amused the young boy with stories of tournaments, matches with famous players, and games in remote parts of the world. The Colonel considered tennis a sport, after one learns how to play it, that person can play for the rest of their life. When one has no one to play with, or their body stops working correctly, one can still enjoy a game of tennis (but not football, basketball, or baseball). Tennis could be played anywhere, as one can always find someone to play with. The Colonel hooked the young Hogan to play. Maybe it was the Colonel s stories, Hogan s enthusiasm, his respect of the Colonel s rank, his cheerful personality, or his war experiences. Hogan may have not wanted to disappoint the venerable man (and likely so); despite this, Hogan was ready to learn the game of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Ramayana Vs Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Ramayana share many similarities but also many differences. Both characters share qualities that qualifies them as the epic hero s they are known to be. Gilgamesh is considered an epic hero because he s two thirds god and Rama is thought of as the reincarnate of Vishnu, the god of preservation. Another similarity they share is their journeys that they each take, where they fight and defeat beasts, demons, and in Gilgamesh s case have journey within one s self. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh goes on a journey/adventure to the forest with his best friend Enkidu to try and defeat Humbaba, the monster that guards the forest. Rama is banished to the forest when his father bypassed his right to be king, but he s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Chocolat Movie Critique Chocolat is about a war between the forces of paganism and Christianity, and because the pagan heroine has chocolate on her side, she wins. Her victory is delayed only because, during Lent, a lot of the locals aren t eating chocolate. The movie happens in the backdrop of a French village. Vianne Rocher (Juliette Binoche), an expert chocolatier, drifts across Europe with her daughter Anouk (Victorie Thivisol), following the north wind. In the beginning of the Lenten season in 1959, fifteen years after the War, they travel to the French village that closely adheres to tradition, as led by the village mayor, the Comte de Reynaud (Alfred Molina). Just as the villagers begin observing the forty days of Lent, Vianne opens a chocolate shop, much to Reynaud s displeasure. Chocolat was directed by Lasse Hallstorm in 2000. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She does not fit in well with the townspeople, but is nevertheless optimistic about her business. Her friendly and alluring nature begins to win the villagers over one by one, causing Reynaud to openly speak against her for tempting the people during a time of abstinence and self denial. The Comte will not admit that his wife has left him; he is romantically interested in Caroline, but he does not pursue her.One of the first to fall under the spell of Vianne and her confections is Armande (Judi Dench), her elderly, eccentric landlady. Armande is unhappy that her cold, devoutly pious daughter Caroline (Carrie Anne Moss) will not let Armande see her grandson Luc because Caroline thinks Armande is a bad influence . Vianne arranges for Luc and his grandmother to see each other in the chocolaterie, where they develop a close bond. Caroline later reveals to Vianne that her mother is a diabetic, though Armande continues to eat the chocolate despite her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Obasan Theme Subject: English 204I Student ID: 140302 Mailbox No: 521The Theme of Silence in Relation to Nationhood in Obasan. Obasan , written by Joy Kogawa is a story of the Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. Naomi Nakane, a character in Obasan, tells the story as a child and as an adult, looking back at her childhood advancement, making progress from silence to speech the silence of Naomi, and the silence of the Japanese Canadian during the Second World War. Obasan is a delineation of human rights, abuses and racism that query the lore of Canadian nationhood. Silence is regarded as the opposite of speech, expression and language. In China and Japan, it traditionally signifies vigilance, receptiveness and thoughtfulness. It can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her silence increases because she is partially deaf however, she uses it as a means of communicating and expressing her feelings. Despite her speechlessness, she is caring and loving towards Naomi and her brother Stephen. To try to meet one s own needs in spite of the wishes of others is to be wagamama (Obasan, 128). She made herself responsible for the both of them and was like a second parent to them when their parent disappeared. According to Naomi, she exhibits the good spirit of helping others in need, making people around her untroubled and happy. Obasan, unlike Aunty Emily, refuses to come down completely on the issue of forgetting or remembering and argues the importance of keeping alive stinging memories. Despite her silence, she appears to be a strong and intellectual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Conch Symbolism Throughout the book the conch develops as motif and it keeps reoccuring because it has symbolic meaning to it. The conch symbolizes order, civilization and voice. Piggy and Ralph found the conch at the beach and they use it to bring all the boys together after the plane crash. The conch symbolizes order and rules because of the meaning the boys give it, the conch is just a random shell but they value it which makes it important. The conch is extremely important to Piggy because it makes him feel like they ll have rules!..Lots of rules and when anyone breaks em wacco! (Golding 33). It gives him power and respect he also feels as if the boys can be organized instead of being chaotic. It represents civilization because the boys work together ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Behavioral Aspects of Project Management Behavioral Aspects of Project Management Project management is much more than creating a work breakdown structure and tracking a plan. The hardest part for many is the personal side of project management. In this paper, we will explore how the organizational culture of a company and basic human behavior influence the success or failure of projects. In conducting this exploration, we will envision ourselves in the following scenario, and address the issues presented. You have just been brought in on a project, as the previous project manager has left. The project is behind schedule and over budget, and several key team members have quit in disgust, plummeting the morale of the rest of the team, who fear they will have to do the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The higher the saboteur scores on the power meter the greater the chance that the project will fail, but no matter what the case a good project manager finds a way to get things done. Does project leadership play a role? Leadership also plays a part in managing successful projects. On the rare occasions when projects run relatively smoothly, the project manager need only manage the process. However, projects seldom proceed down the WBS path as originally planned. Project managers often have to deviate from what was originally planned and introduce changes in the project scope and schedule to respond to unforeseen threats or opportunities. These changes often require the project manager to do more than simply manage, they require him to step in and lead. That leadership usually involves recognizing and articulating the need to significantly alter the direction and operation of the project. It also means aligning people to the new direction and motivating them to work together to overcome hurdles produced by the change in order to realize the new objectives. Does this role change under duress? In a situation like the scenario we are discussing, leadership skills, combined with a more assertive use of the standard interpersonal project management skills, would need to be put into play. There is an immediate need to gain the trust of the project team members. They need to feel that they can trust that the new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...