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Essay On Mauritius In Hindi
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Essay On Mauritius In Hindi Essay On Mauritius In Hindi


An Examination of Shelby Eatenton in Steel Magnolias
Movie Character Presentation (Steel Magnolias)
An examination of Shelby Eatenton
Overview of Presentation
This presentation will offer an overview of the plot and circumstances of the film, and one of the
main characters, Shelby Eatenton.
A nursing assessment will be presented on Shelby Eatenton along with several interventions and an
overall conclusion regarding this patient.
Background of Steel Magnolias and Shelby Eatenton
The film opens on modern day Louisiana and tells the story of a circle of friends on the wedding
day of Shelby Eatenton (Julia Roberts) daughter of M lynn Eatenton (Sally Field). Shelby suffers
from type one diabetes.
We follow the women in the circle of friends (Olympia Dukakis, Dolly Parton, Darryl Hannah,
Shirley McClaine) and their bond as Shelby gets pregnant, bears the child and then suffers from
kidney failure. Shelby goes on dialysis and her mother, M lynn gives her one of her kidneys, which
Shelby s body ultimately rejects, pushing her into a coma.
Shelby s family ultimately decides to remove life support, as they re told that she will probably
remain in the coma indefinitely.
Shelby s mother M lynn breaks down at her daughter s funeral but is able to continue living
through the support of her friends, eventually realizing she has to help raise Shelby s child.
(Ross, 1989).
Functional Assessments
Health Perception/Health Management: Generally in good health with the occasional cold and bouts
of fatigue. She has to
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Web Usablity Analysis Essay
I have chosen Kiplinger s business website to conduct a web usability analysis. Interactive design
is an evolutionary process, when you take identified problems, visions, needs, and wants reported
by user feedback, then incorporate or fix, and further evaluate to refine and increase the success of
a given product. In this case the product is a website. Sharp, Rogers Preece, (2007) said this about
iterative design, When problems are found in user testing, they are fixed and then more test and
observations are carried out to see the effects of the fixes (P. 425). The company website I have
chosen will be analyzed using a critical eye that delves further into examples of specific factors that
directly impact the usability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Analysis of Task: Finding tips for teaching kids how to save
From Kiplinger s home page, a user should search for this type of information in the Starting Out
link located at the top to find the Raising Money Smart Kids link. Users will also find success in
using the search option located at the top right and the site map located on the left side of
Kiplinger s website. Kiplinger logically displays information in the middle of the page under past
columns, book excerpt, allowances rewards, savings tips, kids credit, jobs tax matters, Roth IRAs
investing, and college prep. For this scenario, the savings tips area has information about how to
teach young kids to save , this is just what a user would be looking for and the information covers
various age levels.
Examples of Navigational Theories
Navigating a website is similar to driving in a busy city for the first time and as we all know this
can be time consuming and you can get lost very easy if you do not have a road map. Like a
driver, users are concerned with knowing how to get from point A to Z and how to get back to
where they were previously. Website designers can prevent this problem by applying design
guidelines and arranging web content information carefully to help users find their way. Shubin,
Meehan (1997), provided these tips, Use of clear and consistent navigational aids (page
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Personal Identity In The Movie Finding Forrester
Identity is what defines a person, their personality, interests, and their ideals. For some people, it
s easy to show off their personality, but for others, and can be hard. Some people see it as a way
for people to criticize them based on who they are. In the movie, Finding Forrester, William
Forrester is a well known author for his popular book, yet he hides away in his apartment
because he doesn t want to be judged based on his work. This leads to struggles that William
deals with all because he wants to keep his identity hidden. A young boy named Jamal Wallace
has a similar issue. He is academically gifted, yet he doesn t show it off because he doesn t want
to stick out from his friends. The two eventually meet, become friends, and solve their issues
together. Jamal helps William escape his apartment, while William gives Jamal tips on what
makes a good writer. Finding Forrester gives a good lesson in being true to oneself and
expressing personality. If someone is too self conscious about their personality, it can be hard to
keep their identity hidden, especially in uncomforting situations. Some people feel more
comfortable about who they are with certain people. In Finding Forrester, there are a lot of
instances that show how people feel safer talking about who they are with friends, or family. Early
on in the story, William and Jamal discover a bond between each other and soon become good
friends. This friendshipthat William and Jamal share created a trust between the
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Law 421 Contracts
Contracts are an important part of everyday life. They are an essential part of business. As a
student of a business law class, I will discuss in this paper several aspects of contracts. This paper
will give a definition of a contract and the essential elements necessary to form a valid contract. It
will briefly discuss breach of contract and the difference between a material breach and a
nonmaterial breach of contract. Examples of legal and equitable remedies available for breach of
contracts will be highlighted. Also, legal excuses for nonperformance or other grounds for
discharge of contracts will be addressed. Finally, three types of common contracts personally and
professionally encountered will be mentioned.
A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Contracts can be discharged by complete performance or material non performance of the
contractual duty. For example: A contractor does not do any work promised on a bathroom, or
almost none, then the homeowner does not owe him anything. Therefore, the homeowner the non
breaching party is discharged and the contractor is liable for the breach of contract (lectriclaw,
2012). A cancellation can be effected if one party breaches the contract, or a termination can
occur when either party lawfully ends the contract for anything other than a breach. In this case,
all executor duties are discharged on both sides but in the event of a partial breach, there is still a
right to seek a remedy (lectriclaw, 2012). Procedures dealing with all aspects of contracts are a
part of everyday transactions and can affect every individual on one level or another.
In everyday living, contracts can be a basic part of individual life. On a personal level, there are
several types of contracts that have been encountered. These contracts are life, health, and
automobile insurance that is a benefit for the person insured in case something happens such as a
death, a hospital stay or a car accident. Also, there are employment contracts that are signed when
one accepts a job such as an employment application, and service contracts such as contractors
performing work on my home. These are basic examples of how contracts affect everyday life on a
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An Exploratory Research..
Contents Introduction and background3 Importance of the research3 Scope of the report3 Research
problem/question amp; Objectives3 Method4 Methodological considerations and assumptions4
Sample considerations5 Data collection and framework, and analytical considerations5 Ethical
considerations5 Analysis5 Findings and Recommendations6 Limitations7 References8 APPENDIX
Introduction and background
Importance of the research As a marketing manager, it is important to know consumers attitude
towards a certain product which then leads to the intension to purchase and the actual behaviour.
The importance of this research is to predict intention of the behaviour, which ... Show more content
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Given that the research problem in this report is ambiguous, the basic research method adopted is
exploratory research. The role of exploratory research is to clarify and define a problem at the
initial stage of the research. Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar and Babin (2011), suggest that
exploratory research is not intended to provide conclusive evidence and is conducted with the
expectation that subsequent research will be required to provide such conclusive evidence. Thus,
exploratory research is the foundation of the research process which will lead to descriptive
research, and maybe causal research.
There are many exploratory methods that can be used to conduct research. These include field
studies, action research, depth interviews, focus groups and desk research. This exploratory
research utilised one qualitative method to collect data, which will help gain an insight of the
research problem before further research is performed. The method chosen was in depth interviews
which are relatively unstructured and extensive interviews in which the interviewer asks many
questions and probes for in depth answers (Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar, amp; Babin; 2011).
Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar, and Babin, (2011) also suggest that there is no one perfect method
which can meet all research objectives.
In depth interviews have been conducted with four members of the public who currently live in
Australia and
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How Are The Population Policies Different Between India...
How are the population policies different between India and China?
Guifang Tang
Introduction China and India are the two countries which have the largest population in the world.
These two countries have many similarities, especially they have fabulous growing speed during
the globalization. In the global economic market, China has the biggest manufacture market and
cheap labor (Justin Paul Erick Mas.2016). India gained independence from the United Kingdom
from 1947 and started to focus on improving their food security and developing the technology of
agriculture, so India has the evidence dominate the service market from agriculture transfer to
service sector due to the globalization too in recently decades (Kedia Lahiri 2007). In the same
situation of China, the whole society focused on agricultural reforms since the 1970s. As two
fastest developing countries, China and India typically have a big number of population and cheap
labor for manufacture industries which gained a lot of attention around the world. Population in
one country could be the productivity power or the economic factor force of developing. On the
other side, it could be the main reason of hinder the development. So this paper will directly
analysis these two nations population policy, in addition, based on their different society contexts
and culture value, analysis the population problem and social issues around the policy.
Comparison between India and China
1.India and China population
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How Did Gorbachev Influence The Soviet-American Government
The year was 1989, and the Americans had just elected their 41st President of the United States:
George H. W. Bush. As the former Vice President, Bush was well acquainted with the ongoing
conflict he was inheriting from the Reagan administration between the Soviet Union and the United
States. He was also cognizant of the man on the other side of the strife, Mikhail Gorbachev, leader
of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev was thought to be a relatively revolutionary character; he was less
of a hardliner and more open to change and influence from the West. Despite this, Bush had his
reservations; he ordered a comprehensive review of the Soviet American relationship shortly after
assuming office. In the report, the US National Security Advisor, Brent... Show more content on
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There was no longer a threat of global nuclear warfare the threat to American security was for the
time gone. The collapse of the Soviet Union also changed the nature of the international system
and has created a unipolar balance of power system with America being the sole superpower
instead of the bipolar system it was in the past. NATO gained a valuable asset during this era as
well; Germany has proven to be an economic leader and strategist globally and within Europe.
Additionally, the reformation of former communist states into open and democratic capitalist states
is an additional benefit to the West under democratic peace theory after all, democracies do not go
to war with other
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The Anti Vivisection Society ( Aavs )
Animals are living creatures and we should not experiment on them, forcing them to live with
injuries or illnesses: It is wrong. We should not be able to manipulate them and hurt them forcing
them to live with injuries or illnesses we inflicted without them being able to fight back. They
suffer everyday being held in small cages with no freedom until they find their untimely end most
likely being euthanized. Testing on animals is not even a reliable study; this is something that the
American Anti Vivisection Society (AAVS) argues. The AAVS is a nonprofit organization that is
dedicated to advocacy for animals and eliminating animals from all experimentation in the USA.
The AAVS believe animals have the right not to be exploited for science and we should not have
to choose between helping humans and harming animals. (2013, paragraph 9) Using animals in
experimentations is questioned more and more every year because of the reduced reliability
shown over time. Some scientific limitations are that even though a treatment or medicine may
work on an animal the outcome on a human may be entirely different. Health and Human Services
Secretary Mike Leavitt says, nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in clinical studies because we
cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies.
(2013, paragraph 16) Studies using animals are flawed because of the differences in physiology,
metabolism, anatomy, and genetics. Helen Marston brings up a
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Marketing Mix for a Clothing Store
Marketing Mix
As a clothing store which is focusing on local designed and European designed clothes, our
products are going to be high end, fashionable, green and unique.
пЃ¬First, because the trend of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION develops very fast, we want
to encourage our designers to consider using green dressing materials or put some elements of eco
awareness in their creations. At the same time, we are going to use Environmental protection
shopping bag in our business and use green materials to decorate our store.
пЃ¬Second, the elements of FASHION are the main selling point for us. We are going to collect
some latest designed creations from local designers in Vancouver or European cities. However, we
know there are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
пЃ¬For the customized products: we need to calculate the total amount of cost of ordering,
production and delivery. We estimate the price of these products should be twice higher than our
usual products. (I just guess this price thing, you guys decide it....)
Because our main selling point is local , so our promotion strategy should focus on local market.
пЃ¬We want to promote our store through local newspaper but the space of our advertisement in
newspaper should not be too big. Consider of the cost of advertisement and the segment of market
we pick, we need a moderate size but cool advertisement to match up to our store.
пЃ¬We also want to exhibit our products or the latest fashion design to the local markets. So, we
want to hold a launch party to exhibit these designs softly to potential customers. Not only when
the store is opening, but we want to hold this kind of party seasonal. We can also invite the
designers and VIP customers come to our party to communicate with each other. We think these
parties can increase the brand loyalty and increase the times of exposure.
пЃ¬We also want to sponsor local match of fashion design when we have enough capitals. It is a
good way to advertise our brand and make a good relationship with potential talent designers.
Our target segment of clothing market is the people around 25 40 years old and have a higher than
moderate income
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Taking a Look at the Great Recession
Many economists have come to consider the 2008 financial crisis as the worst recession since the
1930 s Great Depression. The recession led to the total collapse of financial institutions, the
withdrawal of banks by the national governments and the total collapse of stock markets across
the world. The housing market also suffered in many areas, which resulted in prolonged
unemployment, evictions and foreclosures. The crisis played a key role in the failure of
significant businesses, the decline in the wealth of consumers, estimated in trillions of American
dollars, a downturn in economic activities and the debt crisis of the European countries. On 9
August 2007, the Banque National de Paris (BNP), a French bank and financial company whose
global headquarters are located in London, stopped withdrawals from three hedge funds citing a
total evaporation of liquidity. This marked the beginning of the active phase of the crisis. In 2007,
the bursting of the housing bubble of the U.S was at its peak. The bursting resulted in plummeting
of security values tied to the U.S. real estate pricing. The complex interplay of policies that
provided easier lending of loans, overpricing of sub prime mortgages, on a theoretical basis that the
prices would continue to increase, and inadequate capital holdings from insurance companies and
banks to back their financial commitments contributed to the bursting of the bubble (Boatright,
2010). During 2008, securities suffered huge losses due to
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Queenship In Robin s Essay On Hatshepsut
While Egyptian monuments did not record individualities of ancient Egyptian queens, in the article,
Robins discussed four queens in detail to speculate their characters and to demonstrate that kingship
was complemented by queenship. I will focus on her argument on Hatshepsut and respond to it.
In her research on Hatshepsut, Robins argued that Hatshepsut identified herself as a king during her
queenship to build up power. She stated that Hatshepsut used god s wife as her title, reminiscent of
Ahmose Nefertari. Further, Robins talked about Hatshepsut s kingship and argued that Hatshepsut
could become a king due to her strong personality and the coruler political system in ancient Egypt.
Moreover, Robins talked about Hatshepsut s daughter s important role. Then she discussed
Hatshepsut s unusualness and argued that she was a fusion of female and male. Finally, Robins
argued that Thutmose III was willing to rule with Hatshepsut and didn t hate her. ... Show more
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First, Hatshepsut had a forceful character so that she knew how to choose male officials. The
fortunes of these people were tied to her, so they were willingly controlled by a female king.
Second, two kings could rule simultaneously according to the Egyptian political system, allowing
Hatshepsut to continue her kingship without expel Thutmose III. Last but not least, Hatshepsut was
not a pacifist, but rather, she had a fighting character. The first and second hypotheses were
persuasive, because they were based on solid supportive sources. The third argument, nevertheless,
lacked adequate and convincing
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Compare And Contrast Don Juan Movie And Play
Although both in the movie and the play the characters Don Juan have similar abilities seducing
woman, there is a great deal of difference between movie Don Juan and play Don Juan. Don Juan
character description in play is more of a feisty character. He is one of those characters that if
you tell them they can t do something, they go out or their way to prove you wrong or if you
challenge them they go above and beyond, crossing all limits to win the bet. It seems dignity and
pride are all they live for and nothing else matters. Don Juan lived for the present and winning the
bet was the most important thing to him. Finally, when he did find someone he loved (he claimed
he loved her) his arrogance got in the way killing the father and leaving
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The Enlightenment Philosopher In The 1600 s
Every Enlightenment Philosopher in the 1600 s had different views on how a human being was
structured and how it worked, they had different beliefs and opinions that may or may not be true.
Thomas Hobbes believed that Humans are by nature free also equal in faculties of body and
mind and humans are just physical objects and our Human Nature was just like he stated The
natural state of man s life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short , according to Hobbes, human
beings are essentially selfish, we are not essentially good or ethical people because in Hobbes
opinion ethics come with politics and politics are the root of selfishness. Hobbes argued that the
essential natural right was to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own
The social contract based on Hobbes was that If you shut up and do as you are told, you have the
right not to be killed or even have the right to not to be killed, for no matter what the sovereign
does, it does not constitute violation of the contract. Hobbes advocated a Sovereign government
with a king with consistent exercise of authority. His views on religion were that he ... Show more
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Society makes them lose it, and they recover it only by the protection of laws, The State Of
Nature according to Montesquieu is that individuals were so fearful of violence and war that it
caused the timid to associate with others and seek to live in a society, but then he loses his sense
of weakness, equality ceases, and then commences the state of war. This philosopher does not
normally think of natural rights, and rarely speaks of them, He did not believe in a social contract
but in his opinion the state of war lead humans to laws and government. Separation of powers was
something he believed in so that the government wouldn t get too powerful and it would never
infringe on the people s
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Macbeth- Text Responce
Prompt: Macbeth is totally responsible for his own downfall
Shakespeare s play Macbeth is about the leading male protagonist succumbing to his ambition and
need for power. Though Macbeth is liable for his own actions, he is not solely responsible for the
events that eventually result in his downfall. Macbeth is corrupted by his wife, Lady Macbeth, as
well as the three weird sisters. Macbeth s contribution towards his downfall is his strong ambitious
nature. Lady Macbeth is the person who induces Macbeth to assassinate King Duncan. The three
weird sisters (witches) play with Macbeth s ambitious nature and sense of security. Macbeth s
downfall is due to himself and two external factors.
Due to Macbeth s ambitious nature, lust for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In spite of this they decide to play create a false sense of security with Macbeth, security is mortals
chiefest enemy . To do this they made the aspirations that Macbeth sees, sound like nothing can
hurt, kill or dethrone him, none of woman born can harm Macbeth . The witches are responsible for
Macbeth s downfall because they make it seem that he cannot be killed by anything, thus enhancing
his sense of security. This heightened sense of invincibility causes Macbeth to kill MacDuff s
family, and then fight with the thought that no one can hurt him. Macbeth is not totally responsible
for his downfall, the witches twisting of words cause Macbeth to misinterpret the message, which
causes his eventual death.
In Shakespeare s play Macbeth , Macbeth is seen to be the grounds of his own downfall. Macbeth
s actions bring upon his downfall, because it is he who eventually chose to kill Banquo and
MacDuff s family. These actions were due to his ambitious nature. Lady Macbeth is also to blame
for her husband s demise because she is the one who originally pushed Macbeth into killing
Duncan; her actions cause Macbeth to eventually meet his own death. Lady Macbeth is not the only
factor that cause Macbeth s downfall. The three witches are also responsible because they heighten
Macbeth s confidence and put the idea that he cannot be killed by anything. Macbeth s ambitious
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Case Study Report On Dabigatran
Main findings This was one of limited pharmacovigilance safety outcome study reported on
Dabigatran in UAE population. We have shown that 23.7% of the Dabigatran users have bleeding
events. We have reported minor bleeding incidences with one fatal major bleeding in patients using
Dabigatran for AF. The bleeding events were significantly associated with MI , and were markedly
higher with the 150 mg dose of Dabigatran. The hospitalization rate during the three years retrieved
data was very high. The cohort exhibited high co morbidities, admissions, and readmission which
were not directly linked to Dabigatran but was attributed to uncontrolled AF, and other co
morbidities. . However, the only variables that were significantly associated with... Show more
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A prospective one site study has assessed the usefulness of Dabigatran, and Rivaroxaban in
patients with non valvular AF. Inappropriate use of Dabigatran, and Rivaroxaban in patients with
non valvular AF was frequent, and possibly leads to adverse events, [36]. Another randomized
clinical study comparing Apixaban , and Warfarin in patients with AF, Apixaban was found to be
superior to Warfarin in preventing stroke or systemic embolism, caused less bleeding, , and
resulted in lower mortality, [37]. A relative small increase in risk (0.27) for MI in patients
receiving Dabigatran compared to control patients or those on Warfarin, was reported in a meta
analysis of seven non inferiority trials, [38]. Which have provided support, to our
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Benito Mussolini Cinema Research Paper
From 1922 until 1943, the cinema came under the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini, who ruled
the kingdom of Italy. The cinema was set to often promote the Fascist state, pessimistically
characterized, these films were many filmmakers were producing these types of uninspiring films
due to the fascist regime. Films presented a different way of life about Italy, which avoided the real
life struggles with reality, leaving a huge hole for directors of the neorealism era to emerge in.
With the World War II commencing, damage and destruction to multiple countries, meant lack of
workers, lack of equipment, and studios were not on offer to filmmakers, but this also created
stories for many to hear and write about. Due to the war filmmakers were forced
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Designing A Product, An Advertiser
When trying to sell a product, an advertiser must think of their target audience. For Covergirl,
their audience is mainly women but it is for makeup enthusiast. Covergirl always tailors their
advertisements in the same way. There is always a woman, normally it is just her head and her
shoulders sometimes. She is posed very dramatically and she is always flawless with a clear
complexion, contoured skin, full pink lips, bright eyes and perfectly styled hair. There is always a
bold element or something that grabs your attention in a Covergirl advertisements. Most of them
also have a theme for example, the blossom mascaraad that features Katy Perry has a theme of
flowers with light pink flowers covering the page or the volume mascara ad... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The text underneath the picture describes the product and how it is better than the competition.
This text talks about how the mascara is just as good if not better than false lashes. The colors
used are very contrasting. The background is very light and Drew Barrymore is portrayed as pale
and the only other color use is yellow. Black is used and is on her fishnet gloves and is very
contrasting to the smooth texture and colors.
In this ad specifically, there is a lot of contrasting images. The black fishnet gloves in contrast to
the smooth, glossy, silk fabric and the flawless face of Drew Barrymore. The dark color is only on
the black gloves draws attention to the gloves. However, your attention then moves to the next
darkest things, her eyes. They are effectively using the contrasting textures and colors to draw your
attention to her eyelashes. Another effective fact is that Covergirl uses Drew Barrymore as a
model, her familiar face plays on pathos and makes the audience trust the advertisement.
This image is a Covergirl ad advertising nylon mascara, using Drew Barrymore as a spokesperson
for this product. This ad appeared in a magazine and a similar one aired on television. This ad was
made by Covergirl, a well known makeup production company. They have chosen to make this is
to sell their new nylon mascara. Covergirl is attempting to sell this mascara to women, unhappy
with their mascara or false
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Jewish Badges Research Paper
Muslim Caliphs, Medieval Bishops, and, eventually Nazi leaders started to use the Star Of
David to identify Jews. Anti Jewish measures to segregate Jews from the rest of the people, and
made their status inferior. In Western Europe Jewish badges disappeared as the French Revolution
was coming, and the Jewish slaves were being freed. The Nazi Officials implemented the Jewish
badge between 1939 and 1945, in a vicious (intense) manner. What was more important was that
they were being sent to ghettos and killing centers in German filled Eastern Europe. During the
Nazi era, German Authorities represented the Jewish badge as a key part to their plan to execute
the Jews in Europe. The badge was not only used to humiliate Jews, but to control them... Show
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On April 22, 1933 he put a legal law that the national flags of German would be the old Imperial
red, white, and black tricolor and flown in same place with the swastika flag. These flags were
to be flown together on all merchant ships, which led to a serious incident with diplomatic
consequences. On the night of Friday, July 26, 1935, several hundred Communists took part in
an anti Nazi demonstration on a pier in New York harbor as the German liner ,Bremen, was
about to depart for Europe. They attempted to board the liner and were fought by 250 policemen,
detectives, and crew members. Thirty of the demonstrators gained the forelock of the vessel and
tore down the swastika flag flying there and threw it into the Hudson River. In the short fierce
struggle with the police, a detective was badly beaten before the Communists were ejected.
Meanwhile, there was savage fighting on the pier and in the adjacent streets. The police used
their batons freely on the heads of the Communists and after a time the demonstrators we drawn
off. The police arrested four men alleged to be the assailants of the injured detective. Three others
were arrested for disorderly conduct. The injured detective and two of the rioters were taken to the
hospital. Ten of the Bremen s crew also were treated for cuts and bruises. The liner departed on
time, and 20 policemen sailed with her
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Agenda Setting In The Movie Rocky IV
Agenda Setting is a theory that has the ability to influence the salience of topics on the public
agenda. It is a very dangerous, but helpful tactic that many mainstream media use in order to
powerfully influence the public. Media has the ability to shape and mold the most important news
of the time, and this is highly evident in the OJ Simpson Case and the famous Movie Rocky IV.
Nicole Brown and OJ Simpson had two children and divorced due to Simpson s multiple
investigation for domestic violence and spousal abuse. Sadly, on June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown and
her partner were found murdered outside her condominium with multiple stab wounds on her neck.
The evidence linked to the murders connected to OJ Simpson, and was enough evidence to... Show
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The movie is about a star boxer of the Soviet Union, Ivan Drago, who wants to take on the World
champion, Rocky Balboa. However, his friend Apollo Creed challenges him, and he dies after
getting hit by one knockout punch from the Soviet star. Rocky, enraged by the death of his friend,
decides to take on the Soviet monster. 1985 was around the time the Cold War began to end, and
this movie was agenda setting at it s finest. The movie shows an American getting killed by the
harsh and cold ideals of the Russians, but only to end with a fierce and loyal American stopping his
rein and showing the American people that they, once again, are the greatest in the world.
Mainstream media sets its agenda once again by focusing the public opinion to be focused on
American finally beating the Soviet Union. Rather than allowing the people to form their own
opinion regarding the harsh reality of the cold war, the media put a spin on it to show that America
had truly won the war, even though there was nothing to be gained. The movie created an intense
emotional rollercoaster similar to the tension between the two rivalling countries during the Cold
War for the public. The American people truly believed that winning the Cold War involved some
type of battle in a foreign ground, rather than through negotiations and communication. Though the
war had ended in 1985, there are still issues of trust that both America and Russia
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Summary Of Custer Died For Your Sins
All men are created equal, a broad saying that attempts to describe the equality of our country. We
have been abiding by these words since the creation of America, however, many events and
circumstances have contradicted them. In the early ages of society, it seemed that the only beings
who were granted privileges were rich white males. African Americans and Native Americans found
a common ground while they both struggled for their equality for a duration of time, and some
could argue that they continue to struggle today. They were viewed as outcasts and in some cases
even monsters. White peoplechose to oppress them only because they looked different and believed
different. Literature does a good job of expressing these struggles through their themes. Two
readings that stand out while relaying this theme are Custer Died For Your Sins and Confessions of
Nat Turner. Within these readings, it is clear that both African Americans and Native Americans
endured the struggle of being oppressed, while also being generalized as unequal outcasts solely for
their different looks and culture, forcing them to turn to violence as their only option for liberty.
It is absurd that Americans would discriminate against those who are Native to this land. Afterall,
Native Americans populated this nation before anyone else, but somehow, since they do not look
white, and represent a different culture, they are considered unequal. Since Americans knew that
Indians were outcasts, they did what
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City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago
City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago
AJS 514
October 19, 2015
James L. Smith
City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago
Chicago is a big and beautiful city in the United States, this paper will discuss the cities
demographics and analyze a criminal profile. It will include the characterization of the city in terms
of social and intellectual context and identify social factors that contribute to crime. A description of
beliefs people living there would accept for explaining criminal behavior by linking of events or
attitudes. It will consider the changes in land use, property values, transportation, and retail as one
moves away from the city. If there are any changes, it will describe the distances between these ...
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(2014). Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/17/1714000.html Crime statistics .
(2015). Retrieved from https://portal.chicagopolice.org/portal/page/portal/ClearPath/News
Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities. (2015). Retrieved from
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Immigration and Interprovincial Migration Within Canada...
Immigration is very important to Canada and the Canadian government, and there are many people
that Immigrate to Canada each year. There are many reasons for why people want to move to
Canada, because this country offers multiple services and programs for people who need them, and
give them rights other countries don t.
A very important right is personal safety. In Canada, crime rates are low compared to many other
countries in the world. This is very important for people who come from countries where there is
war, and safety ended for them outside a room. In Canada, people are free to go wherever they
please without having to worry if they are being followed or not.
Another reason people move to Canada are for social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were at least 50,000 foreign born students in school in 2012, and about 25% of students in
large cities were immigrants who came to Canada specifically for education (according to
Statistics Canada). An example of when people moved to Canada for religious and cultural
freedom was at the time of the Underground Railroad. Before the American Civil War, African
Americans were kept as slaves and treated terribly in America. To find freedom, these people
moved to Canada using the Underground Railroad to start a new life and practice their own culture
instead of working for others. There were approximately 30,000 slaves who came to Canada at that
Just as immigrants come from many different places in the world, they settle in different places
in Canada. Most Immigrants tend to settle in cities, either in Ontario or British Columbia. The
simple reason why people settle in cities is because it is easier. Support systems available in
cities help immigrants settle in and adapt more comfortably to their new home. For example, there
are English and French classes offered to the people who cannot speak Canada s official
languages, so they feel more comfortable when interacting with other people. Another reason why
people move to these provinces is because of economy. Ontario and British Columbia both have
good economies and a variety of companies that people can work for. This helps immigrants to
support their families (something most people
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Kardashian Leadership Qualities
A leader is someone who performs actions in which other people want to model themselves
after. Leaders could be pro athletes, popular musicians but people such the Kardashians are not
what I view as a leader. The pro athletes who are leaders are the ones who are good people on and
off the field. The ones who have their own foundations or charities. I do not believe the
Kardashians deserve the name leader because they do things for themselves and not other
people, which is not a quality of a leader. The two main qualities all leaders should have in common
are their approach to inspire, their ability to lead by example. Being able to inspire people to do
what they love makes you a great leader. Also being able to inspire their team is great
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Spencer s Position
1. Explain Spelke s position on the nature/nurture debate? Spelke s position focuses more on the
nature side of the debate as she describes her core knowledge theory. What this theory suggests is
that humans are born with innate knowledge that can be divided into four systems involving
objects, people, numbers, and space. In other words, Spelke believes that humans are born with
certain knowledge in each of these systems, which then provide a basis for learning from new
experiences. In her article, she further defends her theory by justifying that it is universal. For
instance, she explains that core knowledge is can be found in other animals, as well as in people
from other cultures like the Piraha. 2. Explain Spencer s position on the... Show more content on
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By using developmental process theory to learn information about early development, Spencer
explains that it is a process that considers more than one variable which is not seen in Spelke s
core knowledge theory. For example, in the imprinting research with chicks brought up in darkness,
he states that nonvisual factors such as hearing the hen s call can lead to visual predisposition. This
idea, however, does not align with nativist research because innateness of imprinting was
determined only by the fact the visual experience was not
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The Secret Truth About Napping Analysis
Sometimes I think that sleeping isn t important because I thought that sleep wouldn t help your
body. Well I was wrong to say that because it does help your body. The amount of sleep you get
each day impacts over the course of your life. I was asked if sleep had a huge impact on your
health. Well my answer is yes it does have a huge impact. Some people don t have enough hours
of sleep, some have too much, and some don t know how much their suppose to sleep. Despite the
fact that some people think that sleep isn t important, I m going to prove that sleep is important
According to Source 1, if you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less then needed, the sleep
loss will add up. The total sleep loss is like your sleep debt. For example, if you lose 2 hours of
sleep each night, you ll have a sleep debt f 14 hours after a week. Some people night take naps as a
way to deal with sleepiness. Naps can provide a short term boost in alertness and... Show more
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They also think that only little children should take naps. Their wrong if they think that only
little children should take naps. My reason is that there is evidence that napping can benefit
people of all ages. Many famous historical figures take naps. Napping helps people deal with
stress and it could renew a person s energy. For example, if the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein
didn t take naps he would ve never had invented the light bulb. If the amazing artist Leonardo Da
Vinci didn t take naps, eh would ve been too sleepy to paint the Mona Lisa. The human body
operates according to the internal clock. The clock operates in relation to the Earth s pattern of
darkness at night and bright light during the day. If a person s internal clock is in sync with his or
her habits, the person can most likely sleep well at night and remain awake and alert all
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The Contract Law Of The United States
Essay Paper on the Contract Law of the United States Introduction Contract Law of The United
States of America In order to have civilized interactions between people contract law is an invention
that creates good faith and fair dealing. The United States people have a government that has a legal
system that enforces agreements called contracts. An agreement without enforceability leaves the
parties vulnerable to mistakes, dishonesty, changes of mind, illegality. Also, a contract means that
the people can have reliability in their relations. People can have their problems remedied and
damages made up for. Contract enforcement makes a more stable platform for businesses, making
them more likely to do business and helping the economy,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
What business and people are allowed to do is regulated by contracting. Contract laws are made
by the state or the courts. Our society is controlled by contracting, which keeps order. Contract
laws are enforced by the courts. Fairness and equity in contracts is the assignment of the courts.
Certain basic contract rights are protected by the law. Unfair and unconscionable advantage by
strong groups and powerful individuals over less influential individuals is regulated by
contracting. Aspects of the Contract Law of the United States The Contract Clause Article I,
section 10, clause 1 of the United States Constitution, states: No State shall enter into any Treaty,
Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of
Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of
Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of
Nobility. Law that retroactively impairs contract rights is prohibited by this Contract Clause. State
legislation cannot impair contract rights. Court decisions can still be used to impair contract
rights.[2] Contract Clause. (2015, February 11). The individual State governments and the United
States Congress have rights established by Article 1 of the United States Constitution. Any law that
impairs the obligation of contracts is not allowed by Section 10. However, states are not
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Is The Moral Of The Last Battle Of Ottainawa By Robert Leckie
Robert Leckie s book, Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II, is entirely about one of World
War II s most brutally fought battles. On April 1, 1945, the U.S. invaded Japan, attacking the
island of Okinawa with 540,000 U.S. Army and Marines, and 1,600 ships. L Day was the official
name for this day. The L stood for Landing, but the Americans who invaded the Hagushi Beaches
that day without any trouble from the Japanese, called it Love Day. This battle was the last battle
of World War II and lasted a whopping eighty three days. This invasion greatly outnumbered D Day
in weapons and in men.
Former Marine and Pacific Warveteran, Robert Leckie describes this battle in depth, not only
telling you about the Americans, but showing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Leckie does not describe individuals weighing their costs and benefits or the choice they decide
to make. He does a great job of descriptively covering the events of the Okinawa invasion and
does not tell the story from one particular point of view. However, I believe a better understanding
of economics could help make this book better.
One of the routes Leckie could have went about to describe if this battle was rational or not was
to talk about the length of the war. Was eighty three days of fighting rational? Most regular
people would say that this is not rational. Not only did thousands of men lose their lives, but all
the weapons or ships that were damaged or destroyed was very costly. Don t forget the
opportunity cost of the income that could have been earned in other lines of work. These are only
a few of the costs that this battle brought on for not only the Americans but the Japanese as well.
On the other hand, the major benefit from this battle was the fact that Okinawa would be an
essential springboard to victory for the Allies. From Okinawa, the Allies could attack the mainland
by air or sea and ultimately win the war. These eighty three days were necessary in order to
strategically invade this island and eventually invade and control Japan.
From an economic standpoint I believe that this battle was rational, and it needed to be fought in
order to end the entire war. Although the length of this battle was not ideal, it still needed to be
fought in order
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Tennessee V. Garner Essay
Name:Tennessee v. Garner
Citation:No. 83 1035, 83 1070 (1985)
Facts:On October 3, 1974, Memphis Police Officers Hymon and Wright were dispatched to
answer a prowler inside call. When the police arrived at the scene, a neighbor gestured to the
house where she had heard glass breaking and that someone was breaking into the house. While
one of the officer radioed that they were on the scene, the other officer went to the rear of the
house hearing a door slam and saw someone run across the backyard. The suspect, Edward
Garner stopped at a 6 feet high fence at the edge of the yard and proceeded to climb the fence as the
police officer called out police, halt. The police officer figured that if Garner made it over the fence
he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It dismissed the claims against the defendants as being the mayor and Officer Hymon and the
Police Department as being the director for lack of evidence. Hymon s actions were then concluded
to being constitutional by being under the Tennessee statute. The Court of Appeals affirmed with
regard to Hymon, finding that he had acted accordingly to the Tennessee statute. The Court of
Appeals then reversed and remanded. It reasoned that the killing of a fleeing suspect is seizure
under the Fourth Amendment, and is therefore constitutional only if actions are reasonable. In this
case the actions were found not to be reasonable. Officers cannot use deadly force unless they have
probable cause that the suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or has committed a felony.
Issue:Garner, the suspect s father brought forth that his unarmed son was wrongfully shot by a
police officer as his son was fleeing from the burglary of an unoccupied house. He proposed a
wrongful death action under the federal civil rights statute against the police officer who fired the
shot, the police department and others.
Decision:The Court of Appeals reversed and filed a petition for certiorari. The Supreme Courtheld
that: (1) apprehension by use of deadly force is a seizure subject to the Fourth Amendment s
reasonableness requirement; (2) deadly force may not be used unless it is necessary to prevent the
escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a
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A Brief Note On Water Supply And Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation is a problem in developing nations as they lack the proper resources
to install a water collection foundation. Bolivia can be considered a developing nation that has a
water supply problem as they do not necessarily have the proper infrastructure to supply their
population and they also lack a water regulation program. The village of Lupalaya is a small
settlement located at approximately 16.195 degrees latitude, 68.841 degrees longitude with an
estimated elevation of 12,600 ft above sea level on the shore of Lake Titicaca. The village is also
located 60 miles NW of the largest populous city in Boliviaof La Paz. Due to Lupalaya s proximity
to La Paz the village is greatly affected by the La Paz El Alto concession which led to the
privatization of water supplyand sanitation.
Bolivia is a landlocked country located in central South America. The village of Lupalaya is
located five miles from the west central border with Peru on shore of Lake Titicaca. The village is
also located in a small mountain valley no more than .35 miles across. Lupalaya is also found on
the Altiplano at the high elevation of 12,600 ft above sea level. Even though Lupalaya is a small
village they are surrounded by many other villages and cities including the most populous city in
Bolivia, La Paz. Bolivia has a wet and a dry season throughout the year and this can turn into a
problem when the need for water is great but the groundwater levels are low,
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Compulsory Education For All Children
In England compulsory education for all children starts at 5 years of age and continues up until
the age of 16 years (it has been changed to 17 years in 2013 and to 18 years in 2015 subject to a
number of conditions relating to the engagement of the student in employment, training and
education). Education for children is delivered according to their ages in schools. A school might
be described as a form of social organisation called an institution. An institution can be described as
a structure for social order that attempts to govern the behaviour of a set of individual people in a
community. One way of describing a school is as an institution constructed for the teaching of
students (learners) under the direction of teachers (... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Early years Foundation Stage framework and curriculum document applies to all children
attending early years settings such as nurseries and school nurseries, school reception and year 1
classes. The Early Years Foundation Stage profile is the assessment tool used by Early Years
practitioners to measure children s learning and development and at the end of the reception
year it is forwarded to Primary School Year 1 teachers and to the Local Authority as of
September 2014. In English schools the Foundation Stage curriculum is delivered for children
at 3 5 years. In Wales it is called The Early Years Foundation Phase and is for children of 3 7
years. In Scotland the document is called Curriculum for Excellence and sets out a curriculum
for ages of 3 18 years. The curriculum for children aged 3 4 and the early Primary School phase (
In Scotland it is called Primary 1) are presented as one level. Children will only move to Primary
1 when they are ready. In Northern Ireland the Foundation Stage starts at the age of 3 years and
goes straight into the key stages until the age of 17 years. However the Foundation is
distinguished from the Primary School curriculum and children move onto the formal learning
curriculum of the Primary School when they are ready. Post 16 years options have altered a great
deal since 2007. Pupils can leave school at age 16 but are now required by the
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Stereotypes In Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli
Is being a one of a kind a key to success? Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is a novel about a girl that
attends a new school and everyone starts to become aware of the fact that she is not normal . As
people start getting to know Stargirl, they start to realize that she is quite annoying due to her
distinctive personality. For instance, she starts going around the lunchroom and starts singing
happy birthday to whomever when it s their birthday. From this I can infer the author s intended
message is to be nobody, but yourself in a world where everyone expects you be just like them.
This message was revealed throughout the story in many situations. As Stargirlwas new at Mica
High, she had no one to sit with, but as time passed one day the text stated No longer did Stargirl eat
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The moment students heard this news their reactions were indescribable. They started to go to
every basketball game at Mica High. Students even tried to sneak into practices and looked through
the gates. The moment Stargirl started to cheer everyone thoughts turned upside down. Stargirls
cheers enchanted the crowd. The bigger highlight of Stargirls cheers was that the basketball team
had perfect winning record. In the journey of Stargirl s cheerleading career she had gained an
enormous amount of popularity until one day. Stargirl made a big mistake that the crowd didn t
like her for, but in her opinion she thought it was the right thing to do. As Stargirl was cheering she
decided to cheer for the other team and help a boy on the other team when he got hurt. When the
crowd saw this they were shunned. The negative comments the crowd had said got to Stargirl they
made her tremendously disappointed. The theme was evident by Stargirl not giving up on herself
even though she lost her motivation and support from the
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The Origin Of International Or Intercontinental Adoption
This paper sees the sights the origin of international or intercontinental adoption in U.S. martial
intercession, mainly the Korean War and its consequences. Keeping focus on the concealed practice
in Korean adoption research, the prostitute and her biracial kid, this article tends to recast armed
camp town in Southern Korea as the original situate of communal casualty, a very important
situation that causes to be biracial children homeless and their respective Korean mothers attenuate
mothers for adopting them.
One people, one nation is the National philosophy of South Korea which has coupled with
American geopolitical benefits in this Asian expanse shaped the primary push and draw reasons
and causes for children of Korea to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
and South Korea.
Representing biracial offspring whose existence diagnosis was precluded in Korea, on the other
hand, the South Korean administration relate to introduced large scale adoption as the only
practicable as another possibility for biracial progeny. But, this biopolitical exercise was painful to
all children at the limitations whereas encouraging worldwide adoption for the upcoming fifthy
years. Pearl Buck who is one of the significant American who publicly supports global adoption
says as follows:
Hybrid Asian and American families created through adoption could eventually facilitate better
political relations between the United States and Asia...Page 16
The figure of speech and descriptions mentioned in this article unfold a fractional account regarding
the genesis of the international adoption and portray themselves as confirmation of the US familial
dominance and compassion. The chronicle of the Holts and their eight biracial Korean children is
considered to be a prodigy amongst the adoptee society. It tempts us to believe the substantial
circumstances and affinity attachments as of which biracial children were extorted. Most of the
adoptees that were viciously hauled out from their unique relation, but, have been brought up
obsessed by the worries of their societal bereavement, as
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Ferdinand Margaret Quotes
The theme of witchcraft is engrained in the character of Margret and the play, as it becomes a
tool for revenge and revelation. Having suffered the loss of her husband, her son, and her
kingdom, Margret is a woman banished on pain of death (1.3.166). Nevertheless, Margret s pain
is not limited to grieving. Bitter and passionate she returns to England seeking justice. Margret
angrily declares to Richard III: A husband and a son thou ow st to me, / And thou a kingdom; all
of you alliance. / This sorrow that I have by right is yours, / And all the pleasures you usurp are
mine (1.3.169 174). In this line, Margret expresses her desire for retribution for her bereavement
caused by Richard III and other Yorkist royals like Queen Elizabeth. However, as she no longer
holds social power, she is only capable of pronouncing curses to the gods. Margret exclaims, Did
York s dread curse prevail so much with heaven/... Can curses pierce the clouds and enter heaven?
/ Why then give way, dull clouds, to my quick curses! (1.3.190 195) Margret invokes the justice of
God through her curses to gain revenge by punish the crimes of her enemies. Interestingly, through
her mention of the Duke of York s curse Margret manages to link her curses to those used in the
past to make her suffer. Thus, Margret s curses are not loose threads... Show more content on
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Myself? /... I am a villain; yet I lie, I am not / I shall despair; there is no creature that loves me
(4.3.182 200). Margret s curse causes Richard s conscience to begin to surface as the ghosts of
his victims torment him in his nightmares. Eaten by fear, doubt, and despair, Richard III is unable
to stabilize himself figuratively and literally and ultimately he loses his loss of reason is depicted
in his statement, my kingdom for a horse! (5.5. 6) With Margret s curse echoing in Richard s
thoughts his demise was guaranteed. It becomes clear that Margret was Richard s greatest
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College Persuasive Speech
Y/N POV~ Shawn and I were getting ready to go to the teen choice awards. Shawn was wearing
a grey shirt withhold black jeans and black vans. I was wearing a black tight short dress that
went to the middle of my thighs and black 3 inch heels. Y/N are you ready to go Andrew and my
dad are almost here Shawn asked. Ya almost ready just finishing up my makeup . I told you you
don t have to were makeup your beautiful without it Shawn told me. I promise it s a lot but of
makeup . I know I told Shawn it was a little but it s not. I walked out of the hotel bathroom to find
Shawn, Manny, John and Andrew on the couch talking about what the plans about for tonight
since it s the award show then Shawn has to perform at the Greek theatre right after. Hi Y/N. how
are you? Andrew asks. excited! What about you? . Good, thanks for asking Andrew responds. Hi
Manny, how are you ? . good thanks you Manny... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shawn got pulled into a couple of interviews and they ask about me, how long we have been
dating and Shawn s upcoming music. We found our seats Manny was on the end, then Shawn,
me, Andrew and John. They finally where about to announce the Webstar music Shawn was
nominated for. Bethany Mota and Laura Marano presented the award. and the winner is Laura
said. Shawn Mendes Bethany and Laura yelled. OMG Shawn won. Shawn got up hugged
Andrew, Manny and I and then walked up to the stage. Hi wow This is so cool thank u so much,
first of all this is fan voted, so thank you much you guys for everything your doing for me I m
living my dream and I owe this to you guys every who has helped with my music this year
Andrew and everyone who works with me but the fans I love you so much thank you so much I
m so nervous Shawn said. Shawn started to walk of stage in the opposite direction. I m so proud
of Shawn he s accomplished so much in his career so
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Antigen And T-Cells
2.A crazy immunology professor, in his wild immunological dreams has suggested that an antigen
arriving in a lymphoid tissue is like a bunch of children searching for their parents in a crowd at a
football stadium. Immunologically speaking, what does this analogy refer to and what is the
consequence of this encounter? Use a concrete and personal example to answer this question.
Newly generated lymphocytes, including T cells and B cells, will leave their central lymphoid
organs where they developed, and will migrate to the peripheral lymphoid tissues, where some
further maturation will occur. Mature lymphocytes continually recirculate between the blood and
peripheral lymphoid tissues. Thus, high concentrations of lymphocytes can be... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
This specificity can relate to a child trying to find its parent in a crowd. The antigen recognition
molecules of T cells are made as membrane bound proteins and function to signal T cells for
activation. These molecules are called T cell receptors. T cell receptors are similar to antibodies
in structure, but they do not recognize and bind to the antigen directly. T cell receptors will
recognize short peptide fragments of pathogen protein antigens, that are bound to MHC molecules
on the surfaces of other cells. Major histocompatibility complex, or MHC will present fragments
derived from antigens and display them on the surface of antigen presenting cells to be recognized
by the T cell receptor. The TCR will recognize not only the peptide fragments of the antigen, but
will also recognize the MHC molecules which the fragment is bound to, adding another dimension
of specificity, relating to the analogy of a child trying to find its parent in a crowd. The
consequence of these interactions is an adaptive immune response of antigen specific lymphocytes
to the antigen, as well as the development of immunological memory. Adaptive immune responses
are generated by clonal selection of lymphocytes, and are distinct from innate responses. The
immune response consequence is in result to the antigen 3.Consider this scenario, even if you do
not agree with it.
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The Economic Downfall
The Economic Downfall1
The Economic Downfall
Franita Roberson
May. 1, 2011
Dani Mclean
The Economic Downfall2
We are in a mist of depression, both economically and emotionally. Even though the government
can t make a stance in this economic crisis, we won t recover because of unemployment, gas
prices, funding for housing, human development, and health care for the aging and disabled.
Unemployment has increased to an all time high in the year of 2011. The government is at a
constant battle with each other, while we as Americans are in a struggle to survive. It has been
reported by the (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics) that the unemployment rate has risen by 11.8%
from the year 2006 to 2011. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All actions that they take affects every American and should not be taken likely. Protest have been
made about these hikes every where. But, what no one is realizing there has not been an increase in
diesel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum. Seems to be that no one is winning in this battle.
The Economic Downfall6
The Economic Downfall7 Health care is an endless issue that we are facing. Health care is needed
to prevent, treat and manage illnesses. But, managing the United States economically makes it hard
for funding of our health care. There are many advantages to our health care system. Having
Medicare or Medicaid helps fund our individual medical costs. Both of these insurances are funded
through our government for every individual that cannot afford to pay for health care for
themselves. The cost of medical care is very expensive to individuals. Unexpected trips to the
emergency room, having to visit specialty physicians, hospitalizations and treatments. It was
reported that in 2008 the U.S spent $2.3 trillion in health care cost.
(U.S.healthcarecostbackgroundbrief aspx) Everyone suffers from health care coverage such as the
government, employers, and all consumers. Fortunately, our president has made cost control the
focus of health reform for our country. The rising of the federal deficit is causing major burdens on
the funding for our health care. Realistically, it is hard
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Faith And Authentic Faith
Fellowship and Community are fundamental elements to the traditional Christian view attitude, by
the fact that the role of the Church is to bring people together and provides them with a sanctuary to
express their beliefs. There is a psychological explanation for this, that we are at a lesser stage of
anxiety when we seek for belonging and acceptances from others, thus Kierkegaard argues that this
leads to complacency. Kierkegaard further argues that Authentic faith is an active faith in that the
movements of faith are chosen again and again, thus Active faith is for the individual in their own
solitude. Inauthentic faith is inactive and complacent, therefore complacent faith is faith for
comfort s sake and not faith in its truest sense. Hence, comfort comes from the community, that of
the Church and the concept that others believe what oneself also believes. To belief in the
impossible is not really a traditional Christian... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The absolute duty can then lead to what the universal ethical would forbid; this is observed with
Abraham when he seems willing to sacrifice Isaac as he displays the universally ethical expression
for what he is doing; that of hate. But, if Abraham did indeed truly hate Isaac, then it would not be
necessary for God to have requested this of Abraham. It is indeed due, to Abraham s unconditional
love for his only son Isaac, that makes his actions appear to be a sacrifice. The sorrow and aguish
in this paradox of faith, is what makes Abraham incapable of making himself fully understood, to
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Lgbt1 Task 1
On Wednesday, december 30th 2015, at or about 0209 hours at the location of 1120 south federal
highway corridor (crime location) which is located within the jurisdictional limits of the city of
hollywood, within broward county and the state of florida, the above named defendant did
unlawfully have in his/her actual constructive possession a controlled substance, to wit: cannabis,
in the amount of 17.46 grams. The suspect marijuana was field tested positive by this officer
(officer alban #3359). The remainder was sent to the broward sheriff`s office laboratory for analysis.
At the time of this incident i was in a fully identifiable hollywood police standard patrol uniform.
The standard patrol uniform includes a department issued short ... Show more content on
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It was obvious to me that he was nervous of police presence.
I advised the arrestee that he was being detained, due to the equipment violation. Due to officer
safety concerns, i then asked the arrestee if he had any weapons. At which point the arrestee
spontaneously uttered man, i got a little bit of weed on me . Weed is a street term for cannabis. I
then asked the arrestee where the cannabis was located, at which he replied in my pants. I then
advised the arrestee to retrieve the cannabis which he complied.
The arrestee recovered a clear plastic bag containing multiple clear baggies that contained a green
leafy substance. Based on our knowledge, training and experience it appeared to be suspect
cannabis. I later conducted a field test of the green leafy substance which rendered positive for
suspect cannabis. A further obersvation of the cannabis revealed that their were 18 baggies inside
the large plastic bag, all weighing different amounts, but all together weighing17.46 grams. Based
on my knowledge and training, the suspected cannabis were packaged in a way that is not
consistent with personal use, but for street level sales/distribution of
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Transgressions In Mervyn Leroy s The Bad Seed
While the conclusion tacked onto the end of The Bad Seed didn t manage to change some of
the less obvious themes in Mervyn LeRoy s 1956 film, the new ending put in place by
conservative lobby groups affects the portrayal of transgressions from societal standards and
taboos. The dramatic difference in the ending gives the film a strong message that transgressions
can only be righted through an act of god. The fact that Rhoda is transgressive is still undeniably
a part of the film. In fact, Rhoda could even be considered twice as transgressive: she is both a
murderer and a child murderer, two separate taboos (Hendershot, p. 28). Further still, the fact that
Rhoda does not deviate into any other major taboos at any point during the film a stark
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Gould And Lewis Twenty Lessons In Environmental Sociology
The authors of the book Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology , Kenneth Gould and
Tammy Lewis, provide a critique on the interactions of various social systems and ecosystems by
many different scholars and institutions. A combination of neo Marxist ideas are used as a base of
the world system theory to create the system for the neoliberal theories (Gould and Lewis p. 39).
The world system theory is looking into economic relationships based off of social changes that are
occurring around the world and determining whether the country is benefitting or not (Gould Lewis
p.39). This theory is built upon the perspective of the modernization theory; these societies are
being directly affected by the lack of modernization within their... Show more content on
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These theories are closely related when looking at their end goals of wanting to change social
institutions that will develop a positive change in the environment. However, when examining the
reflexive modernization theory in relation to environmental issues, societies need to think more
about what they don t want rather than want they do want. For example, when evaluating a solution
for polluted rivers, rather than looking at what is wanted to better the problem, society should look
into what they do not want and evaluate the issue from there. This is where a difference in theories
is noted. Both theories show that the idea is not to abandon capitalism, but rather renegotiate and
reorganize the problem entirely (Gould and Lewis p.43). The system is then broken down at the
individual level and changes are made throughout the system into the institutional level. However,
the ecological theory looks to modernize the system as a whole, rather than radically changing it.
The Cradle to Cradle Design by McDonough and Braungart is an example of the ecological
modernization theory of reintegrating products and wastes back into society. Promoting this design
of reintegration is represented at the individual level as products are being reused rather than
destroyed causing unnecessary wastes and pollution.
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Strengths Of Un Peacekeeping
Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host
countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. Peacekeeping has unique strengths,
including legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from
around the globe, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multidimensional
mandates. UN Peacekeepers provide security and the political and peace building support to help
countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace.
UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles:
пЃЂConsent of the parties;
пЃЂNon use of force except in self defence and defence of the mandate.
Peacekeeping is flexible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In absence of a well regulated and monitored Police Administration, the need, goal and
aspirations of the people and also of the Government cannot be achieved systematically.
Whenever there is war, the first casualty apart from the battlefront is the disturbance of normal
functioning of the Civil Society. Due to war, Army is involved in fighting battle at the front. The
Para Military force and the police have to take up additional duties such as guarding the border
and supplementing the army. Due to lack of police manpower, the Civil Administration is
burdened with ever increasing requirements to maintain Law Order in chaos. The Civil
Administration and the Judiciary depend upon the role of the police to maintain peace, harmony
and tranquility. Auxiliary Police Units like Home guards and Civil defense are pressed into
service to supplement the depleted police force. When war or external aggression takes forms of
defeat or invasion by enemy country, the local police set up, civil administration and judiciary
function under the alien power. In such a situation police and law enforcers serve alien
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Zara Marketing Plan
International Conference on Industrial Logistics
Zara s mission:
To produce a fashion forward product for the masses
Zara Tidbits
Amancio Ortega quit his sales job to start the business with just 5,000 pesetas ($83) Founded in
1963 as a maker of ladies lingerie in the Galician town of La CoruГ±a Today, 70 year old chairman
and majority shareholder, Mr Ortega, is Spain s richest man.
Flagship enterprise of Inditex (2001 IPO) Sales of 3.2 billion €, EBIT of 476.1 million € in
2003 and EBIT margin of 14.8%. HQ and central distribution in La CoruГ±a (Galicia northwestern
corner of Spain) Women s, men s and children s wear Over 724 stores in 56 countries
Zara and Mango
Spanish apparel retailers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Si intentase fabricar mis colecciones en Asia, no serГa capaz de traerlas a las tiendas con la
velocidad suficiente. Al fabricarlas cerca de casa puedo descartar colecciones cuando no se estГЎn
vendiendo y sin esta rГЎpida respuesta no serГa capaz de obtener una buena relaciГіn entre
calidad, precio y moda, que es lo que nuestros clientes esperan , subrayГі.. JosГ© MarГa Castellano,
Febrero 3, 2005
Pricing Strategy
Pricing Strategy 200 150 100
170 140 100 110
50 0 Spain Rest of Europe Northern Europe Americas Japan
Zara s Strategy
A Passion for Fashion Global Reach Vertical
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Exploring Different Data Collection Methods
Honolulu University
Exploring Different Data Collection Methods
Statistical Methods in Business amp; Economics (BUS405)
Ching Sum Jessie Ha (80600402)
Honolulu University
Exploring Different Data Collection Methods
Statistical Methods in Business amp; Economics (BUS405)
Ching Sum Jessie Ha (80600402)
Data is collected to learn the effectiveness of a particular tool in preventing defects or to look into
the cause of a particular defect (Burrill, Ledolter, p.381). Data removes the trepidation and
uncertainty of an unknown element. One reason for collecting data is to gain an understanding of
the data by organizing and graphing the individual values (Albert, Rossman, p.1). Secondly, and
most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, the nature of this knowledge varies and reflects your study objectives. Some study
objectives seek to make standardized and systematic comparisons, others seek to study a
phenomenon or situation in detail. These different intentions require different approaches and
methods, which are typically categorized as either quantitative or qualitative. I. Quantitative
Quantitative research provides quantified answers to research problems and is commonly associated
with positivistic (objectively measurable), experimental research (Pope, Mays, 1995). Quantitative
research typically explores specific and clearly defined questions that examine the relationship
between two events, or occurrences, where the second event is a consequence of the first event, e.g.
What impact did the program have on children s school performance? To test the causality or link
between the program and children s school performance, quantitative researchers will seek to
maintain a level of control of the different variables that may influence the relationship between
events and recruit respondents randomly.
Quantitative approaches address the what of the program. They use a systematic standardized
approach and employ methods such as surveys (Hawe, Degeling, Hall, 1990) and ask questions
such as What activities did the program run? or
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Essay On Banning Cuban
Finishing the ban would be terrible business, reinforce an abusive government and desert
American qualities. The Castro regimes endeavors lose cash and his legislature is a global bum.
In 1986, Cuba defaulted on its multibillion dollar obligation to the Paris Club of countries. That
obligation is currently evaluated to be around $37 billion and the Castro government declines to
pay it. A few months prior, Russia needed to discount 90 percent of Cuba s $32 billion
obligation. That is practically $29 billion dollars that Castro will never pay back to Moscow. In
November, Mexico discounted $340 million of Cuba s obligation to its advancement bank,
Bancomext. It is no big surprise that, as per Moody s, Cuba s FICO assessment is Caaa1, which
implies more terrible than profoundly theoretical and a significant hazard to financial specialists. It
bodes well to drop the ban for exchanging with an administration that reneged on such a large...
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On the off chance that the U.S. dropped the ban, our organizations would join those from around
the globe that pay the consequences to the Castro administration as it adventures the Cuban
individuals. It is this degenerate framework, not the ban, which denies the general population of
Cuba of the advantages of exchange and the ability of their work. As the U.S. contended in the
Unified Countries, the Cuban Government s own particular approach was the biggest obstruction
to the nation s own particular improvement, concentrating political and financial choices in the
hands of the few and smothering monetary development. The American individuals need
unhindered commerce with free individuals, not controlled exchange that reinforces a tyrant
government s persecution of its
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  • 8. How Did Gorbachev Influence The Soviet-American Government The year was 1989, and the Americans had just elected their 41st President of the United States: George H. W. Bush. As the former Vice President, Bush was well acquainted with the ongoing conflict he was inheriting from the Reagan administration between the Soviet Union and the United States. He was also cognizant of the man on the other side of the strife, Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev was thought to be a relatively revolutionary character; he was less of a hardliner and more open to change and influence from the West. Despite this, Bush had his reservations; he ordered a comprehensive review of the Soviet American relationship shortly after assuming office. In the report, the US National Security Advisor, Brent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was no longer a threat of global nuclear warfare the threat to American security was for the time gone. The collapse of the Soviet Union also changed the nature of the international system and has created a unipolar balance of power system with America being the sole superpower instead of the bipolar system it was in the past. NATO gained a valuable asset during this era as well; Germany has proven to be an economic leader and strategist globally and within Europe. Additionally, the reformation of former communist states into open and democratic capitalist states is an additional benefit to the West under democratic peace theory after all, democracies do not go to war with other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Anti Vivisection Society ( Aavs ) Animals are living creatures and we should not experiment on them, forcing them to live with injuries or illnesses: It is wrong. We should not be able to manipulate them and hurt them forcing them to live with injuries or illnesses we inflicted without them being able to fight back. They suffer everyday being held in small cages with no freedom until they find their untimely end most likely being euthanized. Testing on animals is not even a reliable study; this is something that the American Anti Vivisection Society (AAVS) argues. The AAVS is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to advocacy for animals and eliminating animals from all experimentation in the USA. The AAVS believe animals have the right not to be exploited for science and we should not have to choose between helping humans and harming animals. (2013, paragraph 9) Using animals in experimentations is questioned more and more every year because of the reduced reliability shown over time. Some scientific limitations are that even though a treatment or medicine may work on an animal the outcome on a human may be entirely different. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt says, nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies. (2013, paragraph 16) Studies using animals are flawed because of the differences in physiology, metabolism, anatomy, and genetics. Helen Marston brings up a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Marketing Mix for a Clothing Store Marketing Mix PRODUCT As a clothing store which is focusing on local designed and European designed clothes, our products are going to be high end, fashionable, green and unique. пЃ¬First, because the trend of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION develops very fast, we want to encourage our designers to consider using green dressing materials or put some elements of eco awareness in their creations. At the same time, we are going to use Environmental protection shopping bag in our business and use green materials to decorate our store. пЃ¬Second, the elements of FASHION are the main selling point for us. We are going to collect some latest designed creations from local designers in Vancouver or European cities. However, we know there are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... пЃ¬For the customized products: we need to calculate the total amount of cost of ordering, production and delivery. We estimate the price of these products should be twice higher than our usual products. (I just guess this price thing, you guys decide it....) PROMOTION Because our main selling point is local , so our promotion strategy should focus on local market. пЃ¬We want to promote our store through local newspaper but the space of our advertisement in newspaper should not be too big. Consider of the cost of advertisement and the segment of market we pick, we need a moderate size but cool advertisement to match up to our store. пЃ¬We also want to exhibit our products or the latest fashion design to the local markets. So, we want to hold a launch party to exhibit these designs softly to potential customers. Not only when the store is opening, but we want to hold this kind of party seasonal. We can also invite the designers and VIP customers come to our party to communicate with each other. We think these parties can increase the brand loyalty and increase the times of exposure. пЃ¬We also want to sponsor local match of fashion design when we have enough capitals. It is a good way to advertise our brand and make a good relationship with potential talent designers. PEOPLE Our target segment of clothing market is the people around 25 40 years old and have a higher than moderate income ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Taking a Look at the Great Recession Many economists have come to consider the 2008 financial crisis as the worst recession since the 1930 s Great Depression. The recession led to the total collapse of financial institutions, the withdrawal of banks by the national governments and the total collapse of stock markets across the world. The housing market also suffered in many areas, which resulted in prolonged unemployment, evictions and foreclosures. The crisis played a key role in the failure of significant businesses, the decline in the wealth of consumers, estimated in trillions of American dollars, a downturn in economic activities and the debt crisis of the European countries. On 9 August 2007, the Banque National de Paris (BNP), a French bank and financial company whose global headquarters are located in London, stopped withdrawals from three hedge funds citing a total evaporation of liquidity. This marked the beginning of the active phase of the crisis. In 2007, the bursting of the housing bubble of the U.S was at its peak. The bursting resulted in plummeting of security values tied to the U.S. real estate pricing. The complex interplay of policies that provided easier lending of loans, overpricing of sub prime mortgages, on a theoretical basis that the prices would continue to increase, and inadequate capital holdings from insurance companies and banks to back their financial commitments contributed to the bursting of the bubble (Boatright, 2010). During 2008, securities suffered huge losses due to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Queenship In Robin s Essay On Hatshepsut While Egyptian monuments did not record individualities of ancient Egyptian queens, in the article, Robins discussed four queens in detail to speculate their characters and to demonstrate that kingship was complemented by queenship. I will focus on her argument on Hatshepsut and respond to it. In her research on Hatshepsut, Robins argued that Hatshepsut identified herself as a king during her queenship to build up power. She stated that Hatshepsut used god s wife as her title, reminiscent of Ahmose Nefertari. Further, Robins talked about Hatshepsut s kingship and argued that Hatshepsut could become a king due to her strong personality and the coruler political system in ancient Egypt. Moreover, Robins talked about Hatshepsut s daughter s important role. Then she discussed Hatshepsut s unusualness and argued that she was a fusion of female and male. Finally, Robins argued that Thutmose III was willing to rule with Hatshepsut and didn t hate her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, Hatshepsut had a forceful character so that she knew how to choose male officials. The fortunes of these people were tied to her, so they were willingly controlled by a female king. Second, two kings could rule simultaneously according to the Egyptian political system, allowing Hatshepsut to continue her kingship without expel Thutmose III. Last but not least, Hatshepsut was not a pacifist, but rather, she had a fighting character. The first and second hypotheses were persuasive, because they were based on solid supportive sources. The third argument, nevertheless, lacked adequate and convincing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Compare And Contrast Don Juan Movie And Play Although both in the movie and the play the characters Don Juan have similar abilities seducing woman, there is a great deal of difference between movie Don Juan and play Don Juan. Don Juan character description in play is more of a feisty character. He is one of those characters that if you tell them they can t do something, they go out or their way to prove you wrong or if you challenge them they go above and beyond, crossing all limits to win the bet. It seems dignity and pride are all they live for and nothing else matters. Don Juan lived for the present and winning the bet was the most important thing to him. Finally, when he did find someone he loved (he claimed he loved her) his arrogance got in the way killing the father and leaving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Enlightenment Philosopher In The 1600 s Every Enlightenment Philosopher in the 1600 s had different views on how a human being was structured and how it worked, they had different beliefs and opinions that may or may not be true. Thomas Hobbes believed that Humans are by nature free also equal in faculties of body and mind and humans are just physical objects and our Human Nature was just like he stated The natural state of man s life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short , according to Hobbes, human beings are essentially selfish, we are not essentially good or ethical people because in Hobbes opinion ethics come with politics and politics are the root of selfishness. Hobbes argued that the essential natural right was to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own Nature. The social contract based on Hobbes was that If you shut up and do as you are told, you have the right not to be killed or even have the right to not to be killed, for no matter what the sovereign does, it does not constitute violation of the contract. Hobbes advocated a Sovereign government with a king with consistent exercise of authority. His views on religion were that he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Society makes them lose it, and they recover it only by the protection of laws, The State Of Nature according to Montesquieu is that individuals were so fearful of violence and war that it caused the timid to associate with others and seek to live in a society, but then he loses his sense of weakness, equality ceases, and then commences the state of war. This philosopher does not normally think of natural rights, and rarely speaks of them, He did not believe in a social contract but in his opinion the state of war lead humans to laws and government. Separation of powers was something he believed in so that the government wouldn t get too powerful and it would never infringe on the people s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Macbeth- Text Responce Prompt: Macbeth is totally responsible for his own downfall Shakespeare s play Macbeth is about the leading male protagonist succumbing to his ambition and need for power. Though Macbeth is liable for his own actions, he is not solely responsible for the events that eventually result in his downfall. Macbeth is corrupted by his wife, Lady Macbeth, as well as the three weird sisters. Macbeth s contribution towards his downfall is his strong ambitious nature. Lady Macbeth is the person who induces Macbeth to assassinate King Duncan. The three weird sisters (witches) play with Macbeth s ambitious nature and sense of security. Macbeth s downfall is due to himself and two external factors. Due to Macbeth s ambitious nature, lust for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In spite of this they decide to play create a false sense of security with Macbeth, security is mortals chiefest enemy . To do this they made the aspirations that Macbeth sees, sound like nothing can hurt, kill or dethrone him, none of woman born can harm Macbeth . The witches are responsible for Macbeth s downfall because they make it seem that he cannot be killed by anything, thus enhancing his sense of security. This heightened sense of invincibility causes Macbeth to kill MacDuff s family, and then fight with the thought that no one can hurt him. Macbeth is not totally responsible for his downfall, the witches twisting of words cause Macbeth to misinterpret the message, which causes his eventual death. In Shakespeare s play Macbeth , Macbeth is seen to be the grounds of his own downfall. Macbeth s actions bring upon his downfall, because it is he who eventually chose to kill Banquo and MacDuff s family. These actions were due to his ambitious nature. Lady Macbeth is also to blame for her husband s demise because she is the one who originally pushed Macbeth into killing Duncan; her actions cause Macbeth to eventually meet his own death. Lady Macbeth is not the only factor that cause Macbeth s downfall. The three witches are also responsible because they heighten Macbeth s confidence and put the idea that he cannot be killed by anything. Macbeth s ambitious nature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Case Study Report On Dabigatran Main findings This was one of limited pharmacovigilance safety outcome study reported on Dabigatran in UAE population. We have shown that 23.7% of the Dabigatran users have bleeding events. We have reported minor bleeding incidences with one fatal major bleeding in patients using Dabigatran for AF. The bleeding events were significantly associated with MI , and were markedly higher with the 150 mg dose of Dabigatran. The hospitalization rate during the three years retrieved data was very high. The cohort exhibited high co morbidities, admissions, and readmission which were not directly linked to Dabigatran but was attributed to uncontrolled AF, and other co morbidities. . However, the only variables that were significantly associated with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A prospective one site study has assessed the usefulness of Dabigatran, and Rivaroxaban in patients with non valvular AF. Inappropriate use of Dabigatran, and Rivaroxaban in patients with non valvular AF was frequent, and possibly leads to adverse events, [36]. Another randomized clinical study comparing Apixaban , and Warfarin in patients with AF, Apixaban was found to be superior to Warfarin in preventing stroke or systemic embolism, caused less bleeding, , and resulted in lower mortality, [37]. A relative small increase in risk (0.27) for MI in patients receiving Dabigatran compared to control patients or those on Warfarin, was reported in a meta analysis of seven non inferiority trials, [38]. Which have provided support, to our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Benito Mussolini Cinema Research Paper From 1922 until 1943, the cinema came under the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini, who ruled the kingdom of Italy. The cinema was set to often promote the Fascist state, pessimistically characterized, these films were many filmmakers were producing these types of uninspiring films due to the fascist regime. Films presented a different way of life about Italy, which avoided the real life struggles with reality, leaving a huge hole for directors of the neorealism era to emerge in. With the World War II commencing, damage and destruction to multiple countries, meant lack of workers, lack of equipment, and studios were not on offer to filmmakers, but this also created stories for many to hear and write about. Due to the war filmmakers were forced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Designing A Product, An Advertiser When trying to sell a product, an advertiser must think of their target audience. For Covergirl, their audience is mainly women but it is for makeup enthusiast. Covergirl always tailors their advertisements in the same way. There is always a woman, normally it is just her head and her shoulders sometimes. She is posed very dramatically and she is always flawless with a clear complexion, contoured skin, full pink lips, bright eyes and perfectly styled hair. There is always a bold element or something that grabs your attention in a Covergirl advertisements. Most of them also have a theme for example, the blossom mascaraad that features Katy Perry has a theme of flowers with light pink flowers covering the page or the volume mascara ad... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The text underneath the picture describes the product and how it is better than the competition. This text talks about how the mascara is just as good if not better than false lashes. The colors used are very contrasting. The background is very light and Drew Barrymore is portrayed as pale and the only other color use is yellow. Black is used and is on her fishnet gloves and is very contrasting to the smooth texture and colors. In this ad specifically, there is a lot of contrasting images. The black fishnet gloves in contrast to the smooth, glossy, silk fabric and the flawless face of Drew Barrymore. The dark color is only on the black gloves draws attention to the gloves. However, your attention then moves to the next darkest things, her eyes. They are effectively using the contrasting textures and colors to draw your attention to her eyelashes. Another effective fact is that Covergirl uses Drew Barrymore as a model, her familiar face plays on pathos and makes the audience trust the advertisement. This image is a Covergirl ad advertising nylon mascara, using Drew Barrymore as a spokesperson for this product. This ad appeared in a magazine and a similar one aired on television. This ad was made by Covergirl, a well known makeup production company. They have chosen to make this is to sell their new nylon mascara. Covergirl is attempting to sell this mascara to women, unhappy with their mascara or false ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Jewish Badges Research Paper Muslim Caliphs, Medieval Bishops, and, eventually Nazi leaders started to use the Star Of David to identify Jews. Anti Jewish measures to segregate Jews from the rest of the people, and made their status inferior. In Western Europe Jewish badges disappeared as the French Revolution was coming, and the Jewish slaves were being freed. The Nazi Officials implemented the Jewish badge between 1939 and 1945, in a vicious (intense) manner. What was more important was that they were being sent to ghettos and killing centers in German filled Eastern Europe. During the Nazi era, German Authorities represented the Jewish badge as a key part to their plan to execute the Jews in Europe. The badge was not only used to humiliate Jews, but to control them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On April 22, 1933 he put a legal law that the national flags of German would be the old Imperial red, white, and black tricolor and flown in same place with the swastika flag. These flags were to be flown together on all merchant ships, which led to a serious incident with diplomatic consequences. On the night of Friday, July 26, 1935, several hundred Communists took part in an anti Nazi demonstration on a pier in New York harbor as the German liner ,Bremen, was about to depart for Europe. They attempted to board the liner and were fought by 250 policemen, detectives, and crew members. Thirty of the demonstrators gained the forelock of the vessel and tore down the swastika flag flying there and threw it into the Hudson River. In the short fierce struggle with the police, a detective was badly beaten before the Communists were ejected. Meanwhile, there was savage fighting on the pier and in the adjacent streets. The police used their batons freely on the heads of the Communists and after a time the demonstrators we drawn off. The police arrested four men alleged to be the assailants of the injured detective. Three others were arrested for disorderly conduct. The injured detective and two of the rioters were taken to the hospital. Ten of the Bremen s crew also were treated for cuts and bruises. The liner departed on time, and 20 policemen sailed with her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Agenda Setting In The Movie Rocky IV Agenda Setting is a theory that has the ability to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda. It is a very dangerous, but helpful tactic that many mainstream media use in order to powerfully influence the public. Media has the ability to shape and mold the most important news of the time, and this is highly evident in the OJ Simpson Case and the famous Movie Rocky IV. Nicole Brown and OJ Simpson had two children and divorced due to Simpson s multiple investigation for domestic violence and spousal abuse. Sadly, on June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown and her partner were found murdered outside her condominium with multiple stab wounds on her neck. The evidence linked to the murders connected to OJ Simpson, and was enough evidence to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The movie is about a star boxer of the Soviet Union, Ivan Drago, who wants to take on the World champion, Rocky Balboa. However, his friend Apollo Creed challenges him, and he dies after getting hit by one knockout punch from the Soviet star. Rocky, enraged by the death of his friend, decides to take on the Soviet monster. 1985 was around the time the Cold War began to end, and this movie was agenda setting at it s finest. The movie shows an American getting killed by the harsh and cold ideals of the Russians, but only to end with a fierce and loyal American stopping his rein and showing the American people that they, once again, are the greatest in the world. Mainstream media sets its agenda once again by focusing the public opinion to be focused on American finally beating the Soviet Union. Rather than allowing the people to form their own opinion regarding the harsh reality of the cold war, the media put a spin on it to show that America had truly won the war, even though there was nothing to be gained. The movie created an intense emotional rollercoaster similar to the tension between the two rivalling countries during the Cold War for the public. The American people truly believed that winning the Cold War involved some type of battle in a foreign ground, rather than through negotiations and communication. Though the war had ended in 1985, there are still issues of trust that both America and Russia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Summary Of Custer Died For Your Sins All men are created equal, a broad saying that attempts to describe the equality of our country. We have been abiding by these words since the creation of America, however, many events and circumstances have contradicted them. In the early ages of society, it seemed that the only beings who were granted privileges were rich white males. African Americans and Native Americans found a common ground while they both struggled for their equality for a duration of time, and some could argue that they continue to struggle today. They were viewed as outcasts and in some cases even monsters. White peoplechose to oppress them only because they looked different and believed different. Literature does a good job of expressing these struggles through their themes. Two readings that stand out while relaying this theme are Custer Died For Your Sins and Confessions of Nat Turner. Within these readings, it is clear that both African Americans and Native Americans endured the struggle of being oppressed, while also being generalized as unequal outcasts solely for their different looks and culture, forcing them to turn to violence as their only option for liberty. It is absurd that Americans would discriminate against those who are Native to this land. Afterall, Native Americans populated this nation before anyone else, but somehow, since they do not look white, and represent a different culture, they are considered unequal. Since Americans knew that Indians were outcasts, they did what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago AJS 514 October 19, 2015 James L. Smith City Demographics and Crime Profile of Chicago Chicago is a big and beautiful city in the United States, this paper will discuss the cities demographics and analyze a criminal profile. It will include the characterization of the city in terms of social and intellectual context and identify social factors that contribute to crime. A description of beliefs people living there would accept for explaining criminal behavior by linking of events or attitudes. It will consider the changes in land use, property values, transportation, and retail as one moves away from the city. If there are any changes, it will describe the distances between these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2014). Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/17/1714000.html Crime statistics . (2015). Retrieved from https://portal.chicagopolice.org/portal/page/portal/ClearPath/News /Crime%20Statistics Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities. (2015). Retrieved from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Immigration and Interprovincial Migration Within Canada... Immigration Immigration is very important to Canada and the Canadian government, and there are many people that Immigrate to Canada each year. There are many reasons for why people want to move to Canada, because this country offers multiple services and programs for people who need them, and give them rights other countries don t. A very important right is personal safety. In Canada, crime rates are low compared to many other countries in the world. This is very important for people who come from countries where there is war, and safety ended for them outside a room. In Canada, people are free to go wherever they please without having to worry if they are being followed or not. Another reason people move to Canada are for social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were at least 50,000 foreign born students in school in 2012, and about 25% of students in large cities were immigrants who came to Canada specifically for education (according to Statistics Canada). An example of when people moved to Canada for religious and cultural freedom was at the time of the Underground Railroad. Before the American Civil War, African Americans were kept as slaves and treated terribly in America. To find freedom, these people moved to Canada using the Underground Railroad to start a new life and practice their own culture instead of working for others. There were approximately 30,000 slaves who came to Canada at that time. Just as immigrants come from many different places in the world, they settle in different places in Canada. Most Immigrants tend to settle in cities, either in Ontario or British Columbia. The simple reason why people settle in cities is because it is easier. Support systems available in cities help immigrants settle in and adapt more comfortably to their new home. For example, there are English and French classes offered to the people who cannot speak Canada s official languages, so they feel more comfortable when interacting with other people. Another reason why people move to these provinces is because of economy. Ontario and British Columbia both have good economies and a variety of companies that people can work for. This helps immigrants to support their families (something most people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Kardashian Leadership Qualities A leader is someone who performs actions in which other people want to model themselves after. Leaders could be pro athletes, popular musicians but people such the Kardashians are not what I view as a leader. The pro athletes who are leaders are the ones who are good people on and off the field. The ones who have their own foundations or charities. I do not believe the Kardashians deserve the name leader because they do things for themselves and not other people, which is not a quality of a leader. The two main qualities all leaders should have in common are their approach to inspire, their ability to lead by example. Being able to inspire people to do what they love makes you a great leader. Also being able to inspire their team is great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Spencer s Position 1. Explain Spelke s position on the nature/nurture debate? Spelke s position focuses more on the nature side of the debate as she describes her core knowledge theory. What this theory suggests is that humans are born with innate knowledge that can be divided into four systems involving objects, people, numbers, and space. In other words, Spelke believes that humans are born with certain knowledge in each of these systems, which then provide a basis for learning from new experiences. In her article, she further defends her theory by justifying that it is universal. For instance, she explains that core knowledge is can be found in other animals, as well as in people from other cultures like the Piraha. 2. Explain Spencer s position on the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By using developmental process theory to learn information about early development, Spencer explains that it is a process that considers more than one variable which is not seen in Spelke s core knowledge theory. For example, in the imprinting research with chicks brought up in darkness, he states that nonvisual factors such as hearing the hen s call can lead to visual predisposition. This idea, however, does not align with nativist research because innateness of imprinting was determined only by the fact the visual experience was not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Secret Truth About Napping Analysis Sometimes I think that sleeping isn t important because I thought that sleep wouldn t help your body. Well I was wrong to say that because it does help your body. The amount of sleep you get each day impacts over the course of your life. I was asked if sleep had a huge impact on your health. Well my answer is yes it does have a huge impact. Some people don t have enough hours of sleep, some have too much, and some don t know how much their suppose to sleep. Despite the fact that some people think that sleep isn t important, I m going to prove that sleep is important According to Source 1, if you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less then needed, the sleep loss will add up. The total sleep loss is like your sleep debt. For example, if you lose 2 hours of sleep each night, you ll have a sleep debt f 14 hours after a week. Some people night take naps as a way to deal with sleepiness. Naps can provide a short term boost in alertness and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also think that only little children should take naps. Their wrong if they think that only little children should take naps. My reason is that there is evidence that napping can benefit people of all ages. Many famous historical figures take naps. Napping helps people deal with stress and it could renew a person s energy. For example, if the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein didn t take naps he would ve never had invented the light bulb. If the amazing artist Leonardo Da Vinci didn t take naps, eh would ve been too sleepy to paint the Mona Lisa. The human body operates according to the internal clock. The clock operates in relation to the Earth s pattern of darkness at night and bright light during the day. If a person s internal clock is in sync with his or her habits, the person can most likely sleep well at night and remain awake and alert all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Contract Law Of The United States Essay Paper on the Contract Law of the United States Introduction Contract Law of The United States of America In order to have civilized interactions between people contract law is an invention that creates good faith and fair dealing. The United States people have a government that has a legal system that enforces agreements called contracts. An agreement without enforceability leaves the parties vulnerable to mistakes, dishonesty, changes of mind, illegality. Also, a contract means that the people can have reliability in their relations. People can have their problems remedied and damages made up for. Contract enforcement makes a more stable platform for businesses, making them more likely to do business and helping the economy,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What business and people are allowed to do is regulated by contracting. Contract laws are made by the state or the courts. Our society is controlled by contracting, which keeps order. Contract laws are enforced by the courts. Fairness and equity in contracts is the assignment of the courts. Certain basic contract rights are protected by the law. Unfair and unconscionable advantage by strong groups and powerful individuals over less influential individuals is regulated by contracting. Aspects of the Contract Law of the United States The Contract Clause Article I, section 10, clause 1 of the United States Constitution, states: No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Law that retroactively impairs contract rights is prohibited by this Contract Clause. State legislation cannot impair contract rights. Court decisions can still be used to impair contract rights.[2] Contract Clause. (2015, February 11). The individual State governments and the United States Congress have rights established by Article 1 of the United States Constitution. Any law that impairs the obligation of contracts is not allowed by Section 10. However, states are not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Is The Moral Of The Last Battle Of Ottainawa By Robert Leckie Robert Leckie s book, Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II, is entirely about one of World War II s most brutally fought battles. On April 1, 1945, the U.S. invaded Japan, attacking the island of Okinawa with 540,000 U.S. Army and Marines, and 1,600 ships. L Day was the official name for this day. The L stood for Landing, but the Americans who invaded the Hagushi Beaches that day without any trouble from the Japanese, called it Love Day. This battle was the last battle of World War II and lasted a whopping eighty three days. This invasion greatly outnumbered D Day in weapons and in men. Former Marine and Pacific Warveteran, Robert Leckie describes this battle in depth, not only telling you about the Americans, but showing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Leckie does not describe individuals weighing their costs and benefits or the choice they decide to make. He does a great job of descriptively covering the events of the Okinawa invasion and does not tell the story from one particular point of view. However, I believe a better understanding of economics could help make this book better. One of the routes Leckie could have went about to describe if this battle was rational or not was to talk about the length of the war. Was eighty three days of fighting rational? Most regular people would say that this is not rational. Not only did thousands of men lose their lives, but all the weapons or ships that were damaged or destroyed was very costly. Don t forget the opportunity cost of the income that could have been earned in other lines of work. These are only a few of the costs that this battle brought on for not only the Americans but the Japanese as well. On the other hand, the major benefit from this battle was the fact that Okinawa would be an essential springboard to victory for the Allies. From Okinawa, the Allies could attack the mainland by air or sea and ultimately win the war. These eighty three days were necessary in order to strategically invade this island and eventually invade and control Japan. From an economic standpoint I believe that this battle was rational, and it needed to be fought in order to end the entire war. Although the length of this battle was not ideal, it still needed to be fought in order ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Tennessee V. Garner Essay Name:Tennessee v. Garner Citation:No. 83 1035, 83 1070 (1985) Facts:On October 3, 1974, Memphis Police Officers Hymon and Wright were dispatched to answer a prowler inside call. When the police arrived at the scene, a neighbor gestured to the house where she had heard glass breaking and that someone was breaking into the house. While one of the officer radioed that they were on the scene, the other officer went to the rear of the house hearing a door slam and saw someone run across the backyard. The suspect, Edward Garner stopped at a 6 feet high fence at the edge of the yard and proceeded to climb the fence as the police officer called out police, halt. The police officer figured that if Garner made it over the fence he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It dismissed the claims against the defendants as being the mayor and Officer Hymon and the Police Department as being the director for lack of evidence. Hymon s actions were then concluded to being constitutional by being under the Tennessee statute. The Court of Appeals affirmed with regard to Hymon, finding that he had acted accordingly to the Tennessee statute. The Court of Appeals then reversed and remanded. It reasoned that the killing of a fleeing suspect is seizure under the Fourth Amendment, and is therefore constitutional only if actions are reasonable. In this case the actions were found not to be reasonable. Officers cannot use deadly force unless they have probable cause that the suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or has committed a felony. Issue:Garner, the suspect s father brought forth that his unarmed son was wrongfully shot by a police officer as his son was fleeing from the burglary of an unoccupied house. He proposed a wrongful death action under the federal civil rights statute against the police officer who fired the shot, the police department and others. Decision:The Court of Appeals reversed and filed a petition for certiorari. The Supreme Courtheld that: (1) apprehension by use of deadly force is a seizure subject to the Fourth Amendment s reasonableness requirement; (2) deadly force may not be used unless it is necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. A Brief Note On Water Supply And Sanitation Water supply and sanitation is a problem in developing nations as they lack the proper resources to install a water collection foundation. Bolivia can be considered a developing nation that has a water supply problem as they do not necessarily have the proper infrastructure to supply their population and they also lack a water regulation program. The village of Lupalaya is a small settlement located at approximately 16.195 degrees latitude, 68.841 degrees longitude with an estimated elevation of 12,600 ft above sea level on the shore of Lake Titicaca. The village is also located 60 miles NW of the largest populous city in Boliviaof La Paz. Due to Lupalaya s proximity to La Paz the village is greatly affected by the La Paz El Alto concession which led to the privatization of water supplyand sanitation. Introduction Bolivia is a landlocked country located in central South America. The village of Lupalaya is located five miles from the west central border with Peru on shore of Lake Titicaca. The village is also located in a small mountain valley no more than .35 miles across. Lupalaya is also found on the Altiplano at the high elevation of 12,600 ft above sea level. Even though Lupalaya is a small village they are surrounded by many other villages and cities including the most populous city in Bolivia, La Paz. Bolivia has a wet and a dry season throughout the year and this can turn into a problem when the need for water is great but the groundwater levels are low, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Compulsory Education For All Children In England compulsory education for all children starts at 5 years of age and continues up until the age of 16 years (it has been changed to 17 years in 2013 and to 18 years in 2015 subject to a number of conditions relating to the engagement of the student in employment, training and education). Education for children is delivered according to their ages in schools. A school might be described as a form of social organisation called an institution. An institution can be described as a structure for social order that attempts to govern the behaviour of a set of individual people in a community. One way of describing a school is as an institution constructed for the teaching of students (learners) under the direction of teachers (... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Early years Foundation Stage framework and curriculum document applies to all children attending early years settings such as nurseries and school nurseries, school reception and year 1 classes. The Early Years Foundation Stage profile is the assessment tool used by Early Years practitioners to measure children s learning and development and at the end of the reception year it is forwarded to Primary School Year 1 teachers and to the Local Authority as of September 2014. In English schools the Foundation Stage curriculum is delivered for children at 3 5 years. In Wales it is called The Early Years Foundation Phase and is for children of 3 7 years. In Scotland the document is called Curriculum for Excellence and sets out a curriculum for ages of 3 18 years. The curriculum for children aged 3 4 and the early Primary School phase ( In Scotland it is called Primary 1) are presented as one level. Children will only move to Primary 1 when they are ready. In Northern Ireland the Foundation Stage starts at the age of 3 years and goes straight into the key stages until the age of 17 years. However the Foundation is distinguished from the Primary School curriculum and children move onto the formal learning curriculum of the Primary School when they are ready. Post 16 years options have altered a great deal since 2007. Pupils can leave school at age 16 but are now required by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Stereotypes In Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli Is being a one of a kind a key to success? Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is a novel about a girl that attends a new school and everyone starts to become aware of the fact that she is not normal . As people start getting to know Stargirl, they start to realize that she is quite annoying due to her distinctive personality. For instance, she starts going around the lunchroom and starts singing happy birthday to whomever when it s their birthday. From this I can infer the author s intended message is to be nobody, but yourself in a world where everyone expects you be just like them. This message was revealed throughout the story in many situations. As Stargirlwas new at Mica High, she had no one to sit with, but as time passed one day the text stated No longer did Stargirl eat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The moment students heard this news their reactions were indescribable. They started to go to every basketball game at Mica High. Students even tried to sneak into practices and looked through the gates. The moment Stargirl started to cheer everyone thoughts turned upside down. Stargirls cheers enchanted the crowd. The bigger highlight of Stargirls cheers was that the basketball team had perfect winning record. In the journey of Stargirl s cheerleading career she had gained an enormous amount of popularity until one day. Stargirl made a big mistake that the crowd didn t like her for, but in her opinion she thought it was the right thing to do. As Stargirl was cheering she decided to cheer for the other team and help a boy on the other team when he got hurt. When the crowd saw this they were shunned. The negative comments the crowd had said got to Stargirl they made her tremendously disappointed. The theme was evident by Stargirl not giving up on herself even though she lost her motivation and support from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Origin Of International Or Intercontinental Adoption This paper sees the sights the origin of international or intercontinental adoption in U.S. martial intercession, mainly the Korean War and its consequences. Keeping focus on the concealed practice in Korean adoption research, the prostitute and her biracial kid, this article tends to recast armed camp town in Southern Korea as the original situate of communal casualty, a very important situation that causes to be biracial children homeless and their respective Korean mothers attenuate mothers for adopting them. One people, one nation is the National philosophy of South Korea which has coupled with American geopolitical benefits in this Asian expanse shaped the primary push and draw reasons and causes for children of Korea to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... and South Korea. Representing biracial offspring whose existence diagnosis was precluded in Korea, on the other hand, the South Korean administration relate to introduced large scale adoption as the only practicable as another possibility for biracial progeny. But, this biopolitical exercise was painful to all children at the limitations whereas encouraging worldwide adoption for the upcoming fifthy years. Pearl Buck who is one of the significant American who publicly supports global adoption says as follows: Hybrid Asian and American families created through adoption could eventually facilitate better political relations between the United States and Asia...Page 16 The figure of speech and descriptions mentioned in this article unfold a fractional account regarding the genesis of the international adoption and portray themselves as confirmation of the US familial dominance and compassion. The chronicle of the Holts and their eight biracial Korean children is considered to be a prodigy amongst the adoptee society. It tempts us to believe the substantial circumstances and affinity attachments as of which biracial children were extorted. Most of the adoptees that were viciously hauled out from their unique relation, but, have been brought up obsessed by the worries of their societal bereavement, as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Ferdinand Margaret Quotes The theme of witchcraft is engrained in the character of Margret and the play, as it becomes a tool for revenge and revelation. Having suffered the loss of her husband, her son, and her kingdom, Margret is a woman banished on pain of death (1.3.166). Nevertheless, Margret s pain is not limited to grieving. Bitter and passionate she returns to England seeking justice. Margret angrily declares to Richard III: A husband and a son thou ow st to me, / And thou a kingdom; all of you alliance. / This sorrow that I have by right is yours, / And all the pleasures you usurp are mine (1.3.169 174). In this line, Margret expresses her desire for retribution for her bereavement caused by Richard III and other Yorkist royals like Queen Elizabeth. However, as she no longer holds social power, she is only capable of pronouncing curses to the gods. Margret exclaims, Did York s dread curse prevail so much with heaven/... Can curses pierce the clouds and enter heaven? / Why then give way, dull clouds, to my quick curses! (1.3.190 195) Margret invokes the justice of God through her curses to gain revenge by punish the crimes of her enemies. Interestingly, through her mention of the Duke of York s curse Margret manages to link her curses to those used in the past to make her suffer. Thus, Margret s curses are not loose threads... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Myself? /... I am a villain; yet I lie, I am not / I shall despair; there is no creature that loves me (4.3.182 200). Margret s curse causes Richard s conscience to begin to surface as the ghosts of his victims torment him in his nightmares. Eaten by fear, doubt, and despair, Richard III is unable to stabilize himself figuratively and literally and ultimately he loses his loss of reason is depicted in his statement, my kingdom for a horse! (5.5. 6) With Margret s curse echoing in Richard s thoughts his demise was guaranteed. It becomes clear that Margret was Richard s greatest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. College Persuasive Speech Y/N POV~ Shawn and I were getting ready to go to the teen choice awards. Shawn was wearing a grey shirt withhold black jeans and black vans. I was wearing a black tight short dress that went to the middle of my thighs and black 3 inch heels. Y/N are you ready to go Andrew and my dad are almost here Shawn asked. Ya almost ready just finishing up my makeup . I told you you don t have to were makeup your beautiful without it Shawn told me. I promise it s a lot but of makeup . I know I told Shawn it was a little but it s not. I walked out of the hotel bathroom to find Shawn, Manny, John and Andrew on the couch talking about what the plans about for tonight since it s the award show then Shawn has to perform at the Greek theatre right after. Hi Y/N. how are you? Andrew asks. excited! What about you? . Good, thanks for asking Andrew responds. Hi Manny, how are you ? . good thanks you Manny... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shawn got pulled into a couple of interviews and they ask about me, how long we have been dating and Shawn s upcoming music. We found our seats Manny was on the end, then Shawn, me, Andrew and John. They finally where about to announce the Webstar music Shawn was nominated for. Bethany Mota and Laura Marano presented the award. and the winner is Laura said. Shawn Mendes Bethany and Laura yelled. OMG Shawn won. Shawn got up hugged Andrew, Manny and I and then walked up to the stage. Hi wow This is so cool thank u so much, first of all this is fan voted, so thank you much you guys for everything your doing for me I m living my dream and I owe this to you guys every who has helped with my music this year Andrew and everyone who works with me but the fans I love you so much thank you so much I m so nervous Shawn said. Shawn started to walk of stage in the opposite direction. I m so proud of Shawn he s accomplished so much in his career so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Antigen And T-Cells 2.A crazy immunology professor, in his wild immunological dreams has suggested that an antigen arriving in a lymphoid tissue is like a bunch of children searching for their parents in a crowd at a football stadium. Immunologically speaking, what does this analogy refer to and what is the consequence of this encounter? Use a concrete and personal example to answer this question. Newly generated lymphocytes, including T cells and B cells, will leave their central lymphoid organs where they developed, and will migrate to the peripheral lymphoid tissues, where some further maturation will occur. Mature lymphocytes continually recirculate between the blood and peripheral lymphoid tissues. Thus, high concentrations of lymphocytes can be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This specificity can relate to a child trying to find its parent in a crowd. The antigen recognition molecules of T cells are made as membrane bound proteins and function to signal T cells for activation. These molecules are called T cell receptors. T cell receptors are similar to antibodies in structure, but they do not recognize and bind to the antigen directly. T cell receptors will recognize short peptide fragments of pathogen protein antigens, that are bound to MHC molecules on the surfaces of other cells. Major histocompatibility complex, or MHC will present fragments derived from antigens and display them on the surface of antigen presenting cells to be recognized by the T cell receptor. The TCR will recognize not only the peptide fragments of the antigen, but will also recognize the MHC molecules which the fragment is bound to, adding another dimension of specificity, relating to the analogy of a child trying to find its parent in a crowd. The consequence of these interactions is an adaptive immune response of antigen specific lymphocytes to the antigen, as well as the development of immunological memory. Adaptive immune responses are generated by clonal selection of lymphocytes, and are distinct from innate responses. The immune response consequence is in result to the antigen 3.Consider this scenario, even if you do not agree with it. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Economic Downfall The Economic Downfall1 The Economic Downfall Franita Roberson COM/220 May. 1, 2011 Dani Mclean The Economic Downfall2 We are in a mist of depression, both economically and emotionally. Even though the government can t make a stance in this economic crisis, we won t recover because of unemployment, gas prices, funding for housing, human development, and health care for the aging and disabled. Unemployment has increased to an all time high in the year of 2011. The government is at a constant battle with each other, while we as Americans are in a struggle to survive. It has been reported by the (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics) that the unemployment rate has risen by 11.8% from the year 2006 to 2011. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All actions that they take affects every American and should not be taken likely. Protest have been made about these hikes every where. But, what no one is realizing there has not been an increase in diesel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum. Seems to be that no one is winning in this battle. The Economic Downfall6 The Economic Downfall7 Health care is an endless issue that we are facing. Health care is needed to prevent, treat and manage illnesses. But, managing the United States economically makes it hard for funding of our health care. There are many advantages to our health care system. Having Medicare or Medicaid helps fund our individual medical costs. Both of these insurances are funded through our government for every individual that cannot afford to pay for health care for themselves. The cost of medical care is very expensive to individuals. Unexpected trips to the emergency room, having to visit specialty physicians, hospitalizations and treatments. It was reported that in 2008 the U.S spent $2.3 trillion in health care cost. (U.S.healthcarecostbackgroundbrief aspx) Everyone suffers from health care coverage such as the government, employers, and all consumers. Fortunately, our president has made cost control the focus of health reform for our country. The rising of the federal deficit is causing major burdens on the funding for our health care. Realistically, it is hard ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Faith And Authentic Faith Fellowship and Community are fundamental elements to the traditional Christian view attitude, by the fact that the role of the Church is to bring people together and provides them with a sanctuary to express their beliefs. There is a psychological explanation for this, that we are at a lesser stage of anxiety when we seek for belonging and acceptances from others, thus Kierkegaard argues that this leads to complacency. Kierkegaard further argues that Authentic faith is an active faith in that the movements of faith are chosen again and again, thus Active faith is for the individual in their own solitude. Inauthentic faith is inactive and complacent, therefore complacent faith is faith for comfort s sake and not faith in its truest sense. Hence, comfort comes from the community, that of the Church and the concept that others believe what oneself also believes. To belief in the impossible is not really a traditional Christian... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The absolute duty can then lead to what the universal ethical would forbid; this is observed with Abraham when he seems willing to sacrifice Isaac as he displays the universally ethical expression for what he is doing; that of hate. But, if Abraham did indeed truly hate Isaac, then it would not be necessary for God to have requested this of Abraham. It is indeed due, to Abraham s unconditional love for his only son Isaac, that makes his actions appear to be a sacrifice. The sorrow and aguish in this paradox of faith, is what makes Abraham incapable of making himself fully understood, to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Lgbt1 Task 1 On Wednesday, december 30th 2015, at or about 0209 hours at the location of 1120 south federal highway corridor (crime location) which is located within the jurisdictional limits of the city of hollywood, within broward county and the state of florida, the above named defendant did unlawfully have in his/her actual constructive possession a controlled substance, to wit: cannabis, in the amount of 17.46 grams. The suspect marijuana was field tested positive by this officer (officer alban #3359). The remainder was sent to the broward sheriff`s office laboratory for analysis. At the time of this incident i was in a fully identifiable hollywood police standard patrol uniform. The standard patrol uniform includes a department issued short ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was obvious to me that he was nervous of police presence. I advised the arrestee that he was being detained, due to the equipment violation. Due to officer safety concerns, i then asked the arrestee if he had any weapons. At which point the arrestee spontaneously uttered man, i got a little bit of weed on me . Weed is a street term for cannabis. I then asked the arrestee where the cannabis was located, at which he replied in my pants. I then advised the arrestee to retrieve the cannabis which he complied. The arrestee recovered a clear plastic bag containing multiple clear baggies that contained a green leafy substance. Based on our knowledge, training and experience it appeared to be suspect cannabis. I later conducted a field test of the green leafy substance which rendered positive for suspect cannabis. A further obersvation of the cannabis revealed that their were 18 baggies inside the large plastic bag, all weighing different amounts, but all together weighing17.46 grams. Based on my knowledge and training, the suspected cannabis were packaged in a way that is not consistent with personal use, but for street level sales/distribution of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Transgressions In Mervyn Leroy s The Bad Seed While the conclusion tacked onto the end of The Bad Seed didn t manage to change some of the less obvious themes in Mervyn LeRoy s 1956 film, the new ending put in place by conservative lobby groups affects the portrayal of transgressions from societal standards and taboos. The dramatic difference in the ending gives the film a strong message that transgressions can only be righted through an act of god. The fact that Rhoda is transgressive is still undeniably a part of the film. In fact, Rhoda could even be considered twice as transgressive: she is both a murderer and a child murderer, two separate taboos (Hendershot, p. 28). Further still, the fact that Rhoda does not deviate into any other major taboos at any point during the film a stark ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Gould And Lewis Twenty Lessons In Environmental Sociology The authors of the book Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology , Kenneth Gould and Tammy Lewis, provide a critique on the interactions of various social systems and ecosystems by many different scholars and institutions. A combination of neo Marxist ideas are used as a base of the world system theory to create the system for the neoliberal theories (Gould and Lewis p. 39). The world system theory is looking into economic relationships based off of social changes that are occurring around the world and determining whether the country is benefitting or not (Gould Lewis p.39). This theory is built upon the perspective of the modernization theory; these societies are being directly affected by the lack of modernization within their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These theories are closely related when looking at their end goals of wanting to change social institutions that will develop a positive change in the environment. However, when examining the reflexive modernization theory in relation to environmental issues, societies need to think more about what they don t want rather than want they do want. For example, when evaluating a solution for polluted rivers, rather than looking at what is wanted to better the problem, society should look into what they do not want and evaluate the issue from there. This is where a difference in theories is noted. Both theories show that the idea is not to abandon capitalism, but rather renegotiate and reorganize the problem entirely (Gould and Lewis p.43). The system is then broken down at the individual level and changes are made throughout the system into the institutional level. However, the ecological theory looks to modernize the system as a whole, rather than radically changing it. The Cradle to Cradle Design by McDonough and Braungart is an example of the ecological modernization theory of reintegrating products and wastes back into society. Promoting this design of reintegration is represented at the individual level as products are being reused rather than destroyed causing unnecessary wastes and pollution. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Strengths Of Un Peacekeeping WHAT IS PEACE KEEPING? Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. Peacekeeping has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from around the globe, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multidimensional mandates. UN Peacekeepers provide security and the political and peace building support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace. UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles: пЃЂConsent of the parties; пЃЂImpartiality; пЃЂNon use of force except in self defence and defence of the mandate. Peacekeeping is flexible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In absence of a well regulated and monitored Police Administration, the need, goal and aspirations of the people and also of the Government cannot be achieved systematically. Whenever there is war, the first casualty apart from the battlefront is the disturbance of normal functioning of the Civil Society. Due to war, Army is involved in fighting battle at the front. The Para Military force and the police have to take up additional duties such as guarding the border and supplementing the army. Due to lack of police manpower, the Civil Administration is burdened with ever increasing requirements to maintain Law Order in chaos. The Civil Administration and the Judiciary depend upon the role of the police to maintain peace, harmony and tranquility. Auxiliary Police Units like Home guards and Civil defense are pressed into service to supplement the depleted police force. When war or external aggression takes forms of defeat or invasion by enemy country, the local police set up, civil administration and judiciary function under the alien power. In such a situation police and law enforcers serve alien ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Zara Marketing Plan International Conference on Industrial Logistics Zara s mission: To produce a fashion forward product for the masses Zara Tidbits Amancio Ortega quit his sales job to start the business with just 5,000 pesetas ($83) Founded in 1963 as a maker of ladies lingerie in the Galician town of La CoruГ±a Today, 70 year old chairman and majority shareholder, Mr Ortega, is Spain s richest man. Zara Flagship enterprise of Inditex (2001 IPO) Sales of 3.2 billion €, EBIT of 476.1 million € in 2003 and EBIT margin of 14.8%. HQ and central distribution in La CoruГ±a (Galicia northwestern corner of Spain) Women s, men s and children s wear Over 724 stores in 56 countries Zara and Mango Spanish apparel retailers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Si intentase fabricar mis colecciones en Asia, no serГa capaz de traerlas a las tiendas con la velocidad suficiente. Al fabricarlas cerca de casa puedo descartar colecciones cuando no se estГЎn vendiendo y sin esta rГЎpida respuesta no serГa capaz de obtener una buena relaciГіn entre calidad, precio y moda, que es lo que nuestros clientes esperan , subrayГі.. JosГ© MarГa Castellano, Febrero 3, 2005 Pricing Strategy Pricing Strategy 200 150 100 170 140 100 110 200 50 0 Spain Rest of Europe Northern Europe Americas Japan Zara s Strategy A Passion for Fashion Global Reach Vertical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Exploring Different Data Collection Methods Honolulu University 2015 Exploring Different Data Collection Methods Statistical Methods in Business amp; Economics (BUS405) Ching Sum Jessie Ha (80600402) Honolulu University 2015 Exploring Different Data Collection Methods Statistical Methods in Business amp; Economics (BUS405) Ching Sum Jessie Ha (80600402) Introduction Data is collected to learn the effectiveness of a particular tool in preventing defects or to look into the cause of a particular defect (Burrill, Ledolter, p.381). Data removes the trepidation and uncertainty of an unknown element. One reason for collecting data is to gain an understanding of the data by organizing and graphing the individual values (Albert, Rossman, p.1). Secondly, and most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, the nature of this knowledge varies and reflects your study objectives. Some study objectives seek to make standardized and systematic comparisons, others seek to study a phenomenon or situation in detail. These different intentions require different approaches and methods, which are typically categorized as either quantitative or qualitative. I. Quantitative Research Quantitative research provides quantified answers to research problems and is commonly associated with positivistic (objectively measurable), experimental research (Pope, Mays, 1995). Quantitative research typically explores specific and clearly defined questions that examine the relationship between two events, or occurrences, where the second event is a consequence of the first event, e.g. What impact did the program have on children s school performance? To test the causality or link between the program and children s school performance, quantitative researchers will seek to maintain a level of control of the different variables that may influence the relationship between events and recruit respondents randomly. Quantitative approaches address the what of the program. They use a systematic standardized approach and employ methods such as surveys (Hawe, Degeling, Hall, 1990) and ask questions such as What activities did the program run? or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Essay On Banning Cuban Finishing the ban would be terrible business, reinforce an abusive government and desert American qualities. The Castro regimes endeavors lose cash and his legislature is a global bum. In 1986, Cuba defaulted on its multibillion dollar obligation to the Paris Club of countries. That obligation is currently evaluated to be around $37 billion and the Castro government declines to pay it. A few months prior, Russia needed to discount 90 percent of Cuba s $32 billion obligation. That is practically $29 billion dollars that Castro will never pay back to Moscow. In November, Mexico discounted $340 million of Cuba s obligation to its advancement bank, Bancomext. It is no big surprise that, as per Moody s, Cuba s FICO assessment is Caaa1, which implies more terrible than profoundly theoretical and a significant hazard to financial specialists. It bodes well to drop the ban for exchanging with an administration that reneged on such a large... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the off chance that the U.S. dropped the ban, our organizations would join those from around the globe that pay the consequences to the Castro administration as it adventures the Cuban individuals. It is this degenerate framework, not the ban, which denies the general population of Cuba of the advantages of exchange and the ability of their work. As the U.S. contended in the Unified Countries, the Cuban Government s own particular approach was the biggest obstruction to the nation s own particular improvement, concentrating political and financial choices in the hands of the few and smothering monetary development. The American individuals need unhindered commerce with free individuals, not controlled exchange that reinforces a tyrant government s persecution of its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...